C07108 SPONSQRSHIP AND QmCIALOUTFfITQAGBEEMENT . TIDS SPONSORSHIP AND omCIAL OUTF11TER. AGREEMENT ("Aareemet!l") is cftbcdYC as of July 1. 20].4 (the "Effectiyc DIR") by and belweai Under Armour, Inc., a Muyland COJpOnltioo r1Jadcr .Armour"), and Tew Tc:c:b University ("Univrnitv"). Prtllmiaaa Sgttmepp University operates pn:mier top.tier inten:ollc&i* athletic prollJ"UDS aod employs the COIChin& staff for such programs. Under Annour desires tbe right to become af&liated witb University's aucc.icuful intercollegiate adllctic programs and mpport such Pl'O&J'IDlS so lbat University can maintain and build upon its prior accomplishments. More specifically. Under Armour desires the right to: (a) provide athletic pcrfimnance apparel, and related accessories and sports equipmmt to the University's intercollegiate adiJetic programs and its coaching mff on an exclusive basis; and (b) use certain trademarks owned by the University to promote the relatioosbip between University and Under Armour punuant to the terms and conditions set fordJ below. Alm11cnt In consideration of the mutual cove111Dts set btb in this AJP'CIClllCllt, and ocher aoocl and valuable consideration, fhe receipt md sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged. 1be parties to this Apeement agree as follows: 1. Definitiops. I. 1. "Aeea.t0ries" means aJI athletic or adJt.tic related accessories including. but not limited to beadwear, headbands, wristbands. socb. glows. and athletic « athletic related accessories with the capebilily of IDC8Sllring biometric data. 1.2. "App1rel" means all athletic or adaJctic related appaml including. but not limited to pme uniforms. shorts of aU types, shirts of all types, sweatsuita, jaclcds, pants, tank tops, ~ wear, adiletie cross-training apparel. sideline apparel, and albletic or athletic related apparel with the capability of measw'ing biometric dsta. l .3. "Coaches" means the Head Co11ehes and the assislant coaches of1be Teams. 1.4. "Competitor" means an entity engaged in the manufacture, distribution, dcvelopmem, marketing or sale of Accessories, Appan:I, and Equipment, and which engages in the complete outfitting of Division I teams (i.e., provides Accessories, .Apparel, omJ Equipment to Division l teams). For 1be purposes of illultrltioo, an entity that enpges solely in the manuilcture of F.quipment and provides such :Equipment to Division I teams, but that does not manufacture or provide Accesaories or Apparel to such athletic ~og1aws shall not be deaned a •Competitor." l .S. "Coafcreat.e" means the intercollegillle athletic confcrcnce of which the Teams are a member. currently the Big 12 Conf'crcnce. 1.6. "Conference Champion" means the regular season ch11DPion or co-champion of the Contercnce UD1ess the Conference bas a championship pme. If the C.OOfcrencc has a dlampiomhip game. then "Conference Champion" means the champion ofthe Conference championship pme. t.7. "Core T•m•" means University's foo1b811 and men's and women's buJcetbllll teams. 1.8. "Distribution CllHnel(s)" means any one or more of the following points of sale: Better J>epartmegt Stwe!IBot!tiauw l .8.1 (Retail stores that are high end or elite departmen1 stares selling a wide range of products without a predominant mm:handise line or a small shopping outlet tbat specializes in elite 1111d fashionable items); and, l .8.2 eamullLoqal (Re18ilers that are sto~ members of 11!e Nadooal Associatioo of College Stores, or amy textbooks, or Qll'I)' eighty percent (80%) of their store inventory for one (I) university; or are independently-owned fanleift shops located in the immedildc campus coauawlity, or are university-owned outlets, includ.U., student owned/operated stores); and, 1.8.3 IgtsrpctffV/Cattln MJd.Tlv (Sales of mid-tier or better items throu&h on-line extensions of campus retailers and mid-tier/better ~tallers or sales by retailers that offei- commen:e via shopping nc:tworb (e.g., QVC, HSN, or Shop NBC) md plblisbed Clltalogs that arc mailed diroc:tly to die c;oDSWDer); and. 1.8.4 Svecialty Maa (Rm.11 stores that spcc:iali7.c in a specific range of merchandise and related items. Most storm have an extensive width and depth of stodc in items in which they specialize and provide higb levels ofservice and expertise. Pricing policy is generally in the medium to high range depending on factors lte the t)'J>e and exclusivity of merchandise and ownership); and. t .B.S Soortlng Goodt/Sport Sm!alty/hp Sltom (R.elail stores that primmily focus on sports appanl and/or equipment). 