(U) ELINT - Overcnme by Overlnad? Help is Here with IMSIS FROM: [wrenum- ELINT Mndertuaatinn llvl?t? (BAG) Run Date: l?f?3f2?11 (SHREL) Glnbalisatinn is leading tn an unprecedented prnliferatinn nf weap nn systems. This, cnupled with increasingly snphisticated SIGINT cnllectinn systems, is leading tn exp nnential in the vnlume, velncity, and variety nf ELINT cnllectinn and prncessing artifacts. ELINT Mndemisatinn (EMUD) Management and Stnrage (E3136) prnvides lnng-term, unifnrm access tn an increasing number nf EL INT data snurces, tn include traditinnal satellites and surveillance aircraft) and UAVs, fighter jets, naval vessels) cnllectinn and prncessing systems. (U) Currently, an 100*? system is deplnyed which will prnvide access tn five years nf ELINT rep and raw data tn with access. Thin client applicatinns allnw arnund the tn search and retrieve EL INT data with nnly an terminal and a current versinn nf Mnailla Many additinnal features are designed tn invert the paradigm where an analyst spends mnre time searching data than analysing it. These include: - (U) Thumbnail which prnvide users the cap ability tn preview iner Spectral Density (PSD) displays nf Digital Intermediate Frequency (D IF) files with links that enable file slicing prinr tn them further analysis. - (U) Subscriptinns tn autnmate the query prncess enabling data tn be staged delivered use when an analyst starts hisr'her the day. - (U) Accreditatinn tn enable data sharing with nur missinn partners - (U) User uplnads tn enable data sharing within the cnmmunity. - (U) Linking tn present relatinns between data. - (U) Translatnrs tn cnnvert data native fnrmat tn standard fnrmats used by the analytic (SHREL) By early 2?12, additinnal archives will prnvide access tn Cnmbat Sent, Specific Emitter Identificatinn (SEI), Uver-the-Hnrisnn-Radar (UTHR) and nther cnnventinnal snurces. Web are used tn present a single view nf the data withnut regard tn its actual lncatinn. The system will alsn nther reference data snurces such as Cnmbined Emitter Database (CED) allnwing users tn view reference data in nf their analysis. (U) Tn request an accnunt an terminal, click HERE. cnmputer-based training, click HERE and then search TDDLEDES. (UKKFCIUD) enc: mass, secure:- Initial Clperatinnal Capability