T. 30. ' 2014-10:294M-FDL nnfisfi N OF, snARcH cLERK rvaRRlrr 0t COURTS -------------/ **,'i'1trT,iffi.frry4:,":r1e1ffi"tr$f;ea¡ch v¡arr¿nr r searched rhe namad premises and fou¡d 0cI. 30. 2014 l0:29Ai\4 FD¡. CTIRK OF cotJ ilo,800 Ris ( P. 3.-.....--.- ( j SíTATE OFWISCONSIN CIRCUITCOTIßI FONI)DULAçCOUI\TTY CR,IIT4I¡{ALDTVISION Ïhe STATE OF V/ISCONSIN,Iæ: AÍ f.aw ¡¡¡6¡çe6¡¡1 Offiaers of the Siare I w .,T!m: "v rne ïF-**f, LountyofFond duInc, øø.øtr'r¿x-a{.ffiníWt\^= showignrobfe Ði'rsion or carË"iË"ffi,äoiüe "{rf**crimi¡al u_ rtay oflpril, 20lqihere isDol{n aescdbed iffi,i*Hirffi;Ht1ff.9.''4*"'ú c"*öiiöäac*t¡,pe as a whiæ,uoor styiu siogru sñcÃueäitä_Äijiåi*, n"o".,, r,f,Tgg1i:1-diT.11d,1ryhrd "#"iii.iff"ii,iffi Ï"ffi,ffi1ffi i#æ¡;?+l¿"üi"*äi'iå"'iffi '"H #r'Dr.rlwt46y6t0tee. ffGI08228; and¿2006 HarteyDavidsànrr"rciil"ärääd;ää nousewiü a dehched divers goods, chatüels aad propaty, a to-tt coh¡a 40 chaner cB Mder 2o-plu¡ serial nmber #122s969oc8- a ,itr*ffi å tev claìn Esco¡t t¡¡aod ¡ad¿r debúorra'uåötred ¿"*iæ¿ã¡ãrtJälllr by Çincinnad Mic,rowave recrargulæ reprica of a $50.00 bif and a ;HÆ;H3rå*äff ffi-üåüitrî-triffi rrdssase"Fooßr",*iot¡"sa'd;áatd[Jroib;-Ëffi ï#v:"õr",;íarä'"iuïåËliî-¡."'r,r #":#*ä':lffi iïäi:mä*"ff andtwo Tovorâkevs and possiurvtwo_.,Gir¿ð-kiliî;;'d#ig:ä**.ra o"r" gol¿uun¿¡_¡g jewelrv' phoroe'rhs, ø.ntm*,tio1^1ae', Ì"vs ild ;ù." p;;ñ-;ûems ro;_B;;É;k;#pî;;-cïppi¡ss "rhin "i;åios, aou meüa ffomrâäon about the dira¡uea¡æiæ,jeatl an¿ police-iiägtiäUon of Berit Beck atrd inåividuâls. co¡h¡ned rhis,inrcs*æior, vriüer/prinæh aad orbËr v*i'e¡/p;"'6d t" marehiats *ch * ÂrË Ëüräi i"*.''t* eg,iffi ;$öñäffi fi#å co'prÍE s/orecro'ic devices, cet Dho¡e,i ceüpbones, aad orher items ¡ehæãto thé \ryhich måy oonstiû¡te t"t t^" rn" ìtrf#,'þt$!ft,'**ff acce,gsteinømø,oøoîJà-aiü ioorouiog "Ëir{,toEJ di*pË;;ffit#iice wjdence of the cdmg orseft¡ec*. fo-wit lÉ degrEe itr1qtioDâl homicide, a viola¡ion of $940.01, Wi¡. NOrv; TIIERBfORE, in fho ¡âirÞ of fiÌe state ÐfïgiscoÞsi¡. you Lt caneron I\40Goe and aII other I¿q¡ Bnforcement Ofrc€ff of said ** ico-maoa.a forthwith to search the said properry "ço"y aforesatd, auâiiä iiit, containing resistrât¡onnumbereez.4lT.¡ç9¡q1ããåö,1î¿-üirìäö,idHovecleK0er0. A¡.0alJ0/14 this affiantilearneo.that cl,psum Express had moved this par'cutal tracdor unft ro ihe naone coúñtv 6i,ãffi*=äi,lËilu"øtion, tocaled on Hwy 2ollnteßrate o+iin Racine countli ãn'ËäJrüî he unit is in the possession of rhe Racinb county^s¡"irfË'cli#. -satuøay ïoää, ti," unir 1.,a" not Þeen entôred by Brântrer srnce o+itiäii¿'it äÄü.' i i z;Trrrs arnadtieamedrhioiu:,ffifiyår"1,îi:Æll19"¡rq {p,antnerwas interviewed by.Detectrvs iaùrôttÀäio--lt¡iã¡"nn""h on Märch 28, 2014 åt 8¿r+øùctrqrhedtil;dü;ä#d;äu.,tywisconsi&v¡hidrisgnntner,s ; ¡rside¿ce' This ¡æidence ie Besc.dÉed ss i ir;uiil *""ri rryrr;r-eil i"rr, " iåirãäËich, OcI. 30. 