13:43 United Sales Department of Justice United States Mershals Service v- 305 9434 Intergovernmental ce Agreement Housing of Federal Prisoners P. 005 Page of 1. AGREEMENT Num 2. EFFECTIVE DATE no. 4. cormtot. No. J-BOI-M-13O 01 01 97 112-96 s. ISSUING omcs 6. GOVERNMENT ENTITY ?cum corms; 4A [Imps-rags 54mm SERVICE NAME AND County Dept. PRISONER OPMONS DIVISION ADDRESS 827 Forest Avenue SECTION (Street, city, 600 ARMY NAVY DRIVE county, State Gadsen" AL 35901 ARLINGTON. VA 22202-4210 and ZIP code ?5d WW: 7' DATA Chief ailer Contact PCTSOB Area. Code Telephone No. 9. l0. 12. mm NO QUANTITY unrr UNIT PRICE AMOUNT This agreement is for the housing, STIMATED safekeeping and subsistence of USMS ESTIMATED ad ult male and female federal PRISONER PER DIEM ANNUAL prisoners in accordance with the 3,413 contents set forth herein. 25,550 $30.00 $766,500.00 I 5. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED To SIGN AGREEMENT To the best of my knowledge and bead. data 8-5-91 submitted in support of this agreement is true i (Slum; AGENCY and correct, the document has been duly m? 30h? 5 - Praident GER TIFHNG by the governing body of the Depart- am or Print) 11H: mm or Agenty and the Department arAgency it, 8_5 _9 7 comply with ALL PROVISIONS 327' 03? James Hayes Sheriff Nuns (Type or Print} Tide TYPE OF USE 17. PNSONEI TYPE To BE INCLUDED m: Negotiated Went is Hereby Approved and Accepted for C1 Hold Over uusnmuceo Regular Support Adult Male Adult Seasoml Support Adult Female Adult Fame THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0 Other JuVenile Male Juvenile Mlle BY DIRECTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF TEE UNITED Minimum Aliens Work Release 0 Medium YCA Mlle ?r YCA Patna! I E1 Major (SIGNAnbee?ar Wu crave; 0mm) 20. ANTICIPATED ANNUAL USAGE 21. we or AUTHORIZING 051cm. 21. um: SIGNED SENTENC ALIENS TOTAL (I): or Mu) - No. of Monet: mm Day: IAN 8 Guard Hours Vicki Ligav I PRIOR EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED 333-241 ev. I JUNE 2015 nnmno . 13:43 TEL 202 305 9434 P.006 13-5. Dept-uncut of Justice United State: Marshal: Service Intergovernmmul Service Agreement Schedule Part ARTI - PURPOS AND SE IWP The purpose of this lntergovemmental Service Agreement (IGA) is to establish a formal binding relationship between the United States Marshals Service (USMS) and other federal user agendas (the Federal Government) and Etowah County Sheriff Department (the Local Government) for the detention of persons charged with or convicted of violatiOns of federal law or held as material witnesses (federal prisoners) at the Etowah County Jail (the facility). The Local Government agrees to accept and provide for the secure custody. care and safekeeping of federal prisoners In accordance with state and local laws. standards, policies, procedures. or court orders applicable to the operations of the facility. The USMS considers all federal prisoners medium/ maximum security-type prisoners that are housed within the con?nes of the facility, at a level appropriate for prisoners considered a risk of ?ight. a danger to the community. or wanted by ARTICLE ll - ASSIGNMENT AND OF CATEGORICAL EBQJECT- SUPPORTED EFFORT 1. Neither this agreement nor any interest therein may be assigned or transferred to any other party without prior written approval by the USMS. 2. None ofthe principal activities of the project-supported effort shall be contracted out to another organization without prior approval by the USMS. Where the Intention to award contracts Is made known at the time of application the approval may be considered ranted if these activities are funded as proposed. 3. All contracts or assignments must be formalized in a written contract or other written agreement between the parties involved. 4. The contract at agreement must. at a minimum, state the activities to be perfomed. the time schedule, the project policies, and the ?ow-through requirements that are applicable to the contractor or other recipient, other policies and procedures to be followed. the dollar limitation of the agreement, and the cost principles to be used In determining allowable costs. The contract or other written agreement must not affect the recipient?s overall responsibility for the duration of the project and accountabilityto the government. Form (Rev. 2?92) W01 F. Ir?Fom 13:44 TEL 202 305 9434 P.007 US. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service I Ill-I II I . . Intergovernmental Service A?eemenl Schedule [ego]??ng lg ARTI H- EDIC LS RVIC The Local Government agrees to provide federal prisoners with the same level of medical care and services provided to local pitsoners, including the transportation and security for prisoners requiring removal from the facility for emergency medical services. All costs associated with hospital or health care services provided outside the facility will be paid directly by the Federal Government. in the event the Local Government has a contract with a medical facility/ physician or receives discounted rates, the federal prisoners shall be charged the same rate as local prisoners. 2. The Local Government agrees to notify the United. States Marshal (USM) as soon as possible of all emergency medical cases requiring removal of a prison er from the facility and to obtain prior authorization for removal for all other medical services required. 3. When a federal prisoner is being transferred via the USMS airlift, he/she will be provided with three (3) to seven (7) days 0 prescription medication which will be dispensed from the detention facility. en possible. generic medications should be prescribed. 4. Medical records must travel with the federal prisoner. if the records are maintained at a medical contractor's facility, it is the detention facility?s responsibility to obtain them before a federd prisoner is moved. 5. Federal prisoners will not be charged and are not required to pay their own medical expenses. These expenses will be paid by the Federal Government. 6. The Local Government agrees to notify the USM as soon as possible when a federal prisoner is involved in an escape. attempted escape. or conspiracy escape from the facility. Di 1. The Local Government agrees to accept as federal prisoners those persons committed by federal law enforcement of?cers for violations of federal laws only upon presentation by the of?cer of proper law enforcement credentials. . 2. The Local Government agrees to release federal prisoners only to law enforcement officers of agencies initially committing the prisoner (1.6.. DEA. etc.) or to a Deputy USM. Those prisoners who are remanded to custody by a iCF9n19EnrAmmn FEB. -03? 13:44 305 9434 P. 003 US. Departmt a! Justice United Stare: Marshal: Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement schedule 30 raga 10 USM may. only be released to a USM or an agent?specified by the USM of the Judicial District. 3. The Federal Government agrees to maintain federal prisoner population levels at or below the level established by the facility administrator. 4. Federal prisoners may not be released from the facility or placed in the custody of state or local of?cials for any reason except for medical emergency situations. Federal prisoners sought for a state or local court proceeding must be acquired through a Writ of Habeas Corpus or the Interstate Agreement of Detainers and then only with the concurrence of the District USM. ARTICLE - PERIOD OF This agreement shall be in effect Indefiniter until terminated in writing by either party. Should conditions of an unusual nature occur making it Impractical or undesirable to continue to house prisoners, the Load Government may suspend or restrict the use of the facility by giving notice to 'the USM. Such notice will be provided thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of formal termination and at least two (2) weeks in advance of a suspension or restriction of use unless an emergenCy situation requires the Immediate relocation of prisonersADJUST NT 1. Per diem rates shall be established on the basis of actUal and allowable costs associated with the operation of the facility during a recent annual accounting period. 2. the Federal Government shall reimburse the Local Government at the per dlem rate ldentl? ed on page one of this agreement. The rate may be renegotiated not more than once per year, after the agreement has been in effect for twelve (12) months. 3. The rate covers one (1) person per "prisoner daY'. The Federal Government may not be billed for two (2) days when a pn?soner is admitted one evening and removed the following morning. ?The Local Government may bill for the day of arrivaldepartue. Form (Rev. 2192) II An?non v" IL 13:44 305 9434 P. 009 Department of Justice United State: Marshal: Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule Fag 1 A. When a rate increase is desired. the Local Government shall submit a written request to the USM at least sixty (60) days priorto the desired effective date of the rate adjustment. All such requests must contain a completed Cost Sheet for Detention Services (USM-243) which can be obtained from the USM. The Local Government agrees'to provide additional cost information to support the requested rate increase and to permit an audit of accounting records upon request of the USMS. 5. Criteria used to evaluate the increase or decrease in the per diem rate shall be those speci?ed in the Of?ce of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A- 87, Cost Principles for State. Local, and Indian Tribal Governments. e. the effective date of the rate modi?cation will be negotiated and speci?ed on the IGA Modi?cation torrn approved and signed by a USMS Contract Specialist. The effective date will be establish ed on the first day of the month for accounting purposes. Payments at the modi?ed rate will be paid upon the return of the signed modi?cation by the authorized Local Government of?cial to the USM. 1' ARTICLE VII - BILLING AND FINANCIAL EROVISIQNS i. The Local Government shall prepare and submit original and separate invoices each month to the federal agencies listed below for ceriification and payment. U. S. MARSHALS SERVICE 1729 NORTH 5TH AVENUE ROOM 240 BIRMINGHAM. AL 35203 (205) 1731-1 71 2 Form (Rev. 2/92l JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000213 FEB. 15:45 TELIZOZ 305 9434 P. Oil] US. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service IGA No. Pa No. Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule of 10 2. To constitute a proper invoice, the name and address of the facility, the name of each federal prisoner. their specific dates of confinement. the total days to be reimbursed, the appropriate per diem rate as approved In the and the total amount billed (total days multiplied by the rate per day) shall be listed. The name, title. complete address. and phone number of the local of?cial responsible for invoice preparation should also be listed on the invoice. 3. The Prompt Payment Act, Public Law 97-177 (96 stat. 85. 