FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY S?gvan mag Sieven HG) FOR USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ?e Her BSD CAPE .. ?b'?d?7:43:21". 339%? Wdi'hrwerain? 93:4: Production schedule I. '5 .- 63 through FPU cost . - - gt. . . . ..L: a Era-pn"Tani-?xv.--. . . I - 33.3; L. .I. ?E'otal To-Go' cost -. I $333377! .. . . -, '11. li?lff .Additional estimate 1. Bottoms?up estimate boil! by site 1. increases upfront system contractor teams assuman an FY19 engineering and siows component eta H5 FPU daie design 2. Does not include management reserve 2. ICA rephases FTE staffing for 2022 3. Includes of Ef?ciencies? FPU date 3. ICA escalation labor costs at 4% 4. RCA funds a more robust Govi program of?ce - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . 2 FOR USE ONLY stirnating cnaenaesiietmt -. . 1W. . . l-o Data issues Minimal historical information (costs, statiing', d: sci'ieduie) initiai B??l WIS and criticai path just completed in Hate Jone Detailed risk burn-down pian unciear Site statiing plans do not identi? source of statfing (is, new hire, transier?in, existing), so of sta "ing ramp-op is unknown [No format Forward Price Rate Agreements to support labor cost estimate a No documented detaiied technical! it; programmatic definition of the program, a Cost Analysis Requirements Document (CARD) Data from many different sources late in process (PM/site briefs, emaiis, handouts, discussions); need to validate internal consistency of data a Not a tail iite cycie Estimates are limited to development 8: production costs, no estimate oi sustainmentlsurveillance costs Equivalent to an independent Cost Assessment {iCAi ifiicut to assess reiative technical and programmatic complexity oi [861 compared to prior LEPs Sandie claims efiort is 3 to 4 times the etiort oi WJB LEP FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FDR USE ONLY . roamaoa -.-.-- .-.. .- .. .-. 18 major components 29 major components . - Tit; . 1 Percussion battery assem 2 . 4 31369591 3 Main battery assembiy 43Puise battery assembly S'Center bom'o assembly ??coded switch a option control switch 5 3- Electron-11:5 easembiy controller 9 Firing set- coo I 4? 41Poco 5 Over voltage gap 6?Gei myiat capacitor 7_Terminal protection device n. t. L?r. ur- 35? .T I 3-7. i. 8 intent Stronglink 9 Trajectory Stronglink 10 Foams'pads?g' o?r'rfgs ..55.. 11 5 JO'Laanch accel lmpantsensor I 5? ll'Thermai battery assembiy . 13 Junctionth 4 - 14?Eletronic neutron generator 5 35.:Nese 1.19mi? .Sebassembiv laival IVE -- -- 16:Pre?ight bomb so baasembly _14-igmter 1?fPreflight controller 4 15: Preoet oabie 18:Pn'mary 3 I I 16 LAC 19.?uliout switch assembly 4 17 Thermal battery - - 21 Holamite . i . 5C0 pe '18 Purge ya we - a SCOPQ 22 secondary 5 13 Spun rocket motor Full NEP 8; upgrade Fui? NEP 8: upgradeplatform integration mi) 3?39 mos non?nuc 335' 26 Componentsuite components 27.5y5tem cables 2E. weapon control unit 2 5 platform integrations, ZQ'System 1/2 adapter requiring much more system integration, quali?cation, 8: certi?cation activities FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sosa Esrlmaro Memoo?ology 05D CAPE -. -. n; a Cosk Estimate 3 Schedule a FTEs/yr 3: annual Labor a- ll-llaterlal 0 Schedule evaluation Comparison to historical programs AsseSsment of program plan Modeling of program schedule 0 Labor costs Assessmen?adjus?ment or staf?ng plans and labor rate a Material of labor costs by phase *9 Many embedded assumptions duo Eo sparse data Material costs as function or [labor costs Labor rate cost growth Executability of staf?ng plans Production schedule, producl?oo stalling levels, 8: ?xed costs FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY GSD CAPE .H l. . .. ..