THE WH ITE HOUSE Washingloll July 13,2010 MEMORANDUM FOR THE ACT ING DEPUTY A'rrORNEY GENERAL FROM: "ROBERT F, BAUER, COUNSEL TO THE PRESIDENW SUBJECT: ' L- Executive Clemency Policy I write thi!l. memo mndllln 10 collvey the President's views all the exercise of his power under Ankle II. Seclion 2, clause I o f the Consti tution to grant cx.ecutive clemency. The President intends for thi s guidance to assist you and the Pardon Attorney in fu lfilling your trnditionul in con nect ion with execut ive clemency applications. ~ld visO f Y fu nctions The President appreciate." the extensive invcst'igmion nnd I:In- TelTorism-re lnted offenses and other offen ses directly impacting our national secu rity ; > Violent crimcs involving serious bodily harm to others, such ns murder or rape; >- Offenses invo lving physicill harm to children ; ~ Crimes involving. the us(:: of deadly wcapons, including unlawfu l firca rm s or explOSives, or nrson (If[enses: );.- L.,rge -sc:tll.: drug lrnrric.:k ing orfenses in which the nppticam hud a significu nl rolc: ~ P"blic t:orrupl ion offcn!ie~ involving significant breaches of the public trust, or fillancinl fraud orfenses illvo! ving rinllncinl harm to 11 significant number of individuliis or suhstunt iulloss to the fede ra l govemmenl or its progrllms. The President does nat believe thaI there should be any fixcd rult 1'01' evaluuting the relative reccn tness of the offense, beyond the Department' s requirement tllt11. till applicant wait n period of at IClls t fivc yea rs after conv iction or release from confinement (whiellcyel' is later) before filing n pardon application. The recentness of the orfense shou ld be evaluated in the context of the entire npplic.uioll, including the offense's seriousness, The President believes, however, that where more time hns passed since conviction or rclcl1se, app licutions will tend to be stronger, ill part becilmie the t!xtellc1ed time period provides a gretHer opportunity for the applicDnt to establ ish c)(empiary post- convicti on conduct Dnd demonstrate true acce ptance of responsibility, remorse nnd atonement. The President ogrees with the Department's view that a commutation of sentence is 'lI1 extrlmrdinary remedy thut should be granted only ill extruord inary circumstances. The Presidcnt furthcl' believes (hftt the guidam.'C governing offenses for which there shoul d be fI presumption against pllrdons applies wit h even greater force to applications for coml111lt&tiollS. Finolly, the President helieves that it is important to consider tin app licant's overall cri minal his tory, or lack thereof, whell considering clemency Hpplicolions, Applicants with th ree or more cOllvictions should gcnerDl1y be considered intl ppropriate for executive Clemency, ubscnl till ex truordinary post -co nvi ct ion rchabililutive hislOlY. Conversely, if the crill1e for which c.:Icmency is sought is nhcrratiolllll-judged by the applicflllt's otherwise exemplary life or the commission of the offense years before when Ihe applicant wtlS very young-clemency may be wHTrlmted . Even r!lese circuOls\nnces Illo y not wfm'alll clemency. however , if thc crime is one of the r.ypes pfcviously cited, ill the ab.~ellce of extraordinary ci l'cutnstanccs. Please do not tlltc to call1llc if you hnve uny qucstions. 2