Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 1 of 30 UNITED STATESDISTRICT COURT FO R TH E SO UTH ER N DISTRICT OF FLO RIDA yjtEo By . - CASENO.)q'(jl%1 '3V5 :J## ' # N0v122219 X-/' X//t' 5' /1 1dX szEvsrqM . FEDERAL TRAD E COM M ISSION , and LARIMORE CU ERK s. ol sz.cT. s() oru. yt A .w p: . STA TE OF FLO RIDA , Plaintiffs, V. lnbound CallExperts,LLC also d/b/a A dvanced Tech Support, alimitedliabilitycompany, guy)e-gkezzG ul') , A dvanced Tech Supportco LLC,a lim ited liability com pany, CO M PLAINT FOR , psusjxxsxv yxgux cTlo x PC Vitalware, LLC,a lim ited liability company, superPC Support,LLC,a lim ited liability com pany, RobertD .D eignan,individually and asan officeroflnbound CallExperts,LLC,A dvanced Tech Supportco,LLC,PC V italware,LLC,and SuperPC Support,LLC, PaulM .Herdsm an,individually and asan officeroflnbound CallExperts,LLC,PC V italware,LLC,and Super PC Suppol't,LLC, Justin M .W right,individually and asan officeroflnbound CallExperts,LLC,PC V italw are,LLC,and Super PC Suppol't,LLC, PC Cleaner,Inc.,a corporation, N etcom 3 Global,lnc.,a corporation, N etcom 3,Inc.also d/b/a N etcom 3 Software Inc.and CashierM yricks,Jr.a/k/a CashierM yrick,individually and asan officerofPC Cleaner,lnc.,N etcom 3 G lobal,lnc.,and N etcom 3,lnc., Defendants. AND OTHER EQUITABLE RELIEF sjjetjsutjer seaj o.c. Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 2 of 30 Plaintiffs,theFederalTradeCommission (ûûFTC'')andtheStateofFlorida,Officeofthe Attorney General(ssstateofFlorida'')fortheirComplaintallege: The FTC brings this action under Sections 13(b) and 19 ofthe FederalTrade Commission Act (ESFTC Act''), 15 U.S.C.jj 53(b) and 57b,and the Telemarketing and ConsumerFraud and Abuse Prevention Act(iiTelemarketing Act''),l5 U.S.C.jj 6101-6108,as amended,to obtain temporary, preliminary, and permanent injunctive relief,rescission or reform ation of contracts, restitution, the refund of m onies paid, disgorgement of ill-gotten m onies,and other equitable relief for the Defendants'acts or practices in violation of Section 5(a)oftheFTC Act,15U.S.C.j45(a),andinviolationoftheFTC'STelemarketingSalesRule (û$TSR'') 16 C.F.R.Pal4310,asamended. 2. The State of Florida, by and through its Attorney G eneral, Pamela Jo Bondi, bringsthisaction undertheFloridaDeceptiveand UnfairTradePracticesActCAFDUTPA'D,Fla. Stat.j 50l.201 c/ seq.,to obtain temporary,preliminary and permanent injunctive relief, rescission orreform ation ofcontracts,restitution,the refund ofm onies paid,disgorgem entofil1gotten m onies, and other equitable relief, as w ell as civil penalties, for Defendants' acts or practices in violation ofthe FD UTPA . The State ofFlorida has conducted an investigation,and the head ofthe enforcing authority,Attorney GeneralPam ela Jo Bondi,has determ ined that an enforcem entaction servesthepublic interest. JUR ISDICTIO N AN D VENUE ThisCourthassubjectmatterjurisdictionpursuantto28U.S.C.jjl331,l337(a), and 1345,and 15 U.S.C.jj45(a),53(b),57b,6102(c),and 6105(b). Page 2 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 3 of 30 This Courthas supplementaljurisdiction over the state of Florida's claims pursuantto28U.S.C.j1367. Venueisproperinthisdistrictunder28U.S.C.jl39l(b)(1-3),(c)(1-2),and (d), and 15U.S.C.j53(b). PLAIN TIFFS The FTC is an independentagency of the United States Governm ent created by statute. 15U.S.C.jj41-58. TheFTC enforcesSection 5(a)ofthe FTC Act,15 U.S.C.j45(a), w hich prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting com merce. The FTC also enforces the Telemarketing Act, l5 U.S.C. jj 6101-6108, as amended. Pursuant to the Telem arketing Act,the FTC prom ulgated and enforces the TSR, 16 C.F.R.Part 310,w hich prohibitsdeceptive and abusive telem arketing actsorpractices. The FTC is authorized to initiate federaldistrict courtproceedings,by its ow n attorneys,toenjoinviolationsoftheFTC ActandtheTSR,andtosecuresuchequitablereliefas m ay be appropriate in each case,including rescission orreformation of contracts,restitution,the refund of monies paid,and the disgorgementof ill-gotten monies. l5 U.S.C.jj 53(b), 56(a)(2)(A)-(B),57b,6102(c),and6105(b). 8. The State of Florida is the enforcing authority under the FDU TPA pursuant to FloridaStatutesSection501.20342)andisauthorizedtopursuethisactiontoenjoinviolationsof the FD UTPA and to obtain legal,equitable or other appropriate relief including rescission or reformation of contracts, restitution, the refund of m onies paid, disgorgem ent of ill-gotten monies,civilpenalties,orotherreliefas may be appropriate. Fla.Stat.jj 50l.207,501.2075 and 501.2077. Page 3 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 4 of 30 DEFEN DAN TS DefendantlnboundCallExperts,LLC d/b/aAdvancedTechSupport(t1lCE''),isa Florida lim ited liability com pany w ith itsprincipalplace ofbusinessat4800 TRex Avenue,Suite 350,Boca Raton,Florida. lCE transactsorhastransacted business in thisdistrictand throughout the United States. Atalltimesm aterialto this Com plaint,acting alone orin concertwith others, ICE hasadvertised,m arketed,distributed,orsold computersecurity ortechnicalsupportservices to consum ersthroughoutthe United States. DefendantAdvancedTech Supportco,LLC ($$ATS'')isaFloridalimited liability com pany w ith its principal place of business at 700 Banyan Trail, Suite 200, Boca Raton, Florida. A TS transacts or has transacted business in this district and throughout the United States. Atalltimes m aterialto this Com plaint,acting alone or in concertw ith others,A TS has advertised, m arketed,distributed, or sold com puter security or technical support services to consum ersthroughoutthe United States. Defendant PC Vitalware, LLC (EEPC Vitalware''),is a Florida limited liability com pany w ith its principal place of business at 700 Banyan Trail, Suite 200, Boca Raton, Florida. PC Vitalware transacts or has transacted business in this district and throughout the United States. Ata1ltim esm aterialto thisComplaint,acting alone orin concertwith others,PC V italware has advertised,m arketed,distributed,or sold com puter security or technicalsupport servicesto consum ersthroughoutthe United States. DefendantSuperPC Support,LLC (eisuperPC Suppolf),isa Florida limited liability