2014 l0:334M-tDL 0r CtER( c0 JRTs=-- '{ ¡t0. B0B-P, { coio¡ed with a dark cdJored door and atached deck f¡pe srueue oftte 9ttsonta--10¡Jaoùedigarage. Bramer ¿þç haç 6rn í4,tui", vcfinla..o-;oi---., ! i"ei"þrø -.rmde¡his hoùsg with ¿ on the Êont r-, *13f_.1* l* le ','% itrffi i,ir",låff ;"-!lmfgS-c.ioïzää"#iï1ffi H.gllr¡".-i*î+q{i;Ëiïåffi ffiå,äi#,ffi ffi"#'"Tpf fffi Ë##i '-¡vrv¡77' ¡rspstrrlDon 'ãå#,il#ili"itffi docum€Dts for bot vehÍoles äffi ili*H1T.'##?'rswi.r,¡verõiön"Éïäffi ¡ist 6414 2jú h. iã; .iüy ano couty ofKenosha Cou¡t¡, Wisconsia B¡mher's rrr'tlher,s ad¿l¡e¡a as address^ , ffi ; i "liå#"T,n^gi**"gJffi u;r*ll,?i3ffiJl:iiå*î,ff .?It;ï:" reoe,ued o'in¡ng in tlie dstÈ6*on qñ¿.apprer¡ens¡on äiiiäivtouarc wr,o commit seriat murder and se.Xuat homlciCe. nttå"f,"¿ ã"ä ¡li,ilrpilt"o oy ,"r*r"n"*. a¡e fecords thar document Fasebenaur, tr¡ni"liårä"åiËLience in taw en¡orcement and spebíf¡callv pa,ticþadJ ilile-¡;Ë:hîå'ËåËii,1l;YffflSi'$Ë",1åT,,?T$îå.,n" murder and sexual aisau'Ít ot leresa Halbach. Avery was convicted murder¡ng Teresa Hai¡acfr- I of ïqe'.iq""r,ãrm=t;i;;[i!fr iåii,i:fff ::ff ,H:lx"lu, fl engage ín common pitterns or frf þêhavlor. These behav¡ors inctudê: "Lilig""ß:lifl;lî.i""11,-f 1,"1",_qr3g.!¡,rug¡rincagoncârds,keysard fantasles and confirm vi*r,ñ pãssession ü':i,l"",iil,1,i:Tì::pr"*:y,*llirJ,ri*]ffiiiåä; .rppi"g- ä,ñ;äiä illiålil,åäìË,ilijl,,," ff :n:tq1"' tt, d_eâth and potice inu*uguríon.øinl-ili;iäË, fl:llp:"'E yr:-r{¡re1Jsç: P:^T1.".I._1T: 19 that ., fuet fanha¡es fanhdies ãnu and rem,ìlä6r.nä"y,r'vss¡È, remánbrance l"i"jJ'*i(rÍL.:"d.-TÍ:f þ:yt"*hã,.ili'ä*,as,retreæ, *,T**#ff**^"¡1s:,$ei"heË!ã;i,ïñ#.ñ#Ëñ;låäü o.fjiå1"rî#å*Çj1êjls_€.19.tu¿i;u;t'äi* Take phorogiaph" ãnA'iääË*r¿¡ngs "n,jãuáro of fheir vicrims 5f:"tgt"::j",.,y*:-ttrheabduction/homicídeof Berft Beckhas -*'v¡1Ye erß 'rrri srrre or oEaþDeaElnce, dlsöovery #äT;ffi of the body, as-well as ,¡F;:¡:S5ffii[iså_":,å,i,.ïËË"",åi1,"å,*"** ¡äénì tËil,{;'#i*H-;1ä,*" il"iïIiff based u""o,"nÉ,1,ìäiiìíöå;''ã##:f*ff on tris t€ining ãnã i".-,ry,i",5i'; ifems nems to relive th" the t"ng"V. fanhsy. îirls rr o'e evènr makíno ¡r Dassih," ,ß?lo,:ng1q Tg or roúowrns or Dennis J s¡antnér conrãi; ;Ëåää;äåä #,",1ffi#i:"":: ,iJtrÌ''"JHfl"i $$åJ,St_tritigx*ll,:n:i"ËöËäy,"*i#3:iifl prä;ö;,.s* 19. Based on rhe ínfurmatirån flìe âbove w¡tne-sses and reporb, this affiant believes rhat,rhere "l11¡lttioygh ís probaoï: *"ötäãdliäriärhanhe resrdence Íl*yåy""hj:11"-1"_"1'lb¡gru.*,*hËriB##;ñäääno,o.,..ìnch¡¡,inn vu rcr Ëreçronrc slorage documents or internÉt cev¡Ë; if,;ffiri;í osâppearânce ana nor¡ou" o]r"fflt;åand other Ítems related to thê accessibte 10-- OcI.30.2014 10:334lll FDt CIERI( 0F f cotJRTs ¡10,80t P, 1l IThis rus am€nt affant ¡s ís feguesting reoue*t¡ni a $ëarch wafiEntto search thë contentê of the jf".$.y;*",1u:,*w;, .