I 1 n. 2 6- ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS geu THE REAL STORY SERIES THE GUIDEJQANII-EMVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZAIIONS The Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Organizations C arl D eal OdoNiAN P ress BERkElEy, CAlifORNiA A dditional copies o f this book and others in the Real Story series are available for $5 + $ 2 shipping per order (not per book) from O donian Press, Box 32375, Tucson AZ 85751. To order by credit card, or for inform ation on qu a ntity discounts, please call us at 800 REAL STORY, or 602 296 4056. Dis­ tribu tio n to book stores and book wholesalers is through Publishers G roup West, Box 8843, Em eryville CA 94662, 510 658 3453 (toll-free: 800 788 3123). Odonian Press gets its name from Ursula Le Guin's wonderful novel The Dispossessed (though we have no connection with Ms. Le Guin or any of her publishers). The last story in her collection The Wind's Twelve Quarters also features the Odonians. O donian Press donates at least 10% (last year it was 36%) o f its aftertax in com e to organizations working for socia l justice. Greenpeace, USA. The Greenpeace guide to anti-environmental organizations/ Greenpeact.; Carl Deal. p. crrf. —(Real story series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-878825-05-4 : $5.00 1. Green movements—United States. 2. Environmental policy— United States. 3. Pressure groups— United States—Directories. I. Deal, Carl. II. Title. III. Series. JA75.8.G77 1993 324'.4'02573—dc20 92-46096 CIP Copyright© 1993 by Greenpeace. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce or copy this book, or any portions of it, in any form whatever (except for brief excerpts in reviews). Printed in the United States of America Second printing—)une, 1994 A ckno wledgements I am grateful to Martha Honey for lending her cre­ ativity and expertise, as both a journalist and a political activist, to this project. This book is her brain-child. Also, as this book expands upon the w ork of many other activists, jo u rn a lists and researchers, I want to particularly thank Colleen McCrory, David Orr, and Connie Stewart. I also owe a word of thanks to Tia Lessin and to Green­ peace's Blair Palese, Meg Ruby, Cynthia Rust, Bill W alker, and Tamara Stark for th e ir help w ith research and editing. Credits M&in editor: Arthur Naiman Developmental editor: Martha Honey Line editors: Susan McCallister, loan Baranow Inside design: Karen Faria, Arthur Naiman Page layout, cover layout and production coordination: Karen Faria Basic cover design: Studio Silicon Index: Steve Rath, Susan McCallister Series editor: Arthur Naiman Series coordinator: Susan McCallister Printing: Michelle Selby, Jim Puzey / Consolidated Printers, Berkeley, California Contents Introduction.............................................6 The anti-environmental m ovem en t............. 7 Greenwashing.........................................................8 Grassroots organizing........................................ 70 Physical v io le n c e ...............................................77 The role of government......................................... 12 Six types o f anti-environmental grou p s............ 15 Public relations firms............................................75 Corporate front groups..........................................76 Think tanks........................................................... 77 Legal foundations.................................................. 77 Endowments and charities....................................18 Wise Use and Share groups..................................79 A catalog o f anti-environmental grou p s........... 23 The Abundant Wildlife Society of North America............................................. 23 Accuracy in Media............................................... 24 Alaska "Support Industry" Alliance...................... 26 Alliance for America............................................ 27 Allianc^for. Environment and Resources.............. 29 Allianc&^for a Responsible CFC Policy................. 30 American Freedom Coalition............................... 32 Blue Ribbon Coalition.......................................... 33 B.C. Forest Alliance............................................. 34 Business Council for Sustainable Development....36 California Desert Coalition................................... 38 The Cato Institute................................................. 39 Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise............. 47 Citizens Coalition for Sustainable Development....42 Citizens for the Environment................................ 43 Citizens for Total Energy...................................... 44 Coalition for Vehicle Choice................................ 45 Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow............. 47 Consumer Alert.................................................... 48 Defenders of Property Rights................................ 50 Environmental Conservation Organization............ 57 The Evergreen Foundation................................... 52 Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment........................................ 54 The Global Climate Coalition.............................. 55 The Heritage Foundation..................................... 57 Information Council for the Environment............. 59 The Institute for Justice..........................................67 Keep America Beautiful....................................... 62 Mothers' Watch................................................... 6.3 Mountain States Legal Foundation........................64 Multiple Use Land Alliance...................................65 National Federal Lands Conference..................... 65 National Inholders Association.............................67 National Legal Center for the Public Interest........ 69 National Wetlands Coalition................................ 70 Northern Community Advocates for Resource Equity................................................72 Oregon Lands Coalition........................................73 Oregonians for Food and Shelter.......................... 74 Pacific Legal Foundation...................................... 76 People for the West!.............................................77 political Economy Research Center.......................79 the President's Council on Competitiveness........ 00 Public Lands Council........................................... 01 Putting People First...............................................83 The Reason Foundation....................................... 85 Sahara Club USA................................................. 87 Science and Environmental Policy Project........... 09 Scientists and Engineers for Secure Energy (SE2) ....91 The Sea Lion Defense Fund.................................. 92 Share B.C.............................................................. 93 Society for Environmental Truth............................95 US Council for Energy Awareness.........................96 Wilderness Impact Research Foundation...............98 Yellow Ribbon Coalition..................................... 100 Notes.................................................................... 102 Index.....................................................................106 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Introduction Until recen tly, en v iron m en ta l a ctiv ists w eren ’ t taken very seriou sly . But after decades of battling industry and government bu reau cra cies to keep our air and water clean, to protect plant and animal species, to preserve the earth’ s atmosphere and to con­ serve natural resources, environmentalism has finally become a mainstream cause. The vast majority of people in the US and Canada now consider themselves environmentalists. Predictably, this su cce ss has brought a backlash. With support from polluting indus­ tries and the far right, anti-environmental grou ps have declared war on every issu e environmentalists support. Under the banner of free enterprise, democracy and economic growth, they advocate nuclear power, fossilfuel development, expanding landfills, miner­ al exploration in national parks, private and commercial development of wetlands, and the repeal of crucial environmental legislation. While many openly admit to being anti-envi­ ronmental, m ost work in less visible ways. Ironically, at the same time they’ re attacking environmentalists in the media, courts and legislatures, they try to convince the public that they too care about the environment. This book is designed to help you identify and understand these organizations. It gives you an overview of their ideologies, strategies and tac­ tics, and tells you where their money comes from. So don't be fooled by a green facade—look them up here first. 6 The anti-environmental movement Chapter One The anti-environmental movement “ Green on the outside, red on the inside—like a watermelon.”T hat’ s how many anti-en­ vironm entalists characterize the environ­ mental movement. As a former California forestry official warned a crowd of loggers and their fam ilies in 1991, “ all environ­ mentalists embrace som e form of left-wing radical collectivism....As a result, today the greatest threat to you, to me, to our commu­ nities, to our state and to our nation, is no longer communism, it's not drugs, not AIDS, not crime, not poverty, not even liberal Democrats, but radical Environmentalism.” To fight this threat, many anti-environmen­ talists have developed deceptive jargon like w ise use, integrated resource management, sustainable development and multiple use. They appeal to nationalistic pride, employ crude stereotypes, spread disinformation and even resort to physical violence. Taken at face value, the claim that indus­ trial grow th ca n be b a la n c e d w ith the needs of nature has som e merit. But bal­ ance is a word the anti-environmentalists merely mouth. One of their favorite gambits is to say that environmental regulations cost jobs, when just the opposite is usually true. While some environmental laws may affect micro-regions, 7 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. jobs are gained in areas like the development of new, cleaner technologies and alternative fuels, waste cleanups, etc. Long before the Northern Spotted Owl was protected by the Endangered Species Act, timber jobs were falling prey to changes with­ in the industry. While the volume of timber cut and processed in the US increased dur­ ing the 1980s, the number of jobs declined, because companies adopted automated tech­ nologies and exported raw logs for processing abroad. (In 1988 alone, US co m p a n ie s exported over nine billion dollars worth of wood products for processing in Japan and Europe.) Environmentalists predict that an export ban would actually create 8000 jobs in the Pacific Northwest, without loosening environmental standards. The same is true for other industries as well. E nvironm ental regu la tion s alm ost always create more jobs than they eliminate. * Greenwashing According to a 1989 poll conducted by the Michael Peters Group, 89% of Americans are concerned with how products affect the envi­ ronment, and 78% would pay more for a product packaged with recyclable or b io­ degradable materials. (These numbers would be, if anything, higher today.) By 1995, sales of “ green”consumer products are expected to increase five times over their 1989 level. As a result, bu sin esses are wooing con ­ sumers by presenting themselves as environ- 8 The anti-environmental movement mentally responsible. All too often, however, this “ green advertising”is based on halftruths and outright lies. For example, Mobil Chem ical added a small amount of starch to the plastic in their Hefty trash bags and began calling them “ b io d e g r a d a b le .” U nfortunately, th is “ biodegradability”only took place if the bags were left out in the sun, not if they were buried in lan dfills—which is, of course, where almost all garbage bags end up. And even in the unlikely event that one of these bags w as left out in the sun, it w ouldn’ t really biodegrade, but would merely break up into smaller pieces of plastic. A Mobil Chemical spokesman later admit­ ted that “ degradability is ju st a marketing tool. W e’ re talking out of both sides of our mouth because we want to sell our bags.” The company was sued by six states and the Federal Trade Commission for making false afid m isleadin g claims, and G reenpeace issued a report written by Barry Commoner called Biodegradable Plastics Scam. Shortly thereafter, Mobil removed the word "bio­ degradable”from their packaging and agreed to stop m aking further u n su bstan tiated advertising claims. The Coors Brewing Company sponsors a greenwashing campaign (called Pure Water 2000) that funds “ grassroots organizations [engaged in] river cleanups, water habitat improvements, water quality monitoring, wetland protection and pollution prevention.” 9 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. But in 1992, Coors pleaded guilty to charges that it had dumped carcinogenic chemicals into a local waterway for eighteen years. The com pany paid $750,000 in fines and now faces a $1,000,000 EPA lawsuit. C orporations both at hom e and abroad brag that an era of “ green b u sin e ss”has begun. At the 1992 Earth Summit, for exam­ ple, 48 international b u sin ess executives praised their Business Council for Sustain­ able Development (BCSD) for being on the cutting edge of corporate environmentalism. Meanwhile, they were maneuvering behind the scen es to minimize intergovernmental “ meddling”in corporate affairs and to under­ mine key international treaties. In both the US and Canada, corporations have pitted workers and labor unions against environmentalists, even while refusing to pro­ tect workers against econom ic hard times and tech n ologica l change. The prop osed North /American Free T rade A greem en t (NAFTA) between the US, Canada and Mexico now invites transnational corporations to exploit unprotected markets, cheap labor and raw materials abroad. Grassroots organizing Learning from the su cce ss of the environ­ mental movement, anti-environmental corpo­ rate executives have launch ed their own grassroots cam paigns. O rganizations like Share B.C., People for the West! and the Yel­ low Ribbon Coalition stage local protests, 10 The anti-environmental movement organ ize letter-w riting cam paigns, hold media workshops, and canvass door-to-door. But that’ s where sim ilarities end. Most anti-environmentalists are heavily financed by industry and distort facts to manipulate public opinion. Many of them launch personal attacks against environmental activists and label them “ anti-Christian," “ anti-family”and “ anti-American.”They create false choices for the public by pitting jobs, family values and the econom y against environm ental con ­ cerns. And while environmentalists believe that we have a responsibility to safeguard nature and live in harmony with it, anti­ environm entalists believe that we should dominate and exploit it. Physical violence Nonviolent organizations like Greenpeace and Earth First! have been branded as “ ter­ rorist”and su bjected to surveillance and h a ra ssm e n t by the FBI and oth er lawenforcement agencies, assaults, break-ins, arrests, sabotage and death threats. For example, in 1991, Greenpeace research sci­ en tist Pat C ostn e r fou n d her A rkansas hom e burned to the ground, along with twenty y ea rs of resea rch on h a za rd ou s waste disposal. No one was ever arrested in connection with this crime. In 1990, Earth First! organizers Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were nearly killed when a bom b exploded in their car in Oakland, California. The FBI and local authorities 11 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. responded to this event by arresting Bari and Chemey! They were accused of transporting a bom b that acciden tally blew up, but the charges were soon dropped for lack of evi­ dence. At least partially as a result of this ridiculous false start, the actual bom bers were never apprehended. In 1992, Stephanie McGuire of Perry, Florida, was assaulted by three men for opposing a local Procter & Gamble pulp mill that was dumping toxic waste into the Fenholloway River (it still is). They beat her, burned her with a lit cigar, cut her with a straight razor and taunted her by saying, “ now you have something to sue us over.”No one was ever arrested for this crime either. These aren’ t isolated incidents. The Center for Investigative Reporting documented 104 violent attacks on environmentalists between January 1989 and January 1993—an aver­ age of one every couple of weeks—and it’ s investigating hundreds more. The role o f government During the early 1980s, both the US and Canada moved far to the right. US Interior Secretary James Watt opened protected public lands, wildlife refuges and national parks to logging, m ining and oil exploration. This made him one of the most unpopular cabinet officials ever, but Watt’ s legacy lives on. Although George Bush called himself “ the environmental president,”his administration scrupulously safeguarded big business inter­ ests and ignored, vetoed or gutted environ12 The anti-environmental movement mental protection measures. For example, in 1992, he announced a moratorium on envi­ ronmental regulations that lasted for eight months. Presented as a way to cut govern­ m ent sp en d in g, th is election -yea r ploy underm ined the Endangered S pecies Act (ESA)—w hich Bush once called “ a sword aimed at jobs, families and communities” — the Clean Air Act and bans against logging on public lands. The now-disbanded President’ s Council on Competitiveness, chaired by Vice President Dan Quayle, becam e corporate America’ s strongest ally on Capitol Hill. Corporations fighting regulation frequently found that a trip to the back door of the White House yielded quicker and better results than years of lobbying Congress or litigating in court. Internationally, B u sh ’ s environm ental record was equally appalling. He opposed global efforts to prohibit dumping radioactive w&stes at sea, weakened an Antarctic mining ban and blocked efforts to prohibit shipping toxic waste and chemicals from the northern industrialized nations to the southern devel­ oping nations. At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, he refused to sign the biodi­ versity treaty, gutted the global warming agreement and vowed to oppose all interna­ tional initiatives that didn’ t support a marketbased solution to the environmental crisis. President Clinton has pledged to value the environment as much as the economy, and Vice President A1 Gore has impressive envi­ ronmental credentials. But during the past 13 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. twelve years, anti-environmentalists have gained real political muscle and made signifi­ cant inroads into government. Under pres­ su re from th eir lob b y ists, C o n g r e s s ’ s environm ental voting record has steadily declined since 1988. Sixty percent of the judges currently sitting in the federal courts were appointed by Rea­ gan and Bush. The once-liberal Suprem e Court has been transformed into a body dom­ inated by conservatives opposed to environ­ mental regulation. The US courts are more likely than ever before to find federal regula­ tion of the environment unconstitutional. Recent court rulings have protected private p rop erty and b u s in e s s in te r e sts at the expense of the environment (not to mention public health and safety). So the prognosis isn ’ t as bright as we'd like. But pow erful as the anti-environm ental movement is, it’ s ultimately doomed, because it doesn’ t^have the truth on its side. 14 Six types o f anti-environmental groups Chapter Two Six types o f antienvironmental groups Some anti-environmental groups have a single focus, while others are multi-issue. Some are explicit about their mission, others cloak their agenda behind green rhetoric and still others are highly secretive about their activi­ ties. But for all their variety, they can be divided into six basic categories: Public relations firm s Greenwashing has been a financial boon for m ajor PR (public relations) firms. T rans­ national corporations themselves, they’ ve often been hired to put clean faces on dirty industries and governments. Headquartered in New York City, Bursonk^arstellar (B-M) h as 56 b ra n ch es in 28 countries. During Argentina’ s “ Dirty War”in the late 1970s, when the military dictator­ ship killed and “ disappeared”thousands of political dissidents, B-M was brought in to sanitize the country’ s image and to attract foreign investment. The firm also handled PR for Rumanian dictator Nicolae C ea u secescu and for the South Korean government during the 1988 O lym pics in Seoul. B-M w as retained to greenwash Exxon in the aftermath of the Valdez oil spill in Alaska and Union Carbide following the gas-leak disaster in Bhopal, 15 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. India. The C anadian tim ber in dustry is another client. With 62 offices in 23 countries (its head­ quarters are in New York), Hill & Knowlton (HK) is another major PR firm involved in greenwashing oil, mining, waste management and other polluting companies. But foremost in the greenwashing field is the Washington D.C.