31 USC 1801). is applicabi to payments under this agreement and requires the payment to the Local Government of interest an overdue payments. Determinations of interest due will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Prompt Payment Act and the Of?ce of Management and Budget Circular A425. 4. Payment under this agreement will be due on the thirtieth (30th)caiendar day after receipt of a proper invoice. in the of?ce designated to receive the invoice. if the due date falls on a nonworking day (9.9., Saturday. federal holiday), then the due date will be the next working day. The date of the check issued in payment shall be considered to be the date payment is made. NOTE: RATES NOT SPECIFIED THE AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT. ARTICLE AND MONIIORING All recipients receiv?ng direct awards from the USMS are responsible for the management and ?scal control of all funds. Responsibilities include the accounting of receipts and expenditures. cash management, the maintaining of adequate financial records, and the refunding of expenditures disallowed by audits. A i-A OU GYT FINANCIALR The recipient shall be required to establish and maintain accounting systems and financial records that accurately account for the funds awarded. These records shall Include both federal funds and all matching funds of state. local. and private organizations. State and local recipients shall expend and account for funds in accordance with state laws and procedures for expending and accounting for Its own funds. as well as meet the ?nancld management standards in 28 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Part 66. and current revisions of OMB Circular A-87. Form (Rev. 2/92) lkll: ?nal: . LU I IULLU I 13:45 rmoz 305 9434 mm 0.5. Department orJustice United Stare: Marshals Service Intergovernmequ Service Agreement Schedule Patel?; 19 2. Recipients are responsible tor complying with OMB Circular A-87 and 28 CFR. Part 66, and the allowability of the costs covered therein (submission of Form USM-243). To avoid possible subsequent disallowance or dispute based on unreasonabieness or unallowability under the specific cost principles, recipients must obtain prior approval on the treatment of special or unusual costs. 3. Changes in facilities: The USMS shall be notified by the recipient of any significant change in the facility, including significant variations in inmate populations. which causes a signi?cant change in the level of services under this The noti?cation shall be supported with sufficient cost data to permit the USMS to equitably adjust the per diem rates included in the Depending on the size of the facility for purposes of assessing changes in the population a 10% increase or decrease In the prison population shall be a ?significant increase or decrease" for purposes of this subsection. ARTICLE - MAINTENANCE AND RETENTION OF RECORDS AND ACCESS TO ?x i. In accordance with 28 CFR, Part 66, all financial records, supporting documents. statistical records, and other records pertinent to contracts or sub- awards awarded under this shall be retained by each organization participating in the program for at least three (3) years for purposes of federal examination and audit. 2. The 3-year retention period set forth in paragraph one abovebegins at the end of the first year of completion of service under the if any litigation. claim, negotiation audit, or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the 3-year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it or until the end of the regular 3-year period. whichever is later. 3. Access to Records: The USMS and the Comptroller General at the United States, or any of their authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any pertinent books. documents. papers, or other records of recipients or its sub- reciplents/contractors, which are pertinent to the award. In order to make audits, examinations, excerpts. and The rights of access must not be limited to the required retention period, but shall last as long as the records are retained. 4. Delinquent Debt Collection: The USMS will hold recipient accountable for any overpayment. audit disallowance, or any breach of this agreement that Form LEM-2413 (Row 310?? JUNE 2015 I5 . 13:46 305 9434 v.01: U.S. Department of Justice United Stare: Marshals Service IGA J-B Elle. Page No. Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule 0 .M-130 a of 1 results in a debt owed to the Federal Government. The USMS shall apply interest. . penalties, and administrative costs to a delinquent debt owed by a debtor pursuant to the Federal Claims Collection Standards. - GOVERNMENT PROPERTY 1. it is the intention of the USMS to furnish excess federd property to local governments for the specific purpose of improving ia? conditions and services. Accountable excess property. such as furniture and equipment. remains titted to the USMS and shall be retumed to the custody of the USMS upon'termination of the agreement. 2. The Local Government agrees to Inventory. maintain. repair. assume liability for. and manage all federally provided accountable properly as well as controlled excess properly. Such prOperty cannot be removed from the tail without the prior written approval or USMS Headquarters. the loss or destruction. of any such excess property shall be immediately reported to the USM and USMS Headquarters. Accountable and controlled excess property includes any proberty with a unit acquisition value of or more. all furniture. as well as equipment used for security and control. communication. photography. food service, medical care, inmate recreation. etc. 3. The suspension of use or restriction of bedspace made available to the USMS are agreed to be grounds for the recall and return of any or all government fumlshed property. 4. The dollar value of property provided each year will not exceed the annual dollar payment made by the USMS tor prisoner support unless a speci?c exemption is granted by the Chief, Prisoner Services Division. USMS Headquarters. 5. it is understood and agreed that the Local Government shall fully defend. Indemnity. and hold harmless the United States of America, its officers. employees. agents. and servants. individually and of?cially. for any and all liability caused by any act of any member of the Local Government or anyone else arising out of the use, operation. or handling of any property (to include any vehicle. equipment, and supplies) furnished to the Local Government in which legal ownership is retained'by the United States of America. and to pay all claims. damages. Judgments. legal costs. adjuster tees. and attorney fees related thereto. The Local Government will be solely responsible for all Pom USN-2418 (Rev. 2mm Mute Fi-"lB. 13:46 305 9434 P. (lift us. Department of Justice United State: Marshals Service ?Ji ml Intergovernmental Service Agreement. Schedule [?fegg?mlao .19 maintenance, storage, and other expenses related to the care and responsibility for all property furnished to the Local Government. ARJCLE Xii l. Either party may initiate a request for modi?cation to this agreement in writing. All modi?cations negotiated will be written and approved by the USMS Contracting Of?cer and submitted to the Local Government on form USM 2410 for approval. 2. Disputes. questions, or concerns pertaining to this agreement will be resolved between the USM and the apprOpn'ate Local Government official. Space guarantee questions along with any other unresolved issues are to be directed to the Chief, Prisoner Services Division. ARTICLE Xill - . 2 .l The Local Government agrees to allow periodic inspections of the facility by USMS Inspectors. Findings of the inspection will be shared with the facility administrator in order to promote Improvements to facility operations. conditions of con?nement. and levels of services. The mandatory minimum conditions of con?nement which are to be met during the entire period of the agreement are: l. Adequate. trained jail staff will be provided 24 hours a day to supervise prisoners. Prisoners will be counted at least once on every shift, but at least twice in every 24-hour period. One of the counts must be visual to validate prisoner occupancy. 2. Jail staffing will provide full coverage of all security post's-and full surveillance of inmates. 3. Jail will provide for three meals per day for prisoners. The meals must meet the na?ondiy recommended dietary allowances published by the National Academy of Sciences. - A. Jail will provide 24-hour emergency medical care for prisoners. Farm (Rev. 2192) I 4a. 13:46 305 9434 9.014 US. Department of Justice United Stare: Marshals Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule 19$?me Fifi?; _10_ 5. Jail will maintain an automatic smoke and ?re detection and alarm system. and maintain written policies and procedures regarding ?re and other safety emergency standards. o. Jail will maintain 'a water supply and waste disposal program that ls certified to be in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. ARTIQLE OF Personnel and Other of?cials connected With the agreement shall adhere to the requirements given below: 1. Advice. No of?cial or employee of the recipient a sub?recipient. or a contractor shall participate personally through decisions. approval, disapproval. recommendation, the rendering of advice. investigation. or otherwise in any proceeding. application. request for a ruling or other determination. contract. grant. cooperative agreement. claim. controversy. or other particular matter in which Department of Justice funds are used, Where to his/her knowledge, he/she or his/her immediate family, partners, organization other than a public agency in which he/she is serving as an of?cer. director. trustee. partner. or employee, or any person or organization with whom he/she is negotiating or has any arrangement concerning prospective employment. has a financial interest. or less than an arms-length transaction. 2. Appearance. in the use of Department ofJustlce project funds. officials or . employees of the recipient, a sub-recipient or a contractor. shall avoid any action which might result In. or create the appearance of: Using his or her of?cial position for private gain: Giving preferential treatment to any person; Losing complete Independence or impartiality: Making an of?cial decision outside of?cial channels: or Affecting adversely the con?dence of the public in the Integrity of the government or the program. [1.0 .179 S9 Pom (RCV. 2192) JUNE 20151th (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c (b)(6), (b)(7)c Statement of Work Modify the current administrative space lease agreement to include additional administrative of?ce space in the amount of three thousand two hundred forty one (3,241) square feet at a cost of $1 .37 per square foot per month, $53,282.04 annually. The additional space is located on the 3rd ?oor of the Etowah County Courthouse, 800 Forrest Avenue which is adjacent to the Etowah County Detention Center in Gadsden Alabama. The $1.37 per square foot covers lease ,of the space, all utilities and necessary services, including janitorial services, required for the upkeep and maintenance of the total leased space and building structure. The necessary services shall be provided by Etowah County. This modi?cation is in addition to the current leased Space of 3,568 square feet bringing the total leased space to 6,809 square feet at an annual cost of $1 1 1,939.96. JUNE 2015 U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Prisoner Operations Division Detention Services Intergovernmental Agreement 1. Agreement Number 01-99-0132 2. Effective Date? UAII - 1 l0?) 