1 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT I PAGE OF PAGES 4. REG N0. 1 2. AMENDMENTNODIFICATION N0. 3 EFFECTIVE. DATE 900001 LI f? 9,1201} :1 5 PROJECT N0 (Haw-cable) a. ISSUED BY ($an 1 DC ADMINISTEREU (swimmer: Item 6) CODE 05/ [to ICBI'Detent Mngt/Detent Continua?DC Immigration and Customs Enfuzczawr??. Office of Acquisition I?Ianaqemcnt 801 I Street NE, Suite 9113 Washington DC 2053f: Office 01? acquisition Management 30], T, NW, Suite 910 Attn: . .. Washingon Mngt/Uetent Contractsvuc Emigration and Customs Enforcement. 8 NAME AND ADORESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. men may 351-? m2? tin-an) 9A. SOLICITATION HO GEO GROUP LNC THE 53KB ST STE EOCA RATON 334878242 $01k moumcgmou 0F no ESCEDM103. DATED {555 mm 13; CODE 61213064650000 04/22/2009 amenm??uclmm Is l?Iis ml manned I'm above us emondnd a; :61 Wm '11 Item 1-4. The hour 1rd dale speci?ed Icr receipt OI 0mm I Offers mus! ackmakdge receum of Iruz. mnen?m?ml {It 10th: and dale speci?ed In rm: :uLatamn or as amends-6? by one at Ina blown methods In) Br camp-icing llama 8 and 15, and Ielu'?ng cc; 55. cf the aner?d'nenl. By uchmiedung recap! of mi: amaadmarl on each cup-,- 1m o?u submulact cr soprula letter or uregra'n wr. vque cl Iris amendment you doe-Are to change an offer {mm-11m, unshci'wua may be made by Megan o: Icltm. gnu-aided mm :oiwam or [war makes rc to me SUI-atahcn and his and is received mm IL: he emu-11.3 rm: and dale spacifiad. By Id} '0de a us-?Mrmu In: Inn 33.1 amemnm: nu?l'lbels. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE [35516th FOR THE RECEIPT OF TU THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION Of' YOUR OFFER If 11"; Ieaezloe 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION Ne Inc rea t. 6: See Schedule (W) I 13. THIS ITEH ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF COMYRACISIORCIERS. IT HODIFIES THE NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CI-ECK ONE ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED Sun?sum?r T0 {Sac-d? Jammy} IHE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT El THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACIIURQER I5 MODIFIEU IO REFI THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as mangasm paying Of?ce. approx-?own 0819. etc) 5E1 To TI IE AUTHORITY OF PAR 43 103(0) THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT INTO TU MHHORITY D. Iype of Irwdf?cab'on and BurmaIf! no: Modi ficmion {mg mg, 'i reg-urea ta 510' "1:5 comment and return 0 capes Io the i55er arm-a E. IMPORTANT: Commor 14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT 1M ODIFICATLON {04 wasted LICF 505m: headings, Inch:an amigo! mailer whom Mum's.) DUNS Number: 612706465 - The purpose 0 :hi ta:; 01-31..- 11- rovide add i tiona 1 Trans it iondl Center con: rat: -- TI 9? "00006 . fundir.- the Browarzi Fundinq is provided [or July 1, (DIM) Lo July 33., 9009. Mount; omit-3:: has increased from - Program FCC: WSOEHHNC) Contracting Officer: Contract Specialist: . Period of E?erformance: I, 233?- t?nrcugh February 28, 2010. Continued . . . Excam as wovndaiheran, 3! terms and nonunion? of summer: rm?m-xw?d 51311 99. o: 10.11 3 unahan and an {ace and effect 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER Gr ?be6). (Birrxc) IEC SIGNED (. 158 CONTRACTORPOFFEROR of pawn MIMI: rim: 356. DATE SIGNED NSH 7540014526070 mum-u 3m Previous edition mm??e Prescribed by GSA FAR {.18 CFR) 53 2-13 MARCH 2015 00322320 REFERENCENO CFDOCUMENTBENGCONUNUED 0F . -- .. . CONTINUATION SHEE 2 9 NAME OFFEROR on CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITHMNO. SUPPUESSERWCES QUANHTYUNN amount (A) (C) A11 other terms and rema?n the same. Discount Terms: EOE: Deszination Period of to Change Item 000; ts LeuJ as follows{amount shown is the tOLal amognt}: 000'; Guaranzeed minimum 804, 6-12.30 2Cu9 throngh une 30, Base: Fundin. for Apr;_ 1, Increaae funding from] from I A (bx4) 9rcduczfsexv1CQ Code: Des; (mm - 1 Quantity increased 7?37 . 7?0032 . Q. If; r- a -. 4. GUARD SERVICES 1" .11! ion: Accountinq Info: Funaed: Accountinq Info: I mammogram-2957 MARCH ZUIF- (Inna-m rm use [we] sponsmu wean PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 3 5 PROJECT NO. (IIappEcabb) mauomeu?r or soucmnommoomcmou on: commc?r co? 4. Recursmou?uncmse REQ no, 192109FMIBTCCO 109 . 2 7. ADMINISTERED av (Ifotbor?m Item 5) 2. NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 900002 08/20/2009 6. ISSUEDDY CODE Dc- DC ICE/Detour Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Imigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: Washing ML AMENDMENT OF 80L N0. 000? vc- DC . ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement a NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTORM. saw; my. son warm GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 IBB. DATED (SEE ITEM 10A. MODIFICATION OF con?uc'noaoan no. 108. ITEM 13) FACILITYCODE 04/22/2009 11. iHI'sliEM T52 7805 A CTN {mm Item 14. Tmm?damma?odforraoa?d?am Dissatde ['lisnoteadendod madm?onctasamondod. byoneofmefnloaim methods mayonnpr Item 3 md15.and rehm'ng copies 01 the monument; By macho receipt of mi: mandran each copy a! me we smamd. or By swarm letter or totem!? Maid: We: a reform to the sonaton and amandm numbem. FAILURE OF YOUR ACIQIOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECBVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR To THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN OF YOUR OFFER II by virtue of this amendmem you desire to mango an offer already stunned, such change may be made by telegram or honor. provldad each Ielegram or loner mam: Mun-Ice ID the seawater: and mi: amendmed. and Is received prior to the hour and date speci?ed See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF IT CONTRACTIOROER NO. A3 DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. ??05 6127064650000 Maia? ONE A ms camera ORDER l5 ISSUED PURSUANT To (Spear; anthem!) THE cameos SET FORTH IN new 14 ARE MADE THE CONTRACT ORDER no. ITEM 1m. 8. THE ABOVE NUMBERED communes: us MODIFIED 'ro REFLECT THE asst: I office. Damnation data. etc.) SET room In mm 14. PURSUANT 70 THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43mm, mes paw? i?ls SUPPLEMEN IAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED iN PURSUANT TO 35 OF: eye?er and swim? . PAR 43 . 103 Unilateral Modification E. momm: omzraaor mum; [is requ?redto sum this documam mom 0 14. DESCRIPTION 09 menomemmomsmnou {Omanized by (10me headings, 1mm moron/oomst mm feasible.) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 copies to the issuing of?ce. 'The purpose of this task order is to provide additional funding for the Broward Transitional Center contract no. Funding is in the amount of 322,894.48. Amount of_ task Order has increased from 786.5b 202-7. Contracting Officer; contract Specialist: Period of Performance: April 1, 2009 through February 28, 2010. Continued ExcepI asp-widede 10A. as remins umhanged and mummy and affect 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn?na 18A NAME AND rme OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type ammo 160. DATE SIGNED ?2447 158. CONTRACT ORIOFFEROR ?50. DATE SIGNED nsu 754001-152w70 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-35) Ptovious edition unusable Prose-nod Dy GSA FAR (48 cm) 53 24;! MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA030300032822 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE [Tail NO. (A) sUPpusseEches (B) QUANTITY (C) (D) (E) AMOUNT (F) 0007 0008 0009 All other terms and conditions remain the same. Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Terms:_ A Net Delivery Location Code: ICE Detention 5. Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street. NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/23/2010 Add Item 000'? as follows: CLIN 0001: Guaranteed Bed Days. Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Funded: $3,122,010.00 Add Item 0003 as follows: CLIN 0002 Product/Service Code: Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES ded: 6, Add Item 0009 as follows: CLIN 0003: Product/Serv; Code. . Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accountin- Info: Funded: $36,394.00 Add Item 0010 as follows: Continued 3,122,010.00 36,394.00 36,394.00 NSN 7540-01-152-8087 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032823 OPTIONAL. FORM 330 (4?95) Spomumd by GSA FAR (43 CPR) 53.110 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNQ (A) (B) 0010 0011 0012 count I a a. 9730 CLIN 0004: Transportation Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Inf Add Item 0011 as follows: CLIN 0005: Detainee Volunteer Wages Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accountin- Inf Add Item 0012 as follows: THE PURPOSE OF THIS TASK ORDER IS TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR THE BROWARD TRANSITIONAL CENTER CONTRACT NO. FUNDING T0 COVER SERVICES FROM JULY 1, 2009 THROUGH SEPT 30, 2009. Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: uncle: $62,484.29 UNWPREE (E) AMOUNT (F) 412,832.00 42,000.00 62,484.29 NSN MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032824 ammuimmnxauee GSA Spot-mud FAR (13cm) 53.110 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 2 5. PROJECT N0. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT CONTRACT "3 CODE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE RED. N0. 192109FMIBTCC0109.3 7. ADMINISTERED BY Item 6) 2. NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE P00003 09/02/2009 6. ISSUED BY CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 CODE DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: . Washing On I I . 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Na. street, my. store and ZIP Code} 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCP. RATON FL 334878242 BB. DATED ITEM 11) 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIOROER NO. 103. DATED (SEE ITEM 1311. hummer OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt of Otters [Its extended. [Its not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt OI this amendment prlor to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended. by one oi the foaming methods: [at By completing Items 5 and 15. and return'no copies at the amendment: By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy at the Offer submitted; or (C) By separate letter or telegram which ir'tctudes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by virtue of this amendnent you desire to change an offer steady submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each tetegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and Is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {If required) See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF rr MDDIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED iN ITEM 14. CODE 6127064650000 FACILITY CODE ONE A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify anthem!) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED T0 REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes In pe?ngor?oe. appropriation date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE OF FAR 43.10Mb). 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT To AUTHORITY OF: O. OTHER {Specify type of modi?cation and authority} 5. Contractor Eli; not. is required to sign this document and return 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section headings, Induding subject matter where feasible] DUNS Number: 612706465 The purpose of this modification is to change the accounting code for the funds obligated on line 10 on modification number 2 to 3200. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discunt Terms: Net() Delivery Location Code: ICE Detention Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement Continued Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions orthe document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in force and effect. 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER {Type orpn?nf) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type orpn'rtl) 160.0911? SIGNED gem STANDARD FORM so (REV. rose) 155. 156. DATE SIGNED 6x6), Ibo-"Ito {Signeim oipomn authorized to sign) NSN 7540-01 -1 52-8070 Previous edition umeaote Prescribed by GSA FAR [48 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032825 IREFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING PAGE OF SHEET 6/9000 03 2 2 NM OF OFF EROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE NO. SUPPLIESJSERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRECE AMOUNT (Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2010 Change Item 0010 to read as follows(am_ount shown is the total amount): 0010 CLIN 0004:-Transportation 412,832.00 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES man mom-15241057 0mm. Form as {4-35) SWWGEA MARCH '2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032826 mm?) 51?? increase the amo 1. CONTRACT ID CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 2 5. PROJECT NO. {Ifapptl'ceble} AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE P00004 09/24/2009 cismmoav CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management ?801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: Washing on I . 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Na. shat. county. State and ZIP Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. 4. RED. NO. 192 1 0 9FMIBTCC010 9 . 4 7. ADMINISTERED av (Iromenhan Item 6} ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 QB. DATED ITEM 11) 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 0?0000 6 1GB. DATED (SEE ITEM f3) 04/22/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OFEEICITKTIONS FACILITY CODE CODE 612T064650000 [jThe above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth In Item 14. The he or and date specified for receipt of Otters Dis extended. ?le not extended. Otters must receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended. by one of the following methods: By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning COpIes oi the amendment; By receipt at this amendment on each copy of the after submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which Includes a reference to the soicitatlon and amendment numbers, FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by virtuo'oi this amendment you desire to change an otter already submitted, such ci'Iange may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solidtatim and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA I'Ifrequirod) Net Increase See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF n' MDDIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER N0. As DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. ONE A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER Is MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying Of?ce, appropriation data, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.1mm). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: o. OTHER (8,09th type armadi?c??m and authority) far 43.103 EIMPORTANT: Contractor Lidia not. [1'5 Sign this dowmmIaMrell-Im 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF sectbn headings, inducing Motown/contract subject matter where {is-astute.) DUNS Number: 612706465 The purpose of this modification is to add additional funds for transportation. This will obligated increase the amount obligated frOm This will move the period of performance for the transportation line item only out to 2/28/2010. copies to the issuing of?ce. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Tems: Cont inued . . . Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretoiore changed. remains unchanged and in Iull [arcs and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (TYPE I 16A NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or ooh!) 160. DATE SIGNED STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53243 153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED (no I'berxci (5mm ofpersm semen-Izod to sign) NSN 7540-01-152-8070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR I GEO GROUP INC THE ITEMNO. SUPPLIESJSERVICES QUANTITY NIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Delivery Location Code: ICE Detention Removal Immigration and Customs Enf0rcement 801 I Street, NH Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2010 Change Item 0010 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 001.0 CLIN 0004: Transportation 1,651,328.00 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accountin de .3 . 96 . NBN 7540-01-1 52-8067 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032828 om Fem amass) mam cm) 63.110 Section Performance Work Statement 1. INTRODUCTION A. Background The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is responsible for the detention, health, welfare, transportation, and deportation of detainees in removal proceedings, and those subject to ?nal order of removal from the United States. ICE houses detainees in Contract Detention Facilities (CDF) and other federal, state, local, and private facilities. B. Mission The mission of the Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) Program is the planning, management, and direction of broad programs relating to the supervision, detention, and deportation of detainees who are in the United States illegally. These activities are chie?y concerned with the processing and enforcement of departure from the United States of detainees who have entered illegally or have become removable a?er admission. In implementing its mission, DRO is responsible for carrying out all orders for the required departure of detainees handed down in removal proceedings, or prior thereto, and arranging for detention of detainees when such detention becomes necessary. C. Scope of Work Performance In housing detainees, the Contractor is required to perform in accordance with the most current editions of the ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards, American Correctional Association (ACA), Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities (ALDF), and Standards Supplement, Standards for Health Services in Jails, latest edition, National Commission on Correctional Health Care and state and local laws on ?rearms for all locations. Some ACA standards are augmented by ICE policy and/or procedure. In cases where other standards con?ict with Policy or Standards, Policy and Standards prevail. ICE Inspectors will conduct periodic and unscheduled inspections of the facilities to assure compliance of the aforementioned standards. In addition, the Contractor shall provide full and complete cooperation for any request or investigation conducted by the Government. Detainees are classi?ed as High (Level 3), Medium (Level 2), or Low Risk (Level however this particular contract requires the housing of only Low Risk (Level 1) detainees. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of one Detention Of?cer of the same gender as the detainees on each post. Contractor shall be responsible for detainee record keeping services and personal property in accordance with Section VI of the PWS. The Contractor will create and update the records and the Government will store the records. All records will remain the property of the U.S. Government. D. Explanation of Terms/Acronyms 1. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACTING OFFICER (ACO 1: ICE employee responsible for contract compliance, contract administration, cost control, and reviewing assessment of Contractor?s performance. ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION: A form of separation from the general population used when the continued presence of the detainee in the general population would pose a threat to life, property, self, staff, or other detainees or to the security or orderly running of the facility. This housing status also includes detainees who require protective custody, those who cannot be placed in the local population because they are en route to another facility (holdovers), those who are awaiting a hearing before a disciplinary panel, and those requiring separation for medical reasons. ADULT LOCAL DETENTION FACILITY (ALDF 1: A facility which detains persons over the age of 18. ALIEN: Any person who is not a citizen or national of the United States. AMERICAN CORRECTIONAL ASSOCIATION (ACA): The American Correctional Association is the oldest and largest international correctional association in the world. ACA serves all disciplines within the corrections profession and is dedicated to excellence in every aspect of the ?eld. BOOKING: It is a procedure for the admission of an ICE detainee, which includes searching, ?ngerprinting, photographing, medical screening, and collecting personal history data. Booking also includes the inventory and storage of the individual's accompanying personal property. BUREAU OF PRISONS (BOP): The U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons protects society by con?ning offenders in the controlled environments of prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, cost-ef?cient, and appropriately secure, and that provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens. CLASSIFICATION: A process for determining the needs and requirements of aliens for whom detention has been ordered and for assigning them to housing units and programs according to their needs, security risk level, and existing resources of the facility. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032830 9. CONTRABAND: Any item possessed by detainees or found within the con?nement of the facility which is declared illegal by law or which is expressly prohibited by facility policies and procedures. This includes unauthorized funds. 10. CONTRACTOR: The entity, which provides the services, described in this Performance Work Statement. 11. CONTRACTING OFFICER (CO 1: An employee of the Government responsible for the complete conduct and integrity of the contracting process, including administration after award. The only individual authorized to issue changes to this contract. 12. CONTRACTING TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE (COTR): An employee of the Government responsible for monitoring all technical aspects and assisting in administering the contract. 13. CONTROL ROOM: Integrates all internal and external security communications networks within a secure room. Activities conducted within the control room have a critical impact on the institution?s orderly and secure operation. 14. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS A department of the United States Government, which includes US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). 15. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (DOJ A department of the United States Government, which includes the Executive Of?ce of Immigration Review (EOIR), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), and the US. Marshals Service (U SMS). 16. DESIGNATED SERVICE OFFICIAL: An employee of US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement designated in writing by ICE Of?cer-In?Charge (OIC) to represent ICE on matters pertaining to the operation of the facility. 17. DETAINEE: Any person con?ned under the auspices and the authority of any Federal agency. Many of those being detained may have substantial and varied criminal histories. 18. DETAINEE RECORDS: Information concerning the individual?s personal, criminal and medical history, behavior, and activities while in custody, including, but not limited to: l. Detainee, Personal Property 2. Receipts, Visitors List, Photographs 3. Fingerprints, Disciplinary Infractions 4. Actions Taken, Grievance Reports, Medical 1 0 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032831 5. Records, Work Assignments, Program Participation 6. Miscellaneous Correspondence, etc. 19. DETENTION AND REMOVAL OPERATIONS (DRO): A division within ICE, whose mission is the planning, management, and direction of broad programs relating to the supervision, detention, and deportation of detainees who are in the United States illegally. 20. DETENTION OFFICERS: Contractor?s uniformed staff members responsible for the security, care, transportation, and supervision of detainees during all phases of activity in a detention facility. The of?cer is also responsible for the safety and security of the facility. 21. DETENTION STANDARDS COMPLIANCE UNIT (DSCU l: The purpose of the DSCU is to develop and prescribe policies, standards, and procedures for ICE detention operations and to ensure detention facilities are operated in a safe, secure, and humane condition for both detainees and staff. 22. DIRECT SUPERVISION: A method of detainee management that ensures continuing direct contact between detainees and staff by posting an of?cer(s) inside each housing unit. Of?cers in general housing units are not separated from detainees by a physical barrier. Of?cers provide frequent, non- scheduled observation of and personal interaction with detainees. 23. ENTRY ON DUTY (EOD 1: The ?rst day the employee begins performance at a designated duty station on this contract. 24. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION (EAE): This document initiates the analysis and evaluation of environmental effects of proposed actions, and contemplates alternative proposals. This document is the basis for deciding whether or not an Environmental Assessment is required. 25. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA): Speci?c document summarizing the results of thorough analyses of environmental impacts caused by proposed actions. This document is the basis for deciding whether or not an Enviromnental Impact Statement is required. 26. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT [2 Comprehensive document provides full and fair discussion of signi?cant environmental impacts caused by the proposed action(s). It also states the reasonable alternatives, which would avoid or minimize the adverse impact(s) or enhance the quality of the human environment. 1 1 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032832 27. EMERGENCY: Any signi?cant disruption of normal facility procedure, policy, or activity caused by riot, strike, escape, ?re, medical exigency, natural disaster, or other serious incident. 28. FACILITY: The physical plant and grounds in which the Contractor?s services are operated. 29. FACILITY ADMINISTRATOR: The of?cial, regardless of local title jail administrator, Facility Director, superintendent), who has the ultimate responsibility for managing and operating the contract detention facility. The quali?cations for the holder of this of?ce shall be consistent with ACA standards. 30. FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI): Formal statement indicating that no signi?cant effect upon the quality of the human environment will occur because of the proposed action(s). 31. GRIEVANCE: A written complaint ?led by a detainee with the facility administrator concerning personal health/welfare or the operations and services of the facility. 32. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT (ICE): A law enforcement agency within the US. Department of Homeland Security. 33. IMMEDIATE RELATIVES: Spouses, children (including stepchildren and adopted children) and their spouses, parents (including stepparents), brothers and sisters (including stepbrothers and sisters and half-brothers and sisters) and their spouses. 34. INCIDENT REPORT: A written document reporting and event, such as minor disturbances, of?cer misconduct, and any detainee rule infraction, etc. 35. JUSTICE PRISONER AND ALIEN TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (JPATS prisoner transportation system operated by the US. Marshal Service (USMS), sometimes referred as to as the ?airlift.? 36. LIFE SAFETY CODE: A manual published by The National Fire Protection Association specifying minimum standards for ?re safety necessary in the public interest. 37. LOG BOOK: The of?cial record of post operations and inspections. 38. MAN-DAY: Per diem ?detainee day? means day in or day out and all days in between. The Contractor may charge for day of arrival or day of departure, but not both. 12 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032833 39. MAN-HOUR: Man-hour means productive hours whenthe required services are performed. Only productive hours can be billed and invoiced. 40. MEDICAL RECORDS: Separate records of medical examinations and diagnosis maintained by the responsible physician or nurse. The following information from these records shall be transferred to the detainee record: date and time of all medical examinations; and, copies of standing or direct medical orders from the physician to the facility staff. 41. MEDICAL SCREENING: A system of structured observation and/or initial health assessment to identify newly-arrived detainees who could pose a health or safety threat to themselves or others. 42. OFFICE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY PERSONNEL SECURITY UNIT The ICE office, which implements a component-wide personnel security program. 43. ON CUSTODY OFFICER POST: These posts shall be operated on demand by the COTR and shall include, is not limited to, escorting and custody of detainees for hearings, ICE interviews, and any other location requested by the COTR. 44. PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT (PWS That portion of the contract, which describes the services to be performed under the contract. It is also referred to as the Statement of Work. 45. POLICY: A defmite written course or method of action, which guides and determines present and future decisions and actions. 46. POST ORDERS: Written orders that specify the duties of each position, hour- by-hour, and the procedures the post of?cer will follow in carrying out those duties. 47. PROCEDURE: The detailed and sequential actions that must be executed to ensure that a policy is implemented. It is the method of performing an operation or a manner of proceeding on a course of action. It differs from a policy in that it directs action required to perform a speci?c task within the guidelines of that policy. 48. QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL: Physicians, dentists, and other professional and technical workers who by state law engage in activities that support, complement or supplement the ?lnctions of physicians and/or dentists who are licensed, registered, or certi?ed, as appropriate to their quali?cations, to practice. 1 3 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032834 49. QUALITY ASSURANCE: The actions taken by the Government to assure requirements of the Performance Work Statement (PWS) are met. 50. QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN (QAP An organized written document prepared and used by the Government to assure requirements of the PWS are met. The document contains the Government speci?c methods, sampling guides, and checklists used in determining whether the Contractor-provided service meets quantity, quality, timeliness, effectiveness, and cost standards. 51. QUALITY CONTROL (QC): The Contractor?s inspection system, which covers all the services to be performed under the contract. The actions that a Contractor takes to control the production of services so that they meet the requirements stated in the contract. 52. QUALITY CONTROL PLAN (QCP): A Contractor-produced document that addresses critical operational performance standards for services provided. 53. RESPONSIBLE PHYSICIAN: A person licensed to practice medicine with whom the facility enters into a contractual agreement to plan for and provide health care services to the detainee population of the facility. 54. RESTRAINT EQUIPMENT: This includes but is not limited to: handcuffs, belly chains, leg irons, straight jackets, ?exi cuffs, soft (leather) cuffs, and leg weights. 55. SAFETY EQUIPMENT: This includes but is not limited to ?re ?ghting equipment, chemical extinguisher, hoses, nozzles, water supplies, alarm systems, portable breathing devices, gas marks, fans, ?rst aid kits, stretchers, and emergency alarms. 56. SALLYPORT: An enclosure situated either in the perimeter wall or fence to the facility or within the interior of the facility, containing gates or doors at both ends, only one of which opens at a time. This method of entry and exit helps to ensure that there shall be no breach in the perimeter or interior security of the facility. 57. SECURITY DEVICES: Locks, gates, doors, bars, fences, screens, hardened ceilings, ?oors, walls and barriers used to con?ne and control detainees. In addition, electronic monitoring equipment, security alarm systems, security light units, auxiliary power supply, and other equipment used to maintain facility security. 58. SECURITY PERIMETER: The outer portions of a facility, which actually provide for secure con?nement of detainees. 1 4 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032835 59. STANDING MEDICAL ORDERS: Written orders, by a physician, to medical personnel for the de?nitive treatment of identi?ed minor, self- limiting conditions and for on-site treatment of emergency conditions. 60. TOUR OF DUTY: No more than 12 hours in any 24-hour period with a minimum of eight hours off between shifts, except as directed by state or local law. 61. TRAINING: An organized, planned, and evaluated activity designed to achieve speci?c learning objectives. Training may occur on site, at an academy of training center, at an institution of higher learning, through contract service, at professional meetings or through closely supervised on- the-job training. Meetings of professional associations are considered training when there is clear evidence of the above elements. All trainers must be certi?ed and certi?cation shall by approved by the COTR or alternate COTR. 62. TRANSPORTATION COSTS: All materials, equipment and labor necessary to respond to requests by designated of?cials for secure movement of detainees from place to place necessary for processing, hearings, interviews, etc. 63. UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE 1: An agency of DOJ. 64. WEAPONS: This includes but is not limited to ?rearms, ammunition, knives, slappers, billy clubs, electronic defense modules, chemical weapons (mace), and 5 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032836 II. PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT A. Introduction This Performance Work Statement (PWS) sets forth the contract performance requirements for the management and operation of a Contractor-owned/Contractor- operated detention facility for federal detainees. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) component, US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), will award a contract of such to house detainees. The Contractor shall ?imish all personnel, management, equipment, supplies, and services necessary for performance of all aspects of the contract. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with and incurred as part of providing the services outlined in this contract. An existing facility shall be provided to accommodate 700 non-criminal detainees at a single facility. No new construction will be considered for this requirement. The facility shall be located within a 50 mile geopolitical boundary of the Miami Field Office, currently located at 865 SW 78'11 Avenue, Plantation, Florida. The facility shall be located within appropriate proximity and access to emergency services (medical, ?re protection, law enforcement, etc.). The Contractor shall ensure that the facility operates in a manner consistent with the mission of the Department of Homeland Security, ICE Detention and Removal Operations. ICE Detention and Removal Operations promotes safety and national security by ensuring the departure from the United States of all removable illegal residents through the fair and effective enforcement of the nation?s immigration laws. While in custody, ICE must ensure that such individuals are housed in a safe, secure, and humane environment and their statutory and constitutional rights are safeguarded. Within 30 days of contract award, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer (CO) that the facility is ready to begin accepting detainees. This may occur earlier at the request of the Contractor, but only if ICE determines the Contractor is capable of accepting detainees. It is essential that the Contractor be ?illy prepared to accept responsibility for performing the requirements of the contract, thus ensuring the safety and security of the community. Therefore, ICE may perform numerous assessments to ensure contract compliance prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed (NTP). If ICE determines that the Contractor is capable of accepting detainees, the NTP will be issued. The Contractor shall be prepared to accept detainees immediately upon issuance of the NTP. 6 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032837 Unless otherwise speci?ed, all plans, policies, and procedures, including those identi?ed in the ACA standards, shall be developed by the Contractor and submitted in writing to the COTR for review and concurrence prior to issuance of the NTP. Once concurrence has been granted, these plans, policies, and procedures shall not be modi?ed without the prior written acknowledgment of the CO. The Contractor does not have a right of refusal and shall take all referrals from ICE. The Contractor is prohibited from constructing any additional beds space or facilities at the contract location without the prior written approval of the CO. Further, the Contractor shall not add any non-ICE detainee population to the facility from any other entity without the expressed prior approval of the CO. B. General The Contractor shall abide by all rules and regulations governing the site. The rules and regulations are found in the following sources: 1. Post Orders 2. General Directives 3. American Correctional Association (ACA) Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities (most current edition) and the most recent copy of the supplement issued every two years. A copy is obtainable for purchase through the Internet website. 4. Of?cer's Handbook - Note that the Of?cer's Handbook is in the process of being changed from INS to ICE. All ICE materials will supersede any INS materials. 5. The Detention Standards - A copy is obtainable on the Internet website Note that the Detention Standards are in the process of being changed from INS to ICE. All ICE materials will supersede any INS materials. 6. State and local laws governing usage of ?rearms. 7. All other regulations provided to the Contractor by the authority of the Contracting Of?cer. 8. Accomplishments of some ACA standards are augmented by policy and/or procedure. In these instances, the SOW identi?es and provides direction for the enhanced requirements. In cases where other standards con?ict with policy or standards, policy and standards prevail. 1 7 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032838 All services must comply with the Performance Work Statement (PWS) and all applicable federal, state, and local laws and standards. Should a con?ict exist between any of these standards, the most stringent shall apply. If the Contractor is unable to determine which standard is more stringent, the Contracting Of?cer (CO) shall determine the appropriate standard. The COTR does not have the authority to modify the stated terms of the contract, or approve any action that would result in additional charges to the Government. The CO shall make all modi?cations in writing. The Government reserves its rights to conduct announced and unannounced inspections of any part of the facility at any time and by any method to assess contract compliance. The Contractor shall obtain ACA accreditation within 12 months of NTP and shall maintain continual compliance with applicable ACA standards and supplements during the performance of the contract, unless otherwise speci?ed by the CO. Once full accreditation has been obtained, the Contractor shall maintain this accreditation throughout the life of the contract, inclusive of any option periods exercised. If the incumbent contractor is successful in winning the new contract, current ACA accreditation will be adequate until reaccreditation is required. Accomplishments of some ACA standards are augmented by policy and/or procedure. In these instances, the PWS identi?es and provides direction for the enhanced requirements. In cases where other standards con?ict with policy or standards, policy and standards prevail. All policies referred to in this document can be referenced in each agencies? on?line websites. This PWS contains numerous references, which direct the Contractor to notify, contact, or provide the CO with information or data. Post-award, the CO may formally designate other Government individuals to assume those responsibilities. The Contractor is responsible for a Quality Control Program (QCP), which ensures all requirements of this PWS are achieved. The speci?c requirements for the QCP are further detailed within this PWS. All records related to contract performance should be retained in a retrievable format for three years. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this PWS, the Contractor shall, upon completion or termination of the resulting contract, transmit to the Govermnent any records related to performance of the contract. The Contractor shall comply with all statutes, regulations, and guidelines from the National Archives and Records Administration. Records and information management functions are required and mandated by the following laws and regulations: Chapters 21, 29, 31, and 33 of Title 44, United States Code; 36 CFR 12; 41 CFR 201 subchapters A and OMB Circular A-l30; and Order 1 8 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032839 2710.8A, Removal and Maintenance of Documents. Criminal penalties for unlaw?illy destroying, damaging, removing, or improperly handling or releasing federal records are addressed in Chapters 37 and 101 of Title 18, United States Code. The Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify, save, and hold harmless the United States Government and its employees or agents, from and against any and all claims, demands, expenses, causes of action, judgments and liability arising out of, or in connection with, any negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor, its agents, sub-contractors, employees, assignees, or anyone for whom the Contractor may be responsible. The Contractor shall also be liable for any and all costs, expenses and attorneys fees incurred as a result of any such claim, demand, cause of action, judgment or liability, including those costs, expenses, and attorneys? fees incurred by the United States Government and its employees or agents. In awarding the contract, the Government does not assume any liability to third parties, nor will the Government reimburse the Contractor for its liabilities to third parties, with respect to loss due to death, bodily injury, or damage to property resulting in any way ?'om the performance of the contract or any subcontract under this contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for all litigation, including the cost of litigation, brought against it, its employees or agents for alleged acts or omissions. The CO shall be noti?ed in writing of all litigation pertaining to this contract and provided copies of any pleadings ?led or said litigation within ?ve working days of the ?ling. The Contractor shall cooperate with Government legal staff and/or the United States Attorney regarding any requests pertaining to federal or Contractor litigation. Policy and procedures shall be developed which ensure a positive relationship is maintained with all levels of the federal judiciary. The Contractor?s procedures shall ensure a tracking system is established which mandates that all judicial inquiries and program recommendations are responded to in a timely and accurate manner. All judicial inquiries and Contractor responses, speci?cally related to a detainee, shall be made part of the detainee's ?le. The Contractor shall notify the CO when a member of the United States Congress requests information or makes a request to visit the facility. The Contractor shall coordinate all public information related issues with the CO. All press statements and releases shall be cleared, in advance, with the ICE Of?ce of Public Affairs. The Contractor shall make public announcements stating the facts of unusual newsworthy incidents to local media. Examples of such events include, but are not limited to: deaths, escapes from custody, and facility emergencies. The Contractor shall ensure employees agree to use appropriate disclaimers clearly stating the employees' opinions do not necessarily re?ect the position of the United 19 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032840 States Government in any public presentations they make or articles they write that relate to any aspect of contract performance or the facility operations. C. Exclusivity The Contractor or Service Provider agrees that the facility is to be for the exclusive use of ICE and its detainee population. No other agency will be allowed to use the facility to house its detainees, prisoners, or inmates without prior approval of the CO with input from the COTR. If given approval, a separate bed day rate shall be negotiated with the other agency and ICE shall not be responsible for payment related to beds used by another agency. The other agency will be separately invoiced for the beds it uses. The duration of the use of beds will be determined on a case by case basis. D. Quality Control The Contractor is responsible for management and quality control actions necessary to meet the quality standards set forth in the contract. In compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Clause 52.246-4, Inspection of Services-Fixed, the Contractor must provide a quality control plan (QCP) to the CO for concurrence not later than the post award conference (or as directed by the CO). The CO will notify the Contractor of concurrence or required modifications to the plan before the contract start date. The Contractor must make appropriate modi?cations and obtain concurrence of the plan by the CO before the contract start date. A NTP will be issued upon CO concurrence of the QCP. The successful Contractor shall provide an overall Quality Control Plan (QCP that addresses critical operational performance standards for the services required under this contract. The QCP shall ensure that services will be maintained at a uniform and acceptable level. At a minimum, the Contractor shall periodically review and update the QCP policies and procedures on an annual basis. The Contractor shall audit facility operations for compliance with the QCP. The Contractor shall notify the Government 48 hours in advance of the audit to ensure the COTR is available to participate. The Contractor?s QCP shall identify de?ciencies, appropriate corrective action(s), and timely implementation plan(s) to the COTR. If the Contractor proposes changes in the QCP after contract award, the Contractor shall submit them to the COTR for review. If the COTR concurs with the changes, the COTR shall submit the changes to the CO. The CO may modify the contract to include these changes. E. Quality Assurance (QA) ICE will develop the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) pursuant to the requirements of the PWS. Attachment 2 of this contract sets forth the procedures and guidelines that ICE will use to inspect the technical performance of the 20 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032841 Contractor. It presents the ?nancial values and mechanisms for applying adjustments to the Contractor?s invoices as dictated by work performance measured to the desired level of accomplishment. 1. The purpose of the QASP is to: a. De?ne the roles and responsibilities of participating Government of?cials. b. De?ne the types of work to be performed. c. Describe the evaluation methods that will be employed by the Government in assessing the Contractor?s performance. d. Describe the process of performance documentation. 2. Roles and Responsibilities of Participating Government Of?cials a. The will be responsible for monitoring, assessing, recording, and reporting on the technical performance of the Contractor on a day-to-day basis. The will have primary responsibility for completing ?Quality Assurance Surveillance Forms? to document their inspection and evaluation of the Contractor?s work performance. b. The Contracting Of?cer (CO) or designee has overall responsibility for evaluating the Contractor?s performance in areas of contract compliance, contract administration, and cost and property control. The CO shall review the evaluation of the Contractor?s performance and invoices. If applicable, deductions will be assessed in accordance with the evaluation of the Contractor?s performance, e. monetary adjustments for inadequate performance. See Attachment 2 of the contract. F. Contractor?s Failure to Perform Required Services The rights of the Government and remedies described in this section are in addition to all other rights and remedies set forth in this solicitation. Speci?cally, the Government reserves its rights under the Inspection of Services and Termination clauses. Any reductions in the Contractor?s invoice shall re?ect the contract?s reduced value resulting from the Contractor?s failure to perform required services. The Contractor shall not be relieved of full performance of the services hereunder and may be terminated for default based upon inadequate performance of services, even if a reduction was previously taken for any inadequate performance. G. Inspection by Regulatory Agencies 1. Work described in the contract is subject to inspection by other Government agencies. The Contractor shall participate in responding to all requests for information and inspection or review ?ndings by regulatory agencies. 1. H. Performance Evaluation Meetings 2 1 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032842 The Contractor?s representatives shall meet with the on a regular basis as determined necessary by the Government. These meetings will provide a management level review and assessment of Contractor performance, a discussion and resolution of problems. I. Contractor?s Employee Manual The Contractor shall provide an Employee Manual, which, at a minimum, addresses the following: 1. Organization 2. Recruiting procedures 3. Opportunities for Equal Employment 4. Qualifying for jobs, job descriptions, responsibilities, salaries, and fringe bene?ts 5. Screening employees for illegal drug use 6. Holidays, leave, and work hours 7. Personnel records, employee evaluations, promotion, and retirement 8. Training 9. Standards of conduct, disciplinary procedures, and grievance procedures . Resignation and termination . Employee-management relations . Security, safety, health, welfare, and injury incidents The Contractor must provide a copy of the Employee Manual to the Contractor?s employees at the facility. Upon request by the COTR, the Contractor shall document to the Government that all employees have reviewed a copy of the manual. J. ICE Operations Manual The Contractor shall maintain the site speci?c ICE Operations Manual that contains ICE written policy, plans, and procedures. The Contractor shall make the manual aVailable to all employees. Every employee shall certify in writing that he or she has read, fully understands, and agrees to comply with the procedures outlined in the manual. The Contractor shall maintain these certi?cations and furnish them to the COTR if requested. K. Facility Staf?ng Plan and Key Personnel The Contractor shall provide a staf?ng plan that addresses at a minimum the staf?ng requirements and key personnel to be employed in connection with this contract as outlined in the PWS. The Contractor shall staff the post-positions in 22 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032843 accordance with the Contractor-submitted and Govemment-acknowledged Contractor Staf?ng Plan. The number, type and distribution of staff as described in the contract-staf?ng plan shall be maintained throughout the term of the contract. Written requests to change the number, type and/or distribution of staff described in the staf?ng plan must be submitted to the CO, through the COTR, for approval prior to implementation. Staf?ng levels shall not fall below a average of 95% of ICE-approved staf?ng plan. Each month, the Contractor shall submit to the COTR the current average vacancy rate, and indicate any individual positions that have been vacant more than 120 days. Failure to ?ll any individual position within 120 days of the vacancy may result in a deduction from the invoice. ICE may calculate the deduction retroactive to day one of the vacancy, excluding the days for conditional approval process, starting on the day of receipt and concluding on the day conditional approval is granted. 1. Minimum Staf?ng Requirements The Contractor shall fully staff the facility to secure, control, and supervise detainees in custody regardless of the detainee population. The Contractor shall ensure daily Detention Of?cer Assignment rosters, by shift, for the duration of the contract. The assignment rosters shall indicate the number of staff, job titles, names, hours, and days of work for each post. The daily roster shall be posted 24 hours in advance. Shi?glrostersrnust be provided to the COTR on a daily basis upon completion of thei} The Contractor shall provide a minimum of (etention Of?cer of the same gender as the detainees on each post. 2. Supervisory Staf?ng The Contractor is responsible for the satisfactory supervision of its employees at all times. Satisfactory supervision includes verifying attendance at all posts and positions, and upholding the work requirements of all personnel assigned under the contract. The Contractor shall provide the COTR with the names of Supervisory Detention Of?cers designated by the Contractor before commencement of services. In the absence of the approved Warden, another quali?ed person Who meets the Warden position and security clearance requirements shall temporarily ?ll that position. This individual shall perform only job duties of the Warden in providing oversight and direction to contract Detention Of?cers and interfacing with ICE COTRs and/or designated ICE Of?cers and the CO on all contract-related matters. 3. Key Personnel 23 MARCH 2015 The Contractor shall provide resumes for key personnel to the Government as a part of the contract solicitation process. The Contracting Of?cer shall provide written approval before any employee is assigned to perform duties under this contract. The Contractor shall have key personnel employed and on site before the Contractor can begin contract performance. Any subsequent changes to key personnel must meet these criteria and be approved in writing by the Contracting Of?cer. The following are considered key personnel for the contract, (the Contractor may use other titles): a. Warden/Facility Director. The Warden/Facility Director shall hold an accredited bachelor?s degree in an appropriate discipline, have at least ?ve years of related administrative experience, and have knowledge of program objectives, policies, procedures, and requirements for managing a secure detention/correctional facility. The degree requirement may be satis?ed by completion of a career development program that includes work-related experience, training, or college credits at a level of achievement equivalent to the bachelor?s degree. The of?cial holding this position, even in an acting capacity, shall meet ACA requirements. b. Assistant Warden/Facility Director. The Assistant Warden/Facility Director shall hold an accredited bachelor?s degree in an appropriate discipline, or have three to ?ve years of related industry experience, and have knowledge of program objectives, policies, procedures, and requirements for managing a secure detention/correctional facility. The of?cial holding this position, even in an acting capacity, shall meet ACA requirements. c. Supervisory Detention Officers. Supervisors must be trustworthy and must have a minimum of one year of experience as a detention of?cer and two years of success?il experience in ?eld supervision (civilian community law enforcement, commercial or industrial guard service, or security service supervisory positions). The two-year requirement may be satis?ed by completion of a career development program that includes work-related experience, training, or college credits at a level of achievement equivalent to the basic requirement. d. Training Of?cers. Certi?ed instructors shall conduct all instruction and testing of Contract personnel. A state or national level recognized institution certi?cation of instructors is mandatory unless otherwise approved in writing by the COTR. Certi?cation of instructors may be established by documentation of past experience in teaching positions or by successful completion of a course of training for qualifying personnel as instructors. The COTR must approve the instructor prior to any training. e. Quality Assurance Manager. The Quality Assurance Manager shall hold an accredited bachelor?s degree in an appropriate discipline, or to have three to 24 MARCH 2015 ?ve years of related industry experience, and have knowledge of program objectives, policies, procedures, and requirements for managing a secure detention/correctional facility. To establish and maintain a congenial line of communication with the Contractor, the Contractor?s Warden/Facility Director and the COTR shall work together as a team to ensure that required work is accomplished in an ef?cient and proper manner. There should be no hesitation to call special meetings to discuss and resolve serious problems. 4. Organizational Chart The ContractOr shall provide an organizational chart that describes the structure of authority, responsibility, and accountability within the facilities. The Contractor shall update this chart as necessary. The Contractor shall make the chart available for review by the CO or COTR upon request. L. Employee Standards All employees shall meet the highest standards of professionalism and personal integrity. Standards of professionalism include competency, training, appearance, and behavior. The Contractor shall take disciplinary action against employees who disregard those standards. The Contractor shall perform pre-employment - suitability checks for all employees and prospective employees. M. Training Program The Contractor shall establish a training program for all employees, which incorporates the training requirements set forth in the ACA Standards and Subsection 4 of the PWS. The training plan shall include pro?ciency testing (if required), instructor(s) and instructor quali?cations, course descriptions, and detailed lesson plans that include subject matter and methods of presentation, course objectives, student evaluation procedures, and the location and duration of training. No less than 30 days after contract award and before contract performance begins, the Contractor shall submit the training plan to the COTR for review. The Contractor is not to begin training until the COTR has approved the training plan. N. Housing, Health and Medical Care, and Transportation The Contractor shall provide detention services, to include detainee welfare, transportation, and record keeping services for ICE, in support of the detention and removal process. 1. Detention Site Standards The Contractor shall ensure that detention sites conform to ACA and ICE National Detention Standards. A ?re and emergency plan shall exist and 25 MARCH 2015 shall be aggressively managed. The Contractor shall ensure facilities conformance to the following: a. Be clean and vermin/pest free. b. Have a suitable waste disposal program. c. The Contractor shall distribute suitable linens (sheets, pillow cases, towels, etc.). The Contractor shall launder and change linens per ICE National Detention Standards. (1. The Contractor shall distribute appropriate clean blankets. e. The Contractor shall ensure ?re and emergency exits remain unimpeded to permit prompt evacuation of detainees and staff members in an emergency. f. The Contractor shall distribute articles of personal hygiene soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, toilet paper, shaving equipment, and female sanitary items). For safety, security, and sanitation purposes, an inspection of the detainee housing areas shall be conducted by a supervisor at a minimum of once per shift. The inspection shall be logged into the security logbook and be available for review by the COTR or alternate COTR. All locks, windows, walls, ?oors, ventilators, covers, access panels, and doors shall be checked daily for operational wear and detainee tampering. The Contractor shall take immediate action to repair all defective equipment. The facility shall be subject to periodic and random inspections by the COTR, alternate COTR, or other of?cials to insure compliance with ICE Standards. De?ciencies shall be immediately recti?ed or a plan for correction submitted by the Contractor to the COTR for approval. 2. Health and Medical Care The Contractor shall comply with written policies and procedures for appropriately addressing the health needs of detainees in ICE custody. Written policies and procedures shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Policies and procedures for accessing 24-hour emergency medical care for ICE detainees. b. Policies and procedures for prompt summoning of emergency medical personnel. c. Policies and procedures for evacuation of detainees, if deemed necessary by quali?ed medical personnel. d. Policies, procedures, and post procedures for duty officers to ensure that medical emergencies are recognized and attended to. 26 MARCH 2015 e. The Contractor shall notify the COTR and/or alternate COTR of all detainee requests for the need of medical treatment. These requests shall be addressed with urgency. 3. Medical Services The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of health care services for ICE detainees at the facility, in accordance with ICE National Detention Standards. In the event of an emergency, the Contractor shall proceed immediately with necessary medical treatment. In such event, the Contractor shall notify ICE immediately regarding the nature of the transferred detainee?s illness or injury and type of treatment provided. The Contractor shall ensure that all health care service providers utilized for ICE detainees hold current licenses, certi?cations, and/or registrations with the State and/or City where they are practicing. The Contractor shall retain a registered nurse to provide health care and sick call coverage unless expressly stated otherwise in this PWS. In the absence of a health care professional, non-health care personnel may refer detainees to health care resources based upon protocols developed by the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Division of Immigration Health Services (DH-IS). Healthcare or health trained personnel may perform screenings, in accordance with USPHS DIHS protocols. The Contractor shall ensure that onsite medical and health care coverage as de?ned below is available for all ICE detainees at the facility 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The Contractor shall ensure that its employees solicit each detainee for health complaints and deliver complaints in writing to the medical and health care staff. The Contractor shall fumish onsite health care under this PWS. The Contractor shall not charge any ICE detainee an additional fee or co-payment for medical services or treatment provided at the Contractor?s facility. Onsite health care services shall include anival screening within 24 hours of arrival to the facility, sick call coverage, provision of over-the-counter medications, treatment of minor injuries lacerations, sprains, and contusions), treatment of special needs and mental health assessments. Detainees with chronic conditions shall receive prescribed treatment and follow-up care. Arrival screening shall include at a minimum tuberculosis (TB) screening, planting of the Tuberculin; skin Test (PPD), and recording the history of past and present illnesses (mental and physical). If the Contractor determines that an ICE detainee has a medical condition which renders that person unacceptable for detention under this PWS (for example, contagious disease, condition needing life support, uncontrollable violence), the 27 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032848 Contractor shall notify ICE. Upon such noti?cation, the Contractor shall allow ICE reasonable time to make the proper arrangements for further disposition of that detainee. The DIHS acts as the agent and ?nal health authority for ICE on all off-site detainee medical and health related matters. The relationship of the DIHS to the detainee equals that of physician to patient. The Contractor shall release any and all medical information for ICE detainees to the DIHS representatives upon request, except where prohibited by federal or state law or regulation. The Contractor shall solicit DIHS approval before proceeding with non-emergency, off-site medical care off site lab testing, eyeglasses, cosmetic dental prosthetics, and dental care for cosmetic purposes). The Contractor shall submit supporting documentation for non-routine, off-site medical/health services to DIHS. For medical care provided outside the facility, the DIHS may determine that an alternative medical provider or institution is more cost-effective or more aptly meets the needs of ICE and the detainee. ICE may refuse to reimburse the Contractor for non-emergency medical costs incurred that were not pre-approved by the DIHS. The Contractor shall send requests for pre-approval for non-emergency off-site care to: United States Public Health Service Division of Immigration Health Services 1220 Street NW, PMB 468 Washington, DC 20005-4018 Fax: (202) 318-0080 The Contractor is to notify all medical providers approved to ?lmish off-site health care of detainees to submit their bills in accordance with instructions provided to: BCE Emergis The Contractor shall ?lrnish 24 hour emergency medical care and emergency evacuation procedures. In an emergency, the Contractor shall obtain the medical treatment required to preserve the detainee?s health. The Contractor shall have access to an off site emergency medical provider at all times. The Health Authority of the Contractor shall notify DIHS at the following location of such instances: 2 8 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032849 DIHS Managed Care Coordinators, ICE Health Services, 1220 Street, NW, PMB 468 Washington, DC ?7 29905-4018, Phone (888) Fax (202) 318-0080 as soon as possible, and in no case more than 72 hours after detainee receipt of such care. The Health Authority will obtain pre-authorization from the DIHS Managed Care Coordinator for service(s) beyond the initial emergency situation. The Contractor shall allow DH-IS Managed Care Coordinators reasonable access to its facility for the purpose of liaison activities with the Health Authority and associated Service Provider departments. The Contractor agrees to accept and provide for the secure custody, care, and safekeeping of detainees in accordance with the State, and local laws, standards, policies, procedures, or court orders applicable to the operations of the facility. The Contractor agrees to provide ICE detainees with the same level of medical care and services as provided to preferred clients on other contracts as part of the per diem rate. This rate includes: 0 On-site sick call (when provided by on-site staff); 0 Medication (over the counter/non-legend and routine drugs and medical supplies); and 0 Escort/security services for transport emergency or non- emergency health care services as either an in-patient or out-patient. Facility Requirements for Infectious Disease Screening The Contractor will ensure that there is adequate space and equipment to provide medical intake screening including a tuberculosis (TB) screening chest x-ray within the intake processing area. In order to prevent the spread of airborne infectious disease or cross contamination of zones within the facility, the HVAC system in the intake screening area will be constructed to exhaust to the exterior and prevent air exchange between the intake screening area and any other area within the facility. Infectious Disease Screening In order to prevent the transmission of TB to the resident population of a detention facility, the Contractor will perform a TB screening as part of the a routine infectious disease screening within 12 hours of detainee admission and obtain documented clearance of transmissible disease before the detainee is assigned to a housing unit or is transferred from the intake processing area. A 29 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032850 screening chest x-ray will be performed by a trained and quali?ed health care provider and interpreted by a credentialed radiologist. Detainees will remain isolated from the rest of the facility population (remain in the intake screening area) until the chest x-ray report is obtained and the interpretation veri?es that the detainee is free of infectious TB. The turnaround time for chest x-ray interpretation should be four hours or less. Detainees who are found to be infected or where there is a possibility that they are infected will be assigned to a respiratory isolation unit until treatment or ?uther testing is done and the detainee is no longer infectious. Teleradiology Service Provider The Contractor shall either use the services of the ICE Teleradiology Service Provider (ITSP) or those of a Teleradiology Service Provider of their chose. The cost of the equipment, maintenance of the equipment, training of staff, arrangements for interpretation of the x-rays by credentialed radiologists, and transmission of data to and from the detention facility are provided by the ITSP and charged directly to ICE. The Contractor shall coordinate with the ITSP to ensure adequate space is provided for the equipment, connectivity and electrical services are installed, immediate 24/7 access to equipment for service and maintenance by ITSP technicians is granted, a teleradiology coordinator is appointed and available for training by the ITSP, and medical staff is available to perform the screening exams and receive reports. The teleradiology coordinator may be a nurse or nurse practitioner and collateral duty of the appointed staff. It is not necessary to appoint a ?ll] time coordinator if the volume of work does not support a ?ill time employee. 4. Armed Transportation Services: a. The Contractor shall provide all such ground transportation services as may be required to transport detainees securely, in a timely manner, to locations as required by the COTR or designated ICE of?cial. Transportation mileage reimbursable rates will be commensurate with current applicable federal travel allowance rates. When of?cers are not providing transportation services, the Contactor shall assign the employees to supplement security duties within the facility as required by the COTR or designated ICE of?cial. However, the primary function of these of?cers is transportation. Duties as directed by the COTR utilizing these of?cers should not incur any additional expenses to the Government. 0 The Contractor shall assign, at a minimerson teams of transportation of?cers on a daily basis distributed throughout a twenty- four (24) hour period seven (7) days a week including weekends and holidays. The COTR shall approve the number of teams assigned to any shift or period of time in order to meet the needs of ICE transportation requirements. 30 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032851 b. The Contractor shall furnish suitable vehicles in good condition, approved by the Government, to safely provide the required transportation services per facility as listed below. The Contractor shall comply with all federal and state laws with regard to inspections, licensing, and registration for all vehicles used for transportation. 0 c. Nothing in this contract shall restrict the Contractor from acquiring additional vehicles as deemed necessary by the Contractor at no cost to the Government. The Contractor shall not allow employees to use their privately owned vehicles to transport detainees. The Contractor shall furnish vehicles equipped with interior security features in accordance with ICE National Detention Standards including physical separation of detainees ?'om guards. The Contractor shall provide the interior security speci?cation of the vehicles to ICE for review and approval prior to installation. Vehicles ?Jrnished by the Contractor shall be equipped with interior security features such as, but not limited to: door lock controls, window looks, a wire cage with acrylic panel between the driver seat and the rear passenger seats, and provide physical separation of detainees from Detention Of?cers. ICE will provide the contractor additional vehicles if needed in the event of an emergency. d. In the event of transportation services involving distances that exceed a standard eight hour workday to complete, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for related costs of lodging and meals commiserate with the US. General Services Administration rates for such within the geographical area of occurrence. Any incurred overtime pay for such services will be reimbursed at the applicable Department of Labor overtime rate for the transportation of?cer position incorporated within this contract. The Contractor shall comply with ICE National Detention Standards related to the number of hours the Contractor employee may operate a vehicle. Overnight lodging resulting from transportation services shall be approved in advance by the COTR or designated ICE of?cial. e. The transportation shall be accomplished in the most economical manner. f. The Contractor personnel provided for the above services shall be of the same quali?cations, receive the same training, complete the same security clearances, and wear the same uniforms as those Contractor personnel provided in the other areas of this contract. Transportation of?cers shall have the required state licenses for commercial drivers with the proper endorsement limited to vehicles with Automatic Transmission and the state DMV Medical Certi?cation. g. During all transportation activities, at least one of?cer shall be the same sex as the detainee. Questions concerning of?cer assignments shall be directed to the COTR for ?nal determination. 3 1 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032852 . All transportation Detention Of?cers shall be armed in the performance of these duties. The Contractor shall, upon order of the COTR, or upon his or her own decision in an urgent medical situation, transport a detainee to a hospital location. An of?cer, or of?cers, shall keep the detainee under constant supervision 24 hours per day until the detainee is ordered released from the hospital, or at the order of the COTR. The Contractor shall then transport the detainee to the detention site. The COTR may direct the Contractor to transport detainees to unspeci?ed, miscellaneous locations. . When the COTR provides documents to the Contractor concerning the detainee(s) to be transported and/or escorted, the Contractor shall deliver these documents only to the named authorized recipients. The Contractor shall ensure the material is kept con?dential and not viewed by any person other than the authorized recipient. The Contractor shall establish a fully operational communication system compatible with ICE communication equipment that has direct and immediate contact with all transportation vehicles and post assignments. Upon demand, the COTR shall be provided with current status of all vehicles and post assignment employees. . Failure of the Contractor to comply ?illy with the detainee(s) departure as pre- scheduled shall result in the Contractor having deductions made for non- performance. . ICE anticipates normal transportation requirements other than hospital visits and local needs consisting of the following. The mileage is based on a start location of the Miami Field Of?ce currently located in Plantation, Florida, plus 50 miles per route to allow for geographic diversity: Broward Transportation Route Destination Frequency Estimated Mileage (round trip 52 weeks per year) 1 BOP Federal Once a 5408 Detention week Center (Miami) 32 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032853 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032854 2 BOP Federal Once a 73 84 Correctional week Institution (Miami) 3 Dade County Once a 5408 Jail week 4 Broward Once a 4472 Correctional week Institution (State of Florida) 5 Homestead Once a 9256 Correctional week Institution (State of Florida) 6 Martin County Once a 11856 Jail week 7 St. Lucie Once a 13624 County Jail week 8 Broward Once a 3692 County Jail week 9 Palm Beach 3 7904 County Jail times per week 10 Everglades Once a 7020 Correctional week Institution (State of Florida) 11 Collier Once a 12792 County Jail week 12 Wakulla Once a 50544 County Jail week 13 Glades 5 13104 County times Detention per Center week 14 Hernando Once a 33280 County week Facility 15 Monroe As 24232 County needed Detention Center (and 33 points in between) 16 Krome SPC (and points in between) Daily 7384 17 Miami Intemationa 1 Airport (and points in between) Daily 5512 18 Ft. Lauderdale/ Hollywood Intemationa 1 Airport Daily 3744 19 DRO Tampa Sub- Of?ce (and points in between) Daily 32448 20 DRO Orlando Sub-Of?ce (and points in between) Daily 27144 21 Jackson Memorial Hospital 5408 22 Kendall Regional HOSpital needed 6344 23 Bascom Palmer Institute As needed 5304 24 Comfort Suites Hotel As needed 7072 25 Various Consulate Of?ces Daily 6344 26 North Broward Medical Center As needed 3536 27 Broward General Medical As needed 4784 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032855 34 I I Hospital I 5. Guard Services: a. The Contractor agrees to provide stationary guard services on demand by the COTR and shall include, but not limited to, escorting and guarding detainees to medical or doctor?s appointments, hearings, ICE interviews, and any other remote location requested by the COTR. Quali?ed detention of?cer personnel employed by the Contractor under its policies, procedures, and practices will perform such services. The Contractor agrees to augment such practices as may be requested by CO or COTR to enhance speci?c requirements for security, detainee monitoring, visitation, and contraband control. Public contact is prohibited unless authorized in advance by the COTR. b. The Contractor shall be authorize: )f?cers for each such remote location, unless additional of?cers are required, per the direction of the COTR or designated ICE of?cer. c. The itemized invoice for such stationary guard services shall state the number of hours being billed, the duration of the billing (times and dates) and the names of the detainees that were guarded. Such services shall be denoted as a separate item on submitted invoices. ICE agrees to reimburse the Contractor for actual stationary guard services provided during the invoiced period. 6. Noti?cation and Public Disclosures 1. There shall be no public disclosures regarding this contract made by the Contractor (or any subcontractors) without review and approval of such disclosure by ICE Public Affairs and express permission granted by the ICE Contracting Of?cer. The Government considers such information privileged or con?dential until award of the contract. 7. Establish and Maintain Program for Prevention of Sexual Abuse/Assault The Contractor shall develop and implement a comprehensive sexual abuse/assault prevention and intervention program. This program shall include training that is given separately to both staff and detainees, in accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). 35 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032856 PERSONNEL The Contractor shall employ personnel whose quali?cations are commensurate with job responsibilities and authority levels. The Contractor shall assure that employees meet the standards of competency, training, appearance, behavior and integrity. The Contractor will effect disciplinary or adverse action against employees who disregard those standards. A. Minimum Standards of Employee Conduct The Contractor shall develop standards of employee conduct and corresponding disciplinary actions that are consistent with the following standards of conduct. All employees shall certify in writing that they have read and understand the standards. A record of this certi?cate must be provided to the COTR prior to the employees beginning work under this contract. The Contractor shall hold employees accountable for their conduct based on these standards, which are not restricted to, but must include: 1. Employees shall not display favoritism or preferential treatment to one detainee, or group of detainees, over another. Employees shall not discuss or disclose information ?'om detainee ?les or immigration cases, except when necessary in the performance of duties under this contract. The employee may not interact with any detainee except in a relationship that supports the approved goals of the facility. Specifically, employees shall not receive nor accept any personal (tangible or intangible) gift, favor, or service, from any detainee, any detainee?s family, or associate no matter how trivial the gift, favor, or service may seem, for themselves or any members of their family. In addition, the employee shall not give any gift, favor, or service to detainees, detainee?s family, or associates. The employee shall not enter into any business relationship with detainees or their families selling, buying, or trading personal property). The employee shall not have any outside or social contact with any detainee, his or her family, or associates, except for those activities, which are part of the facility program and a part of the employee?s job description. All employees are required to immediately report to the Warden/Facility Director or ICE Supervisor any criminal or non-criminal violation or attempted violation of these?standards. The Contractor shall report all violations or attempted violations of the standards of conduct or any criminal activity immediately to the COTR. Violations may 36 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA0303D.0032857 result in employee removal from the facility. Failure on the part of the Contractor either to report a known violation or to take appropriate disciplinary action against I offending employee or employees shall subject the Contractor to appropriate action including possible termination of the contract for default. 8. The Contractor shall notemploy any person who is currently an employee of any federal agency including active duty military personnel or whose employment would present an actual or apparent con?ict of interest. B. Minimum Personnel Quali?cation Standards The Contractor must agree that each person employed by the ?rm or any subcontractor(s) shall have a social security card issued and approved by the Social Security Administration and shall be a United States citizen or a person lawfully admitted into the United States for permanent residence, have resided in the US. for the last ?ve years (unless abroad on of?cial US. government duty), possess a high school diploma or equivalent (GED), and have no criminal record. Each employee of the Contractor and of any subcontractor(s) must complete and sign a Form I-9, ?Employment Eligibility Veri?cation,? before cormnencing work. The Contractor shall retain the original Form 1-9 and shall ?Jrnish the COTR with a copy of the Form I-9 before the employee commences work. The Contractor shall be responsible for acts and omissions of its employees and of any subcontractor(s) and their employees. In addition, each contract employee shall meet the following requirements in accordance with the contract requirements: 1. All employees shall be a minimum of 21 years of age. Employees currently employed that are under the age of 21 will be allowed to stay employed under this contract in all positions they would otherwise be eligible for at the facility. 2. Employees shall have at least one year of general experience that demonstrates the following: a. The ability to greet and deal tactfully with the general public; b. Capability of understanding and applying written and verbal orders, rules, and regulations. All personnel shall be literate and interpret printed rules and regulations, detailed written orders, training instructions and materials, and must be able to compose reports; c. Good judgment, courage, alertness, an even temperament, and render satisfactory performance through knowledge of his/her position responsibilities; d. Ability to maintain poise and self-control during situations that involve mental stress, such as ?res, explosions, civil disturbances, and building evacuations. 3 7 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032858 3. All employees on this contract must maintain current/physical residency in the continental United States. C. Health Requirements for All Detention Of?cers The Contractor shall assign only employees who are in good health to work under this contract. Employees shall be without physical defects or abnormalities that would interfere with performing duties. All Detention Of?cers who work under this contract shall pass a medical examination conducted by a licensed physician within 30 days prior to initial assignment. The Contractor shall have a collaborative agreement with a fully licensed certi?ed independent clinic and laboratory for the purpose of accomplishing the Standard Form 88, Medical Record Report of Medical Examination. The Medical Record Report of Medical Examination, Standard Form 88, shall evidence the physical ?tness of each Detention Of?cer. If requested by the COTR, the Contractor shall make medical records of contract employees available for review. The Contractor will keep one duplicate copy of each Standard Form 88. Prior to the of?cer?s initial assigmnent or reassignment to the ICE site, the Contractor shall certify in writing to the COTR that each Detention Of?cer is in compliance with the following: 1. Detention Of?cers must be free from any serious physical illnesses, ailments, or maladies, including epilepsy. This also includes other diseases that may be transmitted to and result in the disablement of other persons. 2. Detention Of?cers are required to have the following: uncorrected distant vision must be equal to or better than 20/20 in each eye; binocular distant Vision must be correctable to 20/20; monocular vision is generally disqualifying; depth perception must be equal to or better than 70 seconds of arc; peripheral vision must be normal; color vision must be normal. Acceptable measure of color discrimination is the Ishihara color (14 plates). X-chrome lenses are not acceptable to ICE as a means of correcting color de?ciencies. Any disease or condition, which interferes with a person?s vision, may be considered disqualifying. Cases will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the COTR. 3. Detention Of?cers shall not have heart, lung, skeletal, or other physical defects that would impair their ability to perform effectively in either normal or emergency situations. 4. Detention Of?cers shall possess unimpaired use of hands, arms, legs, and feet. 5. Detention Of?cers shall be able to run when necessary and be capable of handling portable ?re extinguishers, building ?re hoses, and related equipment. 38 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA0303D.0032859 6. Detention Of?cers shall be able to wear all necessary equipment, or other protective items. 7. Of?cers shall be mentally alert and emotionally stable with an absence of detectable neurotic or conditions that would affect their ability to act during a stressful situation involving mental stress. 8. As required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR, Part 1910.1035 (Occupational Exposure to Tuberculosis), all employees in occupations with high-risk exposure are required to have a TB Skin Test completed annually. The Contractor shall accomplish a baseline test on all newly hired employees. Each employee must have a TB Skin Test Certi?cate prior to entering on his/her ?rst day of duty. The Contractor shall be responsible for re- testing of employees annually. 9. The Contractor shall report immediately any changes to (1) through (8) above, in a Detention Of?cer?s health status to the COTR. If the COTR determines that Contractor employees do not meet minimum health standards, the Contractor?s employee must undergo a ?Fitness for Duty? examination at no cost to the Government. 10. Employees currently employed who do not meet the physical requirements as de?ned above will be allowed to stay employed under this contract in all positions they would otherwise be eligible for at the facility. D. Random Drug Testing The Contractor shall have a random drug-screening program. ICE may require drug screening for cause at any time. The Contractor shall order and accomplish drug screening at the Contractor?s expense. A laboratory approved by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (N IDA) must perform the screening. The Contractor shall provide the results of all such drug screening to the COTR within 24 hours after receipt. E. Contraband Program and Inspection A contraband control program shall be established in accordance with ICE National Detention Standards and the ACA standards on the control of contraband. The Contractor?s employees are subject to random contraband inspection in accordance with facility standards and policies. ICE may require contraband screening and inspection for cause at any time. Upon noti?cation of a violation by the COTR, the Contractor shall immediately remove the employee from performing duties under this contract. The Contractor shall revoke employees? credentials, 39 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032860 complete required disposition, and immediately notify the when the employee is removed from duty. F. Removal from Duty If the COTR or the Contractor receives and con?rms disqualifying information concerning a Contractor employee, the Contractor shall, upon noti?cation by the COTR, immediately remove the employee from performing duties under this contract. The Contractor shall revoke the employee?s identi?cation credentials and complete any required dispositions. The Contractor shall immediately notify the COTR when the employee is removed from duty. Disqualifying information includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Conviction of a felony, a crime of violence, domestic violence, or a serious misdemeanor. 