POLICY ANO PROCEDURES Bureau of Communications and Property Control Communicat ions Control Section ~at~: Jull' s, 201~ I Effective Date: Jull' 5, 2D_13~-Sub ect: Call Takm Ptocedwre.s Classificat ion: Call Taki r _ 1 £' age 1 of Relat~~~ Rescindp § ~ ,?.912} 05 ___ . . _ ~ ~:::::-'~=".,;.. - ~ ·==..l4S I No. 2013-04 1 Autho nt :·~-·- rC~ , s· _ Substantive changes to 2012-05 are it7 bol d Italics PURPOSE: To establish basic guidelines related to the answering and fiandling of incoming calls to CCS. POLICY: It is the· poHcy of the C9rnmunications Control Section to receive andhandle calls for service promptly, efficiently and expedltiovsly, with the ut most concern for the safety and well-be.ing of cifizens and police. . PROCEDURES: I. Answer prompt!~ . Personnel shall answer all police telephones promptly. II. Identify yourself . A. Personne l shall answer 621-'i234 telephone line by stating : "Cleveland Police, r.:;1nl<. ., last name. How may we help you?" B. 9-'1-1 lines shall be answered by stating: "9-1~1,what is your emerge ncy? Police? Fire? Or Amb ulance?" If the call is for police. identify yourself as "Cleveland Police, rank, last name. how may we help you?" 1. When transferring calls to Fire or EMS state: "Stay on the line while I transfer your call to (Fire/EMS.)" 2. Disconnect from the call once it is transferred, and you heat the caller con versi ng with Fire/ EMS unless it ls necessary to continue wlth the caller when Fire/ EM'S is through. Irr these instances advise the caller o.f your inte nt whi,e the transfer is gai n~ through. 3. The CJevel~nd O'ivis:ion of Police, Communications Control. Section shall qet h'e put,lic ,safety answeringpt>int {.PSAP)forihe city of Clevel~nd c1nd CCS POLICY AND PROCEDURES Subject: Call Taking Pro·cedur,~s j Pag_ e 2 of 5 the city of Linndale . 9-1-1 callers requestingpolice service in Linndal e shall be transferred to Linndale Police via the pre-programmed "Linndale 11 button on the calltaker 's Positron equ ipment. l..lm1da/e residents requesting EMS or the Fire Department shall be transfer red to Cleveland EMSIF/re via the Positron equipment. C. m. The Division 's Manual of Rules and Regulations req uires all employee s to furnisl1 their name, rank and badge number to any person that requests it (Rule 4.13). pis.slay Coµrtesy and Professiona lism A. Use appropriate tone and manner of speech. Avoid using industry jargon and abbreviations whe n speaking . to the g:eneral publio. B. Show inter e$t in the call er. Use ''sir", "ma'am" ., 11Mr.", ''Ms.'1, wh'i!e talking with the citizen. Tert.hs of endearmentare n'ot a:ccepta.bJ!:;'. Avoid vocal inflections or sounds such as heavysighs that convey boredQm,.indlfference. bt frustration. C. Cont rol the eall . Take charge ,0f the conversatlon by ga,idingthe ca.lierthrough the ·information gathering prooeslj:i . Get the in the shortest possible time. responses you 11.e-ed D. Explain hold$, pause~ and c;tel~y$. Provide the caller with rear=;ons for holds and other delays. If you are busy entering. a caller 's inforrn atron lnto the CAD system - lat them know. E. Remain c.atn1and pof.ite, n(':)verlosing your tem per Do not attemp t to salve or mediate the ca ller 's problem. F. Provide and Expla in Referral$ when caller's request s can be better handled by agencies outside of the realm of public sa·fet y. Keep in mind that othe r options and services can be suggested but never gi v e legal or unsolicited adv ice . Do not offer specific business names (i.e . tow comp anies such as K & M). G. Never argue with the caller and avoid being a part of the problem. Keeping you r emotlons in check will help to minimize any nega tive esc·alation of the caller's Issues. H. Be sensitive to the needs and concerns of the caJler. Show empathy and caring for the victims and complainants you have ocmtsct wit h. CCS POLICY AND PROCEDURES ISubject: IV. Call Taking Procedures ! Page 3 of 5_ Gath$ring E}jtsic Resp,om~einformation . A. Wher e is the incident occurri ng or where are the police needed? Locat ion of tha incide nt: up , down , inside, outside , desc ription of premise? What is the full , correct address or intersection? If the caller is unsure of their location can they provide you with a landmark or a business name see n on a sign nearby? B. The CAD 'AN I/A lf ' button shall be pressed each time a 9-1- 1 call is received . Verify ALL 9-1- 1 information with the c~ller. Do not assume that the Positron information is correct. The ANI/ALI information shall be left on the event torrn. Changes shall be made as needed to 'Coincidewith information gathe red from the caller. For ex~mple: removing the tE:J II prov.ider's name and replacing Lt with the riar ne · qf the · actua l caller. C, Ask 'for callback informat ion (name, phone number) on all calls re'Ce1vedon 621-1234 Hne. Enter info obta ined into the incident. 0. When advised of an incident by Cleveland Fire/fl/VI$, obtain the contact information for the r,rigina,I Cil.llar. .Attempt tQ make contact with this caller to obtain ·additional information and add ihe info to the im;ident . E. F. V. Caller identity is voluntary and a request fo r anonymity will not prectude police respo nse. 1. Calltakers shall clear ly indic~t~ a caller' s request to remain anonymous in the 'Re marks' section of the CAD event. 2. Dispatchers shall commun icate a callers wish to remain anonymo us to responding officers . Officer inquiries related to the identity of a caller shall be referred to a CCS supe rvisor. When unable to obta in a caller's name, note the sex of the cs lier in the 'Remarks' section of the event. (Examples include, but are not limited to , phone dis·connections or comp lainant pulled from phone) De.termir.ie Immediate or Addit ional Res.ponse Needs A. Mak~ notifications to resp,zind ing agencfes as sooh ·~s pr~ctlcable.. 1. For ser1ou~ injury, there shall r,e mio imym dela~ prror to· connecting the Ga.Ilerto or notifying EMS . Obtain the basic CCS POLICY AND PROCEDURES ISubject : Call Taking ] Page 4 of 5 Procedures Information needed to .send polloe such as location, suspect whereabouts, and a general description. 2. VI. When transferring the· caller to EM$ ·, calltaker may remain an the line· and resume questioning after .e.MS is completed with the caller . .Advise calle r of your inten t while th"ecall is transferrins. B. Is imyon~ injured? How ma.ny? rs an ambulance need.ed? C, Is t_he Ftre Division needed D. Is there a hazardous condition such cisa f reeway accid .ent or obstruction? Live Wires? Vicious animal? Logic@IIVord~r. the info in the CAD nRemarljeci: -OISPATCHINGPROCEDURES C. ! Page 2 of 6 Priority 3: Req uires an intermediate response to incidents that have the pot ential for minor harm, minor property damage or for a crime of this nature that has j ust occurred. 1. Target dispatch time for priority 3 incid ents shall be one (1) 2. hour or less. Dispatchers may ass ign concurrent multiple priority 3 incidents to the same unit. D'. Pri.9.ci~Y 4: lncitjents th~ t are cqn~lc;l~red "cold11 and that requ ire a report or to check on informatro/i'l. 1. 2. E. II. Tsr:get dispatch time for priority 4 inc1dentsshall be 0ne (1) hour or less. Dispatchers may asslgnmultiple priority 4 fncidents to the same unit ooncurremly. Priority 5:_lncldents that are administrat!v(3in-nature. Multiple Calls " Receipt of multi'plecalls.for an inqident may elevate the priority of the incident. Consult with a supervrsor if clarification is needed. A Dispatchers shall use good judgment in determining the need to expedite the dispatch of an incident due to multiple calls. B. /fl. A change in the priority cf an incident or additiona l information regarding the incrdent, especially an elevation of the pr ior ity, shall be relayed to the responding unit(s). Upgrading Incidents* Dispa tchers shall upgrade existin~7 incidents to a hig/7er prlot1ty (and change the incident type if appropria te) whenever it is discoverec! or determined that the existing pr iority is too low. IV. Downgrading and Closing Inc idents- Downgrad -ing or closi ng out un-dispatchedincidents must be approved by g supervisor. Note the approving supervisor's name and any other pertinent information in the incident. V. Incident Broadcasti. 