2021-22 school year PUBLIC HEALTH MEASURES Unless otherwise stated, measures apply to all grades: Elevated Risk Enhanced Public Health Measures Vaccination • When vaccine is approved for 5-12-year-olds everyone who is able will be encouraged to get fully vaccinated. • Education authorities will work with the Chief Public Health Office and Health PEI to support immunization for students and staff as necessary within the school community. Screening and Managing Symptoms of COVID-19 • Daily home or self-screening for symptoms of COVID-19 using the COVID-19 symptom screening tool is recommended for staff, students, and visitors. • If experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, get tested; testing guidance may evolve over time, refer to the most up to date information on the testing webpage. • Schools should follow procedures for students, staff and visitors who become sick during the school day. Hand Hygiene • Frequent hand washing or using hand sanitizer is encouraged throughout the day and proper respiratory etiquette, using age￾appropriate interventions. • Handwashing supplies and alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol should be made available throughout the school. • Signage on personal hygiene etiquette such as handwashing, and sneezing and coughing etiquette, should be clearly posted throughout the school. Cleaning and Disinfection Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection for frequently touched surfaces, particularly between cohorts or where no cohorting is possible. Ventilation • Improvements to ventilation systems are recommended in schools where they do not meet standards. • It is recommended that ventilation systems be maintained to appropriate standards. • It is recommended to open windows when possible, and when weather permits Masking • Masks are required for staff, students, and visitors in all grades when transitioning through school buildings. • Masks are required for staff who work with students who are at higher risk of severe illness and outcomes from COVID-19 whenever physical distancing is not possible, regardless of vaccination status. • Masks are required for staff in classrooms in Grades K to 6 when physical distancing is not possible. • Masks are required for staff, students, and visitors at all times in Grades 7 to 12 when physical distancing is not possible. • Masks are required for students in all grades on school buses. Cohorting • Cohorting may be required in Grades K to 6, for both staff and students during classroom learning, recess, and breaks. • Cohorting not required in Grades 7 to 12 unless the school population is small enough that it can be effectively implemented. • Students should sit with consistent groups on the bus. • Visitors should be limited to essential activities for supporting learning. Physical Distancing • Physical distancing may be recommended in Grades 7-12, including, but not limited to, classroom desk configuration, locker/cubby access, cafeterias, and flow control in hallways and stairwells. • Physical distancing may be recommended for staff areas. • Physical distancing may be encouraged with people from outside of their close social groups and/or cohorts (if cohorts are in place). Cases, Contact Tracing and Outbreak Management Managing cases of COVID-19 If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 connected with a school, public health will lead the response and provide guidance and support. Contact tracing will be done to identify the close contacts of a positive case and inform those who may have been exposed. Gatherings and Events • Consideration should be given to hosting virtual in-school gatherings, assemblies, and extracurricular activities in Grades K to 6 and in schools with larger populations. • Gatherings and school sport activities must follow current community public health measures (e.g. gathering limits of 200 outdoors, 100 if the activity includes close contact, and 100 indoors). Vulnerable Students and Staff • Vulnerable students and staff can attend school; they may want to consult with their health care provider. • Alternative education plans (e.g., online learning) for those individuals who are at higher risk of COVID-19 and are not attending in person. Community Use of School Facilities Community use of school facilities and access to buildings should follow current community public health measures. Operational Plans School applies operational plan for elevated risk scenario. Bussing • Alternative means of transportation other than bussing are encouraged, where reasonable, including walking, bicycle riding, and parent/guardian drop-off and pick-up. • Masks are recommended for students in all grades on school buses. Cases, Contact Tracing, and Outbreak Management Public health will continue to manage cases of COVID-19 through isolation, testing, and contact tracing in the event there is a positive case associated with a school. Schools should continue to maintain accurate attendance records and class and bus lists to assist with contact tracing, if required. Measures for managing cases of COVID-19 in schools: • The Chief Public Health Office will work with school authorities in order to: o Identify cases, o Identify close contacts, o Initiate testing and isolation measures when needed, and o Provide follow-up recommendations to prevent further spread of COVID in the school community. Outbreak Management An outbreak in a school is defined as two or more lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in students and/or staff (or other visitors) in a school with an epidemiological link, within a 14-day period, where at least one person could have reasonably acquired their infection in the school (including transportation and before/after school care). Two or more unrelated cases associated with a school would be considered a COVID-19 cluster. Examples of reasonably having acquired infection in school include: • Known exposure in the school setting; or • No obvious source of infection outside of the school setting. Outbreak management measures in schools: • The Chief Public Health Office will support school officials regarding decision-making for enhanced measures in schools in outbreak situations, including the potential of moving to online learning. • Communication to parents, guardians and staff regarding case(s) of COVID-19 in a school will be the responsibility of the school administration, with support from the Chief Public Health Office.