/J -·The Slate Vs. 1 Mst. As iu Bibi . .."•' 0 PW-!. Muhammad Saalam son ofH:1fiz Gin.dam Je!ani, Cnslh.Awan, aged 30 ye s, lmam Masjid, residenl ofChak No .3 lttomva}i, Tchs il and Dis lt. Nankana Sahib. On Oath. I On 14.6.2009, I w,as present in niy village. Asma Bib i, Mafia Bibi' and Yasmeen Bibi came to me and informed me that they were plucking Falsa ( ~ (/ ) along ,'.vithMst. ),;Gti31h(oc~used ond Mst. Asia Bib i accused hus delivered derogatory remarks towards the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mt1ham11rnd( peace be upon him) in front or them by st::ilingthat the 1-loly Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( peace be upon him) felt ill on bed for one month before his death and the insects were emerged _from,his mouU1 and car and that Hazrat' Muhammad ( peace be upon ltim ) got married with Hazrat Kh deja ( Razi Allah Anha ) with the intention in order 10 loot her weallh and after looting her wenlth he ( PBUH) c.JiscardedHazrut Khadcju . (Razi Allah Anh,). The ladies ( PWs ) furtlicr narrated th t th<;_accused Asia Bibi !so passed objectionab le remnrks towards the Hol.Y urnn by staling · I th l the Holy Quran is nol the booJ· of Goel and it is 1101 Divine book but this is self made book. At the time of the above said nnrr:.i;ionof the ladies, Mui mm d /\fz.al and Muhammad !VlukhtmAhmed were also present with a public used was Holy were i11jurcd,so, we gol registered the case :igainsl the accused Mst. Asia Bibi by delivering an application -xh.PA lo the SHO concerned which was duly signed by me. XXXXX By the defence counsel. No pem1ission was obtuined by DCO or DPO elc. for the lodging of the FJR against tile ncetrsed. The objectionable nnd sarcast ic remarks delivered by the accused were not directly lislcned lo me, but I\ •' I" howe -er,she confessed her guilt bdorc me in lht: 1'anchait. l wos no t present in the Fa Isa ( ,...,,,}(,; ) ftdd where the occurrence .look plac2 . It is suggest thot 1 did not present 1he opplieation'. Exh.PA ;while in orrec1 t appearing E.·hPA in the police sta tjo n. 1Lis incorrect lo sugges t tJ1~t1 give ~· 10 'lehdi Ha san AS) a\ the bridge chor Chand f I t r'K~t.. Only ' one ublic gathering took place on 19.6.2009 after the incident which took pl ,c on . I 14.6.2009. The app1ic:1lion Exh.PA is not in m hund bul however it ' bears I . The, utbor o Exh.PA is an advoca te but l do not f. member my signatur his n.i11c. 1 , .... ·- ... ... .. . . .... ~ . ...... • ,. •... ll is correct that in Exh.PA, there is no mentioning on publ.ic ga thering on 19.6.2009. The public meeting was held in the house of .., ...• . Muhammad Mukhtar. Asma Bibi narrated the occurr \1CC ~rstly lo me, and ....... , . '·'····· ... -then M, lia Dibi_ and thl.:n Yasmeen Bibi narratl'.d th~ . ~~me .. On t, o mot0rcycles, the residents of the village , ent to the hoL1se of accused Asia Bibi and oroughl her in the public gathering wi th them. I k.J10\: that . Mudn.ssar was one of those people who brought 1hc accused . . in 1he public The house of Mukhrnr Alm1cd where the public gath ring as . rganiz d consist on 5 arlas. Around about l 00/- p ople we_rc· g lhcr cd in gathering. . the said house. The accused Asia Bibi was, lone wi1hout any of her relalivc. l do not say that whether she had apprchcnsi the gathering. gathering n of bealing wh1:n she came in The accused Asia Bibi mode her confession with her own will and without gath ering . II is not correct that on the d:1y of nbou\ 11Jeoccurre nce on I in the public any coe rcion in the public ccurrcncc, the a c11s<'d/\sia 9 lo 1 .6.2009, I and the people of ilie vii age 111ves1igatcd:m I co nsulted ~md peeped in to the maller and , hen we became sa tisfied, then wc rq)ortccl th~ m:1llcr to the police for the lodging of the FIR . I t.lo 1101know whether .the Jae.lies \ ho informed arc literate or illiterate , howev1.:r, 1\smn Uibi is used lo study th e Holy Quran from my wife . 