(b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029681 CONTNUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF oocumem sews CONTINUED 3,5433 0; 4 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR 0F am no. ouamaw UNIT uw cha Pexiod of Performance: 12/0112912 to 11/30f2617 7549-Dl-1524057 MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029682 OPTEONAL FORM 33:- Sponsored by GSA FAR {43 CFR) 511 ii} St. Ciair U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION WASHINGTON o.c. 20210 REGISTER OF WAGE DETERMINATIONS UNDER THE SERVICE CONTRACT ACT By direction of the Secretary of Labor wage Determination No.: 2012?0096 Rev1sion No.1 2 Date of Last Revision: 07/08/2014 Diane c. Kopiewski Division of Director Wage Determinations State: Michigan Area: Michigan County of St Ciair Employed on Department of homeiand Security contract for detention and guard transportation of ICE detainees in the custody of the county between St. ciair County sheriff?s oepartment St ciair County Board _of Commissioners and St Ciair County Corrections Command officers?COAM, St. Ciair in the state of Michigan, effective Juiy l, 2012 through June 30, 2015. The wage rates and fringe benefits paid by above entity are hereby adopted as prevai ing. NOTE: This soie source wage determination was issued based on your e98 request. PIease note that a soIe source wage determination is oniy appiicabie to contracts for which the contractor a state or Iocai government or other entity) is the only entity in the Iocaiity that can perform the contracted-for services. Thus, for exampie, if a state or iocai government contractor seIects a subcontractor to perform the services after a sole source wage determination has been incorporated into a contract (i the contractor ceases to be the oniy entity that can erform such services), then the soIe source wage determination is no Ionger applica 1e to the contract, and the apprOpriate area?wide wage determination must be incorporated into the contract instead. Under Section of the Service Contract Act no empioyees shaII be paid iess than the minimum wage speCifned by Section of the Fair Labor Standards Act; $7.25 per hour, effective Juiy 24, 2009. Page 1 MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029683 St! Ciair UNIFORM ALLOWANCE If empioyees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract (either by the terms of the Government contract, by the empioyer, by the state or Tocai iaw, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by iaundering or dry cieaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by an empioyee where such cost reduces the houriy rate beiow that required by the wage determination. The Department of Labor wii accept payment in accordance with the foiiowing standards as compiiance: The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish a1] empioyees with an adequate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse empioyees for the actuai cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cieaning and maintenance is made the of the empioyee, contractors and subcontractors subject to this wage determination shai (in the absence of a bona fide coiiective bargaining agreement providing for a different amount, or the furnishing of contrary affirmative proof as to the actuai cost), reimburse a11 employees for such cieaning and maintenance at a rate of 4 per week (orcents per day). However, in those instances where the uni orms furnished are mace of ?wash and wear? materiais, may be routinely washed and dried with other personai garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry cleaning, daiiy washing, or commerciai 1aundering in order to meet the cieaniiness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract, by the contractor, by 1aw, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement that empioyees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs. Page 2 MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029684 0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND REMOVAL OPERATIONS AND This Intergovernmental Service Agreement (?Agreement?) is entered into between United States Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement and St. Clair County Sheriffs Of?ce, (?Service Provider?) for the detention and care of aliens (?detainees?). The term ?Parties? is used in this Agreement to referjointly to ICE and the Service Provider. I - FACILITY LOCATION: The Service Provider shall provide detention services for detainees at the fellowing institution(s): St. Clair County Sheriffs O??ice 11 70 Michigan Road Port Huron, MI 48060 The following documents constitute the complete agreement: 0 Service Agreement (IGSA) 0 Proposal dated June 05, 2012, incorporated herein by-reference 0 Attachment 1 - Performance Outcomes, 2008 Performance-Based National Detention Attachment 2 - Title 29, Part 4 Labor Standards for Federal Service Contracts Attachment 3 - Wage Determination Number: WD 2012-0096 Dated 06/21/2012 Attachment 4 - Use Of Government Owned Vehicle and Hold Harmless Statement Attachment 5 - Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029685 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029686 1?0008 Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) Table of Contents: .. Article 2. General .. 4 Article 3. 'Covered? Services .. 5 Article 4. Receiving and Discharging Detainees .. 6 Article 5. ICE Performance-Based National Detention Standards and Other Applicable Standards .. .7 Article 6. Medical Services .. 8 Article 7. Employment Screening Requirements 12 Article 8. Period of ..-. .. 13 Article 9. Inspections, Audit, Surveys, and Tours 13 Article 10. Modi?cations and Disputes .. 14 Article 11'. Adjusting the Bed Day Rate .. 15 Article 12. Enrollment, Invoicing, andPayment .. 15 Article 13. ICE Furnished PrOperty ..-. .. 17 Article 14. Hold Harmless Provisions ..-. .. 17 Article 15. Financial Records .. 18 Article 16. Transportation .. 19 Article 17. Guard Services .. .. .. 23 Article 18. Contracting Officer?s Technical Representative 23 Article 19. Labor Standards and Wage .. 24 Article 20. Noti?cation and Public Disclosures .. 24 Article 21. Incident Reporting .. 25 Article 22. Detainee Privacy .. 25 - Article 23. Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Assault 26 I Article 24. Detainee Telephone Services (DTS) .. 27 Article 25. Government Use of Wireless Communication Devices .. 28 2 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029687 1-0008 ArtiCle 1. Purpose A. Purpose: The purpose of this Inter?Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) is to establish an Agreement between ICE and the. Service Provider for the provision of the necessary physical structure, equipment, facilities, personnel, and services to provide a "of bare"in"a"pi?p?nysraffeaarid? secure environment "the uretermaintains? the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. All persons in the custody of ICE are ?Administrative Detainees.? This term recognizes that ICE detainees .are not charged with criminal violations and are only held in custody to assure their presence throughout the administrative hearing process and to assure'their presence for removal from the United States pursuant to a lawful ?nal order by the Immigration Court, the Board of Immigration Appeals or other Federal judicial body. B. Responsibilities: This Agreement sets forth the responsibilities of ICE and the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall provide all personnel, management, equipment, supplies, and services necessary for performance of all aspects of the Agreement and ensure that the safekeeping, housing, subsistence, medical, and other program services provided to ICE detainees housed in the facility is consistent with civil detention authority, the PWS, IGSA requirements and ICE standards referenced in this agreement. The Agreement states the services the Service Provider shall perform satisfactorily to receive payment from ICE at the rate prescribed in Article I C. C. Rates: This is a fixed rate agreement, not a cost reimbursable agreement, with respect to the bed day rate for detainees. ICE will be responsible for reviewing and approving the costs associated with this Agreement and subsequent modi?cations utilizing all applicable federal procurement laws, regulations and standards in arriving at the bed day rate. Bed Day Rate Escort Services at Regular Rate Escort Services at Overtime Rate - Stationary Guard at Regular Rate Stationary Guard at Overtime Rate Detainee Work Program Reimbursement Transportation Mileage rate to be in accordance with GSA rates at the time or . incurrence See Article I 7, See Article 16 9999699999999 If this IGSA contains a population guarantee, ICE will not be liable for any failure to meet the population guarantee if such failure directly results from an occurrence that impairs the'ability to use the facility?s capacity, and such occurrence arises out of causes - beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of ICE. Such causes may include, but are not limited to, acts of God or the public enemy, fires, ?oods, freight embargoes, court orders and extraordinarily severe weather. This provision shall become effective only if ICE immediately notifies the Provider of the extent and nature of the occurrence .MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029688 1-0008 resulting in the failure and takes all reasonable steps to limit any adverse effects required by the occurrence. Article 2. General ICE is under no obligation to Utilize the faCilitieS identi?ed and made available, and the Facility meets ICE requirements, and is in compliance with ICE 2008 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Therefore, ICE may perform numerous assessments to ensure compliance prior to, presenting detainees for housing. 7 B. Funding: The obligation of ICE to make payments to the Service Provider is contingent 'upon the availability of Federal funds. ICE will neither present detainees to the Service Provider nor direct performance of any other services until ICE has the appropriate funding. Orders will be placed under this Agreement when speci?c requirements have been identi?ed and funding obligated. Performance under this Agreement is not authorized until the Contracting Of?cer issues an order in writing. The effective date of the services will be negotiated and specified in this Agreement. The Service Provider shall be prepared to accept detainees immediately upon issuance of a task order in accordance with the agreed upon ramp-up plan. Subcontractors: The Service Provider shall notify and obtain approval from the ICE Contracting Officer if it intends to house ICE detainees in a facility other than the St. Clair County, MI facility. If either the Facility or any future facility is operated by an entity other than the Service Provider, ICE will treat the entity as a subcontractor to the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall obtain the ContraCting Of?cer?s approval before subcontracting the detention and care of detainees to another entity. The Contracting Of?cer'has the right to deny, withhold, or withdraw approval of the proposed subcontractor. Upon approval by the Contracting Of?cer, the Service Provider shall ensure that any subcontract includes all provisions of this Agreement, and shall provide ICE with copies of all subcontracts. All payments will be made to the Service Provider. ICE will not accept invoices from, or make payments to, a subcontractor. Subcontractors that perform under this agreement are subject to the terms and conditions of this IGSA. D. Consistent with Law: This is a ?rm ?xed rate Agreement, not a cost reimbursable Agreement. This Agreement is permitted under applicable statutes, regulation, policies or judicial mandates. Any provision of this Agreement contrary to applicable statutes, regulation, policies or judicial mandates is null and void and shall not necessarily affect the balance of the Agreement. MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029689 1-0008 Article 3. Covered Services A. Bedspace: The Service Provider shall provide Ibeds on a space available basis, with minimum availability of 0 beds. The Service Provider shall classify detainees in accordance with the 2008 and house all detainees as determined within the Service Provider?s classi?cation system. ICE will be ?nanciallyliable B. Basic Needs: The Service Provider shall provide ICE detainees with safekeeping, housing, subsistence, medical and other services in accordance with this Agreement. In providing these services, the Service Provider shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, ?re and safety codes, policies and procedures. The types and levels of services shall be consistent with those the Service Provider routinely affords other inmates. If the Service Provider determines that ICE has delivered a person for custody who is under the age of eighteen (18), the Service Provider shall not house that person with adult detainees and shall immediately notify the ICE COR or designated ICE . of?cial. ICE will remove the juvenile within seventy-two (72) hours. C. Unit of Service and Financial Liability: The unit of service is called a ?Bed Day? and is de?ned as one person per day. The bed day begins on the date of arrival. The Service Provider may bill ICE for the date of arrival but not the date of departure. The Service Provider shall not charge for costs that are not directly related to the housing and detention of detainees. Such unallowable costs include but are not limited to: 1) Salaries of elected-of?cials 2) Salaries of employees not directly engaged in the housing and detention of detainees 3) Indirect costs in which a percentage of all local government costs are pro-rated and applied to individual departments unless, those cost are allocated under an approved Cost Allocation Plan 4) Detainee services which are not provided to, or cannot be used by, Federal detainees 5) Operating costs of facilities not utilized by Federal detainees 6) Interest on borrowing (however represented), bond discounts, cOsts of ?nancing/re?nancing, eXCept as prescribed by OMB Circular 7) Legal or professional fees (speci?cally legal expenses for prosecution of claims against the Federal Government, legal expenses of individual detainees or inmates) 8) Contingencies The Parties agree to base the cost of the bed day rate and all services provided on the principles of allowability and allocability as set forth in OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments, federal procurement laws, regulations, and standards. - MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029690 - 1-0008 D. Interpretive/Translation Services: The Service Provider shall make special provisions for non-English speaking, handicapped or illiterate detainees. Upon request, ICE will assist the Service Provider in obtaining translation services through a toll free line. The Service Provider shall provide all instructions verbally, either in English or the detainees? language, as appropriate, to detainees who cannot read. and as scheduled by ICE, necessary escort and transportation services for ICE detainees to and from designated locations. Escort services shall be required for escorting detainees to court hearings; escorting detainees who are witnesses to the courtroom and - staged with the ICE Judge durin administrative proceedings. Transportation Services shall be performed by at least quali?ed sworn law enforcement or correctional of?cer personnel employed by ervice Provider under their policies, procedures and authorities. F. No ICE Liability for Failure to Meet Minimum Guarantee: ICE will not be liable for any failure to meet the minimum or "population guarantee if such failure results directly from an occurrence that impairs the ability of ICE to use the facility's capacity, and such I occurrence arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of ICE. Such causes may include, but are not limited to, acts of God or the public enemy, ?res, ?oods, freight