NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD Office of Aviation Safety Washington, D.C. 20594 February 2, 2015 Attachment 22 – Witness Statements OPERATIONAL FACTORS DCA13MA081 Table Of Contents A. WITNESS STATEMENTS .................................................................................................... 2 1.0 ATC Controller Statements............................................................................................. 2 2.0 Witness Statements ......................................................................................................... 8 3.0 Fluor Employee Statements ............................................................................................ 9 4.0 Emailed Statements ....................................................................................................... 14 A. WITNESS STATEMENTS 1.0 ATC Controller Statements WITNESS STATEMENTS 2 DCA13MA081 Midwest Air Traf?c Control Service, Inc. Personnel Statement Moan) Am Complete in accorthnoe with AFI Ill-204. Charmer 4. Air?eld Operations ?ight Management. BACKGROUND: Much of the information concerning the elmstames munding this accidentfincident can be retrieved via some type of recorded data source. However. some of the facts concerning what you saw and what you did my not have been completely MN. The purpose of this statement is to provide any that within you personal knowledge that you believe will provide complete understanding of the ciremutances surrounding this accident/incident. ?ierefore. speculations. hearsay. opinions. conclusion. andior other extraneous dua are net to be included in this rttatement. Additionally. this may be released to the public through 0r litigation activities including pretrial discovery. deposition and actual coon testimony. W??s statement is to be completed in Miemso? Word. and your slytature below certi?es the accuracy ofthis statement. It will be neither edited or amended. once signed. and will constitute your original statement. Written stata'nerrt: This statement contains the involving a Vebiclecarson . MAW-Aimmuimux 1055 UTC WW rune In (532). monument-ta I am employed as an air?eld management specialist by Midwcs Air Tram: Control Service. Inc.. Overland Park. Kansas. I was working the (?grm :3 position from 12; to g, momentum than I was Posted at- For. Feet Pam'- weer of? Moo Ramp- In?, 5n; and T-mlts owed on, thu) of flee Emit-.201, I. ?sewed rhe me "lit"? rotate afr?cnway Chemo and +59 auacar mos .mmrdidly ?egg to sky, summer in on 3:40on cum. togaw 500?" ?imam?i had ?ve ab'?'d?l f0 ?(M?te??fbvf no I1- Puma (0 he?me to the aroma, crew?s yes-l- 905certify to the best of my knowledge and recollection. that the above statement is correct. Sim-lute WITNES STATEMENTS 3 DCA13MA081 Midwest Air Traf?c Control Service, Inc. Personnel Statement (Y Complete in accordance with Al?! 13-204. Chapter 4. Air?eld Operations ?ight Management. BACKGROUND: Much of the information concerning the circumstances surrounding aoeidertuineident can be retriewd via some type of recorded data source. However. some of the facts concerning what you saw and what )ou did may not have been completely captured. The purpose of this statement ill to provide any facts within your ml knowledge that you believe will provide complete understanding ol'tlte circumsranoes surrounding this accident/incident. 'nterel'om. speculations. hearsay. opinions. ind/or other extraneous data I: not to be included in this statement. Additionally. this may be released to the public through or litigation activitieo: including pretrial discovery, depositions. and actual court teuimony. Wmin ruttomem i: to be completed in Micmao? Word. amt your signature below certi?es the accuracy of this sutentent. It will be neither edited or amended. once signed. and will constitute your original statean Written statement: 070. 44490) This tutrtnitta tltt. ll Vehic ?rm. Wm out? 42m(new I run tut air ?tltl tageulm Alf ll?ll'llt Lerol Savtce. Inc.. Own-rd Park. Kansas. [was workinuth? ?mga? gin/gum position amalgam merit/r Aw? m?mz a9 ?aw F30 54/69" WW 5? ?m?m 7g: JWM m4 Murm? ?amen- Aomfo AWL 7: 72,, WE m??W?Bmw 14 Salaam-WV ?mmd?m ?rm 171!" 7337 73 Lm "?uxwa 75' m: Am?rm an aw ?our I certify to the best of my knowledge and recollection, that the above Merl incorrect. 49% Signature WITNES STATEMENTS 4 DCA13MA081 Midwest Air Traf?c Control Service. Inc. Personnel Statement Inc-3i 5g] Complete in acconlmee I3-204 Air?eld Operations Procedures and Programs. BACKGROUND: Much ot'the int'nrmutitm concerning the surrounding this midemr'meidcnt can be ed in some pe ul'teeurded dam source. limetvt. some nt? the I'm-ts cementing what we saw and Mn: putt did my not hate bun captured. 1h: purpme of this statement is to pmtide an) l'aets within )uur personal knowledge that you believe will pros-id: complete n! "w ?Il?oundin! mm ugidmllimidgnL ?guru?. hearse). opiniuns. conclusion andInr other extraneous data are not to be included In this statement. Additionally. this ma} h: released to the white through FOIA or litiguitm aetitities including pretrial dim-owl} (kph-Wm. and actual mutt tetlimm} statetnent ts to he tn Word. and )our signature helou certifies the accumu- ?filth he neithut ?tiled ut untuttlul. tutu slums]. and ummtute )nur original statement ?hum 41? wotch {acCrHem' Immune! 3H Fidel. Pulltn) av marlin A4 ?It? 4m? t'thwark 0P3 wot uquM?J ..,t,4lbanlq Wald 4-0 J: and tall rqln-l wluk Juanita) our,qu bow: Papa ?had "tits statement contains then-UR at 303, AB. Afghanistan on M) mime ts Eva-4M. Quinn I am empluged uir lralrte eomml specialist h} MiduN' Atr Initth Service. mum-.1 rant. Kansas runs LU f; O?iw_/ 12 I emit} tn the best or my and reenlieettm. that the ahne statement is correct. 