Condition of Confinement Inspection Worksheet (This document must be attached to each G-324A Detention Review Form) This Form is to be used for Inspections of Facilities used over 72 Hours Performance-Based National Detention Standards Inspection Worksheet for Over 72 Hour Facilities 5-11-09 update Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) ICE Service Processing Center (SPC) ICE Contract Detention Facility (CDF) Name Theo Lacy Facility Address (Street and Name) 501 The City Drive South City, State and Zip Code Orange, California 92868 County Orange Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer (Warden/Superintendent/Facility Administrator) (b)(6), (b)(7)c Captain / Facility Commander Name of Lead Compliance Inspector (b)(6), (b)(7)c Date[s] of Review From November 2 to 4, 2010 Type of Review Headquarters Operational Special Assessment Other 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004191 Introduction to the G324A Over 72hour Facility Detention Inspection Worksheets What is “Performance-Based”? Unlike “policy and procedures” that focus solely on what is to be done, performance-based policy starts with a focus on the results or outcomes that the required procedures are expected to accomplish. Each National Detention Standard has been revised to produce Expected Outcomes that are clearly stated. Each standard reflects the overall mission and purpose of the agency and contributes to the goal that has been articulated. Expected Practices found in the National Detention Standards (NDS) represent what is to be done to accomplish the Expected Outcomes that will meet the Purpose and Scope of the Detention Standard. Outcome Measures (key indicators) are identifiers used to verify whether a facility is accomplishing the goals, of the outcomes expected. The original 38 NDS have been revised into 41 performance-based standards. During the development four new standards were added to include: News Media, Searches of Detainees, Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention and Staff Training. The two standards on Special Management Units were condensed into one standard. The new performance-based standards have incorporated American Correctional Association (ACA) Adult Local Detention Facility standards, which are the industry benchmark. Worksheet Overview There are two sets of Detention Review Worksheets that are used to assess facility compliance with the National Detention Standards (NDS). Both sets of these worksheets are derived from the policy and procedures set forth in the NDS. The G324A is for use with facilities that house detainees for over 72 hours, while the G324B is for use with facilities that house detainees for less than 72 hours. The G324B is for use with facilities that house detainees less than 72 hours and does not contain the same amount of requirements as the G324A in the following NDS: Correspondence and Other Mail, Escorted Trips for Non-Medical Emergencies, Law Libraries and Legal Material, Legal Rights Group Presentations, Marriage Requests, Recreation, and Voluntary Work Program. These standards were not included in the prior version of the G324B, due to the short term nature of detention in facilities that are used for 72 hours or less. These sections are now included in the G324B but only to the extent that facilities seek applicability and are not mandated by ICE. For example, voluntary work programs are not required, but if detainees work, compliance with the NDS is required. Mandatory components in several of the standards have been indicated in the worksheets. Mandatory items are those which must be met in order for the facility to receive a “Meets Standards” rating for that standard. These mandatory components typically represent life safety issues. A “Does Not Meet Standards” on one of these components is very serious. Failing to meet one of the mandatory components means that the overall facility review rating will be “Does Not Meet Standards”. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004192 The Outcome Measures Worksheet section is completely new for the performance-based NDS. The Outcome Measures Worksheets will be completed by facility staff prior to arrival of the review team at the facility to be reviewed. Ideally, this information will be maintained on a continuous basis by the facility as part of a key indicators database to provide a perpetual record for monitoring facility performance. The Reviewer in Charge (RIC) will review facility outcome measures data and provide analysis of the data to describe facility performance and trends. Worksheet Completion Reviewers are required to complete each item within each section of the G324A and G324B Detention Review Worksheets. Worksheets are in a uniform format with 5 columns with NDS purpose and scope cited at the top of the worksheet. Column 1 contains the NDS standard assessment component. Columns 2-4 are provided for the ratings assigned to each component that is assessed. While there is a column titled N/A or not applicable, the N/A rating should be used rarely and only when applicable. The remarks section is provided for reviewers to include details on each rating that may raise a question such as the “Does Not Meet Standard” or “N/A” ratings. A Remarks section is also provided at the end of the outcome measures section for summary comments and analysis of outcome measures data. The information included in the worksheet components remarks sections and in the final summary remarks section should be considered for inclusion in the reviewer report that summarizes the overall facility review process. Outcome Measures Completion The Outcome Measures Worksheets will be completed by facility staff prior to arrival of the review team. Ideally, this information will be maintained on a continuous basis by the facility as part of a key indicators database to provide a perpetual record for monitoring facility performance. Data should be verified as accurate by the facility before including it in the database. Outcome measure data is intended to assess facility issues related to the NDS, so care should be taken to focus on ICE related issues. For example when computing the average daily population (ADP), assess and provide information on the ICE population. The RIC will review facility outcome measures data and provide analysis of the data to describe facility performance and trends. In a few instances outcome measures are not provided for some the NDS because after careful consideration of the standard the assessment process has been determined to be more process oriented in nature. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004193 Table of Contents 5) SECTION I – SAFETY Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Transportation (By Land) 18) SECTION II – SECURITY Admission and Release Classification System Contraband Facility Security and Control Funds and Personal Property Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Key and Lock Control Population Counts Post Orders Searches of Detainees Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention Special Management Units Staff-Detainee Communication Tool Control Use of Force and Restraints 65) SECTION III – ORDER Disciplinary System 68) SECTION IV – CARE Food Service Hunger Strikes Medical Care Personal Hygiene Suicide Prevention and Intervention Terminal Illness, Advance Directives, and Death 97) SECTION V – ACTIVITIES Correspondence and Other Mail Escorted Trips for Non-Medical Emergencies Marriage Requests Recreation Religious Practices Telephone Access Visitation Voluntary Work Program 114) SECTION VI – JUSTICE Detainee Handbook Grievance System Law Libraries and Legal Material Legal Rights Group Presentations 125) SECTION VII – ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT Detention Files News Media Interviews and Tours Staff Training Transfer of Detainees 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004194 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Section I SAFETY 1 2 3 Emergency Plans Environmental Health and Safety Transportation (By Land) 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004195 PART 1 1. EMERGENCY PLANS This Detention Standard ensures a safe environment for detainees and employees by having in place contingency plans to quickly and effectively respond to any emergency situations that arise and to minimize their severity. a, '5 1a GB Components 'g 3 'g Remarks :3 5 a) 1. No Detainee or detainee groups exercise control or authority over other detainees. 2. Detainees are protected from: 0 Personal abuse 0 Corporal punishment 0 Personal injury 0 Disease 0 Property damage 0 Harassment from other detainees 3. Staff is trained to identify signs of detainee unrest. Training is completed during the What type of training and how often? I: '3 4. Staff effectively disseminates information on facility Detainee attitudes and climate climate, detainee attitudes, and moods to the Facility are discussed during a brie?ng Administrator. conducted at the beginning of each shift. 5. There is a designated person or persons responsible Facility deputies are speci?cally for emergency plans and their implementation. assigned responsibility for the Suf?cient time is allotted to the person or group for emergency plans and development and implementation of the plans. implementation. 6. Each emergency plan is assigned a number and is . strictly accounted for. A list identifying the location of agh emergency plan ls . . . . IndIVIdually numbered for each emergency plan Is maintalned by the Chief of accountin ur oses Security or equivalent. 9 7. All staff receives training in the emergency plans All facility staff receive during their orientation training as well as during their El emergency plan training during annual training. their initial facility orientation and annually thereafter. 8. The General Section of the emergency plans discusses alternate routes to the facility for staff to use I: I: in the event the primary route is impassable. 9. The plans address the following issues: 0 Confidentiality - Accountability (copies and storage locations) XI 0 Annual review procedures and schedule 0 Revisions 10. Contingency plans include a comprehensive general section with procedures applicable to most emergency XI '3 I: situations, including procedures for handling detainees with special needs. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 1. EMERGENCY PLANS This Detention Standard ensures a safe environment for detainees and employees by having in place contingency plans to quickly and effectively respond to any emergency situations that arise and to minimize their severity. ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 5 Remarks ?2 858 11. Contingency plans include a procedure for noti?cation This component is only required of neighbors residing in close proximity to the facility. for an however, this El IE facility does have procedures in place to notify neighbors regarding emergency situations. 12. The facility has cooperative contingency plans with This component is only required applicable: at an Several - surrounding law enforcement Local law enforcement agencnes agencies have memorandums of State agenc'es understanding (MOUs) regarding 0 Federal agencies assistance during emergency s?ua?ons. 13. The facility conducts mock emergency exercises with This component is only required agencies or departments with which they share mutual at an However, this aid agreements and Memoranda of Understandings. IE facility did have a simulated ?re The exercises should test speci?c emergency plans to exercise on May 6, 2010, which assess their effectiveness. involved a number of facility staff and surrounding agencies. 14. All staff receives copies of the Faculty Hostage policy This component is only required and procedures. '3 IE at an however, staff may receive a copy of the facility hostage policy. 15 Staff is trained to I (mme This component is only required . at an however, any re ease, os ages are screened for medical and hostages are examined by effects. healthcare staff within 24 hours of release. 16. The facility maintains a list of translator services in the This component is only required event one is needed during a hostage crisis. at an however, this [l facility does maintain a list of staff who speak a second language. 17. Emergency plans include emergency medical This component is only required treatment for staff and detainees during and after an at an however, policy incident. allows for emergency medical treatment for detainees and staff during and after an incident. 18. The Food Service Department maintains at least 3- This component is only required days? worth of emergency meals for staff and at an however, this detainees. Cl facility does have at least a three-day supply of meals during an emergency situation. 19. Written plans illustrate locations of shut-off valves and This component is only required switches for utilities (water, gas, electric). at an however, [l written plans do identify locations of shut-off valves and switches for all utilities. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 - 1. EMERGENCY PLANS This Detention Standard ensures a safe environment for detainees and employees by having in place contingency plans to quickly and effectively respond to any emergency situations that arise and to minimize their severity. ?6 '2 19 a Components '3 '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 20. Written plans include a Staff Work Stoppage State law prohibits peace procedure. This procedure is available for limited officers from work stoppage supervisory review. (striking). 21. (MANDATORY) Written procedures cover: 0 Work/Food Strike 0 Fire 0 Environmental Hazard - Detainee Transportation System Emergency 0 ICE-wide Lockdown Sfaff work StOppage Contingency plans for all the Dlsturbances "bulleted" topics identi?ed in this . Escapes componen are In pace an we 0 Bomb Threats wnuen' Adverse Weather 0 Internal Searches 0 Facility Evacuation Detainee Transportation System Plan 0 Hostages (Internal) 0 Civil Disturbances 22. The Emergency Plans specify a procedure for post- This facility conducted a emergency debrie?ngs and discussions. simulated ?re exercise on 05-06- 10, which included an extensive written de-briefing of the exercise. PART 1 1. EMERGENCY PLANS IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA l:lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility emergency plans were concise and well written. They promote a safe environment for detainees to live and staff to work, and help to ensure good procedures in the event of emergency situations. November 4 2010 .- DATE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5296 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 2. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, volunteers, and contractors from injury and illness by maintaining high facility standards of cleanliness and sanitation, safe work practices, and control of hazardous substances and equipment. '2 '6 '2 ?1 ?3 Components 983 1:3 2 Remarks (B 5 1. (MANDATORY) The facility has a system for storing, Systems are in place to store, issuing, and maintaining inventories of hazardous El issue and maintain inventories of materials. hazardous materials. 2. Constant inventories are maintained for all ?ammable, The facility maintenance shop toxic, and caustic substances used/stored in each had two ?ammable cabinets area of the facility. which were unsecured and contained no inventory sheets. I: El During the review the two storage cabinets were moved from inside the secure facility to outside the secure perimeter of the facility. 3. The manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ?le is up-to-date for every hazardous substance used. 0 The ?les list all stora areas and include a Iant The MSDS ?les are Up to date' - II I3 The Master File is located in the diagram and legend. . Fire/Safety Of?ce. 0 The and other information in the ?les are available to personnel managing the facility?s safety program. 4. All personnel using ?ammable, toxic, and/or caustic substances follow the prescribed procedures: 0 Wear personal protective equipment. 0 Report hazards and spills to the designated of?cial. 5. The MSDS are readily accessible to staff and The facility has MSDS in all work detainees in the work areas. areas. 6. Hazardous materials are always issued under proper supervision. 0 Quantities are limited. 0 Detainees are trained. 0 Staff always supervises detainees using these substances. 7. All ??ammable? and ?combustible? materials (liquid and aerosol) are stored and used according to label recommendations. 8. Lighting ?xtures and electrical equipment are installed in storage rooms and other hazardous areas and meet the National Electrical Code requirements. 9. All toxic and caustic materials stored in their original containers in a secure area. 10. Excess flammables, combustibles, and toxic liquids are disposed of properly in accordance with MSDS. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5299. (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 2. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, volunteers, and contractors from injury and illness by maintaining high facility standards of cleanliness and sanitation, safe work practices, and control of hazardous substances and equipment. 19 ?5 ?3 Components 8 '2 Remarks 2 2 8 (D 11. Staff directly supervise and account for products with methyl alcohol. Staff receives a list of products The facility does not have an containing diluted methyl alcohol, for example, shoe reducts that contain meth Iy dye. All such products are clearly labeled as such. :Icohol "Accountability" includes issuing such products to detainees in the smallest workable quantities. 12. Every employee and detainee using ?ammable, toxic, Training is provided in the initial or caustic materials receives advanced training, in . . accordance with OSHA standards, in their use, $322.45: and annually storage, and disposal. 13. (MANDATORY) The facility complies with the most The facility was ins ected the current edition of applicable codes, standards, and Oran 6 Fire De anenent ony09_ regulations of the National Fire Protection Association 07_1ogand foungto be in (NFPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health com ?ance Administration (OSHA). 14. A technically quali?ed staff member conducts ?re and safety inspections. 15. The Safety Of?ce (or of?cer) maintains ?les of Reviewed inspection reports in inspection reports, including corrective actions taken. the Fire/Safety Of?ce. 16. (MANDATORY) The facility has an approved ?re The facility has an approved fire prevention, control, and evacuation plan. El prevention, control and evacuation plan in place. 17. The plan requires: 0 ?re inspections. An area-speci?c exit diagram 0 Fire protection equipment strategically located throu hout the facili . _g . ty . posted in English. During the 0 Public posting of emergency plan El IE El review they were a? revised to ?oor plans. re?ect English, Spanish and 0 Exit signs and directional arrows. Vietnamese versions and posted 0 An area-specific exit diagram conspicuously throughou" the fac'l'ty- posted in the diagrammed area. 18. Fire drills are conducted and documented quarterly in El Quarterly ?re drills are all facility locations including the administrative area. completed at the facility. 19. A sanitation program covers barbering operations. The facility allows detainees to cut hair in the housing units. The units have sanitation procedures posted in English and Spanish; however, the area where barbering is done does El not meet sanitation requirements. The housing units have a barber kit with clippers, combs and a can of Clippercide. The kit also contains an inventory sheet. 10 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 2. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, volunteers, and contractors from injury and illness by maintaining high facility standards of cleanliness and sanitation, safe work practices, and control of hazardous substances and equipmentComponents 8 '2 Remarks 2 2 8 (D (D 20. The barbershop has the facilities and equipment The facility barber shop was necessary to meet sanitation requirements. El IE under construction during this inspection. 21. The sanitation standards are conspicuously posted in The facility barber shop was the barbershop. IE under construction during this inspection. 22. Written procedures regulate the handling and disposal Policy 8002.8, Proper Handling of used needles and other sharp objects. of Needles, addresses the handling and disposal of used needles and other sharp objects. 23. All items representing potential safety or security risks . . . are inventoried and a designated individual checks this "Sk inventory weekly. 24. Standard cleaning practices include: 0 Using speci?ed equipment; cleansers; Policy 8002.3, Facility Cleaning disinfectants and detergents. Cl for Security Areas, covers the 0 An established schedule of cleaning and follow-up Standard Clean'ng praCt'Ces- inspec?ons. 25. Spill kits are readily available. The facility has no spill kits; however, the facility uses an Envirox Cleanser with bio-hazard bags when there is a spill. 26. A licensed medical waste contractor disposes of Stericycle has the contract for infectious/bio-hazardous waste. the removal of infectious/bio- hazardous waste. 27. Staff are trained to prevent contact with blood and Policy 8002.7, Blood Borne other body ?uids and written procedures are followed. II II Pathogens, addresses the training and written procedures. 28. Do the methods for handling/disposing of refuse meet all regulatory requirements? 29. A Licensed/Certi?ed/T rained pest-control professional inspects for rodents, insects, and verminleast Vacated Pest Control. 0 The pest-control program includes preventive spraying for indigenous insects. 30. Drinking water and wastewater is routinely tested The City of Orange Water according to a ?xed schedule. El Division routinely tests the drinking water and wastewater. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 2. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, volunteers, and contractors from injury and illness by maintaining high facility standards of cleanliness and sanitation, safe work practices, and control of hazardous substances and equipment. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA Remarks 31. Emergency power generators are tested at least every two weeks. 0 Other emergency systems and equipment receive testing at least quarterly. 0 Testing is followed-up with timely corrective actions (repairs and replacements). The maintenance department tests the emergency generators weekly. 32. The Facility appears clean and well maintained. The facility is very clean and well maintained. 33. Hazardous material storage rooms meet the security and structural requirements of the standard. Storage cabinets meet the physical requirements speci?ed in the standard. . The Health Services Administrator has implemented a program supporting a high level of environmental sanitation. 35. The Health Services Administrator conducts medical- facility inspections daily. Each inspection includes noting the condition of ?oors, walls, windows, horizontal surfaces, and equipment. The Health Services Administrator (HSA) does not conduct medical facility inspections daily. 36. The assigned staff member shall: Conduct special investigations and comprehensive surveys of environmental health conditions, and provide advisory, consultative, inspection, and training services regarding environmental health conditions. 37. The assigned staff member is responsible for developing and implementing policies, procedures, and guidelines for the environmental health program. These guidelines are intended to evaluate and eliminate or control as necessary, sources of injuries and modes of transmission of agents or vectors of communicable diseases. Policy 8002.5, Sanitation and Safety Inspections, addresses this component. 38. Environmental health and safety conditions shall be maintained at a level that meets recognized standards of safety and hygiene, including those from the: 0 American Correctional Association, 0 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 0 Environmental Protection Agency, 0 Food and Drug Administration, 0 National Fire Protection Association's Life Safety Code, and 0 National Center Prevention. for Disease Control and PART 1 2. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard N/A Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): Although there were several component areas that did not meet the standard, the facility was found to meet the standard overall. (b)(6), (b)(7)c / November 4, 2010 REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004203 PART 1 3. TRANSPORTATION (BY LAND) This Detention Standard prevents harm to the general public, detainees, and staff by ensuring that vehicles are properly equipped, maintained, and operated and that detainees are transported in a secure, safe and humane manner, under the supervision of trained and experienced staff. Standard NA: Check this box if all ICE Transportation is handled only by the ICE Field Office or Sub-Office in control of the detainee case. '5 .. Components 3; a: '2 Remarks Transporting of?cers comply with applicable local, state, and federal motor vehicle laws and regulations. II II Records support this ?nding of compliance. 2. Every transporting officer required to drive a . . commercial size vehicle has a valid Commercial ?ggafgriasg?njgimgz getamee Driver's License (CDL) issued by the state of re ulgrlicense oraCDL employment. 9 3. Supervisors maintain records for each vehicle operated. 4. Documentation indicating annual inspection of All 30-day safety inspections, vehicles and annual inspection in accordance with preventive maintenance records, state statutes is available for review. opacity tests, and safety repairs are documented and maintained by this facility. 5. Documentation indicating safety repairs are completed immediately and vehicles are not used until they have been repaired and inspected is available for review. 6. Officers use a checklist during every vehicle inspec?on. 0 Of?cers report deficiencies affecting operability. El 0 Deficiencies are corrected before the vehicle goes back into service. 7. Transporting officers: 0 Limit driving time to 10 hours in any 15 hour period when transporting detainees. 0 Drive only after eight consecutive off-duty hours. 0 Do not receive transportation assignments after All items in the "bulleted" areas having been on duty, in any capacity, for 15 hours. El Cl are thoroughly outllned In faCIllty 0 Drive a 50-hour maximum in a given work week; a poncy and procedures 70-hour maximum during eight consecutive days. 0 During emergency conditions (including bad weather), of?cers may drive as long as necessary to reach a safe area?exceeding the 10-hour limit. 8. aof?cers with valid Commercial Drivers Licenses, (CD L?s) required in any vehicle transporting detainees. deputies with a valid CDL XI are available anytime one or more detainees are transported. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 3. TRANSPORTATION (BY LAND) This Detention Standard prevents harm to the general public, detainees, and staff by ensuring that vehicles are properly equipped, maintained, and operated and that detainees are transported in a secure, safe and humane manner, under the supervision of trained and experienced staff. Standard NA: Check this box if all ICE Transportation is handled only by the ICE Field Office or Sub-Office in control of the detainee case. ?6 3 a a Components E: 3 'g Remarks at 2 8 8 9. The transporting officer inspects the vehicle before the start of each detail. 10. Positive identi?cation of all detainees being El transported is con?rmed. 11. All detainees are searched immediately prior to boarding the vehicle by staff controlling the bus or vehicle. 12. The facility ensures that the number of detainees transported does not exceed the vehicle El manufacturer's occupancy level. 13. All uniformed of?cers wear thel Iin This component is only required accordance with the policy and/or at an however, all applicable contract pol'cy en ranspo ing detainees. [l IE transport deuties are issued personal hen transporting detainees. 14. The vehicle crew conducts a visual count once all passengers are on board and seated. I: I: 0 Additional visual counts are made whenever the vehicle makes a scheduled or unscheduled stop. 15. Policies and procedures are in place addressing the use of restraining equipment on transportation El vehicles. 16. Officers ensure that no one contacts the detainees. - of?cer remains in the vehicle at all times XI I: en detainees are present. 17. Meals are provided during long distance transfers. According to facility policy, "no 0 The meals meet the minimum dietary standards, prov's'on ha_5 been eStabl'Shed as identi?ed by dieticians utilized by ICE. t? feed transported a distance of less than 200 miles and/or four hours in length." When those limits are exceeded, staff is allowed to purchase meals for detainees at $5 per meal. Sack lunches are provided by facility food service personnel for detainees with court appearances and for trips less than 200 miles or four-hour duration. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 3. TRANSPORTATION (BY LAND) This Detention Standard prevents harm to the general public, detainees, and staff by ensuring that vehicles are properly equipped, maintained, and operated and that detainees are transported in a secure, safe and humane manner, under the supervision of trained and experienced staff. Standard NA: Check this box if all ICE Transportation is handled only by the ICE Field Office or Sub-Office in control of the detainee case. ?6 3 a Components ?2 3 3 '2 2 Remarks :3 a) 18. The vehicle crew inspects all Food Service meals before accepting delivery (food wrapping, portions, quality, quantity, thermos-transport containers, etc). 0 Before accepting the meals, the vehicle crew raises and resolves questions, concerns, or discrepancies with the Food Service representative. 0 Basins, latrines, and drinking-water, containers, dispensers are cleaned and sanitized on a fixed schedule. 19. Vehicles have: 0 . El El 20. The vehicles are clean and sanitary at all times. El 21 . Personal property of a detainee transferring to another facility: Is inventoried. Is inspected. Accompanies the detainee. 22. The following contingencies are included in the written procedures for vehicle crews: 0 Attack 0 Escape 0 Hostage-taking Detainee sickness Detainee death 0 Vehicle ?re 1:1 1:1 0 Riot - Traf?c accident 0 Mechanical problems 0 Natural disasters 0 Severe weather 0 Passenger list is not exclusively men or women or minors 16 FOR MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5266 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 1 3. TRANSPORTATION (BY LAND) IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. Facility staff is well trained in their transportation duties. The policy meets the intent of the standard and staff takes precautions during all transports. November 4, 2 10 DATE MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Section II SECURITY 4 Admission and Release 5 Classification System 6 Contraband 7 Facility Security and Control 8 Funds and Personal Property 9 Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities 10 Key and Lock Control 11 Population Counts 12 Post Orders 13 Searches of Detainees 14 Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention 15 Special Management Units 16 Staff-Detainee Communication 17 Tool Control 18 Use of Force and Restraints 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004208 PART 2 4. ADMISSION AND RELEASE This Detention Standard protects the community, detainees, staff, volunteers, and contractors by ensuring secure and orderly operations when detainees are admitted to or released from a facility. '6 '2 3m Components 332 mRemarks 1. Admission processing includes an orientation of the facility. The orientation includes; unacceptable activities and behavior, and corresponding sanctions. How to contact ICE. The availability of pro-bono legal services and how to pursue such services. Schedule IE of programs, services, daily activities, including visitation, telephone usage, mail service, religious programs, count procedures, access to and use of the law library and the general library; sick-call procedures, and the detainee handbook. The facility gives the detainee a handbook and shows them an orientation video. Although not required at an IGSA, the facility includes all of the ?bulleted' topics in the orientation process. 2. Medical screenings are performed by medical staff persons who have received specialized training for the purpose of conducting an initial health screening. All medical screenings are completed at the Orange County Intake/Release Center (OCIRC) by health care staff. 3. When available, accompanying documentation is used to identify and classify each new arrival. ln SPCs and CDFs, new detainees shall remain segregated from the general population during the orientation and classi?cation period. All detainees arriving at this facility have already been classi?ed. The facility classi?cation of?cer will review each detainee to ensure they are housed appropriately. Although not required at an IGSA, detainees are segregated from the general population during the orientation and classi?cation penod. 4. All new arrivals are searched in accordance with the ?Detainee Search? standard. An of?cer of the same sex as the detainee conducts the search and the IE I: I: search is conducted in an area that affords as much privacy as possible. Policy 8013, Searches of Detainees, explains the search procedures for new arrivals. 5. Detainees are subjected to a strip search only when reasonable suspicion has been established and not as routine policy. Non-criminal detainees are never subjected to a strip search but are patted down unless cause or reasonable suspicion has been established. All strip searches are documented on 6-1025, or equivalent, with proper supervisory approval. Policy 8013 addresses strip search procedures. Although not required at an IGSA, staff would document all strip searches on an in-house form. 6. The ?Contraband? standard governs all personal property searches. and CDFs use or have a similar contraband standard. Staff prepares a complete inventory of each detainee?s possessions. The detainee receives a copy. All identity documents are inventoried and given to ICE staff for placement in the A-?le. All funds and valuables are safeguarded in accordance with ICE Policy. