USA, AUS, CAN, GER, NZL Hew te eenfigure eategerv threttling in ssersceas Categervr threttling is perfermed bv the selected eutput plugin, in the sks.eenfig veu need te make sure that veu are using this plugin te perferm ferwarding. ir'eu will alse need te have threttle=ves in the eenfig fer the plugin. Em plugin[eeleeted_eutput] enable=vee, add_dTDE=true paee_fragmente=true mae_age=QDD If this was net alrea dv set, in erder fer the changes te take effect veu will need te then perferm the fellewing eemmands: eke eetup plugine eke prep eafereetart At this peint is new enabled with the default values ef 163 and sessiens. Dnee either ef these limits is reached will eentinue te data but will ne lenger ferward sessien that hit en that eategerv. Elv navigating te the eategervr threttle page veu will be able te see the current status efthe eategeries that have been threttled. A eategervr will net appear en this page until it has hit enee that dav. In the fellewing example the site default was changed te EMS and sessiens: Weleeme eper Leg Glut Heme EMmin aUsare ?uttereka ISentral LL Search EL. StatEdee luljr l-elpv "Wm" 5 Admin a Dem peter Ileseurees In th Direeteriae Plugin lDaelnfiguratbns caegev Th rettle Age Clt' Settings El 5 Databases Search ea; leg ietratien E?eenet?ten Shelsliat After sessien start te hit veu will see the status displaved en this page: Derived Frem: NSAICSSM 1-52 Dated: Deelassifv Dn: USA, AUS, CAN, GER, NZL USA, AUS, CAN, GER, NZL W: is: me sper! Lug Cut Heme Erwin angers feral-Jew Cent'al CL Search U, Results etaietes any Amsunt ?u Help? "mirth" ?as? 9i? ?is? [3 5 Admin EmmtherFleesurees - nputEirectsries . slum? mrfnuratbns Eategery Daly Estes;st Etude (Junta Flernairing Gusts Diver Daily Sessisn Gusts Seeshns Flemaning Seesisns Deer Eaiagery Th rattle 4 5 HE bytes 342.8 KB ECU $3 Ellie: '31? amines 2 ans 5M3 ?hytes as: see a *5 Dabble? 1 5 me bytes see me em a 3325 Seer-Ll" D?s - - Fleg Et'atsn Liasenetamn sisal-List I: 1" In the example ebeve eetegeriee 1 end 4 and currently being threttlerl, eetegery 1 has reached bath the eeunt and MB limit, while eetegery-tl hes e-nlt.r reached the MB limit. Witheut threttling retegery 4 wsuld have ferwe rderi 342.3%. ire-u ren else- eherk the status at the thre-ttle ire-m the eemmenrl line using: queta_status_surrent queta_limits fsrwarding status all sategsries qusta_status_yesterday qusta_limits fsrwarding status previsus day ED sategsries surrent day. {negative remaining indicates sat was USA, AUS, CAN, GER, NIL