!I Tl II! STA TE vs . IST. ASIA 81131 CASE FIR No.326/2009. U/S 295-C, PPC. PS SADAR NANKA A' SM-110. Cf ARGE SHEET. I, Mr. Muhammad Naveed Iqbal, Adell. Sess ions Judge, Nankana Sahib do hereby charge you uccuscd Mst.Asia Bibi wife of_Ashiq, Caste Christian, Thal on 14.G.2009 jurisdiction 111 U1c area of village of IS Sadar Nankana about the Holy Prophet nml the ,111dfo1 confirmation when ndmittcd yom delivered Sahib J1L anw: di resident falling wilhi n lhc terri toria l you passed dcrogmory 1oly Gook (The f ltlan wali Chak and sa rcas tic remarks L11a11) b1;lorc the inc.lies of the loca lity ·. yo1J were cnllcd by the cornp \ain:rn t and othe rs, you also remarks before them. Thus. you have commi ued an · offence of' blasphemy pt111ish.ibleu/s 295-C, PPC which is v,ilhm the cognizance of thi s court. . /' And l hereby direct that you uc used be lrii.:J by th is com t on the ~bove · :mid clrnrgt:. 13 . 1(1,.?00 9 . :13. 1 (\ ~..·.or-9 . · ~ ssi i Judg e , Sahi]J. Addi. Sessi~ns_ .i\dge, N :.111 kana SaJub~ · 1. _'!_:._ _._ M:..:t. -1:Ji,! ;..;L--.Lun1.;1t; ur t Ll~ uCt;U):;,:d 11i Lhout l ut!J . --- Q. Bjh:i_ M!.;1.. • .'l.siu J.sib i. --------------------- Do y0u -pl _cid ~uilty I I 1 r n i; . 10 . 1· Q. vJ'.11 ;yo1.1 1:oducc An·~. Yes . . If HO .:in;:,· c"efence ·v:Ldencc r : I, ncc.e: ~:::;ory . r & C. 1 j . 10 . 20<)<). 'd al . ~~ions ,1,,a~~, I .. l !1a1~k· na ba l1i b . I ALJAZEERAj AMERICA I /J -·The Late Vs . Msl. Asia Bibi ~0 O . o .. ' o I ' • 0 ·. :.. I:-··:: ( ... \ ;' .~.~ :~t ..i . "; ,. : H PW-1. Muhammad Saala.m son of I Iafiz Ghulr1m Jelani, Caste Awru1, aged 30 years, Imam Masjid, resident ofChak No.3 ltt. nwali, Tehsil and Dist!. Nankana Sahib. · On Oath. On 14.6.2009, I was present in niy villnge. Asma Bibi, Mafia Bibi ' and Yasmeen Bibi came to me and informed me that they were plucking Falsa ( ,.,-J1,; ) along with st. /\si,~ Bibi accused and Mst. Asia Bibi accused has delivered derogatory rc11arl-s towards the Holy Prophet I Iazra t Muhammad ( pence be upon him) in fron t of them by stnting thal Lhc llo ly Prophet Haz.rnt Muhammad ( peace be upon him) fell ill on bed for one month be ore his death and the insects were eme rged from. his moulh and car and that Hawll Muhammad ( pence be upon l1i111) go t ·married with Hazrnt Khadcja ( Razi Allah Anha ) with the inte111in in order to loot her wcal01 and after loo ting her wenlth , he ( PBUH) discarded Haz.rat K.hadeja llah Anh<). TI1c ladies ( PWs) further narrated tha t llw accuse d Asia (Razi Bibi c !so passed objectionable remarks towards the Holy Qurnn by staling · • I th, t the Holy Qumn is no t the book of God nnd it is no t D.ivine book but this is self made book . At the tim of the above :mid narra !ion of the ladies, Muhnmm Afzal and Muhammad i\11ukhtar Ahmed were also present with me with Lhc o her ga1hering was cal a!so summoned \.\ Holy were injmcd, so, we g t registered the case agninst the accu sed Ms t. Asia Bibi by delivering an application Exh.PA to the 110 concerned which w::is duly sig ned by me. XXXXX By the defence counsel. No permission was obtuined by DCO or DPO etc. for the lodging of the FlR against the nccuscc!. The o ~ectionable and sarcas tic n.:marks delivered by the accused were not directly listened lo me but . h we~·er, :;hc·confcssed'he1· guilt before me in the !'an chait. I was not I 1·. present in the Fnlsa (r,.,.Jt,; ) field , here the occurrence took .place. ll is ~ in orrect t 1 suggest that I did not present the applica tion : Exb.P J\ :while appearing in the police station. Jt is ineom;ct to sugge t Ll~a\1 giv~ ~- hPA ~ to !ehdi Hassan AS! • l • t the bridge Nehar Chandar Kot.. Only one l)ublic i g, thcring took place on 19.6.2009 after the inciden.t which took pl cc on • I l .6.2009. The application Exh.PA i::;nol in m hund but h9wcver it 'b ears nol.J'.crnember my signature. The nuU1orof Exh.PA is :in advoc, tc but .. .....l......do,....... --.. . .. ... . )• his n:rn1c.ll is correct that in Exh.PA, there is no mentioning on publ_ic gnthcri 1 g on I 9.6.2009. The public meeting was held in the house of ~ ,, • ·r '"" \ · ·• Asma Bibi narrated the occurr \1C~li,rstly to me, and -Muhammad . Mukhtar. . ...... , ,.•.···· .... -then Mafia Dibi and U1cn Yasmeen Bibi narrutcd the sa111e., On two •• ,1 motorcycles, the residents of the villug wen! lo the house of accused A ia Bibi and brought her in the public gathering with them. I know that Mudassar was one of those people who brought tb necus_c,d in the _public g, lhering. The house of Mukhtor Ahmc I where the public gathering as organized consist on 5 arias . Around about I 00/- people were gathered in the aid house . The accused Asia Bibi was alone" ithoul any of her relative. I do not say that whether she had apprehension of beating, h<;n she came in the gathering. The accused Asia Bibi made her confession in Lhc public gathering , ith her own will and with ut any coercion i11 the public Tt.:CtLl1at about the ccurrence o anti the people of Llie village investigated :md consulted ~1110 pccpc(.'()':, v:H.:unt. b,1:; 11::irLH:s inv0:.,tir~;__, J me . . 27 copl•~ tl1c accU!,ct1 frorn l.hc: pe m1bsicr; I ~~ 1 ,, J ~CC'· !,i1eikl1ur,1ir,:1 _ C:n tho j i :. L . /\ •.,.I from p;-irt;/ 0d the: the from tllo'0L r:c·n·~·c,·rH.,J 1 Lh co,;;r aina n t Part:)' before ..1ppc;,ircu c;,:; t,hc botl 1 r:;un:rnoncd 1r l1l,y . ~1cl 5 perr;ons me . ob t,dnjnr_ i\ftcr J~t t.;-:11. lD , J .cccor.clecJ Cc' Ll1c st..., I; l' -:1 I m,;n , nJ' Lt!1e \ clCC i{r:i::, l l!,QtJ 111vc:..,t;if.,,t1 un in lhh:L J t; tl1C rv11e.?lec1 ~' ·i .l Ill\ ::,. 7 .2ooe;. me; tl1c1t. urun i11 Lhc Durin[', I I IIIY Fi ~ls ci ( ~ ) !..,;) I I \I 1~ v J. n c 1 t-.C' 1t o j n l , , c ll r·t;,.11·Ll•1l Lo di :..:u~::, I, r;e:! I re v, 11o ,1tcl .l Jj; '!.l'J'; l·tc . L:, !..:.cc1 =·,.,lt 1\!;ia :~1oi who is 1roph~ dcr I th c 1 ! :; w c 1·r~ 1,r 13 r;: t; t tie 'llll 1 ,..,J h f LOJ' ,} • u O:,:"'! hcmy . The ,,,11t• {! 