QUESTIONS FOR NBC4 WASHINGTON SURVEY 1. Do you rely on civilian law enforcement to investigate and prosecute sexual assault cases against members of your Guard unit? YES 2. Does your state UCMJ have any specific language regarding investigating or prosecuting sexual assault cases? If so, please provide some details or the specific statute. THE TENNESSEE CODE ANNOTATED DOES NOT CONTAIN A UCMJ. TITLE 58-1, PART 6 CONTAINS A PENAL PROVISION SECTION FOR MILITARY MEMBERS MISCONDUCT SUCH AS AWOL, MISSING MOVEMENT, UNLWAFUL RETENTION OF MILITARY EQUIPMENT, DISOBEYING ORDERS OF SUPERIORS, ETC. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN PROVISIONS SPECIFIC TO SEXUAL ASSAULT. SEXUAL ASSAULT IS COVERED UNDER THE STATE CRIMINAL CODE. 3. Does your state UCMJ allow you to do the equivalent of an Article 32 hearing in the federal system? If so, under what circumstances? NO. SEE #2 ABOVE. 4. Is there a statute of limitations for sexual assault against members of the military? If so, what is the length? NO. THERE IS NOT A STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS SPECIFIC TO THE MILITARY. 5. When was your UCMJ last updated? SEE # 2 ABOVE. 6. Are you currently pursuing any changes to your UCMJ in relation to rape or sex assault? SEE # 2 ABOVE. 7. In the last five years, have you held a court martial as a result of a sexual assault allegation within your Guard unit? SEE # 2 ABOVE. 8. In the last five years, have you meted out any of the following punishments resulting from a sex assault allegation made against a member of your unit? TO ANSWER THIS AND THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS WOULD REQUIRE ACCESS TO INDIVIDUAL RECORDS REQUIRING AN ANALYSIS OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT AND PRIVACY ACT. GOMAR and/or letters or reprimand Dishonorable Discharge Other type of discharge (please specify) Forced resignation Forced retirement Other (please specify) 9. What would your Guard unit like, that you do not have now, to help you combat sexual assaults? RENEWED AUTHORITY TO PERFORM OUR OWN INVESTIGATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH AR 15-6. 10. Anything else you would like to tell us about how your Guard unit investigates and prosecutes sexual assault cases? NO Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE