Report Briefing for the Italian Government on Hacking Team's surveillance exports I nt r oduct i on Formor et hanadecade,I t al i ansur vei l l ancecompanyHacki ngT eam hassol di nvasi ve sur vei l l ance t echnol ogi es t ol aw enf or cementand i nt el l i gence agenci es acr os st he 1 gl obe. I t s flagshi p pr oduct ,t he “Remot e Cont r olSyst em” ( RCS) ,i s mar ket ed by Hacki ngT eam asan“ef f ect i ve,easyt ouseof f ensi vet echnol ogy”t hati tpr ovi dest o “wor l dwi de l aw enf or cementand i nt el l i gence communi t i es. ”2 Hacki ng T eam has a consi st entt r ackr ecor d ofdel i ver i ng i t ssof t war e,i ncl udi ng t heRCS,t o gover nment agenci es wi t hr ecor ds ofhuman r i ght s abuse and unl awf ulsur vei l l ance,and i t s pr oduct shave been r epeat edl yus ed t o conductunl awf ulsur vei l l ance ofj our nal i st s, act i vi st sandhumanr i ght sdef ender s. Thi s br i efing canvasses Hacki ng T eam' s pr oduct s and cust omerbase.I t ' sr el ease coi nci deswi t ht hepubl i cat i onofnew evi dence,uncover edbyPr i vacyI nt er nat i onal ,and an i ndependenti nvest i gat i on byVI CE Mot her boar d,t hatHacki ng T eam hassol di t s Remot eCont r olSyst em t ot heUni t edSt at esAr myandt heDr ugEnf or cementAgency ( DEA) . Si nce2012,Hacki ngT eam sof t war ehasbeeni dent i fiedandassoci at edwi t hat t ackson pol i t i caldi s s i dent s,j our nal i st sand human r i ght sdef ender s,and evi dence hasbeen publ i s hedconfir mi ngi t ssuspect eddepl oymenti natl east21count r i es.However ,when pr es ent edwi t hcompel l i ngevi denceoft hedepl oymentofi t spr oduct sbyhumanr i ght s abusi ng gov er nment s,Hacki ng T eam hasconsi st ent l ychosent o' nei t herconfir m nor deny 'al l egat i ons,i gnor i ng demandsf ort r anspar encyabouti t scust omerbase,and di s r egar di ngvi ct i ms'cl ai msf orr edr essagai nstof f ender s. I npubl i shi ngt hi sbr i efing,Pr i vacyI nt er nat i onalconsol i dat esf ort hefir stt i mer esear ch on Hacki ng T eam t hat i t has compi l ed over f our year s of i nvest i gat i ons and campai gni ng.Ther el easeoft hi sbr i efingi spar t i cul ar l yt i mel yasi tcomesonl ymont hs af t erEur opeanl aw wasamendedt or est r i ctt heexpor tofHacki ngT eam' sRCSpr oduct , subj ect i ngt heI t al i ancompanyt ost r i ctl i censi ngr equi r ement sdesi gnedt opr eventi t s i nvasi vet echnol ogi esf r om f al l i ngi nt ot hewr onghands. 1 ht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ about us 2 ht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ about us:ht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ r emot econt r ol sys t em Or i gi nsandgr owt h Hacki ngT eam t r acesi t sbegi nni ngst o2001,whent woI t al i ancomput erpr ogr ammer s 3 cr eat edt heEt t er cappr ogr amme,desi gnedt of aci l i t at emani nt hemi ddl eat t ack . The I t al i an Pol i ce qui ckl yr eal i z ed t he pr ogr amme' s pot ent i alf orsur vei l l ance oper at i ons agai nstcommon encr ypt ed communi cat i on ser vi ces such as Skype,emai l ,i nst ant 4 messagi ng,webcams and comput eraudi o syst ems, andbecame one ofHacki ng T eam' sfir stcust omer s. Hacki ng T eam has benefit ed consi der abl yf r om i t s connect i ons wi t hI t al i an publ i c aut hor i t i es.Thecompanyr ecei vedover;1mi l l i oni npubl i cfinanci ngf r om t heRegi onof 5 Lombar dy . Recent l y ,t he I t al i an gover nmentt abl ed l egi sl at i on desi gned t o expl i ci t l y empoweri t sagenci est o useRemot eCont r olSyst ems.Thecount er t er r or i sm decr ee wassubsequent l ybl ockedbyopposi t i oni nPar l i ament ,butwoul dhavebecomet hefir st 6 Eur opeanl egi sl at i onper mi t t i ngt heuseofsuchsyst emshadi tbeenconver t edi nt ol aw. T oday ,Hacki ng T eam,l ead by CEO Davi d Vi ncenz et t i ,has over 50 st af f ,and subsi di ar i es i n Annapol i s,Uni t ed St at es ofAmer i ca,and i n Si ngapor e.I tsel l si t s 7 ser vi cesandpr oduct st ol aw enf or cementandi nt el l i genceagenci esacr osst hegl obe. Technol ogyandser vi ces Hacki ng T eam' s flagshi p pr oducti st he Remot e Cont r olSyst em sof t war e.I nt he company' swor ds: RCS ( Remot e Cont r olSyst em)i s a sol ut i on t hatsuppor t si nvest i gat i ons by act i vel yandpassi vel yt appi ngdat aandi nf or mat i onf r om t hedevi cest ar get edby t hei nvest i gat i ons.I nf act ,TCSanonymousl y ,cr eat es,set sandi nst al l ssof t war e agent st hatcol l ectdat a and i nf or mat i on,sendi ng t he r esul t st ot he cent r al 8 dat abaset obedecr ypt edandsaved. 3 4 5 6 7 8 ht t p: / / www. t hever ge. com/ 2013/ 9/ 13/ 4723610/ meet hacki ngt eamt hecompanyt hat hel pspol i cehacki nt ocomput er s ht t p: / / www. t hever ge. com/ 2013/ 9/ 13/ 4723610/ meet hacki ngt eamt hecompanyt hat hel pspol i cehacki nt ocomput er s:ht t ps: / / www. pr i vacyi nt er nat i onal . or g/ ?q=node/ 147 ht t ps: / / www. pr i vacyi nt er nat i onal . or g/ ?q=node/ 147 ht t p: / / i n. r eut er s. com/ ar t i cl e/ 2015/ 03/ 26/ i t al ysecur i t yi nt er net i dI NKBN0MM24620150326 ht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ about us:ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ mappi nghacki ngt eamsunt r aceabl espywar e/ ht t ps: / / s3. amaz onaws. com/ s3. document cl oud. or g/ document s/ 1348003/ r cs9admi nfinal . pdf Thet womai nRCSsyst emscur r ent l ymar ket edbyHacki ngT eam ar et he“DaVi nci ”and 9 “Gal i l eo” sol ut i ons. These pr oduct s ar ei nt r usi on t echnol ogi es t hatcan cover t l y col l ect ,modi f yand/ orext r actdat af r om adevi cet hr ought hei nst al l at i onofmal i ci ous sof t war e on t he devi ce.The mal war ei si nser t ed on t he comput erasa t r oj an,ora mal i ci ouscodedi sgui sedi ni nconspi cuousfil esorat t achment s,andi sexecut edont he dev i ce.Themal i ci ouscodecanr unoper at i onsi nacl andest i nemanneront hedevi ce, 10 maki ngi tundet ect abl ebyt heuser soft hedevi ce. These sol ut i ons ar e capabl e ofbypassi ng encr ypt i on i n common communi cat i ons ser vi cessof t war e,andofl oggi ngSkypecal l s,emai l s,i nst antmessagi ng,webbr owsi ng r ecor ds,del et edfil esandshot st ak enf r om t hecomput er ’ sownwebcam.Thecompany cl ai mst hatt hei rpr oductnotonl yr el ayswhati shappeni ngonat ar get ’ scomput er ,but al so enabl es sur vei l l ance ofanyt hi ng occur r i ng wi t hi nt he r ange oft he comput er ’ s i nt er nalcamer aormi cr ophone.Hacki ng T eam al so cl ai mst o beabl et o compr omi se 11 comput er sr unni ngMacOSandWi ndows,i naddi t i ont oar angeofsmar t phones. The mal war ei sdel i ver ed t hr oughmani nt hemi ddl eat t acks,i . e.di sgui sed asr equest st o commonupdat es,andt hr oughsoci alengi neer i ng,i . edi sgui sedasat t achment st oemai l s. Cont r i but i ont ohumanr i ght sabuses Evi dence suggest st hatHacki ng T eam' s RCS i s one oft