23 August 20l4 Ms. Karen Wellan Referencc: 181 Dear Ms. Wen-note: This is a final response to your 5 May 2014 administrative appeal under the Freedom of Informalian Act (FOIA), which was pmcemed under the referenced case idcnlificnlion number by Ill: office oflhe Information and Privacy Coordinalor, As a reminder. you appealed our initial-level determination to neither not deny you material lesponsive to your mquesl. The Agency Release Panel ClA's initial-level processing or this request the Agency Release Panel concluded that. in accordance with Section 3.6(a) of Executive Order 13526. the cm can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to your request The incl of the existence or nonexistence oi requested records is currently and properly classified and relates to intelligence sources and methods informuioll that is protected from disclosure by Section 6 orthe CIA Act of 1949, as amended. and Section 102A(i) oi the Naiional Security Act of 1947. as amended, Thereiore. in accordance with Agency regulations set forth in part 1900 of title 32 of the Code orFedernl Regulations. the ARP has denied yourappeal on the basis of FOIA exemptions and (iota). As tire panel's Executive Secretary, 1 am the CIA official responsible for informing you of the appellate determination. in accordance with the provisions of die FOIA. you have the rigrt to seek judicial review of this determination in a United States district calm. Alternatively, the office or Govemmenl Information Services (can) offeis mediation services to resolve disputes between tequesters and federal agencies. Using services offered by 0615 does not aitect your right to pursue litigation, For more intoniraiion. including how to contact 0015. please consult its website. hmllogis/arehivesgov, Sincerely. 1mm Michele Meelcs Executive Secretary Agency Release Panel 16 Apr-ll 2014 Karen Weuncre Rcfemwe: F20le Dear Ms Wen-non: This is a final lsponse to your 24 March 2014 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, received in tlre oflioe or the lniornretimr and Privacy Coordinator on I April 2014. (or doorman-s of on type CIA mend! known as Specili Interrognlions (SI) oonduud during the yals I970, 1971 Ind 1972 II the Univenlty "Vermont College of Modicine. Vermont, the Medial Cenlzr Hospitnl of Vermont (now lnrown as Fletcher Allen Care) Burlington. Vermont end the Vermont State Hospital, Wnterbury, '12an We have Issigned your request the reference number above Please use this number when corresponding so tlrar we can identify it easily. In accordance with Section 3.6(a) of Executive 0rd" I3526. the CIA can neilher confirm nor deny tire existence or nonexisrenoe of records responsive to your request. The fact of the exisrence or nonexisrenlx of requested records is and properly classifiod and is intelligence Sunless and memods information that is prulocred from disclosure by section 6 of the CIA Act of I949, as amnda'L and section [02A(i)(l) of the Nnrionel Security Act of l947. as amended. Therefore. your request is denied pursuant ro FOIA axelnplions and have enclosed an explanation of these exemptions {or your reference and mention. As the CIA Infonnzliorl and Privacy Coordinator, I am the CIA official responsible for this dclenninnlionr You irnve site right In appeal this response to die Agency Release Panel. in my care, within 45 days irorn tire dale or this letter. Please include the basis of your appeal. Sincerely. flea/6M Michele Meek: Information and Privacy Coordinator Enclosure fl