2. Possessing a record of arrests for continuing offenses. 3. Falsi?cation of information entered on suitability forms. 4. Non-payment of court ordered payments (child support, liens, etc.) or excessive delinquent debt as determined by credit check. 5. Misconduct or negligence in prior employment, which would, have a bearing on efficient service in the position in question, or would interfere with or. prevent effective accomplishment by the employing agency of its duties and responsibilities. 6. Alcohol abuse of a nature and duration, which suggests that the applicant or appointee would be prevented from performing the duties of the position in question, or would constitute a direct threat to the property or safety of others. 7. Illegal use of narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances, without evidence of substantial rehabilitation. ICE may direct the Contractor to remove any employee who has been disquali?ed either for security reasons or for being un?t to perform his/her duties as determined by the COTR or the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall take action immediately and notify the COTR when the employee is removed from duty. A determination of being un?t for duty may be made but is not limited to, incidents of delinquency set forth below: 1. Violation of the Rules and Regulations Governing Detention facilities set forth in ICE Publications entitled ?Detention Of?cer Handbook?; 2. Violation of the Rules and Regulations Governing Public Buildings and Grounds, 41 CFR 101-203; 3. Neglect of duty, including sleeping while on duty, loa?ng, unreasonable delays or failures to carry out assigned tasks, conducting personal affairs during of?cial time, 40 MARCH 2015 leaving post without relief, and refusing to render assistance or cooperation in upholding the integrity of the security program at the work sites; 4. Falsi?cation or unlaw?il concealment, removal, mutilation, or destruction of any of?cial documents or records, or concealment of material facts by will?il omissions ?'om official documents or records; 5. Theft, vandalism, immoral conduct, or any other criminal actions; 6. Possessing, selling, consuming, or being under the in?uence of intoxicants, drugs, or substances which produce similar effects; 7. Unethical or improper use of official authority or credentials; 8. Unauthorized use of communication equipment or government property; 9. Misuse of equipment or weapons; 10. Violations of security procedures or regulations; 1 l. Recurring tardiness; 12. Possession of alcohol, illegal substances, or contraband while on duty; 13. Undue ?aternization with detainees as determined by the l4. Repeated failure to comply with visitor procedures as determined by the 15. Performance, as determined by investigation by the Contracting Of?cer involving acquiescence, negligence, misconduct, lack of diligence, good judgment, and/or good common sense resulting in, or contributing to, a detainee escape; 16. Failure to maintain acceptable levels of pro?ciency or to ?ll?ll training requirements; 17. Changes in an employee?s ability to meet the physical and/or mental health requirements of this contract; 18. Contractor employee who is under investigation by any law enforcement agency will be removed from duties pending outCome of the disposition. At the direction of the COTR, the Contractor shall reassign contract employees who have been arrested or who have alleged misconduct to duties that do not permit direct contact with detainees pending the disposition of the charges. Any alleged misconduct shall be reported immediately to the COTR. If such reassigmnents are not available, the Contractor shall remove the employee from work under this contract and other ICE contracts. G. Tour of Duty Restrictions The Contractor shall not utilize any uniformed contract employee to perform duties under this contract for more than 12 hours in any 24-hour period, and shall ensure that such employees have a minimum of eight hours off between shifts. Authorization is required from the COTR prior to an employee performing services that exceed 12 hours. If an employee is performing other duties for either the Contractor or another employer, those hours shall count against the 12-hour limitation. Employees performing . 41 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032862 transportation duties can work period as needed under Department of Transportation regulations. H. Dual Positions In the event that a supervisory detention of?cer is not available for duty the contractor should provide a ?Jll-time supervisor as a replacement. A contract employee shall not hold the position of Detention Officer and Supervisory Detention Of?cer simultaneously. The COTR will document and refer to the Contracting Of?cer the failure of the Contractor to provide necessary personnel to cover positions. 1. Post Relief As indicated in the post orders, the Detention Of?cer shall not leave his or her post until relieved by another Detention Of?cer. When the Contractor or Contractor?s Supervisors authorize rest or relief periods, the Contractor shall assign undesignated of?cers to perform the duties of the Detention Of?cers on break. J. Personnel Files The Contractor shall maintain a system of personnel ?les, and make all personnel ?les available to the CO and the COTR upon request. These ?les shall be maintained and current for the duration of the employee?s tenure under the contract. The ?les shall contain veri?cation of training and experience and credentials for all the staff. K. Uniform Requirements These requirements apply to Supervisory Detention Of?cers and Detention Of?cers who perform work under the contract. 1. Uniforms: The Contractor shall provide uniforms to its employees. The design and color of the Contractor?s unifonns shall not be similar to those worn by ICE of?cers. All of?cers performing under this contract shall wear uniforms of the same style and color while on duty. Lettered breast badges and cap insignia mustindicate the rank of authority and be prominently displayed as part of each uniform. A shoulder patch on the left shoulder should identify the Contractor. The of?cer shall not wear any other identi?cation of the Contractor on the uniform. Each of?cer shall wear an identi?cation nametag over the right breast shirt pocket. Uniforms and equipment do not have to be new, but shall be in good condition and meet the standards at start of duty. Of?cers not in proper uniform shall be 42 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032863 considered ?not ready for duty/not on duty? until properly uniformed. All uniforms shall be clean, neat, and in good order. The complete uniform consists of seasonal attire that includes appropriate shirt, pants, belt (mandatory), cap (mandatory), jacket, shoes or boots (mandatory), duty belt, mini-mag ?ashlight and holder, handheld radio handcuff holder, and key- holder. The Contractor shall ensure that each of?cer has a complete uniform while performing assignments under this contract. Prior to the contract performance date, the Contractor shall document to the COTR the uniform and equipment items that have been issued to each employee. The COTR shall have the right to approve or disapprove any uniform apparel. 2. Identi?cation Credentials: The Contractor shall ensure that all employees both uniformed and non-uniformed (if applicable) have the required identi?cation credentials in their possession while on the premises. The Contractor identi?cation credential document shall contain the following: a. A photograph that is at least one inch square that shows the full face and shoulders of the employee and is no more than 30 days old when the Contractor issues the credential. b. A printed document that contains personal data and description consisting of the employee?s name, sex, birth date, height, weight, hair color and color, as well as the date of issuance, the signature of the employee, and the signature of project manager or designated Contractor personnel. c. To avoid the appearance of having Government issued badges, the contractor shall not possess wallet type badges or credentials. All credentials shall be approved by the COTR. L. Permits and Licenses 1. Business Permits and Licenses The Contractor must obtain all required permits and licenses by the date of contract award. The Contractor must (depending on the state?s requirements) be licensed as a quali?ed security service company in accordance with the requirements of the district, municipality, county, and state in which ICE work site(s) is/are located. Throughout the term of this contract, the Contractor shall maintain current permits/business licenses and make copies available for Government Inspection. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and all applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. 43 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032864 2. Licensing of Employees Before reporting to duty on this contract, the Contractor shall ensure each employee has registration, commissions, permits, and licenses as required by the district, municipality, county, and state in which ICE work site is located. The Contractor shall verify all licenses and certi?cations. If applicable, all Contractor staff shall possess a current license/registration, in the state in which they are practicing. 3. Jurisdiction The Contractor?s authority under this contract is limited to space or posts that are under the charge and control of ICE. The Contractor will not extend his services into any other areas. M. Encroachment Contract employees shall not have access to Govermnent equipment, documents, materials, and telephones for any purpose other than as authorized by ICE. Contract employees shall not enter any restricted-areas of the processing centers unless necessary for the performance of their duties. N. Work Schedules The Contractor shall follow the criteria described below when establishing work schedules, contact relief, rest periods, and starting and stopping work. 1. Post Work Schedules One week in advance, the Contractor shall prepare supervisory and Detention Of?cer work schedules, for a two-week period, and shall post them in work areas or locker rooms. A manpower report shall be submitted to the COTR on a basis. Schedules shall be prepared on a form designated by ICE. The contractor can use their own format if they already have an established procedure for doing so. Changes in duty hours shall also be posted on this form in suf?cient time to ensure 24-hour advance notice. By noon each day, the Contractor shall provide, to ICE the duty roster showing all assignments for the following day. At the completion of each shift, the Contractor shall also provide an employment report listing (copies of the sign-in sheets Form 139, Record of Arrival and Departure from Buildings during Security Hours] for each shift) for each employee who actually worked, work classification, post assignments, and hours worked, as well as total hours worked by supervisory and non-supervisory employees to the COTR. Contract Supervisor shall conduct regular post checks to ensure personnel are prepared to be on duty. When a contract employee is not being utilized at a given post, the Contractor at the direction of the COTR or ICE Supervisor on Duty may reassign him/her to another post. 2. Starting and Stopping Work MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032865 The Contractor is responsible for all employees to be dressed in full uniform and ready to begin work at the beginning of each shift. Each employee shall remain at the duty locations until the shift is completed. The Contractor shall provide, to ICE COTR, documentation certifying that each contract employee has been issued approved uniforms and equipment prior to Entry on Duty (EOD) date. 3. Recording Presence The Contractor shall direct its employees to sign in when reporting for work, and to sign out when leaving at the end of their period of duty. The Contractor?s supervisory and regular personnel are required to register at the applicable work site(s) and shall use GSA Form 139, Record of Arrival and Departure from Buildings during normal duty hours or other forms designated by ICE. The Government shall specify the registration points, which will be at the protected premises, and the Contractor must utilize those points for this purpose. Of?cers, working as supervisors, shall make the designation ?Supervisor? in the rank column on GSA Form 139, Record of Arrival and Departure from Buildings during normal duty hours, or other forms designated by all others will enter ?On Duty.? The applicable post or position numbers may be entered in the ?relief? column after mutual concurrence between ICE and the Contractor. 0 Each line on GSA Form 139, Record of Arrival and Departure from Buildings during normal duty hours, or other forms designated by ICE must be completed in chronological order, without exception. Lines may not be left blank between signatures. If an entire line is used to enter a calendar date to separate individual workdays, a one-line limit for each date entered will be followed. Erasures, obliterations, superimposed, or double entries of any type on any one line are unacceptable and will not be processed for payment. If errors are made in signatures, times, post numbers, or duty status on this form, the next line immediately following the line containing such errors, will be used to record all corrected information. A single line will be drawn through the entire line on which such mistakes appear. The Contractor must attach a detailed memorandum explaining the reasons for the mistakes to each form containing erroneous entries. 0 4. Rest Periods When the Contractor, or a contract supervisor, authorizes rest and relief periods for the contract employees, a substitute of?cer shall be assigned to the duty location. 5. Work Relief When the work assignments require that the Contractor?s employees do not leave the assigned duty locations until a substitute of?cer has provided relief, this condition shall be explicitly stated on GSA Form 2580, Guard Post Assignment 45 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032866 Record, or other forms designated by ICE COT R. The Contractor shall enforce the procedure without exceptions. 6. Hospitalization of Detainees 0 Upon order of the COTR or designated ICE of?cer, or in an emergency situation, the Contractor shall take custody of and safeguard detainee(s) at a hospital or clinic when the detainee(s) are undergoing medical examination. If the detainee is admitted to the hospital, the detainee will remain in the custody of a contract employee of the same gender. The contract employee will remain until relieved by another contract employee. Twenty-four hour custody shall be maintained, with constant visual observation when practicable. The detainees shall not use the telephones unless the Contractor receives prior approval from the COTR. The contract employees shall not fratemize with clinic/hospital staff or with casual visitors to the clinic/hospital. Detainee visitation is not permitted at the hospital. To prevent any situation, which could result in a breach of security, requests for visitation while the detainee is in detention, including hospital detention shall be pre-approved by the prior to allowing access to the detainee. The Contractor is obligated to relay messages as requested by the detainee to ICE COTR. 46 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032867 IV. BACKGROUND AND CLEARANCE PROCEDURES A. Background Investigations Required The Contractor shall process all background investigations through the ICE Security Of?ce via the COTR prior to contract start date. ICE shall have complete control over granting, denying, suspending, and terminating employment suitability checks for Contractor employees and prospective employees. If the COTR receives a report indicating the unsuitability of any employee or prospective employees, the COTR shall inform the Contractor that the Government will not allow the individual on site. B. Security Requirements The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has determined that performance of the task requires that the Contractor, subcontractor(s), vendor(s), etc. (herein known as Contractor) access classi?ed National Security Information (herein known as classi?ed information). Classi?ed information is Government information, which requires protection in accordance with Executive Order 12958, Classi?ed National Security Information, and supplementing directives. This clause applies to the extent that this contract involves access to classi?ed information. The Contractor shall comply with: (1) The Security Agreement (DD Form 441), including the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (DOD and (2) Any revisions to that manual, notice of which has been ?imished to the Contractor. If, subsequent to the date of this contract, the security classi?cation or security requirements under this contract are changed by the Government and if the changes cause an increase or decrease in security costs or otherwise affect any other term or condition of this contract, the contract shall be subject to an equitable adjustment as if the changes were directed under the Changes clause of this contract. The Contractor agrees to insert terms that conform substantially to the language of this clause, including this paragraph but excluding any reference to the Changes clause of this contract, in all subcontracts under this contract that involve access to classi?ed information. The Contractor will abide by the requirements set forth in the DD Form 254, Contract Security Classi?cation Speci?cation, included in the contract, and the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (N ISPOM) for the protection of classi?ed information at its cleared facility, if applicable, as directed by the Defense Security 47 MARCH 201 5 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032868 Service. If the Contractor has access to classi?ed information at a DHS or other Government Facility, it will abide by the requirements set by the agency. Suitability Determination DHS shall have and exercise full control over granting; denying, withholding, or terminating unescorted government facility access and/or sensitive Government information access for Contractor employees, based upon the results of a background investigation. DHS may, as it deems appropriate, authorize and make a favorable entry on duty (EOD) decision based on preliminary security checks. The favorable EOD decision would allow the employees to commence work temporarily prior to the completion of the full investigation. The granting of a favorable EOD decision shall not be considered as assurance that a full employment suitability authorization will follow as a result thereof. The granting of a favorable EOD decision or a full employment suitability determination shall in no way prevent, preclude, or bar the withdrawal or termination of any such access by DHS, at any time during the term of the contract. The Of?ce of Professional Responsibility, Personnel Security Unit shall allow no employee of the Contractor to EOD and/or access sensitive information or systems without a favorable EOD decision or suitability determination. No employee of the Contractor shall be allowed unescorted access to a Government facility without a favorable EOD decision or suitability determination by the Contract employees assigned to the contract not needing access to sensitive DHS information or recurring access to facilities will not be subject to security suitability screening. Background Investigations Contract employees (to include applicants, temporaries, part-time, and replacement employees) under the contract, needing access to sensitive information, shall undergo a position sensitivity analysis based on the duties each individual will perform on the contract. The results of the position sensitivity analysis shall identify the appropriate background investigation to be conducted. Background investigations will be processed through the OPR-PSU. Prospective Contractor employees with adequate security clearances issued by the Defense Industrial Security Clearance Of?ce (DISCO) may not be required to submit complete security packages, as the clearance issued by DISCO may be accepted. Prospective Contractor employees without adequate security clearances issued by DISCO shall submit the following completed forms to the through the COTR, no less than 5 days before the starting date of the contract or ?ve days prior to the expected entry on duty of any employees, whether a replacement, addition, subcontractor employee, or vendor: 1. Standard Form 86, ?Questionnaire for National Security Positibns? Form will be submitted via (electronic Questionnaires for Investigation Processing) (Two copies) 2. FD Form 258, ?Fingerprint Card? (two copies) 48 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032869 3. Foreign National Relatives or Associates Statement 4. DHS 11000-9, ?Disclosure and Authorization Pertaining to Consumer Reports Pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act? 5. Drug Questionnaire 6. Alcohol Questionnaire Required forms will be provided by DHS at the time of award of the contract. Only complete packages will be accepted by the OPR-PSU. Specific instructions on submission of packages will be provided upon award of the contract. Be advised that unless an applicant requiring access to sensitive information has resided in the US for three of the past ?ve years, the Govemment may not be able to complete a satisfactory background investigation. In such cases, DHS retains the right to deem an applicant as ineligible due to insuf?cient background information. The use of non-US. citizens, including Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs), is not permitted in the performance of this contract for any position that involves access to, development of, or maintenance to any DHS information technology (IT) system. Continued Eligibility If a prospective employee is found to be ineligible for access to Government facilities or information, the COTR will advise the Contractor that the employee shall not continue to work or to be assigned to work under the contract. The OPR-PSU may require drug screening for probable cause at any time and/or when the Contractor independently identi?es circumstances where probable cause exists. The may require reinvestigations when derogatory information is received and/or every 5 years. DHS reserves the right and prerogative to deny and/or restrict the facility and information access of any Contractor employee whose actions are in con?ict with the standards of conduct, 5 CFR 2635 and 5 CFR 3801 or whom DHS determines to present a risk of compromising sensitive Government information to which he or she would have access under this contract. The Contractor will report any adverse information coming to its attention concerning contract employees under the contract to the through the COTR. Reports based on rumor or innuendo should not be made. The subsequent termination of employment of an employee does not obviate the requirement to submit this report. The 49 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032870 report shall include the employees? name and social security number, along with the adverse information being reported. The OPR-PSU must be noti?ed of all terminations/resignations within ?ve days of occurrence. The Contractor will return any expired DHS issued identi?cation cards and building passes, or those of terminated employees to the COTR. If an identi?cation card or building pass is not available to be returned, a report must be submitted to the COTR, referencing the pass or card number, name of individual to whom issued, and the last known location and disposition of the pass or card. The COTR will return the identi?cation cards and building passes to the responsible lD Unit. Employment Eligibility The Contractor will agree that each employee working on this contract will successfully pass the DHS Employment Eligibility Veri?cation (E-Verify) program operated by USCIS to establish work authorization. The Contractor must agree that each employee working on this contract will have a Social Security Card issued and approved by the Social Security Administration. The Contractor shall be responsible to the Government for acts and omissions of its own employees and for any Subcontractor(s) and their employees. Subject to existing law, regulations, and/or other provisions of this contract, illegal or undocumented detainees will not be employed by the Contractor, or with this contract. The Contractor will ensure that this provision is expressly incorporated into any and all Subcontracts or subordinate agreements issued in support of this contract. Security Management The Contractor shall appoint a senior of?cial on site to act as the Corporate Security Of?cer. The individual will interface with the OPR-PSU through the COTR on all security matters, to include physical, personnel, and protection of all Government information and data accessed by the Contractor. The COTR and the OPR-PSU shall have the right to inspect the procedures, methods, and facilities utilized by the Contractor in complying with the security requirements under this contract. Should the COTR determine that the Contractor is not complying with the security requirements of this contract, the Contractor will be informed in writing by the Contracting Of?cer of the proper action to be taken in order to effect compliance with such requirements. The following computer security requirements apply to both Department of Homeland Security (DHS) operations and to the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (FINS) operations. These entities are hereafter referred to as the Department. Information Technology Security Clearance 5 0 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032871 a. When sensitive government information is processed on Department telecommunications and automated information systems, the Contractor agrees to provide for the administrative control of sensitive data being processed and to adhere to the procedures governing such data as outlined in DHS IT Security Program Publication DHS MD 43 00.Pub. Contractor personnel must have favorably adjudicated background investigations commensurate with the de?ned sensitivity level. b. Contractors who fail to comply with Department security policy are subject to having their access to Department IT systems and facilities terminated, whether or not the failure results in criminal prosecution. Any person who improperly discloses sensitive information is subject to criminal and civil penalties and sanctions under a variety of laws Privacy Act). Information Technology Security Training and Oversight All Contractor employees using Department automated systems or processing Department sensitive data will be required to receive Security Awareness Training. This training will be provided by the appropriate component agency of DHS. Contractors, who are involved with management, use, or operation of any IT systems that handle sensitive information within or under the supervision of the Department, shall receive periodic training at least armually in security awareness and accepted security practices and systems rules of behavior. Department contractors, with signi?cant security responsibilities, shall receive specialized training speci?c to their security responsibilities annually. The level of training shall be commensurate with the individual?s duties and responsibilities and is intended to promote a consistent understanding of the principles and concepts of telecommunications and IT systems security. All personnel who access Department information systems will be continually evaluated while performing these duties. Supervisors should be aware of any unusual or inappropriate behavior by personnel accessing systems. Any unauthorized access, sharing of passwords, or other questionable security procedures should be reported to the local Security Of?ce or Information System Security Of?cer (1880). C. Initial Drug Testing The Contractor must obtain screening for the use of illicit drugs of every employee and prospective employee working under this contract. Drug screening is urinalysis to detect the use of amphetamines, cocaine metabolites, opiates (morphine/codeine), (PCP), and marijuana metabolites by an individual. ICE may expand the above list to include additional drugs. A lab approved by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (N IDA) must perform the screening. 5 1 MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIA03030.0032872 Prior to the granting of a favorable EOD decision, the Contractor must submit the results of the drug screening on the applicant to the COTR. Drug testing of an applicant will commence as soon as scheduled upon receipt of an applicant?s personnel suitability packet by the COTR. The results of an applicant?s drug test must be submitted to the COTR no later than 21 calendar days after receipt of an applicant?s personnel suitability packet. Such tests shall be obtained from a National Institute of Drug Abuse (N IDA) approved laboratory and screened for the presence of the following drugs or drug classes: amphetamines, cocaine metabolites, opiates (morphine/codeine), (PCP) and marijuana metabolites. (The reserves the right to expand the list above to include additional drug/drug classes.) Contractor shall ensure that all federal, state, and local legal procedures are followed whether or not included in these procedures, with regard to the specimen, Contractor must ensure that the con?rmations are correct and that an adequate chain of custody procedure exists and is followed. The Contractor must post the ICE ?Drug Free Workplace Policy? in all contract work areas. 52 MARCH 2015 V. TRAINING Employees shall not perform duties under this contract until they have successfully completed all initial training and the COTR receives written certi?cation from the Contractor. A. General Training Requirements All employees must have the training described in the ACA Standards and in this sub- section. Any remuneration (pay) due Contractor employees in accordance with Department of Labor regulations for any training time is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide the required refresher courses or have an institution acceptable to the COTR to provide the training. Failure of any employee to complete training successfully is suf?cient reason to disqualify him or her from duty. All new Detention Of?cers will receive 60 hours of basic training, not to include ?rearms, and 40 hours of on?the-job training prior to entering on duty. The Contractor?s Training Of?cer will be responsible for administering an on-the?job training program for new employees. A senior Detention Of?cer, at all times during this latter 40-hour period, must accompany the Detention Of?cers. The Contractor?s Training Officer shall send a copy of the documentation to the COTR upon success?ll completion of the employee?s on-the-job training. In addition, after completion of the ?rst 100 hours of training, the Contractor has 60 days to complete an additional 40 hours of training for each employee. During the remainder of the ?rst year on duty, the Contractor shall cause the employee to have an additional 40 hours of training for a total of 180 hours within the ?rst year of employment. The training program must directly relate to the employee?s assigned position and afford application of necessary job skills. The Contractor, at no cost to the Government, shall provide a training site to the Govemment. 1. Basic Training Subjects Employees must complete the following list of basic training subjects. The course title is followed by the estimated hours of training for that subject. a. In-service Orientation/Social Diversity 2 HRS b. Counseling Techniques/ Suicide Prevention and Intervention* 2 HRS c. Conduct/Duties/Ethics and Courtroom Demeanor 2 HRS (1. Bomb Defense and Threats 1 HR e. Telephone Communications/Radio Procedures 1 HR f. Fire and other Emergency Procedures 2 HRS g. Treatment and Supervision of Detainees 2 HRS 53 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032874 h. ICE Use of Force Policy 2 HRS i. Security Methods/Key Control/Count 1 HR j. Procedures/Observational Techniques 4 HRS k. Sexual Harassment 2 HRS l. Detainee Escort Techniques 1 HR m. ICE Paperwork/Report Writing 2 HRS n. Detainee Searches/Detainee Personal Property 4 HRS o. Property/Contraband 2 HRS p. Detainee Rules and Regulations 2 HRS q. First Aid* 4 HRS r. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 4 HRS s. Blood-borne Pathogens* 2 HRS t. Self Defense 8 HRS u. Use of Restraints 6 HRS v. Firearm Training w. Sexual Abuse/Assault Prevention and Intervention* 2 HRS x. National Detention Standards 2 HRS Critical Training Subjects Firearm raining for Required Armed Detention Services in accordance with state licensing requirements. The Contractor shall certify pro?ciency every quarter. 2. Refresher Training Every year the Contractor shall conduct 40 hours of Refresher Training for all Detention Of?cers including Supervisory Detention Of?cers. Refresher training shall consist of these critical subjects listed above and a review of basic training subjects and others as approved by ICE. The Contractor shall coordinate recerti?cation in CPR and First Aid with the ICE training staff. This training shall be provided at no cost to the Government. Annually, upon completion, the Contractor shall provide documentation of re?'esher training to the COTR. In addition to the refresher training requirements for all Detention Of?cers, supervisors must receive refresher training relating to supervisory duties. . 54 MARCH 2015 3. On?the-Job Training After completion of the minimum of 60 hours basic training, all Detention Of?cers will receive an additional 40 hours of on-the-job training at speci?c post positions. This training includes: a. Authority of supervisors and organizational code of conduct. b. General information and special orders. c. Security systems operational procedures. (1. Facility self-protection plan or emergency operational procedures. e. Disturbance Control Team training. 4. Training During Initial 60 Day Period The Contractor shall provide an additional 40 hours of training for Detention Of?cers within 60 days after completion of ?rst 100 hours of training. The Contractor shall provide the training format and subjects, for approval by the COTR and/or CO, prior to the commencement of training. 5. Basic First Aid and CPR Training All members of the Contractor?s security staff shall be trained in basic ?rst aid and CPR. They must be able to: Respond to emergency situations within four minutes. Perform cardiopuhnonary resuscitation (CPR). Recognize warning signs of impending medical emergencies. Know how to obtain medical assistance. Recognize signs and of mental illness. Able to administer medication; remap-.0 Know the universal precautions for protection against blood-home diseases. B. Supervisory Training All new Supervisory Detention Of?cers assigned to perform work under this contract must successfully complete a minimum of 40 hours of formal supervisory training provided by the Contractor prior to assuming duties. This training is in addition to mandatory training requirements for Detention Of?cers and must be conducted 55 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032876 annually. The course title is followed by the estimated hours of training for that subject. Supervisory training shall include the following management areas: 1. Techniques for issuing written and verbal orders 2 HRS 2. Uniform clothing and grooming standards 1 HR 3. Security Post Inspection procedures 2 HRS 4. Employee motivation . 1 HR 5. Scheduling and overtime controls 2 HRS 6. Managerial public relations 4 I-IRS 7. Supervision of detainees 4 HRS 8. Other company policies 4 HRS Additional classes are at the discretion of the Contractor with the approval of the COTR. The Contractor shall submit documentation to the COTR, to con?rm that each supervisor has received basic training as speci?ed in the basic training curriculum. C. Pro?ciency Testing The Contractor shall give each Detention Of?cer a written examination consisting of at least 25 questions after each classroom-training course is completed. The Contractor may give practical exercises when appropriate. The COTR shall approve the questions before the Contractor can administer the examination. To pass any examination, each of?cer must achieve a minimum score of 80 percent. The Contractor must provide the COTR with the eligible Detention Of?cer?s completed exam before the Detention Of?cer may be assigned to duties under the contract. Should an employee fail the written test on the initial attempt, he or she shall be given additional training by the Contractor and be given one additional opportunity to retake the test. If the employee fails to complete and pass the test the second time, the Contractor shall remove the employee from duties on this contract. D. Certified Instructors Certi?ed instructors shall conduct all instruction and testing. A state or nationally recognized institution shall certify instructors unless otherwise approved in writing by the COTR. Certi?cations of instructors may be established by documentation of past experience in teaching positions or by success?il completion of a course of training for qualifying personnel as instructors. The COTR must approve the instructor prior to the training course. 56 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032877 E. Training Documentation The Contractor shall submit a training forecast and lesson plans to the COTR or alternate COTR, on a basis, for the following 60-day period. The training forecast shall provide date, time, and location of scheduled training and afford the COTR observation/evaluation opportunity. The Contractor shall certify and submit the training hours, type of training, date and location of training, and name of the instructor for each employee to the COTR or alternate COTR. 57 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032878 VI. REQUIRED SERVICES - ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT A. Manage Information System for Collecting, Retrieving, Storing, and Reporting Detainee Detention All detainee ?les are to be prepared, maintained, retired, and disposed of in accordance with the ICE policy. Policy and procedures shall be developed to ensure the con?dentiality and security of all detainee ?les. B. Manage the Receiving and Discharge of Detainees In accordance with ICE National Detention Standards, the Contractor will provide for the admitting and releasing of detainees to protect the health, safety, and welfare of each individual. During the admissions process, detainees undergo screening for medical purposes, have their ?les reviewed for classi?cation purposes, submit to a standard body search, and are personally observed and certi?ed regarding the examination, categorization, inventorying, and safeguarding of all personal belongings. This shall include ?ngerprinting of detainees. The Contractor shall comply with the ICE policy on Admission and Release when entering detainee admission and release data. ICE detainees shall be ?ngerprinted in accordance with the ICE policy on Admissions Documentation. The intake process shall include, at a minimum, a medical and social screening prior to detainee release into the general population. The Contractor shall provide a detainee classi?cation system that adheres to the requirements of ICE policy on Detainee Classi?cation, and ensures detainees are classi?ed appropriately using objective criteria. Detainees will be classi?ed and kept physically separate from detainees in other categories. Detainees will be classi?ed upon arrival, before being admitted to the general population. The Contractor will periodically re-classify detainees, in accordance with the ICE National Detention Standards. The Contractor will provide housing for non- criminal detainees only. When female detainees are housed, they will be issued a separate color uniform than male detainees. C. Manage and Account for Detainee Assets (funds, property) The Contractor will provide for the control and safeguarding of detainees? personal property. This will include: the secure storage and return of ?mds, valuables, baggage, and other personal property; a procedure for documentation and receipting of surrendered prOperty; and the initial and regulme scheduled inventories of all ?Jnds, valuables, and other property. 5 8 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032879 The Contractor shall have written standard procedures for inventory and receipt of detainee funds and valuables that adheres to the requirements of ICE policy on Funds and Personal Property; and Detention and Removal Operations Policy and Procedure Manual (DROPPM) Update: Chapter 30: Detainee Property Management. Written procedures shall be established for returning funds, valuables, and personal property to a detainee being transferred or released that adheres to the requirements of ICE policy. The Contractor shall ensure that all detainees who are scheduled for either transfer or release are given all ?mds (in cash) immediately prior to leaving the facility. Con?scated foreign currency funds are to be returned to the detainee. D. Securely Operate the Facility Policy and procedures for the maintenance and security of keys and locking mechanisms shall be developed. The procedures shall include, but are not limited to: method of inspection to expose compromised locks or locking mechanisms; method of replacement for all damaged keys and/ or locks; a preventive maintenance schedule for servicing locks and locking mechanisms and method of logging all work performed on locks and locking mechanisms; policy for restricting security keys from 24 hour issue or removal from the institution; and method of issuing emergency keys. Staff responsible for lock maintenance shall receive training and be certi?ed ?om a Government approved training program specializing in the operation of locks and locking mechanisms. The Contractor shall provide constant unarmed perimeter surveillance of the facility. Surveillance may be provided via a minimum of one motorized security patrol. The Contractor shall develop policies and procedures regarding detainee use of those classi?ed controlled tools and equipment most likely to be used in an escape or as a weapon. Further, the Contractor shall ensure that detainee usage of those classi?ed controlled tools and equipment is only under direct Contractor staff supervision. E. Establish and Maintain a Program for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse/Assault The Contractor shall develop and implement a comprehensive sexual abuse/assault prevention and intervention program in accordance with ICE policy. This program shall include training and/or information that is given separately to both staff and detainees. F. Establish and Maintain a Program for Suicide Prevention and Intervention 59 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032880 The Contractor shall develop and implement a comprehensive suicide prevention and intervention program in accordance with ICE policy. This program shall include training and/or information that is given separately to both staff and detainees. G. Enforce the Detainee Disciplinary Policy The Contractor shall comply with ICE National Detention Standards disciplinary policy. Facility authorities will take disciplinary action against any detainee who is not in compliance with the rules and procedures of the facility. H. Maintain Detainee Accountability A total of four counts will be conducted every 24 hours with at least shift. All counts shall be documented in separate logs maintained in the applicable locations where detainees are housed, the control center and shift supervisor?s of?ce and shall be maintained for a minimum of 30 days. Count records must be available for review and secured away from the detainee population. I. Collect and Disseminate Intelligence Information Policy and procedures for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence information regarding issues affecting safety, security, and the orderly running of the facility shall be developed. This information should include, but not be limited to: gang af?liations; domestic terrorist groups; tracking of detainees having advanced skills in areas of concern (locksmiths, gunsmiths, explosives, and computers, etc.); narcotics traf?cking; mail and correspondences; detainee ?nancial information; detainee telephone calls; visiting room activity; and actions of high pro?le detainees. The Contractor shall share all intelligence information with the Government. J. Provide Security Inspection System The Contractor will develop and maintain a security inspection system with the aim of controlling the introduction of contraband into the facility, ensure facility safety, security and good order, prevent escapes, maintain sanitary standards, and eliminate ?re and safety hazards. The Contractor?s inspections program will meet the requirements of ICE National Detention Standards for Security Inspections. The Contractor shall report all criminal activity related to the performance of this contract to the appropriate law enforcement investigative agency. The Government may investigate any incident pertaining to performance of this contract. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Government on all such investigations. The Contractor shall immediately report all serious incidents or criminal activity to the COTR. Serious incidents include, but are not limited to the 60 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032881 following: activation of disturbance control team(s); disturbances (including gang activities, group demonstrations, food boycotts, work strikes, work place violence, civil disturbances/protests); staff uses of force including use of lethal and less- lethal force (includes detainees in restraints more than eight hours); assaults on staff/detainees resulting in injuries that require medical attention (does not include routine medical evaluation after the incident); ?res; ?ghts resulting in injuries requiring medical attention; full or partial lock-down of the facility; escape; weapons discharge; suicide attempts; deaths; declared or non-declared hunger strikes; adverse incidents that attract unusual interest or signi?cant publicity; adverse weather; fence damage; power outages; bomb threats; high pro?le detainee cases admitted to a hospital; signi?cant environmental problems that impact the facility operations; transportation accidents airlift, bus) resulting in injuries, death or property damage; and sexual assaults. Pursuant to ICE instructions, the Contractor shall counteract civil disturbances, attempts to commit espionage or sabotage, and other acts that adversely affect the normal site conditions, the security and safety of personnel, property, detainees, and the general public. K. Maintain Institutional Emergency Readiness The Contractor shall submit an institutional emergency plan that will be operational prior to issuance of the NTP. The plan shall receive the concurrence of the COTR prior to implementation and shall not be modi?ed without the ?irther written concurrence of the CO. The Contractor shall have written agreements with appropriate state and local authorities that will allow the Contractor to make requests for assistance in the event of any emergency incident that would adversely affect the community. Likewise, the Contractor shall have in place, an internal corporate nation-wide staff contingency plan consisting of employees who possess the same expertise and skills required of staff working directly on this contract. At the discretion of ICE, these employees would be required to respond to an institutional emergency at the contracted facility if deemed necessary. The emergency plans shall include provisions for two or more disturbance control teams. Protective clothing and equipment for each team member and 30 percent of all additional facility staff members shall be provided by the Contractor, and maintained in a secure location outside the secure perimeter of the facility. Any decision by ICE or other federal agencies to provide and/or direct emergency assistance will be at the discretion of the Government. The Contractor shall reimburse the Government for any and all expenses incurred in providing such assistance. 61 MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIA03030.0032882 Attempts to apprehend any escapee(s) shall be in accordance with the Emergency Plan, which shall comply with ICE National Detention Standards regarding Emergency Plans. The Contractor shall submit to the COTR a proposed inventory of intervention equipment weapons, munitions, chemical agents) intended for use during performance of this contract. In accordance with ICE policy, the use of electro- muscular disruption (EMD) devices is prohibited. The COTR, prior to issuance of the NTP, shall provide concurrence of the intervention equipment. The approved intervention equipment inventory shall not be modi?ed without prior written concurrence of the CO. The Contractor shall obtain the appropriate authority from state or local law enforcement agencies to use force as necessary to maintain the security of the facility. The use of force by the Contractor shall at all times be consistent with all applicable policies of ICE National Detention Standards on Use of Force. L. Manage Computer Equipment and Services in Accordance with all Operational Security Requirements The Contractor must comply with all federal security and privacy laws and regulations established to protect federal systems and data. The Contractor will inform all personnel of the con?dential nature of ICE detainee information. The Contractor will restrict access of data information pertaining to ICE detainees to authorized employees with the appropriate clearance who require this information in the course of their of?cial duties. In accordance with the Freedom of Information/Privacy Act the Contractor may not disclose information obtained pertaining to ICE detainees to a third party without written permission from the COTR. The Contractor is required to develop a procedural system to identify and record unauthorized access, or attempts to access ICE detainee information. The Contractor will notify the COTR and alternate COTR within four hours of a security incident. 62 MARCH 2015 VII. FACILITY SECURITY AND CONTROL A. Security and Control (General) The Contractor shall maintain a copy of facility post orders for employee review within the areas of assignment, and shall initiate responses to any incidents as outlined in the post orders. The Contractor employees shall write reports of incidents as outlined in the post orders. The Contractor shall operate and control all designated points of access and egress on the site; such as, detainee housing units, pods, barracks, courtrooms, medical facilities, and hold rooms. The Contractor shall inspect all packages carried in or out of site in accordance with ICE procedures. The Contractor shall comply with ICE security plans. The Contractor shall comply with all ICE National Detention Standards pertaining to the security and control of the detention facilities. The Contractor will adhere to local operating procedures within each facility. B. Unauthorized Access The Contractor shall detect and detain persons attempting to gain unauthorized access to the site(s) identi?ed in this contract. C. Direct Supervision of Detainees The Contractor shall provide supervision of all detainees in all areas, including supervision in detainee housing and activity areas, to permit Detention Of?cers to hear and respond to emergencies. The Contractor shall assign a minimum of one of?cer to monitor each occupied housing unit. Each post must have a log book. Of?cers must perform their duties in completing their rounds every twenty minutes and logging the same. D. Log Books The Contractor shall be responsible to complete and document in writing, for each shift, the following information in the logbooks: 1. Activities that have an impact on the detainee population detainee counts, shakedowns, detainee movement in and out of the site, and escorts to and from court). 2. Shift activities security checks, meals, recreation, religious services, property lockers, medical visits). 3. Entry and exit of persons other than detainees, ICE staff, or Contractor Staff attorneys and other visitors). 4. Fire drills and unusual occurrences. 63 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032884 E. Records and Reports The Contractor shall ?imish, on a daily basis, a manifest of all detainees currently detained in the facility. The manifest shall contain the following information for each detainee: File Number (system of numbering supplied by of?ce received from; name; date of birth; gender; nationality; date of arrival; number of days the detainee has been in the facility; and type of release, if applicable. The Contractor shall provide status reports to the COTR or alternate COTR. Such reports will include a key indicator report, which indicates the key personnel positions of the facility position title, name of the employee, vacancies and length of vacancies, dates of service, additional comments). These reports must be submitted to the COTR or alternate COTR by the ?fth of each month for the previous month?s activities and staf?ng. The Contractor shall prepare required orders, instructions, and reports of accidents, security violations, ?res, and bomb threats. The reports shall be maintained, on ?le, concerning all activities in connection with duties and responsibilities for the services performed under this contract. All such records must be kept using a system with a written policy, which allows the reports to be made available to the Government for inspection. The Contractor shall, at the request of ICE, prepare any special or other reports, or issue further orders and instruction as may be required in support of work within the scope of this contract. The distribution, format, and time elements for these reports shall be directed by Government requirements. All records and logs, required for operation and performance of work under this contract, shall be made available to ICE at contract completion. The Contractor shall provide a detailed and comprehensive inventory of records to be turned over to the Contracting Of?cer at contract completion or contract termination. The written inventory shall be recorded on Standard Form (SF) 135, Records Transmittal and Receipt, and shall be consistent with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) guidelines for inventoried records (see: Inventory shall describe the contents of a particular box of records and shall include record type and date of records, and shall be consistent with NARA inventory requirements. The SF- 135, Records Transmittal and Receipt, shall be itemized in suf?cient detail to provide program of?cials with the information required for researching or retrieving retired records. Instructions for the level of detail required can be found on the back of the SF- 135a, Records Transmittal and 64 MARCH 2015 Receipt (continuation), and the Contractor shall inventory the records to that level of detail. F. Detainee Counts The Contractor shall monitor detainee movement and physically count detainees as directed in the ICE Detentions Operations Manual and post orders. (For the ICE Detention Operations Manual, please se . "i I The Contractor shall be responsible for documenting the physical detainee counts in the logbook. The Contractor shall ensure ICE procedures are followed when the physical detainee count does not show all detainees are accounted for. At a minimum, of?cial detainee counts shall take place once per shift or as directed by the COTR or alternate COTR. All counts shall be documented in separate logs maintained in the applicable locations where detainees are housed, control center, and shift supervisor?s of?ce and shall be maintained for a minimum of 30 days. G. Daily Inspections The Detention Officers shall conduct daily inspections of all security aspects of the . .5 (mars-av - - - (bimte) - I -. The Detention Of?cers shall also report slippery floor surfaces. This documentation shall be made daily in a logbook. Problems discovered during these inspections shall be clearly identi?ed in the documentation. The Contractor shall also notify the COTR of any abnormalities or problems. The Contractor shall immediately notify the OTR or alternate COTR on duty of any physical facility damage. Written documentation of any problem areas shall be submitted to the COTR by the end ofthe shift. H. Control of Contraband The Contractor shall conduct searches for c0ntraband at least once daily, in all areas in which detainees have access. Searches shall be random and unannounced. During the searches, detainee possessions shall be disturbed as little as possible. Contraband items shall be immediately confiscated, logged into the Contraband logbook in accordance with ICE NDS, and turned over to the COTR or alternate COTR on duty. The Contractor shall document records of the searches in a logbook and forward a report to the OTR within 24 hours after discovery of the contraband items. I. Keys and Access Control Devices The Contractor shall adhere to key control policies, in accordance with ICE NDS. . 65 MARCH 2015 Entrance Access Controls: The Contractor shall operate and enforce the personnel admitting and identi?cation systems, and package inspection procedures in accordance with security guidelines at the protected premises prescribed by ICE NDS. The Contractor may accept registered mail and parcels, in accordance with ICE- approved procedures. The Contractor shall be responsible for the distribution of all received mail and parcels. J. Control of Chemicals The Contractor shall adhere to ICE NDS, ACA, and OSHA established procedures, applicable laws, and regulations governing the storage and inventory of all ?ammable, toxic, and caustic materials used for janitorial cleaning, laundry maintenance, vehicle maintenance, and other applications. K. Post Orders The Contractor shall develop post orders, policies and procedures, and instructions necessary for proper performance at each duty post. Each post will have a separate post order. The Contractor is responsible for compliance with all such orders, policies and procedures, and instructions. ICE shall approve all post orders prior to implementation of them. The Contractor shall make post orders available to all Contractor employees. Each Contract Detention Of?cer shall certify, in writing, that he or she understands and agrees to comply with all post orders, policies and procedures, and instructions prior to being initially assigned to that post. The Contractor shall retain its employees? certi?cations and make them available to the COTR upon request. L. Deviation from Prescribed Schedule Assignments The Contractor is authorized to deviate from the scheduled assignment when unusual conditions or circumstances so demand, and if prior approval is received from the COTR. All deviations shall be recorded in the daily logbook. When the COTR is not available, the Contractor shall notify the alternate COTR immediately or as soon as is practically possible. M. Use of Force Policy ICE restricts the use of physical force by Detention Of?cers to instances of justi?able self-protection, protection of others, and protection of property and prevention of escapes. Physical force may only be used to the degree necessary to safeguard the well being of the detainee(s) and others in the immediate area. The following policies pertain to use of force: 66 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032887 1. In no case shall physical force be used as punishment or discipline. 2. The Contractor shall adhere deadly and non-deadly force to include the use of intermediate and deadly weapons. 3. The respective Detention Officer shall immediately report all instances of use of physical force to his or her immediate supervisor. Prior to leaving his or her shift, the Supervisory Detention Officer shall prepare a written report and submit it to the Warden/Facility Director, who shall review, approve, and provide the report to the COTR or Alternate COTR within 24 hours of the incident. 4. The physical force report shall include: a. An accounting of the events leading to the use of force. b. A precise description of the incident to include date, time, place, type of force used, and reasons for employing force. c. A description of the person (Detention Of?cers or detainees) who suffered described injuries, if any, and the treatment given. d. A list of all participants and witnesses (Contractors, detainees, and ICE personnel) to incident. The calculated use of force must be in accordance with the ICE National Detention Standards and requires, at a minimum, the following: a. The formulation of an After Action Review Team, which must include the participation of the COTR. b. An After Action Report submitted to the COTR within 30 days of the incident, with corrective actions noted, if applicable. c. Video footage of the incident must be made available for potential ICE review. N. Use of Restraints Policy The Contractor shall comply with ICE NDS governing the use of restraint equipment. Restraints shall never be applied as punishment or for more time than is necessary. Restraints shall be used only as a precaution against escape during transfer to prevent detainee self-injury, injury to others, roerty damage, or for medical reasons under direction of the Health Authority. pro 11t ontror rom usmga ot er restr devices. 67 MARCH 2015 0. Intelligence Information The Contractor shall notify the COTR or Alternate COTR immediately on issues, which could impact the safety, security, and the orderly operation of the facility. P. Lost and Found The Contractor shall log and maintain all lost and found articles and shall report all items to the COTR or Alternate COTR. Q. Escapes The Contractor shall take all appropriate measures to prevent escapes. The Contractor shall notify the COTR and Alternate COTR immediately if an escape or an attempted escape has occurred. The Contractor shall provide the COTR and alternate COTR with a written report prior to the end of the shift. The Contractor shall be held to the following standards concerning escapes: l. The Contractor assumes absolute liability for the escape of any detainee in its control. 2. The Contractor shall provide written policies and procedures regarding the actions to be taken in the event of an escape. This document must include reporting requirements for all contract employees, escorts, supervisors, and management personnel. These procedures must meet the approval of the COTR, be reviewed at least annually, and updated as necessary. 3. Escapes shall be grounds for removing the responsible Contractor Employee(s) from duty if the Contractor Employee(s) is/are determined by the Contractor or the COTR to be negligent. Notice of removal shall be provided to the Contracting Of?cer. 4. Corrective actions to prevent future escapes or attempted escapes shall be taken immediately and verbally communicated to the COTR for approval. A written report of the remedial action shall be due to the COTR within 24 hours of an escape or attempted escape. 5. ICE may make deductions due to nonperfonnance under the Inspection of Services clause of the contract. R. Correspondence and Other Mail In accordance with ICE National Detention Standards, the Contractor will ensure that detainees are able to send and receive correspondence in a timely manner subject to limitations required for the safety, security, and orderly operation of the 68 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032889 . facility. The Contractor shall distribute detainee mail within 24 hours of its arrival at the facility. S. Evacuation Plan The Contractor shall develop a written evacuation and alternate staging plan for use in the event of a ?re or major emergency, per ICE National Detention Standards regarding emergency plans. T. Injury, Illness, and Reports The Contractor shall immediately assist employees, detainees, or others on the premises in need of immediate help or who are injured or ill. Contractor employees shall provide ?rst aid when necessary. The Contractor shall immediately notify the COTR and alternate COTR about all incidents that result in physical harm to or threaten the safety, health, or welfare of any person at the site including job-related injuries. If a detainee requires immediate medical attention, the Detention Of?cer shall notify the medical provider as well as the COTR and alternate COTR. The Contractor shall submit a follow-up written report to the COTR within 24 hours of the occurrence. The Contractor shall cooperate with ICE in reviewing serious incidents. A serious incident means any incident resulting in injury to a detainee, Contractor staff, ICE staff, or property damage. The Contractor shall submit a injury report summary containing, but not limited to, name, time/date, location, circumstances, care rendered, current status, Worker?s Compensation status, and reference to identi?cation of initial report. U. Protection of Employees The Contractor shall develop plans that?comply with ICE comprehensive plans and procedures to safeguard employees against exposure of blood borne pathogens. The ICE plan is based upon OSHA standards found in the Employee Occupational Safety and Health (EOSH) Manual. (For additional information, please see Occupational Exposure to Bloodbome Pathogens, 29 CFR 1910.1030.) V. Medical Requests The Contractor shall adhere to ICE policies and procedures regarding detainee medical re uests. Please see Based Natlonal Detentlon Standard on Medical Car . If a detainee requires immediate medical attention, the Detention Of?cer shall immediately notify his or her Supervisor via radio or telephone. The Contractor?s Supervisor will, in turn, notify the medical provider as well as the COTR and alternate COTR. 0 view the Performance 69 MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIA03030.0D32890 W. Emergency Medical Evacuation The Contractor shall develop and implement written policies and procedures that de?ne emergency health care evacuation of detainees from within the facility. X. Detainee Death or Injury The Contractor shall comply with ICE National Detention Standards regarding Terminal Illness, Advanced Directives, and Death in the event of a detainee injury or death. In the event of such an occurrence, the Contractor shall immediately notify the COTR and alternate COTR. Y. Sanitation and Hygienic Living Conditions The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and all codes and regulations associated with 29 CFR 1910 and 1926. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable ICE, federal, state and local laws, statutes, regulations, and codes. In the event there is more than one reference to a safety, health, or environment requirement in an applicable, law, standard, code, regulation, or ICE policy, the most stringent requirement shall apply. 70 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032891 DETAINEE RIGHTS, RULES, DISCIPLINE, AND PRIVILEGES A. General The Contractor shall supervise, observe, and protect detainees from personal abuse, discrimination, corporal punishment, personal injury, property damage, harassment, or violation of detainee?s civil rights. Contract personnel shall adhere to ICE policies and procedures, and National Detention Standards. In accordance with ICE National Detention Standards, the Contractor shall permit detainees to: access the law library, legal materials, facilities, and equipment; have document copy privileges; and have the opportunity to prepare legal documents. 71 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032892 IX. MANAGE A DETAINEE WORK PROGRAM A. General Detainee labor shall be used in accordance with the detainee work plan developed by the Contractor, and will adhere to the ICE NDS on Detainee Voluntary work Program. The detainee work plan must be voluntary, and may include work or program assignments for industrial, maintenance, custodial, service, or other jobs. The detainee work program shall not con?ict with any other requirements of the contract and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. It will be the sole responsibility of ICE to determine whether a detainee will be allowed to perform on voluntary work details and at what classi?cation level. All detainees shall be searched when they are retumed from work details. Detainees shall not be used to perform the responsibilities or duties of an employee of the Contractor. Detainees shall not be used to perform work in areas where sensitive documents are maintained (designated ICE workspace). Custodial/janitorial services to be performed in designated ICE work space will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Appropriate safety/protective clothing and equipment shall be provided to detainee workers as appropriate. Detainees shall not be assigned work that is considered hazardous or dangerous. This includes, but is not limited to, areas or assignments requiring great heights, extreme temperatures, use of toxic substances, and unusual physical demands. The Contractor shall supply suf?cient Detention Of?cers to monitor and control detainee work details. Unless approved by the COTR, these work details must be within the security perimeter. 72 MARCH 2015 X. HEALTH SERVICES The Contractor will provide all health and medical-related services for the facility, as previously described in this PWS. A. Manage a Detainee Death in Accordance with National Detention Standards on Terminal Illness, Advance Directives, and Death In the event of a detainee death, the Contractor shall immediately notify the COTR or ICE designated of?cial and submit a written report within 24 hours. The Contractor shall ?ngerprint the deceased. Staff members performing the ?ngerprinting shall date and sign the ?ngerprint card to ensure that a positive identi?cation has been made and ?le the card in the detainee?s ?le. Personal property of the deceased shall be inventoried and forwarded to the designated family member, the nearest of kin or the Consular Of?cer of the detainee?s country of legal residence. If death is due to violence, accident surrounded by unusual or questionable circumstances, or is sudden and the deceased has not been under immediate medical supervision, the Contractor shall notify the coroner of the local jurisdiction to request a review of the case, and if necessary, examination of the body. The Contractor shall establish coroner noti?cation procedures outlining such issues as performance of an autopsy, who will perform the autopsy, obtaining state- approved death certi?cates, and local transportation of the body. The Contractor shall ensure the body is turned over to the designated family member, the nearest of kin or the Consular Of?cer of the detainee?s country of legal residence. 73 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032894 XI. FOOD SERVICE A. Manage Food Service Program in a Safe and Sanitary Environment The Contractor shall provide detainees with nutritious, adequately varied meals, prepared in a sanitary manner while identifying, developing, and managing resources to meet the operational needs of the food service program. The Contractor shall identify, develop, and manage food service program policy, procedures, and practices in accordance with the ICE NDS on Food Service. 74 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032895 XII. DETAINEE SERVICES AND PROGRAMS A. Manage Detainee Clothing, Linens, and Bedding The Contractor shall issue and exchange detainee clothing, linen, and bedding in accordance with ICE National Detention Standards on the Issuance and Exchange of Clothing, Linen, and Bedding. B. Manage Multi-Denominational Religious Services Program The Contractor shall ensure detainees of different religious beliefs will be provided reasonable and equitable opportimity to practice their respective faiths. The religious services program will comply with all elements of the ICE National Detention Standards on Religious Practices. C. Provide for a Detainee Recreation Program The Contractor shall develop adequate and meaningful recreation programs for detainees at the facility. The Contractor shall ensure that suf?cient Detention Of?cers are assigned to supervise all recreation activities. The detainee recreation program will comply with all elements of the ICE National Detention Standards on Recreation. D. Manage and Maintain a Commissary A commissary shall be operated by the Contractor as a privilege to detainees who will have the opportunity to purchase ?om the commissary at least once per week. These items will not include those items prohibited by the Warden/Facility Director. All items available at the commissary must be approved by the COTR or alternate COTR. The commissary inventory shall be provided to the COTR upon request. The Contractor may assess sales tax to the price of items, if state sales tax is applicable. Revenues are to be maintained in a separate account and not commingled with any other ?inds. If funds are placed in an interest bearing account, the interest earned must be credited to the detainees. Any expenditure of funds from the account shall only be made with the approval of the Contracting Of?cer. Any revenues earned in excess of those needed for commissary operations shall be used solely to bene?t detainees at the facility. Pro?ts may also be used to offset commissary staff salaries. The Contractor shall provide independent auditor certi?cation of the funds to the COTR every 90 days. At the end of the contract period, or as directed by the Contracting Of?cer, a check for any balance remaining in this account shall be made payable to the Treasury General Trust Fund and given/transmitted to the Contracting Of?cer. 75 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032896 Detainees are permitted to receive ?nds from outside sources from family, friends, bank accounts). Outside funds or those generated from work may be used to pay for products and services from the commissary. E. Manage and Maintain a Detainee Telephone System The Contractor shall provide detainees with reasonable and equitable access to telephones as speci?ed in ICE National Detention Standards on Telephone Access. Telephones shall be located in an area that provides for a reasonable degree of privacy and a minimal amount of environmental noise during phone calls. If authorized to do so under applicable law, the Contractor shall monitor and record detainee conversations. If detainee telephone conversations can be monitored under applicable law, the Contractor shall provide notice to detainees of the potential for monitoring. However, the Contractor shall also provide procedures at the facility for detainees to be able to place unmonitored telephone calls to their attorneys. The ICE designated DTS-IV vendor will be the exclusive provider of detainee telephones for this facility. The DTS-IV contractor shall be allowed to install vending debit machines and shall receive 100 percent of all revenues collected by sale of prepaid debit services. The DTS-IV provider shall be responsible for furnishing all inventory and supply of prepaid debit cards to the Contractor. The DTS-IV provider shall be responsible for the costs incurred for installation of the equipment, any telephone charges incurred ?'om the operation of DTS-IV, and the maintenance and operation of the system. The Contractor will not be entitled to any commissions, fees, or revenues generated by the use of the DTS-IV or the detainee telephones. The Contractor shall inspect telephones for serviceability, in accordance with ICE policies and procedures. The Contractor will notify the COTR or alternate COTR of any inoperable telephones. F. Provide for the Special Needs of the Female Detainee Population If applicable, the Contractor will be responsible for addressing female health care issues and for providing programs and services relative to the female detainee population. G. Law Library The Contractor shall provide secure space within the secure perimeter, either a dedicated room or a multipurpose room for books and materials to provide a reading area ?Law Library? in accordance with the ICE National Detention Standards on the Access to Legal Materials. 76 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032897 H. Physical Plant The facility operation and maintenance shall ensure that detainees are housed in a safe, secure, and humane manner. All equipment, supplies, and services shall be Contractor-furnished except as otherwise noted. The facility, whether new construction expansion or an existing physical plant, shall be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, codes, guidelines, and policies. In the event of a con?ict between federal, state,.or local codes, regulations or requirements, the most stringent shall apply. In the event there is more than one reference to a safety, health, or environmental requirement in an applicable law, standard, code, regulation or Government policy, the most stringent requirement shall apply. The facility shall provide housing con?gurations commensurate with the security needs of the population. A one year construction schedule is acceptable for new physical plant requirements. The facility, whether new construction expansion or existing physical plant, shall comply with 40 U.S.C. 619, which stipulates compliance with nationally recognized codes and comply with the latest edition in effect on the date of proposal submission of one of the following codes: (1) The Uniform Building Code (UBC), with the State of facility location?s Amendments; (2) The Building Of?cials and Code Administrators (BOCA) National Building Code or (3) The Standard Building Code (SBC). In the event the jurisdiction in which the facility is located does not mandate use of UBC, BOCA NBC or SBC, then the facility shall comply with the BOCA NBC. Whether new construction expansion or existing physical plant, ?re protection and life safety issues shall be governed by the latest edition of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures and applicable National Fire Codes (NFC). Should con?icts occur between NBC and NFC, NFC shall apply. E.O. 12699 - Whether new construction expansion or existing physical plant, the facility shall comply with the Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted or Regulated New Building Construction. The seismic safety requirements as set forth in either the 1991 International Conference of Building Of?cials, the UBC, the 1992 BOCA, NBC (or the 1992 Amendments to the Southern Building Code . 77 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032898 Congress) or SBC are the minimum standards. Should the code applicable for the state in which the facility is located be more stringent than the other codes set forth herein, the state code shall prevail. The facility, whether new construction expansion or existing physical plant, shall comply with the requirements of the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 as amended and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. The standards for facility accessibility by physically handicapped persons as set forth in ?Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards/Fed Std. - 795 4/01/88 Edition? (UFAS) shall apply. All areas of the buildings and site shall meet these requirements. Activities, which are implemented, in whole or in part, with federal funds, must comply with applicable legislation and regulations established to protect the human or physical environment and to ensure public opportunity for review. The Contractor shall remain in compliance with federal statutes during performance of the contract including, but not limited to: the following Acts: Clean Air, Clean Water, Endangered Species, Resources Conservation and Recovery; and other applicable laws, regulations and requirements. The Contractor shall also comply with all applicable limitations and mitigation identi?ed in any Environmental Assessment or Enviromnental Impact Statement prepared in conjunction with the contract pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, 42U.S.C. 4321. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall indemnify and hold the Government harmless for any and all spills, releases, emission, disposal and discharges of any toxic or hazardous substance, any pollutant, or any waste, whether sudden or gradual, caused by or arising under the performance of the contract or any substance, material, equipment, or facility utilized. For the purposes of any environmental statute or regulation, the Contractor shall be considered the ?owner and operator? for any facility utilized in the performance of the contract, and shall indemnify and hold the Government harmless for the failure to adhere to any applicable law or regulation established to protect the human or physical environment. The Contractor shall be responsible in the same manner as above regardless of whether activities leading to or causing a spill, release, emission or discharge are performed by the Contractor, its agent or designee, a detainee, visitors, or any third party. If a spill(s) or release(s) of any substance into the environment occur, the Contractor shall immediately report the incident to the COTR or ICE designated of?cial. The liability for the spill or release of such substances rests solely with the Contractor and its agent. - A safety program shall be maintained in compliance with all applicable Federal, state and local laws, statutes, regulations and codes. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 19 70 and all codes and regulations associated with 29 CFR 1910 and 1926. 78 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032899 Fire Alarm Systems and Equipment - All ?re detection, communication, alarm, annunciation, suppression and related equipment shall be operated, inspected, maintained and tested in accordance with the most current edition of the applicable NBC and Life Safety Codes. The Contractor shall provide outside lighting suf?cient to illuminate the entire facility and secure perimeter with at least 1.5 candlepower per square foot in all areas. For new construction expansion or existing physical plant, ?nal and completed, the Contractor prior to issuance of the NTP shall submit design/construction documents to the COTR. For all new construction expansion, the construction schedule shall be updated to re?ect current progress and submitted to the COTR on a basis. Government staff will make periodic visits during construction to verify Contractor progress and compliance with contract requirements. As-built drawings and current drawings of the buildings and site utilities shall be maintained in a secure location during construction and contract performance. These updates shall be provided to the COTR within 30 days of any changes made. Site utilities include, but are not limited to: water and sewer lines; gas lines; tunnels; steam lines; chilled water lines; recording layouts; elevations; modi?cations; additions; etc. Two copies of the as-built drawings shall be provided to the COTR in AUTOCAD release 14.0 on a CD-ROM no later than 90 days after issuance of the NTP. after the occurrence of any physical damage to the facility (including disturbances), the Contractor?shall report such damage to the COTR or ICE designated of?cial. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to repair such damage, to rebuild or restore the institution. A number of Government staff will be on-site to monitor contract performance and manage other Government interests associated with operation of the facility. Government staff will have full access to all areas of the facility. Contractor access to Government required space must be pre-approved by the COTR. In cases of emergency the Contractor shall notify the COTR The Contractor shall provide operational space for ICE, Of?ce of Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA), and EOIR operations. Supplied design drawings are to be used as a guide regarding space for EOIR functions. ICE will make evaluations of each individual offer regarding EOIR space and make determinations of best value to the Government. All of?ce and multiple use space shall be complete with appropriate electrical, communication, and phone connections. ICE Support Space: Refer to ICE Design Standards for speci?c of?ce and workstation sizes and speci?c furnishing requirements for a 700 bed facility. The Standards include, but are not limited to, the following: 79 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032900 - Conference rooms adjacent to or within ICE area (see Standards for size and quantity) 0 Employee break rooms (see Standards for size and quantity) 0 IT computer support rooms must be provided throughout ICE space per the Standards, including specialized requirements for climate control of IT equipment rooms for PHS, EOIR, and ICE of?ce area. 0 Actual location, layout, con?guration, and size of rooms will be determined during the ?nal design phase. OPLA Space Refer to ICE Design Standards for speci?c of?ce and workstation sizes and speci?c furnishing requirements for a 700 bed facility. All furniture and case goods shall be furnished by the service provider in accordance with ICE Design Standards. The Standards include, but are not limited to, the following: Deputy Chief Counsel (see Standards for size) a Assistant Chief Counsel (see Standards for size) . .. Legal Technicians (see Standards for size) 0 Of?ce support space must be provided per the Design Standards. EOIR Space Refer to Design Standards for speci?c of?ce and workstation sizes and speci?c furnishing requirements for a 700 bed facility. All furniture and case goods shall be ?lmished by the service provider in accordance with Design Standards. The Standards include, but are not limited to, the following: 0 Two - Courtrooms and accompanying of?ce and support Space as per the EOIR Design Standards for a 700 bed facility. The of?ce space is per the EOIR Design Standards. Each courtroom should have the capability to hold live court as well as hold video tele-conferencing court. All ?lmiture and case goods shall be furnished by the service provider in accordance with ICE Design Guide and speci?cations. 80 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.DD32901 Judges Chambers Hard walled of?ces (See Standards for Size) ourt Administrator (see Standards for size) (orkstations (see Standards for size) Separate entrance for judges is required with complete security system and access to parking lot. Must be ADA compliant. EOIR Support Space must be provided per the EOIR Design Standards. For further EOIR space requirements, please see Executii-e OfficefOr Immigration Ret-?ieu' Design Standm'dsfor Service Processing Centers and Contract Detention Facilities, May 12. 2006. For further ICE and OPLA space requirements, please see Contract Detention Facility (CDF) Design Stunt/ardsfor and Customs En/orcement (ICE), May 14, 2007; addendums: ICE Cabling Standards; Phone Speci?cations. Government space shall be climate controlled and located consistent with the administrative of?ce space for the Contractor's staff. Government?occupied space shall be separate from, but accessible to, detainee housing units and the centralized visiting area. Government?occupied space shall also be secure and inaccessible to Contractor staff, except when speci?c permission is granted by on-site ICE, EOIR, or OPLA staff. The Contractor shall be responsible for all maintenance, security, and janitorial costs associated with Space designated for Govemment staff. The Contractor shall provide no less than 60 parking spaces for Government use. The Contractor shall ensure that video cameras monitor hallways, exits, and common areas. A quali?ed individual shall be responsible for monitoring this system inside and outside the building. Considering that the videos will be recordings of residents who may be seeking asylum or other considerations under US. immigration law, the Contractor is required to maintain the tapes and may not release them to anyone, unless approved by DHS. The Contractor shall develop a plan for keeping the videos for the duration ofthe project period and destruction of them upon completion of the program. 81 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA030300032902 PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY A. General The Contractor personnel shall not permit any Government property to be taken away or removed from the premises. The Contractor shall enact practices to safeguard and protect Government property against abuse, loss, or any other such incidents. Govermnent property shall be used only for official business. All Government property furnished under this contract shall remain property of the Government throughout the contract term. ICE shall maintain a written inventory of all Government property issued to the Contractor for performance hereunder. Upon expiration of this contract, the Contractor shall render a written accounting to the COTR of all such property. The Contractor shall assume all risk, and shall be responsible for any damage to or loss of Government furnished property used by Contractor employees. Normal wear and tear will be allowed. The Contractor, upon expiration of services, shall immediately transfer to the COTR, any and all Government property in its possession or in the possession of any individuals or organizations under its control, except as otherwise provided for in this contract. The Contractor shall cooperate fully in transfening property to the successor Contractor. The Government shall withhold ?nal payment until adjustments are made for any lost property. B. Facility, Equipment, Materials, Supplies, and Instructions Furnished by the Government The Government will furnish the following property at no cost to the Contractor: 1. Copies of the detention standards cited in the PWS and one copy of all pertinent operational manuals prior to starting work under the contract. The Contractor shall be responsible to duplicate these standards for Contractor employees. 2. Administrative forms, Equal Employment Opportunity, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Service Contract Act, Drug Free Posters, and DHS OIG hotline poster, as required in this contract. As applicable Department of Homeland Security (DHS) work orders will be issued to the Contractor via DHS Form I-203, Order to Detain or Release Alien. 