1.9. "Equipment" means sports equipment used by the Teams and its Coaches includina. but not limited to eycwear, sports timing devices, aJJ adiletic footwear (includins without Jimhation. cleated footwear, turf shoes. non-cleated athletic training shoes, and sport-specific shoes). inflatBblcs, athJctic equipment with the capability of measuring biometric data, and interactive fitness applications, tools, and platforms. l.10. ''Head Co8ell" means the head coach ofeach oftbe Teams. 1.11 . "NCAA" means National Collegiate Aehledc Association. 1.12. "Performance Products" meam Apparel, Accessories and Equipment 1hat 1.12.1 Have a unique construction (e.g., compression/tight gear); and/or, 1.12.2 Have moisture-wicking fabrics that assist the weiRT dming exercise 1111d gcncral lllhletic tasks in all types of weather; and/or, t .123 Are marketed as assisting such construction. fabrications and.for special characteristics. J.13. "Prllllary Competitor'' means any one of the following seven (7) Competitors: Nike. Reebok, adidas, New Balance, Russc11, Li Ning. and Evo-Shield. 1.14. "Productl" means the Apparel, Accessories. and Equipment (to the extent set forth in Sectjon 3.S), provided by Under Annour to the Teams, Coaches, and Staff in connectim with which the Under Annour Marks or other Under Armour indicia of origin appear. 1.15. "RetaD Prklag" meam Under Armour's then-cum:nt retail prices for the Pl-educes. 1.16. ..Slafl'' means equipment managers, traillen. and support personnel of Che Tea1m, and the athletic director and senior administrative team of the University's athletic department.. 1.17. ''Teams" meaos the University's intc:rc:ollegiate men's basketball team; tbc men's and women's c:ross-coamtty, track 1.18. "Under Armour M•rks" means tho logos and trademarks owned by Under Armour set forth in Exbibit A. and my oda Under Armour indicia of origin provided by Under Armour to Univenity. 1.19. "University Marius" means the logos and trademarks owned by University set forth in University indicia of origin provided by Univmity to Under Armour. 1.20. "Wboleule Pricing" means fifty percent (SO'Ye) off Retail Pricing. and field (indoor and outdoor}. golf, and tennis tclms; women's soccer and volleyball teams: bueball team; softball team; football team; and women's basketball team. 2. I!m· J. Under Armour's QbliQtJops to Unlvenity. Exbibit B. and any other The term of this Agreement 4:0mmenc.u on the Effective Date and c:oatinucs Wltil JUDC 30, 2020, unless earlier terminated in acc:ordaDce with the terms and conditiocs of this Agreement (the "Imm"). For purposes of Chis Agreemcnt. a "Contract Year" ofthe Term means a period oftwel~ (12) successiwmonths commencing on each July 1 and ending on the next Juue 30. 3.1. Rlchb Fee. F.ach Contract Year, Under Armour shall pay to University annual rights fees (eacll, a "Pavmmt") in accordance with the fOllowing schedule: .·~ -~'. ;-:;:~~:.t~::;;rtcolitiait .Yelrr. ~~F~,;.~ ~~~~·i~~·.-PUiiiitr.?:·Z~fo: #I (7/1114 through 6130/lS) 5725,000 #2 (7/1115 through 6130/16) $750,000 #3 (7/l/161hrough 6130/17) 5775,000 #4 (7/1/17 through 6130/18) 5800,000 #! (7/l/ 18 through 6/30/19) $825,000 #(j (7/l/19 through 4130/20) SS!0,000 The Payment for each Contrac:t Year shall be made in four (4) cquaJ quarterly installments. Such installments are due no later than July I, October I, January I, and April 1, respectively. 3.1.1 Pt..vmeat Reduction for Core Team Sanction. Notwithsianding Che foregoing. in addition to any other rights or remedies Under Armour may have, for 1111y Contrad Year in which a Team is sanctioned by the NCAA resulting in the prohibition of televition appearances or a ieduction of post-season play or Conference championship game play (if applicable) by the Core Team. Under Armour shall have the right to reduce the Payment for sud! Comnsct Year by: (a) thirty percent (30%) fur the University's intercollegiate men's basketball program; (b) fifteen pen:cnt (15%) for the University's intercollegiate women's buketball program; ..d (c) dtirty percent (30%) for the University's intercollegiate football program. Under Armour shall have the right to either withhold Payment(s) or n!C(uire n:imbursement of Payment(s) received. if eny, paid in excess of the amount to which University is entitled (such reimbursement to be made to Under Armour within thirty (30) days of written notice by Under Armour). 