-based E. Bruce Harri­ son Co, which has been exclusively devoted to environm ental PR for two decades. In 1990, inside PR, a national trade magazine, selected Harrison as the best in “ environ­ mental com m unication" for its su cce ss in solving problems for clients like Coors, the Chemical Manufacturers Association, Waste Management, Monsanto (asbestos) and the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association, Corporate front groups Many anti-environmental organizations are little mortf. than corporate greenwashing cam­ paigns created by high-priced PR firms and bankrolled by the corporations they repre­ sent. For example, in British Columbia, the B.C. Forest Alliance poses as a grassroots movement seeking forest preservation. But, as the Vancouver Sun revealed, the Canadi­ an timber industry paid Burson-Marstellar one million dollars to create the Alliance. Like its US counterparts—The Evergreen Foundation and the National Wetlands Coali­ tion—the Alliance has two tasks: convincing the public that the current rate of environ­ mental destruction can be maintained or 76 Six types of anti-environmental groups increased without long-term effect, and per­ suading lawmakers to roll back unprofitable environmental regulations. Think tanks While industry greenwashes its image, rightwing think tanks like the Heritage Founda­ tion and the Cato Institute often whitewash environm ental crises, claim ing they don ’ t really exist. T hey’ ve now been join ed by groups like Citizens for the Environment and the Science and Environmental Policy Project, whose entire focus is thwarting the environ­ mental movement. Legal foundations Created and funded by big business, antienvironmental “ public-interest”legal founda­ tio n s like the M ountain S ta te s Legal Foundation, the Pacific Legal Foundation and the National Legal Center for the Public Interest use the courts to fight government regula­ tions and citizen lawsuits aimed at protecting the environment. Tax-exempt (even though they’ re strong advocates for corporate inter­ ests), they’ re the right-wing equivalents of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, the Center for Con­ stitutional Rights and Canada’ s Law Union and Legal Aid Societies. Tulane University professor Oliver Houck m ade an extensive study of nine of these foundations. He found that one of them, the Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF), took positions in at least 24 of its cases that 17 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. “ directly benefitted corporations represented on its board of directors, clients of firms rep­ resented in its board of litigation or major contributors to MSLF’ s budget.”This was a trend in every legal foundation he studied. For example, Houck concluded that the Pacif­ s prima­ ic Legal Foundation violated the IRS’ ry regu lation s for pu blic-in terest law by representing the interests of its corporate backers in more than 50% of its cases. In June 1992, right-wing legal foundations won a major Supreme Court victory that will seriously undermine attempts to extend envi­ ronmental protection to private property. In L ucas v. S ou th C a rolin a C o a sta l C o m ­ mission, the court agreed that the govern­ m ent’ s regulation of a developer’ s private properly was a government seizure, prohibited by the Fifth Amendment. Anti-environmental groups are using this case, and others like it, to argue that environmental protection is unconstitutional. Endowments and charities Ultra-conservative philanthropies and private endow m ents collaborate with industry to underwrite anti-environmentalists. In 1991 alone, four of the largest of these charities— the Lilly Endowment, the Carthage Foun­ dation. the John Olin Foundation and the Sarah Scaife Foundation—collectively d is­ bursed in excess of $150 million to right-wing think tanks, legal foundations, corporate front groups and other anti-environmental organizations. Acting essentially as conduits 18 Six types o f anti-environmental groups for corporate money, the Lilly Endowment disburses the fortune of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, while Carthage and Scaife are part of the Pittsburgh-based Mellon steel empire. Wise Use and Share groups The Wise Use movement is a coalition of local anti-environm ental orga n iza tion s b a sed mainly in the western US. It’ s funded by tim­ ber, mining, ranching, chemical and recre­ a tion co m p a n ie s and by their trade associations. The movement’ s founder, Ron Arnold, describes himself as a former envi­ ronmentalist who has “ seen the light.”What light has he seen? Well, as he puts it, “ we want to be able to exploit the environment for private gain, absolutely.”(The Canadian equivalent of the Wise Use movement, the Share movement, is discussed below.) As a consultant to US and Canadian timber com panies, Arnold a dvises them to co n ­ tribute to a Wise Use or Share group because “ it can do things the industry can ’ t. It can stress the sanctity of the family, the virtue of the close-knit community. And it can turn the public against your enemies.”Wise Use activists are recruited from the ranks of workers at com pany m eetings (which are often compulsory) and by door-to-door can­ vassers who claim that environmentalism is causing unemployment. Arnold also runs the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise and is the president of the Washington state chapter of the American Free­ dom Coalition (AFC), a political front for Rev. 19 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Sun Myung Moon’ s Unification Church. (Moon’ s cult became notorious in the 1970s for its mass marriages and mind-control programming of members, and in the 1980s for its support of right-wing Latin American death squads.) The AFC provided seed money for the 1988 conference in Reno, Nevada, that founded the Wise Use coalition. Hundreds of real estate developers, right-wing activists and represen­ tatives of off-road vehicle manufacturers and timber and mining companies entered into a pact “ to destroy" their enemy—the environ­ mental movement. They agreed on 25 goals. To give you a feeling for them, I’ ve summa­ rized nine of these goals below: • "immediate development of the petroleum resources of the A rctic National W ild life Refuge in Alaska" • converting "all decaying and oxygen-using forest growth on the National Forests into young stands of oxygen-producing carbond io xia e -a b so rb in g trees to ...p re ve n t the greenhouse effect" • opening "all public lands, including wilder­ ness areas and national parks," to mineral and energy exploration, as well as to recre­ ational vehicles • exempting from the Endangered Species Act any species whose protection would interfere with resource exploitation • opening 70 million acres of wilderness, currently protected by the Wilderness Act, to limited commercial development and recreational use 20 Six types of anti-environmental groups •logging 3.4 m illio n acres of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska • passing laws that would require environmen­ talists who want to bring court cases or admin­ istrative appeals against logging, mining or grazing plans to "post bonds equivalent to the economic benefit to be derived from the chal­ lenged harvest, plus cost over-runs," and to pay all costs if the industry prevails • granting anti-environmental groups the right to sue environmentalists on behalf of industry • implementing free-trade agreements that will allow US industry access to natural resources globally C an ada ’ s Share m ovem ent m irrors the Wise Use movement (and, in fact, representa­ tives of the Canadian timber industry attend­ ed the 1988 Wise Use Conference in Reno). A report by the Parliamentary Library of the Canadian House of Commons condemns the timber industry for using Share groups as lobbyists, concluding that their objective has been to “ pit labour against environmentalists [and] to divide communities and create ani­ mosity in the very places where honest com ­ m u n ica tio n and c o n s e n s u s s h o u ld be encouraged.” A form er o r g a n ic farm er and d ie s e l mechanic named Patrick Armstrong is widely credited with building the Share Movement. Like Wise U se’ s Ron Arnold, he describes him self as a former environm entalist who switched sides. 21 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental (hj;s. Armstrong’ s clash with the environmental movement began when the provincial gov­ ernment of British Columbia decided to cre­ ate a n a tion a l park on pa rt of Q u een Charlotte’ s Island. He lost his battle against the park but gained public exposure, and was immediately called upon by MacMillan Bloedel and other Canadian timber companies to lead new Share campaigns. He now heads M oresby Consulting, a firm that advises the tim ber in d u stry and oth er n atu ral resou rce in terests on how to u se Share groups to battle environmentalists. 22 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups Chapter Three A catalog o f antienvironmental groups Public relations firms, foundations, endowments and charities aren't listed separately, but are referred to where we cover the organizations they created or financed. Because o f space limitations, the funding information included here is sometimes incomplete. In most cases, more detailed informa­ tion is on file with the author and Greenpeace. The Abundant Wildlife Society o f North America (AWS) 12665 Hwy 59N Gillette WY 82716 307 683 2826 he A bundant W ildlife S o cie ty w as founded by form er cattlem an Dick Mader in 1989, to obstruct environ­ mentalists' efforts to reintroduce the endan­ gered grey wolf into Yellowstone National Park. AWS claims to have built a broad mem­ bership spanning all 50 states, Canada and Europe, but knowledgeable environmentalists call it a “ minor irritation.” D ick’ s son Troy considers himself the w orld’ s leading expert on the wolf. In an effort to turn public opinion against wolves, he distributes booklets with gory photographs of deer, sheep and cattle allegedly mauled or killed by grey wolves. He claims that the reason “ wolves reg­ ularly attack people in" India is that it “ has a philosophy of environmentalism.” 23 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. In the US, AWS has linked arms with the Wise Use movement and is a member of the Alliance for America. It’ s added the Endan­ gered Species Act and other key environmental legislation to its hit list. Funding Members are primarily fur trappers, ranchers and hunters, but AWS doesn't publicly disclose their identi­ ties. Officers Dick Mader, President ♦ Troy Mader, Director of Research ♦ E.L. Leser, Public Relations Accuracy in Media (AIM) 1275 K Street NW Washington DC 20005 202 371 6710, fax: 202 371 9054 A ccuracy in Media grew from a one-per­ son crusade to a million-dollar-a-year operation by attacking the mainstream media for abandoning the principles of “ fair­ ness, balance and accuracy”in its reporting. New Right philanthropies, think tanks and media support its work, and many members of its advisory board are former diplomats, intelligence agents and corporate directors. Chaired by Reed Irvine, AIM is linked to the Moonie cult via individual supporters and Rev. M oon’ s affiliates in W ashington DC. Irvine’ s column appears regularly in M oon’ s Washington Times newspaper. In the 1970s, Irvine endeared himself to the New Right by alleging that the corporate media was a propaganda tool for the Soviet 24 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups KGB and Fidel Castro. With the end of the Cold War, AIM now assails environmentalists as the “ infiltrators”of the media establish­ ment. (Yet a 1992 study of the three major networks and 33 m ajor daily new spapers shows that environmental coverage has actu­ ally declined since 1990.) Turner Broadcasting System drew Irvine’ s ire with a program called One Child, One Voice, part of the documentary series Save the Earth that aired before the Rio Earth Summit. In it, children from five countries discussed how problems like acid rain, global warm ing and the lo ss of biodiversity are affecting their homelands. Irvine called the program a “ cheap trick" that exploited the fears of children. It’ s no coinciden ce that many of AIM’ s strongest supporters are corporations that have helped create such problems—oil and gas companies, chemical manufacturers and so on. 4 Funding (partial list) Bethlehem Steel ♦ Carthage Foundation ♦ Chevron ♦ Ciba-Geigy ♦ Coors Foundation ♦ Dresser Indus­ tries ♦ Exxon ♦ Lawrence Fertig Foundation ♦ Getty Oil ♦ Horizon Oil and Gas ♦ IBM ♦ Kaiser Alumi­ num & Chemical ♦ F.M. Kirby Foundation ♦ Mobil Foundation ♦ Pepsico ♦ Phillips Petroleum ♦ Smith Richardson Charitable Trust ♦ Texaco Philanthropic Foundation ♦ Union Carbide Officers Reed Irvine, Chairman ♦ Murray Baron, President ♦ Wilson C. Lucom, Vice President ♦ Donald Irvine, Executive Secretary ♦ Jon Basil Utley, Treasurer ♦ Milton Mitchell, General Counsel 25 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Alaska “ Support Industry” Alliance (ASIA) 4220 B St, Suite 200 Anchorage AK 99503 907 563 2226, 907 561 8870 M uch of A laska’ s North Slope (the state’ s coastal plain along the Arctic Ocean) has been drilled for oil, as have the waters of Prudhoe Bay. Environ­ mentalists have managed to save only 10% of the North Slope—the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). But the oil industry wants that too, and in 1979, it launched the Alaska “ Support Industry”Alliance (ASIA) to get it— even though the possibility of discovering sig­ nificant oil reserves in the ANWR is slim. The federal government estimates that even if oil were found in ANWR, it would most likely represent no more than 200 days’ worth at the US’ s present rate of consumption. Needless to say, ASIj\ doesn ’ t emphasize that fact in its slick advertisements, pamphlets, newsletters and videotapes. Instead, it claims that lifting the restrictions on the ANWR would create 735,000 jobs in all fifty states. One widely placed newspaper ad shows a Gulf War veteran with the headline: “ He put his life on the line, today he’ s in the unemployment line.” Even if the Alliance’ s job estimates were accurate (which is highly unlikely), they don’ t bother to say how long those jobs would last. The oil industry as a whole promotes a boomand-bust economy which provides little or no 26 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups job security in a rapidly declining and envi­ ronmentally unsustainable energy market. Another Alliance ad reads: “ Environmental Activists have promoted the romantic notion that the coastal plain is some kind of pristine and delicate Arctic Serengeti, It is not. The area is a flat, frozen wasteland for much of the year.”In fact, the ANWR is the birthing ground for a herd of 180,000 caribou and also hosts polar bears, brown bears, wolves, musk oxen and millions of migratory birds. Funding (partial list) Alaska Forest Association ♦ Alaska Miners Associa­ tion ♦ Alaska Oilfield Maintenance ♦ Parker Drilling ♦ Price Waterhouse ♦ Pacific Legal Foundation ♦ Petro Star ♦ Tesoro Petroleum Officers Lowell Humphrey (ComRim Systems), Presidents James Udelhoven (Udelhoven Oilfield Systems), Vice President ♦ Sally Ann Carey (Crowley Mari­ time), Vice President ♦ David Haugen (Lynden), Vice President ♦ Mary Sheilds (Northwest Techni­ cal Services), Secretary ♦ Cordon Stevens (VECO Environmental & Professional), Treasurer Alliance fo r America Box 246, Sublimity OR 97385 503 769 7923, fax: 503 769 7923 also: Box 450, Canoga Lake NY 12032 518 835 6702, fax: 518 835 2527 he Alliance for America is a nationwide Wise Use and property rights coalition formed in 1991 to “ put people back into the environmental equation.”It claims T 27 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. over 500 member organizations in all fifty states, but the vast majority of them are trade associations connected with the tim­ ber, m ining and cattle industries. Many Alliance leaders own or operate sawmills, or tree-falling, trucking or shipping companies. In September 1992, the Alliance brought 400 loggers, miners and ranchers to Wash­ ington DC for its second annual Fly-In for Freedom. Every member of Congress was vis­ ited by an Alliance member laden with fact sh e ets that p u rp orted to sh ow how the Endangered S pecies Act, w ilderness pre­ serves and wetlands protection are destroying jobs and family values. At a press conference, a little girl was put before the cameras to plead for the government to help her family so they could have Christmas again. Alliance spokesperson Valerie Johnson— nicknamed the Velvet Hammer for her subtle yet powerful public speaking style—blames the environmental movement for the e c o ­ nom ic w oes of her constituents. “ There’ s been a small band of radicals trying to turn this country upside down,”she told the 1992 Fly-In crowd. “ The environm entalists are really our hardcore enemies.” Funding (partial list) American Farm Bureau Federation ♦ American Freedom Coalition ♦ American Mining Congress ♦ American Motorcyclist Association ♦ American Petroleum Institute ♦ American Pulpwood Associa­ tion ♦ Chemical Manufacturing Association ♦ Land Improvement Contractors of America ♦ Marigold Mining ♦ National Cattlemen's Association ♦ 28 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups National Rifle Association ♦ National Trappers Asso­ ciation ♦ Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas Association Officers June Chrisle, President ♦ David Howard, Vice Presi­ dent ♦ Harry McIntosh, Vice President ♦ Rita Caley, Vice President ♦ Cheryl Johnson, Secretary ♦ Tom Hirons, Treasurer Alliance fo r Environment and Resources (AER) 1311 I St, Suite 100 Sacramento CA 95814 916 444 6592, fax: 91 6 444 0170 he A lliance for E nviron m en t and Resources was formed in 1985 by the California Forestry Association (CFA) to put a citizens’face on the timber industry. (The CFA, which represents California’ s largest forest-products companies, lobbies state and federal governments for fewer logging restric­ tion^ on public and private lands, and works to clean up the industry's public image.) AER is the umbrella organization for Cali­ fornia Wise Use organizations, and is itself a member of the national Wise Use umbrella, the Alliance for America. AER groups fre­ quently confront, threaten and harass envi­ ronmentalists. Of the m ore than 30 grou p s that have join ed AER since 1985, perhaps the bestknown are the Yellow Ribbon Coalition (which also has branches in Oregon and Washington) and the Shasta Alliance for Resources and Environment, which was formed by the Red29 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. ding Chamber of Commerce to fight logging restrictions in the Shasta-Trinity and Six Rivers national forests. One of the more confrontational organiza­ tions in AER is Mothers’Watch, a group of wives and m oth ers of tim ber workers. It sponsors boycotts of local busin esses that support the environmental movement and is a strong presence at anti-environmentalist rallies. M oth ers’W atch founder, Candy Boak, is frequently spotted videotaping envi­ ronmental protesters, a counterintelligence tactic pioneered by the FBI during the civil rights and peace movements. Funding California Forestry Association Officers Kathy L. Kvarda, Director Alliance fo r a Responsible CFC Policy * ■' 2111 Wilson Blvd, Suite 850 Arlington VA 22201 703 243 0.344, 703 243 2874 n the early 1970s, scientists found evi­ dence that when ch loroflu orocarbon s (CFCs)—widely used as coolants in refrig­ erators and air conditioners and as industri­ al s o lv e n ts —are re le a se d in to the atm osphere, they ca u se depletion of the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the sun’ s ultraviolet rays. (CFCs also con­ tribute to global warming.) I 30 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups The Alliance for a Responsible CFC Policy was founded in 1981 by more than 400 CFC manufacturers, distributors and other com ­ panies to influence government regulation of CFCs. The Alliance is operated by a lobbying and consulting firm called Alcalde, Rousselot and Fay. Despite the “ responsible”in its name, the A llian ce’ s real goa l is to slow dow n the timetable for phasing out CFCs. It has also won approval for the continued manufacturing of d a n g e ro u s a ltern a tiv es to C F C s like h y d r o ch lo r o flu o r o ca r b o n s (HCFCs) and h y d roflu oroca rbon s (HFCs). HCFCs still cause ozone depletion—they simply do so at a slower rate than CFCs. And while HFC’ s don't deplete the ozone layer, they are potent greenhouse gases that contribute significantly to global warming. "The CFC industry has a track record of stalling in the face of mounting evidence that CFCs destroy the ozone layer,”cautions Car­ olyn Hartmann, a lawyer with US Public Interest R esearch Group. “ For 20 years, DuPont and the CFC industry have vigorously fought against CFC regulations.” The Alliance’ s PR, media and lobbying work has succeeded in delaying a complete CFC phaseout until at least January 1996. Funding (partial list) ARCO Chemical ♦ AT&T ♦ Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ♦ American Petroleum Insti­ tute ♦ Amoco Foam Products ♦ Carrier ♦ Chemical Manufacturers Association ♦ Dow Chemical ♦ E.l. Du Pont ♦ GTE ♦ General Electric ♦ Hill & Knowlton 31 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. ♦ IBM ♦ Institute of Heating and Air Conditioning Industries ♦ Sara Lee ♦ Society of the Plastics indus­ try ♦ Texaco Chemical ♦ 3M ♦ W,R. Grace Officers James Wolf, Chairman ♦ Kevin J. Fay, Executive Director ♦ David Stirpe, Legal Counsel ♦ Beth Lewis, Membership Coordinator American Freedom Coalition (AFC) 800 K St NW, Suite 830 Washington DC 20001 202 371 0303 he American Freedom Coalition is one of the principal political offshoots of Rev. Moon’ s Unification Church. It was founded in 1987 by Moon’ s lieutenant, Col. Hi Bo Pak, to organize a third political party in each state and, according to Pak, “ make it so that no one can run for office in the United States without our permission." The pcflicies it endorses are decidedly antienvironmental, anti-feminist and homophobic. And contrary to the grassroots image it tries to project, AFC appears to have little if any popu lar support. As a p olitical party, it doesn’ t appear on the ballot in any state. AFC became known for challenging what it called the “ p e rsecu tio n of Oliver North.” Columns by far-right stalwarts Jeanne Kirk­ patrick, Pat Buchanan and North him self regularly appear in the organization’ s publi­ cation, the American Freedom Journal. AFC was a principal financial backer of the 1988 convention in Reno that founded the 32 /\ catalog o f anti-environmental groups W ise Use m ovement, and h as organ ized dozens of other Wise Use conferences since then. In fact, the director of the AFC’ s Envi­ ronm ental T ask Force, Merrill Sikorsky, claims that AFC spawned the Wise Use Move­ ment. Sikorsky claims that oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and offshore in California and North Carolina would make the US not only self-sufficient in oil, but also an oil exporter, despite the fact that five years of oil is the most that could be extracted from all potential US reserves. Funding AFC's yearly budget exceeds $1 million. The national office sends direct-mail funding pleas to a list of 300,000. Five million dollars in seed money was provided by the Unification Church. Officers Richard H. Ichord and Bob Wilson, Co-Chairmen ♦ Robert C. Grant, President ♦ Philip Sanchez, Vice President :< Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC) Box 5449 Pocatello ID 83202 208 237 1557, fax: 208 237 1566, electronic bulletin board: 208 237 5488 he Blue Ribbon Coalition represents off-road motorcyclists and timber, oil and m in in g c o m p a n ie s w ho want unfettered a c c e s s to p u blic lands. Their motto is, preserving our natural resources for the public instead o f from the public. T 33 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. BRC lobbies legislators and state and federal land m an agers to b lock new w ild ern ess designations and to open up existing wildlife preserves for public and private use. BRC’ s executive director, Clark Collins, was honored as the most successful legislative lobbyist at a Wise Use leadership conference in Reno in June 1992. In addition to preserving dirt bike trails, Collins has also organized support for the timber industry, and for oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, cattle grazing rights on federal lands and modifying the Endangered Species Act. Funding (partial list) American Honda ♦ American Petroleum Institute ♦ American Suzuki ♦ Boise Cascade ♦ Cycle News ♦ International Snowmobile Industry Association ♦ Kawasaki ♦ Louisiana-Pacific ♦ Motorcycle industry Council ♦ Potlatch ♦ Western States Petroleum Association ♦ Yamaha Officers » Joani DuFourd, President ♦ Clark Collins, Executive Director ♦ Pat Harris, Treasurer ♦ John Butterfield, Treasurer B.C. Forest Alliance 210-1100 Melville St. Vancouver BC V6E 4A6 Canada 800 563 TREE, 604 685 7507, fax: 604 685 5373 B y 1991, public opinion polls showed widespread mistrust of Canada’ s tim­ ber industry because of clear-cutting and pollution from mills, and the international community had begun to com pare British 34 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups Columbia’ s deforestation with Brazil’ s. Thir­ teen of Canada’ s largest timber com panies brought in the international public relations expert Burson-Marstellar to create the B.C. Forest Alliance as a “ citizens’ ”lobby group to address these public concerns and to clean up the timber industry’ s image. The Alliance sends out a monthly newslet­ ter, produces television programs and orga­ nizes media tours of clear-cut logging sites, saw m ills and pu lp and paper factories. Although it insists it’ s a non-partisan citizen group and not a public-relations front, the founding timber com panies provided a $1 million operating budget. Of its 30 board members, 20 are CEOs, cor­ porate directors or con su ltan ts for forest industry companies, and its offices are in the same downtown-Vancouver building as Bur­ son-Marstellar, Weyerhauser of Canada, West Fraser Mills and Enso Forest Products. "Rite Alliance’ s m essage is clear-cut: the economic survival of British Columbia—and possibly all of Canada—depends upon a vig­ orous timber industry. A 1991 study by the Alliance, called the Economic Impact State­ ment, claims that one in five people in Van­ couver owe their jobs to the forest industry, and that taxes in the entire province would in crease $1,000 per person if the timber industry were restricted. Ironically, as critics like Jim Fulton (NDP-Ottowa) point out, forest companies themselves are eliminating thou­ sands of timber jobs because of mechanization and increased exports. 35 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Funding Weldwood of Canada ♦ Doman Forest Products ♦ MacMillan Bloedel ♦ Canadian Forest Products ♦ Northwood Pulp and Timber ♦ Lignum ♦ West Fraser Timber ♦ Crestbrook Forest Industries ♦ Weyerhauser Canada ♦ Skeena Cellulose ♦ Inter­ national Forest Products ♦ Riverside Forest Products ♦ Scott Paper ♦ Eurocan Pulp and Paper ♦ Fletcher Challenge Canada ♦ Canfor Officers (partial list): Jack Munro, Alliance Chairman ♦ Patrick Moore, Director, Forest Practices Committee ♦ Tom Buell (CEO, Weldwood of Canada) ♦ John Kerr (CEO, Lignum) ♦ Ray Smith (CEO, McMillan Bloedel) Business Council fo r Sustainable Development (BCSD) World Trade Center, Third Floor Route de L'Aeroport 10 Geneva Switzerland CASE Pos^le.365 CH 1215 Geneva 15 41 22 788 3202; fax: 41 22 788 3211 he 1992 Earth Summit in Rio was attended by leaders of 172 nations and hundreds of nongovernmental groups representing women, indigenous peo­ ple, youth, farmers and environmentalists. But it was also exploited for "green”publicity by many of the transnational corporations responsible for creating the very problems the conference addressed. Represented by the Business Council for Sustainable Dev­ elopment, with the help of public relations giant Burson-Marstellar, these corporations T 36 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups played a key role in watering down treaties on biodiversity and global warming that were signed at the Earth Summit. The BCSD was founded in 1991 by billion­ aire Swiss industrialist Stephen Sehmidheiny, whose longtime friend and trusted advisor is Maurice Strong, a Canadian businessm an who was the ch ief architect of the Earth Summit. So integral were the links between BCSD and the Earth Summit that a BursonMarstellar consultant in New York referred to the Earth Summit as “ the parent organiza­ tion”of the BCSD. The BCSD was hailed as marking a turning point towards responsible corporate behavior to protect the environment. But its philoso­ phy, as outlined in Changing Course, a book it prepared for the Summit, has a familiar ring. It centers on economic growth through free trade, open markets, easy access to raw mate­ rials and voluntary corporate protection of the environment. After the Earth Summit, BCSD cut back its operations, keeping a small staff in Geneva and trying to decide, a spokesper­ son said, “ if there is any post-Rio role for us." Funding (partial list) Chevron ♦ Volkswagen ♦ ConAgra ♦ 3M ♦ CibaCeigy ♦ Nissan Motor ♦ Nippon Steel ♦ Mitsubishi ♦ Dow Chemical ♦ Browning-Ferris Industries ♦ Royal Dutch Shell ♦ E.l. DuPont Officers Stephan Sehmidheiny, Chairman ♦ James Hugh Faulkner, Executive Director ♦ David Harris, Executive Officer 37 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. California Desert Coalition (CDC) 6192 Magnolia Ave, Suite D Riverside CA 92506 714 684 6509 he California D esert C oalition was form ed in 1986 to fight Sen. Alan Cranston’ s (D-CA) California Desert Protection Act—now sponsored by Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)—w hich design a tes over seven million acres of desert as wilderness and national park. Under the Act, mining, off-road recreation and cattle grazing—which cause erosion, pollution and threaten desert species with extinction—would be virtually banned in about four million acres of pro­ p o se d C aliforn ia w ild e rn ess area, and restricted in an additional 2'A million acres. CDC says that 20,000 jobs are at stake if mining companies are forced to comply with these proposed regulations, and that the entire state, economy would suffer if the law is passed. Such scare tactics have helped generate m odest grassroots support. But, while it claims to be a voice for over a million Californians, CDC is really a front for mining companies, off-road vehicle trade groups and cattle ranchers. Once the battle over desert preservation is settled, the Coalition is prepared to continue its crusade on behalf of the larger anti-envi­ ronm entalist cause. W ise Use Movement leaders from the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE) were brought in to train CDC activists at the Second Annual 38 /\ catalog o f anti-environmental groups Desert Conference in May 1992. The CDC su p p orters were warned, “ What is really behind the environmental movement is the largest scam of all time. What they are really after is to relieve people of their property.” Funding According to Mike Ahrens, CDC media director, most financial support comes from individual mem­ bers writing personal checks, with the larger compa­ nies and organizations "donating a little here and there—to help pay rent." The following corporations are represented on the steering committee: Ameri­ can Motorcyclist Association, District 37 ♦ High Desert Multiple Use Association ♦ Western States Public Lands Coalition ♦ Western States Petroleum Association ♦ High Desert Cattlemen's Association ♦ Western Mining Council ♦ California Off Road Vehicle Association ♦ Motorcycle Industry Council Officers Patrick Davidson, President ♦ David M. Hess, Chairman ♦ M.H. "Merv" Hemp, Editor, Desert News Letter The Cato Institute 224 Second St SE Washington DC 20003 202 546 0200, fax: 202 546 0728 his right-wing think tank, founded in 1977, sp o n so r s policy con feren ces and distributes publications on issues as diverse as the global economy, military intervention and “ ecoterrorism.”Cato views the e n v iro n m en ta l m ov em en t and the demands it places on industry as a major T 39 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. obstacle to its vision of small government and an unregulated economy. "The plain fact is that the gloom and doom about our environment is all wrong,”Cato adjunct scholar and University of Maryland business professor Julian Simon told a 1992 policy conference. Cato’ s director of natural resource studies, Jerry Taylor, wrote in USA Today that “ natural resources are better pro­ tected by individual owners with vested inter­ e sts in th eir p r o p e r ty ” than by the government. “ Environm ental treaties are biased against economic growth despite the proven co r r e la tio n betw een w ealthy economies and healthy environments.” Funding (partial list) American Farm Bureau Federation ♦ American Petroleum Institute ♦ Ameritech Foundation ♦ Amo­ co Foundation ♦ ARCO Foundation ♦ Association of International Auto Manufacturers ♦ Lynde and Harry Bradjey Foundation ♦ Coca-Cola ♦ William H. Donner Foundation ♦ Exxon ♦ Ford Motor Com­ pany Fund ♦ JM Foundation ♦ Koch Industries ♦ Vernon K. Krieble Foundation ♦ Claude R. Lambe Foundation ♦ Liberty Fund ♦ Lilly Endowment ♦ Phillip M. McKenna Foundation ♦ Monsanto ♦ Motorola Foundation ♦ NBC ♦ Pfizer ♦ Philip Mor­ ris ♦ Procter & Gamble Fund ♦ Sarah Scaife Foun­ dation ♦ Toyota Motor Sales Officers (partial list) W illiam Niskanen, Chairman ♦ Edward H. Crane, President and CEO ♦ David Boaz, Executive Vice President ♦ Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow ♦ Robert J. Smith, Director Environmental Studies ♦ Jerry Taylor, Director of Natural Resource Studies 40 A catalog of anti-environmental groups Center fo r the Defense o f Free Enterprise (CDFE) 12500 NE 10th PI Bellevue WA 98005 206 455 5038 F ounded in 1976 by Alan Gottlieb to cham pion conservative national poli­ cies, the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise has evolved into the premier think tank and training center for the Wise Use movement. Through seminars, conferences, training videos, radio programs, books and newsletters, it teaches Wise Use activists in the US and C an ada how to “ fight b a ck ” against environmentalists. CDFE declares that environmentalists are not only inhumane “ nature worshippers”but a national security risk whose goal is to destroy free enterprise. The Center’ s outspoken director, Ron Arnold, proudly acknowledges that the ultimate goal of the Wise Use Movement is “ to destroy”the envi­ ronmental movement. “ We’ re mad as hell, we’ re dead serious. We’ re going to destroy them,”he told the Portland Oregonian. The Center has won support from more than a dozen conserva­ tives in Congress and from Dick Cheney who was President Bush’ s Defense Secretary. Although many New Right funders have supported the Center’ s work, Arnold and t rely on large corpo­ Gottlieb claim they don’ rate donations. Gottlieb is considered one of the most talented direct-mail fundraisers in the country, and reportedly sends out twenty million pieces of mail each year. This nets $5 41 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. million annually for CDFE and its sister organization, the Citizen Committee for the Right to Bear Arms. In 1984, Gottlieb spent a year in jail for filing false tax returns. Funding (partial list of early supporters) Coors Foundation ♦ Georgia Pacific ♦ LouisianaPacific ♦ MacMillan Bloedel ♦ Pacific Lumber ♦ Exxon ♦ DuPont, Agricultural Products Division ♦ Boise Cascade ♦ Seneca Sawmills ♦ Sun Studs ♦ Burkland Lumber ♦ F.M. Kirby Foundation Officers Alan M. Gottlieb, President ♦ Ron Arnold, Execu­ tive Vice President ♦ Samuel M. Slom, Vice Presi­ dent ♦ Merrill R. Jacobs, Secretary ♦ Jeffrey D. Kans, Treasurer "Congressional Advisors (1992)" (most have c o ­ authored anti-environmental legislation) Senators Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY), Jesse Helms (R-NC), Don Nickles (R-OK), Ted Stevens (R-AK); Representatives Philip Crane (R-IL), Mickey Edwards («r OK), Robert L. Livingston (R-LA), Don Young (R-AK); former Senator Gordon Humphrey (R-NH); former Representatives John Hiler (R-IN), Stan Parris (R-VA) Guy Vander Jagt (R-MI). "Distinguished Advisors (1992)" Dick Cheney, former US Secretary of Defense; Charles S. Cushman, National Inholders Associa­ tion; Donald Devine; Bettina Bien Graves; Wayne ■Hage; Richard Ichord, American Freedom Coali­ tion; Barbara Keating, Consumer Alert; Dawson Mathis; W illiam Simon, Heritage Foundation Citizens Coalition fo r Sustainable Development see Share B.C. — 42 /\ catalog o f anti-environmental groups Citizensfo r the Environment (CFE) 470 L'Enfant Plaza SW Washington DC 20024 202 488 7255 itizens for the