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 4. ADMISSION AND RELEASE This Detention Standard protects the community, detainees, staff, volunteers, and contractors by ensuring secure and orderly operations when detainees are admitted to or released from a facility. '2 ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 7. Staff complete Form l-387 or similar form for CDFs The facility has an in-house lost and IGSAs for every lost or missing property claim. IE property report, which is Facilities forward all l-387 claims to ICE. completed for lost or missing property claims. 8. Detainees are issued appropriate and suf?cient clothing and bedding for the climatic conditions. 9. All releases are coordinated with ICE. This component is only required at an however, the facility does coordinate all releases with ICE. 10. Staff complete paperwork/forms for release as required. IE 11. Each detainee receives a receipt for personal property secured by the facility. 12. The facility has a system to maintain accurate records and documentation for admission, orientation, and El release. 13. ICE staff enter all information pertaining to release, This component is only required removal, or transfer of all detainees into the Enforce at an However, ICE Alien Detention Module (EADM) within 8 hours of staff does enter all information action. El El pertaining to release, removal, or transfer of all detainees into the EADM within eight hours of action. 14. All orientation material shall be provided in English, Spanish, and other language(s) as determined by the El Field Office Director. PART 2 4. ADMISSION AND RELEASE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility meets the standard for Admission and Release. November 4, 2010 I DATE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-524A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 5. CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM This Detention Standard protects the detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm, and contributes to orderly facility operations, by requiring a formal classi?cation process for managing and separating detainees that is based on veri?able and documented data. a, ?6 2 ?3 Components i 'g 3 'g Remarks :3 5 a) SPC and CDF facilities use the required Objective The Objective Classification Classi?cation System. IGSAs use an objective System is not required at an classification system or similar system for classifying IGSA. The facility classi?cation detainees. system is based on the detainee's background information and current charges as designated by the Classi?cation Primary Assessment Form. Policy 8005, Classi?cation, addresses the procedure for classifying detainees. The facility classi?cation system includes: Detainees are initially classi?ed 0 Classifying detainees upon arrival. alt thefdeCIRC- Deta'rl?eesdare assr Ie on amva an - Separating individuals who cannot be classi?ed separated from the general upon arrIval from the general population. population if necessary_ The 0 The ?rst-line supervisor or designated facility has assigned a Sergeant classi?cation specialist reviews every classi?cation to review all detainee decision. classi?cations to ensure they have been housed appropriately. The intake/processing of?cer reviews The process of review is initially ?les, etc., to identify and classify each new arrival. completed at the OCIRC. A follow-up review is then conducted at this facility. Staff use only information that is factual, and reliable to determine classi?cation assignments. Opinions IE and unsubstantiated/ uncon?rmed reports may be ?led but are not used to score detainee classi?cation. Housing assignments are based on classi?cation- level. IE A detainee's classi?cation-level does not affect his or her recreation opportunities. Detainees recreate with persons of similar classi?cation designations. Detainee work assignments are based upon ICE detainees do not work at classification designations. this facility; however, non-ICE detainee work assignments are based upon classi?cation levels. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 5. CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM This Detention Standard protects the detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm, and contributes to orderly facility operations, by requiring a formal classi?cation process for managing and separating detainees that is based on veri?able and documented data. ?5 '2 19 2 cu Components 8 '2 2 Remarks 2 :3 8 :3 a) 8. The classi?cation process includes reassessment/ Policy 8005, Classi?cation, reclassi?cation. The First Reassessment is to be explains the facility completed 60 days to 90 days after the initial reassessment/reclassi?cation assessment. Subsequent reassessments are process. Although not required completed at 90 day to 120 day intervals. Special at an IGSA, the facility does Reassessments are completed within 24 hours. complete subsequent reassessments at 90 to 120-day intervals. 9. The classi?cation system includes standard Policy 8005 explains standard procedures for processing new arrivals' appeals. facility procedures for processing Only a designated supervisor or classi?cation new arrivals' appeals. Although specialist has the authority to reduce a classi?cation- IE not required at an IGSA, the level on appeal. facility has assigned a classi?cation Sergeant who has the authority to reduce a classi?cation level on appeal. 10. Classi?cation appeals are resolved w/in 5 business Although not required at an days. Detainees are noti?ed of the outcome within 10 IGSA, the classi?cation appeals business days. at this facility are resolved within El ?ve business days. The detainees are then noti?ed of the outcome within 10 business days. 11. Classi?cation designations may be appealed to a This component is only required higher authority such as the Facility Administrator or at an however, a equivalent. CI detainee may appeal classi?cation designations to the Facility Commander. 12. The Detainee Handbook or equivalent for IGSAs explains the classi?cation levels, with the conditions and restrictions applicable to each. 13. In SPCs and CDFs detainees are assigned color- This component is not required coded uniforms and IDs to re?ect classi?cation levels. at an IGSA. This facility assigns In IGSA's a similar system is utilized for each level of the detainees colored-coded classification. El wristbands to re?ect classi?cation levels. The facility also puts all ICE detainees in red-colored jumpsuits. PART 2 5. CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): November 4, 2010 REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE (b)(6), (b)(7)c 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004213 PART 2 - 6. CONTRABAND This Detention Standard protects detainees and staff and enhances facility security and good order by identifying, detecting, controlling, and properly disposing of contraband. ?5 '2 19 2 0* Components 8 2 Remarks 2 :3 8 a) 1. The facility follows a written procedure for handling The facility has a written contraband. Staff inventories, holds, and reports it procedure for the handling of when necessary to the proper authority for contraband. Although not action/possible seizure. XI required at an IGSA, the facility staff does inventory, hold, and report to supervisory staff when contraband is con?scated. 2. Contraband that is government property is retained as This component is only required evidence for potential disciplinary action or criminal at an however, prosecution. contraband that is government property is retained for potential disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution at this facility. 3. Staff returns property not needed as evidence to the This component is only required proper authority. Written procedures cover the return at an however, staff of such property. IE at this facility do return property not needed as evidence and have written procedures which address such returns. 4. Altered property is destroyed following documentation and using established procedures. 5. Before con?scating religious items, the Facility This component is only required Administrator or designated investigator contacts a at an however, religious authority. El IE religious items are not con?scated until a religious authority is contacted. 6. Staff follows written procedures when destroying hard contraband that is illegal. 7. Hard contraband that is illegal (under criminal IGSAS are not required to retain statutes) Is retained and used for of?CIal use, eg. hard contraband that is ?legal "ammg purposes and retained for of?cial use such 0 If yes, under speci?c circumstances and using as training purposes. However, specified written procedures. Hard contraband is El illegal hard contraband is used secured when not in use. for training purposes and is 0 Soft Contraband is mailed to a third party or safely secured when n?t use- stored in accordance with the Detention Standard so? ,cont'raband '5 Stored "1 the on Funds and Personal Property. deta'?ee persona' property- 8. Detainees receive noti?cation of contraband rules and procedures in the Detainee Handbook and noti?ed when property is identi?ed and seized as contraband. 24 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 6. CONTRABAND This Detention Standard protects detainees and staff and enhances facility security and good order by identifying, detecting, controlling, and properly disposing of contraband. ?6 '2 19 :5 Components '2 3 5 Remarks ?2 858 9. Facilities with Canine Units only use them for Policy states the use of canines contraband detection. is prohibited for use of force (UOF), control, or intimidation of detainees. Detainees are also removed from the area being searched prior to canines being used to detect contraband. PART 2 6. CONTRABAND IX Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA :lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. November 4 2010 DATE MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 7. FACILITY SECURITY AND CONTROL This Detention Standard protects the community, staff, contractors, volunteers, and detainees from harm by ensuring that facility security is maintained and that events that pose a risk of harm are preventedComponents 'g 3 '2 1? Remarks 2 8 8 a: 1. The facility administrator or assistant administrator and This responsibility is assigned to department heads visit detainee living quarters and the Administrative ICE activity areas weekly. Lieutenant at the facility. 2. At least one male and one female staff are on duty where both males and females are housed. 3. Comprehensive annual staf?ng analysis determines El staf?ng needs and plans. 4. Essential posts and positions are ?lled with quali?ed personnel. 5. gControl Center of?cer receives speCIalized 6. Policy restricts staff access to the Control Center. This component is only required at an however, facility policy does indeed restrict access to all Control Centers. 7. Detainees do not have access to the Control Center. This component is only required at an however, IE detainees are strictly denied any access to Control Centers. 8. Communications are centralized in the Control Center. This component is only required at an however, this El IE facility has communications centralized in the (b)(7)epontrol Center. 9. Facility security and safety will be monitored and coordinated by a secure, well-equipped, and El continuously staffed control center. 10. The Control Center maintain employee Personal Data This component is only required Cards (Form G-74 or contract equivalent). at an however, I2 employee information is maintained in the - 11. Recall lists include the current home telephone This component is only required number of each employee. Phone numbers are at an however, staff updated as needed. Cl IE recall lists, as well as their respective telephone numbers, are kept on ?le at this facility. Staff mak =s watch calls ever? This component is only required at an and this facility 13. Information about routine procedures, emergency situations, and unusual incidents will be continually El recorded in permanent post logs and shift reports. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 7. FACILITY SECURITY AND CONTROL This Detention Standard protects the community, staff, contractors, volunteers, and detainees from harm by ensuring that facility security is maintained and that events that pose a risk of harm are prevented. a ?6 (I (3 Components 2 'g 'g Remarks (I 5 5 14. The front-entrance of?cer checks the ID of everyone entering or exiting the facility. 15. All visits of?cially recorded in a visitor logbook or electronically recorded. 16. The facility has a secure, color-coded visitor pass system. 17. Of?cers monitor all vehicular traffic entering and leaving the facility. 18. The facility maintains a log of all incoming and departing vehicles to sensitive areas of the facility. Each entry contains: 0 The driver's name 0 Company represented 0 Vehicle contents 0 Delivery date and time 0 Date and time out 0 Vehicle license number 0 Name of employee responsible for the vehicle during the facility visit 19. Of?cers thoroughly search each vehicle entering and This component is only required leaving the facility. at an however, staff IE thoroughly searches every vehicle entering and exiting the facility. 20. The facility has a written policy and procedures to prevent the introduction of contraband into the facility or any of its components. 21. The front entrance has a sally-port type entrance, with interlocking electronic doors or grilles. 22. The facility?s perimeter will ensure that detainees remain within and that public access is denied without El proper authorization. 23. Written procedures govern searches of detainee housing units and personal areas. 24. Housing area searches occur at irregular times. This component is only required at an however, lg housing area search information is documented into the 24-hour log. 25. Security of?cer posts located in or immediately adjacent to detainee living areas to permit of?cers to This is a direct su ewision see or hear and respond to emergency II II situations. Personal contact and interaction between staff and detainees is required and facilitated. facility. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 7. FACILITY SECURITY AND CONTROL This Detention Standard protects the community, staff, contractors, volunteers, and detainees from harm by ensuring that facility security is maintained and that events that pose a risk of harm are prevented. Components Remarks Meets tandard Does Not Meet Standard NIA 26. There are post orders for every security of?cer post. 27. Detainee movement from one area to another area is controlled by staff. 28. Living areas are constructed to facilitate continuous staff observation of cell or room fronts, dayrooms, and recreation space. 29. Every search of the SMU and other housing units is documented. 30. The SMU entrance has a sally port. This component is only required at an however, the SMU does have a sally port. DEEDS gamma 31. All tools entering SMU will be inspected and inventoried by the SMU of?cer prior to entering the housing unit. [j [j 32. The facility has a comprehensive security inspection policy. The policy speci?es: 0 Posts to be inspected This facility has a 0 Required inspection forms comprehenSIVe securlty inspection policy, which Frequency 0f 'nspeCt'ons addresses the 'bulleted? topics, 0 Guidelines for checking security features although not required at an 0 Procedures for reporting weak spots, in- consistencies, and other areas needing improvement 33. Every of?cer is required to conduct a security check of This component is only required his/her assigned area. The results are documented. at an however, the 34. Documentation of security inspections is kept on ?le. IE 35. Procedures ensure that recurring problems and a This component is only required failure to take corrective action are reported to the at an however, the appropriate manager. Administrative Sergeant follows up on any recurring security problems. 36. Tools being taken into the secure area of the facility The required process was are inspected and inventoried before entering and observed by this reviewer on the prior to departure. second day of the review. 37. Storage and supply rooms; walls, light and plumbing ?xtures, accesses, and drains, etc. undergo frequent, irregular searches. These searches are documented. 38. Walls, fences, and exits, including exterior windows, Perimeter inspections are are inspected for defects once each shift. conducted at least once per shift at this facility. 28 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 7. FACILITY SECURITY AND CONTROL This Detention Standard protects the community, staff, contractors, volunteers, and detainees from harm by ensuring that facility security is maintained and that events that pose a risk of harm are prevented. Components Remarks Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA 39. Daily procedures include: - 0 Physical checks of the perimeter fence. 0 Documenting the results. 40. Visitation areas receive frequent, irregular inspections. 41. An of?cer is assigned responsibility for ensuring the . . .. . . security inspection process covers all areas of the XI lj lj Lh'sA'gquns'b'I'ty ass'gned to facility. ministratlve ergeant. 42. The Maintenance Supervisor and Chief of Security or All security checks are equivalent make fence checks. forwarded to the Administrative Sergeant. FACILITY SECURITY AND CONTROL IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. This facility has a well written policy on security inspections. It outlines staff responsibilities with respect to what is expected from them in the areas of assignment. (bxe), mm DATE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5249 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 8. FUNDS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY This Detention Standard ensures that detainees? personal property is safeguarded and controlled, specifically including funds, valuables, baggage and other personnel property, and that contraband does not enter a detention facility. El Standard NA: (IGSA ONLY) Check this box if all ICE detainee Funds, Valuables and Property are handled only by the ICE Field Office or Sub-Office in control of the detainee case. a? .. 2 Components 983 1g Remarks 5 ?3 8 (D 1. Detainee funds and valuables are properly separated The OCIRC rocesses detainee and stored. Detainee funds and valuables are funds wit f?cers present, accessible to designated supervisor(s) only. while facili aff processes the valuables. The facility sergeant or higher ranking official is the only designated supervisor to have access to detainee funds and valuables. 2. Detainees? large valuables are secured in a location accessible to designated supervisor(s) or processing staff only. 3. Staff search and itemize the baggage and personal property of arriving detainees, including funds and valuables, using a personal property inventory form El that meets the ICE standard, in the presence of the detainee unless otherwise instructed by the facility administrator. 4. are present during the processing of This component is only required etalnee funds and valuables during admissions at an The OCIRC processing to the facility. of?cers verify funds IE processes the detainees' funds and valuables. wit f?cers present. This faci' rocesses the valuables with f?cers present. 5. For IGSAs and CDFs, Is the facility using a personal property inventory form that meets the ICE standard? 6. Staff give the detainee the original inventory form, This component is only required ?ling copies in the detainee?s detention ?le and the at an however, a personal property container. IE gopy its ?lefd in thje detainee's en Ion Ie an a copy IS enclosed with the property. 7. Staff forward an arriving detainee?s medicine to the All medicine is forward to the medical staff. facility medical unit. 8. Staff search arriving detainees and their personal property for contraband. 9. Property discrepancies are immediately reported to This component is only required the Chief of Security or equivalent. at an At this facility property discrepancies are reported to the facility lieutenant. 10. Staff follow written procedures when returning Policy 8008, Funds and Personal property to detainees. Property, addresses this issue. 11. facility procedures for handling detainee El property claims are similar to the ICE standard. 30 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5225 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 8. FUNDS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY This Detention Standard ensures that detainees? personal property is safeguarded and controlled, specifically including funds, valuables, baggage and other personnel property, and that contraband does not enter a detention facility. Standard NA: (IGSA ONLY) Check this box if all ICE detainee Funds, Valuables and Property are handled only by the ICE Field Office or Sub-Office in control of the detainee case. ?6 3 a 2 :5 Components i 'g 3 '2 Remarks :3 a) 12. The facility attempts to notify an out-processed detainee that he/she left property in the facility. 0 By sending written notice to the detainee's last known address; via certi?ed mail; The notice states that the detainee has 30 days in which to claim the property, after which it will be considered abandoned. 13. Staff obtain a forwarding address from each detainee. 14. It is standard procedure fqum? f?cers to be present This component is only required when removing/documenting he removal of funds IE at an Funds are from a detainee?s possession. processed at the OCIRC rather than at this facility. 15. Staff issue and maintain property receipts (G-5895) in This component is only required numerical order. at an The facility IE uses a chronologically- numbered booking property sheet rather than the G-589. 16. Staff complete and distribute the 6-589 in This component is only required accordance with the ICE standard. Cl IE at an and this facility does not use the 6-589. 17. The processing of?cer records each G-589 issuance This component is only required in a G-589 logbook. The record includes the initials El IE at an and this facility and star numbers of receipting of?cers. does not use the 6-589. 18. Staff tag large valuables with both a 6-589 and an I- This component is only required 77. at an This facility does not use the 6-589 or l-77 Forms, but rather attaches a copy of the booking property sheet to large valuables. 19. The supervisor verifies the accuracy of every G-589. This component is only required El IE at an and this facility does not use the 6-589. 20. The supervisor ensures that: petainee funds are, without exception, deposited This component is only required '"to the caSh boxv at an Funds are 0 Every property envelope is sealed. IE locked in a safe at the OCIRC All sealed property envelopes are placed in the safe. 0 Large, valuable property is kept in the secured locked area. and all property envelopes are sealed and placed in a secure area of this facility. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5224. (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 8. FUNDS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY This Detention Standard ensures that detainees? personal property is safeguarded and controlled, specifically including funds, valuables, baggage and other personnel property, and that contraband does not enter a detention facility. Standard NA: (IGSA ONLY) Check this box if all ICE detainee Funds, Valuables and Property are handled only by the ICE Field Office or Sub-Office in control of the detainee case. ?6 a (3 Components 1:3 3 'g Remarks :3 :3 o) 21. Staff tag every baggage/facility container with an l-77, This component is only required completed in accordance with the ICE standard. at an All property at this facility is tagged with a copy of the booking property sheet. 22. Staff secure every container used to store property This component is only required with a tamper-proof numbered strap. at Property1 enve opes or ags are eI er IE sealed using staples, or a heal- sealing process, and they have a chronologically-numbered booking sheet attached to them. 23. A logbook records detainee name, A- This component is only required number/detainee-number, baggage-check/ l-77 at an The facility number, security tie-strap number, property property records are maintained description, date issued and date returned. in the booking computer. 24. In SPCs, the Supervisory Immigration Enforcement This component is only required Agent, accompanied by a detention staff member at an The facility conducts a comprehensive weekly audit. conducts quarterly audits. 25. The Facility Administrator has established quarterly This component is only required audits of baggage and non-valuable property as at an The facility facility policy, the audits occur each quarter and does quarterly audits and they audits are veri?ed and entered in the log. are logged into a computer. 26. The facility positively identifies every detainee being This component is only required released or transferred. at an At this facility, staff uses fingerprints, module- El E1 IE card photographs and asks the detainees questions regarding personal information from their records. 27. Staff routinely inform supervisors of lost/damaged Although not applicable to property claims. Claims are properly investigated and IGSAs, the facility deputies missing or damaged property claim reports are ?led. XI report property claims to the sergeant. All property claims are investigated and reports maintained. 28. Every lost/damaged property report completed in This component is only required accordance with the ICE standard on an l-387 (or at an The facility equivalent). The Facility Administrator receives a El IE uses a VCF-15, County Claims copy and staff place the original in the detainee's A- Form, for lost Idamaged ?le, retaining a copy in the detainee?s detention ?le. property. PART 2 - 8. FUNDS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard MIA I:lRepeat Finding 32 10R JAL U51: UNL) (LA ENFURLW) MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): The facility meets the requirements of the standard. (b)(6), (b)(7)c / November 4, 2010 REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004223 PART 2 9. HOLD ROOMS IN DETENTION FACILITIES This Detention Standard ensures the safety, security, and comfort of detainees tem porarily held in Hold Rooms pending further processing. The maximum aggregate time an individual may be con?ned in a facility?s Hold Room is 12 hours. ?6 '2 3 2 Components 3; a: '2 Remarks The hold room is situated in a location within the This component is only required secure perimeter. at an however, all hold rooms at this facility are located within the secure perimeter. 2. The hold rooms are clean, in good repair, well The facility is in compliance with ventilated, well lit, and all activating switches located this entire component, although outside the room. the latter portion (regarding ?well El ventilated, well lit, and all activating switches being located outside the room') is not required at an IGSA facility. 3. The hold rooms contain suf?cient seating for the This component is only required number of detainees held. at an however, this facility is in compliance. 4. No bunks/cots/beds or other related make shift This component is only required sleeping apparatuses are permitted inside hold rooms. at an however, no bunks/cots/beds or other make- shift sleeping apparatuses are permitted inside the hold rooms at this facility. 5. Hold room walls and ceilings are escape and tamper This component is only required resistant. Cl at an however, the facility is in compliance. 6. Detainees are not held in hold rooms for more than 12 Staff and records indicated the hours. maximum processing time in hold cells is approximately 45-60 minutes. 7. Male and females detainees are segregated from IE This facility does not hold female each other at all times. detainees. 8. Detainees are provided with basic personal hygiene items such as water, soap, toilet paper, cups for water, feminine hygiene items, diapers and wipes. 9. If the hold room is not equipped with toilet facilities, an officer is posted within visual or audible range to allow I: I: detainees access to such on a regular basis. 10. All detainees are given a pat down search for weapons or contraband before being placed in the XI hold room. 34 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 9. HOLD ROOMS IN DETENTION FACILITIES This Detention Standard ensures the safety, security, and comfort of detainees tem porarin held in Hold Rooms pending further processing. The maximum aggregate time an individual may be con?ned in a facility?s Hold Room is 12 hours. a ?6 0-0 Components 3 5 Remarks ?2 853 11. When the last detainee has been removed, the hold room is inspected for the following: - Cleaning. - Evidence of tampering with doors, locks, '3 E, E, windows, grills, plumbing or electrical ?xtures is reported to the shift supervisor for corrective action or repair. 12. (MANDATORY) There is a written evacuation plan. This facility has a well written 0 There is a designated of?cer to remove detainees evaCPatw" plan' from the hold rooms in case of ?re and/or building El rTqu'r?led 3; all ffhc'l'tsy?g?e evacuation, or other emergency. 221:5: 5:32:12; ?fe mild room area should an emergency arise. . appropria emergency serwce is ca a imme ia no I ies 13A 't Stff' d'tl t'f immediately upon a determination that a medical medical personnel of any emergency exists. medical/mental health incident involving an ICE detainee. 14. Single occupant hold rooms contain a minimum of 37 square feet (7 unencumbered square feet for the Th. . I . detainee, 5 square feet for a combination '5 req?'re lavatory/toilet ?xture, and 25 square feet for a IE does "1683:2354: wh - . ee um aroun area) footage requirements for all hold - If multiple-occupant hold rooms are used, there . . . room cells. is an additional 7 unencumbered square feet for each additional detainee. 15. In SPCs designed after 1998 the hold rooms are equipped with stainless steel combination lavatory/toilet ?xtures with modesty panels. They Th are: is component is only required - Compliant with the American Disabilities Act. lg - Small hold rooms (1 to 14 detainees) have at requirements least one combo-unit. - Large hold rooms (15 to 49 detainees) are provided with at least two combo-units. 16. In SPCs desiqned after 1998 the hold rooms have This component is only required ?oor drain(s). I: I: for There are no ?oor drains in the hold rooms. 17. In SPCs desiqned after 1998, the door to the hold This component is only required room swings outward and the door complies with the at an however, hold speci?cations outlined in the standard. room doors do swing outwards. 18. Family units, persons of advanced age (over 70), There are nojuveniles or female females with children, and unaccompanied juvenile detainees at this facility. detainees (under the age of 18) are not placed in hold Persons of advanced age (over rooms. 70) are closely observed and their safety is a priority. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 9. HOLD ROOMS IN DETENTION FACILITIES This Detention Standard ensures the safety, security, and comfort of detainees tem porarily held in Hold Rooms pending further processing. The maximum aggregate time an individual may be con?ned in a facility?s Hold Room is 12 hours. a ?6 '2 (U 13 Components 0? 'g a, 8 'g 5 Remarks ?2 858 19. Minors (under 18) are confined apart from adults, Juveniles are not held at this except for immediate relatives or guardians. facility. 20. Each detention facility maintains a detention log A detention log is maintained on (manually or by computer) for each detainee placed in a computerized system and a hold cell. individual records are entered - The log includes the required information into the Sheriff's Data Sysfem- speci?ed in the standard. XI $322422uglfsot?ghrf?g'red 'bulleted' portion of the component is not applicable at an IGSA facility. 21. Officers provide a meal to any detainee detained in a hold room for more than six hours. Meals age Nowael?zi'f alldfeta'"ee - Juveniles, babies and pregnant women have missta him: T?is access to snacks, milk or not house juv?niles or female - Meal are served to juveniles regardless of time detainees. In custody 22. Any detainee with disabilities, including temporary disabilities, will be housed in a manner that provides [j [j for his or her safety and security. 23. The maximum occupancy for the hold room will be posted. El 24. Before placing a detainee in a room, an of?cer shall observe each individual to screen for obvious mental or physical problems. 25. 21220065 not permit detainees to smoke In a hold IE This is a smoke_free facility. 26. Officers closely supervise hold rooms through direct supervision, to ensure: - Continuous auditory monitoring, even when the hold room is not in the of?cer?s direct line of sight, and - Visual monitoring at irregular intervals at least every 15 minutes, each time recording in the El El detention log, the time and officer's printed name and any unusual behavior or complaints under ?Comments.? - Constant surveillance of any detainee exhibiting signs of hostility, depression, or similar behaviors. PART 2 9. HOLD ROOMS IN DETENTION FACILITIES Meets Standard I: Does Not Meet Standard I: NIA DRepeat Finding l: . . A 7 A MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA0303ODMQQA (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): The intake processing is completed at the OCIRC. Detainees are then moved to the Theo Lacey Facility for housing; therefore, the use of hold rooms for ICE detainees is limited at this facility. (b)(6), (b)(7)c / November 4, 2010 REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004227 PART 2 10. KEY AND LOCK CONTROL This Detention Standard maintains facility safety and security by requiring that keys and locks be properly controlled and maintained. '2 ?6 '2 3 ?1 Components 'g 8 'g Remarks 3?3 8 $3 1. The security or equivalent, has attended an This facility hasmtaff approved locksmith training program. Imelrnbezrs? :vho have attended a oc smi raining program: y: is a Certified Master and the other is a Journeyman Locksmith. 2. The security of?cer, or equivalent, has responsibility for all administrative duties and responsibilities relating to keys, locks etc. 3. The security of?cer, or equivalent, provides training to all employees in key and lock control. 4. The security of?cer, or equivalent, maintains The Fire/Life/Safety (FLS) inventories of all keys, locks and locking devices. Deputy is responsible for recording the keying systems for keys, locks, and locking devices. 