3. Facility Code(s) 4AD 4. DUNS Number 001034545 S. Issuing Federal Agency United States Marshals Service Prisoner Operations Division 2604 Jefferson Davis Highway Alexandria, VA 22301-1025 6. Local Government Etowah County Detention Center 827 First Avenue Gadsden, AL 35901 TAX 10263-6001533 7. Appropriation Data 15X1020 8. Local Contact Person b) (6). 9. Telephon (6). (WC) 2333": (6), We) Services Estimated Number of Federal Beds Per Diem Rate 10. This agreement is for the housing, safekeeping, 11. 12. and subsistence of Federal detainees, in accordance with content set forth herein. Male: 310 Female: 0 45.00 Total: 310 13a. Optional Guard/Transportation Services to: 14. Medical Facility Other 1 US. Courthouse [j JPATS 13b. Department of Labor Wage Determination Guard/Transportation hourly rate is $17.10 15. Local Government Certi?cation To the best of my knowledge and belief, information submitted in support of this agreement is true and correct. This document has been duly authorized by the governing authorities of their applying Department or Agency State or County Government . . Print Name and therefore agree to comply with all prov15ions set . forth herein this document Chairwoman Etowah County CommISSIon Title Date I of Pas; Authorized to Sign (Local) I Signatu Carolyn Parker 18. Other Authorized Agency User 17.Federa Detainee Type Authorized Adult Male BOP 8 ICE US. CUSTOMS BORDER PATROL BIA Adult Female Juvenile Male Juvenile Female . I Signature Aisha Ogburn Print Name Grant Specialist Title 19. Shaka/tyre of erson v. 0 oriz to Sign (Federal) Page 1 of 15 JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000221 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 Authority ..3 Purpose of Agreement and Security Provided ..3 Period of Performance and Termination ..3 Assignment and Outsourcing of Jail Operations ..4 Medical Services ..4 Affordable Care Act ..5 Receiving and Discharge of Federal Detainees ..6 Optional Guard/Transportation Services to Medical Facility ..6 Optional Guard/Transportation Services to US. Courthouse ..7 Optional Guard/Transportation Services to Justice Prisoner Alien Transportation System (J PATS) .. 7 Special Noti?cations .. 8 Special Management Inmates and Suicide Prevention ..8 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) ..9 Service Contract Act .. 9 Per-Diem Rate ..9 Billing and Financial Provisions .. 10 Immigrations Customs Enforcement Special Language .. 11 Payment Procedures .. 12 Hold Harmless .. 12 Disputes .. 12 Inspection of Services .. 12 Modifications .. 13 Litigation .. 13 Rape Elimination Act Reporting Information .. 14 Page 2 of 15 a Local Government (initial): Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 Authority Pursuant to the authority of Section 119 of the Department of Justice Appropriations Act of 2001 (Public Law 106-553), this Agreement is entered into between the United States Marshals Service (hereinafter referred to as the ?Federal Government?) and Etowah County Detention Center hereinafter referred to as ?Local Government"), who hereby agree as follows: Purpose of Agreement and Security Provided The Federal Government and the Local Government establish this Agreement that allows the United States Marshals Service (USMS) or other authorized agency user as noted in block #18 on page (1) to house Federal detainees with the Local Government at the Etowah County Deter Center, 2327 First Avenue Etovvai'i, AL 35901 hereinafter referred to as ?the Facility") designated in #6 page 1. The population(hereinafter referred to as ?Federal detainees,") will include individuals charged with Federal offenses and detained while awaiting trial, individuals who have been sentenced and are awaiting designation and transport to a Bureau of Prisons (BOP) facility, and individuals who are awaiting a hearing on their immigration status or deportation. The Local Government shall accept and provide for the secure custody, safekeeping, housing, subsistence and care of Federal detainees in accordance with all state and local laws, standards, regulations, policies and court orders applicable to the operation of the Facility. Detainees shall also be housed in a manner that is consistent with Federal law and the Core Detention Standards and/or any other standards required by an authorized agency whose detainees are housed by the Local Government pursuant to this Agreement. The USMS ensures the secure custody, care, and safekeeping of USMS detainees. Accordingly, all housing or work assignments, and recreation or other activities for USMS detainees are permitted only within secure areas of the building or within the secure external recreational/exercise areas. At all times, the Federal Government shall have access to the Facility and to the Federal detainees housed there, and to all records pertaining to this Agreement, including financial records, for a period going back three (3) years from the date of request by the Federal Government. Period of Performance and Termination This Agreement is effective upon the date of signature of the authorized USMS Prisoner Operations Division official, and remains in effect unless inactivated in writing by either party. Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason with written notice at Page 3 of 15 Local Government (initial): Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of termination, unless an emergency situation requires the immediate relocation of Federal detainees. Where the Local Government has received a Cooperative Agreement Program (CAP) award, the termination provisions of the CAP prevail. Assignment and Outsourcing of Jail Operations The overall management and operation of the Facility housing Federal detainees may not be contracted out without the prior express written consent of the Federal Government. Medical Services The Local Government shall provide Federal detainees with the same level and range of care inside the Facility as that provided to state and local detainees. The Local Government is ?nancially responsible for all medical care provided inside the Facility to Federal detainees. This includes the cost of all medical, dental, and mental health care as well as the cost of medical supplies, over?the-counter medications and, any prescription medications routinely stocked by the Facility which are provided to Federal detainees. When possible, generic medications should be prescribed. The cost of all of the above-referenced medical care is covered by the Federal per diem rate. However, for specialized medical services not routinely provided within the Facility, such as dialysis, the Federal Government will pay for the cost of that service. The Federal Government is ?nancially responsible for all medical care provided outside the Facility to Federal detainees. The Federal Government must be billed directly by outside medical care providers pursuant to arrangements made by the Local Government for outside medical care. The Local Government should utilize outside medical care providers that are covered by the National Managed Care Contract (NMCC) to reduce the costs and administrative workload associated with these medical services. The Local Government can obtain information about NMCC covered providers from the local USMS District Office. The Federal Government will be billed directly by the medical care provider not the Local Government. To ensure that Medicare rates are properly applied, medical claims for Federal detainees must be on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Forms so that they can be re?priced to Medicare rates in accordance with the provisions of Title 18 U.S.C. Section 4006. If the Local Government receives any bills for medical care provided to Federal detainees outside the Facility, the Local Government should immediately forward those bills to the Federal Government for processing. All outside medical care provided to Federal detainees must be ore-approved by the Federal Government except in a medical emergency. In the event of an emergency, the Local Government shall proceed immediately with necessary medical treatment. In such Page 4 of 15 Local Government (initial): Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000224 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 an event, the Local Government shall notify the Federal Government immediately regarding the nature of the Federal detainee?s illness or injury as well as the types of treatment provided. Medical care for Federal detainees shall be provided by the Local Government in accordance with the provisions of USMS, Publication loo-Prisoner Health Care Standards and in compliance with the Core Detention Standards or those standards which may be required by any other authorized agency user. The Local Government is responsible for all associated medical record keeping. The Facility shall have in place an adequate infectious disease control program which includes testing of all Federal detainees for Tuberculosis (TB) within 14 days of intake. TB testing shall be accomplished in accordance with the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines and the result documented in the Federal detainee?s medical record. Special requests for expedited TB testing and clearance (to include time sensitive moves) will be accomplished through advance coordination by the Federal Government and Local Government. The Local Government shall immediately notify the Federal Government of any cases of suspected or active TB or any other highly communicable diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory (SARS), Avian Flu, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), Chicken Pox, etc., which might affect scheduled transports or productions so that protective measures can be taken by the Federal Government. When a Federal detainee is being transferred and/or released from the Facility, they will be provided with seven (7) days of prescription medication which will be dispensed from the Facility. Medical records and the USM-SS3 must travel with the Federal detainee. If the records are maintained at a medical contractor?s facility, it is the Local Government?s responsibility to obtain them before a Federal detainee is moved. Federal detainees may be charged a medical co-payment by the Local Government in accordance with the provisions of Title 18, USC Section 4013(d). The Federal Government is not responsible for medical co-payments and