he mostpopul ari nt r usi on t echnol ogi esont hemar ket ,and i sused wi del ybycount r i eswi t hpoorhumanr i ght s r ecor ds.However ,whenpr esent edwi t hcompel l i ngevi denceoft hedepl oymentofi t s pr oduct sbyhumanr i ght sabusi nggover nment s,Hacki ngT eam hasconsi st ent l ychosen t o' nei t herconfir m nordeny'al l egat i ons,i gnor i ngdemandsf ort r anspar encyabouti t s cust omerbase,anddi sr egar di ngvi ct i ms'cl ai msf orr edr essagai nstof f ender s. Si nce2012,Hacki ngT eam sof t war ehasbeeni dent i fiedandassoci at edwi t hat t ackson pol i t i caldi s s i dent s,j our nal i st sand human r i ght sdef ender s,and evi dence hasbeen publ i s hedconfir mi ngi t ssuspect eddepl oymenti natl east21gover nment s,spanni ngsi x 9 ht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ r emot econt r ol syst em 10 ht t ps: / / www. pr i vacyi nt er nat i onal . or g/ ?q=node/ 73 11 ht t p: / / www. cso. com. au/ ar t i cl e/ 431882/ _cr i si s_os_x_t r oj an_made_by_l awf ul _i nt er cept _vendor _hacki n gt eam/ 12 cont ent s. I ti ssuspect ed,however ,t hatHacki ng T eam' scust omerbase i sact ual l y much l ar ger ,and t he company' si nt el l i gence t ool s may be i n use i n mor et han 60 13 count r i es. Ci t i z en Lab att he Uni ver si t yofT or ont o has,i n cooper at i on wi t h Cl audi o Guar ni er i , i dent i fiedt hef ol l owi nggover nment sassuspect eduser s14ofHacki ngT eam sof t war e: Az er bai j an Col ombi a Egypt Et hi opi a Hungar y I t al y Kaz akhst an Mal aysi a Mexi co Mor occo Ni ger i a Oman Panama Pol and Saudi Ar abi a Sout hKor ea Sudan Thai l and Tur key Uni t edAr abEmi r at es Uz beki st an Thr eeofHacki ngT eam' scl i ent s–Uz beki st an,SaudiAr abi aandSudan–ar er ankedas “t hewor stoft hewor st ”i nt er msoff r eedom,Fr eedom House' s2015Fr eedom i nt he 15 Wor l di ndex. Anot hert hr eeoft hecl i ent s–Col ombi a,Mexi coandTur key–ar eont he Commi t t ee f ort he Pr ot ect i on ofJ our nal i st s“20 Deadl i estCount r i es” l i sti nr anki ng 16 at t acksonj our nal i st s. Addi t i onal l y ,sever alofHacki ngT eam' scl i ent shaveahi st or yof human r i ght sabuse l i nked t o sur v ei l l ance and i nt el l i gence t echnol ogi es,asdet ai l ed bel ow. Azer bai j an Ci t i z enLab “i dent i fied anRCS endpoi nti nAz er bai j an( Az er t el ekom:109. 235. 193. 83) t hatwasact i vebet weenJ uneandNovember2013. ”17 Az er bai j ani soneoft heCent r alAsi anst at eswi t ht hemostser i oushi st or yofar r es t i ng 18 bl ogger s ,and t hose usi ng i nf or mat i on and communi cat i onst echnol ogi es. Fr eedom Houseobser vest hatAz er bai j aniaut hor i t i esr el yonsweepi ngi nvest i gat or ypower st hat 12 ACi t i z enl abmapofhacki ngT eam pr ol i f er at i oni sannexedt ot hi sr epor t .SeeAnnexI I I ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ mappi nghacki ngt eamsunt r aceabl espywar e/ 13 ht t p: / / www. wi r ed. com/ 2014/ 06/ r emot econt r ol syst emphonesur vei l l ance/ 14 ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ mappi nghacki ngt eamsunt r aceabl espywar e/ 15 ht t ps: / / f r eedomhouse. or g/ r epor t / f r eedomwor l d/ f r eedomwor l d2015#. VSaUez vF8Yc 16 ht t ps: / / cpj . or g/ ki l l ed/ 17 18 ht t ps: / / f r eedomhouse. or g/ r epor t / f r eedomnet / 2012/ az er bai j an#. VSenQTvF8Yd l eavi ngsubst ant i al l eewayf orabuseofpower s: “Thel aw “Onoper at i vesear chact i vi t y”( Ar t i cl e10,sect i onI V)aut hor i z esl aw enf or cementagenci est o conductsur vei l l ance wi t houta cour tor deri n cases r egar ded as necessar y “t o pr event ser i ous cr i mes agai nst t he per son or especi al l ydanger ouscr i mesagai nstt hest at e. ”Theuncl earpar amet er sf orwhat const i t ut espr event i veact i onl eavet hel aw opent oabuse. ”19 Gover nment agenci es i n Az er bai j an have i ncr easi ngl yi nvest ed i n sur vei l l ance t echnol ogi es,whi l ei mpl ement i ng met hods ofbl anketsur vei l l ance on mobi l e phone user s,and consi st ent l yt ar get i ng f or ei gner s and act i vi st s wi t hi nvasi ve sur vei l l ance 20 t ool s. Et hi opi a I n2014,i nvest i gat i onsbyCi t i z enLab r eveal ed t hatani ndependentEt hi opi anmedi a out l eti nt heUni t edSt at es,t heEt hi opi anSat el l i t eT el evi si onSer vi ce,hadbeenat t acked 21 wi t hspywar eonsever aloccasi ons . Ci t i z enLabconcl udedt hatt heat t ackt oobt ai n “fil es and passwor ds,and i nt er ceptSkype cal l s and i nst antmessages” coul d be at t r i but ed t ot he use ofsof t war e “sol d excl usi vel yt o gover nment sbyMi l anbased Hacki ngT eam. ”22 Bot ht her esul t soft hei nvest i gat i onsandt heEt hi opi anGover nment ' s pr ev i ous confli ct s wi t ht he T el evi si on Ser vi ce i ndi cat et hat Et hi opi an i nt el l i gence agenci esst agedt heat t ack,usi ngRCS. Kazakhst an RCSt echnol ogyhasbeent r acedt ot el ecommuni cat i onscompanyJ SC Kaz akht el ecom 23 Sl yz hebnyi . I n at2014 r epor t ,Human Ri ght sWat ch not ed t hat“Kaz akhst an’ spoor humanr i ght sr ecor dcont i nuedt odet er i or at ei n2013, ”24 ci t i ngasacauseover l ybr oad l awst hatal l ow f ort hesuppr essi onoff r eespeech,di ssent ,andf r eedom ofassembl y andr el i gi on.I n2011,nat i onalunr estt r i gger edacr ackdownf r om secur i t yf or ceswher e ci vi lsoci et y act i vi st s and pr omi nent member s of t he pol i t i calopposi t i on wer e 19 20 Seeal soht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ mappi nghacki ngt eamsunt r aceabl espywar e/ #12 21 ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ hacki ngt eamt ar get i nget hi opi anj our nal i st s/ ; ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2015/ 03/ hacki ngt eamr el oadedusbasedet hi opi anj our nal i st st ar get edspywar e/ 22 ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ hacki ngt eamt ar get i nget hi opi anj our nal i st s/ 23 ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ mappi nghacki ngt eamsunt r aceabl espywar e/ #12 24 “HumanRi ght sWat chWor l dRepor t2014”,HumanRi ght sWat ch,2014,avai l abl eat ht t p: / / www. hr w. or g/ si t es/ def aul t / fil es/ wr 2014_web_0. pdf i mpr i soned.Opposi t i on gr oupsand i ndependentmedi a out l et sand j our nal i st swer e 25 26 har assed,andof t enf or cedt ocl ose. T or t ur er emai nscommonpl acei nt hecount r y . Asr ecent l yas2014,t est i moni eswer esubmi t t edt ot heUN Commi t t eeAgai nstT or t ur e, al l egi ngt hatKaz akhi nt el l i genceagenci eshaveper pet r at ed37count sofi l l t r eat ment 27 andcoer cedt est i moni es. Mor occo The Economi st ' sI nt el l i gence Uni t s2014 Democr acyI ndexcl assi fiesMor occo asan aut hor i t ar i an r egi me.I nar ecentr epor tby Pr i vacy I nt er nat i onal ,Thei reyeson me: 28 st or i esofsur vei l l ancei nMor occo, i thasbeenf oundt hatMor occohasaggr