119~ lndd ents shall be broadcast in the.following manner: A. Dispa,tchers-shall d'esignate a specific unit Wilen. bro.adcssfrngan lnckfont. J CCS POLICY AND PROCEDURES [ Subje~t:QISPATC:HIN~~~o .c_=E=D_U:._:R=ES..;_,~----''- P _a~9,e_ ._3_o_-f _6___ 1. VI. __J lt is not CCS pol icy to routine ly broadcast exclusively to "any car in the area ...." Occasionally,dispatchers shall be directed to dispatc h to "any car in the area" for a spedfic purpo se, for a limited t ime period . Example: a certa in neighborhood is experiencing multiple daytime burg laries. Dispatche rs may be directed to broadcast any alarms received in that area fo r ''any car .... " B. Broadcast the priority and add ress of the incident. Relaying the address at the beginning of a broadcast immed iate ly alerts cars in the vicinity that the incident is taking place. G. Broadcast the specifics of the incident D. Broadca$t the incident number. E. Ensure acknowledgmentis ret:eived from unlt(e')after a brQadcast i$ ma.deto them·. Incident Informat io n- All information relative to the dispatch of an rnciidentshall be logged in th~ aucfittrc1iL VII. Assigning Incidents~ When deterrn ihing whc1t unit to as~ign to an inG.identthe dispatcher shall: A. Not as.sign the incident through the CAD system (Cirmanual dispatch) until the respo nding unit(s) advises they are avaflable to co py t he information. B. Check for unit avai lab ility-in the zone of occurrence. Check for unit avai lability closest to the zo ne of occu rrence . Check for unit availa bi lity with in the district. Ass ign two (2) o ne-of fice r unit s to respond to a Priority 1 or Priority 2 incident wi1eneve r a tw o~offi cer unit is not available. Reassig n units from lower priority inciden ts to higher priorit y C. D. E. F. incidents. G. H. If attempts to dispatch l1ighet priority Incidents at shift change are unsuccessfut,call the district and request that a supervisor ~ss ign the incident to a unit out of roll call. Update the incident witl1 the supervfsor's name along with any otl1erpertinent informatio n. High priority incidents occurring on or near district borders may be assigned to units from adjacent tji~t ricts with a street supervisor's approval when no unit~ are ~vailable in the distrfct of ocourre.nce. CCS POLICY AND PROCEDURES I Subj~ct V III. IX. DISPATCHING PROCEDURES Page 4 of 6 IVlultlple Dispaic(:ling (Stacking) Assignments A. Incidents sharl be dispatchedto available units as they come in and, with the exceptlon of Priority 1 assignments, may be stacked to a unit 6. Multip le-dispatch (stack) incidents to un"its in the or.de.ryo.u wish them to respond to them, 1. Ensure calls are stacked in priority order . with highest priority 1ncldentsat the top of the 'stack'. 2. Whsn stacking incidents of the same priority, 'life' incidents sha ll take precedence over 'property ' incidents . Lunches, Details, and District Assignments A. B. C. D. X. J Lunches shall not be given out dur ing the first oi last llour of a unit's tour of d uty. Lunches and district assignments are second ary when incidents are backlom~ed. A fieJd supervisorJsapproval shall be obtained before giving lunch .. Detaifs or district assignments require a supervisor's. approval and the nature of such incldenteshall be noted in the incident along with the name of the approving supeivisor. Dispatch Difficu lties A. When exp·eriencing a difficulty·in dispatching a Priority 1 or Priority 2 fncident in a timely mann~r. the dfspatcher shall: 1. Broadcast the· incident location and other pe1i inent details over the district channel in the following order.: a. b. a. The unit"number responsibleforthe · ihc1dentzone. The resp.onsible supervisor's unlt number "Any unit in the area" Example: "Radio to 1A 13, 1S12 or any unit in th e area of..." 2. 