- DISTRIBUTION: OriginalHHR (Local) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS - WISCONSIN Wisconsin Statutes Division of Management Services (5230.345. ?111.30 DOC-12715 (Rev. 4/2013) - EMPLOYEE INVESTIGATION REPORTS SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION FINDINGS INVESTIGATOR INSTRUCTIONS: Summarize the ?ndings and conclusions of the investigation. Attach all supporting documentation. EMPLOYEE NAME (First, MI, Last) JOB TITLE OR CLASSIFICATION INCIDENT DATE INVESTIGATION NO. - 4/1 3/14- Thomas Lukas Sergeant Reported 1802 SUMMARY OF CONDUCT (Report facts only- no opinions or recommendations) During the course of this investigation, (FLCI) inmate Antron Kent #360459. (FLCI) inmate A. (FLCI) Officer 8. G-, (FLCI) Sgt. C. K- and (D00 Sgt. Thomas Lukas were all interVIewe separate y. inmate Kent #360459 was interviewed on April 24, 2014. it should be noted that inmate Kent and inmate N- ,were unable to recall the exact dates or times of the below mentioned incidents. It should also be noted both Sgt. and Sgt. Lukas were not forthcoming with the truth and only when it became apparent to both of them that there was creditable evidence that potentially would show they were not being truthful, did they state, acknowledge, and admit to their role in the below incidents. inmate Kent alleges when Sgt. Lukas was working Unit 3, Sgt. Lukas constantly would call and refer to him as booty. refers to the female singer, Jennifer Lopez. The word booty is in reference to her buttocks. This specific allegation was confirmed by all the above mentioned individuals who were interviewed to include Sgt. Lukas. Confirmed in the statement above means all the above mentioned individuals who were interviewed, acknowledged and stated they saw and heard Sgt. Lukas call and refer to inmate Kent as booty, and saw or heard Sgt. Lukas referto inm?ate Kent as having a booty on numerous occasions. (See interviewee?s 1271 D) Lukas admitted he has called and referred to inmate Kent as having a booty while at work on Unit 3. . inmate Kent alleges that on March 7, 2014 he was called to the sergeant's office on Unit 3 by Sgt. When in. the of?ce, inmate Kent alleges Sgt. showed him(inmate Kent) an e-mail sent to Sgt. by Sgt. . Lukas that stated something to the effect of, "this is him (inmate Kent) laying horizontal." inmate Kent stated that i even though he did not read the entire e-mail, he believed it was sexual in nature and he (inmate Kent) was pissed. Sgt. K- and Sgt. Lukas's DOC work e-mail account was obtained for the above mentioned date. See Exhibit 2A 28 for e?mail exchange; Sgt. Lukas states in the email, "tell Kent he is still a vertical set of lips and likes the sausage." Sgt. did acknowledge and state he believed the e-mail was sexual in nature. Sgt. admitted that he (Sgt. read the entire e-mail prior to letting inmate Kent either see the e?mail or prior to him (Sgt. K.) reading the e-mail to inmate Kent. Sgt. K- was asked what was his interpretation of the referenced e-mail and stated to him it meant, "Kent is a woman's pussy and the other inmate is a homo." - I. clarified that was in reference to (FLCI) inmate P- lnmate Kent alleges one day when he left his room for a HSU (Health Service Unit) appointment and went back to his cell, someone placed several half naked men (sports athletes) from an ESPN magazine, all over the walls in his room. Inmate Kent does not specifically identify Sgt. Lukas as being the person responsible for this, however when Officer 6. was interviewed, he states he observed Sgt. Lukas with the above mentioned ESPN magazine pictures of half-naked sports athletes, go into inmate Kent's cell when inmate Kent was not present. Of?cer stated he specificain remembers Sgt. Lukas being the sole person responsible for this, although he (Officer was not physically in the cell with Sgt. Lukas when he put the above mentioned pictures up. However, Officer C. states he specifically remembers Sgt. Lukas immediateiy afterwards stating, "i just put a couple of those pictures Up in Tronnies cell." Tronnie is another nick-name that was confirmed by all interviewed that Sgt. Lukas referred to and called inmate Kent. Sgt. Lukas denied any involvement in placing the above mentioned pictures into inmate Kent's cell. - Inmate Kent alleges that during an incident when he (inmate Kent) was in the shower on Unit 3; Sgt. Lukas threw an institution's plunger and scrubbing brush at him, hitting him (inmate Kent) in his penis causing pain. I nmate Kent alleges he saw and heard Sgt. Lukas start laughing and observed him run away. See inmate ill-'5 1271 statement. Sgt. Lukas admitted he threw the above mentioned items at inmate Kent while he (inmate Kent) Was in 19 4/13/15 - 060 the shower. However, Sgt. Lukas would only admit to throwing the above mentioned items at inmate Kent's penis area. inmate Kent alleges there was an incident on Unit 3 when he (inmate Kent) was in his cell bent Over fixing his fan. Inmate Kent alleges Sgt. Lukas entered his cell while his back was turned and started humping him (inmate Kent) from the back. Inmate Kent alleges he was able to feel Sgt. Lukas's erect penis physically touching his ass (Inmate . Kent?sbuttocks) Inmate Kent alleges Sgt. Lukas humped him approx. 