1 f" ··111· : .:11ci l' 1 •1JH31.';:., [ I'(.]])~ :.11,tl 1 ' 1 (\rr,Liss·ic;, 11:1:; Ll1Q u L;.,1nc;l.! '.) rhc L thuL [-':Lli--111111,ud ld.1 <:1.~, .i / :i11 nl:; :;l .r Le!!] Un t; L\ ., l.'L:lii;ic11: vCCtl!i0tl I •l ,1•;i-.i (' 0 I',' I;] ~,.1.bj_ und ; ,Ju,irrL"l Ul1 ,!.. i I ii 1,1 1,11L ulJ;;1 r·v,• I .Y Mu hi.1m111:J1 I ' J L I. tire oJ' 11 c lliiL'n J vi :,j LL'd l;l,12 !11· :,)uk .·.::..::.LH: :.t. m;y c;ui l . un.Jer ;;unJ'c·;::;cd ~.t. ,tmn'-';rt pluct: .i:n GI tlrinl:' LL•11i::-.•11I,:, u/:, u/.: uct1\I 161 Cr . J . C. Lhu ·e11 11[i v1ut12r 11:.ivu 1l ·1 1;r . l . C . ·t.l 1l l . pre ,j ml i c.:c•. •,1 1~ .111 unlt!l' '1 1·1.•i.;un l 1!Jt. :; Lu l.c.·ml'nl l. 1.:: •<·c.:,1 L'<.l ,•ith me . llcwuvr:r Ll1u [, t I 1n d111•·int;. C(]11c;.Ji,·ir1n 111 tent 1on IIIY .11vr;·t..1,-,,,Lic•1 1. 11. i.·· Jl,l.(Jl'i'l...'C.:l. . rtO f... AC. 06 . ? . 2010 . ~ 1\tldl . :.:;c--;~:ions Juclc, [ l u nk n , c.1 : , .. ti, i b . , , !~-t . .',.,j_., 'l'lie !.....;J l: e }_-ijb' C-n o;:itl1 .• 'l'llc: MllC nf" l.~ l'C.C(' r· 'JI jnvc:otjL,,~L,on place irii·nrm,.·d me Llw of .,f C()\\' Ll1is c :-1,;c of c,ccu;:renco . 111.c:.,rby Lii·~ ::;t;Jl·.cm~·nt.., c,.r Lhe ,,f l.i:;.; u/<; slLua stuclicc jb: 1· 'Ovinc:i.i] at li<:·vt ;ind I ot CenLr;;d ?l,) Lc•c) <1t 1 tt;.,mwc.1li ;~no,, wl1e l:.hc !••L1cc •)J' c:·ccurrcncc ( Cr . l ·. c . ,n th 1C'1 1r;,s Cr . 1 . G. 'cut] tl11• :.:cct.ion ccmt ·1.~:: . 1 tlo L•....1;;.i 1.1,e :·... Jd tC.,1' Gov L . o not l1cfcrc field . J rc.:co.r frn th e.:S1;111.: . W1thou1 0:11h ---------------------___,. _____...___---------..- ------- I ~i 1.:lip J>Ws M::il. · · , 1_in Uibi and l\lttl ht.11 /\h .1m:d be ing 1111- , 111.:cc:;sry \ ith the onsullalion uf thc lc.11ncd 1.:n1111sd 1i11 1[11.: c111npl.1in:111 1. RO • A . Ol.Ci.20l 0. I I I ALJAZEERA AME V· ('\\ - I luh:1111111:"ld ldrccs son ol'l !;qi J h11w I ,\Ii. C:1sk /\1, 1111 .. 1g,·d ;1\10111 12 :111d Dislnd i h ,k N11 ; l:1:111w:di,Tcil:;il )'L·:11s, t '11it1v;11ur , rL:~.1di:nloi I N:mkana Sahib. 011 Ui1lh I ·.I the qun rrd \\mh ·1 ladie s ol bl'l\\l.'1.:n illll.'S .1,·11c1ill111 .1I l.1111.I s1!11.1tl' d :1\ C'l1:1!. ll'll 'r,,,/'9·) Ji..:ld \ 1:1s p il.'Sl:111 i11111\1l':d~ .. lhc l':ils:1 • li<·I I \',\'II: ,.~ \\•. \ ,<7 i.' ~ . 1 1\ 1 ;1houl )/l (J 1 1:,1 .\s i.1 Hibi : 1cL-t1!'lc,I them . I \\'as :11:o 11111111:11 ·dab, 111ilw, q11.111d I lien I wc111 11.l till: l.1d1cs .11111 ;,,I an111pl.111 1.1111 vt:11111:d :ih11u1 Ilic I.ids I I/ 11u1,1 111c ;\l ] ' ,. ,Ill .l;i~.l,'llll1iy .Pll\ \\,1:, el lt;d 1111111'I ) ·1.1 111 I I.qi •\11 \!1111,·d scholars '"ere X'X.-. .'.' 11~ · Ille t'll11 It 1111 1.:1rng:11111y n:m:11ks/s1,1i.-111c11l • 1) 1 ll I..:, ·111,· .· ).:, ·. '),: lly 1111.·dckni.:..: l·111111scl I j11111cdi11vcs11g,\lHill Oil Off1rc1 howc, a. ht: ,,.is SSP ( !1110::,tit;,1lm11JSh,·1khupur. 1. lkfo1e bt:1i111.:SS!'. l 11c,cr npp<.:,11'·cl hclnr..: :lil. 1ccprded 1,l,il1.:11n:11 1 ,rnyw hcrc or l o l1cc tl·l .. _:I)()') I L'.lll 11111tdl lh\'. 11,lll\l'. 1 .1pp1.::11ing. l'nlit..c Ofl"1<.:..:r;md :dsn II IS 111,·,1•C\"I In ~11g~csl tln1 nul gnl I did 1111 ! a11pc;1r b,: li,11..tht: 1•nl11.:c:1s thc pol1l'c 1ce111,k'd 111vsl;i lcn1L·11t,11 bvl~llcd •,l.igc just t11 ii i· sln :11r1hc11 iii..:: !)lll!>l.1..1111011 l;\sl' p11.:~c111111 lhl.' licld ol I .il!S.1 1101 llll.\llll'.( tli,· ,ILLll:,cd lur\lll'l' i11co11cc1 lu :-ugg..:st th,11 lg"'- I l\l 11.1:, -"l:TC' d 111:111w1lhc1 I 1..rn1ks:,cd l•di.111..: W;I<; 111 ..:. II is 111)'~l:111.:111u1 1 wl11k u111spi1111r wilh O,t1i S.ah1111the 111 20 I.Hli1.:., r1,l d·; d,1d, , c1c pn: l..'111near tl1c a<.:cu:..ccl lll the 111rn.: Ill"o,·..:11rn.:11l'c0111;- 1,111.· lad y n:11m:I: I P.1ncc11 U1bi w;is C.\am111..:dhy thl· 11011·l· 0111,d till' l,11 p1..::;<· 111 lhc rc bt:s id,:s I I \Ve..:pay d.iily w:1gcs hi the L1dics. N,1:-,n..'.1..1 1 B 11'1, /,ub1k l1.111ll 1bi, lwn l'Ws were OLtl ul lhc said l:,dic:; bu t l J u 11\ll rc111c111h:r th,~ 11.1 1110; nl' 1)thcr.. T hese la,l1r.:s arc .di;o :ippc~1rccl dore except two witnesses lhc police .,ml tl:c ~1:1tc1m:11ls,11' th<.: bdics Wl!rc 111 . t rec rdu l I Ii.I\·~ 111:1i11 l<1111cd the 1~i:i:,tcr fo, 1hc ladies who wo 1kccl in my fields. I .11111101 \\llh 1,:g.1:tcr lnd:iy \I ll O t' I prud, icc lhc same hel11re llic..:1xil1cc 1 mysdr supcn iscd tli,· l:1d1c..:swh 1k s1tt111t.1, outsi de the I fie ld I ;,m l my wif1. S:1 111111,, Bibi w.i:-; ,dsn pn'.: '.Ill 111Ih lil' lds. S t;1tc 111 r.:11t o l S:1m1n.1 nibi was .1bo 1cclH,h.:d b)' till' pol i.;e n ll1u ;d Ii 1s 111uJrw cl lo suggcs l ,,11!1 tl1c ,:u111pla111;1111 ;is 1h;i1 I m:1d1.:lic tilio us slory while c1111~p1ri11g l'. 110 I m ly pcct pnlicc I ,w1s al lh · m:cIIITC..:11C(; I I ,1l tile pbcc o f l11s nnmc I occ u11cncc M). I ,1111 :11 llic d1i:tarn:c..: n l twn kil ,llndn·, :1w:1y f111111111' 1·ill:ir1· fl11l) :icr 11scd J,cint: I L'1111s l1:11 wmk1.·,l 111Ill\' lil'i,i I Iii..:qu.tm.:1 hctwcc11 lhL:a..:c11s,,I ;111dl'W:, 11L..:111n.:d l,11k l~ h 111t• ,1r11tc wa ler. Whc..:11 I c 111t,1l ll1v :,pill. I 11iily r, 11nc IL1know tli.il I I I I do 11111 J..111i\\111. 11 th1 :?1 l'W,,·,I 1·. ,·,l11~·:1ll'li l.1.J•, 1>111<1 1 I d,l 110 1 l,.11uw whL'liic..:1thl' acc11sul 1 · 11ncd11r.1lcd rn 1l'lir.iom p11":1lie r lll 111. :r :;eel. I Iler~ arc G/7 hou::;cs orChns1 1an~ 111 the vil l.igc h:1v111gno cl1111L.11 w11h them 111Ilic v11l.1gL· . I he au:11:;nJ .111dnll1n ( ·1111:,l1.,i 1·, :.1,· 1l'::1d111,;111 ll11r vill :1i.:.c since the cmcrgcnc:c of Pak1s t:in. N,1 lib.:wi::e ,,ccur1c11cc cn:r loo k pbc c 111 my vii l;igc pr irn 10 prL'Senl rnll' . . -·:=,( - ·1 / I; I lw :1ss ·mhl., ,,.1 <1111L'11t : I _·,, .l:i:,:, .11:u 1h1..,,,., 1111·nu.:. I he Uc.:1.1ui" I l,1p 1\\1 1\li1111.:d l'i •,llll,lll'd \\11111111\1,· vill:i in f10111 oi' 1lt1..:,:1id lki:1 i lic· l1,>11 ·;1.,ol an.1 1sctl 1. 'l' 'iincc 1 \\·.is 1101p1,·,t·111 1'1,·r.: d11n11gth,: ;1~;:;c111h ly so I c.rn tMI :,ay 1J :1 l l:ij1 Ali .'\h1m.:d w,1s prc!lL'll l tltcn· 01 1101 I w:1s not presen t Ii.id told mL ,d)llu l tllc conlL:ss 1011 in the :1sscmb ly nm ! tl.c pcopk \ ur the :1ppe:11nl hd,111..:1hc pol1u..: and .1cc11scd I dn not know :1s if lla.1i /\Ii 1\\1111..:d 11,1 :i:;s,·111h ly w:1:, con,·u,r d .it tlil' IJ1.·c1\ll" 1crccord1..:tl his stat menl Th :11 sirn.:c..: \ I lii)I Ali /\hmc d . i111)' 1clii;1m Sll I ,!111 lltll lcl l111 h! l h' t".1,·1·.I schnl.1rs ,1ssc111hlcd thn, · The I i11w111111 g 01 g1vL!,lily thL! police. Th' l111sband ol the nccuscd 1 I'> .i .i lhtl l 11:1111 ..:s 11111 knuw •,,·hol:11s d id p,1ss nn l nr ver d ict ;111 . 1:a l \':1 (r_[_y~) accused dP hc•\\c,·u. 111..:yh. mlnl m·,·1 1l1t· nwiricd w,1111:in lt,w 111l' two a .. cu:,cd lti d :111uh1c·11; 'I In.: h1bou11.1. !1 i; i11c11H.:cllo :;11·i;o, 1 1lt:1t we.:gavt: ,1 rung colou1 ol \c lclung wale r by tlie :,ccu:,n l ,111tl!.!nl her fals,:ly 111v, ilvcd 111 tills / / I l':JSL'. [( JS :,\tc h:1s not lilC\llrn· t t,1 Sll![;CS I tli.11tit,: .ll\.'.ll',<,:d )l.:l\l'. n: 1tll \Ill ll ibk lli:11 Ilic p,1sscd such intcrr\1g:1iury l'l.!ll\:1rks ,1):•.:1i11s t tl1.: 1 IL)ly l'rn pltc t l' l\lJ I ( ) :llld tlw l lnl> lJ~ll,111 ,\s1:1 ll ihi ,IL "IISL'd w:i:: lllll'S tL'd ,It th e lk1;1 ur I l,1,j1 t\11 /\111111.:dJl is lllCPITC1.. l lO Sl lk_'.!:'-C«\Lil:11 ,11\)' g,1tJic1illg :1l the i)c1.1 nl ,\.luklllrn ;ind AbdJJI ·alLn Wi!S rrn111ul;1lcd oirect to suggest th:11 the ass1;111bly v.is 11,,1convened .inywhcrc except the Dcr;i of /\Ii 1\hmcd 1 do nol IL l'i know a. ,.,,ho brnught tht.: at:cus1.:d in lhc .is:-.rnihl) hdd 111lhc Dcr,1 ol I lap t\li \ I 1\hmcd . 'J hnc :11t:·1/5 IH1ust. 111b1.:l\\'l'Ul J>Ws I clid 11t)I tile house ur,1t.:cuscd and Lhc l,1d1cs allow the ,ll'.Cusnl lady 1l> at•:1111work 111 my 1"1cldaltcr this IIICitk11L t )11lhL d.1) !i,1vc my lil"i: but I 1 ·, tln:ir wnrk lht:rt: ·1h1..:lad ies who rc111.1im:d\\ 11rki11g in 111yJicld irn:li1ding l'\\'s :11c 111"111~ · l'ill.1t_:t' 1 II .11-: k 111>\\ll lo 111, ·. I du 1111L k11,1w 11 :111yrcl 1gi1H1s sL\tq l.1r ;1ppt•:11(d Ii\'l .. n· th, pol1cL 1\11u p.11l11i11:1kdi11 Iii, as:-., ·111li ly. ll 1:; 111<.:om:ctIll sug11csl th.1t 11llst:11uk1rl\'dS c;d\cd w;1s l 'O Jl ',·t:1Wd ill Ill, lr1 till'\ J!L1gc 1101 ,111y ;ISSl'lllbly I k1 :1 ,11 I Lip 1\11 .\h1111·,I. ii i:, 1nu1r1cd hi s111_:t.:r:, I tli;1l Ilic accus..:tl l,hi:,' had p,1~scd ;111yi111crrng,1 l 11ry 1c.111.1 rks ag.1111:,t I lo ly Jlrnphcl ( 1'!1UI11 ,llld I luh · ()m:m It is i111.,1 1rct:l It) :-,u~gc:,l tk1L I cxp 1cs~cd lk honour and rt:S\Wt:l tn the.: I loly 111· phcl { l'BlJI 1) ,111J 11, ly Qman 1nco 11cct l\l s11i:gcst th;il tl1t.:qu.usc:d 111tl11'., t.:a~..:. l~0 , '·1\(' 1~·, I· • l1dl I . J t 1:, 111cn 111111·.111cc willi (.l:11i S.il:u11. 1 f;ilsl'ly i11v,1lvL'd 'I h St.it<.: v~. S!.il..:111..: 11( orI\ I i: 111 / .11I liq:11 l. .: Mn<.:d coun;-;d hi r I,,.; u111q J\ J j ; \d\ 'llC,lll' . l. 1111:1111. Wi thot1t 0:1lh --------- - ---- --- --------------------------.-------I clnsl' th..: ptll!'it: C l1! 111r1 l'.\ 1d, II L t' RO & :\ ' I S 10.20 10 1'11cState Vs. f\·l<;t..\ :,1.1f1ihi LJAZEERA . A ------------------------- ---- ------ ,~( ) l\_ 1\( ·. 15.10.20!0 . 33v~ . 1.i1,·111u1ltd ,11~acc.:11~ulf\l: 1 ·\:--1:1 llih , \Vile 11J A sh,q, C1stc Ch, 1::,l1;111. :i:.:l:d ,1h(1lll 2·1 YL.!I',, I lo u:,c-ho lcl. 1csidc111 url11.111w.,li ('h,11-. N,1 ,, )\ ' . .id:,r I anknnn S.1h 1h undc, W ith ou t Q. I I l.1, c xou sn.:l1t1 113,i2 Cr. 1> . ( '. Oath. hc:in! ;rncl u11dc1~111otl the p1n~c,1.t 11111 cv1dl:11c.:: 1cn 1nkd 111y1111 1 j)ICSCl1Cl:'7 11,~ in the p 111~cc1,110 11 cvidl'm:c 1lia111111•1.6 ]()(t'), )'"l' ().2 w ·,c 111t ,".:111 1111111. ; field ul l·als .1 s1111:1lcdnc:u Ilic vdl.1gc J\h :id1 ,11,d wt 1l: 111 1\y 111pl11d,111i:;111 l·;,l·,;1 along •lsl Y.1s111r c11 131lJ1:du ng, w11h other w11h 1\1~1. /\sm:1 l\1b 1, Mst M.111;1 J\il11:111dr>. IClll; Jll' lllL11lhl·1' tll (il l'. l'lt 11111' \\'it:11 \'llll ii,11·t· hi 11,·1l'created in is 110uth ;rnd c.ir . Yl>ll:1-.:rn",·d l1111ltn 111c1cd dcnif:tl111y spctd1 1b.1l ll1c I luly l'rnphd \ ( l'lll 11111111111 .i. k:d 111.1 111.1)',L'1v1lli IL111:1l l,li.11l1 1,1, i(;i1 1 .'\ I l:1h ,\ nha .1usl 10 lo11t he, \\,;,ti! h :111 .I :ii 11r "1111111glh ,· :::lim ... Ihc I In Iy I '1L1pht.:L , , 111h:1vc 1,1 ·,.1y .,h, 111111·, fl'l\11 11) l1~c:1rclcd her \\111:11 Ii I I ·I I', IIICOI ICl'.I Ii 1s 111thc pro~ecut1011 cv1,k'1H: • lb.i i ,,111 .tc 11,,·d .,,1 1hr s. 1111 l: d.11 ·. 1111 11.:. ,111dpl,,u · i111lhC 111,llll tk-111;, 1\11 ' 11'111,111,, ,1h1111iIii, 11111\ ( _)1i ld ll lii.11 ilit• ",. llll l' I', 11111 di\ IIIL hon k L L•I11 I) 111 1111v ill.11.:.c· '1 \.\'ha1 1·ou ll,11' 1\11, II 1s 111 cor rc c.1 (_)6 Iii~ i11Ilic p111~1:1:11li 111tv1d1.11,,· 1'1.11I'\\! I co mpl:11111l·.xh .l't\ ;1~a111• I )•Ill Ill (l. 1 i !11l1a111111:id S:1;il.111l~ol lm lgcd 111 1 1i.1i1CL •,t:111<1 11 \ ,Vl,al )'IHI li:ivc Ill s;1 f ;1b1H1 1 11 'I \ I do 110 1 know O7 \ hy 1h1s case ,,, rq!-1stcr,d .1p1 11,1 yuu .111.Iwhy 1ht: l'Ws h:nc 1h·posccl .l,!aln!-.I you'.' 1\11:, I ;1111111m11..:d ,\\1111;111 h 1,·111,·l\\11 i':n 1:·.lit..:rs /\I) h11·.l,;.1;,I1:,,1 prn)1 l:1lwurc1 I usi.:d or lad ies IL1ph11.:kFaba 110111the pl:!111' ,,1 f\l1il1.i111 111:u!ld 1n ::, ;,l.i ,1:~ w1tli 1111111ht: 1 0 111111 .: d. 1ily wa !!c, ha,i·, c 1,1 1,lic .dlcr .nl d;i)' · l I l'1o1phcl ( l'l ll JI I) 1h;1l hc lc.:11 ill 1111 l1ul l,11 ,111t:11111 :1111111 1,11 h1 111 ~ dc: 1111.11111 111\CL1'- ,/ iI I ',! I f II 1. 1111hc prnsct.:1111<111 cv 11k11L• 111:11 \·.. 11.i,.,tl,· ,k111;•.,1.,, y 11111.111 •. :1h111 11 lit,· I lo ly l.l J ·- ,,r , ,c1:111ff, 1,c. nl l:1d 11 .:. were wtlrk1ng 1111hc li.:1,1:.. Uo 1i1 11 ,· l:1d1;,;i, 1, bl. I .d o ng " 111,nu111bc1 ,·lali:1 n,bi ,111 d M~l. \ 111,1llilll i:w~ •111a11c·k I\', 11111:, .... , I I I, li111g ,,.11<:1 wl11t·li ·•. ih .11 •,11111.: I 1,, 111111"11111i1t·111h111 Iii.