' I IN Tl II <'() l m I ( JI· 1\ll JI 1,\ f ·J; 11\I) f\11\VI : I ii.; I 1.jI '.1\ 1., ,1 \l)l)l. Sl:.'SIONS .J!l!Xil :. N,,\N1· /\:,J.\ S."\1111\. ·-~·,•r"•.- --------------------------- SFSSIONS '1\SI · N .·102 !JI· ~00 1J. I ~ Sl~SS IONS 1'1{11\I NU . o,..200 1). --..--.. ------ .. 'l '11.:St,1lt.: Vs. IVJS l. 1\ !i I i.1 )Jib i IV I Jc I J/ /\ :-:l ii q. { ': 1:, l c (' I1Ii s 11.111. l{L·sidcnt lil . / 11.1,.11.ii, ( '11:1•. \Jn 1, /'.\ ."i:1d.11 I ~111ka11J S~tf1ib. ---------------------C,,st· I· I.ft NO 32(1/200') Unde r SL'c.~ 1J5-l', P.P · I'S Si!d.,r N.111k:111:1 -------------- ----- - ---- ,• /" S,1111/i -- I ..;,, ·,. .. ' .i t:J1allancd by the l:1vv 11·i:1I (PW - I) tftib lo i11 ( ':1st' Jiir !he :ilkg111ior1 ur lk·livc, i111 •. dt:1, _!~:1l11ry/ubiL:L'l io1,:1hlc 1 n.:111t1rks lnw:irds lht: 1l ol~· Prnphct ( Jl!H 111) :11: I 11,,ly ()11r:111. ') 1::h. i>A/1 Jodgt:d h) ():11i tluli: 1111111:1d :'-:a:,l.1111 111:11 011 J ·1.6.:00l.3UlI) PrnpheL or Lhe , luslims l'oh,1 :1noz [3il la ( st:1Li11gtha t the Holy 11.:11 ill on· 111\lnth prior tu hi s cle~llh nnu -;v1 _Iv _j_;?l~? ) ti c insect s no 1rishc I in his 1111w1l1 ;1nc.lc:ii· She furlhcr : l:111.:dlh :11 lh1..:l l1>ly Prnphd • ...1- [VI: L. 1\.·i.1 Uibi th.:l1wn..:d the..:ckrogut )ry 1\h1rn.:cl. Th1..:said a ·cuscd . • I ( Pb lJ I I) • 111,11"J"1t:d with I la:1.rnl l'h:1dcjn l~:11.11\ l l:1h /\nhil ( V;:.,.;tif1',1) jus t 1·nr hc1· \ e:ilth .ind ,tlkr by liim . She w:1s thaL the s~n1c \\' Shcikhupura. dalccJ 26.6 .2009 St, the 10 issued On llic s : 1111l· d:1y. v id c !t:ILcr No. I 8S2J by DIC/ 1~1'0 R,111gc . Shci\...hupur:1. Lhc.: orthi s c;:isc \·vas c11Lrusted lo hi111as the olfo.:c or·SP ... (lnvcstig:1tio11). N:111ka 11,1 S:il11u w:1:; v:1c:111l. 011 29.Ci.200(), he su111111011ctl holll the pal'li1.:s ;1L his nlfo.:12.27 people l'rom the cu111pl.1innnl party and S persons 1'10111the .1 ·.;use I p:1rty :1ppcared !~.". :<· r l !'l!\ \ / \:!·)' ; -i1~ \i l.i I ' ~1 w \ .I I'..:,.L j. :. I--:··~. . .:,l·~ /i}lv, .\...·~·.. ,., ·~i....~·,·"t?"~·: . 1., ,I (I'"~ t ..t.. . •~~::.::: :~\ ~~~) ·~~:--:~:~<::;~1E~ \:.~ .~,~ -, \ I .