13__ . mature Dart WITNES STATEMENTS 5 DCA13MAO81 Midwest Air Traf?c Control Service. Inc. Pemnnel Statement Ii. lino-n) as: I Complete in mtli l-Btu Airfield Operations Procedures and Programs. BACKGROUND: Much ot'thc int?onnatum concerning the circumstances surrounding this ucident'tncident can he ed it: won?: one ot'mcwded data source. However. some of the facts concerning what you saw and hat you did mat} not haw lwen completely captured. The purpose of this statement Is to ide any I'uct.? )nur petmnal km? lulgc that )ou believe will provide complete understanding ol the Circumstances wrtounding this Therelbre. simulath opium conclusions. -'or other mtrancous data an not to be included In this statement. Additionally. this mu) he relatth to the public through or litigation actititin including pretrial discos-er}. depuitumx. and actual court testimom Hm statement is to he in Mien-m? Word. and your signature below certi?es the accuracy statement. It ill be neutlwr cilitul or amended. Ono: signed and will 36th! statement. Written statement: a 1 Wang Notnt?a LL OOFASAQ Fog 09?. AMIL 1 ensuing mt 1m gum Mum vmway ?Glut. Anna? 19 a: an; 1n; nurt- nopmuu LuluTHE lid)!" Ma'th I t" was at; nut: cameo mm ?l untuim tlttI I ll llk'ldeill nm ?It I ne :ll ?agrant/m. Afghaniqnn Airport on bu?z1 l' numenst; um? I am employed as an air Ironic control a l'winlist n) Miduat Air lrut't'te Control Service. Inc.. ?hl?l?i?l?ui "Ail Kane? I Mu. .- -\ Ihvl LC. lit-tint!" num mum; _1 I certify to the best ol'm_\ kilo? huge and nx-ollectimu that the uhmc quicment is correct. 9/25/2911. . tgmturc Date WITNES STATEMENTS 6 DCA13MA081 Midwest Air Traf?c Control Service. Inc. Personnel Stalemcm INT R: Complete accordzun-c \th AH i-ZU-l Air?eld Upcmuons and Progmnu Much ih: nnl'ommuon L?Mk'c?llng lin- ciwumsumous surrounding this can be l.?l iumc type ni'muudod data source. lloucx'cr. mm: of the ram doom-min; who! you an and ?hut 'um did nu) nol has: Nd! cap! and. "k purpose of this is to pros idc any fuel: ullhin )our his: Ihal you belie?e will prmidc compch understanding ol'lhc cnrunmmcos surrounding this ?lhmrom. >pcculalions. hearsay. opinions. unicluanmm. cum-nus dam arr: no! to be included in lhis ?manan Addiliomlly. this ma) he released lo llic puhlic through FOM or litigation acii? ines including morinl disuuvm . and actual Ic's?limml} IONS: lhix Is to ho in Micmaoll Word. and your signmurc below cmilics me accuracy ol?lhh swam-m II will millwr nlilnl nr :unwnAm?l will I I consliiulc wot original sum-mom at db ?Van? d_ ?but Won-1.6M: w? h. was We "wt. ?cc ?he. clan.? qo?c ohoo+ aql Mona) +0 (Ml. 9+ (M 45 4k tkqwi- QMJ beme-o '05: ol?lvdc,7v? Nun-H- imoodcl (W a? a CIA) AW 4a-~ A sanctum HAIR Imidcnl inmlving no at losL/ Ihgmm Mi. M'glnnialan Airpon on 2?1 My name is?AgL? MS I am employed as an air Imlliu unuml spa-inns: Midum Air lmllic (?nmwl Inc . ?h-T?aml Park. ?amers mu. working (ht 61L INNIHM [mm blow?. to la? I lo le' heal of knouloduc and Iiul (he abuse ?ak-men! is comm. 2.4 49L. t?i?rmum? Dole WITNES STATEMENTS 7 DCA13MAO81 2.0 Witness Statements At the ere-tr Mama-ct 1 {driven by Jute Mun-.mth and 1 Jarmtr Elntronll that Aircraft HEdQEhwa: read-lt- for launch. Blue-Hark Flight run-rungs: [rm-n the aircraft crew chit-i. prunes-tied Elrttacltl and 3 to remove the air-slalr and choir-15. At this. F-oInt Etta-Mack 1" tool: ouerthe launch and haugraunti-to-cocitnit :nrrilnurIl-Eali?n: fur enema Drone-{led at: normal .- amazon: At approxtmately 1530L was to position to back-marvel a (-130 touted on parking spot 15. was on the west we of Note! tawny, facing the out towards the aft end of the (-130. While waiting to begin bark-marshath the aitctatt. Ibegan watching the take-off oi the National 3000? 747 (N900) Yhe 747 was airborne by the time it reached Chatlie Tummy. Shanty after gong past (home Toxiway. the aircraft began to pull nose up At ?rst it didn't appear out of the ordinary, but then he cant-ner to "nose-up? the aircraft. The aircraft cont-wed to a more nose up angie?oi-attacit (approx 80 degrees nose up} At this point. he began losing airspeed. the aituaft momentanht shaped to the left while at the sometime ho hogan taming. I estimate that he was at about 800 feet when he began failing The aircraft then pulled his nose over the right His turn to the tight continued at the aircraft teti. It appeared at this time to have no forward motion The aircraft apoearcd to impact the ground at a 45 degree argie those and wan: Impact same time! while the aitcraft was perpendicular to the ground. Upon impact, obserwd the ?reball explosion followed by biotin smoke. While observtru this sequence events, I did notice what appeared to be smoke coming from the toil-cane lwu unable to determine rf was ivom the APU 0r tram another 50mm 25 ?rst?: :3 ?Tiue?rw DCA13MA08 1 WITNESS STATEMENTS 8 3.0 Fluor Employee Statements FLUOR. Fluor Intercontinental. Inc. ROBERT STAMPS Air?eld. Afghanistan Special (?ounsel for Afghanistan Fluor (-?overnmenl Group, 864-558-5025 (Rings in Afghanistan) Email: Ma} 6. 20? National 'I?ransportation Safety Board Re: National Air Cargo 747 Incident Sirs. On behalf of Iuor?s Country Manager, Steve Whitcomb, please note that Iuor wants to respond and fully to any requests for information, documents or witnesses from the National 'I?ransportation Safety Board In this regard, we note that one of the questions asked of our subcontractor, Excelis, related to changes in the noise of the engines of the 747. Two of our employees were injured in the crash and provided statements to luor Security (see attached Incident Report). Mr Whitcomb has asked me and Chris Batt to serve as point-of-contact for further inquiries. Our contact data is as follows: Bob Stamps 864-558-3025 Chris Batt 864-607-9016 Please let Chr? nd me know if you have any questions. Regards, Atch: I?luor Incident Report (IR) WITNES STATEMENTS 9 DCA13MA081 FLUOR Type of ReEm: inciien?i Fgoorttl?L I Urinal: Followup [Fin?ah Report Title: G?Vemmem Pmpe'? Site/Task Order: Reported By: Glenn Abshire. Fluor Human Res?ources Supervisor Incident Date: 29 APR 13 Report Written By: lPeter Karlewicz. Fluor Securin Manager Report Date: 30 APR 13 Subject(s) Last/Firsthiddle SAP Department Job Title UNK Victiliitness(s) SAP Department Job Title Siddiqui. Sajid 10314434 Fluor Environmental Logistics Coordinator Jonas, Eddins 10315666 Fluor Environmental Waste Disposal Senior Mechanic SYNOPSIS: On 29 April 2013 at approximately 1527L. a National Airlines Boeing 747 Cargo Aircraft crashed while attempting to take off from Bagram Air?eld (BAF). Upon impact the aircraft to broke apart and caught fire. Flaming debris from the aircraft damaged or destroyed several