çù'Ë:qË",,ä:fi"ffJå,_úTHi3":i,ffi for a cobra ¡r0 cha¡¡er ce uaä æ-rhrt, ifl irul,s n=ön iiä¿ä¿^îå*r* cíncin¡ati Mc¡ow¿ve serid awrber "a #l z2iø-socB, ãË"y manufactr¡¡ed bv äffi ä*iu* * t"lrin" u sû¡â,'r'sþtr*urâ¡re'pricaofh$50.00biu"rd;-'T"rräy'ÈËffiffi*GIvfC"tagwithlhe "IæMay pontiac & Son CrMe' øg being greenaì beige in solor w¡th two GMC keys ,rL a key obaln described as beÍre silver meÞI,-porgbly ,*Agt lat ,Aup.¿ *ru tlr" pass4ge'Tootsteps tr s*a" a #oj#ä uu oo" o. o qri"* sêt r€,sidøtial lock t rrj.tff kqn a¡dltwo I -"tdy*b,;ù;f,fi á;ä,öïäËfr ø-,ü"iîöi#fi ärä* t ölÄi'':ËmXi*ff ** îi:-ff iteqs ÊoaoËinpeor,aevqp4pec cripflags aqirmetriainfomnarionabout death æd nolice invesrigatiú ;fB.'i 'Bñ tAv¡¿r¡ats conraine¡ in 'lis îrvesrigatioa e¡rítr€D/pri¡it€d.rt"i"k-*ohur-d;;;;;;ä,îuæ*, S3$1rco*t rûe üsapPeårânc€.' ;; roiptr, drâll'ings, s&eúohes and othø vriren/prinæd t,,.**rt* ¡ärää photographs *"p",. âüd 119".14.:L:".*"*¿i'er ors"i, sáil , *_-dä.i*i;äi;ä.s cetl phones rhat ünve üe ab'ity fo rhe access.the inte.taet a¡rr/oi r¿* ¿rt" ¡ttã"a¡"Åä * phones, aud othe* tte's (êIated ro úe disappeirance and l"_¡"i¿" "rgrl Llil* i" requesting {his seärch wanânt to bê sealed Ili^t_fl_T! due to cont¡nued rnvest¡gat¡on. ; & swo¡n to beipre me frjbscnbed mþ Jlfh dayÖî April, 2d14. Distriot Attomev Fond du Lac Cóunty #_J07s214_ ì I l I I I I I Ì i ¡ H ¡ i I I ¡ 1 I I I 0CT.30.2014 l0:344M TDL CTER¡( OF CO JR'IS I : CURRICULUM VITAE ; , Thol¡lesJ. Fassbehder Chlef Operations Officêr lo. ooo-P. AnoRrvEy,S FROCESS AtuD INVESflGAnoN SËRV CE9, tNc æs dory StreeÈ Suite ZO¿ 6reen Baìâ Wt 54301 offìce EOGZ3ÊS202 r'FJnnù26e-20olJ EDUCATION Fomal Educottbn t2- tDt cttRl( 0[ oCT.30.20i4 l0:394M ( -N0. coljRIs ( 808-P, r2- CURRICULUM VITAE , Tholltrs J. FãÉ¡behder Ch¡ef Operät¡ons Officêr ATTORIIIEY'5 pRocEsS AftD tNVESnGAnoN SERVICES, tNC 2O5 tioty Str€sg Suite 20¿ 6reen BaÌ4, W 54301 Office Effr2B6-S202 , . Fomøl t utEqacoton Edacotion r 9zG26s.20oo EDUCATION : Each€lor of Arts - Cr¡minå I lJustiÇe. Uniyêrsity of Wísconsin lcrtificotronondtìtense . . Êeü - Eau Clâire. t979. I Pn'irate Detect¡yè. Wisconþîn Department ofRegulât¡on ând Licensing 2öX.1. ¡nstructor certificåt¡ons. lir¡sqonsin D.pa¡tment ôfJustíce, 2014. o Dome$¡cs o Chitd MâttrêåVnen,i o Fhysícal Evidence çollection o SexuelAssäult o Victims o Agency pol¡ry o lnteMew and tntériþgãtion o Vehicle Cootâ@ o Professionât Comm i¡nication Skills Þ DeÍense end Affest ifactics o Fireafms o P¡ofêssional Odentdtíon o Ethics âñd policing ¡ir a Free Soc¡ety o Cornmunity ResodrcþS ô Polic¡ng F¡ee Soeiety fminiæ ano strnOards Bu¡eau, ; : State of Wlsconsin Technícal,Collegê System &oärd ghndard Ffve.yea¡ Certiñcåtë. Têâchet Políce science Technology a¡id coiectionç. zo(l9. livísconsin Departrhem ôfJu+íce. taw Ënforcement Ofñcer Ceníflicãté. of j I I lgSO tô 2011, I i I .: I I i I I I I I i I I { j ¡ I J I I l I ì I ¡ .FDL CLERK OF 1. _ COUflIS ¡lO f' 808-P, 13- Tmlnlng ønd ContìnúÍag Educøüon *OTnrji rçiatlon of . tlomicide tnve$igetor5 Annuâl Conferences. 