5. The security of?cer follows a preventive maintenance Preventive maintenance is program and maintains all preventive maintenance assigned to the Research and documentation. [j [3 Development Facilities Operations staff throughout this complex. 6. Facility policies and procedures address the issue of compromised keys and locks. 7. The security of?cer, or equivalent, develops policy Safe combinations - changed and procedures to ensure safe combinations integn'ty. at least once eve onths and the FLS Deputy maintains all safe combinations. 8. Only dead bolt or dead lock functions are used in detainee accessible areas. 9. Non-authorized locks (as specified in the Detention Standard) are not used in detainee accessible areas. 10. The facility does not use grand master keying systems. XI 11. All worn or discarded keys and looks out up and properly disposed of. 12. Padlocks and/or chains are not used on cell doors. Padlocks are only used in the El PART 2 - 10. KEY AND LOCK CONTROL This Detention Standard maintains facility safety and security by requiring that keys and locks be properly controlled and maintained. '2 ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 13. The entrance/exit door locks to detainee living quarters, or areas with an occupant load of 50 or more people, conform to . Occupational Safety and Environmental Health I: I: are teSted by the Manual, Chapter 3 0 National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101. 14. The operational keyboard suf?cient to accommodate the all the facility key rings including keys in use is El CI located in a secure area. (mme 15. Procedures In place to ensure that key rings are: key rings are tamper proof IXI CI CI and have a metal tag identifying 0 Numbers of keys on the ring are cited? the key set number and number 0 Keys cannot be removed from issued key rings Of keys on the mg 16. Emergency keys are available for all areas of the facility. 17. The facility uses a key accountability system. Cl 18. Authorization is necessaryto issue any restricted key. Main Control Center personnel must receive authorization from a Sergeant or above to issue restricted keys. 19. Individual gun lockers are provided. 0 They are located in an area that permits constant All gun lockers are located in officer observation. El non-public areas and are under 0 In an area that does not allow detainee or public supew's'on- access. 20. The facility has a key accountability policy and There is a key accountability procedures to ensure key accountability. The keys policy. The requirement to count are physically counted daily. keys daily is not applicable at an El however, Main Control Center staff conducts audits for each key ring and all keys are counted daily on each shift. 21. All staff members are trained and held responsible for adhering to proper procedures for the handling of keys. 0 Issued keys are returned immediately in the event All staff at this facility is trained an employee inadvertently carries a key ring in the proper key handling home- Cl procedures. The 'bulleted' items 0 When a key or key ring is lost, misplaced, or not are not required @180 accounted for, the shift supervisor is immediately complles- noti?ed. 0 Detainees are not permitted to handle keys assigned to staff. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 10. KEY AND LOCK CONTROL This Detention Standard maintains facility safety and security by requiring that keys and locks be properly controlled and maintained. '2 ?6 19 a Components '3 '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 22. Locks and locking devices are continually inspected, Research and Development maintained, and inventoried. Facilities Staff are assigned this responsibility. 23. Each facility has the position of Security Of?cer. If not, a staff member appointed the collateral duties of security of?cer. 24. The designated key control of?cer is the only The component is only required employee who is authorized to add or remove a key l3 II at an however, this from a ring. facility is in compliance. 25. The splitting of key rings into separate rings is not This component is only required authorized. at an however, policy does not allow key rings to be split. PART 2 - 10. KEY AND LOCK CONTROL Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. All staff at this facility is acutely aware of the importance of key control and ensures a safe working environment by following a well-written facility policy. November 4, 2010 DATE 1: . . A 7 A MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5236 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 11. POPULATION COUNTS This Detention Standard protects the community from harm and enhances facility security, safety, and good order by requiring that each facility have an ongoing, effective system of population counts and detainee accountability. ?6 '2 3 Components '2 3 'g Remarks 2 8 a: 1. Staff conducts a formal count at least once each 8 hours (no less than three counts per day). At least one of these counts shall be a face to photo count. 2. Activities cease or are strictly controlled while a formal This is only required at an count is being conducted. I: IE however, all activities do cease during formal counts. 3. There is a system for counting each detainee, This component is only required including those who are outside the housing unit. IE at an however, they do have a system in place to count each detainee. 4. Formal counts in all units take place simultaneously. This component is only required IE at an however, all counts at the facility are conducted simultaneously. 5. Of?cers do not allow detainee participation in the This component is only required count. at an however, detainees are not allowed to participate in any count. 6. A face-to-photo count follows each unsuccessful This is only required at an recount. I: I: IE however, the facility complies. 7. Of?cers positively identify each detainee before This component is only required counting him/her as present. at an however, the facility is in compliance. 8. Written procedures cover informal and emergency counts. IE 9. The control officer (or other designated position) . . . maintains an ?out-count? record of all detainees The. serggfant '5 . .. aSSIgned thIs temporarily out of the 10. Security of?cers and any other staff with responsibilities for conducting counts are provided adequate initial and periodic training in count El procedures, and that training is documented in each person?s training folder. PART 2 11. POPULATION COUNTS IE Meets Standard El Does Not Meet Standard El NIA EIRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The team observed a facility count during the second day of the review and found the process to meet the standard. November 4 2010 DATE PART 2 12. POST ORDERS This Detention Standard protects detainees and staff and enhances facility security and good order by ensuring that each of?cer assigned to a security post knows the procedures, duties, and responsibilities of that post. ?6 '2 19 2 Components 3; a) '2 Remarks Every ?xed post has a set of Post Orders. 2. ln SPCs and CDFs, Post Orders are arranged in the This component is only required required six-part folder format. at an The facility IE IE does not have their post orders arranged in a six-part folder format. 3. Each set contains the latest inserts (emergency memoranda, etc.) and revisions. 4. One individual or department is responsible for keeping all Post Orders current with revisions that take place between reviews. The ICE Compliance Deputy is assigned this responsibility. 5. Review, updating, and reissuing of Post Orders occurs regularly and at least annually. 6. The facility administrator authorizes all Post Order EIE DD [1 DD [j changes. 7. The facility administrator has signed and dated the last This component is only required page of every section. IE at an however the Facility Commander signs and dates each post order. 8. A Post Orders master ?le is available to all staff. The post order master ?le is maintained in thel I of?ce. Staff can orders by accessing the Jail Operations Manual via the agency intranet. 9. Procedures keep Post Orders and logbooks secure from detainees at all times. 10. Copies of the applicable Post Orders are retained at the post only if secure from detainee access. 11. Supervisors ensure that of?cers understand the Post Orders, regardless of whether the assignment is II II temporary, permanent, or due to an emergency. 12. In SPCs and CDFs, each time an officer receives a This component is only required different post assignment, he or she is required to at an Staff at this read, sign, and date those Post Orders to indicate he facility is required to read, sign, or she has read and understands them. IE and date the post orders to indicate they have read and understand the post to which they are assigned. 13. Anyone assigned to an armed post quali?es with the post weapons before assuming post duty. PART 2 12. POST ORDERS This Detention Standard protects detainees and staff and enhances facility security and good order by ensuring that each of?cer assigned to a security post knows the procedures, duties, and responsibilities of that post. ?6 '2 19 a Components 0? 'g a, 8 'g Remarks ?2 858 14. Post Orders for armed posts, and for posts that control access to the institution perimeter, clearly state that: - Any staff member who is taken hostage is considered to be under duress, and - Any order issued by such a personl 15. Post Orders for armed posts provide instructions for escape attempts. 16. The Post Orders for housing units track the daily event This component is only required schedule. at an however, the housing unit post orders do track the daily event schedule. 17. Housing unit post of?cers record all detainee activity in This component is only required a log. The Post Orders include instructions on at an however, maintaining the logbook. housing unit post orders require I: I: officers to record all detainee activity and include guidance on how the logbook is to be completed. PART 2 12. POST ORDERS Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA :lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The post orders were well written and addressed all posts. The Central File copy is maintained in th ffice and all staff can also access the post orders on the agency's intranet. November 4, 2010 DATE MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 13. SEARCHES OF DETAINEES This Detention Standard protects detainees and staff and enhances facility security and good order by detecting, controlling, and properly disposing of contraband. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5234 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 1? ?6 '2 Components i '3 3 Remarks There are written policy and procedures governing Policy 8013, Searches of searches of housing areas, work areas and of Detainees, addresses detainees. IE procedures for searches of housing areas, work areas and of detainees. . Written policy and procedures require staff to employ the least intrusive method of body search practicable, Policy 8013 also addresses the as indicated by the type of contraband and the method requirements of this component. of suspected introduction or concealment. . Written policy and procedures require staff to avoid unnecessary force during searches and to preserve IE Policy 8013 also addresses the the dignity of the detainee being searched, to the requirements of this component. extent practicable. . Written policy and procedures require staff to leave a . searched housing area, work area and detainee property in its original order, to the extent practicable. Detainees are pat searched and screened by metal The facility has walk-through detectors routinely to control contraband. metal detectors leaving the barracks areas where the I: I: detainees are housed. The facility also uses hand-held metal detectors to randomly search detainees. Strip Searches are conducted only when there Is Policy 8013 addresses this reasonable belief or suspICIon that contraband may be A d. ff concealed on the person or a good opportunity for El compgnen ccor mg 0 a concealment has occurred and when properly no searCheS Of an ICE authorized by a supervisor. detainee have been conducted. Body cavity searches are conducted by designated Policy 8013 explains the health personnel only when authorized by the facility procedure for body cavity administrator (or acting administrator) on the basis of IE searches. According to facility reasonable belief or suspicion that contraband may be staff, no body cavity searches concealed in or on the detainee?s person. have been conducted on an ICE detainee. . ?Dry cells? are used for contraband detection only The detainee would be placed in when there is reasonable belief of concealment, with IE a dry cell and given a bed pan, proper authorization, and in accordance with required as well as constantly monitored procedures by staff. Contraband that may be evidence in connection with a Policy 8006, Contraband, violation of a criminal statute is preserved, inventoried, explains the procedure for controlled, and stored so as to maintain and document IE preserving, controlling, storing, the chain of custody. and maintaining a chain of custody of contraband that may be evidence. 44 PART 2 - 13. SEARCHES OF DETAINEES This Detention Standard protects detainees and staff and enhances facility security and good order by detecting, controlling, and properly disposing of contraband. ?6 '2 19 a Components '3 '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 10. Canines are not used in the presence of detainees The facility only uses canines to IE search areas from which detainees have been removed. PART 2 13. SEARCHES OF DETAINEES XI Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility meets the standard for Searches of Detainees. November4 2010 DATE PART 2? 14. SEXUAL ABUSE AND ASSAULT PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION This Detention Standard requires that facilities that house detainees af?rmativer act to prevent sexual abuse and assaults on detainees, provide prompt and effective intervention and treatment for victims of sexual abuse and assault, and control, discipline, and prosecute the perpetrators of sexual abuse and assault. ma Components 'g 'g Remarks (I (B 5 a a 1. The facility has a Sexual Abuse and Assault Policy 8014, Sexual Abuse and Prevention and Intervention Program. Assault Prevention and XI El Intervention, provides the authority for compliance with this component. 2. For SPCs and CDFs, the written policy and procedure This component is only required has been approved by the Field Office Director. at an The facility policy has not been approved by the Field Of?ce Director (FOD). 3. Tracking statistics and reports are readily available for This component is only required review by the inspectors. at an ICE detainees have only housed at the facility El IE for three months and staff is in the process of developing a system to track statistics and reports. 4. All staff are trained, during orientation and in annual Policy 8014.5, Staff Training, refresher training, in the prevention and intervention provides the administrative areas required by the Detention Standard. compliance for this component. In practice, training is provided during new-employee orientation and annually thereafter. 5. Detainees are informed about the program in facility Policy 8014 addresses orientation and the detainee handbook (or equivalent). component requirements. 6. The Sexual Assault Awareness Notice is posted on all Policy 8014 addresses housing unit bulletin boards. component requirements. 7. The Sexual Assault Awareness Information brochure This component is only required is available for detainees. (Required in SPCs and at an The facility is currently not providing the brochure. 8. Detainees are screened upon arrival for ?high risk? Policy 8014 addresses this sexual assaultive and sexual victimization potential component and practice and housed and counseled accordingly. indicates detainees are interviewed and classi?ed prior to housing. 9. All incidents of sexual abuse or assault by a detainee There is a mechanism in place on a detainee have been documented in the past year. to document incidents. ICE detainees have only been on-site three months and there have been no incidents to date. 10. All incidents or allegations of sexual abuse or assault There is a mechanism in place by staff on a detainee have been documented in the to document incidents. ICE past year. detainees have only been on-site three months and there have been no incidents to date. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2? 14. SEXUAL ABUSE AND ASSAULT PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION This Detention Standard requires that facilities that house detainees af?rmativer act to prevent sexual abuse and assaults on detainees, provide prompt and effective intervention and treatment for victims of sexual abuse and assault, and control, discipline, and prosecute the perpetrators of sexual abuse and assault. ?6 '2 18 a a Components 3 '2 a '2 Remarks 2 8 2 tn 11. There is prompt and effective intervention when any Policy 8014 provides the detainee is sexually abused or assaulted and policy authority for compliance with this and procedures for required chain-of-command component. To date, there have been no incidents to test the promptness and effectiveness of an intervention. reporting. 12. When there is an alleged sexual assault, staff conduct a thorough investigation, gather and maintain evidence, and make referrals to appropriate law enforcement agencies for possible prosecution. Facility policy is in place; however, to date, there have been no incidents. 13. When there is an alleged or proven sexual assault, the Facility policy is in place; required noti?cations are made. I: I: however, to date, there have been no incidents. 14. Victims of sexual abuse or assault are referred to Facility policy is in place; specialized community resources for treatment and however, to date, there have gathering of evidence. been no incidents. 15. All records associated with claims of sexual abuse or Facility policy is in place; assault is maintained, and such incidents are IE however, ICE detainees have speci?cally logged and tracked by a designated staff only been on-site three months, coordinator. and no incidents have occurred. SEXUAL ABUSE AND ASSAULT PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA :lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. It is determined the facility is in compliance with the standard based on: a review of policy and procedures; training curriculum and ?les; and interviews with medical, mental health and security staff. I INovember 4, 2010 DATE I . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 - 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and a Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. ?5 '2 3 2 ?3 Components 'g 3 '3 1? Remarks 2 8 ?3 to tn 1. Written policy and procedures are in place for special Written policy clearly addresses management units. XI the placement of detainees in the SMU. 2. A detainee is placed in protective custody status in Administrative Segregation only when there is documentation that it is warranted and that no reasonable alternatives are available. 3. A detainee will be placed in Disciplinary Segregation only after a ?nding by a Disciplinary Hearing Panel that the detainee is guilty of a prohibited act or rule violation classi?ed at a ?Greatest?, ?High?, or ?High- Moderate? level, as defined in the Detention Standard on Disciplinary System. 4. (MANDATORY) Health care personnel are immediatelyinforrned whenadetainee is admitted to an SMU to provide assessment and review as indicated by health care protocols. Health care staff is immediately noti?ed any time an ICE detainee is placed in the SMU. 5. There are written policy and procedures to control and secure SMU entrances, contraband, tools, and food carts, in accordance with the Detention Standard on Facility Security and Control. 6. The number of detainees con?ned to each cell or room does not exceed the capacity for which it was designed. There is only one detainee per cell in the SMU. 7. Cells and rooms are well ventilated, adequately lit, appropriately heated and maintained in a sanitary II II condition at all times. 8. Permanent housing logs are maintained in SMUs to record pertinent information on detainees upon admission to and release from the unit, and in which supervisory staff and other officials record their visits to the unit. 9. A permanent log is maintained in each SMU to record all activities concerning SMU detainees (meals Permanent iogs are maintained sewed, recreation, visitors, etc.). regarding SMU detainees_ The In SPCs and CDFs, the SMU log records the detailed listing of items to be detainee's name, A-number, housing location, date malntalned IS not an IGSA admitted, reasons for admission, tentative release TeqUirement; howeVer, the date for detainees in Disciplinary Segregation, the faCimY records this information- authorizing of?cial, and date released. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5236 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and a Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA Remarks 10. In SPCs and CDFs, a separate log is maintained in the SMU that all persons visiting the unit must sign and record: - The time and date of the visit, and - Any unusual activity or behavior of an individual detainee, with a follow-up memorandum sent through the facility administrator to the detainee's ?le. The component is only required at an however, this facility is in compliance with the requirements. 11. A Special Management Housing Unit Record is maintained on each detainee in an SMU: - In SPCs form l-888 (Special Management Housing Unit Record) is prepared immediately upon the detainee's placement in the SMU. - In CDFs and IGSA facilities form l-888 or a comparable form is used. In SPCs and CDFs: - By the end of each shift, the special housing unit officer records: 0 Whether the detainee ate, showered, exercised, and took any medication, and 0 Any additional information, for example, if the detainee has a medical condition, has exhibited suicidal or assaultive behavior, etc. - When a health care provider visits an SMU detainee, he or she signs that individual?s record, and the housing of?cer initials the record after all medical visits are completed and no later than the end of the shift. An equivalent form is used at this facility instead of the Form I- 888. The list of speci?c items to be documented is not required at an IGSA facility; however, these items are all documented at this facility. 12. Upon a detainee?s release from the SMU, the releasing of?cer attaches the entire housing unit record to the Administrative Segregation Order or Disciplinary Segregation Order and forwards it to the Supervisor for inclusion in the detainee?s detention ?le. This component is only required at an however, the facility does comply. 13. There are written policy and procedures concerning the property detainees may retain in each type of segregation. 14. There are written policy and procedures concerning privileges detainees may have in each type of segregation. (In Administrative Segregation, detainees generally receive the same general privileges as detainees in the general population, as is consistent with available resources and safety and security considerations.) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5239 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and a Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. '5 .. a Components 8 'g 'g 2 Remarks 5 3 15. Detainees in Administrative Segregation are provided opportunities to spend time outside their cells (over Detainee ri ms and and above the required recreation periods), for such XI res onsibilgies while in the SMU activities as socializing, watching TV, and playing arepoutlined in facility olic board games and may be assigned to work details y' (for example, as orderlies in the SMU). 16. Detainees in SMUs are personally observed at least every 30 minutes in an irregular schedule and more often when warranted for some cases (violent, mentally disordered, bizarre behavior, suicidal). 17. The shift supervisor sees each segregated detainee daily, including weekends and holidays. 18. The facility administrator (or designee) visits each SMU daily. 19. A health care provider visits every detainee in an SMU at least three times a week, and detainees are . . provided any medications prescribed for them. In SPCs and CDFs, a nurse, doctor or other healthcare staff is rgquired'to appropriate health care professional visits the SMU at El make daily visits to detainees in least once each workday and questions each . . . . the SMU, as well as meet all detainee to Identify any medical problems or other component items that are requests. Any action taken is documented in a -- separate logbook, and the medical IS recorded on the detainee?s SMU Housing Record (Form l-888). 20. Detainees in SMUs are provided three nutritionally Detainees receive the same adequate meals per day, ordinarily from the general Cl meals as those in general population menu. population. 21. Detainees in SMUs may shave and shower three times weekly and receive other basic services IE (laundry, hair care, barbering, clothing, bedding, linen) on the same basis as the general population. 22. Only for documented medical or mental health reasons are detainees denied such items as clothing, mattress, bedding, linens, or a pillow. If a detainee is It is noted that should anyone so disturbed that he or she is likely to destroy clothing meet the criteria, they are or bedding or create a disturbance risking harm to transferred to the OCIRC for self or others, the medical department is noti?ed mental health treatment. immediately and a regimen of treatment and control instituted by the medical of?cer. 23. Detainees in an SMU may write and receive letters the same as the general population. 24. Detainees in an SMU ordinarily retain visiting Public visits are not allowed privileges. while in disciplinary segregation status. 50 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5246 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and a Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. .. Components '2 Remarks 2 2 8 2 25. Adequate documentation was generated for any restricted or disallowed general visits for a detainee in an SMU who violated visiting rules or whose behavior XI indicated the detainee would be a threat to the security or good order of the visiting room in the past year. 26. Adequate documentation was generated, for any restricted or disallowed general visitation for a detainee in Administrative Segregation status because the detainee was charged with, or committed, a prohibited act having to do with visiting guidelines or otherwise acted in a way that indicated the detainee would be a threat to the orderly operation or security of the visiting room in the past year. 27. Under no circumstances is a detainee permitted to participate in general visitation while in restraints. 28. In SPCs and CDFs, detainees in protective custody This component is only required and violent and disruptive detainees are not permitted at an The facility to use the visitation room during normal visitation does not allow detainees in hours. [l IE protective custody and violent/disruptive detainees to use the visiting room during normal visiting hours. 29. In SPCs and CDFs, violent and disruptive detainees This component is only required are limited to non-contact visits and, in extreme at an Violent and cases, not permitted to visit. disruptive detainees are limited to non-contact visits and in certain circumstances may not be permitted to visit at this facility. 30. Ordinarily, detainees in SMUs are not denied legal visitation. 31. There are policy and procedures for a situation where Although this facility does not special security precautions for legal visitation have to currently inform legal advisors if be implemented and for advising legal service El IE El there are special security needs providers and assistants prior to their visits. when visiting their clients, they indicate they will be changing their position on this topic. 32. Detainees in SMUs are allowed visits by members of Although SMU detainees are not the clergy, upon request; unless it is determined a allowed to attend group religious visit presents a risk to safety, security, or orderly services, religious services staff operations. do visit detainees while in the SMU. PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and a Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. Components Remarks Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA 33. Detainees in SMUs have access to reading materials, including religious materials. In SPCs and CDFs, the Recreation Specialist offers each detainee soft- XI bound, non-legal books on a rotating basis, provided no detainee has more than two books (excluding religious material) at any one time. 34. Detainees in SMUs have access to legal materials, in accordance with the Detention Standard on Law Libraries and Legal Material. Detainees are permitted to retain a reasonable amount of personal legal material in the SMU, provided it does not create a safety, security and/or sanitation hazard. Detainee requests for access to legal material in their personal property are accommodated as soon as possible and always within 24 hours of a detainee?s request. 35. Detainees in Administrative Segregation or Disciplinary Segregation have the same law library access as the general population, unless compelling II II and documented security concerns require limitations. 36. Policy and procedures provide for legal material to be brought to individuals in Disciplinary Segregation II II under certain circumstances. 37. Any denial of access to the law library is always: - Supported by compelling security concerns, - For the shortest period required for security, and IE - Fully documented in the SMU housing logbook. - is noti?ed every time law library access is denied. 38. Recreation for detainees in the SMU is separate from El the general population. 39. The facility has policy and procedures to ensure detainees who must be kept apart never par?cipate in activities in the same location at the same time. (For El example, recreation for detainees in protective custody is separated from other detainees.) 40. Detainees in the SMU are offered at least one hour of recreation per day, scheduled at a reasonable time, SMU detainees are permitted at at least ?ve days per week. Where cover is not El least one hour of recreation per provided to mitigate inclement weather, detainees are day, five days per week. provided weather-appropriate equipment and attire. I . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and 3 Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. Components Remarks Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA 41. The recreation privilege is denied or suspended only if it would unreasonably endanger safety or security. Ordinarily, a detainee is denied recreation privileges only with the facility administrator?s written authorization that documents why the detainee poses an unreasonable risk even when recreating alone. For an immediate safety or security situation, the shift supervisor may verbally authorize denial of an instance of recreation. When a detainee in an SMU is deprived of recreation (or any usual authorized items or activity), a report of the action is forwarded to the facility administrator. 42. The case of a detainee denied recreation privileges is reviewed at least once each week, as part of the reviews required for all detainees in SMU status. The reviewer documents whether the detainee continues to pose a threat to self, others, or facility security and, if so, why. 43. Denial of recreation privileges for more than 15 days requires the concurrence of the facility administrator Facimy poncy requires the and the health authority. It is expected that such Compnance Sergeant to notify denials shall rarely occur, and only in extreme ICE staff when a detainee is Circumstances. denied recreation privileges in The facility noti?es when a detainee is excess 0f seven days- denied recreation privileges for more than 15 days. 44. Ordinarily, detainees in Administrative Segregation have telephone access similar to detainees in the general population, in a manner consistent with the special security and safety requirements of an SMU. Detainees in Disciplinary Segregation may be restricted from using telephones to make general calls as part of the disciplinary process; however, ordinarily, they are permitted to make direct and/or free and legal calls as described in the Detention Standard on Telephone Access, except for compelling and documented reasons of safety, security, and good order. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and 3 Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. Components Remarks Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA 45. Ordinarily, a written order is completed and approved by a supervisor before a detainee is placed in Administrative Segregation. If exigent circumstances make that impracticable, the order is prepared as soon as possible. A copy of the order is given to the detainee within 24 hours, unless delivery would jeopardize the safety, security, or orderly operation of the facility. If the segregation is for protective custody, the order states whether the detainee requested the segregation and whether the detainee requests a heanng. The order remains on ?le in the SMU until the detainee is released from the SMU, atwhich point the releasing of?cer records the date and time of release on the order and forwards it to the chief of security or supervisor for the detainee?s detention file. (An Administrative Segregation Order is not required for a detainee awaiting removal, release, or transfer within 24 hours.) 46. There are implemented written procedures for the regular review of all detainees in Administrative Segregation. A supervisor conducts a review within 72 hours of the detainee?s placement in Administrative Segregation to determine whether segregation is still warranted. The review includes an interview with the detainee, and a written record is made of the decision and the justi?cation. In SPCs and CDFs, the Administrative Segregation Review Form (l-885) is used. If a detainee is segregated for the detainee's Facility policy clearly outlines protection, but not at the detainee's request, supervisory roles regarding continued detention requires the authorizing signature I: I: timelines for all detainees of the facility administrator or assistant facility housed in administrative administrator on the I-885. segregation. When a detainee has spent seven days in Administrative Segregation, and every week thereafter for the ?rst 60 days and at least every 30 days thereafter, a supervisor conducts a similar review, including an interview with the detainee, and documents the decision and justi?cation. A reviewing authority who concludes a detainee should be removed from Administrative Segregation, submits that recommendation to the facility administrator (or designee) for approval. 