structures on the ground. including Buildings 382098 and 382090. in which the later was occupied by a Fluor Logistics Coordinator and a Fluor Waste Disposal Senior Mechanic. The two (2) Fluor employees managed to force their way out of the burning building and escape All Government Property (GP) in the of?ces. as well as both individual's United States (US) issued Passports. Fluor issued laptops, GP ballistic helmets and vests and other various personal possessions were destroyed by the ?re. DETAILS: On 29 April 2013 at approximately 1527L. a National Airlines Boeing 747 Cargo Aircraft crashed while attempting to take off from Bagram Air?eld (BAF). Upon impact the aircraft to broke apart and caught ?re. Flaming debris from the aircraft damaged or destroyed several structures on the ground. including Buildings 382098 and 382090, in which the later was occupied by Fluor Expat Logistics Coordinator. Sajid Siddiqui (SAP 10314434). and Fluor Expat Waste Disposal Senior Mechanic. Eddins Jonas (SAP 10315666). Siddiqui and Jonas managed to force their way out of the burning building and escape. All Government Property (GP) in the offices. as well as both individual's United States (US) issued Passports, Fluor issued laptops. GP ballistic helmets and vests and other various personal possessions were destroyed by the ?re. On 30 April 2013 at approximately 1525L. Siddiqui provided Security with a written statement. Siddiqui stated on 29 April 2013 at approximately 1527L. he and Jonas were working in his of?ce (Building 382090) at the Old Land?ll when they heard the sound of a plane with engine trouble. He stated in an instant the of?ce container was struck and electrical power was lost. Siddiqui explained they tried to exit through the of?ce door. but it was stuck. He further stated the ceiling began to catch on ?re and the room ?lled with smoke. Siddiqui recounted that it took them two (2) minutes to force their way out through the stuck door and escape. Once outside Security Forces (SF) picked them up. transferred them to the Military Police (MP). who in turn transported them to the US Military Hospital where they were treated and released the following morning. (Attachment 1) On 30 April 2013 at approximately 1525L. Jonas provided Security with a written Statement. Jonas reiterated Siddiqui's version of the events and explained they were both working in the incinerator Maintenance Office when they heard a plane take off which did not sound normal. Jonas stated he and Siddiqui looked at each other and then felt an impact that moved the office container forward and threw them to the ground. Jonas recounted that they both checked on each other and then heard an explosion. Together they forced open the office door and ran outside. While running. Jonas elaborated that he looked back and saw the crashed aircraft's cockpit on ?re. (Attachment 2) This is an Initial repOrt pending the release of further information and generation of a Lost. Theft. Damaged or Destroyed (LTDD) Notification and all other required documentation. DISPOSITION: A copy of this report has been provided to: Fluor Security Fluor Confidential WITNES STATEMENTS 10 DCA13MA081 FLUOR Bryan Wilson Peter Karlewicz Country Security Manager A0 Security Manager ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 Statement. Siddiqui. Sajid Attachment 2 Statement. Jonas. Eddins ml StateHEn-tJ?Siddiqur, Sajid Ell Statement Jonas, Eddins WITNESS STATEMENTS End of Report Fluor Security Ftuor Confidential 11 DCA13MA081 FLUOR. StaQemcnt Form I - um Int 1m. - pV?W-nrh luclhun . I Numlul I (Dal-- um wrm. Who. Where When and Why I am lhe fonowmg slatemenl about nan: [5 of ?hicr I have petsonal knowledge Funnmmote I am statement voluntamy and o! my own (tee ?w-i - .. - - 0! page This Statement :3 true and correct to the best A Name: 5 sham": SAP.JV 809mm} SAP: Odo: i 5? Mime: Signature: -- 5 - ?Pate: -L _l 1.1.4 Witness Name: Flnur WITNES STATEMENTS 12 DCA13MA081 FLUOR Statement Form ham. h?w ka lnnalmn I I Humhu Unit Inm~ What, Who. Where. When and Why I am the follomng statement about mailers of which I have personaI knowledge urlhermore I am prowdmg I this stalemem volunlanly and of my own free lThis statement-s page 4 page, This statement IS true and correct to the besto! my knowtedge ncbehef. Name' I - u; 1: - Witness Nam: nuun: I Signature: luor (?on?dcnlinl DCA13MA08 1 WITNES STATEMENTS 13 4.0 Emailed Statements Lawrence David From: Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 1:45 PM To: Lawrence David Subject: RE: National Air Cargo 3747?400 Accident 4l29l2013 Bagram Afghanistan Captain Lawrence, 0n 4(29/13 I had just drOpped off 3 workers for weed control operations around delta ramp west side. The national cargo pilot smiled and gave a thumbs up as he taxied out past us on the ramp to get to the active. swung around the T?barriers when an airman that was riding with me said hey look at that plane. I turned around to see the plane witch appeared to be trying to climb to the right altitude suddenly started to climb straight up at a steady pace, to the point where the plane looked completely inverted. At this point the plane seemed to freeze there, it appeared that the plane could have stalled. I then remember it was very quiet I looked at the Airman next to me and said that plane is coming down. The plane then peeled to the right and landed belly down and immediately exploded. I rushed to make sure I had my men and then drove closer to the north end where the plane was. Along the way I picked up several Army medics and dropped them off the scene. also remember it being very windy on the ramp that day. SRA Jesse Sheppard took several photos of the plane when it exploded, l'm sure he would more than happy to assist you in your investigation. As a side note I was part of the crew that went through the wreakage with the equipment and by hand. Brien was very good to work with. If I can be any more of assistance to you please do not hesitate to give me a 'call. Respectfully, TSGT Dana L. La Plante 455th ECES DIRT BOYZ SHOP 079-378-5781 From: Lawrence David Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: ED National Air Cargo 3747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AN