SlEta of lfllsc-onrln. G!rcultCôr¿rt . .\'E.. Fqnd du L6c county Æelgned 0AiADA: Erfo J. TÕney Agsncy Case No.: 00-8068 Coud.CasêNo.: D!n¡ls.,¡ Braôhqf ATN: 8414 25th Court, rGn9shE,. vÙr,53j43 DOBiro8119/1953 6¡x/Råc€rrM1W Allãã: Cdmlña¡ Co¡nplal¡lt DelÈctliri Netfiái LaMoüê, óflh6 Fohddu Låc Shêitff, bel¡g count 1: ft¡t dutil gwom, shteethet: FIRËÍÐÉOREË ñIIURDER The abov+named defBndant on or about July 17, 1980 thmugh August 22, 1990, ln the Town of WsuÞun, Fond du Lac County, WÉconsln, dld causô $e death ol anoürer human belq¡, b wü. Borlt Bèck, vrlth ¡riteßt to klll.thet por8on, conbary_to sec, e40.01(l), 939,60(3XE) w8, 8ùâts., a ctÉs8 A Fetony, snd upon coñvlotloñ 6hall b€ ssnt9nced to lmFrl8onment for lifê. PROBABLE CAUSE tlffs Otrc€ ãnd bâ€ð thls cdmpla¡nt upon ttF Tent agèncles, lndudlng Uìe Fond du Låc County pùlmgnt,'rvitnÞss€.tâtËmBnhi and my Þvig lgn a!!d qn lnbíTiaüon knoiti_n to mÊ beliêve 'the lhls 1ùourlêdge, 2, On July f7, 1990 Bðrlt Beck was rEported mlsslng. ThE van Belit !re6 drlvins wa6 locsted on Julv 19. Fond du LEc snd hor d6caeEed body waF ìocated on Àugiust Z, lgg0ln Fô à du' Laé County. Th6 Eubpsy repott lndlcatAs hÊt lhs c€use of dBsth to be '.Þrlma bdÉ homlcldo olr,rên the body lscals- and êvldênt bl¡ndbldlng'wlth the mogl probable c€u6ê oi dèath b6tng .$tdngujaflon or soms oher fum of homic¡dal a8phy)da.' Ftngeçrlnb were ooltect€d wihln and onihe Beõk van ln 1990 snd haì/e been ldentlfied ss þ€lo¡ging to Dennls J, Brsntner ln ?014, Bfantner,E ltnqerodnb werB he only ldênüfred fir werE fing€lpdnts fourd ln the van thet had no rBason b bê ln the van ãs Eecf famlly had no knodedge ln 2014 and hed no exDlar lS90 hheCityof ik r rembor whal hêppênsd, BÞntn6r afso t hls 1016 In BE¡lt Bôck'o homlcide. wEs'6011180r)/ and v/ould haté Êd nutlþrous dlsh¡rbfng crlmÌnally ¡nÍalarst li¡Òlr¡diÍgiF Éndòm Þma[e. e hád o $Ìâ5Þ0i5ì'Fèf itq'dèdth. l l i .l i S.TAæ.OF WISCþNSIN - VS . Demls J Brmtûer b€ghnhg åt appÎÙ,dmately 1:00 pm ln AÞplBþn; Wggoniìln, Ei¡ilt Beçk never anived st thô traln¡ns and w_qilopgrtgd mlselng. Belt Beck left her Sturtsvant ÞEidôñce trsvêltrE ln thê hmlly's van, ø úo tone 1987 GMC. The van dr¡ven by Berli Beok was looat€d oñ Thursday July 10, 1gg0 åt thë .K-i¡art parklngi.lot loi;atod at A¡ø W Jehngôn gt¡þstih the C¡y ànd.Coün* 6' Fånd du Lsc. dnnsr Kutchek.wlh K'lEhe! wlür the Otrroðr. thB Çity City of or Fond du Lac Pollca Deparünent spoke wfth Wendy Ktczuta of K-MarL _O_Soqr gSO whon Klczula 6Etsd 6hted tttàt thãt the Kl-Êüla van waB thó van waa deflnnely deflnltely üiene tlrerê on tho..wenlng.of fuÊBday July 17,i ths eì/€nlng of fuesda!, lt,lggo when 6he ,ilth .