3. 4. Follow-Up with a sector.supervisor if no responsefrom #1 above. Advise a CCS supervisor . Update the CAD Incidentwith notation s of who was advised. CCS POUCV AND PROCEDURES I Subject: DISPATCHINGPROCEpU__ R_E_s_ . ____ B. _P___,ag"-'--e---"5 _o_f _ 6 _ _ ___,] ....1..] When experiencing a large backlog of assignments, dispatchers sl1all: 1. 2. 3. 4. XI. Advise a sector supervisor. Advise a CCS supervisor. Advise complainants of potential delay. Note any and all of the above in the incident General Rules of Dispatching and Charmel Management A. Wl1iledi~patching, c;1dhere to the fbllowi11g! 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1o. 11. Maintain a professionsl ,1 courteou s deme.anorwhile broadcasting. Do not use proper n~me&. nic.knamesor t~mw of endearmentoverthe air. Acknowledge all broadcasts promptly. Ba aware of the status and reported 1·ocation of .all units you are responsible for, routinely checking such statuses throug_hoOtyour shift. When In doubt of -aunit's location, uti(iz.ethe Automatic Vehicle Locator (A VL,)system for verifi<;~tion and do not hesitate to ask. Promptly record incident dispatch1 arrival, and closing times. Read all inCidentsas they are received. Check the CAD history and any cautions attached to the location using the CAD 'EV' and 'CAUTION'buttons. Read all subsequent updates si.gna!ed by all CAD update indi cators. Relay all information included in an incident to responding units. lf unsure of any information, obtain clarification from the call taker or a supervisor. Advise responding unit{s) of any CAD 'Caution' and 'Special Address' information associated with the incident ancl any relevant previous CAD history at the focaUon. At the beginning of the shift, or if providlng relief, farniliarize yourself with the incidents that a re both pending and active. Do not hold incidents for the fo llowing or overlapping shift that c~:nbe dispatched now. Di'spI;ftohincidentsnear the end of a shift th-atwill not genera.t,eovertime, such as loud music,o:rge.n~ral disturbances 1 fireworks, ete:. 1"2 . 13. Utflize speeialized units when they are available. Utilize exped' irors to handle reports wrianappropriate. CCS POLICY AND PROCEDURES ISubject DlSPAJCHlNG PROCEDURES 14. 15. ___ [J§ie _· 6_ of_6......,· --- ~___, Ut!Hze other police departments w ithin the city, i.e. CMHA, CleveLattdState , Un'iversity Ctrcle,etc., rememberingthat the Cityof Cleveland is ultlmately responsible. Use. personnel ·from a two-o.ffic .er unlt as. a one.~officer unit when a partner mus~?ttend cqurt. 16. When a shortage.ofc;me:-officer unit$ exists, dispatch incidents typica:lly hantjled by one-officer units ttl two-officer units . 17. Advi.se relief personnerof channel status and notable 18. incidents. Mainta 'in any and a[! logs or tal lies . 19. 20. 2 1. 22. 23 . Be familiar with any bulletins, memos, or other notices posted on the dlspat-ch console. Read all messages and broadcasts, taking required action as necessa,y . Reass ign incidents held by units that. wi ll have a delayed response due to an arrest, lengthy report, officer reassignment or other circumstance. Read and close out du_plicate inc idents, msking not(~of the related ihcident in the narrative of the maintained incident. Make use of appropriate disposition cod es and closing comments. 24 . 25. Monitor and utilize tile Auto matic Vehicle Locator (AVL) system as an aid to identifyingthe closest available t.1nltsto an incident and to enhance officer safety. (CCS Policy & Procedure 2010~06) Comply with a complaitJant>srequest to remain anonymous by not broadcasting the,caller's name, address ortelephone number or,er the radio and communicate the same io responding officers, Off lc;er inquiries rolatod to the tdentity-Qf a caller shall be reflil'fed fa a GCS s.upervi.sor, TAS:mc