3.1.2 J>mnglt .Rcduetioo for S,padjn&. Notwithstanding the foreso.ing, in addition to 1111.y other rights or remodies Under Armour may have, in any Contract Year in which a Team member ..spats," tapes, or obscures the Under Armour Mades on any Products, except u otherwise permitted in Section 4.3 below, Under Armour shall have the right to, upon providing written notice to University, reduce the Payment in such Conlraet Year as follows; c.ore Pavmeat Red•ctloa Occurrence 1• Occurrence 2Occurrence and each 0% S2S,OOO Occurrence thereafter For the avoidance of doubt. successive reductions shall be cumulative (e.g., 3 oa:urrences would result in the annual Payment being reduced by a toCal of $50,000). 3.2. Product Allowance. Under Armour shall provide to University, at no cost to University, Products for use by the Teams, Coaches, and Slaff of the dollar value indicated below in accordance with the following schedule ~ Allowam:c"): .· .•:·~·; ' · : coatnctYeari"::.j,,; · · ~; PnNl~AllOWance:Y: .·~ #I (7/J/14 through 6130/15) Sl,'25.000 #2 (711/15 lhrough 6130/16) $1,700,000 -------------------------·--- -~- #3 (7/l/16 through 6/30/17) Sl,775,000 #4 (7/1/17 through 6/30/18) SJJl!0,000 #5 (7/1/18 through 6130/19) Sl,'25,000 #6 (7/1119 through 6130/20) $2,000,000 University shall specify the quantity, type llDd size of Products to be providod by Under Armour to fuJfill the Product Allowance and shall notify Under Armour ofthe same in writing. Uni'YCl'Sity must place orders by October I of the preceding year for fall Teams and July l of the preceding year for spring Teams. Products shall be delivered FOB to a single location on the Uniwnity campus as designated by University in writing. Products provided to fulfill the Product Allowance will be valued at Retail Pricing. The cost of shipping the Produd! from Undec Armour to University will be c:harged against Uoivmfty•s Product Allowance as set forth in Bxbibjt E attached hereto, with tho ooderstandins that Under Armour shall be responsible for 1111y shipping costs auc>eiatcd with any Under Anoour Products that must be shipped to University ovemigbt as a result of Under Armour's mistake (e.g., Under Armour Productll are missing ftom ao order, damaged or defective Under Armour Producls (through no &ult of University) that need to be replaced). Under Annour shall specialiD the Products for use by the Teams (e.g., embroidery or imprint of University Martes, player names, player numbers, and Conference name (if required) on the game unifoJDIS of the Teams members), and the cost UIOCialed therewith slmll be included in the price of the Products. Subject to the prior writtc:u approval of Under Armour, wbic:h approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and subject to Section 9.3 below, University shall be allowed to c:ontnct with a third party to further specialize the Products if necessary to comply with NCAA or Conference regulations such as. for example.. embroidery or imprint identifying a post-season bowl game in which Teams participate at University's expense. Under Armour agrees to work with University's Equipment Staff to coordinate placing bar codes on all boxes and shipments of Under Armour Products, as needed. University acknowledges that all orders placed by University for Products must be placed in ~<:e with Under Annour's then-current terms and conditions for Product orders, and University shall be responsible for ensuring its Scaft"s compliance with NCAA rules and regulations in conjunction with their placement of Product orders with Under Armour. 3.3. Alfdjtional Procluell. If in any Contract Year University requires additional Products for use by the Teams, Coaches, or S1affbcyond the Product Allowance for suc:h Contract Year, University shall purchase 1111y and all such Products from Unc:ler Armour at Wholesale Pricing, and shall not purchase suc:h additional Accessories, Apparel, or Equipment (except to the extent set fonh in Sectioo 3.4) from any third party. University shall specify the quantity, type and sm of such additional Products to be provided by Under Annour and shall notify Under Armour of the same in writing. 