embargoes, court orders and extraordinarily seVere weather. This provision becomes effective only if ICE immediately noti?es the Provider of the extent and nature of the occurrence resulting in the failure and takes all reasonable steps to limit any adverse effects required by the occurrence. Article 4. Receiving and Discharging Detainees A. Required Activigg: The Service Provider shall receive and discharge detainees only to . and from properly identi?ed personnel or other properly identi?ed Federal law enforcement of?cials with prior authorization from Presentation of-U.S. Government identi?cation will constitute ?proper identification.? The Service Provider shall furnish receiving and discharging services twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. ICE will furnish the Service Provider with reasonable notice of receiving - and discharging detainees. The Service Provider shall ensure positive identi?cation'and recording of detainees and ICE of?cers. The Service Provider shall not permit medical or emergency discharges except through coordination with on-duty ICE of?cers. B. Emergency Situations: ICE detainees shall not be released from the Facility into the custody of other Federal, state, or local of?cials for any reason, except for medical or emergency situations, without express authorization of ICE. C. Restricted Release of Detainees: The Service Provider shall not release ICE detainees from its physical custody to any persons other than those described in Paragraph A of I Article IV for any reason, except for either medical, other emergency situations, or in response to a federal writ of habeas corpus. If an ICE detainee is sought for federal, state, or local proceedings, only may authorize release of the detainee for such purposes. I MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029691 1-0008 The Service Provider shall contact the COR or designated ICE of?cial immediately regarding any such requests. D. safe Release: The time, point and manner of release from a facility shall be consistent with safety considerations and shall take into account special vulnerabilities. aCilities that are not within a reasonable walking distance of, or that are more than one mile from, the time the last bus/train leaves such stations for the day. If public transportation is within walking distance of the detention facility, detainees shall be provided with an information sheet that gives directions to and describes the types of transportation services available. However, facilities must provide transportation for any detainee who is not reasonably able to walk to public transportation due to age, disability, illness, . mental health or other vulnerability, or as a reSult of weather or other environmental conditions at the time of release that may endanger the health or safety of the detainee. Upon release, detainees shall also be provided with a list of shelter services available in the immediate area along with directions to each shelter. Prior to their release, detainees shall be given the opportunity to make a free phone call to a friend or relative to arrange for pick up from the facility. As practicable, detainees shall be provided with a laundered set of their own clothing, or one set of non?institutional clothing and footwear, weather appropriate, for their ?nal destination. E. Service Provider Right of Refusal. The Service Provider retains the right to refuse acceptance of any detainee if such refusal is supported by a valid justi?cation and agreed to by the COR. Examples of such justification are: any detainee exhibiting violent or disruptive behavior, or any detainee found to have a medical condition that requires medical care beyond the scope of the Service Provider?s health care provider. In the case of a detainee already in custody, the Service Provider shall notify ICE and request such removal of the detainee from the Facility. The Service Provider shall allow ICE reasonable time to make alternatiVe arrangements for the detainee. F. Emergency Evacuation: In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation of the Facility, the Service Provider shall evacuate ICE detainees in the same manner, and with the same safeguards, as it employs for persons detained under the Service Provider?s authority. The Service Provider shall notify the ICE COR or designated ICE of?cial within two (2) hours of evacuation. Article 5. ICE Performance-BaSed National Detention Standards and Other Applicable Standards A. The Service Provider shall house detainees and perform related detention services at a minimum in accordance with the 2008 edition of ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards unless otherwise speci?ed in this agreement. The complete set of standards applicable to this procurement is available from the following -website1 land are incorporated herein. ICE Inspectors will conduct periodic inspections of the Facility to assure compliance with the ICE 7 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029692 1-0008 B. If a change in the standards identi?ed herein results in a documentable ?nancial impact to the Service Provider, the Service Provider must notify the Contracting Of?cer within five (5) days of receipt of the change and request either; 1) a waiver to the Standards or; 2) negotiate a change in per diem. - C. outlined at length in Attachment 1, Performance Outcomes, 2008 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Where minimum requirements are expressed, innovation is encouraged to ?irther the goals of detention reform. D. The Service provider Shall also comply with the American Correctional Association (ACA) Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities (ALDF), and Standards Supplement, Standards for Health Services in Jails, National Commission on Correctional Health Care Some ACA standards are augmented by ICE Policy and/or procedure. In cases where other standards con?ict with ICE Policy or Standards, ICE Policy and Standards will prevail. Article 6. Medical Services A. The Service Provider shall be responsible for providing health care services for ICE detainees at the Facility in accordance with the 2008 including: intake arrival screening, tuberculosis testing and screening, on-site sick call, chronic care, over the counter and prescription medication and durable medical equipment and medical supplies. B. In the event of an emergency, the Service?Provider shall proceed immediately with . providing necessary medical treatment. In such event, the Service Provider shall notify ICE immediately regarding the nature of the transferred detainee?s illness or injury and type of treatment provided. The costs of all emergency medical servicesprovided-off?site will be the responsibility of ICE Health Service. Corps (II-ISC) and at no time shall the Service Provider or detainee'incur any ?nancial liability related to such services. C. A true copy of a detainee?s medical records shall be transferred with the detainee upon request of the detainee. Otherwise, a transfer summary shall accompany thedetainee outlining necessary care during transit to include medications, medical preCautions, equipment needed, and appropriately authorized methods of travel. D. The Service Provider shall ensure that all health care service providers utilized for ICE detainees hold current licenses, certi?cations, and/or'registrations within the State and/or . City where they treat our detained population. The Service Provider shall retain, at a minimum, enough medical staff per shift to ensure appropriate access to and delivery of I care as addressed in 2008. E. The Service Provider shall ensure that onsite medical and health care coverage is available for all ICE detainees at the Facility twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029693 1-0008 . days per week. The Service Provider shall ensure that its employees solicit each detainee for health requests and deliver them in writing to the medical and health care staff to be reviewed daily. F. The Service Provider shall furnish onsite health care under this Agreement as defined by the Facility local health authority on the effective date of this Agreement. The Service treatment provided at the Facility. The Service Provider shall ensure that ICE detainees receive no lower level of onsite medical care and services than those it provides to local inmates, and as spelled out in 2008. G. Onsite health care personnel shall perform initial medical screening within (12) hours of arrival to the Facility. Sick call coverage, provision of over-the-counter and prescription medications, treatment of minor injuries, treatment of special needs and mental and dental health assessments shall be available to the detainees. Arrival screening shall include, at a minimum, Tuberculosis (TB) screening, planting of the TB skin test (PPD) or chest X-ray, and recording the history of past and preSent illnesses (mental and physical, pregnancy status, history of substance abuse). H. The Service Provider shall furnish mental health evaluations as determined by the Facility local health authority and in accordance with detention, 2008, National Commission on Correctional Health Care and ACA standards with the expectation to provide custody oversight and medication as needed. I. A full health assessment to include a history and hands on physical examination shall be completed within the first 14 days of detainee arrival unless the clinical situation dictates an earlier evaluation. Detainees with chronic medical and/or mental health conditions shall receive prescribed treatment and follow-up care with the . appropriate level of provider and in accordance with detention, National Commission on Correctional Health Care (N CCHC) and ACA standards. J. If the Service Provider determines that an ICE detainee has a medical condition which renders that person unacceptable for detention under this Agreement, (for example, contagious disease, condition needing life support, uncontrollable violence, or serious mental health condition), the Service Provider shall notify ICE. Upon such noti?cation, the Service Provider shall allow ICE reasonable time to make the proper arrangements for further disposition of that detainee. . K. The Service Provider shall release any and all medical information for ICE detainees to the IHSC representatives upon request The Service Provider shall submit a Medical 7 Payment Authorization Request to IHSC for payment for off-site medical care g. off site lab testing, eyeglasses, prosthetics, hospitalizations, emergency visits). The Service Provider shall enter payment authorization requests electronically as outlined in the User Guide (found at . MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029694 l-0008 L. The Service Provider shall furnish twenty-four (24) hour emergency medical care and facility emergency evacuation procedures. In an emergency, as determined by the Service Provider, the Service Provider shall obtain the medical treatment required. The Service Provider shall have access to an off site emergency medical provider at all times. The Health Authority of the Service Provider shall notify the organization listed below as soon as possible, and in no case more than seventy-two (72) hears after detainee emergency need and for medical care required beyond the initial emergency situation will be made by the Veterans Administration Franchise Service Center (VA FSC) on behalf of IHSC directly to the medical provider(s). IHSC VA Financial Services Center . Box 149345 Austin, TX 78714-9345 Phone: (800) 479-0523 Fax: (512) 460-5538 M. The Service Provider shall allow IHSC Managed Care Coordinators or any ICE personnel reasonable access to its facility and medical-records of ICE detainees for the purpose of liaison activities with the local IGSA Health Authority. and associated Service Provider 7 departments in accordance with privacy exception at 45 C.F.R. 164.512 N. The Service Provider shall provide ICE detainee medical records to ICE whether created by the Service Provider or its sub-Service Provider/vendor upon request from the COR or Contracting Officer in accordance with HIPAA privacy exception at 45 C.F.R. 164.512 which allows disclosure without consent to a cerrectional institution or a law enforcement of?cial having lawful custody of an inmate or other individual if the correctional institution or such law enforcement official represents that such protected health information is necessary for: a. The provision of health care to such individuals; b. The health and safety of such individual or other inmates; c. The "health and safety of the officers or employees of or others at the correctional institution; d. The health and safety of such individuals and officers or other persons responsible for the transporting of inmates or their transfer from one institution, facility, or setting to another; Law enforcement on the premises of the correctional institution; and The administration and maintenance of the safety, security, and good order of the correctional institution. g. Conducting a quality improvement quality of care review consistent with an established quality improvement (medical quality management) program and interfacing with the IHSC quality improvement program consistent with federal, state, and local laws. ran 10 MARCH 2015 ICE '2012030300029695 1-0008 0. The Service Provider shall direct offsite medical providers to submit all medical invoices for authorized payment for medical, dental, and mental health services to the following address: . VA Financial Services Center 149345 Austin TX 78714-9345 P. The VA Financial Services Center provides prescription drug reimbursement for individuals in the custody of ICE. Prescriptions are ?lled at local pharmacies which are part of the Script Care Network (or other designated Pharmacy Bene?ts Manager). Below is the process for obtaining prescriptions for ICE detainees: a. The Service Provider shall request a group number which should be used at the pharmacy in conjunction with the-BIN# 004410 and Processor Control IHSC assigned by Script Care Network to designate this is an ICE detainee. The custodial facility should either fax or take a copy of the prescription to their participating pharmacy and indicate that this is an ICE detainee. b. The pharmacy shall run the prescription through the Script Care network for processing. 