7 . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and a Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA Remarks 47. A copy of the decision and justi?cation for each review is given to the detainee, unless, in exceptional circumstances, this provision would jeopardize security. The detainee is given an opportunity to appeal a review decision to a higher authority within the facility. This facility does not currently provide the detainee a copy of the justi?cation for placement in either administrative or disciplinary segregation status. However, staff indicated during the review they plan to comply with this component in the future. They do, however, permit a detainee to appeal his placement in either status. 48. After seven consecutive days in Administrative Segregation, the detainee may exercise the right to appeal to the facility administrator the conclusions and recommendations of any review conducted. The detainee may use any standard form of written communication (for example, detainee request form), to ?le the appeal. 49. If a detainee has been in Administrative Segregation for more than 30 days and objects to this status, the facility administrator reviews the case to determine whether that status should continue, taking into account the views of the detainee. A written record is made of the decision and the justi?cation. A similar review is done every 30 days thereafter. Facility policy makes noti?cation to the FOD if a detainee?s stay in administrative segregation status exceeds 30 days. 50. When a detainee has been held in Administrative Segregation for more than 30 days, the facility administrator noti?es the Field Of?ce Director, who notifies the Deputy Assistant Director, Detention Management Division. 51. When a detainee is held in Administrative Segregation for more than 60 days, the Field Of?ce Director noti?es, in writing, the Deputy Assistant Director, Detention Management Division, for consideration of whether it would be appropriate to transfer the detainee to a facility where he or she may be placed in the general population. 52. A detainee is placed in Disciplinary Segregation only by order of the Institutional Disciplinary Panel (IDP), or equivalent, after a hearing in which the detainee has been found guilty of a prohibited act. The maximum of a 60 day sanction in Disciplinary Segregation for a violation associated with a single incident. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5245 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 kl] PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and the community from harm by segregating certain detainees from the general population in Special Management Units (SMUs) with an Administrative Segregation section for detainees segregated for administrative reasons and a Disciplinary Segregation section for detainees segregated for disciplinary reasons. Components Remarks Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA 53. After the ?rst 30 days in Disciplinary Segregation, the facility administrator sends a written justi?cation to the Field Of?ce Director, who may decide to transfer the detainee to a facility where he or she could be placed in the general population. 54. Before a detainee is placed in Disciplinary Segregation, a written order is completed and signed by the chair of the IDP (or equivalent). A copy is given to the detainee within 24 hours (unless delivery would jeopardize safety, security, or the orderly operation of the facility). The IDP chairman (or equivalent) prepares the Disciplinary Segregation Order (l-883 or equivalent), detailing the reasons for Disciplinary Segregation and attaching all relevant documentation. When the detainee is released from the SMU, the releasing of?cer records the date and time of release on the Disciplinary Segregation Order, and forwards the completed order to the chief of security or supervisor for insertion into the detainee?s detention ?le. 55. The facility has implemented written procedures for the regular review of all Disciplinary Segregation cases. A supervisor interviews and reviews the status of each detainee in Disciplinary Segregation every seven days and documents his or her findings on a Disciplinary Segregation Review Form (l-887). At each formal review, the detainee is to be given a written copy of the reviewing officer?s decision and the basis for this ?nding, unless institutional security I: I: would be compromised. The reviewer may recommend the detainee?s early release upon ?nding that Disciplinary Segregation is no longer necessary to regulate the detainee?s behavior. Early release and return to the general population requires approval of the facility administrator. All review documents are placed in the detainee's detention ?le. PART 2 15. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNITS IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA :lRepeat Finding MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): The SMU was a small area containing eight single cells and served as both the administrative and disciplinary segregation area for ICE detainees. There were two 'non-compliant' components; however, staff indicate they intend to meet these requirements in the future. / November 4, 2010 REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE (b)(6), (b)(7)c 57 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004247 PART 2 16. STAFF-DETAINEE COMMUNICATION This Detention Standard enhances security, safety, and orderty facility operations by encouraging and requiring informal direct and written contact among staff and detainees, as well as informal supervisory observation of living and working conditions. It also requires the posting of Hotline informational posters from the Department of Homeland Security Of?ce of the Inspector General. ?6 .. a 2 a Components 1:3 3 'g 5 Remarks :3 8 5 tn 1. The Field Office Director ensures that On site ICE staff at the facility weekly announced and unannounced visits occur. El conducts weekly announced and unannounced visits. 2. Detention Staff and Deportation Staff conduct Detention and deportation staff scheduled weekly visits with detainees. 11 conduct and document daily visits with ICE detainees. 3. Scheduled visits are posted in detainee Scheduled visits are posted in housing areas. IE the A and barracks where detainees are housed. 4. Visiting ICE staff observe and note current climate and conditions of confinement. 5. Detainee Request Forms are available for Request forms are available in use by detainees. the detainee housing areas. 6. The facility treats detainee correspondence to staff as Special Correspondence. 7. A secure box is located in an accessible location for IE detainee?s to place their Detainee Request Forms. 8. Only ICE staff are able to retrieve the contents of the IE El secure box containing Detainee Request Forms, 9. staff respond to a detainee request from a staff responds to facility within 72 hours and document the response in detainee requests within 24 a log. hours and documents the response in a log. 10. detainees are noti?ed in writing upon admission to the facility of their right to correspond IE with staff regarding their case or conditions of confinement. 11. OIG Hotline Informational Posters are mounted in all appropriate common areas (recreation, dining, etc.) El and, in SPCs and CDFs, in all housing areas. 12. Daily telephone serviceability checks are documented IE in the housing unit logbook. PART 2 - 16. STAFF-DETAINEE COMMUNICATION Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA DRepeat Finding MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): / November 4, 2010 (b)(6), (b)(7)c REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004249 PART 2-17. TOOL CONTROL This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, and volunteers from harm and contributes to orderly facility operations by maintaining control of tools, culinary utensils, and medical and dental instruments, equipment, and supplies. 3 .. 2 ?1 Components 3; '2 Remarks 2 :3 8 2 a) (MANDATORY) There is an individual who is The Administrative Lieutenant is responsible for developing a tool control procedure the person responsible for and an inspection system to insure accountability. implementing the tool policy at this facility. If the warehouse is located outside the secure This component is only required perimeter, the warehouse receives all tool deliveries. at an The warehouse If the warehouse is located inside the secure '3 lecated OUts'de the secure perimeter the facility administrator shall develop site- pehmeter and fece'Ves specific procedures, for example; storing tools at the IE warehouse deI'Ver'es- Heweverv rear sally port until picked up and receipted by the the room '5 located W'th'h tool control officer. The tool control officer the Seeure Per'meter and the immediately places certain tools (band saw blades, Adm_'h'5trat've L'eUtehaht ?les and all restricted tools) in secure storage. Fei?'vfs 10?15 and secures them In 00 room. (MANDATORY) The use of tools, keys, medical The procedures for maintaining equipment, and culinary equipment is controlled. tools, keys, medical equipment, and culinary equipment within the medical and food service departments were ef?cient and controlled. A metal or plastic chit is taken in exchange for all tools This component is only required issued, and when a tool is issued from a shadow at an however, this board the receipt chit shall be visible on the shadow facility does require their board. maintenance foreman to use a metal chit when checking out tools. Tool inventories are required for: Faculty Maintenance Department Facility policy clearly identi?es MedicaI Department each department responsible for . tool inventories and whether the . sen/Ice Department are done on a daily weekly E'eCtroniCS Shop quarterly, or annual 0 Recreation Department 13355- 0 Armory Tool Inventories are conspicuously posted on all tool This component is only required boards, tool boxes and tool kits. at an however, tool l:l inventories are conspicuously posted on all tool boards, kits, or carts. The facility has a policy for the regular inventory of all tools. 0 The policy sets minimum time lines for physical inventory and all necessary documentation. 0 ICE facilities use AMIS bar code labels when required. 60 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5256 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2-17. TOOL CONTROL This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, and volunteers from harm and contributes to orderly facility operations by maintaining control of tools, culinary utensils, and medical and dental instruments, equipment, and suppliesComponents 8 '2 Remarks 2 2 8 (D (D 8. The facility has a tool classi?cation system. Tools are This facility has a tool classified according to: classi?cation system; and tr- In although not required at an es lc angerous azar Gus) IGSA, their tools are classified 0 Non Restricted (non-hazardous). as -restricted- and vnon_ restricted.? 9. Department heads are responsible for implementing This component is only required proper tool control procedures as described in the at an however, standard. Cl IX department heads are responsible for implementing tool control procedures. 10. There are policies and procedures in place to ensure that all tools are properly marked and readily togls ate marked/awed for identi?able. easy Identi?cation. 11. The facility has an approved tool storage system. There is an approved tool 0 The system ensures that all stored tools are Storage SYStem and 3" accountable accounted for on a daily ba5is. Frequently-used tools are stored 0 Tools are stored on shadow boards in which the the same for every maintenance Shadows resemble the too" foreman and this facility uses a 0 Shadow boards have a white background. El El combination of shadow boards 0 Restricted tools are shadowed in red. W'th OUtI'nes that resemb'e the tool stored on the board. The Non-restricted tools are shadowed in black. Mack, red and white Shadow . Commonly used tools (tools that can be mounted) board system is not required at are stored in such a way that missing tools are an IGSA, and this facility does readily noticed. not use that system. 12. Tools removed from service have their shadows This component is only required removed from shadow boards. at an and tools removed from service do not have their shadows removed 13. Tools not adaptable to a shadow board are stored in a This component is only required locked drawer or cabinet. at an however, the facility complies. 14. Sterile packs are stored under lock and key. This component is only required Cl at an however, the facility complies. 15. Each facility has procedures for the issuance of tools IE to staff and detainees. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2-17. TOOL CONTROL This Detention Standard protects detainees, staff, contractors, and volunteers from harm and contributes to orderly facility operations by maintaining control of tools, culinary utensils, and medical and dental instruments, equipment, and supplies. a ?5 '2 2 ?3 Components 8 '2 5 Remarks 2 :3 8 a) 16. There are policies and procedures to address the issue of lost tools. The policy and procedures include: Facility policy speci?cally - - - addresses what staff ?5 ex ected . verbal and wrmen non?catlon' to do if a tool under their 0 Procedures for detainee access. is lost 0 Necessary documentation/review for all incidents of lost tools. 17. Broken or worn out tools are surveyed and disposed of in an appropriate and secure manner. 18. All private or contract repairs and maintenance workers under contract with ICE, or other visitors, submit an inventory of all tools prior to admittance into or departure from the facility. The inventory is reviewed and verified prior to the contractor entering/departing the facility. 19. Hoses longer than three feet in length are classi?ed The component is only required as a restricted tool. at an however, hoses El IE longer than three feet are classi?ed as restricted tools at this facility. 20. Scissors used for in-processing detainees are This component is only required tethered to the furniture table, counter, etc.) at an This facility where they are used. does not use scissors during the in-processing of detainees. PART 2-17. TOOL CONTROL Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard MIA I:lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility tool control policy was comprehensive and well written. This reviewer found the Administrative Lieutenant to be very knowledgeable and conscientious with regard to implementation of tool control. November 4 2010 EVIEWER DATE 1: . . A 7 A MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 2 18. USE OF FORCE AND RESTRAINTS This Detention Standard authorizes staff to use necessary physical force, after all reasonable efforts to otherwise resolve a situation have failed, and only for protection of self, detainees, or others, for prevention of escape or serious property damage, or to maintain the security and orderly operation of the facility. a? 2 Components '2 Remarks 2 :3 8 a) (MANDATORY) The facility has a Use of Force This facility hasavery thorough Policy. UOF policy. Written policy authorizes staff to respond in an immediate-use-of-force situation without a supervisor?s presence or direction. When the detainee is in an area that is or can be isolated a locked cell, a range), posing no direct threat to the detainee or others, policy requires that staff must try to resolve the situation without resorting to force. Written policy asserts that calculated rather than Facility policy refers to this as immediate use of force is feasible in most cases. "calculated extraction." The facility subscribes to the prescribed The words "confrontation Confrontation Avoidance Procedures. avoidance" were not speci?cally Ranking detention of?cial, health professional, and referenqed "1 pOI'cy; howeverz others confer before every calculated use of force. tgalz?ng planlfor ainees ear encourages the use of interpersonal communication skills and "talking" the detainee down. The words "confrontation avoidance" were added to the policy and training manual prior to the end of the review. When a detainee must be forcibly moved and/or 1 restrained and there is time for a calculated use of . force, staff uses the Use-of?Force Team Technique. '5 used for ?1'5 0 Under staff supervision. Staff members are trained in the performance of the Use-of-Force Team Technique. All use-of-force incidents are documented and reviewed. All use of force incidents are properly documented and forwarded for review use of force documentation at a minimum, shall include the medical examination through the conclusion of the incident. All calculated uses of force incidents must be audio visually XI recorded in its entirety from the beginning of the incident to its conclusion. Any breaks in recording, dead batteries, tape exhausted, are fully explained on the video. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5256 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 (b)(7)e (b)(7)e (b)(7)e (b)(7)e (b)(7)e (b)(7)e (b)(7)e (b)(7)e MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004254 PART 2 - 18. USE OF FORCE AND RESTRAINTS This Detention Standard authorizes staff to use necessary physical force, after all reasonable efforts to otherwise resolve a situation have failed, and only for protection of self, detainees, or others, for prevention of escape or serious property damage, or to maintain the security and orderly operation of the facility. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA Remarks 17. When the Facility Administrator authorizes use of non-lethal weapons: 0 Medical staff is consulted before staff use pepper spray/non-lethal weapons. 0 Medical staff reviews the detainee's medical ?le before use of a non-lethal weapon is authorized. 18. Intermediate Force Weapons, when not in use are stored in areas where access is limited to authorized personnel and to which detainees have no access. 19. If Intermediate Force Weapons are stored in the Special Management Unit (SMU), they are stored and maintained the same as Class tools. No intermediate force weapons are stored in the SMU. 20. Special precautions are taken when restraining pregnant detainees. - Medical personnel are consulted 21. Protective gear is worn when restraining detainees with open cuts or wounds. 22. Staff documents every use of force, including what type of restraints was used during the incident. 23. It is standard practice to review any use of force and the non-routine application of restraints. UOF incidents are reviewed by the Watch Commander and forwarded to the Facility Commander. 24. All of?cers receive training in self-defense, confrontation-avoidance techniques and the use of force to control detainees. Specialized training is given to of?cers ensuring they are certified in all devices approved for use. This training is conducted during the Basic Academy and Correctional Of?cer Core Course. 25. All staff authorized to use ieceive training not only in its use, but also in the decontamination of individuals exposed to it. This training must be documented in the staff training record. Only sworn person trained canines is restricted to contraband detection purposes only. 27. The of?cers are thoroughly trained in the use of soft and hard restraints. 28. In SPCs the Use of Force form is used. In other facilities (IGSAs CDFs) this form or its equivalent is used. The facility uses an equivalent UOF Form. PART 2 18. USE OF FORCE AND RESTRAINTS Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): There was one UOF incident during the past year which involved a non-ICE detainee. (b)(7)e is employed at this facility. (b)(7)e use is addressed in the UOF policy; however, their use is not The prohibited on ICE detainees. Staff informed this reviewer they would not be used on an ICE detainee. This facility also has a canine unit to be used only for contraband/drug detection. If used in an ICE detainee housing area, all detainees would be removed prior to the dogs entering the unit. / November 4, 2010 REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE (b)(6), (b)(7)c 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004256 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Section III ORDER 19 Disciplinary System 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004257 PART 3 19. DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM This Detention Standard promotes a safe and orderly living environment for detainees by expecting detainees to comply with facility rules and regulations and imposing disciplinary sanctions to control the behavior of those who do not. '5 .. 2 ?1 Components 3 3 Remarks :3 858 a) 1. The facility has a written disciplinary system using progressive levels of reviews and appeals. 2. The facility rules state that disciplinary action shall not be capricious or retaliatory. 3. Written rules prohibit staff from imposing or permitting the following sanctions: corporal punishment 0 deviations from normal food service Clothing depriVation This information is in the bedding deprivation detainee handbook and is posted in all housing units. 0 denial of personal hygiene items 0 loss of correspondence privileges deprivation of legal access and legal materials 0 deprivation of physical exercise 4. The rules of conduct, sanctions, and procedures for violations are de?ned in writing and communicated to all detainees verbally and in writing. 5. The following items are conspicuously posted in Spanish and English or other dominate languages used in the facility: The rights and responsibilities, - Ri and Res onsibilities Pr?hibited acts, d?SCiP'maW . II II severity scale, and sanctions are 0 Prohibited Acts all posted in the housing units in . Disciplinary Severity Scale both Spanish and English. 0 Sanctions 6. When minor rule violations or prohibited acts occur, informal resolutions are encouraged. XI 7. Incident Reports and Notice of Charges are The component is only required forwarded to the designated supervisor. at an however, this facility does forward incident reports and notice of charges to the designated supervisor. 8. Incident Reports are investigated within 24 hours of the incident. The Unit Disciplinary Committee (UDC) or equivalent does not convene before investigations end. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5256 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 3 19. DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM This Detention Standard promotes a safe and orderly living environment for detainees by expecting detainees to comply with facility rules and regulations and imposing disciplinary sanctions to control the behavior of those who do not. '6 .. a a Components 8 '2 Remarks 2 8 o) 9. An intermediate disciplinary process is used to adjudicate minor infractions. El 10. A disciplinary panel (or equivalent in IGSAs) adjudicates infractions. The panel: 0 Conducts hearings on all charges and allegations referred by the UDC Considers written reports, statements, physical evidence, and oral testimony Hears pleadings by detainee and staff representative 0 Bases its ?ndings on the preponderance of evidence 0 Imposes only authorized sanctions 11. A staff representative is available if requested for a Detainees are provided a staff detainee facing a disciplinary hearing representative upon request, 12. The facility permits hearing postponements or continuances when conditions warrant such a continuance. Reasons are documented. 13. The duration of punishment set by the Facility Administrator, as recommended by the disciplinary Maximum discipiinary panel does not exceed established sanctions. The segregation time is 30 days fora maximum time in disciplinary segregation does not sing e offense exceed 60 days for a single offense. 14. Written procedures govern the handling of This information was not in confidential-source information. Procedures include policy at the time of the review. criteria for recognizing "substantial evidence". Staff did, however, advise this reviewer a policy revision (which includes this information) is awaiting signature. 15. All forms relevant to the incident, investigation, committee/panel reports, etc., are completed and distributed as required. PART 3 19. DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM IE Meets Standard I: Does Not Meet Standard I: NIA DRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. November4 2010 DATE 7 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Section IV CARE 20 Food Service 21 Hunger Strikes 22 Medical Care 23 Personal Hygiene 24 Suicide Prevention and Intervention 25 Terminal Illness, Advance Directives, and Death 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004260 PART 4 - 20. FOOD SERVICE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees are provided a nutritionally balanced diet that is prepared and presented in a sanitary and hygienic food service operation. ?5 '2 .9 2 Components 'g 8 3 'g Remarks :3 :3 1. The food service program is under the direct The Food Service Administrator supervision of a professionally trained and certi?ed . . . (FSA) has 27 years of food Food SerVIce Administrator (FSA). The service trainin throu the Responsibilities of cooks and cook foremen are in milita and hags beengServSafe writing. The FSA determines the responsibilities of certi?gd the Food Service Staff. 2. The Cook Foreman is on duty on days when the FSA is off duty and vice versa. 3. The FSA provides food service employees with . training that speci?cally addresses detainee-related issues. In ICE Facilities this includes a review of the the food sen/?e Standard "Food Service" standard 4. (MANDATORY) Knife cabinets close with an Knife cabinets are closed with an approved locking device and the on-duty cook a roved locking device and the foreman maintains control of the key that locks the on duty maintains device. Knives and keys are inventoried and stored in ey or we lock on the knife accordance with the Detention Standard on Tool cabinet. Knives are inventoried Control and signed out in a log book. 5. All knives not in a secure cutting room are physically secured to the workstation and staff directly supervises detainees using knives at these workstations. Staff monitor the condition of knives and dining utensils (mme workers). The last sentence of this component does not apply to an however, staff does monitor the condition of all knives and dining utensils at this facility. 6. Special procedures (when necessary) govern the All items that pose a security handling of food items that pose a security threat. IE I: I: thre a caged area in th 7. Operating procedures include daily searches The facility hasWeputies (shakedowns) of detainee work areas. assfignecirto Loold servic: whc; pe orm aIysearc eso a work areas. 8. The FSA monitors staff implementation of the facility The facility hasd?ldeputies population count procedures. These procedures are in IE assigned to food service who writing. Staff is trained in count procedures. conduct the counts. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 20. FOOD SERVICE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees are provided a nutritionally balanced diet that is prepared and presented in a sanitary and hygienic food service operation. ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 9. (MANDATORY) There is adequate health protection for all detainees and staff in the facility, and for all persons working in food service. Detainees and other All non-ICE detainees are persons working in food service are monitored each El inspected daily upon arriving for day for health and cleanliness by the food service work in the food service. supervisor or designee. Detainee clothing and grooming comply with the "Food Service" standard. 10. The FSA annually reviews detainee-volunteer job The facility does not have a descriptions to ensure they are accurate and up-to- voluntary work program for ICE date. I: I: detainees; however, the FSA maintains up-to-date job descriptions for the non-ICE detainee workers. 11. The Cook Foreman or equivalent instructs newly assigned detainee workers in the rules and El procedures of the food service department. 12. During orientation and training session(s), the Cook Supervisor (CS) explains and demonstrates: 0 Safe work practices and methods. The facility has training 0 Safety features of individual products/ pieces of for 3" non-ICE equipment_ detainees assigned to food 0 Training covers the safe handling of hazardous semce' material[s] the detainee are likely to encounter in their work. 13. The Cook Foreman documents all training in Although there are no ICE individual detainee detention ?les. detainee workers, training documentation is maintained for each non-ICE detainee food service worker. 14. Detainees at SPCs and CDFs are paid in accordance The facility does not have a with the ?Voluntary Work Program? standard. voluntary work program for ICE Detainee workers at are subject to local and detainees. Although not an State rules and regulations regarding detainee pay. XI IGSA requirement, the non-ICE detainee workers are subject to local and state rules and regulations regarding pay. 15. Detainees are served at least two hot meals every Meal times are: Breakfast at 5 day. No more than 14 hours elapse between the last I: I: Lunch at 11 and Dinner meal served and the first meal of the following day. at 4 PM. 16. For cafeteria-style operations, a transparent "sneeze A sneeze guard is in place, guard" protects both the serving line and salad bar although there is no salad bar line. line. 17. The facility has a standard 35-day menu cycle. The 35-day menu cycle similar system for rotating meals. IE required at an IGSA facility; this facility uses a 28-day menu cycle. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 20. FOOD SERVICE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees are provided a nutritionally balanced diet that is prepared and presented in a sanitary and hygienic food service operation. ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 5 Remarks ?2 858 18. (MANDATORY) A registered dietitian shall conduct a complete nutritional analysis that meets U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA), at least annually, of every master-cycle menu planned by the The facility has a complete FSA. The dietitian must certify menus before they are nutritional analysis for its menu, incorporated into the food service program. If approved with signature by a necessary, the FSA shall modify the menu in light of registered dietician. the nutritional analysis to ensure nutritional adequacy. The menu will need to be revised and re-certi?ed by the registered dietician in that event. 19. The FSA has established procedures to ensure that items on the master-cycle menu are prepared and presented according to approved recipes. 20. The Cook Foreman has the authority to change menu items if necessa The FSA receives a copy of any ry . . . menu changes the cook If yes, documenting each substitution, along foreman makes. its justification, with copy to the FSA 21. All staff and volunteers know and adhere to written "food preparation" procedures. 22. A Common Fare menu available to detainees, at no charge, whose dietary requirements cannot be met on the main. 0 Changes to the planned Common Fare menu can be made at the facility level. 0 Hot entrees are offered three times a week. 0 The Common Fare menus satisfy nutritional recommended daily allowances (RDAs). The d'etary has an area Where Staff routinely provides hot water for instant menu Items beverages and foods. 0 Common Fare meals are served with: Disposable plates and utensils. Reusable plates and utensils. - Staff use separate cutting boards, knives, spoons, scoops, etc., to prepare the Common Fare diet items. 23. Detainees whose religious beliefs require the adherence to particular religious dietary laws are referred to the Chaplain or FSA. 24. A supervisor at the command level must approve a detainee?s removal from the Common Fare Program. 25. The Facility Administrator, in conjunction with the chaplain and/or local religious leaders provides the X, FSA a schedule of the ceremonial meals for the following calendar year. I . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 20. FOOD SERVICE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees are provided a nutritionally balanced diet that is prepared and presented in a sanitary and hygienic food service operation. ?6 '2 19 :5 Components 2 'g 'g Remarks (I 5 5 26. The Common Fare Program accommodates detainees abstaining from particular foods or fasting for religious purposes at prescribed times of the year. 0 Muslims fasting during Ramadan receive their meals after sundown. 0 Jews who observe Passover but do not {21 The dietary has a menu in Place participate in the Common Fare Program receive for the Common Fare Program- the same Kosher-for- Passover meals as those who do participate. Main-line offerings include one meatless meal (lunch or dinner) on Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent. 27. The food service program addresses medical diets. The facility has a very detailed menu in place for medical diets. 28. Satellite-feeding programs follow guidelines for proper sanitation. 29. Hot and cold foods are maintained at the prescribed, "safe" temperature(s) as served. See Detention Standard on Food Service for guidance. 30. All meals provided in nutritionally adequate portions. The noon meal on 11-03-10 was observed and nutritionally adequate portions were being served. 31. Food is not used to punish or reward detainees based upon behavior. 32. The food service staff instruct detainee volunteers on: The facility does not have a 0 Personal cleanliness and hygiene; ?oltuf?tary waft: progral??nEfor ICE . . . . aInees. non- 0 Sanitary techniques for preparing, storing, and detainee food service workers sen/m9 f??dv andv are instructed by food service 0 The sanitary operation, care, and maintenance of staff about: cleanliness; equipment. hygiene; sanitary procedures for storing, serving and preparing food; and care and maintenance of equipment. 