MORNING EDITION BOOK CLUB GUIDELINES These guidelines address how NPR insulates the Morning Edition Book Club editorial process from NPR fundraising by maintaining a strict firewall between the two activities. To preserve the editorial integrity of NPR News, it is essential to avoid even the appearance that fundraising in support of the Morning Edition Book Club has influenced the editorial decision-making involved in conducting the Book Club, including the process of selecting a Morning Edition Book Club Pick and the production of Book Club-related program content. Appearances can be as important as reality. Therefore, communications, especially between editorial and sales personnel, that could be interpreted to suggest that publishers can impact our editorial decisions must not occur. Ultimately, both NPR’s credibility as an independent journalistic organization and the legality of the Morning Edition Book Club initiative will depend on perception: It should always be clear that editorial decision-making was motivated in each instance solely by an intention to inform our audience and facilitate the discovery of new and underappreciated works of substantial literary merit rather than any financial benefit NPR could realize. Prohibited Activities 1. No NPR sponsor acknowledgment from any publishing house may run on-air adjacent to any Morning Edition Book Club segment. 2. No sponsor banners or other acknowledgments crediting any book publisher will appear on any page within the Morning Edition Book Club section of or any NPR mobile application or adjacent to any Morning Edition Book Club-related audio segment distributed through or any NPR mobile application. 3. For 90 days following selection of a book as a Morning Edition Book Club Pick, neither NPM nor NPR Development will solicit or accept financial support from a publishing house with a financial interest in the Morning Edition Book Club selection. NPM or NPR Development may choose to decline other offers of support if those offers could reasonably raise questions about the Book Club’s credibility or the integrity of the selection process. 4. Through written materials and oral presentations, NPM and NPR Development will affirmatively inform prospective funders that a decision to provide financial or in-kind support to NPR will have no influence on the Morning Edition Book Club selection process, the actual Morning Edition Book Club selection, or any editorial content. Book Club Selection Process 1. The Morning Edition Book Club selection will be made by an accomplished author of substantial literary merit who is completely independent of NPR, whether by employment or contract. 2. NPR’s role in the selection process will be limited to ensuring that the selection complies with the following guidelines: a. The selection will be made from among books that have been published within the past 12 months to ensure that the selected book is a new literary work. b. The selection will be made among books that have not received a major literary award, such as a Pulitzer Prize or a National Book Award, to fulfill the objective of the Morning Edition Book Club initiative to promote the discovery of new literary works. c. The selection will be made among books that are generally available to the general public so that interested individuals can obtain access to the selected book. d. The author may not select any book with which the author has a direct connection such that the selection would create the appearance of a conflict of interest. Examples of such a direct connection may include a close personal or family relationship between the author selecting the book and the book's author or a professional relationship, such as a common publisher, publicist, or agent. 2 04.02.15