0. Formulary prescriptionswill be dispensed; however, there will be no need for an exchange of cash between the pharmacy and custodial facility as the phannacy will receive payment directly from Script Care. 7' . d. Non-Formulary prescriptions will follow the same procedure as formulary prescriptions; however, non-formulary medications Will require prior authorization. The custodial facility will fax the Drug Prior Authorization Request Form to Script Care to 409-833-7435. The authorization will be"- Ioaded into the Script Care network and the pharmacy will receive a call indicating that the prescription has been approved. Non-Formulary urgent requests must be submitted in the above manner except an should be placed on the form marked for URGENT REQUEST and faxed to 409-923-7391. The authorization shall be loaded into the Script Care network and the pharmacy shall receive a call indicating the prescription has been approved. For further information regarding the Script Care Network please contact the VA Financial Services Center at 800-479-0523 or Script Care directly at 800-880-9988. Q. Facility Requirements for Infectious Disease Screening The Service Provider will ensure that there is adequate space and equipment to provide medical intake screening including a tuberculosis (TB) screening chest X-ray within the intake processing area. In order to prevent the spread of airborne infectious disease or cross contamination of zones within the facility, the HVAC system in the intake . screening area will be designed to exhaust to the exterior and prevent air exchange . between the intake screening area and any other area within the facility. (CDC guidelines Correctionalhtm) 11 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029696 1-0008 R. Tuberculosis'Screening In order to prevent the transmission of TB to the resident population of a detention facility, the Service Provider will perform a TB screening as part of the a routine intake screening within 12 hours of detainee admission and identify suspected TB disease before Any chest x-ray screening will be performed by a trained and quali?ed health care provider and interpreted by a credentialed radiologist. Detainees will remain isolated from the rest of the facility population (remain in the intake screening area) until the chest x-ray report is obtained and the interpretation verifies that the detainee is free of contagious TB. The turnaround time for chest x-ray interpretation should be four hours or less. Detainees who are identi?ed with con?rmed or suspected active TB will be assigned to an airborne infection isolation room and managed in accordance with the and CDC guidelines. There will be a process in place for detainees who refuse the screening assessment for TB. This process should comply with guidelines established by other nationally known detention facilities or the CDC. S. Tele-radiology Service Provider The Service Provider shall either use the services of the ICE Tele-radiology- Service Provider (ITSP) or those of a Tele-radiology Service Provider of their choice and at the Service Provider?s cost. The cost of the equipment, maintenance of the equipment, training of staff, and arrangements for interpretation of the X-rays by credentialed radiologists, and transmission of data to and from the detention facility are provided by the ITSP and charged directly to ICE. The Service Provider shall coordinate with the ITSP to ensure adequate space is provided for the equipment, connectivity and electrical services are installed, immediate 24/7 access to equipment for service and maintenance by ITSP technicians is granted, a tele-radiology coordinator is appointed and available for training by the ITSP, and medical staff is available to perform the screening exams and receive reports. The tele-radiology coordinator may be a nurse or nurse practitioner and collateral duty of the appointed staff. It is not necessary to appoint a full time coordinator if the volume of work does not support a full time employee. Article 7. Employment Screening Requirements. General. The Service Provider shall certify to the Contracting Of?cer that any employees performing under this Agreement, who have access to ICE detainees, will have successfully completed an employment screening that includes at a minimum a criminal history records check, employment reference checks and a citizenship cheek. Each employee working on this contract shall have a Social Security Card issued and approved by the Social Security Administration. The Service Provider shall be responsible to the Government for acts and omissions of hisown employees and for any subcontractor(s) and their employees. Subject to existing law, regulations and/or other provisions of this contract, illegal or undocumented aliens shall not be employed by the Service Provider, 12 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029697 1-0008 or under this contract. The Contractor shall ensure that this provision is expressly incorporated into any and all Subcontracts or subordinate agreements issued in support of this contract. Article Period of Performance Contracting Of?cer and the authorized signatory of the Service Provider and will remain in effect for a period not to exceed 60 months unless extended by bilateral modi?cation or- terminated in writing by either party. Either party must provide written notice of intention to terminate the agreement, 120 days" in advance of the effective date of formal termination, or the Parties may agree to a shorter period under the proceduresprescribcd in Article I 1-. If this Agreement is terminated by either party under this Article, ICE will be under no financial obligation for any costs after the date of termination. The Service Provider will only be paid for services provided to ICE up to and including the day of termination. Article 9. Inspections, Audit, Surveys, and Tours A. Facilitv Insnections: The Service Provider shall allow ICE or an entity or organization approved by ICE to conduct inspections of the Facility, as required, to ensure an acceptable level of services and acceptable conditions of con?nement as determined by ICE. No notice to the Service Provider'is required prior to an inspection. ICE will share - ?ndings of the inspection with the Service Provider's Facility Administrator. The Inspection Report will state any improvements to facility operation, conditions of - con?nement, and level of service that will be required by the Service Provider. B.- ICE will not house detainees in any facility that has received two consecutive overall ratings of less than ?Meet Standards?. Upon notice that the second overall rating is less than ?Meets Standards?, ICE will remove all detainees from the Facility within seven (7) . calendar days. Any minimum guarantee stated elsewhere in this Agreement is no longer applicable if detainees are removed as a result of two overall ratings less than ?Meets Standards?. No further funds will be obligated and no further payments will be made. C. Possible Termination: If the Service Provider, after being afforded reasonable time to comply, fails to remedy de?cient service identified through an ICE inspection, ICE may terminate this Agreement without regard to any otherprovisions in this Agreement. Share Findings: The Service Provider shall provide ICE copies of facility inspections, reviews, examinations, and surveys performed by accreditation sources. The Service Provider shall cooperate fully with the ICE, Detention Services Manager (DSM) and COR. . E. Access to Detainee and Facility RecOrds: The Service Provider shall, upon request, grant ICE access to any record in its possession, regardless of whether the Service Provider created the record, concerning any detainee held pursuant to this Agreement. This right - 13 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029698 1?0008 of access includes, but is not limited to, incident reports, records relating to suicide attempts, and behavioral assessments and other records relating to the detainee's behavior while in the Service Provider?s custody; provided, however that access to medical and mental health record information be provided in accordance with Article VI. Furthermore, the Service Provider shall retain all records where this right of access applies for a period of two (2) years from the date of the detainee?s discharge from the 6rattentp?tin?atriy?tppli?g 'to'iill"inspections" and other Facility reports. . Article 10. Modi?cations and Disputes A. Modi?cations: Actions other than those designated in this Agreement will not bind or incur liability on behalf of either Party. Either Party may request a modi?cation to this Agreement by submitting a written request to the other Party. A modi?cation will become a part of this Agreement only after the ICE Contracting Of?cer has approved the modi?cation in writing. B. Change Orders: 7 . The Contracting Of?cer may, at any time, by written order, and without notice to the Service Provider, make changes within the general scope of this Agreement in any one or more of the following: Description of services to be performed, including revisions to the applicable Detention Standards. - Place of performance of the services. 2. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of the services under - the Agreement, the Contracting Of?cer will make an equitable adjustment in the agreement price and will modify the Agreement accordingly, 3. The Service provider must assert its right to an adjustment under this Article within 30 days from the date of receipt of the written order including a proposal addressing the cost impacts and detailed supporting data. 4. If the Service Provider?s proposal includes costs that are determined unreasonable and/or unsapportable, as determined by the'Contracting Of?cer, the Contracting Of?cer will disallow those costs when determining a revised rate, if any. The Parties agree to base the cost of the bed day rate and all services provided on the principles of allowability and allocability as set forth in OMB Circular A-87, Cost - Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments, federal procurement laws, regulations, and standards. 5. Failure. to agree to any adjustment will be a dispute under the Disputes section of the Agreement. However, nothing in this Article excuses the Service Provider from proceeding with the Agreement as changed. 14 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029699 1-0008 C. Disputes: The ICE Contracting Officer and the authorized signatory of the Service Provider will settle disputes, questions and concerns arising from this Agreement. Settlement of disputes will be memorialized in a written modi?cation between the ICE Contracting Of?cer and authorized signatory of the Service Provider. In the event a dispute is not able to be resolved between the Service Provider and theICE Contracting are 'savi?e?riaviaa? does not agree with the ?nal decision, the matter may be appealed to the ICE Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) for resolution. The ICE HCA may employ all methods available to resolve the dispute including alternative dispute resolution techniques. The Service Provider shall proceed diligently with performance of this Agreement pending ?nal resolution of any dispute. . Article 11. Adjusting the Bed Day Rate ICE will reimburse the Service Provider at the ?xed detainee bed day rate shown in Article paragraph C. The Service Provider may request a rate adjustment no less than thirty-six (3 6) months after. the effective date of the Agreement unless required by law (see Article 19). Afar thirty-six [36! months, the Service Provider may request a rate by accessing the link at E) for access to the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (OFDT) Automated Intergovernmental Agreement System for instructions on preparing your Jail Operating Expense Information Form. There is a Facility Guide available on the website to assist you. The Parties agree to base the cost portion of the rate adjustment on'the principles of allowability and allocability as set forth in OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments, federal procurement laws, regulations, and standards in arriving at the bed day rate. If ICE does not receive an of?cial request for a bed day rate adjustment that is supported by the information submitted through the System, the fixed bed day rate as stated inthis Agreement will be in place inde?nitely. - ICE reserves the right to audit the actual and/or prospective costs upon which the rate adjustment is based. All rate adjustments are prespective. As the bed day rate is ?xed, there are no retroactive adjastment(s). Article 12; Enrollment, Invoicing, and Payment A. Enrollment in Electronic Funds Transfer: The Service Provider shali provide ICE with the information needed to make payments by electronic funds transfer (EFT). Since January 1, 1999, ICE makes all payments only by EFT. The Service Provider shall identify their ?nancial institution and related information on Standard Form 3881, Automated Clearing House (ACH) Vendor Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form The Service Provider shall submit a completed . SF 3881 to ICE payment of?ce prior to submitting its initial request for payment under this Agreement. If the EFT data changes, the Service Provider shall be responsible for providing updated information to the ICE payment of?ce. - ?15 I MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029700 1-0008 Consolidated Invoicing: The Service Provider shall submit an original itemized invoice within the first ten (10),working days of the month following the calendar month when it provided the services via one of the following three methods: 1 . By mail: Burlington Finance Center - PO. Box 1620 . Williston, VT 05495-1620 Attn: ICE-ERO-FOD-FLS 2. By fax: (include a cover sheet with point of contact and number of pages) 802-288-7658 3. By e-mail: I I Invoices submitted by other than these three methods will be returned. The Service Provider?s Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be registered in the Central ,'Contractor Registration gov) prior to award and shall be notated on every invoice submitted to ICE to ensure'prompt payment provisions are met- The ICE program of?ce shall also be notated on every invoice. Each invoice submitted shall contain the following information: Name and address of the Facility; Invoice date and number; Agreement number, line item number and, if applicable, the Task Order number; Terms of any discount for prompt payment offered; Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; Taxpayer Identi?cation Number (TIN). Total number of bed days; total number of miles. Bed day rate; Number of bed days multiplied by the bed day rate; 10. Name of each detainee; . 11. Resident? s/detainee?s A-nurnber; 12. Speci?c dates of detention for each resident/detainee; 13. An itemized listing of all other charges; 14. For stationary guard services, the itemized invoice shall state the number of hours being billed, the duration of the billing (times and dates) and the name of the that was guarded. 15. For Mileage, the itemized invoice shall include a copy of the GSA webpage that shows the mileage rate being applied for that invoice; ww?gwawpr 16 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029701 1-0008 Items?l through 14 above shall be included in the invoice. Invoices Without the above informationmay be returned for resubmission. C. Payment: ICE will transfer funds electronically through either an Automated Clearing Ilouse subjecttothe banking laws of the United States, or the Federal Reserve Wire Payment Act requires ICE to make payments under this Agreement the thirtieth (3 0th) calendar day after the Burlington Finance Of?ce receives a complete invoice. Either the date on the Government?s check, or the date it executes an electronic transfer of ?mds, constitutes the payment date. The Prompt Payment Act requires ICE to pay interest on overdue payments to the Service Provider. ICE will determine any interest the in accordance? with the Prompt Payment Act provided the Service Provider maintains an active registration in Central Contractor Registration (CCR) and all information is accurate. Article 13. ICE Furnished Property ICE Property Furnished to the Service Provider: ICE may furnish Federal Government property and equipment to the Service Provider. Accountable property remains titled to ICE and shall be returned to the custody of ICE upon termination of the Agreement. The suspension of use of bed space made available to ICE is agreed to be grounds for the recall and return of any or all ICE furnished property. B. Service Provider Responsibility: The Service Provider shall not remove ICE property from the Facility without the prior written approval of ICE. The Service Provider shall report any loss or destruction of any ICE property immediately to ICE. Article 14. Hold Harmless Provisions Unless speci?cally addressed by the terms of this Agreement, the parties agree to be responsible for the. negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of their respective employees. 