·,· 11•!11·.,·,I•..1·,111 I< n!-; w;111.1 ln>m lh1.· IJ.111d. I ll"H"I II ,,•111, J,.,, 1111111,,1-u1.· I 1111..1 .,pp1".1Lhl'II I It,,.11.111I he, !:ii I l' l\1hk .I II ( 1illl'1cd by llll' · 111,~11.111, ,11, lh 1.·y 1lii~. q11:111c:I\\':1, 111:ucd :11n l L·:-.,h.1111•,·.J h111,·1·11 111\~1·1!,11111lln· !'\\':, l.1d1l' l);,11 Tl l' l' \ Vs '-..1.11.11, ·11111l,111.11,1 1!11,111,;li lw. 1v1i1: wh11 1c111:1111cd 1,-;1,·h111,•,lit,· li,,1i1 l.1,l1,··•• h1'lll ,·. !111 I'\\ I 11',I'• , \\\ I, 11,jlil 111,· \\ 111,(_l;111',.1.11:1111 l'' '' ;1 II l,1h11 ·:itc:d ,lllll lie1111,,1" ..·.1•,1.:.,µ..1111.1IIIC 11t.11I IJ;i,I 111.:1·l' 1 p.1·,-,\'.! I ul rcn:d Ill) nallt lo pol11.:c.:l/ 11 11,·IJdn111::1h•i) .111,I:,li:1111cl11 l 1, 111:11k•; :1)':1111sl Ilic I Iul) p111ph1..1( I llUI I) .111dlhc 111,ly <_1111.111. I h:wl' g.n·:11 1c,pcL .I .111d hrnHHII lo lhc 11,ily 1'11,plid ( l'BLJI I).,~ ,,di ;1·. 1 IPI) <)111.111 .111d:.111u.: pn l1cc h:id 1.:rn1~pi1cd will, !he cnmpl.1111a111. sn 1hc: p1il1c1.·11." 1:ils dy lmnkt.:d 111ci111h1~ ·.,sc 'I lie PW~ :11c 11.-;tlSISICl'S ;111d 11\lCl(;~!l.:dIll l;1h1.I_\ 1111111\'r lllC Ill 1111, c:1st• as 1111.:ybo th li::11 1h1.11, (1.111 S:1:.l.1m co1npla111:1111,., ;,J,., ll:,1Liilllj~ i \ol\ l_llll,111 ll\1111111 •, II 111 lllll'd , dl:,µl· s111c..:ll, ,111,fl.:d I ' hri~11:111 ", 11\l llllllj1l,1111f ld·C\\I" 1111Jllll",I ,Ill 111 lhl I'. Ii\ " rd) J1H1'.l;cl\il •I', 1110111,1 l'. ,k,sl. 11 I .1111.il •,11 .d•,1111·10 )-l'·"' I 'L lllTl'llLl 1111,d11 .. .,kd 111lc1i:•.ll'd p•:1~,111,111.! liolh the L11l1•. I ill:igc. ,,It ,,1. !111·11.111,,., ,ill IIVlllg Ill 1111~ lll d .111d ,inr,· lh1, IICl.;1 ,,~1•,i ;i1•:11 11sl 111t.. 111,· :1111 11111,I,·.,, 111111 I. 11<1 111111.! 1 ld I ii. b '111" 1..:11111.ml ,i i ,11\)' 1~!;111111. t l11n1:!hl. hmv, an I 11-,,.; s11,I, ,·!11111\ .111d ,k1 111,:.. 1l,11',' 1,111.111·, ., • 1111·,I11,c l,,·1111-Ld l'1,1]1li,.:t \ l'lllJ I I) ,11' ,111, I,.,,l,1·,,· !111'·."''"1!,,11 ·"""··· l.111111) (,! 1l I lu yt11111 illH l11 sa, an) 1h111gcl,c:' Ans I :1111 1n11ncL·111 .. 11.Jl.1,11,::, () ') 1\11s No. (.) Ill. Will \\I ,\11s ,I II !{£_)&_/\( 20 10.2010. 111\:SLllCC It ,~ 1.i:rl llic1 ! lho11ihl · sl.1lcrncnl 11l 1li1: o1c.;u :,;cd !,.1s lic:.:11rc1·ord1.:d 111111)' .111dill',11111,!i11 l]W \'..()111 1 .111.Jii 1-. ,l 1'111 1 :111.J l 111c :II.A'.( 1111(,1J' l1c1 :,l:Jil"ll ll:111 J);11cd 20 10 :IJIO ·~ llJII, f,Jf\Jl;\IJN,\\ll·:1·1; l1)l~1\I, 11\N J',1\,\!:\ S.\!Hi , Sl·.SSION:--i.Jtll)(;l:. 1 IN r!IJ ( ()IJl,l'C>F1 1\l)l)I ----- --------------------- ,TSSJON, ' C\\.SI; NO.·d).2 UJ· 200 1J. ' l 'l:.S~ !ONS Tl{ l ;\1, N(). ()J· :2()()<). r I \!.'>. ·( w, i\'bl. 1\si,1 H1h1 k ,,1 1\:,,:1q. c ·.i:.ic ,, L's,d ·111 11r ,r,: 111,,.i1, c •11.. 1. ''1, i 1 1 '.\ N:1nkaniJ S,tliib. 'hi isti:111. s.1i1:, r ---------------------- r.; '~ "" .< ., Ctst· l·ll~ NC).1~(1/200 1J Ui dcr :-ice : 1JS-C, 1'.I' .(' I'S S.1d.1r N:111k:111,1 S.J/11/i • I :·H ---- ------------------~---- f :.;. ·,, JI 'l)(jJ'v/1: ,• (" . /' ,.,, T. 1 :,s t.:flaI Ja nccl bi..:l'll n: 1nc1rks tow;irds [he f fol ) f>rnphcl ( Pf3t II/) .111t!I lo/y ()i1r:111. ·1 1:xh.1)/\/i lodged hy ();111 ,111fl:111111 .:d .'<:1:1L11i, 111::rnn J.l.(, :00 1. 1 !lie ··ump/,1in:111tol" thi~ L';lSL' :ire 1'1,111\.I; 1. .,\·.1.1 l~if,i w i k 111' ;\~.hiq 1Vlc1sil,who is ;1 Christ i,111l,1dy :111d:1 C'l 1ri:,1i.111prc;icfi,:r ::l, mgwitli ihc other /,1c/1cs ( PWs) of" the'- ifi:1L•c"Cf~tJ'.,h1~ki.11t:.!,. Fc1/s;1(~~ >· ,.. t. J "'; .;,\.> "'' r' ';~• ',i . v - f J' \i (£.! } I, .. . {Jorn (he ,!.',~trcJcnbc)1111g111g lo \Jill' I luJ itlillll;Jd Jdrc·-·~, Sf) JI () ) I f,I •, ,·. '· fr Ci'~ -··,. : .-.-~ ~ :' , ··'/:";,(;;;:/..:.,./, , - . . -~ ~:. \:.:;~:;·::;~,J) .\_; •..:\. \'i::r ; .. C\;/.:::·) ,j 4........ , ·- 1\h1m.:d. The s:ud :1'cu~c d j\,l :,L 1\:i .1 Ui b1 Jd1vcr remarks lO\\ arJ::i tile Holy Proph<.:Ll PUUJ I) by cd the tlcrng,t lmy :;t:1l i11g, that l'rn11licl ul the Muslirno.; rcll i l l om: rnonlh pn ur l<.1 his ' I oh:1, ':iooz Billa rnol1lb ( --:? ), LI c ~.i.) :111d c:11. She rurt h<.:r s l:1L1;dlh:it . the l lo ly k:ly l'roph -:l (Pl1 \ JI I) • • I , I la;,.r,,t Kfo1dcj:1 R.1;,.it\ 11:,h 1\ 11h:1 ( b...fJ-;;,.ttcr/) just 1·ni· t11Mri-:d "ith Ii ·1· WI.', Ith :ind .1ftcr that the '>,l111cwas 1001...:db I him. She w0s I loly 1) ll'ill i. 1111tthe boul· 111· ,\11111.;.hty1.l l:1h bu1 it 1s a ~.el li'm:111 fia li1bi, l'vh;t. 1·J:111:1i:.ibi :111d l\tls l. 'r';1:-.111ccn m:1dc hook. l\'lst. l{ib1 .etc. tole.I al l the se to the cn111pl.1i11, 1111.i11d th1; other people or lhc vill:,gc. 1. 011 called 9.6.2009, th,.: l:,dy :1cco:;cd 1 lsl. 1\ sia Bibi w:1s 1 by the inhabitnnLs occ 11TL' 11cL' lhc J r tic vill.1g,c :rnd :1skc cl nbout the whe rein she co nfe sse d her gui lt a nd s l1c 1<.."qucstcd J"ol' ,qm logy. So, the accused h l:1spllc111y ,IJ)c\ has abn •I:; t. I c.·trnckd s1 ;1 11i bi h:1s corn 111 i Llcd t h<.: lh•. d crot\ ,llOI y ,111<1s;11· ·~isl ic 1i.:111a1-k:, trnvnrds lhc Ilol y Lk1ok. ·I. fvl11ha111111aclRi z\ 1 ;111 ~l ( l'W -5) h:,d rcco rtlc u the :ind I . :ff I \I In vcsl i gat ion) . hc1kht pu1·c:1had conclu..:ti.:I tl11.:i;1vc~tig:1tio11 nl- this c:,sc vv·h dcp,betl I SI , the I n11 oath that on 11 111 .lune. '.::009, he w:1:; p sl ·d as SJ> ( I11vcst iµ~1Lion)Slic il·hupur.1. 011 tlic s:1111l'tl:iy . v1di.: letter Nll.18523 clatc:u 26.6.2009 issued b) 1)1(,i!ZPO R,1ngi.:. Sheil h up11r~1. the i11vcstig.1tio11orthis c.;:1sc w:,s c11lru:,lcd lo hint :1s the ollicc 0 1· SP \ ,111vi.:slig:H1on).N:111ka 11.i S:1liib w;1s v: lc.t n l. 011 29. (i.2 00'.), he l SllllllllOllld I \ \ both the p,ll'lics :1l his lll'Ji 'L'. 27 pcupil'. f'ro111 lhc l'.0111p laim111tparty anti 5 persons rn,111the :wcuscd p:1rly :1ppc~1rcd ff-~· l1h\ / \.