(U) In a September 25, 2014, press release, the Ministry ofNational Defense (SEDENA) announced the arrest ofeight men, one army ofcer arid seven soldiers in connection with the killing on June. 30 of 22 alleged members of a criminal organization in Tlatlaya. SEDENAA raid that the army officer was being investigated on charges of crimes against military discipline, disobedienee and violations of official duties, and the seven soldiers were under investigation for charges of violation of ofñcial duties, contained in the Military Justice Codo. The accused personnel are beingheld in the Campo Militar 1-A prison in Mexico City. SEDENA said that the military charges were being investigatedindependently of the investigations that civil authorities are conducting under their jurisdiction. lt also said that it would present the soldiers to civil authorities for questioning upon request. As of Priday morning press, the Attorney's General Office (PGR) had made no comments. NCLASSfFIED 1,, This ODC Mexico City weekly report incorporates information frorn 2 - 8 October 2014. 1. ODC CHEF COMM[ENTS: - Since we've continued to get inquiries as to what we`ve speci#ically talked to SEDENA about re£ the Tlatlaya incident, l malle a call to SEDENA Enlace Chief and he gave me three• points: 1). Aceording to the new Mexican law, alleged human rights violations are ¡he sole responsibility ofPGR. Since day 1, SEDENA has turned over all information to, and is fully cooperating with, PGR. This is good news; HR cases are taken out ofthe military justice realm. SEDENA concurs and is complying. 2). At the same time, SEDENA is investigating the military discipline aspects of the case. This is in conjunction with, and as necessary in addition to, any potential human rights charges. This means even if alleged HR aspects of the case are cleared or dropped by PGR then SEDENA can still investigate/prosecute under military law. 3). SEDENA ches not release individual names or unit information to anyone not directly involved in an active investigation. UNCLASSIFIED 11 tt1: f/ 251;?. w; .6?.sz - 11-; ms :wax 2m 324$an 4.325290 A ?Hm?h: 3mg,_ .k ?~?mel?nl gyms; my; Vi..-me . UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION PAPER ON SAN PEDRO} LIMON, TLATLAYA INCIDENT BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT (BLUF): (U) The Govemment of Mexico has detained and charged seven SERENA personnel in conjunction with the killing of twenty-two individuals on 30 June 2014 in San Pedro Limon, Tlatlaya, Mexico State_ The unit implicated is now ineligible to receive US assistance, and none of the alleged perpetrators previously received US-funded training. This incident has received extensive negative coverage in international press and, along with subsequent cases involving police, has prompted non-governmental organizations to lobby the US legislature to suspend security assistance to Mexico. INCIDENT; (U) SEDENA members of the 120nd infantry Battalion stationed in Santa María Ixtapan responded to an anonymous cal¡ in the early morning of 30 June, regarding the presence of armed suspects at a warehouse in Tlatlaya. A firefight ensued between the military ánd the civillans on site (suspected to be memberi of the Guerreros Unidos Cartel). According to the Mexican Attorney General (PGR), one soldier was wounded during the confrontation, and ali 22 of the civillans were either killed or wounded. Four soldiers are accused of entering the warehouse alter the conclusion of the firefight, and killing aN remaining civillans. Evidence indicates up to fifteen of the twenty two civilians were killed alter the firefight, and prosecutions are focused on these killings. STATUS. (W/FF~) In accordance with Mexico's 2014 Military Justice Refon-ñ Law, this case, as an alleged human rights violation, has been transferred from the military to the civilian justice system. SEDENA has turned over all information, and the case lo PGR. Prosecution is pending. AFTERMATH: (U) On 7 Oct, a mainstream Mexican magazine anonymousiy quotec that future Merida funding (from the U.S. to bah; Me)ico) wil¡ be dependent upen th outcome of the investigation into the Tlatlaya requested information from incident. DOS confirmed that DOS on the incident. (U) Mexican President Peña Nieto received extensive criticism from the military community for turning his back on indicted soldiers "for just doing theiir jobs" and from the human rights community for not acting with appropriate speed to investigate the incident. Human Rights Watch publically dismissed the GoM's initial account that only three soldiers are responsible for the death of 22 civilians. AP and Esquire took lead roles in applying international media attention to the case. (U1/FEitt6) The unit involved is SEDENA's 102nd Infantry Battalion. The Department of State has suspender) U.S_ funded assistance to this unit pending the results of the investigations. According to training records and INVEST detabase research, none of the seven service members charged Nave received US training. 14 Jan 2015 UNCLASSIFIED 11 F