3.4. Eo11lpment. In the event that the Coaches or Teams or Staff members requiM Equipment that is unavailable through Under Armour (e.g., golf-specific shoes), the Coacbes or Team or Staft' members may use third party Equipment provided that: (a) such Equipment is not licensed, supplied, manufactured, developed. distributed, marketed. branded, or sold by a Competitor, and (b) neither University nor any Coach or Slaff or Team member shall endorse, sponsor. promote, or advatise such third party Equipment. University shall CDSlR that any third party indicia of origin is not visible on such Equipment unless removing or covering such third party indicia of origin destroys such Equipment If at any time during the Tenn Under ArmolD' bas business plans to provide any Equipment that it previously did not provide, then Under Armour .shall give University prior written notice of the Equipment Under Armour intend!! to provide. Once Under Armour provides the previously unavailable Equipment. Under Anoour shall supply samples of such new Equipment to the University for its approval. which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The University's disapprowl of such previously unavailable Equipment shall mly be deemed reasonable for legitimate reasom relamd to the safety, pe1formancc, or durability. ID the event Univmity does not approve such previously unavaiJable Equipment in its reasonable disc:retion for legitimate reasons. University shall provide Under Annour with written reasons for ita disapprowl, and Under Armour shall have a reasonable time period to address University's reasons for disapproving such previously unavailable F.quipment If University again disapproves such pseviously unavailable Equipment, then University may continue to souroe the: new Equipment fi'om a non-Competitor. However, Under Armour shall have the right to resubmit the previously unavailable Equipment (taking into account the reasons why the University did not approve such items) to the University the following Contract Yctr for University's approval in accordance with the above procedures. If the University approves the new Equipment, then the Teams shall wear and/or use such new F.quipment. and such Equipment shall be deemed IO be included in the definition of "Equipment• and covered by the appUcablc terms set for1h herein and University shall no longer be pennltted to soun:e such Equipment from a manufilcturer other Chan Under Armour. Thereafter, Under Armour shall make such new Equipmen1 available to the University and if University orders such F.quipment under Section 3.2 above, the doUar amount worth of such new Equipment onlored by University shall be counted against the Product Allowance. 3.S. Material Modlfkat!om tp ProdMdl- University ac:knowJedges and agrees thal all cumm Products have beell lested and worn by University and are acceptable to the University, and meet or exceed indUSby standards. If Under Annow- substantially modifies an existing Product in a material manner (''Modified Produc«s"), Under Armour shall supply samples of such Modified Produc:ts to the University for its approval. which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. University's disapproval of such Modified Products shall only be deaned reasonable for legitimate reasons related to the safety, periOrmanc:e, or durability. In the event University does not approve such Modified Products in i1s reasonable discretion for legitimate reasons, University shall provide Under Annour with written reasons for its msapproval, and Under Armom shall have a reasonable time period to adikess University's reasons for disapproving such Modified Products. (f University again disapproves such Modified Products in its reasonable discretion for legitimate reasons, then Under Annour shall continue to supply Univenity with the previously approved venion of such Modified Products. However, Under Armour shall have the right to resubmit the Modified Products (taking into accouot the reasons why the University did not approve such items) to the University the following Contract Year for University's approval in accordance with the above procedures. 