es si vel y 29 i ncr eased i t ssur vei l l ancecapaci t ysi nce2011. Ther epor ti ncl udest est i moni esf r om sever alj our nal i st sand humanr i ght swor ker swho havebeensubj ectt o at t acksf r om “hacki ng mi l i t i as” t hat ar e suspect ed t o have connect i ons wi t ht he Mor occan i nt el l i gence communi t y .As r ecent l y as 2012,t he “Mamkfinch” websi t e and Gl obal 30 Voi ces( aci t i z enmedi apl at f or m)st af fwer et ar get edwi t hHacki ngT eam sof t war e. Uni t edAr abEmi r at es Repor t er sWi t houtBor der shasobs er vedt hatt heUAEhasbeeni mpl ement i ngi nt er net 31 sur vei l l ance and censor shi p pr ogr ams si nce 2008, under pi nned by l egi sl at i on suppr essi ng communi cat i ons“' opposi ng I sl am, '' i nsul t i ng anyr el i gi onr ecogni sed by t hest at e'or' cont r aveni ngf ami l yval uesandpr i nci pl es. ' ”32Speci fical l y ,UAEuseofRCS t echnol ogyhasbeent i edt ot hear r estofbl oggerAhmadMansoori n2011onchar ges 33 ofi ns ul t i ngt hePr esi dentandCr ownPr i nce. 25 “Amnest yI nt er nat i onal Repor t2013:Thest at eoft hewor l d’ shumanr i ght s”,Amnest yI nt er nat i onal , 2013,avai l abl eat ht t p: / / fil es. amnest y . or g/ ai r 13/ Amnest yI nt er nat i onal _Annual Repor t 2013_compl et e_en. pdf 26 “HumanRi ght sWat chWor l dRepor t2014”,HumanRi ght sWat ch,2014,avai l abl eat ht t p: / / www. hr w. or g/ si t es/ def aul t / fil es/ wr 2014_web_0. pdf 27 “Kaz akhst an:Submi ssi ont ot heUN Commi t t eeAgai nstT or t ur e”,HumanRi ght sWat ch,Oct ober 2014,avai l abl eatht t p: / / www. hr w. or g/ news/ 2014/ 10/ 20/ kaz akhst ansubmi ssi onuncommi t t eeagai nst t or t ur e 28 ht t ps: / / www. pr i vacyi nt er nat i onal . or g/ ?q=node/ 554 29 ht t ps: / / www. pr i vacyi nt er nat i onal . or g/ si t es/ def aul t / fil es/ Thei r %20Eyes%20on%20Me%20%20Engl i sh_0. pdf 30 Pg1619 31 ht t p: / / en. r sf . or g/ sur vei l l anceuni t edar abemi r at es, 39760. ht ml 32 ht t p: / / en. r sf . or g/ sur vei l l anceuni t edar abemi r at es, 39760. ht ml 33 ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2012/ 10/ backdoor sar ef or ever hacki ngt eamandt het ar get i ngof di ssent / Uzbeki st an Di gi t alf or ensi ci nvest i gat i onssuggestt hedepl oymentofHacki ngT eam t echnol ogi esat 34 Sar korT el ecom,i nUz beki st an. Numer ousj our nal i st sandact i vi st sl i vi ngi nUz beki st anandout si deofi t ,i nexi l e,r epor t t hatt hei rcommuni cat i ons have been moni t or ed.Uz bek aut hor i t i es appeart o be moni t or i ng phones cal l s and emai l s ofUz beks wor ki ng on whatst at e aut hor i t i es per cei ve t o be pol i t i cal l y sensi t i ve t opi cs, of t en usi ng t r anscr i pt s of pr i vat e communi cat i onsi ncr i mi nalpr oceedi ngsagai nstt hem.I nsomecases,aut hor i t i esal so appeart o have obt ai ned accesst o VoI P communi cat i onssuch asSkype.Whi l et he met hodsand st or i esvar y ,t he account sevi dence t he pol i t i cal l ymot i vat ed nat ur e of sur vei l l ance i n Uz beki st an.Human r i ght sact i vi st sand j our nal i st sar et ar get ed wher e 35 t heyar econs i der edavi abl et hr eatt ot her egi me. Pr i v acyI nt er nat i onal ' sr ecentr epor tPr i vat eI nt er est s:Moni t or i ngCent r alAsi a36 )det ai l s t est i moni es ofi ndi vi dual st hatsuggestt hatt he Uz bek i nt el l i gence communi t y has t ar get ed per sons communi cat i ng human r i ght s concer ns t o UN bodi es and t he i nt er nat i onalhumanr i ght scommuni t yonnumer ousoccasi onssi nce2005.Asl at eas 2013,Uz beki nt el l i genceagenci esspi ed onpr i vat eand confident i alcommuni cat i ons, car r i edoverencr ypt edSkypel i nks,bet weenf ami l i esofar r est eddi ssi dent sandhuman 37 r i ght sl awyer s . SaudiAr abi a Ci t i z enLabhast r acedt heuseofRCSsof t war ei nSaudiAr abi at oEt i hadEt i sal atand 38 Al Khomasi aShi ppi ng&Mai nt enanceCoLt d. Accor di ng t o Fr eedom House, SaudiAr abi a has i mpl ement ed sur vei l l ance and 39 censor shi ppr ogr ammesr esul t i ngi n“not abl epol i t i calcensor shi p”. AFr eedom House r epor tnot es: 34 35 36 37 38 39 ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ mappi nghacki ngt eamsunt r aceabl espywar e/ #12 PG 6870 ht t ps: / / www. pr i vacyi nt er nat i onal . or g/ si t es/ def aul t / fil es/ Pr i vat e%20I nt er est s%20wi t h%20annex_0. pdf ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ mappi nghacki ngt eamsunt r aceabl espywar e/ #12 ht t ps: / / f r eedomhouse. or g/ r epor t / f r eedomnet / 2012/ saudi ar abi a#. VSf Pt z vF8Yc “Sur vei l l ance i sr ampanti n SaudiAr abi a.Anyone who uses communi cat i on t echnol ogyi ssubj ectt ogover nmentmoni t or i ng,whi chi sof fici al l yj ust i fiedunder t heauspi cesofpr ot ect i ng nat i onalsecur i t yand mai nt ai ni ng soci alor der .The aut hor i t i esr egul ar l ymoni t orwebsi t es,bl ogs,chatr ooms,soci almedi asi t es,and t hecont entofemai landmobi l ephonet extmessages. ”40 Sur vei l l ancet echnol ogi eshaveal s o beenused t oi dent i f yand det ai nwomen' sr i ght s 41 act i vi st s. I n 2014,Ci t i z en Lab uncover ed t hatHacki ng T eam mal war e had been 42 pack agedwi t hnewsappl i cat i onsai medatt heShi ami nor i t yi nSaudi Ar abi a. Sudan I nvest i gat i onsbyCi t i z enLab hast r aced t heuseofRCS sof t war et o Vi si onVal l eyi n 43 Sudan. The Associ at i on f orPr ogr essi ve Communi cat i ons has obser ved t hatSudan uses censor shi pandsur vei l l ancet echnol ogi eswi t hanai m ofsuppr essi ngnonI sl ami cnor ms 44 and gover nmentopposi t i on. Hacki ng T eam t echnol ogi es have been used by t he Sudanese Gover nment ' s “CyberJ i hadi stUni t ” si nce 2011 t ot ar get“gover nment opponent s ,j our nal i st s,humanr i ght sact i vi st sandvar i ousyout hgr oups. ”45 Compl i ci t yi npot ent i al l yunl awf ulUSsur vei l l ance I nvest i gat i onsbyPr i vacyI nt er nat i onal ,publ i shed t odaybyVI CE,r evealt hatHacki ng T eam hass ol di t sRemot eCont r olSyst em t ot heDr ug Enf or cementAgencyand US 46 mi l i t ar yvi aaf r ontcompanybasedi nt heUS. Recor ds s how t hati n 2011,a company cal l ed Ci com,wi t har egi st er ed addr ess i dent i calt ot hatatwhi ch Hacki ng T eam’ s US of fice i sr egi st er ed ( 1997 Annapol i s ExchangePar kwaySui t e30x) ,sol da“Remot eCont r olSyst em”,or i gi nat i ngi nI t al y ,t o 47 t heUSAr myf orUSD $350, 000. 40 ht t ps: / / f r eedomhouse. or g/ r epor t / f r eedomnet / 2012/ saudi ar abi a#. VSf Pt z vF8Yc 41 ht t ps: / / f r eedomhouse. or g/ r epor t / f r eedomnet / 2012/ saudi ar abi a#. VSf Pt z vF8Yc 42 ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 06/ backdoor hacki ngt eamst r adecr af t andr oi di mpl ant / 43 ht t ps: / / ci t i z enl ab. or g/ 2014/ 02/ mappi nghacki ngt eamsunt r aceabl espywar e/ #12 44 ht t p: / / www. apc. or g/ en/ bl og/ onl i nesur vei l l anceandcensor shi psudan 45 ht t p: / / www. apc. or g/ en/ bl og/ onl i nesur vei l l anceandcensor shi psudan 46 ht t ps: / / www. f pds. gov/ ez sear ch/ sear ch. do? i ndexName=awar df ul l &t empl at eName=1. 