com pany w ith its principal place of business at4800 TRex Avenue, Suite 350,Boca Raton, Florida. Super PC Support transacts or has transacted business in this district and throughoutthe United States. Atalltim es m aterialto this Com plaint,acting alone or in concert Page 4 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 5 of 30 w ith others,SuperPC Supporthasadvertised,m arketed,distributed,orsold computersecurity or technicalsupportservicesto consum ersthroughoutthe United States. l3. DefendantRobertD.Deignan (lllleignan'')isthe CEO of lCE and Super PC Support,and the M anagerofA TS and PC V italware. At al1tim es materialto this Complaint, acting alone or in concertw ith others,he hasform ulated,directed,controlled,had the authority to control,or participated in the acts and practices of ICE,A TS,PC V italw are,and Super PC Supportsetforth in this Com plaint. DefendantDeignan resides in Lighthouse Point,Florida and, in connection w ith the m atters alleged herein,transactsorhas transacted business in this district and throughoutthe United States. 14. DefendantPaulM .Herdsman ('illerdsman'') is the Chief Operating Officer of lCE and Super PC Support and a m anager of PC Vitalw are. A t all tim es m aterial to this Com plaint,acting alone orin concertw ith others,he has fonnulated,directed,controlled,had the authority to control,orparticipated in the actsand practicesofICE,A TS,SuperPC Supportand PC Vitalw are set forth in this Com plaint. Defendant Herdsm an resides in Deerfield Beach, Florida and,in connection w ith the m attersalleged herein,transactsorhastransacted business in thisdistrictand throughoutthe United States. l5. DefendantJustin M .W right(ûûWrighf')isthe PresidentoflCE and SuperPC Supportand isa manager of PC Vitalware. Atalltimesm aterialto thisComplaint,acting alone or in concertw ith others,he hasform ulated,directed,controlled,had the authority to control,or participated in the acts and practicesofICE,A TS,PC Vitalw are and SuperPC Supportsetforth in this Com plaint. D efendantW rightresides in Boynton Beach,Florida and,in connection w ith the m attersalleged herein,transacts or hastransacted business in this districtand throughoutthe United States. Page 5 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 6 of 30 16. DefendantPC Cleaner,lnc.(EûPC Cleaner'')isa California corporation with its principalplace of business at 220 N .Center Drive,Suite 197,N ewportBeach,California. PC Cleanertransacts orhastransacted business in this districtand throughoutthe United States. At alltim es m aterial to this Com plaint, acting alone or in concert w ith others, PC Cleaner has advertised,m arketed,distributed,orsold com putersecurity servicesto consum ersthroughoutthe United States. l7. DefendantNetcom3 Global,lnc.(ûûNetcom3 Global'')isa California corporation w ith its principal place of business at 30025 A licia Parkw ay, Suite 106, Laguna N iguel, California. N etcom 3 G lobaltransacts or has transacted business in this district and throughout the United States. Atalltim es m aterialto this Com plaint,acting alone orin concertw ith others, N etcom 3 G lobal has advertised, m arketed, distributed, or sold com puter security services to consum ersthroughoutthe U nited States. 18. Defendant N etcom 3, Inc., also doing business as Netcom 3 Software, lnc., (ûûNetcom3'') is a California corporation with its principalplace ofbusiness at 30025 Alicia Parkway, Laguna N iguel, California. Netcom 3 transacts or has transacted business in this districtand throughoutthe United States.Atalltim esm aterialto this Com plaint,acting alone or in concertw ith others,N etcom 3 has advertised,m arketed,distributed,orsold com puter security servicesto consum ersthroughoutthe United States. 19. DefendantCashierM yricks,Jr.a/k/a CashierM yrick (ûûM yricks'')isthe principal of PC Cleaner,N etcom 3 Globaland N etcom 3. Atal1tim es m aterialto this Complaint,acting alone or in concertw ith others, he has form ulated,directed,controlled,had the authority to control,orparticipated in the actsand practicesofPC Cleaner,N etcom 3 G lobaland Netcom 3 set forth in this Com plaint. Defendant M yricks resides in N ewport Coast, California and, in Page 6 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 7 of 30 connection w ith the m atters alleged herein,transacts or has transacted business in this district and throughoutthe United States. 20. Defendants1CE and ATS arehereinaftercollectively referred to as EIICE/A TS.'' Defendants ICE, A TS, PC Vitalware and Super PC Support are hereinafter collectively referred to asthe SSICE Corporate Defendants.'' 22. DefendantsICE,A TS,PC Vitalware,SuperPC Support,Deignan,H erdsm an,and W rightare hereinaftercollectively referred to asthe ;ilCE D efendants.'' Defendants Cleaner, N etcom 3 G lobal, and N etcom 3, are hereinafter collectively referred to asthe IIPC CleanerCorporate Defendants.'' 24. Defendants PC Cleaner,N etcom 3 G lobal,N etcom 3 and M yricks are hereinafter collectively referred to astheEûPC CleanerDefendants.'' CO M M ON EN TERPRISES The lCE Corporate Defendants have operated as a com m on enterprise w hile engaging in the illegal acts and practices alleged below. The lCE Corporate D efendants have conducted the business practices described below through interrelated companies that have com m on ownership,officers,m anagers,business functions,em ployees,and office locations. For exam ple,D eignan,Herdsm an and W right are allofficers and m anagers of ICE,PC V italw are, and SuperPC Support. The rem aining 1CE Corporate Defendant,A TS,operates solely as ad/b/a of ICE,and ism anaged by Deignan. ln addition,allofthe lCE Corporate Defendants share the sametwoaddresses(700 Banyan Trailand 4800T Rex Avenuein Boca Raton)and usethem interchangeably on corporate records, license applications, bank records, and in business correspondence. Page 7 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 8 of 30 26. The lCE Corporate D efendants are interrelated. Forexam ple,in correspondence between Deignan and theBetterBusiness Bureau (ûûBBB'')regarding the BBB'Sdecision to revoke ICE/ATS'S BBB accreditation, Deignan references his com panies as tûlnbound Call Experts d/b/a Advanced Tech