3.6. Authentic Procluct Sales by Univenltx Aperoved Vpdor{s>: 3.6.l University acknowledges that: (a) Under Armour currently bas an existing License and Distribution Agreement with GFSI. Inc., dlb'a Gear For Sports ("O.ESr), under which GFSI has certain exclusive rights with rmpcc:t to certain Products bearing collegiate trademarks in certain sales channels. (b) GFSI and University's retail licensing agent, namely, the Collegiate Licensing Company ("!J&•) have an existing non-exclusive mail license agreement under which GFSI may sell certain Apparel. Accessories, and Equipment bearing certain University Mmb pursuant to the terms of the license agreement. 3.6.2 University shall ensure that Under Armour and GFSI, respectively, shall have the right to sell Products bearing the Uni'Jen>lty Marks. 3.6.3 University hereby g,ants to Under Armour the oxclusjve right to sell the following AppareL Accessories, and Equipment bearing the University Marks: (e.) All authentic uniforms as worn by the Teams and their respective COaches; and (b) All the replica versions of such authentic uniforms developed for retail sale in each of the four (4) designaled Apparel Categories. (i) The four (4) desipated Apparel Categories are: Men's Women's Youth Toddlcrlln8mt (ii) Io the event Uodel' Armour has not brought to retail replica uniforms in an Apparel Category in a particular Distribution Channel (e.g.. Specialty Mass), then University may source and license the University Muks to uy vendor to produce replica uniforms in that Apparel Category in that particular Dimibution Channel until such time as Under Armour brings replica unifonns in that Apparel category in that Dislribulion Chnncl to retaiL except the University shall at no time source and license the University Marks for this purpose to a Primary Competitor of Under Annour. (iii) For the purpose of this Section 3,6.3. Under Armour bas not brought an Apparel C8legory in a particular Disln"butioa Chllllllel until the replica uniforms are maou6ictun=d, shipped. and available to retailers on a eontinuous annual basis in that particular Distribution ChlllJDCl. 3.6.4 Notwtthsl:andirig anything in this Section 3.Ci to the contrary, University does not gnmt Under Armour che exclusive right to sell tbe following Prvducts bearing the University Marks: (a) Headwear; provided, however, the Univcisity asrns not to Jic:cnsc or permit the licensing of the University Marks by any Primary Competitor oo Headwear. (b) Performance Products (including polo shirts) and non-Performance Products; provided, however, the Univcnity agnics nol to license or permit the lic:ensing of the University Marks by any Primary Competitor on Perfunnance Products. (c) Non-Performance polo shirts and Fashion Jerseys; provided, howewr, the University agrees not to license or permit the licensing of the University Marks by any Primary Competitor on Non· Performance polo shirts and Fashion Jerseys. (i) 3.7. For the pmposcs of this Section 3.6. ''Fashion Jersey.s• shall meanjerseys lhat: arc sold at retail; and do not replicate the look ofthe official uniforms of the Teams.. 3.6.S Under Armour may exercise the rights granted herein either itself and/or pursuanl to its agreement with 0 FSI or other third party with whom Under Annour may contnlcl in the future, provided such third party has a license with University or CLC (or other third party to whfcb University has granted the right to sublicense the University Maries). 3.6.6 Products provided for under dlis Section JJi must be first among the retail Api-nl, Acceuories, and Equipment offered on the athletics department official online store of Uoiversity's website. Pedorm•QC! Bonys hymegts. Under Armour shall pay to University the bonus compensation set forth. in~ attached hereto. For the avoidance of doubt. all bonus compensation set forth in Exhibit C for each Team shall be non. or (it) if the term "Armour," ..Armor," or any term c:onfiasingly similar thereto is used in eonnedion with the third party's name or its products or services, unless otherwise approved in advance by Under Annour. Further, to the extmt any such agreement falls within the course and scope of Coaches or Slaff membcts' duties with University, University shall not (and shall not autbomc any Staff or Coach to) enter into an agreement with any thin! party (iii) for the p~hasc, gift, exchange, sponsorship, promotion, supply, encknement, or advertisement of any Products, or (iv) if the term "Armour," "Armor," or any term confusingly similar thereto is used in connection with the third party's name or its products or services, unless olhcrwisc appn>Yed in advance by Under Armour. 