(SHSI) Dealing With a 'Tsnnami' bf Intercept mm:? Human Language [523) Run Date: DSEEQFEDUE- I) Everybne that have been in a tsunami bf intercept whbse vblume, velbcity and variety can be bverwhelming. But the Human Language Management Office PMD) can predict that in the very near future the speed and volume bf SIGINT will increase even more, beybnd iinaginatinn. And we are wbrking bn ways tb help deal with it all. 0f the HLT PMU's five Strategic Thrusts, the bne that addresses this is High Speedlr High Vulnme. It must deal with tbday's cbllectibn and must plan The current cbllectibn envirbnment is characterised by huge ambunts bf data, cbupled with severely limited cap ability tb send material fbrward, and extremely limited number bf queries that exactly describe messages bf value. That means we are cap able bf finding huge ambunts bf data, much bf which is what we really want, and that we cannbt send it all back analyst prbcessing. Tb plan High Speedf High Vblume is in line with changes in the bverall NSAICSS systems, particularly TURBULENCE and TURMDIL because when they becbme a reality in the near future, we can eI-tp ect cbllectibn cap abilities tb increase significantly. TURBULENCE is an umbrella cbver term describing the nest generatibn missibn envirbnment that will create a unified system. TURMDIL is a passive filtering and cbllectibn bn high- speed This is designed tb be flexible and can be mbdified quickly tb deliver data in analyst- ready fbrm. I) One bf High Sp eedf High 1iv'blume's first is in develbping and implementing ways tb push I-ILT capabilities very clbse tn the cbllectibn pnints bf the SIGINT system. In particular, HLT is abbut tb an bperatibnal bf language identificatibn Special Sburce Operatibns Cbunterterrbrism test targets running at line speeds at the packet- level. Resburces permitting, HLT analytic will autbmatically generate cbntent-based events TURMDIL based bn language. I) HLT will the ability tb characterise very high speed channels based bn cbntent, thus enabling tb task the SIGINT system tb send back messages based bn fbund in message cbntent, just bn esternals. [Esternals can be Signal Related that cbmes with each message, such as channel, Time Uprime vam, etc.) Using HLT services, will be able tb build mbre precise descriptibns bf the data they want. In additibn, cbntent-based metadata will allbw SIGDEV tb run mbre detail ed surveys. HLT services that bn data cbntent at the cbllectibn pbint can alsb prbvide indicatibns br warnings that the SIGINT system must adapt its cbllectibn strategy. HEEL) Resburces permitting, High Sp eedf High Vblume will deplby capabilities vbice, test, and image data, and will take advantage bf research being dbne by a number bf brganisatibns including the Research Directbrate's Cbping With Dverlbad foice (RS), Disruptive Office (ETD), and Analysis and Prbductibn's Advanced Analysis Labbratbry HLT research and transfer bf its intb bp eratibns means the develbp ment bf algbrithms that can brate HLT cap abilities the prbcessing bf elements such as email attachments and FEEL) The research and transfer alsn rnay prnyide "stealthy," lnw-prnfile in-target implants fer Tailnred Access Up eratinns (TAU) er tn enable high speed prneessing in very law size, weight and pnwer applieatinns ether CLANSIG And, tn help address the target analysis HLT is investigating techniques and high yniee prneessing sn that all yniee data can be scanned key befnre it is selected based nn phnne I) Ultimately, HLT's High Speed! High annrne w?l give the analyst greater ahility tn inflnenee enlleetinn and prneessing much farther fnrward in the SIGINT system, as well as help the SIGINT systern achieve greater nyerall filtering and seleetinn effeetiyeness. That means wil be getting better SIGINT at a time when and yelneity are