UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS SEP 2 0 200(1 CERTIFIED MAIL #7001 2510 0002 9127 5440 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED In Reply Refer To: EPA File No: 03R·04-R2 Partnership for Onondaga Creek c/o Alma L. Lowry Visiting Professor of Law Director Public Interest Law F irm Office of Clinical Legal Education Syracuse University College of Law P.O. Box 6543 Syracuse, New York 13217-6543 Re: PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE/PARTIAL REJECTION Dear Professor Lowry: This is in response to the administrative complaint dated April 9, 2004, that the Public Interest Law Firm (PILF) filed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) on behalfofthe Partnership for Onondaga Creek (POC) concerning the Midland Avenue Regional Treatment Facility (RTF) in Syracuse, New York. The complaint alleges that the Onondaga County Department of Water Environment Protection (County) and the New York State Department ofEnvironmental Conservation (NYSDEC) violated Title VI ofthe Civil Rights Act ofl964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d et seq. (Title Vl), and EPA's regulations implementing Title VI, 40 C.F.R. Part 7. Under Title VI, a recipient ofFederal financial assistance may not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Pursuant to EPA's Title VI administrative regulations, OCR conducts a preliminary review of Title VI complaints for acceptance, rejection, or referral. 40 C.F .R. § 7 .120(d)( 1). A complaint should meet the jurisdictional requirements described in EPA's Title VI regulations. First, it must be in writing. Second, it must describe alleged discriminatory acts that may violate EPA's Title VI regulations. Third, it must be timely filed. Under EPA's Title VI regulations a complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days of the lntemet Address (URL) • http://www.epa.gov Recycled/Re cyclable • Printed w~h Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recycled Paper (Minimum 20% Postconsumer) alleged discriminatory act. 40 C.F.R. §· 7. 120(b)(2). Fourth, because EPA Title VI regulations only apply to applicants for and recipients of EPA financial assistance, it must identifY an applicant for or recipient of EPA assistance that allegedly committed a discriminatory act. For the reasons described below, OCR is accepting the complaint in part and rejecting the complaint in part. The complaint is in writing. It also describes alleged discriminatory acts that may violate EPA's Title VI regulations. Further, it describes alleged discriminatory acts by recipients of EPA financial assistance. The timeliness of each allegation contained in the complaint is discussed below. The complaint makes the following allegations: 1. The County and the NYSDEC have engaged in a continuing pattern of discriminatory conduct related to the failure to provide adequate and meaningful public participation opportunities to the predominately A.fiican-American residents of the Midland Avenue community regarding the Midland Avenue RTF. 2. The County proposal, and the NYSDEC approval, of the construction and operation of the Midland Avenue RTF wilt have adverse disparate impacts upon the predominately Afiican-American residents of the Midland Avenue community. Allegation # 1 is rejected as untimely with respect to both the County and NYSDEC. When a complaint alleges a continuing pattern of discrimination, the 180-day jurisdictional window begins to run from the most recent alleged discriminatory act. Your April9, 2004, complaint described a series of events related to the alleged failure to provide adequate and meaningful public participation, but did not describe an alleged discriminatory act by either the County or the NYSDEC that occurred within 180 days of the date you filed the complaint with OCR. In response to OCR's July 14, 2004, request for clarification, the POC identified an alleged discriminatory act taken by the County within 180 days of the filing of the complaint. Specifically, the POC alleged that in a March 15, 2004, letter the County refused to provide a member of the public with information about the proposed or planned alignment for conveyance pipes. While the March 15, 2004, letter stated that no final alignment had yet been selected, the County also stated in that letter that they intend to identify one or more possible alignments for intensive investigation and evaluation. Since the County explained it did not yet have the information requested by the POC, the March 15, 2004, letter does not constitute another alleged incident of failure to provide adequate and meaningful public participation. The previous dates provided in support of the continuing pattern of discrimination allegation all occurred beyond 180 days before the filing of this complaint, therefore, allegation # 1 is untimely with respect to the County. -2- The POC's reply to OCR's July. 14, 2004, request for clarification about timely acts committed by the NYSDEC did not provide any additional information. Therefore, allegation #1 is also untimely with respect to NYSDEC. Allegation # 2 is accepted for investigation with respect to both the County and NYSDEC. Based on the information before OCR, a complex series of events related to this project began in the 1980s, however this allegation only became ripe for review when, on December 19, 2003, NYSDEC approved the Midland Avenue RTF and Conveyances Facility Plan. The Complaint was filed on April 14, 2004, within 180 days of the Plan's approval and is therefore timely. Due to the complex facts of this case, please be advised that this acceptance is conditioned upon our subsequent investigation, consistent with OCR's investigatory authority. Complexities. associated with the timeliness issue and the potentially preclusive effect of EPA's Environmental Assessment and judicial litigation regarding the Midland Avenue RTF may warrant reconsideration. OCR will discuss, at any point during the process, offers to informally resolve the complaint, and will, to the extent appropriate, facilitate an informal resolution process and the involvement of affected stakeholders. Ifyou have any questions, please contact Yasmin Yorker, Assistant Director of the OCR External Compliance Program, at (202) 343-9682, by e-mail at yorker.yasmin@epamail.epa.gov, or by mail to the U.S. EPA, Office of Civil Rights (Mail Code 1201A), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20460. Sincerely, d,/. af. cJI~d.­ {//;:a;:;D.Riggin~ Director cc: Nicholas J. Pirro, County Executive Onondaga County Office of the County Executive John H. Mulroy Civil Center, 14th Floor 421 Montgomery Street Syracuse, New York 13202 -3- .. Erin M. Crotty, Commissioner New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway Albany, New York 12233-1011 Stephen G. Pressman, Associate General Counsel Civil Rights Law Office, MC 2399A Barry Hill, Director Office of Environmental Justice, MC 2201A Melva Hayden, Title VI Coordinator EPARegion2 -4-