a or. CLARENCE HOUSE :g nonooN IBA- . 'IFmIte' - l? i- . 28th October 2004 A ?e ?ies-Imitation Summer Schools;- and to which your department 1 .- . I submitted a cop);r previously, but in addition to the copy, I wanted to include a copy of an Executive Stunmary, prepared . which tells the story of the paper and sets Out three options forward. these consist of: . mitt-s" irnliiaet around the Country. We would intend to stage a residential Hall, Devon (the venue for the ?rst school three years ago) in June act, as _a ?launch? platform for ?irther activity including the glii?ihni'iiesociation, a, series of half-day or one-day events and other i??t?e?ilio?whieh would fall into the category of Continuing Professional "zit-[night be that School?Centred Initial Teacher Training activity could 'alsohe dereiopedhs ?art cf the initiative. I ide.a_ were to fail, then we wouid mm'e to the option of creating a as: 'Elmly? the principle challenges associated with each Option are . ?nding and appointing a Director with staff, -. that 111; Exit-tee of Wales would be keen to know your views on the ?1 gm- but in the meantime, this comes with His Royal. Highness's . "f?fii?iEW-W?Shes? j: Clarke I I um- Education and Skills NH 54C MNovember, 2004 you; can bear to receive a report on this year?s Education - . from someone with such old-fashioned views (1), I. :5 all got a great deal out o?j? the event and, by all ?is; some of the elements learned in their own . I..-. . 4 i ?'om the impact Ofthe third of mySummer Schoolsyou have had an. opportunity to read some of the Feasibility sent to you recently, and whieh I believe opens the creation of a teacher'training institute. If there were git-39mm needed greater explanation, or indeed exploration, let me know. I need 11deng add that it would - gr if, having contributed to the Study, you felt ajbleito .eontinue supportingihe initiative into 2005 and But - too dangerous to associate with! I, f. -. Intlieanreantime, I am?delighted to be able to enclose a post?course d'f- a copy of the Evaluation Report for the 2004 Both have been compiled by the School?s Steering .. - .7 Director, Bernice McCabe, and I believe they make if: There is, I think, a very real sense that the Schools .- fashionable view that teachers should not impart bodies jag: but should instead act as ?facilitators? or ?coaches,? a II. ?nd dif?cult to understand, I must admit. hope that you ?nd the reports stimulating and I do once? again-want" to thanl; you most warmly for your invaluable support. (\me 90 - "Sanctuary Buildings GreatSmith Street Westminster London SW1P BBT I . 5: -1 tel:0870 0012345 dfesministers@dfes.gsi.gov.uk . Rt Hon Ruth Kelly MP - the Prince of Wales -- . If! February 2005 ft: fr . if"; .teij-thegeopy of the P?nce of Wales Education Summer School -- . . . a latte? ?13in 23 October. My apologies for the tern aware of the interest that .Charies Clarke took in the Summer - seen hisietter of 31 January in which he con?rmed, with appy to fund the Summer School had done in 2004. from your 'survey that teachers' responses to their experiences have been so very positive; especially their con?rmation of the rill'r'.? - . _1_p .. on their con?dence and working practices; Can see that. in principle, there are projects proposed. i; el?f??feg??git? readrabout the options fOr expansion of the summer schools 'A?ereemeaeogsideration. in tenns of we are not in a position to DHQOEHQ Programmes 0f commuting prOfessional development ?13; as those proposed in the Feasibility Study. As you will - 2-: ainumeer of very high-quality providers of both CPD and HT and an Ethat'the dam-mam ?was any Iarger-scele cngoingfunding through fair .. - much potential for valuable teacher support in the not want to disCourage further exploration of their viability. a r" Suggestion of liaising with the Teacher Training Agency, impOrtant next step for setting up CPD and IT provision' I I lie-Wireining Programmes would be most effective if delivered structure's. depart-mentioir . end g( ??qwce may! know that. David W0 .l?i?q?H -- .u .. - their discus ?b?d'i?nt g??rVa?nl ggest that Uld be. happy to co sions?. I contact David nSidgr any further HOUSE 22nd February, 2005 ??Lf-I-m? . i? .-- #W?wu?h I. ?w - 2 I wanted to take this Opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as Secretary of State for Education and Skills. I suspect it may not be the easiest of tasks, so I can only wish you well! i understand from your predecessor, Charles Clarke, that he has Spoken to you about my most recent letter of 24?? November, and speci?cally about the impact of my Education Summer School for teachers of English and History. This Programme, which involves up to ninety state school teachers each year, has been held over the past three years at Dartington, in Devon, at Dunston, in Norfolk and at Buxtoh, in I believe that they have added fresh inspiration to the national debate about the importance of English Literature and History in schools. The Summer Schools to date have been generally judged to be enormously successful with an extraordinary line-up of individuals who did not contribute as educationalists, but as experts in the ?elds of Literature and History. The teachers who attended in 2004 and previous years felt that they had been offered a new perspective on their subjects, rather than the theory of education. Despite having made substantial progress, as you may be aware I remain convinced that the current approaches to teaching arid learning need to be challenged, something now acknowledged by some of the professional agencies themselves! The Schools have, in my view, provided ample evidence that teachers themselves are more than willing to look again at what they do and consider whether they a. are doing the best they can. Building on the success of these Summer Schools, am keen to provide the opportunity for a further eighty, or so, teachers or English and History to come together to engage with the questions from ?rst principles as to why teach English and History. Why are these snhjecls important? What should we be teaching in these subjects? How should we be teaching these subiects'.? in addition the. .. 5w:? - - ., m, Befnice MpC?b?, who succesh?l Q?liegiate School, .wcnild provid? you with ?itfhefdetails, but I thought you miglft glance at the posteo'urse brochure from Buxton, which]! 31101653 fol: . . your dd so hope you wilt be able to attend as' am convinced that last year?s event offered Something very bane?iciai for aEl those: who participated. This: t? Nim?ikv .31. I I I ganrtuary Buildings Great Smith Street Westminster London SW1P BBT '5 tel:0870 0012345 dfes.ministers@dfes.gsi.gov.uk Rt Hon Ruth Kelly MP 1 25 March 2005 of?22 February about your Education SUmmer Schools, and for the j?tf??giee:brochure from Buxton. your ot?Ce that-when your letter was sent. you had not yet received my -. in Which I responded to the Summer SchooliFeasibility Study. I enclose and would like to reiterate my suggestiOn that . David. Hopkins if you would/like to discuss this further. ?Ital. .foij- your kind invitation to me to speak at this yean?s Summer School at I-ij Devon. Unfortunately, due to diary pressures, i will be unable to attend the . - - - Secretary, Sir David Normington will make every effort to be eros??t?'ll?r??rtdrew Mo?cully. the Delivery Director of the School Standards Group would also are centent. Perhaps his of?ce could be in touch with the Bernice .- from his letter sent to you in January, Professor David Hookins will also be he taken up his post as the ?rst HSBC iNeT Chair of the Institute of Education. University of London. He is very keen -. tog?aritjciijate-gnd the Institute of'Educatio'n at the Summer School he here at .. department for education and skills Lattice? I that!