2004 to present. Ts stäternent Anäly6is. officer involved ¡hootlngr, murd"r tn thê wo*pläcê, murder fn relationshipc, cold case lnvestlgâtions, casê ;u¿,", uio uno"r*uêr inye6tigations. Northeastwisconsin rrcflnrcarcorage o .' ennuar uom¡c¡Je Õ Globat Gamfng b(post'oni(Gtgl, tasVegas, trtV..Octob ãnfeãce. rvtarch z8 u,oüi,irrr. Ìo 30,2012, 24t Annuäf Murri-jufrsd¡cdionat L'w eororcê.nenr confu.en.* Lìrop , oot rn rnfo'atíofl end gather féfoufces that "titt assist in aodresstfiti" mort criuorirr¡*a¡cuonar, æcurity, and sefetyconcerns faced bycrim¡nal just¡ce and-coimunny prorussionals. November to IO,2OLL. 7 lntêrnatÌonal Associat¡on fbt, ldentificatíon Educâtional confêrence, Milwâutee, Wt. August 7 to xl,2o7t. Responding to Miss¡ng & qn¡dentified persons. NåtíonalTrä¡ning Confe¡ênce on techn¡ques ând resources for responfllng tå. invest¡gâting indent¡ry¡ng an.t locating m¡sshB ånd un¡dent¡f¡ed Persons. Fóx valky Tachnlcal ca¡¡sgs lFV .ç¡. reuruary zz to 14 zäfl. Alzh€im er,s - Lot person $ehavior. Waukesha County Te.f,n*"i*f,"* February4 t*cTal. . Un¡form-Tacflcât Un¡form TacHcât Updätes. updätes. iÂrkconsín Departnïent ofJusticê (DOJ). Annuat train¡ng mandated by dte w¡ssoris¡n t+w Enfoþmeot standards Board fur rnstruaol rn Dèfense fn oãnrn ân.r ÀÞÂ.+ ând Arrest t . ilffi;ïË:h Ännr¡rl Mid-W¡sconsin Àái¿l-t^rr. Annual táwEnforcementSvmoocí,m rentSympgsium. Combined invêstigator/prôseütor j-rñ#Ðo^-- ^_,.^-:_ -._.,. coffêrence on v.r¡ou, ¡nueit¡g"fve and o;o,""-utJ*ì .. "^-"r";,::.^-*; ;;ä';io;;är. -ï,I_T^i^._".t:::1,:1î;tv¡scon:,lDivisionofcrrminarnvestþtíontDct). le8stozolo. "_TJ:lr-i:l"ji:re.þn€sts,rvfi rânda,interviewsandinten;;.il;,;";;å; lil"::1.::i:,*cdr€s for€ye w¡rness ¡oenrm.at¡on #:::1T,:::ïiining_sudr control devices. EVOC and electron¡é "nili;,:;; ;f;ä;**, as: room ctéarin8, srmun¡t¡on, fi?earmJ, vohicte contaets, Childabduction Response Tþam {CARÐ. Respondtng ro, conrtuct¡ng and leading chiLt aþduct¡on írrvostÍgatíons. Dct. Juns 3, Þ010. I lnvolved Shooting lnúestigat¡ons. FVTC. Apr¡tZB ân d:¿g,2OltO. .Offcer wisconsin Assoo'ãtion ofWrjmen Þolice AnnualConference. Hate groups, Feþruåryl6,2O1O. lnternet cr¡mes Agâ inst chíldren (lcAc), B rsoe ¡de nt ity theft, nnanla t crim es a na puttic lntegrîty invesrfgãt¡ons. DCt.. 2009 and ZOíO. sJTe Technic¿licolleFe systeñ Eoârd ständard Fiye-ye ceñiñcate ås Te¿cher of Tlvlscollsin Pol¡ce sc¡encê Technology a{d Correaions, Fox Valley TÈcfr"kal ølleC"ìFWCI fgg:, _Z@g, €ur¡ículum/Courserconstructfon _ WIDS Trainlng. . o o EducationalEralu¡ilon. o Teaching Methods., l I 1 ¡ j ; ! i I J ì I t l ¡ ¡ i ! I 0cï.30.2014 l0:404ll FDt CLERI( OI COIJRÏS ( I o ô o .' . . . . r r . r{0.00t-P. Edqcat¡onalpsy'Fhûlogy. TÈchn¡câl & Adúlt Educat¡on ¡n the WICS, Guidance & Coqnseling. Law Enforcemênt rr¡ining oñ¡ce¡s Assoc¡at¡oñ Annuärconference. ffi.