•i hcforc..:him. Fiv · pt:rs ns !rom thi.: ..:,11npbinant silk n:cunkd st:1Lc111c 11s u/s 161 Cr.P.C. before him. thoroughly. i..:ourt l~xh .PB, hc recorded the stall'llll'Jll l~ibi in the .Jt•il on 0~.7-~009. Uj)l)ll hin, lhnl 1n I le i11vc..::; l16 a!c d the c.:, 1sc !ht.: pc1m is ·i After obtaining Durin' lh1.: l\ d sa ( ~(;,) their )11 1·rom the or lhc :onccrned m:cuscd Msl. /\s i a his i nves1 i v.;1Lini1, il 1·cv ·,ilcd li1.:ltl o,\ 11·ti by Muh:11nrnud ldrecs. lh~ ladies ol' tht: vill:1gc 111cl11tl111t~1lw ;1-:l·11scd:111dth\.' l 'W :-; -vcn: p1c.sc.1t thcrc vho st<1rtcd to d iscus:, propl1c:t.sand n:ligiou s etc. 'I he ac:u1s ·d ·u dcrn!.!,atory Isl. /\sia Bibi \,vlio i.s :, Chris1ia11deliver n:m.1rks bcf" re Lhc o her bdics \\lm:h contl~ under lli ddinitio11 of' The owner or 1hc said field blasphemy. ~1:1tc111c1llu/s iwmc ly Jdrecs ( whose Cr.J>.C. scp:.11·:11cly rccordi.;d I(> l hy ) :il:m him allr:11.:tcd Lnw~mls th' sai I ladi1..':--.bcl'n1c 111111, Ll1c J>vV s ( l:.1dit:s ) narr:Jtctl th1..111,lllcr, who i11qu1rcclfrom lhc :tcl:uscd JV!sl. /\si,, 13ibi ,1bou1 lwr narr:1 ion uron wi11d1 sh· lh ..1L she hud ·0 11lc:;scd tkl i vc1cd !ht.: dcrng ..Lory rem.irks, however . .she bc:_i,gcd p:mlon. Arter his invc.:s1ga1i n uncl prnb\., hL· dcchrcd /\si.1 l-3ibi ,1s l:;llilly Lile :1ccu:-.cd Mst. ol' bl.ispl11.:111y 011 O(J.7.2009 ..iml ullcring Lhc.: dcrngnt,>ry rc111;1rks:1bo11ltht.: l l,11~ · l'rPpl1ct ( J>IHJJI) a11d lilt.: I loly wlcdgc 1h:1l p1·inr In his clc,Hh and I tk!ivc11.:d/crc,1tcd in his llll>t:Lliand c:1r. I he accused !'urlh cr s1.11cd thal I l:1:1.rnll'v uhn111111: 1d l l' IHJ I I J 1 ,1111 r:H.:Lcd111:,rriagc \vi h I l:111"1l Khadcja R:.11.i/\llc.lh J\nha 111 111d1.:r tn lool and accurnulalc wealth "nd aflcr Rtv.i 1\llah looling /\nha. her the :-;;1111c. he disG1rdcd I l:izr:11 l'h:iclcj a Th1.: ;1ccw,cd 1·u1lht: r slated th·1L l lazr:1L d l'!Hll I) w.1:, 111IIH· li.d,11 ,ii lll..:IL. I lit: ;1c.i.; u:,1.:tl lu1 lhi.;r 1lul1:1111111. to ld Lh:ll the I le ly uran is 1111 a divilll.' bouk l>uL it i:, lll:lll !,.. J \/ ,· \~, !·11....., '·. 111;10 '. I. l .. (~L ,1::r:-~ ·=·:.::,-~r. :j :', ,-;:-...,_~':T~·;~ ~·~ ·:: . ;.2.~~j~:O~~.: "' J ."?'~.. • .. ::- ... ,...:.:\ :..~;a•:~~ \ I tow,1rd~ lhc Holy ljrophcL ( P13UlI) ,ind l loly Our,111. 