- .. FY01 FY02 was W04 Innewme em: I mo W75 action starts . r? FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY 21 .. "n . .- #F?th? 853 we? -- 3. FPUIProductIon starts weamt FPUJPmduc?onstans 9 W76 9 B61 7 day work weeks (via 01') for 4 5 day work weeks Years 0? componems Constrained by FY19 due date 2002 Planning Estimate projec?ied initial EMS critica? path just 2007 actual FPU in 2008 finished 13+ months 0f deveuopment reqUired Sandia estimates 861 is exex more post-FPU to correct issues due E0 compaex man W76, but WDCR ?ow ?ech maturity/concurrency [projects a Shorter development schedu?e with more concurrency Concurrent with W88 Alt (new 1/2 the scope of BM Sempee?sen ice W?m EH3 eeteeg echedme Endim?es eel LEP execution are very eggress?ve ?e meet eme FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - - .. - . - .0. . -. .. .. BSD FY12 FY13 H14 FMS - j; . 61 - '9 Sandia compenent design staffing pian {02) appears {to iead System Engineering 373;: 535 if; if; 01) effort 4% requirements flow-down SE 3.23:. 2321.: staffing {01.01) eel-35502.91. . . . . 0am. - raga; 303.91.. 02-26.. @155 EEC. . . 12.1.4 . . . .- Capital Equlpment FOR OFF1CIAL USE ONLY am. .. 59000500313; - .. . _qre?e?sa'at?r. .. -.- rem- _cpuelraumnmeb.-. . .. . . 02?33.; - lmp??SFUier. - . . Elia-.13. - - sh?aev??inareer .. managearww . . . . . - . . - Freezes Mqrm?sew?lr. . 9113.5 . . . .- -. 033-?! . . 93. - - rmmadslnem?qn - . . 5:191 .. - - . -Elsweresmem. . .. . . 010.3 . .B?ll?rmlw 9.2201. . .. ??41.55. .- 593.529.951.35 .. - 0.90 1.21 5.35 4.22 9.57 1.1.5 2035 2.47 2.35 5.02 15.94: 9.85 0.00 13.0: 14.59 2.26 2.01 1.54 1.15 18.06 34:02 14.51 3.34 3.50 7.45 0.10 0.00 4.11 338 1.53 38.11 SLDB 15.20 4.75 17.05 14.50 58 52.50 1.5.20 4.25 17.05 16.00 17.05 15.73 SLED E53 11.98 5.61 5.25 4.58 3.11 FTEs 54.120 15. 20 4.5 13.05 1.150 700 600 500 300 200 100 if?? 00 5? :0 10 Program matics 13:3 i' *j Engineering :95 529; 55"" Other 558.: 2 I n. p. ?a'r -- -: 3.. 5 a Component Deveiopment ?77 Ea? at . at 1' Hul?.? somv? .w . ?95' .. . 3c:- ?54 -. arm-I may {u FYLZ FY13 FYlti FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 effort is unusuaiiy low for a program of this size FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Ire-hunt . oro'nl- it. - FY12 FY13 FY14 I FY15 FY16 FY18 - FY19 FYgo FY21 3 FY23 .10 4121210 2Q 30 40 1a 20330?40?10?2d3?=4d10 20:30:40 '10220 30kg . . ,Assumed . FY19 FPU 1 . timer my?; . dag-?12811? .79.. 1- - i FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY15 FY18 FY21 . FY22 10 2c. 30 40 10:20:30 40413-20 30 Maegan-221510120 30 40:10 20.305401102030549 020330 40:10 20:30:40 I 1' Enghearing Gale are?Fact Reduction 13am 1% east we yeatr sEEp due Fedm?ng the mmwa?emy ?n Cche 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8 FOR OFHCIAL USE ONLY 1FY12 FY13 'Fm . FY15 ms FY17 FY13 Fm me m1 m2 30340 10203:: 40.10 zufao 40.10 20'?30}!0 10.20 30 40 1o .20 30 rec?1a 20 40 10 20 30.{mgga??a??i Radar FRT I ?.GmupPRTS assumed FY19 FPU Han 1-m- glagqgg?tji?fggfaaw?aFY15 FY16 FY17 . FY19 30.40 10_20_30 4O 10 10 20 60:10520 30340 20 30140 10 '20530 40 10:20; a BEISCthuli: 9 5.3i . 44 391.Radar FRI - Dav ?uid Chant! PET 5 i - mas Emma ?2 .. - I 1 - 31:" 35-331 Mfr-z. Ream?ag m1?mw'a??aegaacw?a?e :11 aa?s?awmsn magma apnea 533p - . .. - . . - - .14 . 3-. . . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .. - . .. 