1 verse avo moemr me .—. "Tis Mutual Releaso and indornity ercctve "os mon fe + Botwsen th Parts RNRL. n ©0UL.CVA0 REAL ESTATE EQUTIES LTD. operating as Avene Lio (cotlectively refered t as th "LANDLORD®) mand summa onnes (nereinator collective refered to as "BARNES®) wherens thor have beon insure in tepid between th parton to hs Relase and Indomnty. AND WHEREAS BARNES has agree to rlease he LANOLORO fom any and a aims Imaum ar ubich ouaht to be Irown rates to ha enano) of 202, 175 Apcrgue Rond West Tahriig, Abeta and Acton No. late O0be? setween be LAKDLORO are exRiNes wich secured ior to the efect date of ts Raiease and Indannly and indorntiny to ANDLORD agabat al hrd paty aims reatad to ha sam. AND WHEREAS the LANOLORO has agrondtorloase BARNES fom any and al lains noun or whlch ought to be known related t te tenancy of 202, 175 Algonaun Road West Latbrign Abet and Acton No: 1800 G0G27 betwemn ba L¥WDLORO and Brvoles wich seurred por to tha effeive data of hs Release and Indomnty and indorniting @ARICS asi al rd pary caine raatod ioe same AND WHEREAS consideaton forth execton ofthis Rlaaso wil e the um of eny Thomond Dolirs (£20,000.00}CA), pail to BARNES by the LANDLORD and such oter consderiton pursuant to the rom of Accestance of Formal Ofer to Stle ated December 0, Rio. NOW THEREFORE ths Reloaso winesseth tain consideralon of 1 "The LANDLOR wil py tha sum of $20,000.00 to tARNES: 2. Gorts and Interest of ths acton are Included n th sttament amount 2. BARNES il dacertre ha acton Gout le No 1908 Otban mihoutcons and 4. The LANDLORD shal dscortiue fs Countecamwihout coun. Te enmes nereto aonee as rociows: 1. The preanii shal orm par ofthe witin Reloase 2... Each ofthe parle for and on tha ur bel and for and on behalf of he successor, affites, agents and assigns of each do each herety rane, release and ndarnty the ather together vith thar respecive adnintatos, agons and Instr, modecoston, a svecessos, aidaris, aftitas and sharaholdrs and all of tha repectve past prosent and. fiure offers recto, employees, sevants, agent, comsitans aritator and assigns fom any and al manner of acton and actors, causes and causes of actons, suls, dels, dues, sume of money, expanses, gonal damages, apasal damages, cout, naret, caine, and demands t any ind In nature uhatsoover which ather paty evr ha. now have o shal ar may have aginst the othe, fo ar by reason f ing out f orreted to any mats between he partes upto he dat of ha signing ofthe witn Release and nderniy. 3... Nather party nor thai successor, aftltes, agents and assigns, together with thar respectve adminizuato, personal repesertaiven shall make a cam or take any proceeding relating to he aforementioned dipute or transactions against ary oter person, indidal or cormoraion fo ich such person, indhidua or corporaon might clam contibaton or Indemnity om th che party 4... Each party represents and warans that no person or other part is subrogated to any fis of aeovary they may have o may hore have or aoain, and tey vilindonniy and hold harmless each oer wih respect to any uch subrogated cain o proceeding 5... Each part hall eecute auch other document as are necessary to ut this Reloase and Inderniy nto fect 8... This Release ahal be govemed by and canetued in accordance wih th lus ofthe Province of Abta and the parias hrs krovocanly atom to the Jutedicon of the Court ofthe Province of Abeta and agree tha the Courisa the Provinc o Abort shat have excuse Jatedclon in the resouton of any legal dputes arng from or in connection with hi Release 7. This Release resresents a compronise of dapitd claims and cannot be conatued as any adission o fabity : 8... Each pary acknoufedgen hat shott has entered nt his Release voluntary and has recatved and understood t torms and thi afect and shot has had te opporunty o otal her our Independant legal advce and has not eled upon any varanies or resresenations uhatsoover by or on behalf ofthe othr paty n secuting tis Reloase. Signing Page to Folow s #3 rletzn?" ote attatorage, aber this __ Z. day t saran fori? —/oatenatGaigay, Abort this day ot Jnco, 2021, Boulevard Rea Estate Equttes it. a Pis Por stew "o\ Gantonmaso Gained ¢ 18 c. f h A an /I _.. Rénilh dd an oaten at catty, Abort his 25" y of dena, 2ofl * teac , am