3. ICE of?ce space equipment, such as, but not limited to: office telephones, copying machines, fax machines, computer equipment, and typewriters for Government use. The Government shall be responsible for installation of conduit and data lines within the dedicated Government of?ce space. This to include the ICE and EOIR administrative phone system. 82 MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIA03030.0032903 Houvw ?8 smamaugnb'ag 5111129151 HOWHV A0081 SWHV 38121 LOZSOI 9 WE HOWW 178 SECTION INSPECTION ACCEPTANCE E-l. 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference FEB 1998 This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Of?cer will make their full text available. Also, the ?ll] text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): E-2. 52.246?4 Inspection of Services Fixed-Price AUG 1996 85 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032906 SECTION DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE F-l. 52.242-15 Stop Work Order AUG 1989 86 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032907 SECTION CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA G?l. Contract Administration This contract will be administered by: Immigration Customs Enforcement Of?ce of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Floor Washington, DC 20536 Written communications shall make reference to the contract number and shall be mailed to the above address. G-2. 3052.242-72 Contracting Officer?s Technical Representative DEC 2003 a is hereby appointed to act as the Contracting Of?cer?s Technical Representative (COTR) under this contract. b. The Contracting Of?cer may designate Government personnel to act as the Contracting Of?cer's Technical Representative (COTR) to perform functions under the contract such as review or inspection and acceptance of supplies, services, including construction, and other ?mctions of a technical nature. The Contracting Of?cer will provide a written notice of such designation to the Contractor within ?ve working days after contract award or for construction, not less than ?ve working days prior to giving the contractor the notice to proceed. The designation letter will set forth the authorities and limitations of the COTR under the contract. C. The Contracting Of?cer cannot authorize the COTR or any other representative to sign documents, such as contracts, contract modi?cations, etc., that require the signature of the Contracting Of?cer. G-3. Invoice Requirements 1. Submit invoices in an original and one (1) copy. To constitute a proper invoice, the invoice must include the following information and/or attached documentation: An invoice must include: Name and address of the Contractor; (ii) Invoice date and number; Contract number, contract line item number and, if applicable, the order number; (iv) Description, quantity, unit of measure, unit price and extended price of the items delivered; 87 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032908 Shipping number and date of shipment, including the bill of lading number and weight of shipment if shipped on Government bill of lading; (vi) Terms of any discount for prompt payment offered; (vii) Name and address of of?cial to whom payment is to be sent; Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; and (ix) Taxpayer Identi?cation Number (TIN). The Contractor shall include its TIN on the invoice only if required elsewhere in this contract. Electronic ?mds transfer (EFT) banking information. (A) The Contractor shall include EFT banking information on the invoice only if required elsewhere in this contract. (B) If EFT banking information is not required to be on the invoice, in order for'the invoice to be a proper invoice, the Contractor shall have submitted correct EFT banking information in accordance with the applicable solicitation provision, contract clause 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer; Central Contractor Registration, or 52.232-34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer; Other Than Central Contractor Registration), or applicable agency procedures. (C) EFT banking information is not required if the Government waived the requirement to pay by EFT. 2. All invoices shall be submitted to the address stipulated on the individual task orders. 3. The original invoice must be sent to the address noted on the task orders to be entered into the ICE Webview Invoice Consolidation Payment system. This will allow the COTR to certify the invoice for payment. The duplicate invoice, which must be marked as a duplicate, must be sent to the Contracting Of?cer to be kept as part of the ?le. 8 8 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032909 SECTION SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS H-l. Contractor?s Insurance Bond Requirements- The Contractor shall maintain insurance in an amount not less than $3,000,000 to protect the Contractor from claims under workman?s compensation acts and from any other claims for damages for personal injury, including death which may arise from operations under this contract whether such operations by the Contractor itself or by any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either business entity. The Contractor shall maintain General Liability insurance: bodily injury liability coverage written on a comprehensive form of policy of at least $500,000 per occurrence is required. Additionally, an automobile liability insurance policy providing for bodily injury and property damage liability covering automobiles operated in the United States shall provide coverage of at least $200,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and $20,000 per occurrence for property coverage. Certi?cates of such insurance shall be subject to the approval of the Contracting Of?cer for adequacy of protection. All insurance certi?cates required under this contract shall provide 30 days advance notice to the Government of any contemplated cancellation. The Contractor shall provide that all staff having access to detainee monies and valuables are bonded in an amount suf?cient to ensure reimbursement to the detainee by the Contractor in case of loss. 89 MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIAO3030.0032910 SECTION I CONTRACT CLAUSES I-l 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference FEB 1998 This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Of?cer will make their full text available. Also, the ?ll] text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): 52201-1 Definitions JUL 2004 52203-3 Gratuities APR 1984 L4 52.203-5 Covenant Against Contingent Fees APR 1984 I-5 52.203-6 Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales SEP 2006 to the Government I-6 52.203-7 Anti-Kickback Procedures JUL 1995 52.203-8 Cancellation, Rescission, and Recovery JAN 1997 of Funds for Illegal or Improper Activity 52.203-10 Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or JAN 1997 Improper Activity 52.203?12 Limitation on Payments to In?uence SEP 2007 Certain Federal Transactions [-10 52.203-13 Contractor Code of Business Ethics DEC 2008 and Conduct 52.203?14 Display of Hotline Poster(s) DEC 2007 I-12 52.204-2 Security Requirements AUG 1996 I-13 52.204?4 Printed or Copied Double-Sided on AUG 2000 Recycled Paper I-14 52.204-7 Central Contractor Registration APR 2008 I-15 52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification of SEP 2007 Contractor Personnel I-l6 52.209-6 Protecting the Government?s Interest SEP 2006 90 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032911 When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment Audit Records Negotiation Order of Precedence - Uniform Contract Format Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data Pension Adjustments Asset Reversions Waiver of Facilities Capital Cost of Money Reversion or Adjustment of Plans for Postretirement benefits (PRB) Other Than Pensions Type of Contract JUN 1999 OCT 1997 OCT 1997 OCT 2004 OCT 1997 JUL 2005 APR 1984 The Government contemplates award of a requirements contract resulting from this [-17 52215-2 I-18 52.215-8 I-19 52.215-10 I-20 52.215-15 I-21 52.215-17 I-22 52.215-18 [-23 52216-1 solicitation. [-24 52.216?18 [-25 52.216-21 [-26 52.217-5 I-27 52.219-8 I-28 52.219?9 [-29 52.222-1 I-30 52.222-3 I-3l 52.222-4 I-32 52.222?21 Ordering Requirements Evaluation of Options Utilization of Small Business Concerns Small Business Subcontracting Plan Notice to the Government of Labor Disputes Convict Labor Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act Overtime Compensation Prohibition of Segregated Facilities 91 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032912 OCT 1995 OCT 1995 JUL 1990 MAY 2004 APR 2008 FEB 1997 JUN 2003 JUL 2005 FEB 1999 1433 1-34 I-35 I-36 I-37 I-38 1-39 I-40 I-41 I-42 I-43 I-44 I-45 I-46 I-47 I-48 52.222-26 52.222-29 52.222-35 52.222-36 52.222-37 52.222-41 52.222-43 52.222-50 52.223-5 52.223-6 52.223-10 52.223-14 52.224-1 52.224?2 52.225-13 52.227?1 Equal Opportunity Notification of Visa Denial Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans Af?rmative Action for Workers with Disabilities Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans Service Contract Act of 1965 Fair Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Act Price Adjustments (Multiple Year and Option Contracts) Combating Traf?cking in Persons Pollution Prevention and Right-to-Know Information Drug-Free Workplace Waste Reduction Program Toxic Chemical Release Reporting Privacy Act Noti?cation Privacy Act Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases Authorization and Consent 92 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032913 MAR 2007 JUN 2003 SEP 2006 JUN 1998 SEP 2006 NOV 2007 NOV 2006 AUG 2007 AUG 2003 MAY 2001 AUG 2000 AUG 2003 APR 1984 APR 1984 JUN 2008 DEC 2007 I-49 I-50 I-51 1-52 1-53 I-54 I-55 I-56 I-57 I-58 [-59 [-60 I-61 I-62 I-63 I-64 I-65 I-66 I-67 52.229?3 52.230-2 52.230-6 52.232-1 52.232?8 52.232?9 52.232-11 52.232-17 52.232?18 52.232-23 52.232-25 52.232-33 52.233-1 52.233-3 52.233?4 52.237?3 52.242?13 52.243-1 52.244-5 Federal; State, and Local Taxes Cost Accounting Standards Administration of Cost Accounting Standards Payments Discounts for Prompt Payment Limitation on Withholding of Payments Extras Interest Availability of Funds Assignment of Claims Prompt Payment Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer Central Contractor Registration Disputes Protest after Award Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim Continuity of Services Bankruptcy Changes--Fixed Price Alt. 1 Competition in Contracting 93 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032914 APR 2003 APR 1998 MAR 2008 APR 1984 FEB 2002 APR 1984 APR 1984 OCT 2008 APR 1984 JAN 1986 OCT 2008 OCT 2003 JUL 2002 AUG 1996 OCT 2004 JAN 1991 JUL 1995 APR 1984 DEC 1996 I-68 I-69 I-70 I-71 [-72 [-73 I-74 I-75 I-76 I-78 I-79 52.244?6 Subcontracts for Commercial Items . DEC 2008 52.245?1 Government Property JUN 2007 52.246?25 Limitation of Liability Services FEB 1997 52.248?1 Value Engineering FEB 2000 52.249-2 Termination of Convenience of the MAY 2004 Government (Fixed-Price) 52.249-8 Default (F ixed-Price Supply Service) APR 1984 52.253-1 Computer Generated Forms JAN 1991 3052.242.71 Dissemination of Contract Information DEC 2003 3052.245?70 Government Property Reports JUN 2006 52.204-1 Approval of Contract DEC 1989 This contract is subject to the written approval of the Procurement Contracting Of?cer and shall not be binding until so approved. (End of clause) 52.217-8 Option to Extend Services NOV 1999 The Government may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates speci?ed in the contract. These rates may be adjusted only as a result of revisions to prevailing labor rates provided by the Secretary of Labor. The option provision may be exercised more than once, but the total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months. The Contracting Of?cer may exercise the option by written notice to the Contractor within 60 days of the end of the current period. (End of clause) 52.217-9 Option to Extend the Term of MAR 2000 the Contract 94 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032915 The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the Contractor within 30 days; provided that the Govemment gives the Contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least sixty (60) days before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension. If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option clause. (0) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed ?ve (5) (years). (End of clause) 1-80 52.222-39 Notification of Employee Rights DEC 2004 Concerning Payment of Union Dues or Fees De?nition. As used in this clause? ?United States? means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the US. Virgin Islands, and Wake Island. Except as provided in paragraph of this clause, during the term of this contract, the Contractor shall post a notice, in the form of a poster, informing employees of their rights concerning union membership and payment of union dues and fees, in conSpicuous places in and about all its plants and of?ces, including all places where notices to employees are customarily posted. The notice shall include the following information (except that the information pertaining to National Labor Relations Board shall not be included in notices posted in the plants or of?ces of carriers subject to the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 U.S.C. 151-188)). Notice to Employees Under Federal law, employees cannot be required to join a union or maintain membership in a union in order to retain their jobs. Under certain conditions, the law pemiits a union and an employer to enter into a union-security agreement requiring employees to pay uniform periodic dues and initiation fees. However, employees who are not union members can object to the use of their payments for certain purposes and can only be required to pay their share of union costs relating to collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment. 95 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032916 If you do not want to pay that portion of dues or fees used to support activities not related to collective bargaining, contract administration, or grievance adjustment, you are entitled to an appropriate reduction in your payment. If you believe that you have been required to pay dues or fees used in part to support activities not related to collective bargaining, Contract administration, or grievance adjustment, you may be entitled to a re?md and to an appropriate reduction in ?iture payments. For further information concerning your rights, you may wish to contact the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) either at one of its Regional of?ces or at the following address or toll free number: National Labor Relations Board Division of Information 1099 14th Street, NW. Washington, DC 20570 1-866-667-6572 1-866-316?6572 (TTY) To locate the nearest NLRB of?ce, see NLRB's website at The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of Executive Order 13201 of February 17, 2001, and related implementing regulations at 29 CFR Part 470, and orders of the Secretary of Labor. In the event that the Contractor does not comply with any of the requirements set forth in paragraphs or the Secretary may direct that this contract be cancelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part, and declare the Contractor ineligible for ?irther Government contracts in accordance with procedures at 29 CFR Part 470, Subpart B?Compliance Evaluations, Complaint Investigations and Enforcement Procedures. Such other sanctions or remedies may be imposed as are provided by 29 CFR Part 470, which implements Executive Order 13201, or as are otherwise provided by law. The requirement to post the employee notice in paragraph does not apply to? (1) Contractors andrsubcontractors that employ fewer than 15 persons; (2) Contractor establishments or construction work sites where no union has been formally recognized by the Contractor or certi?ed as the exclusive bargaining representative of the Contractor?s employees; (3) Contractor establishments or construction work sites located in a jurisdiction named in the de?nition of the United States in which the law of that jurisdiction forbids enforcement of union-security agreements; 96 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032917 (4) Contractor facilities whereupon the written request of the Contractor, the Department of Labor Deputy Assistant Secretary for Labor-Management Programs has waived the posting requirements with respect to any of the Contractor?s facilities if the Deputy Assistant Secretary ?nds that the Contractor has demonstrated that? The facility is in all respects separate and distinct from activities of the Contractor related to the performance of a contract; and (ii) Such a waiver will not interfere with or impede the effectuation of the Executive order; or (5) Work outside the United States that does not involve the recruitment or employment of workers within the United States. (0 The Department of Labor publishes the of?cial employee notice in two variations; one for contractors covered by the Railway Labor Act and a second for all other contractors. The Contractor shall? (1) Obtain the required employee notice poster from the Division of Interpretations and Standards, Of?ce of Labor-Management Standards, US. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-5605, Washington, DC 20210, or from any ?eld of?ce of the Department?s Of?ce of Labor-Management Standards or Of?ce of Federal Contract Compliance Programs; (2) Download a copy of the poster from the Of?ce of Labor-Management Standards website at or (3) Reproduce and use exact duplicate copies of the Department of Labor?s of?cial poster. The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order that exceeds the simpli?ed acquisition threshold, entered into in connection with this contract, unless exempted by the Department of Labor Deputy Assistant Secretary for Labor-Management Programs on account of special circumstances in the national interest under authority of 29 CFR For inde?nite quantity subcontracts, the Contractor shall include the substance of this clause if the value of orders in any calendar year of the subcontract is expected to exceed the simpli?ed acquisition threshold. Pursuant to 29 CFR Part 470, Subpart B?Compliance Evaluations, Complaint Investigations and Enforcement Procedures, the Secretary of Labor may direct the Contractor to take such action in the enforcement of these regulations, including the imposition of sanctions for noncompliance with respect to any such subcontract or purchase order. If the Contractor becomes involved in litigation with a subcontractor or vendor, or is threatened with such involvement, as a result of such direction, the Contractor may request the United States, through the Secretary of Labor, to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. (End of clause) 97 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032918 1-81 52.232-35 Designation of Of?ce for Government Receipt MAY 1999 of Government Receipt of Electronic Funds Transfer Information As provided in paragraph ofthe clause at 52.232?34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer?Other than Central Contractor Registration, the Government has designated the office cited in paragraph ofthis clause as the of?ce to receive the ontractor?s electronic funds transfer (EFT) information, in lieu of the payment office of this contract. The Contractor shall send all EFT information, and any changes to EFT information to the of?ce designated in paragraph ofthis clause. The Contractor shall not send EFT information to the payment office. or any other office than that designated in paragraph The Govermnent need not use any EFT information sent to any of?ce other than that designated in paragraph (C Designated office: Name: Burlington Finance Center Mailing Address: PO Box 5000, Burlington, VT. 05495?5000 Telephone Number: 802-28 Person to Contactb c) Electronic Address: (blf'ntc) I (End ofclause) [-82 52.246-20 Warranty of Services MAY 2001 De?nition. ?Acceptance,? as used in this clause. means the act of an authorized representative of the Government by which the Government assumes for itself, or as an agent of another, ownership of existing and identi?ed supplies, or approves specific services, as partial 01' complete performance of the contract. Notwithstanding inspection and acceptance by the Government or any provision concerning the conclusiveness thereof, the Contractor warrants that all services performed under this contract will, at the time of acceptance, be free from defects in workmanship and conform to the requirements of this contract. The Contracting Officer shall give written notice of any defect or nonconformance to the Contractor within 30 days from the date of acceptance by the Government. This notice shall state either? 98 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032919 (1) That the Contractor shall correct or re-perfonn any defective or nonconforming services; or (2) That the Government does not require correction or re-perfonnance. I If the Contractor is required to correct or re?perform, it shall be at no cost to the Government, and any services corrected or re-performed by the Contractor shall be subject to this clause to the same extent as work initially performed. If the Contractor fails or refuses to correct or re-perform, the Contracting Of?cer may, by contract or otherwise, correct or replace with similar services and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned to the Government thereby, or make an equitable adjustment in the contract price. If the Government does not require correction or re-performance, the Contracting Of?cer shall make an equitable adjustment in the contract price. (End of clause) [-83 3052.204-70 Security Requirements for Unclassi?ed JUN 2006 Information Technology Resources The Contractor shall be responsible for Information Technology (IT) security for all systems connected to a DHS network or operated by the Contractor for DHS, regardless of location. This clause applies to all or any part of the contract that includes information technology resources or services for which the Contractor must have physical or electronic access to sensitive information contained in DHS unclassi?ed systems that directly support the agency?s mission. The Contractor shall provide, implement, and maintain an IT Security Plan. This plan shall describe the processes and procedures that will be followed to ensure appropriate security of IT resources that are developed, processed, or used under this contract. (1) Within 30 days after contract award, the contractor shall submit for approval its IT Security Plan, which shall be consistent with and ?irther detail the approach contained in the offeror?s proposal. The plan, as approved by the Contracting Of?cer, shall be incorporated into the contract as a compliance document. (2) The Contractor?s IT Security Plan shall comply with Federal laws that include, but are not limited to, the Computer Security Act of 1987 (40 U.S.C. 1441 et seq.); the Government Information Security Reform Act of 2000; and the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002; and with Federal policies and procedures that include, but are not limited to, OMB Circular 99 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032920 (3) The security plan shall speci?cally include instructions regarding handling and protecting sensitive information at the Contractor?s site (including any information stored, processed, or transmitted using the Contractor?s computer systems), and the secure management, operation, maintenance, programming, and a system administration of computer systems, networks, and telecommunications systems. Examples of tasks that require security provisions include? (1) Acquisition, transmission or analysis of data owned by DHS with signi?cant replacement cost should the contractor?s copy be corrupted; and (2) Access to DHS networks or computers at a level beyond that granted the general public such as bypassing a ?rewall). At the expiration of the contract, the contractor shall return all sensitive DHS information and IT resources provided to the contractor during the contract, and certify that all non-public DHS information has been purged from any contractor- owned system. Components shall conduct reviews to ensure that the security requirements in the contract are implemented and enforced. Within 6 months after contract award, the contractor shall submit written proof of IT Security accreditation to DHS for approval by the DHS Contracting Of?cer. Accreditation will proceed according to the criteria of the DHS Sensitive System Policy Publication, 4300A (Version 2.1, July 26, 2004) or any replacement publication, which the Contracting Of?cer will provide upon request. This accreditation will include a ?nal security plan, risk assessment, security test and evaluation, and disaster recovery plan/continuity of operations plan. This accreditation, when accepted by the Contracting Of?cer, shall be incorporated into the contract as a compliance document. The contractor shall comply with the approved accreditation documentation. (End of clause) [-84 3052.204-71 Contractor Employee Access JUN 2006 ?Sensitive Information,? as used in this Chapter, means any information, the loss, misuse, disclosure, or unauthorized access to or modi?cation of which could adversely affect the national or homeland security interest, or the conduct of Federal programs, or the privacy to which individuals are entitled under section 552a of title 5, United States Code (the Privacy Act), but which has not been speci?cally authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order or an Act of Congress to be kept secret in the interest of national defense, homeland security or foreign policy. This defmition includes the following categories of information: 100 MARCH 2015 (1) Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) as set out in the Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002 (Title II, Subtitle B, of the Homeland Security Act, Pub. L. 107?296, 196 Stat. 2135), as amended, the implementing regulations thereto (Title 6, Code of Federal Regulations, part 29) as amended, the applicable PCII Procedures Manual, as amended, and any supplementary guidance of?cially communicated by an authorized of?cial of the Department of Homeland Security (including the PCII Program Manager or his/her designee); (2) Sensitive Security Information (881), as de?ned in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, part 1520, as amended, ?Policies and Procedures of Safeguarding and Control of 881,? as amended, and any supplementary guidance of?cially communicated by an authorized of?cial of the Department of Homeland Security (including the Assistant Secretary for the Transportation Security Administration or his/her designee); (3) Information designated as ?For Of?cial Use Only,? which is unclassi?ed information of a sensitive nature and the unauthorized disclosure of which could adversely impact a person?s privacy or welfare, the conduct of Federal programs, or other programs or operations essential to the national or homeland security interest; and (4) Any information that is designated ?sensitive? or subject to other controls, safeguards or protections in accordance with subsequently adopted homeland security information handling procedures. ?Information Technology Resources? include, but are not limited to, computer equipment, networking equipment, telecommunications equipment, cabling, network drives, computer drives, network software, computer software, software programs, intranet sites, and intemet sites. (0) Contractor employees working on this contract must complete such forms as may be necessary for security or other reasons, including the conduct of background investigations to determine suitability. Completed forms shall be submitted as directed by the Contracting Officer. Upon the Contracting Of?cer?s request, the Contractor?s employees shall be ?ngerprinted, or subject to other investigations as required. All contractor employees requiring recurring access to Government facilities or access to sensitive information or IT resources are required to have a favorably adjudicated background investigation prior to commencing work on this contract unless this requirement is waived under Departmental procedures. The Contracting Of?cer may require the contractor to prohibit individuals ?om working on the contract if the government deems their initial or continued employment contrary to the public interest for any reason, including, but not limited to, carelessness, insubordination, incompetence, or security concerns. 1 01 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032922 Work under this contract may involve access to sensitive information. Therefore, the Contractor shall not disclose, orally or in writing, any sensitive information to any person unless authorized in writing by the Contracting Of?cer. For those contractor employees authorized access to sensitive information, the contractor shall ensure that these persons receive training concerning the protection and disclosure of sensitive information both during and after contract performance. The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause in all subcontracts at any tier where the subcontractor may have access to Government facilities, sensitive information, or resources. (End of clause) [-85 3052.209-70 Prohibition on Contracts with Corporate Expatriates JUN 2006 Prohibitions. Section 835 of the Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 395, prohibits the Department of Homeland Security from entering into any contract with a foreign incorporated entity which is treated as an inverted domestic corporation as de?ned in this clause, or with any subsidiary of such an entity. The Secretary shall waive the prohibition with respect to any speci?c contract if the Secretary determines that the waiver is required in the interest of national security. De?nitions. As used in this clause: Expanded A?iliated Group means an af?liated group as de?ned in section 1504(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (without regard to section 1504(b) of such Code), except that section 1504 of such Code shall be applied by substituting ?more than 50 percent? for ?at least 80 percent? each place it appears. Foreign Incorporated Entity means any entity which is, or but for subsection of section 835 of the Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 395, would be, treated as a foreign corporation for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Inverted Domestic Corporation. A foreign incorporated entity shall be treated as an inverted domestic corporation if, pursuant to a plan (or a series of related transactions)? (1) The entity completes the direct or indirect acquisition of substantially all of the properties held directly or indirectly by a domestic corporation or substantially all of the properties constituting a trade or business of a domestic partnership; 1 02 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032923 (2) After the acquisition at least 80 percent of the stock (by vote or value) of the entity is held? In the case of an acquisition with respect to a domestic corporation, by former shareholders of the domestic corporation by reason of holding stock in the domestic corporation; or (ii) In the case of an acquisition with respect to a domestic partnership, by former partners of the domestic partnership by reason of holding a capital or pro?ts interest in the domestic partnership; and (3) The expanded affiliated group which after the acquisition includes the entity does not have substantial business activities in the foreign country in which or under the law of which the entity is created or organized when compared to the total business activities of such expanded af?liated group. Person, domestic, and foreign have the meanings given such terms by paragraphs (1), (4), and (5) of section 7701(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, respectively. Special rules. The following de?nitions and special rules shall apply when determining whether a foreign incorporated entity should be treated as an inverted domestic corporation. (1) Certain stock disregarded. For the purpose of treating a foreign incorporated entity as an inverted domestic corporation these shall not be taken into account in determining ownership: stock held by members of the expanded af?liated group which includes the foreign incorporated entity; or (ii) Stock of such entity which is sold in a public offering related to an acquisition escribed in section 835(b)(1) of the Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 395(b)(l). (2) Plan deemed in certain cases. If a foreign incorporated entity acquires directly or indirectly substantially all of the properties of a domestic corporation or partnership during the 4-year period beginning on the date which is 2 years before the ownership requirements of subsection are met, such actions shall be treated as pursuant to a plan. (3) Certain transfers disregarded. The transfer of properties or liabilities (including by contribution or distribution) shall be disregarded if such transfers are part of a plan a principal purpose of which is to avoid the purposes of this section. 1 03 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032924 Special rule for related partnerships. For purposes of applying section 835(b) of the Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 395(b) to the acquisition of a domestic partnership, except as provided in regulations, all domestic partnerships which are under common control (within the meaning of section 482 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) shall be treated as a partnership. Treatment of Certain Rights. (1) Certain rights shall be treated as stocks to the extent necessary to re?ect the present value of all equitable interests incident to the transaction, as follows: Warrants; (ii) Options; Contracts to acquire stock; (iv) Convertible debt instruments; Others similar interests. . (2) Rights labeled as stocks shall not be treated as stocks whenever it is deemed appropriate to do so to re?ect the present value of the transaction or to disregard transactions whose recognition would defeat the purpose of section 835. (0 Disclosure. The offeror under this solicitation represents that [Check one]: _it is not a foreign incorporated entity that should be treated as an inverted domestic corporation pursuant to the criteria of (HSAR) 48 CFR 3009.104?70 through 3009.104?73; _it is a foreign incorporated entity that should be treated as an inverted domestic corporation pursuant to the criteria of (HSAR) 48 CFR 3009.104?70 through 3009.104?73, but it has submitted a request for waiver pursuant to 3009.104?74, which has not been denied; or _it is a foreign incorporated entity that should be treated as an inverted domestic corporation pursuant to the criteria of (HSAR) 48 CFR 3009.104?70 through 3009.104?73, but it plans to submit a request for waiver pursuant to 3009.104?74. A copy of the approved waiver, if a waiver has already been granted, or the waiver request, if a waiver has been applied for, shall be attached to the bid or proposal. (End of clause) 104 MARCH 2015 1-86 3052.242-72 Contracting Officers Technical Representative DEC 2003 is hereby appointed to act as the Contracting Of?cer?s Technical Representative (COTR) under this contract. b. The Contracting Of?cer may designate Government personnel to act as the Contracting Of?cer?s Technical Representative (COTR) to perform ?mctions under the contract such as review or inspection and acceptance of supplies, services, including construction, and other functions of a technical nature. The Contracting Officer will provide a written notice of such designation to the Contractor within ?ve working days after contract award or for construction, not less than ?ve working days prior to giving the contractor the notice to proceed. The designation letter will set forth the authorities and limitations of the COTR under the contract. C. The Contracting Of?cer cannot authorize the COTR or any other representative to sign documents, such as contracts, contract modi?cations, etc., that require the signature of the Contracting Of?cer. (End of clause) 1 05 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032926 Section List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments Attachment 1: Department of Labor Wage Determination Attachment 2: Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan Attachment 3: Deliverables 06 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032927 Attachment 1 - Wage Determination WD 05-2112 (Rev.-7) was ?rst posted on on 09/30/2008 Tn'??i?i?i LABOR THE SERVICE CONTRACT ACT EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION By direction of the Secretary of Labor WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION I WASHINGTON DC. 20210 Wage Determination No.: 2005-21 12 Shirley F. Ebbesen Division of Revision No.: 7 Director Wage Determinationsl Date Of Revision: 09/ 19/2008 State: Florida Area: Florida Counties of Broward, Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, St Lucie **Fringe Bene?ts Required Follow the Occupational Listing** OCCUPATION CODE - TITLE MINIMUM WAGE RATE 01000 - Administrative Support And Clerical Occupations 01011 - Accounting Clerk I 12.83 01012 - Accounting Clerk II 15.42 01013 - Accounting Clerk 111 18.37 01020 - Administrative Assistant 21.87 01040 - Court Reporter 17.00 01051 - Data Entry Operator I 11.84 01052 - Data Entry Operator 11 13.47 01060 - Dispatcher, Motor Vehicle 15.60 01070 - Document Preparation Clerk 11.92 01090 - Duplicating Machine Operator 11.92 01111 - General Clerk I 11.05 01112 - General Clerk 11 12.52 01113 - General Clerk 111 14.06 01120 - Housing Referral Assistant 18.96 01 141 - Messenger Courier 11.94 01191 - Order Clerk I 12.71 01192 - Order Clerk 11 13.86 01261 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) I 14.44 1 07 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032928 I 01262 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) 11 16.27 01263 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) 18.45 01270 - Production Control Clerk 17.19 01280 - Receptionist 12.31 01290 - Rental Clerk 14.60 01300 - Scheduler, Maintenance 14.83 01311 - Secretaryl 15.20 01312 - Secretarle 17.00 01313 - Secretary 111 18.96 01320 - Service Order Dispatcher 13.95 01410 - Supply Technician 21.87 01420 - Survey Worker 16.02 01531 - Travel Clerk I 11.83 01532 - Travel Clerk 11 12.78 01533 - Travel Clerk 111 13.70 01611 - Word Processor 1 13.07 01612 - Word Processor 11 14.67 01613 - Word Processor 111 16.41 05000 Automotive Service Occupations 05005 - Automobile Body Repairer, Fiberglass 17.74 05010 - Automotive Electrician 16.12 05040 - Automotive Glass Installer 15.04 05070 - Automotive Worker 15.04 05110 - Mobile Equipment Servicer 12.92 05130 - Motor Equipment Metal Mechanic 17.16 05160 - Motor Equipment Metal Worker 15.04 05190 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic 17.68 05220 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic Helper 11.86 05250 - Motor Vehicle Upholstery Worker 13.99 05280 - Motor Vehicle Wrecker 15.04 05310 - Painter, Automotive 16.12 05340 - Radiator Repair Specialist 15.04 05370 - Tire Repairer 11.60 05400 - Transmission Repair Specialist 17.16 07000 - Food Preparation And Service Occupations 07010 - Baker . 12.22 07041 - Cook I 11.08 07042 - Cook 11 12.90 07070 - Dishwasher 8.03 07130 - Food Service Worker 9.38 07210 - Meat Cutter 12.75 07260 - Waiter/Waitress 8.97 09000 - Furniture Maintenance And Repair Occupations 09010 - Electrostatic Spray Painter 14.98 09040 - Furniture Handler 9.80 09080 - Furniture Re?nisher 14.98 09090 - Furniture Re?nisher Helper 11.02 108 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032929 09110 - Furniture Repairer, Minor 13.00 09130 Upholsterer . 14.98 11000 - General Services And Support Occupations 11030 - Cleaner, Vehicles 9.17 11060 - Elevator Operator 9.47 11090 - Gardener 15.29 11122 - Housekeeping Aide 9.47 11150 - Janitor 9.77 11210 - Laborer, Grounds Maintenance 11.40 11240 - Maid or Houseman 8.54 11260 - Pruner 9.93 11270 - Tractor Operator 14.36 11330 - Trail Maintenance Worker 11.40 11360 - Window Cleaner 11.05 12000 - Health Occupations 12010 - Ambulance Driver 14.91 12011 - Breath Alcohol Technician 15.97 12012 - Certi?ed Occupational Therapist Assistant 24.89 12015 - Certi?ed Physical Therapist Assistant 23.34 12020 - Dental Assistant 14.08 12025 - Dental Hygienist 31.91 12030 - EKG Technician 22.01 12035 - Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist 22.01 12040 - Emergency Medical Technician 14.91 12071 - Licensed Practical Nurse 1 14.83 12072 - Licensed Practical Nurse 11 16.66 12073 - Licensed Practical Nurse 111 18.65 12100 - Medical Assistant 1 13.03 12130 - Medical Laboratory Technician 16.74 12160 - Medical Record Clerk 13.95 12190 - Medical Record Technician 14.87 12195 - Medical Transcriptionist 15.42 12210 - Nuclear Medicine Technologist 31.02 12221 - Nursing Assistant I 9.86 12222 - Nursing Assistant II 1 1.08 12223 - Nursing Assistant 111 12.52 12224 - Nursing Assistant IV 14.87 12235 - Optical Dispenser 15.97 12236 - Optical Technician 14.01 12250 - Pharmacy Technician 14.37 12280 - Phlebotomist 14.87 12305 - Radiologic Technologist 23.70 12311 - Registered Nurse I 25.68 12312 - Registered Nurse 11 29.34 12313 - Registered Nurse 11, Specialist 29.34 12314 - Registered Nurse 111 35.50 12315 - Registered Nurse Anesthetist 35.50 109 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032930 12316 - Registered Nurse IV 40.95 12317 - Scheduler (Drug and Alcohol Testing) 18.57 13000 - Information And Arts Occupations 13011 - Exhibits Specialist I 19.30 13012 - Exhibits Specialist II 22.70 13013 - Exhibits Specialist 111 27.45 13041 - Illustrator I 19.03 13042 - Illustrator 11 23.04 13043 - Illustrator 111 24.97 13047 - Librarian 25.12 13050 - Library Aide/Clerk 11.84 13054 - Library Information Technology Systems Administrator 22.66 13058 - Library Technician 15.22 13061 - Media Specialist I 13.60 13062 - Media Specialist 11 15.22 13063 - Media Specialist 111 16.97 13071 - Photographer I 14.99 13072 - Photographer 11 16.77 13073 - Photographer 111 20.77 13074 - Photographer IV 25.42 13075 - Photographer 30.75 13110 - Video Teleconference Technician 14.28 14000 - Information Technology Occupations 14041 - Computer Operator I 14.78 14042 - Computer Operator 11 16.54 14043 Computer Operator 111 18.60 14044 - Computer Operator IV 20.49 14045 - Computer Operator 22.70 14071 - Computer Programmer I (1) 22.26 14072 - Computer Programmer 11 (1) 27.58 14073 - Computer Programmer (1) 14074 - Computer Programmer IV (1) 14101 - Computer Systems Analyst I (1) 14102 - Computer Systems Analyst II (1) 14103 - Computer Systems Analyst 111 (1) 14150 - Peripheral Equipment Operator 14.78 14160 - Personal Computer Support Technician 20.49 15000 - Instructional Occupations 15010 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (N on-Rated) 29.83 15020 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Rated) 36.10 15030 - Air Crew Training Devices Instructor (Pilot) 37.91 15050 - Computer Based Training Specialist Instructor 29.83 15060 - Educational Technologist 24.86 15070 - Flight Instructor (Pilot) 37.91 15080 - Graphic Artist 21.55 15090 - Technical Instructor 20.52 110 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032931 15095 - Technical Instructor/Course Developer 25.10 15110 - Test Proctor 16.56 15120 - Tutor 16.56 16000 - Laundry. Dry-Cleaning, Pressing And Related Occupations 16010 - Assembler 9.07 16030 - Counter Attendant 9.07 16040 - Dry Cleaner 11.18 16070 - Finisher, Flatwork, Machine 9.07 16090 - Presser, Hand 9.07 16110 - Presser, Machine, 9.07 16130 - Presser, Machine, Shirts 9.07 16160 - Presser, Machine, Wearing Apparel, Laundry 9.07 16190 - Sewing Machine Operator 11.79 16220 - Tailor 12.42 16250 - Washer, Machine 9.81 19000 - Machine Tool Operation And Repair Occupations 19010 - Machine-Tool Operator (Tool Room) 15.92 19040 - Tool And Die Maker 20.26 21000 - Materials Handling And Packing Occupations 21020 - Forklift Operator 14.81 21030 - Material Coordinator 16.39 21040 - Material Expediter 16.39 21050 - Material Handling Laborer 11.72 21071 - Order Filler 10.73 21080 - Production Line Worker (Food Processing) 14.81 21110 - Shipping Packer 13.12 21130 - Shipping/Receiving Clerk 13.12 21140 - Store Worker I 8.91 21150 - Stock Clerk 13.61 21210 - Tools And Parts Attendant 14.81 21410 - Warehouse Specialist 14.81 23000 - Mechanics And Maintenance And Repair Occupations 23010 - Aerospace Structural Welder 24.14 23021 - Aircraft Mechanic 1 22.69 23022 - Aircraft Mechanic 11 24.14 23023 - Aircraft Mechanic 111 25.58 23040 - Aircraft Mechanic Helper 15.18 23050 - Aircraft, Painter 18.38 23060 - Aircraft Servicer 18.30 23080 - Aircraft Worker 19.79 23110 - Appliance Mechanic 17.86 23120 - Bicycle Repairer 11.60 23125 - Cable Splicer 23.97 23130 - Carpenter, Maintenance 16.46 23140 - Carpet Layer 17.51 23160 - Electrician, Maintenance 18.46 23181 Electronics Technician Maintenance I 18.78 111 MARCH 2015 23182 - Electronics Technician Maintenance 11 26.58 23183 - Electronics Technician Maintenance 111 29.81 23260 - Fabric Worker 15.00 23290 - Fire Alarm System Mechanic 16.40 23310 - Fire Extinguisher Repairer 12.75 23311 - Fuel Distribution System Mechanic 17.90 23312 - Fuel Distribution System Operator 13.21 23370 - General Maintenance Worker 14.31 23380 - Ground Support Equipment Mechanic 22.69 23381 - Ground Support Equipment Servicer 18.30 23382 - Ground Support Equipment Worker 19.79 23391 - Gunsmith I 12.75 23392 - Gunsmith 11 15.08 23393 - Gunsmith 111 17.22 23410 - Heating, Ventilation And Air-Conditioning Mechanic 17.64 23411 - Heating. Ventilation And Air Contditioning 18.77 Mechanic (Research Facility) 23430 - Heavy Equipment Mechanic 18.12 23440 - Heavy Equipment Operator 19.18 23460 - Instrument Mechanic 21.09 23465 - Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic 16.14 23470 - Laborer 10.63 23510 - Locksmith 17.22 23530 - Machinery Maintenance Mechanic 20.08 23550 - Machinist, Maintenance 16.36 23580 - Maintenance Trades Helper 12.64 23591 - Metrology Technician I 21.09 23592 - Metrology Technician II 22.74 23593 - Metrology Technician 23.86 23640 - Millwright 20.63 23710 - Of?ce Appliance Repairer 17.60 23 760 - Painter, Maintenance 15.92 23790 - Pipe?tter, Maintenance 17.99 23810 - Plumber, Maintenance 17.25 23 820 - Pneudraulic Systems Mechanic 17.21 23850 - Rigger 17.27 23870 - Scale Mechanic 15.08 23890 - Sheet-Metal Worker, Maintenance 16.99 23910 - Small Engine Mechanic 15.52 23931 - Telecommunications Mechanic I 19.31 23932 - Telecommunications Mechanic 11 22.75 23950 - Telephone Lineman 18.90 23960 - Welder, Combination, Maintenance 16.99 23965 - Well Driller 17.01 23970 - Woodcra? Worker 17.21 23980 - Woodworker 12.73 24000 - Personal Needs Occupations 1 12 MARCH 2015 24570 - Child Care Attendant 9.49 24580 - Child Care Center Clerk 13.59 24610 - Chore Aide 9.05 24620 - Family Readiness And Support Services Coordinator 13.76 24630 - Homemaker 16.84 25000 - Plant And System Operations Occupations 25010 - Boiler Tender 18.93 25040 - Sewage Plant Operator 18.04 25070 - Stationary Engineer 18.93 25190 - Ventilation Equipment Tender 12.86 25210 - Water Treatment Plant Operator 18.27 27000 - Protective Service Occupations 27004 - Alarm Monitor 18.85 27007 - Baggage Inspector 9.98 27008 - Corrections Of?cer . 21.46 27010 - Court Security Of?cer 24.61 27030 - Detection Dog Handler 16.46 27040 - Detention Of?cer 21.46 27070 - Fire?ghter 23.37 27101 - Guard I 9.98 27102 - Guard 11 16.46 27131 - Police Of?cer I 27.58 27132 - Police Of?cer 11 30.66 28000 - Recreation Occupations 28041 - Carnival Equipment Operator 12.96 28042 - Carnival Equipment Repairer 14.29 28043 - Carnival Equpment Worker 9.11 28210 - Gate Attendant/Gate Tender 13.40 28310 - Lifeguard 11.93 28350 - Park Attendant (Aide) 14.99 28510 - Recreation Aide/Health Facility Attendant 11.13 28515 - Recreation Specialist 16.17 28630 - Sports Of?cial 11.93 28690 - Swimming Pool Operator 17.92 29000 - Stevedoring/Longshoremen Occupational Services 29010 - Blocker And Bracer 20.42 29020 - Hatch Tender 19.68 29030 - Line Handler 19.68 29041 - Stevedore I 18.96 29042 - Stevedore 11 23.08 30000 - Technical Occupations 30010 Air Traf?c Control Specialist, Center (HFO) (2) 35.73 30011 - Air Traf?c Control Specialist, Station (HFO) (2) 24.64 30012 - Air Traf?c Control Specialist, Terminal (HFO) (2) 27.14 30021 - Archeological Technician I 13.88 30022 - Archeological Technician 11 15.61 30023 - Archeological Technician 111 20.96 1 13 MARCH 2015 30030 - Cartographic Technician 24.73 30040 - Civil Engineering Technician 23.88 30061 - Drafter/CAD Operator I 17.83 30062 - Drafter/CAD Operator II 19.66 30063 - Drafter/CAD Operator 21.92 30064 - Drafter/CAD Operator IV 26.68 30081 - Engineering Technician I 17.08 30082 - Engineering Technician II 19.93 30083 - Engineering Technician 111 22.30 30084 - Engineering Technician IV 26.56 30085 - Engineering Technician 32.48 30086 - Engineering Technician VI 35.51 30090 - Environmental Technician 20.88 30210 - Laboratory Technician 18.16 30240 - Mathematical Technician 24.73 30361 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant I 17.65 30362 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant 11 21.85 30363 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant 26.72 30364 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant IV 32.24 30390 - Photo-Optics Technician 24.73 30461 - Technical Writer I 21.14 30462 - Technical Writer 11 25.87 30463 Technical Writer 29.88 30491 - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician I 22.71 30492 - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician 11 27.48 30493 - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician 111 32.94 30494 - Unexploded (UXO) Safety Escort 22.71 30495 Unexploded (UXO) Sweep Personnel 22.71 30620 - Weather Observer, Combined Upper Air Or Surface Programs (2) 21.92 30621 - Weather Observer, Senior (2) 24.10 31000 - Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Occupations 31020 - Bus Aide 9.52 31030 - Bus Driver 14.17 31043 - Driver Courier 13.70 31260 Parking and Lot Attendant 8.04 31290 - Shuttle Bus Driver 15.11 31310-Taxi Driver 11.02 31361 - Truckdriver, Light 15.11 31362 - Truckdriver, Medium 16.53 31363 - Truckdriver, Heavy 19.54 31364 - Truckdriver, Tractor-Trailer 19.54 99000 - Miscellaneous Occupations 99030 - Cashier 9.20 99050 - Desk Clerk 9.70 99095 - Embalmer 21.54 99251 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker I 10.75 99252 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker II 11.86 114 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032935 99310 - Mortician 24.52 99410 - Pest Controller 13.52 99510 - Photo?nishing Worker 11.73 99710 - Recycling Laborer 15.31 99711 - Recycling Specialist 19.30 99730 - Re?Jse Collector 13.33 99810 - Sales Clerk 12.58 99820 - School Crossing Guard 9.75 99830 - Survey Party Chief 16.58 99831 - Surveying Aide 11.01 99832 - Surveying Technician 15.08 99840 - Vending Machine Attendant 11.67 99841 - Vending Machine Repairer 14.81 99842 - Vending Machine Repairer Helper 11.66 ALL OCCUPATIONS LISTED ABOVE RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: HEALTH WELFARE: Life, accident, and health insurance plans, sick leave, pension plans. civic and personal leave, severance pay, and savings and thrift plans. Minimum employer contributions costing an average of $3.24 per hour computed on the basis of all hours worked by service employees employed on the contract. VACATION: 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or successor; 3 weeks after 5 years, and 4 weeks after 15 years. Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with the present contractor or successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors in the performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173) HOLIDAYS: A minimum of ten paid holidays per year, New Year?s Day. Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day. Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day. and Christmas Day. (A contractor may substitute for any of the named holidays another day off with pay in accordance with a plan communicated to the employees involved.) (See 29 CFR 4174) THE OCCUPATIONS WHICH HAVE PARENTHESES AFTER THEM RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS (as numbered): 1) COMPUTER EMPLOYEES: Under the SCA at section this wage determination does not apply to any employee who individually quali?es as a bona ?de executive, administrative, or professional employee as de?ned in 29 CFR Part 541. Because most Computer System and Computer Programmers who are compensated at a rate not less than $27.63 (or on a salary or fee basis at a rate not less than $455 per week) an hour would likely qualify as exempt computer professionals, (29 CFR. 541.400) wage rates may not be listed on this wage determination for all occupations within those job families. In addition, because this wage determination may not list a wage rate for some or all occupations within those job families if the survey data indicates that the prevailing wage rate for the occupation equals or exceeds $27.63 per hour conformances may be necessary for certain nonexempt employees. For example, if an individual employee is nonexempt but nevertheless performs duties within the scope of one of the Computer Systems Analyst or Computer Programmer occupations for which this wage determination does not specify an SCA wage rate, then the wage 115 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032936 rate for that employee must be conformed in accordance with the conformance procedures described in the conformance note included on this wage determination. Additionally, because job titles vary widely and change quickly in the computer industry. job titles are not determinative of the application of the computer professional exemption. Therefore, the exemption applies only to computer employees who satisfy the compensation requirements and whose primary duty consists of: The application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine hardware, software or system functional speci?cations; (2) The design, development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing or modi?cation of computer systems or programs, including prototypes, based on and related to user or system design speci?cations; 0 (3) The design, documentation, testing, creation or modi?cation of computer programs related to machine operating systems; or (4) A combination of the aforementioned duties, the performance of which requires the same level of skills. (29 CPR. 541.400). 2) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND WEATHER OBSERVERS - NIGHT PAY SUNDAY PAY: If you work at night as part of a regular tour of duty, you will earn a night differential and receive an additional 10% of basic pay for any hours worked between 6pm and 6am. If you are a full-time employed (40 hours a week) and Sunday is part of your regularly scheduled workweek, you are paid at your rate of basic pay plus a Sunday premium of 25% of your basic rate for each hour of Sunday work which is not overtime occasional work on Sunday outside the normal tour of duty is considered overtime work). HAZARDOUS PAY DIFFERENTIAL: An 8 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a high degree of hazard when working with or in close proximity to ordinance, explosives, and incendiary materials. This includes work such as screening, blending, dying, mixing, and pressing of sensitive ordance, explosives, and pyrotechnic compositions such as lead azide, black powder and photo?ash powder. All dry- house activities involving propellants or explosives. Demilitarization, modification, renovation, demolition, and maintenance operations on sensitive ordnance, explosives and incendiary materials. All operations involving regrading and cleaning of artillery ranges. A 4 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a low degree of hazard when working with, or in close proximity to ordance, (or employees possibly adjacent to) explosives and incendiary materials which involves potential injury such as laceration of hands, face, or arms of the employee engaged in the operation, irritation of the skin, minor burns and the like; minimal damage to immediate or adjacent work area or equipment being used. All operations involving, unloading, storage, and hauling of ordance, explosive, and incendiary ordnance material other than small arms ammunition. These differentials are only applicable to work that has been speci?cally designated by the agency for ordance, explosives, and incendiary material differential pay. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE lf employees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract (either by the terms of the Government contract, by the employer, by the state or local law, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by laundering or dry cleaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by an employee where such cost reduces the hourly rate below that required by the wage determination. The Department of Labor will accept payment in accordance with the following standards as compliance: The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish all employees with an adequate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse employees for the actual cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cleaning and maintenance is made the responsibility of the employee, all 1 16 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032937 contractors and subcontractors subject to this wage determination shall (in the absence of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement providing for a different? amount, or the furnishing of contrary af?rmative proof as to the actual cost), reimburse all employees for such cleaning and maintenance at a rate of $3.35 per week (or $.67 cents per day). However, in those instances where the uniforms furnished are made of ?wash and wear? materials, may be routinely washed and dried with other personal garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry cleaning, daily washing, or commercial laundering in order to meet the cleanliness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract, by the contractor, by law, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement that employees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs. The duties of employees under job titles listed are those described in the ?Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations?, Fifth Edition, April 2006, unless otherwise indicated. Copies of the Directory are available on the Internet. A links to the Directory may be found on the WHD home page at or through the Wage Determinations On-Line (WDOL) Web site at REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL CLASSIFICATION AND WAGE RATE {Standard Form 1444 (SF 1444)} Conformance Process: The contracting of?cer shall require that any class of service employee which is not listed herein and which is to be employed under the contract the work to be performed is not performed by any classi?cation listed in the wage determination), be classi?ed by the contractor so as to provide a reasonable relationship appropriate level of skill comparison) between such unlisted classifications and the classi?cations listed in the wage determination. Such conformed classes of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished the fringe bene?ts as are determined. Such conforming process shall be initiated by the contractor prior to the performance of contract work by such unlisted class(es) of employees. The conformed classi?cation, wage rate, and/or fringe benefits shall be retroactive to the commencement date of the contract. {See Section 4.6 When multiple wage determinations are included in a contract, a separate SF 1444 should be prepared for each wage determination to which a class(es) is to be conformed. The process for preparing a conformance request is as follows: 1) When preparing the bid, the contractor identi?es the need for a conformed occupation) and computes a proposed rate). 2) After contract award, the contractor prepares a written report listing in order proposed classi?cation title), a Federal grade equivalency (FGE) for each proposed classification), job description), and rationale for proposed wage rate), including information regarding the agreement or disagreement of the authorized representative of the employees involved, or where there is no authorized representative, the employees themselves. This report should be submitted to the contracting officer no later than 30 days after such unlisted class(es) of employees performs any contract work. 3) The contracting of?cer reviews the proposed action and submits a report of the action, together with the agency's recommendations and pertinent information including the position of the contractor and the employees, to the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, US. Department of Labor, for review. (See section of Regulations 29 CFR Part 4). 4) Within 30 days of receipt, the Wage and Hour Division approves, modi?es, or disapproves the action via transmittal to the agency contracting of?cer, or noti?es the contracting of?cer that additional time will be required to process the request. 5) The contracting of?cer transmits the Wage and Hour decision to the contractor. 6) The contractor informs the affected employees. Information required by the Regulations must be submitted on SF 1444 or bond paper. When preparing a conformance request, the ?Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations" (the Directory) should be used to compare job de?nitions to insure that duties requested are not 1 17 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032938 performed by a classi?cation already listed in the wage determination. Remember, it is not the job title, but the required tasks that determine whether a class is included in an established Wage determination. Conformances may not be used to artificially split, combine, or subdivide classi?cations listed in the wage determination. Section - Attachment 2 Immigration and Customs Enforcement Contract Detention Facility (CDF) Model Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan 1 18 MARCH 2015 - 119 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032940 QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN FOR THE CONTRACT DETENTION FACILITIES (CDF) IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT (ICE) OFFICE OF DETENTION AND REMOVAL OPERATIONS (DRO) 1. INTRODUCTION The Government?s Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) is based on the premise that the Contractor/service provider, and not the Govemment, are responsible for the day- to-day Operation of a Contract Detention Facility (CDF), the delivery of secure housing of the detainees, the preparation and serving of nutritional meals under sanitary conditions, Stationary Detention Services and Transportation of detainees, and all the management and quality control actions required to meet the terms of the contract. The role of the Government in quality assurance is to ensure performance standards are achieved and maintained. The service provider is required to develop a comprehensive program of inspections and monitoring actions and to document its approach in a Quality Control Plan (QCP). The service provider?s QCP, upon approval by the Government, will be made a part of the resultant agreement. This QASP is designed to provide an effective surveillance method to monitor the service provider?s performance relative to the requirements listed in the agreement. The QASP illustrates the systematic method the Government (or its designated on-site representative) will use to evaluate the services the service provider is required to furnish. This QASP is based on the principle that the Government must validate that the Contractor/service provider is complying with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Detention and Removal Operations quality standards in providing security, detention services, transportation, and food services. Performance standards address all facets Of guard services, food services, detainee handling, including the related administrative, safety, health, facility, and records management. Ef?cient management by the service provider and use of an approved QCP will ensure that the facility is Operating within acceptable quality levels. 2. DEFINITIONS Acceptable Quality Level: The minimum level Of quality that will be accepted by the Government in order to meet the performance standard. Contracting Officer?s Technical Representative (COTR): The COTR interacts with the service provider to inspect and accept services/work performed in accordance with the technical standards prescribed in the agreement. The Contracting O?icer issues a written memorandum that appoints the COTR. Other individuals may be designated to assist in the inspection and quality assurance surveillance activities. Deduction: Funds may be deducted from a invoice for an egregious act or event, or if the same de?ciency continues to occur. The service provider will be noti?ed 1 20 MARCH 2015 ICE201 immediately if such a situation arises. The Contracting Of?cer in consultation with the Program Of?ce will determine the amount of the deduction. Amounts deducted are not recoverable. The assessment of deductions does not preclude the Contracting Of?cer from initiating other applicable contract actions and remedies, if applicable. Functional Area: A logical grouping of performance standards. Measures: The method for evaluating compliance with the standards. NDS: National Detention Standards Performance Requirements Summary (Attachment A): The Performance Requirements Summary (PRS) depicts what the Government intends to qualitatively inSpect. The PRS is based on: 1. American Correctional Association (ACA) Standards for Adult Detention Facilities (most current edition) and the most recent copy of the supplement issued every two years. A copy is obtainable through the Internet website store/ 2. Of?cer?s Handbook 3. M-68 (A Guide to Proper Conduct and Relationships with Aliens and the Mammy) 4. The Detention Standards A copy IS obtainable on the Internet website In the search icon insert Detention Standards? 5. All rules and regulations governing usage of ?rearms, public buildings and grounds 6. All regulations provided to the Contractor through the COTR Note: Documents are under revision as of December 2007, and being changed from INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) to ICE. Current editions/versions apply. The PRS identi?es performance standards grouped into nine functional areas, and quality levels essential for successful performance of each requirement. The PRS is used by the Government reviewers (or their designated representative) when conducting quality assurance surveillance to guide them through the inspection and review processes for assessing compliance in meeting Government standards. Performance Standards: The performance standards are established in the DRO ICE National - - - Operations Manual, as well as 121 MARCH 2015 the ACA standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities (ALDF). Other standards may also be de?ned in the agreement. Withholding: Amount of invoice payment withheld pending correction of a de?ciency. See Attachment A for information on percentage of invoice amount that may be withheld for each functional area. Funds withheld from payment are recoverable (see Sections 7 and 8) if the COTR and Contracting Of?cer con?rm resolution/correction and approve in writing, and should be included in the next month?s invoice. 3. QUALITY CONTROL PLAN As a part of its agreement with the Government, the service provider is required to develop, implement, and maintain a Quality Control Plan (QCP) that describes the methods it will use to review its performance to ensure it conforms to the performance requirements. Such reviews are performed by the service provider in order to validate its operations, and assure the Government that the services meet the performance standards. The service provider?s QCP should include monitoring methods that ensure and demonstrate its compliance with the performance standards. This includes inspection methods and schedules that are consistent with the regular reviews conducted by DRO. The reports and other results generated by the service provider?s QCP activities shall be provided to the COTR as requested. The frequency and type of the service provider?s reviews should be consistent with what is necessary in order to ensure compliance with the performance standards, but no less ?'equent than what is described in the Govemment?s monitoring instrument/worksheets (see Attachment C). The contractor/service provider is encouraged not to limit its inspection to only the processes outlined in the Govemment?s standard; however, certain key documents must be produced by the provider to assure the Government that the services meet the performance standards. Some of the documentation that must be generated and made available to the COTR for inspection is listed below. The list is intended as illustrative and is not all-inclusive. The service provider must develop and implement a program that addresses the speci?c requirement of each standard and the means it will use to document compliance. 0 Written policies and procedures to implement and assess operational requirements of the standard 0 Documentation and record keeping ensuring ongoing operational compliance with the standards inventories, logbooks, register of receipts, reports) Staff training records Contract discrepancy reports (CDRs) Investigative reports Medical records Records of investigative actions taken 122 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032943 .0 Equipment inspections 4. METHODS OF SURVEILLANCE The Government will inspect the facility and operations using worksheets it developed for this purpose. All facilities will be subject to an annual full facility review using the procedures outlined in the Detention Management Control Program (DMCP), as well as the ACA Standards for ALDF. More frequent inspections may be required by the COTR. The Government?s annual ?ill facility reviews will use the monitoring checklists (see Attachment C) embedded in the standards to assess overall performance, by reviewing speci?c items within the nine functional areas on a daily, weekly, and/or quarterly basis. Both annual and routine inspections will include a review of the service provider?s QCP activities including the reports and results generated by them. The COTR or designee will evaluate the service provider?s performance by conducting site visits to assess the facility and detainee health and welfare conditions, reviewing documentation, and interviewing the service provider?s personnel and/or detainees. NOTE: For day-to-day activities, the Government will conduct its surveillance using the worksheets created for this purpose, along with the Contract De?ciency Reports see Attachment B) and the ?Contract Performance Monitoring Tool? set forth in Attachment C. Where standards are referenced for annual review purposes, the ?Monitoring Instruments? and ?Veri?cation Sources? identi?ed in the standard will be used. 4.1 Site Visits: Site visits are used to observe actual performance and to conduct interviews to determine the extent of compliance with performance standards, and to ensure any noted de?ciencies are effectively addressed and corrected as quickly as possible. All Government facilities will have an on-site COTR designee. Routine reviews may involve direct observation of the service provider personnel performing tasks, interacting with detainees and other staff members, and/or reviewing documentation that demonstrates compliance with the DRO standards. On-site inspections may be performed by the ICE COTR or by other parties designated as representatives of ICE. Inspections may be planned annual inspections and the regularly scheduled inspections identi?ed in Attachment C) or ad-hoc. 4.2 Ad-Hoc: These inspections are unscheduled and will be conducted as a result of special interests or unexpected conditions arising from routine monitoring of the service provider?s QCP, an unusual occurrence pertaining to the agreement, or other ICE concerns. These inspections may also be used as a follow-up to a previous inspection. Inspection ?ndings will be provided to the service provider as appropriate. When visiting a site, either the COTR or a designated third party may conduct their own inspections of service provider performance activities, or accompany the service provider?s designated Quality Control Inspector (QCI) on scheduled inspections. The COTR may also immediately inspect the same area as soon as the QCI has completed the 123 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032944 quality control inspection to determine if any surveillance areas were overlooked. The COTR may also inspect an area prior to the QCI and compare results. The COTR will record all ?ndings; certain de?ciencies noted will be provided in writing and must be corrected within a reasonable amount of time (see Attachment B). 4.3 Review of Documentation: The service provider must develop and maintain all documentation as prescribed in the performance standards post logs, policies, and records of corrective actions). In addition to the documentation prescribed by the standards, the service provider must also develop and maintain documentation that demonstrates the results of its own inspections as prescribed in its QCP. The COTR will review both forms of documentation to af?nn that the facility conditions, policies/procedures, and handling of detainees all conform to the performance standards stated herein. When reviewing the service provider?s documentation, the Government may review 100 percent of the documents, or a representative sample. Documentation may be reviewed during a site visit, or at periodic points throughout the period of performance. 4.4 Interviews and Other Feedback: The COTR will interview key members of the service provider?s staff, detainees, and other Government personnel to ascertain current practices and the extent of compliance with the performance standards. 5. FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE AREAS AND STANDARDS To facilitate the performance review process, the required performance standards are organized into nine functional areas corresponding to the requirements in the Performance Work Statement (PWS). Each functional area represents a proportionate share weight) of the invoice amount payable to the service provider based on meeting the performance standards. Payment withholdings will be based on these percentages and weights applied to the overall invoice. ICE may, consistent with the scope the agreement, unilaterally change the functional areas and associated standards af?liated with a speci?c functional area. The Contracting Of?cer will notify the service provider at least 30 calendar days in advance of implementation of the new standard(s). If the service provider is not provided with the noti?cation, adjustment to the new standard must be made within 30 calendar days after noti?cation. If any change affects pricing, the service provider may submit a request for equitable price adjustment in accordance with the ?Changes? clause. ICE reserves the right to develop and implement new inspection techniques and instructions at any time during performance without advance notice to the service provider, so long as the standards are not more stringent than those being replaced, unless agreed upon by the parties. 6. FAILURE TO MEET PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Performance of services in conformance with the PRS standards is essential for the service provider to receive ?ill payment as identi?ed in the agreement. The Contracting 1 24 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032945 Of?cer may take deductions against the invoices for unsatisfactory performance documented through surveillance of the service provider?s activities gained through site inspections, reviews of documentation (including QCP reports), interviews, and other feedback. As a result of its surveillance, the service provider will be assigned the following rating relative to each performance standard: Rating Description Acceptable Based on the measures, the performance standard is demonstrated. Based on the measures, compliance with most of the attributes of the performance standard is demonstrated/observed with some area(are needing improvement. There are no critical areas of unacceptable performance ?Risk Based on the performance measures, the majority of a performance standard?s attributes are not met. Using the above standards as a guide, the Contracting Of?cer will implement adjustments to the service provider?s invoice as prescribed in Attachment A. Rather than withholding funds until a deficiency is corrected, there may be times when an event or a de?ciency is so egregious that the Government deducts (vs. ?withholds?) amounts from the service provider?s invoice. This may happen when an event occurs, such as an escape, traf?c accident due to contractor negligence, or sexual abuse, when a particular de?ciency is noted three or more times without correction, or when the service provider has failed to take timely action on a de?ciency about which he/she was properly and timely noti?ed. The amount deducted will be consistent with the relative weight of the ?mctional performance area where the de?ciency was noted. The deduction may be a one-time event, or may continue until the service provider has either corrected the de?ciency, or made substantial progress in the correction. Further, a de?ciency found in one functional area may tie into another. If a detainee escaped, for example, a de?ciency would be noted in ?Security and Control,? but may also relate to a de?ciency in the area of ?Administration and Management.? 7. NOTIFICATIONS Based on the inspection of the service provider?s performance, the COTR will document instances of de?cient or at-risk performance noncompliance with the standard) using the CDR form located at Attachment B. To the extent practicable, issues should be resolved informally, with the COTR and service provider working together. When documentation of an issue or de?ciency is required, the procedures set forth in this section will be followed. When a CDR is required to document performance issues, it will be submitted to the service provider with a date when a response is due. Upon receipt of a CDR, the service provider must immediately assess the situation and either correct the de?ciency as quickly as possible or prepare a corrective action plan. In either event, 125 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032946 the service provider must return the CDR with the action planned or taken noted. After the COTR reviews the service provider?s response to the CDR including its plan/remedy, the COTR will either accept plan or correction or reject the correction/plan for revision and provide an explanation. This process should take no more than one week. The CDR should not be used as a substitute for quality control by the service provider. The COTR and CO, in addition to any other designated ICE of?cial, shall be noti?ed immediately in the event of all emergencies. Emergencies include, but are not limited to the following: activation of disturbance control team(s); disturbances (including gang activities, group demonstrations, food boycotts, work strikes, work-place violence, civil disturbances/protests); staff use of force including use of lethal and less-lethal force (includes detainees in restraints more than eight hours); assaults on staff/detainees resulting in injuries requiring medical attention (does not include routine medical evaluation after the incident); ?ghts resulting in injuries requiring medical attention; ?res; ?ll] or partial lock down of the facility; escape; weapons discharge; suicide attempts; deaths; declared or non-declared hunger strikes; adverse incidents that attract unusual interest or signi?cant publicity; adverse weather hurricanes, ?oods, ice/snow storms, heat waves, tornadoes); fence damage; power outages; bomb threats; central detainee monitoring cases admitted to a community hospital; witness security cases taken outside the facility; signi?cant environmental problems that impact the facility operations; transportation accidents (airlift, bus, etc.) resulting in injuries, death, or property damage; and sexual assaults. Note that in an emergency situation, a CDR may not be issued until an investigation has been completed. If the COT concludes that the de?cient or at-risk performance warrants a withholding or deduction, the COTR must include the complete CDR (with of?cial response from Contractor/service provider) in its report to DRO Headquarters, with a copy to the Contracting Of?cer. The CDR must be accompanied by the investigation report and written recommendation for any withholding. If contractual action including a withholding or deduction is appropriate, DRO headquarters will forward the CDR and supporting information to the Contracting Of?cer for action. The Contracting Of?cer will consider the recommendation and forward the CDR along with any relevant supporting information to the service provider in order to con?rm or ?irther discuss the prospective cure, including the Govemment?s proposed course of action. As described in Section 6 above, portions of the invoice amount may be withheld until such time as the corrective action is completed, or a deduction may be taken. Following receipt of the service provider?s noti?cation that the correction has been made, the COTR may re-inspect the facility. Based upon the ?ndings, he/she will recommend that the Contracting Of?cer continue to withhold a proportionate share of the payment until the correction is made, or accept the correction as ?nal and release the ?ll] amount withheld for that issue. 126 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032947 If funds have been withheld and either the Government or the service provider terminates the agreement, those ?mds will not be released. The service provider may only receive withheld payments upon successful correction of an instance of non- compliance. Further, the service provider is not relieved of ?ll] performance of the required services hereunder; the agreement may be terminated upon adequate notice from the Government based upon any one instance, or failure to remedy de?cient performance, even if a deduction was previously taken for any inadequate performance. The COTR will maintain a record of all open and resolved CDRs. 8. DETAINEEIMEMBER OF PUBLIC COMPLAINTS The detainee and the public are the ultimate recipients of the services identi?ed in this agreement. Any complaints made known to the COTR will be logged and forwarded to the service provider for remedy. Upon noti?cation, the service provider will be given a pre?speci?ed number of hours after verbal noti?cation from the COTR to address the issue. The service provider will submit documentation to the COTR regarding the actions taken to remedy the situation. If the complaint is found to be invalid, the service provider will document its ?ndings and notify the COTR. 9. ATTACHMENTS A Performance Requirements Summary Contract Discrepancy Report Performance Monitoring Tool 127 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032948 Attachment A- Performance Requirements Summary FUNCTIONAL WEIGHT Performance Based National Detention Standards, PWS, ICE PERFORMANCE MEASURE METHOD OF SURVEILLANCE ACCEPTABLE QUALITY LEVEL WITHHOLDING AND DEDUCTION CRITERIA Administration and Management (Addresses contractor responsibilities to administer and manage the facility in a professional and manner consistent with legal requirements) References: l. Detention Files 2. News Media Interviews and Tours. 3. Staff Training 4. Transfer of Detainees 5. De?nitions PWS Section References: SOW references: 1) I: Introduction; 2) II: General Requirements (except division 3) ill: Personnel; 4) IV: Background and Clearance Procedures; 5) V: Training: 6) Manage lnfonnation System for Collecting. Retrieving. Storing and Reporting Detainee Information; 7) Vl-l: Collect and Disseminate Intelligence Information; 8) Manage Computer Equipment and Services in Accordance with all Performance measures are re?ected in the monitoring instrument that accompanies each standard or in the supplemental performance monitoring tool issued by the COTR 0 Annual review of facility using Detention Management Control Program (DMCP) procedures and based upon the performance standard 0 Periodic reviews in accordance with the attached performance monitoring tool 0 review of comective action plan results 0 Ad-hoc reviews as needed 0 CDRs Performance ?rlly complies with all elements of standard at a level no less titan acceptable (see Section 6 of the QASP) A rating of De?cient on any three of the standards will result in up to 10% withholding or deduction in the invoiced per-diem day rate until compliance with the standard is established A rating of At-Risk on any of the standards will result in up to l0?/o withholding or deduction in the invoiced per-diam day rate until compliance with the standard is established MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032949 128 Performance Based ACCEPTABLE WITHHOLDING AND FUNCTIONAL National Detention PERFORMANCE METHOD OF QUALITY LEVEL DEDUCTION CRITERIA WEIGHT Standards PWS. MEASURE SURVEILLANCE ICE Standards Operational Security Requirements; 9) VII-0: Intelligence Information; 10) VII-P: Lost and Found; ll) VII-U: Protection of Employees; 12) XII-D: Manage and Maintain a Commissary; 13) XII-G: Physical Plant: 14) Property Accountability. - References: Perfomlance measures 0 review of corrective Performance ?rlly A rating of De?cient on any Faculty Sec? "ty and l. Admission and are reflected in the action plan results. complies with all two ofthe standards will result Release monitoring instrument Ad.hoc reviews as needed elements of standard at a in up to 20% withholding or 2. Classi?cation that accompanies each CDRs level no less than deduction in the System standard or in the . Review ofscwicc provider?s acceptable (see Section invoiced per-diem day rate 3. Contraband supplemental quality comm] program 6 of the QASP) until compliance with the (Addresses prom? me community? 4. Facility Security performance monitoring mp0,? and output standard is established sum. mammals volumc?s, and and Control monitorlng tool Issued dam . . deminees ?om ham) 5. Fun? and by the COTR A ratlng of At-Rlsk on any of Personal Property the standards will result in up 6. Hold Rooms in Annual review of to 20% withholding or Detention Facilities facility using deduction in the 7. Key and Lock Detention invoiced per-client day late Control Management Control until compliance with the 8. Population Counts Program (DMCP) standard is established 9. Post Orders procedures and based l0. Searches of upon the performance Detainees. standard I I. Sexual Abuse and Assault Periodic reviews in Prevention and accordance with the Intervention contract performance I2. Special monitoring tool (see MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032950 l29 FUNCTIONAL WEIGHT Performance Based National Detention Standards, PWS, ICE Standards PERFORMANCE MEASURE METHOD OF SURVEILLANCE ACCEPTABLE QUALITY LEVEL WITHIIOLDING AND DEDUCTION CRITERIA Management Units 13. Staff-Detainee Communication 14. Tool Control 15. Use of Force and Restraints PWS Section References: l) Manage the Receiving and Discharge of Detainees; 2) VLC: Manage and Account for Detainee Assets (funds. WW): 3) Securely Operate the Facility; 4) VI-E: Establish and Maintain a Program for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse/Assault; 5) Maintain Detainee Accountability; 6) VI-J: Provide Security Inspection System: 7) VII-A: Security and Control (General); 8) VII-B: Unauthorized Access: 9) VII-C: Direct Supervision of Detainees; l0) VII-D: Log Books: attached) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032951 I30 FUNCTIONAL WEIGHT Performance Based National Detention Standards, PWS, ICE Standards PERFORMANCE MEASURE METHOD OF SURVEILLANCE ACCEPTABLE QUALITY LEVEL AND DEDUCTION CRITERIA ll) VII-E: Records and Reports: 12) VII-F: Detainee Counts; l3) VII-G: Daily Inspections; l4) VII-H: Control of Contraband; l5) VII-I: Keys and Access Control Devices; l6)Vll-K: Post Orders; I7) VII-L: Deviation from Prescribed Schedule Assignments; l8) VII-M: Use of Force Policy; l9) VII-N: Use of Restraint Policy; 20) VII-Q: Escapes: 21) XIV: Firearms \Body Armor Detainee Activities (Addresses contractor responsibilities to reduce the negative effects of con?nement) References: 1. Correspondence and other Mail 2. Escorted Trips for Non-Medical Emergencies 3. Marriage Requests 4. Recreation 5. Religious Practices 6. Telephone Access 7. Visitation 8. Voluntary Work Program PWS Section References: I) lX- Managea Performance measures are re?ected in the monitoring instrument that accompanies ch standard or in the supplemental performance monitoring tool issued by the COTR 0 Annual review of facility using Detention Management Control Program (DMCP) procedures and based upon the performance standard 0 Periodic reviews in accordance with the contract performance monitoring tool (see attached) I review of corrective action plan results. 