cannot be billed for these costs even for indigent Federal detainees. Affordable Care Act The Local Government shall provide Federal detainees, upon release of custody, information regarding the Affordable Care Act, The Affordable Care Act website is located at Page 5 of 15 Local Government (initial): Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 Receiving and Discharge of Federal Detainees The Local Government agrees to accept Federal detainees only upon presentation by a law enforcement of?cer of the Federal Government or a USMS designee with proper agency credentials The Local Government shall not relocate a Federal detainee from one facility under its control to another facility not described in this Agreement without permission of the Federal Government. Additional facilities within the same Agreement shall be identified in a modification. The Local Government agrees to release Federal detainees only to law enforcement of?cers of the authorized Federal Government agency initially committing the Federal detainee Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), etc.) or to a Deputy United States Marshal (DUSM) or USMS designee with proper agency credentials. Those Federal detainees who are remanded to custody by a DUSM may only be released to a DUSM or an agent specified by the DUSM of the Judicial District. USMS Federal detainees sought for a state or local court proceeding must be acquired through a Writ of Habeas Corpus or the Interstate Agreement on Detainers and then only with the concurrence of the jurisdictional United States Marshal (USM). Optional Guard/Transportation Services to Medical Facility If Medical Facility in block #13 on page one (1) of this Agreement is checked, the Local Government agrees, subject to the availability of its personnel, to provide transportation and escort guard services for Federal detainees housed at the Facility to and from a medical facility for outpatient care, and transportation and stationary guard services for Federal detainees admitted to a medical facility. These services should be performed by MW qualified law enforcement or correctional officer personnel. Criteria as speci ie the County Entity running the facility. In all cases these are part of a fulltime Law Enforcement Of?cer (LEO) or Correctional Officer (CO) that have met the minimum training requirements. The Local Government agrees to augment this security escort if requested by the USM to enhance speci?c requirement for security, prisoner monitoring, visitation, and contraband control. If an hourly rate for these services have been agreed upon to reimburse the Local Government, it will be stipulated in block #14 on page one (1) of this Agreement. After thirty-six (36) months, if a rate adjustment is desired, the Local Government shall submit a request. Mileage shall be reimbursed in accordance with the current GSA mileage rate. Page 6 of 15 Local Government (initial): Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 Optional Guard/Transportation Services to US. Courthouse If US. Courthouse in block #13 on page one (1) of this Agreement is checked, the Local Government agrees, subject to the availability of its personnel, to provide transportation and escort guard services for Federal detainees housed at its facility to and from the US. Courthouse. These services should be performed by qualified law enforcement or correctional officer personnel. The Local Government agrees to augment this security escort if requested by the USM to enhance specific requirements for security, detainee monitoring, and contraband control. Upon arrival at the courthouse, the Local Government?s transportation and escort guard will turn Federal detainees over to a DUSM only upon presentation by the deputy of proper law enforcement credentials. The Local Government will not transport Federal detainees to any US. Courthouse without a specific request from the USM or their designee who will provide the detainee?s name, the US. Courthouse, and the date the detainee is to be transported. Each detainee will be restrained in handcuffs, waist chains, and leg irons during transportation unless otherwise authorized by the USMS. If an hourly rate for these services have been agreed upon to reimburse the Local Government, it will be stipulated in block #14 on page one (1) of this Agreement. After thirty?six (36) months, if a rate adjustment is desired, the Local Government shall submit a request. Mileage shall be reimbursed in accordance with the current GSA mileage rate. Optional Guard/Transportation Services to Justice Prisoner Alien Transportation System (JPATS) If JPATS in block #13 on page one (1) of this Agreement is checked, the Local Government agrees, subject to the availability of its personnel, to provide transportation and escort guard services for Federal detainees housed at its facility to and from the JPATS. These services should be performed by qualified law enforcement or correctional officer personnel. The Local Government agrees to augment this security escort if requested by the USM to enhance specific requirements for security, detainee monitoring, and contraband control. Page 7 of 15 Local Government (initial): JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000227 Federal Government (mmal): I Agreement Number 01-99-0132 Upon arrival at JPATS, the Local Government?s transportation and escort guards will turn federal detainees over to a DUSM only upon presentation by the deputy of proper law enforcement credentials. The Local Government will not transport federal detainees to the airlift without a specific request from the USM who will provide the detainee?s name, location (district), and the date the detainee is to be transported. Each detainee will be restrained in handcuffs, waist chains, and leg irons during transportation. If an hourly rate for these services has been agreed upon to reimburse the Local Government, it will be stipulated on in block #14 on page one (1) of this Agreement. After thirty-six (36) months, if a rate adjustment is desired, the Local Government shall submit a request. Mileage shall be reimbursed in accordance with the current GSA mileage rate. Special Notifications The Local Government shall notify the Federal Government of any activity by a Federal detainee which would likely result in litigation or alleged criminal activity. The Local Government shall immediately notify the Federal Government of an escape of a Federal detainee. The Local Government shall use all reasonable means to apprehend the escaped Federal detainee and all reasonable costs in connection therewith shall be borne by the Local Government. The Federal Government shall have primary responsibility and authority to direct the pursuit and capture of such escaped Federal detainees. Additionally, the Local Government shall notify the Federal Government as soon as possible when a Federal detainee is involved in an attempted escape or conspiracy to escape from the Facility. In the event of the death or assault or a medical emergency of a Federal detainee, the Local Government shall immediately notify the Federal Government. Special Management Inmates and Suicide Prevention The Local Government shall have written policy, procedure, and practice require that all special management inmates are personally observed by a correctional officer twice per hour, but no more than 40 minutes apart, on an irregular schedule. Inmates who are violent or mentally disordered or who demonstrate unusual or bizarre behavior receive more frequent observation; suicidal inmates are under constant observation. Page 8 of 15 Local Government (initial): (F Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 The Local Government shall have a comprehensive suicide-prevention program in place incorporating all aspects of identification, assessment, evaluation, treatment, preventive intervention, and annual training of all medical, mental health, and correctional staff. Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) The Facility must post the Prison Rape Elimination Act brochure/bulletin in each housing unit of the Facility. The Facility must abide by all relevant PREA regulations. Service Contract Act This Agreement incorporates the following clause by reference, with the same force and effect as if it was given in full text. Upon request, the full text will be made available. The full text of this provision may be accessed electronically at this address: Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause(s): 52.222-41 Service Contract Act of 1965, as Amended (July 2005) 52.222-42 Statement of Equivalent Rates for Federal Hires (May 1989) 52.222?43 Fair Labor Standards Act and the Service Contract Act Price Adjustment (Multiyear and Option Contracts) (May 1989) The current Local Government wage rates shall be the prevailing wages unless notified by the Federal Government. If the Department of Labor Wage Determination block #13b on page one (1) of this Agreement is checked, the Local Government agrees, in accordance with FAR PART 52.222.43 must notify the Federal Government of any increase or decrease in applicable wages and fringe benefits claimed under this clause within 30 days after receiving a new wage determination. Per-Diem Rate The Federal Government will use various price analysis techniques and procedures to ensure the per?diem rate established by this Agreement is considered a fair and reasonable price. Examples of such techniques include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Comparison of the requested per?diem rate with the independent Federal Government estimate for detention services, otherwise known as the Core Rate; Page 9 of 15 Local Government (initial): A Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 2. Comparison with per-diem rates at other state or local facilities of similar size and economic conditions; 3. Comparison of previously proposed prices and previous Federal Government and commercial contract prices with current proposed prices for the same or similar items; 4. Evaluation of the provided jail operating expense information; The firm-fixed per-diem rate for services is stipulated in block #12 on page (1) of this agreement, and shall not be subject to adjustment on the basis of Etowah County Detention Center actual cost experience in providing the service. The per-diem rate shall be fixed for a period from the effective date of this Agreement forward for thirty? six (36) months. The per-diem rate covers the support of one Federal detainee per ?Federal detainee day?, which shall include the day of arrival, but not the day of departure. After thirty?six (36) months, if a per-diem rate adjustment is desired, the Local Government shall submit a request through the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee?s (OFDT) electronic Intergovernmental Agreements area of the Detention Services Network (DSNetwork). All information pertaining to the Facility on the DSNetwork will be required before a new per-diem rate will be considered. Billing