Envisoa'MENmL olsraict'ou hue-GAS, OPERATIONS 3'21 8' 237005 - - .Dear . The De artment has investi ated the ossible degradatiOti of your water supply well located at {?irt response to a 2ft 7/2012 complaint that gas well drilling I activities may. have affected your Water well. On 2&11?2012, the Department collected samples from your water supply. The samples were submitted to the Department?s laboratory in lHarrlisbing for analysis. The analytical reports for the samples were previously submitted to you inia letter dated 47210012. The sample results showed methane was present at 16.3 high in your "water supply. Since the'_iuitial sampling on 2121:2012, several additional samples have been collected and analyzed from your water supply, and the results have been summari red on the attached Table At this time, the Department?s investigation indicate; that gas well drilling has impacted your water supply. - I'Meth'ane. is the predominant component of natural gas. Federal water standard limitations have not been established for methane gas. The level of concern begins above 28 mg/l methane, is referred to as the saturation level. At this level, under normal atmospheric pressure, the ltwatercannot hold additional methane in solution. This may allow the gas to come out of the concentrate in the air space of your home or building. There is a physical danger of ?fefiir- explosion due to the migration of natural gas into water Wells or through soils into dwellings where it could be ignited by sources that are present in most homesfbuildings. Natural dah also cause a that Of although this is extremely rare. the Department is made aware of methane levels greater than 7 mg/l, we notify the water supply owner of the hazards associated with methane in their water supply. Please be aware however, that the methanelevels can ?uctuate. This means that even with a relatively low level of methane, you should be vigilant of changes in your water that could indicate an increase in methane concentration. It is the Department?s recommendation that all water wells should be equipped with a working vent. This will help alleviate the possibility of concentrating these gases in areas where ignition would pose a threat to life or property. Please note that it is not possibleto completely eliminate the hazards of having natural gas in your water supply by siniply venting your well. 203.West Third Street Sultepi?ialiawjlliamspud, PA 1??Ulv?443. WEI-3213536 Fax Prints:de Recycled Pavsr? - I The Departrnent is eantinr?ng to work to pennanently resolve this issue. questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact William J. Kosme'r, P.G. at STU-9743613. I ennjfer W. Means . Environmental Program Manager Oil and Gas Management Enelesmes: Table 1 - ?How to Interpret A Water Analysis Report? cc: Jennifer Means William..l.. . Jeremy Daniel I Complaint File 237005 53116332012 Sheuid you have any I.