~l t,; 1 ·• ~ ., I' IL ..,:,• •1>,...J \j • • O:.. 6,.i ._.; 1-- -, bci"on.: h1rn. 1:ivc pcr::.nn:s !rum tile -.11111pl:1in: 1n1 s1Lk 1-c~irtktl st:1tc111L'llls u/s I (i Cr.l'.C. before I le invc:, li g..itcd the case him. th1.: pc1rn1s:siu11 rrn: 1 tile co11ci;rnccl /\l"tcr obtaining thoroughly. '. their or court I:. h.P l3. he 1-cL·ordcd lhe st·11c111c111 the ;1cc11scd l\llsL. /\ s i~, Bibi in the jail 011 0~17.2009. During ~~ ) up1>11hi111lh:11 in the Fal!->a( ld rccs. lh · In lies hts 111vcs11g;1tio11,il rcvcuk I l'ield D\\'t1,d by l\lluh:1111111,Jtl nr Lht.:vill:1:,...: im:ludi11~~th· ,1Lx11scd:11HItile l'Ws wcrc pn.:senl there \\·ho slctrtcLILo discus" pt ophcts and 1·clig1ous cLc. I h · accu::;ctl IVlsL \s1a Bibi who is :1 Chris1 i;.in dc l iv1.:rcu tlcrng:1lory rt.:marks bd.orc Lhl..!)lhcr Lie.lies which conn: :-.l:1lcl1lc11l 11/s I(>! .1ILr:1ctcd Low: r Is the s:1i l ladies 11a1Tat1.:d the rnallcr, \\'ho inqllircd tk l ivcn.d 1\lll'r or The owrH;r 01 thL' s:1id 1-tcld 11:1111clyIclrecs ( whose blusphcmy. :1huu1 hn und er Lhc ddinition n;1rr:1Lion upon Lhc dnug, frn111 the :1 ·cuscd i\t1:t. Asi.1 l~ibi wli1ch sh._. co11l'csscd Lh;,1l she tory rt:111, rk:,. lmwe\'cr. sill' ul' b!~1spl1cmy 011 l)(>.7.2009 had ht::_>.l', ·d p;mlnn. :111cl prnb '. lie decl: 1n. :c.Jllic his invcst1galion /\s1,1 131b1as guilty l-clim.: lii111, 11,c l'Ws ( l:1diL·s ) 1lsl. :iccl1scd an I ull cr in[:;. th e dcrng:111>1yrc111;1rhi:1bol1L ll1c l l11ly '1·11phct ( PlHJI I) a11d Lhc I luly vlcdgc lh:1t pri1 r lt1 hi s death and 1h:1l I l:11.r:1l l luh;1111m:1d( l' l 1, t JI I ) ,,in ti · 1i:tcd 111:1rri;,1g • with l !;11.r,11 I hc1tlcja Ra;:i J\llah 1\nh,1 111 nrdi:r v,ical th c.111cl .irLcr looting IZ.1:1.1;\Jlah 1 !1tl1 :11111n. /\nha. d ( 1'13UI IJ \\'.1:, accL,:,cd 111 tol d ll1:1t the I loly Qur:in i:; loll and ;1ccu1mtl;1tc I er s~111c, lw disc: 1rckd I l:1zr;1t Kh:1dcj:1 ihl' The 111 lurLhc r 111,· li.d111 iii tl1cll. mil st;,1tctl I lhaL Iii..: :n .:1.:l1:, \.'d I la1.rnl l111thi..:1 ;1 d1vi11c boo k llu 1L i:; 111:111 111;1dL'. I I -]O~ - ('; - -){ I \I h,'I\Vl'l'l1 lhc :JlTIISL'd :'vis(. :ll.'.(ll~.,.:dl\lst. ,\s:.1 llih1 ;111u the J>v\ls, in which the t\.'ii,l J!jl,j :d d1..·1or:1lory :lJlU :;;1rc;1:,lll' ICJl1;1rks lk/ivn towards Lhc I-Joly J.,rophct ( Pl3Ul-J) :ind l loly Our;111. I I ,tlso e:1111c intu his k11owlcdgc_lha1 du ring the i11vl'stig~1lio11, lhc ;1c...:uscdMst. .'\s1:1 13ihi loof· the :,;t.1111.:c lh:11 the PW~. h.1d kvcfcd ;1gainst her ns they :tlkg:11iu11w:is m 1\:;i:1 •,1 :, tried lo make h1..:r1\lll' ;f im :111d<111ltl.:r rdu:;,J/, the 1clc flihi w:1:-;fl\)( but the .s;11111.:: s1:111cc l,.ku by the i1ecusc cl Mst. l. ; ii l'~lfl)C F1111hr1lll1)n'. j)fllVL'li. illl!l lh:11 Ilic rL·figi11u:, cli:--cus:,io11 w:1s !,l:1111",I \\lic11 (f\ilw;/1111 lady ) asked /or ll1c w~1ll'.1 .111d fvlsl. 1\s 1;1 l)1bi ,~·:1~.pri::,crllcd ~. ' After• condult111g .iccusecl {Vlst.i\sia lhL· :dlc gat i01 l hL· \\',Iler, li1:;k11qwkdue 11,1:1![1 ilJ;.! llll J •).(> ._ ()()•J. i 1!limned hi 11 rl:1cc :111 I he w:1:, 1.·111rustctl lo lii111. I k i11:-q1cl :lc,I rccnr led the sl:ilcmC'nt:-; nr th' fl\\' :; 11111k1 :;LTlioJ! ) (1 j ( 'r.1'. ( ·. :111d pn.:pan.:d rough site plan l.~xh.PC. l le ,!1n.:stcd the ;1i:c 11scd \.\'iiIi the he lp or t wo presented the L1dy conslabk:-i who \Vnc 111 his :1cco111p~111y . I le :1ccusL :cl 1wrs1 1 11 hi.'l11rL· rl1L'. .l11diL ·1:il tlic11 sen! her lo judici:il i\ l.1gi:,1r:1i..: .111d lockup . I k .1/:,u :-illh111itt i.:cl :111;1pplicario11 for the 111cd1c..1l cx;1111111a1 1011(,I liil· :1ccu:,L:d wl1l) ( :1ccu:,cd lo be mcdic;dl) c. ,1mincd. Th,: :1pplii..::iimn ) 1L·l'u:,;cd that. is I ,11.1'1), :\ lkr §(~"~u ·-~- -· ,1.... \''V · ·.:,, .·~t·. "'1") \ r· .,. lig-~f ::~ 1 I:. _ I."·· -.r -::::~·:.... ~~ Ct c;-.,~::· ..t;.::;:~} t"\1.i:.1.. fi:::~~:..1 .t.J c~;...~v~~ ·~ I \\ \ t ., I :112,,1i 11• ;t the a.:cuscd on I 3.1 0.200 w re l"or Lh · St: 11...:.111d for the compl;1i1w 11t k id close d lhL· prnscn 11ion c v I clc:nct.:/cas c. 9. 111 her sL;1ll.:111c11L recorde d u11dcr section the vcr:,i\)11 ol' the ,lCCLISCd \Vil:-, ilS . ,1~ C r .11.C, t111dc1:- 1 i11g l\\O " I am 111~1rricd\\0111:rn l1;1-. daug!iLcrs . My hu:b:111d is :1 poor l:1hl111rn I us ·d lo pluL·k F:ils:1 from or foh:1111111:idld1\ .:cs :rlorrgwilli lllllllbcr or the p l :111ts .·, ·,.""""'-_: :... ,·I . ' ~ ...... •', J . .. ' ... -. .... ... - . . .·.·.;7., \ . - \.:> OC.:l..'11ric 11LT.I :1li111g11'111111111111 n t1!'l:1dic-; ll'L' I ,· wor lrn1g 111lilt: lidds. I ,11'1lliL· l;1d1cs f'vls l f\ l~1Ji~1 l'V .' qll: 1nclctl wrl il 111c l ~ihi .111d I ,1su \ s111,1l~ihi over lclchrng w:1L c1 which wc1solTcr ·d by 111cLn lirnl!J, li11 1lic 1'1 h1111l1L·yrvl11•:('d· :1:-,111!lh:11s111l-c I .1111 1, Chris i:111. ~n. Lhcy 111.:vcr 1,,ol w.1tc;· f'rom the li:1ml 01· Clirislr:111. Ovc1 tl1is. qu:11,·L·Iw:1:; i11s11cd ·11 hl so111c l1ut IOI ·,mis \\'l'J"CCXL!JU11gcd ht:[1•,cc.:11 111)'~,cl !':111d Lile P\Vs ladies. The J>\\ :; lhrn :rppn :1chcd Q:Hi S:1:1h11n t:om plainant lhrough h,s \\'iii.! who rcrm1i11cd tc:1l·hing Lile both lad ies. I Jenee, thL. PW':,;were consp i ring w ith \3'l ;~~;~ Oa1 i S.t:1L1111 got n i':ilsc. !:ii ricllcd. :111d 11·tiliu us _:.l. r_ ;.( f,J J ~ ('J ,, . -:, C:1sc ~~ ..:';·,' :1g:1111.-;1me. 1 oi'Jt'rcl 111:- u,11h Lo pul r<.:c rn 13ibk that I l..1tl 111.:vL'f pa. ~..:1. I :·ucli dcrng:tlllry and slwm ·id re,na rk s ng ...111st1111.: I lu l I Prnphcl ( P13LJI I) :111dLhL·I lol:,,r Qur-.ir1 I ha, l' •1.rc:11n:sperl anti ho11our Lo the 1loly Prophe1 ( 1>13 JI I) :1s well as I loly Qur:in l'" l 1'1lli ·d h• 111tnc:·t~d f iic· 111 l_l.1• 1. :1.rl.1111 • l' IIIJ•l,1111,1111 j ,, Jl •,11 Jlt.TS1J11~111dhutl1 1h · !.,dies ,,·111a111cd My lt1n.:l-~1lhc1. , lc;1L·l1i1qI lt>I) l_lur;111l 11i111 111·w 1k 1 :IJL' 111111~Ill tit is vi!L1~·.c: SIIICC f°JJ;1kisla 11. C l' c:1 11,111 l ;1111:ds1 1 ,il11111l ,.I() ..'L', 11:, (lid ,111d since the a lle ged o,-l'lll I L:l l (l'. 