11,ilso came inLo his knowledge th:1t du ring lhc inv1.::-;t1g;1t1011, the accusu.l Ms!. 1\ sia 131bi look thl: st.1ncc that the: 11\Vi,had kvdcd against her ~s lhcy tried In :ilkgalion the ,ilh.:g,1Li 11 her l\'ltl:di111:11alllll ln.:rl l'.l\1:;al, ll c 111:1~c w,ts 111tde bul the same sl.111ccL,tl en by the ;1c used Msl. 1\si:1 nihi w:1s 111)(pnl\'t'd. th;1t the rclq;ious l·urthn 111111l·, 1t r.1111c111tn111:;knmvkdgc w.,s s1:1rkd wlwn discussini 1li • 01· Ille I W fl\,lu-.;lirn J:idy ) itskcd !'rn· tl!c w·1t1.:1:111din 1cspo11sc, 1hc .1cc11:-;cd l\lsi. 1\si;1 nibi \l 1 :1s p1 '!,1..'lll<..:d1'11:w:1lt.:I', lht.: s:1itl 11 \\' n.:lusi.:cl I h:1, t•/d1inl· ii f"rom the h:111dnl a< ' hn :-.1i.11, l:1d, . the in , ·s11g:1tirn :111J clcclc1ri11gthe /\rtcr' conducting .iccusccl llst. Asic Bibi ~1:g 1ilty, he srnl b.tck the lilc or this the SH PS concerned. >. l'vluh:1111111:1d .\rsl,,1d Sl-1 J had ,ilsu Cl1t1du C,ISC Lo ·1cd lhc he was poslcc.l 11 111;1dchy luhamm:1d .J l'ormal I IR r.""- 1\1'1.:1 I n[' thc i:; the v. i l ncs:-. o 1·c~ tr.1 .iud ici :ii 1!1l':11..·cusc sl.1Lcd th:1t the 111vcs1ig:1lio11nl' Ilic c1sc 11;1:;cntruslcd ltim vitk 10 I ·Ltt:r No.18523 d:1tcd ~(>.<>.209 i~sucd hy DJG/1\PO Shcil·hupL11.i and he i11vt:slig:ilcd Lht: c:1::-: ll1 llougl!ly :111d1..:c..:01d..:d tht: slalc111c11Ls under section I (JI Cr.P.l '. So, lht:1l· 1s 111 rurt:c.: in 1h1s ohjL-c1io11 :111d Ilic.: very bc.:ginnin •• 1I11.: k,11netl counsd did , hire 11)1111 . I (1. I :v 11 Olhc.:n isc.:, lhi..:L:llll'I !1.111ccl l Si:cl1 1 is lo be given in case of ~in )11 196 Cr.11.C . offence.: u/s '.295-1\, PPC but SC\..Lion295- C, l'PC wns not r>rcscnt therein, so, lo n.:,1clsection 295- • ·1sp.,n o J' scc.: 1i >n I ()6 Cr.I' .(. kgi:,;l.11 ion. \Visdom w1 uld amount or lcgisl.1Lu1c 111 i11lcrJ'1..:rcIll i 11 1hls 1\:gard S( iri t of co ul d IH>L I c.: ch.ilkng.c I. 17. fJms~1.:u ion rroc.luccd botlt the 1:idici; vl1t :ire Ll1' eye.: - ...-•• ' ' -- ·~·, . ' ! ,.· .. ,,._ . :.'J ,. ., ,,.. n.:111.1rk. I ( l~l:1:,1111:111)) 1\1..·11.:111.1ddu1t,.:a:d. l'W-] and J>\V.J, I\IJst. 1 l'vlitli.i l3ibi and r--1:,l 1\~111aI ihi wiiik ;1p1c;1ri11gi,1 the wrlnc~s box narrntcd ~11Lhcy lisLcrn.:d. PW-2 i'.Jst. 'J:1li:1131bi has clc;p scd on o:11h that on 14.6.2009 Suncl:1y, she ·:Jong with I l:.;L.Asma IJibi, field orhilsa h) 1c:ligi1111. in the vil l;1gc. The ;1ccusc:d Is. /\si: 1 Bibi is Ch rislian 1"11c :tl'CllM.:d ·J:-;t. 1\s1:1 l31!i1 1 rcscnl <.:ou n ·tatecl 111 the beli>rc him :incJ others llwt l l,1zr:1l I •luh:1111111:id (PU Ul 1) I'd! 111o, lhc bed une 1110111hpr ior tn li,·. dc:1111:111d llill;1h ( N:1tHl/, ). the i11scc1s were dcvc/opctl,c1 c.1h:d in !1i:-.111uutli :md c::1r. Th(; ;11..