Support.'' ICE also filed a com plaint in Florida Circuit Court identifying itselfastdlnbound CallExpertsd/b/a A dvanced Tech Support.'' ICE is the registrant forthe lCE Corporate D efendants'dom ain, . lCE hiresem ployees,but em ployees are instructed to tellconsum ers thatthey are from ATS. Further,PC V italw are and SuperPC Supportare also interrelated w ith ICE/ATS. Corporate bank accounts forboth entities are in D eignan's name. PC Vitalware produces PCM RIsoftw are,one of the productsthatthe ICE Corporate Defendants upsellto consum ers. Super PC Supportadvertises rem ote technical assistance on itsw ebsitesand directsconsum ersto the ICE/A TS callcenter. Because the lCE Corporate Defendants have operated as a com m on enterprise, each individualentity isjointly and severally liable forthe actsand practicesalleged below. D efendants Deignan, H erdsm an and W right have form ulated, directed, controlled, had the authority to control,or participated in the acts and practices of the lCE Corporate Defendants thatconstitute the com m on enterprise. 28. Sim ilarly, the PC Cleaner Corporate Defendants have operated as a com m on enterprise w hile engaging in the illegal acts and practices alleged below . The PC Cleaner Corporate Defendants have conducted the business practices described below through interrelated com panies that have com m on ownership, officers, m anagers,business functions, em ployees, and office locations. For exam ple, Cashier M yricks is the President of N etcom 3 G lobaland PC Cleaner. H e registered the dom ain ,a website thatrefers to the corporate entities together as SSPC Cleaner lnc.m etcom 3 Global,Inc.'' M yricks also registered Page 8 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 9 of 30 the dom ain netcom . This w ebsite is identicalto the website netcom and the dom ain inform ation for netcom lists netcom as the w ebsite title. PC Cleaner Pro,aproductoffered by PC Cleaner,isavailable fordow nload on thenetcom website. Because the PC Cleaner Corporate Defendants have operated as a com mon enterprise,eachindividualentityisjointly and severally liablefortheactsandpracticesalleged below . Defendant M yricks has form ulated,directed, controlled,had the authority to control,or participated in the actsand practices ofthe PC CleanerCorporate D efendants thatconstitute the com m on enterprise. C OM M ERCE all tim es m aterial to this Com plaint, the Defendants have m aintained a substantialcourse oftrade in or affecting com m erce,as tdcom m erce''is defined in Section 4 of theFTC Act,15U.S.C.j44 and FloridaStatutesj50l.203(8). DEFEN DAN TS'BU SIN ESS AC TIVITIES O verview Defendants operate a m assive lnternet-based schem e in which they lure consum ers,m any of w hom are senior citizens,to call an inbound call center and then dupe consum ers into purchasing com puter technical support services and unnecessary com puter security software. Consumers spend from $150 to $500 to fix non-existentproblemswith their computers. 32. By exploiting consum ers' concerns about lnternet threats like spyw are and viruses,Defendants scare consumers into believing thattheir computers are in im m inentdanger in order to sellconsum ers software protection products and unnecessary com puter security or technicalsupportservices. Page 9 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 10 of 30 The IC E D efendantsLure Consum ersto CallTheir Inbound CallCenter Since at least 2012,the lCE D efendants have em ployed a variety ofm ethods to lure consumersto calltheirinbound callcenterknown asATS,such as:(l)posting Internetbasedadvertisements;(2)advertising inconnectionwithwebsearchresults' ,(3)partneringwith developersofcomputersecurity products;and (4)purportedly assisting with technicalsupport forcomputersecurity software com panies. ln som e instances,consum ers see lnternetadvertisem ents for com puter repair or com puter updates. lf they click on these advertisements, they are directed to call a phone num berthatleadsto the lCE D efendants. The lCE Defendants also lure consum ersthrough web searches. Forexam ple,the lCE Defendants pay for Google A dw ords accounts. Google Adwords is a paid service used to link consum ersto particularw ebsites based on key search term s. ln som e instances,consum ers have called the lCE Defendants using num bers they found through Google searches related to com putertechnicalissues. The lCE Defendants also registered and paid for approxim ately 150 dom ains,mostofwhich appearto relate to com m on problem s and anti-virus software,including , , m alw , , pcm , ,and . 36. The lCE Defendants partner w ith computer security softw are com panies to purportedly provide technicalsupportforparticularsoftware. ln those instances,unbeknow nstto the consum er,the ICE Defendants pay for the phone num ber that appears on the softw are partner's w ebsite. W hen consum ers callthe software com pany for assistance w ith a particular product,ratherthan reaching that software developer,they reach ICE/A TS,atwhich pointthey are subjected to the lCE Defendants'salespitch. ln some instances,the 1CE Defendants' Page 10 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 11 of 30 telem arketers do not even try to assist consum ers with their particular software problem ,but instead sim ply convince consum ers they need unrelated and unnecessary technicalsupportand additionalsecurity softw are products. In other instances,the lCE Defendants partner with softw are com panies pitching various com puter security products,such as Speedypc,PC Utility K it,Geek Tech Toolbox,PC CleanerPlus,Spam Fighter,andPC CleanerPro (discussed indetailbelow). Afterconsumers purchase one of these softw are products,they are directed to calla phone num ber in order to activate their new software. ln m ostinstances,the lCE Defendants pay forthe phone num ber displayed,and consum erswho callthe phone num berreach ICE/A TS. The PC C leaner Defendants'Deceptive Practices PC Cleaner Pro is a registry softw are productcreated and distributed by the PC Cleaner Defendants.A registry software product is software designed to identify and resolve problem sw ith the W indows registry,a database thatstoresconfiguration settings and