11(1l'!lll1! l:11111 l1k(\\'l'-l' 1l1is .1g:1111sl I :1111u 11cdL:c11cd :ind 111c l'Xis l (ICVCI priL·::.t ol no l lui:-;ti:111SP !l1uch •,o. I lil·1L·i:, 11C1 \.:lwrc li ui' lhe .• x ., ( I It, •· I \ 1 I. (; i, \. ; f-? 'f' rJ t;" ., • ' I ul.v ....·. j ····· • ' l• I ! -.... ,. "' )--.__ - (_ ! / ..~ __ ... PIHJ! IJ n1'1\ll:111 :1nd lite IJi\ JJIL' Bl nk \ I/. I IDiy wir1 1L·::s who f1:1s ur:111 PW /dices i!, .iho a inlcn:slcd close fo111ilylinks with lllt'ir ~,b vc s.iid l:1dics''. I O. I ei ther lhL· ,tccuscd Of led In pruducc 3.:JU(:?) 11or lo :1ppcar under .scc11n11 de fl_·ncccvidcmT (_'r_f >_c_ II. The lc:1rncd cnunscJ lor L'Pmpl.ii11;11 11 :irgui:d that lhL' 1hc l:1dy ;1ccuscd ·Is. 1\·;1;1 nt1,, ll l li.:11cl'uis ::lJ:i-C. Pl' (' :111d Ii;,,; uu,·rcd dc11>•~.ilo1_v rc111:1rls l<,w: 11els '1;1:,; 1.11111n1il!L'd 1l1l' Iii '-'1'111.· 111_,.:111 1l1v I ltdy Hl>nk ,111d / 1:1. l'n1111111rtcd111,· c >lfr1 1cc uf:.; :~lJ_'l-lL PP(· I It: ,r 1 l'tll'liicr .1r111cd lh: 11 lhc I rn °l'l'll l in11 11.1·,l'l11t wi th Mu:;li111': · 111t·~·!~L ·11L· 1·:11i,111b111:1ut .1 si ne.le i11cidc11t c r suc h natu re took pl.ice in th<.: p:1s1 H11tli l ht 11;l(io 11s i c. ( 1111. 11111 · :11\· 'hristi;i ns ,IIHI re I 1!~ i u IIs Ii.:c I 111 L,J.s.111( I I ~1 i I I, b l:1:q,hl'JII) fic 'II lt:11111 ' IIL' d l1 lll i c .ic.:h 0 llL LlillL'1l l l! 1r1 10,LT:1111·L'lrn-. :1i(1': lliL· I I; H I ; 111 \ Ii n. Ill llll' 111u d L' J 11 <1 I p:1:,l, tl1crc ::111111/d I} ',.1 \, ·:I h:,vc been criminal cases or rclig,il1u:,;;t!t·.;1,~;1tin11i11 th1..·vii l:1gc arc.; liv11ig jp ii s;i11a: villugc with r...:l1giuus dil°ll.'rcnccs f':tilhs or qu ite l1.1nrn1ny il'n.:speu1vc i\ urlheir ;1nd It \V; Js a llll l(jllC :1nu cn10tio11s. 111;1idc11 ini.:,ckm in the his lo1·y o r· the vil lage lh:11 :1 Chi isti: 111l:1d or did the offcnc1..· 01· bl.,~ph '111_\'.sn. 111L'rl'wai: 110 ll<..:c I 011 the [XIIl the PV-ls c1 111p!c1in.111t ;1nd rcprn to l the mat ter Lo the police . They -,huuld li.1tl nOl li•;l..:nL' I the s:1111c. l lc l"urrhcr· cst.thlislw \ 11,!.l>r that 1s ll1crc r..:01111il:1in:1n1.P\\'s i11d1C,ltt:.llJ:1[ then: tltl' "' -. ' "J rnmpl:1i11:mt uny 110 p1·cv1ou:, ,tncl t1f till" is l:n11ily ol :111d i>Ws t1,w:11d:, Ilic the hct,vcc11 l:1liy ;1cc11sl'd whi<:11 110 llli1lt1fic.Jc01 t1il~'.riuJ'lllU[IVC Oil lhc pilrl UI' l.1dy :1cc11scd I l · l11r1'1cr sla te: th:11 nothim', h~s been produced d,·Ic11n.: "liich l:11111ity in I 1h:1r f"1tll by the lady accused in hi s :ils1 f'nrtilicd tilt.: l..'.uilr 1 !' the :1ccusi.:d. I k su1111ncd 11p his.; ;111cc:liter SllhmitLinr;, 1h:1Lhnth 1 '1c P\Vs i.L' PW -2 ,md PW - , .111·1 11111.1n il'd :11:d •11,1j111· 1•i!I· :111d.1 t· tl:.<11ltL' I :11cl:1t !:1shcc11 1u-:.fJ tJ y..~ ) Tli ·y :lwul d 11lt hc1..·•1p111 thcrn.sc.:h·cs in the w itncs~; hnx ,\111k L·o111i 1l!' 1111i1L'et1L11l nn:urrcd lhl' hl'cn nr hoth l"; 1L'11:1_\.ii" !hi.: im:1dc1 11 h::d 11(1 [ J>\V. 1.id 1101 l istened tli,: s:m.::1.-11c J'L'111:1rks 111hlaspl1e111: St1, !he lc:111wdl"1>t111:drn1ph:is11.cd h:1l lhl: ·.:1111L' Ii.is 1101i·K·c11 nht:1incd hcl·L,rL' lhl' lndt~ing o!"thc F!y , secondly lw :1;..'.il:11 ·d 011tile score th:1t 11u!() of lih: r:111kol"~fl c:11 i11vc.:~:lig: 1lc :Il l tile PWs :ire intc1cstcd witnesses ' 11,cy h:1vc 11e l wit 11c::c d or li·,t ·11cd tl1t.·bL1spl1cmy Both Lhc girl:; :111dthe co111pl:1irn111L lii111~cl/' .11·L·tli · ir11crcstcd \\ 1tnc:scs. I le l°urlhLT :·t:1lcd lh:it ..111 ,iltcrc ..1tio11 ltH1k pl.1L·c on I ,J. 1.2009 in tile Fal~:1 (;;,rcii:n in between Lhc P\\ls ..~--~-, . ,r,, .;-L.~ ,. l, . -~ ..-·, ,, Ct) ti ~ __ , 1• .111dllil' l:1dy :ll 'L LISC:d 011 li.:Ld1 11;' ii i,· \\ ,lil'I .111dit is pen illl' lll ({) 111c11li( 11 here lh:1t lhr..: t ·lusli111 J;1div tl' l ll··l·d lll d 1111kw:1Lcr at the l 1;111d nr l;1dy accl!SC.:d \ ho is :1 Cl111-;11 .111:111djus t s:1tisl) ' the l( !.!.,nidgc .inc.Ijusl to teach Lhc lesson tu Lhi..: ·111istian lady. P\V s ;111 cl 1'1L'c.:0111p lai11ant h:1s c.;oncoc.:tcclthe.: ·,111r_· l)r h l:1.-,11 lit.:111y ju s t lo hook the lc1c.lyaLcusc:d in :1 crirnin:il heavy wcighl L';l<;l' ;111dl l1 ~l'l h:r pun islicd ch:1rgc. l :v c.:11ullicrwi1:c. a11d no derogatory unde r :1 1w oct:urn.: m:c l ook pl: 1cc remark ::;nnd s: 11c.1stic rcm;1rh.; have been ut crcd from the 111outhof the n ·cusc d Low:1rcls the J lo:y prnphct anu ho ly 13ook I le l'urlhcr strcssi.:d that tlw; 1:; :1 !':•11cil"ul dr:1ma ;1gu111st the ('hristi :1111111no11L)s1:1gcd b)· th· i\ l11:.li111 i\ l:1j uri 1y :111(1the d r:1111.1 h:1s been pl.111tcd :it a crnci:d ti111cwhc11 ~l1 111;111y sul· I 1:Iv l' I)l" c 11 I 1:Ip I)l' 11t: d "l Cll II he I11v l' d l"' ) ll 1ti I·' \) r :>tI l' I I l1 lik e i11c1d<.:11Ls I I: 1t ll ll'. 111ln . l'I'\ i1:c tl1;1l lh\.·1-c i:, a sheer I le l11rllll'1 pn:sscd Cllll[r;1dictinn in bc.;L\\C:Cf1Ilic Sla lc111·1,1: or,i/1 tlic P\.Vs 011the : core ol 11u111hc1· orthe pcnplt: g:llhcreu 111the pub lic galhcr inl! where the l:1dy ;1ccusc d wus ;ilso su1n 111u11cd,111d\\ l1c1c !-ihc 111:1dcso c;1lfecl c::..:tr:1j11d1ci:tl conf'cssi1111 i> \1-1 1 .m:1kd the 11u111 bcr 11r p<.:npk g; 1thi.:1cd ther e a.- I 00/ - whilc: l'\\1 -~ 11p111cd,t .is I 000/- :inti 11W-J li:1.. dn·l. pl; 1ce nl·d 011 dc lil 1cr:i tin11. ' I l1c: lc.tnll'd . l.1li 11g l'1:1t lliL' ,llld tu prove prnsc dck11Lc n1L11111 ll11Sl Ilic gu if[ ul lf 1l' co11fid L:1KL'inspi1i11g evidence. ·11,,nl hi.; l'i1llf!.,,;I 0 l :ddy l: 111 I.Id) llc1ll'l', dl.. 'l ;1:; t(l l Sl'l i ;111•11:11c111 • Ii) :;L,111dUll llS l)\V ll kg .'i :rn u \\'l l ll u11sh;1kc:1hk there is 11t1 0 1·s 11t· h c:1si.:·, on the p:111,JI th1.::1cl..11:;cd.:-he he .1np1i11cd f . r·rn,111l1c .., r~, : :, ':.