and Financial Provisions The Local Government shall prepare and submit for certification and payment, original and separate invoices each month to each Federal Government component responsible for Federal detainees housed at the Facility. Addresses for the components are: United States Marshals Service Northern District of Alabama 1729 5th Avenue, North Room 240 Birmingham, AL 35203 205-776-6200 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations New Orleans Field Office 1250 Poydras Suite 325 New Orleans, LA 70113 504-599-7800 Page 10 of 15 6f Local Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Faderal Government (lult'al): Agreement Number 01-99-0132 Immigrations Customs Enforcement Special Language I. Include Administrative of?ce space for the ICE as noted on the Statement of Work. (See Attachment A) Space shall be supplied in accordance with the agreement between ICE and Etowah County Commission at the annual price stated below: Supplies/Services Quantity Unit Unit Price Annual Amount ICE Detention/Equipment 3,241 Sq. 1.37 per Sq. Ft $53,282.04 Space Per Month II. a The 1.37 per square foot covers lease of the space, all utilities and necessary services, including janitorial services, required for the upkeep and maintenance of the total leased space and building structure. The necessary services shall be provided by Etowah County. This is in addition to the current leased space of 3,568 square feet bring the total leased space to 6,809 square feet at an annual cost of $111,939.96 Please review special language from ICE regarding the Government Owned Vehicle. (See Attachment B) ICE requirements for specialty meals (Kosher and Other Religious/Medical Meals) meals in accordance with ICE Performance Based National Detention Standards 2011, Section 4.1, Food Service (see attached link). Costs for the specialty meals would be funded through task order as a separate line item. The County would submit itemized invoices and supporting documentation for the costs of specialty meals to include (detainee name, number of meals served). This does not require or imply that Etowah County Detention Center (ECDC) is obligated to abide by the 2008 or 2011 in their entirety. The standards of care promulgated in the origlnal contract with the USMS remain. This is based upon the request of ICE to provide these meals to their population. Page 11 of 15 JUNE 2015 Federal Government (initial): Local Government initial 2mg Agreement Number 01-99-0132 To constitute a proper invoice, the name and address of the Facility, the name of each Federal detainee, their speci?c dates of con?nement, the total days to be paid, the appropriate per diem rate as approved in the Agreement, and the total amount billed (total days multiplied by the per-diem rate per day) shall be listed, along with the name, title, complete address, and telephone number of the Local Government of?cial responsible for invoice preparation. Additional services provided, such as transportation and guard services, shall be listed separately and itemized. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to obligate the Federal Government to any expenditure or obligation of funds in excess of, or in advance of, appropriations in accordance with the Anti?De?ciency Act, 31 U.S.C. 1341. Payment Procedures The Federal Government will make payments to the Local Government at the address listed in block #6 on page one (1) of this Agreement, on a basis, after receipt of an appropriate invoice. Hold Harmless It is understood and agreed that the Local Government shall fully defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the United States of America, its of?cers, employees, agents, and servants, individually and officially, for any and all liability caused by any act of any member of the Local Government or anyone else arising out of the use, operation, or handling of any property (to include any vehicle, equipment, and supplies) furnished to the Local Government in which legal ownership is retained by the United States of America, and to pay all claims, damages, judgments, legal costs, adjuster fees, and attorney fees related thereto. The Local Government will be solely responsible for all maintenance, storage, and other expenses related to the care and responsibility for all property furnished to the Local Government. Disputes Disputes, questions, or concerns pertaining to this Agreement will be resolved between appropriate of?cials of each party. Both the parties agree that they will use their best efforts to resolve the dispute in an informal fashion through consultation and communication, or other forms of non-binding alternative dispute resolution mutually acceptable to the parties. Inspection of Services Inspection standards for detainees may differ among authorized agency users. The Local Government agrees to allow periodic inspections by Federal Government inspectors, to include approved Federal contractors, in accordance with the Core Page 12 of 15 Local Government (initial): . Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 Detention Standards required by any or all of the Federal authorized agency users whose detainees may be housed pursuant to this Agreement Findings of the inspections will be shared with the Facility administrator in order to promote improvements to Facility operations, conditions of con?nement, and levels of services. Modifications For all modi?cations except for full or partial terminations, either party may initiate a request for modi?cation to this Agreement in writing. All modi?cations negotiated will be effective only upon written approval of both parties. Litigation The Federal Government shall be noti?ed, in writing, of all litigation pertaining to this Agreement and provided copies of any pleadings filed or said litigation within ?ve (5) working days of the filing. The Local Government shall cooperate with the Federal Government legal staff and/or the United States Attorney regarding any requests pertaining to Federal Government or Local Government litigation. Page 13 of 15 Local Government (initial): Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 Rape Elimination Act Reporting Information SEXUAL ASSAULT This document is requested to be posted in each lousing L'nit Bulletin Board at all (Iontract Detention l?acilities. This document may be used and adapted by lntergt)vernmental Service .\greement Providers. \\'hile detained by the Department of_lustice. L'nited States Marshals ServiCe. you have a right to be safe and free from sexual harassment and sexual assaults. De?nitions A. Detainee-on-Detainee Sexual Abuse One or more detainees engaging tn or attempting to engage in a sexual act with another detainee or the use of threats, Intimidation, inappropriate touching or other actions and/or Communications bv one or more detainees aimed at coercing and/or pressuring another detainee to engage in a sexual act. B. Staff-on-Dctainee Sexual Abuse/Assault Staff member engaging in. or attempting to engage in a sexual act with any detainee or the intentional touching ofa dctainec?s genitalia. anus, groin. breast. inner thigh. or buttocks with the intent to abuse. humiliate. harass. degrade. arouse. or gratify the sexual desires of any person. Sexual abuse/assault of detainees by staff or other detainees is an inappropriate use of power and is prohibited by policy and the law. C. Staff Sexual Misconduct is: Sexual behavior between a staff member and detainee which can include. is not limited to indecent. profane or abusive language or gestures and inappropriate visttal surveillanCe of detainees. Prohibited Acts detainee. who engages in inappropriate sexual behavior with or directs it at others. can be charged with the following Prohibited Aets under the Detainee Disciplinary Policy. 0 Using Abusive or Obscene Language Sexual Assault Making a Sexual Proposal Indecent Exposure 0 Engaging in Sex Act Detention as a Safe Environment While you are detained. no one has the right to pressure you to engage in sexual acts or engage in unwanted sexual behavior regardless ofyour age, sixe. race. or ethnicity. Regardless of your sexual orientation. vou have the right to be safe from unwanted sexual advances and acts. Confidentiality Information concerning the identity of a detainee victim reporting a sexual assault. and the facts of the report itself. shall be limited to those who have the need to know in order to make decisions Concerning the detainee-victim?s welfare and for law enforcement investigative purposes. Report All Assaults! lfyou become a Victim Ofa sexual assault. you should report it immediately to any staff person you trust. to include housing Of?cers. Chaplains. ma?a? Staff. supervisors or Deputy L18. Marshals. Staff members keep the reported information con?dential and only discuss it with the appropriate officials on a need to know basis. If you are not comfortable reporting the assault to staff. you have other options: Page 14 of 15 Local Government (initial): Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000234 Agreement Number 01-99-0132 a \\"rite a letter reportng the sexual misconduct to the person in charge or the L'nitetl States Marshal. To ensure con?dentiality. use special (I .egal) mail prot?edures. 0 File an Emergency Detainee Grievance ll. you decide your complaint is too sensitive to ?le with the Of?cer in Charge, you can ?le your Grievance directly with the l'ield )t'lice Director. You can get the forms from your housing unit of?cer. or a liacility supervisor. \V'rite to the Of?ce of Inspector (ienet'al I). which liWes?ligales? allegations of staff misconduct. The address is; ()f?cc of Inspector General. [15. Department ol'_lustice. 95H Ave. Room 4706. Washington, DC. 20530 0 Call. at no expense to you, the ()liliCe of Inspector General The phone number is 1-81'l0-869-4-l99. Individuals who sexually abuse or assault detainees can only be disciplined or prosecuted if the abuse is reported. A publication of the Of?ce of the Federal Detention 'I'rustee \V'ashington. DC Puhlished Felmuiry 2! ll I3 Page 15 of 15 Local Government (initial) Federal Government (initial): JUNE 2015 gn?on Attachment A June21,2011 seam ofWak. . . . Alabama. . . JUNE 2015 ATTACHMENT #8 PROPOSED MODIFICATION When available and as agreed upon by the parties. ICE will provide the SERVICE PROVIDER with a Government Owned Vehicle (GOV) (described in the addendum) for the transportation of ICE detainees in accordance with the terms and conditions of this IntercGovemmental Service Agreement (IGSA) The SERVICE PROVIDER will contact the designated ICE official to schedule maintenance of the GOV in accordance with the following maintenance requirements: DRO Vehicle Management Handbook - Dated 9/1109 - ICE Personal Property Handbook - Dated January 2009 - OHS Maget re 0510 Motor Vehiclelee agement - Dated 3/1103 ens/05 0%2Mo .. 