0 Ad-hoc reviews as needed 0 Review of service provider's quality control program monitoring reports 0 CDRs Performance fully complies with all elements of standard at a level no less than acceptable (see Section 6 of the QASP) A rating of De?cient on any three of the standards will result in up to l0% withholding or deduction in the invoiced per-diem day rate until compliance with the standard is established A rating of At-Risk on any of the standards will result in up to l0% withholding or deduction in the invoiced per-diem day rate until compliance with the standard is established MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032952 l3] Performance Based ACCEPTABLE WITHHOLDING AND FUNCTIONAL National Detention PERFORMANCE METHOD OF QUALITY LEVEL DEDUCTION CRITERIA WEIGHT Standards, PWS. MEASURE SURVEILLANCE ICE Standards Detainee Work Program; 2) Xll-B: Manage Multi- Denominational Religious Service Program; 3) XII-C: Provide for a Detainee Recreation Fragrant; 4) Xll-E: Manage and Maintain a Detainee Telephone System References: Performance measures 0 Annual review of {gain ?Sin Performance fully A rating of De?cient on any Safety 1. Emergency Plans are re?ected in the Detention Manageman complies with all two of the standards will result (15 A) 2. Environmental monitoring instrument Conn-01 program (DMCP) elements of standard at a in up to withholding or Health and Sai?ety that accompanies each pmcedmcs and based upon 1h: level no less titan . deduction in the (Addresses a safe work environment 3. Transportation (by standard or in the pct-romance standard acceptable (see Sectlon lnvolced per-dlern day rate for Su?: volume?. contractors and land) supfplemental . periodic reviews in accordance 6 of the QASP) untllizodm-pllancc the detainees) 9m? 1 with the attached performance ?5 ?tab!? ed Refererftfetst'm Issue monitoring A rating of At Risk on any of 9 ll-N: meme the standards will result in up ransportatton only . Ad dad to IS A Withholding or 2) Maintain m'cws as me deduction in the Institutional CDRS invoiced per-diem day rate Emergency until compliance with the Readiness; standard is established 3) VlloJ: Control of Chemicals; 4) VII-S: Evacuation Plans. 1. Detainee Performance measures . Annual review of facili ?sin Performance fully A rating of De?cient on any Detamee Legal Handbook are re?ected in the Detention Management? 8 complies witll all two ofthe standards will result Resources 2. Grievance System monitoring instrument Control Program (DMCP) elements of standard at a in up to l5% withholding or 3. Law Libraries and that accompanies each procedures and based upon the level no less titan . in the Legal Materials standard or in the pct-fame: standard acceptable (see Section lnv0lced per-dtem day rate 4. Legal supplemental . Periodic reviews in accomncc 6 of the QASP) until compliance with the [32 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032953 Performance Based ACCEPTABLE WITHHOLDING AND FUNCTIONAL National Detention PERFORMANCE METHOD OF QUALITY LEVEL DEDUCTION CRITERIA WEIGHT Standards, PWS. MEASURE SURVEILLANCE ICE Standards (Addresses contractor responsibilities Group Presentations performance with the attached performance standard is established to treat detainees fairly and respect monitoring tool issued monitoring tool their legal rights) PWS Section by the COTR 0 review ofcomc?vc A rating of At-Risk on any of References: action results the standards in up 1) XII-F2 Law . reviews as needed to l5% withholding or Library. . CDRS deduction in the invoiced per-diem day rate until compliance with the standard is established Detainee are 1. Food Service Performance measures 0 Annual review of facility using Performance A rating of Deficient on any of 2. Hunger Stnke are re?ected tn the Detention Management complies With all the standards result in up 3. Medical Care monitoring instrument Control Progmm (0cm) elements ofstandard at a to 20% withholding or 4- Personal Hygiene ?181 accompanist? each procedures and based upon the level no less than deduction in the 5. Suicide Prevention standard or in the performance standard acceptable (see Section invoiced per-diern day rate Tammib'l'w '0 and Intervention supplemental Periodic review in accordance 6 of the QASP) until compliance with the PwV'dc 535*? and 6. Terminal Illness, performance with the attached pen?omnce standard is established. Pmm?a] cam 0f dmmees) Advanced Directives, monitoring tool issued monitoring tool and Death by the COTR . review anon-active A rating of AtoRisk on any of PWS Section action plan mus. the standards will result in up References; . Adm?: reviews as needed to 20% withholding or I) ll-N: Housing. CDRS deduction in the Health, and Medical invoiced per-diem day rate Care Only; until compliance with the 2) VI-F: Establish standard is established. and Maintain a Program for Suicide Prevention and Intervention 3) Vll-T: Injury, Illness, and Reports; 4) VII-V: Medical Requests: 5) VII-W: Emergency Medical Evacuation; 6) VII-X: Detainee Death or Injury; 7) VII-Y: Sanitation and Hygienic Living Conditions; 8) x: Health 133 MARCH 2015 Performance Based ACCEPTABLE WITHHOLDING AND FUNCTIONAL National Detention PERFORMANCE METHOD OF QUALITY LEVEL DEDUCTION CRITERIA WEIGHT Standards l?wss MEASURE SURVEILLANCE ICE Standards Services: 9) Xl: Food Services; l0) XII-A: Manage Detainee Clothing. Linens. and Bedding. Order References: Performance measures 0 Annual review of facility using Performance fully A rating of De?cient on any I. Disciplinary are re?ected in the Detention Management complies with all {hm Oflhe standalds Will System monitoring instrument Control Program (DMCP) elements of standard at a result in up to 10% withholding that accompanies each procedures and based upon the level no less than or deduction in the . . PWS Section standard or in the performance standard acceptable (see Section invoiced per-diem day rate (Mm??565 mmr?wmf ?Won-?hunt to References: supplemental 0 Periodic rcvicws in accordance 6 of the QASP) until compliance with the maintain an l) we: Enfomc the performance with the attached Momnce standard is established clear expectations of behavior and Detainee monimring tool issued moniwring Systems System; the 9 ?view of corrective A rating OfAl-Rl5k on any 0f 2) Detainee action plan mulls the standards result in up Righ?ss Rules. 0 Ad.h?c reviews as needed ?0 or Discipline, and CDRS deduction in the Privileges. invoiced pcr-diem day rate until compliance with the Milan! is established 134 MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIAO3030.0D32955 The following is a breakdown of the percentage amounts that will be withheld or deducted for each functional area for 1st offense through 4'h offense in de?cient and at-risk. As stated in the withholding and deduction criteria, no more than the total weight for each functional area (for example 10% for Administration and Management) will be withheld or deducted on a invoiced per diem day rate. The offenses will be recorded on a 12 month basis. De?cient Offense 2nu Offense 3a Offense 4 Offense Administration Manag?nt 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% Facility Security Control 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% Detainee Activities 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% Safety Standards 3.75% 7.50% 10.25% 15.00% Detainee Legal Resources 3.75% 7.50% 10.25% 15.00% Detainee Care 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% Order 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% At-Risk 1? Offense Offense 3? Offense 4m Offense Administration Management 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% Facility Security Control 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% Detainee Activities 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% Safety Standards 3.75% 7.50% 10.25% 15.00% Detainee Legal Resources 3.75% 7.50% 10.25% 15.00% Detainee Care 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% Order 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% 135 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA0303ODO32956 Attachment - Contract Discrepancy Report CONTRACT DISCREPANCY REPORT 1. CONTRACT NUMBER Report Number: Date: 2. T0: (Contractor and Manager Name) 3. FROM: (Name of COTR) DATES CONTRACTOR NOTIFICATION CONTRACTOR RESPONSE DUE RETURNED BY CONTRACTOR ACTION COMPLETE BY 4 DISC REPANCY 0R PROBLEM (Describe in Detail: Include reference in PWS Directive: Attach continuation sheet if necessary.) 5 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE (COTR) 7. FROM: (Contractor) 6 TO: (COTR) 8 CONTRACTOR RESPONSE AS TO CAUSE, CORRECTIVE ACTION AND ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE ATTACH CONTINUATION SHEET IF NECESSARY (Cite applicable Q.A. program procedures or newA. W. procedures 9 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE 10. DATE I 1 GOVERNMENT EVALUATION OF CONTRACTOR PLAN: (Acceptable response/plan, partial acceptance ofresponse/plan, rejection: attach continuation sheet if necessaty) I2 GOVERNMENT ACTIONS (Payment withholding, cure notice. Show cause. other) CLOSE OUT NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED COTR CONTRACTING OFFICER 1 3 6 MARCH 2015 Detention and Removal Operations 1.21 9M4. US. Immigration and Customs 9'3? . i ?l 10?: Contract Performance Monitoring Tool ?am ?0 Enforcement Facility Name: Month/Year: Fre uenc Rating - - - DETENTION STANDARD AIDIRIN Due Date D: A 1. Admission and Release ICE information is available for initial classification Medical screening taking place within timeframes om.) Inventory detainee personal effects .0 Detainee funds accountability in place for adminlrelease All visual searches documented and are not routine in procedure Appropriate clothing and bedding issued Orientation material in English. Spanish or most prevalent second language 2. Detainee Classi?cation System All detainees classi?ed appropriately upon arrival Reassessment and reclassification process in place Housing assignments are based upon classi?cation Work assignments are based upon classification system Detainees are assigned color coded uniformsiwrist bands to reflect classi?cation level 3. Contraband Policy in place for handling contraband Contraband di5posed of properly and documented one Facility staff make a concerted effort to control 8/11f2011 137 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool Facility Name: Montleear: ~27. 0H.1. a? 50. 4. (?15 ?0 US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement if? DETENTION STANDARD Rating . . Corrective Action Requrred NDARIN Comments Due Date contraband 4. Correspondence and Other Mail incoming mail screened and delivered daily Outgoing mail screened for contraband Legal mail opened in front of detainee Incoming funds processed properly Rules for correspondence and other mail posted in housing unit or common areas, and detainee handbook Facility has a system for detainees to purchase stamps SMU has same correspondence privileges as general pop 5. Detainee Handbook Staff aware of handbook contents and follow procedures Available in both English and Spanish andlor second most prevalent language Handbook is updated as necessary D. Orientation material available to illiterate detainees 6. Detention Files A. Detention ?le created for each new arrival Detention ?les contain documents generated during B. custody l38 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 .a . US. Immigration Detention and Removal Operations . and Customs Contract Performance Monitoring Tool as Enforcement Facility Name: Monthi'Year: uenc Rating Fr - - - DETENTION STANDARD NDIRIN Adm? Requ'md Due Date M. A Comments Detention ?les maintained in a secure area 7. Disciplinary Policy Rules of conduct/sanctions provided in writing Incident reports investigated within 24 hours .0513? .0 Disciplinary panel adjudicate infractions Disciplinary sanctions are in accordance with standards mp Staff representation available 8. Emergency Plans Staff trained Written plans Evacuation routes primary and secondary A complete set of emergency plans is available moon? Staff work stoppage plan is available 9. Environmental Health and Safety System for storinglissuinglmaintaining hazardous A. materials Complete inventories of hazardous materials B. maintained A complete list of MSDS readily accessible to staff C. and detainees D. Fire preventionicontrolfevacuation plan Conduct fire/evacuation drills according to schedule/standard Staff trained to prevent contact with blood and 8/1112011 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable 139 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA030300032960 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool Facility Name: MonthiYear: . wt Tli 0H4 i (4H) US. Immigration and Customs - Enforcement Fre uenc DETENTION STANDARD Rating . . . Corrective Action Requrred i Comments Due Date bodily ?uids Emergency generators are tested bi-weekly Every employee and detainee using flammable, toxic, or caustic materials receives advance training in their use. storage, and disposal Safety Of?ce (or officer) maintains files of inspection reports; Including corrective actions taken Facility appears clean and well maintained All flammable and combustible materials (liquid and aerosol) are stored and used according to label recommendations 10. Non-Medical Emergency Escorted Trips The Field Office Director considers and approves. on a case-by-case basis, trips to visit an immediate family member in accordance with standards 11. Security Inspections Staff are required to conduct security check of assigned areas All visitors of?cially recorded in a visitor log book Front entrance staff inspect ID of everyone entering/exiting Maintain a log of all incoming and departing vehicles 8/11/2011 140 A Acceptable De?cient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 0032961 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool Facility Name: Montleear: US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement nu. )k bi? r; i aft Fre uenc DETENTION STANDARD Rating NDIRIN A Corrective Action Required I Comments Due Date Housing unit searches occur at irregular times Area searches documented in log book .071!? fence checks completed and logged .1 Facility administrator or designee and department heads visit housing units and activity areas weekly Officers monitor all vehicular traf?c entering and leaving the facility The facility has a written policy and procedures to prevent the introduction of contraband into the facility or any of its components Security officer posts located in or immediately adjacent to detainee living areas to permit of?cers to see or hear and respond to emergency situations. Personal contact and interaction between staff and detainees is required and facilitated Daily procedures include: perimeter alarm system tests; physical checks of the perimeter fence; documenting the results Tools being taken into the secure area of the facility are inspected and inventoried 12. Food Service ApprOpriate security measures for sharps are in place Appropriate food temperatures are maintained for both hot and cold food 8111f2011 141 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA030300032962 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool mam?,1 . 9W1. I ?15! 10 a: "4 Sgt. US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Facility Name: Montthear: Fre uenc Rating - - 4-5-3 ,1 DETENTION STANDARD Due Date A Food Service department maintained at a high level of sanitation Detainees receive safety and appropriate equipment training prior to beginning work in department A minimum of two hot meals served daily Facility has a standard 35 day cycle menu A registered dietician conducts nutritional analysis All menu changes documented Common fare menu for authorized detainees Weekly inspections conducted and documented 13. Funds and Personal Property Inventory personal propertyl'funds is maintained Funds/valuables documented on receipt .092? Detainees property searched for contraband Staff forward arriving detainees medication to medical staff mp Detainee funds are deposited into the cash box Staff secure every container used to store property with a tamper-proof numbered strap Quarterly audits of detainee baggage luggage are conducted, veri?ed. and logged 14. Detainee Grievance Procedures Grievance procedures in place Staff awareness of procedures for emergency 8f11120?l1 142 A Acceptable Deficient At?Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA030300032963 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool mar US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Facility Name: Monthi'Year: Ratin . . Fre uenc 9 DETENTION STANDARD NDIRIN Due Date A gnevances Grievance log is utilized Staff forward any grievances alleging staff misconduct to ICE lnforrnal resolution to a detainee grievance documented in detention file 15. Hold Rooms in Detention Facilities Detainees are not held in hold rooms longer than 12 hours All detainees pat searched prior to placement in hold room Maintain detention log for each detainee in hold room Written evacuation plan posted for each hold room Hold rooms contain sufficient seating for the number of detainees held No or other related make shift sleeping apparatuses are permitted inside hold rooms Male and females are segregated from each other at all times Detainees are provided with basic personal hygiene items such as water, soap, toilet paper, cups for water, feminine hygiene items. diapers and wipes Of?cers closely supervise the detention hold rooms. Hold rooms are irregularly monitored every 15 8/11/2011 143 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 t?kuhp? ?be; US. Immigration and Customs ?of Enforcement Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool Facility Name: Montthear: Ratin . . DETENTION STANDARD Normal Due Date A minutes 16. Hunger Strikes Procedures for referring detainee to medical if verbally refused or observed refusing to eat beyond A. 72 hours Staff receive training in identification of hunger B. strike C. Process for determining reason for hunger strike 17. Key and Lock Control Maintain inventories of all A. devices Emergency keys are available for all areas of the facility B. Chit system used to issue security equipment/keyslradios C. Policy regarding restricted keys present and D. followed by staff Facility has a key accountability policy and procedures to ensure key accountability. The keys E. are physically counted daily Locks and locking devices are continually F. inspected, maintained, and inventoried 811112011 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable 144 MARCH 2015 US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool Facility Name: Month/Year: DETENTION STANDARD NDIRIN Fre uenc Rat'ng Corrective Action Required I Due Date 0 A Comments 18. Access to Legal Material A. Adequate equipment is available for detainees Legal materialsllaw library current and available for detainees Detainee access provided to include SMU 53.0.00 Denials documented Schedule for use implemented 5 hours weekly per E. detainee Access to legal material within 24 hours of written F. request Indigent detainees provided free stampsl?envelopes G. for legal matters 19. Group Presentations on Legal Rights approved videos played for all incoming A. detainees Posters announcing presentation appear in common areas at least 48 hours prior to B. presentation C. Detainees in SMU receive separate presentation Facility ensures adequate presentations so all D. detainees wanting to attend have the opportunity 20. Marriage?Requests Marriage written requests approved by FOD 8l11l2011 A Acceptable Deficient At?Risk NA Not Acceptable 145 MARCH 2015 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool Facility Name: Montleear: i 411?, to US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Fre uenc DETENTION STANDARD Rating NDIRIN A Corrective Action Required Comments Due Date 21. Medical Care Intake process includes medical and mental health screening 933? Sick call procedures established Adequate medical staff available proportionate to population .00 Pharmaceuticals stored in a secure area .m All detainees receive physical examinationlassessment within 14 days of arrival Sick call slips available in English, Spanish and/or most prevalent second language The facility has a written plan for 24 hour emergency health care when no medical staff are on?duty or when immediate outside medical attention is required Medical records are available and transferred with the detainee Records are maintained of medication distribution All sharps are under strict control and accountability A sharps container is used to dispose of used sharps The medical department is maintained at a high level of sanitation 22. Issuance and Exchange of Clothing, Bedding, and Towels 8/11l2011 146 A Acceptable Deficient At?Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 i \vkkna U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 5 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool . dump. Facility Name: Month/Year: ?p?t it o, STANDARD Comments Due Date ?9'10 Ratmg Corrective Action Required! A Clothing provided upon intake and exchanged weekly 51> Sheets and towels exchanged weekly Climate appropriate clothing issued and maintained in good repair Facility provides and replenishes personal hygiene items as needed, at no cost to detainee .0 .0 Showers operate between 100 degrees and 120 degrees Showers meet ADA standards and requirements Food Service detainee volunteers exchange G. garments daily 23. Population Counts Staff conduct formal count at least once per 8 hour A. shift] 3x per day At least two officers participate in count for each B. area Recount conducted when incorrect count is C. reported D. Face to photo count conducted as necessary Each detainee positively identi?ed during count 24. Post Orders Every post has a post order, current signed by the facility administrator 8l11l2011 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable I47 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAD3D3ODO32968 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool A US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Facility Name: Month/Year: Fre uenc Rating - - - DETENTION STANDARD Due Date Housing unit officers record all detainee activity in a 8. log C. Supervisor visits each housing area once per shift Staff sign post orders, regardless of whether the assignment is temporary, permanent, or due to an emergency D. Anyone assigned to an armed post quali?es with E. the post wgpons before assuming post duty 25. Recreation A. Outdoorlindoor recreation is provided B. Access to recreation activities 1 hour 5 days C. Staff conduct daily searches of recreation areas D. In unit sedentary activities are available 26. Religious Practices Detainees are allowed to engage in religious A. services Authorized religious items are allowed in detainee B. possession 27. Special Management Unit (Administrative Seg?gation) A. Written order accompany detainee placed in SMU SMU reviews are conducted in a timely manner B. ( C. Detainees in SMU have access to legal materials D. Detainees in SMU retain visiting privileges 811112011 148 A Acceptable De?cient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 0032969 US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool Facility Name: Montleear: DETENTION STANDARD NDARIN Comments Due Date Fre uenc Rat'ng Corrective Action Required at Maintain a permanent log regarding detainee E. related activities SMU phone access same as general pop unless F. exception is made Detainees in SMUs may shave and shower three times weekly and receive other basic services (laundry. hair care, barbering, clothing, bedding, G. linen) on the same basis as the general population The facility administrator (or designee) visits each H. SMU daily A health care provider visits every detainee in a SMU at least 3x week. and detainees are provided i. any medications prescribed for them Detainees in the SMU are offered at least one hour of recreation per day. scheduled at a reasonable time, at least ?ve days per week. Where cover is not provided to mitigate inclement weather. detainees are provided weather-appropriate J. equipment and attire When a detainee has been held in Admin Segregation for more than 30 days. the facility administrator notifies the Field Office Director. who noti?es the ICEIDRO Deputy Assistant Director, K. Detention Management Division 28. Special Management Unit (Disciplinary Seg?gation) 8f11/2011 A Acceptable Deficient At?Risk NA Not Acceptable 149 MARCH 2015 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool Facility Name: Montleear: t? A 9m U.S.Im1nigration and Customs Enforcement __Fre uenc DETENTION STANDARD Rating AIDJRIN A Corrective Action Required 1 Comments Due Date Written order accompany detainee placed in SMU .03 SMU reviews are conducted in a timely manner (3,7.14,30,60) Admin SMU detainees enjoy same privileges as 99? POP Detainees in SMU have access to legal materials .mpo Detainees in SMU retain visiting privileges Maintain a permanent log regarding detainee related activities Written order accompany detainee placed in disciplinary SMU Detainees in disciplinary SMU have access to legal materials Detainees in disciplinary SMU retain visiting pnvNeges Disciplinary SMU phone access limited to legallconsular calls Detainees in SMUs may shave and shower three times weekly and receive other basic services (laundry, hair care, barbering, clothing, bedding. linen) on the same basis as the general population The facility administrator (or designee) visits each SMU daily A health care provider visits every detainee in a SMU at least 3): week, and detainees are provided 82'11/2011 150 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool 9 T1 ?03 . US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Facility Name: Month/Year: Rating Corrective Action Re uired I DETENTION STANDARD NDIRIN Due Date A omments any medications prescribed for them Detainees in the SMU are offered at least one hour of recreation per day. scheduled at a reasonable time, at least ?ve days per week. Where cover is not provided to mitigate inclement weather, detainees are provided weather-appropriate equipment and attire 29. Staff-Detainee Communication Housing unit rounds conducted daily by security staff Housing unit rounds conducted daily by Deportation Staff Detainee requests answered within 72 hours ICE SDC visit schedules are posted in housing unit mpom Request forms are available to detainees There is a secure box available for detainees to place requests in for staff that is checked on a daily basis Unannounced ICE staff housing unit visits occur weekly Visiting staff observe. document and communicate current climate and conditions of confinement 30. Suicide Prevention and Intervention The facility has a written suicide prevention and intervention program approved and signed by the health authority and facility administrator which is 811112011 151 A Acceptable Deficient At?Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 .ngTuq US. Immigration \v Detention and Removal Operations and Customs Contract Performance Monitoring Tool rim?, ?.63 Enforcement Facility Name: Montleear: Fre uenc Rating - - - DETENTION STANDARD NDIRIN tRequ'red? Due Date 0 A amine" reviewed annually Every new staff member receives suicide? prevention training. Suicide?prevention training occurs during the employee orientation program and anntilly thereafter The facility has a designated and approved isolation room for evaluation and treatment Staff observes and documents the status of a suicide-watch detainee at least once every 15 minutes 31. Telephone Access Upon intake. detainees are made aware of phone policies Out of order phones reported to service provider Telephones inspected regularly by staff Telephone access rules posted in each housing unit The number for the ICE OIG is posted in housing units The pro bono list is posted in housing units Emergency phone call messages delivered to detainees Special access calls are available to detainees Notification of telephone monitoring posted by unit Bl11f2011 152 A Acceptable Deficient At?Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool ?yhk'n?; ?ux?vs US. Immigration and Customs 3, .5 5 ?No Enforcement Facility Name: Montthear: Fre uenc Rating - - DETENTION STANDARD Due Date A phones 32. Terminal illness, Advanced Directives, and Death Detainees who are chronically or terminally ill are transferred to an appropriate off-site facility The facility has written plans for addressing organ dona?ons There is a policy addressing Do Not Resuscitate Orders The facility has written procedures detailing the proper noti?cations 33. Tool Control Tool inventories conducted as speci?ed Tools marked and readily identi?able Procedures for issuance of tools to staff and detainees .0 .0 Inventory made of all tools by contractors prior to enter exit There is an individual who is responsible for developing a tool control procedure and an inspection system to insure accountability A metal or plastic chit is taken in exchange for all tools issued, and when a tool is issued from a shadow board the receipt chit shall be visible on the shadow board 153 A Acceptable Deficient At?Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 00329?4 0H4.) US. Immigration Detention and Removal Operations and Customs Contract Performance Monitoring Tool 3?6 Enforcement Facility Name: Month/Year: Fre uenc Rating - - - DETENTION STANDARD NDIRIN Due Date 13 A Broken or worn out tools are surveyed and disposed of in an and secure manner Department heads are responsible for implementing proper tool control procedures as described in the standard 34. Detainee Transfer Detainee provided with detainee transfer notification form Health recordsitransfer summary accompany detainee Funds and personal property accompany detainee A-Filelwork folder accompany detainee 35. Transportation (Land Transportation) Documentation indicating safety repairs are completed immediately and vehicles are not used until they have been repaired and inspected. is available for review Of?cers use a checklist during every vehicle inspection Transporting of?cers limit driving time to 10 hours in any 15 hour period when transporting detainees 8/11/2011 A Acceptable De?cient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 0032975 Detention and Removal Operations Contract Performance Monitoring Tool I all 6 Av?! (4 .v I) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Facility Name: MonthiYear: Fre uenc Rating - . DETENTION STANDARD NDIRIN Due Date 5-D: A Of?cers with valid Commercial Drivers Licenses, are required in any bus transporting D. detainees. Policies and procedures are in place addressing the use of restraining equipment on tranSportation E. vehicles F. G. Vehicles have written contingency plans on board 36. Use of Force A. Policy governing immediatelcalculated use of force B. All use of force incidents documented and reviewed Video tapes of incidents preservedlcatalogued for 2 C. 112 Detainee is seen by medical immediately after D. incident Facility subscribes to prescribed confrontation E. avoidance procedures F. Stafftrained in use of force techniques Appropriate procedures in place for using 4 point G. restraints Medical staff consulted prior to deploying OC spray H. in calculated use of force situations 8111/2011 155 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 Detention and Removal Operations wig/553:4 ?x 47'? 103' a? C1 US. Immigration and Customs Contract Performance Monitoring Tool - if,? ?91 Enforcement Facility Name: Month/Year: Fre uenc Rating - - DETENTION STANDARD ArniRrN Due Date A All electronic 7 devices inventoried and used by facility must be approved by ICE National Firearms and Tactical Training Unit 37. Visitation Written visitation schedule posted and accessible to the public General visitation log book maintained Visitor dress code enforced Legal visitation available 7 days a week Facility complies with visitation schedule Visitors are searched and identified per standards Current list of Pro Bono services posted in detainee housing 38. Voluntary Work Program F9 Facility has a voluntary work program PU Maintain a written chart with work level Facility complies with work hour and pay requirements for detainees 53.0 Detainees are medically screened to participate Detainees receive proper training and safety equipment I Detainee housekeeping meets standards for neatness. cleanliness and sanitation 8(11/2011 156 A Acceptable Deficient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable MARCH 2015 Contract Type: Submitted by COTR Name Date 8/11/2011 A Acceptable De?cient At-Risk NA Not Acceptable 157 MARCH 2015 Sample QAP Contract Performance Monitoring Instrument - Key Indicators Key Operational Indicators Current Month Previous Month Difference Average Daily Population Average Daily Population- Facility Average Daily Population- Facility Average Days in Custody Detainees Received Detainees Transferred Classification Detainee Classi?cation Level 1 End of Month (EOM) Detainee Classi?cation Level 2 EOM Detainee Classi?cation Level 3 EOM Special Management Special Housing: Placed AS Special Housing: Placed DS Temporary Beds in Use Detainee Behavior - Number of Incidents Assaults - Detainee-on-Detainee Assaults - Detainee-on-Staff Drug- or Alcohol-related Disturbances Hunger Strikes Escape Attempts* Escapes* Suicide Attempts* Deaths (Suicide, homicide, natural causes)* Incidents of sexual abuse or assault Gang related incidents Hard contraband attach a summary report on types quantities recovered Number of Detainee Grievances Allegations of staff misconduct Conditions of con?nement Food Medical Discipline Group Grievances Number of Use of Force Incidents Immediate Calculated MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032979 158 Uses of Chemical Agents Uses of Non-Lethal Weapons Uses of 4/5 Point Restraints Personnel Number Authorized Positions (all) Number Employees on Board (all) Number Authorized Positions - Security/Custody Staff Number Security/Custody Staff on Board Other Have there been any interviews by reporters, other news media representatives, academics and others? Attach supplemental info Has there been any positive or negative facility or detainee media coverage? Attach supplemental info There are weekly meetings between key ICE and facility staff Facility Quality Control Plan is in place Attach comments if necessary When the facility houses males and females complete a separate Operational Indicators section for each gender. 159 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032980 Item SOW page Section - Attachment 3 - Deliverables Description ACA accreditation Any litigation Quality Control Plan Congressional inquiry Press statements and releases Employee manual Employee receipt of ICE Opps Policy and Procedure manual Employees certifications that they have read and understand the standards of conduct Staf?ng plan Detention of?cer assignment roster Names of $00 Resumes of key personnel Shift roster Vacancy report Organizational chart Pre-employment checks Training plan Health needs policies/procedurest5 subcategories) Housing inspection reports DIHS approval,requests and pre-authorizations Health care complaints Medical information Noti?cation for emergency medical care Noti?cation of unacceptable medical condition Registrations. commissions. permits or licenses of each uniformed employee Supporting medical documentation Interior security speci?cations for vehicles Current status of vehicles/employees 160 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3OSODO32981 Delivery Date Within 12 months of NTP Vl?thin 5 working days of ?ling No later than the post award conference Immediate Prior to release NTP date Upon request by COTR Upon request by COTR Prior to implementation Daily 24 hours in advance Before commencement of services Before any employee is assigned to perior Daily upon completion of the third shift By 5th of each month Upon request of the COTR or CO Before any employee is assigned to perior No less than 30 days after contract award commencement Upon request of the COTR or CO Once per shitt available for review by COT Upon request of the COTR or CO, or DIHS Upon request of the COTR or CO, or DIHS Upon request of the COTR or CO. or DIHS Upon request of the COTR or CO. or DIHS Upon request of the COTR or CO. or DIHS Upon request of the COTR or CO, or DIHS Upon request of the COTR or CO. or DIHS Prior to installation Upon demand of COTR Overnight lodging requests Departure documents Standards of conduct and corresponding disciplinary actions l-9 Medical records Drug tests Noti?cation of changes in employee's health status Removal from duty Report of any contract employee misconduct Certi?cation of issuance of uniforms and credentials Personnel ?les Uniform approval request Business permits/licenses Credentials Duty roster Employment report GSA Form 139 or ICE equivalent Uniform receipt certi?cation Guard post assignment record Security forms 7 Employee actions and information relating to disqualifying information or incidents of delinquency Non-retumed ID card/pass Refresher training documentation Exam results Training certi?cations Training forecast/lesson plan Training reports Criminal activities Intelligence information Serious incidents Emergency plans Intervention equipment Security incidents-computers [61 MARCH 2015 In advance of trip Prior to detainee departure Before any employee is assigned to perfor Before any employee is assigned to perfor Upon request by COTR Upon request by COTR within 24 hours of Immediate to COTR Immediate to COTR Immediate to COTR Prior to contract performance date Upon request of the COTR or CO Prior to contract performance date Upon request of COTR Prior to contract performance date By noon each day for the following day At completion of each shift Upon request of COTR Prior to entry on duty Upon request of COTR No less than 5 days before starting date of Immediate to COTR Immediate to COTR Annually upon completion to COTR To COTR before EOD Prior to training class To COTR on a basis for next 60 d: to COTR Immediate to COTR and appropriate law Immediate to Alternate COTR Immediate to COTR Prior to the issuance of the NTP To COTR prior to commencement of perfo To COTR within four hours of an incident 83 81 Post orders Log books Contract termination Key indicators report Manifest-detainees Special reports Contraband reports Physical facility damage documentation Physical force incident report Lost and found Written report for escapes Report of physical harm or threat to safety, health or welfare injury report Detainee death reports Auditor certifications-commissary Spill report Design/construction documents Videos Firearms report Firearms control register Firearms training and proficiency Weapons permits 84 Attachments Contract discrepancy reports (CDR) Attachments Corrective action plan (when a CDR is ?led) 86 Attachments Outcome measures required for ACA accreditation or QASP by reason of 85 162 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032983 Upon request of COTR Upon request of COTR To CO on contract completion or terminati: to COTR by 5th of next month of Daily to COTR As directed by govemment requirements To COTR within 24 hours of discovery To COTR by end of shift To COTR within 24 hours of receipt by We To COTR To COTR within 24 hours of escape Immediately to COTR. with follow-up repor To COTR To COTR within 24 hours of death To COTR quarterly Immediate to COTR To COTR prior to the issuance of NT To COTR upon request To COTR prior to commencement of perfo To COTR upon request To COTR quarterly To COTR three days prior to EOD Within ?ve working days of COTR transmis Within five working days of COTR transmis to COTR on request s91 I 2 PAGE OF 5' souurmomcoumcmmen FOR commencm ITEM REOUWH 1 [-162 I: lamina 1AM b. SOUGITATM UHIWEDME F;m5nu? - . '04/011?2009 - 01/28/2009 7. FOR Boummu - D. (N: 0030:: can) 8. OFFER DJE Paul Previch 202 ES IJSSIEDBY CME unmade-omit i5} ammo?: [joe'rmpe ?on: ICE/Detent Knot/Detox?: Contracts?DC . . Immigration and Customs Enforcement? ?aw Cffice of Acquisition Management Dachau; - 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 mum" swarm; Washington DC 20536 Dams-mm am omnounuaxmum 11. oamvronmaossnna, :2 unrum?o mumuouus Net 30 Elm momma mo gmmavgom 14' . umoo or WATER 0555mm an an" coo: unouxwmazm?' CODE IICE [333-133 . _I_a_r_oward County Transitional Center 3900 N. ICE/Detent Hngt/petent Contracts-DC I Immigratioh and Customs Enforcement. Powerline Road Pompano Beach FL 33073 Office of Acquisition Management 801_ I - u. it? '910 . Attn: I . . -- - Washington DC 20536 - NT CODE FACILITY CODE - "*3"ka [6127064650000 I GEO GROUP INC THE. j' DHS, . ICE . 621 NW..53RD ST 700 BOCA RATON FL 334373242 Burlington Finance Center P.O. Box 1620 Attn: Willistow-VT 054 95-1620 memom:de Dwihm- - . . m. - u.j -_rrmno. samqusuqusoEmes comm um- . mrmca MIGUHT DUNS Number: - 612706465 Contract Specialist: Contracting Officer: This is a contract to obtain? the use ofa contract-detention facility in Broward County, Florida. Contractor shall prov'ide'non-personal services according to the contract?a (Use Reverse arrow mm Add??unaISheem as 25. DATA See schedule U279. coucmnow WGORPQRATES av REFERENCE FAR 52212-1.? 52.2124. FAR 52.2124 no 522125335 ADDENDA C1 2111 comcrmuncmaonosamcommres av REFERENCE PM 5272124. FAR 52.2126 [323.com l3 REQUIRED TOSIGN 'n-ns Rama" Sham-is To mums omce common AGREES TO FumeIsH mo DELIVER ALL ITEMS SET FORTH OR OTHERWISE ABOVE AND ON ANY AD SHEETS THETERMS AND commons SPECIFIED HEREIN. DITIOHAL 23.10111. AWARD Use On? - DARE DARE - - DATED. . YOUR oan on soucrmnon'mmcx 5'1. INCLUDINGAHY OR CHANGES ARE SET FORTH ABDEHDR - (mm Pita/mos Eamon us nor umus MARCH 2015 Mind by GSA 4m: cm m1:- 2 of 162 19. ITEM NO. 20. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIESISERVICES 21 UNIT AMWNT .- UNIT PRICE '0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006_ 32& QUANTITY IN COLUMN 21 HAS BEEN RECEIVED requirements, a secure existing-residential facility, including all labor, materials and equipment necessary to operate and maintain a estimated maximum of 700 non-criminal adult detainees. Funding will be-provided on subsequent task orders. Guaranteed Minimum Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Code: 8206 as required by the?Performance Work Statement Product/Service Code: 8206 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages Product/Service Code: S206 On-Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: 8206 Continued INSPECTED El NOTED: secure'tempOrary residential care facility for an Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Transportation from facility to various locations ACCEPTED. AND CONFORMS TO THE CONTRACT, EXCEPT AS 32b. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED 32c. DATE 32d. PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 326. MAILING ADDRESS OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 321. TELEPHONE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 329. EMAIL OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 33. SHIP NUMBER 34. VOUCHER NUMBER 35. AMOUNTVERIFIED 36. PAYMENT 37. CHECK NUMBER CORRECTFOR COMPLETE PARTIAL Cl FINAL PARTIAL FINAL as. SIR ACCOUNT NUMBER 39. SIR VOUCHER NUMBER 40. PAID BY. 41a. I CERTIFYTHIS ACCOUNT Is CORRECT AND PROPER FOR PAYMENT 423, RECEIVED By (prim; - 41b. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 41: DATE - 42b. RECEIVED AT {Locs?onj I 420. DATE 42? TOTAL CONTAINERS MARCH 2015 STANDARD FORM 1m (REV. mans: BACK . IN ET PAGE OF mwaoromeumonomnnunon GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) I (C) (E) (F) 1001 Guaranteed Minimum 0.00 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 3206 1002 . . ;;33 new mj 0-00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 3206 1003 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 8206 1004 Transportation from facility to various locations '0.00 as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 8206 1005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 8206 1006 On-Call Post Hours 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service code: 8206 2001 Guaranteed Minimum . 00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 8206 2002 0.00 03/01/2011 . Product/Service Code: 5206 2003 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 5206 Continued MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032987 OPTIONAL FORM 330 Sponsored by BSA FAR {48 CFR) 53.110 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMBIT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 4 162 we or essence on comma GEO GROUP INC THE mm). messench 00mm um um PRICE moum (2004 Transportation from facility to various locations' I'me' 0.00 as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 3 Product/Service Code: 3206 2005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: S206 2006 On-Call Post Hours 0.00 5 (Option Line Item) '03/01/2011 3 Product/Service Code: 8206 a 3001 Guaranteed Minimum 0.00 i {Option Line Item) 3 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 8206 3002 gimme. .vi ,3 0'00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 8206 3093 .1.21 0.00 Option Line Item)_ 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 3206 3004 Transportation from facility to various locations 0.00 as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 5206 3005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 8206 3006 . On-Call Post Hours 0,00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 8206 'Continued NSN 7540-0 1-1 62?? madman MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032988 Fm 0" 51"" REFERENCE No. OF Docmam BEING CONTINUED PAGE .. SHEET HSCEDM-O 9-0-00006 5 1 52 NAME oF orrsaoe OR oomcron -GEO GROUP INC THE - EUPHJESISERWCES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) 4001 Guaranteed Minimum mm 0.00 (Option Line Item)? 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 3206 4002 m.mu_1irim_ mm 0'00 Optlon Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 5206 4 003 .. - 00 {Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 4004 Transportation from facility to various locations i a: 0.00 as required.by the Performance Work_Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 3206 4005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 3206 0.00 4006 On-Call Post Hours (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 Contractors, please use these procedures when you submit an invoice for all acquisitions emanating from 1. In accordance with Section G, Contract Administration Data, invoices shall now be_ submitted via one of the following three methods: a. By mail: '(See Block 18a) b. By facsimile (fax) at: 802-288-7658 (include- a cover sheet with point of contact of pages) By e?mail at:- Continued . ammo WGSA MARCH 2015 ENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BENG CONTINUED CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE OF . 6 162 GEO GROUP INC THE rramo. sUPPuasisEerces numnrv um . unrrmuca moum (notated on every invoice submitted to to Invoices submitted by other than these three ethods will be returned. Contractor Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration prior to award and sha11_be ensure prompt payment provisions are met. The ICE rogram office identified in the delivery order/contract shall also be notated on every invoice. 2. In accordance with Section I, Contract Clauses, FAR 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions, Commercial Items, or FAR 52.232-25 Prompt Payment, as applicable, the information required with each invoice submission is as follows:~ An invoice must include: Name and address of the Contractor; (ii) Invoice date and number; Contract number, contract line item number and, if applicable, the order number; price and extended.price of the items delivered: Shipping number and date of shipment, including the bill of lading number and weight of shipment if shipped on Government bill of lading; (vi) Terms of any discount for prompt payment offered; I (vii) Name and address of official to whom payment is to be sent; Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; and. (ix) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The Contractor shall include its TIN on the invoice only if required elsewhere_in this contract. (See paragraph 1 above.) 7 Electronic funds transfer (EFT) banking information. I (A) The Contractor shall include EFT banking information on the invoice only if required elsewhere in this contract.? (B) If EFT banking information is\not required to be on the invoice, in order for the invoice to be a proper invoice, the Contractor shall have submitted correct EFT banking information in Continued (iv) Description, quantity, unit of measure, unit NSN 7540-0145286? MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032990 OPTIONAL FORM ass (4-85) Hmuumbmno 65 NO. OF DOOWENT BEING CONTIMJED CONTINUATION 6 PAGE OF 7? 162 Nnueoronmnononconnmunoa GEO GROUP INC THE ITEMNO. oummv uun? um place AMOUNT (5) (C) (D) (F) accordance with the applicable solicitation provision, contract clause 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer; Central Eontractor Registration, or 52.232-34, Payment by lectronic Funds Transfer; Other Than Central Contractor Registration), or applicable-agency procedures. . (C) banking information is not required if the Government waived the requirement to pay by EFT. Invoices without the above information may be returned for resubmission. . 3. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Receiving Officer/COTR: Each Program Office is responsible for acceptance and receipt of geods and/or services. Upon receipt of goods/services, complete the applicable FFMS reports or DFC will not process the payment. The obligated amount of award: $0.00. The total for this award is shown in box 26. NSN 7540-01-152-8067 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032991 omwwu?muxmuan Sponsored . . -- .. . .. .. . - AMENDMENT OF OF CONTRACT comm" CODE 0 MES 3 2 meunuemmomncmou no. 3 EFFECTIVE UN 5 4 REOUismOmipuncHAse REQ NO 5 PROJECT N0 (Ilappiclblel POO-005 03/01/2010 6 ISSUED BY CODE I DM ?1 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other??ian Ham 6} CODE [1 CE I ent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC ICE/Deter}: I-tnqt Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Managemen Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street RH, Suite 910 801 I Stree: NW Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn; i - Washing on 0 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR [Nu awry. Siam-unzip Coda; 9A AMENDMENT OF soucrrimori ND. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW E3RD ST 700 aemreorsesrremm BOCA RATON FL 334878242 rim MODIFICATION OF N0 108. DATED 1?3) CODE 6127054650000 04/22/2009 ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS ?the above numbered soirdtaUm [5 amended as set torth In Item 14 The hour and date speci?ed for receipt at Otters Dis extended. 13!: not extended D?era must acknowiedee racept Ont-its amendment prior to the hour and date speedier! In the solicitation or a: amnded. by one or the [Damn methods (it By compreth Items I3 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment. By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy (it the otter submitted: or By upstate letter or tot-grim which minds: 8 reference to the solicitation and mandment nut-item FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF PRIOR To THE HOUR AND DATE SPEC1FIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTIOH OF YOUR OFFER II by wine of this amendment you desire to uterine an Offer already submitted. such mange maybe made by telegram or letter. protruded each tetogram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and the amendmenL and a received prior to the Opening hurt and date sped?ed. 12 ACCOUNTING AND See Schedule 13.1HISITEM ONLV TO momma-non OF IT HODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS nescnra so IN ITEM 14. 253% A we CHANGE ORDER is 155050 PURSUANTTCI: {Spam authority} THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN 14 ARE MADE THE CONTRACT ORDER NO in ITEM IDA B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO FIEFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE I: changes in plying Ori?ce. appropnab'on date. all: SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43 103th) C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGRE EMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: OTHER (Specify alpe a! modi?cation and aub?ranty) far 43.103(at 5. IMPORTANT: contain [:ra not. [it] in required to Ilgn thin doctrinal-it and relrrm 4 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENOMENTMODIFICATIDN {Organized by UCF section headings. mt:an sometime/contract aubjecl matterwh are feasible.) DUNS Number: 612?064 65 Contract Specialist: Contracting Officer: The purpose of this modification is to encorporate the request for equitable adjustment for option period 1 that runs from 3/1/2010. to 2/28/2011. The following rates will changes as noted below: I. I CLIN 1001 Guaranteed Minimum Bed Days increase by per day from (bx4) per Continued led In Item 9AM 1M, as heretofore arranged. remains unchanged and In force and n?ecl[tweed heren. all [e or . (NIB): to Vice President Contracts Administration The annr- 1' 532:?; m? 15s. DATE SIGNED (bxa); (bX?Ixc) IGC.DATE SIGNED . STANDARD FORM aotnev 10-83) Previous ec?lion unusabte Prescribed by GSA FAR [48 53 2-13 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032992 REFERENCE NO OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED CONTINUATION P00005 2 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO UMT UMT PRICE AMOUNT (B) (E) (F) bed day 1 CLIN 1004 Transportation increases by r_ per month from CLIN 1006 Orr-Call Post Hours increase by per hour fro per hour Future CLINs are also affected as follows: CLIN 2001 increases by per bed day from creases by per bed day from per bed day from by Funding will be provided on task order All other terms and conditions remain the same. Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Change Item 1001 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 1001 Guaranteed 0111111119 Product/Service Co e: Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 1004 to read'as followstamount shown is the total amount): 1004 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by the Performance Work Statement Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 1006 to read as followslamount shown is the total amount}: 1006 On-Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 2001 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 2001 Guaranteed Minimum 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Continued NSN mom-manor . 0911mm. Foam 3:5 {-145} Sponsored by Gan MARCH '2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032993 ?mam,? REFERENCE NO OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAG OF SHEET ascsm-09-9-00005/900005 3 I 5 GEO GROUP INC THE "sumo. QUANUTYUNW umTanE AMOUNT (A) (C) (D) (F) Change Item 3001 to xead as gallowslamount shown is the total amount}: 3001 Guaranteed minimum 0.00 {Option Line Item} 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 5206 Prcduct/Sezvice Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 4001 to read as_follows{amount shown is the total amount): 4001 Guaranteed Minimum 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 991W mm (4-85) MARCH 2015 Spinach ?s cm; a no I Washington DC 20536 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 1 3 5. PROJECT NO. {If AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1' CONTRACT '0 CODE 2. AMENDMENTMODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCI-LASE RED. NO. P00019 02/22/2012 6. ISSUED BY CODE ICE mm DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 7. ADMINISTERED BY (Rather than Item 6) CODE Dc_ DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 At tn 9 i 3 Washington DC 20536 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. shootout/My. Shale andth Code) 9A. AMENDMENT NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 QB. DATED ITEM 11) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. HSCEDM-OQ-D-00006 1GB. DATED 13) FACILITYCODE 04/22/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY TO deem BThe above numbered solicitation ls amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt of Offers is extended. ,jls not extended. Otters must acknowledge receipt 0! this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended. by one ofthe following methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and returning copies otthe amendment: By acknowledging receipt amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which Includes a reference to Ihe solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWEEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such Change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment. and Is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. - 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA required) See Schedule 13. THIs ITEM ONLY APPLIES To MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDEFI NO. As DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CODE 6127064650000 ONE A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authon?gr) THE CHANGES SET FORTH ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as changes In paying of?ce, appropriation date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10303). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Specify type or mod?ca?on and seniority) FAR 43.103Ib) Unilateral Modification E. IMPORTANT: [Eis not. Dis required to sign this document and return 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section headings, Including so?citation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 6127 064 65 Contractor copies to the issuing of?ce. ?set. Alternate TR: _305-207? Alternate COTR: - 305?2qu1 Alternate COTR: 305-207 j~ '2 Procurement [m?c.202?7Qg The purpose of this modification is to exercise optiou year 3 with the period of performance March 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013. Continued Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced In llem 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and ettect. my 150. DATE SIGNED A x: ?c?f/J a? STANDARD F0 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 53.243 158. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED berxc) 1' {Signature ofperson authorized to sign) NSN 7540-01-1523070 . Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032995 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 019 2 13 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPUESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (F) Additionally, this modification serves to incorporate Department of Labor Wage Determination (WD) 2005-2111 Revision No. 12 into the contract. Exempt Action: Delivery: 30 Days After Award Delivery Location Code: ERO Department of Homeland Security Citizenship Immigration Services 70 Kimball Avenue South Burlington VT 05403-6813 US Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Change Item 3001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 3001 Guaranteed Minimum Product/Service Cou- Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Change Item 3002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Change Item 3003 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 3003 S206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD _Change Item 3004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 3004 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by the Performance Work Statement Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Change Item 3005 to read as follows(amount shown is the tota1_amount): 3005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Continued NBN 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032996 OPTIONAL FORM 36 (4-66) SW by 88A FAR CFR) 53.110 DNGE 0F SHEET 3 13 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEMNO. AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) TF) Change Item 3006 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 3006 On?Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Change Item 3007 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 3007 Mileage (Based on GSA Rate) Obligated Amount: $0.00 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Change Item 3008 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 3008 Guard Transportation Overtime (Beyond included amount in transportation CLIN. Rate based off actual transportation guard salary) Product/Service Code: 3206 - Product/Service Description: HOUSBKEEPING- GUARD All other terms and conditions remain the same. 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032997 OPTIONAL FORM 33601-36) by GSA FAR (43 53.110 Page 1 01510 WD 05-2111 (Rev.-12) was first posted on on 06/17/2011 REGISTER OF WAGE DETERMINATIONS UNDER: I THE SERVICE CONTRACT ACT I By direction of the Secretary of Labor Diane C. Koplewski Director U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION WA WASHINGTON 0.0. 20210 Wage Determination No.: 2005?2111 Revision No.: 12 ~Division of . Date Of Revision: 06/13/2011 Wage Determinations (EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION State: Florida Area: Florida Counties of Broward, Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, St Lucie OCCUPATION CODE - TITLE 01000 - 01011 01012 01013 01020 01040 01051 01052 01060 01070 01090 01111 01112 01113 01120 01141 01191 01192 01261 01262 01263 01270 01280 01290 01300 01311 01312 01313 01320 01410 01420 01531 01532 01533 01611 01612 '01613 05000 - 05005 05010 .**Fringe Benefits Required Follow the Occupational Listing** FOOTNOTE Administrative Support And Clerical Occupations - Accounting Clerk I - Accounting Clerk II Accounting Clerk - Administrative Assistant - Court Reporter - Data Entry Operator I - Data Entry Operator II - Dispatcher, Motor Vehicle - Document Preparation Clerk Duplicating Machine Operator - General Clerk I - General Clerk II - General Clerk - Housing Referral Assistant - Messenger Courier - - Order Clerk I - Order Clerk II - Personnel Assistant (Employment) I - Personnel Assistant (Employment) II - Personnel Assistant (Employment) - Production Control Clerk - Receptionist Rental Clerk - Scheduler, Maintenance - Secretary I - Secretary II Secretary - Service Order Dispatcher - Supply Technician - Survey Worker - Travel Clerk I - Travel Clerk II ?-Travel Clerk - Word Processor I - Word Processor II - Word Processor Automotive Service Occupations - Automobile Body Repairer, Fiberglass - Automotive Electrician MARCH 2015 1 1.txt RATE 14.11 16.74 18.73 22.64 18.82 12.92 14.09 17.16 12.67 12.67 12.62 13.88 15.59 20.88 12.39? 12.71 13.86 15.88 17.90 20.30 20.00 13.44 14.93 16.74 16.74 18.73 20.88 15.35 23.21 18.82 12.57 13.48 14.33 13.30 14.93 16.71 17.74 16.61' 2/21/2012 05040 05070 05110 05130 05160 05190 05220 05250 05280 05310. 05340- 05370 05400 07000 - 07010 07041 07042 07070 07130 07210 07260 09000 - 09010 09040 09080 09090 09110 09130 11000 - 11030 11060 11090 11122 11150 11210 11240 11260 11270 11330 11360 12000 - 12010 12011 12012 12015 '12020 12025 12030. 12035 12040 12071 12072 12073' 12100 .12130 12160 12190 12195 12210 12221 Automotive Glass Installer Automotive Worker Mobile Equipment Servicer Motor Equipment Metal Mechanic Motor Equipment Metal Worker Motor Vehicle Mechanic . Motor Vehicle Mechanic Helper Motor Vehicle Upholstery Worker Motor Vehicle Wrecker Painter, Automotive Radiator Repair Specialist Tire Repairer Transmission Repair Specialist Food Preparation And Service Occupations Baker Cook I Cook II Dishwasher Food Service Worker Meat Cutter Waiter/Waitress Enrniture Maintenance And Repair Occupations Electrostatic Spray Painter Furniture Handler Furniture Refinisher . Furniture Refinisher Helper Furniture-Repairer, Minor Upholsterer General Services And Support Occupations Cleaner, Vehicles Elevator Operator Gardener Housekeeping Aide Janitor - Laborer, Grounds Maintenance Maid or Houseman Pruner 'Tractor Operator Trail Maintenance Worker Window Cleaner Health Occupations Ambulance Driver Breath Alcohol Technician Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant Certified Physical Therapist Assistant Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist EKG Technician Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist Emergency Medical Technician Licensed Practical Nurse I Licensed Practical Nurse II Licensed Practical Nurse Medical Assistant Medical Laboratory Technician Medical Record Clerk Medical Record Technician Medical Transcriptionist Nublear Medicine TechnologiSt Nursing Assistant I MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032999 1 1.txt a a Page 2 of 10 15.52 15.52 13.34 17.56 15.52 17.68 12.24 14.42 15.52 16.62. 15.52 11.60 17.56 12.65 ?11.08 12.90 8.72 . 9.89 12.75 9.85 14.98 9.80 14.98 11.03 13.00 16.48 9.80 '10.39 15.29 10.39 10.39 11.40 9.59 9.93 14.36 11.40 11.94 15.34 -17.33 26.46 24.15 15.13 31.91 ?22.01 22.01 15.34 15.49 17.33 19.32 15.38 17.89 13.95 15.38 15.86 34.45 10.55 2/21/2012 Nursing Assistant II 12222 12223 - Nursing Assistant 12224 - Nursing Assistant IV 12235 - Optical Dispenser 12236 - Optical Technician 12250 - Pharmacy Technician 12280 - Phlebotomist 12305 Radiologic Technologist 12311 Registered Nurse I 12312 - Registered Nurse II 12313 - Registered Nurse II, Specialist 12314 - Registered Nurse 12315 - Registered Nurse Anesthetist 12316 - Registered Nurse IV 12317 - Scheduler (Drug and Alcohol Testing) 13000 - Information And Arts Occupations 13011 - Exhibits Specialist I 13012 - Exhibits Specialist II 13013 Exhibits Specialist 13041 - Illustrator I 13042 - Illustrator II '13043 - Illustrator 13047 - Librarian 13050 - Library Aide/Clerk 13054 Library Information Technology Systems Administrator - 13058 - Library Technician 13061 - Media Specialist I 13062 - Media Specialist II 13063 - Media Specialist 13071 - Photographer I 13072 - Photographer II 13073 - Photographer 13074 - Photographer IV 13075 - Photographer 13110 Video Teleconference Technician 14000 Information Technology Occupations 14041 - Computer Operator I 14042 - Computer Operator II 14043 Computer Operator 14044 - Computer Operator IV 14045 - Computer Operator 14071 - Computer Programmer I 14072 - Computer Programmer II 14073 - Computer Programmer 14074 - Computer Programmer IV 14101 - Computer Systems Analyst I 14102 - Computer Systems Analyst II 14103 - Computer Systems Analyst 14150 - Peripheral Equipment Operator 14160 - Personal Computer Support Technician 15000 - Instructional Occupations 15010 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Non-Rated) 15020 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Rated) 15030 - Air Crew Training Devices Instructor (Pilot) . 15050 Computer Based Training Specialist Instructor .15060 - Educational Technologist 15070 - Flight Instructor (Pilot) 15080 - Graphic Artist 15090 - Technical Instructor MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033000 1 l.txt (see (see (see (see (see (see (see Page 3 oflO 11.87 12.95 14.87 -17.57 15.24 15.81 14.87' 25.46 26.32 29.80 29.80? 36.04 36.04 43.22 19.28 19.30 23.54 28.80 '20.64 25.57 30.22 30.39 12.37 26.99 16.53 16.17 18.41 20.54 .15.46 17.30 21.43 26.21 31.70 16.88 16.41 18.36 20.47 22.75 25.19 22.63 16.41 22.75 '31.48 38.08 41.70 31.48 26.06 41.70 23.71 21.38 2/21/2012 . 15095 15110 15120 16000 16010 16030 16040 16070 16090 16110 16130 716160 16190 16220 16250 19000 19010 19040 21000 - 21020 21030 21040 21050 21071 21080 21110 21130 21140 21150 21210 21410 ?23000 - 23010 23021 23022 23023 23040 23050 23060 ~23080 23110 23120 23125 23130 23140 23160 23181 23182 23183 23260 ~23290 23310 23311 23312 23370 23380 23381 23382 23391 23392 - Technical Instructor/Course Developer TeSt Proctor - Tutor . Laundry, Dry-Cleaning, Pressing And Related Occupations - Assembler - Connter Attendant Dry Cleaner - Finisher, Flatwork, Machine - Presser, Hand - Presser, Machine, - Presser, Machine, Shirts - Presser, Machine, Wearing Apparel, Laundry - Sewing Machine Operator - Tailor - Washer, Machine Machine Tool Operation And Repair Occupations - Machine-Tool Operator (Tool Room) - Tool And Die Maker Materials Handling And Packing Occupations - Forklift Operatdr - Material Coordinator Material Expediter Material Handling Laborer - Order Filler - Production Line Worker (Food Processing) - Shipping Packer Shipping/Receiving Clerk Store Worker I Stock Clerk - Tools And Parts Attendant - Warehouse Specialist Mechanics And Maintenance And Repair Occupations - Aerospace Structural Welder Aircraft Mechanic I - Aircraft Mechanic II - Aircraft Mechanic - Aircraft Mechanic Helper - Aircraft, Painter - Aircraft Servicer - Aircraft Worker - Appliance Mechanic - Bicycle Repairer - Cable Splicer - Carpenter, Maintenance - Carpet Layer - Electrician, Maintenance - Electronics Technician Maintenance I - Electronics Technician Maintenance II - Electronics Technician Maintenance - Fabric Worker - Fire Alarm System Mechanic Fire Extinguisher Repairer - Fuel Distribution System Mechanic - Fuel Distribution System Operator - General Maintenance Worker . - Gr0und Support Equipment Mechanic - Ground Support Equipment Servicer - Ground Support Equipment Worker - Gunsmith I - Gunsmith II MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0038001 1.txt Page4of10 26.16 17.26 17.26 9.62 9.62 11.86 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 12.52 13.18 10.41 17.51 22.29 14.81 19.02 19.02 12.17 11.60 14.81 14.81 14.81 9.45 .14.43 14.81 14.81 24.81 23.31 24.81 26.28 15.59 18.88 18.80 20.33- 18.53 11.60 24.61 17.55 .17.51 19.25 21.43 26.58 29.81 17.63 .18.04 14.71- 18.65 13.82 16.44 23.31 18.80 20.33 14.71 17.40 2/21/2012 1 1 .txt Page 5 of 10 23393 - Gunsmith 1 . 19.85 23410 - Heating, Ventilation And Air-Conditioning 19.01. Mechanic . 23411 - Heating, Ventilation And Air Contditioning . 20.23 Mechanic (Research Facility) . 23430 Heavy Equipment Mechanic 3. 19.94 23440 - Heavy Equipment Operator 19.18 23460 - Instrument Mechanic "21.09 23465 - Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic 18.62 _23470 - Laborer 11.51 23510 - Locksmith 17.22 23530 - Machinery Maintenance Mechanic 22.48 23550 - Machinist, Maintenance 18.00 23580 - Maintenance Trades Helper 13.90 23591 - Metrology Technician I 21.09 ,23592 - Metrology Technician II 22.74 23593 - Metrology Technician 23.86 23640 Millwright 21.19 23710 - Office Appliance Repairer 17.94 23760 Painter, Maintenance . 17.51 23790 - Pipefitter, Maintenance 20.20 23810 - Plumber, Maintenance 19.23 23820 - Pneudraulic Systems Mechanic 19.85 23850 - Rigger 19.85 23870 - Scale Mechanic '17.40 23890 - Sheet-Metal Worker, Maintenance 18.24 23910 - Small Engine MechaniC~ . . 15.52 23931 - Telecommunications Mechanic I 23.36 23932 - Telecommunications Mechanic II . . 25.46 23950 - Telephone Lineman - 20.79 223960 - Welder, Combination, Maintenance . 18.69 23965 5 Well Driller 18.71 23970 - Woodcraft Worker . - 19.85 23980 - Woodworker - - 14.71 24000 - Personal Needs Occupations - 24570 - Child Care Attendant 9.49 24580 - Child Care Center Clerk 15.33 24610 - Chore Aide 9.40 24620 - Family Readiness And Support Services 14.45 Coordinator ?24630 - Homemaker . I 17.05 25000 - Plant And System Operations Occupations 725010 - Boiler Tender I 19.01 25040 - Sewage Plant Operator . 20.16 25070 - Stationary Engineer 19.01 25190 - Ventilation Equipment Tender . 12.86 25210 Water Treatment Plant Operator . 20.16 27000 - Protective Service Occupations - 27004 - Alarm Monitor . 20.47 27007 - Baggage Inspector . 10.61 27008 - Corrections Officer 25.15 27010 - Court Security Officer 28.50 27030 - Detection Dog Handler 18.11 27040 - Detention Officer 25.15 27070 - Firefighter 26.09 27101 - Guard I . 10.61 27102 - Guard II 18.11 27131 - Police Officer I 30.90 27132 - Police Officer II 34.34 28000 - Recreation Occupations . . . MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033002 2/21/2012 28041 - Carnival Equipment Operator 28042 - Carnival Equipment Repairer 28043 - Carnival Equpment Worker 28210 - Gate Attendant/Gate Tender 28310 Lifeguard 28350 - Park Attendant (Aide) 28510 Recreation Aide/Health Facility Attendant 28515 - Recreation Specialist 28630 - Sports Official 28690 - Swimming Pool Operator 29000 Stevedoring/Longshoremen Occupational Service 29010 - Blocker And Bracer 29020 - Hatch Tender ?29030 - Line Handler 29041 Stevedore I 29042 - Stevedore II 30000 - Technical Occupations 30010 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Center (HFO) (see 2) 30011 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Station (HFO) (see 2) 30012 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Terminal (HFO) (see 2) 30021 Archeological Technician I . 30022 Archeological Technician II 30023 - Archeological Technician 30030 - Cartographic Technician. 30040 Civil Engineering Technician 30061 - Drafter/CAD Operator I 30062 - Drafter/CAD Operator II 30063 Drafter/CAD Operator 30064 - Drafter/CAD Operator IV 30081 - Engineering Technician I 30082 - Engineering Technician II 30083 - Engineering Technician 30084 - Engineering Technician IV 30085 - Engineering Technician 30086 - Engineering Technician VI 30090 - Environmental Technician 30210 - Laboratory Technician 30240 - Mathematical Technician 30361 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant I 30362 Paralegal/Legal Assistant II 30363 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant 30364 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant IV 30390 - Photo-Optics Technician 30461 - Technical Writer I 30462 - Technical Writer II 30463 - Technical Writer 30491 - Unexploded ordnance (UXO) Technician I 30492 - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician II 30493 - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician 30494 - Unexploded (UXO) Safety Escort 30495 - Unexploded (UXO) Sweep Personnel 30620 Weather Observer, Combined Upper Air Or (see 2) Surface Programs 30621 - Weather Observer, Senior (see 2) 31000 Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Occupations 31020 - Bus Aide ~31030 - Bus Driver 31043 - Driver Courier 31260 - Parking and Lot Attendant 31290 - Shuttle Bus Driver . MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033003 . gov/wdol/sca?les/std/ 05-21 1 l.txt 2/21/2012 Page 6 of 10 13.37 14.74 9.40 14.63 13.49 16.39 11.96 19.57 13.04 17.92 21.65? 21.65 21.65 20.86 24.35 37.85 26.10 28.74 15.98 18.25- 24.98 25.86 23.88' 18.66 20.89 23.28 28.66 18.79 21.92 24.53 29.22 35.73 41.29 20.88 18.62 25.86 17.91 22.18 27.14 32.83 25.86 23.25 28.46 32.87 24.06 29.10 34.89 24.06 24.06 23.28 25.86. 9.78 14.86 14.92 9.46 16.45 . Page 7 of 10 31310 - Taxi Driver 11.02 31361 Truckdriver, Light 16.45 31362 - Truckdriver, Medium 17.99 31363 - Truckdriver, Heavy 19.54 31364 - Truckdriver, Tractor-Trailer 19.54 99000 - Miscellaneous Occupations 99030 - Cashier . 9.31 99050 Desk Clerk 10.67_ 99095 - Embalmer 21.54 99251 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker I 10.75 99252 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker II 11.86 99310 - Mortician a 24.52 99410 - Pest Controller 14.26 99510 - Photofinishing Worker 11.95 99710 - Recycling Laborer 15.31 99711 - Recycling Specialist 19.30 99730 - Refuse Collector 13.33 99810 Sales Clerk - - 12.58 99820 a School Crossing Guard - 11.80 99830 - Survey Party Chief 18.42 99831 - Surveying Aide . I . . 11.12 99832 - Surveying Technician 16.78 99840 Vending Machine Attendant 11.67 99841 Vending Machine Repairer 14.81 99842 - Vending Machine Repairer Helper 11.66 ALL.OCCUPATIONS LISTED ABOVE RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: HEALTH WELFARE: $3.59 per hour or $143.60 per week or $622.27 per month VACATION: 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or successor; 3 weeks after 5 years, and 4 weeks after 15 years. Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with the present contractor or successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors in the performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173) HOLIDAYS: A minimum of ten paid holidays per year, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr?s Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor ~Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (A contractor may substitute for any of the named holidays another day off with pay in accordance with a plan communicated to the employees involved.) (See 29 CFR 4174) THE OCCUPATIONS WHICH HAVE NUMBERED FOOTNOTES IN PARENTHESES RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING: 1) COMPUTER EMPLOYEES: Under the SCA at section this wage determination does not apply to any employee who individually qualifies as a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee as defined in 29 C.F.R. Part 541. Because most Computer System and Computer Programmers who are compensated at a rate) inot less than $27.63 (or on a salary or fee basis at a rate not less than $455 per week) an hour would likely qualify as exempt computer professionals, (29 C.F.R. 541. .400) wage rates may not be listed on this wage determination for all occupations within thOSe job families. In addition, because this wage determination may not list a wage rate for some or all occupations within those job families if the survey MARCH 1.txt . 2/21/2012 4 5--.. . 1.. Page 8 of 10 data indicates that the prevailing wage rate for the occupation equals or exceeds $27.63 per hour conformances may be neCessary for certain nonexempt employees. For example, if an individual employee is nonexempt but nevertheless performs duties within the scope-of one of the Computer Systems Analyst or Computer Programmer occupations for which this wage determination does not specify an SCA wage rate, ?then the wage rate for that employee must be conformed in accordance with the 'conformance procedures described in the conformance note included on this wage determination. Additionally, because job titles vary widely and change quickly in the computer industry, job titles'are not determinative of the application of the computer professional exemption. Therefore, the exemption applies only to computer employees who satisfy the compensation requirements and whose primary duty consists of: (1) The application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine hardware, software or system functional specifiCations; - (2) The design, development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing or modification of computer systems or programs, including prototypes, based on and related to user or system design specifications: (3) The design, documentation, testing, creation or modification of computer programs related to machine operating systems; or (4) A combination of the aforementioned duties, the performance of which requires the same level of skills. (29 C.F.R. 541.400). 2) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND WEATHER OBSERVERS - NIGHT PAY SUNDAY PAY: If you work at night as part of a regular tour of duty, you will earn a night differential and receive an additional 10% of basic pay for any hours worked between 6pm and 6am. If you are a full-time employed (40 hours a week) and Sunday is part of your regularly scheduled workweek, you are paid at your rate of basic pay plus a Sunday premium-of 25% of your basic rate for each hour of Sunday work which is not overtime occasional work on Sunday outside the normal tour of duty is considered overtime work). - . HAZARDOUS PAY DIFFERENTIAL: An 8 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that_represents a high degree of hazard when working with or in.close proximity to ordinance, explosives, and incendiary materials. This includes work such as screening, blending, dying, mixing, and pressing of sensitive 'ordance, explosives, and pyrotechnic compositions such as lead azide, black powder and photoflash powder. All dry-house activities involving propellants or explosives Demilitarization, modification, renovation, demolition, and maintenance operations on sensitive ordnance, explosives and incendiary materials. All operations involving regrading and cleaning of artillery ranges. A 4 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a low degree of hazard when working with, or in close proximity to ordance, (or employees possibly adjacent ta) explosives and incendiary materials which involves potential injury such as laceration of hands, face, or arms of the. employee engaged in the operation, irritation of the skin, minor burns and the like; minimal damage to immediate or adjacent work area or equipment being used. .All operations involving, unloading, storage, and hauling of ordance, explosive, and incendiary ordnance material other than small arms ammunition. These differentials are only applicable to work that has been specifically designated by the agency for ordance, explosives, and incendiary material differential pay. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE If employees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract (either by the terms of the Government contract, by the employer, by the state or local law, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033005 . 1 1.txt 2/21/2012 Page 9 of 10 laundering or dry cleaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by an employee where such cost reduces the hourly rate below that required by the wage determination. The Department of Labor will accept payment in accordance with the following standards as compliance: The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish all employees with an -adequate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse employees for the actual cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cleaning and maintenance is made the responsibility of the employee, all contractors and subcontractors subject to this wage determination shall (in the absence of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement providing for a different amount, or the furnishing of contrary affirmative proof as to the actual cost), reimburse all employees for such cleaning and maintenance at a rate of $3.35 per week (or $.67 cents per day). However, in those instances where the uniforms furnished are_made of "wash and wear" materials, may be routinely washed and dried with other personal garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry cleaning, daily washing, or commercial laundering in order to meet the cleanliness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract, by the contractor, by law, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement that employees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs. The duties of employees under job titles listed are those described in the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations", Fifth Edition, April 2006, unless otherwise indicated. Copies of the Directory are available on the Internet. A links to the DirectOry may be found on the WHD home page at gov/esa/whd/ or through the Wage Determinations On?Line (WDOL) Web site at FOR AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL CLASSIFICATION AND WAGE RATE {Standard Form 1444 (SF 1444)} Conformance Process: The contracting officer shall require that any class of service employee which is not listed herein and which is to be employed under the contract the work to be performed is not performed by any classification listed in the wage determination), be classified by the contractor so as to provide a reasonable relationship appropriate level of skill comparison) between such unlisted classifications and the classifications listed in the wage determination. Such conformed classes of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished the fringe benefits as are determined. Such conforming process shall be initiated by the contractor prior to the performance of contract work by such unlisted class(es) of employees. The conformed classification, wage rate, and/or fringe benefits shall be retroactive to the commencement date of the contract. {See Section 4.6 'When multiple wage determinations are included in a contract, a separate SF 1444 should be prepared for each wage determination to which a classtes) is to be conformed. The process for preparing a conformance request is as follows: 1) When preparing the.bid, the contractor identifies the need for a conformed occupation(s) and computes a proposed rate(s). 2) After contract award, the contractor prepares a written report listing in order proposed classification title(s), a Federal grade equivalency (FGE) for each proposed classification(s), job description(s), and rationale for proposed wage rate(s), including information regarding the agreement or disagreement of the authorized representative of the employees involved, or where there is no authorized representative, the themselves. This report should be submitted to the contracting officer no later than 30 days after such unlisted class(es) of employees performs any contract work. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033006 . . - 2/21/2012 - -. . -. Page 10 of10 3) The contracting officer reviews the proposed action and submits a report of the action, together with the agency's recommendations and pertinent information including the position of the contractor and the employees, to the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, for review. (See section of Regulations 29 CFR Part 4). 4) Within 30 days of receipt, the Wage and Hour Division approves, modifies, or disapproves the action via transmittal to the agency contracting officer, or notifies the contracting officer that additional time will be required to process the request. 5) The contracting officer transmits the Wage and Hour decision to the contractor. 6) The contractor informs the affected employees. Information required by the Regulations must be submitted on SF 1444 or bond paper. When preparing a confOrmance request, the "Service Contract Act Directory of occupations" (the Directory) should be used_to compare job definitions to insure that duties requested are not performed by a classification already listed in the wage determination. Remember, it is not the job title, but the required tasks that determine whether a class is included in an established wage determination. Conformances may not be used to artificially split, combine, or subdivide classifications listed in the wage determination. .00 300 3? 3c 11es7/std/05-21 11m 2/21/2012 PAGES 1 I 12 5. PROJECT H0. 0?05 DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION or CONTRACT comm? '9 2. N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE REQUISITIONFPURCHASE RED. NO. 02/23/2012 GJSSUEDBY CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street hm, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: Washington 0 . 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Ne, drool. comfy, am node) 3A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. ADMINISTERED BY Maine; than Rem 6) GEO GROUP INC THE. 621 NW ST STE 700 BOOK RATON FL 334878242 In. DATED ITEM 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER ND. 106. DATED {85(5me 13} CODE 6127064650000 04/22/2009 - on Ms The above mannered so?c?aiiun Is amended as set forlh In Item 14. The hour and dale speci?ed for acan 0! Offers I: axlon?ed. Is no! axiondad. 011m must acknaMOdge receipt 0! ml: nmundmen? prior to the hour and dam speci?ed In the soIIcI'Iellan or as amended, by one 0! ma foliowing malhuds: By compIeIrng Items 3 and 15, and Mom oopIes of the amendment By ?mugging receipt of this amendment on each copy DI lha offer obtained; or By sepamla Inner oilelogrm which Includes a ?amenco In the soIIc?alIon and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOURACKNOMEDGEMENTTO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATEO FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJEOTION OF YOUR OFFER. Uhy dew of Ibis amendmem you desire 10 change an offer steady submitted. such change may be made by Iclnamm or tenant, provided each or Iellor makes lemons!) la the ao?dmllon Wins amendmonL and Is received pllor to the opening hour and date speci?ed. AND APPROPRIATION DATA required) See Schedule I3. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES To MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSJORDERS. rr MODIFIES NO. As DESCRIBED IN 14. cuecxona ATHISGHANGEORDER Is ISSUED PURSUANTTO: 51:! In n? THECHANGES SETFORTH IN ITEM 14 MEMADE INTHE comma; ORDERNO. IN ITEM 1M . (I20 you a y] B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED IS TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATNE CHANGES 356110.? 05m of?ce. 0. THIS EM I?s' ENTEREE ?Io OF: FAR 43.103 Bilateral Modification D. OTHER (Sped!y type of Incarnation and amen!? 5. IMPORTANT: Conuauo: [he not. Is requked Io sign Ink document and raIurn 1 mph: Io Iho Issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF sac?on headings. I'nd?uding soIEcI'InIIanoonlracf subject matter where resume.) DUNS Number: 612706465 - COTE 5 954 In Alternate COTE: 305?207- Alternate com: ;L_~3a305_ 5" Alternate Procurement The purpose of this modification is to correct the following information: (1}The Wage Determination (WD) incorporated into the contract should be WI) No. 2005?2112 Continued - WW2. . Vice PreSIdenI, Administration The 950 Gr; up. ha. 150. DATE SIGNED as hamlolora changed remains unchangod andin fullicrooand effect. 31 - ?no 60. DATE 2/28/2912 3 {Wmolpermm? Jr?, . ?17? nsmon-Isz-emo smumuao FORM aoqaev. 10-33 1 Previous odiUon unusable Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 53.243 MARCH REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 2 I 12 GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVIC as uvmnw UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (C) (E) (F) Rev. No. 12. The unit prices for 3004 and 3006 should be changed to respectively. Exempt Action: Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Change Item 3004 to read as follows{amount shown is the total amount): 3004 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by_the Performance.Work Statement Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Change Item 3006 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount]: 3006 On?Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD All other terms and conditions remain the same. NEN 1?540-01-162-806? . OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by 65!: FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 . pm.? MARCH 2015 Page I oflO . W0 05?2112 (Rev.w12) was first posted on on 06/17/2011 REGISTER OF WAGE DETERMINATIONS UNDER 0.9. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR THE SERVICE CONTRACT ACT By direction of the Secretary of Labor WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION WASHINGTON D.C. 20210 Wage Determination No.1 2005-2112 ReviSion No.: 12 Date Of Revision: 06/13/2011 Division of Wage Determinations 616172512885ch Director I 1 EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION State: Florida Area: Florida Counties of Broward, Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, St Lucie - **Fringe Benefits Required Follow the Occupational Listing** OCCUPATION CODE FOOTNOTE 01000 - Administrative Support And Clerical Occupations 01011 4 Accounting Clerk I 01012 - Accounting Clerk II 01013 - Accounting Clerk 01020 Administrative Assistant 01040 - Court Reporter 01051 - Data Entry Operator 1' 01052 Data Entry Operator II 01060 Dispatcher, Motor Vehicle 01070 - Document Preparation Clerk 01090 - Duplicating Machine Operator 01111 General Clerk I eeneral Crerk 11 01113 General Clerk 01120 Housing Referral Assistant 01141 Messenger Courier 01191 - Order Clerk I 01192 Order Clerk II 01261 Personnel Assistant (Employment) I 01262 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) II -01263 Personnel Assistant (Employment) 01270 - Production Control Clerk 01280 - Receptionist 01290 - Rental Clerk 01300 Scheduler, Maintenance 01311 - Secretary I 01312 Secretary II 01313 - Secretary 01320 Service Order Dispatcher 01410 Supply Technician 01420 Survey Worker 01531 - Travel Clerk I 01532 Travel Clerk II 01533 Travel Clerk 01611 - Word Processor I 01612 - Word Processor II 01613 - Word Processor - 05000 - Automotive Service Occupations 05005 Automobile Body Repairer, Fiberglass 05010 - Automotive Electrician 12.txt MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIA030300033010 RATE 14.11 16.74 18.73 22.64 18.82 12092 14.09 17.16 12.67 12.67 12.62 "1'3788? 