optionson M icrosoft W indow s operating system s. ln numerous instances, the PC Cleaner Defendants m arket PC Cleaner Pro on the PC Cleaner D efendants' websites and through pop up advertisem ents. ln som e instances,consum ersGnd PC CleanerPro through search engines,such asGoogle. In m any instances, the PC Cleaner Defendants initially hook consum ers by offering free trials oftheir softw are or free scans ofconsum ers'com puters to identify potential problem s. Once consum ers dow nload the free program , PC Cleaner Pro appears to run a ûûsystem scan''that invariably detects a host of m alicious or otherwise dangerous files and program s, including m alware and system errors. ln m any instances, PC Cleaner Pro's initial scan identifies thousands of purported problem s on a single computer. lndeed,the scan is Page l1 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 12 of 30 designed to falsely identify problem s on consum ers' com puters, exaggerate m inor issues and otherwise deceive consum ersinto thinking thattheircom putersare significantly com prom ised. 40. For exam ple, PC Cleaner Pro scans consumers'computers to identify whether they block 926 specitk pieces of m alware. PC Cleaner Pro w ill then separately count as a ûûproblem ''each specim en thatisnotblocked. These particular926 pieces ofm alware,however, date back to at least 2004 and have not been active threats in m any years. Because these m alw are specim ens have been inactive for so long, M icrosoft does not even include them as specific blocks in defaultW indow s installationsthatcom e pre-installed w ith W indows Defender, a comprehensive anti-m alw are program . The result is that alm ostevery com puter currently in operation w illfail to block these 926 m alw are specim ens,and accordingly, PC Cleaner Pro's scan w ill alw ays find at least 926 tdproblem s'' on nearly any com puter, even though these specim ensare no longeractive and blocking them providesno defense againstm odern m alw are. ln som e instances,PC CleanerPro also falsely identifiesnon-existentmalware on a com pletely fresh installation ofW indows ora brand new com puter. ln addition, the free scan falsely claim s that m any innocuous files such as tem poral' y files, w eb brow ser cookies, and W indow s default settings are Gûproblem s.'' W indow soperating system is constantly creating tem porary files as partof its norm albehavior and these files do not constitute an actualproblem ,but are m erely artifacts of normalsystem behavior thatare alw ays present in a com puter running W indow s. In addition,web browsing cookies are alm ost alw ays benign. W eb brow sers use cookies to provide routine features for consum ers,such as storing consum ers'prcferences. Finally,it ism isleading to calla W indow s defaultsetting a ûtproblem .'' A screenshotofPC C leaner's free scan appears below . Page 12 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 13 of 30 43. The PC Cleaner D efendants'w ebsite then extends to consum ers the opportunity to rid their com puters ofthese fake or exaggerated problem s by offering the paid version of its software program ,PC Cleaner Pro. M any consum ers exposed to the PC Cleaner Defendants' false scan results pay $29.99 ormore forthe software program . Once consumerspay forthe software,the order confirm ation page instructs them to call a toll-free telephone number to activate the softw are. A screenshotofthe confirm ation page appearsbelow . Page l3 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 14 of 30 in som e instances,the toll-free num berdisplayed on the confirm ation page isowned by the lCE Defendantsand routesconsum ersto the ICE/ATS callcenter. 45. Between2011and2013,consumersdownloadedPC CleanerPro(freeand/orpaid versions)morethan 450,000 times. The ICE DefendantsScare Consum ers into Buying Unnecessary TechnicalSupportand Security Sof- are Products 46. A fter consum ers call the 1CE Defendants' call center,telem arketers w alk the consum erthrough a scripted salespitch designed to convince consum ersthattheircom putersare in im m ediate need ofrepair,regardlessofwhetherthe com puterhasa problem . 47. ln m any instances, the telem arketers direct the consum ers to a rem ote access website in orderto gain rem ote access to their com puters. The lCE Defendants use a website Page 14 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 15 of 30 they have registered,such as and fsxm ,ora third-party rem ote access softw are com pany,like LogM eln. The telem arketersthen instructconsum ersto entera code ordow nload a software application to allow the telem arketers rem ote access to the consum ers' computers. O nce rem otely connected,the telem arketers can com pletely controlthe consum ers'com puters and can, for example,m ove the cursor,enter com m ands,run applications, and access stored inform ation. The lCE D efendants' telem arketers then typically walk the consum er through a four-partdiagnostic processthat includes displaying (l)the computer'stask manager,(2) the M icrosoft System Configuration Utility (ûdmsconfig'') services tab,(3) the msconfig start-up menu,and(4)theEventViewer. First, the ICE D efendants' telem arketers show consum ers the W indow 's task m anager and look atthe num ber of processes running to determ ine how hard the computer is w orking. ln m any instances, the technician tells consum ers that their com puters should be running approxim ately 40 to 80 processesata tim e. 49. Second,the lCE Defendants'telem arketers open the built-in M icrosoft System Configuration Utility toolknow n as ûûm sconfig''and tellconsum ers that softw are, even after it is un-installed,w illleave behind ûûrunning services''and Sdtrace elem ents.'' The telem arketers then tell consum ers thatthese ddtrace elem ents''can create error codes that build up over tim e and eventually cause a ûEblue screen''orthe com puterto crash. 