7 A. Service Provider Held Harmless: ICE liability for any injury, damage or loss to persons, or property arising in the performance of this Agreement and caused by the negligence of its own of?cers, employees, agents and representatives is governed by the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 USC 2691 et seq. The Service Provider shall notify ICE of any claims or lawsuits ?led against any ICE employees of which the Service Provider is notified. The Service Provider will be held harmless for any injury, damage or loss to persons or property caused by an ICE employee arising in the performance of this Agreement. B. Federal Government Held Harmless: Service Provider liability for. any injury, damage or loss to persons or property arising out of the performance of this Agreement and caused by the negligence of its own officers, employees, agents and representatives is governed by the applicable State tort claims act. ICE will notify the Service Provider of 17 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029702 1-0008 any claims filed against any of Service Providers employees of which ICE is notified. The Federal Governmentwill be held harmless for any injury, damage or loss?to persons or property caused by a Service Provider employee arising in the performance of this Agreement. C.. Defense of Suit: In the event a detainee files suit against the Service Provider contesting-WMm detainee ?les suit as a result of an administrative error or omission of the Federal Government, ICE will reqUest that the US. Attorney's Of?ce, as appropriate, move either to have the Service Provider dismissed from such suit; to have ICE substituted as the proper party defendant; or to have the case removed to a court of proper jurisdiction. - Regardless of the decision on any such motion, ICE will request that the U.S. Attorney?s Office be responsible for the defense of any suit on these grounds. I D. ICE Recovery Right: The Service Provider shall do nothing to prejudice ICE's right to recover against third parties for any loss, destruction of, or damage to US. Government property. Upon request of the Contracting Officer, the Service Provider shall furnish to ICE all reasonable assistance and cooperation, including assistance in the prosecution of suit and execution of the instruments of assignment in favor of ICE in obtaining recovery. Article-15. Financial Records A. Retention of Records: All ?nancial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records pertinent to contracts or subordinate agreements under this Agreement shall be retained by the Service Provider for three (3) years for purposes of federal examinations and audit. The three (3) year retention period begins at the end of the ?rst year of completion of service under the Agreement. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the - three (3) year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it or until the end of the regular three (3) year period, whichever is later. - - B. Access to Records: ICE and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives, have the right of access to any pertinent books, documents, papers or other records of the Service Provider or its subcontractors, which are pertinent to the award, in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. The rights of access must not be limited to the required retention period, but shall last as long as the records are retained. C. Delinquent Debt Collection: - ICE will hold the Service Provider accountable for any overpayment, or any breach of this Agreement that results in a debt owed to the Federal Government. ICE will apply interest, penalties, and administrative costs to a delinquent debt owed to the Federal Government by the Service Provider pursuant to the Debt _-Collection Improvement Act of 1982, as amended. 18 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029703 1-0008 .- Article 16. Transportation A. All transportation of ICE detainees shall be conducted in accordance with the ICE 2008 Except in emergency situations, females may not be transported by bus for more than ten hours. Furthermore: entrain ""?rangesa"sane"animating if there is an expectation theta . search will occur during transport, an of?cer of the same gender as the detainee(s) must be present. B. In the event of transportation services involving distances that exceed a twelve (12) hour workday to complete, the Service Provider shall be reimbursed for related costs of lodging and meals commensurate with the US. General Services Administration rates for such within the geographical area of occurrence. Any incurred overtime pay for such services will be reimbursed at the applicable overtime rate for the transportation of?cer . position speci?ed in Article I. C., Rates. Overnight lodging resulting from transportation services shall be approved in advance by the COR or designated ICE of?cial. All transportation services shall be accomplished in an appropriate and economical marmer. C. The Service Provider personnel provided for the above services shall be of the same quali?cations, receive the same training, complete the same Security clearances, and wear the same uniforms as those Service Provider personnel provided in the other areas of this Agreement. Transportation of?cers shall have the required state licenses for commercial drivers with the properendorsement limitedto vehicles with Automatic Transmission and the state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) (or Motor Vehicles Department (MVDD Medical certi?cation. i - D. Transnort/Escort/Stationarv Services Rate: The Service Provider agrees, upon request of ICE in whose custody an ICE detainee is held, to provide all such ground services as may be required to transport detainees securely, in a timely manner, to locations as directed by the ICE COR or designated ICE of?cial. At least quali?ed law enforcement or correctional of?cer personnel employed by the ervrce Provider under their policies, procedures and practices shall perform transport services. As written above, except in emergency situations, females may not be transported by bus for more than ten hours. Furthermore, except in emergency situations, a single of?cer may not transport a single detainee of the opposite gender and if there is an expectation that a pat search will occur during transport, an ?of?cer of the same gender as the detainee(s) must be present. E. Medical/Legal Transportation: The Service Provider shall provide transportation and escort guard services for ICE detainees to and from a medical facility for outpatient care and attending off-site court proceedings. An of?cer or of?cers shall keep the detainee under constant supervision Monty?four (24) hours per day until the detainee is ordered released from the hospital, or at the order .of the COR. The number of escorts will be - determined by the COR. The Service Provider agrees to augment such practices as may 19 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029704 EROIGSA-I 1-0008 be requested by ICE to enhance speci?c requirements for security, detainee monitoring, visitation, and contraband control. F. The Service Provider shall, upon order of the COR, or upon its own decision in an urgent medical situation with noti?cation to the COR immediately thereafter, transport a detainee to a hospital location. An officer(s) shall keep the detainee under supervision 24 "?ia?r'ar? the COR. The Service Provider shall then return the detainee to the Facility. The Service Provider will ensure that at least one of?cer responsible for the security of the detainee while he/she is an in-patient a hospital will be of the same sex as the detainee. G. Indemnities: Furthermore, the Service Provider agrees to hold harmless and indemnify and its of?cials in their of?cial and individual capacities from any liability, including third?party liability or worker?s compensation, arising from the conduct of the Service Provider and its employees during the course of transporting ICE detainees. H. Service Provider Furnished Vehicles: If the Service Provider is to use its own vehicles, the following requirements apply to this agreement. 1. The Service Provider shall not allow employees to use their personal vehicles to transport detainees. The Service Provider shall furnish suitable vehicles in good condition, approved by the Government, to safely provide the required transportation services. The Service Provider shall comply with all federal and state laws with regard to inspections, licensing, and registration for all vehicles used for transportation. 3. The Service Provider shall furnish vehicles equipped with interior security features including physical separation of detainees from guards. The Service Provider shall provide interior security specifications Iof. the vehicles to ICE for review and approval prior to installation. 4. Nothing in this Agreement shall restrict the Service Provider from acquiring additional vehicles as deemed necessary by the Service Provider at no cost to the Government. - 1. Government urnished Vehicles: If ICE authorizes the Service Provider to use Government furnished vehicles, the following requirements apply to this agreement. 20 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029705 . 1?0008 1. If ICE chooses to authorize Service Provider employees to operate Government furnished vehicles, the Government will provide the Service Provider with Government Vehicles and Government Fleet Cards (fer the purchase of fuel) for the purpose of transporting detainees to and from Designated Facilities (see Route List or Analysis), or alternative transportation sites, in support of ERO transportation needs under this Agreement. The vehicles assigned for this purpose will remain the property of the Federal Government, and all costs associated the__operation and use. of the through the Government?s Fleet Management Program. Any and all repair and maintenance needs of the GOVs shall be coordinated and handled through the Fleet Management point of contact within the Detroit Field Of?ce- See Attachment ?Use of Government-Owned Vehicle and Hold Harmless Statement.? 2. The Service Provider agrees to be responsible for reimbursement to ICE for any damages sustained by the vehicles as a result of any act or omission on the part of the Service Provider, its employees and or persons acting on behalf of the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall be responsible to report any accidents or damage to the Government Vehicles in accordance the ICE Management Directives listed below and any other ICE policies that pertain to reporting such damage. The Service Previder agrees to fully cooperate and assist ICE in making any claims against a third party at fault for causing the property damage to the Government Vehicles. 3. In addition, the Service Provider agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and assume ?nancial responsibility for any claims or litigations ?led by persons sustaining personal injuries or property damage for incidents or accidents caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the Service Provider, agents, or other persons acting on behalf of the Service Provider. The Service Provider agrees to fully cooperate and assist ICE in the defense of any claims made against ICE, and in the event of a settlement orjudgment entered againsthE for the negligent acts or omissions of the Service Provider employees or agents; the Service Provider agrees to reimburse ICE for said settlement or adverse judgment. 4. In order for the Field Of?ce to maintain accurate ?eet records of the transportation services assigned to use the vehicles, the Contractor transportation of?cers utilizing the vehicles must complete speci?c documentation in a format that will be provided by This documentation will record the times of vehicle usage and will also require inspection of the vehicle condition prior to use. The required forms will be approved by the COR. The Service Provider shall be responsible for any costs or expenses associated with the return of the vehicles, to include, towing charges, title replacement fees or licensing expenses made necessary by the loss of any paperwork associated with the vehicles. - 6. The Government will provide instruction on the proper use of the Fleet Card to all Service Provider personnel responsible for the operation of any Government Vehicle. The instruction will he in accordance with the DHS Fleet Card Manual (Attachment 6). 7. A list of the Government vehicles authorized for use by the Service Provider is found as Attachment 7. I - 21 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029706 1-0008 J. Training and Compliance: The Service Provider shall comply with ICE transportation standards related to the number of hours the Service Provider?s employee may operate a vehicle. The transportation shall be accomplished in the most economical manner. The Service Provider personnel provided for the above services shall be of the same quali?cations, receive training, complete the same security clearances, and wear the same uniforms as those personnel provided for in K. Miscellaneous Transportation: The COR may direct the Service Provider to transport detainees to unspeci?ed, miscellaneous locations. L. When the COR provides documents to the Service Provider concerning the detainee(s) to be transported and/or escorted, the Service Provider shall deliver these documents only to the named authorized recipients. The Service Provider shall ensure the material is kept con?dential and not viewed by any person other than the authorized recipient. M. The Service Provider shall establish a fully operational communication system that has direct and immediate contact with all transportation vehic1es and post assignments. Upon demand, the COR shall be provided with current status of all vehicles andpost assignment employees. N. Failure on the Service Provider?s part to comply fully with the detainee(s) departure as pre-scheduled shall result in the Service Provider having deductions made for non- performance. 0. Armed Transportation Officers: All transportation Detention Officers shall be armed in the performance of these duties. Armed county detention of?cers are not federal law enforcement of?cers. Even though the armed county detention of?cers are performing work on behalf of the federal government, they have not been statutorily granted or, delegated authority to enforce federal laws. I even they are - performing duties on behalf of ICE. The armed county detention officers are subject to state and local laws in these situations and must comply with any applicable state or local requirements (licensing, credentialing, etc.) regarding the possession of ?rearms. P. Billing Procedures: The itemized invoice for such stationary guard services shall state the number of hours being billed, the duration of the billing (times and dates) and the name of the detainee(s) that was guarded. Q. Anticipated Transportation Routes: The following transportation routes and/or destinations are anticipated requirements for this Agreement. The following requirements are one way routes from the Facility. Mileage may vary from the table - depending on the starting point of the destination. These routes are nOt all inclusive and should not be limited to the following: 22 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029707 1-0008 Mileage From FACILITY Locations City Frequency To/From St. Clair County and ICE St. 60 Detroit Clair/Detroit S/Week To/From St. Clair County and . 10 Medical/Dental Facilities St. Clair/TED 2/Week To/from St. Clair County and locations as directed by . 120 Rep St. Clair/TBD S/Week To/From St. Clair County and St. 60 Courthouse C_lair/Detroit 1/Week Article 17. Guard Services A.