Environment describes itself as a “ grassroots environmental group that prom otes market-based m ethods for protecting our environment.” Despite this claim, it has no citizen member­ ship of its own. Founded in 1990 as an off­ shoot of Citizens for a Sound Economy (a right-wing “ consumer”group), CFE is a think tank and lobbying group that advocates strict deregulation of corporations as the solution to environmental problems. It rallied opposition to the Clean Air Act of 1990 and to California’ s Proposition 128 (“ Big Green” ), a broad environmental pack­ age to improve state regulation of toxins. C on gress p a sse d the Clean Air Act, but Proposition 128 was defeated. CFE scientist Jo Kwong urges the public to “ discard the hype”circulated by environmen­ talists. She identifies sixteen environmental problems that she says are a sham. These “ myths” —acid rain, natural-resource deple­ tion and shrinking landfill space—“ dictate public policy”Kwong complains. CFE a rgu es that in du stry has always played a positive role in protecting the envi­ ronment. “ The introduction of free-market economics—which occurred about the same time as the American Revolution—enabled us to grow wealthier, which in turn gave us 43 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. the technology to grow healthier,”CFE Presi­ dent Stephen Gold told an EPA conference. ‘ Two centuries later, we’ ve reduced and even eliminated many of our previous environmen­ tal threats.”Gold con clu d es that natural resources will be preserved for future genera­ tions only “ by channelling the powerful forces of the marketplace—that invisible hand—to enable this country to enter the next century cleaner and healthier than ever before.” Funding CFE's parent, Citizens for a Sound Economy, is par­ tially funded by: Alcan Aluminum ♦ American Petroleum Institute ♦ Ameritech ♦ Amoco ♦ Association of International Automobile Manufacturers ♦ Boeing ♦ Chevron ♦ Coors ♦ General Electric ♦ General Motors ♦ Geor­ gia-Pacific ♦ Honda North America ♦ Hyundai America ♦ Kobe Steel ♦ Mobil ♦ Nissan ♦ John M. Olin Foundation ♦ Phillip Morris ♦ Rockwell Inter­ national ♦ Sarah Scaife Foundation ♦ Sony ♦ Toyota ♦ Union Carbide ♦ Xerox Officers Stephen Gold, President ♦ Michael Giberson, Sen­ ior Analyst ♦ Angela Logomasini, Senior Analyst Citizens fo r Total Energy (CITE) Box 563 Sunol CA 94586 510 862 2331 C itizens for Total Energy is a “ grass roots energy education organization” run from the home of Helen Hubbard in a distant suburb of San Francisco. Hub44 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups bard founded CITE in 1977 to fight “ anti­ nuclear fanaticism”in California. “ [0]ur efforts have been at convincing the general public and legislative bodies that the atom, in all its commercial applications, is not to be feared, but to be understood and that it is a friend to humanity, not an enemy,”she says. “ There are no other pro-nuclear grassroots organiza­ tions left. They all folded,”laments Hubbard. The US Council on Energy Awareness and other industry groups work very closely with CITE. In 1989, the American Nuclear Indus­ try Council, nuclear power’ s largest trade a sso cia tio n , p r e se n te d H ubbard with a plaque and a cash prize for being the most effective pro-nuclear “ grassroots”organizer. Funding Annual dues from individual members (CITE claims no financial relationship with industry). Officers Helen Hubbard, Presidents Diane Hughes, Vice President ♦ Vada Uirech, Secretary ♦ Kaliko Cas­ taneda, Treasurer Coalitionfor Vehicle Choice (CVC) c/o E. Bruce Harrison & Co 1440 New York Ave NW Washington DC 20005 800 AUTO 411 n 1991, E. Bruce Harrison & Co was paid $500,000 by the automobile industry to set up the Coalition for Vehicle Choice. With headlines like “ Who should choose your I 45 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. next car? You or Congress?” , this supposed consum er advocate and auto safety group launched an $8 million campaign that helped defeat a bill setting higher fuel-efficiency standards in US-built cars. One of their TV commercials shows official crash-test footage of a compact car crumpling against a Ford Crown Victoria, the largest USbuilt passenger car. The voice-over warns, "The laws of physics cannot be legislated away.”In fact, the safety features of the small car were sufficient to assure the survival of its driver. “ It is bitterly ironic that the auto industry has created an organization that purports to promote safer cars,”said Joan Claybrook, president of the consumer group Public Citi­ zen and a former administrator of National Highway Transportation Safety Administra­ tion (NHTSA). “ Automobile com panies have spent a fortune since the 1960s to oppose every single important safety measure that has ever been proposed.” The CVC cam p aign has been effective, thwarting fuel-efficiency increases in 1991 and 1992. But their scientific assertions are highly inaccurate and misleading. For exam­ ple, they argue that increased fuel efficiency will have little or no effect on reducing air pollution or curbing global warming, even though automobile emissions are one of the largest contributors to both problems. CVC President Diane Steed headed the NHTSA under Reagan, where she allied her­ self with the auto industry in fighting con­ sumer groups and environmentalists. Steed 46 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups h erself lowered fuel-efficiency standards between 1986 and 1988. Funding (partial list) American Farm Bureau Federation ♦ American Motorcyclist Association ♦ Association of Interna­ tional Automobile Manufacturers ♦ International Snowmobile Association ♦ Livestock Marketing Association ♦ Motor Vehicle Manufacturers of America ♦ Motorcycle Industry Council ♦ National Automobile Dealers Association ♦ Recreation Vehicle Industry Association ♦ US Chamber of Commerce Officers Diane Steed, President ♦ Jeffrey B. Conley (of E. Bruce Harrison & Co), Executive Director Committee fo r a Constructive Tomorrow (C-FACT) Box 65722 Washington DC 20035 2(ft 429 2737 F ormed in 1985 to “ protect our fragile environment”through public education and campus organizing, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow is a free-market think tank, corporate front group and citizen activist network, all rolled into one. With 2500 supporters and a $200,000 budget, its m ission is to attack environmentalists and promote nuclear technology. To solve waste management problems, C-FACT proposes creating new landfills and imple­ menting voluntary—not mandatory—recycling programs. C-FACT also called for increased 47 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. use of herbicides and pesticides, a rollback of federal air and water quality standards and a repeal of the Endangered Species Act. C-FACT compares the leaders of the environ­ mental movement to Hitler, Stalin and Genghis Khan: “ A lthough garbed in Armani su its instead of battle armor and firing off press releases rather than artilleiy rounds, these ide­ ologues are no less hungiy for world predomi­ nance than their ruthless predecessors.” The Moonie-owned Washington Times news­ paper regularly prints C-FACT views on global warming, acid rain and ozone depletion. CFACT director Norval Carey is also the treasurer for the American Nuclear Energy Council and a registered lobbyist for General Atomics. Funding (partial list) Carthage Foundation ♦ US Council on Energy Awareness Officers David M. Rothbard, President ♦ Craig J. Rucker, Executive Director ♦ Sheryl Brinson, Director ♦ Norval E. Carey (Senior Vice President, General Atomics Corporation), Director ♦ Janet Raschella, Director ♦ Edward C. Krug, Director of Environmental Projects Consumer Alert (CA) 1024 J St, Suite 425 Modesto CA 95354 209 524 1738 C onsumer Alert is one of the most expe­ rienced mainstream anti-environmen­ tal groups. On the surface, it appears to be a consum er advocacy group like the 48 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) or Ralph Nader’ s Public Citizen, but CA is actu­ ally backed by huge industry interests and is well-connected to the New Right. A 1990 study by two authentic consum er groups, Consumers Union and California PIRG, found that CA frequently takes positions that “ tend to save industry money at the expense of consumer interests, such as safety, product testing, educational benefits and health.” Established in 1977, CA is dedicated to “ the promotion of a free and open competitive m arketplace, sm aller governm ent, lower taxes, free international trade and strong national econom ic growth.”It unites Wise Use, industry front groups, right-wing think tanks and other anti-environmentalists in its thirty-six member National Consumer Coali­ tion, which includes Accuracy in Media, Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Committee for a Construeti\sg Tomorrow, Heritage Foundation, Mountain States Legal Foundation, Pacific Legal Founda­ tion, Reason Foundation, Science and Environ­ mental Policy Project and Wilderness Impact Research Foundation. After its 1990 Truth in the Environment conference, CA con cluded that acid rain, global warming, pesticides and asbestos are having no serious impact on the environment or public health. CA’ s panel of scientists, including Ed Krug of Committee for a Con­ structive Tomorrow (C-FACT) and Fred Singer of the Science and Environmental Policy Pro­ ject (SEPP), concluded that, under the green49 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. h ou se effect, "skin cancer w ould decline [and] many plants, including several agricul­ tu rally im p orta n t sp e cie s, w ould show enhanced growth.” Funding (partial list) Anheuser-Busch ♦ Pfizer Pharmaceuticals ♦ Philip Morris ♦ Allstate Insurance Fund ♦ American Cyanamid ♦ Elanco ♦ Eli Lilly ♦ Exxon ♦ Monsanto Agri­ cultural ♦ Upjohn ♦ Chemical Manufacturers Association ♦ AMR Foundation ♦ Ciba-Geigy ♦ The Beer Institute Officers Barbara Keating, President/Executive Director ♦ W illiam C. McCleod, Chairman ♦ N. Richard Greenfield, Vice Chairman/Secretary ♦ Arthur Finkelstein, Treasurer Defenders o f Property Rights (DPR) 6235 33rd St NW Washington DC 20015 202 686 4197 D efenders of Property Rights is a non­ profit legal foundation, founded in 1991 by h u sb a n d and wife legal team Roger and Nancie Marzulla. It’ s the lit­ igating arm of the property-rights movement and a member of the Environmental Con­ servation Organization (ECO). DPR fights in the courts to weaken regulations on wet­ lands, historic landmarks, environmental protection and land use. Roger Marzulla is a former president of the Mountain States Legal Foundation and for50 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups mer assistant attorney general of the Envi­ ronment and Natural Resources Division for the US Justice Department. Nancie Marzulla is also a veteran of the M ountain States Legal Foundation. Funding $250,000 annual budget Officers Nancie Marzulla, Director Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO) 1300 Maybrook Dr Maywood IL 60153 708 344 1556 he acronym ECO suggests an environ­ mentally friendly agenda. In truth, the Environmental Conservation O rgan­ ization was started in 1990 as a front group for real estate developers and other businesses opposed to wetlands regulations. It shares a su b u rb a n C h ica go office with the Land Improvement Contractors of America, a national trade association for real estate developers. ECO quickly grew into one of the broadest coalitions of anti environmentalists in the US, claiming m em bership of seven million in d iv id u a ls and 320 organ iza tion s. The National Inholders Association, Defenders of Property Rights, the National Wetlands Coali­ tion and National Rifle A ssociation have jo in e d the coa lition . ECO b eliev es that “ eiforts to save the environment should not 51 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. erode fundamental constitutional rights nor pollute our free-enterprise economy.” Its 30-page monthly newsletter, Eco-logic: People Balancing the Environmental Equation, gives detailed updates on the progress of the Wise Use, Share and property rights move­ ments. Eco-logic is distributed by other Wise Use and property rights groups and serves as a networking forum for their members. In one issue, Sen. Steve Symm s (R-ID) explains how his proposed Private Property R ights Act will m andate “ no net lo ss of property" in place of “ no net loss of w et­ lands," SEPP’ s Fred Singer discredits ozone d e p letio n as “ s cie n tific ig n o r a n c e ”and NFLC’ s Jim Faulkner tells how to pass local laws to undercut federal environmental pro­ tection measures. Funding (partial list) Allnet Telecommunications ♦ Land Improvement Contractor of America ♦ American Farm Bureau Federation Officers Robert Vicks, Chairman ♦ Henry Lamb, Executive Vice President ♦ Rhonda McAtee, Director The Evergreen Foundation 3979 Crater Lake Hwy Medford OR 97504 503 779 4999 L ocated in Lhe heart of Oregon's forest country, the Evergreen Foundation is a timber-industry front group that puts forth the idea, through films and videos, that 52 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups forest resources are abundant. It paints itself as a friend to the environment and doesn ’ t directly bash environmentalists. Its motto is healthy environments and healthy economies go hand in hand. Its slick bi-monthly publication Evergreen has a circulation of 50,000 and looks more like a nature magazine than industry propa­ ganda. Its pro-timber bias is carefully camou­ fla ged by w ildlife p h o to g r a p h s and hum an-interest stories about fly-fishing. Evergreen’ s true message is that environmen­ tal protection laws are unreasonable, based on extreme views, founded in bad science and m ade w ithout con sideration of their social and economic impacts. In its 1991- 92 annual report, the Evergreen Foundation invites supporters to take a walk through the “ Enlightened Forest,”a world where "there is beauty, p ea ce and m y s­ tery.... people make decisions on the basis of what they know, not what they fear.”There’ s nothing to worry about, because "we plant more than we harvest.”In this nirvana, the only dangers to old growth forest are insects, fire and natural disaster; the only threat to the spotted owl is disease; and the only bad policies are those that reflect the “ irrational” fears of environmentalists. Funding (partial list) The National Forest Products Association, the largest industry trade association, distributes Evergreen, but won't reveal its own funding or its relationship to the Evergreen Foundation. Other supporters include: MCI ♦ MasterCard ♦ Champion Paper 53 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Officers James D. Peterson, Executive Director ♦ Russell McKinley (Boise Cascade), Chairman of the Board ♦ Steve Carter (P&M Cedar Products), Vice Chairman ♦ Greg Miller (Southern Timber Industries Associa­ tion), Treasurer Foundationfor Research on Eco­ nomics and the Environment (FREE) 4900 25th NE, Suite 201 Seattle WA 98105 206 548 1776 also: 502 S 19th, #1 Bozeman MT 5971 5 406 585 1776 he Foundation for Research on E co­ n o m ic s and the E nvironm ent is a think tank that advocates “ resource development”in wilderness areas, national parks and other protected areas. Funded by New Rigjft philanthropies and energy and natural resources industries, its annual oper­ ating budget has grown from $50,000 in 1986 to over $400,000. It convenes panels of scientists to refute ecological concerns and discredit environmentalists. FREE uses language that makes it sound pro-environment. In 1987, FREE’ s chairman John Baden—w ho’ s also a m em ber of the National Petroleum Council, an industry trade group—wrote in the Wall Street Journal that “ exploration and developm ent would work best under the aegis of private environ­ mental groups." He points to the Audubon 54 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups Society’ s Rainey Sanctuary in Louisiana as an example of how bu sin ess and environ­ mental protection can coexist. “ Natural gas wells have operated within the preserve for m ore than 25 years w ithout m easurable damage to the surrounding ecosystem.” However, for FREE, letting conservative environmental organizations manage wilder­ n ess areas is simply a way-station on the road to total privatization of federal lands. Under their plan, federal nature preserves like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (long coveted by the oil industry) would quickly be sold to the highest bidder. Funding (partial list) Amoco Foundation ♦ ARCO ♦ Carthage Foundation ♦ Donner Foundation ♦ Liberty Fund ♦ Murdoch Grant ♦ Noble Foundation ♦ Sarah Scaife Founda­ tion ♦ Shell Oil Foundation Officers John A. Baden, President ♦ Jack Fay, Treasurer ♦ James Meigs, Vice President ♦ Richard Derham, Corporate Secretary The Global Climate Coalition (GCC) c/o US Chamber of Commerce 1615 H St NW Washington DC 20062 202 463 5533, 202 775 0944 his front group was founded in 1989 by 46 corporations and trade associations representing "all major elements" of US industry. The mission of the Global Climate T 55 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Coalition is to convince C ongress and the public that global warming is a myth. Execu­ tive Director John Shlaes, formerly a vice president with the Edison Electric Institute, claims that if global warming is taken seri­ ously and carbon dioxide (C02) emissions are curbed, it will cripple “ the nation’ s economy and the ability of the US to compete in inter­ national markets.” In 1992, GCC lobbyists helped weaken an energy bill presented in the House by George Miller (D-CA) which w ould have required sh a rp cu tb a c k s in C O z e m is s io n s and banned virtually all new offshore oil and gas drilling for at least ten years. According to Rep. Miller, the GCC’ s only goal is the “ unim­ peded production of oil, gas and coal.” GCC also contributed to one of the greatest disappointments of the 1992 Rio Earth Sum­ mit. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a board of several hundred scientists from 40 countries, advised Earth Summit organizers that the only hope for avoiding unprecedented and ecologically dis­ astrous global warming would be to make deep cuts in C02 emissions. T h rou gh ou t the tw o-year n e gotia tin g p r o ce ss leadin g up to the Summit, GCC aggressively opposed mandatory em issions controls; ultimately, their view prevailed. The final draft of the Convention supports only voluntary em ission s controls and sets no timetable or targets for COa reductions. 56 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups Funding Coalition members include: ARCO ♦ American Electric Power Service Corp ♦ American Mining Congress ♦ American Petroleum Institute ♦ Amoco ♦ Association of American Railroads ♦ Association of International Automobile Manufacturers ♦ Chem­ ical Manufacturers Association ♦ Dow ♦ DuPont ♦ Enron ♦ Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical ♦ Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association ♦ National Coal Association ♦ Phillips Petroleum ♦ Texaco ♦ US Chamber of Commerce Officers John B. Shlaes, Executive Director ♦ Tia Armstrong (US Chamber of Commerce), Associate Manager/ Environmental Policy ♦ Glenn Kundert (US Chamber of Commerce) The Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave NE Washington DC 20002 202,54.6 4400, fax: 202 544 6979 T he Heritage Foundation was formed in 1973 by Joseph Coors, president of the Coors Brewing Company, who provided $250,000 seed money. By 1991, the Heritage Foundation had evolved into the pre-eminent conservative Washington policy center, pro­ moting unrestricted free enterprise, anti-com­ m unism , deregu la tion of in dustry and a strong national defense based on an abun­ dant nuclear arsenal. Its annual budget of over $19 m illion is funded by New Right endowm ents, autom obile m anufacturers, coal, oil and chemical companies, and many other large corporations. 