15.59 20.88 12.39. 12.71? 13.86 15.88 I 17.90 20.30- 20.00 13.44 14.93 16.74 16.74 18.73 20.88 15.35 23.21 18.82 12.57 13.48 14.33 13.30 14.93 16.71 17.74 16.61 2/23/2012 . Page 2 of 10 05040 Automotive Glass Installer - . 15.52 05070 - Automotive Worker . .- 15.52 05110 - Mobile Equipment Servicer . . .13.34 05130 - Motor Equipment Metal Mechanic 17.56 05160 - Motor Equipment Metal Worker 15.52 05190 Motor Vehicle Mechanic 17.68 .05220 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic Helper 12.24 05250 - Motor Vehicle Upholstery Worker . 14.42 05280 - Motor vehicle Wrecker 15,52 05310 - Painter, Automotive 16.62 05340,- Radiator_Repair Specialist I 15.52 05370 - Tire Repairer 11.60 05400 - Transmission Repair Specialist 17.56 07000 - Food Preparation And Service Occupations 07010 - Baker? . . 12265 07041 - Cook I 11.08 07042 - Cook II 1 12.90 07070 - Dishwasher - 8.72 07130 Food Service Worker - 9.89 07210 - Meat Cutter . . 12.75 07260.? Waiter/Waitress . . 9.85 09000 - FUrniture Maintenance And Repair Occupations 09010 - Electrostatic Spray Painter 14.98 09040 - Furniture Handler . 9.80 09080 - Furniture Refinisher . 14.98 09090 - Furniture Refinisher Helper 11.03 09110 - Furniture Repairer, Minor . 13.00 3 09130 - Upholsterer - 16.48 11000 a General Services And Support Occupations 11030 - Cleaner, Vehicles - 9.80 11060 4 Elevator Operator . . 10.39 11090 - Gardener - 15.29 11122 Housekeeping Aide . 10.39 11150 - Janitor . - '10.39 11210 - Laborer, Grounds Maintenance 11.40 11240 Maid or Houseman 9.59 11260 Pruner . 9.93 11270 - Tractor Operator 14.36 11330 Trail Maintenance Worker . 11.40 11360 - Window Cleaner . . 11.94 12000 - Health Occupations 12010 Ambulance Driver - a 15.34_ 12011 Breath Alcohol Technician . 17.33 12012 - Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant' . - 26.46 12015,- Certified Physical Therapist Assistant 24.15 12020 - Dental Assistant . 15.13 12025 - Dental Hygienist . 31.91 12030 EKG Technician - I ?22.01 12035 - Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist - 22.01 12040 - Emergency Medical Technician 15.34 12071 -?Licensed Practical Nurse I 15.49 12072 - Licensed Practical Nurse II 17.33 12073 - Licensed Practical Nurse 19.32 12100 - Medical Assistant 15.38 12130 4 Medical Laboratory Technician . .17.89 12160 - Medical Record Clerk - 13.95 12190 Medical Record Technician - 15.38 12195 - Medical Transcriptionist' 15.86 12210 - Nuclear Medicine Technologist . . 34.45 12221 Nursing Assistant I . 10.55 12.txt . .. . MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033011 2123/2012 .. . . .- .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .a . _Pa?gesoflo 12222 1 Nursing Assistant II 11.87 12223 - Nursing Assistant . 12.95 12224 - Nursing Assistant IV, 14.87 12235 - Optical Dispenser 17.57 12236 - Optical Technician 15.24 12250 - Pharmacy Technician 15.81 12280 Phlebotomist - 14.87 12305 Radiologic Technologist 25.46 12311 - Registered Nurse I 26332 12312 Registered Nurse 11 29.80 12313 - Registered Nurse II, Specialis . 29.80 12314 - Registered Nurse 36.04 12315 - Registered Nurse Anesthetist 36.04 12316 - Registered Nurse IV . 43.22 12317 - Scheduler (Drug and Alcohol Testing) 19.28 13000 - Information And Arts Occupations .13011 Exhibits Specialist I 19.30 13012 Exhibits Specialist II 23.54 . 13013 - Exhibits Specialist 28.80 13041 Illustrator 1 20.64 13042 Illustrator II 25.57 13043 - Illustrator 30.22 ~13047 Librarian .30.39 13050 - Library Aide/Clerk 12.37 13054 - Library Information Technology Systems 26.99 Administrator . 13058 - Library Technician 16.53 13061 - Media-Specialist I 16.17 . 13062 - Media Specialist II 18.41 13063 ?.Media Specialist 20.54 13071 Photographer I 15.46 13072 Photographer II 17.30 13073 - Photographer 21.43 13074 - Photographer IV 26.21 13075 Photographer-V 31.70? 13110 - Video Teleconference Technician 16.88 ~14000 - Information Technology Occupations 14041 - computer Operator I 16.41 14042 - Computer Operator II 18.36 14043 - Computer Operator 20.47 14044 - Computer Operator'lv 22.75 14045 - Computer Operator . 25.19 14071 computer Programmer I (see 1) 22.63 14072 - Computer Programmer II (see 1) 14073 - Computer Programmer (see 1) 314074 - Computer Programmer IV (see 1) 14101 - Computer Systems Analyst I (see 1) 14102 - Computer Systems Analyst 11 (see 1) 14103 - Computer Systems Analyst (See 1) 14150 - Peripheral Equipment Operator 16.41 14160 - Personal Computer Support Technician 22.75 15000 - Instructional Occupations 15010 4 Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Non-Rated) 31.48 15020 Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Rated) 38.08 ?15030 - Air Crew Training Devices Instructor (Pilot) 41.70 15050 - Computer Based Training Specialist Instructor 31.48 15060 Educational Technologist 26.06 15070 - Flight Instructor (Pilot) 41.70 .. 15080 - Graphic Artist . 23.71 15090 - Technical Instructor 21.38 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033012 . a. nour2/23/2012 - . Page 4 of 10 15095 - Technical Instructor/Course Developer 26.16 - Test Proctor 17.26 15120 - Tutor - - 17.26 16000 - Laundry, Dry?Cleaning, Pressing And Related Occupations 16010 - Assembler 9.62 16030 - Counter Attendant 9.62 16040 - Dry Cleaner 11.86 16070 Finisher, Flatwork, Machine 9.62 16090 - Presser, Hand 9.62 16110 Presser, Machine, 9.62 16130 - Presser, Machine, Shirts - 9.62 16160 - Presser, Machine, Wearing Apparel, Laundry 9.62 16190 - Sewing Machine Operator 12.52 16220 Tailor 13.18 16250 - Washer, Machine 10.41 19000 - Machine Tool Operation And Repair Occupations 19010 Machine-Tool Operator (Tool Room) 17.51 19040 - Tool And Die Maker 22.29 21000 - Materials Handling And Packing Occupations 21020 - Forklift Operator 14.81 21030 Material Coordinator 19.02 21040 - Material Expediter 19.02 21050 - Material Handling Laborer '12.17 21071 - Order Filler . 11.60 21080 - Production Line Worker (Food Processing)? 14.81 21110 - Shipping Packer 14:81 21130 - Shipping/Receiving Clerk 14.81 21140.- store Worker I 9.45 -21150 - Stock Clerk 14.43 21210 - Tools And Parts Attendant 14.81 21410 - Warehouse Specialist . 14.81 23000 - Mechanics And Maintenance And Repair Occupations . 23010 - Aerospace Structural Welder 24.81 23021 Aircraft Mechanic I 23.31 23022 - Aircraft Mechanic II 24.81. 23023 - Aircraft Mechanic 26,28 23040 - Aircraft Mechanic Helper 15.59 23050 - Aircraft, Painter 18.88 ?23060 - Aircraft Servicer 18.80 23080 - Aircraft Worker 20.33 '23110 - Appliance Mechanic 18.53 23120 - Bicycle Repairer 11.60 23125 - Cable Splicer . 24.61 23130 Carpenter, Maintenance 17.55- 23140 - Carpet Layer 17.51 23160 - Electrician, Maintenance 19.25 23181 - Electronics Technician Maintenance I 21.43 23182 Electronics Technician Maintenance II 26.58 23183 - Electronics Technician Maintenance 29.81 .23260 Fabric Worker 17.63 23290 - Fire Alarm System Mechanic 18.04 23310 Fire Extinguisher Repairer 14:71 23311 - Fuel Distribution System Mechanic 18.65? 23312 - Fuel Distribution System Operator 13.82 23370 - General Maintenance Worker -16.44 . 23380 - Ground Support Equipment Mechanic 23.31 3 23381 - Ground Support Equipment Servicer 18.80 23382 - Ground Support Equipment worker 20.33 23391 Gunsmith I 14 .71 23392 - Gunsmith II 17.40 . 12m ?2/23/2012 . - I MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033013 23393 Gunsmith . Page 5 oflO 12.1xt MARCH 2015 -1 '19.85 23410 - Heating, ventilation And Air-Conditioning 19.01 Mechanic 23411 9 Heating, Ventilation And Air Contditioning 20.23 Mechanic (Research Facility), 23430 - Heavy Equipment Mechanic 19.94. _23440 - Heavy Equipment Operator 19.18 . 23460 - Instrument Mechanic 21.09 23465 - Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic 18.62 23470 - Laborer 11.51 23510 - Locksmith 17.22 23530 - Machinery Maintenance Mechanic 22:48 23550 - Machinist, Maintenance 18.00 23580 - maintenance Trades Helper- 13.90 23591 - Metrolcgy Technician I 21.09 23592 - Metrology Technician II 22.74 23593 - Metrology Technician 23.86 23640 - Millwright 21.19 23710 Office Appliance'Repairer 17.94 23760 - Painter, Maintenance 17.51 23790 Pipefitter, Maintenance 20.20 23810 - Plumber, Maintenance ?19.23 23820 - Pneudraulic Systems Mechanic. 19.85 23850 - Rigger 19.85 23870 - Scale Mechanic 17.40 23890 - Sheet-Metal Worker, Maintenance 18.24 23910 - Small Engine Mechanic 15.52 23931 - Telecommunications Mechanic I 23.36 23932 - Telecommunications Mechanic II 25.46 23950 - Telephone Lineman 20;?9 23960 Welder, Combination, Maintenance :18.69 23965.? Well Driller - 18.71 23910 - W??a?f?ff"Worker 19.85 23980 - Woodworker 14.71 24000 - Personal Needs Occupations 24570 Child Care Attendant 9.49 24580 - Child Care Center Clerk 15.33 24610 Chore Aide 9.40 24620 - Family Readiness And Support Services 14.45 Coordinator' 24630 - Homemaker 17.05 25000 - Plant And System Operations Occupations 25010 Boiler Tender 19.01 25040 - Sewage_P1ant Operator 20.16 25070 - stationary Engineer '19.01 25190 - Ventilation Equipment Tender 12.86 25210 - Water Treatment Plant?0perator 20.16 27000 - Protective Service Occupations 27004 - Alarm Monitor 20.47- 27007 - Baggage Inspector 10.61 27008 - Corrections Officer 25.15 27010 - Court Security Officer 28.50 27030 - Detection Dog Handler 18.11 27040 - Detention Officer 25.15 ?27070 Firefighter 26.09 27101 - Guard I 10.61 27102 - Guard II 18.11 27131 - Police Officer I '30.90 27132 Police Officer II -34.34 -28000 Recreation OccupationS' 2/23/2012 . - .n-uu-I: . . .. .- - on - . Page 6 of 10 13.37 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033015 28041 - Carnival Equipment Operator 28042 - Carnival Equipment Repairer 14.74 28043'- Carnival Equpment Worker 9.40 28210 - Gate Attendant/Gate Tender 14.63 28310 - Lifeguard 13.49. 28350 Park Attendant (Aide) . 16.39 28510 - Recreation Aide/Health?Facility Attendant 11.96 28515 - Recreation Specialist 19.57 28630 Sports Official '13.04 28690 - Swimming Pool Operator 17.92 29000 - Stevedoring/Longshoremen Occupational Services 29010 - Blocker And Bracer 21.65 29020 - Hatch Tender 21.65 29030 - Line Handler 21.65 29041 - Stevedore I 20.86 29042 - Stevedore II 24.35 30000 Technical Occupations_ - - 30010 Air Traffic Control Specialist, Center (HFO) (see 2) 37.85 30011 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Station (HFO) (see 2) 26.10 30012 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Terminal (RFC) (see 2) 28.74 30021 -'Archeological Technician I -- 15.98 . 30022 - Archeological Technician II 18.25 30023 Archeological Technician 24.98 30030 - Cartographic Technician 25.86 30040 Civil Engineering Technician 23.88 30061 - Drafter/CAD Operator I 18.66 30062 Drafter/CAD Operator II 20.89 -30063 Drafter/CAD Operator 23.28. 30064 - Drafter/CAD Operator IV 28.66 30061 - Engineering Technician I 18.79 -30082 - Engineering Technician II .21.92 30083 - Engineering Technician 24.53 IV 29.22 30085 - Engineering Technician 35.73 30086 - Engineering Technician VI 41.29 30090_- Environmental Technician ?20.88 30210 Laboratory Technician 18.62 30240 - Mathematical Technician 25.86 30361 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant I 17.91 30362 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant II 22.18 .30363-- Paralegal/Legal Assistant "27.14 30364 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant IV 32.83 30390 - Photo-Optics Technician 25.86 30461 - Technical Writer I 23.25 30462 - Technical Writer 11 28.46 30463 - Technical Writer . 32.87 30491 - Ordnance (UXO) Technician I 24.06 30492 - Unexploded Ordnance (0X0) Technician II 29.10 30493 - Unexploded Ordnance (0X0) Technician 34.89 30494 - Unexploded (0x0) Safety Escort 24.06 - 30495 Unexploded Sweep Personnel 24.06 30620 - Weather Observer. Combined Upper Air Or (see 2) 23.28 Surface Programs v; 30621 - Weather Observer, Senior - (see 2) 25.86 31000 - Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Occupations . 31020 - Bus-Aide 9478 31030 - Bus Driver 14.86 31043 - Driver Courier 14.92 31260 - Parking and Lot Attendant 9.46 31290 - Shuttle Bus Driver 16.45 12.txt 2/23/2012 5 .. - . -. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . - . .A.. . 7- -- .. Page 7 of 10 31310 - Taxi Driver - . . 11.02 31361 - Truckdriver, Light - - 16.45 31362 Truckdriver, Medium . . 17.99 31363 Truckdriver, Heavy - 19.54 31364 - Truckdriver, Tractor-Trailer - . 19.54 99000 Miscellaneous Occupations 99030 - Cashier - 9.31 99050 - Desk Clerk 10.67 99095 - Embalmer - 21.54 '99251 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker.I 10.75 99252 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker II - 11.86 99310 - Mortician - 24.52- 99410 - Pest Controller. - - 14.26 99510 - Photofinishing Wbrker. . 11.95 99710 - Recycling'Laborer - . 15.31~ 99711 - Recycling Specialist - . 19.80 99730 - Refuse Collector .- 13.33 99810 - Sales Clerk - 12.58 99820 - School Crossing Guard - 11.80 99830 - Survey Party Chief 18.42 99831 Surveying Aide . . 11.12 99832 Surveying Technician 16.78 99840 a Vending Machine Attendant 11.67 99841 - Vending Machine Repairer . 14.81 99842 - Vending Machine Repairer Helper . 11.66 ALL OCCUPATIONS LISTED ABOVE RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: HEALTH WELEARE: Life, accident, and health insurance plans, sick leave, pension plans, civic and personal leave, severance pay, and savings and thrift plans. Minimum employer contributions costing an average of $3.59 per hour computed on the basis of all hours worked by service employees employed on the contract. VACATION: 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or. . successor; 3 weeks after 5 years, and 4 weeks after 15 years. Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with the present contractor or successor, wherever employed, and with the contractors in the performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173) HOLIDAYS: A minimum of ten paid holidays per year, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.- (A contractor may substitute for'any of the named holidays another day off with pay in? accordance with a plan communicated to the employees involved.) (See 29 CFR 4174) THE OCCUPATIONS WHICH HAVE NUMBERED FOOTNOTES IN PARENTHESES RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING: 1) COMPUTER EMPLOYEES: Under the SCA at section this wage determination does .not apply to any employee who individually qualifies as a.bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee as defined in 29 C.F.R. Part 541. Because most Computer System Computer Programmers who are compensated at a rate not less than $27.63 (or on a salary or fee basis at a rate not less than $455 per .week) an hour would likely qualify as exempt computer professionals, (29 C.F.R. 541. 12.txt u-v -- 2/23/201 2 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033016 Page 8 of 10 400) wage rates may not be listed on this wage determination for all occupations within those job families. In addition, because this wage determination may not- list a wage rate for some or all occupations within those job families if the survey data indicates that the prevailing wage rate for the occupation equals or exceeds $27.63 per hour oonformances may be necessary for certain nonexempt employees. For example, if an individual employee is nonexempt but nevertheless performs duties within the scope of one of the Computer Systems Analyst on Computer Programmer occupations for which this wage determination does not specify an SCA.wage rate, then the wage rate for that employee must be conformed in accordance with the conformance procedures described in the conformance note included on this wage determination. Additionally, because job titles vary widely and change quickly in the computer industry, job titles are not determinative of the application of the computer professional exemption. Therefore, the exemption applies only to computer employees who satisfy the compensati?n requirements and whose primary duty consists-of: (1) The application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine hardware, software or system functional specifications; . (2) The design,.development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing or modification of computer systems or programs, including prototypes} based on and related to user or system design specifications: (3) The design, documentation, testing} creation or modification of computer programs related to machine operating systems; or (4) A combination of the aforementioned duties, the performance of which requires the same level of skills.. (29 C.F.R. 541.400). 2) AIR TRAFEIC CONTROLLERS AND WEATHER OBSERVERS -.NIGHT PAY SUNDAY RAY: If you work at night as part of a regular tour of duty, you will earn a night differential and receive an additional 10% of basic pay for any hours worked between 6pm'and 6am. if you are a full-time employed (40 hours a week) and Sunday is part of your regularly scheduled workweek, you are paid at your rate of basic pay plus a Sunday . . occasional work on Sunday outside the normal tour of duty is considered 'overtime work). . . . HAZARDOUS PAY DIFFERENTIAL: An 8 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a high degree of hazard when working with or in close proximity to ordinance, explosives, and incendiary materials. This includes work such as screening, blending, dying, mixing, and pressing of sensitive ordance, explosives, and pyrotechnic compositions such as lead azide, black powder and photoflash powder. All dry~house activities involving propellants or explosives Demilitarization, modification, renovation, demolition, and maintenance operations on sensitive ordnance, explosives and incendiary materials. All operations . involving regrading and cleaning of artillery ranges. percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a low degree of hazard when working with, or in close proximity to ordance, (or employees possibly adjacent to) explosives and incendiary materials - which involves potential injury such as laceration of hands, face, or arms of the employee engaged in the operation, irritation of the skin, minor burns and the like; minimal damage to immediate or adjacent work area or equipment being used. .All Operations involving, unloading, storage, and_hauling of ordance, explosive, and incendiary ordnance material other?than small arms ammunition. These differentials are only applicable to work that has been specifically designated by the agency for ordance, explosives, and incendiary material differential pay. - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE . 2/23/2012 an. . . .. ?Ruin-MARCH 2015 l- '1444 (SF 1444)} i Page 9 of 10 If employees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract (either by the terms of the Government contract, by the employer, by the state or local law, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by. 'laundering or dry cleaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by an employee where such cost reduces the hourly rate below that required by the wage determination. The'Department of Labor will accept payment in accordance with the following standards as compliance: The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish all employees with an 'adeguate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse employees for the actual cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cleaning and maintenance is made the responsibility of the employee, all contractors and subcontractors subject to this wage determination shall (in the abSence of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement previding for a different amount, or the furnishing of contrary affirmative proof as to the actual cost), reimburse all employees for such cleaning and maintenance at a rate of $3.35 per week (or $;67 cents per day). However, in those instances where the uniforms furnished are made of "wash and wear" materials, may be routinely washed and dried with other personal garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry cleaning, daily washing, or commercial laundering in order to meet the cleanliness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract, by the contractor, by law, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement that employees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs. The duties of employees under job titles listed are those described in the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations", Fifth Edition, April 2006, unless otherwise indicated. Copies of the Directory are available on the Internet. A links to the Directory may be found on the WHO home page at gov/esa/whd/ or through the Wage Determinations_On-Line (WOOL) Web site at REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL CLASSIFICATION AND WAQE RATE {Standard Form . . Conformance Process: The contracting officer shall require that any class of service employee which is not listed herein and which is to be employed under the contract (1.9., the work to be performed is not performed by any classification listed in the wage - . determination), be classified by the contractor so as to provide a reasonable relationship appropriate level of skill comparison) between such unlisted classifications and the classifications listed in the wage determination. Such conformed classes of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished the fringe benefits as are determined. Such conforming process shall be initiated by the contractor prior to the performance of contract work by such unlisted class(es) of employees. yhe conformed classification, wage rate, and/or fringe benefits shall be retroactive to the commencement date of the contract. {See Section 4.6 When multiple wage determinations are included in a contract, a separate SF 1444 should be prepared for each wage determination to which a class(es) is to be .conformed. The process for preparing a conformance request'is as follows: 1) When preparing the bid, the contractor identifies the need for a conformed occupation(s) and computes a proposed rate(s). 2) After contract award, the contractor_prepares a written report listing in order proposed classification titlets), a Federal grade equivalency (FGE) for each proposed classification(s), job description(s), and rationale for proposed wage rate(s), including information regarding the agreement or disagreement of the ?authorized representative of the employees involved, or where there is no authorized 2/23/2012 .. .. . .. . .. ..-.- 23015 .. .. Page 10 oflO representative, the employees themselves.? This report should be submitted-to the . contracting officer no later than 30 days after such unlisted class(es) of employees performs any contract work. The contracting officer reviews.the proposed action and submits a report of the'action, together with the agency's recommendations and pertinent' information including the position of the contractor and the employees, to the wage and ?our Division, Employment Standards Administration, 0.3. Department of Labor, 'for_review. (See section of Regulations 29 CFR Part 4). 4) Within 30 days of receipt, the Wage and Hour Division approves, modifies, or disapproves the action via transmittal to the-agency contracting officer, or notifies the contracting officer that additional time will be required to process 'the request. . 5) The contracting officer transmits the hage and Hour decision to the contractor. 6) The contractor informs the affected employees. Information required by'the Regulations must be suhmitted on SF 1444 or bond paper.j When preparing a conformance request, the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations" (the Direttory) should be used to compare job definitions to insure that duties requested'are not performed by a classification already listed in the .wage determination. Remember, it is not the job title, but the required tasks that determine whether a class is included in an established wage determination. Conformances may not be used to artificially split, combine, or subdivide classifications listed in the wage determination. 2/23/2012 ..-. .. .rr .. . ..- . .. 12.txt .. .u snout?In. .u MARCH 2015 comer NO. . 05/05/2009 3 . 8 M180 8' WE IWWM Fag/Mac.? ICE/Datum: ungt/Datant Contracts-DC migration and Custom M01:th Ot?c?o of Acquisition Management 801 Stunt Suite 910 2? ICE/Detox?: amt/Dot?: Contracts?nc migration and Customs Enfoth Office of Acquisition unmgenant 801 I Street rm, Suite 910 Washington Dc 20536 Attn: - . Haahi 0 - crown-mnon sac GROUP 18!: was 621 an 5339 57 an: 700 no u; soon lemon FL 334878242 museum. KO. ?3 no 13) 00? 6127064650000 ?mm 04/22/2009 Ohm mem magma-um PRIORTOM W2. mum?amr mum-aw Sea Schedule caucus. Amman)? mm Mm WMEWW SET "mfg wnmwo?waawwmm~mm for 43.103ta) comma: some: Emu, own-unanqu 1 mum-mum DUNS lumber: 612706465 Contract Spacialist: Contracting Officer: I r139 purpose of this modification is to update the security requirements in this contract ?with the attached item. All other terms and conditions remain the some, WhhaBAa?l; MARCH 2015 . . 000.900.?) .0 - uo?no SHEET mormnoam leso WING. m: I . drum? . (B) can no. (A) mantel! . . fzizIsm-1v a walouao a alqeldaoov uozn us 6120 aweN 3100 An paquns :ad? zoenuoo Sample QAP Contract Performance MOnitoring Instrument Key Indicators Key Operational Indicators Current Month Previous Month Difference Average Daily Population Average Daily Population- Facility AveragiDaily Population- Facility Average Days in Custody Detainees Received Detainees Transferred Classi?cation Detainee Classi?cation Level 1 End of Month (EOM) Detainee Classi?cation Level 2 EOM Detainee Classi?cation Level 3 EOM Special Management Special Housing: Placed AS Special Housing: Placed DS Temporary Beds in Use Detainee Behavior - Number of Incidents Assaults - Detainee-on?Detainee Assaults - Detainee-on-Staff Drug- or Alcohol-related Disturbances Hunger Strikes Escape Attempts* Escapes* Suicide Attempts* Deaths (Suicide, homicide, natural causes)* Incidents of sexual abuse or assault Gang related incidents Hard contraband attach a summaly report on types quantities recovered Number of Detainee Grievances Allegations of staff misconduct Conditions of con?nement Food Medical Discipline Group Grievances Number of Use of Force Incidents Immediate Calculated MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032979 158 Uses of Chemical Agents Uses of Non-Lethal Weapons Uses of 4/5 Point Restraints Personnel Number Authorized Positions (all) Number Employees on Board (all) Number Authorized Positions - Security/Custody Staff Number Security/Custody Staff on Board Other Have there been any interviews by reporters, other news media representatives, academics and others? Attach supplemental info Has there been any positive or negative facility or detainee media coverage? Attach supplemental info There are weekly meetings between key ICE and facility staff Facility Quality Control Plan is in place YIN. Attach comments if necessary When the facility houses males and females complete a separate Operational Indicators section for each gender. 159 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0032980 Item SOW page Section - Attachment 3 - Deliverables Description ACA accreditation Any litigation Quality Control Plan Congressional inquiry Press statements and releases Employee manual Employee receipt of ICE Opps Policy and Procedure manual Employees certi?cations that they have read and understand the standards of conduct Staf?ng plan Detention of?cer assignment roster Names of 800 Resumes of key personnel Shift roster Vacancy report Organizational chart Pre-employment checks Training plan Health needs policies/procedures(5 subcategories) Housing inspection reports approval.requests and pre-authorizations Health care complaints Medical information Noti?cation for emergency medical care Noti?cation of unacceptable medical condition Registrations. commissions, permits or licenses of each uniformed employee Supporting medical documentation Interior security speci?cations for vehicles Current status of vehicles/employees 160 MARCH 2015 Delivery Date Vl?thin 12 months of NTP Within 5 working days of ?ling No later than the post award conference Immediate Prior to release NTP date Upon request by COTR Upon request by COTR Prior to implementation Daily 24 hours in advance Before commencement of services Before any employee is assigned to perfor Daily upon completion of the third shift By 5th of each month Upon request of the COTR or CO Before any employee is assigned to perfor No less than 30 days after contract award commencement Upon request of the COTR or CO Once per shift available for review by COT Upon request of the COTR or CO. or Upon request of the COTR or CO. or Upon request of the COTR or CO. or Upon request of the COTR or CO. or Upon request of the COTR or CO. or Upon request of the COTR or CO. or Upon request of the COTR or CO. or Prior to installation Upon demand of COTR Overnight lodging requests Departure documents Standards of conduct and corresponding disciplinary actions l-9 Medical records Drug tests Noti?cation of changes in employee's health status Removal from duty Report of any contract employee misconduct Certi?cation of issuance of uniforms and credentials Personnel ?les Uniform approval request Business permits/licenses Credentials Duty roster Employment report GSA Form 139 or ICE equivalent Uniform receipt certi?cation Guard post assignment record Security forms Employee actions and information relating to disqualifying information or incidents of delinquency Non-returned ID card/pass Refresher training documentation Exam results Training certi?cations Training forecast/lesson plan Training reports Criminal activities Intelligence information Serious incidents Emergency plans Intervention equipment Security incidents-computers 161 MARCH 2015 IC82012F01A03030.0032982 In advance of trip Prior to detainee departure Before any employee is assigned to perfor Before any employee is assigned to perfor Upon request by COTR Upon request by COTR within 24 hours of Immediate to COTR Immediate to COTR Immediate to COTR Prior to contract performance date Upon request of the COTR or CO Prior to contract performance date Upon request of COTR Prior to contract performance date By noon each day for the following day At completion of each shift Upon request of COTR Prior to entry on duty Upon request of COTR No less than 5 days before starting date of Immediate to COTR Immediate to COTR Annually upon completion to COTR To COTR before EOD Prior to training class To COTR on a basis for next 60 d: to COTR Immediate to COTR and appropriate law Immediate to Alternate COTR Immediate to COTR Prior to the issuance of the NTP To COTR prior to commencement of perfo To COTR within four hours of an incident Post orders Log books Contract termination Key indicators report Manifest-detainees Special reports Contraband reports Physical facility damage documentation Physical force incident report Lost and found Written report for escapes Report of physical harm or threat to safety, health or welfare injury report Detainee death reports Auditor certi?cations-commissary Spill report Design/construction documents Videos Firearms report Firearms control register Firearms training and pro?ciency Weapons permits 84 Attachments Contract discrepancy reports (CDR) 85 Attachments Corrective action plan (when a CDR is ?led) 86 Attachments Outcome measures required for ACA accreditation or QASP by reason of MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032983 162 Upon request of COTR Upon request of COTR To CO on contract completion or terminatic to COTR by 5th of next month of Daily to COTR As directed by government requirements To COTR within 24 hours of discovery To COTR by end of shift To COTR within 24 hours of receipt by Wa To COTR To COTR within 24 hours of escape Immediately to COTR. with follow-up repor To COTR To COTR within 24 hours of death To COTR quarterly Immediate to COTR To COTR prior to the issuance of NTP To COTR upon request To COTR prior to commencement of perfo To COTR upon request To COTR quarterly To COTR three days prior to EOD Within ?ve working days of COTR transmis Within ?ve working days of COTR transmis to COTR on request . 163 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032984 SDUCITAHONICONTRACTIORDER FOR COMRCLAL ITEM PAGE OF . 1 I 1.62 mun. 1AM . mm 5. sour.me man sonormm 9-0-00006 mum; . uam'rz - . 04/01/2009 - - 01/20/2009 7. WR muf?n-no" . EWNE MBER Maniac! can) 8. OFFER DATEILOCALME mommy cm: Paul Previch 202ch) ES ?smut - - coo: 10.1wammoms a] anemone.- won: ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC . - . Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Dmm?a Uw?o'm Office of Ac isition Hana ement . 801 I Streetqgw, Suite 01og Emu? WaShington I alma?rm' 11. 05mm 12 mscowrms mumuoms Net 30 Din momma mo RATE mom METHOD OF D555 up? ?a w? Elm Dru RFP 15.0mm com unwraan Broward County Transitional Center 3900 N. Powerline Road Pompano Beach FL 33013 ion/Detent tht/Detcnt Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Office of Acquisition Management 001 I a. ite? '910 .. . . - - Washington DC 20536 . CODE BY DE - [6121064650000 mm; u-B DRO FOB FMI . GEO GROUP INC THE DES, ICE 621 NW..53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 Burlington Finance Center P.0. Box 1620 Attn: ICE-DRO- POD-ENE Williston"VT 054 95-1620 DWI: mow - - comma: [Imam - . . 10. 22. - 20, . uummv um . ummce mum I??d HQ. OFSUFFUESIERWES DUNS timber: - 6l27064 65 Contract Specialist: Contracting Officer: This is a contract to obtain? the 1.139. die. contract-detention facility in Broward County, Florida. Contractor shall provide'non-peraonal services according to'the contractile (Use Remorse mum mam as Mommy) 25. AND DATA Sea schedule? 270. saucrmnonmcoamMTEs BY REFERENCE Fm 52.2124. 52.2124. FAR 522124 Ann ?23125 ARE ADDENDA 2321 IHCORPORATES BY REFERENCE FAR 53.212; rm 52.2124 IS ATTACHED. [333. 00mm IS REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS nocuueu-rmn RETURN - .copuesro 153mm; omen commnnanees Fuamsu mo DELIVER ALI. ITEMS SET. FORTH OR OTHERWISE EDENTIFIED ABOVE MD OH MY-ADDITIONAL SHEETS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPECIFIED HEREW. 39. 1am. Amt: mount {For GM (ha om $111, 550,387.72 - DARE DARE DAREHOTATTACHED. 20. AWARD or comma REF. - DATED. row: ADDITIONS on ounces ?we? ARE SET FORTH ADDEKDA '(tsiaxc) ESIGNED ?931%- - 311:. DATE SIGNED 0? IBM 5 mm (REV. 312905} .c some? Is NOT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0U32985 am 00.21: 2 of 162 . 20. ITEM NO. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIESISERVICES 21 . 22. QUANTITY UNIT 23 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT - re qui rements detainees. orders. Period of Performance: Guaranteed Minimum '0001 Product/Service Coda?? $2 0002 - a . J0 Product/Service Code: 3206 EESEQdE/Seivide Code: 3206 0004 Transportation from facility to various locations; as required by the,Performance Work Statement Product/Service Code: S206 0005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages Product/Service'Code: $206 0006 On?Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: S206 Continued 32a QUANTITY IN COLUMN 21 HAS BEEN RECEIVED INSPECTED NOTED. a secure existing residential facility, including all labor, materials and equipment necessary to operate and maintain a secure temporary residential care facility for an estimated maximum of 700 non?criminal adult Funding will be provided on subsequent task 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 ACCEPTED. AND CONFORNIS TO THE CONTRACT. EXCEPT AS 32b. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED 321: DATE 32?. PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 32o. MAILING ADDRESS OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 32L TELEPHONE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 329. EMAIL OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 37. CHECK NUMBER 33. SHIP NUMBER 34. VOUCHER NUMBER 35. AMOUNT VERIFIED 36. PAYMENT CORRECT FDR CI COMPLETE PARTIAL FINAL PARTIAL [3 FINAL 38. SIR ACCOUNT NUMBER 39. SIR VOUCHER NUMBER 40. PAID BY 418. I CERTIFY THIS ACCOUNT IS CORRECT AND PROPER FOR PAYMENT 42a RECEIVED BY (Print) 41 b. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 416. DATE 42h RECEIVED AT {Location} 42c. DATE 42d TOTAL CONTAINERS MARCH 2015 s?rmmo 1445' (REV. mos) BACK counnuxnousneer GENO. or Daemon" same GONTNLED PAGE OF 3 I 162 NAME GFOFFERM 0R CONTRACTOR - GROUP INC THE :mmno (A) 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 2001 2002 2003 swnlasrsemcea oumnn' UNIT (B) (C) (D) Guaranteed Minimum (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 5206 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 8206 11 em) ine 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 5206 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 8206 Detainee Volunteer Work Program.Wages (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 8206 On?Call Post Hours (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 8206 Guaranteed Minimum 3 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 8206 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 5206 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 8206 Continued IMWHME (E) ammo (F) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NSN 7540-01-1?? MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032987 unnmu?mnmmuam FAR (48 CPR) 53110 HSCEDM-OQ-D-00006 PAGE OF 4 162 NAME OF OFFEROR OR GEO GROUP INC THE MmNo (A) (B) 2004 2005 2006 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 8206 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: $206 On-Call Post Hours (Option Line Item) '03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: Guaranteed Minimum (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 3206 '(oPtion Line item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 5206 Optid 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 5206 as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 5206 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 3206 On-Call Post Hours (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: S206 Continued Transportation from facility to various locations 3. oummw mm (C) (D) nwmme (E) uwwn (F) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 HEN 7540-01-1 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032988 ommwu?xmanaam - Hauummsum SHEET was 0F 162 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR -GEO GROUP INC THE Henna (A) wmmawswma owwmv (C) 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 Guaranteed Minimum {Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: $206 Opt 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 5206 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages {Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 On?Call Post Hours (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 Contractors, please use these procedures when you 2 submit an invoiCe for all acquisitions emanating from 1. In accordance with Section G, Contract Administration Data. invoices shall now be submitted via one of the following three methods: a. By mail: ?(See Block 18a) b. By facsimile (fax) at: 802?288?7658 (include. a cover sheet with point of contact a of pages) Continued UNW (D) (E) nuumn (F) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NSN 754001452406? MARCH 2015 OPTIONAL FORH 336 (4-85} I:me FAR 53.110 NE NO. OF DOCUMENT BBNG CONTINUED PAGE OF 6 162 NAME OR GEO GROUP INC THE ITBJ NO. snowseawcss QUANTITY WT . UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Invoices submitted by other than these three ethods will be returned. Contractor Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration prior to award and shall be - notated on every invoice submitted to ensure prompt payment provisions are met. The ICE rogram office identified in the delivery order/contract shall also be notated on every invoice. 2. In accordance with Section I, Contract Clauses, FAR 52.212?4 Contract Terms and Conditions, Commercial Items, or FAR 52.232-25 Prompt Payment, as applicable, the information required with each invoice submission is as follows:? An invoice must include: Name and address of the Contractor; (ii) Invoice date and number; Contract number, contract line item number Hand, if applicable, the order number; price and extended.price of the items delivered; Shipping number and date of shipment, including the bill of lading number and weight of shipment if shipped on Government bill of lading; (vi) Terms of any discount for prompt payment offered; (vii) Name and address of official to whom payment is to be sent; Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; and. (ix) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The Contractor shall include its TIN on the invoice only if required elsewhere_in this contract. (See paragraph 1 above.) 7 Electronic funds transfer (EFT) banking information. 7 (A) The Contractor shall include EFT banking information on the invoice only if required elsewhere in this contract.? (B) If EFT banking information is\not required to be on the invoice, in order for the invoice to be a proper invoice, the Contractor shall have submitted correct EFT banking information in Continued (iv) Description, quantity, unit of measure, unit NSN 754M1-162-m7 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032990 wam usasumwino REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING GONTIWE) CONTINUATION SHEET 5 PAGE OF . 7.. 162 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I (B) (C) (D) (E). (F) accordance with the applicable solicitation provision, contract clause 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer; Central tantractor Registration, or 52.232?34, Payment by lectronic Funds Transfer; Other Than Central Contractor Registration), or applicable agency proced?res. (C) EFT banking information is not required if the Government waived the requirement to pay by EFT. Invoices without the above information may be returned for resubmission. . 3. All other terms and Conditions remain the same. Receiving Officer/COTR: Each Program Office is responsible for acceptance and receipt of goods and/or services. Upon receipt of goods/services, complete the applicable FEMS reports or DFC will not process the payment. The obligated amount of award: $0.00. The total for this award is shown in box 26. NSN 7540014524087 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032991 Hauaamuano AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT PAGE OF PAGES 1 3 I CONT RACT ID CODE 3 H-I-ECTIVE DATE 03/01/2010 2 AMENDMENIMOOIFICANON NO{Happ?clblel arsamoav ?005 ICEIDe-tent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Managemen 801 I Street NH, Suite 91-0 Washington DC 20536 7. ADMINISTEREO BY (Iromerman mm 6) CODE ICE/Detent Knot/Detect Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enfo:cement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW Suite 910 Washing on AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR [Na cam comm Sm: CodeJ GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. 95. DATED ITEM If) BOCA RATON FL 334870242 10A MODIFICATION OF NO IOB. DATED (SEE 13) 0?05 6127064650000 04/22/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES r0 Anan?ems OF above numbered sodo?lallnn 1: amended 3: :el roan In Item 14 The hour and dale spanned for recalpl of Oder: Di: enended. L'Eix not exIended Oder: musI acknuwiedoe receol of Ibis amendment pnor In the hour and dale speckled in the minimum are: mended. by one a! In: Io?amng melhods By campIelmg Items 8 and 15. and [shaming copies OI Ihe amendmem. By acknowledging recan of this On and: copy a! the ul'Ier at (II) By mama lunar or tel-gram which Insane: a moraine In the and amandmenl numnem FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FDR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTIOH OF YOUR OFFER II by qua o! Ihll amendment you dude In change an arm already subsumed. sum change maybe made by Ielegram or Ieller. grandad each ?Ingram or makes reIerence Ia Ina scholaimn and an amendment. and :5 received prior to the opening how and daIe speci?ed. 12 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {In-required] See Schedule 13. IBIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIDRDERS. IT MODIFIES THE No. As DESCRIBED IN ITEH 14. A THIS CHANGE ORDER [5 ISSUED PURSUANTTD: {Specify summiij THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN me comma ORDER NO INITEM 1m 3. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIOROOR Is MODIFIED TD REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as mm: in plying once. apptapnab'on data. an) 351' FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43 103(0) c. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGRE snafu?5 INTO msumr TD AUTHORITY OF: OTHER (Spent? type of Imddicanon and whoan far 43.103(a] s, Congran I: I: not. .- ll mulred lo nan dammed! and relum 1 copies II: he adios. 14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIHDDIFICATION {Organized by UCF :ecb?an Wm. Incan sok?a?o?can?act subject mader where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612?06465 COTE: ?b 6 Al terna COTR: Contract Specialist: Contracting Officer: The purpose of this modification is to encorporate the request. for equitable adeStment for option period 3. that runs from 3/1/2010 to 2/?28/2011. The following rates will changes as noted below: Continued per EacepI a: padded herenItem 9AM IDA. an heretofore ?anged. ramaIns unchanged and In Ina Iowa and a?ecl. mag] .. in!) V109 President. Contracts Administration The?jgn rem. "Lf 15C. DATE SIGNED d?hnnireOIO?s-I?Er-IJ' I I 3 76: 160. DATE SIGNED - (bus). . 9/2 in 1(0be?ch Prenaus edzljon unusable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032992 STANDARD FORM :10 10-33) Presented by GSA FAR [48 53 243 REFERENCE no OF DOCUMENT BEING counuuso PAGE OF commuAnON SH P0 0005 2 3 we or meson on commerce GEO GROUP INC THE new no - own-v um um PRICE mom? (A: (B: (D) (E) (F) bed day CLIN 1004 Trans rtation increases per month from CLIN 1006 On-Call Post Hours increase by per hour fro 3? 'per hour per bed day from ncre per bed day from lses'by per bed day from Funding will be provided on task order All other terms and conditions remain the same. Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02l28/2014 Change Item 1001 to read as followsIamount shown is the total amount): 1001 Guaranteed Minim ProductiService Co-e: Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 1004 to read'as iollowstamount shown is the total amount}: 1004 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by the Performance Work Statement Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 1006 to read as follows?amount shown is the total amount): 1006 On-Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 2001 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 2001 Guaranteed Minimum 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Continued mmruwmdaam? - MARCH 2015 m: ?Boss: 53 no REFEREME no OF DOGLIMEM BEING CONTINUED was 0F CONTINUATION SHEET 3 .3 NAME OF OFFEROR on cow'me GEO GROUP INC THE NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES mar UNIT PRICE AHOUNT (E) Change Item 3001 to read as gallowstamount shown is the total amount}: 0000 0000000000 000000.00 0.00 (Option Line Item} 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 4001 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 4001 Guaranteed Minimum 0.00 (Option. Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES HEN woman-soar :1me ram sauna) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032994 sponme as no . . . Alternate COTR: f305?207- Alternate COTR: - Alternate COTR: 305?207 . PAGE OF PAGES lj? 13 5. PROJECT NO. (If applicable) AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1? CONTRACT '0 CODE 2. AMENDMENTTMODIFICATION N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REO. NO. P00019 02/22/2012 6. ISSUED BY CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 7. ADMINISTEREO BY (trainerthan Item 6) CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts~DC Immigration and Customs EnfOrcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. street, county, State endZI'P Code) (X) 9A. AMENDMENT OF-SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 QB. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 6 103. DATED ITEM 1311. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO ME Tl CODE 6127064650000 FACILITYCODE DThe above numbered solicitation ls amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended. .?ls not extended. Otters must acknowledge receipt DI this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended. by one ofthe tollowing methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and returning copies at the amendment; By acknowledging receipt orthIs amendment on each copy or the Offer submitted: or{c) By separate letter or telegram which Includes a relerence to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. It by virtue 0! this amendment you desire to change an otter already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment. and Is received prior to the Opening hour and date speci?ed. - 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Irrequired) See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER N0. AS DESCRIBED IN 14. CHECK ONE. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT To: {Specibt authodty} THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes In paying of?ce. appropriation date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.1mm). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER {Specify type of modITi'ceh'an and authority} FAR 43.103(b) Unilateral Modification E. IMPORTANT: Contractor not, [jis required to sign this document and return 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section headings. including soh?citatioerontract subject matter where feasibie.) DUNS Number: 612'? 064 65 copies to the issuing Of?ce. Procurement POC: The purpose of this modification is to exercise option year 3 with the period of performance March 1, 20l2 to February 28, 2013. Continued Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions ot the document referenced In Item 9Aor10A. as heretotore changed. remains unchanged and In full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn'nt) 't'nt) .153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED EI- DATE SIGNED (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540-01-152-8070 . Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 STANDARD F0 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED Mme OF SHEET 2 1 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE WEMNO. SUPPUESSERWCES AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Additionally, this modification serves to incorporate Department of Labor Wage Determination (WD) 2005?2111 Revision No. 12 into the contract. Exempt Action: Delivery: 30 Days After Award Delivery Location Code: ERO Department of Homeland Security Citizenship Immigration Services 70 Kimball Avenue South Burlington VT 05403-6813 US Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014- Change Item 3001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 3001 Guaranteed Minimum Product/Service Product/Service Description: GUARD Change Item 3002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 3002 - Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Change Item 3003 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): ro uc erv1ce ode: 3206. Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Change Item 3004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 3004 Transportation from facility to various locations i- as required by the Performance Work Statement Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Change Item 3005 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 3005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Continued 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032996 OPTIONAL Foamaewe) wmmaMymM FAR CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE DOCUMENT BEING commueb PAGE OF 3 13 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE WEMNO. (A) SUPPLIESISERVICES (B) oumnnv (C) (D) (E) AMOUNT (F) 3006 3007 3008 Change Item 3006 to read as is the total amount): On?Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: Change Item 3007 to read as is the total amount): Mileage (Based on GSA Rate) Obligated Amount: $0.00 Product/Service Code: S206 Product/Service Description: Change Item 3008 to read as is the total amount): follows(amount HOUSEKEEPING- follows(amount HOUSEKEEPING- follows(amount shown GUARD shown GUARD shown Guard Transportation Overtime (Beyond_inc1uded amount in transportation CLIN. Rate based- off actual transportation guard salary) Product/Service Code: S206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD All other terms and conditions remain the same. NSN 7540-01-15WCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032997 mwmwunmmamumm wsa FAR (43 cm) 53.1 to page 1 of10 WD 05?2111 (Rev.-12) was first posted on on 06/17/2011 REGISTER OF WAGE DETERMINATIONS UNDER. I THE SERVICE CONTRACT ACT I By direction of the Secretary of Labor ~Division of Diane C. Koplewski Wage Determinations I I I Director I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION WASHINGTON 20210 Wage Determination No.: 2005-2111 Revision No.: 12 Date Of Revision: 06/13/2011 State: Florida Area: Florida Counties of Broward, Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, St Lucie .**Fringe Benefits Required Follow the Occupational Listing** OCCUPATION CODE - TITLE FOOTNOTE RATE 01000 - Administrative Support And Clerical Occupations 01011 - Accounting Clerk I 14.11 01012 - Accounting Clerk II 16.74 01013 Accounting Clerk 18.73' 01020 - Administrative Assistant 22.64 01040 - Court Reporter 18.82 01051 - Data Entry Operator I 12.92 01052 - Data Entry Operator II 14.09 01060 - Dispatcher, Motor Vehicle 17.16 01070 - Document Preparation Clerk 12.67 01090 - Duplicating Machine Operator 12.67 01111 - General Clerk I 12.62 01112 - General Clerk II 13.88 01113 General Clerk 15.59 01120 - Housing Referral Assistant 20.88 01141 - Messenger Courier - 12.39 01191 - Order Clerk I 12.71 01192 - Order Clerk II 13.86 01261 Personnel Assistant (Employment) I 15.88 01262 Personnel Assistant (Employment) II 17.90 01263 - Personnel Assistant (Employment) 20.30 01270 - Production Control Clerk - 20.00 01280 - Receptionist 13.44 01290 - Rental Clerk 14.93 01300 - Scheduler, Maintenance 16.74 01311 - Secretary I 16.74 01312 - Secretary II 18.73 01313 - Secretary 20.88 01320 - Service Order Dispatcher 15.35 01410 Supply Technician 23.21 01420 - Survey Worker 18.82 01531 - Travel Clerk I 12.57 01532 - Travel Clerk II 13.48 01533 Travel Clerk 14.33 01611 - Word Processor I 13.30 01612 - Word Processor II 14.93 ?01613 Word Processor 16.71 05000 - Automotive Service Occupations 05005 - Automobile Body Repairer, Fiberglass 17.74 3 05010 - Automotive Electrician 16.61 MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIA03030.0032998 1 l._txt 2/21/2012 05040 05070 05110 05130 05160 05190 05220 05250 05280 05310. 05340- 05370 05400 07000 - 07010 07041 07042 07070 07130 07210 07260 09000 - 09010 09040 09080 09090 09110 09130 11000 - 11030 11060 11090 11122 11150 11210 11240 11260 11270 11330 11360 12000 - 12010 12011 12012 12015 '12020 12025 12030. 12035 12040 12071 12072, 12073 12100 .12130 12160 12190 12195 12210 12221 Automotive Glass Installer Automotive Worker Mobile Equipment Servicer Motor Equipment Metal Mechanic Motor Equipment Metal Worker Motor Vehicle Mechanic . Motor Vehicle Mechanic Helper Motor Vehicle Upholstery Worker Motor Vehicle Wrecker Painter, Automotive Radiator Repair Specialist Tire Repairer Transmission Repair Specialist Food Preparation And Service Occupations Baker Cook I Cook II Dishwasher Food Service Worker Meat Cutter Waiter/Waitress Enrniture Maintenance And Repair Occupations Electrostatic Spray Painter Furniture Handler Furniture Refinisher Furniture Refinisher Helper Furniture Repairer, Minor Upholsterer General Services And Support Occupations Cleaner, Vehicles Elevator Operator Gardener Housekeeping Aide Janitor 7 Laborer, Grounds Maintenanc Maid or Houseman - Pruner 'Tractor Operator Trail Maintenance Worker Window Cleaner Health Occupations Ambulance Driver - Breath Alcohol Technician Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant Certified Physical Therapist Assistant Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist EKG Technician Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist Emergency Medical Technician Licensed Practical Nurse I Licensed Practical Nurse II Licensed Practical Nurse Medical Assistant Medical Laboratory Technician Medical Record Clerk Medical Record Technician Medical Transcriptionist Nublear Medicine TechnologiSt Nursing Assistant I MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0032999 1.txt -- 7 Page 2 of 10 15.52 15.52 13.34 17.56 15.52 17.68 12.24 14.42 15.52 16.62. 15.52 11.60 17.56 12.65 '11.08 12.90 8.72 9.89 12.75 9.85 14.98 9.80 14.98 11.03 13.00 16.48 9.80 ?10.39 15.29 10.39 10.39 11.40 9.59 9.93 14.36 11.40 11.94 15.34 -17.33 26.46 24.15 15.13 31.91 ?22.01 22.01 15.34 15.49 17.33 19.32 15.38 17.89 13.95 15.38 15.86 34.45 10.55 2/21/2012 12222 12223 12224 12235 12236 12250' 12280 12305 12311 12312 12313 12314 12315 12316 12317 13000 Information And Arts Occupations 13011 - Exhibits Specialist I 4 13012 Exhibits Specialist II 13013 ?Exhibits Specialist 13041? Illustrator I 13042 Illustrator II '13043 Illustrator 13047 Librarian 13050 Library Aide/Clerk 13054 Library Information Technology Systems Administrator 13058 Library Technician 13061 Media Specialist I 13062 Media Specialist II 13063 Media Specialist 13071 Photographer I 13072 ?Photographer II 13073. -Photographer 13074 Photographer IV 13075 Photographer 13110 Video Teleconference Technician 14000 Information Technology Occupations 14041 - Computer Operator I 14042 Computer Operator II 14043 Computer Operator 14044 Computer Operator IV 14045 Computer Operator 14071 Computer Programmer I 14072 Computer Programmer II 14073 Computer Programmer 14074 Computer Programmer IV 14101 Computer Systems Analyst I 14102 Computer Systems Analyst II 14103 Computer Systems Analyst 14150 Peripheral Equipment Operator 14160 - Personal Computer Support Technician 15000 - Instructional Occupations 15010 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Non-Rated) 15020 Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Rated) 15030 Air Crew Training Devices Instructor (Pilot) 15050 Computer Based Training Specialist Instructor 015060 'Educational Technologist 15070 Flight Instructor (Pilot) 15080 Graphic Artist 15090 Technical Instructor Nursing Assistant II Nursing Assistant Nursing Assistant IV Optical Dispenser Optical Technician Pharmacy Technician Phlebotomist Radiologic Technologist Registered Nurse I Registered Nurse II Registered Nurse II, Specialist Registered Nurse Registered Nurse Anesthetist Registered Nurse IV Scheduler (Drug and Alcohol Testing) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033000 1 l.txt (see (see (see (see (see (see (see 1) 1). 1) 1) 1) 1) Page 3 of 10 11.87 12.95 14.87 -17.57 15.24 15.81 14.87 25.46 26.32 29.80 29.80' 36.04 36.04 43.22 19.28 19.30 23.54 28.80 '20.64 25.57 30.22 30.39 12.37 26.99 16.53 16.17 18.41 20.54 ,15.46 17.30 21.43 26.21 31.70 16.88 16.41 18.36 20.47 22.75 25.19 22.63 16.41 22.75 '31.48 38.08 41.70 31.48 26.06 41.70 23.71 21.38 2/21/2012 . . 15095 - Technical Instructor/Course Developer 26.16 15110 - TeSt Proctor 17.26 15120 - Tutor . 17.26 16000 - Laundry, Dry-Cleaning, Pressing And Related Occupations 16010 Assembler 9.62 16030 Counter Attendant - 9.62 16040 - Dry Cleaner 4 11.86 16070 - Finisher, Flatwork, Machine 1 9.62 16090 - Presser, Hand . 9.62 16110 - Presser, Machine, 9.62 16130 - Presser, Machine, Shirts . 9.62 .16160 - Presser, Machine, Wearing Apparel, Laundry 9.62 16190 - Sewing Machine Operator 12.52 16220 - Tailor 13.18 16250 Washer, Machine 10.41 19000 - Machine Tool Operation And Repair Occupations . 19010 - Machine-Tool Operator (Tool Room) I 17.51 19040 - Tool And Die Maker 22.29 21000 - Materials Handling And Packing Occupations 21020 - Forklift Operator 14.81 21030 - Material Coordinator 19.02 21040 Material Expediter 19.02 21050 - Material Handling Laborer 12.17 21071 - Order Filler 11.60 21080 - Production Line Worker (Food Processing) 14.81 21110 - Shipping Packer 14.81 21130 - Shipping/Receiving Clerk . 14.81 21140 - Store Worker I 9.45 21150 - Stock Clerk .14.43 21210 Tools And Parts Attendant 14.81 21410 - Warehouse Specialist 14.81 '23000 - Mechanics And Maintenance And Repair Occupations 23010 - Aerospace Structural Welder 24.81 23021 - Aircraft Mechanic I 23.31 23022 - Aircraft Mechanic II 24.81 23023 - Aircraft Mechanic 26.28 23040 - Aircraft Mechanic Helper 15.59 23050 - Aircraft, Painter 18.88 23060 - Aircraft Servicer 18.80 '23080 Aircraft Worker 20.33 a 23110 - Appliance Mechanic 18.53 23120 - Bicycle Repairer 11.60 23125 - Cable Splicer 24.61 23130 - Carpenter, Maintenance 17.55 23140 - Carpet Layer I17.51 23160 - Electrician, Maintenance 19.25 23181 - Electronics Technician Maintenance I 21.43 23182 - Electronics Technician Maintenance II 26.58 23183 - Electronics Technician Maintenance 29.81 23260 - Fabric Worker 17.63 .23290 - Fire Alarm System Mechanic .18.04 23310 - Fire Extinguisher Repairer 14.71- 23311 - Fuel Distribution System Mechanic 18.65 23312 Fuel Distribution System Operator 13.82 23370 - General Maintenance Worker 16.44 23380 GrOund Support Equipment Mechanic 23.31 23381 - Ground Support Equipment Servicer 18.80 23382 - Ground Support Equipment Worker 20.33 23391 - Gunsmith I . 14.71 23392 - Gunsmith II 17.40 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033001 gov/wdol/sca?les/stdIOS -21 [1.txt Page 4 of 10 2/21/2012 Page 5 of 10 23393 - Gunsmith . 19.85 23410 - Heating, Ventilation And Air-Conditioning 19.01' Mechanic . 23411 - Heating, Ventilation And Air Contditioning . 20.23 Mechanic (Research Facility) . 23430 Heavy Equipment Mechanic 3. 19.94 23440 - Heavy Equipment Operator 19.18 23460 - Instrument Mechanic '21.09 23465 - Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic 18.62 _23470 - Laborer 11.51 23510 - Locksmith 17.22 23530 - Machinery Maintenance Mechanic 22.48 23550 - Machinist, Maintenance 18.00 23580 - Maintenance Trades Helper 13.90 23591 Metrology Technician I 21.09 23592 Metrology Technician II 22.74 23593 - Metrology Technician 23.86 23640 Millwright 21.19 23710 - Office Appliance Repairer 17.94 23760 - Painter, Maintenance . 17.51 23790 - Pipefitter, Maintenance 20.20 "23810 - Plumber, Maintenance 19.23 23820 - Pneudraulic Systems Mechanic 19.85 23850 - Rigger . 19.85 23870 - Scale Mechanic 17.40 23890 - Sheet-Metal Worker, Maintenance 18.24 23910 - Small Engine Mechanic . 15.52 23931 - Telecommunications Mechanic I 23.36 23932 - Telecommunications Mechanic II . . 25.46 23950 - Telephone Lineman 20.79' .23960 - Welder, Combination, Maintenance . 18.69 23965 Well Driller 18.71 23970 - Woodcraft Worker . . 19.85 23980 - Woodworker . - 14.71 24000 - Personal Needs Occupations . 24570 - Child Care Attendant 9.49 24580 - Child Care Center Clerk 15.33 24610 - Chore Aide 9.40 24620 - Family Readiness And Support Services 14.45 Coordinator '24630 - Homemaker . 17.05 25000 - Plant And System Operations Occupations >25010 - Boiler Tender 19.01 25040 Sewage Plant Operator . 20.16 25070 - Stationary Engineer 19.01 - 25190 - Ventilation Equipment Tender . 12.86 25210 - Water Treatment Plant Operator 20.16 27000 - Protective Service Occupations 27004 - Alarm Monitor . 20.47 27007 Baggage Inspector . 10.61 27008 - Corrections Officer 25.15 27010 Court Security Officer 28.50 27030 - Detection Dog Handler 18.11 27040 Detention Officer 25.15 27070 - Firefighter 26.09 27101 - Guard I . 10.61 27102 Guard II - 18.11 27131 - Police Officer I 30.90 27132 - Police Officer II 34.34 28000 - Recreation Occupations - MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033002 1 1 .txt . 2/21/2012 28041 28042 28043 28210 28310 28350 28510 28515 28630 28690 29000 - 29010 29020 ?29030 29041 29042 30000 - 30010 30011 30012 30021 30022 30023 30030 30040 30061 30062 30063 30064 30081. 30082 30083 30084 30085 30086 30090 30210 30240 30361 30362 30363 30364 30390 30461 30462 30463 30491 30492 30493 30494 30495 30620 Carnival Equipment Operator Carnival Equipment Repairer Carnival Equpment Worker Gate Attendant/Gate Tender Lifeguard Park Attendant (Aide) Recreation Aide/Health Facility Attendant Recreation Specialist Sports Official Swimming Pool Operator Stevedoring/Longshoremen Occupational Service 0- Blocker And Bracer Hatch Tender Line Handler Stevedore I Stevedore II Technical Occupations Surface 30621 31000 31020 v31030 31043 31260 31290 Air Traffic Control Specialist, Center (HFO) (see 2) Air Traffichontrol Specialist, Station (HFO) (see 2) Air Traffic Control Specialist, Terminal (HFO) (see 2) Archeological Technician I Archeological Technician II Archeological Technician Cartographic Technician Civil Engineering Technidian Drafter/CAD Operator I Drafter/CAD Operator II .Drafter/CAD Operator Drafter/CAD Operator IV Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician II Engineering Technician Engineering Technician IV Engineering Technician Engineering Technician VI Environmental Technician Laboratory Technician Mathematical Technician Paralegal/Legal Assistant I Paralegal/Legal Assistant II Paralegal/Legal Assistant Paralegal/Legal Assistant IV Photo-Optics Technician Technical Writer I -Technical Writer II Technical Writer Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician I Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician II Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician Unexploded (UXO) Safety Escort Unexploded (UXO) Sweep Personnel Weather Observer, Combined Upper Air Or (see 2) Programs I Weather Observer, Senior (see 2) Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Occupations Bus Aide Bus Driver Driver Courier Parking and Lot Attendant Shuttle Bus Driver . MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIA03030.0033003 . gov/wdol/sca?les/std/ 05-21 1 1.txt 2/21/2012 Page 6 of 10 13.37 14.74 9.40 14.63 13.49 16.39 11.96 19.57 13.04 17.92 21.65? 21.65 21.65 20.86 24.35 37.85 26.10 28.74 15.98 18.25. 24.98 25.86 23.88 18.66 20.89 23.28 28.66 18.79 21.92 24.53 29.22 35.73 41.29 20.88 18.62' 25.86 17.91 22.18 27.14 32.83 25.86 23.25 28.46 32.87 24.06 29.10 34.89 24.06 24.06 23.28 25.86. 9.78 14.86 14.92 9.46 16.45 Page 7 of 10 31310 - Taxi Driver 11.02 31361 - Truckdriver, Light 16.45 31362 - Truckdriver, Medium 17.99 31363 - Truckdriver, Heavy 19.54 31364 Truckdriver, Tractor-Trailer 19.54 99000 - Miscellaneous Occupations 99030 - Cashier . 9.31 99050 Desk Clerk 10.67 99095 - Embalmer 21.54 99251 Laboratory Animal Caretaker I 10.75 99252 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker II 11.86 99310 - Mortician - . 24.52 99410 - Pest Controller 14.26 99510 Photofinishing Worker 9 11.95 99710 - Recycling Laborer 15.31 99711 - Recycling Specialist 19.30 99730 - Refuse Collector - 13.33 99810 - Sales Clerk - - 12.58 99820 School Crossing Guard - 11.80 99830 - Survey Party Chief 18.42 99831 - Surveying Aide . - I . . 11.12 99832 - Surveying Technician 16.78? 99840 Vending Machine Attendant 11.67 99841 - Vending Machine Repairer 14.81 99842 Vending Machine Repairer Helper 11.66 ALL OCCUPATIONS LISTED ABOVE RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: HEALTH WELFARE: $3.59 per hour or $143.60 per week or $622.27 per month VACATION: 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or successor; 3 weeks after 5 years, and 4 weeks after 15 years. Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with the present contractor or successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors in the performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173) HOLIDAYS: A minimum of ten paid holidays per year, New Year's Day, Martin Luther .King Jr's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor? Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (A . contractor may substitute for any of the named holidays another day off with pay in accordance with a plan communicated to the employees involved.) (See 29 CFR 4174) THE OCCUPATIONS WHICH HAVE NUMBERED FOOTNOTES IN PARENTHESES RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING: 1) COMPUTER EMPLOYEES: Under the SCA at section this wage determination does not apply to any employee who individually qualifies as a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee as defined in 29 C.F.R. Part 541. Because most Computer System and Computer Programmers who are compensated at a rate .not less than $27.63 (or on a salary or fee basis at a rate not less than $455 per week) an hour would likely qualify as exempt computer professionals, (29 C.F.R. 541. .400) wage rates may not be listed on this wage determination for all occupations within these job families. In_addition, because this wage determination may not list a wage rate for some or all occupations within those job families if the survey MARCH - 1 1.txt 2/21/2012 .- - . . .. Page 8 of 10 data indicates that the prevailing wage rate for the occupation equals or exceeds $27.63 per hour conformances may be neCessary for certain nonexempt employees. For example, if an individual employee is nonexempt but nevertheless performs duties within the scope-of one of the Computer Systems Analyst or Computer Programmer occupations for which this wage determination does not specify an SCA wage rate, 'then the wage rate for that employee must be conformed in accordance with the 'conformance procedures described in the conformance note included on this wage determination. Additionally, because job titles vary widely and change quickly in the computer industry, job titles'are not determinative of the application of the computer professional exemption. Therefore, the exemption applies only to computer employees who satisfy the compensation requirements and whose primary duty consists of: (1) The application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine hardware, software or system functional specifiCations; - . (2) The design, development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing or modification of computer systems or programs, including prototypes, based on and related to user or system design specifications: (3) The design, documentation, testing, creation or modification of computer programs related to machine operating systems; or (4) A combination of the aforementioned duties, the performance of which requires the same level of skills. (29 C.F.R. 541.400). 2) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND WEATHER - NIGHT PAY SUNDAY PAY: If you work at night as part of a regular tour of duty, you will earn a night differential and receive an additional 10% of basic pay for any hours worked between 6pm and 6am. If you are.a full-time employed (40 hours a week) and Sunday is part of your regularly scheduled workweek, you are paid at your rate of basic pay plus a Sunday premium of 25% of your basic rate for each hour of Sunday work which is not overtime occasional work on Sunday outside the normal tour of duty is considered overtime work). . HAZARDOUS PAY DIFFERENTIAL: An 8 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a high degree of hazard when working with or in.close proximity to ordinance, explosives, and incendiary materials. This includes work such as screening, blending, dying, mixing, and pressing of sensitive 'ordance, explosives, and pyrotechnic compositions such as lead azide, black powder and photoflash powder. All dry?house activities involving propellants or explosives Demilitarization, modification, renovation, demolition, and maintenance operations on sensitive ordnance, explosives and incendiary materials. All operations involving regrading and cleaning of artillery ranges. A 4 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a low degree of hazard when working with, or in close proximity to ordance, (or employees possibly adjacent t6) explosives and incendiary materials which involves potential injury such as laceration_of hands, face, or arms of the. employee engaged in the operation, irritation of the skin, minor burns and the like; minimal damage to immediate or adjacent work area or equipment being used. .All operations involving, unloading, storage, and hauling of ordance, explosive, and incendiary ordnance material other than small arms ammunition. These differentials are only applicable to work that has been specifically designated by the agency for ordance, explosives, and incendiary material differential pay. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE If employees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract (either by the terms of the Government contract, by the employer, by the state or local law, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033005 1 2/21/2012 -. Page 9 of 10 laundering or dry cleaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by an employee where such cost reduces the hourly rate below that required by the wage determination. The Department of Labor will accept payment in accordance with the following standards as compliance: The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish all employees with an -adequate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse employees for the actual cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cleaning and maintenance is made the responsibility of the employee, all contractors and subcontractors subject to this wage determination shall (in the absence of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement providing for a different amount, or the furnishing of contrary affirmative proof as to the actual cost), reimburse all employees for such cleaning and maintenance at a rate of $3.35 per week (or $.67 cents per day). However, in those instances where_the uniforms furnished are made of "wash and wear" materials, may be routinely washed and dried with other personal garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry cleaning, daily washing, or commercial laundering in order to meet the cleanliness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract, by the contractor, by law, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement that employees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs. The duties of employees under job titles listed are those described in the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations", Fifth Edition, April 2006, unless otherwise indicated. Copies of the Directory are available on the Internet. A links to the DirectOry may be found on the WHD home page at gov/esa/whd/ or through the Wage Determinations On-Line (WDOL) Web site at FOR AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL CLASSIFICATION AND WAGE RATE {Standard Form 1444 (SF 1444)) Conformance Process: The contracting officer shall require that any class of service employee which is not listed herein and which is to be employed under the contract the work to be performed is not performed by any classification listed in the wage determination), be classified by the contractor so as to provide a reasonable relationship appropriate level of skill comparison) between such unlisted classifications and the classifications listed in the wage determination. Such . conformed classes of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished the fringe benefits as are'determined. Such conforming process shall be initiated by the contractor prior to the performance of contract work by such unlisted class(es) of employees. The conformed classification, wage rate, and/or fringe benefits shall be retroactive to the commencement date of the contract. {See Section 4.6 When multiple wage determinations are included in a contract, a separate SF 1444 should be prepared for each wage determination to which a class(es) is to be conformed. The process for preparing a conformance request is as follows: 1) When preparing the bid, the contractor identifies the need for a conformed occupation(s) and computes a proposed rate(s). 2) After contract award, the contractor prepares a written report listing in order proposed classification title(s), a Federal grade equivalency (FGE) for each proposed classification(s), job description(s), and rationale for proposed wage rate(s), including information regarding the agreement or disagreement of the authorized representative of the employees involved, or where there is no authorized representative, the emplOyees themselves. This report should be submitted to the contracting officer no later than 30 days after such unlisted class(es) of employees performs any contract work. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033006 A 2/21/2012 - -. 1 0.. Page 10 of 10 3) The contracting officer reviews the proposed action and submits a report of the action, together with the agency's recommendations and pertinent information including the position of the contractor and the employees, to the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, for review. (See section of Regulations 29 CFR Part 4). 4) Within 30 days of receipt, the Wage and Hour Division approves, modifies, or disapproves the action via transmittal to the agency contracting officer, or notifies the contracting officer that additional time will be required to process the request. 5) The contracting officer transmits the Wage and Hour decision to the contractor. 6) The contractor informs the affected employees. Information required by the Regulations must be submitted on SF 1444 or bond paper. When preparing a confOrmance request, the "Service Contract Act Directory of occupations" (the Directory) should be used_to compare job definitions to insure that duties requested are'not performed by a classification already listed in the wage determination. Remember, it is not the job title, but the required tasks that determine whether a class is included in an established wage determination. Conformances may not be used to artificially split, combine, or subdivide classifications listed in the wage determination. .3155 $3333? 2/21/2012 -.. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1? CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 12 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATIDN N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. RED JIDITIONIPURCHASE RED. N0. 5. PROJECT NO. 02/23/2012 0. ISSUED BY CODE ADMINISTERED BY Rem 0) CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigrat ion and Customs Enforcement Offi cc of Acquisi Dion Management Of fice Acqu isit ion Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW. Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: . . . i Washington 0 . 0. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (mm-II: comfy, Slafaand 2w Code) 00 9A AMENDMENT OF soucIm-non N0. GEO GROUP INC 62 1 NH 53110 ST STE 700 90. r1) BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A MODIFICATION OF CUNTRACTIOROER N0. 108. DATED (SEE ITEM HI 0005 6121064650000 Fl 04/22/2009 - 11. ms soucm?rlous The above numbered sour-Re?ux: I: amended a: sat fonh In Horn 14. and dumpedde for mini of OIIars Elia extended. Is DxIcnded. 011m must reocbl OI this amendmenI prIor to the hour and claw spar:me In tho soIIcitaIIon or as amended, by one DI the folow'ng method 5: By compleung Ham: 3 and 15, and ramming DopIas onus amendment By echmIIOd-ging rmipl of this mandran on each copy OI lha offer submiIIed; orIc) By sepamIa Index or telegram which holudos a romance lo the soIic?aIIon 0nd amendmenl numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR AGKNOWLEDGEMENTTO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR TIIE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR To THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJEGTION OF YOUR OFFER. vlrIuo of Ih?o amondmarll you desire ID change an already submitted, such manna may ba made by lclograrn Dr provided each IDIOQIDITI or IDIIOI makes Ictoranca lo the and [his amandma?m, and is touched prior ID R10 opening hour and daIa spnci?od. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA [If mound] See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. rr MODIFIES THE DOPITRACTIORDER NO. As DESCRIBED IN 14. A THIS ORDER Is ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Spewyaurnorzy) IRE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE DORIRADT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRADTIDRDER IS MODIFIED TO THE ADMINISTRATNE CHANGES {such as wangos In paying of?ce. or v? ENTAL REEM Nl'l TERE TO PUR ANTTDAUIHORHYOF: FAR 43.103Ia] Bilateral Modification D. OTHER (Spedry type OI modi?cauon and athonIy} E. IMPORTANT.- Conlmdor Dis nol, requked Io sIgn document and Mun 1 ooplea lo 910 issuing of?ce. 14. ESCRIPTION 0F AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organ-5100' by UCF sedIOn headings, Inducing soi-?ciIab?ombonImcf subject mah'ar whara Iaasibb.) DUNS Number: 612706465 . DOTR: 6 :7 ammo) Alternate COTR: . - 305?207-_ Alternate COTR: 305- Alternate 3053222"? Procurement The purpose of this modification is to correct the following information: (llThe Wage Determination (WD) incorporated into the contract should be WD No. 2005?2112 Continued Ex Ins kind hare-In, an term QAOHDR as changed, remain; uncmm ed andin and . (tame) Vrce Preodent, Canhacts AdministraIIon The GEO _Gr LID. 11c 15?. DATE SIGNED mm 9.12. 160. DATE SI NED {Worm I NSN 1540-01?1 52-3070 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 19-3-3 I unusable Presubod by GSA FAR {43 50.243 158. CONTRACIORJOFFEROR - 9 MARCH 2015 .. . REFERENCE NO. OF DOWMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 2 12 NAME OF OFFEROR on coumcron GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM no. smmesrseavmss aumnw UNIT um: PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (E) (F) Rev. No. 12. The unit prices should be changed respectively. Exempt Action: Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Change Item 300$ to read as follows?amount shown is the total amount): 3004 Transportation from facility to various locations 5 as required by the Performance.Work Statement Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Change Item 3006 to read as followslamount shown is the total amount): 3006 On?Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: S206 Product/Service Description: GUARD All other terms and conditions remain the same. NBN OPTIONAL FORK 335340} summonses PAR (48 CPR) 61110 . .. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030DO33009 Page 1 oflO . WD 05?2112 (Rev.-12) was first posted on on 06/17/2011 REGISTER OF WAGE DETERMINATIONS UNDER THE SERVICE CONTRACT ACT By direction of the Secretary of Labor (sextet-me)? 1 Director Division of Wage Determinations I I I 0.8. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION WASHINGTON D.C. 20210 Wage Determination No.: 2005?2112 ReviSion No.: Date Of Revision: 12 06/13/2011 State: Florida Area: Florida Counties of Broward, Glades, Hendry, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, St Lucie 01000 - 01011 01012 01013 01020 01040 01051 01052 01060 01070 01090 01111 **Fringe Benefits Required Follow the Occupational Listing** OCCUPATION CODE Administrative Support And Clerical Occupations Accounting Clerk I - Accounting Clerk II - Accounting Clerk - Administrative Assistant - Court Reporter - Data Entry Operator 1' - Data Entry Operator II - Dispatcher, Motor Vehicle Document Preparation Clerk - Duplicating Machine Operator General Clerk I 01113 01120 01141 01191 01192 01261 01262 -01263 01270 01280 01290 01300 01311 01312 01313 01320 01410 01420 01531 01532 01533 01611 01612 01613 05000 05005 06010 12.tx - General Clerk 11 - General Clerk Housing Referral Assistant Messenger Courier Order Clerk I - Order Clerk II - Personnel Assistant (Employment) I - Personnel Assistant (Employment) II - Personnel Assistant (Employment) - Production Control Clerk Receptionist Rental Clerk Scheduler, Maintenance" Secretary I - Secretary II Secretary - Service Order Dispatcher Supply Technician Survey Worker - Travel Clerk I - Travel Clerk II - Travel Clerk - Word Processor I - Word Processor II Word Processor 111' 1 Automotive Service Occupations - Automobile Body Repairer, FiberglaSS - Automotive Electrician MARCH 2015 FOOTNOTE RATE 14.11 16.74 18.73 22.64 10102 12.92 14.09 17.16 12.67 12.67 12.62 '13788? 15.59 20.88 12.39. 12.71 13.86 15.88_ 17.90 20.304 20.00 13.44 14.93 16.74 16.74 18.73 20.88 15.35 23.21 16.02 12.57 13.43 14.33 13.30 14.93 16.71 17.74 16.61 2/23/2012 . ?mm. .-- . Page 2 of 10 http:/ 05040 Automotive Glass Installer 15.52 05070 - Automotive Worker 15.52 05110 - Mobile Equipment Servicer -13.34 05130 - Motor Equipment Metal Mechanic 17.56 05160 - Motor Equipment Metal Worker 15.52 05190 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic 17.68 .05220 - Motor Vehicle Mechanic Helper 12.24 05250 - Motor Vehicle Upholstery Worker 14.42 05280 - Motor Vehicle Wrecker 15152 05310 - Painter, Automotive 16.62 05340,- Radiator Repair Specialist 15.52 05370 - Tire Repairer 11.60 05400 - Transmission Repair Specialist 17.56 07000 - Food Preparation And Service Occupations 07010 - Baker? 12165 07041 - Cook I 11.08 07042 - Cook II 12.90 07070 Dishwasher 8.72 07130 - Food Service Worker 9.89 07210 - Meat Cutter 12.75 07260 - Waiter/Waitress 9.85 09000 - FUrniture Maintenance And Repair Occupations 09010 - Electrostatic Spray Painter 14.98 09040 - Furniture Handler 9.80 09080 - Furniture Refinisher . 14.98 09090 - Furniture Refinisher Helper 11.03 09110 - Furniture Repairer, Minor 13.00 3 09130 - Upholsterer - 16.48 11000 General Services And Support Occupations 11030 - Cleaner, Vehicles 9.80 11060 4 Elevator Operator 10.39 11090 - Gardener 15.29 11122 - Housekeeping Aide ?10.39 11150 - Janitor 10.39 11210 Laborer, Grounds Maintenance 11.40 11240 - Maid or Houseman 9.59 11260 - Pruner 9.93 11270 - Tractor Operator 14.36 11330 - Trail Maintenance Worker 11.40 11360 Window Cleaner 11.94 12000 - Health Occupations 12010 Ambulance Driver - 15.34, 12011 Breath Alcohol Technician - 17.33 12012 - Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant' 26.46 12015 - Certified Physical Therapist Assistant 24.15 12020 - Dental Assistant 15.13 12025 - Dental Hygienist 31.91 12030 - EKG Technician ?22.01 12035 - Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist 22.01 12040 - Emergency Medical Technician 15.34 12071 - Licensed Practical Nurse I 15.49 12072 - Licensed Practical Nurse II 17.33 12073 - Licensed Practical Nurse 19.32 12100 - Medical Assistant 15.38 12130 Medical Laboratory Technician _17.89 12160 Medical Record Clerk 13.95 12190 Medical Record Technician 15.38 12195 Medical Transcriptionist' 15.86 12210 Nuclear Medicine Technologist 34.45 12221 Nursing Assistant I 10.55 121x: .. . -. "in: ..-.. .. . . MARCH 2015 2123/2012 . I a y. .Paige3 of10 12222 -. Nursing Assistant II 11.87 12223 - Nursing Assistant - . 12.95 12224 Nursing Assistant IV, 14.87 12235 - Optical Dispenser - - 17.57 12236 - Optical Technician . 15.24 12250 - Pharmacy Technician 15.81 12280 - Phlebotomist - - 14.87 12305 - Radiologic Technologist . 25.46 12311 - Registered Nurse I 26.32 12312 - Registered Nurse II I 29.80 12313 - Registered Nurse II, Specialis . 29.80 12314 - Registered Nurse 36.04 12315 Registered Nurse Anesthetist - 36.04 12316 - Registered Nurse Iv . . 43.22 12317 -- Scheduler (Drug'and Alcohol Testing) 19.28 13000 - Information And Arts Occupations .13011 - Exhibits Specialist I - 19.30 13012 Exhibits Specialist II . . 23.54 . 13013 - Exhibits Specialist 28.80 13041 - Illustrator 1 20.64 13042 - Illustrator II . 25.57 13043 - Illustrator - 30.22 13047 Librarian - -30.39 13050 - Library Aide/Clerk 12.37 13054 Library Information Technology Systems . 26.99 Administrator 13058 - Library Technician - 16.53 13061 - Media- Specialist I . 16.17 . 13062 - Media Specialist II . - 18.41 13063 ?.Media Specialist 20.54 13071 - Photographer I 15.46 13072 - Photographer II 17.30 13073 Photographer - 21.43 13074 - Photographer IV 26.21 13075 Photographer-V - 31.70' 13110 Video Teleconference Technician 16.88 14000 Information Technology Occupations 14041 - Computer Operator I - 16.41 14042 - Computer Operator II 18.36 14043 Computer Operator 20.47 14044 - Computer Operator'IV 22.75 14045 - Computer Operator - 25.19 14071 - Cbmputer Programmer I (see 1) 22.63 14072 - Computer Programmer II (see 1) 14073 - Computer Programmer (see 1) 314074 - Computer Programmer IV (see 1) 14101 Computer Systems Analyst I . (see 1) 14102 - Computer Systems Analyst II (see 1) 14103 - Computer Systems Analyst (See 1) 14150 - Peripheral Equipment Operator 16.41 14160 Personal Computer Support Technician . 22.75 15000 - Instructional Occupations 15010 4 Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Non-Rated) 31.48 15020 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Rated) 38.08 415030 - Air Crew Training Devices Instructor (Pilot) 41.70 15050 - Computer Based Training Specialist Instructor 31.48 15060 - Educational Technologist 26.06 15070 - Flight Instructor (Pilot) 41.70. 15080 - Graphic Artist . 23.71 15090 - Technical Instructor - . . 21.38 2/23/2012 - v. usherMARCH 2015 .9 Page 4 of 10 15095 - Technical Instructor/Course Developer 26.16 --15110 - Test Proctor 17.26 15120 - Tutor . - - 17.26 16000 - Laundry, Dry-Cleaning, Pressing And Related Occupations 16010 - Assembler 9.62 16030 - Counter Attendant 9.62 16040 - Dry Cleaner 11.86 16070 - Finisher; Flatwork, Machine 9.62 16090 - Presser, Hand 9.62 16110 Presser, Machine, 9.62 16130 - Presser, Machine, Shirts 9.62 16160 - Presser, Machine, Wearing Apparel, Laundry 9.62 16190 - Sewing Machine Operator 12.52 16220 - Tailor 13.18 16250 Washer, Machine 10.41 19000 - Machine Tool Operation And Repair Occupations 19010 - Machine~Tool Operator (Tool Room) 17.51 19040 - Tool And Die Maker 22.29 21000 Materials Handling And Packing Occupations 21020 - Forklift Operator 14.81 21030 - Material Coordinator 19.02 21040 - Material Expediter 19.02 21050 - Material Handling Laborer ?12.17 21071 - Order Filler - 11.60 21080 - Production Line Worker (Food Processinqr 14.81 21110 - Shipping Packer 14.81 21130 - Shipping/Receiving Clerk 14.81 21140.- store Worker I 9.45 -21150 Stock Clerk 14.43 21210 Tools And Parts Attendant' 14.81 21410 - Warehouse Specialist . . 