wire eF 5 tier sense - ?ame? - . tithes Seeramefiie en steer-.4: Telepherie: [333}33554533' 2520533113 Netlee Date: . I 63125513200003 NOTICE OF SUSPENSION DR FGRFEITURE . Entity Hume-er: 3125532333 r? . ?lled: this be: and Indicata my mums an mm 303 Number: FElhl: Returns Due: enti elaeens FOR ens ?6?39 5353 MOUNT GGVERNMENT Eateries Due: Blade en 93111-2T33 Terra ears: Return the sleeve part. with yeur payment?l? my ml; part fur yam reserrhenlr :iTliE OF SUSPENSION DR FDRFEITURE - ee ate: eerearra 3123532333 31133 Number: Number Returns Due: eeres Balanee Due: Tat-table Years: eeres Reyenue 3r Tarratlen Cedes: 23331.5 RE: SAN DIES-ANS FER OPEN GDVERNMENT Der reesrds shew that eu did net reselye yeur ta: delinquency within at days frern the date at m" i351 Militia: mmf?ms the rights. pewers. and prir?leges ef this entity are suspended er lerfeited as at the dateef this netree._ We teeh this are-trier;l beegese yeu did net pay an ameunt. er yeu did net file tax: retums under Heyenue and Tanatlen Cede Beetlens 23331 ._233tl . ?'arl 23334.1fd}. if yeer entity is exempt. we may reyelre yeur exemptien under Reyenee and Tar-fatten cede Seetren 33?? . An entity while under suspensien er ferfeiture eannet legally transact business. defend er initiate an aetien in eeurt. pretest assessments. er ?le a elaim fer refund ef ameunts paid. Additienally. yeu ferfeited yeur right te use the entity name. if yeu de net pay the balanee due. er file the tart returns immediately. any eentreet yeu entered inte can be yeidaele by the ether party under Seetien 13713. We grant relief fer Centraet under Reyenue and Tartatlen Cede Bastien 33335.1. Te detain relief frent eentraet yeidahility. yeu rnust: - Fits all past due raterns. and my any tar-r. penalties, interest. and fees that is due. I: Send us a eernpleted nepifeatien fer Relief freer Centraef tfeidebillty [fem-i 2513 Yeu may eletain eepy ef this frem eur Website at: amwfteeagey er by calling the telephene number abuse. it Pay a penalty fer relief frern eentreet yeidaeility. The penalty is $133 a day fer the parted we grant relief. net te exceed the tart due fer that eeried. ?r?eu must eentlnue in ?le tax returns and pay all taxes. penalties. Interest. fees and ether ameunts due fer the entity. while under suspensien er ferfetture. if the entity's name is he lenger eyailaele. yeu must eentaet the Galifernia Seeretsry ef State hefere we see reinstate yeur entity te peed lf yeur entity is net required te pay eyeieetrenie funds transfer. mail yeur payment. peyaeie te Franehise Ts: Beard the. address eeiew. Te ensure preper sredit te yeur please write yeur enti name and humane en return it with the tee part ef this netiee. the ?f Pat'm?l'ltr and FRANCHISE TAX BOARD PD Ben: 34335?? Seerarnente ca 9423-0511 ?r?eu can eentaet us at the telephene numeer er address preyided if yeu heye daemons [3 . . . erdin - us. please Inelude the name. address. and daytime teleehehe number ef an autheriaed persen lf yeu white additienal infermatien regarding yeur entity. WE Fm 2520 se sees raEy i Please see the shale-sure fer impertant infe?nttatien Stale [if Sal'fernia Franchise Tar: Beard Page HDTICE NUMBER: 1 SAN DIEGANS FUR DPEH 814 MGRENA BLVD STE 5am ea 9211?-2631 Subieet -. CERTIFICATE eF aevwen Entity Name SAN DIEGANS Fee EIPEH Entityr Number 31255113 Effective Date 11rzex12 This business entity has been relieved et seepenaien er feneite re and is new in deed standing with the Franchise Tax Beard. Business Entity and Field Bureau Internet and Telephene Assistance Website: ftb.ea.getr Telephene: 300352.511 frem within the United Siam; 915.345?5?0 frem eutaide the United States 3.136.322.6263 fer pereene with hearing er Impahmants FTE 255? tantra?)