Þft fr¡e $op ât åppfoxlmátãly åpp_roxlmátãly €:0õ:pñ. S:0¡:pm. Kqtchêk€ls Kühhek ppjeat manag€r algo wlth Êpoke ôpoke AndÞ- wi\itexúell,'a Andrew iVtaxúeì ,'a ¡xwell, A pþJeat maneg€r manÉgê l€ft br aro,nÊtltcllon cfte located ln the K-Ma¡t parking tot. Maffell Btated that he eaw saw lhe tÈe van rian locãted tocatei ln I lhe K.MÈñ pãft Íg lot y/hen h€ camo lnto wort on July 18. Msxwoll slaied the vân was herê sll day O¡ July lS and may havs baén lnlhat.fcsÉtiori on Jult 17. l(uþhek noted lh6 vån.vräE locked wlth no van l€ys behg vlstble. Kutchek ând Séfgeânt Bteffen used a 6hlm and opsn€d th€ van. Kutohsk noted a plaetio lvlro clamp on he runnlnõ boÊfd oflhe ddvefs-sldà and an ompty Epoton lhe dãBh with ê wir€ hanging the;€ whloh Kutchãk b6llevèd was for á CB rsdio unil that had bêen rsmovgd. Sergeent Steffen noted lhat tho wiru ôlamp spDealed lo have bôBn 'snlpped or cut frcm sornê plâoe." Stofien also observed that ¡t appeared thât â radlo or cB_unitwruld haw bêsn locåtêd lnÞpãrtmènta¡d.hÉd bêen qqtcKyþkèn or ¡þmov€d by brae as part of the daEhboaÈ rvaÊ hangÌng,dovn:.S-leffien noled tfiåt.thò eanjappearod to have þ.eenì€eçurcd fiþn th€ outslde Hfth no irtghi o!'loitÈd'entrylnto illi¡ vih. Kutchek algo notéd a McDonald's bsg and two fast fuod sodå cups, Onå of th6 sotls cuD! was s 8uryer KIng anp located ln the door welt on tho tflnt pas8snger d¡de of ûe van. KutoheÈ observed a Jacl(et Þllsd up þ6hlnd a pass€nger seat wlh a \ivallet and lb contont8. ltubhsk also observed a plee.€ of a sbcklng lãylng ln lhe mlddlè ofthe lloor bstween the seats, DBt€cüvÞs Swents and Andsßon of tho C¡ty of Fond du [ãc pollce Departmenl ú.olleated and cablogêd ÉvldËnce from thÊ van lnoludlng llngèrpfints and clôthlng, SriranÞ ohserved s tan nylon sbË*ing, spproximstely two ¡nches ln length, lhst appeared to have be€*T cut offwlft a sharp'object 0. swÊnts þ6llêv€d lhls 2 lnch slocklng secüon had been cut ofilrôm a Dalr ofwomðn,8 Dantvhos€ bund.ln.ths van Ths pûntyl¡eso hÊd ono l€g üêd ln a knot that had ¡i smgll soc{on cù on w¡lch Swants belléved mabhcd the 2 Inch 6ecüon he obeerved. 9, SwsnEJooated a Walgr€ens 925.74 hsiÞhdño numbÊi on the _Wâl¡¡ferq.06 loøþd,qn W Johnsen Sj mq$Emped€! 11:04 an. BâËed thallt'igd comB,from,tne Fond du Lao dated 7-17i1990ia¡d !n It.Was dôbùmhåd É.. ïålõ¡eenc purúase ai,tetng ltre fouid'achécl&ookln thè van:lihldl no.t€dtth6 préVlous 6am9 .perçon; þþes.h Y¡ Y¡åi ¡n ¡tèm thai ì{olÉü hêlr þhre9.h Û.r€oðlFt bascd on pfcer lltlgC tÞe llrtgC Õn lho recê¡pt ané the.prlqe m¡iLrEC on.thè.hs'lr'bl¡äoñ, tñ,adulüon i¡r Íre Fond tÞq pfee! du l-Ec r€ WâlgÌE€na a Raclne McgonaldÉ-.Ec€lpt,rv.åÉ.foÉted,.!ìoì,yrver,_no Burger Ktng dg þc,Walgçg¡g. !ççlpt ÉntleeJtito .ttÈ {ihédkbook ånd lt € fÈeôtptw¡c locât¡¡d, r0. Sr!