UGF. l'mm 275 [Km ll?lm 1] CFR. Part In.? Executive Branch Personnel PUBLIC FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT lurrn Run-"ling 1m?,me tialeml." Yr.? New hi1th or lurr! a In; Rem-n mulling?. El rm? (tilled:Apprupriaiu limes] Reporting lndividual's Name Lust Name Hut and Middle lnilinl Berlcau Position for Which Filing Tillu Hf I?nsil'lml- David iJenJrIIm-nl App?: .rlTh'J Fee fur Lille Filing Any individual n'lru is required in this [quilt and rim-xx MI Inme than All day? alter the dale lln' n-nnrt i5 required In he than .in Lluyn nlu-r the Inn day an the liling exit-mien In'riml. ?lm? he whim-I l0 Ire. Ass! Secretary of Defense (Legislics 5: Materiel Readiness) Departmental Deiensc Location of Present Office (or mum-m Address. (Number. Street. {fir}: Sl?a?iv . and ZIP Cork?} 1616 Rhode- Ave NW. Washington. DC 20030 Frieplmne Nu. {Im'lmh- Arm (202) l'mitiunh] llehi will: Ihe lull-rill (invernrnunl liming live I'm L-dillg 12 (If Nut Same .n :Umn') Title (II I'nsllinnis) um! Ilnlulsl Denmlmenz oi Defense Consullanl 8(2013-912013 Presidential Nominees Subject to Senate Name nl linmmitlee (innsirluring Nomination Iin You Inn-ml in I?rmm .1 Qualiln-ri lliwnilivd Trust? Cummiline on Armth Service; El Tex Nu Certi?cation Signature MAR-puf?ng Individual lmn- (Month, Day. Yurr) WY ll'inl till?thIl-rilt-ni? I hun- heslnl myi'nrmk'dgc. 06 we: ova/V Other Review agency) Signature nl Other l?wvirwe 11.1w {My i'mr} AgencyEthics?f?clai'sOplnlon Signature n! nt'Ni?lIJIL'll lathlw. (illirinl/lim'ivwing ()Ilirlnl A .. I ?.119 .?Mmrl'h. Univ. Harri [in Iii: Inuit uf wnlhirnl In lhu I'I'lcr ii in ?ill: applicable Im a and {subject in any ornaments in lb: box bdrm-1 (Irnmnuuls uf Reviewing (liliriillx Hfmirfr'ii'mml apnea is rqqmu II. me/?c/r cri'nt' 5MB of this M'ri't'l.? sr'ma?rurw m. n. 3. 1 Office [Ethics 5 I ?n Hi" 1 Use Only - -7 . I . ?5?w "z I ?Sheri; hnx' tiling indium- all thy?. [3 [Check hm ummn'nu umrinm'rl an {hr my ring Aide) Reporting Periods henls: The repnriing period is [he exempt l'.nl ll ul (I and l'.nl nl Sr'ln-ilnle when.- you 111an .Ilm include the liling year up In line (lulu: yam lile. l?nll ll nl I) Iml npplimhlr'. 'l?erminntinn repmting pi-rlml lit-gins :11 [he end of the [Mimi maven-d lay yum lirt'Yltlilh tiling :nnl i-rnls nl llie {line HI lurminntinn. l'mi II SL'In-rlulz- is nu! npplimhlv. Nominees. New iinlrants and Candidates for l?resldenl and Vice President: Schedule he pt'riml lur lln'mm' [he preceding Lnlemlm yunr ill?! the up In Iln- ul ?ling. nny dare you rhnme Hm! is within 31 days nl 1110 (lulu nl Schedule ll- rim npplii?nhle. Schedule (I. 1'an I (Halnlniesln?l?lw repnrling pel Ind is the merrilng r'nlt-Inlnr year and the LUHCIH year up in any yon thran [lull in .il rhyr; nl lln- rlnle nl liling. St?liedillc (I. Part A1rnngemuntsl-me .Igrm'nu-nls nr m. nl lln' dau- nl lillng. Schedule Du?l'ln- u-Imliing Iwrimi in the mere-dim} r?nlL-nnm' nnti lln! nnrenl year up In line dale nl tiling. Agency llsr- uniy 0612 Use Only I'rim millions. mu: Nu. um - 06E Form 278 (Rev. I) 5 CPR Pan 2634 U.S. OiTioe Ethics Reporting Individual's Name Berteau, David J. SCHEDULE A Page Number 201 11 Assets and Income at close of reporting period ValuationofAssets Income: type and amount. li"None (or less than $201)? is checked. no other entry is needed in Block for that item. University of Texas at Matin. TX HLOCKA BLOCKB BLOCKC For you. your spouse. and dependent children. report each asset held for investment or the Type Amount production of income which had a fair market valueexccedlng $1.000 at the close ofthe regort- -I 8 A in? period. or which generated more than 200 8 o- 5 8 in reportingperiod.together D. 8 8 Other Date with such income. In 8 8 8 a income (HomerActual (inlyti Amount) Honoraria -- . . "3588 Singer: Yomspous?' shag a Central Airlines Common 1? L. Exampias 3? Kempslone Equity Fund it it L- it Hm: Heartland 500 index Fund 3: at it I Centerfor Strategic Salary- Westington DC 2 Johns Hopkins University. Applied Phyalca consumes: Laboratory. Laurel MD 590.024 3 R. and Mandates. Come Frederick MD (cultural resource group) ?155? 