JUN 01 ’95 15:23 MADONNA, kEUIN MflV 2 2 ’ SS 14:21 914 246 2609 FROM HCJ/vCPHV T0: , ,,.202.232 2592 P13 National Rifle Association Wayne LnPIcrrc EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT I 'v e worn out * lo t of shoe le a th e r walking th e h a ll* o f C ongress, I 'v e met hey lead er* , I ’ve ta lk e d w ith o ld a l l i e s , I 'v e met w ith th e new Congte#«men end many staff.m em ber*. What I’m hearing and seeing concern* me, deny of our new CntiBr»**mah are ignoring Fmerica s SO million gun ownore. I S « m n« u e f o r g o t t e n w nst we at.1, H vfrin, t o e i e o t them . O th e r* an y o u r demend* , ^ (l le peer ere our Constitutional freedom* are ”politically o u t o r line." i*' Don't get me wrong, not oil of them are like this. Senator Phil Onunm, House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Congressmen Bill McCollum, Bill Brewster and Harold Volfcmar are all coming to our aid- But too many other* are not. And without a major show of force by America’s 90 million gun owner*. America will resume its long march down the road to gun hens, destruction of th* Constitution and lg*e of every sacred freedom, r •-/ \ * I want you to know J'm not looking for a fight. But when you consider the fact* of our current situation, you too, will see we have no other choice. FACT fit The congress' leading uci-guaoere. Senators Dianne Feinstein. Ted Kennedy and Congressmen Charles Sehumar and Major Gwens ell survived their last elections. They've pledged to fight to the bitter end for Brady II and its ammo taxes, licensing and registration schemes, gun rationing, bureaucrat# with Jth# power to determine if you 'need" a gun and yes, the repeal of the Second Amendment. • «Sr* It doesn’t matter to them that the Brady Uiw is a failure. It doesn't matter to than that th e Brady haw ha* become on# more tool that government agents are using to deny the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens. It doesn’t matter to them that the semi-auto ban gives jack-booted Igovernment thugs mote power _Lo i.oXe. away our CtaiaLitutiongl rights, hrnak in jgui-dooi^i.-.&&.U x.anr gu-ia^d*.*liov ..plli— Px?jD»r n v 202 232 2592 P16 TO: P A G E . 0 0 4 Thee* petition* spell out, in black and white, our agenda; of ooeuI, SalfUOB’ Investigate and limit government power. in the first amendment of the liill of Rights, we are guaranteed the right to "petition our Government tor a redress of grievances." And that’s exactly what we're g o in g to do: redrew our grievances in the • biggest and most powerful display of political clout and commitment to the Constitution. T want to personally deliver your five petitions, end the petitions of all 3.? million of your fellow NRA members -- 17,5 million petitions in all -jto Congress. And I want to show the leadership in Congress, and your Delegate from the District of Columbia, that th e number one priority in their Contract with America must be defending and restoring our Constitutional freedoms. 17,5 million Petitions to congress is the largest "redress of grievances' since the Constitution end the Bill of Rights were written, So I KNtw Congress will get the message. And I know they'll act on our agenda of REPEAL., REFORM and INVESTIGATE it only vou aprt T cncalt put. Your Petitions to Congress also sends another message -- a message not spelled out on the Petitions themselves, Bach congressman, on the average, will receive 0,000 Petitions from NRA members demanding action, 6,000 messages from angry voters sounds an alarm in every congressman's head. You s e e . most C o n g r e s s io n a l e l e c t i o n s w ere won o r l o s t by 5 ,0 0 0 v o te s o r le s s . So. t h e y ' l l r c a l i r e t h a t f a i l i n g t o tlg f ^ nri th e S em n rt Amemynant and f a l l i n g t o r e ta k e th e C o n s titu ti o n a l, fre ed o m s l o s t t o th e an t 1- g u n n e r a . c o u ld r e a u l t in h lu Ioan n a at. th e n e x t e l e c t loi>! That'S why it's critical you take a few minutes to sign your Petitions to Congress and return them to me as soon as possible. Klhese petitions are w r D-Day, •,I. Armed with these petitions and our first Amendment rights, we are going to storm Congress, knock out anti-gunner strongholds and recapture every bit of ground we lost since Bill Clinton took office. And if we're successful, these petitions will be the turning point In the, history of the Constitution,., A day when our sacred right to keep and bear arms will be secure for the next generation of law-abiding Americans, v--n«v '”Pr nftf TBftfEBhlB. ?r aiftfi i snealml cuntIJibuti.0 0 of 81SL-62Q. 625, fJ5 or >60. Most Americans don't realise that our freedoms are slowly Slipping away. They don’t understand that politician* and bureaucrats are chipping away at the American way of life. . '‘■'■•si' •>.-13\ They're aeat-rpylna business, destroying our economy, destroying propertyrights, destroying our moral foundation, destroyua our schools, dCatSgUOg our culture... next page, please < JUN 01 ’95 15:26 MADONNA, KEUIN MAY £ S ’ 9 5 1 4 : 2 3 FROM 914 246 2609 TO: HCJ/V C PH Y 202 232 2592 P17 i nv^ip ' The 11 players celling the plays and doing the hitting get a lot of their motivation from th* 13th man in the stands. x rm talking about the crowd who cheers wildly when our team is on the offense, and drowns out the signals of the opposing team when they're on the defense, 1 need you to be that 13th man, I need you to sign your petitions to Congress and return them to me ,, today. That simple act will gi^e our allies the political courage to do what's right, to push ahead with our agenda of REPSAL, reform AND INVESTIGATE, Likewise, your signed Petitions to Congress will confuse and demoralise the anti-gun team and their agenda of bans, taxes, intimidation, harassment and destruction of th® Constitution, I Know I've said what I'm about to say before. Byt this is a message that resonates with NRA members across the land. It's something I hope you, too, will soy whenever you have the occasion to defend our Conetitutional freedoms. This, th* battle we’re fighting today,i M k f is a battle to retake the most precious, most sacred ground on earth. This 1* a battle for freedom. Please tell me you're ready to take the next step by returning your ,, signed Petitions to Congress or»d renewal payment and special gift to me in the enclosed postage-paid envelope todayThank you, i look forward to hearing from you soon. .TUN 01 ’95 15:27 MADONNA, KEUIN 914 246 2609 202 232 2592 P19 TO: Jl Sxecut iv* Vie* President P .3 . As a apeeiei thank y«w foe upgrading yM f NHA Membership to the next level, or making a special contribution of $25 or more, x'd lika to send you a copy of my national beet-ceiling book. Cun*. Crime, and Freedom. , Z hope you'11 read at and use i t in your own peraonaJ cam paign in the District of Columbia to defend the Constitution, Use GUNS, CRZNE, AN® FREEDOM to help you keep the pressure on Congress, write letters to the editor a n d teach other Americans about, the battle ue'ra fighting today, Thanks «gein for y o u r support «nd friendship, R o b in . **. TOTAL P A G E . 0 0 6 * *