#lt#ff *;jrnrnc. t6 to lrrcideDt Commaod Syrtedì ffi:Hi,:ïiersand 18, to'g. Dr. Muûãy Mãrk, or the rody rarn,'èptember at the un¡versity df trainhg. tncident Comman(t Systern too through Medibr Exâmíners Assoctation Annuatconference. BOO, FVTG æ09. llånuary7,zoøg Eþct¡oñ FnudTËintng. Dþand Mifwaukee Coxnty D¡stniÊt Attomey's Õfße. September4, tessons Leårned Fron' Hlgå p¡ofile Case lnvestílations, Dr, Henry [ee. septembe¡ 18, 200&, TASERrnstn¡ctor. ceniñed âs an ibstfr¡çfoff'f fawenforcement ofirrrs in TA'ER erectron¡c coñtrol devices. FVTC. D€çenber, 2005. Eyê Wltness ldentifoat¡on Èest practices sêm¡nät ßecommended prãct¡ces when uslng eyE wt-ùessês ro ¡dênbry OO¡. Apr¡f2g,2OOS. "uspei*s. DNA ând Crime ScenelM¡ Use of DNA dur¡ns thÊ invêsti8ertÞn of c¡ime scene$. *a. O""i"*iäî*!"'"n"Cu*' ' SeÊ Cr¡mê Seminar, Ghild eþlokation and ch¡td pôr4ogräphy, cr¡mínal lnvestrBative analysí$ s["c.t¡on. otrui*rtü]ul; ¡nt"rrogation otr.* child sexoffendery tnvesrÈiating fatse offenrters, prosecudon of séx cr¡mês, haí¿linc"n¿ . r ' . . t . ' 9f piit"gí;läd"n"" of and Intemet crîmes aEainstchitdren. ".* "r¡mes FWc. Oaober f&22,2õOã. fnteÍnet Cr¡m€s Aeainst Chilijren, Updated ñew operations. DCt, August 19,2004. vêhfde contacts tnstructor'' cêrtified as a raw enfàrcemeniirm.rär oø, Fvrc. June 5:6, ry Proft's¡onal communicat-o¡i lnstructor Deveropmeöt. cért¡fied as a taw ënforËÈment ¡nfiructor. November 13, eooz.i Ev¡denc€ Têchnicien s€hoot Reco_ gnÍtion, : colfectÌon and presery¿tîoô of phys¡cel evidence ât cdme scenes, wiscons¡n staLê Cr¡mÊ wcrc. täborstotï. DCI Death lnvêstigat¡on Sêhdol, Àdvänced couËe lnvêst¡EBtors. DCt, MtaV 4-fj, ZOO2, Crrme p¡eventioå. S"pr"rA*i"oä" þet4,2Wz. ¡dended forexpeaenced crimjnäl Basíc €orhmun¡ty cr¡me :ill:riuntry prevention concepts. NovelÌlber 7, ComÞuter Crime lnvestiglstorF cofferehce. Computer evldence recovery. Febfuary l2-lS, Brierni LItITI_""p:"tions United States Secret seÈret service opêrar¡ons ând the rore of rocãr räw enforcem€nt SeMce. ,June 262¿ ZOOO, l1"S"l " l1_"5j. T6chn¡f¿l 14-- certifiedthotsrrn insrruftorfor taw enforcement Northeast Wisconsin ,0CI.30.2014 l0:40Al\,{ FDI. CLEFK OI -¡l0. CO JRÏS I B0B-P, l5----."-.-_ I ¡ c¡¡me on the lnterflet itifnes p"rpetraterl uslng the.lntem$ and techn¡qqer, resources Fnd tools used in invegtigat¡oh ofthose cr¡mes. FVIC. february Advanced pfotecriog chifdfen ?_f;;d; ' on-ríne. Areâs w¡rhinihe tn;êrn"ir¡r-u-t-p..ortoo ut¡rize to Eccess children and the dfffereni tools that can be utlllzed by law Éoforcemenî to Uentify tnese ¡ndividuâts and ¡nyestræri: thetr Ílegat act¡vittes. nryb, re¡ruarv Sqrviv¡ng Ground Assaulti- frlwtc, tsgg. ;;ä;. I . . ' . hternet cr¡mes Àtäùrst qriøren. policies, procedu¡es, prãctices and t€chniques related tg the ¡nv€sti8ãrion oflntôñet qfimes â€ä¡nst ch¡ldren. Dcl. 1998, Firearms fn8tru(tor coursè. Milwaukee potic" oepa.t Aul¿ust z _zg, lggl. Whfte Collâr