11 is 1101correct that the derogatory rema rks which were narr. led to me could only be tell by an ,~ducated pers on and not by any lay person. After the registration of tic CJ.Sc. we joine .t.l the -{ s- ·-v._,,. in csli •nlion 11i.1hcP~ ac.lar ;,ink:rnas:.ihib:mclthen we :,ilsoappeared before n polict.: offic r Amin hnh al hci ·hL1p111a lt is incorrect lo suggest I lhnt the story of FIR Exh.PA was no mcmiom:cl t (PWs) but I myself; occu cd me by the ~aid Indies ncocl ·cl ii. ll is fu,th '1 i11corrccllo suggcsl Lhal lhc sia Bibi did nol appear before the gathering in !he hol!sc of Mukhtur Ahmed. It is incorrect 10 suggest that I got registered the case just in order lo pacify Lhe feelings of the ;Vlusli11s. Ace.used Asia Bibi • as not arrested before me. RO , A . 01.6.2010 . ~mnsJud~c nl ;ma s::il ib. ALJAZEERA . AMERICA •., The tale Msl. A!>ial3ib1 Vs. P\ -2. Mafia Bibi dnughter of Abdul 'a tt:ir astc Mo hi, aged about 22 years House-hold, resid nt o Chuk No.3 llta1 wnli PS Sadar 1nnk, nn S, hib. On On1h. On 1 ~6.2009 Sunday, I nlo 1g with . /\sma Dibi, Ynsmccn \ Dibi and accused sia Bibi was present in the licld illagc. TI1e accused orfa Isa (r_,,.J&,')in the sia Bibi is Christinn by religion . The accused Asia Bibi pr~sent in the court stated before me ancl others that l-lazrnt Muhammad PBUH fell ill on the bed one month prior to his death and • 1 Naooz Billah and ear f , • <;;_i;,j:,J ) , U1einsects ,vcrc developed/created The accused further state in his r:noulh thnt 1-lazrat Muhnmn_1ad PBUJ!.1 contracted marriage with Hazrat Khadcjn Rnzi Allah Anhn just in order lo loot her wealth and after looting the s:1mc the IJoly Prophet discarded l lazrat Khadcja Razi Allah Anha . he furlhcr told that the Holy Quran is nol a divine book but it has b n wri11cn/compilecl y you, .Muslims. I na.rr ted all this to Qari aalam, Muhru111nnI Afzal am.I Mukl~tar Ahmed etc. who called a public gathering in Lhc villngc where ~he ac~~sed Asi~ Bibi • j was al ·o brought and she con essed her guill in the public gathering and she also requested the pardon . XXXXX By the defence counse l. J h ve passed middle cxai 1111 •. I ~wdicd the lloly uran from my mother. The matter was reported to Qari Saalam complainant by th evening 161 Cr. . · · rdcd u/s by ti - !ban l 0001-. many people were prese w, The public gath ring - Sallar, my father . 11:;eof Abdul The public gathering wns held four t.lays after the occurrence in our house. Volunteered it was 19.6.2009 and it was Fridoy and the ti11e was 12 oon. l do not rcmcmb r who brought the :.iccuscd Asia Bibi in the public at! ering. However, he w;,s the ~csidcnt of our vill. ge. In the public gathering so man) Olmas ( ,./;,).,/~ )/ lmnm asjids o :he <1..:awere gatlrre upan rom whe1 the accused Asia ari Saalam, the comp lainant. .r-'\lthe Lime ibi wns broughl in the public gath~ring, she was not con used or, fr:lld but she ·v,s norm::il. J\ly u:itc of birth is 05.01.1979. !'he public gathering was prolonged for l 5/ 20 minute s. l got met tioncd in m statemcn the public u/s 161 r.P.C . th, t more than 1000/- people were present g, thcring . ( Confronted reco d d). l also got- mentioned with Exh . DA where in it is not so be ore the Jo u/s 161 Cr.P.C. tbnt 0U1cr Olmas (.i~U1') other than the complainant were present there. ( onfron ted wiU1 Exh.DA , here it is not so recorded). J also got reco dcd in my said statement that (Confronted he gathering of my father. ._ w s held i 1 the house with ExhDA ,wh ·re it is not so recorded) . IL is incorrec t to • •. · • ,,, I '• • 1 -. ~l " 1 I • • ' . uggcst that 1 recorded my statement agai1 :,t the· accused Asia · Bib i due to I• the quarrel, • . ,· , ,.