4. 4&s=FPDSNG. COM&q=CI COM 47 AnnexI V Onl ymont hsl at er ,i nMar ch2012,t heDEA r el eased acal lf ort enderf ora“Remot e Cont r ol Hos tBasedI nt er cept i onSy st em”: “TheDEA i sseeki ng i nf or mat i onf r om pot ent i alsour ceswi t haf ul l yf unct i onal and oper at i onalpr oductpr ovent o becapabl eofpr ovi di ng aRemot eCont r ol HostBasedI nt er cept i onSyst em f ordevi ceort ar getspeci ficcol l ect i onpur suant 48 t oaut hor i z edl aw enf or cementuse. ” I n August 2012, t he DEA' s Of fice of I nvest i gat i ve T echnol ogy pai d an i ni t i al USD$575, 000ofanAl lOpt i onsVal ueofUSD$2, 410, 000t oCi com,andhascont i nued t o pay annuali nst al l ment st ot he company .The most r ecent r ecor d shows a t r ansact i on,ef f ect i ve i n August2014 and t o be compl et ed i n August2015,f ora 49 “Remot e Cont r olHost Based I nt er cept i on Syst em and suppor t ser vi ces”. The t r ansact i onsar eduet oendi n2017. Thet r ansf er scomei nt hewakeofr ecentr evel at i onsoft heDEA' smasssur vei l l ance pr ogr amme,t hr oughwhi cht heagencyhasbeencol l ect i ngandst or i ngt het el ephone 50 r ecor dsofor di nar yAmer i cansf ormor et han t wo decades. I ti snow cl eart hat ,i n addi t i on t o such bul k col l ect i on pr act i ces,t he DEA al so possesses t he t echni cal capaci t yt o conducti nt r usi ve sur vei l l ance on i ndi vi dual s acr oss t he gl obe,usi ng Hacki ng T eam' spr oduct s.Whet herl aw enf or cementuse ofi nt r usi ve sur vei l l ance i s l awf uli nt heUSi snotcl ear ,assomecour t shaver ef usedt oi ssuewar r ant saut hor i si ng suchact i vi t i es. I nt er nalduedi l i gence–i si tenough? Pr i v acy I nt er nat i onalbel i eves t hatunderno ci r cumst ances shoul d Hacki ng T eam pr ov i dei t spr oduct sandser vi cest ogover nmentenduser swhent her ei sal i kel i hood t hatt hosepr oduct swi l lbeusedf orunl awf ulsur vei l l anceorot herhumanr i ght sabuses. Norshoul d pr oduct s such as t he RCS everbe depl oyed by ,and t hus sol dt o, gov er nmentagenci es i nt he absence ofr i gor ous l egalf r amewor ks and over s i ght r egi mes. 48 ht t ps: / / www. f bo. gov/ i ndex? s=oppor t uni t y&mode=f or m&i d=7eb60b154c178c5a0abd3d5df bba2709&t ab=cor e&_cvi ew=0 49 AnnexV 50 ht t ps: / / fir st l ook. or g/ t hei nt er cept / 2015/ 04/ 08/ deasur vei l l ancephoner ecor dscr i sscr ossnsa/ Expor tofa pr oductl i ke t he RCS t ot he Uni t ed St at es r ai ses a numberofcr i t i cal ques t i ons aboutt he r ol e ofcompani es l i ke Hacki ng T eam i nf aci l i t at i ng unl awf ul sur vei l l ance.Ther ei suncl earst at ut or yaut hor i t yaut hor i si ngt hedepl oymentofspy war e byUS f eder alorl aw enf or cementagenci es,meani ngt hatdepl oymentoft heRCS by t heDEAort heAr myi spot ent i al l yunl awf ulunderUSl aw.Fur t her mor e,becauseRCSi s des i gned t o beusabl eagai nstt ar get sevenwhi l et heyar eout si deoft heenduser ' s l egalj ur i sdi ct i on,i tr ai sesser i ousl egalquest i onsconcer ni ngt heabi l i t yofUSagenci es andt hemi l i t ar yt ot ar geti ndi vi dual sbasedout si deoft heUni t edSt at es.Compani es' i nt er nalduedi l i gencepol i ci est hatdonott akei nt oaccountt hatt hei rcust omercannot l awf ul l y use t hei rpr oduct s ar ei nher ent l y pr obl emat i c,and ul t i mat el yi nadequat et o pr oper l ypr eventagai nsthumanr i ght svi ol at i ons. I ni t s br andi ng and communi cat i ons mat er i al s, Hacki ng T eam cl ai ms t o have under st andi ngoft he“pot ent i alf orabuseoft hesur vei l l ancet echnol ogi es”andasser t s 51 t hati tenf or cesapr ecaut i onar yappr oachi nmanagi ngi t sser vi ces. Er i cRabe,Hacki ng T eam' sChi efMar ket i ngandCommuni cat i onsOf ficerhasasser t edt hatHacki ngT eam goes “f ur t hert han any ot hercompany t o addr ess t he concer ns ofhuman r i ght s or gani z at i onsandCi t i z enLabnotonl yt hr oughourownpol i ci esbutal sobycompl yi ng wi t hi nt er nat i onal st andar dsi ncl udi ngt heWassenaarAr r angementpr ot ocol s. ”52 TheHacki ngT eam Cust omerPol i cydet ai l sanumberofmeasur es53 t omi ni mi z et her i sk ofhumanr i ght sabuse,i ncl udi ngconduct i ngsal esr evi ewswi t ha“paneloft echni cal exper t sandl egaladvi sor s”andmoni t or i ngt hehumanr i ght sr ecor dofpot ent i alcl i ent s; i mpl ement i ng t r ai ni ng t hat al l ows Hacki ng T eam empl oyees i dent i f y “r ed flags” accor di ng t ot he U. S. Commer ce and For ei gn Tr ade “Know Your Cust omer ” 54 Gui dance; and i nser t i ng condi t i onal i t y cl auses i n sal es agr eement sr equi r i ng l egal compl i ance wi t h appl i cabl el aws.Never t hel ess,t hese i nt er nalpr ocessesar e notby t hemsel vessuf fici entt o pr eventt he sal e ofi nvasi ve pr oduct ssuch ast he RCS t o 51 ht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ cust omer pol i cy 52 Hacki ngT eam Responset oCi t i z enLabRepor tofMar ch9,2015: ht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ about us 53 Thecompl et eCust omerPol i cyi sappendedt ot hi sr epor t .Seeal soCust omerPol i cy ht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ cust omer pol i cy 54 ht t p: / / www. ecf r . gov/ cgi bi n/ t ext i dx? c=ecf r &si d=b598042103e95c10c396b0140e0620b7&r gn=di v9&vi ew=t ext &node=15: 2. 1. 3. 4. 21. 0. 1. 7. 2 2&i dno=15 gov er nmentagenci eswi t hahi st or yofpot ent i al l yunl awf ulsur vei l l ance,nort ost opt he sal eofsuchsyst emst ogover nment swi t hgr avehi st or i esofhumanr i ght sabuse.Thus, Hacki ng T eam' si nt er nalduedi l i gencepr ocess,t ot heext entt heyexi st ,ar ewoef ul l y i nadequat et oensur et hatt hecompanyi snotcompl i ci ti nhumanr i ght svi ol at i ons. Afir stst ep:r egul at i onofexpor t s Thepr ofitmodelofcompani essuchasHacki ngT eam i st hepr ovi si onofi ncr edi bl yi nt r usi vepr oduct sandser vi cest ol aw enf or cementandi nt el l i genceagenci esacr os st he wor l d,whous et hem f orbot hl egi t i mat e,andunl awf ul ,sur vei l l anceoft hei rpopul at i ons. Al t hought hecompanyhasbasi ci nt er nalduedi l i gencepol i ci es,t hesepol i ci esappear nott ohavepr event edt heexpor tofi nt r usi ont echnol ogyt osomeoft hewor l d' swor st humanr i ght sabuser s,and t o gover nmentagenci eswi t hhi st or i esofunl awf ulsur vei l l ance.Keyt ocont r ol l i ngt hepr ol i f er at i onoft hi st echnol ogy ,t her ef or e,ar er egul at i ons whi chr equi r ecompani essuchasHacki ngT eam t oobt ai nl i cencespr i ort oexpor t i ng t hei rpr oduct sandser vi ces. As an I t al i an company ,Hacki ng T eam’ st echnol ogi es ar e now subj ectt o Eur opean