- The Service Provider agrees to provide stationary guard services, at a separately agreed hourly rate, on demand by the COR. Services shall include, but not be limited to, escorting and guarding detainees to medical or doctor's appointments, hearings, ICE interviews, and any other remote location requested by the COR. Quali?ed detention of?cer personnel employed by the Service Provider under its policies, procedures, and practices willperform such services. The Service Provider agrees to augment such practices as may be requested by CO or COR to enhance speci?c-requirements for security, detainee monitoring, visitation, and contraband control. Public contact is prohibited unless authorized in advance by the COR. B. The Service Provider shall be authorized two officers for each such remote location, unless additiOnal of?cers are required, per the direction of the COR or designated ICE of?cer. Except in cases of an emergency, one of the two above referenced officers shall 'be of the same sex as the detainees being assigned to the remote location. C. The itemized invoice for such stationary guard services shall state the number of hours being billed, the duration of the billing (times and dates) and the names of the detainees that were guarded. Such services shall be denoted as a separate item on submitted invoices. ICE agrees to reimburse the Service Provider for actual stationary guard services provided during the invoiced period. Article 18. Contracting Officer?s Representative (COR) I The COR will be designated by the Contracting Of?cer. When and if the COR duties are reassigned, an administrative modi?cation will be issued to re?ect the changes. This designation does not include authority to sign contractual documents or to otherwise commit to, or issue changes, which could affect the price, quantity, or performance of this Agreement. . 23 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029708 1-0008 B. Should the Service Providerbelieve it has received direction that is not within the scope of the agreement; the Service Provider shall not proceed with any portion that is not within the scope of the agreement Without ?rst contacting the Contracting Of?cer. The Service Provider shall continue performance of efforts that are deemed within the scope. A. The Service Contract Act, 41 U.S.C. 351 et seq, Title 29, Part 4 Labor Standards for Federal Service Contracts, is hereby incorporated as Attachrnent 2. These standards and provisions are included in every service contract and IGSA entered into by the United States or the District of Columbia, in excess of $2,500, or in an inde?nite amount, the principal purpose of which is to furnish services through the use of service employees. B. Wage Determination: Each service employee employed in the performance of this Agreement shall be paid not less than the minimum monetary wages and shall be furnished fringe benefits in accordance with the wages and fringe benefits determined by . the Secretary of Labor or authorized representative, as speci?ed in any wage determination attached to this Agreement. (See Attachment 3 - Wage Determination) Article 20. Noti?cation and Public Disclosures A. InformatiOn obtained or developed as a result of this is under the control of ICE . and is subject to public disclosure only pursuant to the provisions of applicable federal laws, regulations, and executive orders or as ordered by a court. Insofar as any documents created by the Service Provider contain information developed or obtained as a result of this IGSA, such documents shall be subject to public disclosure only pursuant to the provisions of applicable federal laws, regulations, and executive orders or as - ordered by a court. To the extent the Service Provider intends to release the IG-SA or any . information relating to, or exchanged under, this IGSA, the Service Provider agrees to coordinate with the ICE Contracting Officer prior to such release. The Service Provider may, at its discretion, communicate the substance of this when requested. ICE . understands that this IGSA will become a public document when presented to the Service Providers governing body for approval. B. The CO shall be noti?ed in writing of all litigation pertaining to this IGSA and provided copies of any pleadings ?led or said litigation within five working days of the ?ling. The Service Provider shall cooperate with GOvernment legal staff and/or the United States Attorney regarding any requests pertaining to federal or Service Provider litigation. C. The Service Provider shall notify the CO when a member of the United States Congress requests information or makes a request to visit the facility. The Service Provider shall coordinate all public information related issues pertaining to ICE detainees with the CO. . All press statements and releases shall be cleared, in advance, with the ICE Of?ce of Public Affairs. The Service Provider shall make public announcements stating the facts of unusual or newsworthy incidentsto local media. Examples of such events include, but are not limited to: deaths, escapes from custody, and facility emergencies. 24 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029709 1?0008 D. With respect to public announcements and press statements, the Service Provider shall ensure employees agree to use appropriate disclaimers clearly stating the employees? opinions do not necessarily re?ect the position of the United States Government in any public presentations they make or articles they write that relate to any aspect of contrac performance or the facility operations.) 7 a Article 21. Incident Reporting A. The COR shall be noti?ed immediately in the event of all serious incidents. The COR will provide after hours contact information to the SerVice Provider at the time of award. B. Serious incidents include, but are not limited to: activation of disturbance control team(s); disturbances (including gang activities, group demonstrations, food boycotts, work strikes, work-place violence, civil disturbances/protests); staff use of force ineluding use of lethal and less-lethal force (includes detainees in restraints ?more than eight hours); assaults on stafdeetainees resulting in injuries requiring medical attention (does not include routine medical evaluation after the incident); ?ghts resulting in injuries requiring medical attention; ?res; full or partial lock down - of the Facility; escape; weapons discharge; suicide attempts; deaths; declared or non- declared hunger strikes; adverse incidents that attract unusual interest or significant publicity; adverse weather hurricanes, ?oods, ice/snow storms, heat waves, tornadoes); fence damage; power outages; bomb threats; detainee admitted to a community'hospital; witness security cases taken outside the Facility; signi?cant environmental problems that impact the facility operations; transportation accidents airlift, bus) resulting in injuries, death or property damage; and sexual assaults. Article 22. Detainee Privacy The Service Provider agrees to comply with the Privacy Act of 1974 and the agency rules and regulations issued under the Act in the design, development, or operation of any system of records on individuals to accomplish an agency function when the Agreement speci?cally identi?es the systems of records; and (ii) the design, development, or operation work that the Service Provider is to perform. The Service Provider shall also include the Privacy Act into any and all subcontracts when the work statement in the proposed subcontract requires the redesign, development, or operation of a system of records on individuals that is subject to the Act; and - B. In the event of violations of the Act, a civil action maybe brought against the agency involved when the violation concerns the design, development, or operation of a system of records on individuals to accomplish an agency function, and criminal penalties may be imposed upon the of?cers or employees of the agency when the violation concerns the operation of a system of records on individuals to accomplish an agency function. For purposes of the Act, when the agreement is for the operation of a system of records on 25 I MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029710 1-0008 0 individuals to accomplish an agency function, the Service Provider is considered to be an employee of the agency. 1. ?Operation of a system of records,? as used in this Article, means performance of any of the activities associated with maintaining the system of records, including the collection, use, and dissemination of records. - 2. ?Record,? as uSed in this Article, means any item, collection, or grouping of information about anindividual that is maintained by an agency, including, but not limited to, education, ?nancial transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history and that contains the person?s name, or the identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual, such as a ?ngerprint or voiceprint or a photograph. - 3. ?System of records on individuals,? as used in this Article, means a group of any records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual. Article 23. Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Assault A. The Service Provider shall develop and implement a comprehensive sexual abuse/assault prevention and intervention program which will include training on working with vulnerable populations and addressing their vulnerability in the general population. This program shall include training that is given separately to both staff and detainees, in accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). B. The Service Provider will ensure that information regarding the facility?s policy on sexual abuse/assault is included in the detainee handbook; that the facility articulates to staff and to detainees and adheres to a standard of zero tolerance for incidents of Sexual abuse or assault; that detainees shall be encouraged to report acts of harassment of a sexual nature, or abuse or signs of abuse observed; that victims of . sexual abuse are given timely access to emergency medical treatment and crisis intervention services; that training is included for all staff to ensure that they ful?ll their responsibilities under the Service Providers? Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention Program; that the facility reports immediately all sexual abuse and/or assault to that the Service Provider develops and implements a policy that includes: an evidence protocol for sexual assault, including access to a forensic medical exam, an internal administrative investigation process that will not compromise a criminal investigation. The Service Provider will also maintain a policy that requiresmedical staff to report allegations or suspicions of sexual assault to appropriate facility staff, how the victim?s medical, mental health and future safety needs will be addressed; apprOpriate disciplinary sanctions, how a detainee may contact the Of?ce of the Inspector General to con?dentially report sexual abuse or assault. 26 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029711 1-0008 Article 24. Detainee Telephone Services (DTS) A. The Service Provider shall provide detainees with reasonable and equitable access to telephones as speci?ed in the ICE 2008 Performance-Based National Detention for a reasonable degree of privacy and a minimal amount of environmental noise during phone calls. B. If authorized to do so under applicable law, the Service Provider shall monitor and record detainee conversations. If detainee telephone conversations can be monitored under applicable law, the Service Provider shall provide notice to detainees of the potential for monitoring. However, the Service Providershall also provide procedures at the facility for detainees to be able to place nnmonitored telephone calls to their attorneys. C. Telephone rates shall not exceed the dominant carrier tariff rate and shall conform to all applicable federal, state, and local telephone regulations. D. ICE recognizes the Service Provider may have an existing contract with a Telecommunications Company to provide telephone service to ICE detainees and other inmates. ICE requires the Service Provider to require the Telecommunications Company to provide connectivity to the DTS Contractor for detainee pro bono telephone calls. Additionally, ICE requires that the Service Provider or their Telecommunications Company provide that ICE detainees have direct access to the DTS Contractor for collect and prepaid calls. This shall occur at the expiration of any current contract with a Telecommunications Company. The DTS Contractor shall be allowed to install vending debit machines and shall receive 100 percent of all revenues collected by sale of prepaid debit services to ICE detainees. The Service Provider (and the Telecommunications Company) shall make all arrangements with the DTS Contractor independently from this Agreement. The DTS Contractor shall be responsible for the costs incurred to provide the pro bono services, and the? maintenance and operation of the system, including a standard compensation to the Telecommunications Company. The Service Provider shall not be entitled to any . commissions, fees, or revenues generated the detainee telephones. I E. The Service Provider shall inspect telephones for serviceability, in accordance with ICE 2008 Performance-Based National Detention Standards and ICE policies and procedures. The Service Provider shall notify the COR or ICE designee of any 7 inoperable telephones. F. . C. DTS Contractor Information: Talton Communications 910 Ravenwood Dr. 27 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029712 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029713 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029714 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029715 (b)(4) SCHEDULE 3 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andior order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. . I ORDER NO. 05/25/2012 USM 39?02?0067 - . ITEM NO.- . - I I QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT . QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED 0004 -Sack Lunches . 0.00 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEE ING- GUARD Invoicing Instructions: In accordance with Article XII, Enrollment, Invoicing and Payment, revise paragraph (B) "Invoicing" to read as follow; Invoices shall be submitted via one Of the - following three methods: A. By mail: DHS, ICE Burlington Finance Center 9.0. 302 1620 Williston, VT 05495?1620 Attn: B. By facsimile (fax): (include a cover sheet with point of contact-& of pages) 802-288-7658 C. By e?mail: Invoices submitted by other than these three methods will be returned. The . contractor's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration prior to award and shall be notated on every invoice submitted to ICE to ensure prompt payment provisions are met. The ICE program office shall also be notated on every invoice. 2. The information required with each invoice submission is as follows: a. The name and address of the facility; b. Invoice date and number; c. Agreement number, Task Order Number and line item number., d. Terms of any discount for prompt Continued TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 181." PAGE (ITEM 17(Hn . $0.00 AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION OPTIONAL FORM 343 (Rev. 4-2006) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USAEILE I pmclibeu by FAR (45 cm) 51213" MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029716 SCHEDULE-CONHNUAHON IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andfor order numbers. DATEOFORDER CONnvaNo. ORDERNO. 05/25/2012 USM 39-02?0067 ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT - UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED ACCEPTED . (C) (6) (0 payment offered; e. Name,r title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; f. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The Contractor shall include its TIN on the invoice only if-reguired'elsewhere in this Agreement. Items a. through f. must be on the cover page of each invoice submission. Invoices without the above information may be returned for resubmission.- 3. All other terms and conditions remain the same. All terms and conditions are in acCordance with USMS 39?02?0067 '.The total amount_of award: The obligation for this award is shown in box 17(i). $0.00 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM . AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE - MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029717 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. 