-. . .. .. Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Cii?nc?ia Forense Ciudadana Vot?es Contra el ()lvidio Senator Marco Rubio Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC Senator Rubioiver this letter to You on behalf of Ciencia Forense Ciudadana. i -- organizations made up of family members of the forcibly disappeared I Latino presidential candidates in the U.S., and as Chairman of the As i Rights and Global Women's Issues, we urge you to publicly acknowledge affecting the Mexican and Central American communities in the U.S. af 3 violence of the Drug War. We also ask that you pronounce your positipn - training, and arming of the Mexican security forces by the U5. govern? e?n?t The enforced disappearances of 43 student teachers from Ayotzinapaiiln Se .3 attention to the hundreds of thousands of other acts of violence and Ilumja in Mexico since 2006, when the US. and Mexican governments escaldhed spent approximately $3 billion dollars since 2008 on the war on drugsi?ln billion in arms to Mexico during this time. More than 100,000 have been rfri war-related violence, and more than 25,000 forciny disappeared, hurfr I their homes, many ?eeing to the S. as refugees, and many of them t-I. A - A A A 41--., ?rrIf!? i. ?5 . i, liq, ?re t? in detention centers. Given that so many Mexican Americans and others resl r; i. - the cut-off of all security aid to Mexico given the security forces lnvolirem on the issue. i we are eager to understand your pos no I A In. .- Iations Committee?s website, the Su I I I .4. According to the Senate Foreign Re - Hemisohere Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human i Issues, ?deals With all matters concerning US. relations With the coutrl This subcommittee's regii?ina responsibilities include all matters wt in . including matters relating to: 1) ti,- rrorism and nonproliferation; (lecrlm (4) the promotion 0le S. trade and ex foreign assistance programs; and i You have preSided over two hearir?gs so far as Chairman of the subcpm rights Venezuela. and another concerning human rights in Cuba. hu~ . - worn for you, we ask that you resp nemis here are trulx a ionc- th 9 to nold a heari catastrophe right next door in Mexico We ui'ge you in Mexico committed specifically enforced disappearance . .45 . ?atIWII InIl?hImmmum. 4: :9 Cm!? II 0?WWII I "Wv MIN I ?hm-ILJMRI. VIIW 4mm I I I Mm "i I ?:I?nym? II I'd?w' I IN, ?mum I . Md? MI MwlIhrmII ,r WM MIMI IIle I?lull