50. The claim sdiscussed in Paragraph 49 are false. M sconfig issimply a built-in tool that show s W indow s services and other software that are setto startautom atically, and the vast majority ofsohwareuninstallersproperly removeallassociatedprocesses. çs-l-raceelements''is nota w idely-used term in the inform ation technology industry, and Elrunning services''have no relation to the abilit' y to installor uninstallsoftware or to ûtblue screens.'' The lCE D efendants Page 15 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 16 of 30 m islead consum ersw ho do notunderstand these m essages'technicalsignificance into believing thattheircomputersare com prom ised. Third,in som e instances,the lCE Defendants' telem arketers open the startup m enu to look atthe program sthatare setto load when the com puterstarts. The 1CE D efendants tellconsum ersthem ore program sthatare installed,the slow erthe com puterw illbe on startup. The final diagnostic test the lCE Defendants conduct is on the Event V iew er screen. This diagnostic test isthe ttcloser''forthe sales pitch. The EventVieweris a log ofthe various activities that occur during a com puter's operation. M any of the entries in the Event V iewer sim ply reflect successful com pletion of a com puter operation. Other entries,m arked w ith a red X or a yellow triangle,are error or w arning m essages that indicate that a particular com puter operation w as not successful. If, for exam ple, a program failed to run correctly because the user w as not connected to the lnternet,the Event V iew er m ay record an error or w arning m essage. Despite theirpotentially alarm ing appearance,these messages are innocuous. They are generated during the nonnaloperation of a computer. A screenshotofthe W indow 's EventV iewerappearsbelow : Page 16 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 17 of 30 W F1* to+àppdtMiôrçttve Ctititd Errtkr.Wzmim.ibuxa .Numberefom zndTirle burt. z' iwWaf ning 11/5/xl:1:.*a$AM 11/4/M 41mm PM t lurProfi l esoice GroupPolicyDriveMzpr 4% (2) l.Warning J,Waming lt/3/mN 11:43:55PM 11/3/m141:43;22PM tlserProfilegervice W ilnstzller 152 None 1*1 None 114/M 41M3:2.2PM Mslnst.ller 1% None 11/3/X1411+ 136AI@ 11/3/M 411:R 35AM Mslnmller Menolkr 1œ1 Neo: 1% Ncne AoWaming , 1);W.rnir:g . 15. * N:tk e 1l? 3/m143: 16: 14PM 11/3/1143*26PM vlrr o? Iù/1I/MI11: t$: 1' )PM gdeësi dz Mslnm ller Msilnm ller tlserPrdilegefvice UserPrvfil.krknte 1œ1 Nen: 1+ Npnt 1$. K Nerle 1jA) Non: s. i,War ni ng IQ/DJz) 1411m1 46AM Gt eupPeli tyDr i eeM4ps *% (2) l.Warning .l. Warning tWdrnirfg 10/23/1142:49:92PM 10,œ/M 42+ 53VM lû/2&M 41A:19PM syfnantecAntivirus Symantt' tAnti#irus GfeepPolik'yDriveMzps 129 None 129 Nepe 4% (2) vEf or WErer @ Ert p 1( F+/) 141: 23:7AM 11/24/1147*49AM IIJ22/M41: 22: 16AM îi deësidt sym4ntecAnti kir us si doside 1Q, ?X/>l41.1:28:33AM symantecAntivirus 11 None 10/21/M 41::*35AM 10/21/M 41:* 25AM UserPrefileservice tlserPpofik %reite 151 Nene 15* Nene 1 W:ming J.,Wdming 'Wzming . .) .t uW.minj tsW.ming i.Warning 12Warninj jaWatning JwWzrning . 1û/31/M 43:211 FM 19/31/1143:21.* PM 19/31/1112195:% PM 19/1//142:37* PM 19/21/M 45:47:1 PM 1*21/1144A:1 PM Appl i t4ti enErr pr Appl kati onfrr er EVU D THkC... vEl ' mr # Eror lzW.mitig A,W.r/tirlg 53. 495 tevè 521n.11t% AntiViyut GrouppolicyDriveM4ps 1c (1œ) 1c (11) * Npn: 1 None 51 Nen: K)Non: 129 Npne <)% (2) A fteropening up the com puter's EventV iew er,the lCE D efendants highlightthe errors and w arnings listed in the log. The 1CE Defendants'telem arketers tellconsum ers that these errors and w arnings are red flags thatindicate significantdam age. ln som e instances,the telem arketersreferto som ething called ûûtrace dam age,''which they claim iscaused by currentor past com puter infections. Telem arketers tell consum ers that if left unrepaired, this tttrace dam age''can build up and cause the com puterto crash. The lCE D efendants'telemarketersalso tellconsum ersthatthistype ofdam age cannotbe fixed by software products,butm ustbe fixed m anually by a certified technician. 54. The claim s discussed in Paragraph 53 are false. W indow 's Event View er program com m only displays errors and warnings thatare not indicative ofcom puter problem s. Com putersthatare com pletely free ofdamage,virusesorothermalware w illstillcreate warning and errorm essages in theirEventV iewers during norm aloperation and the num berofw arnings Page 17 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 18 of 30 and errors is not an indication of the severity of any com puter issues. The lCE Defendants m islead consum ersw ho do notunderstand these m essages'technicalsignificance into believing thattheircom putersare com prom ised. Having convinced consum ers that their computers are in danger, and that they m ust be fixed m anually by a certified technician, the lCE D efendants' telem arketers tell consumersthatthey have two options: (1)they can havetheircomputerrepaired by a wellknown retailerthatw illbe very costly and cause them to be w ithouta com puterforseveraldays; or (2) they can purchase technicalsupportdirectly from the ICE Defendants and have their com puterrepaired the sam e day while they sitin the com fortoftheirown hom e. 56. lf consum ers do not agree to pay for the services, the lCE Defendants' telem arketers typically pressure the consum ers. For exam ple, the telem arketers w ill w arn consum ers about the harm that w ill befall their computers if they do not allow the lCE Defendantsto repairthepurported problem sim m ediately. The lCE Defendants charge consumers approximately $150 to $300 for their technical support services. ln som e instances,they also charge a recurring fee for ongoing technicalsupportranging from approximately $14.99 per month to $19.99 per month. The recurring fees continue untilconsum erscancelthe service. In addition to convincing consum ers they need to buy the ICE/ATS technical support services,the ICE Defendants'telem arketers also, in m any instances,attem ptto upsell software security program s, such as Panda lnternet Security,at an inflated price. Even w hen consumers already have anti-virus program s installed on their com puters,the ICE Defendants stilltellconsum ersthey need betteranti-virusprotection. A lthough the longestlicense available for Panda lnternet Security is for three years and the cost for one com puter is approximately Page l8 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 19 of 30 $82.00,thelCE Defendantstellconsumerstheycanbuythesamesoftwareprogram forIfetime protection atacostof$500. 