059 CA PE I A- most likely doration Step 1: Use PM input to fit a Weibull distribution 5 3 ?Start with PM estimates of PRT min/most likely/max costs .Convert to schedule duration (Time S), max duration 125% of PM dlu?a?lm max duration duration if max cost 125% of PM most likely costs 5 t} \l =Fit a Weibull distribution using derived min/most likely/max durations 5 ?J?h?li'lbviEB on PM inpult Step 2: Model 861 3~cycle development with Weibulls -Use ?tted Weiboli from Step 1 for each development cycle, using PM cycle duration as input for most likely ~Stochastical y sum up resolts of each distribution to get aggregate distribution (probability distribution function i a 333it; +211: +i'535 Fri-2' FY13 FY14 Fins FY16 FYW FY18 FY19 5 . .1: .1 ?Hui i I PM 861 PI _io'2o;3ci 4o 1o;2o 30.4o?io 2o so 40:10:20530 nio?io 2ofao=4ojioaogao 40 i-ussas,? Jr." ?c - ?Ti-"Ti?some hank-71w?? urn-f- aAaabw?Jl?-u?lnm Probability vs FPU Da 1m Step 3: Convert PDF to (SPF (cumulative distribution function) to g. Show cumulative probability of FPU tor a given date Lg 75" '3 503: .2 0% aageognaagmazzoowaaoigea FOROFFICIALUSEDNLY WA mm . -. urn-.- . uu. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . a! . I?l InfStaf?ng Plan an I wrote 359 Enga Integration 300 1' ?Component 3 Development - 25o 'FY12 FYM FY16 FY18 FY20 FY21 FYM FY25 61 Development Staffing at Sandia FTEI350 1.-.. . ., -. -. .. 5753138? 3'50 f" Dwelopmenl 250 - - 200 I I- .. . 1.. .-. FY12 FY15 FY36 FY15 FY20 m4 FY25 ICA adjusts Sandie B61 development sitaf?ng to achieve moderate risk FY22 FPU - increases SE in FY13-22 and slows component design staf?ng relative to WDCR Other site?s staffing plans shifted by 3 years to tie ?nnto SNL effort Ia Realistic labor cost growth ln general. NNSA labor cost has grown at lwice lhe OMB in?ation rate, resulting in significant loss. of buying power over the past decade reflects 4% per annum labor cost growth Assuming only 2% annual labor cost growth results in a 16% loss of buying power FOR USE ONLY - {501$ - ran-5? Direct Labor Loss o5 Buying Power 4 5% FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 050 CA PE I . - wuru?hgurganh'uovr'r . Tota? contractor staffing at: BSandia aKansas City Plant ?Pentax 91.05 Alamos ?Hf-12 Sia?mg Pm? Eng ?mm Staff {r p- .Itrr. .. .. . ?tvvl . in: ?n . ?Enriquu? 5m ICA Pmductlm hourly mm: 103 Producticn salary mica Contact edmln . gawn?w?ggaging?g, ONE GSavannah River handy mm ICA Pmduction .wan 54;:qu ICA Contract Ech dev kahuna? ??hn 4 ??uu?nrra ring-{l at? IETFE . . nun-Kr??an wn . {Ear-f. . um?rl . .3. .1. ?hurrah: H. .. aunt. Ludhr?r?turnvh .l. lu . .. .1 913w NH: mwmo 311 aim ICA Employee admin ICA Employee tech dew Contract admin tantrum tech dev 2E mg .. mum-J. Employee admin Employee ted.II.. Iii-huh Hui.? Total Deveiopmen?t Staffing QQmpar?sm? WA and q. ?wam?nmiu?h?hgm?? NE Hglanl. 5 A. 3.. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Suntotai .. Recommendations: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ly?di 510.0 50.2 wocn Kce ef?ciencia net in ICE $0.3 a Adequaielv started Gav PMO 51.1 Realistic la but cost gram}: 51.9 a FY12 FPU 30.3 a Sun I: costs WDCR CAPEJCA 52.0:? 9[ Federal PM office needs growth above onrren?i size (3 FTE) to reasonabiy manage a $108 861 program HCA esiima?ied 45 FTEs by FY15 Program Review shouid inciude Presentation of detailed risk burn down pians Risk mitigation plans and decision points Compietion of a written program de?nition CARD) Review of Earned Value meirics and of coniraetuai daia requirements on cosi data renaming CAPE ice shouid be requested prior to 5.4 auinorizaiion FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ?13 P.1d!