4.4.2 AnppRPqmeaQ. •neu, 11d Spomogl!lp. Under Armour shall have the exclusive right to sponsor, market, and otherwise promote that it is the "Exclusive Official Outfitter of the Texas Tech University Department of Athletics." 11nd. when applicable, the "Exclusive Official Outfitter" of each of the Teams. Uni~ty shall not allow any manufiu:turer, supplier, distnbutor, seller or marketer of any Accessories, Apparel, or Equipnent to display signqe at University's athletic: facilities or grant to such panics any naming rights to such facilities. During each ContrBct Year, University shall provide Under Armour with the following: (a) M!rketing M@terlals. Under Armour shall be recognized as the "Exclusive Official Outfitter of the Texas Tech University Department of AthJetics," and. when applicable, the "Exclusive Official Outfitter" of each of the Teams, and as a sponsor of the Teams on any University website, in any University publication, and in any University advertisements or promotional materials that relate to die Teams including, but not limited to posters, calendars, and newsletten. (b) Vid!o Bo!nl Snon12nhlpt. If the facilities where the applicable Team competm bas video boards, Under Annour shall ra:eive two (2) thirty (30) second video board sponsorships during each homo game of such Team. the content and design of which shall be determined by Under Armour by mutual agreement with University. Univcnity shall not unreasonably withhold, condition, or delay its agreement to such content and design. (c) Public Addrm AnpoHsemmg. If the: filcilities where the applicable Team competes bas a public address system. Under Annour sbaJI be recogni7.ed as rhe "Oftlclal Outfitter of the Tcxm Tech Untwrsity Department of Athletics," and. when applicable, tbe "Exclusive Official Oulfitter" of each of such Team. aod as a sponsor of the Team by one (l) public address announcement dtuiog each halfofeach home game of the Team. (d) In..St!dlum Slgnm. Under Armour shall receive four (4) banneni to be displayed at each home game of the Teams in the best spot available in Univmity•s athletic f.acilities and University shall use its best efforts to ensure that such bannc:is have a television view. Under Armour acknowledges that University's agreement with mpec:t to its football stadium currenaly prolu""bits on-field signage. However. should University's agreement allow for on-field signage, Under Armour shall be given first placement rights with rapect to its banners. The content and design of such banners shall be determined by mutual agreement with the University. University shall not UJll'CUODably withhold. condition. or delay its agreement to such c:ontent and design. (e) Game Prwo•• agd Mdja Gy!dn. Under Armour shall receive one (l) full page color advertisemeJJt meach game prognm Md one: (I) full page black and white advertisement in each media guide for the Teams, the contait and design of which shall be determined by mutual agreement with University. University shall not unreasonably withhold. condition, or delay its agrc:emc:ot to such content and design. (t) Game PhoC01rapby gr focttMe. Subject to any pre-existing University agreements to the contrary, University hereby grants to Under Annour the right to use game photographs and/or audiovisual of any Team game subject to applicable NCAA rules regarding lhe aJ)J>e81'8Dce ofany eli&fble Team member to promote: provided. however, that Under Armour shall pay for reasonable edit charges associated with the University's provision of such photographs and tbo• footage. (g) 4.4.3 Webllte. Under Armour shall be recognized as the "Exclusive: Official Outfitter of the Texas Tech University Department of Athletics• above the fOld on the Texas Tech University Department of Athletics' official website homepage, with a direct link to Under Armour's website bome)JBge locaied at www.underannour.cQ[Tl. Ticket! Hd hrk(PR PyMt. Univenity shall provide Under Armour with the fullowing admissiom, tickets, and parking passes for each Contnld Year. In the event Under Annour is not going to use tickets for a certain game or event, Under Anoour shall provide Univcqity with at least two (2) business days prior notice so that University