SAN DIEGO HARBOR POLICE DEPARTMENT 33m Nonh Harocr Drive, San Diego, CA 92101 - big sis 5522 lax corn May 12. 2015 Wendy Fry Reponer/ lnyesugailve Producer NBC7 investigates O. 619.578.0489 C. 619.206.0464 wendy iib rn Dear Ms. Fry This lniorrnation has been provided to you pursuant to a request made by you pursuant to the Caliiornia Public Record Act (CPRA). The information piovlded herein relates to arrest information compiled irom a ills oi document, which is exempt fiom disclosure pursuant to Govemment Code Section 5254(1). Pursuant to the terms oi Government Code Section 6254mm. the iollowlng iniormaiion is piovlded: Name of Person Ariesied: James Stewart Fuel Truck Operator -- Hail/Eye Colo . Black I Brown Sex: Male Heighi/Weighl: 5'9" I265 Ibsr Dale/Time OI Airs April 15. 2015 2232H Location oi Anesi: 33355 Harbor Drr, San Diego, CA 921111 Factual Circumstances surrounding arrest: DH MI16I15, at approximately 2232 hours. San Diego Harbor Police received a radio call oi a jet iuel trucir operator at the San Diego international on that appeared to be intoxicated Upon contact, Stewart displayed several objective signs oi being under the iniluence oi alcohol. Stewart had redibloodshot and watery eyes, a strong odor oi an alcoholic beverage. slurred speech, he swayed. staggered. and was unsteady on his ieet. and his eyes displayed ho zomal gaze nystagntus. Stewart was arrested and was transported to San Diego County Central .iail. where he was booired ior violations oi 231521a) and 2315211>> CVC. Amount oi Bail Set (it applicable): $2,5nnroo TimyManner oi Release: Released to San Diego County Central .iail Jail Held At (if in custody): Charges including Warran 23152(a) CVC and 23152'b) CVC Sincerely, Lorna Hicks Police Records Supervisor San Diego Harbor Police Department '7 fir>> San Diego Uanled Pen District