UN CLA SSIF lEDttF DU 0 SITUATIONAL INFORNIATION REPORT FEDERAL BUREAU OF MSTIGATION Activity Alert Kansas City Divisicn sta Number: Planned Ft. Hand-inspired Jihad against US Snldiers by Army Recruit USPER T. Banker. r..r 20 March 2014. SDURCE: (UHFCFUD) An FBI agent. This SIR is tn interns and pretect cfficers may encnunter this individual nr cthers eshibiting the same aspiraticns. 2U March 2(1'14, the Kansas City Divisicn FBI became aware cf an individual named Themas BODKER aka Muhammad Abdullah Hassan had publicly stated his intenticn tn bidding farewell tn his friends and making ccmments indicating hisjihad was imminent. BCICIKER had been recruited by the US Army in Kansas City, in February mm and was scheduled tn repcrt fer Basic Training en 7 April 2(ll4. Kansas City Divisicn Agents interviewed BDCIKER nn 2t] March 2(114. (U) Warning: This is an repnrt, finally evaluated intelligence. It is being shared fur purpnses but has nut been fully evaluated, integrated with ether interpreted nr analysed. Receiving agencies are requested tn take actinn based nn this raw repnrting withnut prinr 1with the FBI. Unless .a cnnvictinn in a criminal pruceeding nccurs, a nf esists any persnn being repnrted en in this repnrt. (U) Nate: This predttet re?ects the views cf the Hermes City end hes ant been vettedby1 FBI UN CLA SSIF lEDttF DU 0 (UHFOUCI) Juhn Thnmas Bunker AKA Mull-?1111de Abdullah DOB: {13f12f1994 Height: 62 Waight: 124 Eye: Calm: Brown DL: Kansas UN CLA SSIFIEDHFOU 0 (UHFDUD) UN CLA SSIFIEDHFOU 0 2 UN CLA SSIF DU 0 (UHEOUO) On 2t] Mareh BUM, HOOKER eited the 5 Nnyemher Elli]? shunting at Ft. Hand, Tesas hy USPER US Army Majnr Nidal Mali}: HASAN as the framewnrl: fur his plan tn enmmitjihad nnee he had enmpleted his initial military training. HOOKER stated if he were sent nyerseas and mid tn kill a fellnw Muslim, he wnuld rather turn arnund and shunt him (the indiyidual giying the nrders, presumath a enmmanding nffieer) than a Muslim. HOOKER stated he farmulated seyeral plans fur enmmitting jihad nnee enlisted, tn inelude firing at nther snldiers while at hasie training at the firing range nr while at his military base after enmpleting his initial military training, thnugh he admitted he wanted tn lease the timing and details up tn Allah. HOOKER elarified wanting tn kill priyates, but he wanted tn target snmenne with pnwer (presumath referring tn an nffieer). HOOKER stated he wished tn earry nutjihad similarly tn he did want tn use large guns but instead use a small gun er a (UHEOUO) On 7 February HOOKER enlisted in the US Army as an Ammunitinn Speeialist, heen far a Seeret elearanee, and was seheduled tn repnrt tn Ft. SC an April 2(114 far hasie training. As nf the data HOOKER stated his jihadist aspiratinns, HOOKER had planned tn repnrt far training. Kansas City Diyisinn has briefed the pertinent military authnrities an HOOKER. (UHEOUO) HOOKER ynluntarily eheeked himself intn a mental health faeility fur eyaluatinn an 26 Mareh 2{ll4; Kansas City Diyisinn is in enntaet with the faeility and will he apprised is deemed healthy ennugh tn he released. HOOKER has heen eharged with a erime at present. HOOKER dnes haye tn a yehiele nr nther farm nf at this time, is there eyidenee he pnssess firearms. HOOKER was last tn reside at_ Tnpelta, KS. He has alsn preyinusly resided at Tnpeka, KS and at seyeral addresses in the Kansas City area. Offieers nhserye nr hear ahnut any nntahle hehayinr by this indiyidual shuuld enntaet the FBI nffiees in Tnpeka. Kansas City Diyisinn will prayide updates as needed. This repnrt has been prepared by the Kansas City Diyisinn nf the PHI. Cnmments and queries may he addressed tn the Kansas City Field Intelligenee Grnup at UN CLA SSIF DU 0 3 UN CLA SSIF DU 0 Distribution FBI SIR Sharepoint Site KJFC Kansas City CORE Site Kansas City TEW Kansas City, Kansas Poliee Department Kansas City, Missouri Poliee Department LEO MIAC Missouri Highway Patrol Missouri National Guard UN CLA SSIF DU 0 4 UNCLASSWIEDIIFOUO FBI Custnmer Satisfactinn Survey Please take a mement te eemplete this survey and help evaluate the quality, value, and relevance efeur preduet. Yeur respense 1will help us serve yeu mere effectively and efficiently in the future. Thank yeu fer yeur and assistance. Please return te: Federal Bureau cf lnvestigatien Kansas City Divisien 1301] Sunmlit Kansas City, MD {if-1N5 Fast: (316) 512-3545 Custcmer and Prcduct SIR Tracking lD: Pmduet Title: Planned Ft. Heed-inspired Jihad against US Seldiers by Army Recruit USPER c-hn T. Becker, Jr., 2i] March Zill?l. Dated: Custnmer Agency: Relevance tn Tcur Intelligence Needs 1. The preduet increased my knc-svledge pf an issue er tnpie. (Cheek nae) Strengly Agree Semevv'hat Agree Neither Agree nr Disagree Semevvhat Disagree Strengly Disagree Acticnahle 1'v?alue 2. The prnduet helped me decide en a enurse c-f aetinn. (Cheek nae) Strengly Agree Semevv'hat Agree Neither Agree er Disagree Semevvhat Disagree Strengly Disagree Timeliness Value 3. The prnduet was timely tn my needs. (Cheek nne) Strengly Agree Semewhat Agree Neither Agree er Disagree Semewhat Disagree Strengly Disagree Cnmments (please use reverse nr attach separate page if needed): UNCLASSIFIEDHFOUO 5 UNCLASSIFIEDHFOUO UNCLASSIFIEDHFOUO 6