Uni onexpor tr est r i ct i ons.Asof1J anuar y2015,t heEU Dual UseRegul at i on429/ 2008 r est r i ct st heexpor tofi nt r usi onsof t war e,definedi namannert hatcapt ur est heRCS. TheEUdevel opment sar egr oundedi nagr eement smadeata2013conveni ngofSt at es par t i es t ot he WassenaarAr r angement ,an i nt er gover nment alexpor tcont r olr egi me usedt odet er mi newhi chi t emsshoul dbesubj ect edt oexpor tl i censi ngbyi t spar t i ci pat 55 or ys t at esi nor dert of ost eri nt er nat i onal secur i t y . Thei ncl usi onoft hecat egor yr el at i ng t oi nt r usi onsof t war ewasi nst i gat edbyt heUni t edKi ngdom i n2012,af t ercampai gni ng byPr i v acyI nt er nat i onaland ot her s,mot i vat ed byi ncr easi ng evi dence t hati nt r usi on t echnol ogi es wer e bei ng expor t ed t o aut hor i t ar i an st at es wi t h poorhuman r i ght s r ecor dsandbei ngusedt ot ar getact i vi st s. AsofJ anuar y2015,Hacki ngT eam hasasser t edi t si mmedi at ecompl i ancewi t ht heEU r egul at i on,andhasunder t akent oseekaut hor i z at i onf orexpor t sundert heI t al i anMi n56 i st r yofEconomi cDevel opment . However ,al t hought het echnol ogyi snow subj ectt o 55 ht t p: / / eur l ex. eur opa. eu/ LexUr i Ser v/ LexUr i Ser v . do?ur i =OJ : L: 2009: 134: 0001: 0269: en: PDF 56 Thecompl et eHacki ngt eam newsr el easeoni t scompl i ancewi t hexpor tr egi mesi sappendedt ot hi s r epor t .Seeal s o:Hacki ngT eam Compl i eswi t hWassenaarAr r angementExpor tCont r ol sonSur vei l l ance andLaw Enf or cement / I nt el l i genceGat her i ngT ool sht t p: / / www. hacki ngt eam. i t / i ndex. php/ about us l i censi ng,i ti si ncumbantont heI t al i anaut hor i t i est oappr opr i at el yassesswhet heror notat r ansf ershoul dbeaut hor i sed.Asafir stst ep,t heaut hor i t i esshoul dconsi dert he ei ghtcommoncr i t er i af orar msexpor t sal r eadyi npl acewi t hi nt heEU commonposi t i on 57 onar msex por t s. I naddi t i ont ot hi s,t heaut hor i t i esmustal sol ookatt hel egalf r amewor kwhi chr egul at es t heuseoft het echnol ogyi nquest i oni nt hedest i nat i oncount r y ,t her ecor doft heenduserandhow i tusesi nt el l i gence,aswel l ast hepot ent i al oft hepr oposedt echnol ogyt o beus ed agai nstt hepr i nci pl esest abl i shed wi t hi nt heEur opeanCovenantonHuman Ri ght s . Concl usi on Hacki ngT eam' sRCSi soneoft hemostwi del ydocument edandr epor t edsur vei l l ance t echnol ogi esont hemar ket .Whi l et hecompanyhasr epeat edl yst i pul at ed t hati tr espect shumanr i ght sandhasi nt er nalpr ocedur esi npl acet oensur et hatt hei rpr oduct s ar enotusedf orhumanr i ght svi ol at i ons,i ti snotenought or el yonsel f r egul at i on.The i mposi t i onofef f ect i veexpor tr egul at i onswi t happr opr i at eandst r onghumanr i ght spr ovi si onsi sanessent i alst epi nensur i ngt hatt hesal eofRCSandsi mi l art echnol ogyi saccount abl e,mor et r anspar ent ,andt hati tul t i mat el ydoesnotl eadt ohumanr i ght sabuses. Pr i vacyI nt er nat i onali scur r ent l ysecr et ar i atf orani nt er nat i onalNGO campai gn cal l i ng f oref f ect i ve,humanr i ght sbased,expor tcont r ol st obeputi nt opl acet o st op expor t sofsur vei l l ancet echnol ogywhi chposeat hr eatt of undament alhumanr i ght s.Mor ei nf or mat i onont heCoal i t i onAgai nstUnl awf ulSur vei l l anceExpor t scanbef oundatht t p: / / www. gl obal cause. net /. 57 ht t p: / / eur l ex. eur opa. eu/ LexUr i Ser v/ LexUr i Ser v . do?ur i =OJ : L: 2009: 134: 0001: 0269: en: PDF AnnexI :Hacki ngTeam “Cust omerPol i cy”58 Cust omerPol i cy Si ncewef oundedHacki ngT eam,wehaveunder st oodt hepowerofoursof t war ei nl aw enf or cementandi nt el l i gencei nvest i gat i ons. Weal sounder s t andt hepot ent i al f orabuseoft hesur vei l l ancet echnol ogi est hatwe pr oduce,andsowet akeanumberofpr ecaut i onst ol i mi tt hepot ent i al f ort hatabuse. Wepr ovi deoursof t war eonl yt ogover nment sorgover nmentagenci es.Wedonotsel l pr oduct st oi ndi vi dual sorpr i vat ebusi nesses. Wef ul l ycompl ywi t hdual useandexpor tcont r ol scal l edf ori nt heni net eent hPl enar y meet i ngoft heWassenaarAr r angement . Wedonots el l pr oduct st ogover nment sort ocount r i esbl ackl i st edbyt heU. S. ,E. U. , U. N. ,NATO orASEAN. Wemoni t ort hei nt er nat i onal geopol i t i cal si t uat i onandwer evi ew pot ent i al cust omer s bef or eas al et odet er mi newhet herornott her ei sobj ect i veevi denceorcr edi bl e concer nst hatHacki ngT eam t echnol ogypr ovi dedt ot hecust omerwi l l beusedt o f aci l i t at ehumanr i ght svi ol at i ons. Wehaveest abl i shedapanel oft echni cal exper t sandl egal advi sor s,uni quei nour i ndust r y ,t hatr evi ewspot ent i al sal es. Mor eover ,i nHTcont r act s,wer equi r ecust omer st oabi debyappl i cabl el aw.We r eser vet her i ghti nourcont r act st osuspendsuppor tf oroursof t war ei fwefindt er ms ofourcont r act sar evi ol at ed.I fwesuspendsuppor tf orHTt echnol ogy ,t hepr oduct soonbecomesusel ess. Wewi l l r ef us et opr ovi deorwewi l l st opsuppor t i ngourt echnol ogi est ogover nment sor gov er nmentagenci est hat : • Webel i evehaveus edHTt echnol ogyt of aci l i t at egr osshumanr i ght sabuses . • Whor ef uset oagr eet oorcompl ywi t hpr ovi si onsi nourcont r act st hatdescr i be i nt endeduseofHTsof t war e,orwhor ef uset osi gncont r act st hati ncl uder equi r ement s t hatHTsof t war ebeusedl awf ul l y . • Who r ef use t o acceptaudi t i ng f eat ur es bui l ti nt o HT sof t war et hatal l ow admi ni st r at or st omoni t orhow t hesyst em i sbei ngused. HTpol i ci esandpr ocedur esar econsi st entwi t ht heU. S.Know YourCust omer gui del i nes.Weconductongoi ngempl oyeet r ai ni ngt oassur et hatempl oyeesknow and under st andt hepr ovi si onsoft hesegui del i nes. Shoul dwedi scover“r edflags”descr i bedi nt hesegui del i neswhi l enegot i at i ngasal e, wewi l l conductadet ai l edi nqui r yi nt ot hemat t erandr ai set hei ssuewi t ht hepot ent i al cust omer .I ft he“r edflags”cannotber easonabl yexpl ai nedorj ust i fied,wemay suspendt het r ansact i on. 58 Ourr ev i ew wi l l i ncl ude: • St at ement smadebyt hepot ent i al cust omerei t hert oHTorel sewher et hatr eflect t hepot ent i al f orabuse. • Thepot ent i al cust omer ' sl aws ,r egul at i onsandpr act i cesr egar di ngsur vei l l ance i ncl udi ngduepr ocessr equi r ement s. • Cr edi bl egover nmentornongover nmentr epor t sr eflect i ngt hatapot ent i al cust omercoul dusesur vei l l ancet echnol ogi est of aci l i t at ehumanr i ght sabuses. Hacki ngT eam encour agesanyonewi t hi nf or mat i onaboutappar entmi suseorabuseof ours y s t emsandsol ut i onst opr ompt l yr epor tt hati nf or mat i ont ous ati nf o@hacki ngt eam. comThi semai l addr essi sbei ngpr ot ect edf r om spambot s.You needJ avaScr i ptenabl edt ovi ew i