·cusctll'urth1:r st:1lctl 111.11f l:11ral ,\folt :11 rnnad (l'13U J [) cnnl rnclcd 111:11Ti:11'c \\ ith f-lnra Kh.iclcj:1 R~1/i1\Jlah Anlia just in order lo fool her wr:lith :111dat'lcr I ot111g lhe :nmc. the I loly PropJ1ct cliscarclecJ J h1z1al I 'Jrnck~j,1Ra;,j /\ll:1h /\n h:1. .Slw i'urlhcr lo/d that lhc Holy Our.in 1:· not :1 divi11l' ho /.; but it has bcl'n wrilLcn/co111pilcd by you, i\luslim s. ' ! lie PW 11,tn.iLc:cl:t!J lhic; Ill l)Jn If~ \1a J:1111.Mu h~1m111uci 1 /'V-J ,lC(.;USC.:cl l'vl~,l. /\si:1 f3ibi p lt1c.:k i11' lhe J<'alsa.·1ht.: accus1..:cfMsl. 1\si:1 P ibi i;j Christ ian r1..: li1~io11.I urin g the plucking nr Fak1, y the :1ccuscd Mst. !\sia IJibi n:11r:1tt:d bclc>rc her and olhers th.it J l:v.r:1LI\ l ul1:1111nwd ( 1'13UJ I) lcl/ ill on lilt bed ont mouth prior lo his dc:ith ,llld the insects were h:111.·h-:d lrnlll his mouth and c..ir. She lunl 1cr 1.kclarcd lh i! l I l:t%ral Muhammad I c1,.1 s,1111e, {Pl H) conlructcd the in:1n i:1gc wilfi l l.t%rat Khadej:i /\ll<1h 1\nha in orde r lo loo t her wc,tlth um! nfkr fooling lhc .:h' has cliscardcc.J by the l loly Prui l:c:l (PB UI I). Sile f't1rlh1.:r .(i] . ..... - ~ ·, ·.,} :~ ••· :. -.:·": .. ~ ~•• J,. ... -~ ... J~Y .·,:::·J·;; mcnliom:d that the I lu ly b Hk ()ur:111 i:; l\cll 'he .ilo11~', ·ith .i di\ 111· ~,nd I lul) !Jouk but iL is 111;111 m;idc Lhcr P\Vs 111formccl the nrnltcr lo ()'1ri S:1:ib111. the co111pl:1i11:1111.luh·111111wd1\ f/ ..JI ·111dMukhtar w,.:rc .ilsn prc:-icm there . l'hcy man~1gcd a public gathering in Lhc vil!:,gc when: lhc ~1ccl1scd [\ JsL. 1\s1.1 l~il i , w:,s :1lso l>1ougl11 :ind slh.: conlcsscd her guilL Lhcn: and she ulsn n:qucsLccl r·or the pardon. Tin.: :t.ill:mcnl or PW \ :1s recorded h ·1'1rT 1l1e 10 rntk:r section I<>I r. I le.:di I C'r.P. PW- I :il s n t . I' 11uham111·1I Tu rail. I l • ,s lhl.! l'W (lf cxtr: r Judicial conlc:-;:,i (111 . I le sL:11ctl i11witnc:,s hox tlrnt he \\'ilS \.ery mui..:h p, cscnl 111Iii· p11hic g:llhl.!1 ing held 1111 ..:1dc11l wl1c1l'.111lhl'. acL·11.·cd I: 1 1\•,1:1 11ibi .i rt r h1m11:,l1l illld w:1s the sl11.: l·nnk:,:l·d her gui ll :111tl1cq1tl'Sll'd l"nr !he J :mlon. ~I. CW- I w.1s an 1111ponant \\ itncss n~1111clyMuha111111.1d Jdrl.'