Greetings: The ne0ple of the State of Washington wish to extend to you the Opportunity of making your "new home" with us here in Washington. Governor Dan Evans has extended a make your transition into the American way 'Vof life as smooth and easy as possible. The following information should help you decide to settle here. Within the State of Washington, there are at 1 least 450 Vietnamese who have already settled here. With' their support your family should to adjust to everyday: living and a new surrounding cmuch more quickly. 4 ,The climate here is very-pleasant and mild. The climate conditions in Washington includes good months-with I . sunshine; several months with cooler, wet-weather and Rood blend of temneraturee. Food aupnlies and growing conditions here are another for settlement in Washington State.. many etorea are located in_the State that sell, rice paper. fish-sauce, oriental 'vegatahlee,veweetarice, henna, rice noodles, dry shrimp, I "hot-peppers, etc. The prices are also very reasonable when comnared to.other areae.o? the United'Statea. i I here is very willing_to help Vietnamene with learning English. maintaining good health, "and t?reinin? for the possibility of going to work. In-thie State there 13' aleo.a_volunteer group called the which will heln you with all" of the needs will have to become settled and knowledgeable about your new surroundinge; We hope thut your cultural and religious needs can be met by the joint cooneretion of the government and the volunteer nqency._ Isinh 4220 E. MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA 98504 THOMAS S. PRYOR DIRECTOR SEARCH 8. RESCUE DISASTER RELIEF CIVIL DEFENSE STATE OF WASHINGTON DANIEL J. EVANS GOVERNOR OF EMERGENCY SERVICES by? - Kinh ttha q?i da?ng bao Ch?ng ?31 Tish-Bang Washington t3 long nong moon v?i q?i dong-bao I I dd?c c6 h?i t?o~1?p ddi song moi v61 dan ch?ng 6 Washington. I Thong-Dab Dan-Evans, rat n3hg nhi$t d??c don q?i dang bao vg chia?sg I ddi sang theo ngdBi M;?duBc dg'dang va sugng so. A . Mong tin ddBi day so glup qu1 dong bao quyet d3nh gay . d?hg doi'sang n31 dayth?chung t01 blet trong lanh T1eu-Bang co 0A . I. dd?c 101 450 31a d1nh ngdol V1?tNam dang 51nh song n61 dayg1up d6 cua ho, gia~quyen cua qu1 dong bao se co th? a1eu chinh s? nhanh chong h?n. A) . ap va d8 ch;u, A, C: A I - song hang ngay tren xd 1g ddoc ?s IN I 7 Thdi ti?t 6 day rat 2m inh khi h?u.dWash1ngton v61 thang am?ap va val thang mat me, khi hau ?at 5t v2 nhigtzd? t6tT1nh ve th?t pham va trong trot o'day T13u~Bang Washington. d'day c6 nhigu tigm bin nh?hg thpham sau day: mam, banh trang, nep, dgu, bun, m1, tam kho, rau I cai, gign31 kh?c trgn.d3i M37. A .I A Ch1nh Phu 6 day rat sang long glup d3 ngQBi Viot ve anh ng?, g1n A giu?sdh khoe va ren luyon tai ??15111. O?Ti?wBang I o) - a) c6 doan th? tinh nguygn goi 15 H61 Viet-M; se gi?p d6 qda dang can th13t m5 Q61 dong bao can co g3y dong V5 thong .A. A 3- I A. h1eu ve phong canh maz. Chung t01 hy vong rang Vgn?hoa glao cua qu1 dong bao can the ngi ti?p v31 giJa Chinh-Ph? ?h hsi dean tinh nguy?n.