33. Everyone working in the food service department complies with food safety and sanitation requirements. 34. (MANDATORY) The facility implements written procedures for the administrative, medical, and/or Weekly inspections are dietary personnel conducting the weekly inspections of conducted by the FSA and Chief all food service areas, including dining, storage, Cooks. equipment, and food-preparation areas. 35. Reports of discrepancies are forwarded to the Facility Administrator or designated department head and El corrective action is scheduled and completed. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA0303ODMQQA (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 20. FOOD SERVICE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees are provided a nutritionally balanced diet that is prepared and presented in a sanitary and hygienic food service operation. ?6 19 a Components 'g 'g 2 Remarks (I 5 5 36. (llrl?lAlilZDATORdY)d Standatrd procedure Includes; The log book containing the 0. ec m9. an chmen 'n9 empera.? ?res a El dishwasher temperatures was machines after each meal, In accordance observed with the Detention Standard on Food Service. 37. (MANDATORY) Staff document the results of every The log book containing the refrigerator/ freezer temperature check, in accordance El refrigerator/freezer temperatures with the Detention Standard on Food Service. was observed. 38. The cleaning schedule for each food service area is Cleaning schedules are posted conspicuously posted. at all food service areas. 39. Procedures include inspecting all incoming food A Warehouse Worker Ill shipments for damage, contamination, and pest El assigned to food service infestation. inspects all incoming shipments. 40. Storage areas are locked when not in use. 41. Food service personnel conduct shakedowns along Food service staff does not with detention staff. conduct shakedowns; however, I: [3 there arelbim?leputies assigned to the area that do conduct them. 42. In SPCs only: The ICE supervisor on duty ensures This component is only speci?c that ICE of?cers participate in dining room IE to an ICE of?cers do supervision. not participate in dining room supervision at this facility. 43. Menus are certi?ed by a registered dietitian prior to being incorporated into the Food Service Program. 44. In SPCs onl the FSA prepares quarterly cost This component is only speci?c estimates for the Common Fare Program. This to an The FSA does quarterly estimate is factored into the quarterly prepare a quarterly cost estimate budget. for the Common Fare Program. 45. When required, only food service staff prepare the sack lunches for detainee transportation. 46. Air curtains or comparable devices are used on outside doors where food is prepared, stored, or served to protect against insects and other rodents. 47. Staff comply with the ICE requirements for "food receipt and storage. 48. Stock inventory levels are monitored and adjusted to correct overage and shortage problems. 49. Staff comply with all ICE Housekeeping, Storeroom/Refrigerator requirements. Identify and El explain any shortcomings. 50' 22'! 3137;: 33:5?an meals in a relatively relaxed, unregimented atmosphere. the dining room. PART 4 - 20. FOOD SERVICE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees are provided a nutritionally balanced diet that is prepared and presented in a sanitary and hygienic food service operation. ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 51. (MANDATORY) An independent, external source shall conduct annual inspections to ensure that the food service facilities and equipment meet g] j j orange County Health Agency governmental health and safety codes. condUCts annual inspeCtions' Corrective action is taken on de?ciencies, if any. 52. Personnel inspecting the food service department shall note needed corrective action(s), if any, in a written report to the Facility Administrator. 53. Only those toxic and caustic materials required for sanitary maintenance of the facility, equipment, and utensils shall be used in the food service department. There are MSDS for all toxic and Material Safety Data Sheets will be caustic materials. maintained on all flammable, toxic, and caustic substances used. 54. (MANDATORY) The FSA is responsible for pest control in the food service department, including XI I: I: vacated PeSt contml has a . . . . contract for pest control. contracting the servnces of an outSIde exterminator. FOOD SERVICE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA DRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The FSA has 27 years of food service training through the military and has been ServSafe certi?ed. The dietary department at this facility is very clean and sanitary and detainees receive well-balanced and nutritional meals. The non-ICE detainees assigned to food service present a neat and clean appearance. November 4, 2010 DATE PART 4 21. HUNGER STRIKES This Detention Standard protects detainees? health and well-being by monitoring, counseling and, when appropriate, treating any detainee who is on a hunger strike. 1: ?6 1.2 Components i 5 Remarks :3 8 2 (D 1. When a detainee has refused food or observed to Polic 1380 Hun er Strike have not eaten for 72 hours, it is standard practice for II II roviges uidancge staff to refer him or her to the medical department. 2. Facility immediately reports via the chain of command . . . a hung er strike to El Policy 1380 provrdes gundance. 3. The facility has established procedures to ensure staff . . . respond immediately to a hunger strike. XI Poncy 1380 pmv'des gu'dance' 4. Policy and procedure require that staff isolate a . . . hunger-striking detainee from other detainees. XI Poncy 1380 prowdes gu'dance' 5. Medical personnel are authorized to place a detainee Pursuant to facility policy, Int pecra anagement nItora oc ospla me Ica personne avet 'hS 'tl d'l lh room. authority to place a hunger- El striking detainee in the SMU. At this facility, there are no in?rrnary or observation rooms located within the medical unit. 6. Medical staff record the weight and vital signs of a hunger-striking detainee at least once every 24 hours. Poncy 1380 provides gu'dance' 7. The facility medical authority obtains a hunger striker?s Pursuant to policy, treatment consent before medical treatment. Cl consent is obtained prior to any treatment being given. 8. A signed Refusal of Treatment form is required of every detainee who rejects medical evaluation or treatment, or two staff/provider signatures indicating detainee refusal to sign form. Policy 1380 provides guidance. 9. Unless otherwise directed by the medical authority, staff delivers three meals per day to the detainee's room, regardless of the detainee's response to a verbally offered meal and document those meal offers. Policy 1380 provides guidance. 10. Staff maintain the hunger striker?s supply of drinking Pursuant to policy, staff water/other beverages. El maintains the supply of drinking water/other beverages. 11. During a hunger strike, staff removes all food items Pursuant to Policy 1380, a from the hunger striker?s living area. hunger-striking detainee is removed from his cell and placed in the SMU. No food items or beverages, other than those offered by staff, are permitted in the detainee's cell. 12. Staff are directed to record the hunger striker?s ?uid In compliance with Policy 1380, intake and food consumption on the Hunger Strike El staff records all oral intakes on a Monitoring Form l-839 or equivalent. form equivalent to the l-839. 77 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA0303ODMQM (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 21. HUNGER STRIKES treating any detainee who is on a hunger strike. This Detention Standard protects detainees? health and well-being by monitoring, counseling and, when appropriate, ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 '2 Remarks ?2 858 13. The medical staff have written procedures for treating Pursuant to facility policy, each hunger strikers. hunger-striking detainee is medically managed by either the physician or nurse practitioner (NP). 14. Staff documents all treatment attempts in the medical record, including attempts to persuade the hunger XI Policy 1380 provides guidance. striker by counseling him or her of the medical risks. 15. All staff receive orientation and annual training on All security staff receives training recognizing the signs of a hunger striker and on the during new-employee orientation procedures for referral for medical assessment. and annually thereafter. Medical Medical staff receive training in hunger-strike El Staff, "1 add't'on, to the" formal evaluation and treatment and remain up-to-date on edf?cat'of?qrece'VSS hunger' these techniques. strike training during new employee orientation. PART 4 - 21. HUNGER STRIKES IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA :lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. Following a review of policy/procedure and training curriculum/files and interviews with medical and security staff, it is determined at the time of the inspection, the facility is in compliance with the components of the standard. Further, staff reports there were no ICE detainee hunger strikes during the previous 12-month period. November 4. 2010 DATE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA0303ODMQQA (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. Components Remarks Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA 1. The facility operates a health care facility in All professional medical and compliance with state and local laws and guidelines. mental health staff is licensed by the State of California. The on- site pharmacy is licensed by the State and is in possession of a current Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license. The contractual medical provider, Correctional Medical Services (CMS), holds the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) waiver certi?cate permitting limited on- site laboratory testing for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment or monitoring (pursuant to the SCLIA 1988 Public Law 100- 578) 2. The facility?s in-processing procedures of arriving Two policies address this detainees include medical screening. component: 1302, Receiving and Screening; and 1310, Triage Screening (Intake and Reception Screening). A random review of ICE detainee medical records con?rmed the practice. 3. (MANDATORY) The essential positions needed to perform the health services mission and provide the Poucy 1000? Med'cal Program . . . . Descri tion, and staff schedules required scopeof servrces are described In a staf?ng El con?m?ed compliance with this plan that Is revrewed at least annually by the health . component. authority. 4. (MANDATORY) Newly admitted detainees will be Policy 1304, Access To informed, orally and in writing (in a language they can Treatment In Languages Other understand), about how to access health services. Than English, addresses this component. Additionally, detainees are informed orally during the intake screening and in writing through the detainee handbook. 5. Detainees will have access to and receive speci?ed Policy 1301, Emergency 24-hour emergency medical, dental, and mental Services, addresses this health services. component. Additionally, medical staff is on-duty 24 hours, seven days a week. I 7 . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 '2 Remarks ?2 858 6- thereafter and will be offered the hepatitis vaccine '2 LB Ex?osure 09mm." and series. epatItIs Vaccrnatlon. 7. Health care services will be provided by trained and Health care services are quali?ed personnel, whose duties are governed by provided through a contractual job descriptions and who are properly licensed, agreement with CMS, and all certi?ed, credentialed, and/or registered in professional health care staff is compliance with applicable state and federal licensed by the State. Policy requirements. 1200, Staff Licensure and Quali?cations, addresses this component. 8. The facility provides each detainee, upon admittance, Policy 8034, Detainee Handbook a copy of the detainee handbook or equivalent, in and Local Supplement, provides which procedures for access to health care services the authority for compliance with are explained (in a language they can understand). this component. 9. In SPCs and CDFs, medical personnel credentialing This component is only required and verification complies with the standards at an The Human established by the and Joint Commission. IE Resources Department of CMS conducts the credentialing process for all medical personnel. 10. Within 12 hours of arrival, all newly admitted Detention of?cers do not detainees receive initial medical, dental and mental conduct medieaL dental or health screening by a health care provider or a menta hea th screenings at this detention of?cer specially trained to perform this facility, as addressed in two funCtion- policies: 1310, Triage 0 When screening is performed by a detention Screening Intake/Reception officer, the facility maintains documentation of the Screening; and 1302, ReceiVing officer?s special training. Screening- 11. (MANDATORY) If language dif?culties prevent the Policy 1304, Access To health care provider/of?cer from suf?ciently Treatment in Languages Other communicating with the detainee for purposes of El Than English, provides the completing the medical screening, the of?cer obtains authority for compliance with this translation assistance. component. 12. The facility has suf?cient space and equipment to A tour/inspection of the medical afford each detainee privacy when receiving health unit indicated there is more than care. IE suf?cient space and equipment to meet the medical needs of detainees while providing privacy during the care/treatment. 13. The medical facility has its own restricted-access The medical facility has its own area. The restricted access area is located within the El restricted-access area which is con?nes of the secure perimeter. located within the secure perimeter. 14. The medical facility entrance includes a I: I: The medical facility includes its holding/waiting room. own holding/waiting area. 80 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. a ?6 a a Components '2 3 5 Remarks ?2 853 15. The medical facility?s holding/waiting room under the The holding/waiting area is direct supervision of custodial staff. under the direct supervision of security staff in Central Control and roving of?cers. 16. Detainees in the holding/waiting room have access to Detainees in the holding/waiting a toilet and a drinking fountain. area have immediate access to both a toilet and drinking fountain. 17. g/lrgdical records are kept apart from other ?les. They Policy 1502, Access to di 0 al Records, provides the authority 0 Secured in a locked area within the medical unit. for compuance with this 0 With physical access restricted to authorized 1:1 1:1 f?mpogfentl- A togr/inspeCtiOdn 0f medical staff. me Ica recor 5 area an . . interviews with staff indicated 0 Procedurally, no copies made and placed In compliance with the comp on em. detainee ?les. 18. (MANDATORY) A signed and dated consent form is Policy 119, Consent for Medical obtained from a detainee before medical treatment is Treatment, provides the administered. authority for compliance with this component. A review of Sick Call Request Slips and ICE detainee medical records indicated compliance with the component. 19. Detainees use the l-813 (or IGSA equivalent) to Policy 1503, Disclosure of authorize the release of con?dential medical records Protected Health Information, to outside sources. provides the authority for IE compliance with this component. The facility utilizes a form equivalent to the l-813 Form. 20. The facility health care provider is given advance Interviews with medical records notice prior to the release, transfer, or removal of a XI '3 '3 staff and nursing staff indicated detainee. notice is from a few hours to immediate. 21. A detainee's medical records will be transferred as Policy 1504, ln-Custody Transfer appropriate. All detainees will be transferred with a of Health Records and copy of their transfer summary. lnforrnation, provides the authority for compliance with this El component. Interviews with medical records and nursing staff indicated practice consistent with the policy and requirements of the component. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 19 a a Components '2 3 5 Remarks ?2 853 22. Medical records are placed in a sealed envelope or Two policies (1502 and 1504) other container labeled with the detainee's name and provide the authority for A-number and marked compliance with this component. Interviews with medical records staff indicate practice consistent with the policies and the requirements of the component. 23. Medical screening includes a Tuberculosis (TB) test. A chest x-ray is conducted on all ICE detainees during intake. 24. All detainees receive a mental-health screening upon Two policies provide the arrival. It is conducted: authority for compliance with this 0 By a health care provider or specially trained comPODenti 1310? Tr'age of?cer. Screening; and 1302, Recelvmg . . . . El and Screening. Only health care 0 Before a detainee to a housrng unIt. providers conduct the screening The mental health screening is conducted prior to housing unit assignment. 25. The facility health care provider reviews all I- The intake screening is 7945 (or equivalent) to identify detainees needing conducted by medical staff that medical attention. El identi?es medical and mental health issues at the time of intake. 26. (MANDATORY) Each facility?s health care provider Policy 1362, 14-Day Health conducts a health appraisal and physical examination Appraisal, provides the authority on each detainee within 14 days of arrival. If there is for compliance with this documentation of one within the previous 90 days, component. The facility has the facility health care provider may determine that a designated one NP to conduct new appraisal is not required. El all ICE detainee 14-day health appraisals. A random review of ICE detainee medical records indicated the appraisals are conducted well within the 14-day timeframe. 27. Detainees in the Special Management Unit have Policy 1355, Segregation access to the same level of health care as detainees Cells/Disciplinary Isolation, in the general population. provides the authority for compliance with this component. El Facility practice includes a medical screening prior to placement in the SMU and shift wellness checks by medical staff. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 19 a a Components '2 3 '2 Remarks ?2 853 28. Staff provide detainees with health- services (sick Sick can request slips, printed in call) request slips dally, upon request. both English and Spanish, are 0 Request slips are available in the languages other available in every housing unit. than English, including every language spoken by El Once completed detainees place a sizeable number of the facility?s detainee the slip directly into a locked box population. accessible only to medical staff. 0 Service-request slips are delivered in a timely Med'9a' the Sl'ps fashion to the health care provider. four ?mes da'ly- 29. (MANDATORY) The facility has a written plan for the Policy 1301, Emergency delivery of 24-hour emergency health care when no Services, provides the authority medical personnel are on duty at the facility, or when for compliance with this immediate outside medical attention is required. El component. Additionally, through a contractual agreement with CMS, medical staff is on- duty 24 hours, seven days a week. 30. The plan includes an on-call provider. Policy 1301 addresses this component. 31. The plan includes a list of telephone numbers for Policy 1301 addresses this local ambulances and hospital services. component. Telephone numbers are readily available in l3 II the medical unit and central control and both locations are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 32. The plan includes procedures for facility staff to utilize The need for outside emergency this emergency health care consistent with security health care is coordinated and safety. I: I: between the medical department and the security shift supervisor to ensure safety and security. 33. (MANDATORY) Detention and health care personnel Policy 1301 provides the will be trained, at least annually, to respond to health- authority for compliance with this related situations within four minutes and to properly I: component. The four-minute use ?rst aid kits, available in designated areas. response time is tested with "man down" drills. 34. Where staff are used to distribute medication, a Only licensed professional health care provider properly trains these of?cers. I: IE health care staff distribute/administer medication. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 852 35. Pharmaceuticals and nonprescription medicines will Five policies provide the be stored, inventoried, dispensed, and administered authority for compliance with this in accordance with sound standards and facility component: 1375, Management needs for safety and security. of Pharmaceuticals; 6001, Pharmacy Services; 6005, Pharmacy Practice; 6008, Cl Automated Dispensing; and 6013, Drug Distribution. Inspection of the medication preparation room and the pharmacy indicated appropriate storage, inventorying and dispensing. 36. (MANDATORY) Each facility has written policy and procedures for the management of pharmaceuticals that '"CiUde3 Seven policies provide the A fonnulary of all prescription and nonprescription authority for compliance with this medicines stocked or routinely procured from component: 6011, Drug outside sources. Formulary; 6012, Drug Procurement; 6013, Drug grpn'i?l?tgrold for obtaining medlcmes not on the Distribution} 6015? Drug Returns or Destruction; 6020, Controlled Prescription practices, Including requnrements that El Substances. 80028 Proper medications are prescribed only when clinically Handling of?Needles?. and 3025 indicated and that prescription are reviewed Needle and Syringe inventory before be'ng renewed Log. Random counts conducted 0 Procurement, receipt, distribution, storage, during the inspection indicated dispensing, administration, and disposal of the correct perpetual inventories medications. for controlled substances, 0 Secure storage and perpetual inventory of all syr'?ges and needles- controlled substances (DEA Schedule ll-V), syringes, and needles. 37. All pharmaceuticals are stored in a secure area with the following features: . A secure penmeter; A tour/inspection of the medical 0 Access limited to authorized medical staff (never unit medication preparation detainees); room and the pharmacy 0 Solid walls from floor to ceiling and a solid ceiling; indicated compliance With this component. 0 A solid core entrance door with a high security lock (with no other access); and A secure medication storage area. . IVE) MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 19 a a Components '2 3 '2 Remarks ?2 853 38. In SPCs and CDFs, the pharmacy has a locking Pass-through WithW- IGSA facilities are not required 0 Administration and management in accordance to have a leekihg Pass-through with state and federal law. Wine-0W1" the PharmaCY- The 0 Supervision by properly licensed personnel fac'my pharmacy does have a locking pass-through window; 0 Administration of medications by personnel however, it is not as no properly trained and under the supervision of the medication is dispensed directly health services administrator, or equivalent. from the pharmacy_ Accountability for administering or distributing the aUthOTitY for medications in a timely manner and according to compliance With this component- physician orders. 39. Distribution of medication is in accordance with Policy 196.01, Medication specific instructions and procedures established by Administration, provides the the health care provider. Written records of all authority for compliance with this medication given to detainees are maintained. standard. As a matter of facility practice, a Medication Administration Record (MAR) is utilized for each detainee receiving medication. All doses administered or refused are documented on the MAR. 40. Medication may not be delivered or administered by detainees. In facilities that are medically staffed 24 hours a day, the health care provider distributes Licensed professional medical medication. staff is on-duty 24 hours, seven 0 In facilities that are not medically staffed 24 hours days a, Week and 01W med'ca' a day, medication may be distributed by detention officers, who have received proper training by the med'cat'on- health care provider, only when medication must be delivered at a specific time when medical staff are not on duty. 41. The facility maintains documentation of the training given any of?cer required to distribute medication, Only licensed professional and the of?cer has available for reference the training El medical staff distributes/ syllabus or other guide or protocol provided by the administers medication. health authority. 42. The Warden/Facility receives notification that a The Facility Commander detainee that has special medical needs. receives noti?cation through the jail management system (JMS). Noti?cation goes from medical to classi?cation, housing and administration. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 19 a a Components '2 3 5 Remarks ?2 853 43. Procedures are in place, consistent with the detention Policy 1030, ICE Noti?cations, standard, for examinations by independent medical provides the authority for service providers and experts. compliance with this component. Pursuant to the policy, the facility refers all such matters to ICE for handling and disposition. 44. (MANDATORY) Each facility has a written plan (or plans) that address the management of infectious Th . I. . .d and communicable diseases, including prevention, th . education, identi?cation, surveillance, immunization th? au or'ty 0; cgg?'ance W't (when applicable), treatment, follow-up, isolation '5 compone? - i (when indicated), and reporting to local, state, and I federal agencies. Plans include: Sfr?siaczeas?d ddcawopng?gz 1n' 0 Coordination with public health authorities; Blood borne pathogen:5 Ongoing education for staff and detainees; Exposure Control Plan; 9403, 0 Control, treatment, and prevention strategies; 0 Protection of individual con?dentiality; Isolation Re?quiring? Negative 0 Media relations; Pressure Cell; 9700, Chickenpox 0 Management of tuberculosis, hepatitis A, B, and Exposure Contm' Plan; 9800? C, HIV infection, avian influenza, and E?posure Cogfm' Planv an ommunrca 0 Reporting communicable diseases to local and/or Diseases. state health departments in accordance with local and state regulations. 45. Detainees diagnosed with a communicable disease Detainees diagnosed with a non- are isolated according to local medical operating respiratory communicable procedures. disease are housed in a single cell in the SMU. Detainees XI I: diagnosed with a respiratory communicable disease are transported to the local community hospital for isolation and treatment. 46. All new arrivals receive TB screening in accordance with guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Unless a chest x-ray is the primary screening . . method, the PPD (mantoux method) is the primary gsctijztagfs screening method. (For a detainee on whom the intake scrgenin recess PPD is contraindicated; a chest x-ray will be needed. 9 Detainees not screened are housed separate from the general population. 47. Detainees with suggestive of TB are The facility has no negative placed in a negative pressure isolation room and pressure isolation rooms. evaluated for TB disease. Detainees at I: '3 Detainees requiring respiratory facilities with no negative pressure isolation room are referred to an appropriate off-site facility. isolation are transported to a community hospital for isolation and treatment. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 .E) PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 19 a as Components '2 3 5 Remarks ?2 852 48. A transportation system will be available that ensures Two policies (1008, Medical timely access to health care services that are only Transportation; and 113.01, available outside the facility, including: prioritization of El Medical Emergency Response) medical need, urgency (ambulance versus standard), provide the authority for and transfer of medical information. compliance with this component. 49. Detainee who requires close, chronic or convalescent Policy 1322, Individualized medical supervision will be treated in accordance with Treatment Plan, provides the a plan approved by licensed physician, physician authority for compliance with this assist, nurse practitioner, dentist, or mental health component. As a matter of practitioner that includes directions to health care and practice, any detainee with a other involved personnel. diagnosed chronic illness/condition is managed by either a physician or NP. An individual treatment plan is developed for each detainee. 50. (MANDATORY) Female detainees have access to pregnancy testing and pregnancy management . services that include routine high-riskprenatal care, addiction management, comprehenswe counseling and assistance, nutrition, and postpartum follow-up. 51. (MANDATORY) Detainees with chronic conditions Policy 1322 provides the (such as hypertension and diabetes) will receive authority for compliance with this periodic care and treatment that includes monitoring component. A random review of of medications, laboratory testing, and chronic care the medical records of ICE clinics, and others will be scheduled for periodic I: I: detainees diagnosed with a routine medical examinations, as determined by the chronic illness/condition health authority indicated treatment plans had been developed by the physician or NP for each detainee. 52. The Facility Administrator, or other designated staff Policy 122.01, Medical Housing will be noti?ed in writing of any detainees whose Assignments, provides the special medical or mental health needs requiring authority for compliance with this special consideration in such matters as housing, component. As a matter of transfer, or transportation. practice, medical staff completes an internal Form J112 (Classi?cation/Housing Review) which is circulated to jail administration, classi?cation and housing. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 1 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 19 a a Components '2 3 '2 Remarks ?2 853 53. Detainees will have access to emergency and Policy 1000, Medical Program specified routine dental care provided under direction Description, Dental Section, and supervision of a licensed dentist. provides the authority for compliance with this component. As a matter of practice, the Sick Call Request Slip form utilized by detainees includes a box to El check requesting dental treatment. These requests are reviewed/triaged by dental staff, and the detainee is scheduled for care based on urgency of need. Dental staff are on-duty during normal business hours, Monday through Saturday. 54. (MANDATORY) Detainees with mental health Two policies (310, Triage problems will be referred to a mental health provider Screening; and 1340, Mental as needed for detection, diagnosis, treatment, and Health Services) provide the stabilization to prevent deterioration while I: I: authority for compliance with this con?ned. component. Mental health staff are on-duty ?ve days a week and on-call during off-duty hours. 55. Crisis intervention services are available for Mental health staff are on-duty detainees who experience acute mental health ?ve days a week and on-call episodes. during off-duty hours. II II Additionally, if needed, detainees can be transferred to a mental health acute care setting located at a "sister facility." 56. Medical and mental health interviews, examinations, A tour of the menta heaIth area and procedures will be conducted in settings that indicated there is appropriate respect detainees? privacy, and female detainees will privacy to conduct be provided female escorts for health care by male interviews/examinations, There health care PrOViders- are currently no females housed at this facility. 57. (MANDATORY) Any detainee referred for mental Mental Health Policy (MHP) 600, health treatment receives a comprehensive IE Referrals to Mental Health, evaluation by a licensed mental health provider within provides the authority for 14 days of the referral. compliance with this component. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. Components Remarks Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA 58. (MANDATORY) Restraints for medical or mental health purposes may be authorized only by a quali?ed medical or mental health provider, after reaching the conclusion that less restrictive measures are not successful. The facility has written procedures that specify: The conditions under which restraints may be applied; 0 The types of restraints to be used; How a detainee in restraints is to be monitored; 0 The length of time restraints are to be applied; 0 Requirements for documentation, including efforts to use less restrictive alternatives; and - After-incident review. 0 The medical authority or mental health provider completes a Post-Restraints Observation Report form DIHS-867 or similar form. 59. (MANDATORY) Involuntary administration of medications to detainees complies with applicable laws and regulations and the authorizing physician or will: 0 Specify the duration of therapy; 0 Obtain an order authorizing the administration of MHP 1125 Involuntary the drug from a Federal District Court. Medication?S provides the 0 Document that less restrictive intervention options authority for compliance with this have been exercised without success; component. 0 Detail how the medication is to be administered; 0 Monitor the detainee for adverse reactions and side effects; and 0 Prepare treatment plans for less restrictive alternatives as soon as possible. 60. An initial dental screening exam should be performed Policy 1362, 14-Day Health within 14 days of the detainee's arrival. If no on-site Appraisals, provides the dentist is available, the initial dental screening may be authority for compliance with this performed by a physician, physician?s assistant, El component. A random review of nurse practitioner or trained RN. ICE detainee medical records indicated 100% compliance with the policy. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE This Detention Standard ensures that detainees have access to a continuum of health care services, including prevention and health education, so that their health care needs are met in a timely and ef?cient manner. ?6 '2 19 :5 Components '3 '2 3 5 Remarks ?2 858 61. In each detention facility, the designated health Policy 146.01, Emergency authority and Facility Administrator determines the Medical Response Bag, provides contents, number, location(s), use protocols, and the authority for compliance with procedures for inspections of first aid kits. this component. Rather than ?rst aid kits, the facility utilizes emergency response bags which are appropriately equipped and inventoried. 62. An automatic external de?brillator should be available There are two automated for use at the facility. El external de?brillators (AEDs) located in the facility. 63. If a detainee refuses treatment, will be consulted in determining whether forced treatment Policy 1030, ICE Noti?cations, will be administered, except in emergency El provides the authority for circumstances, in which case, will be compliance with this component. notified as soon as possible. 64. In SPCs and CDFs, the Facility Administrator and This component is only required health services administrator will meet at least at an Policy 1003, quarterly and include other facility and medical staff Administrative Meetings and as appropriate. Reports, provides the authority for compliance with this component. As a matter of practice, meetings are conducted quarterly with documented meeting minutes. 65. (MANDATORY) Biohazardous waste will be Two policies provide the managed and medical and dental equipment authority for compliance with this decontaminated in accordance with sound medical component: 9602, standards and compliance with applicable local, CI Biohazardous Waste state, and federal regulations. Management; and 9603, Communication of Hazards to Employees. 66. (MANDATORY) The health authority will implement a Policy 1005, Quality system of internal review and quality assurance. Improvement provides the authority for compliance with this component. The OJ. committee meets at a minimum of quarterly with documented meeting minutes. PART 4 - 22. MEDICAL CARE IX Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): At the time of the inspection, the facility was determined to be in compliance with the components of the standard based on: a review of policy/procedure, training curriculum/files, and ICE detainee medical records; tours/inspections of the medical unit, medical housing unit, medication preparation room, pharmacy and detainee living units; and interviews with multiple medical, mental health and security staff. During the past year, the facility reported three non-ICE detainee deaths. Each death was related to a medical issue and each death occurred outside the facility in a community hospital. November 4, 2010 (b)(6), (b)(7)c REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004281 PART 4 23. PERSONAL HYGIENE This Detention Standard ensures that each detainee is able to maintain acceptable personal hygiene practices through the provision of adequate bathing facilities and the issuance and exchange of clean clothing, bedding, linens, towels, and personal hygiene items. 3 .. ?i 2 ?1 Components 3; '2 Remarks There is a policy and procedure for the regular issuance and exchange of clothing, bedding, linens, Poiicy 3023, Personai Hygiene, towels, and personal hygiene items. lj lj provides compiiance with this The supply of these items exceeds the minimum componem- required for the number of detainees. 2. All new detainees are issued clean, temperature- Policy 8023 requires all new appropriate, presentable clothing during in-processing. detainees to be issued clean, Detainees receive, at a minimum: temperature-appropriate, 0 One uniform shirt and one pair of uniform pants or present?j?b'e ? ?thm9 d9?"9 one jumpsuit El processmg. The speCI?c listing . of clothing/footwear is not one pa" Of required at an IGSA facility; 0 One pair of underwear (daily change). however, this facility complies 0 One pair of facility-issued footwear. mm the 'ssuance Of these 'tems- 3. Additional clothing is available for changing weather This component is only required conditions and as is seasonally appropriate. at an As a matter of I: I: practice, the facility issues jackets when outside temperatures turn colder. 4. New detainees are issued clean bedding, linens and towels, at a minimum: 0 One mattress Facility policy requires new detainees to be issued clean 0 One blanket bedding, linens and towels. An 0 Two sheets IGSA facility is not required to 0 One provide minimum quantities . One pillowcase listed, however, they do prowde everything except pillows and one towel pillowcases. - Additional blankets, based on local weather conditions. 5. The facility provides and replenishes personal hygiene items as needed. Gender-speci?c items are available. I: I: ICE detainees are not charged for these items. 6. Toilet facilities are: 0 Clean 0 Adequate in number and can be used without staff assistance 24 hours per day when detainees are An inspection of the ICE con?ned in their cells or sleeping areas. El detainee housing areas found ACA Expected Practice 4-ALDF-4B-08 requires that adequate toilet facilities. toilets be provided at a minimum ratio of one for every 12 male detainees or one for every 8 female detainees. For males, urinals may be substituted for up to one-half of the toilets. 7 . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 23. PERSONAL HYGIENE This Detention Standard ensures that each detainee is able to maintain acceptable personal hygiene practices through the provision of adequate bathing facilities and the issuance and exchange of clean clothing, bedding, linens, towels, and personal hygiene items. ?5 '2 19 2 cu Components 8 '2 Remarks 2 :3 8 a) 7. Bathing facilities are: 0 Clean 0 Operable with temperatures between 100 and 120 An inspection of the ICE degrees Fahrenheit. detainee housing areas. . ACA Expected Practice 4-ALDF-4B-08 requires one 'nd'cated compl'ance W'th washbasin for every 12 detainees. component- ACA Expected Practice 4-ALDF-48-09 requires a minimum ratio of one shower for every 12 detainees. 8. Detainees with disabilities are provided adequate By practice, detainees with facilities, support, and assistance needed for self-care disabilities are placed in medical and personal hygiene. housing. This is an of?cial housing assignment, and the area is outside the medical unit. 9. Detainees are provided clean clothing, linen and towels. socks and undergarments daily' Pursuant to facility policy, pillows 0 Outer garments - tWIce weekly. [j and pi ow cases are not 0 Sheets - weekly. PTOVided- Towels - weekly. Pillowcases - weekly. 10. Food service detainee volunteer workers are permitted This component is only required to exchange outer garments daily. IE at an however, the facility complies as it relates to the non-ICE detainee workers. 11. Volunteer detainee workers are permitted to This component is only required exchanges of outer garments more frequently. IE at an however, the facility complies as it relates to the non-ICE detainee workers. PART 4 23. PERSONAL HYGIENE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. Following a review of policy/procedure, an inspection of the ICE detainee housing units and interviews with staff, it is determined the facility meets the standard. It is noted that the facility does not issue pillows or pillowcases. November 4 2010 DATE 1: . . A 7 A MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 24. SUICIDE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION This Detention Standard protects detainees? health and well being by training staff to prevent suicide by recognize potential signs and situations of risk and to intervene with appropriate sensitivity, supervision, referral, and teatment. ?6 '2 :6 Components 2 3 '3 5 Remarks The facility has a written suicide prevention and Three policies provide the intervention program approved and signed by the authority for compliance with this health authority and Facility Administrator and component: 100, Mental Health reviewed annually. Program; 600, Referrals to Mental Health; and 900, Suicide Precautions. 2. At a minimum, the Program shall include procedures to address: 0 Intake screening and referral requirements; 0 The identi?cation and supervision of suicide-prone detainees; 0 Staff training requirements; 0 The management and reporting of suicidal incidents, suicide watches, and deaths; 0 Provision of safe housing for suicidal detainees; EstaPIiShC-Bd faCilitv p0 iCie$ Debrie?ng of any suicides and suicide attempts by prov'dl? the army for administrative, security, and health services comp'ance '5 componen' staff; 0 Guidelines for returning a previously suicidal detainee to a facility?s general population, upon written authorization of the clinical director.; 0 Reporting guidelines for facility personnel when suspected suicidal behavior is observed; and Written procedures for the proper handling of detainees who exhibit suicidal behavior. 3. Every new staff member receives suicide-prevention Facility policy requires all staff training. Suicide-prevention training occurs during the receive training during new- employee orientation and annual training. employee orientation and El annually thereafter. A review of training ?les indicated compliance with both the policy and the component. 94 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodrsheet Rev: 5/11/09 1 PART 4 - 24. SUICIDE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION This Detention Standard protects detainees? health and well being by training staff to prevent suicide by recognize potential signs and situations of risk and to intervene with appropriate sensitivity, supervision, referral, and treatment. '2 ?5 '2 19 0* Components 8 2 Remarks 2 3 8 a) 4. Training prepares staff to: 0 Effective methods for identifying the warning signs and of impending suicidal behavior, 0 Demographic, cultural, and precipitating factors of suicidal behavior, - Responding to suicidal and depressed detainees, . . 0 Effective communication between correctional and A rewew Of the tra'nmg health care ersonnel El curriculum indicated compliance with this component. 0 Necessary referral procedures, 0 Housing observation and suicide-watch level procedures, 0 Follow-up monitoring of detainees who have already attempted suicide, and 0 Reporting and written documentation procedures. 5. A health-care provider or specially trained officer The actual intake/admission screens all detainees for suicide potential as part of process does not take place at the admission process. this facility, but rather at a 0 Screening does not occur later than one working separate 'ntake center' The day after the detainee?s arrival. med'callmenta' health screen'"conducted by medical staff 0 Documentation that - _spe_crally trained who are on_duty 24 hours, seven officers have completed training In accordance days a week with referrals as With a syllabus approved by the medical authority. necessary to mental health staff who also are on-duty 24 hours, seven days a week. 6. Written procedures contain when and how to refer at- Policy 600, Referrals to Mental risk detainees to medical staff and procedures are Health, provides the authority for followed. compliance with this component. 7. Written procedures include returning a previously Two policies (100, Mental Health suicidal detainee to the general population, upon Program; and 915, Safety Cells) written authorization of the clinical director or provide the authority for appropriate health care professional. compliance with this component. 8. The facility has a designated isolation room for There are no suicide evaluation and treatment. isolation/observation rooms at this facility. Pursuant to facility policy, any detainee requiring suicide observation is IE transferred to a nearby facility which has been designated for mental health treatment and is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week with mental health professionals. 1 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 - 24. SUICIDE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION This Detention Standard protects detainees? health and well being by training staff to prevent suicide by recognize potential signs and situations of risk and to intervene with appropriate sensitivity, supervision, referral, and treatment. ?5 '2 19 2 cu Components 8 '2 Remarks 2 8 a) 9. The designated isolation room does not contain any There are no structures or smaller items that could be used in a El IE isolation/observation rooms at suicide attempt. this facility. 10. Medical staff have approved the room for this purpose. There are no lg isolation/observation rooms at this facility. 11. Staff observe and document the status of a suicide- watch detainee at least once every 15 I: minutes/constant observation. IE Suicide observation does not occur at this facility. 12. At facilities with twenty-four-hour medical staff, observation of imminently suicidal detainees by medical or detention staff shall occur no less than every 15 minutes. The Clinical Director (CD) may . . recommend constant direct supervision. If a IE Obfserva?on does not detainee is clinically evaluated and determined to be occur at thIS at risk for suicide, medical staff shall document the status of the detainee in the medical record at least every two hours, unless otherwise directed by the CD. 13. In CDFs or IGSAs, and/or at facilities where there is not twenty-four hour medical staff, the facility administrator shall report to any detainee . . who has been identi?ed as suicidal. shall observation does not consult with the CD or designated medical authority occur at thIS for immediate evaluation (with constant observation until evaluation), or for transfer to a local facility or emergency room by ambulance 14. Every completed suicide and serious suicide Two policies provide the attempt shall be subject to a mortality review authority for compliance with this process. A critical incident debrie?ng shall be component: 520, Quarterly provided to all affected staff and detainees. Improvement Studies; and 910, Noti?cation After Incidents. PART 4 - 24. SUICIDE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION IE Meets Standard CI Does Not Meet Standard CI NIA CIRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility was found to be in compliance with the standard based on: a review of policy/procedure and training curriculum/files; and interviews with medical, mental health and security staff. During the past year, the facility reported four non-ICE detainee suicide attempts. None of the attempts were successful, and each detainee was transferred to an acute care mental health setting for additional treatment and follow-up. November 4 2010 l: . . A 7 A MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5236 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004287 PART 4 25. TERMINAL ILLNESS, ADVANCE DIRECTIVES, AND DEATH This Detention Standard ensures that each facility?s continuum of health care services addresses terminal illness, fatal injury, and advance directives and provides speci?c guidance in the event of a detainee?s death. Check this box if the facility does not accept ICE detainees who are severely or terminally ill. Indicate NA in the appropriate box for this portion of the worksheet. ALWAYS complete all references to detainee death and related noti?cations. '2 ?6 '2 ?1 ?5 Components i 3 '2 Remarks :3 8 :3 to 1. Detainees, who are chronically or terminally ill, are Policy 1395, Terminal Illness, transferred to an appropriate off-site medical facility. El provides the authority for compliance with this component. 2. The facility or appropriate ICE office noti?es I the next-of-kin of the detainee?s: medical condition. Sorg'estj 395 309d10307 ICE-E . . . onca Ion, provr ecomp lance The detainee 5 location. with this component. 0 The visiting hours and rules at that location. 3. There are guidelines addressing State Advanced Directive Form for Implementing Living Wills and Advanced Directives. Policy 1392 Advanced 0 These guidelines include instructions for Directives/Living Will, provides detainees who wish to have a living will. the authority for compliance with 0 These guidelines provide the detainee the component- opportunity to have a private attorney prepare the documents, at the detainee?s expense. 4. There is a policy addressing "Do Not Resuscitate Policy 1390, Do Not Resuscitate Orders" [j [j (DN R), provides the authority for compliance with this component. 5. Detainees with a "Do Not Resuscitate" order in the . . medical record receive maximal therapeutic efforts XI II II 58:22:? addresses short of resuscitation. 6. The facility notifies Medical Director and Headquarters? Legal Counsel of the name and basic circumstances of any detainee with a "Do Not Policy 1390 addresses this Resuscitate" order in the medical record. In the case component. of IGSAs, this noti?cation is made through the local ICE representative. 7. The facility has written procedures to address the Policy 1394, Organ Donation, issues of organ donation by detainees. l3 l3 provides the authority for compliance with this component. 8. The facility has written procedures to notify ICE Policy 1030, ICE Noti?cations, officials, deceased family members and consulates, provides the authority for when a detainee dies while in custody. compliance with this component. 9. The facility has a policy and procedure to address the Policy 9000, Transportation of death of a detainee while in transport. El Inmates and Detainees, provides the authority for compliance with this component. 10. At all ICE locations the detainee?s remains disposed of Policy 8025, Terminal Illness, in accordance with the provisions detailed in this Advanced Directive and Death, standard. provides the authority for compliance with this component. 98 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5236 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 4 25. TERMINAL ILLNESS, ADVANCE DIRECTIVES, AND DEATH This Detention Standard ensures that each facility?s continuum of health care services addresses terminal illness, fatal injury, and advance directives and provides speci?c guidance in the event of a detainee?s death. Check this box if the facility does not accept ICE detainees who are severely or terminally ill. Indicate NA in the appropriate box for this portion of the worksheet. ALWAYS complete all references to detainee death and related noti?cations. ?5 '2 .9 2 ?3 Components 'g 3 '2 Remarks the event that neither family nor consulate claims the remains, the Field Of?ce schedules an indigent?s An interview with on-5ite burial, consistent with local procedures. staff indicated this is an - If the detainee is a US. military veteran, the TeSPONSibilitY- Department of Veterans Affairs notified. 12. An original or certi?ed copy of a detainee?s death No A-?les are maintained at the certi?cate is placed in the subject's A-File. facility. All information would be XI forwarded to the Los Angeles Field Office for inclusion in the A-?le. 13. The facility follows established policy and procedures describing when to contact the local coroner regarding Issues 35? Policy 8025 provides the Performance Of 8" aUtopsy- authority for compliance with this 0 Person(s) to perform the autopsy. component. 0 Obtaining State approved death certi?cates. 0 Local transportation of the body. 14. ICE staff follow established procedures to properly On-site ICE staff veri?ed this close the case of a deceased detainee. component is an ICE responsibility. PART 4 25. TERMINAL ILLNESS, ADVANCE DIRECTIVES, AND DEATH Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility is in compliance with the standard, as confirmed through a: review of policy and procedure; and interviews with facility and ICE staff. At the time of the inspection, it was reported there have been no requests for an Advanced Directive, Living Will, DNR Order or Organ Donation request in the three months ICE detainees have been on-site. I I November 4. 2010 DATE MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Section V ACTIVITIES 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Correspondence and Other Mail Escorted Trips for Non-Medical Emergencies Marriage Requests Recreation Religious Practices Telephone Access Visitation Voluntary Work Program 100 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004290 PART 5 26. CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MAIL This Detention Standard ensures that detainees will be able to correspond with their families, the community, legal representatives, government of?ces, and consular of?cials consistent with the safe and orderly operation of the facility. ?6 '2 ?19 2 Components 3; a) '2 Remarks The facility has written policy and procedures Policy 8026, Correspondence concerning correspondence and other mail. The rules and Other Mail, explains the for correspondence and other mail are posted in each correspondence and mail housing or common area or provided to each detainee procedures. A detainee via a detainee handbook. IE handbook explaining mail procedures is given to the detainee during intake. Although not required at an IGSA, the facility does post mail procedures in the housing units. . The facility provides key information in English, Spanish, and other languages spoken by a signi?cant number of detainees. Incoming mail is distributed to detainees within Incoming mail IS distributed hours or 1 busmess day after It IS received and IE El El within 12 hours of delivery Inspected. . Outgoing mail is delivered to the postal service within Outgoing mail is delivered to the one business day of its entering the internal mail El El postal service each day except system (excluding weekends and holidays). Sundays and Holidays. . Staff maintain a logbook-recording acceptance of This component is only required priority, priority overnight, and certified mail delivered at an however, the to the facility for a detainee. facility does maintain a logbook to show acceptance of priority, priority overnight, and certified mail delivered to the facility for a detainee. . Staff do not open and inspect incoming general correspondence and other mail (including packages .. . . . . . The facullty mallroom staff does 23m: inemangsi:2*::3and search it for contraband. Administrator or equwalent for prevailing security reasons. . Staff do not read incoming general correspondence This component is only required without the Facility Administrator?s prior approval. at an The facility staff does read general correspondence without prior approval from the Facility Commander. . Staff do not inspect incoming Special Correspondence for physical contraband or to verify the ?special? status of enclosures without the detainee present. . Staff are prohibited from reading or copying incoming and outgoing Special Correspondence without the El El detainee present. 101 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 26. CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MAIL This Detention Standard ensures that detainees will be able to correspond with their families, the community, legal representatives, government of?ces, and consular of?cials consistent with the safe and orderly operation of the facility. ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 10. Staff are only authorized to inspect outgoing Staff routinely inspects outgoing correspondence or other mail without the detainee correspondence. To do so present when there is reason to believe the item might without the detainee present is present a threat to the facility's secure or orderly only applicable at an operation, endanger the recipient or the public, or and this facility will inspect mail might facilitate criminal activity. without the detainee present. 11. Correspondence to a politician or to the media is processed as Special Correspondence and is not read or copied. 12. The of?cial authorizing the rejection of incoming mail The facility sends notices to both sends written notice to the sender and the addressee. the sender and the addressee when mail is rejected, although noti?cation to the sender is only required at an 13. The of?cial authorizing censorship or rejection of outgoing mail provides the detainee with signed written notice. 14. Staff maintains a written record of every item removed from detainee mail. 15. The Facility Administrator or designee monitors staff handling of discovered contraband and its disposition. El Records are accurate and up to date. 16. The procedure for safeguarding cash removed from a Policy 8026.5, Currency detainee protects the detainee from loss of funds and Received in the Mailroom, theft. The amount of cash credited to detainee explains the procedure for accounts is accurate. Discrepancies are documented safeguarding and processing of and investigated. Standard procedure includes issuing cash, which complies with this a receipt to the detainee. component. 17. Original identity documents (for example, passports, and birth certificates) are immediately removed and forwarded to ICE staff for placement in the A-?les. 18. Staff provide the detainee a copy of his or her identity document(s) upon request. 19. Staff dispose of prohibited items found in detainee Policy 8006, Contraband, mail in accordance with the Detention Standard on Cl explains the procedures for ?Contraband?. disposing of mail items. . very In Igent etaInee ast opportunity to man at ac: Ity a ows etalnees to 20E 'l Thf'l' government expense: At least five pieces of special mail one piece of mail per day, correspondence per week; Three one ounce letters Cl including three one-ounce letters per week: Packages deemed necessary by ICE. per week as deemed necessary by ICE. 21. The facility has a system for detainees to purchase stamps and for mailing all Special Correspondence IE and a minimum of 5 pieces of general correspondence per week. 102 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 1 NB PART 5 26. CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MAIL This Detention Standard ensures that detainees will be able to correspond with their families, the community, legal representatives, government of?ces, and consular of?cials consistent with the safe and orderly operation of the facility. a ?6 '2 (U (3 Components '3 '2 3 '2 Remarks ?2 858 22. The facility provides writing paper, envelopes, and pencils at no cost to ICE detainees. 23. SMU detainees have the same correspondence privileges as general population. 24. Detainees have access to outside publications. IE I: PART 5 26. CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MAIL IX Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA :lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility mailroom staff does open general correspondence and search it for contraband and does routinely inspect outgoing correspondence. November4 2010 DATE PART 5 27. ESCORTED TRIPS FOR NON-MEDICAL EMERGENCIES This Detention Standard permits detainees to maintain ties with their families and the community by providing detainees emergency staff-escorted trips into the community to visit critically ill members of the immediate family or to attend their funerals. Standard NA: Check this box if all ICE Non-Medical Emergency Escorted Trips are handled only by the ICE Field Office or Sub-Office in control of the detainee case. ?6 '2 .9 2 is Components 'g 'g 2 Remarks (5 5 a 1. The Field Of?ce Director considers and approves, on a case-by-case basis, trips to an immediate family member's; suc requessare orwar to the FOD in Los Angeles. 0 Funeral Deathbed 2. The facility recognizes as "immediate family member" a parent (including stepparent or foster parent), brother, sister, child, and spouse (including common- law spouse). 3. The facility noti?es ICE of all detainee requests for non-medical escorts. 4. The detainee?s Deportation Officer reviews the ?le before forwarding a detainee?s request, with recommendation, to the approving official. Each El recommendation addresses the individual's suitability for travel, the kind of supervision required. 5. Detainees who require overnight housing are placed in approved IGSA facilities. 6. Each escort detail includes at 7. The detainee remains under constant, direct visual supervision of escorting staff. 8. Escorting of?cers report unexpected situations to the originating facility as a matter of procedure and the ranking supervisor on duty has the authority to issue instructions for completion of the trip. 9. Escorting of?cers have the discretion to increase or The standard says staff may decrease minimum restraints in accordance with increase restraints, but at no written instruction, procedures and classi?cation level time decrease restraints. Facility of the detainee. policy does describe staff?s ability to increase minimum restraints. 10. Escort of?cers do not accept gifts/gratuities from a detainee, detainee's relative or friend for any reason. 104 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA0303ODMQQA (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 27. ESCORTED TRIPS FOR NON-MEDICAL EMERGENCIES This Detention Standard permits detainees to maintain ties with their families and the community by providing detainees emergency staff-escorted trips into the community to visit critically ill members of the immediate family or to attend their funerals. Standard NA: Check this box if all ICE Non-Medical Emergency Escorted Trips are handled only by the ICE Field Office or Sub-Office in control of the detainee case. Components Remarks Does Not Meet Standard NIA Meets Standard 11. Escort of?cers ensure that detainees: 0 Conduct them in a manner that does not bring discredit to 0 Do not violate federal, state, or local laws. 0 Do not purchase, possess, use, consume, or administer narcotics, other drugs, or intoxicants. 0 Do not arrange to visit family or friends unless approved before the trip. 0 Make no unauthorized phone calls. 0 Know they are subject to search, urinalysis, breathalyzer, or comparable test upon return to the facility. 12. The facility routinely subjects a detainee returning from Upon a detainee's return from an an escorted trip to a search, urinalysis, breathalyzer, escorted trip, this facility only etc. Cl searches the detainee, unless there are some signs of intoxication. 13. Standard procedure requires the immediate return to the facility of any detainee who violates trip rules. 14. The Field Office Director is the approving of?cial for all XI non-medical escorted trips. 15. Facility procedures comply with the following ICE Standards: 0 Transportation (Land Transportation Restraints applied strictly in accordance with the Use of Force Standard. PART 5 27. ESCORTED TRIPS FOR NON-MEDICAL EMERGENCIES IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA DRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility has met the standard for Escorted Trips for Non-Medical Emergencies. I November 4, 2010 DATE 105 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 28. MARRIAGE REQUESTS This Detention Standard ensures that each marriage request from an detainee receives a case-by-case review and based on internal guidelines for approval of such requests. ?6 1.2 ?19 0* Components 3 1:3 Remarks The Field Office Director or Facility Administrator marriage requests are conSIders detainee marriage requests on a case-by- II II handled by the ICE ?eld of?ce. case baSlS. 2. The Field Office Director reviews every marriage marriage requests are request rejected by a Facility Administrator or IGSA. I: [3 . Rejections are documented. handled by the ICE field of?ce. 3. It is standard practice to require a written request for El permission to marry. 4. The written request includes a signed statement or comparable documentation from the intended spouse, con?rming marital intent. 5. The Facility Administrator provides a written copy of The ICE official on site veri?ed his or her decision to the detainee and his or her legal Cl the written copies would come representative. from the ?eld of?ce. 6. When permission is denied, the Facility Administrator The ICE official on site verified states the basis for his or her decision along with El CI the written copies would come instructions on how the detainee can ?le an appeal. from the ?eld of?ce. 7. The Facility Administrator provides the detainee with a XI The facility would use the visiting place and time to make wedding arrangements. room for a marriage ceremony. 8. The detainee handbook explains the marriage request process. 9. In SPCs the Facility Administrator or highest ranking This component is speci?c to an ICE of?cial on-site is the only of?cer authorized to The ICE ?eld office approve a request to marry. is the approving authority on marriage requests at this facility. PART 5 - 28. MARRIAGE REQUESTS IX Meets Standard I: Does Not Meet Standard I: NIA IjRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The ICE of?cial on site veri?ed all marriage requests are handled by the ICE ?eld of?ce. November 4 2010 DATE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5296 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 - 29. RECREATION This Detention Standard ensures that each detainee has access to recreational and exercise programs and activities, within the constraints of safety, security, and good order. If outdoor recreation is offered check this box. Items 19-27 should then be marked '5 .. a {5 a Components 3 'g 'g 2 Remarks 5 3 8 1. The Facility provides: 0 An indoor recreation program. 0 An outdoor recreation program. 2. A recreational specialist (for facilities with more than This component is speci?c to an 350 detainees) tailors the program activities and IE The facility has a offerings to the detainee population. Corrections Program Supervisor who oversees recreation. 3. Regular maintenance keeps recreational facilities and El equipment ingood condition. . 4. The recreational specrallst or trained equrvalent ICE detainees do not work at supervises detainee recreation workers. this facility, and there are no non-ICE detainee recreation workers. 5. The recreational specialist or trainee equivalent oversees recreation programs for Special le I: I: Management Unit and special-needs detainees. 6. Dayrooms offer sedentary activities, board games, cards, television. 7. Outside activities are restricted to limited-contact sports. 8. Each detainee has the opportunity to participate in daily recreation. 9. Detainees have access to recreation activities outside The facility a ows recreation one the housing units for at least one hour daily. hour a day, seven days a week_ 10. Staff check all items for damage and condition when equipment is returned. 