14.81 23000 - Mechanics And Maintenance And Repair Occupations - 23010 - Aerospace Structural Welder 24.81 23021 - Aircraft Mechanic I 23.31 23022 - Aircraft Mechanic II 24.81. 23023 Aircraft Mechanic 26,28 23040 - Aircraft Mechanic Helper 15.59 23050 - Aircraft, Painter 18.88 '23060 - Aircraft Servicer 18.80 23080 - Aircraft Worker 20.33 '23110 - Appliance Mechanic 18.53 23120 - Bicycle Repairer 11.60 23125 - Cable Splicer . 24.61 23130 - Carpenter, Maintenance 17.55- 23140 - Carpet Layer 17.51 23160 - Electrician, Maintenance 19.25 23181 - Electronics Technician Maintenance I 21.43 23182 - Electronics Technician Maintenance II 26.58 23183 - Electronics Technician Maintenance 29.81 .23260 Fabric Worker 17.63 23290 Fire Alarm System Mechanic 18.04 23310 Fire Extinguisher Repairer 14:71 23311 Fuel Distribution System Mechanic 18.65? 23312 - Fuel Distribution System Operator 13.82 23370 - General Maintenance Worker ~16.44 23380 - Ground Support Equipment Mechanic 23.31 3 23381.? Ground Support Equipment Servicer 18.80 23382 - Ground Support Equipment worker 20.33 23391 Gunsmith I 14 .71 23392 Gunsmith II 17.40 . ~21 12.txt . 0 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033013 '2/23/2012 23393 Gunsmith Page 5 of10 '19.85 23410 - Heating, Ventilation And Air-Conditioning 19.01 Mechanic 23411 Heating, Ventilation And Air Contditioning 20.23 Mechanic (Research Facility). 23430 - Heavy Equipment Mechanic 19.94. _23440 - Heavy Equipment Operator 19.18 23460 - Instrument Mechanic 21.09 23465 - Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic 18.62 23470 - Laborer 11.51 23510 - Locksmith 17.22 23530 - Machinery Maintenance Mechanic 22.48 23550 - Machinist, Maintenance 18.00 23580 - Maintenance Trades Helper- 13.90 23591 - Metrology Technician I 21.09 23592 - Metrology Technician II 22.74 23593 - Metrology Technician 23.86 23640 - Millwright 21.19 23710 Office Appliance?Repairer 17s94 23760 - Painter, Maintenance 17.51 23790 - Pipefitter, Maintenance 20.20 23810 - Plumber, Maintenance ?19.23 23820 Pneudraulic Systems Mechanic. 19.85 23850 - Rigger 19.85 23870 - Scale Mechanic 17.40 23890 Sheet?Metal Worker, Maintenance 18.24 23910 - Small Engine Mechanic 15.52 23931 - Telecommunications Mechanic I 23.36 23932 - Telecommunications Mechanic II 25.46 23950 - Telephone Lineman 20;?9 23960 Welder, Combination, Maintenance =18.69 23965 - Well Driller - 18.71 23910 - 666662536?Worker 19.85 23980 Woodworker 14.71 24000 - Personal Needs Occupations 24570 Child Care Attendant 9.49 24580 - Child Care Center Clerk 15.33 24610 - Chore Aide 9.40 24620 - Family Readiness And Support Services 14.45 Coordinator' 24630 - Homemaker 17.05 25000 Plant And System Operations Occupations 25010 - Boiler Tender 19.01 25040 Sewage_Plant Operator 20.16 25070 - stationary Engineer '19.01 25190 - Ventilation Equipment Tender 12.86 25210 Water Treatment Plant?0perator 20.16 27000 Protective Service Occupations 27004 - Alarm Monitor 20.47- 27007 Baggage Inspector 10.61 27008 Corrections Officer 25.15 27010 - Court Security Officer 28.50 27030 - Detection Dog Handler 18.11 27040 - Detention Officer 25.15 '27070 Firefighter 26.09 27101 - Guard I 10.61 27102 Guard II 18.11 27131 - Police Officer I '30.90 27132 - Police Officer II -34.34 -28000 Recreation Occupations? 2/23/2012 .. . MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033014 12.txt . Page 6 of 10 28041 Carnival Equipment Operator I 13.37 28042 - Carnival Equipment Repairer . 14.74 28043 Carnival Equpment Worker . . 9.40 28210 - Gate Attendant/Gate Tender 14.63 28310 - Lifeguard . 13.49. 28350 - Park Attendant (Aide) . - . 16.39 28510 - Recreation Aide/Health'Facility Attendant 11.96 28515 - Recreation Specialist 19.57 28630 - Sports Official '13.04 28690 - Swimming Pool Operator 17.92 29000 - Stevedoring/Longshoremen Occupational Services 29010 - Blocker And Bracer 21.65 29020 - Hatch Tender - 21.65 29030 - Line Handler 21.65 29041 Stevedore I 20.86 29042 - Stevedore II - . 24.35 30000 Technical Occupations. - 30010 Air Traffic Control Specialist, Center (H80) (see 2) 37.85 30011 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Station (HFO) (see 2) 26.10 30012 - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Terminal (EEO) (see 2) 28.74 30021 - Archeological Technician I 15.98 30022 - Archeological Technician II - . 18.25 30023 - Archeological Technician . - 24.98 30030 - Cartographic Technician . 25.86 30040 -'Civil Engineering Technician . 23.88 30061 - Drafter/CAD Operator I 18.66 30062 Drafter/CAD Operator II . - - 20.89 -30063 ~?Drafter/CAD Operator 23.28. 30064 Drafter/CAD Operator IV 28.66 30081 Engineering Technician I 18.79 30082 - Engineering Technician II .21.92 30083 Engineering Technician . 24.53 IV - 29.22 30085 - Engineering Technician 35.73 30086 - Engineering Technician VI . 41.29 30090 - Environmental Technician I '20.88 30210 Laboratory Technician . . 18.62 30240 - Mathematical Technician 25.86 30361 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant I 17.91 30362 Paralegal/Legal Assistant II 22.18 30363-- Paralegal/Legal Assistant . 9 "21.14 30364 - Paralegal/Legal Assistant IV 32.83 30390 - Photo-Optics Technician 25.86 30461 - Technical Writer I 23.25 30462 Technical Writer II 28.46 30463 - Technical Writer . 32.87 30491 Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician I 24.06 30492 - Unexploded.0rdnance (0X0) Technician II . 29.10 30493 - Unexploded Ordnance (0X0) Technician 34.89 30494 - Unexploded (0X0) Safety Escort 24.06 30495 - Unexploded Sweep Personnel 24.06 30620 - Weather Observer, Combined Upper Air Or (see 2) 23.28 Surface Programs . - - 30621 Weather Observer, Senior - - (see 2) .25.86 ,31000,- Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Occupations . 31020 - Bus-Aide 9278 31030 - Bus Driver 14.35 31043 Driver Courier 14.92 31260 - Parking and Lot Attendant . 9.46 31290 - Shuttle Bus Driver - 16.45 12.8.: 203/2012 . . - .. .-.. 0? ., a II.. . . MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAD3030.0033015 Page 7 of 10 31310 - Taxi Driver - . . 11.02 31361 - Truckdriver, Light - - 16.45 31362 - Truckdriver, Medium . 17.99 31363 Truckdriver, Heavy - 19.54 31364 - Truckdriver, Tractor-Trailer - . 19.54 99000 Miscellaneous Occupations 99030 - Cashier - 9.31 99050 - Desk Clerk 10.67 99095 - Embalmer . . 21.54 '99251 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker.I 10.75 99252 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker II a 11.86 99310 - Mortician . 24.52- 99410 - Pest Controller' - - 14.26 99510 - Photofinishing Worker. 11.95 99710 - Recycling'Laborer - I 15.31. 99711 Recycling Specialist - . 19.30 99730 - Refuse Collector 13.33 99810 - Sales Clerk - 12.58 99820 - School Crossing Guard . 11.80 99830 - Survey Party Chief - 18.42 99831 - Surveying Aide . 11.12 99832 - Surveying Technician 16.78 99840 Vending Machine Attendant 11.67 99841 - Vending Machine Repairer 14.81 99842 Vending Machine Repairer Helper . 11.66 ALL OCCUPATIONS LISTED ABOVE RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: HEALTH WELEARE: Life, accident, and health insurance plans, sick leave, pension plans, civic and personal leave, severance pay, and savings and thrift plans. Minimum employer contributions costing an average of $3.59 per hour computed on the basis of all hours worked by service employees employed on the contract. VACATION: 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or. successor; 3 weeks after 5 years, and_4 weeks after 15 years. Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with the present contractor or successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors in the performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173) HOLIDAYS: A minimum of ten paid holidays per year, New Year's Day. Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans? Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.. (A contractor may substitute for?any of the named holidays another day off with pay in' accordance with a plan communicated to the employees involved.) (See 29 CFR 4174) THE OCCUPATIONS WHICH HAVE NUMBERED FOOTNOTES IN EARENTHESES RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING: 1) COMPUTER EMPLOYEES: Under the SCA at this wage determination does [not apply to any employee who individually qualifies as a.bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee as defined in 29 C.F.R. Part 541. Because most Computer System Computer Programmers who are compensated at a rate not less than $27.63 (or on a salary or fee basis at a rate not less than $455 per _week) an hour would likely Qualify as exempt computer professionals, (29 C.F.R. 5412/23/2012 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033016 .-.. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . "Hum?a. .. .- Page 8 of 10 400) wage rates may not be listed on this wage determination for all occupations within those job families. In addition, because this wage determination may not- list a wage rate for some or all occupations within those job families if the survey data indicates that the prevailing wage rate for the occupation equals or exceeds $27.63 per hour conformances may be necessary for certain nonexempt employees. For example, if an individual employee is nonexempt but nevertheless performs duties within the scope of one of the Computer Systems Analyst or Computer Programmer occupations for which this wage determination does not specify an SCA.wage rate, then the wage rate for that employee must be conformed in accordance with the conformance procedures described in the conformance note included on this wage determination. Additionally, because job titles vary widely and change quickly in the computer industry, job titles are not determinative of the application of the computer professional-exemption. Therefore, the exemption applies only to computer employees who satisfy'the compensation requirements and whose primary duty consists of: (1) The application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine hardware, software or system functional specifications; . (2) The design,.development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing or modification of computer systems or programs, including prototypes, based on and related to user or system design specifications: (3) The design, documentation, testing; creation or modification of computer programs related to machine operating systems; or (4) A combination of the aforementioned duties, the performance of which requires the same level of skills.- (29 C.F.R. 541.400). 2) AIR TRAFEIC CONTROLLERS AND WEATHER OBSERVERS -.NIGHT PAY SUNDAY RAY: If you work at night as part of a regular tour of duty, you will earn a night differential and receive an additional 10% of basic pay for any hours worked between 6pm'and 6am. if you are a full-time employed (40 hours a week) and Sunday is part of your regularly scheduled workweek, you are paid at your rate of basic pay plus a Sunday not overtime occasional work on Sunday outside the normal tour of duty is considered 'overtime work). . . . HAZARDOUS PAY DIFFERENTIAL: An 8 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a high degree of hazard when working with or in close proximity to ordinance, explosives, and incendiary materials: This includes work such as screening, blending, dying, mixing, and pressing of sensitive ordance, explosives, and pyrotechnic compositions such as lead azide, black powder and photoflash powder. All dry?house activities involving propellants or explosives Demilitarization, modification, renovation, demolition, and maintenance operations on sensitive ordnance, explosives and incendiary materials. All operations involving regrading and cleaning of artillery ranges. . :A-a percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a low degree of hazard when working with, or in close proximity to ordance, (or employees possibly adjacent to) explosives and incendiary materials . which involves potential injury such as laceration of hands, face, or arms of the employee engaged in the operation, irritation of the skin, minor burns and the like; minimal damage to immediate or adjacent work area or.equipment being used. ,All Operations involving, unloading, storage, and hauling of ordance, explosive, and incendiary ordnance material other-than small arms ammunition. These differentials are only applicable to work that has been specifically designated by the agency for ordance, explosives, and incendiary material differential pay. - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 12.txt - 2123/2012 MARCH 2015 . . . .-. . I I n. . . ..-- on '1444 (SF 1444)} Page 9 of 19 If employees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract (either by the terms of the Government contract, by the employer, by the state or local law, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by. 'laundering or dry cleaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by an employee where such'cost reduces the hourly rate below that required by the wage determination. The Department of Labor will accept payment in accordance with the following standards as compliance: . The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish all employees with an ~adequate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse employees for the actual cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cleaning and maintenance is made the responsibility of the employee, all contractors and subcontractors subject to this wage determination shall (in the abdence of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement previding for a different amount, or the furnishing of contrary affirmative proof as to the actual cost), reimburse all employees for such cleaning and maintenance at a rate of $3.35 per week (or $;67 cents-per day). However, in those instances where the uniforms furnished are made of "wash?and wear" . materials, may be routinely washed and dried with other personal garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry cleaning, daily washing, or commercial laundering in order to meet the cleanliness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract, by the contractor, by law, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement that employees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs. The duties of employees under job titles listed are those described in the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations", Fifth Edition, April 2006, unless otherwise indicated. Copies of the Directory are available on the Internet. A links to the Directory may be found on the WHO home page at gov/esa/whd/ or through the Wage Determinations On-Line (WDOL) Web site at REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL CLASSIFICATION AND WAGE RATE {Standard Form -- nay-"u- . . Conformance Process: The contracting officer shall require that any class of service employee which is not listed herein and which is to be employed under the contract (1.9., the work to be performed is not performed-by any classification listed in the wage determination), be classified by the contractor so as to provide a reasonable relationship appropriate level of skill comparison) between such unlisted classifications and the classifications listed in the wage determination. Such conformed classes of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished the fringe benefits as are determined. Such conforming process shall be initiated by the contractor prior to the performance of contract work by such unlisted class(es) of employees. yhe conformed classification, wage rate, and/or fringe benefits,shall be retroactive to the commencement date of the contract. (See Section 4.6 When multiple wage determinations are included in a contract, a separate SF 1444 should be prepared for each wage determination to which a class(es) is to be .conformed. The process for preparing a conformance request is as follows: 1) When preparing the bid, the contractor identifies the need for a conformed occupationts) and computes a proposed rate(s). 2) After contract award, the contractor_prepares a written report listing in order proposed classification titlecs), a Federal grade equivalency (FGE) for each proposed classification(s), job description(s), and rationale for proposed wage rate(s), including information regarding the agreement or disagreement of the ?authorized representative of the employees involved, or where there is no authorized 2/23/2012MARCH 5015 . .Page 10 of 10 representative, the employees themselves.? This report should be submitted to the contracting officer no later than 30 days after such unlisted class(es) of employees performs any contract work. The contracting officer reviews.the proposed action and submits a report of the'action, together with the agency's recommendations and pertinent' information including the position of the contractor and the employees, to the wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, 0.8. Department of Labor, 'for review. (See section of Regulations 29 CFR Part 4). 4) Within 30 days of receipt, the Wage and Hour Division approyes, modifies, or disapproves the action via transmittal to the-agency contracting officer, or notifies the contracting officer that additional time will be required to process "the request. - 5) The contracting officer transmits the hage and Hour decision to the contractor. 6) The contractor informs the affected employees. Information required by the Regulations must be suhmitted on SF 1444 or bond paper.j When preparing a conformance request, the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations? (the Directory) should be used to compare job definitions to insure that duties requested'are not performed by a classification already listed in the _wage determination. Remember, it is not the job title, but the required tasks that determine whether a class is included in an established wage determination. Conformances may not be used to artificially split, combine, or subdivide classifications listed in the wage determination. .. rawwnlu a .. .. -..-.. . - MARCH 2015 2/23/2012 .. . u. n- . 0-..- . mmorswc?mmonnmm or comer a??anwamui .- .~1.mnmuvuumua 200001 05/05/2009 0095 realm/acme . I ICE/Decent Mngt/Oetent Contracts?nc ICE/Dotsnt ungt/Dateot Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement 7 . - Imm?gration and Cuetqms En?orcemnnt Office 91 Acquisition Management 7 cake of Acquisition Management 801 I Street m, Suite 910 Washington Dc 20536 801 Strut NH Suite 910 0F cum. GEO GROUP INC Q88 521 NW 5380 ST STE 700 ISO 11) noon EATON FL 334878242 1M . . *1 mamas-199300 mo t3}, 00? 6127064650000 04/22/2909 0 mandamus-um; [by . . 8343 Schedule . . . ?m mm 'Wmm set urea @130m . . - 1? 3: far 43.103(a . I . smut: mm Dam hMumum-gm nut-staunme was Number: 612706465 . . Co?tzact Spacialiat: Contracting Officer: The of this modification is to update the security requirements in this contract: with the attached item. All other toms and conditions remain the 31mm, Continued . .. ?If ?3 ?c lax ca 'resi [Chum-10:5; Administmfon . . . .. . . 'uo-o', ?mormnoamm F30 GROUP-INCIHB t. (B) "800. ?a a? mowed . I. Period o?uiormance: 0410112009 - MARCH 2015Ic'5201ghouxo?osohosam mmum?. -wnm? . mamas? . DE *1 . :s - - Contact mlbyees' (10? include applicants. temporaries. part-time audxeplaeement? While?) under Ihe access to sensitive information: shall. undergo a 'position'sensitivity?analysis w?lperfomOnthe . . connect. Thelesults of the position sensitivity analysis shallidenti?vtheappropriatei -. REQUIRED gyms; Nsrr? . ?co? . . - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that performance of the tasksasdesen?bedinConn'aet - - We); vendor(8). etc. (hemin known as Continent-lave accessory sensitive . -. DHS andthatthe . a - A 0N1. mfor Connector employees. based upon?lmsults?ofa background investigation. DHsmey. it appropriate, authorize and make a favorable em on duty (BOD) ?I?hefavorableEOD deeisionwonldalloyv the employees "to commence week temporarily prior to the completion of the run 'Ihe grantingofa'favorable BOD decision shalantbeconsidemda?s A. - ?The ganting'of a favorable BOD decision . 'shallinnoIWayprevent, preclude. ortetmina?on Noemployeeof?teConu'eetotshall BOD decision ot?miita'bility detetmina?on by the Of?ce of Professional Responsibility, ?o i .mo'tted access to a Gavel-um facilitywithouta favorahle EDD or_ - . . by 1 employees '1 'notneedingaecesstosensitive DHS infomation DHS 'cA'rIo background in?v?eeoga?on to be?obndueted. investigations-will'be through the Personnel Security Unit. Prospective Contractor ployees with adequate . security clearances issued by the Defense Industrial Security (nuance-Of?ce (DISCO) . may not be to Submit complete security packages.DISCOWBG Prospective Conn-actor employees without - 7 isstged by submitthefollowing completedformstothel?eisonnel - .2..-. . . ?on on . . L-f MARCH 2015 . . contract err-S?dayspriorto on?yondmyofany employees, whethera replacement addition, subconti'act'or employee, or vendor: 1. Form 851%, foe Public Trust Positions? l. . Flinn will be submitted (eleeuonic Quesn'onnaues? for 5: 'Invesngatl; . In . I eQipTSignature Fonns (3), Signature Form, Release of Infonna?on Form . i and Release of Infonn'a?on Fonn. (2 eopies of each) (ZCards)' 4? A . Statement. an 7 i a 7f? :35. Optional 306 Declaration for Federal 'Ehja?pb?em (apnliesto contractomas?Well)" 7 . - "complete packages will be accepted by the OPR-PSU. Speci?c on . that unless an applieant'requi?ng access to information has . - in the'US ?ve years, the may not beeble a . mar background .inve's?ge?on. In such casesmHs to deem an applicant as ineligible due to background Wm - in . -. I momma - employee is found to be ineligible for access to?Govemment or the com will advise the Contractor ?aatltheiemploy?ee. shall not continue to 3. . - fumbling entiseiat. i vj gth'econtraetor independently identi?es, circumstances psob'able 'canse 7. OPR-PSU may require icinvestiga?ons when derogatory information is received andlmeverSyeam. . ., v" up. up .9oceessunderthiseontracn I DHS reserves therightandprerogatlveto deny and/oreestrictthe facilityde informmion access ofIany Connector employee whose actions me in con?ict with the :f 5 standards ofeondueges CFR2635 ands CFR3801;ios'Whom pro-suit a risk of compromising sensitive 6'0me infonnation to which he or she would have The-Contractor will report any adyerse?infonnation coming to their attention I. contact employees the comm the OPR-PSU through-the COTR. Reports -I The subseqnenttenninationof I employment of an eahployee does not obviate the_1equirem%t to submit report. The . -: I report shall include the employees? mine and seeial?smnity number, the. - . . The OPR-PSU must be noti?edofell terminations! resignations within ?ve days of Y?oeemrenee. Ifanidenti?eationcord I A ofindivitlualtowhom '3 . 'IheCOTRwillremmthe identi?cation I a 7 The agnee that each employee working on pass the DHS Employment Eligibility Veri?cation (BI-Verify) by I I i I -"The Contractor-most that eacli employeeworking on this cents-act will have Social issued and approved by the Social Security Administration. - i i Co?h'ti?toi' shill li'e'responsilile to the Government for acts and omissions ofhis: 7 . employees and fox-on}: Subcontracto?s) and their Subjectto existinglaw, regulations and! Or other provisions of?n's connect, on I aliens willnotbeemployed-bythe Connectormrwi?i thisconuectMARCH 2015 I i- Contractor'in complying withthesecmityxequirements use: g. .I . nus-tumg?uu?v 'l_o -. . .maym 5. . .wuu'. anlun . . #4 . . en sensitive government informsuoni's information syStemgtheContrsetor agrees to . adhere. .?ftop?tep?roceduresgoveming . aPqulicationDHS'MD 4300.Pub.'or its replacementi'com-eetorpasonnel thisoomract. Should Contractor . i . U. The following computer apply to?both ofHomelsnd i These entities are herea?er referred to as the Department. . .. onDe - 4 Contractors Whofsil [to comply with Department security'poliey are subject to 2 their access to Departne'nt IT systems and facilities terminated. or failme results in criminal promotion. Any person who improperly discloses sensitive (egg Privacy Act). use omen-us. citizens, Lawrm Permanent Residents (LPRs), is not permitted in the performance of this contract for any position involves assess to, dew/element of; or to any DI-IS 1T sy . All com-actor emplees I autom systems or processing ent . information is subject's) criminal and civil Penalties and sanctions undera variety - A 1* Comm. whose 1' hm?? m?ve within or under the supavision: of the Departurent, shall receive periodic st leastanriually jn awareness andsooepteasecurity practices and runes ofbehavior. contractors, 'w?ith? specisctomeirsecustys 1' . 4 responsibilities anmrally; The level of shall be commensurate with the individual?s duties and intended to promote a consistent understanding of the?prineiples'_ snd?coneepts of teleeomunie?ations and IT systems 7 security. -. MARCH. 2015 ICEZO12FOIA03030.0033025 All?personnel yvho access Department will be continually eyelulated?.? Supervisorsshould-beaware ofanytmususlor, un- .49. aon . In. a -- MARCH 20151CE2012FOIA03030.0033026 7 Anyunauthorizedaccess, I .. local Security o?masso). . AHENDMENTOF OF summer ?mm "553 1 2 ZMENDMENTMDIFICANOM NO. DATE 4 no: Jismowpuucmss Retina. 5. PROJECYNO.WWJ 900002 0911412009 CODE CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?Dc I I ICE/Detent Mngt/Datent Contracts-DC Emigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street ?te 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: . Washin on I 36 - a memo ADDRESS or common may. any. ammu- on; M-Mtenoueu'r no. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 m7 53m; ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334073242 3 10A. Hoolmmouor comcrionosn no. ma. DATED {.555 am 13} 0?05 6127064650000 IFMWCODE 04/22/2009 ?xaismm??W momma-a, E]th ml?wiia?mm W010 ?amulet-0001011015011? marman FMUREOFYOUR BERECENED AT THE PLASE DESIGNATED FORTHERECEIPT OF OFFERS TOTHE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY OF YOUROFFER i111? 12. ACCOUNTING am APPROPRMTIDN DATA (Iraqi-Hind) see Schedule 15.000 mouwm-mnomnou or mu omen mm 1c WE. mmoomcr (mm-wwiw . . . EABov-eu 21050 ammo-000053 ISHODIFIED REFLECTTHE mummch was a 1? eta-10$? eta) SET FORTH mum 553? W551 000mm c. THIE Is Ema-?5 INTO PURSUANTTO AUTHORITY OF: O. OTHER {Spedynpe can'wdm for 43.103ia) amp-0mm mm [3th copinlu?uhwimomm 14. 0550003110? manned? Wmmumwm feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706065 com: 954- . Alternate com: ans-eg?mXc) Contract Specialist: 02- c) Contracting Officer: (WHO) The purpose of this modification is to modify the transportation portion of the statement of work to include transporting criminal aliens on this contract. - All other term: and conditions remain the same. Continued . . . ??ii?iuihimi?): We Contracts Administration of inf 15G.DATESIGNED loom-imam - - srmmoromaoinav.1oaej Pm od?m aux-obi. ?a cglg?a MARCH 2015 33 - AHENDMEM or soumAnomopn-flcmo? of CONTRACT . 1. cornucno 1 PAGE OF PAGES 3 imamn?funmcmo? 00.. 3. Lawson?s/i one RED. N0. 5. PROJECT N0. (KW) I. 0. assum av CODE 7.ADMIMSTERED Ban'omerthan {fame} ICEIDetent' Hugh/Decent Contracts-DC Inmigration and Customs Enforcement office of Acquisition Management 301 Street NW, Suite 910 Hash?ingtOn DC 20536 Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Attn: Washin-ton 0 - CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and customs Enforcement GEO 03002- 100 THE . "'621 NW 5330 ST 100' . 130cm amen FL 334878242 (2) 9A. AMENDMENT OF EULIGWATTON NO. 00. DATED {saga-mu 10a. 0001mm? or conmcwonnen N0. 3 - 100. mfg!) (355055113) Tum??- 0127004550000 L- n' 04/22/2009 -- MWMmamn's-umhm lm??d 12 ACCOUNTING 0015mm} . Sea schedule 1mm: ONLYAPPUEBTO WHOMFIESTHE CONWCTIORDER no.? DESCRIBED IN 14. - A. runsng annems Issues Funaumtro. (Swaide THE cameras sermon ITEM 14am; mg 0: ma coumr 0&0 Romnemm 0% data, at} SET FORTH I n. ?u Beasocoumcr mauonmmw" THE arremuunsumrm??mrrm we GES - .HIS-S :2 PU or; . far 43.103(b) - - . simmer: cam-m- Elna; 1 ?14$ DESCRIPTION OFAMENUWFMODIFICAUON my: m?er?m Md?] 000?s nmez: 012706455 954% ?lternate COTE: tangent Specialist: zoz?m Contracting Officer: 'The' purpose of-thia modifiCation is to add the addition of IT iring cabling at the 'Broward GDP in accordance with the attachedoocument. Funding will be provided on task 1 0:01.91: 8.3205001409040011. Continued . . . - my - ThaG oerbup;1nc. I ?53? com?? - 150' 100.0A1'Esmeo . .- -. mums-0145243070 ?mum? in!? . Prom 0965A MARCH 2015 m: (40 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED AGE OF SHEET 2 NAME OF OFFERUR DR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNO. suppussmeavmss OUANHTYUNW AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Add Item 0007 as follows: 0007 Addition and Installation of IT wiring cabling Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/ServiCe Description: GUARD SERVICES NSN 1'540-01-152-8067 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) . Sponsoted by GSA MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033030 qus 3500 NW Ave.- Unit 727 Boca Raton, FL 3343 . . Phone (5611 - Fax (561) - Intranet Communications Group, Inc. . State License E80000281 Structured Cabling System Installation Proposal . The Geo Group Broward County Transition center Submitted on November 23, .2009 This document is the property of Intranet Communications Group, Inc., is con?dential, and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which this document is addressed. If you are? not One of the named recipient(s) or otherwise have reason to believe that you have received this document in error, - please notify the sender immediately. Any other use, retention, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. Proposal pricing is current asof November 23, 2009,?and is subject to change after 30 days. - MARCH 2015 ICE2012F0IA03030.0033031 Table of Corporate Q'uali'?catlons' I I Page 3 - References - :Page 3 Scope of Work I I I Page 1nstellation Parameters I Page 5 ?Pmposal Pricing . . Page_ 6 MARCH 2015 . Quali?cations, License, Financials State Certi?ed Electrical Low Voltage Contractor License E50000281 Certi?ed Ortronics Installer Certified in 3M Cabling Systems ?Fiber to the Desktop? Certified Small Business Enterprise Comprehensive General Liability Nationwide Insurance Policy 77 AC 476902-3001 $2,000,000.00 each occurrence 0 $3,000,000.00 Umbreila Policy 0 Workers Compensation Policy Policy 07065542 0 $1,000,000.00 each occurrence 0 2008 EMR Rating .96 0 Automotive Insurance Allstate Insurance 048 608869 0 $1,000,000.00 each occurrence 00000 References Art Institute of Ft Lauderdale Director, ?Information Technology 1799 Southeast 17th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO303ODO33033 SLOZ Haavw QILOZ HOHVW 3ltethate-CDTR: v" COTR: . 6 7 305. E, I 7 Continued . . . mgunm?r opsouamuomomncmou 0F comm- 1- cone HEL- 3, arm DATE - 4. am no. 5 -200010 oaz31/201o . 5, 1331150 32' cone -- - lama} onus ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?Dc - ,Immigration and Custom: anorgenant Office of Acquisition Managament 801 I Strea - ICE/Decent Hngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Office of Acquisition Hanagmuent 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 a. We mombaassorrcoumcron mammal-mam GEO axiom? INC THE 521 NW 5330 ST STE 700 BOCA EATON FL 334373242 gamma 555mm 1m uonmmnon or I women NO. 6 . - 000E 6127064650000 ouzzrzoos - me E. I Ell! man-wed. pqmeumiawmm I I THE PLACE DESIGNATED mmemor areas PRIOR TOTHE HquaANn DME memo HAYREEJLT INRE-IECTION 01?See; Schedule- . - I I gamma-rm mm: (mm. use. .55 mm 43.1mm) . EWM: Ell-n91. 14. or mE?bumumommnw (am by norm ma. mu m; Number: 612706165 . The this?modificatibn Lita incorporate the foilowing FAR clauae in?the cont-tact}: ERR 52.204510 Reporting Executive _Con_1p?nsation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards. REPORTIHG EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION AHD SUBCONTRACT AWARDS (JUL 20101119 GEOGroup.:lnc- -- ?50 WFESIGNED I - i dem? I. mm1~152m . . m: Imam 1593} I MARCH 2015 bigger-ya;ch . a (. war?siyi?iqn ?ghts? .09 4:9: 5. Pta?da 12224 - Nursing Assistant IV 12235 - Optical Dispenser 12236 Optical Technician 12250 - Pharmacy Technician 12280 - Phlebotomist 12305 Radiologic Technologist 12311 - Registered Nurse I 12312 - Registered Nurse II 12313 - Registered Nurse II, Specialist 12314 - Registered Nurse 12315 - Registered Nurse Anesthetist 12316 - Registered Nurse Iv 12317 - Scheduler (Drug and Alcohol Testing) 13000 - Information And Arts Occupations 13011 - Exhibits Specialist I 13012 - Exhibits Specialist II 13013 Exhibits Specialist 13041 - Illustrator I 13042 - Illustrator II 13043 - Illustrator 13047 -?Librarian 13050 Library Aide/Clerk 13054 - Library Information Technology Systems Administrator 13058 - Library Technician 13061 - Media Specialist I 13062 - Media Specialist II 13063 - Media Specialist 13071 Photographer I 13072 - Photographer II 13073 - Photographer 13074 - Photographer IV 13075 - Photographer 13110 - Video Teleconference Technician 14000 - Information Technology Occupations 14041 Computer Operator I 14042 - Computer Operator II 14043 - Computer Operator 14044 Computer Operator IV 14045 - Computer Operator 14071 - Computer Programmer I 14072 - Computer Programmer II 14073 - Computer Programmer 14074 - Computer Programmer IV 14101 Computer Systems Analyst I 14102 - Computer Systems Analyst II 14103 - Computer Systems Analyst 14150 Peripheral Equipment Operator 14160 Personal Computer Support Technician 15000 Instructional Occupations 15010 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor 15020 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor 15030 - Air Crew Training Devices Instructor 15050 - Computer Based Training Specialist Instructor 15060 - Educational Technologist 15070 - Flight Instructor (Pilot) 15080 - Graphic Artist '15090 - Technical Instructor 15095 - Technical Instructor/Course Developer 15110 - Test Proctor 15120 - Tutor MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033128 12.txt (Non-Rated) (see (see (see (see (see (see (see Page 3 of 10 14.87 17.57 15.24 15.81 14.87 25.46 26.32 29.80 29.80 36.04 36.04 43.22 19.28 19.30 23.54 28.80 20.64 25.57 30.22 30.39 12.37 26.99 16.53 16.17 18.41 20.54 15.46 17.30 21.43 26.21 31.70 16.88 16.41 18.36 20.47 22.75 25.19 22.63 16.41 22.75 31.48 38.08 41.70 31.48 26.06 41.70 23.71 21.38 26.16 17.26 17.26 12/5/2013 12224 Nursing Assistant IV. 12235 5 Optical Dispenser 12236 - Optical Technician 12250 - Pharmacy Technician 12280 - Phlebotomist 12305 - Radiologic Technologist 12311 - Registered Nurse I 12312 - Registered Nurse II 12313 - Registered Nurse II, Specialist 12314 - Registered Nurse 12315 Registered Nurse Anesthetist 12316 Registered Nurse IV 12317 - Scheduler (Drug and Alcohol Testing) 13000 - Information And Arts Occupations 13011 Exhibits Specialist I 13012 Exhibits Specialist II 13013 Exhibits Specialist 13041 - Illustrator I 13042 - Illustrator II 13043 - Illustrator 13047 Librarian 13050 - Library Aide/Clerk 13054 - Library Information Technology Systems Administrator 13058 - Library Technician 13061 - Media Specialist I 13062 - Media Specialist II 13063 Media Specialist 13071 - Photographer I 13072 - Photographer II 13073 - Photographer 13074 Photographer IV 13075 - Photographer 13110 Video Teleconference Technician 14000 - Information Technology Occupations 14041 - Computer Operator I 14042 Computer Operator II 14043 Computer Operator 14044 Computer Operator IV 14045 - Computer Operator 14071 Computer Programmer I 14072 - Computer Programmer II 14073 - Computer Programmer 14074 - Computer Programmer IV 14101 - Computer Systems Analyst I 14102 Computer Systems Analyst II 14103 Computer Systems Analyst 14150 Peripheral Equipment Operator 14160 - Personal Computer Support Technician 15000 Instructional Occupations 15010 Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Non-Rated) 15020 - Aircrew Training Devices Instructor (Rated) 15030 - Air Crew Training Devices Instructor (Pilot) 15050 - Computer Based Training Specialist Instructor 15060 Educational Technologist 15070 - Flight Instructor (Pilot) 15080 - Graphic Artist -15090 Technical Instructor 15095 Technical Instructor/Course Developer 15110 Test Proctor 15120 Tutor MARCH 2015 12.txt (see (see (see (see (see (see (see 1) 1) 1) 1) l) 1) Page 3 of 10 14.87 17.57 15.24 15.81 14.87 25.46 26.32 29.80 29.80 36.04 36.04 43.22 19.28 19.30 23.54 28.80 20.64 25.57 30.22 30.39 12.37 26.99 16.53 16.17 18.41 20.54 15.46 17.30 21.43 26.21 31.70 16.88 16.41 18.36 20.47 22.75 25.19 22.63 16.41 22.75 31.48 38.08 41.70 31.48 26.06 41.70 23.71 21.38 26.16 17.26 17.26 12/5/2013 16000 Laundry, Dry-Cleaning, Pressing And Related Occupations 16010 Assembler 16030 - Counter Attendant 16040 Dry Cleaner 16070 - Finisher, Flatwork, Machine 16090 - Presser, Hand 16110 - Presser, Machine, 16130 - Presser, Machine, Shirts 16160 - Presser, Machine, Wearing Apparel, Laundry 16190 - Sewing Machine Operator 16220 Tailor 16250 - Washer, Machine 19000 - Machine Tool Operation And Repair Occupations 19010 - Machine-Tool Operator (Tool Room) 19040 Tool And Die Maker 21000 - Materials Handling And Packing Occupations 21020 - Forklift Operator 21030 Material Coordinator 21040 - Material Expediter 21050 - Material Handling Laborer 21071 - Order Filler 21080 - Production Line Worker (Food Processing) 21110 - Shipping Packer 21130 Shipping/Receiving Clerk 21140 - Store Worker I 21150 - Stock Clerk 21210 - Tools And Parts Attendant 21410 - Warehouse Specialist 23000 - Mechanics And Maintenance And Repair Occupations 23010 Aerospace Structural Welder 23021 - Aircraft Mechanic I 23022 - Aircraft Mechanic II 23023 - Aircraft Mechanic 23040 - Aircraft Mechanic Helper 23050 - Aircraft, Painter 23060 Aircraft Servicer 23080 - Aircraft Worker 23110 - Appliance Mechanic 23120 - Bicycle Repairer 23125 - Cable Splicer 23130 Carpenter, Maintenance 23140 Carpet Layer 23160 - Electrician, Maintenance 23181 Electronics Technician Maintenance I 23182 - Electronics Technician Maintenance II 23183 - Electronics Technician Maintenance 23260 - Fabric Worker 23290 - Fire Alarm System Mechanic 23310 - Fire Extinguisher Repairer 23311 - Fuel Distribution System Mechanic 23312 - Fuel Distribution System Operator 23370 - General Maintenance Worker 23380 - Ground Support Equipment Mechanic 23381 - Ground Support Equipment Servicer 23382 - Ground Support Equipment Worker 23391 Gunsmith I 23392 Gunsmith II 23393 - Gunsmith 23410 - Heating, Ventilation And Air-Conditioning Mechanic 23411 - Heating, Ventilation And Air Contditioning MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033129 12.txt Page4 of 10 9.62 9.62 11.86 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 9.62 12.52 13.18 10.41 17.51 22.29 14.81 19.02 19.02 12.17 11.60 14.81 14.81 14.81 9.45 14.43 14.81 14.81 24.81 23.31 24.81 26.28 15.59 18.88 18.80 20.33 18.53 11.60 24.61 17.55 17.51 19.25 21.43 26.58 29.81 17.63 18.04 14.71 18.65 13.82 16.44 23.31 18.80 20.33 14.71 17.40 19.85 19.01 20.23 12/5/2013 Mechanic (Research Facility) 23430 - Heavy Equipment Mechanic 23440 23460 23465 23470 23510 23530 23550 23580 23591 23592 23593 23640 23710 23760 23790 23810 23820 23850 23870 23890 23910 23931 23932 23950 23960 23965 23970 23980 24000 - 25000 - 25010 25040 25070 25190 25210 27000 - 27004 27007 27008 27010 27030 27040 27070 27101 27102 27131 27132 28000 - 28041 28042 28043 28210 28310 Heavy Equipment Operator Instrument Mechanic Laboratory/Shelter Mechanic Laborer Locksmith Machinery Maintenance Mechanic Machinist, Maintenance Maintenance Trades Helper Metrology Technician I Metrology Technician II Metrology Technician Millwright Office Appliance Repaire Painter, Maintenance Pipefitter, Maintenance Plumber, Maintenance Pneudraulic Systems Mechanic Rigger Scale Mechanic Sheet-Metal Worker, Maintenance Small Engine Mechanic Telecommunications Mechanic I Telecommunications Mechanic II Telephone Lineman Welder, Combination, Maintenance Well Driller Woodcraft Worker Woodworker Personal Needs Occupations 24570 - Child Care Attendant 24580 - Child Care Center Clerk 24610 - Chore Aide 24620 - Family Readiness And Support Services Coordinator 24630 Homemaker Plant And System Operations Occupations Boiler Tender Sewage Plant Operator Stationary Engineer Ventilation Equipment Tender Water Treatment Plant Operator Protective Service Occupations Alarm Monitor Baggage Inspector Corrections Officer Court Security Officer Detection Dog Handler Detention Officer Firefighter Guard I Guard II Police Officer I Police Officer II Recreation Occupations Carnival Equipment Operator Carnival Equipment Repairer Carnival Equpment Worker Gate Attendant/Gate Tender Lifeguard MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033130 12.txt Page 5 of 10 19.94 19.18 21.09 18.62 11.51 17.22 22.48 18.00 13.90 21.09 22.74 23.86 21.19 17.94 17.51 20.20 19.23 19.85 19.85 17.40 18.24 15.52 23.36 25.46 20.79 18.69 18.71 19.85 14.71 9.49 15.33 9.40 14.45 17.05 19.01 20.16 19.01 12.86 20.16 20.47 10.61 25.15 28.50 18.11 25.15 26.09 10.61 18.11 30.90 34.34 13.37 14.74 9.40 14.63 13.49 12/5/2013 28350 28510 28515 28630 28690 29000 - 29010 29020 29030 29041 29042 30000 - 30010 30011 30012 30021 30022 30023 30030 30040 30061 30062 30063 30064 30081 30082 30083 30084 30085 30086 30090 30210 30240 30361 30362 30363 30364 30390 30461 30462 30463 30491 30492 30493 30494 30495 30620 Park Attendant (Aide) Recreation Aide/Health Facility Attendant Recreation Specialist Sports Official - Swimming Pool Operator Stevedoring/Longshoremen Occupational Services Blocker And Bracer - Hatch Tender - Line Handler Stevedore I - Stevedore II Technical Occupations - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Center (HFO) (see 2) - Air Traffic Control Specialist, Station (HFO) (see 2) Air Traffic Control Specialist, Terminal (HFO) (see 2) - Archeological Technician I - Archeological Technician II - Archeological Technician - Cartographic Technician Civil Engineering Technician - Drafter/CAD Operator I Drafter/CAD Operator II - Drafter/CAD Operator - Drafter/CAD Operator IV - Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician II - Engineering Technician - Engineering Technician IV Engineering Technician Engineering Technician VI Environmental Technician - Laboratory Technician Mathematical Technician - Paralegal/Legal Assistant I Paralegal/Legal Assistant II - Paralegal/Legal Assistant - Paralegal/Legal Assistant IV Photo?Optics Technician Technical Writer I - Technical Writer II - Technical Writer - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician I Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician II - Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Technician Unexploded (UXO) Safety Escort - Unexploded (UXO) Sweep Personnel - Weather Observer, Combined Upper Air Or (see 2) Surface Programs 30621 31000 - 31020 31030 31043 31260 31290 31310 31361 31362 31363 31364 99000 - Weather Observer, Senior (see 2) Transportation/Mobile Equipment Operation Occupations - Bus Aide - Bus Driver - Driver Courier - Parking and Lot Attendant Shuttle Bus Driver - Taxi Driver - Truckdriver, Light - Truckdriver, Medium - Truckdriver, Heavy Truckdriver, Tractor?Trailer Miscellaneous Occupations MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033131 12.txt Page 6 of 10 16.39 11.96 19.57 13.04 17.92 21.65 21.65 21.65 20.86 24.35 37.85 26.10 28.74 15.98 18.25 24.98 25.86 23.88 18.66 20.89 23.28 28.66 18.79 21.92 24.53 29.22 35.73 41.29 20.88 18.62 25.86 17.91 22.18 27.14 32.83 25.86 23.25 28.46 32.87 24.06 29.10 34.89 24.06 24.06 23.28 25.86 9.78 14.86 14.92 9.46 16.45 11.02 16.45 17.99 19.54 19.54 12/5/2013 Page 7 of 10 99030 - Cashier 9.31 99050 - Desk Clerk 10.67 99095 - Embalmer . . 21.54 99251 Laboratory Animal Caretaker I 10.75 99252 - Laboratory Animal Caretaker II 11.86 99310 - Mortician 24.52 99410 Pest Controller 14.26 99510 - Photofinishing Worker 11,95 99710 - Recycling Laborer 15.31 99711 Recycling Specialist 19.30 99730 - Refuse Collector 13.33 99810 - Sales Clerk 12.58 99820 - School Crossing Guard 11.80 99830 - Survey Party Chief 18.42 99831 - Surveying Aide 11.12 99832 - Surveying Technician 16.78 99840 - Vending Machine Attendant 11.67 99841 Vending Machine Repairer 14.81 99842 - Vending Machine Repairer Helper 11.66 ALL OCCUPATIONS LISTED ABOVE RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: HEALTH WELFARE: Life, accident, and health insurance plans, sick leave, pension plans, civic and personal leave, severance pay, and savings and thrift plans. Minimum employer contributions costing an average of $3.81 per hour computed on the basis of all hours worked by service employees employed on the contract. VACATION: 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year of service with a contractor or successor; 3 weeks after 5 years, and 4 weeks after 15 years. Length of service includes the whole span of continuous service with the present contractor or successor, wherever employed, and with the predecessor contractors in the performance of similar work at the same Federal facility. (Reg. 29 CFR 4.173) HOLIDAYS: A minimum of ten paid holidays per year, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. (A contractor may substitute for any of the named holidays another day off with pay in accordance with a plan communicated to the employees involved.) (See 29 CFR 4174) THE OCCUPATIONS WHICH HAVE NUMBERED FOOTNOTES IN PARENTHESES RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING: 1) COMPUTER EMPLOYEES: Under the SCA at section this wage determination does not apply to any employee who individually qualifies as a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee as defined in 29 C.F.R. Part 541. Because most Computer System and Computer Programmers who are compensated at a rate not less than $27.63 (or on a salary or fee basis at a rate not less than $455 per week) an hour would likely qualify as exempt computer professionals, (29 C.F.R. 541. 400) wage rates may not be listed on this wage determination for all occupations within those job families. In addition, because this wage determination may not list a wage rate for some or all occupations within those job families if the survey data indicates that the prevailing wage rate for the occupation equals or exceeds $27.63 per hour conformances may be necessary for certain nonexempt employees. For example, if an individual employee is nonexempt but nevertheless performs duties within the scope of one of the Computer Systems Analyst or Computer Programmer MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033132 l2.txt 12/5/2013 Page 8 of 10 occupations for which this wage determination does not specify an SCA wage rate, then the wage rate for that employee must be conformed in accordance with the conformance procedures described in the conformance note included_on this wage determination. Additionally, because job titles vary widely and change quickly in the computer industry, job titles are not determinative of the application of the computer professional exemption. Therefore, the exemption applies only to computer employees who satisfy the compensation requirements and whose primary duty consists of: (1) The application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine hardware, software or system functional specifications; (2) The design, development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing or modification of computer systems or programs, including prototypes, based on and related to user or system design specifications; (3) The design, documentation, testing, creation or modification of computer programs related to machine operating systems; or (4) A combination of the aforementioned duties, the performance of which requires the same level of skills. (29 C.F.R. 541.400). 2) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND WEATHER OBSERVERS - NIGHT PAY SUNDAY PAY: If you work at night as part of a regular tour of duty, you will earn a night differential and receive an additional 10% of basic pay for any hours worked between 6pm and 6am. If you are a full-time employed (40 hours a week) and Sunday is part of your regularly scheduled workweek, you are paid at your rate of basic pay plus a Sunday premium of 25% of your basic rate for each hour of Sunday work which is not overtime occasional work on Sunday outside the normal tour of duty is considered overtime work). HAZARDOUS PAY DIFFERENTIAL: An 8 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a high degree of hazard when working with or in close proximity to ordinance, explosives, and incendiary materials. This includes work such as screening, blending, dying, mixing, and pressing of sensitive ordance, explosives, and pyrotechnic compositions such as lead azide, black powder and photoflash powder. All dry?house activities involving propellants or explosives. Demilitarization, modification, renovation, demolition, and maintenance operations on sensitive ordnance, explosives and incendiary materials. All operations involving regrading and cleaning of artillery ranges. A 4 percent differential is applicable to employees employed in a position that represents a low degree of hazard when working with, or in close proximity to ordance, (or employees possibly adjacent to) explosives and incendiary materials which involves potential injury such as laceration of hands, face, or arms of the employee engaged in the operation, irritation of the skin, minor burns and the like; minimal damage to immediate or adjacent work area or equipment being used. All operations involving, unloading, storage, and hauling of ordance, explosive, and incendiary ordnance material other than small arms ammunition. These differentials are only applicable to work that has been specifically designated by the agency for ordance, explosives, and incendiary material differential pay. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE If employees are required to wear uniforms in the performance of this contract (either by the terms of the Government contract, by the employer, by the state or local law, etc.), the cost of furnishing such uniforms and maintaining (by laundering or dry cleaning) such uniforms is an expense that may not be borne by an employee where such cost reduces the hourly rate below that required by the wage determination. The Department of Labor will accept payment in accordance with the following standards as compliance: MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033133 12.txt 12/5/2013 Page 9 of 10 The contractor or subcontractor is required to furnish all employees with an adequate number of uniforms without cost or to reimburse employees for the actual cost of the uniforms. In addition, where uniform cleaning and maintenance is made the responsibility of the employee, all contractors and subcontractors subject to this wage determination shall (in the absence of a bona fide collective bargaining agreement providing for a different amount, or the furnishing of contrary affirmative proof as to the actual cost), reimburse all employees for such cleaning and maintenance at a rate of $3.35 per week (or $.67 cents per day). However, in those instances where the uniforms furnished are made of "wash and wear" materials, may be routinely washed and dried with other personal garments, and do not require any special treatment such as dry cleaning, daily washing, or commercial laundering in order to meet the cleanliness or appearance standards set by the terms of the Government contract, by the contractor, by law, or by the nature of the work, there is no requirement that employees be reimbursed for uniform maintenance costs. The duties of employees under job titles listed are those described in the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations", Fifth Edition, April 2006, unless otherwise indicated. Copies of the Directory are available on the Internet. A links to the Directory may be found on the WHD home page at gov/esa/whd/ or through the Wage Determinations On-Line (WDOL) Web site at REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL CLASSIFICATION AND WAGE RATE {Standard Form 1444 (SF 1444)} Conformance Process: The contracting officer shall require that any class of service employee which is not listed herein and which is to be employed under the contract the work to be performed is not performed by any classification listed in the wage determination), be classified by the contractor so as to provide a reasonable relationship appropriate level of skill comparison) between such unlisted classifications and the classifications listed in the wage determination. Such conformed classes of employees shall be paid the monetary wages and furnished the fringe benefits as are determined. Such conforming process shall be initiated by the contractor prior to the performance of contract work by such unlisted class(es) of employees. The conformed classification, wage rate, and/or fringe benefits shall be retroactive to the commencement date of the contract. {See Section 4.6 When multiple wage determinations are included in a contract, a separate SF 1444 should be prepared for each wage determination to which a class(es) is to be conformed. The process for preparing a conformance request is as follows: 1) When preparing the bid, the contractor identifies the need for a conformed occupation(s) and computes a proposed rate(s). 2) After contract award, the contractor prepares a written report listing in order proposed classification title(s), a Federal grade equivalency (FGE) for each proposed classification(s), job description(s), and rationale for proposed wage rate(s), including information regarding the agreement or disagreement of the authorized representative of the employees involved, or where there is no authorized representative, the employees themselves. This report should be submitted to the contracting officer no later than 30 days after such unlisted class(es) of employees performs any contract work. 3) The contracting officer reviews the proposed action and submits a report of the action, together with the agency's recommendations and pertinent information including the position of the contractor and the employees, to the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, for review. (See section of Regulations 29 CFR Part 4). MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033134 12.txt 12/5/2013 Page 100f10 4) Within 30 days of receipt, the Wage and Hour Division approves, modifies, or disapproves the action via transmittal to the agency contracting officer, or notifies the contracting officer that additional time will be required to process the request. 5) The contracting officer transmits the Wage and Hour decision to the contractor. 76) The contractor informs the affected employees. Information required by the Regulations must be submitted on SF 1444 or bond paper. When preparing a conformance request, the "Service Contract Act Directory of Occupations" (the Directory) should be used to compare job definitions to insure that duties requested are not performed by a classification already listed in the wage determination. Remember, it is not the job title, but the required tasks that determine whether a class is included in an established wage determination. Conformances may not be used to artificially split, combine,'or subdivide classifications listed in the wage determination. MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033135 12.txt 12/5/2013 . BATON FL 334900242- AMENDMENT or soumAnoumommAnon OF comucr' 0:965? . 1 13 - - HO. mono. 5; PROJEGTNO. (0W 4200004 03/01/2010 I - CODE ICE/m/bc_nc CODE -ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/De?ant Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC '_Immigrati0n and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW its 910 Washington DC 20536 GEO GROUP INC THE _6_21 rm 53RD ST STE 700 1M OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 100. omen (SEE ITEM 13) "6?95 6127064 650000 04/22/200 9 I .. . [1500mm I ?mm iz mummy?) See Schedule 1s. mnmouwm?a?m newsman as mum 00 053002050 In men '14. -. . amimma RED 0mm CHANGES - ?543.1th fair 43.10300} 0 52.217-9 endearth mm Elam. 1 momentum. -Z 11.0530me oumennmawmonmxnori (Wows; S's-0500 ?ames. mm) . Contract specialist: DUNS mummy: 5127064 65 .AL ta mate COTR: .cozitracting Officer: The-purpoao'of this modification is 'to exercise option period one effective March 1; 2010 I through February 28, 2011. This is to be done under the authority of FAR 52.217?9 "Option to-Extend the Term- of the Contract". - - '?o?itinued . . . - 1 We Pmsl'dant. ContraclsAdministtaImn Pal-In A ucuuwup. ?th . 15c: . a?rmnmo FORM mm. was} mmuxam - PM ('40 cm: 5334: - . .- snai?abo? ;nc'rn3' "f '3'11' - jx?yV? for: Ugmr?nEZQi'I; who contractor.mu3t notify contracting '02fice:_in writing with.thirty (30) days after '?laimad under the Phir_Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Act Price Adjustments Yea; andonti'on contracts) .. Any E;in?raase claimed Shall ha initiatad'by Submitting A- engage?xtgp 1001 to zandia :Guaran?e?d.Minihhm: Item 1003 to' cage: proposal, along with datailed doc?mgntatipn in gpqOrdance with the -2_9t?vialona of FAR 52,222r43. v- .The attached wage determinatipn number 2005-2112 :aviaian number 9 dated applies. a shown .rrqductKSarvica I GUHRD SERVICES change Item 1002 to read as follquatamgunt shown - - H, . ?ef?ode:. $295? read as 1:8: mm, .. I ?1 cv??n:szavrdas- reams. ?9116.? {m?nc shown the-total amount): :33 .. Tr?h?POft?tibh ftd?'fh?ility to various Incatiohs I ?a?IFQFixed by the Perfbg?ance Stgtament_; - '73'Prqduct/ServiCQ SERvIcns - sacs prod ct/sar?ica Ded?riptidn: GUARD SERVICES MARCH i - REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED MARCH 2015' 1052012F01A03030.0033138 . . PAGE OF HSCEDMI-O94D-00.0067P00004 3 I 13 Ma?ommcm GEO-GROUP me ma mm. - numrmr n' umr?mca mount - (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Change Item 1006. to read as; followmamount shown is the total amount) 1006 (in-Call Post Hours - Product/Service Code; 8206 - I Product/"Service Description: GUARD SERVICES . I Whit-EA ar-~ . $72? .113if1:62:21 2393?9?r36?ua43?9w2?5512}: ?gZ?it~t $31-19 . I-t-t?tgo ~53 33f"?3"?2 .3: u" 3; :5 2 71:27:: irrf arm :5f 71-1: ?mafi- 1: i2 5 ?9 5:951.- gum: gamma: :anraota?bwz ?9331453373 asp 'U?sad?a-rsgx?raxqsf :917'2- 1? 333 3789131510- airman?: ia ..7 4 . .JsJi 5:5. 5: it? 3?1 tom: l3: . soozlhof?o ?9 Eolpan?bd lgargag; aw :?iagi 5:5: fr: 1 jgsrapse Motor Y?hiql? 361:9; vehicle actual-93am: we Mbto: Equ??hane uh: I ?_jf f75177 ff .. Matozg'Vehi?cfle; . Mator'Ve'hiqleuwx?e?R?r I '3'1 053129 ?Autouio?ivjei . . 59153107151139 Repairer?" holsteryj ngrk'gg?c - Wet - 315:5? . . .. Cook I 5 7?7; -r :ffCOOk i 07219 .u pa.- m? I fT? i:m; I . - I 75 ?ffinc? :st?i.f* .5 zytie-' - Slgyathpop?ra?or?firi? :Ezi??xdenen: . . . . 1:13: -- Y??ht8153yvi?hi?tm. 2.7 :{ij ?5 3 r' 1 F?icens?diPracticalumnz?ee - ;gg?;i . ?f7C;:7ff 5. g_x .y~ff7 :3 ii i' it. 52:1223z241Nuxsin? .ij tj?f.7f ?Zii;41f?TE?if?1 <7 a: . ??:1222? ,jg"x1}? vw 3" - A - ?I-w . 71??30 PhlebOtOMi?? 4'571f3 ?12 .5mumujiq; -. 7 :75g?egi?tere?i?ut?? 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Leave; 3* $3.933; pg: . r??k?'i?mriSimm- ea?ndratszw?exa-iiartenz yam-v ., pr: guc?q??is-sgmikherevgr .prgde?c?sso: 9'55? iegtgg?gm?zj?mm.39? f?edetal' taunts- i- meg. 2.9 :cEiR: ?55 h? - . 23m compensate; not flesh mees-sionalsp c.5332: 541:; - ens *?thii?ffth?s? ??I~n?additigm~i :Qg?mn?ntatiqm-_ analysi?gs, f'cgga?ipntl gigncm .. . .. .. . 1 the; Le?elif?fiiskipaz; 5d?@??fd?sa?h??b?d?re .- usz?o?rag :??iinbiinati?n hf: ?i?hengorgmentman duti?si 7 :m?mm? 'co?ir?omasf ;ossaavsas -: Part twenty-- 1.135: 7 Wm. miffh??rkgen :mcitica-l; $951 smaterial ??iff?ien NIGHT 6 .SDNDAY PAY: that-v: a "night; differ? ??ff?i?nt?alui?aappuc?hrgang a :lei?f E: fi ia??upt??ihgj'bfgb?hgitjgvez. . A I #183?! halal?hqi?i'zide, 313.1491: ?duciary}; 7 I idemcpligign, and pang gnancjei . incendiary :mgt'eziaiag i- 9 . . 2 face." or any; rofjtheni I?j .irritatign. of the .. If ?i?i-SPay: . mending. 1:79 ?zda?mine, 'haiquare,? functionalopezatiansitu13ii73'" mums-.2 operations? -- ?date: .3 3:521; yiaesignated.:byitnegayency; ?91?jf7 . . fry; - 53?i?f?19537?1?5?5iismatarianggomje;gamma; - ?v mt..?m?7in?th9?99ff9rm?nce of contract~m ?32 6f ?the: mutant, by :?hei??plai?tl bythe stait? or]? I ?th?1?93t??izfnmishinqsuchi unifbm's and maintaining (by .j 2' ?l?a?ingl is an expense that may not besb?rne by ?n71? if.L?' :"hgze 90s? 139919??iithe?h?u?fif?te 594% that re?nif?d; g1? j; 1:53;" The: ain'atceptega?dieht 4n: I 7= .1 g; an mploye?s?ith . . . 4 z: numbar' tq' for: the. :a?ct'ua'; a, addition;:Whex? uniqum ckeaning and maint?nan?9 i: 2'59 ?Swmb??ity? 3015713? natives; an c??tx?ctogs??; I for such waterialau may . - - - such? - Ewell-find :th?giitlie??lin?a cha?ng? ?da?rwashingx. or Were-rial j: .3 3; 8 set, byway:an toy. by m'j'gyjn?aturgz' - ihgz?a?i?i? described in the . 5- 1 :25: .V 55: . CO?19131fP??thg ?Dlt?dthY?are available: j: . was" baiifomi?onitbbf wan :hoihegipagg at: 33 g; .. 9?1999131'715 Trousean i .. . -- w?g that anv?claas-Of nbg?liate?dhemgn "and: Which-18:" ?33 under contract 1, 5 1' '1 hot; per?ognedkb :Iiis?true-dr in. "agre- 1. d?tgFFi?ati??li the d?ntgactq;?ab as tqurovid?3? .. - 14:: .5 ?i??afb?ne??s; as . are: mum - -- w~.m.Jw 99?~5 Such proce?s-?hall be initiated byj, $33.35? tithe ??ntracti unlisted. - momma: was: 31mm, - w- fbi ??ch Maya geteiwin?tib? g?#whigh ??g1asglegy'1? t6 b3;g :5 Mn": m- f?jf?? -- 3 r; Egg: the need an conformed . .. 'i - . . f??exafii' g?ade~~equivawncy mm - A -. .. .359559?Tsk??i?g?twmmusigb the a azwritten .1:er This shouldlate; than 30?daysiaft?r such unlisted employees gva?lzrt I. ac?ibnfanaf?xpm?tly:subm ?37 E?rt 30" 9:2?F?991ptifith?: W399 aqdi?oqr ?iajtgangmitthi tq.th? agency ?ontg??g?hg cggicggi;or ?a?di??ion?r unaware-gum: 36) Ini?f?sti?h r??uif?g bi 3?9?1?ti?na?n?st or -. 3 - a?claa? is In i9 ta: $399 ?et??minatigp,g .fj*f-Ql; g; 3 p7; - 5 gr: AMENDMENT OF SOUCITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1. CONTRACT ID CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 1 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 07/021?2010 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REG. NO. 5 PROJECTNO {If WIOGDSE) 5 ISSUED BY CODE 1' :31; DC ICE/Drama: Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 ADMINISTERED an'rromsrman Item a; cone Dc ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Custams Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 mm Washington DI. 0536 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR {Na . m, candy. 3m ?1125? Cad!) GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 538D ST STE 700 FL 334878942 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO 33. DATED (SEE ITEM 1 f) 3m. MODIFICATION OF N0. ASCEDM-O 6 103. DATED (SEE ITEM CODE 6127064650000 FAWWCODE 11. ms ITEM ONLY 31119 above numbered substation is amended as 691 forth In Item 1-1. Th?: mar and date spacI?ed for receipt of Orion is cxle?ded. lies ncI uIerc'ed O?m must recaipI of mm amondmorll prior to the hour and daze spa-?ied In the sanitation or as amended, byonc of the: mdhodS? In) By mmpIeIan lam: 8 aod15,and um:th 0! mo By acknowledging recap! OI this amendnani on each copy of the one; wbmiitcd, nr momma Inner at Iebgram Includes a to the salt-Italian and amondmarl numbus. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by wtue of Ih'ui you desire to after nlxcady submitted. such change may bu made by telegram 0: mm: ptavdod ouch leleuram or Ieltct makes reference In Iho michalian and {his omenumcnl. and :5 received print to I31: opening how and dam spaci?od ?12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA ("reamde Sec Schedu 1 13. TEES "Elk ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIDRDERS. IT HODIFJES THE CONIRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEIJ A. n-ns CHANGE omen IS ISSUED PURSUANT {Specify au?wnm THE CHANGES ser FORIH In new 14 ARE MADE IN THE comma ORDER NO. IN ITEM 1% 8 THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER I5 MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {sum as dianges in pajn'nqo?ice. approme date, are; SET FORTH ITEM 14. PURSUANT To IHE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.1mm c. was SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT To AUTHORITY OF D. OTHER ['3de rype of modm'mhm and athonIy) far 43.10303) E. IMPORTANT: 0mm {Eis no! [3&5 realm to sign this document and ?cum copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized Dr UCF $809021 Modems. Inducan subfacf matter where feasbie DUNS Number: 612706465 Com 9541mm?ch Alternate COTR: Alternate COTE: The purpose of this modification is to add Philip Baglio as an alternate CDTR on this contract. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to Except as pnvided herein an terms amicandi?an: of the dowman: reieranaed in Item 9A or ?m as heretofore changed. rcmam unchanged and In fun force and man. 156. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Typo af?rm!) rInI') 15B. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR :sc DATE SIGNED ".s'umadredm my 160. DA SIGN 7? 01 Pmva eddion Lmusd?e MARCH '20 If? ICE2012FOIA0303O 0033149 STANDARD FORM 30 10-83} by GSA FAQ :48 CFR) 53.243 . . 2 . mum OF SOUGIYATIOWODIFICATION OF no. ass-rem one P004137 01/134010 0. $8083? 3008 xcs/m/Dc-oc mmom ("mm Hand) 000E IICB [w ICE/Datum Mngt/Datent contracts-Dc ICE/Decent ?nch/Datent: Contacts-Dc Migration and Customs Enforcement migration and customs Enfomzement. Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acqgisition Management: 801 I Street: NW, Suite 910 801 1 Street . ha 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn. GEO 00.009 me was 621 531m 8? stat 700 300A amen 91. 334978242 5?05 6127064650000 manna-u. 015mm monumwm [by '62. WA Mqu See Schedule . .. . Hum macaw no.? mammalian. 1mm" 2/ gimme macaw pmm: magnum?; . 0 ERISMWIEO ?may. Q1 Eat 0mm Elam. . DUNS Number: 612706465 Alternate 0009.. Alternate com: The purpose of this modification is to add on a our: for the expansion of EOIR administrative space at: the Broward facility per: the attached drawings and statement of work. Funding will be provided task orde: 160. DATE 018N210 1. mama 00m an 025v. may (40 cm 53.243 . MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033150 - .. l'Ioa - I [Ganglion INC. THE mac. - . surmeussm aumrm um unapch mow-r .. (B) (D) (E) (E) All. other terms End'conditions remain the am- Period of E?rfourmnce: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Add" Item 100'? ad follows: 100.7._ Expansion of EOI-R administrative space at Broward Transitional center obligated: Amount: $0.00 - Code: .5206 Product/Service DeBCri'pti'on: GUARD SERVICES inccgiqnting Info: - :Eunded: $0.09 - .- 'm?cmaugm) WWGM. . mecmum MARCH 2015IICE2012FOIA03030.0033151 Fen GE-?l?e? . j61Sgl??zoazmm?wsoidd??i$2 ??ieeo?roebsu?dquzgg} 9m; Baum 1. CONTRACT ID CODE PAGE OF PAGES AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT I 3 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REQ. NO. 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION NO. 5. PROJECT NO. (Ifopp?ceble) 08/02/2010 5. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY (irotherthan Item 6) . CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Manaement 801 I Street NW Su? .- a: Washington DC 2053 6 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No, street. cow-try. Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 103. DATED ITEM 13) 0 4 /22/2009 6127064650000 CODE ONLY APPLIES To AMI-mom T5 0 CITATIDNS [j The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers 1] is extended. Cite not extended Offers must admowiedgc receipt of this amendment prior to the Wood date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the methods: (at By completing Items I5 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment to] By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the otter submitted; or By separate letter or Ieiegrern which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECIION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submmed. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or Ietter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received pn?orto the open'ng hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {Ifreqm'md} See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES To MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER ND. As DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: {Specter authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE we CONTRACT ORDER NO. 1N ITEM 10A B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (sum as changes In paying of?ce, appropdahoa date. Bic.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10303). 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER {.9ch type of moa?cation end authorihri E. Contractor- :Ejs not. is required to Sign this document and return copies to the Issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings. i'no?uc?ng adoration/contract when: matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 saw-manor)th Alternate COTR: 305-207? I Alternate Alternate COTR: 305?207??uE The purpose of this modification is to do the following: 'as an additional COTR on this contract. 2. Update the invoice payment address as noted below. Continued Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced 'n item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and 5 Itect. 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn?ni) '3 i print) 158. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED 160. DATE SIGNED ?/J/xo {Sim-rem o?pomon annotated to sign) NSN 7540-01-1 52-8070 STANDARD FORM 30 . Previous edition unusable (REV 10-83) Prescrde by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033154 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 2 NAMEOFOHERORORCONHUETOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM No. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Contractors, please use these procedures when you submit an invoice for all acquisitions emanating from 1. In accordance with Section G, Contract Administration Data, invoices shall now be submitted via one of the following three methods: a. By mail: DHS, ICE Burlington Finance Center P.O. Box 1620 williston, VT 05495?1620 Attn: b. By facsimile (fax) at: 802?288?7658 (include a cover sheet with point of contact of pages) c. By e?mail at: Invoices submitted by other than these three methods will be returned. Contractor Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration prior to award and shall be notated on every invoice submitted to The ICE program office identified in the delivery order/contract shall also be notated on every invoiCe. 2. In accordance with Section I, Contract Clauses, FAR 52.212?4 Contract Terms and Conditions, Commercial Items, or FAR 52.232?25 Prompt Payment, as applicable, the information required with each invoice submission is as follows: An invoice must include: Name and address of the Contractor; (ii) Invoice date and number; Contract number, contract line item number and, if applicable, the order number; (iv) Description, quantity, unit_of meaSure, unit price and extended price of the items delivered; Continued .. NSN FORM :35 (4-53} . Sponsored by GSA MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033155 FARM CFRJ53110 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED . PAGE OF SHEET . 3 I 3 . NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM no. SUPPLIESISERVICES cum UNIT . unrr PRICE AMOUNT . (A) (B) (C) (D) (F) Shipping number and date of shipment, including the bill of lading number and weight of shipment if shipped_on Government bill of lading;? (vi) Terms of any discount for prompt payment offered; (vii) Name and address of official to who payment is to be sent; Name, title, and phone number of person to 'notify in event of defective invoice; and (ix) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The Contractor shall include its TIN on the invoice only if-required elsewhere in this contract. (See paragraph 1 above.) A(x) Electronic funds transfer (EFT) banking information. - (A) The Contractor shall include EFT banking information on the invoice only if required elsewhere in this contract.. (B) If EFT banking information is not required to be on the invoice, in order fer the invoice to be. a proper invoice, the Contractor shall have' submitted correct EFT banking information in accordance with the applicable solicitation provision, contract clause 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer; Central Contractor Registration, or 52.232-34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer; Other Contractor Registration), or applicable agency procedures. . (C) EFT banking information is not required if the Government waived the requirement to pay by EFT. Invoices without the above may be returned for resubmisSion. - 3. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Receiving Officer/COTR: Each Program Office is responsible for acceptance and receipt of goods - and/or services. Upon receipt of goods/services, complete the applicable FFMS reports or DEC will- not process the payment. mwmmeGak MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033156 - FAR (43 cm) 63.110 maime or or CONTRACT Wm? FEE 07"? 1 2 NO. DATE 4.. MUEWOHPURCWE N0. 5. PROJECT H0. {ladybug 900009 00/02/2010 a mum 5? com: ICE/muncmc 7. minisreasn minimum has) ICE/Detont Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Emigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 0?95 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detant Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 GEO GROUP INC THE 621. NW 53RD-ST STE 700 BOCA FL 334878242 wauxmd?i??auiu 1m. mama so. wean-reignite?! i3} 3?05 6121064650000 Wmmwas mun wummononomor-?Fm ?by blonperI-da?imah?rmm ?omsal??l?m'idtdmiu labor-min FAILURE OFYOURM THEPLAGE DESIGNATED FOR OFFERS DATE SPECIFIED HAY RE mangomaybomwobytelammw 04/22/2009 11.1mm? Sea Schedule him 13+ 0F mam NEWER DESCRIBED II 1L ITEM 1M mm: mm mm) 8.11% ABMWERED (DROE 1'3 IEDTOREFLEO CONTRACT WT TTHEADH 0. omen (war mm FAR 43.103 eimmn: cum 612706465 (mm Swim i. (bid DUNS Humberf Alternate COTE: Alternate COTE: Alternate 6. 7 bimi i 305m 305?207- Dbcol. The purpose of this modification is to amend the Performance Requiremmt Sumner-y (PBS) of the contract to include deductions along with withholdings as possible actions from Contractor Discrepancy Reports being issued by the com. An updated P113 is'attached with the changes noted in italics. Continued . . mum ca Presinani. Contracts Administration - .. This {no a; /0 aimunuurmaomav. 1033f Why 635 PM my? 1-17 In.) [ULl?u [1.1 VI: Iv Attachment A- Performance Requlrements Summary FUNCTIONAL WEIGHT Performance Based National Detention Standards, PWS, ICE Standar?1?_ PERFORMANCE MEASURE . METHOD or SURVEILLANCE ACCEPTABLE . QUALITY LEVEL WITHIIOLDING AND DEDUCTION CRITERIA Administration and Management - (Addresses contractor responsibilities to administer and manage the facility in a professional and responsible manner consistent with legal requirements) References: l. Detention Files 2. News Media Interviews and Tours. 3. Sta? Training 4. Transfer of Detainees- 5. De?nitions Section References: SOW references: 1) I: Introduction; 2) H: General - Requiremts (except division 3) Personnel; 4) IV: Background and Clearance Procedures; 5) V: Training; 6) VI-A: Manage . Information System for Collecting, Retrieving, Storing and Reporting Detainee - Information; 7) VI-I: Collect and Disseminate Intelligence Information; 8) VI-L: Manage Computer Equipment and Services in Accordance with all Performance measures are reflected in the monitoring instrument that accompanies each standard or in the supplemental performance . monitoring tool issued by the COTR 0 Annual review of facility using Detention Management Comml Program (DMCP) procedures and based upon the performance standard 0 Periodic reviews in accordance with the attached performance monitoring tool 0 review of corrective action plan results 0 Ad-hoc reviews as needed 0 CDRs Performance fully complies with all elements of standard at a level no less than acceptable (see Section 6 of the QASP) A rating of De?cient on any three of the standards will result in up to 10% withholding - or deduction in the invoiced per-diam day rate until compliance with the standard is established A rating of At-Risk on any of the standards will result in up to 10% withholding or deduction in the invoiced per-diem day rate until compliance with the standard is established MARCH 2015 ICEZO12FOIA03030.0033159 128 WITHHOLDIN AND 5 Performance Based . ACCEPTABLE FUNCTIONAL I National Detention PERFORMANCE I METHOD OF- QUALITY LEVEL DEDUCTION CRITERIA WEIGHT Standards, PWS, MEASURE SURVEILLANCE - . .r ICE Standards Operational Security Requirements; 9) VII-O: Intelligence Illfonnation; 1?0) VII-P: Lost and Found; 11) VII-U: Protection of Employees; . 12) XII-D: Manage and Maintain a Commissary; l3) XII-G: Physical Plant; 14) Property Accountability. - - References: Performance measures 0 review of corrective Performance A rating of De?cient on an Fac'l'ty Security and 1. Admission and are re?ected in the action plan results. complies with all two ofthe standards will reth control Release monitoring instrument 0 Ad.hoc reviews as needed elements of standard at a in up to 20% withholding or (2 0% 2. Classi?cation - that accompanies each . CD115 level no less than deduction in the System standard or in' the . Review ofservice pmvider's acceptable (see Section invoiced per-diem day rate . 3. Contraband . supplemental quality control progam 6 of the QASP) nntileompliance with the (Adresses- protect the community, 4. Facility Security . monimn?ng reports and output standard is established Su?; conmors? 01mm and and Control monltorlng tool issued detainees 50m hm) 5. Funds and by the com Arating ofAt-Risk on any ot? Personal Property the standards will result in up8 6. Hold Rooms in Annual of to 20% withholding or Detention Facillties faculty usmg deduction in the 8 7. Key and Lock Detentlon . invoiced per-diem day rate Control . Management Control until compliance with the 8. Population Counts Program (DMCP) standard is established 8 - 9. Post Orders procedures and based 7 10. Searches of upon the performance 8 Detainees. standard . 8 i 11. Sexual Abuse A :3 and Assault Periodic reviews in Prevention and accordance with the Intervention contract performance 2 12. Special monitoring?? (see 129 FUNCTIONAL WEIGHT Performance Based - National Detention Standards, PWS, ICE Standards. PERFORMANCE MEASURE METHOD OF SURVEILLANCE ACCEPTABLE QUALITY LEVEL WI AND DEDUCTION CRITERIA Management Units 13. Su?-Detainee Communication 14. Tool Control 15. Use ofForce and Restraints . PWS Section References: l) VI-B: Manage the Receiving and Discharge of Detainees; 2) VI-C: Manage and Account for Detainee Assets (funds, property); - 3) VI-D: Securely Operate the Facility; 4) VI-E: Establish and Maintain a Program for the Prevention of Sexual AbuseJAssault; 5) VI-H: Maintain Detainee Accountability; 6) VI-J: Provide Security Inspection System; 7) VII-A: Security and Control (General); 8) VII-B: Unauthorized Access; - 9) VII-C: Direct Supervision of Detainees; 10) Log Books; attached) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033161 130" FUNCTIONAL WEIGHT Performance Based National Detention Standards, PWS, ICE Standards PERFORMANCE MEASURE METHOD OF SURVEILLANCE ACCEPTABLE QUALITY LEVEL WITHHOLDING AND DEDUCHON CRITERIA ll) VII-B: Records and Reports; 12) VII-F: Detainee Counts; 5 13) VII-G: Daily Inspections; l4) VII-H: Control . ofConnaband; 15) Keys and Access Control Devices; 16) VII-K: Post Orders; 17) VII-L: Deviation from Prescribed Schedule Assignments; 18) VII-M: Use of Force Policy; 19) VII-N: Use of Restraint Policy; 20) VII-Q: Escapes; 21) XIV: Firearms Body Armor Detainee Activities (Addresses contractor responsibilities to reduce the negative effects of con?nement) References: l. CorreSpondence and other Mail 2. Escorted Trips for . Non-Medical Emergencies 3. Marriage Requests 4. Mon 5. Religious Practices 6. Telephone Access 7. Visitation . 8. Volimtary Work Program PWS Section References: l) lX- Manage a Performance measures are re?ected in the monitoring instrument that accompanies each standard or in the supplemental performance monitoring tool issued by the COTR oAnnual review of facility using Detention Management Control Program (DMCP) procedures and based upon the performance standard - 0 Periodic reviews in accordance with the contract performance monitoring tool (see attached) 0 review of corrective action plan results. - Ari-hoe reviews as needed 0 Review of service provider?s quality control program monitoring reports Performance fully complies with all elements of standard at a level no less than acceptable (see Section 6 of the QASP) A rating of De?cient on any three of the standards will result in up to 10% withhold or deduction in the invoiced per-diem day rate until compliance with the standard is established IA03030.0033 g2 A rating of At-Risk on any 019. the standards will result in upg to 10% withholding or deduction in the invoiced per-diem day rate until compliance with the standard is established MARCH 2015 ICE2 131 i Performance Based ACCEPTABLE . WITHHOLDINGAND FUNCTIONAL National Detention PERFORMANCE METHOD OF A QUALITY LEVEL DEDUCTION CRITERIA WEIGHT. Standards, PWS, MEASURE SURVEILLANCE - ICE Standards Detainee Work Program; A . 2) XII-B: Manage Multi- Denominational Religious Service Program; 3) XII-C: Provide for a Detainee Recreation Program; 4) XII-E: Manage and Maintain a Detainee Telephone System. References: Performance measures . Annual review of fac?i ?sin Performance fully A rating of De?cient on any Safety Standards 1. Emergency Plans arere?ected inlhe Detention Mmgememty complies with all two ofthe standards will result (1 2. Environmental monitoring instrument (30111101 From (DMCP) . elements of standard at a in up to 15% withholding or Health and Safety that accompanies each procedures and based upon the level no less than deduction in the venue-W meant? for sta?? volunteers contractors and rewews ?comm? -m . a . performance with the attached ?romance standard is established dem?ne??s) - PWS Section monitoring tool issued monitoring tool . - action plan results 0 . . . up Transportation only . to 15 /o or 2) VI-K: Maintain 'Ad'lm revwwsasneeded deduc?oninthe Institutional invoiced per-diam day rate 8 Emergency 1th compliance with the 8 standard is established - ontro to Chicals; 4) VII-S: Evacuation 8 Plans. Detainee Legal 1. Detainee Performance measures 0 Annual review of facility using Performance A ratmg ofDe?cient on any (.3 Handbook are re?ected in the Detention Mmagemmt complies with all two of the standards Will nesult?.? Resources 2. Grievance System monitoring instrument Control Program (DMCP) elements of standard at a in up to 15% withholding or 8 3, Law Libraries and that accompanies each procedures and based upon the level no less than deduction in the 5 Legal standard or the performance standard acceptable (see Section invoiced per-diam day rate . 4. Legal Rights supplemental . periodic reviews in accordance 6 of the QASP) until compliance with the . 132 Performance Based . ACCEPTABLE AND FUNCTIONAL National Detention PERFORMANCE METHOD OF QUALITY LEVEL . DEDUCHONCRITERIA WEIGHT Standards, PWS, MEASURE SURVEILLANCE ICE Standards - . (Addresses contractor Group Presentations . performance with the attached performance standard is established to treat detainees fairly and respect monitoring tool issued . monitoring tool thCil' legal PWS Section by the review of corrective A 0f AtfRiSk on any of References: action pIan results the will result in up I) XII-F2. Law . reviews as needed to 15% or Library. . CDRS deduction in the invoiced per-diam day rate until compliance with the a standard is established Detainee Care 1. Food Service Performance measures 0 Annual review of facility using Performance fully A rating of De?cient on any of 2. Hunger Strike are re?ected in the Detention Management complies with all the standards will result in up 3.7 Medical Care monitoring instrument Control Program (DCMP) elements ofstandard ata to 20% withholding or - 4. Personal Hygiene that accompanies each procedures and based upon the level no less than deduction in the 5. Suicide Prevention standard or in the performance standard acceptable (see Section invoiced per-diem day rate (Addresies and Intervention supplemental .pergodic 6 ofthe QASP) until compliance with the 91'0"? f?r the has": n?feds-and 6. Terminal Illness, performance with the attached performance standard is established. Perm? m?fd?m?? Advanced Directives, monitoring tool issued monitoring tool . . and Death by the COTR Momhly review of corrective A 0f At-Risk on any of PWS Section action plan results. the standards will result in up References; 0 Ad-hoc reviews as needed 1 to 20% 0" l) II-N: Housing, . deduction in the Health, and Medical . invoiced per-diam day rate Can: Only; until compliance with the 2) VI-F: Establish standard is established. and Maintain a Program for Suicide Prevention and - Intervention 8 3) VII-T: Injury, 8 Illness, and Reports; . 8 4) VII-V: Medical - Requests: 3 5) VII-W: 8 Emergency Medical Evacuation; 6) VII-X: Detainee 9 Death or Injury; 53 7) VII-Y: Sanitation a and Hygienic Living :2 Conditions; 2 8) x: Health . 133 . Performance Based . . ACCEPTABLE WITHI-IOLDING AND FUNCTIONAL National Detention PERFORMANCE METHOD OF QUALITY LEVEL DEDUCHON CRITERIA WEIGHT Standards, PWS, MEASURE SURVEILLANCE ICE Standards Services; 9) Xl: Food- Services; 10) XII-A: Manage Detainee Clothing, - Linens, andBeddingr. Order References: Performance measures 0 Annual review of facility using Performance fully A rating of De?cient on any I 1. Disciplinary are re?ected in the Detention Management complies with all three ofthe standards will System monitoring instrument Control Program (DMCP) elements ofstandardata result in up to 10% withholding that accompanies each procedures and based upon the level no less than or deduction in the A . PWS Section standard or in the erformance standard acceptable (see Section invoiced per-client day rate (Aqdreises ??nua?t?r m?P?ns'b?my, to References: supplemental gel-tom reviews in accordance 6 of the QASP) until compliance with the manual? an l) Enforce the performance with the attached performance standard is established - clear expectations of behavior and Detainee . monitoring tool issued monitoring tool ?Stems 0f munmb'l'm Disciplinary System; by the COTR . Mommy review of corrective A rating of At-Risk on any of 2) Detainee . action pm results the standards will result in up Rights, Rules, . Adm?, reviews as needed to 10% withholding or Discipline, and a . CDRS deduction in the Privileges. invoiced per-diam day rate until compliance with the standard is established 134' MARCH 2015 .The'following is a breakdown of the percentage amounts that will be withheld or deducted for each functional area for offense through 41h offense in de?cient and .at-risk. As stated in the withholding and deduction criteria, no more than the. total weight for each, ?mctional area (for example 10% for Administration and Management) will be withheld or deducted on a invoiced per diem day rate. The offenses will be recorded on a 12 month . basis. De?cient 2ml O?'ense. 3m Offense 4tn Offense Administration Management 2.50%- 5.00% .7 .50% 10.00% Facility Security Control 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% . Detainee Activities 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% . Safety Standards 3.75% 7.50% - 10.25% 15.00% Detainee Legal Resources 3.75% 7.50% 10.25% - 15.00% Detainee Care 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% - Order 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% At-Risk . ISTO?'ense 2n??0ffense Offense WE Offense Administrationchanagement 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% Facility Security Control . 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% Detainee Activities 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% Safety Standards 3.75% 7.50% 10.25% 15.00% Detainee Legal Resources 3.75% 7.50% 10.25% 15.00% Detainee Care - 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% Order 2.50% 5.00% 7.50% 10.00% MARCH 2015 135 soucn?momconmcmaom FOR COMMERCIAL ITEM PAGE . 1 I 1621ang mum ms . . 04/01/2009 i - 01/28/2009 7. FOR manna" . DIELEPHONE men Mammals) =(be6: tax-mm): 2021155? 1,0151 ES a. 1mm - cooE . . WWI-anon Gunman: ?on: ICE/Detent Mngt/Detcnt Contracts?DC . Immigration and Customs Enforcement Dam-m5? Office of Acquisition Management . 801 I Street NW, suite 910 [3335? um?? Washington DC 20536 13mm Dam - 11. amavaonmawnua-_ 12 nmoourrmu manning Net 30 Elm mu ME mom u. METHOD 06? soucrranou - Bum? I Elmo DEB Earp - 15. Dam onus mamms?z??v? CODE Broward County Transitional Center 3900 N. Powerline Road Penman-:0 Beach FL 33073 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detant Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 80113 ODD: WENT A :m I (6127064650000, cowl in? GEO GROUP INC THE DHS, ICE 621 NW .5311!) ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334873242 Attn: Burlington Finance Center P.0. Box 1520 ICE-DRO-FOD-EMI Williston?VT 054954.162!) Boo-Fm memo. I . - scrim . mam - . . to, 3? 3" 22. 21.? 22. '21 - 2i; . mm. qtmm?rv mar . Mfr-mas mum DUNS Number: 612706465 COTE: . . 954- Alternate COTE: 5- Contract Specialist: Contracting Officer: Wm 30 902- This is a contract to obtain the use of a 'oontractidetgntion facility in 'Broward County, Florida. Contractor shall provide'non?personal services according to the contract?a (Use Rem anq?brAh?adI Add?anal Sheefs as Nmry} L: 25. ACCOWTING AND DAT :1 10m AWARD moum' (Fa 6M Us. paw "See schedule . - . . El 27a SOLICITATION LNCORPORATES BY REFERENCE Fm 52212-1. 51212.4. ran 52212.3 mm .2125 ARE ADDEHDA - [3 ms ARE 2711 comcmuncma onoEa IHCORPORATES BY REFERENCE FAR 522124 FAR 52.212-5 ISATTACHED. ADDEKDA ARE [3 ARE NOT ATTACHED. Das?oumcmus REQUIRED roster: THIS noowsmmo mun" . . comes TO omca communal-23 FURNISH m3 DELIVER AU. mews serrom on omE'RmsE 1'50me oummnmom 29. AWARD OF CONTRACT REF. INCLUDIHGAHYADDIUONS OR ammo I I OFFER . YOUR oEFanu E8 WHICH ARE SET FORTH 5L snags sumac? TO THETERMS mo commons SPECIFIED HEREIN. 7w mumzu run we?. REPRODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION l8 MT USABLE MARCH 2015 we) 3' 3. DATE SIGNED ~07- STANDARD FORM 14-19 (REV. 312055) Pruedbodhy mu 2 of 162 19. . 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ITEM NO. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIESISERVICES QUMTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT - requirements, a secure existing-residential facility, including all labor, materials and equipment necessary to operate and maintain a secure'tempdrary residential care facility for an estimated maximum of 700 non?criminal adult detainees. Funding will be provided on subsequent task orders. Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 '0001 Guaranteed Minimum Product/Service Code: 3206 0002 Product/Service Code: 3206 0003 Product/Service Code: 3206 0004 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by thelPerformance Work Statement Product/Service Code: 5206 0005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages Product/Service Code: 5206 0006_ On-Call Post Hours Product/Service Code: 8206 Continued 32a QUANTITY IN COLUMN HAS BEEN RECEIVED El INSPECTED ACCEPTED. AND consume. TO THE CONTRACT, EXCEPT as NOTED: 32b. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED I 32c. DATE 326. PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 32a. MAILING ADDRESS OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 321. ITEEPHONE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 329. EMAIL OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 33. SHIP NUMBER 34. VOUCHER NUMBER [j PARTIAL FINAL 35. AMOU NT VERIFIED CORRECT FOR 36. PAYMENT COMPLETE El PARTIAL [3 FINAL CHECK NUMBER 38. SIR ACCOUNT NUMBER 39. SIR VOUCHER NUMBER 4o. PAID 41a. I CERTIFY THIS ACCOUNT IS CORRECT AND PROPER FOR PAYMENT 42a. RECEIVED BY (Print) - - 41 b. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFY ING OFFICER 410. DATE 42b. RECEIVED AT (Location) 426. DATE 42:1 TOTAL CONTAINERS MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033168 STANDARD FORM ma (REV. was) not: ENGE NO. OF DOCWENT BEING CONTNUED PAGE OF 3 I 162 NMEOFOFFERORORCONTRACTOR - GROUP INC THE ITEMNO. (A) (B) 1001 Guaranteed Minimum 03/01/2010 (Option Line Item)-Mwm Product/Service Code: 8206 1002 03/01/2010 1003 03/01/2010 Product/Service Code: 8206 1004 Transportation from facility to various locations as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 1005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages (Option Line Item) 03/01/2010 (Option Line Item) Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Code: 8206 1006 On-Call Post Hours 03/01/2010 2001 Guaranteed Minimum:wu (Option Line Item)'wm 03/01/2011 '2002 03/01/2011 2003 um_ optlo 03/01/2011 Continued (Option Line Item) Product/Service code: S206 Product/Service Code: 5206 141m: J. Lem} Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Code: 3206 QUANTITY UNIT (C) (E) ummn (F) 0.00 0.00 '0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7540-01 -1 MARCH 2015 Sponsored by GSA FAR (43 CPR) 53.110 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED CONTINUATION SHEET 9?0?0 0006 PAGE OF 4 162 GEO GROUP INC THE ITEMNO. QUANTITY UNIT LNITPRIOE AMOUNT (A) (B) (F) 2004 Transportation from facility to various locations 0.00 as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 8206 2005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 3206 2006 On-Call Post Hours 0.00 (Option Line Item) '03/01/2011 Product/Service Code: 3206 3001 Guaranteed Minimum 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 3206 3002 .ssjrarm 0-00 (Option Line Item] 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: S206 3003 0.00 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 8206 3004 Transportation from facility to various locations 0.00 as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 8206 3005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages 0.00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 3206 3006 On-Call Post Hours 0.00 {Option Line Item) 03/01/2012 Product/Service Code: 8206 Continued NSN 1540-0 1-1 52-83? MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033170 OPTIONAL FORM 35 (4-86) by FAR (48 53.110 HEBRENOE NO. OF DOCLMENT BEIMS OONHMJED mum (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 Contractors, please use these procedures when you submit an invoice for all acquisitions emanating from 1. In accordance with Section G, Contract Administration Data, invoices shall now be submitted via one of the following three methods: a. By mail: ?(See Block 18a) b. By facsimile (fax) at: 802?288?7658 (include. a cover sheet with point of contact of pages) By e-mail at: Continued CONTINUATION SHEET 5 I. 162 NAME or OFFEROR on comma-on -GEO GROUP INC THE wanna. SUPPueasstces auounr (A) (F) 4001 Guaranteed Minimum . 0.00 (Option 1119 Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: '8206 4002 0.00 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 8206 4004 Transportation from facility to various locations 0.00 as required by the Performance Work Statement (Option Line Item) - 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 5206 4005 Detainee Volunteer Work Program Wages 0 . 00 (Option Line Item) 03/01/2013 Product/Service Code: 5206 4006 On?Call Post Hours 0 . 00 N5N7540411-152-8067 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033171 OPTIONAL FORM 338 (4-85) REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED SHEET PAGE OF . 6 162 GEO GROUP INC THE memo. QUANTITY UNIT . UNIT PRICE mourn (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) notated on every invoice submitted to to Envoices submitted by other than these three ethods will be returned. Contractor Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration prior to award and shall be ensure prompt payment provisions are met. The ICE program office identified in the delivery order/contract shall also be notated on every invoice. 2. In accordance with Section I, Contract Clauses, FAR 52.212?4 Contract Terms and Conditions, Commercial Items, or FAR 52.232?25 Prompt Payment, as applicable, the information required with each invoice submission is as followszp An invoice must include: Name and address of the Contractor; (ii) Invoice date and number; Contract number, contract line item number and, if applicable, the order number; (iv) Description, quantity, unit of measure, unit price and extended price of the items delivered; Shipping number and date of shipment, including the bill of lading number and weight of shipment if shipped on Government bill of lading; (vi) Terms of any discount for prompt payment offered; I (vii) Name and address of official to whom payment is to be sent; Name, title, and phone number of person to notify in event of defective invoice; and. (ix) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The Contractor shall include its TIN on the invoice only if required elsewhere in this contract. (See paragraph 1 above.) 7 Electronic funds transfer (EFT) banking information. (A) The Contractor shall include EFT banking information on the invoice only if required elsewhere in this contract.? (B) If EFT banking information is not required to' be on the invoice, in order for the invoice to be a proper invoice, the Contractor shall have submitted correct EFT banking information in Continued NSN 7540-01452?? MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033172 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (448) GSA ammum nuuwonnunw NO. OF DOCWENT BEING CONTIMJED CONTINUATION 9_ 6 awe or 7? 162 NAMEOF OFFERORORCONTRAOTOR GROUP INC THE mmud swPLIEssamnci-zs (B) owwmv (C) mm (D) (E). anmmr? (F) accordance with the applicable solicitation provision, contract clause 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer; Central Contractor Registration, or 52.232-34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer; Other Than Central Contractor Registration), or applicable agency rocedures. . EFT banking information is not required if the Government waived the requirement to pay by EFT. Invoices without the above information may be returned for resubmission. 3. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Receiving Officer/COTR: Each Program Office is responsible for acceptance and receipt of goods and/or services. Upon receipt of goods/services, complete the applicable FEMS reports or DFC will not process the payment. The obligated amount of award: $0.00. The total for this award is shown in box 26. NSN 7640014524067 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033173 FORM :38 (4-86) Sponsored by 68A FAR (48 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1' CONTRACT '0 CODE PAGE OF PAGES 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION No. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REO. NO. 5. PROJECT NOI. {Ifappiicable} - P00005 09/13/2010 i 5. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY (It?ob?lerthan Ham 6] CODE DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts~DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW Suite 910 . Washington DC 20536 Attn: I Washington DC 0 36 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR rm. me. some, State andZIP Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION N0. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE T00 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 . 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. I 103. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 0005 6127064650000 FAULWYCODE 04/22/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOIJCITATIONS . Offers must acknowledge receipt 0 this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the foilowing methods: By coraneI?I-Ig Items 8 and 15, and ramming copies of the amendment: By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of [he otter Submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which Includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue oi this amendment you desire to change an Offer already submitted such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reterenoe to the solicitation and this amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA required} See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES To MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 1.1. .- A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: {Spea?fy authorihlj THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER No. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED T0 REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as Changesin paying ori?ce. appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10303). 0. THIS SURPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: 0. OTHER [Speafy type or modi?cation and embody) far 43.103th I E. IMPORTANT: Contractor is not, El required to sign this document and relurn 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section heat?ngs, inducing sofrdtalion/contract subbof matter where feasibie.) DUNS Number: 612T06465 The purpose of this modification is to correct the text in the header of modification number two. The text should read the amount obligated is :3 and the total amount obligated increase from 322, 876.29 All other terms and conditions remain the same. Eeriod of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2010 Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. es heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn'nt) i ring 158. CONTRACTORJOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED 160, DATE SIGNED {Smarty-e ?person authonzodto sign) . NSN 7540014526070 STANDARD FORM 30 Previons edition unusable Prescribed by GSA FAR {48 53.243 MARCH 2015 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 3 5. PROJECT NO. (If appt?cabie) AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT CONTRACT '0 CODE 4. REOUISITIONIPURCHASE REO. N0. 192110FMIBTCC0017.2 7. ADMINISTERED BY (if omenhan Item 5] 2. NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 12/08/2009 6. ISSUED BY CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Washington DC 20536 Attn: . CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Suite 910 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Na. street. comfy. Statoam'ZiP Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 QB. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER ND. CODE 6127064650000 09/25/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY AMENDMENTS 0F SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set {0th in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt of Offers Dis extended. not extended. Otters must acknowtadge receipt or this amendment prior to the hour and date Speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one oi the Ioltowing methods. By compteting Items 3 and 15. and returning capias of the amendment: By acknowledng receipt oi this amendment on each copy of the offer submiiled; or By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HDUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the so?citetion and this amendment. and Is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {Irrequr'rec? Net Increase 13. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER N0. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. See Schedule A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANTTO: (Specify atdhonm THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT 8. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED T0 REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes In paying of?ce. appropriation data. GIG.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10303). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED IN TO PURSUANTTO AUTHORITY OF: 0. OTHER (Spoon! type OI?mo?a?r?oation and authority) unilateral modification E. Contractor is pm is required to sign this document and Tatum 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section headings, inducing midtown/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Procurement POC: Paul Previch 202??(b?g(c) The purpose of this modification is to add funds for fiscei vear 2010. This will increase Iran the amount obligated by All other terms and conditions remain the same. Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Terms: Continued Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in fut force and er?oot. 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type arpn'nt} 2 .. '3?.an 166. DATE SIGNED Wrietzwa STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-33} Prescribed by GSA FAR {43 CFR) 53.243 153. 150. DATE SIGNED {Signature orpermn authorized to sign) NSN 754001-152?8070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 2 3 NAME OF OFFEROR on CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE CONHNUAHONSHEET no. SUPPLIESISERWCES gummy UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Net Delivery Location Code: ICE Detention Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Change Item 0001 to read as follows[amount shown is the total amount): 0001 GUARANTEED MINIM -.. .. 3:077:596.89 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 0002 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount}: 0002 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES t. 35,807.00 9:H1n?93q "1 5Ir Change Item 0003 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): . .. Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: Change Item 0004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): Continued NSN 7540414524031 OPTIMFORM (we) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033176 FAR (worn) 53.130 . REFERENCE N0.0F counnueo AGE OF 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE man NO. SUPPUESISERVICES unrr PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (E) (F) 0004 TRANSPORTATION 412, 832 . 00 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: Funded: $412,832.00 Change Item 0005 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 0005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM 6,000.00 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 05?C?untin ed:00. 00 Change Item 0006 to read. as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 0006 ON-CALL POSTS HOURS 11,451.00 I Account in Product/Service Code: 8206 I Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES If .. .. ?01754001452406? MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033177 OPTIONAL ram 330 (4-05) Sponsored by GSA FAR {43 cm) 53.110 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 2 AMENDMENT OF OF CONTRACT 1? comm? '9 CODE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE RED. NO. 2. AMENDMENWMODIFICATION N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 5. PROJECT NO. apptr?cabie) P0001O 07/13/2010 7. ADMINISTERED BY (Ifotherrhen Item 6) 5. ISSUED BY CODE CODE 11GB DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: Washington 20 . 8, NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (NA. street. county, State endZIP Coda) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION no. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF NO. 108. DATED ITEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 09/25/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AM DMENTS 0F SOUCITATIONS above numbered solicitation ls amended as set torth In Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for repaint DI Otters jis extended. I7 is not extended. Offers must cknowIed-ge receipt or this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitatlon or as amended. by one of tho foltowing methods: By completing Items 8 end 15. and returning copies ol the amendment: By acknowledging receipt at this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted: or By separate letter or telegram which Includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPTOF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN OF YOUR OFFER It by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an alter already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegam or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this anenw'nerx. and is received prior to the Opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {Ifrequimd} Net Increase: 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MDDIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. M. A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Spade authon'ty) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER N0. IN ITEM 10A B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED T0 REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATNE as changes in paying Of?ce. date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: O. OTHER {Spea'fy type of modi?cation and aumOmy) 4 3 . 03 E. IMPORTANT: Contractor Is not. Is required to this document and when 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF section headings, Inductan soliciteb?on/Dontract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 - 954?5023)th Program POC: 6 copies to the issuing of?ce. Procurement POC: The purpose of this modification is to fund the additional operation space at the Broward Facility for EOIR. This per modification 7 of contract This will increase the amount obligated by task order will The total amount obligated on this Ito $8,290,209.53. Continued Except as provided herein. all terms md conditions of the dowment referenced 'n Item 9A as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force andeme 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn'nt) . m? 153. CONTRACTORJOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED 166. DATE SIGNED /5 2 0/0 (Signetwe Dfperscn sum?! to sign) NSN 7540-01-152-3070 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-33) Previous ecstion u-Iusabte Prescribed by GSA I-AR [43 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 OF CONTINUATION SHEET 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNO. QUANTWYUNW AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (E) (F) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Accounting Info: FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2010_ Add Item 1007.0 as follows: 1007.0 CLIN 1007: BROWARD (ETC) FACILITY - ADDITIONAL 450,000.00 OPERATION SPACE Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES NSN 7540-01452-8067 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033179 OPTIONAL FORM :35 (4.33) FAR (as CFR) 53.110 . 1. non?c?n cons "mg .nq-Mu-us. AME OF S'OLchTAnom??ohnoN 0F CONTRACT 1 2 5. 900.1501 Mommas: 3. EFFECTIVE DATE See Block 16C CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Datent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquiaition Management 801. I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 ammoum?moumcmou NO. a. 18% BY REG. NO. 192111DEOBIOF00011 7. ADMINISTERED BY (#0910! than Ham 6) - ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contraota?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW 5 ?te 910 Attn: b5.b7c Washing on 0536 GA. AMENDMENT OF SOUCITAHDN 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR M. shit. WY. SM. ?625%; GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 5300 ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 98. DATED (SEW 1M. uncommon CONTRACT . HSCEDM-OQ-D-ODOOS mm "0 we. DATED (SEE mm 13,: 09/25/2009 11. [jThu number-ad Wan Islam-Idea un?t-1h mustn14.Thohourmd duh! apod?ed fumde ?0m gum. Datum, Inmame ma Domain wu'aunndadermadM My mums: (0183:3311an Imam mandamus mm mar Mammal! held" a Mama to ma ldetaHm and MI FAILURE OF YOUR TO BE RECEIVEDAT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEJPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IIN OF YOUR OFFER. by \dnnoofthl'a Inmumdyruhmed. Iuch Mm - 19 11:31:11 "Lth Mun DATA 11x - - ifCHARGE omen l5 :ssueo PURSUANT '00: MM THE mes SET FORTH mm 14 ARE me on ORDER NOJHWEM1M (s mos NTRAOT CODE 5127064550000 . THE ABOVE NUMBERED IS OUFIED T0 REFLECT MWIMSMTIVE CHANGES 09?: Charms am, 8 appropriation m, 0ch SET FORTH ITEM 14. URSUANT TO THE OF FAR 43.10313). rs a: ?my go: 0. OTHER (Spy:ch Mm wmcauan andauF?dw 4 3 . 103 0mm Dena. 1 mummwm_ 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF sen-0'00 headings, imam subject heath.) DUNS Number: 612 7064 65 Program POC: .Procurement POC: The purpose of this modification is to ale?obligate excess funds from Hm F, 10 task order. This will decrease the amount obligated by (MM) to $23,054,338.85. . LINE 1001.1 will decrease by 2166-32696 from - Continued . . . I (C) Emptuprovidedhml?mmqui: w?Wy?giaem, ?antr'dms di lnmorm Th GEO Group. inc. 150. DATE SIGNED 168. DATE SIGNED . TANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10331 Madness; FAR {48 cm 53.243 NWYO 90111er unusable MARCH 2015 I 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR OR common GEO GROUP THE ITEM up. oummv NIT mound (A) (B) (D) (E) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Ne FOBE Destination Period of- Performance: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2010 Change Item 1001.0 to read as follows(amount shown is: the total amount): 6,365,198.08 loolto ANTEED MINIMUM I I Ic?de= $206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES WWt-T?lm MARCH 2015 WHICH mecrm 1? 1m 11-92-3011 12:46 Pl! m5:- nnpn'nmzr or 110mm 9mm: mnmuon cusrous Monogram Detailed Document neport by one Doc No Pumteta: 338 Doc No LIST OF REPORT Am: no! 5. Ac Definition Ao Miniticn aces? Order acceptance Flor): ?ow disappruval OBREOPN Obligation :e-open ACCOMP Payment accomplishment GJ General journal REQCRG Requisition change order ACCRUL Accrual MANUAL Manual payment REQOVR Requisition funds override AP Accounts payable OBLIG Obligation Receiving ticket ADVOID Void invoice 7 OBCKG Obligation change order Cancel payment com-r Commitment 080v}! Obligation funds wenide MARCH 2015 . .l AMENDMENT soummnommommcmow or CONTRACT PAGE OF PAGES CONTRACTJD cope 1 I 2 . zmummomrmnon No. - a. See Block 16C 4. Reomxoumuncmse REG. N0. 5. PROJECT N0.- gramme) 192111DEOBIOF00011.1 CODE Dome B. ISSUED BY 7. ADMINISTERED BY aramermnucm 0) CODE mama- DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?06' Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management .801 IStreef: NW, suite 910 Washington ICE/Deten-t Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of.Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW Attn: Suite 910 Washington 20536 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR we":an coda) CEO GROUP INC THE 521 m: 5312;: ST STE 700 BOGA RATON FL 334878242. 9A. AMENDMENT OF NO. QB. DATED ITEM 11) 1m MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. . 3? 1 100. DATED (355115? is) FACILITY CODE 000E 6127064650000 09/25/2009 ?lfl'hqabova numbered sa?c?a?on Is amended as Fnlfem 14. The hour and date speci?ed torraceipl ofO?ers [jja amend?d. Ella no: mama. Mm mus: acknordedgercoelpl of this menus-nan! prior?: the hw'mnddata spec?'lud in the solicitation eras mmded. by one ohm follow-Ian methods: By winpie?ng 1121033 and 15, and?ratumm - amiss or 311a mama}; receipt of this amendment on each copyof the o?er Submmwtakigram mm homes a reference 19 me sandman and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACWOMEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. tray virus at this amendmem you dusrre to change an a?er already submitted. s?uch change may ha made by 2519mm or Ian?. Provided veam-?mgm-or musmakaa .mnm 10 I313 sollolmllon and ?usamendmem, and 13 received prior to the opening hourand data apoclnad. 11 accounmne mo APPROPRIAHON See Schedule was man one: OFCONTRACTSIORDE Ne GHECKONE ORDER NO. ITEM .1 Decrease: as. rr HODIHES THE ccummonum no. is DESCRIBED mm 14.' A. 'n-ns amuse ORDER of PURSUANT 'n-iE CHANGES FORTH we?: MARE MADE THE comer a. THE ABOVE NUMBERED commonest: 15 women TC REFLECT ms smm?cn dais, etc.) SET FORTH ITEM .14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.1mm. VE as changes Inpayahg Of?ce. C. THIS SUPPLEMENT A1. is ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: 6. wwpe ?modulation - 43,103ta) close 'out task order pontmdor Blunt. [31:3 regulred to sign this damn: mam maple: lo theissuing of?ce. 14.0ESGRIPTION OF AMENDMENTMUDIFIGATION '(OryanlzedbjfUGF section headings. mommy subject ma?arwhem tame.) DUNS Number: 6127063165 Program ProcuremEnt The purpose of this modification is to. do the following:- 1 . IDs-obligate - .fromcLIN 1004. CLIN -fi:om 35-3-5? - 2. Acknowledgs'that all invoices on this task {51' Continued . . . "(6366). (0010? . This will reduce the amount obligated on this der. have been pa id. pd in Item Sam-10A. as heretoiore changed. mmajns unchanged and In furl form and enact. Vice President. ContractsAdministra?an NAME AND TITLE OF r?nm?nnr'rmr: norm}:qu .. pmo The QED Gmun? Inc. 150. DATE SIGNED 1s?gcomcrowomsgor (Bit. )3 (Siax?i (Wm- -. .0 7/4 N519 7540-014152-80m Previous edition unusable . MARCH .2015 - STmoA?o FORM 30 (REV. 10-33 Pmsu'lb?d by GSA (48 53.243 .V H6. omen:me BEING com?m 0-3-0001 1/ PO 0012 OFFEROROR come GROUP me THE. (A1 swvuam??wma (B) ._nuunnvumr (C) (D) (ET Tha-amount on this task ng? Discount Tezggz. 3. Closgoht the task order. Ali other t?rms and canditions remain_the same,' I Net FOB: Destination "period of Performance: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2010 .ghange Item 1004 to read as'followslamOunt.shown is Ehe total amount]: an FACILITY To VARIoris LOCATIONS .33 REQUIRED .32 THE PERFORMANCE. WORK STATEMENT. 'Praduct/Service Code: 8206 . Product/ServiCe_Description: GUARD SERVICES Aqgouqting mm swansth mum . gnutiiomntm 05-Jun-2011 12:33 PM m5). or? sscmurr nonmnox enemas monogram- Detailed Document Report by DHS Doc No Parameters1115730? REPORT ACRONYMS: I Acroi De?ini Antone De?nition Definition Order acceptance Work flow disapproval OBREOPN obligation re-cpen ?cough Payment accomplishment: 63 General 56ml REQCHG Requisition change order nccn?z. Accrual MANUAL Manual payment mam Requisition funds override 39 Accounts payable OBLIG Obligation Receiving ticket mm Void invoice OBCRG Obligation change order VOIDPAY cancel payment coma]: Commitment OBOVR Obligation funds override MARCH 2015 :suoseax Bugmouo; all; 10} pamepau?zgg q?nonp 9L9 $932.1 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1' "3 CODE PAGE OF ?653 1 I 2 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. RED. ND. 5. PROJECT No. (trapprcabre) 900002 01/08/2010 192110FHQFA000009 s. ISSUED BY CODE DC 7. ADMINISTERED BY {Ifoiherrhen item 6} CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: .l Washing on a a . 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Ne, srmor, county. state oadZIP Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW S3RD ST STE 700 SS. DATED (SEEITEM BOCA RATON FL 334 878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF NO. 000 6 1 103. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 09/25/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY DMENTS SOLICITATIDNS The above numbered solicitation Is amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for rooe?pt of Offers Dis extended. - Dis not extended. Offers must acknowtedgo receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date Specified in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the following methods: By compfethg Items 8 end 15. and returning copies at the amendment; By admowledging receipt 0! this amendment on each copy of the other submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the soiicitation and amendment runners. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER by Virtue at this amendment you desire to change an offer steady Stein-titted, such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each teiegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date Specified. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {Irrequr?red} Net Increase: . . See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATTON OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. we. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Speery authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. - B. THEABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as changes in paying 0.7306, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Specify type of mOdifrcaUO? and authon'iy) funding modification 43. 103 E. IMPORTANT: Contractor [331's not. :1 is required to Sign this documentand return copies to the issuing Of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF sac?on headings, fnduding soi'I'o'Iation/oontreci subject matter where feasibie.) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 The purpose of this modification is to add funds for installation of IT wiring and cabling as noted in modification #3 of contract This will increase the amount obligated by (h?gy 3,617,572.61. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Continued Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced In Item 9A or 10A, ee heretofore mange-d. remains wtchanggd and full force and g?acL 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER {Type Orpn?nl?) mu 153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR - 150. DATE SIGNED 156. DATE SIGNED t/ 5241? orgasm and-5. . ?a l4 0 NSN 7540-01-152-8070 STANDARD FORM 38 (REV. 10-33} Previous edition unusable - Prescribed by GSA FAR (4B MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033202 PAGE or SHEET 2 2 GEO GROUP INC THE WEMNO. . QUANUTYUNW AMOUNT (ACCOUotinq_Inf0' U_w' {tame}; FOB: D??jiinatidn Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Add Item 0007 as follows: 000? CABLING OF AT THE EROWARD FACILITY. 5 (bxgi): 38,078.72 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES NSN 7540014524057 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA030300033203 OPHONAL FORM 336 (4-85) Sponsumd by GSA FAR [48 53.110 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2. AMENDMENTIMDDIEICATIDN No. a. EFFECTIVE DATE P00003 02/16/2010 1. CONTRACT IO CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 2 5. PROJECT NO. {flappr't'cabla} 4. RED. No. 92 01'? . 4 semEDeY 0mm 7. ADMINISTERED av Item 5) CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. street. county. StareondZIP Coda) GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 35$ 32a? 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. 98. DATED (SEE ITEM 10A. MODIFICATION OF N0. 0 000 6 108. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 FACILITYCODE 09/25/2009 11. THIS ITELI ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOUCITATIONS DThe above numbered solidation is attended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for reoelpt of more is not extended. Otters must acknowiedge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: By completing Items 6 and I5. and returning copies at the amendment; to) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted: or By sepa-ate letter or telegram includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an utter etready submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Irrequrred) See Schedule Net Increase: .4- 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIOROER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. me. A THIS CHANGE oeuen IS ISSUED PURSUANTTO: {Spaton authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A 8. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT appropriation date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes In paying office. HORITY 0F FAR 43.1mm}. D. OTHER {Specify alps ofmodi?ntr?on and authority) funding modification 43.10303) 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT I5 ENTERED IN I PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: "mommy; Oman!? Ems not. is required to sign this comment and ram 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section headings, Induding solicitation/connect subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Program by (bite-t: Discount Terms: Net 30 Continued The purpose of this modification is to add funds for transportation in the amount of .for the period of January 1, 2010 through March 31, 2010. This will be for three additional months of transportation services. This will increase the amount obligated Except as provided herein. aft terms and conditions of the G'me referenced 'n Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore CI'IarIged. remains unchanged and tuII force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orptint) 153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR (Sig-Iowa ?person eutfuizod to Sign) 150. DATE SIGNED NSN 75400145243070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 print) 160. DATE SIGNED 616/9 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83] Prescribed by GSA . FAR {48 53.243 REFERENCE no. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED AGE or 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE CONHNUAHONSHEET ITEM no. SUPPUESISERVICES UNIT unrr PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Chahge Item 0004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 0004 TRANSPORTATION Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 1,032,080.00 Accounting Info: Ennded: $0.00 Funded: $619,248.00 7am-1W7 OPTIONAL FORM 335 (4-86) MARCH 2015 AMENDMENT OF SOUCITATIONIMODIFICATION or CONTRACT CONTRACT CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 3 2 AMENDMENTIMODIFICATIDN NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REG. ND. 5. PROJECT NO. (rappers-Iris) P00004 02/18/2010 See Schedule 6. ISSUED BY CODE I CE Dc- DC 7. ADMINISTERED BY {Holherthan Item 6) CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Distant Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Nana ement 80 1 I Street NW, Suite 910 8 01 I Street NW, subtw MC) Washington DC 20536 Attn: 3-"g . Washi 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. she: county. State 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 58. DATED (SEEITEM 11) BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 103. DATED ITEM 13) CODE 6127064 650000 09/25/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES mam [31115 Show numbered solicitation is amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for rece'pt DI Otters is extended. is not extended. Offers must adtnowledgo receipt of this amendment prior lo the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one at the foliath methods: By completing Items 0 and 15. and retuth copies of the amendment; (bi By receipt of this amendment on each cepy oi the alter submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which includes a tolerance to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already swmitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the soileitetlon and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and data Speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (if required) Net Inc rease See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. 2159339?; A. THIS CHANGE ORDER Is ISSUED PURSUANT TO: THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE lN THE CONTRACT B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIDRDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (sud: as changes In paying o?'ioe, appropdatrbn data. RIC.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10363). 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. Ipr of modi?mtion and Wary) funding modification 43 . 103 Commem- Is nor. is required to sign this document and return 0 copies to the Issuing office. 14. DESCRIPTION OF {Organized by UCF section headings. Induding solicitation/contract subject matter where feasihie.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Program FCC: 135 bizc The purpose of this modification is to add additional funding for the services provided at BTC for option period 1 through 9/30/2010. This will increase the amount obligated by W4) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Delivery: 30 Days After Award Continued Except as provided herein, all terms and Conditions of the document roaster-Iced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed, row act. 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orprirtt) . - - n'nj') 158. 150. DATE SIGNED 150. DATE SIGNED wartime (Signature of person authorized to sign] . . - NSN moot-15243070 STANDARD FORM 30 mar. 10-83] Previous edition unusable Prescribed by GSA FAR {43 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033206 REFERENCE No. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED 004 PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNQ (A) SUPPuEasEches (B) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) (E) Amomn (F) 1001 1002 1003 Discount Terms: Net:h Delivery Location Code: ICE Detention Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 04/01/2009 to 02/28/2014 Add Item 1001 as.follows: GUARANTEED Product/Service Coo'? Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: Add Item 1002 as follows: hProduot/Servioe Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: 192110FMIBTC00017.5 Add Item 1003 as follows: ?ErodHEt/5?231E? Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: 0 Continued 9,750,650.00 110,595.00 110,595.00 NSN 754001-1538?? MARCH 2015 wean nmewcnuunm REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 3 3 HARE OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE CONHNUAHONSHEET ITEM NO. . 00m unrr UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Add Item 1004 as follows: 1004 TRANSPORTATION FOR FACILITY TO VARIOUS LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY THE PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT. Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition NO: 192110FMIBTCC0017.6 512, 712.50 _Accoyntin;_In 1L1 Add Item 1005 as follows: 1005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM WAGES. OPTION 10,500-00 YEAR 1 - PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: 3/1/2010 - 9/30/2010 AND REFERENCE NBR: Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: 192110FMIBTC60017.5 Accin f0. I, Add Item 1006 as follows: 1006 ON-CALL POST HOURS . Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: 192110FMIBTC00017.5 167,184.60 ?mun-ting . .. . . i I MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033208 I ?ng 1g PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 2 5. PROJECT N0. (liappliceble) AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATTONIMODIFIOATTON OF CONTRACT 1' CONTRACT '0 CODE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REQ NO. 3 7. ADMINISTERED BY (Iromerlhan item 6) 2. N0, 3, EFFECTIVE DATE P00006 04/12/2010 5. ISSUED BY CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No, era-not, cow-?y. State and ZIP Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW SBRD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 93. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 9-0?00 006 toe. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 09/2 5/200 9 The above mannered solicitation is amorded as set forth In Item 14. The hourend date speci?ed Ior receipt of O??ers jis extended. Dis not extended Offers must admowiedge receipt or this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended, by one at the quowing methods: By completh Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment; {bi By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the Drier submitted; or to) By separate letter or telegram whim includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTTON OF YOUR OFFER. It by virtue of this amendment you des're to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment. and is received prior to the Opening hou- and date specified. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {treatsde Net I ncrea se: 13. nus ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF common/omens. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER No. AS DESCRIBED iN ITEM 14. CODE 6127064 FACILITYCODE See Schedule A. THIS CHANGE ORDER Is ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Speci?r authon?ty) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A . 8. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED T0 REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGESLSUCII as changes in paying 0197179, date, 810.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103Ib). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER {Spedfy hips or modi?cation and authonry} funding modification 5 43 . 103th E. IMPORTANT: Contractor Eis not. 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF section headings, I'Do'udr'ng Mahatma/contract subject matter where Isadore.) DUNS Number: 612706465 - is required to sign this document and return 0 copies to the issuing ori?ce. Program POC: The purpose of this modification is. to add funds to comer overtime costs for BTC employees to go to the Miami field office to obtain the required PIV identification cards. This will increase the amount obiigated by 337,597,39? All other terms and conditions remain the same Discount Terms: Continued . . . Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced In Item 9A or 10A, as here-rotors changed, remains unmanged and in full force and effect. 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn'nt) . mint) 158. CONTRACTORJOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED 150. DATE SIGNED {'8de authorizedfost'm) LE NSN moot-152mm STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10433) Previous edrtion unsettle Prescribed by GSA FAR (45 cm] 53.243 MARCH 2015 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED AGE OF SHEET 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR on CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE . ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY umr pmce AMOUNT (MEOB. Eestlnaglon Period of Performance: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2010 Add Item 1008 as follows: 1008 OVERTIME INCURRED AT BROWARD DUE TO CONTRACT 17,403.86 Product/Service Code: 8206 STAFF HAVING TO GO TO THE OFFICE IN MIAMI TO GET NEW ID CARDS THAT ARE MANDATED BY THE PRESIDENT. Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES NSN 7540014 52-803? MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033210 OPTIONAL FORM 338 FAR (48 CPR) 61110 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 3 5. PROJECT N0. (trappb'rzble) AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION or CONTRACT 1' CODE 4, REQUISITIDNIPURCHASE RED. N0. . 9 T. ADMINISTERED BY (?otherthan Item 5; 2. NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 04/12/2010 6. ISSUED BY CODE DC ICE/Decent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW Suite 93.0 Washington DC 20536 - Attn: CODE II DC-DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Na. street, county. State and ZIP Code) 0A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO, GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53KB ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 QB. DATED SEE ITEM 11) or NO. toe. DATED (SEE ITEM 1311. THIS ITEM ONLY To AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS CODE 6127064650000 FACILITYCODE [j The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt 01' Offers is extended. El Is not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended, by one at the following methods: By completing Items 8 and 15, and ramming copies of the amendment; lb) By ammvledging receipt of this amendment on each copy at the offer submitted; or to) By separate letter or telegram which Irthudes a reference to the so?citalion and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOMEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER II by virtue of this amend'nent you desire to change 31 after already submitted. sum cher may be made by teiegram or letter_ provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amndment. and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {If requiredSee Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. gem A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT {Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT 8. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED T0 REFLECTTHE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes In paying of?ce. appropriation data, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103tb). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. 0TH ER (Speo'ty type of modi?cation and aulhon'ty) funding modification 43.10303) E. IMPORTANT: Contractor IX Is not. Is required to sign this doownert and Man 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, Including en'idratr'onfoontraot Sui-Ith matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Program Poc= 202435 The purpose of this modification is to add additional funds to cover services through the remainder of the fiscal year (9/30/2010). This increases the amount of funds obligated by 5? ee' a(bxayt ?22,327,496.03. copies to the issuing of?ce. Procurement POC: The quantity of CLIN 100 wil 1 increase by CLIN 1 002 will increase by rib)?; 3? Continued Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in Iutt force and effect. 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn'nt) Wm) fainter" The quantity of IThe quantity of CLIN 1003 will 99?? STANDARD (REV. Iona) Prescribed by GSA 15B. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 156. DATE SIGNED (Sigrtatwe orpeman authm?xod to sign-I) NSN 75404014 52-3070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033211 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 2 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. (A) SUPPLIESISERVICES . oumnnr unrr um PRICE AMOUNT (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) 1001.0 1002.0 1003.0 1005.0 All other terms and conditions remain the same. Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Terms: Ne Delivery Location ICE Detention Removal Immigration and Customs Enforcement 801 I Street. NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 Accounting Info: '?er Period of Performance: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2010 Add Item 1001.0 as follows: CLIN 1001: GUARANTEED MINIMUM 6,601,067.76 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Add Item 1002.0 as follows: CLIN 1002: 110,595.00 Product/Se em In ,miT Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Add Item 1003.0 as follows: CLIN 1003: 110,595.00 Product/Serv1ce one: Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Add Item 1005.0 as follows: CLIN 1005: DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM WAGES. 10, 500.00 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service DesoripLiuu: GUARD SERVICES Continued NSN MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033212 mimosa)qu REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM No SUPPLIESISERVICES UNIT unrr PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Add Item 1006.0 as follows: 1006. 0 CLIN 1006: ON CALL POST HOURS 167, 170. '15 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES NSN 7540?01-152-8067 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033213 OPTIONAL FORM 336 {4-36) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 53.110 I. CONTRACTID CODE PAGE OF I I 9 - 5. PROJECT Ike {Irapmmj AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2. N0. 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 900008 05/25/2010 ?3 BY CODE ICIADMINISIERED BY (Home: than Ham GI CODE ICE/Detent ContractJ?DC ICE/De?ant Mngt/UeLent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management office of Acquisiuon Management 801 I Street NW, mite 910 801 Street NW, Suite 910 WasningLon DC 20536 Attn: Washington DC 20536 8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Na . mat, manna Sim MOZIP Cm) GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 533i.) ST 700 BOCA RATON FL 3348173242 BB DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 10A MODIFICAIION 0F N0 103 DATED (SEE ITEM 1311. THIS ITEM ONLY AFRIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICI TATIONS [The above runbored whom-on rs amended an act [0th in km 14 The hot: and date spawned for raceth 0! Offers I la's extended. :1 .5 no: one-Idea O?ers mus: unnamed? receipt of mm amendment pnov lo the hcu and cam saddled in Its suIIcsazticn or as amended, try one o! rm: foliowiug methods; By compiu'ng IIemu 8 and t5. and ramming (opus 0! the arr-landmark, By receipl or this amendment on each oI Ihe one.- submiILad; or (cl By separate latter cr Ialogram wimh Include: a reference salicha?m and mmhors. FAILURE OF YOUR ADKNOWLEDGEMENT To 35 THE PI ACE DESIGNMEU FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR To IHE HOUR MID DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER II by vnun of this amen-amen! you dust-e lo dumgc an o?or a'raady submrtod, such change may be made by Infman or Irma-r. p'cvided each telegram or [taller mam reference 10 the; sol'atahon and his mter'Idn-Iom. and is rncehmd mm In :hc opening Imur and dale spazi?ed 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Ifrsquirou) 1:.masurau 0va APPLIES to MODIFICATION OF commarsroansns. IT mamas ma CONTRACTIGRDER no. AS DESCRIBED IN mm 14. CODE 6327064 650C on FAMWCODE Net Increase: See Schedule CHECK one A nus CHANGE ORDER Is ISSUED PURsunm- rc- (Spam; eu?mfyj THE CHANGES SET IIEM 1-: ARE MADE comma ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A D. THE ABOVE NUMBERED IS MODIFIEU T0 REFLECTTHE ADMINISTRATIVE as magesmpa?ng 055w, Oppmp-?iawn daIe, 915?.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR C. THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TU AUTHORITY OF: 0- OTHER I Saw; lyre of amine-non and aurnonr/j funding modification 43. 103 E. Commas! IE Is no; :1 is millin '0 55:71 Ibis dominant and return 0 copies t: the issuing 0mm 14. DESCRIPTION OF MEN (Otponfiea by UCF sec-an inducing Sula-?06: mater when: lemma.) DUNS Number: 612706465 .. Program FCC: Procurement POC: The purpose of this modification is to add additional. funds to Cover {Jansportatioz services. This increases-I the amount of funds obligated to $22;840.208.53. The quantity of CLZN 1004 will Increase by I Continued Except as prev?a?od horo'n. all terms md mam: of the dcwmeril rcIerenzed IIem 9A as hermde Manned. remalng am In fullm'nn mg can? 15A NAME AND LE OF SIGHER (Twe or pu?nt) mI) 158. 15C DATE SIGNED DATE SIGNED (bx?ch . . .. 5'5} gig/o Dip-Km mmMzodlo 39210NSN 75-10-01-152-8070 STANDARD F0 5v 10-83) PIevious edtim musaue Framed by GSA FAR [48 53 243 MARCH 2015- REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED 0F CONTINUATION SHEET . 2 NAME or OFFEROR OH CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE neMNo. umrpeme AMOUNT (A: (B) (D) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Delivery: 30 Days After Award Discount Terms: Netg?gai Delivery Location .0 C2: ICE Detenchn Remova] Immigration and Customs 801 I SLLeet, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20536 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: lG/Olf2009 Lo 09/30/2610 Change Item 1034 to sea: as followslamount shown is the total amount}: 1004 ma TO VARIOUS - (bwg) 1,025,425.00 A3 REQUIRED BY I'm: mm: STATEMENT. Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Demxiption: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: (9)096?) Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: .4 U1 Funded: $5l2,7 new 7510-01. [52.5 05? ONIONAL man 336 as) SommaoyusA MARCH 2015 ICEQOIQFOIAUBUSODOKQ15 Fmascsm 53.110 - 1. CONTRACT ID COOE PAGE OF PAGES AMENDMENT OF CONTRACT I 1 1 2. N0 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REG. NO. 1900009 051?26/2010 5. rssueo av CODE 5. PROJECT NO. 7 ADMINISTERELJ BY Hiawatha?! from 6} 0?05 ICE/Dctent [?ngt/Betent Contracts?EC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent innuigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and {:u3toms 31-;fcrcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 861 I Street: NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 At L31: Wcshington DC c.0536 9A. AMENDMENT OF NO. 8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR {No . urea. county. 93m ma (ZIP Cam) in GEO GROUP INC THE 23. NW ST STE 700 RATON FL 334878242 53 UMFD (SEE ITEM 71; 10A momncmou OF CONTRACTJORDER no. - SEE 34-0 1GB. DATED ITEM 13THIS ITEM APOLIES IO SOLICITATIONS 0005 6127064 650000 ?mm 0009 '3Tho above mnberad ache-1mm amemjeu wt {0th In Hem 14 The bear and Cam weaned for recch cl 0mm: 1 is extended. Is not mended. Offers must 3mm raced 0! this amendment pm lo the hour and cam speclied in he sohciulbn or as amended. by can at The methods: By complain; Hams 8 and15.andreh.mhg copra a! (he amendmorx; By admowlr?g?ng tea-pl of ?ns emu-Lamont On each copy at tho u?er submm-Jd; or By separata latter anagram which Includes a reference In Ihe solicita?m and arrimmnent numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To BE RECEIVED THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR IHE RECEEPT OF OFFERS PRIOR to THE HOUR DATE SPECWIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER 3? by VII-woo! amen-11m an: you desire {a change an offer already subunucd. such change may be made by 101091311 or Ianm pronded each tafeg?am or :am: maker. Jolerewe 10 Um solicitalim and mix amendment. and is TMNECI pm.- In the open ng how and da1e speci?ed 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION UATA (ifnaquned) See Schedule 13. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIDRDEH NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. . A ms CHANGE ORDER :3 ISSUED puasunm T0 (Spa-of; auihm'fy) THE CHANGES SET FORTH mm 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER no. ITEM 10A Fl. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (SUCH as changes in paying 0309,. DWIIEIDH dale. EEC) SET FORTH IN ITEM ?f-I PURSUANT TO THE OF FAR 43.10340). C. THIS AGREEMENTIS ENTERED INIO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: 0. OTHER (Spear; :ype ofmodr?cafian and av:me 4 3 . 3 E. IMPORTANT: Connector 3 Is not. 7 i5 roamed '0 Sign this Gunmen! and retum 0 copies to the issuing o?uaa. 14. OF AMENDMENTJMODIFICATJON {Organized by UCF sedn': mayday w?d??om?manBG?SIrqacJ marlcr ?Them feasibfe.) DUNS Number: ?270?465 2oz~wmxc> The purpose of this modification is to comet the pricing for transmutation noted in task oxdex modification 8 which was listed a; per monLh. The correct price. for transportation isas noted in contract modification 5 of All other terms and conditions remain the same. Period of Performance: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2010 Except as grand-ed twain. all terms md mndmans of lhe document relafmoed in Hem 9A or 10;! as lmctofore changed, ramams unchangi] and [1 Iul force and c?cct NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Ii/pa armor) - 3 rim can": SIGNED (j 0 STANDARD FORM 30 (R rev 10433) Presumed by GSA FAR {43 CFR) 532-13 150 DATE SIGNED 158. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR (spam apart-1'2" war-ted (9 saw NSN 7546014528070 Free-4.31.15 cation unusab-?e MARCH 2015- 00332 l6 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMOOIFICATION OF CONTRACT CONTRACT "3 0095 PAGE 0? PAGES 1 2 5. PROJECT NO. [Ifapplicablej 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REDADMINISTERED BY (If other than item 5) 2. NIEENDMENTMODIFICATIDN NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE PUDOOS 03/01/2010 5. ISSUED BY CODE :CE/Detent Mngt/Detent Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: 3. .. washing on SA. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No, street. county, State and ZIP Code) GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 913. DATED (SEEITEM 11) 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 108. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) FACILITYCODE 09/25/2009 11. THIS ITEM ONLY T5 OF DThe above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hou?md date speci?ed for rece'pt OfO?ers Dis cadet-Ideal. :jis not extended O?'ers must adrnowIedoe receipt of this Ernench'lent priorto the new and date spect?ed in the solicitation or as ar'nendcd. by one at the follow'ng methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and returning mpies of the amendment; (D) By acknowledi receipt of this amendment on each copy of the Otter submitted; or (cl By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the soicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. lfby virtue of this amendment you desire to change an Offer already submitted. Such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes roloroma to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opon'ng hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (ifrequirod) Net Increase: See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRAOTIORDER NO. As DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CODE 6127064650000 A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Spent? authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM IDA. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED T0 REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {Sud} as changes inpaying o?ioe. appropnatlon date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Specify We of anI'?c?Tab?t and authority) funding modification I93.103tb) E. IHPORTANT: Contrador not. Is reqt?red to Sign this document and ram 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF section headings, induc?ng sdidta?bn/oontract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Program POC: - 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. . A The purpose of this modification is to add additional funds to cover the equitable adjustment incorporated on the contract in modification number 5 to contract line item numbers 1001, 1004, and 1006. This will increase the amount obligated by . 4 from Discount Terms: Net 30 Continued . . . Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions at the document referenced In Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and effect ., . .. MU 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orprr'rtl) 160. DATE SIGNED -.Wawi 94/0 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Prose-bed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 150. DATE SIGNED 158. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR {Signature arm-Son Sign) .. . .. I NSN 7540014520070 Previous edition unusable MARCH REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 2 2 NAME OF OFFERDR on CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE mam No. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Accounting Info: FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2010 Add Item 100? as follows: Funding to incorporate option period 1 equitable 411,100.95 3.00? rate adjustment. Thecontract line items that are affected are listed below. These prices are in effect from 3/1/2010 to 2/28/2011. CLIN 1001 bed day CLIN 1004: per bed day CLIN 1006 our Product/Serv1ce bode: S206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES NSN 1'540-01-152'8067 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033218 OPTIONAL FORM 336 Sponsored by GSA FAR (43 CFR) 53.110 PAGE OF PAGES 1 2 5. PROJECT NO. (If AMENDMENT OF or CONTRACT ?3 CODE 4. REDUISTTIONIPURCHASE REO. No. 1 92111FMIBTCC0001 . 1 7. ADMINISTERED av [newsman Item 6) 2. NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 10/01/2010 5. ISSUED BY CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW Su . Washington DC 2053 6 Attn: washing on 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR me. Me: 0mm!? Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334373242 DB. DATED (SEE ITEM 11?) 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 103. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 09/13/2010 11. [11119 above runpered eolldletloo Is amended as satin-1h hllem14. The how and dale Speci?ed for remipl DI Olfets Ijis exiended. DI: ml extended. O?ers mus! edumledge receipt ollhis amendmem prioI'lolhe hour and dale speci?ed 'mhe solicitation eras mended. byeneolmelollowm mamas: Byca'npleling Itemseend15.mdrehning copiesaflheamndmert: Ib)By adumledahg mmOrlc) By separate Ietler ?telegram which 'ncludee a reference to Ihe solidlatim and anonde mmbem. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PURCE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by virtue ofthis you deelre to change an o?'er steady submitted. and! change may be made by telegram 0T loner. provided each 1359mm or makes reference tomesolicite?on andlhis anendmeniamd Is reoeivedpriorzo?'leopeni'lg 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPIJ TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIED THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. 21m A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify eulhodl?y) THE CHANCES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. 3. THE ABOVE NUMBERED IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES as GM as In of?ce. dale, etc) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR ?9 ?Mag 0. IRIS AWEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: O. OTHER (Spea?l?ytype olmod?ce?anmdeadhadfy) far 43.10309) EIMPORTANT: CmII-ector 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section head'ngs, Induding we?de sawed matter ?new feasible.) DUNS Number: 612?064 65 Procurement POC: Depieeto the Program POC: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: Alternate 954-54 5-6045 305-2 I: The purpose of this modification is to provide funds for October 2010 for the ETC contract. Continued . . . Excepl as provided harem, all lem'le and oomaions thhe dounnenl referenced in Item 9A Dl'1l - 15!? NAME AND TITI.E OF SIGNER {Type orpan so. DATE SIGNED 158. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 158. DATE SIGNED {mm NSN 7540-01452-8070 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Previous edtion unusable Presumed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 i I REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED commumo" SHEET /900001 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE WEHNQ (A) 0001 0002 0003 -_0005 All other terms and conditions remain the same. 1003: ADDITIONAL BEDS . Product/Service Code: SUPPLIESISERVICES oummv uwn (D) (B) Discount Terms: Net FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount}: CLIN 1001: GUARANTEED MINIMUM Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 0002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1002: ADDITONAL Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 0003 to read as foilows(amount shown is the total amount}: Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 0005 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1005: DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 1,687,640.00 54,540.00 34.542.00 1,278.00 HEN MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033220 newsman?: 1. CONTRACT IO CODE PAGE OF PAGES AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT I 1 3 2. No. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE P00010 See Block 160 4. REQUISITTONJPURCHASE REO. NO. 1921 1 1 . 12 5. PROJECT NO. (If app?cabie) 7. ADMINISTERED BY (It'ol?her than Item 6) GJSEEDBY CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Attn: washington 36 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. street. county. State oro' ZIP Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION N0. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 DATED (SEE ITEM 11} 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER No. 1GB. DATED (SEE ITEM 1311. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES To AME OF SOLICITATIONS CODE 6127064 FACILITY CODE DThe above numbered soiidtation ls amended as set Iorth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt ct Otters [?115 extended. Dis not extended. Otters must aoknoMedge receipt of this amendment der to the hour and date sped?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the following methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and rclurrting copies of the amendment: By adcnowieeglng receipt at this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or By separate Ietieror telegram which Includes a reteronce to the solicitation and amendment numb?rs. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED THE PIACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference - to the solicitation and this amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (if required) See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION or n? MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NC. I i Net Increase: A. THIS CHANGE ORDER [8 PURSUANT TO: (Specify autiwn?hv) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIOR DER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as changes in paying ohi'ce. apprepn'ation date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT Is 'p?um?a??iiba?i?ar? D. OTHER (Specter type or ntod?iI'i?catI?on and authority) far 43.10303) E. IMPORTANT: is not. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTNODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including soir'citatr?onfcontract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 6127064 6 Procurement POC: Contractor Dis required to this documentand return copies to the issuing omce. Program POC: Alternate POCI: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: The purpose of this modification is to add funds on Contract Line Item Numbers (CLIN) 2001, 2002. 2003, 2005, and 2006. This will increase the amount obligated by from [313.661.598.60. Continued Except as prodded herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A NAMEANDTITLE OFSIGNERI?Typeorpn'nti . ring} 153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED 160. DATE IGNED (Signature ofporson authorized to sign) I NSN mom-15243070 ?r STANDARD FORM 10-53) Previous simian unusable Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3U30.0033221 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED 0 OF NAME OF OFFEROR (JR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNO OUANTHY uwr (El AMOUNT (F) 2002 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 increases from from CLIN CLLN CLIN CLIN CLTN increases increases increase- re 5 from increa- 5 from This provides funding through May131X2011. All other tesms and condiLicns remain the same. Discount Terms: Net FOB: Deszinaticn Period of Perfoxmance: t: 09/30/231; Change Item 2001 to read d5 iollowstanCUnt shown is the total amount}: GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF Product/Serv;ce Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: Accountinc Info: 6,291,277.44 Funded: $1,849,983.30 Accounting Info: a?unaed+h30?eg Change Item 2302 to read as fallows{emoun: shown is the total amount}: ., Description: GUARD SERVICES ADDITIONAL BEDS Product/Service Product/Service Accounting Into: 293,348.64 3003 Funded: $31,200.06 Accounting Info: SEE ATTACHMENT A Funded: $0.00 Change Item 2003 to read as followsfamounr shown is the total amount:: ADDITIQNAL BEDS Continued (131(4) 64.215-8? 2015 mm 336 [4.35, Spamsc'ud by 65,\ CONHNUANONSHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF NAME OF OF FEROR CIR CONTRACTOR CEO GROUP INC THE fit-M NO. (A) (BI QUANTITY JM1 ID: AMOUNT 3'7" 2005 2006 Uroduczf?ervica Code: 8205 ProduchService Description: CHAR: SERVECHS Accounting Info: (mne) Funded: $31,200-00 Item 2005 to read as foliow3(amount shown total amount): Change is the WORK PROGRAM QLCS DETAZNEE VOLUNTEER ?roduct/Service Code: ProductXService Description: GUARD Accounting Info: (PX-7X8) Funded: $15,951.0c :ead as Ioilowsiamoun: Item 2605 LC totai amount}: Change is the ON-CALL POSTS ProductXService Code: 52 Pxoduct/Service Descript GUARD SERVICES 11!" Th r'r- - Funded: $170,280.30 2015 0033223 33891-35] Spar-Jamal by GSA FARE43CFR15111D AMENDMENT OF OF CONTRACT commT 0?05 ??35 PAGES 1 3 4. REQUISITIDNIPURCHASE RED. N0 192111FMIBTCC0001.13 3. EFFECTIVE DATE See Block 16C 2 AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION NO. 5. PROJECT NO (If epp?cebiei 6 ISSUED BY CODE 3? ADMINISIERED BY Mother man Ham 6) CODE ICE/Hotont Mngt/Dutcnt Contracta?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Attn: Wash Lori ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 8 NAME ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR rNo, street munfy. 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NH 53RD ST STE. 700 93 DMEDISEEITEMIU BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. we. DATED (SEE ITEM CODE 6127064650000 CODE 11. OF The above mmbered solicitation is amended as set [0th in Item 14 The hour and dale spoc?ed for raee'pi donors L- is Bliandad. Ljis not intended Offers must acknowledge receipt oi this amendment prior lo the hour and date spec?w in Ihe annihilation or as amended, by me of Ihe ?slowing methods Ely cur-pleiing Items 8 and I5. and reium'ng copies 0! the amendment By acknowledi receipt oithis amendment on each copy oilhe offer subm?tect; or By separate [allot or telegram whim includes a Tolerance to the so?citalr?en and FAILURE OF YOUR ACKROLMEOGEMENT 1'0 DE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND ONE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTIUN OF YOUR OFFER II by virtue of this mendm anl you desire to change an Drier already submitth Such change may be made by telegram or Iotter, provided each telegram or makes reIerence ID the eohoteiion and this amendment and is received prior to the ripening hour and date specified (WW I 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA quuimd) 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO HODIFICIQYION 0F CO NTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. A8 DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. Net; Increase: See Schedule A. CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT (8089!? athorfIy) THE CHANGES SET FORYII IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN CONTRACT CHECK ONE ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A THE ABOVE NUMBERED commonsense IS MODIFIED To REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying Mice. appropriation data. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT To me AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10301. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL ENTERED INTO PURSUFINT T0 AUTHORIIY OTI IEFI (Speafy type oImoar?caI?I'an and antiserum meonmur; Comrade: ts mi required to Man this document and return 0 copies to the issu'ng oifieu I4. DESCRIPTION OF (Orgam'ted by UCF sadbn Marianas, incfuding sah'atewn/oonirac! stayed matter where foe DUNS Number: 6127064 65 Procurement POC: W202-7?1?mxc) Program Poe: -- 3mm Alternate POC: 305?2?5) AlternaLe POC: is?g?x?m?c) Alternate POC: 305?219?qu The purpose of this modification is to add funds on Contract Line Item Numbers 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2006. This will increase the amount: obligated by rout Cent inued . . . Emapi at! provided here", ai terms and (auditions oi the documenl referenced in Item 0A or 10A, as Iieteloiort) remains unchanged and i1 fuil force and e?ed. 15A NAME MD TITLE OF SIGNER {Type Orp?'nil ri'ni?) 08(6), 16C DATE SI ED 06/5? 150. DATE SIGNED I 158. CONTRAC TORIOFFEROR STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. Tess) Prescribed by GSA FAR [-18 CFR) 53.243 use 7510-01?3 524mm Previous edition unusabin MARCH 20 I5 ICE20 I REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING counuuso PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERUICES (A) QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) CLIN 2001 increases from 72,594. CLIN 2002 increases from 52,011. CLIN 2003 increases from 15,291. CLIN 2005 increases from: 39,424. CLIN 2006 increases from_ This provides funding through June/30/2011. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: mi FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 2001 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): GUARANTEED MINIMUH Product/Service Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 2001 ?eunaga. Accounting Info: Change Item 2002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2002 ADDITIONAL BEDS Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: SEE ATTACHMENT A Funded: 00 Continued 8,139,239.28 324,548.64 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033225 0mm FORM 350 (4-00) Spat-Issued by GSA PAR (48 CFR) 53.110 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE may N0. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY uurr UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Change Item 2003 to read as follows (amount shown is the total amount): 2903 ADDITIONAL BEDS 95,415.84 Product/Service . $206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: Change Item 2005 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 2005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM 39,424.00 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES . Item 2006 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2006 ON-CALL POSTS 459,458.01 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES nan mam-152.9057 omom ram 335 Sponm?bszA MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033226 53.110 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIDNIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1' CONTRACT '0 CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 2. AMENDMENTMODIFICATION NO. . 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REQ. NO. 5. PROJECT N01. (Ifappicatje) 900012 See Block 16C 192111EMIBTCC001.14 6. BY CODE DM DC 7. ADMINISTERED BY (Ifotherthan Item 6) CODE II (33/ DC- DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: Washington DC 0 36 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No, street. county, Stats andZIP Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 1GB. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 09/13/2010 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is attendedasset forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt of Offers Dis extended. [jis not extended. Otters must admowiedge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the soiicitation or as amended. by one of the Ioliowing methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment; By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the o?er submitted; or to) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the soiicitalion and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. "by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each teiegram or Ietlet makes reference to the soicilotion and this amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. . 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA-{Ifreguireoy Ne I ncrea se Soc Schedule - 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO 0F CONTRACTSIORDERSJ IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIDRDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT To: {Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TOREFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying of?ce, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103Ib). C. THIS SUPPLEMENIAL IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Speon type c! modi?cation and authority) far 43.103(b) 5' Contractor gig not_ Clo required to sign this document and return - 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section headings, inoiuding outstation/contract subject matter where Ioasibfe.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Procurement POC: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: The purpose of this modification is to add funds 0n Contract Line Item Numbers (CLIN) 2001, 2002, 2004, and 2007. This will increase the amount obligated byl? (5x4yi7'5 $17,995,544.26 Continue Except as provided hereh, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in In" force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn'ni) - m) (not 01mm) 153. 150. DATE SIGNED 160. DATE SIGNED {Signature ai'porson authorized to sign) 1 7 /c742 NSN 7540-01-152-303'0 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Previous edition unusable Prescribed by GSA MARCH 2015 . FAR CFRI 53-243 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING commuen PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 2 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OB CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE WEMND. suevusseenmces NW (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) 2001 2002 This provides funding through Augusthl, 2011 CLIN 2001 increases fro 2005 increases from; increases from increases from CLIN 2004 CLIN 2007 All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: - Net FOB: Destination - Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 2001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): - GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF 3 Product/Service Code:' Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accountin- Change Item 2002 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): ADDITIONAL BEDS Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info- Accounting Info: SEE ATTACHMENT A 9,176,349.28 325,846.56 754M1452WARCH OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-33} . FAR (an 53.110 . REFERENCE no. OF DOCUMENTBEING CONTINUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 08 CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM no. SUPPLIESISERVICES oumnrv UNIT UNIT PRICE moum (A) (B) (D) (E) (F) Funded: $0.00 Change Item 2004 to read as follows (amount shown is the tot_al amount) 2004 TRANSPORTATION COSTS 1 728, 002 . 3.6 Product/Servico Code: 5206 Product/ Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 200'? to read as follows (amount shown? is the total amount) .: 200'? Mileage 127,786. 62 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/ Service Description: GUARD SERVICES nded: ,159.80. NSN 754M1-1524OHMARCH 201.5 OPTIONAL FORM :35 (4-55} Spmsamd by GSA FAR (48 53.110 LOZEOI 9 L08 HOHVW uompa NSN (um: a: pazyoqmo uowadp mmau?gs} CIEINEJIS 31310519} ?l _uoe a: gma (a :13 at) w: v39 (99-01 768) oz mos OW was ?12? UBNDIS ELVG aoaassomomvamooagu . . .. K1) HENDIS seguuowaww ?p?WWuam su'EELue: 'pa?ueq: mop;an mu. v5 pua swat ue 'ugageu se Idaoxa panutquoo Kin-f q?'noxqq sornxasiog pap-Inoxd uaaq amen spung '39:)ch ){sen Stu-:1 uo 10; ap?fnoid uaaq seq ?utpun; 9:19p aqq 3,091,103 0: s1- uomeo?tnpom Stu-:1. J0 asodlnd BELL :goa aneuxaqt? aneuxazrv (mm?moon: :IaqmnN- mm?; mm? my? my?: ?m?wa?q?w?pf?? ?arms son It: 1092:025on nonvorsroowmewamawv :10 any?) Games; at." 0] games I '3 19; {repoqm?pua uogo'ampaw 10 3090 [(19:68) ?0 umreu pue luawnaop sun u?ys o1pa";nbaJ a! I 'lou Jopmuoa HO OJ. SI '3 ?(Qeovsv am so MIHOHLW 3H1. 01 mvnsand Win NI 135 ?an ?amp from ?amed u! s?e?uew :2 ms) HAILVUJSINMGV 3H1 1331:5301 oawaow SI aanaouavamoo 0333mm anoav am ?a - *m wall NI Lawmoo EIHJ. NI aavw aw wau NI Hwos 139 sasNVHo (Ignorant! wads} =01 33030 SSWHOSIHJ. mam x33?; '14 new sv uaqawmwmoo EH1. SBHIEION .u so wouvmaloow'm HMOWBLI ernpaqos aas (Dammit) VLVG aw 'zL 'Daupads azep puaJnou ?uiuado am 0] J0in panaan 9 pun 'Iuawpuowa-Sgu] pma ?01131me gun at aauamm saxau: Jana; J0 1112150191 Hana: J0 Luz-206313] Aq apaLU 62111.36qu uons 'pomLuqns ?pean? .1330 Us aaump o: 3.159;) nokluaw'puaum cm] J0 anuln KG 1 'HdeE) 800* :10 1111938 AW aamroads am: CIIW OJ. 883330 :10 1:18.938 BHJ. 80:! EHJ. 1V 01 '919qw?u luawpuame pue uoumpnos at" q; GDUQJEIJQJ a sapnpu; qamM wEJBoiel JO Jana: Wanda 58 (3) J0 tpamtuqns 13:40 GUI 10 Adam was up auawpuame sgq; Jo 161:)an Eumpawouxpe Ag tluawpuawe mu :0 931603 ?ulu'irim we '55, pua same}: Gunmdmos A3 29:10qu augment!) am 10 em: Aq 'papua'me 99 J0 uoneuaglos at? u; payloads amp pue JDOLI euro; .Iq'yd :uampuame 5ng go ldgaoau a?'palmouxoe gsnu: mayo ?papuaw?mu magma ndgaam Jo; paupads azep pue Jan an; 'n Luau u; Lino} 193 sa papuawa qoneznuqs namquqnu ahoqe SNOILVLIOFIOS do NQHV 01 MNO 1-waxraas) 033:0 'am 90000?a?ao?wuaasa 0N NOUVOHIGOW 3003 All?liOVd 000099 WOLZW 1a nomvu 3305 (U- 293.1339) OHLVCI ?86 - ONI 50033 039 mawonawv 've rapes rm ems 'r?vunoo 'tms 0W BWVN '8 98903 30 U015UFHSEM 108 0E6 arms ?rm'aasms I 108-. quama?euew :0 BOIJJO- .3uame?eu9w Quamaolo;u? smonsno Pu9_uoT1015meI quemaoxogug smogsng pue uoxqez?xmml 30?510911u03 nuanaG/l?un unease/EDI 30-330931u03 quagaa/l?uw Quenaa/EDI m?oc/m/aa? 3003 300;, 391 xaora eas BLVD (9 may uvrsxamon) A8 OEHELSINIWGV AS cranSSI '9 I 006! ?9 fr I 339w J0 39w 033 aswaundmomsmaa 1: 3003 a! mwmoo .L LOWLNOO :10 mawa?'awv' :doa aneuxantv~ 00!. 31.9359 ([2199 MN "[39 - REFERENCE NO. BEING con-nuusn . - - I, ITNU F2 I NAME-OF GROUE INC THE no. suppussrsenvzces.All'other'terms and conditions remain the Same. Discount Terms: Net .- A FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 07/31/2011 "Change Item 2001 to read as follows?ameunt shown .is the total amount}: 9,175,349.29 2001 GUARANTEED MINIMUM PreciuCt/Sergvice- Code: Change. .to read as .shoi?q'n is the total amount): 2002 325,84?i56 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES . Accounting Infb; SEESBTTACHMENT A FundEd: $0.00 change Item 2003 to read as f011?wsiam?unt Show? is the total am?u?tlz 2003' Continued .. 95,415.84 5206 - ?Mawg1'52m?wARCH 2015 - M. . . . . Spy-wand can Ind Ian ?owrmumon swear. REFERENGENQ. CONTINUED mmE QF orrenoaoacommcron GROUP INC THE REM NC): (A) (D) (B) (E) (F) 2004 2005 2006 2007 Product/Service Code: Pioduct/Servic? Description: GUARD SERVIEES 'Accauhtinrfiqfo; followstamount shown Change.Item'200? to read as is the.total amount):- TRANSPORTATION COSTS -5206 Producthervice Description: ACcounting In b: _Qhange Item 2005 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amguntli DETAINEE VOLQNTEER WORK PROGRAM I ProdUCt/Service Code: 8206 Product/ServiCe Description: GUARD SERVICES Accguntin- Into: 'Change Item 2006 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): HOSTS ProductISErvice Code: 3206? ProductXService Description: GUARD SERVICES 'ChanQEyItem 200? tp.read as follomsCamount Shown is the'total amount}: _Mileaqe Product/Service Code: .3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Continued . 1,728,002.16 39,424.90 459,458.01 an a 0.. REFERENCE NO. 0.: nocumem amuc; cow-man PAGE CONHNUAHONSHEET a . - 4 4 ?we 0.: OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CEC GROUP INC THE was? NO. sum cum. rm mm UNIT 99135 AMOUNT {3.3 iD: {92.1 Accounting ?nfa. FunJed: $0.00 Change TLHW 2008 to LEad as fol!ows{ameunr shown 15 the Lotal ammunr}: 2008 SUARD OJT (bx4) as 170 7? Product/Service Coda: S206 FrodUctKService Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting 1nfo: Funded: fpxnecrmwua {ll ?6 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT PAGE OF PAGES 1 I .1 1, COIJTRIICT ID CODE a EFFECTIVE DATE Sec Block 166 2 NO. P00014 4. REQUISITIONJPURCHASE n50 N0 1 921 5. PROJEC NO. {If methane) a. ISSUED BY CODE 1 CE 01.3; 9c- ac av mm Item 6) CODE IICB Dc ICE/Decent Mngt/Uetent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs EnforCement Office of Acquisition Management. 801 LI Street me, Suite 910 Iashington DC 20336 ICE/Detent MngtI'Detent Contracts?DC Immigrath and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisitian Management 801 I Street Hid, Suite 910 Washington .L I3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR 5mm, marry, 5:.er 1111253 We} GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 730 BOCA EATON FL 334878242 93. AMENDMENT OF SOUCITATIOH ND SB. DATED (SEE ITEM 1 I) 10A MODIFICATION OF N0. 108. DATED ITEM 13,- CODE 6127064650000 FACILITY cone 09/13/2010 11. THIS ITEM TO AME DMENTS 0F SOLICITATIONS The above nunbared Malalm is amended as 315th:th i1 Ilsm 14 The hour and (Ian spammed for recaipi of 0mm L313 extended. [jis nonvionded Offers must reclaim 01 232:5 amendmenl poor Io Ihe hour and date spec:?od in the micnaiim o: as. ammdod. by one of the methods. By com-pia?m Items 8 and 15 and {elm-mg conic-3 a! the amenutnm: By Ewan-lodging record a! this amaml-nw'. 0-1 06-33! copy OI the nit-r summed; or 1c) By upgran bean?: or Iamgram indudea a veteran?? to soiz?atbn ant: rum-cars. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER, [Iby wrun 01 His you make {a change an offer already stunned. such (#:2th may be: made by gram or letler. provIcIed each 1950mm or latter makes total-mm to ma summits-I and this amenjdmem, and is {?awed to [I've Owning ham and Gate spcc?iod 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION mm my;de See Schedule Net Increase: 13. THIS ITEH ONLY APPLIES TO HODIFICATION 0F IT MODIFIESTHE CONTRACTIORDER N0. A3 DESCRIBED IN ITEII 14. CHECKONE ORDER NO IN IDA A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO {5?}va ethtmeJ THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 MADE IN THE I B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED IS MODIFIED IO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as mango: [mymg appropriation daft: etc} SET FORI IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.1030) 0 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS EN IERED INTO PURSUANT To AUTHORITY OF.- OTHER (Sue-of)! type afmoa??caaon and authoan E. IMPORTANT: Conuaclor is not If 15 roqmmd :0 sign wamom ana return 60pm; to the issuing of?ce. 1 4. DESCRIPIIDN OF AME NOMENTMODIFICATION {Giganle by UCF semen beatings, Including sumac! matter w?era ?ash?? DUI-IS Number: 6127064 65 Procurement POC: Program POC: W54 ~545? Alt?xnate PCS: 305-207 Alternate POC: 0560?? Alternate E?Ofi: 305?207 The purpose of We) From: Continued this modification is to add funding as follows: I319,495,544.2e Except as provided heroin, all and of dacumanl refetenced in ham 9A or 10A, as harmoiwe drangnd. remains unchangea and I?ul force and effect 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpmrII ban!) ISB. CONTRACTDWOFFEROR {Shaman ?pi-ion Wed In .s?gnjh DATE SIGNED 16C. DATE SIGNED NSN 7540-01 452-6370 Pre.~Icus et?tion unusable MARCH 20 I5 DARE: FORMSGIREV. 10-35) Pr mm by GSA (46 532-33 page OF I 4 REFERENCE NO OF DOCUMENT BEWG CONUNUED SHEET 3. 0014 2 GEO GROUP INC THE AMOUNT (F) (E) QUANHTYUNW (C) (D) IWMND (R) Also, extending the period of performanc: through August 31, 2011. All other terms and conditions IEmain the same. Discount Terms: Net FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 08/31/2011 Change Item 2001 to read as followsiamount shown is the total amount): 2001 GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF (bud) 10.659.136.28 (MM) 13 increased as foliows: increased as 1 Code: 3106 Dascription: GUARD SERVICES The quantitv is From: Product/Service Product/Service Accounting info: (maxe) Funded: $0.00 Accountinq Info: Funded: $0.00 Acuqunfira Tnfo' QU - GU Accounting :nfo: @0er a; . I mead: Change item 2002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): ADDITIONAL BEDS CLIN #2002 is increased as follows: Fromi (bna) The quantity is increased as falluws: Continued 2002 328,966.56 NSN 754MI.152-aoc? Foam :06 {4-06) mmumuym? Hamuwmme MARCH 20 IS REFERENCE NO. OF DOCWENT BEING CONTINUED SHEET OF 3 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNQ (A) 2003 2005 suppuesmERVMEs (B) (C) (D) (E) AMOUNT (F) Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES ACCOunti?:m Accounting Info: SEE ATTACHMENT A FUnded: $0.00 F?nded: $0.00 Change Item 2003 to read as followstamount shown is the total amOunt): ADDITIONAL Accountinym "E?na?d?m??Ti?0T00 Change Item 2005 to read as follous(amount shown is the total amount): DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM CLIN #2005 is increased as follows: .mw? 41,383.00 'Continued 98,535.84 41.883.00 NSN 7540-01?152-?7 MARCH 2015 mums-13m 335mm Why GSA co REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE . OF #300014 4 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE: SUPPIJESISERVICES oumnnc burr um PRICE mourn? ITEM NO. (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (A) -ACC?tin?nf?' Fu: $2,.oo Change Item 2006 to read as follows (amount shown is the total amount}: 2006 467,972.01 new mom-152.3061 mom FORM 35 (4-36) - FAR (48 CPR) 53.110 MARCH 2015 1. CONTRACT ID CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 3 2. AMENDMENT MODIFICATION NO. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITIONJPURCHASE REG. NO. 5. PROJECT NO. (?ammable) 6. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY (Home! than item 6) CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: Washing on 0. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR we. mar, county. State andZiP cm; 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION No. AMENDMENT OF OF CONTRACT GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE: 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 3 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 6 l-F- 00004 100. DATED (SEE THEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 09/13/2010 11. THIEITTEII APPLIES TO ATIETIBEENTS OF The above numbered solicitation is amended as setiorth In Item 14. The hour and date spectl?ied for receipt of Offers Dis extended. [Its not attended. Offers must adrnowiedge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the following methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and retuming copies at the amendment: By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted: or By separate lotteror telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. It by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an otter already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makers reference to the solldtation and mi: amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and dale speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {Ifrequirad} Ne Increase See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. As DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. 