MINISTRY OF SOCIAL 1% DEVELOPMENT . . re MANATU WHAKAHIATO ORA Report Date: 15 April 2015 Security Level: IN CONFIDENCE To: Hon Jo Goodhew, Associate Minister for Social Developmemy <9 Superu Board Appointments: Candidate Assessme? 31 Purpose of the report 1 The purpose of this paper is to provide You with advichbassess 'x candidates interviewed for appointment to the Super Recommended actions It is recommended that you: 1 note that you are required to make ap to <@cant positions on the Superu Board 2 note that an Interview Pane sessed ates for appointment to the Board against the following& riteri - i (0) - applicatitistic of social science research pra owledge a erstanding of family diversity, in particular reference - experience i vern 3 A the entified two candidates as meeting all three criteria required for me ard (Len Cook and Hon Dame Tariana Turia) @l recommends three candidates who met most of the criteria are off p0 unities for devetopment in board governance to be able to be considered ppointment5?Sectlon - Privacy of the Person] I I hat the Panel has assessed one candidate 9W6) having mpeting priorities and therefore would be unavailable to attend Board meetings 6 note that the Chair of the Panel is availabie should you wish to discuss the Panel's assessment Bowen State Building, Bowen Street, PO Box 1556, Wellington Telephone 04-916 3300 Facsimile 044918 0099 7 agree to advise the Ministry of your decision of who you wish to appoint by 24 April in order for it to prepare documents for the CabinetAppointment and Honours Committee scheduled for 5 May 2015 8 note that the Ministry will work with the Panel, your Office, and Superu to induct new members and to explore opportunities in board governance development for candidates not selected for this round of appointments 9 note the Panel Members are available to assist with advising candid@e out@ of the appointment process if required. ?93? Carolyn Risk Veer Deputy Chief Advisor Organisationat Strategy /on ae/ I @iaZ?l?ter for Superu Board Appointments: Candidate Assessment 2 Background 2 The Families Commission changed its title to Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (Superu) in 2014. Superng retained the functions of focusing on families and whanau, however, the title changed to better reflect its work. As well as the responsibilities of monitoring and evaluating programmes and interventions in the social sector, Superu provides social science research into key issues, programmesaand interventions. The outcome of this is to increase the use of evidence by people across the social sector so better decisions are made to improve the lives of New Zealanders. Superu Board 3 Current Board Appointment Process 5 10 The Board of Superu has transitioned into a more traditional govern 0 rd to these changes. Its roles include overseeing the governance and of 8 or setting the strategic direction and priorities of the Crown entity' in aking. me tot Board base and $5 members ake appropriate carry out its functions. 0 two vacant positions. There are in the near future. to demonstrate experience of the application of research (criterion 2), and to understand the (criterion 3). appointments to the Superu Board for it requrred uired to As the Minister responsible for Su??m re Currently, there are appoint also a number of appoint ppointing suitable members for the current on interviewed by an experienced panel vidson, and Carolyn Risk), against the following - of expertise and experience: To assist and support vacancies, recom (consisting of Sir three criteria andi of tistics a use of social science research al a .- understanding of family diversity, in particular reference to ri. each candidate is attached at Appendix 1. The candidates have been best match against the three agreed criteria. and - ing two of the three criteria. The Panel agreed that they did not clearly demonstrate experience in board governance (a critical requirement for appointment to the Board). The Pane! recommends they be given opportunities for development in this area to be able to be considered for future board appointments. Sir Wira Gardiner and i am available to work with the Ministry, your Office, and Officials from Superu to seek opportunities for further development for candidates not selected for this round of appointments. The Panel recognises the experience and expertise of (Mali _ in all three criteria. However, his competing priorities mean he is unavailable to attend board Superu Board Appointments: Candidate Assessment 3 meetings. Therefore he is not a suitable candidate for this round of Superu Board appointments. Next steps '11 You have indicated you wish to discuss the Panel?s assessment with Minister Tolley prior to advising the Ministry of your final decision. We note that you intend to do this within the next week in order for a paper to be prepared for Cabinet Appointment and Honours Committee for 5 May 2015. 12 We wiil iiaise with your office on the outcome of your discussion with Minister Tolley and your decision of who to appoint to the Board. A paper will be prepared tlining your intentions for you to approve and forward to the Minister of Social De ent for take to the APH meeting on 5 May 2015. 13 Following your decision, the Ministry will contact the candidate - indicative timeframe of the appointment process. Should yo tee available to assist you with an induction programme for the point 5 fall approval by the Cabinet Appointment and Honours Co etin?ith advising candidates about the outcome of the apporg cess. File ref: Superu Board Appointments: Candidate Assessment 4 Appendix 1 Superu Board Appointments: Candidate Assessment Len Cook The panel conctuded that Len Cook, expert advisor to the Superu Board, clearly demonstrates an understanding of expertise and experience in all three cr' - a He showe . fad/v the Board, and was clear that he supports the direction Superu is . Mr Cook is a professional expert in statistics and social science nd emon te technical skills against this criterion. He also showed an ap tion a the research and evaluation techniques. Mr Cook demonstr @tand' and ethnicity through working with various groups and 00% mak ntal public policy changes. Mr Cook is a strong candidate, and able to co a @50 serving on the Board. Dame Hon Tariana Turia The panel concluded that Dame clearly an ed expertise in all three criteria. She has experience workin ove . at different levels, and I demonstrated an underst a uper irection and the implications and val for research and evidence to support robust - vided that highlight her understanding of the contribution ce makes to blic policy. She showed practical knowledge and 'rithin New Zealand and current issues facing different - gh her previous work and personal experiences. - was able to commit time to serving on the Board. Superu Board Appointments: Candidate Assessment 121422015