• '' • hich took pla e between me and Asia Bi i during tic pluck ing (rr1l,;) on the same day. II is funhcr incorrect to sugges t that l have of Fals deposed falsely today and listened 110U1ing. '/ RO &AC. OJ.6.2010. I a~sJudgc, a1 rn.na S· hib. I I ALJAZEE..R AME ICA fhe Stnlc Mst. Asia Oibi Vs . . : • • •1 • ',·: ~ . t' ' ,.,,·',:. ~, PW-3. Asma Bibi d, ughter of Abdul Sattnr, case Mochi, ,1ged about 22 years, house-hold, resident of Chnk no. Illan,vali, Tchsil \md Dislt. Nankrma Sahib . • • ~ On Oath. . 1 On 14.6.2009, I long with mafia Bibi , Yas~1ccn Bibi ,<;-., n.nd accused Asia Bib i was present J..the field of Fnlsa t"""IP')and was plucking the falsn. The accused Asia Bibi is Christian by religion. During · alsa, the accused Asia Bibi . . the plucking of . n.1rratcd before me nnd others that llnzrat Muhamm d PHUB ell ill on th bed one month prior lo his ~cath and tl:ic insects were hatched from his mouth and ear. She further d clared that 1-laz.rt Muhammad 1 PBUH contracted the maniag : wi th 1:lazrat K.hadeja Razi All, h Anha in order to loot her wealth and afte r looting the same she j-\as discarded by the Holy Prophet PHUB. She further mentioned that the Holy Quran is not a divine and !Joly Book but it is man mnde book. 1 alongwith other PWs infonned the matter to Qnri Sanlam ., , \J.1.e complainant. .. Muhamm I Afzal and lt1khtar were · lso present (~:,er. '[hey .managed a public g thering in the village , here the accused Asia Bibi . was also brollght and she confessed her guilt there anti she ~dso rcque~tcd for the pardon . My statement w, s recorded be~ re the JO u/s 1GI Cr.P.C. XYXXX By he d fence counsel. l studied up to 61h Quran from the wife of birth. The publi Rana Raz.zag. So many peoples may be more than~/- . Apait from the inhabitants or our vill ag the peopk s of the neat by villages were also gathered there . We went in the public gathering by ow· own . The accused Mst. Asia Bibi was also present there. She was called by the people of the village. .The house . . of accused Mst. Asia Bibi is situated three houses away from the pince of gathering. The accused was brought there on foot and lhc pcopl~ who called her, were also oi1foot . The gath ring prolonged about for 15 mi nut s. The ac us d Mst. SI Bibi w s quite nonnal when she was broug ht in the ga_theri ng. 1 I j' ;:•r'';'I :··-: : w s not tut red by the complainant Qari Sanhu11 whc11,I ' re" ord d my stotcmen . Prior to the day the occu1Tence, we were use tq pi'uck Falsn no ( ,-,,,)li ) from the fields. Prior to the occurrence, there 'was any . . ,{. <·. . ! altcrc, lion between us and the accused Mst. Asia Bibi. It' i~)norrect lo suggest that on the day of occurrence, • quarrel took place ~etwc·en 111e nd ~ • t • • p the ac used Mst. Asio Ilibi in ti c said garden on the· issue of drinking wa ter. lt is further incorrect to suggest thoL the accused did no t· o'ccu r .lhe above mentioned sarcaslic/dcr gatory remarks. It i:;ulso incorrccl to sug ,cs l that I m deposing fa! ely tod y due to the grudge of tie \l~IITcl\ l1ich took place '' t " It I '1 •.