25m A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Spec-Ty authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER No. IN 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as changes pn?w?ng o?ice, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10303). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER {Special type ofmodr'?catr'on andauthori'ty} far 43.10300) E. IMPORTANT: Contractor Eire not. CI is required to sign this document and return 0 copies to the Issuing Of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF section headings. including soticiratiow?contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 Procurement POC: Program POC: Alternate POC: I Alternate POC: The purpose of this modification is to add funds for bed days through 9/30/11. This will increase the amount obligate as follows: Fromzii $21,263,261.26 Conti' Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. heretofore 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn'ntt 153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED 6C. DATE SIGNED {Signature NSN 7540014520070 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 1033) Previous edition unusabie Prescribed by GSA MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA030300033238 FAR (49 53-243 REFERENCE No. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE oI= 2 3 NAME OF OFFERDR on CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM No. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) I (C) (D) (E) (F) CONTINUATION SHEET All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 2001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2001 GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF H: 12,340,936.28 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES . 00 Countinr Info? M.u_ Tim? ?6 3 Accounting Info: . une 0 Accounting Change Item 2002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2002 413,206.56 SEE ATTACHMENT A Continued 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033239 OPTIONAL FORM mom: FAR (43 cm)53.11n REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENTBEING commuen PAGE OF 3 I 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Funded: $0.00 Funed: $40 . 0 Change Item 2005 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM 43 5 50, oo Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES In= .. Fued . 2015 momma?. usth smndeGSA AMENDMENT OF souchAnoNrmoDIFICAnoN OF CONTRACT '0 0005 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 2 5. PROJECT N0- (?appticaolo) 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION NO. P00016 e. ISSUED raw 3. EFFECTIVE DATE See Block 16C CODE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE RED. No. 192111FMIBTCC0001.16 7. ADMINISTERED er at other than Item 5) ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR mo, onset, county, Slate endZIP Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 93. DATED (SEE ITEM .11) . 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 103. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 09/13/2010 11. THIS I IEM APRUED TO a : The above numbered solicitatim Is amenided as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed tor receipt of Otters Dis extended. Dis not extended. Offers must receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one at the Iollmvi'lg methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment; (bi By acknowledging receipt of this on each copy of the offer submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. lfby virtue of this amendment you desire to change an otter already submiued. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to tho so?cilation and this amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and dale speci?ed. CODE 6127064650000 FACILITYCODE DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. m. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER No. IN 10A. 8. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying attics. appropriation data, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER {Specify type of modi?cation and authority) far 43.103Ib) E. IMPORTANT: Contractor IE is not. is required to sign this document and return 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF section headings, Incluan sotic?atio?contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Procurement POC: Program Alternate POC- Alternate POC: The purpose of this modification is to acid funds for on?call posts through 9/30/11. This will increase the amount obligate as follows: Continue- Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the dourment reterenced in Item 9A or IDA, as beret 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type 15B. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 156. DATE SIGNED (Signature of person cemented to sign) NSN moor-152mm - so (REV. 10-83) Previous edition unusabie Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033241 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 2 7 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE WEMNO. SUPPUESBERWCES AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) ED) (F) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 2006 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2006 POSTS 538,808.49 CLIN #2006 is increased as follows: From: (53(4) Product/Service Code: 8206 roduct/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033242 OPTIONAL FORM 335 {4-56) Sponsored by GSA FAR (-03 CFR) 53.110 1. CONTRACT ID CODE PAGE OF PAGES . AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT EFFECTIVE DATE 4. RED REO. No. 5. PROJECT NO. (if appease) P00017 See Block 16C 192111FMIBTCC0001.17 e. ISSUEDBY CODE ICE DC- DC 7. ADMINISTERED BY (trainer than Item 8} CODE DWI DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW Suite 910 Attn: ?Him WashingtOn DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (to. mar. county. Stan and ZIP Code) GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242. BB. DATED ITEM 11') 10A MODIFICATION OF NO. 1'3) 09/13/2010 {3111c above numbered so?oitab'on is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt of Offers [:lis extended. [:Iis not extended. Offers must admowiedge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the foitmv'ng methods: By completing Items 8 and 15, and ralumlng copies otthe amendment: By acknowledging receipt of this amendmem on each copy of the otter submitted: or to} By separate letter or telegram Mild-I includes a reterenoe to the sotioitetion and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT to BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. It by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted. such change may be made by tetegrsm or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amenanent. and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. CODE 6127064650000 m: A. THIS CHANGE ORDER Is ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Spa-city authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as changes in paying attics. appropriation data, etc.) SET FORTH IN 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR .. C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: 0. OTHER {Specity type of modi?cation and authority) far 43.103Ib) E. IMPORTANT: Connector 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT MODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section headings, induding soticitatioru?cantract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Procurement POC: m. Ens not. Elie required to sign this doounient and return copies to the issuing of?ce. Program Alternate POC: Alternate POC 305?207 The purpose of this modification is to add funds for transportation through 9/30/11. This will incr?ase the amount obligate as follows: 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Typo 158. CONT 150. DATE SIGNED {Signature ofperson authorized to 519m NSN 7540-01-152?8070 Previous edition unusable Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033243 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED AGE OF SHEET . 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM No. dummy NIT (A) I (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Net( . .1 FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 2004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2004 TRANSPORTATION COSTS 1,950,970.18 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 2007 to read aS'followstamount shown is the total amount): 200T .Mileage 142,641.90 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 2008 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2008 TRANSPORTATION GUARD 128 34'? . 4'7 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 2015 omom Fangs? (we) PAR (43 CFR) 53.110 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1' CONTRACT "3 CODE PAGE OF PAGES . 1 3, EFFECTWE DATE 4. RED. No. 5. PROJECT (Itappir'cab3le) 900002 Se: buck. Vac, 192111mIBch0001.2 B. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY {Ifothertnan Item 6) CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforciement Office of Acquisition Management - Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: i .- :51. Washington DC 2053 I 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Ne. saw, county. State andZIP Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION No. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 a 93. DATED ITEM 11; BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. Toe. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 0005 6127064 650000 09/13/2010 11. THIS ITEM OF LICITATTONS above numbered solicitation Is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed tor receiptof O?ers Elie extended. [its not extended. Offers must receipt of this amendment prior to the h'ou-and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: By canptet'ng Items 6 and 15. and returning copies at the amendment: By receipt of this amendmeth on each copy ot the after submitted: or By separate letter or teleg'am which hcludes a reference In the solicitation and amendment miners. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTTO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPTDF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTIDN OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of thls'emandment you'desire to change an utter already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reterenoe to the solicitation and this amendment. and is received prior to the open'ng hour and date speci?ed 12 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Ifrequired) Net Increase: See Schedule .E. . . 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES To MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER No. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. me A. THIS CHANGE ORDER i5 ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Spain/SUM!? THE CHANGES FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. . B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER Is MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such eschangesin paying o?ice. appropriation data, etc} SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT To THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.1030?. C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: O. OTHER {Spedfy type or Marion and authority} far 43.10303) 5, Is no; IS required to Sign this downentand return 0 copies to Ihe iseuing o??ice. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, indudr?ng Salutation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 61270 64 65 Procurement P00: 2 Program POC: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: 9,411 The purpose 0 i -- _u A m? $3,437,961.92. Continued Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed. reme'ns unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER {Type orprint) . 1 SB. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED (5?59an otperooa out?m?zed to Sign) NSN 75400145243070 30 (REV. 10-33} Previous edition musable Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 CONHNUANONSHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNQ (A) QUANHTYUNW (B) (D) (E) AMOUNT (F) 0001 This will 1001 from This will _1002 from This will 1003 from This will 1005 from This will 1006 from All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Ne FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1001: GUARANTEED MINIMUM WW Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accountin- Change Item 0002 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1002: ADDITONAL 3,320,840.00 0002 h_ 62,569.50 . Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 0003 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 0003 CLIN 1003: ADDITIONAL BEDS 42,310.92 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Continued NSN 1'040-01-162-0087 om {4.85) MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033246 FAR (4-8 GFR) 53.110 - com: REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTIN - NUATION SHEET PAGE OF 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE newno (A) SUPPLIESISERVICES umr (D) (E) Amomn: (F) 0005 00069 (B) Change Item 0005 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1005: DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accountino_ Change Item 0006 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1006: ON-CALL POST HOURS: Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accoqntin-Mlnfo: rFunagag.$dfaarh $199,250.00 (Subject to Availability of FUnds) Accounting-Info:uw Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 12/31/2010 2,279.00 9,952.50 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033247 anwmm MESA AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT '0 CODE PAGE OF PAGES 2. AMENDMENTIMDDIFICATION No. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE . 4. RED. No. 5. PROJECT NOI. {Ifappt?calf?e} P00003 See Block 16C 5. ISSUED BY CODE 7. ADMINISTEFIED BY (Immortth Item 6) CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: 3 - Washington 3. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR me. county, 5m andZIPcodeJ 9a AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION No. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 5312]) ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 - 10A MODIFICATION 0E CONTRACTIORDER NO. HSCEDM-O9-D-00006- 108. DATED (SEE ITEM 13} 0?05 6127064650000 09/13/2010 - ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS 0F above numbered soti?tatien is amended as set forth in Item 14. The heu- and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended. Elie not extended. O?ers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hDuraI-Id date specified the soitcitatim or as amended. by one o! the foilewing methods: By compteting Items 8 and 15. end-retuth . copies of the amendment By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each Dcpy of :l'e Offer submitted; or (C) By separate Ietter OT IeIegra-n whim imludes a reference to the suECilation and arnendmem mrnbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOMEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an D?ar already submitted such change may be made by telegram Dr tetter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the sottdtatton aid this amendment. and is received priorto the Opening hou'and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA Net Increa 6e See Schedule - 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO OF CONTRACTSIOROERS. IT HODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT To: {Sperm/authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 12.9.. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (arch as changes In Pay-?99 of?ce, epmp?ebon date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10301). 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORTTY OF, O. OTHER {Sped?r type of ma?a-error! and authority} far 43.103Ib) Conn-ado:- is net. [3 Is required to sign this document and return 0 copies to the issuing Of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTTON OF AMENDMENTMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF sedion headings, including subject matter where feasibte.) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 Procurement POC: Program POC: I. Alternate POC: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: Continued 15A. NAMEAND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orp?nfj SC. DATE SIGNED ?swam arm memo sign) NSN 7540-01-1 52-8070 STANDARD RM (REV. 10-33 Previous editian unusable . . Prescribed by GSA . FAR {48 53.243 153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED MARCH 2015 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE IEMNQ (A) suepussrsanvuces (B) QUANTITY (C) (D) NIT (E) AMOUNT (F) 0001 _0002 0003 This will provide funding through March 4, 2011. This 1001 This 1002 This 1003 This 1004 This 1005 will from- Will a. from will from will 1: from will from :1 All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Net(l) FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 03/04/2011 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1001: GUARANTEED MINIMUM Product/Servide Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: is the total amount): CLIN 1002: ADDITONAL BEDS, Product/Service Code: Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 0003 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1003: ADDITIONAL BEDS Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Continued Change Item 0002 to read as follows(am0unt shown in 3,549,488.00 111,049.50 93,820.92 NSN 75104114524037 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033249 OPTIONAL FORM 36 Spumond by GSA Hausamnsuo CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP THE IEMNQ QUANTITY (C) UNW (E) Amomn (F) 0004 0005 Funded: $51, 510 . 00 Change Item 0004 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): GUARANTEED TRANSPORTATION Product/Service Code: 3206 GUARD SERVICES Product/Service Description: $6;00.Wmm $1,059,183.50 (Subject to Availability of Ennds) Accounin 'ed$s Change Item 0005 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): CRIN 1005: DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 635, 510. 10 3,629.00 - nan 75494314524057 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033250 mesa FARM cra) 51110 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 3 5. PROJECT NO. {lfepp?icebte} AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1? CONTRACT "3 CODE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REO. NO. 192111FMIBTCC0001 . 4 7. AOMINISTERED BY (ifotherthan item a} 2. N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE E00004 03/01/2011 CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management CODE DC- DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: Washington DC 0536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Na. saw. county. Sim szPCooeI 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION ND. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 93. DATED ITEM 11) IDA. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. HSCEDM-O 9 -D-0000 6 105. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 09/13/2010 11. ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS CODE FACILITYCODE {jThe above numbered solicitation is ernendecl as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt or Offers Dis extended. is not extended. Offers must receipt at this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one or the following methods: la) By meteor-.9 Items 8 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment; (0) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each Copy of [he o??or submitted; or [Cl By separate Iatteror telegram Mil-oh includes a reference to the soticitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESTGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. ltby virtue of this amendment you desire to Change an offer already Submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each teiegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this anendment. and is received prior to the Opening hour and date specrried. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA lifrequired) Net Increas e: 13. THIS rI'Eu ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION or CONTRACTSIORDERs. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. As DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. See Schedule QTECKPLE A THIS CHANGE ORDER lS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: {Speon authority) THE CHANCES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED T0 REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying of?ce. appropniatiion date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43 103(1)). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER {Specify type or modi?an and authority) far 43.103(b) E. IMPORTANT: Contractor Is not. El i5 required to ?lm this document and return 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF section headings, including subject matter where feasible.) DUN Numbe copies to the issuing of?ce. Alternate POC: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: The purpose of this modification is to add additional funding in b; This will increase the total amount obligated from Continued Except as provided herein, at terms and conditions at the dDCument referenced in Item 9A or 109,, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and attest. 15A. NAME AND TITLE QF SIGNER Type or print) rim) 7 160. DATE SIGNED why/02M STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Presmbed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED [Dynamo orpersm authorized to sign} NSN Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033251 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 2 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM no. QUANTITY UNIT unrr PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (D) (E) (F) This will provide funding through March 4, 2011. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Ne FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 03/04/2011 Add Item 2001.as follows: 2001 GUARANTEED MINIMUM 875,208.72 Product/Service Code: ?0 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Add Item 2002 as follows: 2002 ADDITIONAL BEDS, 2,496.00 Product/Serviceim . 06 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES _Accountiu- Info: Add Item 2003 as follows: 2 003 ADDITIONAL BEDS 1 372 oo Product/Service Code. 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES _Accountin- Info: Add Item 2004 as follows: 2004' TRANSPORTATION COSTS 75,579.45 Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: Continued NSN 7540-01-152-9067 - MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA0303ODO33252 OPTIONAL FORM 338 Sponsored by 631': FAR (43 CPR) 53.110 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED SHEET PAGE OF 3 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM No. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY uurr UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (D) (E) (F) ed Add Item 2005 as follows: 2005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM 8,223.00 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: Fundd 2 3 . 0 Add Item 2006 as follows: 2006 POSTS 76,328.01 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: HEN 7540-0145241?? OPTTONM. FORM 336(4-56) Sponsored by GSA MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033253 FAR (?cm 63.110 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 3 AMENDMENT OF OF CONTRACT 1' CONTRACT '0 CODE 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. RECI. NO. 5. PROJECT NO. (Happt'cabte) See Schedule 2- AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION N0. See Block 16C T. ADMINISTERED BY (Ifother than Item 6} onenmoav CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn: 1:1 Washing on _Is36 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. street. mum Store andZIP Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER N0. ms. DATED (SEEITEM 13) 09/13/2010 CODE 6127064650000 FACILITYCODE 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF [j The above numbered solicitatim is amended as set fonh In Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt 01 Offers Dis extended. [Its not extended. Otters must acknowledge receipt amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended. by one of the following methods: By compietlng Items 8 and 15. and ramming moles of the amendment; By acknowtedging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the otter submitted; or to) By separate letter or telegram which includes a roterence to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOMEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. Itby virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each tetegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the openan hour and date speci?ed. I - (bite 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (ifrequired) Net Increa se 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBEDIN ITEM 14. See Schedule CHECK ONE . - A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT T0. set author! THE CHANGES SET pom? ITEM 14 ARE MD I 0RDERNOJNHEM1OA ?9 HECONTRACT B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO RE FLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying of?ce. appropriath date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103ib), C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: O. OTHER (Special type ofmodi?catt'on and authority) far 43.103Ib) 5. IMPORTANT: Contractor Elis not. Is required to sign this document and relum copies to the Issuing omce 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, Inctuding solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: '612706465 Zoz-Woixc) Procurement POC: '5 Program POC: 954-545-?5. Alternate POC: - Alternate POC: Alternate POC: The purpose of this modification is to add additional funding to CLINS 1001, 1002, and 1005 to pay invoicep73?wEIEQIQand also to add transportation funds to CLIN 2004 and 2007. This will increase the amount obligated by Continued I Exoepl as provided herein. al terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as hereto.?ore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and effect. I 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpn'nt) n'n? 15B. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED (Signature ofpemon authorized to sign) NSN 7540014523070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 STANDARD Fo 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (43 53.243 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED CONTINUATION SHEET 0005 2 3 NAME 05 OFFEROR on CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNQ AMOUNT (F) QUANNTYUNW (C) (D) (E) (B) 0001 0002 -'0005 Fd This will provide funding through March 4, 2011. increases increases increases increases increaSes terms and CLIN 1001 CLIN 1002 CLIN 1005 CLIN 2004 CLIN 2007 All other Discount Terms: Ned: FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 03/04/2011 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount):' CLIN 1001: GUARANTEED MINIMUM - 5,073,808.00 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: 192111FMIBTCC0001, 192111FMIBTCC0001.1, 192111FMIBTC00001.2, 192111FMIBTCC0001.7 Acsevntin- Info: Change item 0002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): CLIN 1002: ADDITONAL BEDS Product/Service Code: - Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: 192111FMIBTCC0001.1, 192111FMIBTCC0001.2, 192111FMIBTCC0001.3, 192111FMIBTC00001.7 Accountin- Info: Change Item 0005 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount):_ CLIN 1005: DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM 8,700.00 Product/Service Code: 8206 Continued 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033255 FORM 336114-86) WMGSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 3 I 3 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR i GEO GROUP THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANHTY UNIT um AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: 192111FMIBTCC0001.1, 192111FMIBTCC0001.2, 192111FMIBTCC0001.3. ded: Change Item 2004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2004 TRANSPORTATION COSTS 390, 194 . 04 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: 192111EMIBTCC0001.4, 192111FMIBTCC0001.6 Add Item 2007 as follows: 2007 Mileage 1,765.62 Product/Service Code: 8206 A Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Requisition No: AC 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033256 opnomuomasum} 890mm! W538 . 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER {Type orpn'nv PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 2 5. PROJECT N0. (Happb'cabie) AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIDNIMODIFICATIDN OF CONTRACT 1? CONTRACT CODE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REQ. NO. 192111FMIBTCC0001.8 7. ADMINISTERED BY (Ifott?lert?hln Item 6) 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION ND. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE P00006 . 04/12/2011 8. ISSUED BY CODE Dc_ DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW Suite 910 Washington DC '5 6 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Na. street. county. State andZIP Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION Nil GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 93. DATED TI) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 103. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 09/13/2010 11. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO FACILITY CODE CODE 6127064650000 The above numbered soil-citation ts amended as set forth In item 14.? The hour and date speci?ed lor receipt of Offers Dis extended. not extended. Offers must acknovtiedge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: By completing Items 8 81d 15, and returning copies of the amortdment: By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy or the offer submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. It by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an otter already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes Tolerance to the solicitation and this amendment. and Is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. wane: -. . .. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Irrequired) 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES To MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS, IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER ND. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. Net Increase: See Schedule ONE . A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER No. IN ITEM 10A. . I . B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as changes In paying of?ce, I appropriation data, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 0. THIS SOPPITEIIENTAL AGREEMENT Is ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER I?Sperz?f)t typo ?modification and authority) far 43.10303) E. IMPORTANT: Contractor E1 Is not. 14, DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, Including sanitation/contract subiecl matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 Procurement POC: Program POC: Alternate Alternate POC: Alternate POC: [jts required to sign this docutnontand return 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. The purpose of this modification is to add funds for detention bed days. This will increase the amount obligated by 325. 965.65. This will provide funding through April 8, 2011. Continued Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenoed In Item 9A or 10A. as changed. romaine unchanged and in luli force Meet15B. 150. DATE SIGNED 160. DATE 5 NED STANDARD I?u' 30( EV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA PAR (43 53.243 (Signature ofporsoo authorized to Sign) SN 7540-01-152-8070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BBNG CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 2 2 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT um PRICE AMOUNT (A) (C) (E) (F) CLIN 2001 increases from CLIN 2002 increases from* .All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Net FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 04/08/2011 Change Item 2001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2001 GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF 2002 -Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES .. Product/Service Code: Change Item 2002 to?read as followstamount show is the total amount): ADDITIONAL BEDS Product/service Code. 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Acn Accounting Info:_ SEE ATTACHMENT A Funded: $228,452.64 2,159,543.32 230,948.64 NSN 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033258 mmum?ymn FAR {45 cm) 5111:) Form GS 14 REQUISITION - MATERIALS-SUPPLIES-EQUIPMENT Activity Symbols ATTACHMENT A REQUISITION NUMBER: 102111m1mcc00010 PROJECT TASK FUND PROGRAM ORGANIZATION OBJECT UDF 0590000 U01 UP 31-13-00-000 1001-0500-00-00-00-00 0525-70-00 FMI uo1 . up 31-13-00-000 1001-0500-00-00-00-00 0525-70-00 Fm 0101001100 000 an 31-13-00-000 10-01-0500-00-00-00-00 0525-70-00 Fm sermon 000 BD 31-13-00-000 1001-0500-00-00-00-00 0525-70-00 APPROPRIATION SYMBOL CROSSWALK: FUND 1 BA I 2011 7010540 . 30 201_1_ 1' .Breach Bondinetemion Fund. Border and Transportation .. . UP i 2011 1? - . 70X5382 ?hmigration User Fee Account. BICE Department of Homeland same Department Of Homeland'Securlty And Customs Bxforcement FORM 6-514 (REV. 8-1-5 - Page 3 of 3 MARCH 2015 PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 2 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1' CONTRACT '0 CODE 4. REOUISITIONIPURCHASE REO. NO. 5. PROJECT NO: (lfapp?cable) 192111FMIBTCC0001.9 NO. See Block 16C 6. ISSUED BY CODE I CE Dc- DC 7. ADMINISTERED BY ("other than item 6) CODE II Dc- DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office Of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Am? Washington DC 0 36 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 8. ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Na, stunt, county, State onle?P Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO, GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 QB. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 10A. MODIFICATION OF NO. 09/13/2010 CODE 6127064650000 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF Ij't'he above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt of Offers Is extended. [Its not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation Dras amended. by one of the following methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and retuming copies of the amendment: By arknowiedging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or to) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. It by virtue oi this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the sotidtation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {ifmquirac? Net Increase: 13. THIS ITEM ONLY TO MODIFICATION OF IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. See Schedule A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (specie authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CI IANGES (such as changes in playing of?ce, appmp?a?on date. GIG.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10363]. 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Specify type of modificat'on and autism-I?M far 43.103Ib) E. 1M PO RTANT: Contractor is not.' 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organized by UCF section headings, including sowed matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: [jig required to sign this document and return 0 copies to the issuing o?ice. _Alternate Alternate POC: Alternate POC: .The purpOse of this modification is to add funds for detention bed days. This will increase the amount obligated byt: $9,425,919.77. Continued Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced in item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and effect. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (TYPO Orpninf) ho 150. DATE SIGNED 15a CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED . (Signature ofparwn authorfzodto sign) STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 NSN 754001?152-8070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033260 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 2 2 GEO GROUP INC THE SUPPuessEches ouannrvuwn AMOUNT (A) A (C) (D) (E) CLIN 2001 increases from All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Net FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 2001 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 2001 GUARANTEED MINIMUM 02? 2,759,497.44 Product/Service Code: 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033261 . OWLFoma-wm . PAR {43 CFR) 53.110 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1. CONTRACT ID CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 3 2. no. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE P00008 See Block 16C 4. REQ. N0. 192111FMIBTCC0001.10 5. PROJECT NO. (If applicable) ermEoBY I CODE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Washington 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) i - 2 .536 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts~DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. street. county. State and ZIP Code) GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 CODE FACILITYCODE 91 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION N0. SB. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) 103. DATED ITEM 13) 09/13/2010 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO ANENDMENTS 0F SOLICITATIONS CI The above numbered is amended as set torth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt ot Otters Offers must acknowtedga recolpt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the tollowhg methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and ramming Dis extended. [Its not extended. copies ofthe amendment By acknowledgan receipt oflhie amendment on each copy of the offer submitted: or to) By separate le?erortelegran which indudese reterenca to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER: If by virtue at this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reterence to the solicitation and this amendment. and is recelveu prlor to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA {Irmqurrentl See Schedule Net Increase: 13. THIS APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIDRDER NO. A5 DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIDRDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE CHANGES (such as changes In paying of?ce. appropriation date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.1mm). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Special type otn??catran and authority) far 43.103Ib) Contractor E. IMPORTANT: not. is required to sign this document and return 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 Procurement poc: Program Alternate POC: Alternate POC: Alternate POC: The purpose of this modification is to add funds for detention bed days. This will increase the amount obligated bYIff.? Continued Except as provided hereln. all tonne and condilions of the document referenced In Item 9A or 10A. as heretotore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and e?ect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type 153. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR (Signamm ofpamcn eurhon'zed to Sign) 156. DATE SIGNED Of/A-f? 2/ NSN 7540-01-1 52-8130 PrevIoue edllton unusable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033262 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-33) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 2 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GROUP INC THE (A) SUPPUESBERWCES (B) (F) (C) (D) (E) 2001 2002 - 2003_ increases from increases from increases from increases from increases from CLIN 2001 CLIN 2002 CLIN 2003 CLIN 2005 2006 This provides funding through 4/30/2011. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Net FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 Change Item 2001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF, Product/Service Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES change Item 2002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): ADDITIONAL Product/Ser?ice Product/Service Accounting Info:_ 551.0001 Accounting Info: SEE ATTACHMENT A Funded: $0.00 Change Item 2003 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): ADDITIONAL BEDS tin? Continued 4,441,297.44 262,148.64 33,015.84 NSN 75-10431-1524057 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033263 (40 CFR) 53.110 REFERENCE N0.0F DOCUMENTBEING commueo PAGE OF 3 I 3 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE "ammo. SUPPUESEERWCES AMOUNT 1 (B) (D) (E) (F) Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Info: Change Item 2005 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM 3,577_oo Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 2006 to read as followstamount shown is the total amount): 2006 Pos-rs 113,398.01 Product/Service Code: 8206 . I Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES - 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033264 omwmummnwua) wmmwuwmm FAR (43 cm} 53.110 1 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1. CONTRACT Io cone I PAGE OF PAGES - 1 I 2 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REQ. No. 5. PROJECT N0. (?3prme See Block 16C 192111FMIBTCC0001.11 e. ISSUED BY . CODE I CE DWDC- DC 7 ADMINISTEREIJ BY Item 6; - com; CE DC- DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts~DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Attn:. . Washing on 5. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR rm. street. corner. Stareano ZIP Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION N0. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A MODIFICATION OF commcnonoee No. - F- 00004 103. DATED ITEM 13) . CODE 6127064650000 FAULWYCODE 09/13/2010 11. THIS ITEMS TO AMENDMENTS (NW The above numbered solicitation is amended as set font-I in Ila-n 14. The hour and date Specr?ed for receipt of Offers is extended. its not extended. Offers MUSE actmowtedge receipt of this amendment prior to the her: and date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the {ottoth methods: By completing Items 3 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment; By emedgm receipt of this merchant on each copy of the offer submitted. 0r By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment nunbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. try virtue of this amendment you desire Ira-change an offer already smmitted. such cl-Iange may be made by telegram or letter. prowded each telegram or lottermakes relerence to the solic?ation and the urnerdment, and is received prior to the opening how and date spec?ed. 13: TNISITEM ONLY APPLIES ?to?Hooirla?ton OF CONTRACTSIORDERs. THE NO. As DESERT-BED IN ITEM 14. CHECK A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT To.- [Spea?rautnantyj TI-IE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A . B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE as changes In paying of?ce, date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.10303}. or: D. type or moor?"Floater: and authority) 5. IMPORTANT: Conn-actor St; is not iis requtr?edto gig-i this document and return 0 copies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF (Organired by UCF section hearings, Indodng sorreraromma subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 Procurement POC Program Alternate Alternate POC: Alternate POC: The purpose of this modification is to add funds on Contract Line Item Numbers 2004 I 2007, and 2003. This will increase the amount obligated by to $11,562,987.60. Continued . Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed. remairs unchanged and in full force and cheat 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER {Type orprI'nII m" 153 CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED air/$1 g/ 4 30 (REV. 10-83) Prewibad by GSA FAR (43 CFR) 53 943 Immense? aurmnzaara si?nj" NSN 7540-01 .1 52-8070 Previous edition musable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033265 CONTIN Anon SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF BEING CONTINUED #1 PAGE or 2 2 NAME or OFFEROR on CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC ouaunrvuun unnpams AMDUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (F) CLIN 2004 increases from; CLIN 2007 increases from? 83,582. This provides funding through May/31/2011. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Discount Terms: Net( FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 09/30/2011 .Change Item,2004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 2004 TRANSPORTATION COSTS -613.l62.06 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Change Item 2007 to read as follows{amount shown is the total amount): 2007 Mileage 42,626.82 ProductJService Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES n?h iLum 26"? db LUWD. 2008 TRANSPORTATION GUARD 86,170.77 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES unmwunmumnwm) amumuwesa new mom-1523557 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033266 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE OF PAGES c. STREET ADDRESS 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 REFERENCE YOUR: IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andtor order numbers. 4 1. DATE OF ORDER 2. CONTRACT NO. (Ifany 5, SHIP TO: 00 6 ENAME UFCONSIGNEE 3. ORDER NO. 4. REQUISITIONIREFERENCE NO. I . BrONaro County Tran31tional Center 5. ISSUING OFFICE (Address correspondence Io) b. STREET ADDRESS ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Cont racts?DC 3 900 . Powerline Road Immigrat ion and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 2053 6 6- CITY d. STATE 3. ZIP CODE Pompano Beach FL 330-, 3 7.113: I. SHIP VIA a. NAME OF CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE 8. TYPE OF ORDER b- COMPANY a. PURCHASE h. DELIVERY Except for billing instructions on the reverse. this dotlvery Order Is subject to instructions oontaimd on this side d. CITY BOCA RATON 0. STATE FL I. ZIPCODE 334878242 only of U115 form Please furnish tho following on the terms and conditions speci?ed on both sides of this ordar and on the attached Sheet. it any, mm del'wery as indicated. subject to the terms and conditions of the above-nunbared contract. 9. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA See Schedule 10. REQUISITIONING OFFICE ICE Enforcement Removal 11. BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION (Check appropriate box{es}) 12_ no.3, pomr a. SMALL b. OTHER THAN SMALL a DISADVANTAGED 9? SERVICE- Destination DISABLED :l d. WOMEN-OMEO [j e. f- EMERGING SMALL VETERAN- BUSINESS OWNED 13. PLACE OF 14. GOVERNMENT BIL NO. 15. DELIVER To F.D.B, POINT 16, DISCOUNT TERMS ON OR BEFORE (Date) a. INSPECTION b. ACCEPTANCE 30 Days After Award Destination Destination . Net 30 17. SCHEDU LE (San reverse for Rejections) QUANTITY UNIT QUANTITY ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES ORDERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ACCEPTED {at If) (9) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 Procurement POC: zoz-ng Program POC 954 6 Alternate POC: . 305?- Alternate POC: 7X0). Continued Ia. SHIPPING POINT 19. GROSS SHIPPING WEIGHT 2n. INVOICE NO. (Cant. Pages) 21. MAIL INVOICE T0: 02-13, ICE $0.00 INSTRUCTIONS b. STREET ADDRESS Burlington Finance Center WHERE (or Box17m Attn: GRAND TOTAL 6. CITY 0005 $0.00 Williston 05495?1620 22. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY (Signature) 23. NAME (Typed) OFFICE AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL BEDROOUCTIDV PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033267 FORM 34? Ina-I. m1 Prunibul by WAR ?6 CFR 53213:] ORDER K, . SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Mark al packages and papers with comm andlor order runbem. wmeuo DATEOFORDER ORDERNO. 09/13/2010 ISUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY ORDERED h) ITEM NO. m1 UNW ouunnv ACCEPTED (0 (m AMOUNT Alternate This is the task order for the Broward Transitional.Center Contract. This.task order is effective 10/1/2010. The following clause applies: EAR 52.232?18 Availability of FUndS:Funds are not presently available for this contract. The Gavernment?s obligation under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from ngich payment for contract purposes can be de. No legal liability on the part of the Goxeznment_?az_an?_payment m=v eriee "ntil funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for this contract and until the Contractor receives notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer. Period of Performance: 10/01/2010 to 12/31/2010 GUARANTEED MINIMUM 3_ Product/Service Coi??mm Product/Service Desoription: GUARD SERVICES 0001 $8,166,000.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) 0002 ADDITONAL BEDS i Product/Service o- Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Continued TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 170-1)) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL PREVIOUS EDITIEN EDT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033268 $000 OPTIONAL FORM :48 {Rumml by GSAFARIH CFR) 53.213?) ORDER SUPPLIES OR SERVICES - menu . SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 3 IM PORTAN-T: Mak ail padcages and papers with canted sulfur I:th runbars. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 09/13/2010 ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES 1 QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED, (6) (0) (0 Accountin Info: FMI $90,900.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) 0003 ADDITIONAL BEDS Product/Service I. Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accouni Inf $90,900.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) 0004 GUARANTEED TRANSPORTATION Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES $1,059,103.50 (Subject to Availability of Funds) 0005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES 's4,250.oo (Subject to Availability of Funds) 0006 ON-CALL POST HOURS: Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Continued . . . TOTAL CARRIED FORWARDW 1ST PAGE (HEM mun 1> $0.00 NOT USAELE no" - 348 can. m1 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033269 ORDER . . SUPPLIES OR SERVICES - PAGE NO SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 4 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andfor order nmnbars. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 09/13/2010 HSCEDM-09-0-00006 ITEM N0. SUPPLIESISERVICES . QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED SERVICES Accounting (W4) Subject to Availability of Funds) The total amount of award: 610, 483 . 50. The Obligation for this award is shown in box 17(i). TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 18T PAGE (ITEM 1700) $0.00 AUTHOR12ED FOR LOCAL OPTIONAL FORM 348 (Rev, #2006) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescribedby GSAFAH mam) 53.2mm MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAU3030.0033270 v. I ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE OF PAGES IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andior order numbers. 1 I 5 1. DATE OF ORDER SCONTREIXCBIEO. Ef?gy?) 00 6 8. SHIP TO: 09/28/2011 CED 3. NAME OF CONSIGNEE 3. ORDER NO. 4. REOUISITIONIREFERENCE N0. Broward county ?mammal Center 5. ISSUING OFFICE (Address can??spondence to) b. STREET ADDRESS ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC 3900 N. Powerline Road Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquis ition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washincton DC 20536 RCWY asnnE azmcooe Pompano Beach FL 33073 7. TO: r. SHIP VIA 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE {1wa OF ORDER COMPANY NAME [3 a. PURCHASE b. DELIVERY c. STREET ADDRESS REFERENCE YOUR: 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 Except for instructions on the reverse. this delivery order is subiecl to inslructions contained on this side only ofthis iorrn and Is issued Please furnish the following on the terms and conditions speci?ed On both sides of d. CITY e. STATE BOCA RATON FL 334878242 order and on the allached sheet. ii any. including delivery as Indicated. subject 10 the terms and of the aboue-nunimmd contract. 9. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA See Schedule 10.REQUISITION1NG OFFICE ICE Enforcement Removal 11. BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION (Check appropriate boxfes? 12510.3 pom? a. SMALL OTHER THAN SMALL [3 c, DISADVANTAGED 9- 31532556 De 5 ina i on - BUSINESS OWNED 13. PIACE OF 14. GOVERNMENT BIL NO. 15, DELIVER F.O.B. POINT 16. DISCOUNT TERMS ON OR BEFORE (Date) a. INSPECTION b. ACCEPTANCE 30 Days After Award Destination Destination Net 30 17? SCHEDULE {See reverse for Rejections} QUANTITY UNIT QUANTITY ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES ORDERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ACCEPTED (C) It} DUNS Number: 612706465 PROGRAM POC: WILLIAM BRYANT PROCUREMENT POC: 1 Kc) Continued 1B. SHIPPING POINT 19. GROSS SHIPPING WEIGHT 20. INVOICE NO. (Cont. pages} 21. MAIL To: DHS, ICE $0.00 SEE BILLING INSTRUCTIONS b, STREET ADDRESS Burlington Finance Len ter ON REVERSE P-o- BOX17(3) Attn: ICE GRAND TOTAL c. CI TY Id. STATE 9. ZIP CODE 3 0 00 Williston 05495-1620 22. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY (Signature) IORDERING OFFICER AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION PREVIOUS NOT USABLE MARCH OPNONAL FORM Ammo SSAIFAR ?3 cm 51mm SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Mark d! peruse: and papers W?h contact mdfor order numbers- I 2 DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 09/23/2011 ITEM NO. SUPPUESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED an N) o) m) h) 0001 0002 This task order is the FY 12 task order to continue services under contract number The following clause applies: FAR 52.232r18 Availability of Funds: Funds are not presently available for contract. The GovernmentUs obligation this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for this contract and until the Contractor receives notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer. this under Period of Performance: 10/01/2011 to 12/31/2011 GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Info: Accountin- .fiu; m?Subject to $0.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) ADDITIONAL BEDS WW Product/Service Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Funded: $0.00 ContinUed AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NUT USABLE MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033272 $000 OPTIONAL FORM 343 (aw. dorm) mesa} 51mm - .-- .- IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papars with contract andlor order numbars. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER no, 09/28/2011 HSCEDM-0970-00006 ITEM NO. SUPPUESSERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED m) w) m) 0) 0) 0003 0004 0005 Accounting '"Subject to.Availability $0.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) ADDITIONAL BEDSL: a. Product/Service Code: '5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting_Info: Funded: $0.00 Subject to Availability of Funds) $0.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) - DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Subject to Availability $0.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) TRANSPORTATION (FIXED FEE) Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES _Accountiny TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 151' PAGE (ITEM AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REFooucnow paswousemnomuorusune MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033273 $000 OPNONAL FORM 343 (rm. 49000) mm b; on ma cram-.21ng SCHEDULE-CONHNUAHON 4 IMPORTANT: Mark all passages am papal-n with contact andlor order number; DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 09/23/2011 ITEM NO. I SUPPUESISEFWICES . QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED . (G) (I) of Funds) 0006 000? 0008 - PrOduct/Service Code: $0.00 {Subject to Availability of Funds) 0N CALL POST HOURS 5205 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES Accounting Inf?? - g; 5mmnA(Subject to Availability of Funds} $0.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) TRANSPORTATION MILES Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD SERVICES . Funded: $0.00 Subject to Availability of Funds) $0.00 (Subject to Availability of Funds) TRANSPORTATION HOURS Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service DescriptiOn: GUARD SERVICES Accountin- Subject to Availability Continued .. 0. .00 00 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 131' PAGE (ITEM Aumo?zeo FOR LOCAL lie?PonucmN memmammumnuame MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033274 $000 OP110NAL FORM 3?8 (Rev. mun: Hm a; mum (an arm 51mm w-tuou?--n va- - SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Mam at packauasand papal! with contract andlor ordst numbers. - DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. 09/28/2011 oumnwluw'r ORDER NO. . ITEM NO. . . ORDERED um" AMOUNT QUANTITY PRICE ACCEPTED (6) (0 - (9) $0.00 (Subj?ct to Availability of Eu'nds The total amount of award: $6,308,902.06. The?obligat'ion for this award is shown in ?box 17(1). TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 151' PAGE (ITEM $b00 wmomzm FOR LOCAL REPODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NOTUSABLE MARCH 2015 OPTIONAL 340 (Ru. moo) muwrm momma!) AMENDMENT OF SOLICWATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT cm? '0 CODE PAGE OF PAGES . 1 I 3 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATIGN NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE RED. NO. 5. PROJECT-N0. f?app?mbfe) PUODOI See Block 16C 192113FMIBTCC0001.6 6, ISSUED BY CODE 7.ADMINISTERED BY {Iforherlhanllom 6) CODE ICE/Decent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Washington DC 20536 8. NAMEAND ADDRESS OF rm" arr-rel. cow-arr. Star. and ZIP Code} 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION no, GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 95-DATEDISEEITEM11J BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 09-0-0000 6 we. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 03/14/2013 11. THE ATE-NWOLICITAHONS . DThe above numbered solicitation is amended as set Iodh In Item 14. The hour and daIe speci?ed for receipt of O?ers is extended. Dis not extended. Offers must adrnowdodge receiptar this ammdmem prior to the hour and dare speci?ed in the soI'rcI'taIIon or as amended. by one ol? Ihe methods: By completing Home 8 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment, By acknowIedging receipt oI Ihis'amenci'nenl on each copy of the offer summed: or By Separate Ielter Drlelegrarn which Wes a reference to the sdlcita?m and amendment number-.1 FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. Ifby vIrIue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already mbmi?od. such change may be made by teIegram or renal, provided each telegram or Ietter makes reference In the so?citatlon and mi; amendmenr, and Is received prior to me opening hour and date Speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (IfrequiredSee Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO OF COHTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONT RACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUMT TO: 3 ORDER "a ITEM 10A. I marry 800104107 THE-CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT B. THE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES uch aha appropan dale. Bic.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR {8 as "gas ?1 paymg om?. 6. I ?lg DUPPLEMEN IKE EMEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO 0F: D. OTHER (Spedly type arm??caubn and authorin far 43.103(b} E. cmumr [Elia ?or. required to s?gn this document and return 0 mpias to the Issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION {Organized by UCF section headings. In?llth soIr?cr'rarI'om'conIracr subject maIIer where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 . ALTERNATE COTR: ALTERNATE COTR PROCUREMENT POC: The purpose of this modification is to provide?detention bed fundin- through 4/30/13. This will increase the amount obligated by Continued Except as provided herein, all terms and condulorrs of lhe documenl relarenced In Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed. remafns unchanged and in MI force and e?ecl. 15A NAMEAND I 158. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNED (Signam shim-Indra aim) INSN . STANDARD ORMBO . . . prawmedmonunumre . FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033276 NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUE) PAGE OF CONHNUAUON SHEET 0001 2 3 GEO GROUP INC THE SUPPueasEches OUANTWYUNW uunpnma AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) All other terms and conditions remain the same. Exempt Action: Y- Discount Terms: mm - FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 03/01/2013 to 04/30/2013 Change Item 4001 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): 4001 GUARANTEED 1,759,462.32 4002 4003 4005 Accountin- Into: .. . .. . Product/Service ~nm' 6 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD "suna?dimsifis?ii?if?z Change Item 4002 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): S206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Change Item 4003 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Change Item 4005 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount): DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM WAGES Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Continued 6,620.00 3,395.00 NSN 75404314520087 I MARCH 2015 FORM 336 (4-83: (43 cm) 53.110 26,522.00- V39 ?n Palm-ode (93-h) 92: mos QLOZ HOHVW NSN ?gg :papung. butqunoosv :oguI (3) (Cl) (EU (V) mnom salad mm ile'l wuwno on man HHI. DNI (10035.) 039 HOLOVHLNOO HO 80233de 50 EIva :10 39v oanNuNoo smaa mannaou :10 Hams NouvnNuNoo PAGE OF PAGES 1 i 4 AMENDMENT OF OF CONTRACT CONTRACT CODE 2. AMENDMENTMODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. RED REO. ND. 5. PROJECT NO. rtfepp?cable) s. ISSUED BY CODE 7, ADMINISTERED 3v (Hotherthan Item 6) ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite930 Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR We. steel, county. state endZIPCode} 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. (11 GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIDRDER NO. 03/14/2013 CODE 612-7064650000 FACILITYCODE 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES SOIJCITATIDNS _[]The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt of O?ers is extended. [:lis not extended. Offers must acknowledge reoe'pt OI this Knendment prior to lite hour and date speciied in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the [clawing methods: By compieting Items 6 and 15. md retuming copies Of the amendment; By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the utter submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which includes a reIerenoe to the soticitelion and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOMEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. lfby virtue DI this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the soticitetion and this amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Ifraquired) Ne Increase . 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE ND. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. See Schedule A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Spednwmomy) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes In paying office, eppropnatmn data. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 0. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. type and authority) 5, mpomANT; Contract? is not. is required to sign this document and return 0 oOpies to the issuing Of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMDDIFICATIDN (Organized by UCF section headings. including mediation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 it i' ON-SITE COR: - 954?q5? ??msn ALTERNATE COR: ALTERNATE COR: PROCUREMENT POC: The purpose of this modification is to add funding for detention bed day services a transportation services through 10/31/13. The total amount obligated will increase as follows: Continued Except as provided herein. 8! terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 1 affect. 16C. DATE SIGNE qizo In. '1 158. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 150. DATE SIGNEL I .gbtteii. (bIthIt?I (Signature of perm authorized to Sign) -- RM 30 Prescribed by GSA FAR (43 53.243 NSN 7540-01 -1 52-8070 Previous edIIion unusabte MARCH 2015 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 2 I 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) The funding provided in this order (or modification) is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this task order. The service provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items currently funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those itemts) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s) for performance beyond the funding allotted. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Exempt Action: Discount Terms: Netgnw? FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 03/01/2013 to 10/31/2013 Change Item 0001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 0001 BTC LICENSED SOCIAL WORKER LICENSED COUNSELOR 16,907.38 POSITION. CLIN 0001 is increased as follows: $16,907.38 Product/Service Description: GUARD Accountinim ,854.3 ed: $2 I Change Item 4001 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 4001 GUARANTEED MINIMUM 14 245, 090.02 CLIN 4001 is increased as follows: Continued NSN 7540014524067 OPTIONAL FORM 338 Sponsor? BSA MARCH 2015 FARM REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BE1NG CONTINUED 1 PAGE OF SHEET 3 I 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. I SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY unrr UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT (follows: .. .- . . 125:419 Product/Service Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Ctin - .. .. .- In? $0.00 Funded: $0.00 Change Item 4002 to read as followstamount shown I is the total amountProduct/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Accountin Accounting Info: Continued nan 1540014520007 0mm. FORM :30 (my SponwrodeSA MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033281 FAR 53.110 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR on CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM MD. (A) 4004 Funded: SUPPLIESISERVICES EA .. . .. Change Item 4004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): TRANSPORTATION FIXED FEE CLIN 404 From .. .. $1,613.14 .80 Product/Service Code: To: $206 Product/Service Description: GUARD NIT (D) uurr PRICE (E) AMOUNT Acconting Info: . oo Nd .. 1,613,146.80 N-SN 754001 -1 52-5067 MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033282 OPTIONAL FORM 338 (4-88) Sputum-d by GSA FAR (4BGFR) 53.110 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1' Comm? "3 CODE PAGE 07 PAGES 1 6 4. REG. NO. 5. PROJECT NO. (trapplicable) 192114FMIBTCC0001 a. EFFECTIVE DATE See Block 160 2. AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION no. 6. ISSUED BY CODE Dc_ 7. ADMINISTERED BY {trainer than item 6} CODE DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite930 Washington DC 20536 ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No, street, county, State and ZIP Code} 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 geomeorseenemn BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. toe.oATED(seernnurw 03/14/2013 CODE 6127064 650000 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS DThe above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt of Oflers Dis extended. [Its not extended. Otters must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended, by one ot the loliowlng methods: By completing Items 8 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment; (0) By aclmowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the ot?ler submitted; or By separateletter or telegram which includes a relerence to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. It by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer atreedy submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. . ,(IeIt4) Net Increase: See Schedule 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (if required) 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER N0. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as changes In paying of?ce. appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103Ih). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER {Spean type of modi?EaIfan and authority) FAR 43.103Ib) unilateral modification E. IMPORTANT: Commerce is not, is required to sign this document and return 0 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 612706465 COR: I. . COR: ALTERNATE COR . ALTERNATE COR: copies to the issuing of?ce. 30540 The purpose of this modification is to add funding for detention bed day services transportation services through 1/15/2014. The total amount obligated will increase as follows: From: $2,626,620.81 Continued Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions olthe document relcrenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretolore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER {Type orprinl) -. Wm? IBC. DAT SIGNED gig/93* 153. 150. DATE SIGNED - ISignalure or person euthanized to sign) CI s'rmuAHuF' 30 (REV. 10433) Prescribed by GSA NSN 7540-01-152-3070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033283 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEMNO. SUPPuessEchss (A) A (B) owunnv (C) UMT (D) (E) AMOUNT The funding provided in.this order (or modification} is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this task order. The service provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items currently funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s] for performance beyond the funding allotted. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Exempt Action: Discount Terms: Net? FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 03/01/2013 to 01/15/2014 Change Item 4001 to read as follows?amount shown is the total amount}: 4001 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD _iunded: $0.00 ?wageeuntinrminfegmo.nw ??ssountiszmlaf.a . .?rwn_ 19,647,522.72 NBN 7540-01-152-806MARCH 2015 FORM 336 (4?83) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 3 I 6 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEMNO. SUPPUESBERWCES QUANHTYUNH AMOUNT (D) (E) (F) Change Item 4002 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 4002 134,187.40 The total unantlt ingreaeeg_ae follows: From: . Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Funded: $46,340.00' Change Item 4003 to read as follows(amount Shown is the total amount): 4003 601-700 79,440.00 CLIN 4003 is increased ae follows: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Product/Service Description: Continued N5N7540-01-152-506MARCH 2015 OPTIONAL FORM 333 (4-35) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 cm) 53.110 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CON11NUED PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET 4 6 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) . (C) (D) (E) (F) Accounting Info: Fun . 240 Change Item 4004 to read as follows (amount shown is the total amount) 4 004 TRANSPORTATION FIXED FEE 2, 061 071 . 98 CLIN 40 inada From: _m i To: 061, 071 . 98 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD .. - .. .o Accountin Inf' Change Item 4005 to read as follows (amount shown is the total amount) 4005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM WAGES 54, 165 . 23 Continued 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033286 OPngogawm-as) FAR (Ill! REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 5 6 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES I QUANT1TY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) day CONTINUATION SHEET i Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD u?c9993ti?gmipf9i 4 Change Item 4006 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 4006 POST HOURS 468,587.24 i I 5 CLIN 4006 is increased-as follows: Fr0m=;;m;;2mm;;2r, To: $468,587.24 The From i Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD o, 4 Change Item 4007 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 4007 TRANSPORTATION MILES ON-CALL POST MILES 129,221.72 CLIN 4007 is increased as follows: From: $129,221.72 Continue- NSN 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033287 oncowu. FORM 336 {4-55) Sponsored by GSA FAR (4a CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 6 6 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) The total quantity is increased as follows: From: Product/Service Code: 3206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD - . - . . . Funded: $0.00 . Accoutin In .. . . Change Item 4008 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 4008 GUARD TRANSPORTATION OVERTIME 35,517.14 CLIN 4008 is increased as follows: From: . The total quantity is increased as follows: From: Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD I ?nd: ?bu?m .3990 in' IQ 9F: Hm.. tunl o, 5 NSN T54M1-152-806MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033288 OPTIONAL FAR CFR) 53110 AMENDMENT OF OF CONTRACT 1? CONTRACT CODE 0" ?"055 1 I 5 2. NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REO. NO. 5. PROJECT N0. (lft'applicabfei e. ISSUED BY CODE ADMINISTERED BY (Irorherman Item 6) CODE DM ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite930 Washington DC 20536 Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. errant, county. State eno'Zl?P Code) 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION N0. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW S3RD ST STE 700 98 BOCA RATON FL 334 878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTJORDER NO I) 0 000 6 HSCEDM-13-F-00019 IOB. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 03/14/2013 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS 0F SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed tor receipt ct Otters Dis extended. is not extended Otters must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date speci?ed In the solicitation or as amended. by one of the following methods: By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies thhe amendment; By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted: or By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. It by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already Submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Ifrequireb') Net I ncrea 5e See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICAHON OF CONTRACTSIORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CHECK ONE A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDERNOJNHEMIDA B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying of?ce, appropriation date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103Ib). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY D. 01 HER (Specify type or modi?cation and authority) FAR 43.103Ib) unilateral modification 5. Contractor is not. Djimquired to sign this document and return 0 copies to the issuing of?ce 14. (ng'a?gized by seco'on headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) DUNS Number; 6127?465 a ALTERNATE Cg: ALTERNATE COR The purpose of this mdaification is to funding for transportation services through 1/15/2014. The total amount obligated will increase as follows: 322.866.633.47 From: Continued Except as provided herein. all lens and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore :3th ed. remains unchanged an 15A NAME AND TITLE OF {Type orpr'r'nll in full force and e?ect. 15B. CONTRACTORFOFFIEROR 150. DATE SIGNED 136 DATE 516N506 2 .1 r?j I . I (Signature of person authorized to anon] NSN I STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10583) Previous edition unusable Presumed by GSA MARCH 2015 FAR CFRI 53 243 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 2 5 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE SUPPuasmeamces AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) The funding provided in this order (or modification) is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this task order. The service provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items currently funded under this task order. The service provider is not authorized to continue to work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the service provider in excess of the amount allotted to those itemts) for performance beyond the funding allotted. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Exempt Action: Discount Terms: Net:l?? FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 03/01/2013 to 01/15/2014 Change Item 4004 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 4004 TRANSPORTATION FIXED FEE 2,285,034.57 Accountin- increased 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Product/Service Code: Fu $0.00 7540.01-15240HAHLH ZU15 OPTIONAL FORM 335 (4-05} Sponsored by GSA REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF SHEET 3 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) 1:5} (C) (D) (E) (F) Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: Accounting Info: pa "Fundgaz Change Item 4006 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 478,474.04 4006 ON-CALL POST HOURS CLIN 4006 is increased as follows: .m "m ,rwh . To: $478,474. The as 110% From:;? Product/Service Coder"8206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD Funded: $0.00 _Accountintulnfo: Fun .0 Accotin . . 8 3 . Change Item 4007 to read as follows(amount shown is the total amount): 4007 TRANSPORTATION MILES ON-CALL POST MILES 131,536.52 CLIN . From:;m -I3 ETim1' - $131,536.53 Cmmh?? 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033291 Slimmeth FAR {43 CFR) 53 110 PAGE OF CONTINU no" SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED A 4 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVIOES QUANTITY UMT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) The total quantity is creased as follows: From: 0 Product/Service Code: Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD 'Funded: $0 00 Funa?d: $2,314.81 Change Item 4008 to read as follows (amount shown is the total amount) 4008 GUARD TRANSPORTATION 39, 365 . 60 The total quantity From: .. . Product/Service Code?? 3206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Accounting Info: Funde . 00 Acuing Info: Accounting InfoE Continued . . . NSN 2015 ICE2012FOIAO3030.0033292 OPTIONAL FORM 330mm Sponurodlussn PAR {45 cm) 53 110 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 5 5 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (Funded: $3,848.46 NSN I540-01-152-603V1ARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033293 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR CFR) 53.110 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1' CONTRACT 0 CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 I 2. NO. 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REO. NO. 5. PROJECT NO. (Ifappiicable) P00016 02/26/2014 6. ISSUED BY CODE ICE DM DC 7. ADM NISTERED BY (Ifotner than Item 6) CODE CE ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts-DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management Office of Acquisition Management 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 930 Washington DC 20536 Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No. street. county, State and ZIP Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC THE 621 NW 53RD ST STE 700 QB. DATED (SEEITEMH) BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. HSCEDM-09-D-00006 1GB. DATED ITEM 13) CODE 6127064650000 FACILITYCODE 03/14/2013 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF [jThe above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended Dis not extended, Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the following methods: By completing terns 8 and 15. and returning copies of the amendment; By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the Offer submitted; or By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPEC FIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an Offer already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment. and is received prior to the opening hour and date Speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNT NG AND APPROPRIATION DATA (lfmquired) Ne I nc ea 5 See Schedule 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTSIDRDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIORDER N0. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER Is ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED IS MOD FIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES {such as changes in paying Of?ce. appropriation date. etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER {SpeCIfy type Of modification and authority) FAR 52.217-8, Option to Extend Services E. IMPORTANT contractor is not. is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIIMODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings. including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasibie.) DUNS Number: 612706465 COR: Alternate COR: Alternate COR: Alternate Contracting Officer: Contract Specialist: The purpose of this modification is to extend services from March 1, 2014 August 31, 2014 at the rates specified in Option IV (CLINS 4001 4008). As such, CLINs 5001-5008 are Continued Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A. as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A, NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER {Type or print) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER {Type orpn'nt} 158. CONTRACTORIOFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED 153. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 160. DATE SIGNED (Signature of person authorized to sign) {Signature of Contracting Of?cer} STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 243 NSN 7540-01-152-8070 Previous edition unusable MARCH 2015 REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE HEMNO (A) QUANTITY UNIT (C) (D) SUPPUESSERWCES (B) (E) AMOUNT 5001 added to the contract. the total value sf As a result :f this action, 1 a3 failaws: 3 the task crde' shall increase (mm) By: To: Exempt Action: Discount Terms: In; I . a? Delivery Location come. ICE Enforcement Removal Immigraticn and Customs 801 Street, NW Suite 906 Washington DC 30536 FOB: Destination ?eried of Performance: 03/01/2613 t0 08/31/2614 Add Item 5001 as fcllows: OPTION (MARCH 1, 2014 - AUGUST 31, 3014) GUARANTEED Product/Service Cede: 5206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Delivery: 30 Days After Award .Acceuntisgilnfo= Funded: $6,761,758.14 Accounting Info: 1 i .Asseqnsieq $nfoa__ ?mm. Funded: 51 Accounting I (maxe) I Funde53m33,464,190.00 Accounting Info: Continued FORM 33614-36: FAR [45 PAGE OF 3 7 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NO. SUPPLIESJSERVICES (A) - (B) (C) umT (D) (E) AMOUNT (F) Accounting Info: une $621j623.3 Add Item 5002 as follows: Pro uct Serv1ce Code: 5206 Product/Service Description: HOUSEKEEPING- GUARD 119,934.54 Delivery: 30 Days After Award "m??hd?aE Accounting Info: %un5?8: [Accountino Info: Add Item 5003 as follows: 5003 119,934.54 Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD Delivery: 30 Days After Award Accounting Continued NSN 7540.01-15MOMARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033296 OPTIONAL FORM 335 (4435) Sponsored by GSA FAR (43 CFR) 53.110 PAGE OF 4 7 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE CONTINUATION SHEET WEMNO. SUPPUESBERVEES QUANNTYUNH UMTPREE AMOUNT (A) (B) - (C) (D) (E) (F) _Accountin- Info: $1,324.00 Add Item 5004 as follows: 5004 TRANSPORTATION FIXED FEE Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD 1,343,775.54 Accounting Info: Accounting Info: hf?nded} $6 00 .Funded: 36:00 "Accountinhulnf0= "Funded: $0.00 ?Funded: g?i00 ?Accountin- Info: Add Item 5005 as follows: 5005 DETAINEE VOLUNTEER WORK PROGRAM WAGES 10,500.00 day Product/Service Code: 5206 Continued NSN 5 OPTIONAL FORM 335 {4_35) Sponsored by GSA FAR [48 53.110 PAGE OF 5 7 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE CONUNUKUONSHEET WEMNO. SUPPUESSERVEES QUANTWYUNW AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) - (E) (F) Product/Service Description: GUARD Delivery: 30 Days After Award Accounting Info: Add Item 5006 as follows: 5006 ON-CALL POST HOURS Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD 191,844.00 Delivery: 30 Days After Award .A090untin' Ian?mm Accounting Info: Add Item 5007 as follows: 5007 TRANSPORTATION MILES ON-CALL POST MILES Product/Service Code: 8206 Product/Service Description: GUARD 56,500.00 Delivery: 30 Days After Award Accounting Info: 'Continued NSN 730.01.152.30MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA0303DDO33298 OPTIONAL FORM :35 (4-86] Sponsored hy GSA FAR (48 53.110I CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE OF 6 7 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE WEMNO. SUPPUESSERWCES AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Funded: $32,736.10 Accounting Info: I Add Item 5008 as follows: 5008 GUARD TRANSPORTATION OVERTIME 90,552.00 _Accountin- 3206 Product/Service Code: Product/Service Description: GUARD Delivery: 30 Days After Award _Fuhaga} Accounting Info: The funding provided in this modification is the amount presently available for payment and allotted to this Task Order. The Service Provider agrees to perform to the point that does not exceed the total amount currently allotted to the items currently funded under this Task Order. The Service Provider is not authorized to continue to work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated to reimburse the Service Provider in excess of the amount allotted to those item(s) for performance Continued NSN 7540-01-152-80MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.0033299 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-56) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE No. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE or 7 7 NAME OF OFFEROR 0R CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE SUPPuesweawces QUANTWYUNH AMOUNT (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) beyond the funding allotted. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. NSN 7540-01-152-80MARCH 2015 ICE2012FOIA0303D.0033300 FORM 335 (4-36) Sponsored by GSA FAR (43 CPR) 53.110 1. CONTRACT ID CODE PAGE OF PAGES 1 4 . ZAMENDMENTIMODIFICATION N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. RED. NO. 5. PROJECT N0. f?app?mhivs) 6. ISSUED BY CODE DC 7. ADMINISTERED BY (?other than Item 6} CODE AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT ICE/Decent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC ICE/Detent Mngt/Detent Contracts?DC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Acquisition Management OffiCE'of Acquioition'Management' 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 801 I Street NW, Suite 910 Washington DC 20536 Washington DC 20536 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR {Non strut. comfy. Slate and ZIP Code} 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. GEO GROUP INC 621 NW 53le ST STE mo eaoATEDrssErrEMm BOCA RATON FL 334878242 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTIORDER NO. 105. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) '6127064650000 03/14/2013 . 11. THIS ITEM ONL PFLI 0 AM ME OF 30 CITAT 5 Elm above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth In Item 14. The hour and date speci?ed for receipt alOflers Dis extended. is not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt of amendment prior to the hour 'end date speci?ed in the solicitation or as amended. by one of the following methods: By completing Items 8 and 1 5. and returning comes the amendment; By acknowledging receipt of amendment on each copy at the offer sxbmitted: or By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR .TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. II by virtue orthis amendment you desire to change en offer already submitted. such change may be made by telegram or letter. provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment. and is received prior to the Opening hour and date speci?ed. 12. ACCOUNTING mo APFROPRIATION DATA (#roqm'reat Net In crease: Se edu 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO HODIFICATION OF MODIFIES THE CONTRACTIDRDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED punsqu T0: (Specify eu?ton?ty) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE THE CONTRACT ORDER no. In ITEM 1m B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACTIORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes to paying of?ce. appropriation data. efc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR . C. THIS AGREEMENTIS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: 0. OTHER [Specify typo amnion andeuthodty) far 43.103(b) F. IMPORTANT: Contractor Elle not. Dis required to sign this document and ram 0 Hoopies to the issuing of?ce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF {Organized by UCF section headings. indudlng senatorial/connect subpot matter where feasible.) DUNS Number: 6127064 65 COR: ON-SITE COR: The purpose of this modification is to provide detention bed funding through 4/30/13. This will increase the amount obligated Continued . . . I. I Except as provided herein. all terms and conditions of the documem referenced In Item BA or 10A. es heretolore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and e?ecL 15A153. 150. DATE SIGNED authorized to Sign) new mom-152.5070 . memo FORM 30 (REV. 10-: I Pre?oos umrsable Prescribed by GSA . . FAR (43 CFR153243 MARCH 2015 .. .. - REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED AGE OF SHEET 2 4 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR GEO GROUP INC THE newno. SUPPUESBERWCES NW (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) ?All other terms-ahd conditioh? re??ih the some.' Exempt Action: Discount Terms: Natl, FOB: Destination Period of Performance: 03/01/2013 to 04/30/2013 Change Item 4001 to read as follows(amount shown is the obligated amount}: 4001 GUARANTEED MINIMUM Product/Service Coo?. Product/Service Description: 1,765,373.94 Accounting Info: Change item 4002 to read as follows