20 -- The SERVICE PROVIDER (The County of Etowah. AI.) will provide the COTR with proof that its guards are properly licensed 00!. operators and Insured In accordance with state law to operate the Gov provided. The SERVICE PROVIDER agrees to adhere to all provisions contained within this contract and the above referenced documents. The GOV shall be used to transport only ICE detainees to and from locations as directed by the COTR or designated ICE of?cial. Under the terms of this MSA. transportation services of detainees to and from the SERVICE PROVIDERS facility will be at the negotiated MSA hourly rate for guard/transportation of?cers. The SERVICE PROVIDER is authorized to utilize the DHS FIeot Card provided with each vehicle to pay for fuel and ?uids necessary to conduct transportation of ICE detainees: use of the DHS Fleet Card shall be conducted in accordance with all provisions contained within this contract and the above referenced documents. The Fleet Card shall only be utilized to pay for the fuel and fluids of the vehicle to which it is assigned. The SERVICE PROVIDER will be reimbursed for banSportation services In accordance with GSA published rates for meals and lodging required by overnight transportation routes. but w?l not be reimbursed for transportation mileage while using the ICE GOV. The SERVICE PROVIDER shall not tamperwith any vehicle equipment mm the express written authorization of the COTR. All vehicle and maintenance shall be coordinated and approved through the Field Ollice. 0 The SERVICE PROVIDER agrees to be responsible for any damage incurred to the vehicle as a result of any act or omission on the part of the SERVICE PROVIDER. its employees and or persons acting on behalf of the SERVICE PROVIDER. In addition. the SERVICE PROVIDER assumes financial responsibility for any related property damage to said vehicle reused by the negligent act or omission of its employees or persons acting on behalf of the SERVICE PROVIDER. The SERVICE PROVIDER accepts responsibility for the negligent acts or omissions on the part of its employees. and or persons acting on behalf of the service provide in the operation of said vehicle. The SERVICE PROVIDER acknowledges the use of the vehicle. The referenced vehicle remains the property of the tof Homeland Security. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (OHS-ICE) and will be made available to the SERVICE PROVIDER for the express purpose of transporting detainees The SERVICE PROVIDER will keep said vehicle in the same condition as received except for normal wear and tear. and maeage. In order for the ICE New Orleans Field Of?ce to maintain accurate fleet records the SERVICE PROVIDER must complete the following documentation at the end of each month. Copies will be provided to the SERVICE PROVIDER. The SERVICE PROVIDER will sign and date the Hold Harmless Agreement addendum #2 and forward it to the ICE Contracting Officer identified in the addendum. JUNE 2015 a US. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service 9P9. 85 ?84 16:48 FR 82149855446 P. 82/84 Modi?cation of Intergovernmental Agreement 1. MODIFICATION NO. 2. REQUEST FOR DETENTION SERVICES N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE OF MODIFICATION Three (3) 082-04 March 1, 2004 4. ISSUING OFFICE 5. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 6. IGA NO. Btowah County 01-99?0132 us. MARSHALS SERVICE Btowah County Sheriffs Dept PRISONER SERVICES DIVISION 827 Forest Avenue 7. FAcmn?Y CODES) WASHINGTON, 11c. 20530-1000 Gadsen, AL 35901 4AD 8. ACCOUNTING CITATION 15X1020 9. ANNUAL PAYIVIENT Alabama and Louisiana. rates for the Continental United States. A AC DTRANS ON 10. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED SPECIFICALLY HEREIN, ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IGA DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN BLOCK 5 REMAIN UNCHANGED. TERMS OF THIS MODIFICATION: The purpose of this modi?cation is to authorize Btowah County to transport Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainees between the Etowah County I ail and the Regional ICE Detention Of?ces in This modi?cation also authorizes ICE to reimburse the local government of Etowah County the hourly rate of $22.49 per hour, including mileage reimbursement in accordance with the current GSA mileage TEE SERVICE PROVIDER SHALL 523335 To IEE REQUIREIVIENTS LISTED ON THE DE AINEES ONLY., Note: as if Modi?cation No. 2, the Intergovernmental Agreement Number is canceled and the new number is as stated in Block No. 6. 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOR EXECUTION OF THIS MODIFICATION: B. ?31 LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS REQUIRED LOCAL IS NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN 2 COPIES TO US- MARSHAL 12. APPROVAL A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT B. FEDERAL %4 5 Jackie Gomez Signature We ?1 Grants Analyst we? TITLE DATE TITLE DATE Form USM-2411USMS HQ USE ONLY (Rev. 3/99) JUNE 2015 Page__l_ of _3_Pages RPR ?84 1649 FR TU 82149855446 TRANSPORTATION AMENDMENT Page 2 of 3 01-99-0132 Etowah County, Alabama THE FOL OWING SECT PLIES TO ICE DETA ONLY. Transvortation Services. The Service Provider agrees to provide transportation services for ICE detainees between the Provider?s facility in Gadsen, AL, apprehension points, the ICE of?ces located in Alabama, Louisiana and other delivery points as determined necessary by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The purpose of such tranSportation shall be for booking detainees into or out of the facility or into the custody of ICE, booking new inmates from the custody of ICE into the facility, and delivering detainees to removal points (including airports). The Provider shall utilize transportation vehicles equipped with appropriate safety equipment as required by and in compliance with State of. Alabama standards for prisoner transport. uniformed quali?ed law-enforcement or correctional security of?cers employed or contracted by the Provider under the Provider?s policies, procedures and practices shall be assigned to each vehicle on each trip 5 required if an ICE of?cer is present during the transportation). These of?cers must be appropriately licensed and certi?ed for those duties pursuant to the State of Alabama and U.S. Department of Tran5portation regulations. Reimbursement for transportation services shall be paid at the actual hourly labor rate being paid to the escorting of?cers (will vary per and a round trip mileage rate equaling the General Services Administration approved mileage rate (currently 37.5 cents. per mile, but subject to change on occasion). In the event that overnight stays are required, ICE will reimburse lodging and expenses other than per diem incurred based on General Services Administration travel regulations. In the event air travel is required, ICE will obtain tickets. Service Provider shall maintain a transportation log documenting all transportation services (date, origin, destination, time, mileage, Provider is to invoice ICE for services rendered as a separate line item on the periodic billing for detention. A copy of the transportation log shall be attached to all invoices that contain charges for transportation Services. Any other documentation concerning other costs such as overnight travel shall also be provided to ICE. JUNE 2015 HEN Ub '64 lbid?j l-H TU 82149655446 Page 3 of 3 Bag Lunches. The Service Provider agrees to provide ICE detainees with bag lunches when detainees are transported during a meal period. Reimbursement for meals will be at the rate of two dollars per meal. The meal will include, at the minimum, a sandwich, fruit, potato chips and beverage. Provider is to invoice ICE for services rendered as a separate line item on the periodic billing for detention. JUNE 2015 TomL P985941 m: FE.B. 13:42 TEL2202 305 9434 P. 002 Department of Justice . United States Marshals Service Modi?cation of Intergovernmental Agreement MODIFICATION NO. 1 REQUEST FOR DETENTION SERVICES NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE or MODIFICATION ?r ONE (1) 073-03 February 1, 2003 4. ISSUTNG OFFICE 5. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 6. NO. Debra Browne Etowah C03.th J-BO 3 0 Contract Specialist Etowah County Sheriff? Dept. cs 4. Suite 1100 827 Forrest Avenue 7. FACILITY United States Marshals Service qur Gadsen. AL 35901 4AD Washington DC 20530-1000 8. ACCOUNTING CITATION 9. ESTIMATED ANNUAL PAYMENT TOT main Ab movwa ALL cd?m nuns or 111.1: IGA DOCUMENI REFERRED TO IN BLOCK 5, REMAIN UNCHANGED. TERMS OF THIS MODIFICATION: The purpose Of this modi?cation is to add a line item for INS Detention/Equipment Space. Space shall be supplied in accordance with the agreement between the and Etowah County Comission at the annual price stated below: Supplies/Services 928.133! Unit - Ugit Price Annual Amount FNS Detentin/Equipment Space 3,568 Sq. Ft. $4,861.40 $58,337.00 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNIVIENT FOR EXECUTION OF THIS MODIFICATION: A. 8 LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT REQUIRED B. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN COPIES TO U.s. MARSHAL 12. APPROVALS A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT B. FEDERAL GOVERNIVIENT Signature Signature 177/ '0 3? Contracting O??icer TITLE DATE TITLE DATE Form (Rev. 3/96) JUNE 2015 I.) FEB. -03? 13:42 TEL2202 305 9434 P. 003 . US. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Modi?cation ?Intergovernmental Agreement 1. MODIFICATION No. 2. REQUEST FOR DETENTION SERVICES N0. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE OF MODIFICATION TWO (2) May 1. 1999 4. ISSUING OFFICE 5. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 6. IGA NO. as. MARSHALS SERVICE Etowah County Jail 01-99-0132 PRISONER OPERATIONS DIVISION 827 Forrest Avenue sscnow Gadsden, AL 35901 7. FACILITY 500 ARMYNAVY DRIVE 4AD ARLINGTON. VA 22202-4210 8. ACCOUNTING CITATION 9. ESTIMATED ANNUAL PAYMENT 10. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED SPECIFICALLY HEREIN. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IGA DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN BLOCK 5, REMAIN UNCHANGED. TERMS OF THIS MODIFICATION: l. The purpose of this modi?cation is to incorporate IN as a rider under this IGA with Btowah County in accordance with the MOU dated May 11, 1999 attached hereto. 2. Incorpomte the following INS address under Article VII: Billing and Financial Prowlsioas: Eastern Regional Office Detention and Deportation Division 70 Kimball Avenue s. Burlington, VT 50403-6813 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO LOCAL EXECUTION OF THIS MODIFICATION: A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT REQUIRED B. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT TO SIGN THIS DOCUNIENT RETURN COPIES TO US. MARSHAL 12. APPROVALS A. LOCAL GOVERMNT B. FEDERAL GOVERNNENT Doha 31mm; [241% 74, 492/114. Signature Signature WI TITLE DATE TITLE DATE Form (Rev- 3/99) 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000242 USMS HQ USE ONLY Page; of .3. Pages a FEB. -05' omusa 13:43 TEL2202 305 9434 3004 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING USE OF ETOWAH COUNTY JAIL BY IMMIGRAIION AND SERVICE This memorandum of understanding (MOU) provides the means for Immigration and Naturalization Service, Atlanta District, to house their detainees in the Etowah County Jail, at a cost of $30.00 per day, under Contract between the United States Marshals Service, Northern District of Alabama, and the Etowah County Jail. The period of stay for each detainee will not exceed 72 hours, except in exigent circumstances. The maximum number of detainees will not exceed one hundred and twenty?five (125) at any given time. This MOU will be in effect until Contract is renegotiated. i \l "ii William H. Edwarc-ls, hte? United States Marshal rn District of Alabama umos te Assistant istrict Director Deportatio and Parole Immigration and Naturalization Service Atlanta District JUNE 2015 FEB. 13:43 305 9434 RODS .3 3 Unlled States Department of Jusllce Intergovernmental ce Agreement United slums Marshals Service Housing of Federal Prisoners P385 ?f l. AGREEMENT NUMBER 2. meme DATE NO. 4. CONTROL NO. 30 01 01 97 112-96 s. ISSUING omce 6. GOVERNMENT ENTITY FACILITY 4ND PRISONER OPERATIONS DIVISION ADDRESS 827 Forest Avenue IGA SECTION (Street, city, 600 ARMY NAVY DRIVE county. Stale Gadsen? AL 35901 ARLINGTON. VA 22202-4210 and ZIP code . - 7. APPROPRLATION DATA Ch? - lef a?er 15X1020 Contact Person (205) 549_5406 Area Code Telephone No. I- 9. IO. 11. 12. man N0. QUANTITY unrr UNIT PRICE AMOUNT This agreement is for the housing, ESTIMATED safekeeping and subsistence of USMS ESTIMATED adult male and female federal PRISONER PER DIEM ANNUAL prisoners in eacordance with the RATE PA NT contents set forth herein. 25,550 $30.00 $766,500.00 1" IS. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED TO AGREEMENT To the best of my knowledge and belfef. dam pm 8-5-91 submmed in Support of this agreement is true (Silnamrt) AGENCY and corral, the document has been duly au- JOhn 5 Pres ident GER TIFYING lhorl'zed by the governing body of the Depart- mp: or Print) ml: men: or Agency and the Department or Agency 8_5 _9 7 will comply with ALL PRO VISIONS SET 03" (Sigr?mref I 0 HEREIM RTH James Hayes Sheriff Nun- (?Type or Print) . Tide la. TYPE OF USE t7. PRISONER TYPE To BE INCLUDED 19. Negotiated Agreement is Hereby Approved and Accepted jar Hold Over SENTENCED Regular Suppon Adult Male Adult M21: Seasonal Support Adult Female El Adult Female THE UNITED sures OF AMERICA Other Juvenile Male Juvenile Male BY DIRECTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE UNITED LEVEL OF USE Juvenile Female [3 Juvenile Female STATES MARSHALS SERVICE [3 Minimum [3 Aliens Work Release [3 Medium El YCA Male m, ?x a Major YCA (SIGNAM Wm crmo apnea; 20. ANTICIPATED ANNUAL USAGE 2l. NAME OF AUTHORIZING owl-?mum 21 DATE SIGNED SENTENCE) ALIENS TOTAL mm: or Print} No. of Prisoners . Prisoner Day: 8 .Ir Gum! Hm: 7 7/ PRIOR EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FORM (Rev. 1/96) JUNE 2015 FEB. -03? 04ITUEJ 13:45 TEL2202 305 9434 P. 006 15.5. Department of Justice United Stare: Marshals Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule ARTICLE - PURPOSE AND SECURITY PROVIDED The purpose of this intergovernmental Service Agreement is to establish a formal binding relationship between the United States Marshals Service (USMS) and other federal user agencies (the Federal Government) and Etowah County Sheriff Department (the Local Government) for the detention of persons charged with or convicted of violations of federal law or held as material witnesses (federal prisoners) at the Etowah County Jail (the facility). The Local Government agrees to accept and provide for the secure custody. care and safekeeping of federal prisoners in accordance with state and local laws, standards, polici es, procedures, or court orders applicable to the operations of the facility. The USMS considers all federal prisoners medlum/ maximum security-type prisoners that are housed within the con?nes of the facility. at a level appropriate for prisoners considered a risk of flight, a danger to the community, or wanted by ARTICLE II - ASSIGNMENT AND OF CATEGORICALPILOJECL SUPPORTED EFFORT 1. Neither this agreement nor any interest therein may be assigned or transferred to any other party without prior written approval by the USMS. 2. None of the principal activities of the project-supperted effort shall be contracted out to another organizatiOn without prior approval by the USMS. Where the intention to award contracts is made known at the time of application the approval may be considered granted ifthese activities are funded as proposed. 3. All contracts or assignments must be formalized In a written contract or other written agreement between the parties involved. 4. The contract or agreement must, at a minimum, state the activities to be performed, the time schedule, the project policies, and the ?ow-through requirements that are applicable to the contractor or other recipient, other polici es and procedures to be followed. the dollar limitation of the agreement, and the cost principles to be used in determinin allowable costs. The contract or other written agreement must not affect the recipient's overall responsibility for the duration of the project and accountability to the government. JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000245 Form (ISM-2443 (Rev. 2?92) 13:44 305 9434 US. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule 1314501139430 Pa Ng'f 7 ARTICLE - MEDICAL SERVICES 1. The Local Government agrees to provide federal prisoners with the same level of medical care and services provided to local prisoners, including the transportation and security for prisoners requiring removal from the facility for emergency medical services. All costs associated with hospital or health care services provided outside the facility will be paid directly by the Federal Government. in the event the Local Government has a contract with a medical facility/physician or receives discounted rates, the federal prisoners shall be charged the same rate as local prisoners. 2. The Local Government agrees to notify the United States Marshal (USM) as soon as possible of all emergency medical cases requiring removal of a prisoner from the facility and to obtain prior authorization for removal for all other medical services required. 3. When a federal prisoner is being transferred via the USMS airlift, he/she will be provided with three (3) to seven (7) days 0 a prescription medication which will be dispensed from the detention facility. hen possibi e, generic medications should be prescribed. 4. Medical records must travel with the federal prisoner. if the records are maintained at a medical contractor's facility, it is the detention facility?s responsibility to obtain them before a federal prisoner is moved. 5. Federal prisoners will not be charged and are net required to pay their own medical expenses. These expenses will be paid by the Federal Government. 6. The Local Government agrees to notify the USM as men as possible when a federal prisoner is involved in an escape. attempted escape. or conspiracy escape from the facility. - ARTICLE IV RECEIVINQ AND DISCHAEQE i. The Local Government agrees to accept as federal prisoners those persons committed by federal law enforcement officers for violations of federal laws only upon presentation by the of?cer of proper law enforcement credentials. The Local Government agrees to release federal prisoners only to law enforcement of?cers of agencies initially committing the prisoner DEA. etc.) Or to a Deputy USM. Those prisoners who are remanded to custody by 0 JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000246 Ram FEB. -03? 13:44 305 9434 P. 008 US. DePartment of Justice United Stare: Marshal: Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule Iiga?fhaao Pagf; Ni}. 10 USM may only be released to a USM or an agent'specified by the USM of the Judicial District. 3. The Federal Government agrees to maintain federal prisoner population levels at or below the level established by the facility administrator. 4. Federal prisoners may not be released from the facility or placed in the custody at state or local of?cials for any reason except for medical emergency situations. Federal prisoners sought for a state or local court proceeding must be acquired through a Writ of Habeas Corpus or the Interstate Agreement of Detainers and then only with the concurrence of the District USM. - PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE This agreement shall be in effect inde?niter until terminated in writing by either party. Should conditions of an unusual nature occur making it impractical or undesirable to continue to house prisoners, the Local Government may suspend or restrict the use of the facility by giving written notice to the USM. Such notice will be provided thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of formal termination and at least two (2) weeks in advance of a su3pension or restriction of use unless an emergency situation requires the immediate relocation of prisoners. ARTICLE Vi - PER DIEM RATE AND ECONOMIC PRICE ADJUSTMENT 1. Per diem rates shall be established on the basis of actual and allowable costs associated with the operation of the facility during a recent annual accounting period. 2. The Federal Government shall reimburse the Local Government at the per diem rate identi?ed on page one of this agreement. The rate may be renegotiated not more than once per year, after the agreement has been in effect for twelve (12) months. 3. The rate covers one (1) person per "prisoner day?. The Federal Government may not be billed for two (2) days when a prisoner is admitted one evening and removed the following morning. The Local Government may bill for the day of arrivaldeparture. JUNE 2015 Form (Rev. 2192) FEB. -03' 13144 305 9434 P. 009 Department of Justice United Stare: Marshals Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule IG?glg?Mqao 05-; 1Q 4. When a rate increase is desired. the Local Government shall submit a written request to the USM at least sixty (60) days prior to the desired effective date of the rate adjustment. All such requests must contain a completed Cost Sheet for Detention Services (USM-243) which can be obtained from the USM. The Local Government agrees?to provide additional cost information to support the requested rate increase and to permit an audit of accounting records upon request of the USMS. 5. Criteria used to evaluate the increase or decrease in the per diem rate shall be those speci?ed in the Of?ce of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A- 87, Cost Principles for State. Local, and indian Tribal Governments. e. The effective date of the rate modi?cation will be negotiated and speci?ed on the IGA Modification form approved and signed by a USMS Contract Specialist. The effective date will be established on the first day of the month for accounting purposes. Payments at the rnoai?ed rate will be paid upon the return of the signed modi?cation by the authorized Local Government official to the USM. 1' ARTICLE VII - AND PROVISIONS i. The Local Government shall prepare and submit original and separate invoices each month to the federal agencies listed below for certification and payment. U. S. MARSHALS SERVICE 1729 NORTH 5TH AVENUE ROOM 240 AL 35203 (205) 731~l7l 2 JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000248 Form (Rev. 2/921 FIJB. ~03 04ITUEI 13:45 TELIZOZ 305 9434 P. OIU U.S. Department of Justice United Stare: Mamba): ServiCe Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule [Egalitarian 30 2. To constitute a proper invoice, the name and address of the facility, the name of each federal prisoner, their specific dates of confinement. the total days to be reimbursed, the appropriate per diem rate as approved in the 16A, and the total amount billed (total days multiplied by the rate per day) shall be listed. The name, title, complete address, and phone number of the local official responsible for invoice preparation should also be listed on the invoice. 