Crirhe tnvesthât¡on. Rrrc, Oecemberl, fSO6, eìi calÍhre p¡ess, tnc, Street Survíväl SÈmioar, öfficer saLty ùatnfng, deadty force lncidents and lhötttty íssues. grown Godnty sheriffs Department rrgu. ";*;;;;;à, r"uJffi"ì-rå.r.onr..,,on reporring ,n¿ ir;dr"g ;fä.io"r hu.rtigr,ion unit . M¡dwest conference on F ranc¡äl crim"r. rr¡lon"y taws, ¡eizure of cnimínât proceeds, estäbllr¡ins Nat¡ônäl Assocíâfion of Attorne)¿s Generãl r¡nanclal crímes-påjecì. rvovem¡er Thë Reid rechnÍque of lntdrv¡ewíng and lntenogátÌo¡L ' rs_r+ ßg6, rrno"-un,"o or"oe€¡älized fnterviêw¡na an¿ profic¡encyii oii"ìn,nr,n" *,f,r frorh $uspêcts, and Ínteffogation to ¡rhprdve the efficiêncy wjtnesses and victíms in a iegatly acceptable manner. rohn E. Reio ano cçsôc¡ates. July 25_22 ¡ ' r orêoresin capsicum Aeios Tråínídg r¡structor. certified as a raw enforcerrent ínstructor oh the use of pepperspray- RiE.B. securftytrain¡ng. tnc EnvíÍonméñtar rnvestigatí'h Anary-sis tøethods. ü;;;;;rrr. r"Ja"","r" ìrganÞe comptêx crimfnal tnvest¡saúons, ¡1,¡acepa sc¡"nJ, wrconsirt Lãw Enforcemént/aír officer TrãiffnE program, t* ,""*" iri¿""*"troh *rr. fror,' rargê or r""tr"*or a"rt¡¡afion, septembêr : Fraud ond Finäncial lnvestigþtions Training progräm. lnvêstigåtion orfinänc¡al climes. U.s. Depaftmehr orTrêasury - FederÞr Lâw Enro..em"ntroiningãä" i.- iun" rrro a, t so. coll. cr¡mes ¡n¿ ! Dct whire c.otfar crimes tnvèsr¡Batlon schoor. rnvestþatioÃf white goìrerñment cor¡upt¡on, Ddl. l l l Aprí 13, 1990. Dec¡sion Drivhg Techniquesi Derensiye ånd Afrect Tactics . . ., ¡y¡¡. November 10, 1!lggl, lnstn¡ttg¡. Cert¡Ftêd as â law 1 enfo¡c€ment ¡nstruEtor. FVTC. Febr0ary l-26, 1988, DCf Supervision of DtuE Unitþ. Superuision of drug investigat¡on units, Includ¡nB records mafttgemènt, un¡t eväluatioh, management tÉchniques,l;bility and râid plânnîng. Dcl. September Z0 to 22, 198g. , AdvEnced Narcotics Semlnan f\farôôtics investigEt^totl on Gurrent trenff, I i I I f ¡nclud¡ng ässet 1 us. Attorney's officê. seprembêr rZ res7. lllllll.;.ïoepãrtm_ent.LtuustÍce, cânnab¡s ÞerêÇrion and ,J;.;;;;;;;o*i:,JälJ"iu',1;lä operâuons ändthèeràdicâtionolthïlEu.ugpq$gllpl4$iqej!EA,a**ri,inri._,_ I Em(icatíon. .--BãJtc NãFrlæ ândD¿-neeroG Dnrã f;ì/,Ënfor;ment Octobêr, tgBS. __-._-'-- U.S, Depqnment of¡qstice - o; t I I l 1 ! l I I' I ¡ I I { I ¡ ¡ ¡ .OCT.30.20i4 FDL CLERK 10:41Altt OI 16 t ìM¡sconsin Statê patrol /qÉádemy. Baslc lâw enforcement tr_d¡nfñg. June z-October ftøte#londl Expe enèè . P. Il0. 808 COIJRTS I 3! 19g0. I Privatê investigätion, r¡¡vcr.,! rrìves'gäÌton, s; s*curÍty ând consuhiog âs Chiêf Opêrations Oftcér w¡th Prpcesç and lnvestigatibn Sewices, tnc. since Febru ,ry àt ZOn the dailv operarron" Fffi1.Ho-f,9::':=,'ln propoq;d "'' '-"' P-repare project 0 Manage Mänage ¡nvestl€fatfi/e and securÍtv re . - Attornèfs orìr,uãrporarion. erôÞcts, includtng: frâud and J.