INFORMKTIBN FGR VIETNAMESE This infermetten is intended for persane, groups, er ergenieetiene who are interested in infermatien abouc the Vietnamese Assistance Program Spensorship. washington State has agreed te 50% or more Indochina refugees. The initial group of persons has arrived, the remainder will be arriving during the next six weeke. In addition a number of ether states voluntary agencies are sponsoring refugees whe will settle here under the auspices of their ergamim eation. Preliminary information received on the initial 506 indicates an average family siZe of 5: 18% speak fluent English, 16% speak good English, 25% speak fair English, There is an immediate need fer sponsors. We especially seek community greeps, church greupe, laber organizations, eervice clubs, and other groups willing te sponsor a family at a number of families. The fellowing are urgently needed: 1. A spansorship that provides subsistence, housing assistance and employment.~ 2. Metal sponsorship; taking the role of a friend in helping to lecete employment, housing and eammunity resources. -- 3. Contributions of specific geede end/er services jabs, housing, elething, etc. Refugees with insufficient income er resources te meet their needs may apply help (financial assistenee care) through the local office of the Depetnment ef Social and Health In all cases a eponser hes'ne Aggal reepensibility for the refuge?. The sponsor may designate a time frame during which he will be a sponsor. When the sponsor is able to previde feed and housing but cannot previde medical care, the refugee should apply to the offiee of DSHS fer such help. All types of sponsors are needed. The need for persene and greupe willing to sponscr larger families is especially urgent. Applieatiens free such prespee? tive epmser-e are encouraged. - - For these persons er groups wishing to apply ta epeneer Vietnamese refugees, please call eny ef these 1Q Yenr'local Departmant 0f social and Health Serviees affine. (Public Assistance ?ffi?e) 2. The Vietnamese Assistance Cent?r at Gamp Murray, Washingtan, 206?552w3649. .. 3. Or write to: REFHGEES Gamp Murray Taccma, Washington 98430 Washington State employees will arrange to m?et with the prospective sponsar 0r representative af a spansor grcup and obtain additienal This infarmatian will then be tranamitted to the Vietnamese Assistance Center to determine if a Vietnamase family is in need 0f what is being offered? The Vietnamese Assistance Center, lacated at Camp Hurray, Tacwu:, washington, will notify the person or arganization affering to act as sponsar when a family is available that needs-their assistance. 'Arrangements are then made for the spouse: to meet the Vietnamese family and bagiu the entry of these pacple Lute the se1e?ted community. many of our gtate citizens and organizations ara nut acting as sponsers for refugee families. Y?ux willingness to help i$ deeply appreciateda