By email only to --Reed Business lrlformatiun 07 November 2013 Dear Sirs Formal grievance for wh'lslleblowing. 1, Recently i was guing about mv daily workload when nohced something shackmg. it tries such as Syrla and seemed that we were doing business with sanctioned mun lran. This was around the time that svria was using chemicai weapons against its own people We were piuvidlng state ofthe art software to these countries that enabled them to complete international money transfer. It was akin to facilitating g. flawed '0 iook into me mafier further. When i reported it, the terrorist fundraisin er up, and then company did not react properly but instead tried to coverthe matt started tD vlctimise me 2. My iormer colleague-- resigned due the company/s breaching or sanctions, and he has provided a witness statement, enclosed herewith. i would like this to be taken into account during your investigation -- he is willingro be interviewed if ynu would like to test the veracity or his statements