.csso n or! l~1ji/\hmcd Din. tht: 1wn1.:1 of the F:ilsa Garden while :1ppl·:1ri11gin lilt: , ilncss-l o .. he cst:1hlishcd a: on 1,.1.6.2009. he was present ii !Jibt, tvlsl. v~1sn1ccn l1ib1 lllt:d t.:Ul llC to him 1111<.Imural ·01111ct.:Lio11 wilh lhc tlo.:rog,1loryand lltl· I lllly l'rnplicl ( 11 1\lll IJ .111dI l1ily l,lur;111 11lil·tnl hy llll· prcscnl :1cl'.11:;cdIVlst. /\sia in the housc puhlir l3ibi or Mukhl,1 )n I 'J.(1.'.:00<),:1 puhltc g:1tli ·1 irig was held 1 1\11111cd;111dlit: was :ilsu pn:st:11l in the •allil.'.ri11g. Tht: :1t:l'11.·l·dfvl:;t 1 Chrislia11, \::i.1 I !ih1 whu w:1.· :, w:ts bnH1f1 h1 there vvho conl"cs:,cd her guilt bcli re him as" she hus 1.·01111111llcdthe blasphemy :ind has delivered lhe improper and dnol_'.:1loryrrn1;11'ks:1hl1t1l lhl· l lol_\ ()ur: 111. lc.:l lier 11ard on • . I lis s1:1Lc1m·111 , :1s ,ds(l rL·t:mlktl hcl"nrc tile 10. ·-. '. • ..... •j l • - . ( .•. ..·. . ,)1 - Lt7I It l'mph:1s1/l'd th:il before him i111111·di:1tcly 1 I 1st ,\·,i.i 11ihi co ,rcssnl her guilt \ L. ..I ,,··,.,. the dcrngatory rem.irks :tfler her dd1w1111g lll\v;1rds the I Joly l'r phL:t ( J>I lJ I I) :111dthe I Joly l3uuk, .is whL:11 tile l>Cl.lllTCIILe l(H k pl~lt:l', he lC'Vl-1) w:1:; Llit.:\, 'I'}' fir :,l ( 111:il• ) the lJ' 11cr uf Lh1: licit! who i1111ncdiatcly allr:1ctcd pcr:;011 being Iowan.ls th1: wr::ingling Jud1cs us he w~1s prc:;c nt there in his Ciclc.1. 23 . I !i s presence there nt Lhc pl:1cc 11.1lural. The owners usu:tl ly remain Olli' :it th\.: socicl_r ;111(1f)ill'licul:11 ly hl' 0\\'11 'J;i Cl!' or occ11rrc11cc is qui te pl:1cc 1,rtheir tusincs · in lite inlll f',,IJ'(.k Jl!s in \)l'dCr lll 11:1\L' n vi!.',il,1111 watch upon the ir l:1h1>1 11 :111 d m onk:r lo avoid :iny Ll,t:1'1 on the h:111dof'thc l:1hourrrs :llld I :1rtind:1rly when l:1lly lnll · is \ lll \\'ork . I le h:1s :ilsn 1111l'n111i1, with l;1dy l:tlH1111( :JL't 11sctl ) :111d :he is doing th job under lrn; C111ploy 111L'1ll since a long. I le :1lso banished lhe accu ·cc.Irrom h1:; Fuls:1 fidd upon h<..:1 conl.css ion ,111d till' s:1111t:w:1s also quill' n:11u1:d rc:;1 011:sc on hi:, p:11l. 'o . h1: lcslinm11) is q11il1: trustworthy hy lhL' dclcncc; during "1,J ,111d11:1L11r:il. 1 (' dL·11lw;1s also crc:11l'd lhl' crnss-c.