Reproduced at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library Route 3, Box 192uE Matthews, North Carolina 28105 April 21, l9?1 APR 2 1971 The Honorable Robert Finch Secretary of Health, Education and walfare Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Secretary: After reading several articles about the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970, Local 850 of the United Rubber Workers at the General Tire Rubber Company in Charlotte, N. 8., have formed a health ano safety committee. we are very concernea with some of the hazards that we face each day at work. Some employees are subjected to so much carbon dust that they have to use liqui? detergent to cleanse their skin, not to mention the black carbon coughed up after working in these areas. Heat is another problem we face every day during the summer months heat that will exceed 1000 in certain areas and is excessive in all parts or the plant. General Tire is a very prosperous Company, but they seem to put the welfare and safety of their employees last. If you have any information, standarda_or laws that can help us persuade the Company that these hazards exist,_upur assistance would be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly z//fy '7 I a g?t?h Paul E. Swink