4 or 5 times while he (inmate Kent) was in this bent over position, before he (inmate Kent) swung his arms around in a punching motion in an attempt to stop Sgt. Lukas from continuing. Inmate Kent alleges when he turned around and swung his arms in a punching motion, Sgt. Lukas let him go and ran down the hall laughing. Sgt. Lukas admitted to there being an incident in which he (Sgt. Lukas) was inside inmate Kent's cell with in'mate Kent still being present. Sgt. Lukas states he attempted to exit inmate Kent's cell, but inmate Kent physically got in front of him in an attempt to stop him (Sgt. Lukas) from leaving. Sgt. Lukas states he tried to get'around inmate Kent by placing his (Sgt. Lukas') hands on inmate Kent's back area by his hips. Sgt. Lukas states he probably pushed forward and inmate Kent pushed back. Sgt. Lukas stated if someone had observed this (his recollection of this specific incident) someone may think he was humping inmate Kent from the back 3 or 4 times. Sgt. Lukas denies any other parts of his body ever came in contact With any other part of inmate Kent's body. When inmate ,was interviewed, he alleges he observed Sgt. Lukas humping inmate Kent from behind in this incident (See Inmate IV-'s 1271 statement) inmate N- alleges there was an incident when he was in the basement at FLCI with Sgt. Lukas. Inmate alleges when he was walking upstairs to leave the basement area, Sgt. Lukas was walking right behind him. inmate N- aileges Sgt. Lukas pulled his shorts partially down then started laughing. Sgt. Lukas admitted to pulling inmate shorts or pants partially down exposing the top of his (inmate ill-'5) underwear in the process. Sgt. Lukas admitted, to cutting out a newspaper article in reference to a gay. marriage bill being pasSed or proposed in Wisconsin and writing their (inmate Kent and inmate name on it. Sgt. Lukas admitted placing this article on inmate Kent's desk in his cell. Sgt. Lukas admitted to writing something across the top of the article using inmate Kent's and inmate lV-'s name. Sgt. Lukas stated he didn't remember exactly what he wrote, however he intended the meaning to mean that inmate Kent and inmate iv- could now get married. More allegations were made against Sgt. Lukas to include him (Sgt. Lukas) calling several inmates on Unit 3 "bitches." Sgt. Lukas admitted to referring to and calling several inmates on Unit 3 "bitches." Sgt. Lukas stated his definition of "bitches" is a reference to females. Sgt. Lukas admitted to telling inmates on Unit 3, "fuck you, fuck off, and get the fuck away from me." Sgt. Lukas admitted to going insideof inmate Kent's cell to move stuff around and mess up his desk. . POTENTIAL DOC WORK (See Executive Directive #43 for Department of Corrections Work Rules) WORK RULE WORK RULE AND SUPPORTING SPECIFIC FACTUAL DOCUMENTATION 2 Sgt. Lukas admitted to sending an e-maildetermined to be sexual in nature to another DOC correctional sergeant while Sgt. Lukas was on duty and using his DOC state e-mail account, and having_this sergeant show the e-mail to the Offender. This is a violation of ED 50. 4 Sgt. Lukas admitted to going into an inmate's cell and moving his things around and messing up his bed, pulling an inmate's shorts down when the inmate was going upstairs, and throwing a plunger and scrubbing brush at an inmate while he was in the shower. This shows Sgt. Lukas was not exercising good judgment when he was dealing with inmates. #12 Sgt. Lukas admitted to calling several inmates "bitches," constantly calling and referring to inmate Kent as having a J-Low booty, telling inmates to "fuck off, get the fuck away from me. and fuck you." Sgt. Lukas used profane and abusive language when dealing with inmates. Sgt. Lukas' behavior was demeaning when constantly calling and referring to inmate Kent- as having a J-Low booty. . #13 Sgt. Lukas sent an email determined to be sexual in nature to another DOC correctional sergeant and had this sergeant show the e-mail to the offender. . Sgt. Lukas put the names of inmates Kent and ill- on an article about gay marriage and placed it on inmate Kent's desk. . Sgt. Lukas called or referred to inmate Kent as booty or as having a booty. Sgt. Lukas pulled down Inmate N-?s shorts while he was going up the stairs. Sgt. Lukas made humping motions toward Kent and [?ed him in the genital area. DISTRIBUTION: Original - HR (Local) 20 4/13/15 - 061 14 Lukas admitted to pulling an inmate's shorts down when the inmate was going upstairs. Sgt. Lukasadmitted to going inside an inmate?s cell and moving things around and messing up his bed. Sgt. Lukas's admitted actions are both unsafe and disruptive. SPECIFY POLICY on PROCEDURE (If Applicable) ED 50, Use of DOC Information Technology Resources ED 16, Fraternization Policy ED 16A, Staff Sexual Assault of Offenders ED 7, Harassment Sgt. Lukas admitted to throwing a plunger and scrubbing men at an inmate in the shower. Sgt. Corrections Investigator DATE SIGNED NAME: Michael Green Tony Ashworth INVESTIGATOR DISTRIBUTION: Original HR (Locai) 4/13/15 - 062 21