1 1. Staff conduct searches of recreation areas before and The security staff conducts after use. El searches of recreation areas before and after use. 12. Recreation areas are under constant staff supervision. 13. Supervising staff are equipped with radios. 14. The facility provides detainees in the SMU at least one hour of outdoor recreation time daily, ?ve times per week. 15. Detainees in disciplinary/administrative segregation receive a written explanation when a panel revokes his or her recreation privileges. 16. Special programs or religious activities are available to detainees. 107 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 - 29. RECREATION This Detention Standard ensures that each detainee has access to recreational and exercise programs and activities, within the constraints of safety, security, and good order. If outdoor recreation is offered check this box. Items 19-27 should then be marked ?6 1.2 18 a :5 Components 3 1:3 '2 5 Remarks 2 :2 8 17. All volunteers have completed an orientation program All volunteers go through an with documentation required before entering a secure El orientation program and portion of the facility where detainees are present. background checks. 18. Visitors, relatives or friends of detainees are not allowed to serve as volunteers. 19. If the facility has no outside recreation, are detainees considered for transfer after six months? 20. If yes, written procedures ensure timely review of all eligible detainees. 21. Case of?cers make written transfer recommendations about every six-month detainee to El El the Facility Administrator. 22. The Facility Administrator documents all detainee- transfer decisions, whether yes or no. 23. The detainee?s written decision for or against an offered transfer documented in his or her A-?le. 24. Staff notify the detainee?s legal representative of his or her decision to accept/decline a transfer. 25. If no recreation is available, the ICE Field Of?ce routinely review transfer eligibility for all detainees El El after 60 days. 26. Does the A-?le of every detainee held more than 60 days without access to recreation contains either a transfer-waiver signed by the detainee or the Facility g] Administrator?s written determination of the detainee's ineligibility for transfer. 27. The detainee?s legal representative is noti?ed of the detainee?s/Facility Administrator?s decision. PART 5 - 29. RECREATION Meets Standard El Does Not Meet Standard El NIA EIRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility offers outdoor recreation to its general population and segregation detainees one hour a day, seven days a week. The facility has a Corrections Program Supervisor overseeing the recreation program. November4 2010 DATE - . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 30. RELIGIOUS PRACTICES This Detention Standard ensures that detainees of different religious beliefs are provided reasonable and equitable opportunities to participate in the practices of their respective faiths, constrained only by concerns about safety, security, the orderly operation of the facility, or extraordinary costs associated with a speci?c practice. Components Remarks 2 8 0 1. Detainees are allowed to engage in religious The facility has areas for a? services. When available, these services are faithsto en a ein theirre" ious provided in major languages spoken within the beliefs 9 facility. 2. Space is available for detainees to participate in religious services. 3. The facility allows detainees to observe the major ?holy days? of their religious faith. 0 List any exceptions. 4. The facili accommodates reco nized hol -da by; This component is speci?c to an however, the facility 0 Providing special meals, consistent with dietary does recognize holy days by: reStrICtions- I: [3 providing Kosher meals; - Honoring fasting requirements. observing meatless Fridays Facilitating religious services. durlng Lent; and honoring fasting . . . . . re uirements. Allowmg actIVIty restrictions. 5. Each detainee is allowed religious items in his/her immediate possession; refer to the Funds and El Personal Property Standard. 6. Volunteer?s credentials are checked and veri?ed The facility does background before allowing participation in detainee programs. checks on all volunteers before they are allowed to enter the facility. 7. Members of faiths not represented by clergy may request to present their own services within security El allowances. 8. Detainees in the Special Management Unit may participate in religious practices unless otherwise documented for the safety and security of the facility. RELIGIOUS PRACTICES IX Meets Standard El Does Not Meet Standard El NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility allows all detainees the opportunity to practice their religious beliefs. November 4 2010 DATE 1: . . A 7 A MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 - 31. TELEPHONE ACCESS This Detention Standard ensures that detainees may maintain ties with their families and others in the community by providing them reasonable and equitable access to telephone services. ?5 '2 19 2 0* Components 8 2 Remarks 2 :3 8 a) 1. Detainees are allowed to access to telephones during The facility allows detainees to established facility waking hours, including access to I: use the telephones each day TTY devices. during waking hours. 2. Upon admittance, detainees are made aware of the The detainees are given a facility's telephone access policy. handbook, which explains the El telephone access policy. This information is also addressed in the orientation video. 3. Noti?cation explaining the facilities telephone policy is IE in the Detainee Handbook. 4. Access rules, including updated telephone and The access rules, including consulate number, are posted in housing units. updated telephone and El consulate number, are posted in the A and Barracks, where ICE detainees are housed. 5. The facility makes a reasonable effort to provide key information to detainees in languages spoken by any IE El signi?cant portion of the facility's population. 6. Telephones are provided at a minimum ratio of one The detainees' barracks have telephone per 25 detainees in the facility population. four phones inside the unit and El two outside the unit, which meets the ratio of one telephone per 25 detainees. 7. Telephones are inspected daily by facility staff to The assigned Deputy checks the ensure that they are in good working order. El El phones daily to ensure they are operational. 8. Telephones are located a reasonable distance from televisions. 9. The facility administration reports out-of- order telephones to the facility's telephone service El El provider. 10. The facility administration monitors repair progress and takes appropriate measures to ensure that the I: required repairs are begun and completed timely. 11. Detainees are afforded a reasonable degree of Detainees are removed from the privacy for legal phone calls. housing units and placed in a private area for legal phone calls. 12. A procedure exists to assist a detainee who is having Policy 8031, Telephone Access trouble placing a con?dential call. (dated 10-29-10), addresses the El procedure to be followed when a detainee has dif?culty placing a con?dential call. 13. The facility provides the detainees with the ability to lg} make non-collect (special access) calls. 110 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 31. TELEPHONE ACCESS This Detention Standard ensures that detainees may maintain ties with their families and others in the community by providing them reasonable and equitable access to telephone services. ?6 '2 19 a Components '3 '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 14. Special Access calls are at no charge to the detainees. 15. In facilities unable to fully meet this requirement initially because of limitations of its telephone service, The facility does meet the ICE makes alternate arrangements to provide requirement for special access required access within 24 hours of a request by a calls. detainee. 16. No restrictions are placed on detainees attempting to contact attorneys and legal service providers who are on the approved ?Free Legal Services List?. 17. Special arrangements are made to allow detainees to speak by telephone with an immediate family IE member detained in another Facility. 18. All telephone restrictions are documented. The facility has no record of a El telephone restriction for a detainee. 19. The facility has a system for taking and delivering Policy 8031.10, Emergency emergency detainee telephone messages. Phone Calls, addresses the El taking and delivering of emergency detainee telephone calls. 20. Phone call messages are given to detainees as soon as possible. 21. Detainees are allowed to return emergency phone '1 calls as soon as possible. 22. Detainees in disciplinary segregation are allowed Policy 8031.8, Telephone phone calls relating to the detainee's immigration Privileges in the SMU, explains case or other legal matters, including consultation that detainees in segregation are calls. El allowed phone calls relating to the detainee?s immigration case or other legal matters, including consultation calls. 23. Detainees in disciplinary segregation are allowed IE phone calls to consular/embassy officials. 24. Detainees in disciplinary segregation are allowed phone calls for family emergencies. 25. Detainees in administrative segregation and protective custody are afforded the same telephone El privileges as those in general population. 26. When detainee phone calls are monitored, notification is posted by detainee telephones, including a recorded message on the phone system, that phone calls made by the detainees may be monitored. Special Access calls are not monitored. 1 1 1 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-52M (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 31. TELEPHONE ACCESS This Detention Standard ensures that detainees may maintain ties with their families and others in the community by providing them reasonable and equitable access to telephone services. ?6 '2 19 a Components 3 'g 'g 2 Remarks (I 5 5 27. The OIG phone number for reporting abuse is . programmed into the detainee phone system. The ghggiigxgber at reviewer must verify that the number is operable. 28. The Field Of?ce Director has assigned ICE staff to check and report on the serviceability of facility phones. This is documented on a weekly basis PART 5 31. TELEPHONE ACCESS Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility meets the standard for Telephone Access. I l/November4,210 DATE 112 . . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 32. VISITATION This Detention Standard ensures that detainees will be able to maintain ties through visitation with their families, the community, legal representatives, and consular of?cials, within the constraints of safety, security, and good order. ?6 '2 ?19 0* Components 3 1:3 Remarks 2 :3 8 2 (D 1. There is a written visitation procedure, schedule, and Policy 8032, Visitation, hours for general visitation. IE addresses the visitation: procedure; schedule; and hours. 2. The visitation hours are tailored to the detainee The visitation hours are Friday population and the demand for visitation. The minimum duration for a visit is 30 minutes. through sunday? 8 AM to 6 3. The visitation schedule and rules are available to the Visitation rules are available on public. IX line and given to the visitor upon arrival for the visit. 4. The hours for all categories of visitation are posted in The facility entrance lobby has the visitation waiting area. all the visiting hours posted. 5. A written copy of the rules regulating visitation and the hours of visitation is available to visitors in English, Spanish, and other major languages spoken in the facility. 6. A general visitation log is maintained. 7. Detainees are permitted to retain authorized personal property items speci?ed in the standard. 8. A visitor dress code is available to the public. The visitor dress code is IE available on line and posted in the visiting room. 9. Visitors are searched and identi?ed according to IE standard requirements. 10. The requirement on visitation by minors is complied with. 11. At facilities where there is no provision for visits by .. . . . minors, ICE arranges for visits by children and El Zgg?ggy allows mmors to stepchildren, on request, within the ?rst 30 days. 12. After that time, on request, ICE considers a transfer, .. . . . when possible, to a facility that will allow minor allows minors to visitation. At a minimum, visits are allowed. 13. Anytime a visit is denied, to either a general population There are no documented cases detainee or SMU detainee, the denial is documented. IE of a visit being denied for an ICE detainee. 14. Detainees in special housing are afforded visitation. 15. Legal visitation is available seven (7) days a week, including holidays. IE 16. On regular business days legal visitation hours provide for a minimum of eight (8) hours per day and a IE minimum of four hours per day on weekends and holidays. 17. On regular business days, detainees are given the option of continuing a meeting with a legal IE representative through a scheduled meal. 113 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 - 32. VISITATION This Detention Standard ensures that detainees will be able to maintain ties through visitation with their families, the community, legal representatives, and consular of?cials, within the constraints of safety, security, and good order. ?6 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 18. Private consultation rooms are available for attorney meetings. There is a mechanism for the detainee and his/her representative to exchange documents. 19. There are written procedures governing detainee Policy 8013, Searches of searches. El Detainees, addresses this component. 20. Legal representatives and assistants are subject to a non-intrusive search such as a pat-down search of the person or a search of the person?s belongings - at any time for the purpose of ascertaining the presence of contraband. 21. Per the Standard, prior to each visit, legal service IE providers and assistants are identified. 22. The current list of pro bono legal organizations is posted in the detainee housing areas and other El El appropriate areas. 23. SPCs and CDFs shall submit written requests for tours This component is only required from domestic or international organizations and at an however, the associated with detention issues to the appropriate facility would follow this Field Office Director for approval. procedure. There have been no requests made for these types of visits. 24. Provisions for NGO visitation as stated in the Detention Standards are complied with. 25. Law enforcement of?cials, requesting to visit with a detainee, are referred to the ICE Facility Administrator for approval. 26. Former detainees or aliens in proceedings, requesting to visit with a detainee, are referred to the Facility El El Administrator or ICE Field Office. PART 5 32. VISITATION Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. I 1? November 4. 2010 SIGNATURE I DATE 114 I - . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 - 33. VOLUNTARY WORK PROGRAM This Detention Standard provides detainees opportunities to work and earn money while con?ned, subject to the number of work opportunities available and within the constraints of safety, security, and good order. While not legally required to do so, affords working detainees basic Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) protections. Check here if ICE detainees are not authorized to work at the IGSA facility. Mark NA on Form G-324A, page 3 and move to next section. '5 Components 3 3 5 Remarks 2 8 a: 1. The facility has a voluntary work program. II II 2. Detainee housekeeping meets acceptable levels of El neatness, cleanliness and sanitation standards. 3. At IGSAs detainees are never allowed to work outside the secure perimeter. SPCs and CDFs detainees classi?ed as level 1 have Cl Cl Cl the opportunity to participate in special details outside the secure perimeter under direct supervision. 4. Written procedures govern selection of detainees for the Voluntary Work Program. 0 The same procedures apply for replacement workers as for ?nevf workers. 0 Staff follow written procedures. 5. Where possible, physically and mentally challenged detainees participate in the program. 6. The facility complies with work-hour requirements for detainees, not exceeding: 0 Eight hours a day. 0 Forty hours a week. 7. Detainee volunteers ordinarily work according to a ?xed schedule. Cl 8. If a detainee is removed from a work detail, staff place the written justification for the action in the detainee?s detention ?le. 9. Staff, in accordance with written procedure, ensures that detainee volunteers understand their responsibilities as workers before they join the work program. 10. The voluntary work program meets: 0 OSHA standards NFPA standards 0 ACA standards 11. Medical staff screen and formally certi?es detainee food service volunteers; 0 Before the assignment begins 0 As a matter of written procedure 12. Detainees receive safety equipment/ training suf?cient for the assignment 115 l: . . A 7 A MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5265 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 5 - 33. VOLUNTARY WORK PROGRAM This Detention Standard provides detainees opportunities to work and earn money while con?ned, subject to the number of work opportunities available and within the constraints of safety, security, and good order. While not legally required to do so, affords working detainees basic Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) protections. Check here if ICE detainees are not authorized to work at the IGSA facility. Mark NA on Form G-324A, page 3 and move to next section. ?6 '2 3 a Components 2 '2 3 Remarks :3 8 13. Proper procedure is followed when an ICE detainee is injured on the job. PART 5 33. VOLUNTARY WORK PROGRAM Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility has no voluntary work program for ICE detainees. (W5), November 4, 2010 DATE 116 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Section VI JUSTICE 34 35 36 37 Detainee Handbook Grievance System Law Libraries and Legal Material Legal Rights Group Presentations 117 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004307 PART 6 - 34. DETAINEE HANDBOOK This Detention Standard requires that, upon admission, every detainee be provided comprehensive written orientation materials that describe such matters as the facility?s rules and sanctions, disciplinary system, mail and visiting procedures, grievance system, services, programs, and medical care, in English, Spanish, and other languages and that detainees acknowledge receipt of those materials. a, ?5 '2 1-0 2 Components 'g 3 'g 1? Remarks The facility has a detainee handbook. Each detainee Policy 8038, Detainee receives a copy of the local handbook and the ICE Handbook and Local National Detainee Handbook. Supplement, addresses this component. 2. The detainee handbook is written in English and The handbook is written in translated into Spanish, and other languages spoken I: English, Spanish and by signi?cant numbers of detainees in that facility. Vietnamese. 3. A procedure for requesting interpretive services for X, The facility will provide a essential communication has been developed. translator for detainees. 4. Orientation materials are read to detainees who The facility will provide a giggogrrelzjciooregge?nzr: prowded the material vra translator for detainees. 5. The handbook supplements the facility orientation The facility has an orientation video where one is provided. video shown in the housing unit in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. 6. The handbook is revised as necessary and there are The facility posts changes to procedures in place for immediately communicating XI the handbook on bulletin any revisions to staff and detainees. boards in the housing units. Staff is noti?ed by memos. 7. There is an annual review of the handbook by a The facility ICE Compliance designated committee or staff member. Cl Deputy reviews the handbook annually. 8. The detainee handbook address the following issues: 0 Personal Items permitted to be retained by the detainee. 0 Initial issue of clothes, bedding and personal hygiene items. 0 How to access care. 9. The detainee handbook states in clear language basic IE detainee responsibilities. 10. The handbook clearly outlines the methods for classi?cation of detainees, explains each level, and explains the classification appeals process. 11. The handbook states when a medical examination will be conducted. 12. The handbook describes the facility, housing units, dayrooms, ln-dorm activities and special management units. 118 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 6 - 34. DETAINEE HANDBOOK This Detention Standard requires that, upon admission, every detainee be provided comprehensive written orientation materials that describe such matters as the facility?s rules and sanctions, disciplinary system, mail and visiting procedures, grievance system, services, programs, and medical care, in English, Spanish, and other languages and that detainees acknowledge receipt of those materials. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard Remarks 13 .The handbook describes: of?cial count times and count procedures, meal times, feeding procedures, procedures for medical or religious diets, smoking policy, clothing exchange schedules and if authorized, clothes washing and drying procedures and expected personal hygiene practices. The handbook has no of?cial count times documented for detainee review. 14. The handbook describes times and procedures for obtaining disposable razors and explains that detainees attending court will be afforded the opportunity to shave first. 15. The handbook describes barber hours and hair cutting restrictions. [1 There are no barber hours or hair cutting restrictions mentioned in the handbook. 16. The handbook describes; the telephone policy, debit card procedures, direct and frees calls; locations of telephones; policy when telephone demand is high; and policy and procedures for emergency phone calls. 17. The handbook addresses religious programming. 18. The handbook states times and procedures for commissary or vending machine usage. (where available) 19. The handbook describes the detainee voluntary work program. The facility has no voluntary work program. 20 . The handbook describes the library location and hours of operation and law library procedures and schedules. DEEDS 21. The handbook describes: attorney and regular visitation hours, policies, and procedures, location of the list of pro bono legal organizations; group legal rights presentations schedule and sign up procedures. 22. The handbook/supplement provides local ICE contact information. 23. The handbook describes the facility contraband policy. 24. The handbook describes the facility visiting hours and schedule and visiting rules and regulations. 25. The handbook describes the correspondence policy and procedures. XEEIZ DUDE DUDE 26. The handbook describes the detainee disciplinary policy and procedures, including: Prohibited acts and severity scale sanctions. 0 Time limits in the Disciplinary Process. 0 Summary of Disciplinary Process. [j [j MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-5269 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 119 PART 6 - 34. DETAINEE HANDBOOK This Detention Standard requires that, upon admission, every detainee be provided comprehensive written orientation materials that describe such matters as the facility?s rules and sanctions, disciplinary system, mail and visiting procedures, grievance system, services, programs, and medical care, in English, Spanish, and other languages and that detainees acknowledge receipt of those materials. '6 .. a a Components 8 '2 '2 Remarks 2 2 8 3 a: (D 27. The grievance section of the handbook explains all steps in the grievance process Including: 0 Informal (if used) and formal grievance . proce ures? Although the topic 'requiring The appeals processv procedures for ?ling an appeal 0 In CDFs procedures for ?ling an appeal of a of a grievance with is grievance with ICE. Cl speci?c to an it is Staff/detainee availability to help during the "Oted 3? ?f_these are grievance process. addressed In the grievance . section of the handbook. - Guarantee against staff retaliation for ?ling/pursuing a grievance. How to ?le a complaint about of?cer misconduct with the Department of Homeland Security. 28. The handbook describes the medical sick call procedures for general population and segregation. 29. The handbook describes the facility recreation policy including: 0 Outdoor recreation hours. 0 Indoor recreation hours. In dorm leisure activities. 0 Rules for television viewing. 30. The handbook describes the detainee dress code for daily living; and work assignments and the El meaning of color-coded uniforms. 31. The handbook speci?es the rights and responsibilities of all detainees. 32. Detainees are required to sign for the handbook to All detainees sign for receipt of ensure accountability. their handbook. 33. Orientation materials are provided to illiterate detainees either orally or via audio/video tapes in a language they can understand. PART 6 - 34. DETAINEE HANDBOOK Meets Standard El Does Not Meet Standard El NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc.): Although a couple topics are not addressed, the facility has a handbook that meets the ICE standard. The facility ICE Compliance Deputies review the handbook annually. The handbook, as well as an orientation video shown in the housing unit, is provided in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. (b)(6), (b)(7)c / November 4, 2010 REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE / DATE 121 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004311 PART 6 35. GRIEVANCE SYSTEM This Detention Standard protects detainees? rights and ensures they are treated fair1y by providing a procedure by which they may ?le formal grievances and receive timely responses. ?6 '2 ?19 2 Components 3; a: '2 Remarks Detainees are informed about the facility?s informal The handbook explains the and formal grievance system. grievance process. 2. The admissions process includes providing each new . . . . arrival with a copy of the detainee handbook (or Andetamees recewethe fac'l'ty equivalent)_ handbook upon 3. The grievance section of the handbook explains all steps in the grievance process Including: 0 Informal and formal grievance procedures; 0 The appeals process and step-by-step procedures; - Staff/detainee availability to help during the grievance process Guarantee against staff retaliation for ?ling/pursuing a grievance. How to ?le a complaint about of?cer misconduct with the Department of Justice. 0 How to ?le an emergency grievance. 4. Written procedures provide for the informal resolution of oral grievances (Not mandatory). If yes, the detainee has up to ?ve days within which to make his or her concern known to a member of the staff. The facility allows detainees up to 30 days to address concerns with staff members. 5. Detainees have access to the grievance committee (or equivalent in IGSA), using formal procedures. 0 Detainees may seek help from other detainees or facility staff when preparing a grievance. disabled, or non-English-speaking detainees receive special assistance when necessary. 6. Facility has written procedures for identifying and El handling a time-sensitive emergency grievance. 7. Every member of the staff knows how to identify . . . Facility policy explains emergency grievances, Including the procedures for El Cl emergency grievances- them. 8. Staff shall not harass, discipline, punish or otherwise There are no recorded cases of retaliate against a detainee who ?les a complaint or staff harassing, disciplining, grievance. El Cl punishing or otherwise retaliating against a detainee who files a complaint or grievance. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 6 35. GRIEVANCE SYSTEM they may ?le formal grievances and receive timer responses. This Detention Standard protects detainees? rights and ensures they are treated fainy by providing a procedure by which outcome to ?le a formal grievance. ?6 '2 19 a Components '3 '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 9. Egocedures include maintaining a Detainee Grievance The facility uses an Access 9' computer software program for If not, an alternative acceptable record keeping the Detainee Grievance Log. All System is maintained nuisance complaints are 0 "Nuisance complains" are identi?ed in the records. identi?ed and doctJmented, For quality control purposes, staff document ag?ugh not requ'red at an IGSA nuisance complaints received but not ?led. m" 10. If a detainee who establishes a pattern of ?ling nuisance complaints or otherwise abusing the . . . .. . . ollcy 8035.7, Grievance grievance system, the Administrator may El Procedure Abuse, addresses authorize staff to refuse to process subsequent this com onent complaints. This authority may not be delegated, even to an acting Facility Administrator. 11. Staff are required to forward any grievance that Policy 8035.9, Filing a Complaint includes of?cer misconduct to a higher of?cial or, in a El about Staff Misconduct, facility, to ICE. addresses this component. 12. Informal resolution of a written grievance is Policy 8035.4, Grievance documented in the detainee?s Detention File. Resolution, addresses this component. 13. Staff comply with the requirement to report allegations of of?cer misconduct to a supervisor or higher-level Policy 8035.651, Supervisor official in his or her chain of command, and/or to El Responsibilities, addresses this Office of Professional Responsibility and/or component. the DHS Inspector General. 14. In SPCs and CDFs, when a Detainee does not accept The ?rst sentence of this the grievance committee's decision, he/she ?les an component is on y required at an appeal with the ICE Facility Administrator. The handbook - In all facilities written procedures cover detainee eXP'ains the SrieYanee Process appeals and are included in the detainee and the detalnees t0 handbook appeal a committee's decision. 15. In the detainee has a reasonable This component is only required timeframe after the incident or informal-grievance at an The facility allows 30 days to ?le a formal g?evance. PART 6 - 35. GRIEVANCE SYSTEM IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA :lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility Grievance System meets the standard. November 4 2010 EVIEWER DATE 7 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-524A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review kasheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 6 36. LAW LIBRARIES AND LEGAL MATERIAL This Detention Standard protects detainees? rights by ensuring their access to courts, counsel, and legal materials. ?9 ?6 Components 8 'g 'g Remarks 5 3 a) 1. The facility provides a designated law library for The facility law library is located detainee use. between the A and barracks where the detainees are housed. The facility also maintains a LexisNexis unit for detainees housed in the SMU. 2. The law library contains all materials listed in the ?Access to Legal Materials? Standard, Attachment A. The listing of materials is posted in the law library. In lieu of/or in addition to the physical law library, ICE detainees have access to the Lexus Nexus electronic law library. 3. If the Lexis/Nexis CD-ROM service alternative is used for the publications in Attachment A, the facility The printers and copiers are provides detainees suf?cient: {o?ca?ecti in thehcontrol rootm nlear Operable computers and printers, in suf?cient I: I: .e ame? ous'ng u" 5' 3 numbers in order to provide access Photocopiers, and room- 0 Supplies for both. 4. The library contains a suf?cient number of chairs, is well lit and is reasonably isolated from noisy areas. 5. The law library is adequately equipped with The facility law library computers typewriters, computers or both and has suf?cient have Microsoft word, which is supplies for daily use by the detainees. used in place of a typewriter. 6. Detainees are provided with the means to save legal IE work in a private electronic format for future use. 7. The facility subscribes to updating services where applicable and legal materials requiring updates are El El current. 8. Outside persons and organizations are permitted to submit published legal material for inclusion in the IE legal library. Outside published material is forwarded and reviewed by the ICE prior to inclusion. 9. There is a designated ICE or facility employee who Together, the assigned inspects, updates, and maintain/replace legal material deportation of?cer and Sergeant and equipment on a routine basis. The designee responsible for oversight forA properly disposes outdated supplements and replaces El El and barracks: inspect; damaged or missing material Iupdalite; and rlnairgjtain/replace ega ma an an equrpmen on a routine basis. 10. Detainees are offered a minimum 5 hours per week in the law library. Detainees are not required to forego The detainees may use the law recreation time in lieu of library usage. Detainees library every day for unlimited facing a court deadline are given priority use of the law timeframes based upon request. library. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 6 36. LAW LIBRARIES AND LEGAL MATERIAL This Detention Standard protects detainees? rights by ensuring their access to courts, counsel, and legal materials. *5 '5 0? 15 3 Components 'g a, 8 'g 5 Remarks a 8 a OI. 0-0 a) 11. Detainees may request material not currently in the law library. Each request is reviewed and where appropriate an acquisition request is initiate and timely pursued. Request for copies of court decisions are accommodated within 3 - 5 business days. 12. The facility permits detainees to assist other detainees, voluntarily and free of charge, in researching and preparing legal documents, consistent with security. 13. Staff ensure that illiterate or non-English-speaking detainees without legal representation receive more than access to English-language law books after indicating their need for help. 14. Detainees may retain a reasonable amount of personal legal material in the general population and in the special management unit. Stored legal materials are accessible within 24 hours of a written request. 