\l ., ·., \, I ;., record prc:vious 1·, '·-} 3 . ·-. I ' ,,I': I' ' r' .,../'" l; r.::- Lcurncd dclc11t.:c L'\JUllscl \'.hik 1~1isccl ;11"!.!lliri ~ low m:11m nb.1ccl1ons. I) TlwL Lhc invc 1,Li!..:1rio11\\ :is 1101c1111d11clcclbv 1 ~ . SP r~111k OfTicc1 but w:-is r: 1thcr only II) ;1 "lli:tl riu ClSC \I i, j ·Ji W~IS So li.1r :1s the lirst objection is c.:unccrnc I. the: case I 11vcs tig ;1t1011) Shcikhupur:1 :1.· l'W-<, sl:ttcd !Jin i11:,f:l l ll till'. . w:1s i',tctu:illy invcslig:.llccl by ."' till· hv or Ct11tr:il Cnvcrnmc111 pr io1 lo Lhc 111:11al:1ton . :..1 __ , - r..:onducLr..:dby JIL'11111·.-:11111 -.1:1: •. ',l'L'"cd rcg islnlio 11 of" ... -t - .'ub- lnspecl\1r ;111d Provrnci::il 15. ,Ill\~ , v idc lcllcr Ir. 1\lull: 11111n:1d;\min IJukh:11 i. SP ( 11· vhile :1ppl':1rin1•. in 1i1L'\\ i111c:,::-h o;,; lilat the invcsti1,'.:1lioi1 \ 1· 11ic L:•~c w:1:, ·111ruslccl No.18523 to d:llcd ~(,.(1.200~) is~uc tl hy i)J(i/1\110 Shc ikh11p11r.i :inti hc invc:-;Lig:itcd the c,~:c tl 1 Jrour·.'11y :111dI i.:co1 dl:tl :11 l'i-0111 li::1r11ctl Ll)Ull:-;r.;I whi1c limn. l : vcn othcrwisc. Lh · C\ 11q 11<1111.:c Lo Scclion I ')(, 1.P.C. is LP be given in case of ~111 off encl' u/s :295-/\, PPC but sec Lion 295 C, l>Jlc wns no t prc::;cn l the rein, so, lo n:; 1d sect i on 295-C 1 scc \ 1011 I )G Cr.P .C. kgjsl.it io11. Wisdl>ll1 wo uld :1rno1111l lll or lt:gisl: 1lurc ill i11tcrk1c ;1s p.irt 01· in spiri1 1h'is n:,>,:1rd LUllid ur· llt>I be L"ha1lcngcd . 17. Prn scu1 Lio11produl:l·d bo Llt lite l:,di1..··;w li n ,11-c Lii' t:yc . ..) ·,. .,_,... 1v111.1rk;-;/ ( I ll :1.,pl1L'l11_,) "1.·11.· 111,Hli: t I t1.·1 i.:ll. I'\\ .·- .111dJ>\V-3 , ·lsl. l:lli: 1 Bibi ;111cl I\ 1st. ,\ sill;\ 13ih,while :1ppc;1ri11~i11 the 1,.vit11cssbox narrated ,di they liste ned . PW-2 1\Ji:t. 1\.'J:di:1 l1ib1 has cl posed 011 • 1 11:11'1that on I .:J6.2009 Su11c/,1y. she ,ilu ng with l\'ls!. 1\ sma Dibi , litltl orFalsu in lht.: v ill :1gc. The :1cc.:us L·d fVl~L.1\si:1 13il>iis :IHistinn hy 11. ·l1;•irn1. l°l11.·:,l·cuscd I l:a. /\:si .i Hd 11 p1csc111 in the court slated bclinc him anu others th;ll I J,11.r:1t,\ ,ft1h:11111nad(PUUI I) l'cJJ ill on lh t hcd on e 111t1111h prior 111li1·, tk:11'1 :111d N:Jllll/. l lill:tl1 ( ). :11.:c1 1sL·dr·u,tlicr sla ted lh,ll I !:1:.· .r:11 fvlult.1111111;1d (1113UI I) t;Ontrnctcd 111:11Ti:1gc with 11:izr;H J lwdcj:1 Jt..1,:11\llah Anhajusl in order to loot hl:r wc·iith :111d.iflcr lontrng the s:1111c . the I loly Prophet discarded J l:1;:1;11 1·1wdcj.1 I :1%i /\llah <.t1r;t11i:, 1101~1di\'inc hn( ,r.,,. .. j 1 ,r.l. [Vlw;f ims . The I'\\ ' 1\11lia. .She ft1rthcr to ld 1h;1l lhc I lu ly !-.: but ii h~1s been wrillc11/co111pilcd by you, narrntccl all I/ii:, IP l:ui ':iabm, Muh::immac.J lz;d ;111dI l11kli t:1r l\li11wdL'lc \\'l:n l :ilkd :1 11uhlicg:llhni 11g i11the lhc :1cc11:,cd(\J. l. vill:1g ·\\here :·1.1Jlihi w,1:; ;ilso brough1 :111<.I she L't11dt··;sl·d'1l'J 1:111 /1 111lliL· pl hf,l· l':1tlw1111L; .ind s lic ;tlsn requc l-ilcd the p;1rdo11. IH l I ! PW:. ·n 13i i :1t:cuo.;cdl'vl:-.l. 1 p l11cki11 !he i:~ilsa. The accused ,111<1 I\ lst. 1\ si:1 13ibi is Chris li .111by 1cligio11 l)ur111g lhc p lucki ng of' 1-':1h:1, tile .1ccuscd f\ilst. /\siil U ibi 11:1 r1:1tcd bcf"orc her ,111dothe rs that I ,.I J t:1/.l:1l i\ luli.1111111.1d ( Pl3Ul l) le ll ,II on the bet! one mo uth prior lo liis clc:1Lh and lhc insects were h:111:hcd fi-0111his 11wu1h .ind c:.ir ~hc lun licr dccl, 1rcJ lh:1l 11:l /ral fvluha111111ad ( PB I I) co11lraclccl Lhe 111:111 i;1gc wi 1li l J:1zraL l<.lrndcj:1 l{t1;,:iJ\ll:1h /\ nh a in order lo loot her wc:tl lh :.i11t1,1fkr lo Ling the sa 1)1l:, s he lws discurdc.:d by the.:I lo!) I ropl)L' l (1113 Ul I) . .Sile r·urtl1cr 1111.:ntiunnlLh;ll lhc I lol y CJu1;111 1~;11nt ;1 di\ 111<..: :111clI luly IJuuk bul il is 111:111 nwdc book to (bri ,[her PWs 111rormcd lhc nrnllcr She alo11t.; with S:1:1la111.thL· co111pl:1in:1111 1l11h:•11rn1:1d 1\ r>; ,I :11H.IJ'vJulht:ir V.·1.."l'Calsn prc~cnL there. r!1c_ . 111:.i11:13ctl :1 public gathering in the confl:sscd her guilt lhcrc ,Ille! she .i lso n.:qL1cstccl lt)r the p ..mlnn. ' I lit.: or PW w:1s rt.:cnrdcd hcl'nrc 1hc 10 u 11lkr Sl:t.!1011 I(, I st:itcmcnl C'r.P.( ·. J l) not nctually I 1stcn the clcroga1ory n.:111;1rl ·s clircctly but Lh,uug 1 the l'W-2 and PW-J, so lhc stnlus ol'his tc~:timo11y is of" Hc,ws: 1y ". ::20. l'W -4 i~ Muh..i111111:1cl !\L,,.aJ son <'I' IVluham111;1d Tu f;1il. I k ii, Ilic PW Pl cxlr:1 1utlici;il conk:-.:,i1111.I le. st:11ul i11wi!nc:,s hox tl1i1I111.: \1,;1s\.er, much prc:;cnt 1r1lli' p.il,ic L_',alhcring held .ilkr 11H.:1dc11l wlit:1c111 the ,1cu1:;cd ,.\ .1:1B1l1i w;1!i h11iu1)1t :111llslic her gui lt :rntl 1cq11c:,L'd lnr lhl' p:1rdn11. ,nnl•':;:l'd _I, C\V-1 'I J hi the was .111i111port:111witness ldrccs son url 1~1_111\hmcd Din, th· ti namely Mull:rn1111ad ~·11c1orthc J·:ils:i G: 11tk11 \ h ilc Uib1, fvlsl. 1 the 1n11;1hk rc:111:11 Is a11d hl:1:,plic111y 1ow,1nl:; llit· l ltily l'rnpill't ,1..,t.J itcc11:-a:d si:1 ( l'l\l 11IJ .111dI ltdy !}111:111 1ll1nn l liy lltL· 111Tsl:11I 13ibi ( ln I 1J.(i.:OO p 1csc11t in th e p11hli1.·l',:1tllL:ri11g.The :1 ·1.·11·;nl f\• ::I \:;i:1 ll1hi wliu w:1s :1 (.'liri sti:111, w:1s hrnup,hl there who conl"cs\cd her gu i lt bcl"ore him as" she h:1s con1111ittcd Lhc blnsphcmy :,ml bas tkl ivcrcd lk1ng,1tory St: t (l'l11l'I rc111:1rks:1lm11llliL· I lul: II \\':IS also ITCOllk·d the.; imprope r nm l 0111:111, kt lier 11:1nlnn '". l lis b1..·l"rn·cihc I(). _":'"" ..-··' .. ~ ~ • I ..... Jl I : I , '' .~ ..... .,., I lc l'111pli,1.