i?LXL-?Ki?ii??i? (E3: E: 303:? My. Ruthha?, ?E?Ew?s {war is En resp?nge {0 yam narmwed Frsedgm (Bf {af?rmation Act requesf? sen: {0 ?ve City Qf?C??iaagG Qf?ca ofthe Maya)?? (?Mayey?s Of?ce?) May 1'2, 2015. En yam? Grigiaai FOEA daie? April 5., yw {muested ?ihe fa?iewing dacumeais: 52 Egg Qf?e?'zaiiy 552:2 dam, Lime, szt?gecf, genciw, wage}?! my} any Sepm?ber 1, 3631 1? {Wang}; Asggusi 31?, .53in 3mg czgtaiea? z-?vcefved Rafa-r2 Emamg?ei, David Eln?eif??geg and 353}? SWizmn i?cg?zsde ?zef?iimvz?rzg saws: ?$531355 Of? ?Ezzpes 0r "Frags: ?Bebley ?Uieny? ?Herpef' ir?rcmas ?Safama? Giana}? 13v?ch dams ?Cf/:50:ng Pzibiic Educai?wz Fax/3d Executive Leadership Acaaiemy ?yrinc?pai [raining ?Emad May A ZQES Of?cs sen: a faqzzes?i for sgterzsian am on May 3? E?maiy pg?gvi?e? logs. On May ?12, 2035., ysu pravi?ed 21 Egg {hai in?icate? a Set Gfemaib you wanted from Beth Swansm. On May Hi 28 15 the O?ffiste sent a request for exteng?ea am i3 new respondiag {a your narmwed mgucst. T?aank yeu f3? grant?ng an additional day :0 compieie your requegt. Please ?nd iha regponsive emails snagged. 33! Euk?x?xE?E?i SE'E?i?ii HJJXUES $635012 Wattage he oot?ieeo that eotaiie were tetieeted or withheio moment to the peesooai teteohooe otohhete Zit?tii ezoeii eootegses teoaete? ottretioot to Seetioh of 5 exeh?iots teem ?private information.? {tot/ate i3 oet?ioed if} Seetioo Ztewfi} eve? "wooiqoe itiettht?iet?ss e, heteoh?s geciei ooihhett titie'et'e homhetz etooiowe hoihhezg hiotheteie ioeotitiets, hereoer iot?orihatioht or other eceese gheoicoi reeotdgg home or oeteohei teieohooe ztomhera end emeits i}i?iv?i? information iociuoes home adoress persona? pietest except as otherwiae otovioeo by tow or when oomoiteo withoht ofotteihotioh to arty person,? 3 ELCS 3493(95}. ?therefore, persooai teiephohe numbers eo? persoer emaii a?tieessee are exempt poteoeot to Section and wete ptopeeiy re?eeteeiz Aiso, Cit}; emoioyee work ceii phone oumhers and work; phone soothers ot?othet ihoividueis have been redacted from the responsive emaiis purgoaot to ILCS Week eeti phones are iSShed to City staff for use at work and during ooh?work hours, thos ehehiihg staffto be eohtaeteo when they are out ot?the of?ce both during work aod ooh?work homes. The Puhiie Cotioselor has tietermihe? that digcioeure ot?work ceii phone ottmhets wouid resuit in a eieariy unwarranted itwaeioh of personal private): as disciosuz?e: i .eouid gubject the Stat?t?to excessive phohe eai?s from the public: at times ofthe day even when they are at home and hot woritihg? Fortheemore, it?the employees are forced to turn of? their phones white they are not at work to reduce iotrosioo ioto their iives, they wooid hot be i?eedity avaiteoie in the evehtt management contacts them for a work emetgehey. The reset: wohid he to impair {the} to accees critical Steff?urihg aod?wouto defeat the primary purpose in isgoing the ceii phones." (29H) RitC 8685? Att?y Gen. PAC Gpihion List, igstteti Septemher 3t}, 202$.) Since the public can City staffand other individoais in the records provided through their ot?fiee laodiihes and email account; as with the situation covered above work ceti phone members are exempt outsetth to Section ?to Additiohaiiy, we are withholding certain information related to persoan plans, {emit}! iife, god the personat heaith ofcort?eSpohdehtS. which in the emaii Conversations. Such information is 21150 exempt porsoaht to Section Section exempts from digciosure, "pereohei information contained within pobiic recorde, the ?isotosute ot?whieh wouid eonstitote a cieariy onwarranted invagioh of personai Because information regarding famiiy members, persohai sehecioles anti persohal heath is inherentiy private, and is teiease would be objectionahie to a reagooahie persoo, sueh ioformatioo constitutes petsooai iofoematioh which is exempt. under Section Further, because the redacted iot?ormetioh ?oes not pertain to the transaction ofhusioess otithe huhhe hodyi there ie no iegitimete pebhc interest ih reieasihg the iot?otmation. Additioneityg emails that the Mayor?s G??ice has: detetmihed ?id not hear on the ttehsactioo of business oft?tte oehiic body, and therefore wete not pubiie records, wete withheid. Further, emaiie and attaci?tments have been redacted or withheld pursuant to Section of which exempts, ?{phelimihary drafts, notes, recommendations, memomnda an? other teeor?s in which are expeeseed, or policiee one? oetioog are formatiate?, except that a sheoifie reeorei or teievaht portion ot?a record shah not be exempt when the recoett is ptihiieiy cited and ideotitied by the head ofthe puhiic body? 5 emails that re?ect deiibemtiohs relating to formuieting poiicies or pieos between both the Mayor?s, CPS staft?ehd the CPS anrd oonoca?tioo have been redacted or withheld pursuant to Section Guidance from the mom Counseior supports the Moyoe?s Of?ce use of exemption Rik?) to the emeiis described above. in 2&8 PAC 7788, Hi. Atty Gen. PAC Qoihion Lad, issoed October 87 20:97 the PAC appeovet? the City?g use ot?exemotion 7( i?x?t} to portions ot?emaiig that eontaio io?f?otmetion w?i??g?z i3 pra?ae?ami is?: 313121;?? ai?z? which wz?ai? aginiang 2mg? S?ai?i?m?mbai?s? Saw: @3qu 3 E?ii, r?zi?y? {36:1 RAC Gpin?m Lira, ?ssuei? jammy 2285? Ta; Ems exi?m gag-3:3? 130% E?squ?gi i3 {iemi?? 3?02: mags a right {Ef??sv?ew by E?iiagig Atmm?zy {Easamis?g E3za?fi?: A?gcgg wheel {mm maia?a at 553% g. Sgr?g?gf??ii ii 623% 8? at $933 may 333$ Seekju?ia?ai f?v?aw efa dsn?ai ma?a}; 5 ELCS MQXEE m5? Sincsi?siy - ff (image K. Raggaas Res:de 0f in?f?grmazim Of?cer