DIOR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I?m one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation investigation in National Air Cargo 3747-400 accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential 1 WITNESS STATEMENTS 14 DCA13MA081 witness to the accident. I am very interested in learning what you may have seen, heard, or even recorded. Please feel free to provide me your written account of your experiences. If you would, include your location relative to the accident sequence, what you saw, and what you heard. lwould also be interested in any electronic recordings you may have may have made of the event. Our goal is to assist the in determining what may have occurred, why it occurred, and more importantly, steps we can take to prevent future occurrences. Your assistance is critical in our work, and I thank you for whatever information you can provide. Most sincerely, David Captain David A. Lawrence Senior Air Safety Investigator Operational Factors Division (AS-30) National Transportation Safety Board 490 L'Enfant Plaza East, SW Washington, DC 20594 Phone: 202.314.6356 Cell: 202.746.08.48 Fax: 240.752.6336 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE THIS E-MAIL TRANSMISSION MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY, SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT, AN EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAWINTENDED RECIPIENTS ONLY. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the original sender immediately by forwarding what you received and then delete all copies of the correspondence and attachments from your computer system. Any use, distribution, or disclosure of this message by unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful. WITNES STATEMENTS 15 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: MOnday, May 13, 2013 7:58 AM To: Lawrence David Subject: RE: National Air Cargo 8747?400 Accident - 4l29f2013 Bagram Afghanistan Sir, I was just walking into our building, and heard it take off. It seemed a little louder than most 7475, i looked up, and saw that it was vertical. I then saw it begin to fall to the ground. 50 the ran in to the grass beside our smoke pit to see if the aircraft was going to recover. it did not and I watched it crash to the ground and explode on impact. If you have anymore questions please feel free to contact me. Message-?n From: Lawrence David Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AN OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I'm one of the investigators from the National TransportatiOn Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation investigation in Nationai Air Cargo 8747-400 accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential witness to the accident. am very interested in learning what you may have seen, heard, or even recorded. Please feel free to provide me your written account of your experiences. If you would, include your location relative to the accident sequence, what you saw, and what you heard. I would also be interested in any electronic recordings you may have may have made of the event. Our goal is to assist the in determining what may have occurred, why it occurred, and more importantly, steps we can take to prevent future occurrences. Your assistance is critical in our work, and I thank you for whatever information you can provide. WITNESS STATEMENTS 16 DCA13MA081 Most sincerely, David Captain David A. Lawrence Senior Air Safety Investigator Operational Factors Division National Transportation Safety Board 490 L'Enfant Plaza East, SW Washington, DC 20594 Phone: 202.314.6356 Cell: 202.746.0848 Fax: 240.752.6336 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE - THIS E-MAIL TRANSMISSION MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY, SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT, EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAWINTENDED RECIPIENTS ONLY. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, please notify the original sender immediately by forwarding what you received and then delete all copies ofthe correspondence and attachments from your computer system. Any use, distribution, or disclosure of this message by unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful. WITNESS STATEMENTS 17 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 4:19 AM To: Lawrence David Subject: RE: National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - #2912013 Bagram Afghanistan Capt Lawrence, I did observe the 747 taking off from approximately 3/4 mile away. I noticed the plane ascending and suddenly it appeared to have a much steeper incline of departure than a normal takeoff. This is the first thing that caught my eye. Then the plane appeared to start leveling off before taking a hard right turn toward the ground. I was not able to observe the impact due to facilities in the way. I also was running to enter the Joint Emergency Operations Center because it was clear that the plane was not going to recover. Let me know if you have any questions. Respectfully, KEITH D. HODSDEN, 5r., P.E., Lt Col, USAF Commander, 455th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan DSN: 318-447-2414 VOSIP: 308-447-4050 ROSHAN: 079-751-9569 NIPR: SIPR: From: Lawrence David Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: National Air Cargo 3747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARNINGII THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNINGII Greetings, WITNES STATEMENTS 18 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: AEGIATOC Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 3:35 AM To: Snyder Capt Kurtis D. USAF 651 AEGIATOC Subject: response Attachments: Photospdf I was asked to use our MHE for the upload of palletized MRAPs, which are the 60Ks that load and unload Aircraft. was told to load the cargo using the 60K. Loading the cargo consists of putting cargo on the loader, raising it to the door or ramp of an aircraft and rolling the cargo off the loader using different switches. At no point did I get on the aircraft nor did I assist with locking any of the pallets into place once they were on the Aircraft. I believe everything was done correctly that Mang and i