57 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Over the years, the Heritage staff and advi­ sory board have included men tied to racist or neo-Nazi groups, the Unification Church and right-wing Christian fundamentalists. Despite this. Heritage was so influential with the Reagan Administration that an estimated two-thirds of its 1981 policy recomm enda­ tions were adopted. This included a proposal to open designat­ ed wildernesses to strip mining (drafted for Heritage by William Perry Pendley of the Mountain States Legal Foundation). Pendley was subsequently selected by Interior Secre­ tary James Watt to formulate and implement federal mineral policy. H eritage d is m is s e s the environ m en tal movement as “ extremist.”In one issue of its quarterly journal Policy Review, 39 leading conservatives presented a policy blueprint for the 1990s. They urged conservative activists to “ [s]trangle the environmental movement,” and called it “ the greatest single threat to the American economy.” Policy Review editor Adam Meyerson added that “ leading scientists have done major work disputing the current henny-pennyism about global warming, acid rain and other purported environmental catastrophes.”Noting that “ no organ ization is effectively bringing their arguments to public policy discourse,”Mey­ erson suggested the establishment of a net­ w ork o f s c ie n c e and p o lic y a n a ly sts to discredit the environmental movement. Since 1990, several “ environmental”think tanks— including Citizens for the Environment and 58 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups the Science and Environmental Policy Pro­ ject—have joined Heritage in its attack on mainstream environmentalism. Funding (partial list) Alcoa Foundation ♦ Amoco Foundation ♦ Amway ♦ Boeing ♦ Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation ♦ Carthage Foundation ♦ Chevron ♦ Coors Founda­ tion ♦ Donner Foundation ♦ Dow Chemical ♦ Exxon ♦ Federation of Korean Industries ♦ Ford Motor Company Fund ♦ G.E. Foundation ♦ General Motors ♦ GTE ♦ IBM ♦ J.M. Foundation ♦ F.M. Kirby Foundation ♦ Eli Lilly ♦ Lockheed ♦ McKenna Foundation ♦ Mobil Oil ♦ Murdock Charitable Trust ♦ ]ohn M. Olin Foundation ♦ J. Howard Pew Free­ dom Trust ♦ Philip Morris ♦ Procter & Gamble Fund ♦ Pfizer ♦ Reader's Digest ♦ R.J. Reynolds Tobacco ♦ Sarah Scaife Foundation ♦ Shell Companies Foun­ dation ♦ Texaco ♦ Union Pacific Officers (partial list) Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr., President and CEO ♦ Phillip N. Truluck, Executive Vice President ♦ Burton Yale Pines, Senior Vice President ♦ John Von Kannon, Treasurer Information Council fo r the Environment (ICE) c/o Bracy Williams & Co 1000 Connecticut Ave NW Washington DC 20036 800 346 6269, 202 659 4805 E stablished in 1991 as a front group for 24 coal companies, mining a ssocia ­ tions and public-utility corporations, the Information Council for the Environment 59 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. is run by the Washington DC public relations firm of Bracy Williams & Co. As its acronym ICE implies, this group’ s goal is to persuade the government and public that global warm­ ing is a myth, and to thereby undermine con­ version to less-polluting alternative energy sources, like solar, wind and hydroelectric. (Fossil fuels like coal and oil release massive amounts of carbon dioxide when burned by industry and in automobiles, making them the largest single cause of global warming.) ICE’ s greenwashing campaign warns that “ any precipitous legislation in the US could spawn an economic disaster for the nation.” After extensive market tests and polling, ICE decided to direct its advertising at older, “ lesseducated men,”and low-income wom en— groups “ not accustom ed to taking political action.”A test ad cast environmentalists as doom sday crazies: “ Som e say the earth is warming; some also said the earth is flat.” Funding (partial list) AMAX Coal ♦ ARCO Coal ♦ Edison Electric Institute ♦ National Coal Association ♦ Ohio Valley Coal ♦ Peabody Holding Company ♦ Western Fuels Asso­ ciation ♦ Zeigler Coal Holding Company Officers Ivan Brandon, Executive Director ♦ Robert C. Balling, Jr., Science Advisor ♦ Sherwood B. Idso, Science Advisor ♦ Patrick Michaels, Science Advisor 60 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups The Institute fo r Justice (IFJ) 1001 Pennsylvania Ave NW; Suite 200 South Washington DC 20004 202 457 4240, fax: 202 457 8574 F ounded in 1991, the Institute for Ju s­ tice is the newest addition to the ranks of con servative pu blic-in terest law firms. Business Week dubbed it the “ ACLU of the right.”One co-founder is Clint Bolik, who in y ea rs p a st w as an aide to C la ren ce Thomas. The other is Chip Mellor, who was general counsel to the Energy Department under President Reagan. IFJ clients are often small landowners and entrepreneurs, but their cases are carefully chosen to challenge laws and regulations that restrict free enterprise and protect the envi­ ronment in any way. In Lucas v. South Car­ olina Coastal Commission, the Institute filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging the US Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional a stat6 ru lin g p rotectin g a fragile coa sta l ecosystem against a developer who wanted to b u ild su m m er h o m e s there. W hen the Supreme Court did so, an ecstatic IFJ imme­ diately vowed to “ employ this favorable case precedent in future challenges to government intrusions on the rights of property owners.” Funding (partial list) Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation ♦ Broyhill Family Foundation ♦ J.M. Foundation ♦ Koch Chari­ table Foundation ♦ John M. Olin Foundation ♦ Philip Morris ♦ Sarah Scaife Foundation 6/ Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Officers William H. (Chip) Mellor, President ♦ Clint Bolik, Vice Presidents )ohn E. Kramer, Director of Com­ munications ♦ Steven J. Eagle, Senior Fellow Keep America Beautiful (KAB) 9 West Broad St Stamford CT 06902 203 323 8987 O n the surface, it’ s the oldest and bestknown US anti-litter campaign, but Keep America Beautiful is actually a sophisticated greenwashing operation. It’ s bankrolled (to the tune of $2 million annual­ ly) by some 200 companies that manufacture and distribute the aluminum cans, paper products, gla ss bottles and pla stics that account for about a third of the material in US landfills. Since the early 1970s, KAB has used over $550 million worth of donated advertising time and spa ce to en cou rage guilty co n ­ sumers to “ put litter in its place”(coinciden­ tally creating more business for KAB sponsors like Browning Ferris and Waste Management, who are ultimately paid to dispose of our trash). With videos, brochures, newsletters, school curricula, seminars and training work­ shops at its 460 local affiliates, KAB tells con­ re the ones responsible for sumers that they’ this trash, and that they must solve the prob­ lem of litter by changing their habits. 62 A c a ta lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Never does KAB call on industry to produce less, recycle more or set higher pollution standards. In fact, KAB President Roger Pow­ ers once assured a group of “ grassroots" affil­ iates that “ in dustry will fund you if you respond to its needs.” In line with many of its corporate backers, KAB opposes a national bottle bill that would reduce litter by requiring a five-cent deposit on all glass bottles. Recent, half-hearted support of recycling and composting programs doesn’ t change KAB’ s overall environmental record. Funding (partial list) 3M ♦ Amoco Foam Products ♦ Bethlehem Steel ♦ Browning Ferris ♦ Anheuser-Busch ♦ ARCO Chemi­ cal ♦ Coca-Cola ♦ Dow Chemical ♦ E.l. Du Pont ♦ First Brands ♦ Georgia-Pacific ♦ McDonald's ♦ Mobil Chemical ♦ RJR Nabisco ♦ Scott Paper ♦ Seagram ♦ US Steel ♦ Waste Management Officers and Executive Committee members t (partial list) Rog'efW. Powers, President ♦ Donald Bolger (Mobil Chemical) ♦ James C. Bowling (Burson-Marstellar) ♦ David S. Buckner (Browning-Ferris) ♦ Philip J. Davis (Philip Morris) ♦ Kenneth M. Evans (Waste Manage­ ment) ♦ Stephen K. Lambright (Anheuser-Busch) ♦ Charles L. Wosaba (Procter & Gamble) Mothers’ Watch—see Alliance fo r Environment and Resources 63 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLFJ 1660 Lincoln St, Suite 2300 Denver CO 80264 303 861 0244, eco-terrorist hotline: 303 TESTIFY 66 F \ A he environmental movement is the last I refuge of the Left.”says M ountain .A. States Legal Foundation presiden t William Perry Pendley, who served as an assistant secretary for energy and minerals in the Interior Department during the Reagan administration. “ Because of the collapse of com m unism , b eca u se the wall has com e down, b e c a u se the S ov iet U nion is no more...the environmental movement is the last refuge of people who favor government over people.” Long before the fall of communism, MSLF was a leader in the anti-environmental move­ ment. It was created in 1976 by the Coors BrewingCCompany and the National Legal Center for the Public Interest, with James Watt as its founding president. Watt once invited corporate funders to meet directly with MSLF attorneys to develop a liti­ gation strategy against a federal wilderness plan that would restrict their ability to develop resources on public lands. Such brazen col­ lusion between big busin ess and the non­ profit sector was unprecedented then, but has since become customary. MSLF’ s work on behalf of the rising New Right won it a reputation for being “ anti-con­ sumer, anti-feminist, anti-government, anti64 A c a t a lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Black, and above all, anti-environmentalist.” When Watt was tapped by Reagan to be Interi­ or Secretary, MSLF policy objectives were im plemented nationally. Today, the MSLF remains at the core of the anti-environmental m ovem ent. Ron A rn old’ s C en ter for the Defense of Free Enterprise refers to MSLF as “ the litigating arm of the Wise Use Movement.” Funding (partial list) Amoco ♦ Chevron ♦ Coors Foundation ♦ El Pomar Foundation ♦ Exxon ♦ Ford ♦ Phillips Petroleum ♦ Texaco Officers (partial list) W illiam Perry Pendley, President ♦ George M. Yates, Chairman ♦ Scott A. Crozier ♦ James McClure (former Idaho Senator) ♦ Dixie Lee Ray (former Governor of Washington) ♦ James R. Rothwell (Vice President, BHP Minerals) ♦ John Wilson (President, Pegasus Gold) Multiple Use Land Alliance—see *National Inholders Association National Federal Lands Conference (NFLC) Box 847 Bountiful UT 84011 801 298 0858 W hen Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1970, it intended to increase federal r e s p o n sib ility for land m an agem en t by requiring an environmental im pact study before any regulation or initiative could go 65 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. into effect. They had no idea they were giving miners, ranchers and loggers a sword with which to fight environmental protection, but th at’ s exactly what the National Federal Lands Conference is training them to do. At NFLC conferences (sponsored by logging companies, ranchers, oil and gas companies and the like), lawyers specializing in property rights, Wise Use leaders like Ron Arnold and mining, ran ch in g and tim ber execu tives teach rural communities how to subvert the Endangered Species Act and other federal statutes, which they say are eliminating jobs. The hook they use is a NEPA provision that makes the federal government responsible for preserving “ important historic, cultural and natural aspects of our national heritage.”In s pilot project, Catron County, New the NFLC’ Mexico passed its own environmental laws which, it claimed, were in keeping with the tow n ’ s “ c u s t o m s ”and “ h erita ge.”NFLC claim s tfcat its lengthy legal battles have yielded a 95% su ccess rate in overturning federal mining, ranching, logging and water use regulations in Catron County. Funding The NFLC claims to receive no membership dues, and chooses to keep the identity of its financial sponsors under wraps. The following corporations sponsored a 1992 NFLC conference in Eureka, Cali­ fornia: MacMullin Forestry and Logging ♦ Redwood Coast Petroleum ♦ Louisiana-Pacific ♦ Redwood Region Logging Conference 66 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups Officers Ruth Kaiser, Executive Director ♦ Jim Faulkner, Associate Director National Inholders Association (NIA) 30218 NE 82nd Ave / Box 400 Battle Ground WA 98604 206 687 3087, fax: 206 687 2973, Multa-Net electronic bulletin board: 707 935 6170 also: 4 Library Court SE Washington DC 20003 202 544 6156, fax: 202 544 6774 arks are like aspirin,”qu ips Chuck I —^ Cushm an, executive director of the National Inholders Association. “ Two can be helpful, but a hundred will put you in the hospital.”(An “ inholder”is someone who owns land inside or along the boundaries of a national park or other protected area.) Since founding the NIA in 1978, Cushman has become one of the most popular speakers on property rights and federal land use. His 16,000-member NIA is made up of property owners, mining companies, cattle corpora­ tions, timber firms and real estate developers who demand access to natural resources on public lands. A leading strategy center for the Wise Use movement, NIA wants to open up federal and state-owned lands for development. “ It’ s a holy war between fundamentally different religion s,”C ush m an tells his audiences. “ Preservationists are like a new religion—a 67 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. new paganism. They worship trees and sacri­ fice people.”Although Cushman claims to fol­ low in the non-violent tradition of Ghandi and Martin Luther King, long-time activist Gary Ball of the Mendocino Environmental Center in Ukiah, CA says that “ property destruction, arson, death threats”and other violence follow Cushm an’ s appearances. In 1988, C ush m an set up MULTA (the Multiple Use Land Alliance), a coalition of Wise Use and property rights groups that offers NIA m em bers training in high-tech political activities like running fax networks and electronic bulletin boards. NIA/MULTA has its own nationwide computer network, Multa-Net, which monitors new bills in Con­ gress, roll-calls on recent votes, and infor­ m ation in the F ed era l R egiste r and the Congressional Record. Funding NIA/MULTA doesn't publicly disclose its financial backers. * Officers Charles S. Cushman, Executive Director ♦ Myron Ebell, Washington DC Representative ♦ Joseph T. Wrabek, Managing Editor, National Inholders News and Multiple Use Advocate ♦ Erich Veyhl, Chair­ man, Park Inholder Advisory Board ♦ Wayne Hage, Chairman, Grazing Advisory Board ♦ Don Fife, Chairman, Mining Advisory Board ♦ Paul Allman, Chairman, Recreation Residence Advisory Board 68 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups National Legal Center fo r the Public Interest (NLCPI) 1000 16th St NW, Suite 301 Washington DC 20036 202 296 1683 I n the mid-1970s, a handful of corporate executives set out to create the ultimate right-wing legal foundation. They came up with the National Legal Center For the Public Interest, an umbrella organization that coordi­ nates the activities of local legal foundations. F ou n din g p re sid en t Leonard T h erberg revealed the NLCPI position on environmental legislation in a planning m em o leaked in 1975. “ What we cannot accept,”he wrote, “ are mindless proposals that would sacrifice the people of the United States on an altar of nature.”Executives from industrial-strength polluters like Coors, 3M and Dow Chemical, as well as arch-conservatives like Washington Times editor Amaud de Borchaud and ex-CIA director William Webster, are on the NLCPI board of directors. NLCPI member firms include the Mountain States Legal Foundation, Mid-America Legal Foundation, G ulf C oast and Great Plains Legal Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Legal Foun­ dation, Southeastern Legal Foundation, New England Legal Foundation, Washington Legal Foundation and Capital Legal Foundation. Superfund, wetlands protection and wilder­ ness protection have all fallen prey to these NLCPI firms. 69 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Funding (partial list) AT&T ♦ Bell Atlantic ♦ Bradley Foundation ♦ Coors Foundation ♦ Culpepper Foundation ♦ Exxon ♦ Ford Motor Company Fund ♦ Gulf Oil ♦ Hearst Foundation ♦ Kimberly-Clarke Foundation ♦ Mobil ♦ M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust ♦ John M. Olin Foundation ♦ Phillips Petroleum Foundation ♦ Sarah Scaife Foundation ♦ Texaco Officers Ernest B. Hueter, President ♦ Irene A. Jacoby, Vice President ♦ E. Donald Stumbaugh, Vice President and General Counsel ♦ N. David Thompson, Secre­ tary ♦ Raymond P. Shafer, Treasurer National Wetlands Coalition (NWC) 1050 Thomas Jefferson St NW, Seventh Floor Washington DC 20007 202 298 1920, fax: 202 338 2146 nvironmentalists have long fought to preserve wetlands—streams, ponds, lakes, swamps, marshes and coastal regions—because they’ re the habitat of onethird of all endangered species. (Wetlands also generate revenues of nearly $29 billion annually from sportfishing and hunting.) In 1989, utility com panies, m iners and real estate developers hired the Washington law firm of Van Ness, Feldman and Curtis to lobby Congress to open wetlands to com ­ m ercia l develop m en t. They form ed the National W etlands C oalition and fund it with $40,000 annually. E 70 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups The NWC lobbied former vice president Dan Quayle for a more restrictive definition of wetlands. Over protests by E.P.A. administra­ tor William Reilly, President Bush accepted the definition proposed by Quayle's Council on C om p etitiv e n e ss, w h ich effectively removed protection from nearly 50% of what had been called wetlands. Fortunately, the NWC definition was overturned by EPA head William Reilly during the transition from the Bush to the Clinton administration. NWC also helped draft H.R. 1330, the Com­ prehensive Wetlands Conservation and Man­ agement Act, which proposes to restrict the definition of wetlands even further, and to have taxpayers compensate property owners (usually large corporations) for legal fees and financial losses when environmental restric­ tions are applied. Funding (partial list) American Mining Congress ♦ Amoco Production C6 ♦ ARCO Alaska ♦ Arctic Slope Regional Corp ♦ Chevron ♦ Conoco ♦ Consolidated Natural Gas ♦ Enron ♦ Exxon ♦ Hunt O il ♦ Kerr-McGee ♦ Marathon O il ♦ Mobil Exploration & Producing ♦ Phillips Petroleum ♦ Shell Oil ♦ Texaco Officers H. Leighton Stewart (CEO of Louisiana Land and Exploration), Chairman ♦ Marge Carrico (Van Ness, Feldman and Curtis), Executive Director ♦ Bob Szabo (Van Ness, Feldman and Curtis), Counsel 71 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Northern Community Advocates fo r Resource Equity (NORTHCARE) Box 1405 North Bay, ON PI B 8K6 Canada also: North Road Upsala, ON POT 2Y0 Canada 705 495 1199 N ORTHCARE, one of the first Canadian Share grou ps (see Chapter 2), was formed in 1987 by tourism, mining and timber com panies and organizations. Headquartered in rugged northeast Ontario, NORTHCARE warns that a policy of “ preser­ vation”will undermine the entire economy of Ontario, and tells workers that environmental laws will destroy their livelihoods. NORTHCARE attended the 1988 founding meet­ ing of the Wise Use and Share movements in Reno, Nevada. Since then, its corporate sponsorship has grown to include transport companies, tour­ ist outfitters, chambers of commerce, small businesses, trade associations and fur stores, as well as 69 timber towns and several school boards. Funding (partial list of founding members) Association of Tree Farmers of Ontario ♦ Elk Lake District Chamber of Commerce ♦ C.E.M.S. Tourist Camp Association ♦ Northern Prospectors Associa­ tion ♦ Northeastern Ontario Chambers of Com­ merce ♦ Ontario Federation of Hunters and Anglers ♦ Ontario Trappers Association ♦ River Valley Tourist Operators Association ♦ Temagami Forest Products Association 72 A c a ta lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Officers Liz van Amelsfoort, President ♦ Dennis Price, Vice President ♦ Damaris Hansman, past President Oregon Lands Coalition (OLC) 280 Court Street NE, #5 Salem OR 97301 503 363 8582 W hile the O regon Lands C oalilion claims to be a grassroots organiza­ tion with 80.000 members In the Pacific Northwest, its 61 chapters consist of logging, mining and agricultural associations, and Wise Use anti-environmental groups. (The most prominent chapters are Associated Oregon Loggers, Oregonians for Food and Shelter, Oregon Farm Bureau Federation and the Oregon Cattlemen’ s Association.) OLC coordinates statewide and national protests against the Endangered Species Act, ps^ssures lawmakers to emasculate existing environmental legislation and mounts boy­ cotts. In 1989, for instance, OLC led a boy­ cott of Turner Broadcasting System for airing a “ pro-preservation”National Audubon Soci­ ety documentaiy called Ancient Forests: Rage Over Trees. Letter-writing, telephone and fax cam paigns persuaded Ford, ITT-Rayonier, Hartford Insurance, Michelin Tire, Stroh’ s Brewery and several other firms to drop their spon sorsh ip of the program, costin g TBS $250,000 in lost revenue. As OLC founder Valerie Johnson puts it, “ environmentalists are really our hard-core 73 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. enemies.”In 1991, OLC used the controversy surrounding the spotted owl to raise most of its $145,000 budget. OLC helped draft the Com m unity Stability Act of 1992, which would ban preservation of land that could otherwise be used for recreation or develop­ ment. This law, which OLC says would “ do for people what the Endangered Species Act does for animals,”failed in 1992 but remains a priority on OLC’ s legislative agenda. Funding (partial list) American Forest Resource Council ♦ American Pulpwood Association ♦ Avison Lumber ♦ Boise Cascade ♦ Cascade Wood Products ♦ Fort Van­ couver Lumber ♦ National Rifle Association ♦ Northwest Forestry Association ♦ Oregon Farm Bureau ♦ Puget Sound Trucking ♦ Seneca Sawmill ♦ Weyerhauser ♦ Zip-O-Log M ills Officers Valerie Johnson, President ♦ Judy Wortman, Sec­ retary ♦ Charlie Janz, Chairman ♦ Evelyn Badger, Vice-Chaifwoman ♦ Andy Anderson, Vice-Chair­ man ♦ Kevin Procter, Treasurer Oregonians for Food and Shelter (OFS) 567 Union Street NE Salem OR 97301 503 370 8092, 503 370 8565 W ho can argue with an organization that su p p orts the m ost b a sic of human n eeds—food and shelter? Who’ d want people to go hungry or hom e­ less? This group of Oregonians believes that’ s 74 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups exactly what will happen if environmentalists su cceed in restrictin g the u se of certain ch em ica ls that are sprayed on food and household pests. According to Oregonians for Food and Shelter, the public health and safe­ ty risk surrounding pesticide use is greatly exaggerated by environmentalists. OFS organizes rural citizens by demonizing the environmental movement and latching onto heart-wrenching issues. Its newsletter claims that the Endangered Species Act is “ a destroyer of jobs, families and communities” and that excessive pesticide regulation will result in “ fewer jobs, fewer services, higher taxes and a substantial decrease in the quali­ ty of life as we know it today." But even toxic chemicals that have been banned in the US are hazardous to manufac­ turing and transportation workers that must come in contact with them. And, according to the Food and Drug Administration, these exported poisons reappear on supermarket shelves in about 4.3% of imported foods. Funding The Board of Directors includes representatives from Boise Cascade ♦ Chevron Chemical ♦ DuPont ♦ Oregon Horticultural Society ♦ OR Ag Chemical and Fertilizer Association ♦ Western Agricultural Chemicals Association ♦ Pacific Northwest Aerial Applicators ♦ Weyerhauser Officers Dee Bridges, President ♦ Terry Witt, Executive Director ♦ Charles Henry, Secretary ♦ Paulette Pyle, Director of Grassroots ♦ Sandra Schukar, Office Manager 75 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) 2700 Gateway Oaks Dr, Suite 200 Sacramento CA 95833 916 641 8888 a ls o : 121 West Fireweed Lane, Suite 250 Anchorage AK 99503 907 278 1731 a lso : 1200 One Union Square Seattle WA 98101 206 389 7226 F ou n d ed in 1973, the P acific Legal Foundation was the first of a new wave of right-wing “ public-interest law firms” that actually represent the interests of big business. Its $4 million budget com es from chemical manufacturers, power companies, real estate developers, oil and timber compa­ nies and related foundations. In the m ore than 100 law suits PLF has been involved in since 1990, it has chal­ lenged federal clean water regulations, tried to exempt industry from hazardous waste cleanup, moved to block wilderness designa­ tions and w etland protection, su pp orted in cr e a se d m in in g on p u b lic lan ds, and op p osed corporate taxation. On virtually every issue, PLF com es down squarely in opposition to environmentalists. Funding (partial list) Alcoa Foundation ♦ American Farm Bureau Federa­ tion ♦ Amoco Foundation ♦ ARCO Foundation ♦ Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation ♦ Chevron ♦ Coors Foundation ♦ Exxon Foundation ♦ Ford Motor Company Fund ♦ Georgia Pacific ♦ Gulf Oil Foun­ dation ♦ W illiam Randolph Hearst Foundation ♦ 76 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups J.M. Foundation ♦ Eli Lilly Foundation ♦ Monsanto Fund ♦ M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust ♦ john M. Olin Foundation ♦ Pacific Gas and Electric ♦ Pacific Power and Light ♦ Phillips Petroleum ♦ Potlatch ♦ Rockwell International ♦ Sarah Scaife Foundation ♦ Texaco ♦ Union Carbide ♦ Weyerhauser Foundation Officers Robert F. Kane, Chairman ♦ Marc Sandstrom, Vice Chairman ♦ Douglas C. Jacobs, Secretary-Treasurer ♦ Ronald A. Zumbrum, President and CEO ♦ L, Shelton Olson, Executive Vice President People fo r the West! (PFW!) 301 N Main Pueblo CO 81003 719 543 8421 P eople for the West! claims to have orga­ nized more than a hundred chapters in ten sta te s and involved them in a “ grassroots”battle to safeguard “ Western val­ ues.’PFW! activists picket government build­ ings, testify at public hearings and confront environmentalists. Its projected budget for 1992 was $1.7 million. PFWI’ s chief crusade is a campaign to save the archaic 1872 M ining Law. Originally intended to encourage pick-axe prospectors by selling rights to mine on federal lands for a few dollars an acre, the law today is abused by large mining companies who buy claims for a fraction of their real market value. Not only are they using legal loopholes to exploit the environment, they’ re also depriving tax­ payers of a fortune in lost revenues. 77 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. While many of PFWI’ s individual members have no ties to the m ining industry, the group is bankrolled by dozens of mining com ­ panies, Members are drawn in by PFWI’ s pro­ paganda. which blames society’ s ills on the environmental movement. One foreboding PFW! pamphlet warns that if mining, grazing or logging are restricted, “ people will lose jobs, rural communities will become ghost towns, education for our chil­ dren will suffer and state and local govern­ ments will forfeit critical income for police, fire protection, roads and social services.” A Colorado rancher who founded a local PFW! chapter admitted, "I’ m not real versed with the 1872 Mining Law, but it’ s worked real good for a lot of years. And [PFW! says] that if we don’ t protect our rights we could lose everything.” Funding (partial list) Alaska Miners Corporation ♦ American Mining Con­ gress ♦ Bond Cold ♦ Centurion Gold ♦ Chevron ♦ Cyprus Minerals ♦ Energy Fuels ♦ FMC Gold ♦ Hecla Mining ♦ Homestake Mining ♦ Minerex Resources ♦ Nerco Minerals ♦ Northwest Mining Congress ♦ Pegasus Mining ♦ US Precious Metals ♦ Western World Mining ♦ Westmont Mining Officers Thomas Albanese, Chairman and President ♦ Robert Reveles (Vice President, Homestake Mining), Vice Chair ♦ Pam Shouldis, Secretary/Treasurer ♦ John M. Wilson (President, Pegasus Gold), immediate Past Chairman ♦ Barbara Grannell, Executive Director 78 A c a t a lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Political Economy Research Center (PERC) 502 South 19th Ave, Suite 211 Bozeman MT 59715 406 587 9591 he Political Economy Research Center is a think tank whose staff of acade­ m ics, m edia fla ck s and a sso cia te s chum s out position papers and op-ed pieces with titles like The Endangered Species Act: A Perverse Way to Protect Biodiversity and The Market—Conservation’ s Best Friend. In USA Today and other newspapers, PERC blames environmentalism for creating a political crisis. PERC’ s Richard Stroup contends that before the growth of the green movement, “ technology itself was cleansing the environment.” Under PERC’ s“ free-market environmentalism (FME) alternative,”market forces would fully regulate the rate of environmental preservation ag,d destruction. Assure landowners of their constitutionally guaranteed “ property rights,” and PERC promises that they'll voluntarily pro­ tect their land in order to preserve its value. “ The free in FME refers to the individual liberty that only markets can provide," writes PERC’ s Terry Anderson, “ and without that human freedom, environmental quality will be of little consequence." Funding (partial list) Amoco Foundation ♦ Carthage Foundation ♦ Lilly Endowment ♦ J.M. Foundation ♦ John M. Olin Foundation ♦ Sarah Scaife Foundation ♦ Burlington Northern ♦ Murdock Charitable Trust 79 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmenlal Orgs. Officers Michael D. Copeland, Executive Director ♦ Terry L. Anderson, Senior Associate ♦ P. . H ill, Senior Associate ♦ Jane S. Shaw, Senior Associ­ ate ♦ Richard L. Stroup, Senior Associate ♦ Don­ ald L. Leal, Senior Research Associate ♦ Monica Lane Guenther, Treasurer The Presidents Council on Competitiveness Office of the Vice President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20036 202 456 6222 s anti-environmental organizations flourished during the Bush Adminis­ tration, their strongest ally was Vice President Quayle, the chairman of the Pres­ id en t’ s C ouncil on Com petitiveness. Bob Woodward of the Washington Post described the Council as “ a command post for a war against government regulation of American business." This group of senior administra­ tion officials was authorized by President Bush to review, revise and even annul fed­ eral regulations. Now disbanded, the Council rewrote key provisions of the Clean Air Act, weakened acid rain controls and narrowed the defini­ tion of wetlands. It also sabotaged attempts by the Environmental Protection Agency to ban incineration of lead batteries and to require 25% recycling of municipal waste— thus forcing EPA officials to violate estab­ lished environmental law. 80 A c a ta lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Secrecy and backroom-deal-making were hallmarks of Q uayle’ s council. It resisted n u m e r o u s C o n g r e s s io n a l a tte m p ts to in v estiga te its role in u n d erm in in g the Clean Air Act and its possible violations of the E thics in G overnm ent Act. The Vice President him self was accused of conflict of interest by the Chairman of the House Subcom m ittee on Health and the Environ­ ment, Henry Waxman (D-CA). “ Specifically,”Waxman wrote to his col­ leagues, “ in December 1990, Mr. Quayle per­ son a lly intervened to qu ash an EPA rulemaking [process] that would have triggered widespread recycling of newspapers.”This, according to Waxman, benefitted Quayle’ s family trust, which controls newspapers in Indiana, invests in a virgin-paper mill and was, at the time, fighting mandatory newspa­ per recycling proposals. Council director David McIntosh represented th^'Council at numerous gatherings of antienvironmental groups, including the 1992 Wise Use national leadership conference. Funding US taxpayers Public Lands Council (PLC) 1301 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 300 Washington DC 20004 202 347 5355, fax: 202 638 0607 T he Public Lands Council was set up in 1968 by the N ational C a ttlem en ’ s Association, which represents about 81 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. 360,000 cattle and sheep ranchers—everyone from large corporate agribusinesses to small family ranches. PLC lobbies Congress and government agencies for continued grazing rights on public lands. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and US Forest Service together manage 270 million acres of rangeland in sixteen Western states. Environmentalists oppose overgrazing on these lands because it causes erosion and destroys wildlife habitat. According to 1989 BLM sta tistics, m ore than tw o-thirds of leased rangeland for which there was pub­ lished data was in unsatisfactory condition. G razing on p u b lic land u su a lly com es cheap. Fees are $1.92 per Animal Unit Month (AUM)—-the amount of forage it takes to feed one cow for a month. Since the average pri­ vate lease costs $7 per AUM, this amounts to gran tin g en orm o u s federal s u b s id ie s to ranchers using public lands. In fact, the fee is so lo^y it d oesn ’ t even cover the cost of administering and maintaining the lands. Only 2% of all cattle and sheep ranchers— mainly corporation s and large individual ranchers—have grazing permits on federal lands. Small family ranchers are forced to lease private lands. In spite of this, PLC has won support from many of the other 98% of ranch­ ers for give-away prices on grazing permits. With branches in fourteen states, PLC is a member of the Alliance for America, the Envi­ ronmental Conservation Organization and other Wise Use coalitions. 82 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups Funding National Cattlemen's Association ♦ American Sheep Industry Association ♦ Association of Nation­ al Grasslands Officers Pamela Neal, President ♦ Brian C. McDonald, Assistant Director Putting People First (PPF) 4401 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite3 IO-A Washington DC 20008 202 364 7277 F ounder Kathleen Marquardt calls PPF a "grassroots con su m er organization” that represents "the average American who drinks milk and eats meat, benefits from medical research, wears leather, wool and fur, hunts and fishes, owns a pet, goes to zoos, circuses and rodeos and who benefits from the wise and rational use of the earth’ s reSources.”She tells prospective funders that “ PPF balances science, reason and common sense against the deception, coercion and terrorism of the environmental and animal‘ rights’ movement.” Marquardt is the rising star of the Wise Use movement. She started PPF, she says, after a representative of People for the Ethical Treat­ ment of Animals (PETA) spoke at her daugh­ te r’ s su b u r b a n W a sh in gton elem en tary school. She calls PETA and other animal rights advocates “ cultists”and extends that label to the environmental movement. 83 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. After receiving an award for best newcomer, she told a 1992 Wise Use leadership confer­ ence: “ Here is our enemy—the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the Humane Soci­ ety.”Yes, th at’ s right—according to PPF, the Humane Society is “ a radical animal rights cult...a front for a neo-pagan cult that is attacking science, health and reason.” PPF is primarily a lobbying group for busi­ nesses that use animals for food, research, entertainment, recreation and clothing. “ I do a lot for the poultry and egg people,”Marquardt told the Washington Post. After its first year of existence (1991-92), PPF boasted a membership of 35,000, with 100 ch a p ters in 39 sta te s and Canada, Europe, India and Africa. “ We have a woman in Botswana who is very concerned about p eop le gettin g killed by eleph an ts,”PPF spokesperson Mark LaRochelle said. Marquardt’ s syndicated column, Washing­ ton Repdrt: From the Trenches, is carried by Fur Age Weekly, Poultry Times and Soldier of Fortune. In it, Marquardt has accused Green­ peace of having “ terrorist connections”and of working with the KGB. PPF and Marquardt have organized corporate boycotts, circulated Congressional petitions and formed a Political Action Committee (PPF-PAC) that’ s authorized to endorse political candidates and engage in partisan political work. In 1992, PPF-PAC ranked all 535 members of Congress for their voting records on resource manage­ ment, conservation and property rights, and 84 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups then mobilized voters on behalf of those who fared well. The “ stars”of this survey were Don Young (R-AK) and Charles Stenholm (D-TX). Among the “ worst,”according to PPF-PAC, were Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Ron Dellums (D-CA) and Pat Schroeder (D-CO). Funding PPF doesn't publicly disclose its members, and claims to be supported only by membership dues. About 50 hunting clubs, trapping associations, kennels, furriers, circuses, carriage horse compa­ nies and rodeos— the PPF Association Network— are the largest donors. Officers Kathleen Marquardt, Executive Director ♦ Mark LaRochelle, Media Director ♦ Bill Wewer, Legal Counsel The Reason Foundation (RF) 3415 Sepulveda Blvd Los Angeles CA 90034 3it) 391 2245, fax: 310 391 4395 he Reason Foundation is Lhe largest right-wing think tank outside of Wash­ ington. Its philosophy is summed up by its motto, free minds and free markets, and it ca lls environm entalism “ the m ost potent force for reregulation of the economy.” RF President Robert W. Poole believes the free market is a more effective tool than gov­ ernment regulation for environmental protec­ tion. “ Free market-based principles,”he says, “ have led to waste reductions and demon- 55 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. strated the counter-productive effects of many proposed [regulatory] mandates.” Poole’ s corporate supporters tend to agree. Oil and coal companies, investment firms, chemical manufacturers and a dozen rightwing charities contributed over $1 million to RF in 1991. Another million was raised in individual contributions and through selling books, white papers and other publications. RF’ s primary educational and lobbying tool is R eason m agazine (circulation, 40,000). Consumer