Non-Disclosure Obligations/Guidelines 1. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will ensure that operators of the equipment have met the operator training standards identi?ed by the FBI and are certi?ed to conduct operations. 2. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will coordinate with the FBI in advance of its use of the wireless collection equipment/technology to ensure de?con?iction of respective missions. 3. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will not distribute, disseminate, or otherwise disclose any information concerning the wireless collection equipmentltechnology or any software, operating manuals. or related technical documentation (including its technical/engineering deSCription(s) and capabilities) to the public, including to any non- law enforcement individuals or agencies. 4. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will not distribute, disseminate, or otherwise disclose any information concerning the wireless collection equipmentltechnology or any software. Operating manuals, or related technical documentation (including its technical/engineering description(s) and capabilities) provided to it any other law enforcement or government agency without the prior wn'tten approval of the FBI. Prior to any approved distribution, dissemination, or comparable disclosure of any information concerning the wireless collection equipmentltechnology or any software, manuals, or related technical documentation related to such equipment/technology, all materials shall be marked ?Law Enforcement Sensitive, For Official Use Only Not to be Disclosed Outside of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement 5. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement shall not, in any civil or criminal proceeding, use or provide any information concerning the Harris Corporation wireless collection equipment/technology, its associated software, operating manuals, and any related documentation (including its technical/engineering description(s) and capabilities) beyond the evidentiary results obtained through the use of the equipment/technology including, but not limited to, during pre?trial matters, in search warrants and related af?davits, in discovery, in response to court ordered disclosure, in other af?davits, in grand jury hearings, in the State's case-in-chief, rebuttal, or on appeal, or in testimony in any phase of civil or criminal trial, without the prior written approval of the FBI. if the Florida Department of Law Enforcement learns that a District Attorney, prosecutor, or a court is considering or intends to use 0r provide any information concerning the Harris Corporation wireless collection equipment/technology, its associated software, operating manuals, and any related documentation (including its technicallengineering description(s) and capabilities) beyond the evidentiary results obtained through the use of the equipmentftechnology in a manner that will cause law enforcement sensitive information relating to the technology to be made known to the public, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement will immediately notify the FBI in order to allow suf?cient time for the FBI to intervene to protect the equipmentltechnology and information from disclosure and potential compromise. Noti?cation shall be directed to the attention of: Assistant Director Operational Technology Division Federal Bureau of Investigation Engineering Research Facility Law Enforcement Sensitive, For Of?cial Use Only Not to be Disseminated Outside of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Building 27958A, Pod A Quantico, Virginia 22135 and Unit Chief Tracking Technology Unit Operational Technology Division Federal Bureau of investigation Engineering Research Facility Building 27958A, Pod Quantico, Virginia 22135 in addition, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement will, at the request of the FBI, seek dismissal of the case in lieu of using or providing, or allowing others to use or provide, any information concerning the Harris Corporation wireless collection equipmenUtechnology, its associated software. operating manuals, and any related documentation (beyond the evidentiary results obtained through the use of the equipment/technology), if using or providing such information would potentially or actually compromise the equipmentltechnology. 6. A copy of any court order in any proceeding in which the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is a party directing disclosure of information conceming the Harris Corporation equipment/technology and any associated software, operating manuals, or related documentation (including its technicallengineenng description(s) and capabilities) will immediately be provided to the in order to allow suf?cient time for the FBI to intervene to protect the equipment/technology and information from disclosure and potential compromise. Any such court orders shall be directed to the attention of: Assistant Director Operational Technology Division Federal Bureau of investigation Engineering Research Facility Building 27958A, Pod A Quantico, Virginia 22135 and Unit Chief Tracking Technology Unit Operational Technology Division Federal Bureau of investigation Engineering Research Facility Building 27958A, Pod Quantico, Virginia 22135 The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will not publicize its purchase or use of the Harris Corporation equipment/technology or any of the capabilities afforded by such equipmentltechnoiogy to the public, other law enforcement agencies, or other Law Enforcement Sensitive, For Of?cial Use Only Not to be Disseminated Outside of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement government agencies, including, but not limited to, in any news or press releases, interviews, or direct or indirect statements to the media. 8. In the event that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement receives a request pursuant to the Freedom of information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) or an equivalent state or local law, the civil or criminal discovery process, or other judicial, legislative or administrative process, to disclose information concerning the Harris Corporation wireless collection equipment/technoiogy, its associated so?ware, operating manuals, and any related documentation (including its technicalfengineering description(s) and capabilities), the Florida Department of Law Enforcement will immediately notify the FBI of any such request telephonicaliy and in writing in order to allow suf?cient time for the FBI to seek to prevent disclosure through appropriate channels. Noti?cation shall be directed to the attention of. Assistant Director Operational Technol09y Division Federal Bureau of investigation Engineering Research Facility Building 27958A, Pod A Quantico, Virginia 22135 and Unit Chief Tracking Technology Unit Operational Technology Division Federal Bureau of Investigation Engineering Research Facility Building 27958A, Pod Quantico, Virginia 22135 Any noti?cation to the FBI concerning requirements outlined in sections 5, 6 and 8 should be made through FDLE IFS-Field Services, Statewide Technical Operations. HCSO STAFF i APPROVED DATE DISTIDIV . ma. DEPARTMENT i941LEGAL 3.2, a CHIEF DEPUTY Law Enforcement Sensitive, For Of?cial Use Only Not to be Disseminated Outside of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Florida Department of Law Enforcement Office of Statewide Technical Operations FDLE-FBI PurchaselUse of Harris Corporation Equipmen?Technology Non-Disclosure Acknowledgement Form I, (print name) David Gee acknowledge by my signature below that have been provided a copy of the guidelines set forth in the DLE-F Bl Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) concerning the purchase and use of the Harris Corporation Wireless Collection Equipmenthechnology and agree to the provisions/content of the Non-Disclosure Agreement. DepartmentfRegion: - - . Signature: ?g m3 ief Deputy Jose M. Docobo ffor Sheriff David Gee Sheriff Date: 7 Law Enforcement Sensitive, For Of?cial Use Only Not to be Disclosed Outside the Florida Department of Law Enforcement