42006) Prescribed by GSA Fm I40 CFR153213II (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029718 SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF USM 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF WEMNO. SUPPUESSERVEES QUANHTYUNH AMOUNT (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) the same. Exempt Action: Period of Performance: 06/01/2012 to 05/31/2013 All terms and conditions are in accordance with USMS 39?02?0067 Cf) OPTIONAL FORM 336 NSN 7540-01?152?3067 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029719 Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029720 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET USM 2 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF NO. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (E) (F) No funding is associated with this modification and as a result, the contract value remains unchanged. Exempt Action: Discount Terms: - Net 30 Delivery Location Code: ICE Enforcement Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 06/01/2012 to 05/31/2013 Change Item 0003 to read as follows{amount shown is the total amount): 0003 135,958.07 Transportation Services (Mileage based on GSA mileage reimbursement rate. Guard Services per hour. The value of this CLIN hereby decreases: From: By: To: $135,958.07 Amount: $136,818.56 Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Amount: ?$860.49 Accounting Info: Funded: ?$860,49 All terms and conditions are in accordance with Continued NSN 1"560-01-152-506? MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029721 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (486) Sponsored by GSA FAR {48 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTWUATION SHEET USM 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIESTSERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNET PRICE AMOUNT TR) (13} (D) (E) USMS 39-02-0067 NSN 154001452806? OPTIONAL FORM 336 {4-36) Sponsored by GSA MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029722 FAR {48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029723 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED AGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF WEMNO. (A) (B) oumnnv (C) UMT (D) (E) AMOUNT (F) 0001 The Task Order period of performance is 12/01/2012 extended through 01/31/2014. The funding provided in this task order (or modification) is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this task order. The service provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s) for performance beyond the funding allotted. Exempt Action: FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 12/01/2012 to 01/31/2014 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): Detention Services Bed Day Rate: $82.00 The obligated funds are estimated to cover through January 31, 2014. The obligated funding for this CLIN is increased as follows: From By: To: $1,024,508.00 The quantity of funded bed days is increased as follows: From: To: 12,494 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Accounting Info: Continued EA 1,024,508.00 NSN 7540-01-152-8087 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029724 OPTIONAL FORM 336 Sponsored by GSA PAR (48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029725 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. 0? DOCUMENT BEING CONTINQED AGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ($17,794.00 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged . NSN 7540-01-152-8087 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4.88) Sponsored by GSA MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029726 FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029727 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029728 (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029729 (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029730 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029731 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029732 (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029733 (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029734 n7 ?I?l r?l A7 I vs: I REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 5 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF N0. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT pmce AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Amount: $120,000.00 Accounting Info: - Funded: $120,000.00 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. NSN 7540-01-152?8087 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029736 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029737 (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029738 (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029739 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTRNUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 5 5 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Amount: $128,750.00 ACCOunting Info: Funded: $8,750.00 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. NSN MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029740 FORM 336 [4-36) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 1. CONTRACT D CODE AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. 1 4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 5 5. PROJECT NO. (If applicable) 192114FDT00000857 P00014 See Block 16C ICE/DCR ICE/Detention Compliance & Removals Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street, NW Suite 930 WASHINGTON DC 20536 6. ISSUED BY PAGE OF PAGES 7. ADM NISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE CODE ICE/DCR ICE/Detention Compliance & Removals Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, suite 930 Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State and ZIP Code) (x) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. ST CLAIR COUNTY OF 200 GRAND RIVER AVE SUITE 203 PORT HURON MI 480604018 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NO. x EROIGSA-13-0005 HSCEDM-13-F-IG006 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 0698236150000 FACILITY CODE 11/14/2012 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS is extended is not extended. The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing tems 8 and 15, and returning ___________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPEC FIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified. 12. ACCOUNT NG AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) Net Increase: See Schedule $208,728.00 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CHECK ONE A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MOD FIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) X E. IMPORTANT Unilateral modification in accordance with EROIGSA-13-0005 0 x is not, is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office. Contractor 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 069823615 CONTACT INFORMATION: COR: (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) 313-568- (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) Procurement POC: (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) 313-446 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) The purpose of this Task Order is to 1)Provide funding in the amount of (b)(4) Funding is provided through October 7, 2014 for Detention and Transportation Services. As a result of this change, the overall contract value increases: From: By: (b)(4) To:$2,349,216.71. (b)(4) Continued ... Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED 6C. DATE SIGNED (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540-01-152-8070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029741 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 243 CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED EROIGSA-13-0005/HSCEDM-13-F-IG006/P00014 OF 2 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES (A) (B) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) The funding provided in this task order (or modification) is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this task order. The service provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s) for performance beyond the funding allotted. Exempt Action: Y Discount Terms: Net 30 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 12/01/2012 to 10/07/2014 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 0001 Detention Services (b)(4) EA (b)(4) 2,028,844.00 The obligated funding for this CLIN is increased as follows: From: (b)(4) (b)(4) By: To: $2,028,844.00 The quantity of funded bed days is increased as follows: From: (b)(4) By: (b)(4) To: 24,742 Product/Service Code: S206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Continued ... MARCH NSN 7540-01-152-8067 2015 ICE 201203030.0029742 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED EROIGSA-13-0005/HSCEDM-13-F-IG006/P00014 OF 3 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES (A) (B) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) - ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Continued ... MARCH NSN 7540-01-152-8067 2015 ICE 201203030.0029743 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED EROIGSA-13-0005/HSCEDM-13-F-IG006/P00014 OF 4 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES (A) (B) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) (b)(7)(E) Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $178,678.00 Change Item 0003 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 0003 Transportation Services 320,323.46 (Mileage based on GSA mileage reimbursement rate. Guard Services (b)(4) per hour (regular time), per hour (overtime time exceeding 8 hours (b)(4) per day)) The obligated funding for this CLIN is increased as follows: From: (b)(4) By: (b)(4) To: $320,323.46 Amount: $139,523.46 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Amount: $22,000.00 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Continued ... MARCH NSN 7540-01-152-8067 2015 ICE 201203030.0029744 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED EROIGSA-13-0005/HSCEDM-13-F-IG006/P00014 OF 5 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES (A) (B) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) Amount: $158,800.00 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $30,050.00 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. MARCH NSN 7540-01-152-8067 2015 ICE 201203030.0029745 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 1. CONTRACT D CODE AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. 1 4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4 5. PROJECT NO. (If applicable) 192114FDT00000857.1 P00015 See Block 16C ICE/DCR ICE/Detention Compliance & Removals Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street, NW Suite 930 WASHINGTON DC 20536 6. ISSUED BY PAGE OF PAGES 7. ADM NISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE CODE ICE/DCR ICE/Detention Compliance & Removals Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, suite 930 Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State and ZIP Code) (x) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. ST CLAIR COUNTY OF 200 GRAND RIVER AVE SUITE 203 PORT HURON MI 480604018 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NO. x EROIGSA-13-0005 HSCEDM-13-F-IG006 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 0698236150000 FACILITY CODE 11/14/2012 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS is extended is not extended. The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing tems 8 and 15, and returning ___________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPEC FIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified. 12. ACCOUNT NG AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) Net Increase: See Schedule $297,988.00 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CHECK ONE A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MOD FIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) X E. IMPORTANT Unilateral modification in accordance with EROIGSA-13-0005 0 x is not, is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office. Contractor 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 069823615 CONTACT INFORMATION: COR: (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) 313-568- (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) Procurement POC: (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) 313-446 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) The purpose of this Task Order is to 1)Provide funding in the amount of (b)(4) Funding is provided through October 7, 2014 for Detention and Transportation Services. As a result of this change, the overall contract value increases: From: By: (b)(4) To:$2,647,204.71. (b)(4) Continued ... Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540-01-152-8070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029746 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 16C. DATE SIGNED (Signature of Contracting Officer) STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 243 CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED EROIGSA-13-0005/HSCEDM-13-F-IG006/P00015 OF 2 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES (A) (B) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) The funding provided in this task order (or modification) is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this task order. The service provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s) for performance beyond the funding allotted. Exempt Action: Y Discount Terms: Net 30 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 12/01/2012 to 10/07/2014 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 0001 Detention Services (b)(4) EA (b)(4) 2,326,832.00 The obligated funding for this CLIN is increased as follows: From: (b)(4) By: $ To: $2,326,832.00 The quantity of funded bed days is increased as follows: From: (b)(4) By: (b)(4) To: 28,376 Product/Service Code: S206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: Continued ... MARCH NSN 7540-01-152-8067 2015 ICE 201203030.0029747 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED EROIGSA-13-0005/HSCEDM-13-F-IG006/P00015 OF 3 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES (A) (B) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) BBFD000-I08 BD 31-12-00-000 (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Continued ... MARCH NSN 7540-01-152-8067 2015 ICE 201203030.0029748 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED EROIGSA-13-0005/HSCEDM-13-F-IG006/P00015 OF 4 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES (A) (B) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) Funded: $0.00 Quantity: (b)(4) Accounting Info: (b)(7)(E) ------ --- Funded: $297,988.00 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. MARCH NSN 7540-01-152-8067 2015 ICE 201203030.0029749 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029750 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029751 (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029752 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 4 I 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. . QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Funded: $0.00 Quantity: Accounting Info: Funded: $457,396.00 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. NSN 7540014523087 MA RCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029753 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA PAR (48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029754 PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF nemwo. (A) SUPPUESSERWCES (B) QUANTHY (C) UMT (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) 0003 The funding provided in this task order (or modification) is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this task order. The service provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount Currently allotted to the items funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s) for performance beyond the funding allotted. Exempt Action: Disc0unt Terms: Net 30 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 12/01/2012 to 12/31/2014 Change Item 0003 to read as follows?amount shown is the total amount): Transportation Services {Mileage based on GSA mileage reimbursement rate. Guard Services per hour (regular time), 4 per hour {overtime time exceeding 8 hours per day)) The obligated funding for this CLIN is increased as follows: From By: To: $380,323.46 Amount: $139,523.46 Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: Continued 380,323.46 NSN MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029755 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4?33) Sponsored by GSA FAR {43 CFR) 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF WEMNO. SUPPuesmERvas QUANHTYUNW AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Funded: $0.00 Amount: $22,000.00 Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Amount: $218,800.00 Accounting Info: Funded: $60,000.00 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. DPTFONAL FORM 335 (4?86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 NSN 7540-01-1526067 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029756 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029757 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029758 (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029759 (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029760 co SHEET REFERENCE No. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 5 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM No. SUPPLIESISERV10ES QUANTITY UNTT UNIT PFUCE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Accounting Info: Funded: $20,000.00 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. NSN 7540-01-1 52-8067 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029761 OPTIONAL FORM 336 [4?86) Sponsored by GSA FAR [48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029762 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 2 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF UEMNO. (A) SUPPUESBERVEES UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) 0002 point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those itemis} beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s) for performance beyond the funding allotted. Exempt Action: Discount Terms: Net 30 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 12/01/2012 to 01/31/2015 Change Item 0002 to read as follows?amount showu is the total amount); Sack Lunches Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: Funded: -$49.25 All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. EA .00 NSN 1'540-01-152-3037 MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029763 OPTIONAL FORM 335 {4-86} Sponsored by GSA (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029764 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAER COUNTY OF HEMNO. QUANHTYUNW AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) the same. Exempt Action: Period of Performance: 12/01/2012 to 03/31/2013 Ail terms and Conditions are in accordance with IGSA No . . 1531p 1. NSN FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR {48 CFR) 53.110 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029765 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029766 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029767 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Funded: $64,944.00 All terms and conditions are in accordance with IGSA NO. . NSN 7540-01-152?806? MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029768 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029769 (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029770 PAGE OF CONTINUAHON SHEET 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF WEMNO. AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) unchanged. All other terms and conditions of the TO remain NSN MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029771 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86} Sponsored by GSA FAR (43 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029772 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029773 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029774 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 4 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPUESISERVICES QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) ATTN: Williston, VT 05495-1620 Note: the Service Providers or Contractors Dunn and Bradstreet DUNS Number must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) at prior to award and shall be notated on every invoice submitted to ensure prompt payment provisions are met. The ICE program office identified in the task order/contract shail also be notated on every invoice. 2. Content of Invoices: Each invoice submission shall contain the following information: Name and address of the Service Provider/Contractor. Note: the name, address and DUNS number on the invoice MUST match the information in both the Contract/Agreement and the information in the SAM. If payment is remitted to another entity, the name, address and DUNS information of that entity must also be provided which will require Government verification before payment can be processed; (ii) Dunn and Bradstreet DUNS Number; Invoice date and invoice number; (iv) Agreement/Contract number, contract line item number_and, if applicable, the order number; Description, quantity, unit of measure, unit price, extended price and period of performance of the items or services delivered; (vi) Shipping number and date of shipment, including the bill of lading number and weight of shipment if shipped on Government bill of lading; (vii) Terms of any discount for prompt payment offered; Remit to Address; (ix) Name, title, and phone number Of person to notify in event of defective invoice; and 3. Invoice Supporting Documentation. In order to ensure payment, the vendor must also submit supporting documentation to the Contracting Officers Representative (COR) identified in the Contract as described below. Supporting documentation shall be submitted to the COR or contract Point of Contact (POC) identified in the contract or task order with all invoices, as appropriate. See paragraph 4 for details Continued NSN . - OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4.85) Sponsored by GSA . FAR (48 53.110 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029775 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF HEMNO. SUPPuessERvas QUANHTYUNH AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) regarding the safeguarding of information. Invoices without documentation to support invoiced items, containing charges for items outside the scope of the contract, or not based, on the most recent contract base or modification rates will be considered improper and returned for resubmission. Supporting documentation requirements include: Firm Fixed Price Items (items not subject to any adjustment on the basis of the contractors cost experience, such as pre?established guaranteed minimums for detention or transportation): do not require detailed supporting documentation unless specifically requested by the Government. Fixed Unit Price Items (items for allowable incurred costs, such as detention and/or transportation services with no defined minimum quantities, stationary guard or escort services, transportation mileage or other Minor Charges such as sack lunches and detainee wages): shall be fully supported with documentation substantiating the costs and/or reflecting the established price in the contract and submitted in .pdf format. Detention Services: (1) Bed day rate; (2) Residents/detainees check?in and check-out dates; - (3) Number of bed days multiplied by the bed day rate; (4) Name of each detainee; (5) Residents/detainees identification information Transportation Services: (1) The mileage rate being applied for that invoice. (2) billing reports listing transportation services provided; number of miles; transportation routes provided; locations serviced and/or names/numbers of detainees transported; an itemized listing of all other charges; and, for reimbursable expenses travel expenses, special meals, etc.) copies of all receipts. Stationary Guard Services: Continued NSN 15404314524067 7 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (45 CFR) 53.110 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029776 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED I - I PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 6 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIESJSERVICES PRICE I AMOUNT (A) (C) (D) (E) (F) The itemized invoice shall state the number of hours being billed, the duration of the billing (times and dates) and the name of the that was/were guarded. Other Direct Charges: 1 The invoice shall include appropriate supporting documentation for any direct charge billed for reimbursement. 4. Safeguarding Information: As a contractor or vendor conducting business with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), you are required to comply with DHS Policy regarding the safeguarding of Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PIE). Sensitive PII is information'that identifies an individual, including an alien, and could result in harm, embarrassment, inconvenience or unfairness. Examples of sensitive PII include information such as: Social Security Numbers, Alien Registration Numbers (A-Numbers), or combinations of information such as the individual?s name or other unique identifier and full date of birth, citizenship, or immigration status. As part of your obligation to safeguard information, the follow precautions are required: Email supporting documents containing Sensitive PII in an attachment with password sent separately. Never leave paper documents containing Sensitive PII unattended and unsecure. When not in use, these documents will be locked in drawers, cabinets, desks, etc. so the information is not accessible to those without a need to know. Use shredders when discarding paper documents containing Sensitive PII. Refer to the DHS Handbook for Safeguarding Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information {March 2012) found at for more information on and/or examples of Sensitive PII. 5. If you have questions regarding payment, Continued NSN 7540-01-152-306? OPIIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) - Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 MARCH 2015 ICE SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING PAGE 0F 7 7 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ETEM NO. I SUPPLIESISERVICES UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) please contact ICE Financial Operations at l-877?49Cb?6) (b?lna; by e?mail at MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029778 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86} Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029779 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029780 (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029781 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT CONTINUED . PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET EROIGSA- 4 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF N0. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: Funded: $0.00 Accountinc Info- Funded: $10,204.90 NSN 3'540-01-152-8067 FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 53.110 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029782 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029783 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029784 (b)(4) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE-CONUNUAHON IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andfor order numbers. PAGE NO DATEOFORDER 11/14/2012 CONTRACTNO. ORDER NO. ITEM NC. a) SUPPLIESISERVICES (M QUANIHY ORDERED (d UN IT (m UNIT PRICE (Q AMOUNT QUANTITY ACCEPTED (m Accounting Info: Funded: $83,500.00 Invoicing Procedures: 1. In aCcordance with Article XII, Enrollment, Invoicing and Payment, revise paragraph (8) "Invoicing" to read as follow: Invoices shall be submitted via one of the following three methods: A. By mail: DHS, ICE Burlington Finance Center P.O. Box 1620 1 Williston, VT 05495?1620 Attn: B. By facsimile (fax): (include a cover sheet with point of contact of pages) 802?288?7658 C. By e?mail: as 5? PDF document Invoices submitted by other than these three methods will be returned. The contractor's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration prior to award and shall be notated on every invoice submitted to ICE to ensure prompt payment provisions are met. The ICE program office shall also be notated on every invoice. I 2. The information required with each invoice submission is as follows: a. The name and address of the facility; b. Invoice date and number; c. Agreement number, Task Order Number and line item number. d. Terms of any discount for prompt Continued TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO IST PAGE AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029785 $000 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. moon Prescribed by GSA FAR {43 cm) 53.21am ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andlor mder numbers. PAGE NO DATE OF ORDER 11/14/2012 CONTRACTNO. ORDERNO. ITEM NO. e) SUPPLIESISERVICES (W QUANTITY UNIT ORDERED B) QUANDTY ACCEPTED (0 o) AMOUNT payment offered; e. Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; f. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The Contractor shall include its TIN on-the inVoice only if required elsewhere in this Agreement. I Items a. through f. must be on the cover page of each invoice submission. Invoices without the above information may be returned for resubmission. 3. All other terms and conditions remain the same. All terms and conditions are in accordance with IGSA No. The total amount of award: $395,313.25. The obligation for this award is shown in box 17(i). N) TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029786 $000 OPTIONAL FORM 348(Rw.4rzooe} Fuse-bad by esa FAR (43 cm) 53.213m (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029787 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE NO SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 2 IMPORTANT: Mark a? packages and papers with contract andlor order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 01/26/2015 ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (C) (0 (9) with the county. It is a continuation of the services under order The funding provided in this task order is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this task order. The service provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s) for performance beyond the funding allotted. Exempt Action: Period of Performance: 02/01/2015 to 02/27/2015 0001 DETENTION SERVICES (W4) 177,940.00 Accounting Info: Funded: $177,940.00 0002 GROUND TRANSPORTATION E4 A 22, 500. 00 Accounting Info: Funded: $22,500.00 Service Providers/Contractors shall use these procedures when submitting an invoice. l. Invoice Submission: Invoices shall be submitted in a .pdf format in accordance with the contract terms and conditions [Contract Specialist and Contracting Continued TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 1704)) $200,440.00 AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION OPTIONAL FORM 343 (Rev. 4M) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE by GSA ma cm) 53.2135) MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029788 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE-CONHNUAHON IMPORTANT: Mam all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. 3 PAGE NO DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. 