t. Hacki ngT eam hasest abl i shedapr ocessofmoni t or i ngnewsmedi a,act i vi stcommuni t y bl ogsandot herI nt er netcommuni cat i on,andot heravai l abl esour cesf orexpr essed concer nsabouthumanr i ght sabusesbycust omer sorpot ent i al cust omer s.Shoul d ques t i onsber ai sedaboutt hepossi bl eabuseofHTsof t war ei nhumanr i ght scases,HT wi l l i nvest i gat et odet er mi net hef act st ot heext entpossi bl e.I fwebel i eveoneofour cust omer smaybei nvol vedi nanabuseofHTsof t war e,wewi l l cont actt hecust omeras par toft hi si nvest i gat i on.Basedont her esul t sofsuchani nvest i gat i on,HTwi l l t ake appr opr i at eact i on. Annex I I : Hacki ng Team News Rel ease on Compl i ance wi t h 59 WassenaarAr r angementExpor tCont r ol s Hacki ngTeam Compl i esWi t hWassenaarAr r angement Expor tCont r ol sonSur vei l l anceandLaw Enf or cement / I nt el l i genceGat her i ngTool s Mi l an,I t al y( Feb.25,2015)Hacki ngT eam,t hewor l dl eaderi npr ovi di ngst at eof t hear t sof t war et ool sf orsur vei l l ancet ol aw enf or cementandi nt el l i genceagenci es,sai dt oday i ti scompl yi ngf ul l ywi t ht heexpor tcont r ol scal l edf ori nt heni net eent hPl enar ymeet i ng oft heWassenaarAr r angement .Noot hercompanyi nt hel awf ul sur vei l l ancei ndust r y hasmadet hi scommi t ment . Theseexpor tcont r ol sar edesi gnedt oassur et hatonl yappr opr i at egover nment sor gov er nmentagenci esar eabl et ousesur vei l l ancesof t war eandt hatt heuseoft he sof t war ei nnowayt hr eat ensi nt er nat i onal orr egi onal secur i t yorst abi l i t y . OnJ anuar y1,2015,t heEur opeanUni on( E. U. )i mpl ement edt heWassenaargui dance andappl i cabl edual usel egi sl at i on.Hacki ngT eam i nst i t ut edt henew pr ocedur es i mmedi at el y . “Wedesi gnedoursyst em t obeusedt ofightcr i meandt er r or i sm andwewanti tt obe usedf ort hatpur pose, ”sai dDavi dVi ncenz et t i ,CEO ofHacki ngT eam.“Cr i mi nal sand t er r or i st sar oundt hewor l dr out i nel yusemobi l ephones,mobi l edevi ces,comput er s , andt heI nt er nett ocommi thor r i ficcr i mesandt er r or i sm.Wi t houtHTt echnol ogyl aw enf or cementi sbl i ndt ot hi sact i vi t y . ” “Wear enow t hefir sti nouri ndust r yt ocompl ywi t ht hesel at esti nt er nat i onal l aws,and wear edoi ngsobecausewear ecommi t t edt oassur i ngt hatourpr oduct sar enot mi sused, ”Vi ncenz et t i sai d. Undert hepr ocedur esagr eedt obyHacki ngT eam andt heI t al i anMi ni st r yofEconomi c Devel opment ,HTwi l l r equestf r om t heI t al i anGover nmentexpor taut hor i z at i onf ori t s t echnol ogi es. Pr ev i oust ot hi sr egul at i on,t hecompanyhadal r eadyi nst i t ut edi nt er nal cont r ol sand pr ocedur est oassur ei t ssof t war ei snotabused.TheWassenaarpr ot ocol sadd addi t i onal i nsur ancet hatHacki ngT eam t echnol ogi esar eonl ypr ovi dedt oandusedby appr opr i at eagenci esandgover nment s. Si ncei t sf oundi ng,Hacki ngT eam hasr ecogni z edt hepowerofi t st ool st hatal l ow l aw enf or cementagenci est omoni t orcomput ert r af fic,mobi l ephoneandot hersi mi l ar communi cat i ons.Thecompanyvol unt ar i l yi nst i t ut edacust omerpol i cypubl i shedon t hehacki ngt eam. com websi t et oassur et hati t st ool swer enotabused. Hacki ngT eam hasal socommi t t edt oabi di ngbyi nt er nat i onal bl ackl i st sandot her gui del i ness ot hati t ssur vei l l ancesyst em i snotsol dt ost at esorst at eagenci est hat mi ghtabusei t . 59 Forf ur t heri nf or mat i on: Er i cRabe Chi efMar ket i ngandCommuni cat i onsOf ficer Hacki ngT eam 2158396639 e. r abe@hacki ngt eam. comThi semai l addr essi sbei ngpr ot ect edf r om spambot s.You needJ avaScr i ptenabl edt ovi ew i t AnnexI I I :MapofHacki ngTeam Sof t war ePr ol i f er at i on60 60 4/7/2015 FPDS-NG : ICDUSER [ Award ] Annex IV                   Transaction  Information Award  Type: Purchase  Order  Prepared  Date: 03/31/2011  07:16:28  Prepared  User: SHAWN.M.SMITH4.W911W4@MI.ARMY.MIL Award  Status: Final  Last  Modified  Date: 03/31/2011  15:20:09  Last  Modified  User: RANDY.DREYER.W911W4@MI.ARMY.MIL Document  Information Award  ID: Agency Procurement  Identifier Modification  No Trans  No 9700 W911W411P0055 0 0 Referenced  IDV  ID: Reason  For  Modification: W911W411T0107 Solicitation  ID: Agency Main Sub Identifier Account Account Initiative Select  One Treasury  Account  Symbol: Dates Amounts Date  Signed  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 03/31/2011 Action  Obligation: $350,000.00 Effective  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 03/31/2011 Base  And  Exercised  Options  Value: $350,000.00 Completion  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 04/30/2011 Base  And  All  Options  Value: $350,000.00 Est.  Ultimate  Completion  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 04/30/2011 Fee  Paid  for  Use  of  IDV: $0.00 Purchaser  Information Contracting  Office  Agency  ID: 2100 Contracting  Office  Agency  Name: DEPT OF THE ARMY Contracting  Office  ID: W911W4 Contracting  Office  Name: W00Y CONTR OFC DODAAC Funding  Agency  ID: 2100 Funding  Agency  Name: DEPT OF THE ARMY Funding  Office  ID: W23BFK Funding  Office  Name: W4VY INSCOM MISSION SPT CMD Not  Applicable Foreign  Funding: Contractor  Information SAM Exception:   DUNS  No: 963322842 Street: Vendor  Name: CICOM USA, LLC Street2: DBAN: 1997 ANNAPOLIS EXCHANGE PKWY STE 30 City: ANNAPOLIS State: MD  Zip:   214013271 Country: UNITED STATES Phone: (443) 949-7470 Fax  No: (443) 949-7471 Congressional   District: MARYLAND 03 Business  Category Organization  Type:   PARTNERSHIP Number  of  Employees:   3 State  of  Incorporation:   Country  of  Incorporation:   Annual  Revenue:   $3,000,000 Business  Types Partnership  or  Limited  Liability  Partnership Socio  Economic  Data Minority  Owned  Business Hispanic  American  Owned Line  Of  Business Educational  Institution   Hispanic  Servicing  Institution Relationship  With  Federal  Government Both  (Contracts  and  Grants) Organization  Factors For  Profit  Organization Limited  Liability  Corporation Certifications DoT  Certified  Disadvantaged  Business  Enterprise Contract  Data Type  of  Contract: Firm  Fixed  Price Multiyear  Contract: Select  One Major  Program: National  Interest  Action: None Cost  Or  Pricing  Data: Select  One Purchase  Card  Used  As  Payment  Method: No Undefinitized  Action: Performance  Based  Service  Acquisition:   *  FY  2004  and  prior;;  80%  or  more  specified  as  performance  requirement   No Not  Applicable 1/2 4/7/2015 FPDS-NG : ICDUSER [ Award ] *  FY  2005  and  later;;  50%  or  more  specified  as  performance  requirement Contingency  Humanitarian  Peacekeeping  Operation: Not  Applicable Contract  Financing: Not  Applicable Cost  Accounting  Standards  Clause: Select  One Consolidated  Contract: No 1 Number  Of  Actions: Legislative  Mandates Principal  Place  of  Performance State Location Country Clinger-­Cohen  Act: No Service  Contract  Act: No Walsh-­Healey  Act: No Principal  Place  Of  Performance  County  Name: ANNE ARUNDEL Davis  Bacon  Act: No Principal  Place  Of  Performance  City  Name: ANNAPOLIS Congressional  District  Place  Of  Performance: 03 Place  Of  Performance  Zip  Code(+4): 21401  -­   3271 Principal  Place  Of  Performance  Code: Interagency  Contracting  Authority: Not  Applicable Other  Interagency  Contracting  Statutory  Authority:   (1000  characters) MD USA  USPS  ZIP  Codes Product  Or  Service  Information Product/Service  Code: 7030 Description: ADP SOFTWARE Principal  NAICS  Code: 541512 Description: COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN SERVICES Bundled  Contract: Not  a  bundled  requirement System  Equipment  Code: 000 Country  of  Product  or  Service  Origin: ITA Description: NONE ITALY Place  of  Manufacture: Mfg  outside  U.S.  -­  Qualifying  country  (DoD  only) Domestic  or  Foreign  Entity: Foreign-­Owned  Business  Not  Incorporated  in  the  U.S. Recovered  Materials/Sustainability: No  Clauses  Included  and  No  Sustainability  Included InfoTech  Commercial  Item  Category: Commercially  Available Claimant  Program  Code: C9E Description: ALL OTHERS NOT IDENTIFIABLE TO ANY OTHER PROCUREMENT PROGRAM Sea  Transportation: No GFE/GFP  Provided  Under  This  Action: Transaction  does  not  use  GFE/GFP Use  Of  EPA  Designated  Products: Meets  Requirements Description  Of  Requirement:   (4000  characters) OMB  Policy  on  Sustainable  Acquisition REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM Competition  Information Extent  Competed  For  Referenced  IDV: Extent  Competed: Not  Competed Solicitation  Procedures: Only  One  Source Type  Of  Set  Aside: No  set  aside  used. Evaluated  Preference: No  Preference  used SBIR/STTR: Select  One Fair  Opportunity/Limited  Sources: Select  One Other  Than  Full  And  Open  Competition: National  Security  (FAR  6.302-­6) Local  Area  Set  Aside: No FedBizOpps: Yes A76  Action: No Commercial  Item  Acquisition  Procedures: Commercial  Item Number  Of  Offers  Received: 1 Small  Business  Competitiveness  Demonstration  Program: Commercial  Item  Test  Program: No Preference  Programs  /  Other  Data Contracting  Officer's  Business  Size  Selection: Small  Business Subcontract  Plan: Plan  Not  Required Price  Evaluation  Percent  Difference: % 2/2 4/7/2015 FPDS-NG : ICDUSER [ Award ] Annex V                   Transaction  Information Award  Type: Definitive  Contract  Prepared  Date: 09/09/2014  14:08:40  Prepared  User: JCGIRARD Award  Status: Final  Last  Modified  Date: 10/02/2014  08:10:25  Last  Modified  User: JCGIRARD Document  Information Award  ID: Agency Procurement  Identifier Modification  No Trans  No 1524 DJD12C0033 6 0 Referenced  IDV  ID: EXERCISE AN OPTION Reason  For  Modification: Solicitation  ID: Agency Main Sub Identifier Account Account 15 Treasury  Account  Symbol: 1100 Initiative 000 Select  One Dates Amounts Current 09/09/2014 Date  Signed  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : Effective  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 08/29/2014 Completion  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 08/26/2015 Est.  Ultimate  Completion  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : $140,000.00 $927,000.00 Base  And  Exercised  Options  Value: -$20,000.00 $1,952,000.00 $25,000.00 $2,457,000.00 Base  And  All  Options  Value: 08/26/2015 Total Action  Obligation: $0.00 Fee  Paid  for  Use  of  IDV: Purchaser  Information Contracting  Office  Agency  ID: 1524 Contracting  Office  Agency  Name: DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Contracting  Office  ID: DEAHQ Contracting  Office  Name: HEADQUARTERS-DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Funding  Agency  ID: 1524 Funding  Agency  Name: DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Funding  Office  ID: DEAST Funding  Office  Name: LABORATORY-SPECIAL TESTING Not  Applicable Foreign  Funding: Contractor  Information SAM Exception:   DUNS  No: 963322842 Street: Vendor  Name: CICOM USA, LLC Street2: DBAN: 1997 ANNAPOLIS EXCHANGE PKWY STE 30 City: ANNAPOLIS State: MD  Zip:   214013271 Country: UNITED STATES Phone: (443) 949-7470 Fax  No: (443) 949-7471 Congressional   District: MARYLAND 03 Business  Category Organization  Type:   OTHER Number  of  Employees:   3 State  of  Incorporation:   Country  of  Incorporation:   Annual  Revenue:   $3,000,000 Socio  Economic  Data Minority  Owned  Business Hispanic  American  Owned Line  Of  Business Educational  Institution Hispanic  Servicing  Institution Relationship  With  Federal  Government   Both  (Contracts  and  Grants) Organization  Factors For  Profit  Organization Limited  Liability  Corporation Certifications DoT  Certified  Disadvantaged  Business  Enterprise Self-­Certified  Small  Disadvantaged  Business Contract  Data Type  of  Contract: Firm  Fixed  Price Multiyear  Contract: Yes Major  Program: National  Interest  Action: None Cost  Or  Pricing  Data: No Purchase  Card  Used  As  Payment  Method: No Undefinitized  Action: Performance  Based  Service  Acquisition:   *  FY  2004  and  prior;;  80%  or  more  specified  as  performance  requirement   No Not  Applicable 1/3 4/7/2015 FPDS-NG : ICDUSER [ Award ] *  FY  2005  and  later;;  50%  or  more  specified  as  performance  requirement Contingency  Humanitarian  Peacekeeping  Operation: Not  Applicable Contract  Financing: Select  One Cost  Accounting  Standards  Clause: Not  Applicable  exempt  from  CAS Consolidated  Contract: No 1 Number  Of  Actions: Legislative  Mandates Principal  Place  of  Performance State Location Country Clinger-­Cohen  Act: No Service  Contract  Act: Not  Applicable Walsh-­Healey  Act: Not  Applicable Principal  Place  Of  Performance  County  Name: FAIRFAX Davis  Bacon  Act: Not  Applicable Principal  Place  Of  Performance  City  Name: LORTON Congressional  District  Place  Of  Performance: 08 Place  Of  Performance  Zip  Code(+4): 22079  -­   1447 Principal  Place  Of  Performance  Code: Interagency  Contracting  Authority: Not  Applicable Other  Interagency  Contracting  Statutory  Authority:   (1000  characters) VA USA  USPS  ZIP  Codes Product  Or  Service  Information Product/Service  Code: 7010 Description: ADPE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Principal  NAICS  Code: 334290 Description: OTHER COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING Bundled  Contract: Not  a  bundled  requirement System  Equipment  Code: Country  of  Product  or  Service  Origin: Description: USA UNITED STATES Place  of  Manufacture: Mfg  in  U.S. Domestic  or  Foreign  Entity: U.S.  