may reissue any Wlused tickets. (a) Twenty (20) club or field level admissims to all of the football team's home games, and ten (10) reserved lot parking passes for all such home games. (b) Ten {JO) lower lcvol tickc13 to aJI of the football tcam'a away games for the same cost incumd by the University to purchase such tickets. If such tickets are provided to University free of charge, it sbaJI p"Ovide such tickets to Under Annour he of c:harge. (c) Ten (10) lower level tickets to any post-season game in which the football team participates. (d) Ten {10) lower level tickets for all home games of University's men's and women's basketball teams, and five (S) reserved lot parking passes for all home games of the University's men's and women's basketball teams. (e) Eight (8) tickets to any post-season game in which the men's aod women's basketball teams partic~tc. (f) 4..4.4 4.5. 5. For all Teams other than football and men's and women's basketball, ten (10) tickets for all home games of the Teams, five (5) reserved lot parking passes for such home games, and ten (10) lower level tickets for au:h post-season competition in which such Teams participate. Accom!!llOdatjog. University shall use its best effi>rls to assist Under Armour in securing accommodations fur the Teams' home games; provided, however, that the cost of such accommodations shall be bome by Under Armour. Apoean•ces by Held Co!cb. Upon l'CllSDllble, and enforceable and lhat most closely approximates the intention of the parties with respect to the unreasonable, invalid, or unenforceable Provision, llS evidenced by the remaining valid enforceable tenns and conditions of this Agreement. 11.9. Rel@tfoghip of the Plrttn. The relationship of Under Annour and University shall be that of independent contractors. Nothing contained in this A~mcot shall be constnled or intcrprded as erellting a relationship ofjoint ventums, partners, principal and agent. or cmplo~ and employee UDdcr any circumstances. 11.10. Djsslaimcr of Warragtles and Remedig. All rights and remedies provided in this Agreement shall be cumulative, and shall not be exclusive of one another or of any remedies available at law or in equity. Only to the extent allowed by the laws of the State of Texas. under no circumsbmc:es shall either party be liable for conscqueotial, special, or incidental damages arising out ofthis Agreement. 11.11. A""ament. This Agreement and any rights or obligations of Univenity herewxler are personal to Univenity and shall not be assigned or delegated without the prior written consent of Under Armour. Under Armour may assign its rights hereunder to any of its affiliates or to any person or entity that acquires or succeeds to, by operation of law or otherwise, all or substantially all ofthe business ..u of Under Armour. 11.12. Soysrelg1 Immygtty, TIIE UNIVERSITY DOES NOT WAIVE SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY BY ITS EXECUTION OF OR BY ANY CONDUCT OF ITS REPRESENTATIVES UNDER nus AGREEMENT. 11.13. Contract Cla!JU Reso!gtjgg. Under Armour shall use Texas Government Code, Chapter 2260's dispute resolution process to attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract arising under this Agreement that is not resolwd in the ordinary course of business. Chapter 2260 requires Under Armour to initiate the process by providing written notice of a claim and negotiating with the University, conditions precedent to the contested case process. Governed by rules adopted by the Texas Attorney General's Office. the contested case process is Under Armour's sole and exclusive method to seek a remedy for breach, llDiu§, after considering the Administrative Law Judge's report, the Legislature gives consent for Under Armour to sue under Chapter 107 of the Civil Practices and Remedies Code. --- An event or claim for brQCb of wnll'ld is llOt pouods for Under Arma.r to ...,.cl perfarmace under dais AgreemeaL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, cadl party acknowledges that 1 duly authorized lqJnlSCldativc of 1uch party has executed tlU lhe lllnm ad AIJeement as of the dilte set forth below, ud 1eknowledges dult such party bas read, understands and agrees to conditiom of Ibis Agecnieot. UNDER ARMOVR. INC. Mmae: Tide: c;=:, ~~ K.e v ~"' Y\ \<.. Ci-v'\ C fS Q ~ 12/;L3 /vd TEXAS TECH UNIVERSDY No1111e: Noel Sloan TitJo: Vice