¡antl èxåmlnEd lh€.ralted up þcketrand SwantzwrE rbo fnfÐmod þy Beflt Bec nonrmokoË. SrienE locaûrd two cleal påckrglng, Sürsnlz locat€d chErutþ neqrthg floor of lh9 drlvo/å seat and It of sBÉts. No clg¡rette bultr wsro locåto, lr ,Ll r.r!1s:l:ÐLt Itg[ri].rctllsd.witl¡in hE Jåcket, hèl lrünÊdhtory famlly welo ,låy€ f¡þm clgaÞtte -colm sldg hþhe€¡n mlddlé iow t. I i sΡtÈ o¡ W¡sco¡lsrw : vs : De¡ni¡ J x¡¿¡iûis¡ arÉò rooârëd an'¡mpo(teñt r¡ng t¡o Bern undem.ath 3fremsÌr(et ¡iÉt"rled.d'rpèt ¡n thÊ middre pon¡on of o-6tþctiv€ Bonrqnd€f spoko wnh Brenda.Klng about.thé roc€flon of thê Bêck ven. Kng sàw rhe van on Jurv 'r I ar sppr.oxrmarev€ri5_a''4,hre dffvñ;rñüii Mrys :lllP.y_?$l $ãvèr' rns 8âm6 rñã'x-¡¡ån Btg Bôy. KJng ,t Þd th.t .t. p""¿irdäîriîi 6bted hat she remembE-ra e€ot-ng lhe van on ttrar dây becåuse way through tìe,K-Mê'' parrSing rot end cüts a;rdsö the parking lot oft 'ne ceused her ro âdru8t h6r roure. Krno shled fid apÞÞximåbly4:10 pm uhen she 19, vaìr 'ñas r,ùont home afrorwþrk, noi r0-ü'; r:iriãrt Ëi'ri¡"s þió; thiü;" äi iî"t 4:pogt llnotè Ìr'ag fouad w¡thln lhe Bêc_k van noung a q{eagellrmbo¡of Og;gg4,5. De,rrr. AnderÊon notÉd th€ Beck v6n had s0,646.9 äfi;ääËË;rä"',i ar thê KMart par*ins rot EBz'4 mrés weru out-on ttr" 'nrbr 6i'dr.öñìiiòäv'iäiiÏà n"orn" on Jury rz, I sso an.t betne_rocarsd tn (hê cú ot F€n¿ "rn ,iööi."éLræ""nr ¿f lr" õü ¡îiüõ. "rr" ¡" epproxrmstrrv sÈ100 mtes rrcm Fond du Lac. tt rs berþv;d úi.'iðäliiop *¡*, mrease was writtÊn dolvn b€cãueo Botdr wâs Devtñs So.3e råi eã,i Ë¡'åfiîiib.'eedts nmsr was a$/arê æ, of th€ mttêågs because of recent spedom"eiw"*TiË piñ-üJ ã'ñüä,äñ. oetu"u"" r¡ru confirrn¡d rylth fte sh¡rtsvenr Fátrca Dspa¡tniuiiãiüä äãö.oi[,äJi r,"o ¡"er .totoft fron . lhe Book vrn. itL, *urrrd eólhty Sharff e Oñce BÍo!,F noad b€twÞan Lec t[ lo Bfoùn Roàd ln thg &llchå61Þlüm b6dy Ed lCentlflod d Berlt'g tho È6Gk 1.5i, Eé¡lt,Beckrias ot dor0r being. 16' 4 Pufduå unrvößBêntomorogy exÊmfnåron pèrformðd by Nêar H, Hasket rn'mber 1gg0 ¡emiiriJ.ì-a;ìi-eä.'iöuki 'trave ueon ¡n t¡e ehvronmsnt rvtwe dtsoove¡ál br tonger than S0 days. aàE"¿ upiîlñã,ä'Ë!ä óúiih-¡iäiåîi'ii'ioo in tr'u rooaron wrËre romd shed hct rt re highrv prÞbabrdihar-bë * rÉli$å[r*#:iiäi'iåå3,"' 'em"ini '11.' On 8fa!Þ, Cr¡mo (üiþa the o¡ Juþ17-¡ :tÐ90. 18, 0312.5120¡t ,sldrE_or wEcpNsrN - v$ - .D. c¡r¡ts J Bfqfief èlEirÞü6 sinókôrln tgto. Durtng th6 proÞsg3tng ot the va[ lnverflgqtarÉ noisd åeh pll€€ Locót9g-on.tùe floor þohlnd tñq front peq8on0gr 8àat and on the floor to thð fçft eids'of the fiont dÉvods esàt rnvsöüs¡tora ro¡med throiugh therr rnvesggauon ttrat ¡iãiüó ø iori- - hânlad. 1 9. !qfU4" ryblved offlclat reporb tþm ths C me Lsb. Flngerpdnt matcheB wer€ rouno 10r G'Ino Laþ emproyoos, dotoctfuð8, Ben Båclq Bèftt BccÍ âñd bonnls J. Brchtnêr. B."r ne/s- frngorpdnb wsro rho onry rdmüflod flngerirlnt. found rn th6 vrn t¡r¡t trs¡ ;o :fe$Od to bo.ln thËtan¡. the Bocklamtfy had no ÈndMùSi of Oenntr ¡. E¡antnrunill eOr¿. .O_l.11": .' 