59. Afler convincing consum ers to purchase ICE/ATS'S technicalservices, the lCE D efendants' telem arketers then transfer the consum er's rem ote access session to a purported technician to perform idrepairs.'' ln som e instances,the lCE Defendants'technicians delete the innocuous files found in the EventV iewerthatthe telem arketers falsely claim ed were evidence ofûûtrace dam age.'' Thisdoesnotactually im prove the security ofthe com puterand, aftera few short hours of nonnal com puter use, the logs w ill again contain new w arnings and errors com m only associated w ith typicalcomputeractivity. ln som e instances,the lCE Defendants'technicians clear consum ers' brow sing histories and install cleanup and backup utilities such as Toolbar Cleaner, Glal' y Utilities (to removeclutter)andKaspersky TDSSKi1ler(to removemalware). The lCE Defendantsaccept the license agreem ents ofthese utility program s on behalfofconsum ers w ithouttheirconsentor know ledge. ln addition,in som e instances,the 1CE Defendants'technicians installem ergency recovery tools that are incom patible with the computer's operating system , rendering them uselessto the com puter. ln som e instances,the lCE Defendants'technicianscause actualdam age- such as deleting files or disabling software - to consum ers' com puters during the ûûrepair'' process. Therefore, in addition to the hundreds of dollars consum ers pay for these services, m any consum ers have had to pay an outside third-part 'y to repair dam age done to their com puters by the 1CE Defendants'techniciansorhave lostthe use oftheircom putersentirely. Page l9 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 20 of 30 The R ole ofRobertD .D eignan 62. Deignan isthe CEO oflCE and SuperPC Support,and the m anager ofATS and PC V italw are. Deignan is one of the nam ed subscribers for the hundreds of phone num bers ow ned by the lCE Defendants. ln addition,he used his business creditcard to pay fortelephone num bers and corporate dom ains,including , , pcm ,and . The lCE Defendants use these dom ainsto lure consum ersto callthe lCE /A TS callcenterand to gain rem ote accessto consum ers'com puters. Deignan also has used his business creditcard to pay LogM eln,a third party rem ote access software com pany the ICE D efendants use to connectto consum ers'com puters,and anti-virus vendors whose products the lCE Defendantsupsellto consum ers. D eignan isthe registrant and paid for nearly 150 tech-related dom ains,one-third ofw hich w ere setup using a privacy protection service. These privacy servicescan be used by registrants attem pting to hide theiridentitiesbecause publicly-available toolsforsearches related to a particular dom ain w illshow only the nam e of the service,notthe nam e of the registrant. D eignan's privacy-protected dom ains include: , pcm , m alw and . 64. Since 2012,Deignan hasused corporate creditcardsto pay for more than $2.2 m illion in businessexpensesforthe lCE Defendants. 65. O n or about A ugust 21, 2013, the BBB in Florida revoked ICE/ATS'S accreditation due to the com pany's failure to appropriately address and elim inate the pattern of consum er com plaints to the BBB. Deignan is the BBB'S point of contact for ICE/ATS,and responded to com plaints and correspondence from the BBB. ln his com m unications w ith the BBB,Deignan acknow ledged thathe and the com pany w ere aw are ofthe com plaints,butpressed Page 20 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 21 of 30 the BBB to reinstate itsaccreditation on appeal. Deignan appeared before the BBB atan appeals hearing to argue the issue. ln N ovem ber20l3,the BBB agreed to reinstate theiraccreditation, how everthe BBB continues to receive com plaints and has received over 190 com plaintsw ithin the lastthree years. The Role ofPaulM .H erdsm an Herdsm an is the Chief Operating O fficer of lCE and Super PC Supportand a m anager of PC Vitalware. Herdsm an w as the LogM eln account holder for accounts the lCE Defendants used to rem otely connect to consum ers' com puters. This account w as opened in October 20ll and used until Janual' y 2014. ln addition, Herdsm an is one of the nam ed subscribers forthe hundreds ofphone num bers consumers use to callthe lCE Defendants'call center,and he used his businesscreditcard to pay forICE/ATS telephone num bers. H erdsm an also used his business credit card to pay for num erous business expenses, including the lCE Defendants'LogM eln accounts,anti-virusvendorswhose productsthe lCE Defendants upsellto consum ers,and online advertisem ents used to solicitnew sales employees. 67. Since 2012,Herdsman hasused corporate creditcardsto pay formorethan $1.7 m illion in businessexpenses forthe 1CE D efendants. The Role ofJustin M .W right 68. W right is the President of lCE and Super PC Supportand is a m anager of PC V italw are. W right used his business credit card to pay for num erous business expenses, including paym ents to anti-virus vendors whose products the lCE D efendants upsell to consum ers,G oogle adwords,and online advertisem entsused to solicitnew salesem ployees. 69. Since2012,W righthasused corporate creditcardsto pay formorethan $400,000 in businessexpensesforthe ICE Defendants. Page 2lof30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 22 of 30 W right also contacted ThreatTrack Security, an anti-virus company w hose product, VIPRE, blocks içbad domains.'' ThreatTrack Security blocked the lCE Defendants' dom ain, ,due to a significantnum berofconsum ercom plaintsand the BBB'S revocation of the com pany's accreditation. W right exchanged num erous em ails w ith a m alware researcherat ThreatTrack to attem ptto rem ove the lCE Defendants'dom ain from the blocked list. The researcher inform ed W right about complaints against the com pany and supplied him w ith linksto these com plaints. TheR ole ofCashierM yricks,Jr. 71. M yricks isthe PresidentofPC Cleaner,N etcom 3 G lobaland N etcom 3. A private plaintiff filed a class action law suit againstPC Cleaner, lnc.on M ay 4,2012 in United States District Courtfor the Central D istrict of California. The suit charged that PC Cleaner,lnc.'s product,PC CleanerPro,m isrepresented to consum ers,through its free trialversion,thatthere w ere errors and problem s on the com puter. lt exaggerated the severity and existence of errors and problem sand induced consumersto purchase the fullversion to getrid ofthese non-existent problem s. M yricks subm itted a declaration in this class action law suitadm itting that he is the PrincipalofPC Cleaner. 