01/26/2015 EROIGSA-13-0005 ORDER NO. ITEM NO. QUANTITY ORDERED m) w) (a UNIT M) UNIT PRICE (9) AMOUNT QUANTITY ACCEPTED w) Officer to disclose if on a basis or other agreed to terms"] via em il to: Each email shall contain only (1) invoice and the invoice number shall be indicated on the subject line of the email. Alternative methods of invoice submission Linclude United States Postal Service (USPS) ail or fax. The mailing address of DHS ICE Financial Operations is: DHS, ICE Financial Operations - Burlington P.0. Box 1620 Williston, VT 05495?1620 Note: the Contractor?s Dunn and Bradstreet DUNS Number must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) at prior to award and shall be notated on every invoice submitted to ensure prompt payment provisions are met. The ICE Program Office identified in the award shall also be notated on every invoice. The Contractors Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number must be registered and active in the System for Award Management (SAM) at prior to award and shall be notated on every invoice submitted to ensure prompt payment provisions are met. The ICE program office identified in the task order/contract shall also be notated on every invoice. Alternate method of submission is fax. Invoices shall be submitted to: (include a cover sheet with point of contact of pages) 2. Content of Invoices: Each invoice submission shall contain the following information: Continued TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029789 $0.00 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rm. 02006) by can FAR (4a crmsamm ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE NO SCHEDULE-CONHNUAHON 4 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers wim contract and/or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 01/26/2015 ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (8) (I) (9) Name and address of the Contractor. The name, address and DUNS number on the invoice MUST match the information in both the Contract/Agreement and the information in the (ii) Dunn and Bradstreet DUNS number; Invoice date and invoice number; (iv) Agreement/Contract number, contract line item number and, if applicable, the order number; Description, quantity, unit of measure, unit price and extended price of the items delivered; (vi) Shipping number and date of shipment, including the bill of lading number and weight of shipment if shipped on Government bill of lading; (vii) Terms of any discount for prompt payment offered; Remit to Address; (ix) Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; Whether the invoice is "Interim" or "Final" and (xi) ICE program office designated on order/contract/agreement. In accordance with Contract Clause, FAR Contract Terms and Conditions Commercial Items, or FAR Prompt Payment, as applicable, the information identified above is required with each invoice submission. 3. Payment Inquiries: Questions regarding invoice submission or payment, please contact ICE Financial Operations at 1-877-4 e-mail at l? ice . . gov NOTE: Contract types other than Firmed Fixed Priced (FFP) may require additional information. See examples below (tailor for your requirement): Continued TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 137 PAGE (mam 170-1)) $0.00 Aumoamso FOR LOCAL Emulation OPTIONAL FORM 348 mm. was) PREVIOUS mmON NOT USABLE mm by GSA FAR (4a craysamsm MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029790 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papets with contract and/or order numbers. 5 PAGE NO DATE OF ORDER 01/26/2015 CONTRACT NO. EROIGSA-13-0005 ORDER NO. ITEM NO. (a (M QUANTITY UNIT ORDERED (Q N) UNIT PRICE (8) AMOUNT ACCEPTED (m ALT 2- Time and Material Contracts Materials on Orders must comply with FAR 52.232-7 Payments Under Time~and?Materials and Labor Hour Contracts (Aug 2012). ALT 3 - Cost Contracts Cost Plus Award Fee: The contractor may invoice on the basis of cost incurred for the Labor CLIN. The invoice shall include the period of performance covered by the invoice and the CLIN number and name. All hours and cost shall be reported, and shall be provided for the current billing month and in total for project to date. The contractor shall also provide the invoice in spreadsheet form with the following supporting information: Total Hours: This will identify all current and cumulative contractor employees by labor category on the project and their total hours billed. The listing shall include separate columns and totals for the current invoice period and the project to date. Total Costs: This will identify all current and past contractor employees by labor category, and rate on the project and their total CLIN/task cost billed. The rate for each labor category shall also be shown. The listing shall include separate columns and totals for the current invoice period and the project to date. The contracting officer must unilaterally modify the contract to fund and allow payment of the earned award fee upon receipt of the Award Fee Determining Official (AFDO) decision. The modification shall (1) include a copy of the AFDO decision, (2) obligate the earned fee amount, (3) reference the award fee of the contract as authority for payment, and (4) authorize payment of the award fee. The contractor shall be paid the award fee, if any, upon submittal of proper invoice to the Burlington Finance Office together with Continued TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029791 $000 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Ram. was) me by 63A FAR (to cm) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE-CONHNUAHON IMPORTANT: Mark all padusges and papers with contract and/or order numbers. 6 PAGE NO DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. 01/26/2015 EROIGSA-13-0005 ORDER NO. ITEM NO. QUANTITY ORDERED e) w) (d UNIT (m UNIT PRICE (9) AMOUNT QUANTITY ACCEPTED m) a copy of the contract modification authorizing payment of the award fee for the applicable award fee period. The contractor's invoice shall indicate the amount of the award fee earned and payable with the applicable award fee CLIN. The contractor's invoice must cite the appropriate accounting data. There will be no provisional, interim, or advance billing of the award fee. The award fee will be paid with funds current at the time of the AFDO decision. In many cases, that will be in the fiscal year following performance. The award fee amounts not earned during a given period shall not be available in future periods. Cost Reimbursable CLIN (Other Direct Costs) The contractor may invoice on the basis of cost incurred for the Other Direct Cost (ODC) CLINs. The invoice shall include the period of performance covered by the invoice and the CLIN number and name. In addition, the contractor shall provide the following detailed information for each invoice submitted, as applicable in spreadsheet form: Item purchased Cost Date expensed Documentation of prior COR approval All cost presentations provided by the Contractor shall also include applicable indirect cost. Cost Reimbursable Travel CLIN The contractor may invoice on the basis of cost incurred. The invoice shall include the period of performance covered by the invoice and the CLIN number and name. In addition, the contractor shall provide the following detailed information for each invoice submitted, as applicable in spreadsheet form: Project Total Travel: This will identify all current and cumulative travel on the project. The listing shall include Continued TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL ?ooucnon HuwxmsemnONNOTueune MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029792 $0.00 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. ?200653.213?) ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE-CONHNUAHON IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with and/or order numbers. PAGE NO .7 DATEOFORDER 01/26/2015 CONTRACTNO. ORDERNO. ITEM NO. (m (M ORDERED (a QUANTITY UNIT (Q UNIT PRICE (Q AMOUNT QUANTITY ACCEPTED (0 (9) separate columns and totals for the following, at a minimum: Date Expensed Authorized Travel Event Number Days of Travel Documentation of COR approval prior to travel Travel shall be in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR). The contractor shall be reimbursed for actual, allowable, and reasonable cost, not to exceed the amount shown in the schedule. Profit shall not be applied to travel costs. Contractors may apply indirect costs to travel in accordance with the contractoras usual accounting practices consistent with FAR 31.2. In order to ensure that an accurate invoice is submitted, the Contractor shall coordinate the invoice with the Contracting Officers Representative (COR) before sending the invoice to Financial Operations Burlington. Payment Inquiries: Questions regarding invoice submission or payment, please contact ICE Financial Operations at 1-877-4QbyIm?mul7og: by e-mail at (bX6L(bxnc Iice.dhs.gov The total amount of award: $200,440.00. The obligation for this award is shown in box 17(1). TOTAL FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 1701)) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029793 $000 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev. um Pwibod by on FAR (43 cm) 9.213(1) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029794 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET USM 2 3 NAMEOFOFFERORORCONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (F) The total value of this Task Order hereby increases: From By, To: $435,490.45 Funding is estimated through August 31, 2012. Additional funds may be applied to future invoicing. Exempt Action: Delivery: 30 Days After Award: Discount Terms: Net 30 Delivery Location Code: ICE Enforcement Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 06/01/2012 to 05/31/2013 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): 0001 Detention Services: Daily bed rate mX4) (bxq EA I(bx4) 235,508.10 The value of this CLIN hereby increases: Fron By: To: $360,490.45 The total amound of Bed Days hereby increases: Fron 4 By: TO: 4289 Accounting Info: Funded: $235,508.10 Change Item 0003 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): NSN 754001452306? MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029795 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-88) Sponsored by GSA PAR (48 GFR) 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTENUED PAGE OF USM 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERWCES UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (D) (E) 0003' Transportation: Based on GSA mileage 48,200.00 reimbursement rate The value of this CLIN hereby increases: From By: To: WXM $70, 000 . 00 Accountina Info:? Funded: $48,200.00 All terms and conditions are in accordance with USMS 39-02-0067 NSN 7540-01-152-8067 MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029796 FORM 336 Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029797 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT CONTINUED PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. (A) (B) QUANTHY (C) UNH (D) (E) AMOUNT (F) 0001 (2) to extend the period of performance through March 31, 2013 (3) Re?align funding from CLIN 0003 to CLIN 0001 in the amount of $9,181.44 Funds are provided for through March 31, 2013? Additional funds may be applied to future invoicing. As a result of this change, the overall contract value is increased: From: By: To: $950,446.00 Additional funds may be applied to future invoicing. Exempt Action: Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Terms: Net 30 Delivery Location Code: ICE Enforcement Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 12/01/2012 to 03/31/2013 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): Detention Services: (900001) Daily bed rate day Funding provided through 3/31/2012 The total value of this CLIN increases From: 4 By: WXM To: $379,985.44 The total quantity increases To: 4633 Continued 68,221.44 NSN 754901452306? MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029798 FORM 36 Sponsored by GSA FAR (43 CFR) 53.110 (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029799 (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029800 (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029801 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029802 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Funds are provided for through March 31, 2013. Additional funds may be applied to future invoicing. As a result of this change, the overall contract value is increased: Fron To: $970,446.00 Additional funds may be applied to future invoicing. Exempt Action: Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Terms: Net 30 Delivery Location Code: ICE Enforcement Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 Accounting Info: FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 12/01/2012 to 03/31/2013 i Change Item 0003 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): 0003 Transportation Services (P0002) (Mileage based on 20,000.00 GSA mileage reimbursement rate. Guard Services per hour (regular time), per hour (overtime time exceeding 8 hours per day)) The value of this CLIN.hereby inceases: From By: All terms and conditions are in accordance with IGSA No. NSN 754001452806? OPTIONAL FORM 336 {4-36) Sponsored MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029803 _7 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029804 AGE OF USM 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) . (C) (D) (E) (F) The total value of this Task Order hereby increases: From By: To: $708,419.60 Funding is estimated through October 31, 2012. Additional funds may be applied to future invoicing. Exempt Action: Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Terms: Net 30 Delivery Location Code: ICE Enforcement Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Suite 900 VWashindton DC 20536 FOB: Destination - Period of Performance: 06/01/2012 to 05/31/2013 Change Item 0003 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): 0003 - Transportation Services (Mileage based on GSA 76,000.00 mileage reimbursement rate. Guard Services $40 per hour The value of this CLIN hereby increases: _Fro By To: $146,000.00 .0 Accounting Info: _Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: Funded: $76,000.00 All terms and conditions are in accordance with USMS 39?02*0067 OPTIONAL FORM 336 {4-86) . Sponsored by GSA MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029805 FAR {43 CFR) 53.110 NSN (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029806 (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(4) (b)(7)(E) (b)(7)(E) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029807 (b)(4) REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET USM 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVJCES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Funded: $23,954.25 All terms and conditions are in accordance with USMS 39-02- 006'? NSN 7540-01-152?806? MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029808 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-36) Sponsored by GSA FAR (43 CFR) 53.110 (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) MARCH 2015 ICE 201203030.0029809 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET USM 39?02?0067 2 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF HEMNO. AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) invoicing. Exempt Action: Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Terms: Net 30 Delivery Location Code: ICE Enforcement Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 06/01/2012 to 05/31/2013 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): 0001 (900005) Detention Services: Daily bed rate 9,181.44 Funding is through November 31, 2012. The value of this CLIN hereby increases: Fro: 4 By: To: $590555.29 The total amound of Bed Days remains unchanged: At: 6917 Accounting Info: -- Funded: $9,181.44 Accounting Info: -- Funded: $0.00 Change Item 0003 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): 0003 Transportation Services (Mileage based on GSA ?9,181.44 mileage reimbursement rate. Guard Services $40 per hour Continued NSN 7540.014 52-806? 09mm. 50mm 333 (4436) Sponsored by GSA MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029810 FAR (43 CFR) 53.110 CONUNUKHONSHEET USM PAGE OF 3 NAME OF OFF EROR 0R CONTRACTOR ST CLAIR COUNTY OF HEMNO. (A) SUPPLIESISERVICES (B) (C) QUANTITY UN IT (D) (E) AMOUNT (F) The value of this CLIN hereby decreases: FrOm By: To: $136,818.56 Accounting Info: Funded: Accounting Info: runoec: qu.uu All terms and conditions are in accordance with USMS 39?02?0067 NSN MARCH 2015 ICE 2012030300029811 OPTIONAL FORM 338 Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110