AI America?s Pris-Israel April 22, 2e15 Dear Senaters ISardin and Fertman, Tpday, en the Seth anniversary at the signing at the LJ.S.?Israel Free Trade Agreement, we write in strong pt ypur bipartisan amendment pn divestment and sanetibns astibns against Israel. We urge Senate Finance Semmittee members te this amendment tp the Trade Premetidn Autherity measure currently being sensidered. We believe it is essential that this bill inplude principal negotiating pbjestives fer ?ur trade negdtiatdrs in the shed te ensure that Eurbpean gevernments beth take no astien that eeuld impede U.S.?Israel pemmeree and dismantle existing pelitieallyr?mdtivated beyeetts against Israel. This weuld instruct the administratien tb use the teels at its dispbsal td push bask against such practises during upseming trade negbtiatipns with Eurdpe. We hdpe the committee will ydur amendment and net dilute its language. ?r?eur shed is sensistent with leng?established regard in sembatting ibreign against Israel. We thanl: ydu fer your leadership and encourage all members at the Senate Finance Sbmmittee td yeur amendment as drafted. Sincerely, Wis?05M AH