were told to do WITNESS STATEMENTS 19 DCA13MA081 WITNES STATEMENTS 20 DCA13MA081 WITNES STATEMENTS 21 DCA13MA081 WITNES STATEMENTS 22 DCA13MA081 . ?3 . y. WITNESS STATEMENTS 23 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 4:42 PM To: Lawrence David Subject: RE: National Air Cargo 3747-400 Accident - 472972013 Bagram Afghanistan Ca pt, Sir I can tell you what I witnessed, just after we landed and was taxiing to parking spot 07 we were facing south stopped awaiting to be marshaled into our spot and I pointed out the 747 just starting to climb after rotation. The four of us in the front end were commenting on his unusually steep climb or angle of attack. We initially thought the 747 was performing a zoom climb or something of that nature until we realized he was barely gaining altitude and his attitude continued towards near vertical. We all agreed that what we were witnessing was not going to end well, within a half a minute to a minute the aircraft began settling listing ?rst to the left then to the right as it de5cended towards the ground impacting and sending a giant fireball and mushroom cloud into the sky. We then turned into our spot shut down and reported to our Ops. If you have any more questions please email me at I am leaving the AOR 13 MAY13. Can you keep me informed as I am curious what caused this unfortunate event? Thanks, SSgt, B. Nagler From: Lawrence David Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: NSIG NED National Air Cargo 3747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I'm one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation investigation in National Air Cargo accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential witness to the accident. lam very interested in learning what you may have seen, heard, or even recorded. Please feel free to provide me your written account of your experiences. If you would, include your location relative to the accident sequence, what you saw, and what you heard. I would also be interested in any electronic recordings you may have may have made of the event. WITNESS STATEMENTS 24 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: . . . . Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 6:02 AM To: Lawrence David Subject: FOUO: RE: National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4i29f2013 Bagram Afghanistan Attachments: Location relative to accident.ij Mr, Lawrence, As seen on the attached photo, was outside working on the pad adjacent to building 36785 facing in the direction of the arrow. Like any other day, I take the time to watch any airplanes taking off especially the bigger ones. On this particular day, was working outside on the pad and heard what I thought initially to be C-S taking off as those engines are usually louder and have a higher ?groan/moan? to them. So I stopped what I was doing and turned towards the runway to watch the plane takeoff and was surprised to see that it was the Air National 74? taking off because it usually isn?t that loud. While watching the 747 taking off, everything seemed fine until the nose pitched up. At this time something seemed wrong as it was apparent that the plane was losing speed (since the nose was pitched up) and the engines were struggiing to provide thrust. Shortly after the engines started to struggle, it sounded like they quit altogether and no noise was being heard from them. At the sametirne it sounded like the engines stopped working, i noticed the nose of the plane coming down as an effort to get the nose level and start gaining momentum again. At this point it seemed too late for the aircraft to recover as it seemed to be sliding backwards and rolling over to the right side. Shortly after watching the plane roll over to its side it disappeared from view as there is a berm wall obstructing the View. Then after a few moments when it disappeared from view, I then heard an explosion and saw the fireball rise from where the plane went down. I did not have any type of recorded device on me that day. if you questions or need clarification on the above let me know WILLIAM M. SZALKAY, MSgt, USAF NCOIC, Conventional Maintenance Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan 318-447?6094 From: Lawrence David Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNS IGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNINGII Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I?m one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of Transportation and CiVil Aviation investigation in National Air Cargo 3747-400 accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential witness to the accident. I am very interested in learning what you may have seen, heard, or even recorded. Please feel free to provide me your written account of your experiences. if you would, include your location 1 WITNESS STATEMENTS 25 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: Sunday. May 12, 2013 3:38 PM To: Lawrence David Subject: RE: National Air Cargo 3747-400 Accident - 4129(2013 Bagram Afghanistan Capt Lawrence, was walking toward the flight line on the road in front of Camp Vance when i saw the 747 take off. The plane was only a few hundred feet {200-300 maybe) when it pitched up at a very steep angle, which got my attention and made me stop in my tracks. It continued to climb but very slowly. It appeared to stall and then the engines got louder, as if the pilot was trying to come out of the stall by giving the plane more power (obviously, speculation). It rotated away from me as it began to l05e altitude. I looked away just before it dropped out of my line of sight behind the t?walls on the North side of the road. We were allowed on the flight line after a couple of minutes and smoke from the ?reball had drifted over the 4ERS compound. I remember thinking that the plane had had a headwind when it stalled and crashed. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help you in any way that can. Respectfully, Jessica Friday, Capt, USAF, BSC Physician Assistant 4ERS BAF From: Lawrence David Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: National Air Cargo 3747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARNINGII THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS OPENING ANY Greetings, WITNESS STATEMENTS 26 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: To: Subject: Sunday, May 12, 2013 3:44 AM Lawrence David RE: [UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan Sir, I did not witness the accident but was a first responder with the Pararescue team and took on scene pictures at the scene during the recovery efforts. I have provided all pictures to wing safety. If you need any other details, let me know, thanks. TRAVIS A. SHAW, MSgt, USAF 83 ERQS/SEM NIPR: ---Original Message----From: Lawrence David [mailto:david.lawrence@nt Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4 :45 PM Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo B747-400 Accident -4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARNING!! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING!! Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I'm one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry ofTransportation and Civil Aviation (MoTCA) investigation in National Air Cargo B747-400 accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential witness to the accident. I am very interested in learning what you may have seen, heard, or even recorded. Please feel free to provide me your written account of your experiences. If you would, include your locatio n relative to the accident sequence, what you saw, and what you heard. I would also be interested in any electronic recordings you may have may have made of the event. Our goal is to assist the MoTCA in determining what may have occurred, why it occurred, and more importantly, steps we can take to prevent future WITNESS STATEMENTS 27 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: To: Subject: Sunday, May 12, 2013 2:33 AM Lawrence David RE: [UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan Sir, I was near the taxiway mowing on the west side of the runway the day the incident occurred . I noticed the plane more because of its colors and the fact it was a wide body plane. I watched it taxi up to the hold line where I quit watching it. The next time I noticed the aircraft was out of my peripheral vision while mowing toward the runway. The plane caught my eye due to the extreme angle up wards and movement left and right. I noticed the plane continued to climb and then suddenly pull a hard right. The plane seemed to come straight down after the hard right. As far as pictures I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My phone had been in my ca rgo pocket for months and I couldn't find it in the moment! 11also didn't want to look away. I took two pictures right at impact, with them both showing the wind socks straight out. I only heard the explosion, due to the tractor I was using. SSgt Zimmerman 455 ECES ---Original Message---From: Lawrence David [ Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4 :45 PM Subject: (UNSIGNED MSG) National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARNING II THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING!! Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I'm one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation (MoTCA) investigation in National Air Cargo B747-400 accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential witness to the accident. I am very interested in learning w hat you may have seen, heard, or even recorded. Please feel free to provide me your written account of your experiences. If you would, include your locatio n relative to the accident sequence, what you saw, and what you heard. I would also be interested in any electronic recordings you may have may have made of the event. WITNESS STATEMENTS 28 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: To: Subject: Saturday, May 11 , 201311 :39 PM Lawrence David RE: [UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident- 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan Capt Lawrence, I was walking by Camp Vance at the north end of base and heading east towards the flight line ECP near the 4th ERS. I looked up and saw the 747 taking off at a very steep angle - I would estimate 40-60 degrees. The plane appeared to lose airspeed and started to slow. I heard engine noise throughout the entire incident and I clearly heard the pilot try to power up the engines as the plane lost airspeed - the sound was consistent with other aircraft engines that I have heard during take-off. Despite the additional power, the plane continued t o lose airspeed and started banking to the right while losing altitude. I lost sight of it behind one of the T-barriers and heard the explosion several seconds later. I did not see any smoke or fire from the aircraft at any time prior to the crash. I did not see any sign of damage to the plane from my view. I'm not sure if this is helpful, but I did see the video on CNN taken from a dashboard camera. It was at a completely different angle than the view I had, but the sequence of events appeared to be consistent with what I saw. Please let me know if you have any other questions or if I can assist in any other way. Respectfully, Capt Miller -----Original Message----From : Lawrence David [] Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo B747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARNING!! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING!! Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I'm one of the investigators from the Natio nal Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry ofTransportation and Civil Aviation {MoTCA) investigation in National Air Cargo B747-400 accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential 1 WITNESS STATEMENTS 29 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: To : Subject: Saturday, May 11 , 2013 10:46 AM Lawrence David RE: National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bag ram Afghanistan Sir, I was on Char lie ramp working on one of our EC-130H aircraft. We were heading inside to our clamshell, one of the airman was walking to his tool box and I noticed him staring at something facing north. He said he watched it as it was taking off. I turned to see what he was looking at and it was the 747 in a very very steep climb, and the climb was only getting steeper, the aircraft was near complete vertical and it slowed and started to fall back to the ground tail first. From my point of view, I was able to see the entire top of the 747 as it unfolded. I saw it fall back to the earth tail first before it disappeared from view followed by a huge fire ball. l did not record it. I don't know if the airman I was with has come forward but he told me that he watched it as it rolled down the runway, and he said as soon as the nose tires left the ground it shot straight up. Us being aircraft mechanics, we know generally what different types of aircraft are suspossed to look like when they take off, he said he knew something was wrong the second the nose left the ground its angle was far greater than what he has ever seen. The plane never appeared to ever try to nose down from what I witnessed. It went up very very very steep, sta lled and kind of tilted to t he right and then back center as it fell back to the ground. If you have any questions sir, f eel free to email me or call DSN 431-S314 V/R Kyle T SSgt USAF AFCENT 455 EAMXS/ 41 EECS (EC-130H) ---Original Message-From: Lawrence David [] Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4 :45 PM Subject: (UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo B747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARN ING!! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE . PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING I! Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I'm one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation (MoTCA) investigation in National Air Cargo B747-400 accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential 1 WITNESS STATEMENTS 30 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Saturday, May 11 , 201310:02 AM Lawrence David LeBaron Timothy FW: National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident-4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan Dave, No surprises here, but fwd'g to you for the record. Thx, -wiz Lt Col James Howell 455 AEW, Chief of Safety -----Original Message----From: Snyder Capt Kurtis D. RC(SW) USAF 651 AEG/ATOC [ Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:46 PM To : Howell, James J LtCol USAF AFCENT 455 AEW/SE Captain Lawrence, I am the commander of the aerial port here at Camp Bastion and I tasked AlC Sarah Lipfird and SSgt Garett Mang to provide 60K loader support to assist in the upload of MRAPs to the National Air Cargo(NAC) 747 using a USAF 60K loader. We(the aerial port) were approached by a representative from NAC several weeks prior about the possibility of using one of our 60K loaders t o lift some MRAPs to the aircraft door. This request was made to us because their equipment was not strong enough to lift the palletized MRAPs to the aircraft door. The rep that approached us with the request was Mr. Gayan Weeratunga. Since NAC was given the contract to move the vehicles, we were not involved in or responsible for the pallet buildup or tie down of the cargo inside the aircraft in any way at Camp Bastion. At the time of the request, we informed NAC that since our Air Force mission took priority, we would need to load their aircraft on a space available basis only, to which they agreed. On the day of the cargo being loaded, I was not personally present to see the cargo or loading process. I was aware of the m ission being completed but was not made aware of any issues during or in the short term after the load that would have raised any flags. The first time that I heard anything had gone wrong was the report that the aircraft had crashed at Bagram . If I can be of any further assistance, I can best be reached at my work email address )skgurr!tbiSlJ.S!.!'nty . y:Qd_g_erjr• • • • • • WITNESS STATEMENTS 31 DCA13MA081 KURTIS D. SNYDER JR., Capt, USAF 6Sl AEG, ATOC Commander Camp Bastion, Afghanistan 2 WITNESS STATEMENTS 32 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: Saturday, May 11 , 2013 9:34 AM Lawrence David RE: [UNSIGNED MSG] National A ir Cargo 8747-400 Accident-4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan To: Subject: Sir, It was a clear colored fluid I liquid coming from what looked to be the bottom tail area . As far as the sounds, on initial takeoff, everything sounded normal. Once the nose began to pitch sharply, I cannot recall hearing any sounds. Honestly, it was eerily quiet, for such a large aircraft. ----Original Message----From : Lawrence David [mailt Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 5 :33 PM To: Zullo, Michaels TSgt USAF AFCENT 455 EAPS/ RAMP Subject: RE: [UNSIGNED MSG) National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 8agram Afghanistan WARNING!! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPENING ANY ATIACHMENTS. WARNING ! ! Michael, Thanks for your account. Do you recall the color of the smoke trailing the airplane, and was it from the tail or engines? Also, do recall any unusual sounds from the engines? Thanks, David - -Original M essage- -- --~~ Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 8:50 AM To: Lawrence David Subject: RE : [UNSIGNED MSG) National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident 4/29/2013 8agram Afghanistan Sir, Attached is my account of the 8747-400 accident. Please let me know if you would like for me to clarify any areas of my account. Thank you - -Original Message--From : Lawrence David [ Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG) National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 4/ 29/2013 8agram Afghanistan WITNESS STATEMENTS 33 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: To: Subject: Saturday, May 11 , 2013 8:50 AM Lawrence David RE: [UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident - 412912013 Bag ram Afghanistan Capt Lawrence, I was traveling as a passenger on the perimeter road that circles the base, coming from the West Side to the East of the Base. We were approximately where they are working on the attachment to this road about perpendicular t o the runway. I heard a sound of an aircraft take off and did not think much of it because you always hear that sound on this road. A few seconds later a heard another strange sound and noticed the cars in front of us slowing down. I then looked o ut t he window and saw the plane going down, hit the ground and explode. We were about 30 seconds from where the fireball crossed the road and damaged the B-Huts. I did not take any pict ures or have any recordings of the accident. Charles R. Aston Logististics Management Analyst Ase. Lockheed Martin 455 Expeditionary Com m un icat ions Sq. Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan DSN: Cell : -----Original Message- From: Lawrence David (mailto:david Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4 :45 PM Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo B747-400 Accident - 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARNING I! THE EMAI L MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FRO M AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPEN ING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING!! Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I'm one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation (MoTCA) investigation in National Air Cargo B747-400 accident on April 29, 2013 . Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential l WITNESS STATEMENTS 34 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: To: Subject: Saturday, May 11 , 2013 8:50 AM Lawrence David RE: [UNSIGNED MSG] National Air Cargo 8747-400 Accident-4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan Capt Lawrence, The day of the mishap I was in my GOV traveling southbound down Disney BLVD and l turned eastbound into a parking lot near Bldg 25180. As I was pulling in I saw the Silver and Blue National Air Cargo 747 traveling northbound on runway 03-21. At approx. the 5500 foot marker the plane was airborne and it immediately went vertical. I knew something went horribly wrong because I have never seen a massive cargo plane pull that kind of maneuver. I became fixated on the sight of the plane going vertical and I knew it was just a matter of time that it would lose thrust and stall. If I were to guess I would say that the plane elevated to approx. a 1000 feet before it stalled. Once the plane stalled, it leveled out and started to fall from the sky. As it was coming down I witnessed the plane rolling from one side t o the other and it was obvious the pilot had no control over the plane. Immediately after I saw the plane hit the ground it erupted into a giant fireball. If can be offurther assistance, please let me know. JEFFREY A. COOKE, MSgt, USAF First Sergeant 0 455 EAMXS/ CCF Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan DSN:Cell : This electronic transmission contains FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) information that must be protected under the Privacy Act of 1974 (see AFI 33-332 and DoD Regulation 5400.11). Do not release outside of DoD channels without the consent of the originator's office . If you receive this message in error, please notify the sender by reply email and delete all copies of message. -----Original Message----From: Lawrence David [mailto:david .lawrence@] Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4 :45 PM Subject: [UNSIGNED MSG) National Air Cargo B747-400 Accident - 4/ 29/ 2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARNING! ! THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS AND/OR OPEN ING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING!! Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and I'm one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagrarn to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of Transportation and Civil Aviation (MoTCA) investigation in National Air Cargo B747-400 accident on April 29, 2013. Your name was provided by Bagram Base Safety officials as a potential witness to the accident. I am very interested in learning what you may have seen, heard, or even recorded. Please fee t free to provide me your written account of your experiences. If you would, include your location relative to the accident sequence, what you saw, and what you heard . I would also be interested in any electronic recordings you may have may have made of the event. WITNESS STATEMENTS 35 DCA13MA081 Lawrence David From: Sent: Saturday? May 11, 2013 8:47 AM To: Lawrence David Subject: RE: National Air Cargo Accident - #2912013 Bagram Afghanistan Hello Sir, i was in the 455th EAPS Cargo Yard when the event took place, so I saw the crash happen from behind. I saw the aircraft take off and begin to do what appeared to be a combat take off very soon after the wheels were off the ground. it then began to climb steeper then I have ever seen a cargo aircraft take off until at one point it was climbing straight up into the sky. It continued to struggle upward and I could hear the engines power up and ?nally the engines appeared to putter or stall out and the aircraft was suspended in mid?air for a second or two. Then I am not sure if it was the strong cross winds we had that day or if the pilot was trying to maneuver the aircraft but it began to turn to the right and the nose began to come down ?nally but at that point it looked like that had lost too much altitude and then slammed into the ground. The landing gear appeared to be down the whole time so i am assuming the pilot knew soon after takeoff something was wrong and the tail seemed to be swinging under the entire time. We had also been on weather watch on and offa lot that day between winds 30-45knots and lightning within SNM. I hope this was some what helpful and if you need any more information please let me know. v/r Joshua K. Mullennix, USAF 455 Special Handling Bagram AF, Afghanistan Dw- Message-m- From: Lawrence David Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:45 PM Subject: National Air Cargo 3747-400 Accident 4/29/2013 Bagram Afghanistan WARNING THE EMAIL MESSAGE YOU RECEIVED HAS COME FROM AN UNSIGNED SOURCE. PLEASE VALIDATE THE ORIGINATOR PRIOR TO CLICKING ON ANY HYPERLINKS OPENING ANY ATTACHMENTS. WARNING Greetings, My name is Captain David Lawrence, and l'm one of the investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board launched to Bagram to assist the Afghanistan Ministry of TransportatiOn and Civil Aviation 1 WITNESS STATEMENTS 36 DCA13MA081