Owned  Business Recovered  Materials/Sustainability: No  Clauses  Included  and  No  Sustainability  Included InfoTech  Commercial  Item  Category: Select  One Claimant  Program  Code: Description: Sea  Transportation: Select  One GFE/GFP  Provided  Under  This  Action: Transaction  does  not  use  GFE/GFP Use  Of  EPA  Designated  Products: Not  Required Description  Of  Requirement:   (4000  characters) OMB  Policy  on  Sustainable  Acquisition IGF::CL::IGF Remote Control Host Based Interception Systems and support services Competition  Information Extent  Competed  For  Referenced  IDV: Extent  Competed: Not  Competed Solicitation  Procedures: Only  One  Source Type  Of  Set  Aside: No  set  aside  used. Evaluated  Preference: No  Preference  used SBIR/STTR: Select  One Fair  Opportunity/Limited  Sources: Select  One Other  Than  Full  And  Open  Competition: Only  One  Source-­Other  (FAR  6.302-­1  other) Local  Area  Set  Aside: No FedBizOpps: Yes A76  Action: No Commercial  Item Commercial  Item  Acquisition  Procedures: Number  Of  Offers  Received: 1 Small  Business  Competitiveness  Demonstration  Program: No Commercial  Item  Test  Program: Preference  Programs  /  Other  Data Small  Business Contracting  Officer's  Business  Size  Selection: Plan  Not  Required Subcontract  Plan: Price  Evaluation  Percent  Difference: 0 % 2/3 4/7/2015 FPDS-NG : ICDUSER [ Award ] 3/3 4/9/2015 FPDS-NG : ICDUSER [ Award ]                   Transaction  Information Award  Type: Definitive  Contract  Prepared  Date: 08/30/2012  12:29:56  Prepared  User: GXSHABNAM Award  Status: Final  Last  Modified  Date: 09/06/2012  09:25:13  Last  Modified  User: GXSHABNAM Document  Information Award  ID: Agency Procurement  Identifier Modification  No Trans  No 1524 DJD12C0033 0 0 Referenced  IDV  ID: Reason  For  Modification: Solicitation  ID: Agency Main Sub Identifier Account Account 15 Treasury  Account  Symbol: Initiative 1100 Select  One Dates Amounts Date  Signed  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 08/20/2012 Action  Obligation: Effective  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 08/17/2012 Base  And  Exercised  Options  Value: $1,950,000.00 $575,000.00 Completion  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 08/26/2013 Base  And  All  Options  Value: $2,410,000.00 Est.  Ultimate  Completion  Date  (mm/dd/yyyy)  : 08/26/2017 Fee  Paid  for  Use  of  IDV: $0.00 Purchaser  Information Contracting  Office  Agency  ID: 1524 Contracting  Office  Agency  Name: DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Contracting  Office  ID: DEAIT Contracting  Office  Name: OFFICE-INVESTIGATIVE TECHNOLOGY Funding  Agency  ID: 1524 Funding  Agency  Name: DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Funding  Office  ID: DEAIT Funding  Office  Name: OFFICE-INVESTIGATIVE TECHNOLOGY Not  Applicable Foreign  Funding: Contractor  Information SAM Exception:   DUNS  No: 963322842 Street: Vendor  Name: CICOM USA, LLC Street2: DBAN: 1997 ANNAPOLIS EXCHANGE PKWY STE 30 City: ANNAPOLIS State: MD  Zip:   214013271 Country: UNITED STATES Phone: (443) 949-7470 Fax  No: (443) 949-7471 Congressional   District: MARYLAND 03 Business  Category Organization  Type:   OTHER Number  of  Employees:   3 State  of  Incorporation:   Country  of  Incorporation:   Annual  Revenue:   $3,000,000 Socio  Economic  Data Minority  Owned  Business Hispanic  American  Owned Line  Of  Business Educational  Institution Hispanic  Servicing  Institution Relationship  With  Federal  Government   Both  (Contracts  and  Grants) Organization  Factors For  Profit  Organization Limited  Liability  Corporation Certifications DoT  Certified  Disadvantaged  Business  Enterprise Self-­Certified  Small  Disadvantaged  Business Contract  Data Type  of  Contract: Firm  Fixed  Price Multiyear  Contract: Yes Major  Program: National  Interest  Action: None Cost  Or  Pricing  Data: No Purchase  Card  Used  As  Payment  Method: No Undefinitized  Action: Performance  Based  Service  Acquisition:   *  FY  2004  and  prior;;  80%  or  more  specified  as  performance  requirement   *  FY  2005  and  later;;  50%  or  more  specified  as  performance  requirement No Contingency  Humanitarian  Peacekeeping  Operation: Not  Applicable Not  Applicable 1/2 4/9/2015 FPDS-NG : ICDUSER [ Award ] Contract  Financing: Select  One Cost  Accounting  Standards  Clause: Not  Applicable  exempt  from  CAS No Consolidated  Contract: 1 Number  Of  Actions: Legislative  Mandates Principal  Place  of  Performance State Location Country Clinger-­Cohen  Act: No Service  Contract  Act: Not  Applicable Walsh-­Healey  Act: Not  Applicable Principal  Place  Of  Performance  County  Name: FAIRFAX Davis  Bacon  Act: Not  Applicable Principal  Place  Of  Performance  City  Name: LORTON Congressional  District  Place  Of  Performance: 08 Place  Of  Performance  Zip  Code(+4): 22079  -­   1447 Principal  Place  Of  Performance  Code: Interagency  Contracting  Authority: Not  Applicable Other  Interagency  Contracting  Statutory  Authority:   (1000  characters) VA USA  USPS  ZIP  Codes Product  Or  Service  Information Product/Service  Code: 7010 Description: ADPE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Principal  NAICS  Code: 334290 Description: OTHER COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING Bundled  Contract: Not  a  bundled  requirement System  Equipment  Code: Country  of  Product  or  Service  Origin: Description: USA UNITED STATES Place  of  Manufacture: Mfg  in  U.S. Domestic  or  Foreign  Entity: U.S.  Owned  Business Recovered  Materials/Sustainability: No  Clauses  Included  and  No  Sustainability  Included InfoTech  Commercial  Item  Category: Select  One Claimant  Program  Code: Description: Sea  Transportation: Select  One GFE/GFP  Provided  Under  This  Action: Transaction  does  not  use  GFE/GFP Use  Of  EPA  Designated  Products: Not  Required Description  Of  Requirement:   (4000  characters) OMB  Policy  on  Sustainable  Acquisition Critical Functions: Software Competition  Information Extent  Competed  For  Referenced  IDV: Extent  Competed: Not  Competed Solicitation  Procedures: Only  One  Source Type  Of  Set  Aside: No  set  aside  used. Evaluated  Preference: No  Preference  used SBIR/STTR: Select  One Fair  Opportunity/Limited  Sources: Select  One Other  Than  Full  And  Open  Competition: Only  One  Source-­Other  (FAR  6.302-­1  other) Local  Area  Set  Aside: No FedBizOpps: Yes A76  Action: No Commercial  Item  Acquisition  Procedures: Commercial  Item Number  Of  Offers  Received: 1 Small  Business  Competitiveness  Demonstration  Program: No Commercial  Item  Test  Program: Preference  Programs  /  Other  Data Small  Business Contracting  Officer's  Business  Size  Selection: Plan  Not  Required Subcontract  Plan: Price  Evaluation  Percent  Difference: 0 % 2/2