·11ctlthat 11ls .r,:.i:1l\ihi crn1i"cs:n l her hdiH·L· 111111 1111111 ·cli:11cly :titer her lcl1vl'1111:~:he tmv:1rds the Holy flrnphet till' ot:cu11T11cc lonk place, pcr:;011 bci11, the owner w;1:; Llic very of lhc lickl \\hi 011r soLJel_v wncrs lir:;l ( 111:1Jc) i1n111i.:di,tlcly allr,1clcd His prcscnc.:c there :it tic place 11,1lur:il !'h e I Joly 11uuk, <1s\\ hen ;111d the he (CW- I) remar ks ladies us he w:1s prc!;c nl lhcrl' in his ricltl. low:1nJs the wr,rngling 2J ( PD l 111) de1og,1 tm_, gui lt or occ111Tc11cc is quit usu:1lly rcm~1in ~1lLhc pl:tce ol"Lheir busincss in .ind p.11lin1l;1rly !lie l>\\·1w1 :, ul" tlu..:l°ruiLg; 1llk11s in 11rdcr tu ll.1\ c :1 v11~ila111w:ttch upon tllci1 l:1hrn1r tl,ell on illl' h:111clol"thc l:thoun:rs ·111d 111order lu ;1vo1d :111y :111 d I :1rl 1t·1!1:1rl_vwhen l:1cly 11111· is tlic j, b under hi:-; c111ploy111L·111 since :1 long. I le :1lst, s li t.: 1:-; doing h:1111sllcdlhc accused rrom his Fals:t r,cltl upon I er c:011lc ssi o11 ;ind tlw S:ll11L' \\·,is lt·:stinH,n) 1~ tp1itc.: ln1stwo1 lhy ;u1d 11:lllll'~il. NP Lil'Ill w.1:, .ilsu crl';i lcd :11:-.oquite n:1lur;il I c:;pu1 ::;c un hi:· p:1rl. So. his hy il1L·dcr·ncc.: cluril1!_~llw t.:ross-cx;1111i 11:11ion. :?.·I. S\1, l'\V-2 :111d IJW- i, l llL' '-'.\'l' ,, i•11c:;scs .1rc quite 1111:111,mnus:1boul lhc th:11>1~;1Lmy 1c111;11k ... :rnd :1hnu1 lilt· time. d:llc. j 1ttp1'11V(.'111C 11[ ,s no any previous enmity 1n bd\\ccn l 1c :111dIlic.:l:1dy :1ccuscd. Then.: is :1lso no ;111y enmity in lwtwcc11 lhc Jl\V-1. I' ~.,-·I. CW-I :t11d the :1cc.:u-;cd l:1dv due tu which tht: dcpuSL'd ag;1inst 'her ur :1gai11st a11y otlic.:r 111:1lc 111c111 bcr uf' Lile .iccuscd l;idy. u11111:111il'll Tl1cir 111c:t:11t·ci11 lite 1::11:::1 li1·ld :tlrn11•.w1tlt the :1cn1,cd l:1dy 1s q1111L:11:1111r.il;1s tlwy 11:;cd In \\'11rl: lhnl' :1:; l:1homn :111t! ·,, t,.• , ·.·: !'~; .. ,..,.. -. -(it--. . \ <' 111rn11· sm:it't _. 11 1rn1.ill_v,th· l;1diL·sL1\·u1dlt1 indu lge 111 crimin:11 c:i.-cs cv<.:n as co111pl;1111:1111 ill \I it11csscs p: 11ticu l:11ly the p:1rcnts or lhc un111rnT1cd c111d)' u11g girl· never :1llow the ir daughters lo go lo tile polit:e st 1lio11.·ur Lo appc; 1r bcllwc the Po lice Ulficcrs or in courts i11order lo rl'cmd their sl:1lc111c11ts o r Lo r:1cc · · llic ridiculous qucstio11s of tile :1dv >c:1Ll':. ! Ll in the i11sl~1nlcase, tli c l,1dies (PW-1 w1 I PW-3) i[st. Yasmeen l3ibi ::inothcr l:1dy who w;1s PW bc:tr lhc bl,1sphcmy cu11st,1111ly Luok :ill tile: :--Leps as they co uld nol :1ppcarcd in the COLI/I bu! 1\:1s ,;ivcn up bcin~ un- ncccss:11). '27. Th re is als anot her import, nl nspcct of tile c<1scas lsu \ . i:1 Bibi. the :11..:cuscdbuy 111hc1 st:1lc111c11tu/s J 12 Cr.P.C. 111 nnswcr c-r lo No.7 why Lili: cusc :1g:ii11st _you, hersclr Jucstion :1d111itlcd l1cr guilt when she pos1ulu1cs .i: ., .... - ,: "1 a loni:, 11 iLh number ul Jmli ·s were working in the "' field. ll~>Llithe bdi-:s :\list. rvl:1li;1 13ibi and rvlsl. J\~111.1 bibi P\Vs qu;irrclcd \'. tlh 111c11 'l'I' l<..:li.:hingw:llcr \\·hic!i w;1~ nlrc rcd h · 111etu hrilll.l. fi11· thl'rn hut the, 1 risti:111,:o. rcrusl'd s:1:,ing that since, I :1111 C.'1 the_, 2~. 'v\11re.lswould be he, c in bclv,ccn th<..:ChrisLi;111:111dMusi im l:1dics 1 lu~li111s l.1dii:.:s from the ll:111ds 11! :1 ( 'hrisli:111 L1d_v. So . lhc p IIl'IH 1111i: 11 :1 ,.,·;i:.; u I Ii 111:1l c Iy , w i tel 1ed i II lo re Ii I~i ou s 111al l er ;rn d I Iol Wmds sli()Ll ld lt.1d 110 1 L1cc11 tiler llt:111Ll1c b l:1spl11.:111y. ll is also no. oul ol'placc lu 111cntio11here thal lhcrc :ire so many Chris i:rns living i11 llic ::11 H; vi ll:tgc ;tlo11g with fvl usl irns ~111ccgc11n:1li<111hut 11<1l:1 s 111gk incidc11l orsuch 11:1lurc lool· pl. ti:.:c Ct.L.· ! ., .. ~,.- U:~ ?.,\ .?·L 111ilil' 'n L'rlhl'ics s . [,l tli tllL Clin:,li;111:s;.ind 1\·lt1sl1111. · ,ire i11 p,lsl I llc1·anCL' towards the rcl1gilll1S j"l'Cli11g.· and f:11IIJul ' c:1c[1 lhcr 11,id or kroga ory rem, rl·.- been lwppcnccl or or blasphcn,y any incident ucc11rrL:d111Ll1cpa.sl by any i111l,1bit..111l uf lhc vilt gc, lhcrc should in the vill.1gc. So, have been criminal cases or rcli[1.1ous,il!crc:Hion al present, here should have bcc11 the bbsr,hcmy. clue to which the c;1sc w:1s rcgi:-kr,.:d ,inti tlii; public u:1thcri11g was g:1thcrccl and the incident bccumc lhc l:ilk ortn\\'n 1(). :111clnf :1rolll1d . It i.'i ,rls11 pn1irirn1 l,1dy produced :1ccuscd neithe r 1l1c lo 111c1 l 1011 11LTl' lh:1[ her dLklll.e t:vidc11Lc n 1r she g:1vc lcvclt:c.fag~inst her.' ., I . The crux h.1s rrovcd j)l'OSCCLJtion or the nbovc discussion its (;:JSC conv i ncing 111a1111c1. To enm ity Id '., bn·n Ille :111ysh:1d( \V or de ubl. ;\II bcyo11d corrob rnLctl the pro secution ,·cn,iu11 111,1 c gent and lhc f)\Vs have (IIHJ 1s Lhat the f u 1d 111between lhc PWs ·ti l:1dy ;111t)in hct\\ 'Ce11 LJi1..· l'idl'!'s ,ll:l'l lS f:1111ilics ol" th ' Or hotli .. 'o, Ilic c/1a11ccs ol" f~1isc 1111plit:alio11 oi" till" ;i 'CllSCli i11 the arc Lol;tlly i11sL·111Lrn:c ,1ilabk in Lhc i n :t the nccuscd Msl. s n lcnccd Lo death 1 the 11cck the de:11!1sc11lt..'11cc sh:il, nu[ be cxccu tcc.J Lill her death . However, uqlcss Cl)11lirn11.:dhy the I fon'bk: f .. d1orl' l·li g li Coun, L:d10n.:. Tile . . l'llflViC( is prl:.SCill bl:fc>rc the C\Hirl !11 l'IIS(('1Lf_ 1 who is i11fur111cc.f th:,[ a11 i!ppt.:,11,1ga111st this judt_.'.ll1Cnl \\'itfiin sl1 · c:111 filc ,'lie is .ilso or,k:rcd to . ,;; fT n<· p,1y Rs. I ,OO,Ollll/ .{,1mi i11dc.:l;111lt w ij l r·unhcr unck:rgo S. I. l"or 1udg111cnt sh:.ill be suppli 'cl ~1 period Lo ol ' s1: (,~ n whc rcol, she or Ll1is months. Copy free uJ' cost. the convict d.1ys. seven File be ~ cn11siP,ncti to the rec rd room :11"lcr11• tlut.: co111plction . j r u 1 ~ ~!,\:ilr~£11f.~1l"<.:tl . (),', .20 i 0. , ;\dd~-<.", ,_/ -: d'tfc lgc, • ·1. • ••.• !i i 1-. :.!•:: - . '-, 1·rl · 1 1 h.. r :. c n : 1•' i. ..'"" 1. •.f I I '", l •• . ' ... . 11 I ,.:..~"'~i'7D1'.'~ ~...~,•\i.: 1:;1!.t./l, ·••.• ~§ ~ -~ t.l , .. ,,r,·. • r •. __ ;, , •. _..,., ' ; .[•~·• - , .,, fll;~ci~'l· 1 ll\1, \:Ki_q:;. ,,l;;i;..... l ·: • L'·, ' r 1. 1 ., • • ~l ' \ t I, - '' " l 1 ,· 1 ,,,: •'.· ·i '' :. - • . 1:.- . • h J ) l fl r;; 1, L, I • I . , ~I , • , , l • (." ~ I J _I ·1r J(" .,j l, - • ~~-./ Ir • , , • , II • : ! • l ? .,..- L.-' 1 • ,; , ' 1 1 ) •