4 National SecurityStudies Program. Maxwell Pros-notation: School. Syracuse University. Syracuse NY 05mm? 5 Georgetown University. Washington DC wastage.? 6 Lyndon B. Johnson School at PublicA?alra. odiprotonor This category-applles only If the asset/income ls solely that of the ?ler's spouse or dependent children. if tht.I asset/income is either that ol' the ?ier or held by the flier with the spouse or dependent Children. mark the other higher categories of value. as appropriate. OGE Form 273 (Rev. l) 5 one Pan 2634 US. Of?ce Ethics Reporting Name . Page Number SCHEDULE A contmued Be?eau.DavidJ. (Use only if needed) 3 of 11 Assets and Income Valuationof'Assets Income: type and amount. If ?None (or less than $201)" is at close of reportmg period checked, no other entry is needed In Block for that item. BLOCK A BLOCK (2 Type Amount a. 8' 2 8 . u. Other Date Income lMo..Day, 3 Engmago??m'dgg'? a lg :memil'qO8q o?H??g oH?qumBBu UH J-ln v~ee.8qme owaa as NationalAeademyol Public Administration. Washingth 3 The SI Organization. Inc., ChantillyVA(System5 engineering and integration ?rm) 3 DC(pri-vate :3?me broker-dealer ?nancial adviser ?rm) 4 stock fund) 5 . Fldelrty Conlralund (401K Block fund) 6 EatonVanoe Lama 7 Fidelity Diversl?od lnlemallonal(401l( stock fund) FDWX Relum Fund InstitutIOnal Class (401K bond fund) FidelitySlabloValue Fund (401K bond fund) This category a?plles only if the asset/income is solely that of the ?ler's spouse or dependent children. If the asset/Into me is either that of the filer or held by the ?ler wit the spouse or dependent children, mark the other higher categorles of value. as appropriate. 005 Form 278 (Rev 12/20! 5 C.F.R. 2634 US. Ollie: ofGos-cmmenl Elhics Reporting Name Beneau. David J. SCHEDULE A continued (Use only if needed) Page Nu mber 40111 Assets and Income ValuationofAssets at close of reporting period Income: type and amount. If "None (or less than 3201)" Is checked. no other entry is needed In Block for that item. BLOCK A BLOCK BLOCK Type Amount Other Date Income (M0,,Day, . ?If . Egagag?b?neg?uu 3 5 oos?gsgaeih? .ocNmJavw'c-gaa 3- wo?quo?q?qnctuai Only" a?ag?wmo?;gos uoqq do- ob a5 2 CREF Slack (401K stock fund) 3 CREF (401K slack fund) 4 CREF Equity Index (401K stock fund) CREF Bond Market (401K bond fund) CREF In?ation-Linked Bond (401K bond fund) 7 CREF 5 Loidos Common Stock Fund. splilfrom Common below (401K) LDOS SAID Common Stock Fund. aplitlolon-n Leidos Common above (401K) SAIC This can: ury a?pllus only If the asset/Income ls soler that of the ?ler?s spouse or dependent children. If the asset/Income is either that of the ?ier or held by the II er the spouse or dependent children. mark the other hlgher categories of value. as appropriate. 065 Form 27801?. I) 5 C.F.R. Part 2634 US. Of?ce ol'Govemntent Ethics Reporting lndivldual's Name . Page Member Wm David SCHEDULE A continued (Use only if needed) 5 at 11 Assets and Income Valuationof?ssets. Income: type and amount. if ?None (or less than $201)? is at close of reporting penod checked. no other entry is needed in Block for that item. BLOCK A BLOCK 3 BLOCK (2 Type Amount A '5 q- S- 8 go lag- 8 8 Other Date Income (Mo.,Day, goquqg?aeeo oneQQOevmg 8518-118, arena .9 acme ,o Nqu'm.D a omoqol QActual ??agamwg "sate?FFan ?gmeoee'ose ism - :HHseqm' I?l? Dm?dzm?namam Leidos CIosedSiockFund.splitfrom Closed below (401K lurid) Loos sue CiesodSieek Fund. split to form Leldos Closed above (401K fund) 3 Vanguard Prime MoneyMarkeiFund(401K) I 4 Vanguard Short-Term Bondindex(401i