ê.F!ed ,ft is"ffi ;,äi'f BriiåiïË'"ï3iiÊii,!:i'l: 'llääJ,i"J':'"HËu#$iJj jli*X ¡ntegnty related ¡nvest¡gAtions, - ' n"t ¡Y' opur"nons v"E¡qrß'¡'5 þfanning, sun/eiuanä, P¡annrng' s¡rrye¡[ance, compllânc€ ¡ompÍânc€ an¿iexeoiW" andþxeantfue pi .g,Tff protection. íËå'úãriYr rnvorved ¡n secqfity audlls ånd emerûenov operar¡ons pranning and rainins w¡rh ;iJr'J."åll,;äTi,åt":udb NatÍve Amer¡cad Casinoei Over thirty yeârs of p¡ofedsiona¡ law enforcemert exper¡ence. Over twenty-five /,eal1, as a SÞecial gênt .- _- Ar w¡th the Wisconsin Depårtment ofJust¡ce TÏli^"i^ii'::rnvestigation(Dc-t)m"",uiltu;;ä;;;;iil"-i:iffii; imporÞoce ånd nâture. ¡ fjv€.years tþnductingnärcoticsinvest¡gaùons, ' Twelve ye4rs manag¡ng and con.ructing mmplex financial crime ând fr¡w¡èr^- ' ¡ . I ^.F-,_:-j,,._. govèrnmel}t corrupdon investigâtions. Three yearl active with the lntèrnet crlmes Aga¡nst Child¡en Task Force. yearslleãding EíEñt and conductíng lnvesfigatidnr. *o on n ililprofite homicide provlded ini_house trâtnfng on úleath lnvestlgattîoñ and tast¡cst disciplines. Crebted scenärio båsed tráín¡ng cutri€ululn. Seryed on the Wsconsin Department o gu¡del¡nes ' senr*u" &r thê hællzed often assþried asAct¡ng carêer. " *ir:i#j: ofJust¡çe C,ommfttee to promulgate tfte såle and possession of peppe. ,p¡,.V ¡n Wtsconsin; D¡rectoror¡ai,ncspui"iË^iinir,a,g* aur¡ng j ¡ ,he ijuisconsin statê Þatrot enforctn8 stete trsffic taws and ínve$¡gatirrs I l t*"3;IT:T,Ï:ilJinq personnÊl naüonwide whilè with Dcr. o Trä¡ned lôcäl end coirnty 'âyv :nrorcemeft law enf o TárrrhrèrñariÀ--.,-,,,,--.-lll*mentÍÍnarcoticsínvêstiÊ;at¡onsfurthreeyears. ìnv.esr¡sators and $täre resuratory peßo,;.Ë " #f::iï':."11l ;#:"j"iå.å White Côllår Crímes School for ten years. r Devetoped curicu¡um forthe White Co sr Cr¡mes Schoôt. ¡ co-dírêctor dfthe wh¡te collâr cr¡rnes sèhool. o Conducted ,ntêrn$ Crimes Agä¡¡1st Children presèntatioos groups and advoGcygroups for irvç y66rg lnstrucþd elçefienced I j j i I I J I to law enforcemènt, cltizer¡ locâL stete and years. Developed cüff¡cúlum forthÊ Death lnvest¡gatjon School. 1 .'-1 I l I I I l l I I ¡ ¡ I i î i I Ì OCI.30,2014 l0:4lAltd FDt CI"ERK OF CO .JRIS l\l0. 808 ( o . Cô.dirêcior ofthê Dearh Inyestigâtion Schoot conducted presdntationsat crffiìlnal¡.tla" , r ¡ t_iningl"_¡naÍs nationw¡de. Terere Hþtbach Homlclds (Stevê Avery). officerTiler peterson Shooting ín Cra'n'¿* W,u*nr,n, tncldentCofimändSystem. Prclessìonal Expeúence r ( -P. l7------- - Teabzing Crímln8l Jrrsthe Ádjund litsr recruis.Ass0ciare-D"r."n;"rrii,"i;ilffJåi;:'i:flï:"Jî,ï#llsiiii"r,rnenorice o hvèstîBätions, o lntrodrrçfloh ta c im¡nal rustÍce. o lDternet Cri¡hes Aåa¡nft Ch¡ldren, o hêident CommaniJ Systêm at cr¡me SDenes. e Täcticâl disqtþlínein such-as: Defense and Arrest lact¡cs, Fireanhs, Véhicle ContÈcts ând Comrf{nication Sk¡lls. Tr'in the Trainer får professionar (lact¡caD commun¡câtion skflrs âñd Defense and Arre$ lactics in Wscorls¡n and sôurh Dx"r+ ¿oostJlãä. De€thjnvestigario+ for First Rêspon¿ur. professional o o ô .. ' . ¡ ' pùñel for the devetppment of on-líne frrt'fr"lt ,"'o]täh Dakota, 2010. fo**ra r",ai* or"**, ,Or" o Inte,^v¡ew and tnterimgarion forthe state of Sorni'o.tiiä",,Orr. _ Terêsa Hatbach (steven Av¿ry) p*runbtlo" Homrtf¿u ,t ,t Assoc¡ation for ldemíficåtion Ëducational iorference in August of 2011. "-fnr.