Alert and C-FACT have invited RF to join their boards of directors, and tapped it for speakers. M ainstream m edia is a lso b e com in g a forum for RF’ s anti-regulatory, anti-environ­ mentalist views. The New York Times, Wash­ ington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and dozens of radio stations all turned to the Reason Foun­ dation for news, opinion and commentary in 1991 anfi 1992. Funding (partial list) American Farm Bureau Federation ♦ Ameritech ♦ Amoco Foundation ♦ Anheuser-Busch ♦ ARCO Foundation ♦ Bechtel International ♦ l.ynde & I larry Bradley Foundation ♦ Chevron ♦ Coca-Cola Foods ♦ Coors ♦ Eli Lilly ♦ Exxon ♦ Ford Motor Company Fund ♦ General Dynamics ♦ J.M. Foundation ♦ Koch Charitable Foundation ♦ Liberty Fund ♦ Lilly Endowment ♦ Philip M. McKenna Foundation ♦ John M. Olin Foundation ♦ Mobil ♦ Perol Group ♦ Pfizer ♦ Philip Morris ♦ Phillips Petroleum ♦ Sarah Scaife Foundation ♦ Smith Richardson Foundation ♦ Texaco ♦ Xerox Foundation 86 A c a t a lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Officers Robert W. Poole, Jr., President ♦ Bryan Snyder, Senior Vice President ♦ Virginia I. Postrell, Editor, Reason ♦ Lynn Scarlett, Vice President, Research Sahara Club USA 17939 Chatsworth St, Suite 525 Granada Hills CA 91344 818 368 4304, electronic bulletin board: 818 893 1899 R ick Siemen founded the Sahara Club in 1990 to attack environmentalists, who he blames for the closing of trails and roads that once were open to dirt-bikers. “ Declare som ething endangered and forget abou t hard-earned freedom and rights,” Siemen says. Named to thum b its n ose at the Sierra Club, the Sahara Club expresses its views in blunt, vulgar language. It calls Greenpeace “ a bunch of lying, evil, cretinous, scum-sucking, larcenous, vile, money-grubbing bastards.” Siemen explains: “ Yes, w e’ re rude, crude and obnoxious at times. [It’ s] like tossin g cold water on a pair of fighting dogs. It’ s shocking, but it gets the job done.” But the Sahara Club goes beyond calling names—it also encourages physical violence against environmental activists. It publishes their names, a d d resses and even vehicle license numbers and says, “ Now you know who they are and where they are. Just do the right thing and let your conscience be your guide.”Siemen has given “ dirty tricks”work­ shops, in which he shares Sahara’ s intimida87 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. tion tactics with Mothers’Watch and other anti-environmental groups. A special division of the Sahara Club known as the Clubbers—“ big, tall, ugly desert riders,” wielding baseball bats and "bad attitudes” — was created to deter environmentalists from staging public protests. During the “ Redwood Summer”in California in 1990, Sahara Club offered a $100 bounty for the apprehension and arrest of environmental protesters. No bounties were paid, but many environmental­ ists were physically assaulted. The following spring, a Sahara Club member was arrested for placing a fake bomb in the offices of the Areata Action Center, an environmental organization. Funding (partial list of financial or in-kind supporters) Midwest Action Cycles ♦ JT Racing ♦ O'Neal ♦ AXO Sport ♦ Pro-Circuit ♦ Sun Line ♦ Gold Belt ♦ Scotts ♦ Thor Racing ♦ Superlift ♦ Pro-Tec ♦ Works Performance ♦ The Desert Vipers Motorcycle Club ♦ Conejo Trail Riders ♦ Moose Racing ♦ Sunland Shamrocks Motorcycle Club Officers Rick Sieman, President ♦ Louis McKey, Vice Presi­ dent ♦ Arlene Valdez, Newsletter Graphics/Art Director ♦ Corrinne Jensen, Office Manager/Secretary ♦ Pat Martin, Electronic Surveillance/Sysop ♦ Rocky Nunzio, Security 88 A c a t a lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1003 Arlington VA 22201 703 527 0131, fax: 703 276 2673 cience and Environmental Policy Pro­ ject was founded in 1990 as an affiliate of the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, a Moonie-funded think tank. Its stated purpose is to “ document the rela­ tion sh ip betw een scien tific data and the development of federal environmental policy.” Its goal is to discredit global warming, ozone depletion and acid rain as a fantasy of politi­ cally-motivated environmentalists. Director Fred Singer’ s views on these issues have made him a popular scientific panelist at anti-environmental conferences, and a leading critic of the environmental movement. “ We are disturbed that activists, anxious to stc£ energy and economic growth, are push­ ing ahead with drastic policies without taking notice of recent changes in the underlying science,”wrote Singer in a statement circu­ lated to colleagues. Singer places the blam e for the w orld’ s social crises squarely on the environmental movement. He claims that global warming is m ost likely a harmless natural occurrence, that the burning of fossil fuel increases the world’ s food supply and that global regula­ tions will “ have catastrophic impacts on the world economy, on jobs, standards of living and health care.” S 89 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. In an attempt to undermine the 1992 Earth Summit treaty on global warming, SEPP dis­ torted the results of a Greenpeace survey of atmospheric scientists, to try to suggest that there’ s no con se n su s that COa em ission s pose a serious environmental threat. Accord­ ing to SEPP, the Greenpeace poll showed that “ any future climate warming is likely to be minor, and even benign to human existence on the planet.” In fact, 45% of the 113 scie n tists who responded to the Greenpeace survey believe that the earth is rea ch in g a poin t of no return, where global warming will becom e uncontrollable and irreversible. And all the scientists responding agree that global warm­ ing is a problem, caused in large part by the em ission of greenhouse gases produced by man-made industries and autos. Funding Bradley Foundation ♦ Smith-Richardson Foundation ♦ Forbes foundation Officers Dr. S. Fred Singer, Executive Director ♦ Candace Crandall, Editorial Director 90 A c a t a lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Scientists and Engineers fo r Secure Energy (SE2) 570 Seventh Av., Suite 1007 New York NY 100018 212 840 6595 cien tists and E ngin eers for Secure Energy is a scientific think tank fund­ ed by the n u clear energy lobby. It claims to have 200 “ professional”members and lists 42 scie n tists on its letterhead, including six Nobel Prize winners in physics and chemistry. SE 2 w as founded in the mid-1970’ s to persu ade the p u blic that nu clear energy is a safe and efficient alternative energy source. Today, SE 2 experts prom ise that g lo b a l w arm in g, a c id rain a n d o z o n e depletion can be averted by a sw itch to nuclear technology. Chairman Frederick Seitz discounts alter­ natives like sola r and geoth erm al power (com bined with energy efficiency) as too “ expensive”and “ unrealistic.”The solution to this crisis, according to Seitz, is to build new nu­ clear power plants and prohibit public hear­ ings in which local citizens can give input. S Funding US Council for Energy Awareness ♦ SE2 conferences throughout the 1980s were co-sponsored by numer­ ous trade associations and public utilities, includ­ ing: American Nuclear Society ♦ American Institute of Chemical Engineers ♦ American Association of Electrical Engineers ♦ Pacific Gas and Electric 91 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Officers Frederick Seitz, Chairman ♦ Erich Isaac, Vice Chairman ♦ Robert K. Adair, Vice Chairman ♦ Joseph B. Scrandris, Comptroller ♦ Miro M. Todorovich, Executive Director ♦ M illicent J. Scrandris, Assistant to the Executive Director The Sea Lion Defense Fund (SLDF) Box 2296 Kodiak AK 99618 907 486 3234, 907 486 3033 ea lions once thrived along the south­ western Alaska coast, but their num­ bers decreased by over 50% between 1960 and 1985, and another 5% between re d isap pearin g so 1991 and 1992. T hey’ rapidly that they’ ve been declared a threat­ ened species. D espite its name, the Sea Lion Defense Fund is no friend to this creature. It’ s the legal arntt of Alaska’ s fishing industry, found­ ed in 1991 in response to a lawsuit that was filed after the National Marine Fisheries Ser­ vice increased the fishing quota on pollock, the seals’main food, by 40%. Fearing this huge increase would decimate both the pollock stocks and the seals, and forever alter the marine ecosystem in the Gulf of Alaska, Greenpeace and the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund sued the Fisheries Ser­ vice for violation of the Endangered Species Act, the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the National Environ­ mental Policy Act. S 92 /4 c a t a lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s The fishing industiy and its local depen­ dents took a different view. Hailing the new quota as a boon, they set up the SLDF to fight the environmentalists’suit. Their inter­ vention was successful, and the new quotas went into effect. Greenpeace and the SLDF continue to litigate over future quotas. Funding Municipalities, fishing vessels, fish processors, fish­ ing trade associations, local businesses, shipyards, packing and equipment suppliers. Officers Ken Allread, Western Alaska Fisheries ♦ Al Burch, Alaska Draggers Association ♦ Gary Bloomquist, City of Kodiak ♦ Jerome Selby, Kodiak Island Borough Share B.C. Box 1074 Ucluelet BC VOR 3AO Canada 604*726 2002, fax: 604 726 1254 hare B.C., also known as the Citizens Coalition for Sustainable Development, is a coalition of citizen groups opposed to “ forest preservation.”Made up of Share our Forests, Share the Stein. Share the Rock, Share our Resources, Share the Clayoquot and twenty other organizations, it claims a combined membership of 24,000. Share B.C. provides its member groups, many of which are in isolated rural areas, with media contacts and networking p ossi­ bilities, both in Canada and overseas. Share B.C. was even accredited by the U.N. as a S 93 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. nongovernmental organization for the Rio Earth Summit. Share B.C.’ s main agenda is to keep public and private old-growth forest available for logging. According to Robert E. Skelly, who represents Port Albemi, B.C. in the House of Commons, Share B.C. was set up in 1988 by Bob Findlay, who is currently CEO of the timber-industry giant MacMillan Bloedel. Skelly attended the fou n din g meeting, along with Jack Toovey, Fletcher Challenge’ s former vice president for forestry, and Patrick Armstrong, one of B.C.’ s leading anti-envi­ ronmentalists. Soon after, MacMillan Bloedel executives suggested to its employees that they also set up Share groups, and offered them financial assistance to do so. Each Share grou p fo c u s se s on a local preservation effort. Share the Cloyquot, set up to prevent ex p a n sion of the Pacific Rim National Park, tells the public that clearcuts are “ one'step in the renewable resource cycle.” Share Our Forests sponsored a contest in Vancouver Island schools, offering a $3,000 prize for the best student essay on the theme “ why clearcut logging is beneficial for B.C.” Share B.C. offers free timber tours, given by clear-cutters like Fletcher Challenge and MacMillan Bloedel. Moving from logging site to mill, these tours present the idea that trees can be regenerated or regrown in just a few years. The Canadian timber industry, howev­ er, cuts old-growth forests almost exclusively, and they take over 200 years to regenerate. 94 A c a t a lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s Funding Share B.C. admitted that 60% of its 1991 operating costs were paid for by forest corporations. However, as with all Share groups, the identity of these corpo­ rate funders is kept secret. Officers John Bassingthwaite, immediate Past Chairman ♦ Danny Taylor, Interim Chairman ♦ Bill Beldessi, Chairman ♦ Michael Morton, Executive Director Society fo r Environmental Truth (SET) 625 N Van Buren, Suite 216 Tucson AZ 8571 1 602 790 4769 he Society for Environmental Truth was founded in 1992 by R.S. Bennet, a retired forestry teacher who believes that environmental policy is driven by “ irra­ tional thought.”He envisions a broad grass­ roots movement that would debunk the views of “ eco-terrorists”like Greenpeace. SETT orga­ nizes protests, arranges legislative testi­ monies and uses the media to disseminate the results of industry-backed studies. Its motto is, get SET for the truth. A ccording to SET, endangered species, global w arm ing and ozon e depletion are bogus issues, created by environmentalists solely to pad their already bulgin g bank accounts. “ For the past several years,”says Bennett, “ the major environmental organiza­ tions have resorted to lies, half-truths and T 95 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. unsubstantiated theories to prod generous Americans to donate to their causes.” SET Secretary H.R. Jernigan compares the environmental movement’ s success to the rise of German fascism during the 1930s. “ The Nazis had the Jews for a scapegoat, these [environmental] groups have big business. The Nazis had their own newspaper, the local groups have theirs. These groups are far more subtle than the Nazis, but their goal is the same: gain control of the government.” Funding SET is funded by its membership, which is currently limited to local businesses and individual members. Officers R.S. Bennet, Executive Director ♦ H.R. Jernigan, Secretary US Council fo r Energy Awareness (USCEAJ 1776 I St NW, Suite 400 Washington DC 20006 202 293 0770 T he US Council for Energy Awareness is the official public-relations branch of the nu clear power industry. It was established in 1980 in respon se to w ide­ spread public mistrust and fear after the dis­ aster at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. Nearly 400 power companies in the US and abroad chip in to supply USCEA’ s $20 million+ annual budget. USCEA’ s cam paigns try to convince the public that nuclear power reduces depen96 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups dence on foreign oil, stim ulates econom ic growth and, because it produces no green­ house gases, is ecologically sound. But the public isn ’ t buying, and the US nuclear power industry remains in crisis. No new reactors have been ordered since 1973, and reactors now operating are shutting prematurely. D espite billion s of tax dollars spent on research, there’ s still no safe way to dispose of the tons of radioactive waste power plants produce, which can remain toxic for up to 220,000 years. Even the Wall Street Journal points out that all nuclear plants completed between 1980 and 1988 had cost overruns ranging from 200% to 2400%! Needless to say, the USCEA paints a totally different picture. A newspaper ad showing a newly hatched baby turtle scooting across a stretch of beach touts the scene as “ more evi­ dence of the truth of nuclear energy: it peace­ fully coexists with the environment.” A;.TV spot shows an attractive, personable, intelligent woman explaining her concerns about the environment and her recent change of heart: ” 1 want my kids to grow up in a healthy environment....When I was in college, I w as a g a in st n u clea r energy. But I’ ve reached a different con clusion. It m eans cleaner air for the planet." Documents leaked to Greenpeace reveal that these ads were part of a strategy targeting women during 1992, the ‘ Tear of the Woman.” According to a USCEA-commissioned survey, “ public opinion polls show that American women are less well-informed about nuclear 97 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. energy than men....[but that] with increased awareness, w om en’ s support can increase.” The USCEA found that after telling women that “ nuclear energy cu ts greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution,”their attitudes towards nukes were measurably softened. Funders (partial list) American Electric Power Service Corp ♦ American Nuclear Corp ♦ Atomic Energy of Canada ♦ Bechtel Power Corp ♦ Chem Nuclear Systems ♦ Common­ wealth Edison ♦ Department of Energy, Mines and Resources of Canada ♦ Dresser Industries ♦ Energy Resources International ♦ Exxon ♦ General Electric ♦ Martin Marietta Energy Systems ♦ Union Pacific ♦ Uranium Resources ♦ Westinghouse Officers Phillip Bayne, President and CEO ♦ Bill Harris, Senior Vice President ♦ Carl A. Goldstein, Vice President, Public and Media Relations ♦ Edward L, Aduss, Vice President, Advertising ♦ Richard J. Meyers, Vice President, Industry Communications and Publications ♦ Marvin S. Fertel, Vice President, Technical Programs ♦ Ann S. Bisconti, Vice Presi­ dent, Research and Program Evaluation Wilderness Impact Research Foundation (WIRF) 555 6th St Elko NV 89801 702 738 2009 T he Wilderness Impact Research Foun­ d a tion is a n a tion a l orga n iza tion formed in 1986 to fight new Wilder­ ness Area designations proposed under the 98 A catalog o f anti-environmental groups federal Wilderness Act. In seminars, confer­ ences, m edia a ppea ra n ces and lobbying, WIRF publicizes the “ negative impact”that wilderness area protection has on mining, skiing, hunting and ranching. Founder A. Grant Gerber is one of the prin­ cipal leaders of the Wise Use, or as he prefers to call it, Multiple Use, movement. “ Our focus is factual,”says Gerber, “ what is best for the people, the wildlife, the land.”Yet he calls environm entalists “ pantheists”(those who believe that God is present in everything) and “ druids”(members of an ancient, nature-wor­ shipping Celtic religion). Two key pieces of environmental legislation, the Wilderness Preservation System and the Endangered Species Act, are the chief targets of WIRF’ s attacks. Each year WIRF, together with the Mountain States and Pacific Legal Foundations, organizes National Wilderness Conferences to lure members to their antierwjronmentalist cause. Attendees include hundreds of representa­ tives of the timber, oil, cattle, mining and recreation industries. Participants in 1991 included the American Forest Council, the American Petroleum Institute, the National Cattlem an’ s Association, the American Min­ ing Congress, the National Rifle Association, as well as a number of other groups listed in this book. Funding WIRF's National Steering Committee includes Rocky Mountain Oil and Gas Association ♦ National Forest Products Association ♦ National Cattlemen's 99 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Association ♦ American Motorcyclist Association ♦ Northwest Mining Association Officers A. Grant Gerber, Executive Director and Treasurer ♦ Thomas Porter, President ♦ Mark O. Walsh, Secretary Yellow Ribbon Coalition (YRC) 655 North A St Springfield OR 97477 503 747 5874, fax: 503 747 061 2 he Yellow Ribbon Coalition is a Wise Use lobby for the tim ber industry, with branches in Oregon. Washington and California. Although it claims to be a grassroots organization representing thou­ sands of unem ployed or “ at-risk" workers and their families, YRC is directed by company executives. Its motto is, saving jobs and sup­ porting communities. The YRC says it speaks on behalf of “ those who canrtot [put] their thoughts and feelings into fancy words that others would under­ stand.”It’ s designed public school curricula that it claims have reached 10,000 students, and has lobbied state assemblies and federal agencies throughout the country. Individuals, families and bu sin esses can becom e m em bers. S pecial provision s are made for Yellow Ribbon Workplaces—compa­ nies where em ployees donate via payroll deduction. These companies are included on YRC’ s board of directors. 