--..I Ch. Ln .121. ml? is 11. at 1315 14DECLARATION CIF KERI M. Ken M. Tattlenr arn ever eighteen years efege and ifeailed as a witness witi testit?g,r as t?ettews: 1. [are earrentiy at Briggs Law Cereeratien as a Pataiegali I have been werking Era the preparatiett efS an 'Diegans fer Open Getternrnent?s sen?ere fit eereerate paper-Merit sin as at least 1513a},t efi? 12. 2. San Diegans fer Open Geaemrnente Statements efInfertn atien have been titnei?r ?i?d with the Califernia efState. We have net been neti?ed ef any ptebietns with the Statements eflnfereta iien. - s. C3125502, was suspended trial the Califernia Seeretary ef State website. [diseeaered the status white On at a?eeat May 15. ENE, I diseeaered that San Diegans fer Dean Geaernrnent. attempting te en?le the annua} Statement ei'Inf'ert-natien. Even iheugh euref?ee is the address fer San Diegana fer Open Gettemntent, we did net any netiee that San Diestn? f? DPEE Cievernrnent had been er was geing te be suspended. 4i On er at:th may 20. 24312. [perseealiyr prepared and mailed a Netiee et' an Applieatien ef Relief frern Centraet and a eepy ef FTB Farm 3590 {Applieatien ef Exemptien} te the Franchise Tax Beard (FTE). 5. Frern June 1, ans, tn the present dayI have persenalty phened the FTB ferepdates en at ieast 15 On er 13. 2012, I spake td an empieyee in the Ranehe Cerdesa effiee ef the FTE and was teid that eur paperwerk had Mbeen assigned la a During the July 18 eat] I urged them te assign the matter as quiekiy as pessible. 1 was teid that they weuid assign senieene in a week er se. 6-. In September 2012 i speke te Jaiie Arnaya, Exempt Speeialist frern theFTB, Ranehe Cardetr'a effiee. Mr. Amaya was assigned te ear applieatien. i was teid that the applieatien required he ?st-titer paeetwerit and that an fees were due. [was aise tel In espeet netiee frern the FTB "in a few weeks".