îutional Death rnvest¡gätion at wisqorsi' coronêfs and Medícar Emifliners conferencè i¡ Aprir of zou. cnlmÍnalJustice Adjund lnstrüüor at Northeast Wisconsin fa*ni*l aollagu tor two yeÈrs; t€achanB Ássoq?te o Degree itud€nts. Crirhínâllnvestigatr.ons. Cr¡minat Justic€ Adjunct hdructor al Mariah university for three years; , teachin' acädemic students. o patrol procedures aitd Deâth Invest¡gâtlon. ,i"fl;;: ;:i-åärff:ics rltstru6¿¡ st ce'tral wisconsin rechnicar coilege for one year; Memhe¡shiþs r . . o . . . 4515. AssociätioD of Ceftiñed Fraud E¡{ h¡ners. W¡sconsin Assoc¡ation of Fraud hvestigatorslnternBtloñEl Associätion of çhiêfs of police. 8oa¡d ofDirectors, wÍsdoDsi; Associatiôn of Homíc¡de tnvest¡gåtols Law Enforceme nt TraÍning O/ficers Associåtío n of Wis€o nsin. Wsçonsin Assoclat¡on of Honiic¡dê lnvest¡gators Díst¡ngu¡shed Service Award, 2011. OCI. 3r1.2014 . r ¡: ' . . . l0:4lA[l FDL CLERl( ( FBI Dastingu¡shêd OI Í î Aw td,2Ìl¡t. couni DistrictAüorn*y'e".t n.Ogu Arrard, 20X0, a"trcemeni trafnlng OffcefsÄssociätlon Cennnut ofappru.t"tlon/ --P, 18-.-- Sêv¡cd R€cognitio OutBgañae .l:1T W¡scons¡r¡ Associåtlan for ldent¡ficâtion CeÈificate ofApprèc¡âtion, 2009. ZOo9. wísconsan Æsodtåriôn of Homicide rnvestþators ,"r¡,Jrroi Awaîd, 2oo . Wiscons¡n VictÌm twitness prôfussionals Advoôãcy ar¿ ¡n tne r"* ¡nforcement (ategory for OuEtandingVicHm Adrêcâcy, 2007, Wiushars County Shefiffè Depaftment Certificate of Commèndãfion, 2002. ¡tulner.ous teners of commendguoô n läw enfôrcerîent ând plosecut¡on Community t.t.lurrrqr SeMice )elvce . . r. ' : ll0.808 COURTS "na **n" ,pp*"¡.tã"íî, iãä,f,,åi".ro *derat lêvets of borh i Recruit.Acsdemy lntervievü Boan Fox vålley Technical coüege {Furg, Ârr¡vÞ volunteer vÀr¡r-+--_ ¡n r^ churchlâqtitÍfies. Active -L--_-L,, ,. .dfor served on (oïtrhittee to eitqbhih îew currÍculum for Defense and An est Tactics ofthe ivlenâsha Area Soccer Ctub. last_V¡c€-Þresident previoudy engaged ín manfir youth æhretic ãctfuit¡es âs at ÊVIc. coach and mentor, 199s - 2007. I l I l I 1 I i t: ì I : I j, I i I I l ì I ,-'''..1 I i i { J Ì J ¡ J I l I ! t I I I I 0Cï.30.20Ia l0:424M FDL CLERI( 0F cciRTs I t -r't0. 808-P, rnouDE D s UMMARY TFIOMAS FASSBENDER rnÀ!¡g1ry_c_ Wísconsin DÁgion of Criþtinat lqrvesrìaatio& r Ðefense äncl Afrest Tacflèd _ since lgg8 _[tg1t$1q*r,g basfd frainins ar Dct lJl qt rlJ ¡Je [¡¡ _TÉiÁ^¡ Â^, :Hi#iåi"":ig1;,fþJy!i,avroreur¡ríuedbyDcr rn rhë use of oc sprË :iäilä íXi å:Ë:ff l::onnE$ [,!r*:1,9"^:ts" -+;;;;:,.¡v iä on er