72. M yricks registered the dom ains and netcom . The website refers to the corporate entities together as EEPC Cleaner lnc.m etcom 3 G lobal, lnc.'' M yricks lists him self as President of Netcom 3 on the website netcom . M yricksusesthree Eûcorporate addresses''forhis com panies,butin realit'y,each ofthe addresses isa postalbox. Page 22 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 23 of 30 VIO LATIO N S OF SECTIO N 5 OF TH E FTC A CT 73. Section5(a)oftheFTC Act,l5U.S.C.j45(a),prohibitsûûunfairordeceptiveacts orpractices in oraffecting com m erce.'' 74. M isrepresentations or deceptive om issions of material fact constitute deceptive actsorpracticesprohibitedbySection5(a)oftheFTC Act. CO UN T l- TH E 1CE DEFEND ANTS Deceptive Representations (ByPlaintiffFTC) 75. In num erous instances,in the course of m arketing,offering for sale,and selling Com puter Security Or technical support services, the 1CE Defendants represent or have represented, expressly Or by implication, through a variety of m eans, including through telephone calls and Internetcom m unications,thatthey have identified problem s on consum ers' com puters, including viruses, spyware, system errors and/or dam age, that w ill affect the perform ance orsecurity ofconsumers'computers. 76. ln truth and in fact, in num erous instances in which the lCE Defendants have m ade the representations set forth in Paragraph 75, many problem s that the lCE Defendants represent that they have identified do not affect the perform ance or security of consumers' com puters. Therefore,the lCE Defendants'representations as set forth in Paragraph 75 are false,m isleading,orwere notsubstantiated atthe tim e they were m ade,and thus,they constitute deceptiveactsorpracticesin violation ofSection 5(a)oftheFTC Act,15U.S.C.j45(a). Page 23 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 24 of 30 CO UN T 11 - TH E PC CLEA NER DEFENDA NTS Deceptive R epresentations (By PlaintiffFTC) 78. ln num erous instances,in the course of m arketing,offering for sale,and selling com puter security softw are or services, the PC Cleaner Defendants represent or have represented,expressly orby im plication,through a variety of m eans,including through lnternet advertisem entsand software-generated reports,thatthey have identified problem s on consum ers' com puters, including m alware, system problem s and privacy concerns, that w ill affect the perform ance orsecurity ofconsum ers'com puters. 79. In truth and in fact,in num erous instances in w hich the PC Cleaner Defendants have m ade the representations set forth in Paragraph 78, m any problem s that the PC Cleaner D efendants represent that they have identified do not affect the perform ance or security of consum ers'com puters. 80. Therefore,the PC Cleaner Defendants'representations as set forth in Paragraph 78 are false,m isleading,or w ere not substantiated atthe tim e they w ere m ade,and thus,they constitutedeceptiveactsorpracticesinviolation ofSection 5(a)oftheFTC Act,15 U.S.C.j 45(a). V IO LATIO N S O F TH E TELEM AR K ETIN G SALES RULE Congress directed the FTC to prescribe rules prohibiting abusive and deceptive telemarketing actsorpracticespursuanttothe Telemarketing Act,15 U.S.C.jj 6101-6108,in l994. The FTC adopted the originalTelem arketing Sales Rule in l995,extensively am ended it in 2003,and am ended certain provisionsthereafter. 82. The ICE Defendants are sellers or telem arketers engaged in ççtelem arketing''as defined by theTSR,16C.F.R.j310.2(aa),(cc),and (dd). Page 24 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 25 of 30 The TSR prohibits any seller or telem arketer from m aking a false or m isleading statement to induce any person to pay for goods or services or to induce a charitable contribution. 16 C.F.R.j310.3(a)(4). 84. The TSR'S prohibition againstm aking false or m isleading statem ents applies to a1l statem ents regarding upsells, whether the statem ents were m ade during an outbound call initiatedbythetelemarketeroraninboundcallinitiatedbyaconsumer.16C.F.R.j310.6(4). 85. Pursuantto Section 3(c)ofthe Telemarketing Act,15 U.S.C.j 6102(c)and Section l8(d)(3)oftheFTC Act,15 U.S.C.j 57a(d)(3),aviolation oftheTSR constitutesan unfairordeceptive actorpractice in oraffecting commerce,in violation ofSection 5(a)ofthe FTC Act,15U.S.C.j45(a). CO UN T III- TH E ICE D EFEND ANTS Deceptive Telem arketing Calls in Violation ofthe TSR (ByBothPlaintiffs) 86. In num erousinstances,in the course oftelem arketing theirgoodsand services,the lCE Defendants have m ade false or m isleading statements,directly or by im plication,to induce consum ers to pay for goods or services, including, but not lim ited to, m isrepresentations that they have identified problem s on consum ers' com puters that w ill affect the perform ance or security ofconsum ers'com puters. The lCE Defendants'acts or practices,as described in Paragraph 86 above,are deceptivetelemarketingactsorpracticesthatviolatetheTSR,l6 C.F.R.j 310.3(a)(4);16C.F.R. j 310.6(4). Page 25 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 26 of 30 V IO LATIO N S O F TH E FLO R IDA DECEPTIVE A ND UNFA IR TM DE PRACTICES ACT 88. Section 50l.204 of FDUTPA , Chapter 501, Part ll, Florida Statutes, prohibits ûtunfairordeceptive actsorpracticesin the conductofany trade orcom m erce.'' CO UN T IV - lCE DEFENDAN TS Florida Deceptive and U nfairTrade PracticesActV iolation (ByPlaintiffStateofFlorida) A ssetforth in Paragraphs 1 through 72 above,which allegationsare incorporated as if set forth herein, in num erous instances,in the course of m arketing,offering for sale,and selling com puter security or technical supportservices,the lCE Defendants represent or have represented, expressly or by implication, through a variety of m eans, including through telephone calls and Internetcom m unications,thatthey have identified problem s on consum