How will you draw the line? What is consent? Subsection 273.1(1) of the Canadian Criminal Code defines consent as the voluntary agreement of the complainant to engage in the sexual activity in question.  There is NO consent: • where the complainant is incapable of consenting to the activity • where the accused induces the complainant to engage in the activity by abusing a position of trust, power or authority • where the complainant expresses, by words or conduct, a lack of agreement to engage in the activity, or • where the complainant, having consented to engage in sexual activity, expresses, by words or conduct, a lack of agreement to continue to engage in the activity. Consent is: - Voluntary - Sober - Enthusiastic - Never assumed What is sexual violence? violence sexuhl fenjlitg 3:e1i__. e:ree: enline aleehel-faeili:a:e? harassment graying -. What’s the reality? • 1 in 3 Canadian women will experience sexual violence in their lifetime   • Young women under 25 show the highest rates of sexual assault & criminal harassment  • Less than 10% of sexual assaults are reported to the police • 80-95% of people are assaulted by someone they know BLAMIHG RAPE SUHUWDHS ARE HE .IIFIE USIEHIHE FAULT . I mm um: 5mm mum MYSELF SUPPURTIHG RAPE SURUWBRS WHICH CULTURE DO YOU WANT Tl] LIVE Bystander effect The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others hinders an individual from intervening in an emergency situation “Someone else will do something” OR “They did nothing, so why should I bother?” Bystander intervention & sexual violence • “If she didn’t want to get assaulted, she shouldn’t have drank/dressed that way/hung out with him/gone to that party, etc.” • “I didn’t think it was wrong.” • “I didn’t want it to come back on me.” • “I know it was wrong but I didn’t You hear your boss tell a coworker how great her legs look in a skirt. DRAW - THE I DRAW - THE - 51.01%. back to your desk? FRIEND OUT OF THE EEAR WITH some aux. DRAW - THE - LINE.CA [3:0 Am KEEP ALCOHOL ASSAULT 50%?1 nf sexual assaulta involve almhol. and it's the WEAPON USED 31' PERPETRATDRS 48%! DF HEN AGEII 13 TH 15 THAT SEN WITH WDMEH TDD DRUNK to know what was gaing an is fag rape. 5-D ?Hill: 1. Sum manr al' MI:th Amt-[Iran sludlEs and pollute run-parts- 2. Th! Havens FIE [anal [an Ire] ?plnluns Halter UK H'Ep?ri. • It is not a “miscommunication”. • Alcohol / drug facilitated sexual assault is a purposeful act. (“Blurred lines?”: Sexual aggression and barroom culture, 2014.) How do I draw the line? • Check in with your friend: "Are you ok?" • Make up an excuse to get them out of the situation: "Hey, our ride’s here." • Call her phone: Distract her and the potential perpetrator. • Tell the bouncer/bartender/host: "I think my friend's in trouble." A friend sends you a naked picture of a girl he knows. DRAW -THE - LINE.CA Is it a big deal to share it with others? What is online sexual harassment? The use of the internet and new technologies to spread hurtful or negative comments, insults, rumors, pornography or pictures of a sexual nature. Double ieopardy 1- Send a photo and you?re a slut. OR 2- Don?t send a photo and you?re stuck up. 1- Send a photo yoqunever getajob?. OR 2- Send a Dhoto When to draw the line: • Consent matters. And consent is something that must be asked for every step of the way. • What’s more, sharing, or possessing a nude photo of someone under the age of 18 can be defined as possessing or distributing child pornography. And that’s against the law. How do I draw the line? • It stops here when you don’t send it to anyone else • Press delete and don’t look at the picture in the first place • Call your friend out by telling them it’s definitely not cool • Tell a person of authority, not the whole world Bystander intervention: 3 Steps 1- Call out the behaviour. 2- Support the person being targeted. 3- Speak out. Twitter: @DrawTheLineON Facebook! Please fill out the survey!