• : :~··'Ir ! , ,, . between me and the accus cl 1Jsl. Asia Bibi. l gqt mcrytioncq in my •: • •( I ( t • • "''' statement th factor of public gathering before the 10. ( Cpnrron t d with Exh .DD , here it is not so recorded). l ;ilso got recorded b f9re .the JO in : . .., ... my statement that more ti an 2000/- peoples were presen t in the pub lic 1: ••.. . gathering. ( Con ronted with E.xh.DB, where it is not so: recorded). It is incorrect to suggest t 1nt no public gathering ,-vas held in th house of Ran ' I R zzaq. lt is fur h r incorrect to suggest that 1 , m deposing . falsely and ' nothing has bee t • heard directly by the mouth of _the a cuscd Mst. Asia . . ... . . \ Bibi. RO ', AC. Ol ,6.20 I 0. LJAZE AMERI .·.. I , ,-LO The State V s. t-,.Jst.1\s ia 13ibi ",: \ PW- . Muhammad Afzal son ofMuhnmmad Tnfail, astc Gujjar, ngcd abou t 37 years, Profession · Cullivalor, resit! nt of 'hakNo.3, Jttanwali, Tehsil and District N:mkana Sahib . · ...·, ,.,. .. On Oath . . ' On :6.2009, I w s present in my house. Mst. Mafia Bibi, M s t. Asma Oibi Mst.Y as mcen along with Qari Saal.1111 and Muklllar A hmed came to me and nar rated me about th with the derogatory and objectionable o currencc remarks , nc! bla in connection ·pbcmy to~ ,~;ds th; Holy Pi·ophe1 P13UH and l Ioly Qun111ullen :d by the present occused Mst. As ia Bibi . On 19. 6.2009 , a public gathering was held in the house of Mukhiar Ahmed , nd J \ as also present in the public _gathering_. The accused .. • .. l ... . M s . Asia Bibi who was a Christian, wns brough1 1hcre who confessed her guilt before me as ' 1 I have committed the blasphemy and has deli cred the improper and derogatory remarks , bou t th<: Holy QLJr;in let me pardnn " . Ivfy s tntcmcnt was also recorded before lhc 10. ,.. XX ' XX By the defen ce counsel. r got . ... \. recorded in my stat 'mCnt before the ppli c that tl . . ·, · l:idiesfPW s along with Qari Sanlam complainant and Mukhtar Ah1rn:d cam ~ ~' ,• I • • • to my hou se. ( Confronted with Exh.DC. \ berc it i . not so recorded). l also • 'I I • got recorded in my stntcmen t before the police abou t the public gathering I wl1ich took pl ,l wher · it is not ..• so recorded ) . c • ccuscd Mst. As ja Bibi w s lie gathcr!ng . ( Confrn 1ed with Exp.D C, wher e it i tha\ the public gal ~ onfron!cd with E xh .DC . whe re 11is n I so recorded ) . Tl~ublic gather ing .. wa~ held al 11/12 N on. So many peoples were present !here in the public . gat l ering , they rnuy be more thnn 200/2 50/- . I was ~ailed by Q;:iri Saalam . . an ' MukJ1tar Ahmed in the public gathering. MukJ1tar /\hmcd is ~lso PW in '" , ·, ' 'I' ... this case . The house of accused Mst. Asia Bibi is si ,tuat ed ut th!! distoncc of 20 /250 /- yards from the house of Mukhtar Ahmed. }l was M~~l~:~9 l\.lm1ed \ ho brought the accused Msl. Asia Bibi in the pubic gathcrii)g . The said ~ 1 ••• ..... - 21-•• Mw,litaq I I med 1s Imam M:isj1d of the, ill. gc Cl :.lk.Wa\lwan and h i• • l brought the -;ccuscd Mst. Asia Bibi in the public gathering, . . on' l 9:6'.2009. l The accused Msl. sia Bibi came there without :lny of.:1 J 1cr. re lat ive or - . ..,. ' •' ..-··: r i, husbnnd . The public gmhcring continued for 2/2 Ycihours and i! was de ide d ... - ·· -,..,, . . ! . there to register the case against Lhc accused Msl. J\sin ' Bitii. The · adcuse d I . • • ' I Ms1. Asia Bibi was not tried to be tortured by any participant o f U1c village r public goth ring: The accused Jvlsl. Asi , Bibi l was Mushtaq Ahmed from the !iP.ld of fulsa ( bi;t ,1~11 b) Qar i t'J.,J},/). I~ is inco rrect lo s~gges t that the accused Ms . Asia Bibi did not onless her guil t bc~ore me i n the ,publi was in galhe_!ir~g. It is further incorre t to suggest that no public ga thering held in the house of Mushtaq hmccl PW on l 9.G.2009 . ll is also ' rrect to suggest that l nm deposing falsely toc.l:iy. Jt is incorrc l 10 sugges t that the accused Mst. As ia Bi bi is inno~cnl. RO AC. 01.6 .2010. ALJAZEE AMERI I 'I