20, " D€frcjivès wìth tho Fonrf du Lac counly sheritrs Oftlcô þega; to hvesüsate Branttêfa backorourld upon.leamlng of hls fingerprinte bslng found rn the van rn eot¿. oeecwäs coll;cted úbe r¿H,i;: af¡€Bt rccords¡ antf other documentÉ Þlâþd lìo Brantnor daung baok lo fn6 1970€. Dúdno this ooqrmeffi co ecflon rnd nrvlâw. inv-esl¡gâtofg lsamÊd Brântner wås not ln cudtgdy 9t lhe-time Bedt B€'ciÌt¡ent mls8tn! on Jutv i7, 1s80, tn-vesttgator8 atso tàEinãd ti,ìstìn bre Juty oi rsso-B.anlnè, " obÞlnsd an fl¡inols phob ideñüficsüon sard.- ,21,.. LqMotto' rEvjêi{.Ëd;offieþl reporþ.ft€m thð WeslAllts poltcq DjpartnÊnl from Ên inqidÞnt In artofr st th_e w€sr iùls hn. tn thts ¡ncroenr-era;iñer-ciõiä'iãmáìä p¡ntne rrom a pr¡vtouEly Êrsyod tn and t€fr a note ¡hung, ,rt wlnt t'o ost your l"-rl¡,-m1lp^l1d i,lDgll_r1d_911 I9u on, 5n a,rBlse Þom.numberôn ¡' stve you yorr ctothea beck tf you tet mo do rhât, oK?" fte nots. lnì/esflgãtors oonfrcnÞd Brantre¡ about lhe ;oþ he 9:I r'lg.r¡:pmT-9 d99r aþr¡rt geffng hor ctothtng back. Brenhor ãbtrd tftú hö doæ not n?-rto n ¡nd rhl! h!- novêr_eary tho-$rollran 9I tslltgd {o hc-r_ Þn¡lnef etalðrl lhat hô rh¡t boloro bur rhùñhê note was vory bfd.,rnd,ie thqusht hè -lT::rySJpJ:ry ¡ p8yëhþtrlÊt. I 4; LaMotte Þvle',rEd Gr€en L€kê County s¡reEt r€cod8 on DenniÊ B[ant[er sr ar8ffnets- ñßt wtþ. She was mäûied to Brsntner from iglg thmush iggg, Brantner wss 5l[Sated for entry r[aoted eÍtry lnto ¡nto ã locH dwelllng dwêlllnõ ¡nd ônâ!¡lrnfr ¡â motoi rññr^;v6Èrâl. anO oper¡ttns oivhêfs sonsênf. ln lhts lncident, y-l'f whlle s€parâted trom rrom hÁ¡ hêr.havtns havlnE been oesn ktcked klc out of Judy Mcteod,s home, ì9IaFFd hle Becond wlfe. Þ. Erantn$ Brantn$ Þrþké Þrþke ¡nb lnb the unoccunied unocculied home scro scross ü. G*iç¡n Laka , Bfäntne¡'ståyed ln üê ungccupiêd home and m( ö!¡qrqcq¡'.yryynen when rrlg9n Orgon Laxs.tnvBs¡tgâlols_tgg_kè9,{q,.e Laks lflvêsügi¡to¡r looksd at thê vêhtqtè \ lo¡¡íd l!,.1hècafàge of oftho tho ï:":::.'lJpJ:y:lt gzs e)û¡ tomð_Brantner er bulElarlzðd bu'Erarrzðd tnoy dr8eoùo¡od dl8eovo¡od g2g e)dr¡im[èà.ón mflêo on lhù mllêo irrcã¡-ornet¡r. c¡o€n L.ko noþd:tiolntrrlor üîa. lnt€rlof of lhs pygdusato¡t I rotàd caf wus vrss ltf9rs.t..wltft lho,car llttorcd wtth .ctgrreüo aBhss, Mclêod toú LaMoße r¡€t õhe ihe reE€ll€d rec€[€d Branh€rödnDinf, Branh€r bflnging€.vøhlcts a vshl¡té d¿n¡/n down ro to t¡t llllnole End bking her out to dinner. iMoleodþd.ggqrlptorljot üìtsr.shterê m€tcred rhg.vehtclg eranrre¡ luì en-qiqq õlgrmfltrs õ" È¡,itrro¡ sen€d lâll dme for thb tncldsnl Branher was rÞlaesed from thã