ers' com puters,including viruses,spyw are,system errorsand/ordam age,thataffectthe perform ance orsecurity ofconsum ers'com puters. ln truth and in fact, in numerous instances in w hich the 1CE Defendants have m ade the representationssetforth in Paragraph 89,m any problem sthatthe lCE D efendantshave identified do notaffectthe perform ance orsecurity ofconsum ers'com puters. The lCE Defendants' representations as set fol'th in Paragraph 89 of this Com plaint are false and m isleading and likely to m islead consumers acting reasonably,and/or consum ers w ithin the State of Florida were actually m isled by the 1CE Defendants' m isrepresentationsin violation ofSection 501.204 ofFD UTPA . CO UNT V - TH E PC CLEANER D EFEND ANTS Florida Deceptive and U nfairTrade PracticesActV iolation (ByPlaintiffStateofFlorida) A ssetforth in Paragraphs 1 through 72 above,which allegations are incorporated as if set forth herein,in num erous instances,in the course of m arketing,offering for sale,and Page 26 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 27 of 30 selling com puter security software or services,the PC Cleaner Defendants represent or have represented,expressly or by im plication,through a variety of means,including through lnternet advertisem entsand software-generated reports,thatthey have identified problem son consumers' computers, including m alware, system problem s and/or privacy concerns, that affect the perform ance orsecurity ofconsum ers'com puters. ln truth and in fact,in num erous instances in which the PC Cleaner D efendants have m ade the representations set forth in Paragraph 92,m any problem s thatthe PC Cleaner Defendantshave identified do notaffecttheperfonnance orsecurity ofconsumers'com puters. 94. The PC Cleaner Defendants'representations as set forth in Paragraph 92 of this Com plaint are false and m isleading and likely to m islead consum ers acting reasonably,and/or consumers w ithin the State of Florida w ere actually m isled by the PC Cleaner D efendants' m isrepresentationsin violation of Section 50l.204 ofFDUTPA . C ON SUM ER INJURY 95. Consumershavesuffered andwillcontinueto suffersubstantialinjuryasaresult of the Defendants' violations of the FTC A ct, the TSR and the FDUTPA . ln addition,the Defendantshavebeen unjustly enrichedasaresultoftheirunlawfulactsorpractices. Absent injunctivereliefby thisCourt,the Defendantsare likelyto continueto injure consumers,reap unjustenrichment,andharm thepublicinterest. TH IS CO URT 'S POW ER TO G M NT R ELIEF 96. Section l3(b)oftheFTC Act,15 U.S.C.j 53(b),empowersthisCourtto grant injunctiveandsuch otherreliefastheCoul'tmay deem appropriatetohaltandredressviolations of any provision of law enforced by the FTC. The Court, in the exercise of its equitable ' Jurisdiction, m ay award ancillary relief, including rescission or reform ation of contracts, Page 27 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 28 of 30 restitution,the refund ofm onies paid,and the disgorgem entof ill-gotten m onies,to preventand rem edy any violation ofany provision oflaw enforced by the FTC. Section 19 of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. j and Section 6(b) of the Telemarketing Act,15 U.S.C.j 6105(b),authorize this Courtto grantsuch reliefasthe Court findsnecessaryto redressinjuryto consumersresulting from theDefendants'violationsofthe TSR,including the rescission orreform ation ofcontracts,and the refund ofm oney. 98. Pursuantto28 U.S.C.j 1367,thisCourthassupplementaljurisdiction to allow Plaintiff State of Florida to enforce its state law claim s against D efendants in this Courtfor violationsofthe FDU TPA . Florida Statutes Sections501.207,50l.2075,and 50l.2077 authorize this Courtto grantsuch relief as the Courtfinds necessary to redress injury to consumers resulting from Defendants'violation oftheFDUTPA,including injunctiverelief,rescission or reform ation of contract,the refund of m onies paid,the disgorgem ent of ill-gotten m onies,and civilpenalties. PM Y ER FOR R ELIEF W herefore,PlaintiffFTC,pursuantto Sections 13(b)and 19 ofthe FTC Act,l5 U.S.C. jj 53(b)and 57b,the TSR,andtheCourt'sownequitable powers,and PlaintiffStateofFlorida, pursuantto Florida Statutes Sections 50l.207,501.2075,and 501.2077 and as authorized by the Court's ow n equitable powers,requestthatthe Coul' t: Award Plaintiffs such preliminary injunctive and ancillary relief as may be necessary to avertthe likelihood ofconsumerinjury during thependency ofthisaction and to preserve the possibility of effective final relief, including but not lim ited to temporary and preliminary injunctions,and anorderprovidingforimmediate access,theturnoverofbusiness Page28 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 29 of 30 records, an asset freeze, the appointm ent of a receiver, and the disruption of dom ain and telephone services' , EnterapermanentinjunctiontopreventfutureviolationsoftheFTC Act,theTSR and FD UTPA by the Defendants; Award such reliefasthe Courtfindsnecessary to redressinjury to consumers resulting from the D efendants'violations ofthe FTC Act,the TSR and FDUTPA ,including but not lim ited to,rescission orreform ation ofcontracts,restitution,the refund ofm onies paid,and the disgorgem entofill-gotten m onies;and D. Aw ard Plaintiff FTC the costs of bringing this action, and Plaintiff State of Florida its attorneys'fees and costs in bringing thisaction,asw ellassuch otherand additional reliefastheCourtmaydeterminetobejustandproper. Respectfully subm itted, JON ATHAN E.N UECHTERLEIN GeneralCounsel / Dated:Nîtve. '/()j:e/c/ #' c Colleen B.Robbins,SpecialBar N o.A 5500793 Em ily Cope Burton,SpecialBarNo.A FederalTrade Com m ission 600 Pennsylvania Ave.N W W ashington,DC 20580 (202)326-2548;crobbins@ (202)326-2728; AttorneysforPlaintiff FED ERAL TRAD E COM M ISSION Page 29 of30 Case 9:14-cv-81395-KAM Document 4 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/10/2014 Page 30 of 30 PA M ELA JO B ON D I ATTO RN EY GEN ER AL STATE O F FLORID A Dated: lxlwwv/v ï(), ptzit Katherine A .K izia A ssistantAttorney General Florida BarN umber0017585 1515 N .FlaglerDrive Suite 900 W estPalm Beach,Florida 33401 (561)837-5007 Attorney forPlaintiff STA TE O F FLORID A Page 30 of30