-,;:1111i11,11iu11. So , I'\. '-::'. :ind JJ V ll1L' .:y,: \\'it11c:,scs :ire quite i. u11:111i111 n1s .iboul lhl' clnug.1ll1ry rc 111 :11k· ,111d:1bnul Lill' time, d;llc. Ii ·Id, l;1y l>I' i111prnv~'llll't1l in ll · 110[ I illl l' is 110 any rrcvious l:1clic:-) cn n ;111dlite lady accu ·ed. There 1s ,ilso n :111yc11111 ily 111between the J>\V-1, l'\.V-,1, CW- I a11d Lhc :1ccusc:d l:1dy due tu whif..'h they dcposL·d 1g:1insl 'her ur ~1g:1i1u :111· other 111:ilc111c111bi.:r ,Jf' the ilCl:llS 25 ·d l.idy. W-'2 nnd PW -] :11 ·c 1.",irls wli , :ire :il:-.o 1!1c young t111111;11 1icd Tit ·ir prcsc11~·L·in Ilic l·\d::;1 li1·ld ,il0111c~ w1tl1 the ilt:L'11scd l:1dy is q11itc 11a111rnl:1s llw _v 11:;t·cl lo \1·11d:1linl' :1:. l:1ho11rn :111d 1:;il:;:1 pl11ckc1:; . l'IH:y .in: tH>l lhc 11111.:,cskI :ind cli:111cv,,i l11c:,sl's ,,., ~ • .·• .. r. ·@(.f t • • I 26. 1110111 sm:kty. 1111111:ill:, th~: l,1di1:s :1v~1idL) 1nclul •c in crimin:il lhc c: 1ses even :1s ro111pl:1111.i11L 111 vilm.::sc.· p:11ticul~11ly r p~trcnts the un 1arricd and young girl never al lo v Lhcir d~n1g hlcr s lo go LO the police st:1tio11.sur Lo :1ppc.ir before the Police Onic<.::rs or in COltrLs in order their st:1lc111c11t.sor Lo l~1ct: lo rrcurd questions of lhc :1tlv >c:1Lc.s.Dul in lhc in.slant ca ·c.:, LhL' ri lkulous th<.::l:1dics (PW-2 ,111dPW-3) l ok ,di Lile :;Leps as they bear the blasphemy . oufd nol 1 lst Ya ·mcen l3ibi 0110Lher l:1d, who w:1 · PW con.st.1111ly·1ppcan.:d in the cou1t but !•ivcn \\;t:,; un- up being n ·ccssar,>. 27. There is also anolhc1 import, n t ,1.spccl of the c,1sc as lsL.J\sin Bibi, Lh :1ceu::;cd buy in her st:1Lc111c11 1 u/s 342 r.P.C. lo.7 why this c;Jsc :1g:ii11st you, herself in un.swer 10 Question ,1(111illcd her guilt when she p SILJ!atc.s ·1s " 1 alonb with nu111bc1 r I 1c.lics v Tc worl i11g in the field. Hoth the l,1cli·:,;\•lst l'vl.!11;113ibi and l\llst. /\sma l, 1bi P\V.s quarrck which \\1;1. l I with inc l)Vcr l'ctc.:hin,, wnlcr l'Jcn.:d h In hl'lfl]..!.1'01 them bu t they lllC rcruscd s:1~ing that s111G .:, I :un Christi:111,so . they never ook wnter orChristi:111. Over from t..h1;1i~1nd this, WhL'II lfl' re l]U:1!11.:I .· t:1rlllf ilusli111s ladies l'rnn, li1i111 lliL' 1d'11:,;il tltL' hands pltc11u111L't1awas ultimatcl: l\r ur tl1i11killl', W;ltL·1 by llJe :1 ( 'hri~,11:111 l:1cly, :wit.cl1ed into , cligious .~o, Ilic 111:1llcr..111dJ lot 'Wmd.s sliould h:td 1101 bL·c11othc t ll1a11Lite b la:;1 fic111y. 'Jc so rn:iny IL is alsl not oul of place tu 111c11tiL)J1 hcrt: 1h,1t lhcr' arc 'hrist iat s living tn the s:1111evillage ,ilong, with fVl uslims si 11cc gc11cr:1Lionhut tl