15. Detainees housed in Administrative Segregation and Disciplinary Segregation units have the same law library access as the general population, barring security concerns. Detainees denied access to legal materials are documented and reviewed routinely for lifting of sanctions. There are no documented cases of a detainee's ever having been denied legal materials. 16. All denials of access to the law library fully There are no documented cases documented. IE of a detainee's ever having been denied legal materials. 17. Facility staff inform ICE Management when a detainee or group of detainees is denied access to the law library or law materials. 18. Detainees who seek judicial relief on any matter are IE not subjected to reprisals, retaliation, or penalties. 19. Indigent detainees are provided with free envelopes IE and stamps to mail related to legal matters. PART 6 36. LAW LIBRARIES AND LEGAL MATERIAL Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility meets the standard for Law Libraries and Legal Material. November 4 2010 EVIEWER IGNATUREI DATE 125 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA0303ODMQ45 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 6 - 37. LEGAL RIGHTS GROUP PRESENTATIONS This Detention Standard protects detainees? rights by ensuring their access to information presented by authorized persons and organizations for the purpose of informing them of US immigration law and procedures. Components Meets Standard Does Not tanda U) NIA Remarks Check here if No Group Presentations were conducted Acceptable overall and continue on with within the past next portion of worksheet. 12 months. Mark Standard as . The Field Office is responsive to requests by attorneys and accredited for presentations. representatives group Upon receipt of concurrence by the Field Office Director, the facility or authorized Field Of?ce ensures proper noti?cation to attorneys or accredited representatives in a timely manner. The facility follows policy and procedure when rejecting or requesting modi?cations to objectionable material provided or presented by the attorney or accredited representative. Posters announcing presentations appear in common areas at least 48 hours in advance and sign-up sheets are available and accessible. Detainees have access to group presentations on immigration law, procedures and detainee options. Documentation is submitted and maintained when any detainee is denied permission to attend a presentation and the reason(s) for the denial. When the number of detainees allowed to attend a presentation is limited, the facility allows a suf?cient number of presentations so that all detainees signed up may attend. Detainees in segregation, unable to attend for security reasons may request separate sessions with presenters. Such requests are documented. Interpreters are admitted when necessary to assist attorneys and other legal representatives. Presenters are afforded a minimum of one hour to make the presentation and additional time to conduct a question-and-answer session. 10. Staff permit presenters to distribute approved materials. DEED DEED DEED 11. The facility permits presenters to meet with small groups of detainees to discuss their cases after the group presentation. or authorized detention staff are present but do not monitor conversations with legal providers. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA030300679-524A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 6 - 37. LEGAL RIGHTS GROUP PRESENTATIONS This Detention Standard protects detainees? rights by ensuring their access to information presented by authorized persons and organizations for the purpose of informing them of US. immigration law and procedures. Components Remarks Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA Check here if No Group Presentations were conducted within the past 12 months. Mark Standard as Acceptable overall and continue on with next portion of worksheet. 12. Group presenters who have had their privileges suspended are noti?ed in writing by the Field Office Director or designee, and the reasons for suspension are documented. The Headquarters Of?ce for Detention and Removal, Field Operations and Detention management Division is noti?ed when a group or individual is suspended from making presentations. 13. The facility plays ICE/DRO-approved videotaped presentations on legal rights, at regular opportunities El El El at the request of outside organizations. 14. A copy of the Group Legal Rights Presentation policy, including attachments, is available to detainees upon El El request 15. The facility maintains equipment for viewing approved electronically formatted presentations. PART 6 - 37. LEGAL RIGHTS GROUP PRESENTATIONS Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility has had no Legal Rights Group Presentations. November 4 2010 DATE MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 Performance-Based National Detention Standards Section VII ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT 38 39 40 41 Detention Files News Media Interviews and Tours Staff Training Transfer of Detainees 128 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) G-324A (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet - Rev: 5/11/09 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004318 PART 7 38. DETENTION FILES This Detention Standard contributes to ef?cient and responsible facility management by maintaining for each detainee booked into a facility for more than 24 hours a ?le of all significant information about that person. ?6 '2 3 2 Components 3; a: '2 Remarks Detention File is created for every new arrival whose All detention files are created at stay will exceed 24 hours. I: I: the OCIRC and then transferred to this facility. . The detainee Detention File contains either originals or copies of documentation and forms generated during IE the admissions process. . The detainee?s Detention File also contains documents generated during the detainee?s custody. 0 Special requests 0 Any 6-5895 and/or l-77s or IGSA equivalent, IE closed-out during the detainee?s stay 0 Disciplinary forms/Segregation forms 0 Grievances, complaints, and the disposition(s) of same . The Detention Files are located and maintained in a The detention ?les are located secured area. If not the cabinets are lockable and within the intake area, which is distribution of the keys is limited to supervisors. secured and only accessed by staff. Although not required at an IGSA (and also a moot issue IE since ?les are in a secure area), the facility also maintains the detention ?les in a locked cabinet with keys limited to assigned record of?ce staff. . The Detention File remains active during the detainee?s stay. When the detainee is released from the facility, staff adds copies of completed release IE documents, the original closed-out receipts for property and valuables, the original I-385 or equivalent and other documentation. . The of?cer closing the Detention File makes a notation The of?cer closing the detention that the ?le is complete and ready to be archived. ?le: completes a close-out form; El and makes a notation indicating the ?le is complete and ready to be archived. . Staff make copies and sends documents from the ?le when appropriately requested by supervisory El personnel at the receiving facility or of?ce. . Appropriate staff have access to the Detention Files The facility record of?ce staff are and other departmental requests are accommodated the only individuals authorized by making a request for the ?le. Each ?le is properly access to the detention ?les. If a logged out and in by a representative of the detention ?le is requested, a log- responsible department. out card is completed and it remains in the supervisor?s of?ce until the ?le is returned. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 38. DETENTION FILES This Detention Standard contributes to ef?cient and responsible facility management by maintaining for each detainee booked into a facility for more than 24 hours a ?le of all significant information about that person. Components tandard Meet Standard NIA Meets Does Not Remarks 9. Electronic record-keeping systems and data are protected from unauthorized access. 10. Unless release of information is required by statute or regulation, a detainee must sign a release-of- information consent form prior to the release of any information, and a copy of the form is maintained in the detainee's Detention File. 1 1. Electronic data on individual detainees is subject to the same Privacy Act regulations as the contents of traditional paper Detention Files and A-?les. 12. The Facility Administrator or staff designate ensures that necessary equipment and supplies, including copier and copier supplies are available; all equipment is maintained in good working order and that equipment has the capacity to handle the volume of work. 13. The Detention Operations Supervisor or equivalent can direct certain documents be added to a detainee's detention File. 14. Archived ?les are purged after six years by shredding or burning. IE 15. Field Offices maintains detention ?les on detainees housed in IGSA Facilities as needed. These files are maintained for a minimum of 18 months. CI PART 7 38. DETENTION FILES Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA : Repeat Finding REMARKS (Record significant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. (mmc November4 2010 NATURE I DATE - - 130 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA0303ODMQQA (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 - 39. NEWS MEDIA INTERVIEWS AND TOURS This Detention Standard ensures that the public and the media are informed of events within the facility?s areas of responsibility through interviews and tours. ,t Components 8 Remarks 5 8 tn 0 a) 1. The Field Of?ce Director approved all The facility had one media tour interviews by reporters, other news media which was approved; however, representatives, academics and others not covered by no detainee interviews were the Detention Standard on Visitation. conducted. 2. All personal interviews are documented with the News Policy 8039, News Media Interview Authorization form (or equivalent) and ?led in Interviews and Tours, explains the detainee?s A-file with a copy in the facility?s the procedures for documenting Detention File. El news media interviews. The facility has had no media interviews since receiving ICE detainees. 3. The Field Of?ce Director consulted with Headquarters before deciding to allow an interview with a detainee The facility has had no media who was the center of a controversy, or special interviews with detainees. interest, or high pro?le case. 4. Signed released forrns are obtained and retained in Policy 8039, News Media the detainee?s a-file from any media representatives Interviews and Tours, explains who photographed or recorded any detainee in any the process of obtaining signed way that would individually identify him or her. release forms. 5. All press pools are organized ?according to the procedures in the Detention Standard. 0 A press pool may be established when the Field Of?ce Director and facility administrator determine that the volume of interview requests warrants such action. 0 All media representatives with pending or Policy 8039 addresses the requested, tours, or visits were noti?ed that, IE El procedure for press pools. effective Immediately and until further notice, all media representatives must comply with the press pool guidelines established by the Field Of?ce Director. 0 All material generated from such a press pool is made available to all news media, without right of ?rst publication or broadcast. PART 7 - 39. NEWS MEDIA INTERVIEWS AND TOURS IE Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA I:lRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility meets the standard for News Media Interviews and Tours. November 4I 2010 SNATURE I DATE 131 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 - 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. '5 .. a Components 3 '2 Remarks 2 3 8 a) . The facility conducts appropriate orientation, initial . . . . . . . Policy 8040, Staff Training, training, and annual training for all staff, contractors, I: I: addresses this component and volunteers. . The amount and content of training is consistent with the duties and function of each individual and the degree of direct supervision that individual receives. . At least one quali?ed individual with specialized The facility training coordinator, training for the position coordinates and oversees the who oversees the staff staff development and training program. At a X, development and training minimum, full-time training personnel complete a 40- program, has State of California hour training-for-trainers course. Full time Education Teaching Credentials. . Training is governed and guided by a training plan that Faculty Commander Signs IS reVIewed and approved annually by the I: I: . . administrator. off annually on the training plan. . An accurate and complete record is maintained of all formal training actIVItIes In: The facility uses the Katena 0 Individual training folders, Software program for Other training records systems, and/or maintaining training ?les- 0 Electronic systems. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. '5 190 zo-?cu Components 3'2 2 ?2 852 Remarks 6. Each new employee, contractor, and volunteer is provided an orientation prior to assuming duties. While tailored speci?cally for staff, contractors, and volunteers, the orientation programs include, at a minimum: 0 Working conditions 0 Cultural diversity/understanding staff detainees 0 Code of ethics 0 Personnel policy manual 0 Employees? rights and responsibilities 0 Drug-free Workplace Health-related emergencies 0 Signs of Suicide risk and precautions Suicide prevention and intervention 0 Hunger strikes 0 Use of Force 0 Keys and Locks 0 Overview of the criminal justice system 0 Tour of the facility 0 Facility goals and objectives 0 Facility organization 0 Staff rules and regulations 0 Sexual harassment/sexual misconduct awareness 0 Personnel policies 0 Program overview Orientation and training on detainee handbook and detainee rights. 0 Requirement of special-needs detainees. 0 National Detention Standards 133 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodrsheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. ?6 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 852 7. Clerical/support employees who have minimal detainee contact receive a minimum of: 0 Working conditions 0 Cultural diversity/understanding staff detainees - Code of ethics 0 Personnel policy manual 0 Employees? rights and responsibilities 0 Overview of the criminal justice system 0 Tour of the facility .. . . El goals and objectlves 0 Facility organization 0 Staff rules and regulations 0 Sexual harassment/sexual misconduct awareness 0 Personnel policies 0 Program overview - National Detention Standards. 0 Key and Lock Control. 0 Suicide risk and prevention. 134 . . I, MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodtsheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. '5 190 zo-?cu Components 3'2 2 ?2 852 Remarks 8. Professional and support employees (including contractors) who have regular or daily detainee contact will receive training on the following subjects, ataminimum: 0 Security procedures and regulations 0 Code of Ethics 0 Health-related emergencies Drug-free workplace 0 Supervision of detainees 0 Signs of suicide risk and hunger strike 0 Suicide precautions Use-of-force regulations and tactics 0 Report writing 0 Detainee rules and regulations 0 Key control 0 Rights and responsibilities of detainees 0 Safety procedures 0 Emergency plan and procedures 0 Interpersonal relations 0 Social/cultural lifestyles of the detainee population 0 Cultural diversity/understanding staff detainees 0 Communication skills 0 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/First aid 0 Counseling techniques 0 Sexual harassment/sexual misconduct awareness. 0 National Detention Standards. 135 . I, MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. Components Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA Remarks 9. Full-time health care employees receive at least 40 hours of formal orientation before undertaking their assignments. At a minimum, the orientation program includes: The purpose, goals, policies and procedures for the facility and parent agency security and contraband regulations Key control; appropriate conduct with detainees Responsibilities and rights of employees Standard precautions Occupational exposure Personal protective equipment Bio-hazardous waste disposal Overview of the detention operations. National Detention Standards. Medical grievance procedures and protocol. Requirement for special needs detainees. Code of Ethics Drug free workplace Hostage situations and staff conduct if taken hostage. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodtsheet Rev: 5/11/09 1 136 PART 7 - 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. '5 19 a a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 853 10. Security personnel (including contractors) will receive training on the following subjects, at a minimum: 0 Security procedures and regulations 0 Supervision of detainees 0 Searches of detainees, housing units, and work areas 0 Signs of suicide risk, precaution, prevention and intervention. 0 Code of Ethics 0 Health-related emergencies Drug-free workplace 0 Suicide precautions Self-defense techniques 0 Use-of-force regulations and tactics - Report writing El El 0 Detainee rules and regulations 0 Key control 0 Rights and responsibilities of detainees - Safety procedures 0 Emergency plans and procedures 0 Interpersonal relations 0 Social/cultural lifestyles of the detainee population 0 Cultural diversity/understanding staff detainees 0 Communication skills 0 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation aid 0 Counseling techniques 0 Sexual abuse/assault awareness 0 National Detention Standards. 11. Situation Response Teams (SRTs) receive: Policy 8040.4, Emergency - Specialized training before undertaking their Response Team'addresses?th's assignmenm component. The team receives a minimum ofours training annually. 12. Facility management and supervisory staff receive: 0 Management and Supervisory training 13. (MANDATORY) Personnel authorized to use ?rearms Policy 8040.5, Personnel receive training that covers their use, safety, and care Authorized to Use Firearms, and constraints on their use -- before being assigned addresses this component in its to a post involving their possible use. entirety. 137 . . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Watksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. '6 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 14. (MANDATORY) All personnel authorized to use . . ?rearms demonstrate competency in their use at least was ven?ed through a review of the training ?les. annually. 15. (MANDATORY) Personnel authorized to use chemical agents receive training in the use of chemical agents and in the treatment of individuals exposed to a El chemical agent before being assigned to a post involving their possible use. 16. All staff receives orientation and annual training on the facility?s drug-free workplace program. Typical contents are: 0 Staff, contractors, and volunteers prohibited from: 0 Using illegal drugs. 0 Possessing illegal drugs except in the authorized El performance of of?cial duties. 0 Procedures to be used to ensure compliance. 0 Opportunities available for treatment and/or counseling for drug abuse. 0 Penalties for violation of the policy. 17. New staff are required to acknowledge in writing that they have reviewed and understand the facility?s drug- free workplace program, and a copy of the signed acknowledgement is maintained in that person?s personnel ?le. Training files were reviewed and El copies of signed acknowledgements were observed. 18. All staff are trained during orientation and annually thereafter, regarding the facility?s code of ethics. Typical contents are: 0 Staff, contractors, and volunteers prohibited from: 0 Using their of?cial positions to secure privileges for themselves or others. 0 Engaging in activities that constitute a conflict of '3 '3 interest. 0 Accepting any gift or gratuity from, or engaging in personal business transactions with a detainee or a detainee's immediate family. - Acceptable behavior in the areas of campaigning, lobbying or political activities. 19. New staff are required to acknowledge in writing that they have reviewed and understand facility work rules, ethics, regulations, conditions of employment, and related documents, and a copy of the signed acknowledgement is maintained in that person?s personnel ?le. 138 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FQIA0303ODMQQA (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodssheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. ?6 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 852 20. (MANDATORY) All staff in frequent contact with detainees is trained at least annually to respond to health-related emergencies within four minutes. The training is provided by a responsible medical authority in cooperation with the facility administrator and includes: 0 Recognizing of signs of potential health emergencies and the required responses. 0 Administering ?rst aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR . Obtaining emergency medical assistance through the facility plan and its required procedures. Recognizing signs and of mental illness, suicide risk, retardation, and chemical dependency. The facility?s established plan and procedures for providing emergency medical care including, when required, the safe and secure transfer of detainees for appropriate hospital or other medical services, including by ambulance when indicated. 21. All staff in frequent contact with detainees are trained at least annually on the facility?s Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention Program, to include: 0 Understanding that sexual abuse or assault is never an acceptable consequence of detention. - Recognizing housing or other situations where sexual abuse or assault may occur. 0 Recognizing the physical, behavioral, and emotional signs of sexual abuse or assault and ways to prevent such occurrences. 0 Knowing how to report knowledge or suspicion of sexual abuse or assault and make intervention referrals in the facility?s program. MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodtsheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 - 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. '5 19 a a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 853 22. (MANDATORY) All staff in frequent contact with detainees are trained at least annually on the facility?s Suicide Prevention and Intervention Program, to include: 0 Identifying the warning signs and of impending suicidal behavior, 0 Demographic, cultural, and precipitating factors of suicidal behavior, Annual training, which 0 Responding to suicidal and depressed detainees, XI addresses these topics? is . . . conducted for all staff. 0 Communication between correctional and health care personnel, 0 Referral procedures, 0 Housing observation and suicide-watch level procedures, and Follow-up monitoring of detainees who have attempted suicide. 23. All staff are trained during orientation and annually to recognize the signs of a hunger strike and on the procedures for referral for medical assessment. 24. All staff are trained in proper procedures for the care and handling of keys. Orientation training shall be accomplished before staff are issued keys, and key XI control shall be among the topics covered in annual training. Ordinarily, such training is done by the Security Of?cer or Key Control Of?cer. 25. Through ongoing (at least annual) training, all detention facility staff are made aware of their responsibilities to control situations involving aggressive detainees. At a minimum, training shall include: The requirements of this Detention Standard 0 The use of force continuum - Communication techniques 0 Cultural diversity IE 0 Dealing with the mentally ill 0 Confrontation-avoidance techniques 0 Approved methods of self-defense 0 Force cell-move techniques 0 Communicable diseases, particularly precautions to be taken for use of force 0 Application of restraints (progressive and hard) 0 Reporting procedures. 7 . MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Wodtsheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 40. STAFF TRAINING This Detention Standard ensures that staff, contractors, and volunteers are competent in their assigned duties by requiring that they receive initial and ongoing refresher training. ?6 '2 19 a Components '2 3 Remarks ?2 858 26. Employees are encouraged to continue their education Orange County provides up to and professional development through incentives such $2,000 a year to individual staff as salary enhancement, reimbursement of costs, and who want to continue their administrative leave. education. PART 7 40. STAFF TRAINING Meets Standard lj Does Not Meet Standard lj NIA ljRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility has a very detailed training program in place. r/ November 4, 2010 DATE MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 141 PART 7 - 41. TRANSFER OF DETAINEES This Detention Standard ensures that transfers of detainees from one facility to another are professionally and responsibly managed in regard to noti?cations, detainee records, safety and security, and protection of detainee funds and personal property. a? .- 2 Components '2 3 Remarks 2 2 8 2 1. When a detainee is represented by legal counsel or a legal representative, and a 6-28 has been ?led, the I representative of record is notified by the detainee?s POIICY 3041, TraDSfer 0f Deportation Of?cer within 24 hours of transfer. IE Daamees. explalns the procedure for legal 0 The noti?cation IS recorded In the detainee 5 ?le representation for detainees. 0 When the A-File is not available, noti?cation is noted within ENFORCE. 2. Noti?cation includes the reason for the transfer and IE the location of the new facility, 3. The deportation of?cer is allowed discretion regarding the timing of the notification when extenuating circumstances are involved. 4. The attorney and detainee are noti?ed that it is their responsibility to notify family members regarding a transfer. 5. Facility policy mandates that: 0 Times and transfer plans are never discussed with the detainee prior to transfer. 0 The detainee is not notified of the transfer until El immediately prior to departing the facility. 0 The detainee is not permitted to make any phone calls or have contact with any detainee in the general population. 6. The detainee is provided with a completed Detainee Transfer Noti?cation Form. 7. Form G-391 or equivalent authorizing the removal ofa detainee from a facility is used. 8. For medical transfers: 0 The Division of Immigration Health Services (DIHS) Medical Director or designee approves the transfer. 0 Medical transfers are coordinated through the local of?ce. El 0 A medical transfer summary is completed and accompanies the detainee. - Detainee is issued a minimum of 7 days worth of prescription medications. 9. Detainees are transferred with a completed transfer summary sheet in a sealed envelope with the IE detainee?s name and A-number and the envelope is marked Medical Con?dential. 142 MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 PART 7 - 41. TRANSFER OF DETAINEES This Detention Standard ensures that transfers of detainees from one facility to another are professionally and responsibly managed in regard to noti?cations, detainee records, safety and security, and protection of detainee funds and personal property. ?6 '2 19 2 cu Components 8 '2 Remarks 2 :3 8 :3 o) 10. For medical transfers, transporting of?cers receive IE instructions regarding medical issues. 11. Detainee?s funds, valuables and property are returned and transferred with the detainee to his or her new location. 12. Transfer and documentary procedures outlined in IE Section and are followed. 13. Indigent detainees unable to make a telephone call at their new location are able to make a telephone call at I: I: the government?s expense within 12 hours of arrival. 14. Meals are provided when transfers occur during IE normally schedule meal times. 15. An A-File or work folder accompanies the detainee when transferred to a different Field Of?ce or sub- El El office. 16. A-Files are forwarded to the receiving of?ce via overnight mail no later than one business day following El El the transfer. PART 7 - 41. TRANSFER OF DETAINEES Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard NIA DRepeat Finding REMARKS (Record signi?cant facts, observations, other sources used, etc. The facility meets the standard requirements. November 4, 2010 EVIEWERS IGNATUREIDATE MARCH 2015 (Coded 10132010) Detention Review Worksheet Rev: 5/11/09 Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations U.S. Department of Homeland Security 500 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20536 MEMORANDUM FOR: Timothy S. Robbins Field Office Director Los Angeles Field Office FROM: Gary E. Mead Assistant Director for Detention Management SUBJECT: Theo Lacy Facility Annual Review The annual review of the Theo Lacy Facility conducted on November 2-4, 2010, in Orange, California has been received. A final rating of Meets the Standards has been assigned. No further action is required and this review is closed. The rating was based on the Lead Compliance Inspector (LCI) Summary Memorandum and supporting documentation. The Field Office Director must initiate the following actions in accordance with the Detention Management Control Program (DMCP): 1) The Field Office Director, Enforcement and Removal Operations, shall notify the facility within five business days of receipt of this memorandum. Notification shall include copies of the Form G-324A Detention Facility Review Form, the G-324A Worksheet, RIC Summary Memorandum, and a copy of this memorandum. 2) The next annual review will be scheduled on or before November 4, 2011. Should you or your staff have any questions regarding this matter, please contac(b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (Acting) Deputy Assistant Director, Detention Management Division at (202) 732(b)(6), (b)(7)c cc: Official File ICE:HQERO:(b)(6), (b)(7)c2-5494:11/19/2010 (b)(7)e FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004334 (b)(4) (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(7)e (b)(4) (b)(4) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004335 (b)(7)e Department Of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Review Summary Form Facilities Used Over 72 hours SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT SUMMARY WORKSHEET For ICE to complete its rexiew of your facility. the following information must be conipleted prior to the scheduled review dates. The information on this form should contain data for the past twelve months in the boxes pro?ded. The information on this form is used in conjunction with the ICE Detention Standards in assessing your Detention Operations against the needs of the ICE and its detained population. This form should be ?lled out by the facility prior to the start of any inspection. Failiu?e to complete this section will result in a delay in processing this report and the possible reduction or removal of detainees at your facility. Incidents Description Jan Mar Apr Jim Jul Sept Oct Dec Assault: Types (Sexualz. Physical. etc.) 49-1) 60-1) Offenders on Offendersl With Weapon 3 4 5 4 Without Weapon 46 5 6 65 5 8 Assault: Types (Sexual Physical. etc.) 3'1) 2'1) 3-P 4-P Detainee on Staff With Weapon 0 0 3 0 Without Weapon 3 2 4 4 Niunber of Forced Moves. incl. Forced Cell moves3 0 0 1 0 Disturbances4 1 0 1 0 Niunber of Times Chemical Agents Used 6 8 18 6 Number of Times Special Reaction Team 5/3 6/3 2/2 12/1 1 Deployedv?Used Niunberx?Reason (M=Medical. Times Fourx?Five Point V=Violent Behavior. O=Other) 0 0 0 0 Restraints applied"'11sed Type (C hair. B=Bed. BB=Board. O=Other) 0 0 0 0 Number of Times Canines . . . . . . . Used in Facility 17 6 4 2 Offender Detainee Medical Referrals as a result of 13 16 24 28 injuries sustained. Escapes Attempted 0 0 0 0 Actual 0 0 0 0 Grievances: Received 26 43 43 3 5 Resolved in favor of Offender/Detainee 4 9 5 6 Deaths Reason (V =Violent. I=Illness. S=Suicide. A=Attempted 2'1 0 1'1 0 Suicide. O=Other) tun er 2 0 0 Medical Medical Cases referred for Referrals Outside Care ases re erre or 0 0 0 0 Outside Care J- '9 Any attempted physical contact or physical contact that involves two or more o?mdus Oral, anal or vaginal penetration or attempted penetration involving at least 2 parties, whether it is consenting or non-consenting Routine transportation of is not considered ?forced? Any incident that involves four or more detainees/o??enders, includes gang ?ghts, organized multiple hunger strikes, work stoppages, hostage situations, major ?res, or other large scale incidents. MARCH 2015 Fora-n G-324A 313 (Rev. 9/3/08) Department Of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Review Summary Fonn Facilities Used Over 72 hours DETENTION STANDARDS REPORT l. Meets Standards 2. Does Not Meet Standards 3. Repeat Finding 4. Not Applicable 1 2 3 4 PART 1. SAFETY 1 Emergency Plans 2 Environmental Health and Safety 3 Transportation (By Land) PART 2. SECURITY 4 Admission and Release Classi?cation System Contraband Facility Security and Control 5 6 7 8 Funds and Personal Property 9 Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities 10 Key and Lock Control 11 Population Counts 12 Post Orders 13 Searches of Detainees 14 Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention and Intervention 15 Special Management Units 16 Staff-Detainee Communication 17 Tool Control 18 Use of Force and Restraints PART 3. ORDER 19 I Disciplinary System PART 4. CARE 20 Food Service 21 Hunger Strikes 22 Medical Care 23 Personal Hygiene 24 Suicide Prevention and Intervention 25 Terminal Illness, Advance Directives, and Death PART 5. ACTIVITIES 26 Correspondence and Other Mail 27 Escorted Trips for Non-Medical Emergencies 28 Marriage Requests DD 29 Recreation 30 Religious Practices 31 Telephone Access 32 Visitation 33 Voluntary Work Program PART 6. JUSTICE 34 Detainee Handbook 35 Grievance System 36 Law Libraries and Legal Material 37 Legal Rights Group Presentations PART 7. ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT 38 Detention Files 39 News Media Interviews and Tours 40 Staff Training 41 Transfer of Detainees EDDIE MARCH 2015 Fonn G-324A SIS (Rev . 9/3/08) (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(7)e MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0004338 (b)(7)e