Titliw ?rings.? - I is having terrible effects on the marine environment and is also I as- the endangered albatross towards extinction through Coming to the lecture and dinner last week, celebrating the tenth Ef?gy" Business and the EnvirOnment Programme. personal interest in conservation and particolarly as it relates to may be interested in the attached information on the t- 'arn chairing: '5 I gr?m?gli?gefihgdacumen! on - recently wrote?to? all existing Task Force member Ministers for UK MP's -?ijrir?l30rted and Unregulated) ?shing is a sericf-us ecological and? eqmpigiegdie?agard of associated conservatidn measures?. information. please do not hesitate to contact me. mgro~rggeur' letter or 15 September from I I greatly ..-. igp?m for-widerrati?catIOn of the ACAP treiatyELLIOT MORLEY BIRKHALL 21? October, 2004 och for your 1e telling me abouithok?'gh Int 'st say that it is enormously encouraging? . 33;; o?toufieffom tryandbring to heel hie-monieth countries 1 ii. - 3ieither; 'rectly or by turning a blind eye, pirate and- . ?shing'a?nd I_d wish youwell in your endeavours. You have Managed to j. ting together a power?tl alliance of I hope that the illegal ?shing 'of the will be high On your list ofp?o?ti?s because - r. stopped, there is little hope "for the poo?'old which I shall Continue to the way. I wonder whether any thought might have posiible role-that could be playeti- by Ee natives of sS'Sooiated with the High Seas Task Force? '1 am .- ignorant about all this, so please forgive me, but svy, foil? instance, included in the discussith on this I - . datesay you'will tel-1 me there are all sorts of legal problems {t?iilfpievent any wort nwhile 1 also looking forwan to the publication of the . 'Rii?yfaiftZonuhiSSion?s repozt on sustainable ?shing. I heair on 1m: own i i that.? may be quite hard-hitting, which can only be a good justthe that the powers-theme. and the getieral public, its ?ndings. Thank you again for writing as you did. Ilmow just what'a eomitrnen . you have made to this issue and deeply feel-iab'out it.. Let us hope that between all of us whoimind about I i 'V's'iileltluiMbIe?'shing, we can make a difference before it isiall too .7335- Hm I . . . . . "WWI. I . FanWales in. November 2004 3?5? ?'ane'r on. ?Possible Areas of Intervention by the High Seas Task Force". 1.: copy together with a copy of the UK's. 1 hope that you are further among the measures we are also looking ?at ways in which the ?eet" m?ay be abfe to heip in cornba?ng IUU ?shing. - I51 keep you informed of progl?ess. {la/5A"- 4 ELLIOT MORLEY i