l' - lfq?? 13 mm - En: 53 FEELS D??l?min?tiun NEIL LcruyTu-mrn?lip, County 1. '05:.er warm-mm? w?mlmg? inmrpumtna??la'?m . ing' mayhav: a?mtadynurmm?. ?nancial awn-ions, WED-apartment m?mtnd samples :Erum you min-rapply. fur 'annl'jrsis. quali-EyEamplesm?mh-ad mn-armsim?nw 13, 2012, 11min: ufpusi?ve Suhanqucnt in 111:: imam: ?fth: Augmt 1912 datermina?m latter. ?l?il'innal simple; and ubamu?un wm cur:de hm yum.- watcr as part nfan imam inm?gz?nn. Th: sampIB? wen collect?l by thaDepartmenIand a quali?ndthird party, and 51115ij haw-2d ii}: Insignia Th1: fur Thus: 55mph: warn prurime auhm?tnd 111 gran. I11: Department?s invastiga?un ?utihe pm?ifiuus hapl?m 3mm wait: tn have: hm: tmyumy, amni- nutu??ipm?t?ringanyfu??cr mum: iurela?anm TJEILI mun. arm: have my Mum, plm? in mutant ?Winn-J. Em, PE. 51 - - W??m J. Elmer. PE. Dav: Eagle ?laint F?l 2m was: Third 5m Suit: 1n: PA 1mi~am EMJEIBE-BE Fa]: EMJEFJSES Prl'?i? em Pawn-? m?dEWw-mlmilul -- Jill-35011- It is that: Department?s tits; all wells 3E1:qu he eq'l?ppcd a working vant. help 311mm 11m 0f sanctum]; thus: gases in arms where. igui?un - mud pus: :1 theat in l'lti: Dr pr?pmyf nut-E that it is nut p?mible tn mmplutnly climinat? 1.11: 13mm;- nfhaving nature] gas in $qu water Euppr by awning Fm]: tutu, The mam?: is ?Emma Mark peimanen?y mam- this ism; 3mm 3mm have any qmul?mi WEE-WES 13131131: feal ?ee tci contact "William I. Enam? .33William I. 3135:1113, m. 1m Daniel '30um F51: 2901309 3 DEPARTMENT DF FFIU new ma. . - DISTRICT etLaarJ GAS er: nta anemia cm . DMAE Hui??m Re: asphasgsnanmmimaanf Camplaiht?nlamtte - . Lemg?l?awnahiy, Emd?ar? Camry Dear?_ The *hnenlhas iuwatigatei the usable. degrada?au af Fem: am apply we]! Iaeat?d at in?ame a mason unmet as: recent gas Well drilling activities: may have affected yea: 'mter well. On S?l??li, 1h: - Dagmar. m?eeted samples Emm yumhame water supply. The samplea we submitted ta - Depaxttueht'a labarahary inHa?-lahmg for analysis. The analytical reperte far the samples grandam]: it: yet: ?11 a. Iettue: 5.9293201; I . The imp-h: resume shew-ed imn. harbi?itjr, and ?m??mm See-tanning levels Seen-natal? Mile re?ect the anametiea ef the Water tam all, ath. ?dditinna?'y', the sample result: sheared methane is present at 213 rug-?L in. year fit-rate: supply ?EE'h?e itdeeanetappear?tat aehangeinwaterquahtyhaa emunedeemparedm hamh'm water :1anth samples ea?eethd?am ?rearm supply, a change heart ?an: ta nan-attesiau ?aw was At this time, the Deperhnenfs - Methane is the predominant enmpenent efnatln'al gas. Federal water atandard have not been misblished fer methane gala, 111:1ch begins abate: 13 my] me?'tann, which is referred tn as shtmatiun Invel. At this Ie'a'eL under narmai atmospheric. the. water smut huId additional methane This! may allewthe gas ta earn: nut hf the: water in the aft spate: nfynu: heme hu?d'ing. There is a physical danger of I intu afaterwe?aer thmugheaila inta" dwellings where SEE-mum he hj' entrees that are present inmua't Neutral - . . Whenthe anarhnentiama?e anageefnlethanelevela Suppl}? DWEIEI of the hazarda associated ad?lmethane in that Pleaee he aware ham, that the methane levels. means that even aralatively law Ievel ufmethane, you shnnIdh-eaig?an: af-ehnagea tnyeta mm:amdMemmhme in methane mnemira?un. - - - HIE: West Thln: mat I 5mm in: Ham?an 1 Fear LITE-3313 5&5 H'lml? a. recycled Pup-3% - ?Jewell-stemmlam DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION . DISTRICT OIL AND . . 8/13/2912: - . .. Re; 53 3218 Determination Complaint No. 290009 a I Leroy. Township, Bradford County Dear?. The De artrnent has investi ated the ossible degradation of your Water Supply well locabd at i in response to a swan complaintth?at recent gas Well drilling activities may have affected your water well. On 5/21/2012, the Department collected samples from yourthOme water supply. The samples were submitted to the Departinent?s laboratory in Harrisburg for analysis. The analytical reports for the samples were previously submitted to you in a letter dated 6/29/2012The sample results showed iron, turbidity, and aluminum exceeded secondary contaminate levels (MCLs). Secondary MCLs re?ect the aesthetics of the Water (1.6. taste, smell, - etc). Additionally, the