President for Administration & tkF?f °* ~Janee l --z ' By:~~ Name: Kirby Hocutt - -·· . --·-·- Exhibit A Sponsorship and Official Outfitter Agreement UNDER AftMOUR MARKS For the Term, University may use the following trademarks in accordance with this Agreement I. The UNDER ARMOUR• word mark. 2. The following DESIGN ONLY mark: 3. The U/A UNDER ARMOUR (and Design) mark set fmfl be-low: H EsbibitB Sponsorship and Official Outfitter Agreement VNWERSITY MARKS For the Term, Under Armour may use the following trademarks in accordance with this Agreement. (Atucbed] E11dbftC Sponsonhlp and Official °"'fliter Ag7V•ment PERFOBMANCE BONUS PA,XMINIS FotiblD • • • • • CoDege Football Championship Bonus - Under Armour wiH make a payment ofSS00,000 to the University if the football team wins a national championship game. Bowl Game Appearance Bonus - Under Armour will make a payment ofSIOOJ)OO to the University if the foolball team plays in a Bowl Game other than the College Football Championship (i.e., Orange Bowl, Sugar Bowl, fiesta Bowl. Cotton Bowl, Rose Bowl, Chick-Fil-A Bowl) (..Bowl Game"). Post-season Game Appearance - Under Armour will make a payment of $10,000 to the Univenity if the football ~ participates in a post-season game other than a Bowl Game. Conference Champion Bonus - Under Amour will make a payment of Sl!,000 1o lbe University of the football team is the Conference Champion. National Coach of the Ycar Bonus - Under Armour will make a payment ofSI0,000 to the Univenity for if the Head Coach of the footbefl team is named Head Football Coach oftbe Year. Mtg'• lluketlwll • • • • National Championship Bonus - Under Armour will make a payment ofS!OO,too to the University if the men's baskcd>alf ficam wins the NCAA National Cha!q>iooship Tournament Conference Champion Bonus - Under Armour will make a payment of $25,llO to the University ifthe men's bastt!fball team is the Conference Champion. NCAA Tournament Appearance Bonus - Under Armour will make a payment of$10.(llO to the University if the men's basketball team makes an NCAA To1UDament game appearance other than in the national championship game. National Coach of the Year - Under Armour will make a payment of 525,000 to die University if the Head Coach of the men's basketball team in n1JI1ed the Coach of the Year. Womeg's lukdball • National Championship Bonus - Under Armour will make a payment of $250,000 to the University if the women's basketball team wins the NCAA National Championship Tournament • Conference Champion Bonus- Under Armour will make a payment ofSIS,000 to the University iftbe women's basketball team is Conference Champion. • NCAA Tournament Appearmcc Bonus - Under Armour will make a paymatt of 55,000 to the University if the women's basketball team makes an NCAA Tournament game appearance odler than in the national championship game. • National Coach ofthe Year- Under Armour wm make a payment ofSl5,,GOI to the University if the Head Coach of the women's basketball team in n11DCd the Coach of the Year. Men'• Btyeball • • World Series Appearance - Under Armour will make a payment of Slt,000 to the University If the men's baseball team puticipatea in the College World Series. World Series Clwnpion - Under Armour will make a payment of 525.000 to the University if the men's baseball team wins the College World Series. All <>tber Iams • • NCAA National Championship Bonus - Under Armour will make a payment ofSI0,000 to the University ifa Team other than the football or bulcetbalt teams win the NCAA National Cb.ampionsbip Tournament. Conference Champion Bonus - Under Annour will make a payment of $2,SOO to the Univenity if any Team other than the football or basketball teams is 1he Conference Champion. Exhig? Spamomhtp and Q?icial Oug?ia?er Agreement TRAD RULES [Attached] E:w:bibitE Sponsorship and Offwial Ou(fiaer Agreement SHIPPING CQSTS Effective JanU8J}' 1, 2014, all product allotment orde.rs with express shipping methods will be assessed an increased fteight charge to be deducted from the total product allotment amounL The freight deduction will be 1 percmtage of the order subtotal and wUl be structured accordingly: FedEx Ground Shipments - S% FedEx 3-Day Shipments- 10% FedEx 2-Day Shipments - 15% FedEx Overnight Shipments - 2So/v FedEx Overnight Priority Shipments - 35% FedEx Saturday Delivery Shipments - 35%