100 A c a t a lo g o f an ti-en viron m en tal g r o u p s YRC is known for organizing high-profile protests and counter protests that blame environmentalists for the rising unemploy­ ment rate. “ Mills are closing. Hard working men and women—family people—are losing their jobs, the direct result of preservation­ is t s ’la w su its [and] frau du len t cla im s,” reads a typical YRC ad in a timber trade magazine. YRC has gained national visibili­ ty through its membership in two Wise Use coalitions—the Oregon Lands Coalition and the Alliance for America. Funding In 1992-93, the board represented Triangle Veneer ♦ Tom Borland ♦ Eugene Chamber ♦ Seneca Sawmill ♦ Zip-O-Log Mills ♦ Centennial Bank ♦ Heath Logging ♦ Swanson Brothers ♦ TECO ♦ Starfire Lumber ♦ JMC Logging & Farming ♦ Lane Plywood ♦ Emerald Forest Products ♦ Diamond Wood Products ♦ Rexius Forest Products Officers Jirrf Welsh, President ♦ Bonnie Morgan, Internal Vice President ♦ Mike McKay, External Vice Presi­ dent ♦ Suzanne Penegor, Secretary ♦ Konrad Lohner. Treasurer ♦ Charlie Janz, Past President 101 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. Notes Sources for the facts and quotations in this book are listed below by page numbers and brief subject descriptions. Full publication data is given the first time a work is cited. 7. Ex-forestry official quote. Bill Holmes (speech reprint) "Weirdos Wimps and Watermelons," Anderson Valley Advertiser, 4/24/91. 8. Projected sales of "green" products. Winski, Joseph M. "Green Marketing: Big Prizes but No Easy Answers," Advertising Age, 10/28/91. 8. Export of wood products. Forest Watch, Cascade Econom­ ic Holistic Consultants, jul 91, Vol 12, No. 1, pp. 26-27. 9. 9. Mobil Chemical quote. Greenpeace Plastics Fact Sheet, 1990. Mobil sued. Reuters, 7/28/92. Schneider, Keith, "Guides on Environmental Ad Claims," New York Times, 7/29/92. 10. 12. EPA lawsuit. "E Notes," f Magazine, May/Jun 92. Violent attacks against environmentalists. Franklin, Jonathan, "First They Kill your Dog," Muckraker, Jan 93. Bush quote. Medford, Oregon speech, 9/14/92. Transcript. 13. 14. Conservative court bias. "The Federal Courts at a Cross­ roads" Alliance for Justice Judicial Selection Project, Annual Report, Washington DC, 1992. 17-18. Tulane study. Houck, Oliver. "W ith Charity For All," Yale Law Journal, Jul 84. Money from charities in 1991. 1992 Grantmakers'Guide, The Foundation Center, Washington DC, 1992. 19. "Exploit the environment for private gain." Long, Kather­ ine, "A Grinch Who Loathes Green Groups," The Toron­ to Star, 12/21/91; Udall, Stewart L. and Kent Olsen, "Me First and Nature Second," Los Angeles Times, 7/27/92. 19. "Do things industry can't." Latter, Carol & Juanita Had­ dad, "Sharing with the Share Groups," The Leaflet, Pulp, Paper & Woodworkers of Canada, Jan 89. 19- 20. AFC and Moon cult. Anderson, Scott and John Lee Anderson, Inside the League, Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1986, pp. 64-65; Report on the Share Phenome­ non, Executive Summary, Parliamentary Library, House of Commons, Ottowa, May 92. 2 0 - 21. Wise Use goals. Gottlieb Alan, ed. The Wise Use Agenda, The Free Enterprise Press, Bellevue, Washington, 1989. 21. Parliamentary Library report. Report on the Share Phenomenon. 18. 102 Notes 24. AIM linked to Rev. Moon. Wolf, Louis, "Accuracy in Media Rewrites the News and History," Covert Action Information Bulletin, Number 21, p. 36. 25. Environment in the media. "FAIR Study: Amount of Envi­ ronmental Coverage Slips in 1991," EXTRA!, Apr/May, 92. 25. AIM funding.1992 Grantmakers Guide; Wolf, Covert Action information Bulletin, pp. 26-28, 36. 26. Oil in ANWR. Greenpeace Arctic Fact Sheet. 1991. 29. AER harassment of environmentalists. Ball, Gary "Wise Use Nuts and Bolts," M endocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 12, Summer/Fall 92; Judi Bari, phone interview with author, Oct 92. Hartmann, Carolyn and Bill Walsh, Dupont Fiddles W hile the World Burns, USPIRG report, 12/11/89. 31. 32. Pak quote. "Moonies Are More Active and Gaining Influ­ ence," Group Research Report, Summer 89, p. 1. 33. Sikorsky, Merrill, "In Search of an Energy Policy for Amer­ ica," American Freedom journal, Oct 90. "five years of oil." Greenpeace Arctic Fact sheet, 1991. 33. 33. 37. 38. fj. 39. 40. 40. 40. 41. 41. AFC funding. Seltzer, Andrew, "Grassroots Movement to Exploit Federal Wilderness Organized by Moonie Front," Portland Free Press, 11/16/89. Margaret Durante, Burson-Marstellar (New York), phone interview with author, Nov 92. CDC a front for mining companies, etc. "Desert Coalition Descends on Washington," BlueRibbon, Jul 91, p. 14; AP "Groups that Use Desert Are Opposed to Preservation," Sacramento Bee, 4/7/91, p. B15. "Relieve people of property." Desert News Letter, quoting Wayne Hage, Jun 92, p. 2. Simon quote "gloom and doom.""Apocalypse in Rio: The End of the World As We Know It?" CATO Policy Report, Jul/Aug, 92, pp. 6-7. Taylor, Jerry, "Beware of Eco-treaties," USA Today, 5/29/92. Funding. CATO Institute Annual Report, 1991. Arnold quote. Long, Katherine, Portland Oregonian, 12/16/91. Destroy free enterprise. Long, Katherine, "A Grinch Who Loathes Green Groups," The Toronto Star, 12/21/91. 41-42. $5 million annually. Egan, Timothy "125 Groups Put their Anti-Environmental Eggs in One Basket," New York Times News Service, 1/1/92. 42. CDFE funding. Gottlieb, The Wise Use Agenda, pp. 157-66. 44. Gold quote. Speech before US EPA National Environmen­ tal Information Conference, Philadelphia, 12/4/91. 103 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environmental Orgs. 44. CFE funding. Citizens for a Sound Economy, Annual Report, 1991. 48. "Ruthless predecessors." Citizen Outlook, May/Jun 92. 49. CA positions. Magelli, Mark and Andy Friedman. Masks o f Deception, Essential Information, Washington DC, 1991, p. 80. 50. Greenhouse effect. "Global Warning—The Myth," Con­ sumer Comments, Vol. 14, No. 5, Sep 90. 5 0 - 51. Roger Marzulla. National Journal, Update section, 3/7/92. 49- 54. 55. FREE's budget growth. IRS 990 form, 1990. Total privatization. Baden, John, "O il and Ecology Do M ix," The Wall Street Journal, 2/24/87. 56. M iller quote. Lippmann, Thomas, "Energy Lobby Fights Unseen 'Killers,'" Washington Post, 4/1/92, p. A21. GCC's role at the Earth Summit. Bruno, Kenny, "The Cor­ porate Capture of the Earth Summit," Multinational Moni­ tor, Jul/Aug 1992, p. 15. Heritage Foundation budget. Heritage Foundation Annual Report, 1991. Policy blueprint. Andrews, John K., et al., "The Vision Thing: Conservatives Take Aim at the 90's," Policy Review, Spring 90, p. 4. Meyerson, Adam. "The Vision Thing, Continued: A Con­ servative Research Agenda for the 90's," Policy Review, Summer 90, p. 2. "Precipitous legislation." "W hy is Minneapolis Getting Cold«):/"'ICE information packet, Nov 92. Directing advertising. O'Driscoll, Mary, The Energy Daily, 6/24/91, p. 1. 56. 57. 58. 58. 60. 60. 61. 62. "Future challenges." Liberty & Law, Fall 92. US landfills. 50 Simple Things You Can D o to Save The Earth, Berkeley, CA, The Earth Works Group, Earthworks Press, 1989, p. 66. 63. Powers quote, Williams, Ted, "The Metamorphosis of Keep America Beautiful," Audubon, Mar 90. 63. 63. 64. Bottle-bill opposition. Magelli, Masks o f Deception, p. 118. Composting. Magelli, Masks o f Deception, p. 117. Pendley quote. Personal interview, Washington DC, 9/16/92. Collusion. Bellant, Russ. The Coors Connection, South End Press, 1991, pp. 87-90. 64-65. MLSF reputation. Bellant, p. 80, quoting the Rocky Mountain News, 1981. 64. 65. MLSF funding. The Foundation Grants Index, 1992. 104 Notes 69. Therberg quote. Houck, Yale Law journal, p. 1475. 70. NLCPI fuunding. The Foundation Grants Index, 1992; Houck, Yale Law Journal, pp. 1474-76. 70. Wetlands revenue. Magelli, Masks o f Deception, p. 140. 1991 budget. Durbin, Kathie, Portland Oregonian, 1/27/92, p. B1. 76. PLF cases. Pacific Legal Foundation, Annual Report, 1992. 76-11. PLF funding. The Foundation Grants Index, 1992; Magel­ li, Masks o f Deception, p. 155. 76. Rancher quote. High Country News, 7/1/91. 74 79. 79. 79. 84. 84. 84. 84. 86. 87#.' 87. 87. 91 92. Stroup, Richard L. and Jane S. Shaw, The Public Interest, Fall 89. Anderson, Terry and Donald Leal, "Free Market Environ­ mentalism," Econ Update, May 92. PERC funding. The Foundation Grants Index, 1992. Marquardt quote. McCombs, Phil, "Attack of the Omni­ vore," Washington Post, 3/27/92, p. B4. "O ur enemy."CBS News 60 Minutes, transcript, Vol. XXV No. 2, 9/20/92, Livingston, NJ: Burrelle's Informa­ tion Services, p. 16. Humane Society. "The People's Agenda," Jan 92. Greenpeace accusation. Marquardt, Kathleen. "Greenpeace On Earth, Bad W ill Toward Man," Soldier o f For­ tune, Mar 92, p. 36. Reason Foundation funding. Reason Foundation Annual Report, 1991. "Job done." Sieman, Rick, Editorial, Sahara Club, USA Newsletter, #7, p. 1. "Scum-sucking, etc." Sahara Club, USA Newsletter, #16. Workshops. Sahara Club, USA Newsletter, #9. Seitz, Frederick, "Must We Have Nuclear Power?" Read­ er's Digest, Aug 90. Sea lion numbers. Merrick, Richard, D.G. Calkins and C. McAllister, Aerial and Ship-based Surveys o f Stellar Sea Lions (Eumatopias Jubatus) in SE Alaska, the Gulf o f Alas­ ka and the Aleutian Islands duringjune and July 1991. National Oceanic Administration Technical Memoran­ dum, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1992, Alaska Fisheries Science Center-1. 94. Share B.C.'s founding meeting. Letter from Robert Skelly, M.P. to Ron Neil, Fletcher Challenge, 4/28/92. 99. "Pantheists, druids." Knox, Margaret, "The Wise Use Guys," Buzzworm, Vol. 11, No. 6, Nov/Dec 90. 105 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environ. Orgs. Index anti-environmentalist, cont'd. wise use/share groups, 19-22 jargon, 7 jobs and, 7-8 manipulation of public opinion, 11 method of working, 6 movement, 7-8 courts and, 14 physical violence and, 1872 Mining Law, 77-78 Abundant W ildlife Society of North America, 23-24 Accuracy in Media, 24-25 AER. See Alliance for Envi­ ronment and Resources AFC. See American Freedom Coalition AIM. See Accuracy in Media Alaska "Support Industry" Alliance, 26-27 Alcalde, Rousselot and Fay, 31 Alliance for America, 27-29 Fly-In for Freedom, 28 Alliance for a Responsible CFC Policy, 30-32 Alliance for Environment and Resources, 29-30 American Freedom Coalition, 19-20, 32-33 link to Wise Use movement, 20 American Freedom Journal, 32 American Nt^lear Industry Council, 43' ■■ Ancient Forests: Rage Over Trees, 73 animal research, 84 anti-environmentalist funding, 11 government inroads, 12-14 grassroots organizing, 10-11 groups, 15-22 corporate front groups, 11-12 primary philosophy, 11 Arctic National W ildlife Refuge (ANWR), 26, 33, 34, 55 Armstrong, Patrick, 21 Arnold, Ron, 19, 41, 65, 66 ASIA. See Alaska "Support Industry" Alliance, 26 AWS. See Abundant W ildlife Society of North America Baden, John, 54 Bari, Judi, 11-12 B.C. Forest Alliance, 16, 34-36 message, 35 tasks, 16-17 BCSD. See Business Council for Sustained Development Bennet, R.S., 95 biodegradability, 9 Biodegradable Plastics Scam, 9 Blue Ribbon Coalition, 33-34 BRC. See Blue Ribbon Coalition Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 82 Burson-Marstellar (B-M), 15 BCSD and, 36-37 16-17 endowments and charities, 18-19 legal foundations, 17-18 public relation firms, 15-16 think tanks, 17 106 Index Burson-Marstellar (B-M) cont'd. Canadian timber industry and, 16, 35 greenwashing projects, 15-16 Bush, George, 12-13 domestic environmental record, 12-13 international environmental record, 13 Business Council for Sustained Development, 10, 36-37 Citizen Committee for the Right to Bear Arms, 42 Citizens Coalition for Sustain­ able Development. See Share B.C. Citizens for the Environment, 17, 43-44 Citizens for Total Energy, 4445 Clean Air Act, 80, 81 Clinton, President, 13 Coalition for Vehicle Choice, 4547 Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, 47-48, 86 Community Stability Act, 74 Comprehensive Wetlands Conservation and Manage­ ment Act, 71 Consumer Alert, 48-50, 86 function of, 49 Coors Brewing Company, 9-10 lawsuits against, 10 Also See Heritage Founda­ tion; Mountain States Legal Foundation Costner, Pat, 11 Council on Competitiveness, 71 Cushman, Chuck, 67, 68 CVC. See Coalition for Vehicle Choice California Desert Coalition, 38-39 California Desert Protection Act, 38 California Forest Association (CSA), 29 caribou, 27 Carthage Foundation, 18-19 CA. See Consumer Alert Cato Institute, 17, 39^10 cattle/sheep ranchers, 82 CDC. See California Desert Coalition CDFE. See Center for the JItefense of Free Enterprise Cehter for Investigative Reporting, 12 Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, 19, 38, 41-42, 65 advisors, 42 C-FACT. See Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFE. See Citizens for the Environment Changing Course, 37 charities, 18-19 Cherney, Darryl, 11-12 chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 30-31 CITE. See Citizens for Total Energy Defenders of Property Rights, 50-51 DPR. See Defenders of Property Rights Earth First!, 11 bomb event, 11-12 Earth Summit (1992), 10 George Bush and, 13 participants, 36 E. Bruce Harrison Co., 16 PR clients, 16 107 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environ. Orgs. Eco-logic; People balancing the Environmental Equation, 52 Economic Impact Statement, 35 ECO. See Environmental Conservation Organization Endangered Species Act: A Perverse Way to Protect Biodiversity, The Endangered Species Act (ESA), 8, 66 Alliance for America and, 28 AWS and, 24 BRC and, 34 Bush administration and, 13 OLC and, 73 WIRF and, 99 endowments, 18-19 environment, products effect on, 8 Environmental Conservation Organization, 51-52 environmentalists attacks on, 12 primary philosophy of, 11 Evergreen Foundation, 16, 52-54 4 Gore, Al, 13 Gottlieb, Alan, 41 Greenpeace, 11 greenwashing, 8-10 advertising, 9 B-M projects, 15-16 business, 10 ICE, campaign, 60 Keep America Beautiful and, 62 PR firms and, 15 products, 8 Heritage Foundation, 17, 57-59 H ill & Knowlton (HK), 16 Hubbard, Helen, 44-45 hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), 31 hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), 31 introduction, 6 ICE. See Information Council for the Environment IFJ. See Institute for Justice Information Council for the Environment, 59-60 greenwashing campaign, 60 Institute for Justice, 61-62 International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 56 Irvine, Reed, 24 FBI, 11 in Earth First! bomb event, 11-12 Foundation for Research on Economics and the Envi­ ronment, 54-55 FREE. See Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment GCC. See Global Climate Coalition Gerber, A. Grant, 99 Global Climate Coalition, 55-57 mission of, 55-56 global warming, 46, 49, 56, 95 jobs California Desert Protection Act and, 38 cost of, 7-8 environmental regulations and, 8 ESA and, 13 John O lin Foundation, 18 Johnson, Valerie, 28, 73, 74 108 Index KAB. See Keep America Beautiful Keep America Beautiful, 62-63 legal foundations, 17-18 Lilly Endowment, 18 funding of, 19 Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Commission, 18, 61 National Wetlands Coalition, 16, 51, 70-71 NFLC, See National Federal Lands Conference NIA. See National Inholders Association NLCPI. See National Legal Center for the Public Interest North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 10 NORTHCARE. See Northern Community Advocates for Resource Equity Northern Community Advo­ cates for Resource Equity, 72-73 Northern Spotted Owl, 8 notes, 102-105 nuclear power, 96-98 NWC. See National Wetlands Coalition Mader, Dick, 23 Market-Conservation's Best Friend, The, 79 Marquardt, Kathleen, 85 Michael Peters Croup poll, 8 Mobil Chemical, 9 Moon, Sun Myung, 20 AFC and, 32 AIM and, 24 C-FACT and, 48 Moresby Consulting, 22 Mothers' Watch, 30 Also see Alliance for Envi­ ronment and Resources Mountain States Legal Foun­ dation, 17, 64-65, 99 position on issues, 17-18 MSLF. See Mountain States l^gal Foundation Multiple Use Land Alliance. See National Inholders Association Odonian Press, other books, 111-12 OFS. See Oregonians for Food and Shelter oil industry, 26-27 OLC. See Oregon Lands Coalition One Child, One Voice docu­ mentary, 25 Oregonians for Food and Shelter, 74-75 Oregon Lands Coalition, 73-74 chapters, 73 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 65 National Federal Lands Con­ ference, 65-67 National Highway Tranportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), 46 National Inholders Associa­ tion, 51, 67-68 National Legal Center for the Public Interest, 17, 69-70 member firms, 69 National Rifle Association, 51,99 Pacific Legal Foundation, 17, 76-77, 99 IRS violations, 18 People for the Ethical Treat­ ment of Animals (PETA), 83 People for the West!, 77-78 grassroots organizing of, 10-11 PERC. See Political Economy Research Center 109 Greenpeace Guide to Anti-environ. Orgs. PLC. See Public Lands Council PLF. See Pacific Legal Foun­ dation Policy Review, 58 Political Economy Research Center, 79-80 FME alternative, 79 PPF. See Putting People First President's Council on Com­ petitiveness, 13, 80-81 Public Interest Research Croup (PIRC), 49 Public Lands Council, 81-83 Public relation firms, 15-16 Putting People First, 83-85 PAC, 84-85 Sikorsky, Merrill, 33 Society for Environmental Truth, 95-96 think tanks, 17 timber industry, 8 Canadian, 34-35 Evergreen Foundation and, 52-53 Also see Yellow Ribbon Coalition USCEA. See US Council for Energy Awareness US Council for Energy Awareness, 96-98 Washington Report: From the Trenches, 84 Watt, James, 12 wetlands, 70-71 Wilderness Impact Research Foundation, 98-100 Wilderness Preservation System, 99 WIRF. See Wilderness Impact Research Foundation Wise Use movement, 19-22 activists, 19 AFC and, 20 California, 29 founding goals of, 20-21 wolves, AWS and, 23 Quayle, Dan, 71, 80 conflict of interest accusa­ tion, 81 Real Story series, other books, 111-12 Reason Foundation, 85-87 Reason magazine, 86 RF. See Reason Foundation Sahara Club JJSA, 87-88 Clubbers, f!8 Sarah Scaife Foundation, 18-19 Schmidheiny, Stephen, 37 Science and Environmental Policy Project,, 1 7, 89-90 SET. See Society for Environ­ mental Truth Share B.C., 93-95 grassroots organizing of, Yellow Ribbon Coalition, 29, 100-101 grassroots organizing of, 10-11 Also see timber industry YRC. See Yellow Ribbon Coalition 10-11 Share movement, 19-22 formation of, 21 Shasta Alliance for Resources and Environment, 29-30 Siemen, Rick, 87 110 r The Real Story Series is b a sed on a sim ple idea — political books don't have to be boring. Short, well-written and to the point, Real Story books are meant to be read. Most Americans are deeply concerned about the environment. In response to that, ecologically destructive industries have set up elaborate front groups that masquerade as environmental organiza­ tions but actually work to destroy the environment. These groups take many forms— legal foundations, think tanks, charitable endowments, public relations firms, etc. In this brief, fact-packed book, Greenpeace writer Carl Deal unmasks more than fifty of them. He explains how they work and tells you who funds them. This book is an eye-opener for anyone who cares about the planet. It's also an excellent guide for activists (who need to know what they're up against) and for contrib­ utors to environmental causes who want to make sure their support is going to the right place. So don’t be fooled by a green facade— look them up here first.