sample results showed methane is present at 27.8 mg/L in your wamr supply. - While it does not appear, that a change in water quality has ocCurred compared to baseline water quality samples collected ?om your water supply, a change pressure from artesian to non-artesian '?ow was observed. At this time, the Department?s investigation indicates that gas well drilling has impacted your water supply. Methane is the predominant component of natural gas. Federal water standard limitations have not been established for methane gas. The level of concern begins above 28 mg/1 methane, which is referred to as the saturation level. . At this level, under normal atmospheric pressure, the water cannot hold additional methane insolmion. This may allow the gas to come out of the water and concentrate in the air space of your home or building. There is a physical danger of . ?re or explosion due to the'migration of natural gas into water wells or through soils into dwellings where it could be ignited by sources that are present in most homes/buildings. Natural gas can also cause a threat, of although this is extremely rare. - . . When the Department is made aware of methane levels greater than 7 mg/l, we notify the water supply owner of the hazards associated with methane in their water supply. Please be aWare however, that the methane levels can ?uctuate-This means that even with a relatively low level of methane, you should be vigilant of changes in your water that could indicate an increase in I methane concentratibn. - - - - 208 West Third Street Suite 101 1 Williamsport; PA 17701-6448 570-327-3535 I Fax 570-327-3555 Printed on Recycled Paper@ 3 92- . .- -. 3/13/2012 It is the Department?s ree'ommendation that all vvater wells should be equipped a working I vent This will help alleviate the possibility of concentrating these gases in areas where ignition - would pose a threat to life or prdpe?rty.? Please note that it is not possible to completely eliminate the hazards of having natural gas in your water supply bysimply venting your well. The Department is continuing to work to permanently resolve this issue. Should you have any 4_ ques?n'ons concerning this matter, please feel ?ee to Contact J. Kosmer, at . . . 570-974?2613?OilandGasManagement cc: . Jennifer Means . William J. Kosmer, P.G. Jeremy Daniel Complaint File 290009 - - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS 1/4/2013 mm MAE - Re: 58 3218 Determination Complaint No. 290009 Leroy Township, Bradford County Dear? The De artment has inve ed the de 'on of your water supply well located located at in response to a 6/12/2012 complaint that gas well drilling activities may have affected your water well. On several occasions, the Department collected samples ?-om your water supply. The samples were submitted to the Department?s laboratory in Harrisburg for analysis. While it was unclear if a change in water quality had occurred compared to baseline water- quality samples collected ?om your water supply, a change in hydraulic head pressure ?'om artesian to non?artesian ?ow was observed, and on August 13, 2012, the Department issued a letter of positive determination describing this impact Subsequent to the issuance of the August 13, 2012 determination letter, additional samples and observan'on was conducted On your water supply as part of an intensive investigation. The samples were collected by the Depaiunent and a quali?ed third party, and submitted to accredited laboratories for analysis. The analy?cal reports for those samples were previously submitted to you. The Department?s investigation indicates that the previous impact to your water supply appears to have been temporary, and - that water quality has returned to background conditions. Based on water quality sample results to date, the Department does not anticipate requiring any further action in relation to this matter. Should you have any questions, please feel the to contact William J. Kosmer, P.G. at 570-974-2613. . . District Oil and Gas Operations cc: . . Jennifer Means William J. Kosmer, P.G. Dave Engle Camilaint File 290009 208 West Third Street Suite 101 WIIlIamsport, PA 1770l-6448 570.327.3636 Fax 570.327.3565 Printed on Recycled Paper@