HGPFOOUCGG Irorn [he Unclassmedll UECIESSHIBG HOIUIHQS the NEIIOHBI AFCHIVBS THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON. D. c. 20301 NOV 1 2 1973 .a I 694"" 1 Honorable F. Ray Marshall cc?? r1?/ i Secretary of Labor Washington, D. C. 20210 #44 w? 9433?. 14.9. .12? Dear 04.9% I have read Secretary Schlesinger's letter to you of August 30, 1978 regarding the new standard proposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for occupational exposure to beryllium. I am very concerned about the potential impact of the standard on the national security. The continued availability of domestic beryllium processing and fabrication capabilities is important to Department of Defense operations. Cessation of beryllium supply would significantly and adversely affect key national defense programs. For classified nuclear weapon applications, substitute materials either do not exist or would require extensive research and development, testing and qualification programs. ?The instability which would result from a shut? down of domestic beryllium production is particularly troublesome. I believe that it would be in the national interest to with: hold issuance of the proposed new standard until presentation of firm scientific evidence that the existing beryllium standard is insufficient and that the new standard is clearly needed for worker safety. An identical letter has been sent to the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Sincerely, cc: Secretary of Energy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs .FO/rr