3. The Prompt Payment Act, Public Law <97.177 (96 stat. 85, 31 USC 1801). is applicable to payments under this agreement and requires the payment to the Local Government of interest an overdue payments. Determinations of interest due will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Prompt Payment Act and the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-125. a. Payment under this agreement will be due on the thirtieth (30m) calendar day after receipt of a proper invoice, in the of?ce designated to receive the invoice. if the due date falls on a nonworking day Saturday. federal holiday), then the due date will be the next working day. The date at the check issued in payment shall be considered to be tljrae date payment is made. NOTE: RATES NOT SPECIFIED IN THE AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT. ARTICLE - SUPERVISION AND MONITORING RESPONSIBILITY All recipients receiving direct awards from the USMS are responsible for the management and ?scal control of all funds. Responsibilities include the accounting of receipts and expenditures, cash management, the maintaining of adequate ?nancial records. and the refunding of expenditures disallowed by audits. ARTICLE IX - ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL RECORDS 1. The recipient shall be required to establish and maintain accounting systems and financial records that accurately account for the funds awarded. These records shall include both federal funds and all matching funds of state, local. and private organizations. State and local recipients shall expend and account for funds in accordance with state laws and procedures for expending and accouming for its own funds. as well as meet the ?nancial management standards in 28 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Part 66, and current revisions of OMB Circular A-87. JUNE 2015 Form (Rev. 2192) FEB. -03? 04 (TUE) 13:45 TELIZDZ 305 9434 P. 011 U.S. Department of Justice United Stare: Marshals Service Intergovernmequ Service Agreement Schedule 1(31?30131904 30 P086 2. Recipients are responsible for complying with OMB Circular A-87 and 28 CFR, Parto?, and the allowabillty of the costs covered Therein (submission of Form USM-QAS). To avoid possible subsequent disallowance or dispute based on unreasonableness or unallowability under the speci?c cost principles. recipients must obtain prior approval on The treatment of special or unusual costs. 3. Changes in IGA facilities: The USMS shall be noti?ed by The recipient of any significant change in The facility. including significant variations in inmate populations. which causes a signi?cant change in the level of services under This IGA. The notl?cation shall be supported with sufficient cost data To permit The USMS To equitably adjust The per diem rates included in the Depending on the size of the facility for purposes of assessing changes in the population, a 10% increase or decrease in The prison population shall be a "signi?cant increase or decrease" for purposes of This subsection. MAINTENANCE AND RETENTION OF RECORDS TO RECORDS l. in accordance with 28 CFR. Part 66. all ?nancial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records pertinent To contracts or sub- awards awarded under This shall be retained by each organization participating in The program for at least Three (3) years for purposes of federal i examination and audit. 2. The 3-year retentlon period set forth in paragraph one above/begins at the end of The ?rst year of completion of service under the IGA. if any litigation, claim. negotiation. audit. or other action involving The records has been started before the expiration of The 3-year period. The records must be retained until completion of The action and resolution of all issues which arise from it or until the end of The regular 3-year period, whichever is later. 3. Access To Records: The USMS and The Comptroller General of The United States. or any of Their authorized representatives. shall have The right of access to any pertinent books, documents, papers. or other records of recipients or Its sub- reciplenTs/contractors, which are pertinent To The award, in order To make audits. examinations, excerpts. and transcripts. The rights of access musT not be limited To the required retention period, but shall last as long as The records are retained. 4. Delinquent Debt Collection: The USMS will hold recipient accountable for any overpayment. audit dlsallowance, or any breach of this agreement That JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000250 Pom, USMQUB m5, m9) r?B. ~05 13:46 305 9434 P. 012 U.S. of Justice United States Marshals Service IGA . . JIB Page No 0 Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule results in a debt owed to the Federal Government. The USMS shall apply interest. penalties. and administrative costs to a delinquent debt owed by a debtor pursuant to the Federal Claims Collection Standards. ARTICLE Xi - GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY 1. It is the intention of the USMS to furnish excess federal property to local governments for the speci?c purpose of improving jail conditions and services. Accountable excess property. such as furniture and equipment, remains tilt ed to the USMS and shall be returned to the custody of the USMS upon termination of the agreement. 2. The Local Government agrees to inventory. maintain, repair. assume liability for. and manage all federally provided accountable property as well as controlled excess properly. Such property cannot be removed from the jail without the prior written approval of USMS Headquarters. The loss or destruction of any such excess property shall be immediately reported to the USM and USMS Headquarters. Accountable and controlled excess property includes any property with a unit acquisition value of Si .000 or more. all furniture, as well as equipment used for security and control. communication. photography. food service, medical care, inmate recreation, etc. 3. The suspension of use or restriction of bedspace made available to the USMS are agreed to be grounds tor the recall and return of any or all government furnished property. 4. The dollar value of property provided each year will not exceed the annual dollar payment made by the USMS for prisoner support unless a speci?c exemption is granted by the Chief, Prisoner Services Division. USMS Headquanem. 5. it is understood and agreed that the Local Government shall fully defend. indemnify, and hold harmless the United States of America, its of?cers. employees, agents. and servants, individually and of?cially, for any and all liability caused by any act of any member of the Local Government or anyone else arising out of the use, operation. or handling of any property (to include any vehicle. equipment. and supplies) furnished to the Local Govemment in which legal ownership is retained by the United States of America, and to pay all claims. damages, Judgments, legal costs. adjuster fees, and attorney fees related thereto. The Local Government will be solely responsible for all Fem (Ravi Zlqz? 4? FEB.-03 04itUEi 13:46 TEL 202 305 9434 9.013 US. Department of Justice United Stare: Mars-hat: Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule 3O Pas? N212 Jo maintenance, storage. and other expenses related to the care and responsibility for all property furnished to the Local Government. ARTIC LE - MODIFICATIONSLDISPUTES 1. Either party may initiate a request for modi?cation to this agreement in writing. All modi?cations negotiated will be written and approved by the USMS Contracting Of?cer and submitted to the Local Government on form USM 241a for approval. 2. Disputes. questions. or concerns pertaining to this agreement will be resolved between the USivi and the apprOpriate Local Government official. Space guarantee questions along with any other unresolved issues are to be directed to the Chief, Prisoner Services Division. ARTICLE Xlii - INSPECTION The Local Government agrees to allow periodic inspections of the facility by USMS inspectors. Findings of the inspection will be shared with the facility administrator in order to promote improvements to facility operattons, conditions of confinement. and levels of services. The mandatory minimum conditions of con?nement which are to be met during the entire period of the agreement are: i. Adequate, trained jail staff will be provided 24 hours a day to supervise prisoners. Prisoners will be counted at least once on every shift. but at least twice in every 24-hour period. One of the counts must be visual to validate prisoner occupancy. 2. Jail staf?ng will provide full coverage of all security posts and full surveillance of inmates. . 3. Jail will provide for three meals per day for prisoners. The meals must meet the nationally recommended dietary allowances published by the National Academy of Sciences. 4. Jail will provide 24-hour emergency medical care for prisoners. JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000252 FOrm LEM-2413 (Rev. 2192) 13:46 305 9434 P. 014 US. Department of Justice United Stare: Marshals Service Intergovernmental Service Agreement Schedule 1%30h112?4430 P0380: N2) 10 5. Jail will maintain an automatic smoke and fire detection and alarm system, and maintain written policies and procedures regarding ?re and other safety emergency standards. 6. Jail will maintain 'a water supply and waste disposal program that is certified to be in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. ARTICLE - CONFLICT OF Personnel and other of?cials connected with the agreement shall adhere to the requirements given below: 1. Advice. No of?cial or employee of the recipient, a sub-reclplent, or a contractor shall participate personally through decisions, approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation, or otherwise in any proceeding. application, request for a ruling or other determination, contract, grant, capperatlve agreement, claim, controyersy, or other particular matter in which Department of Justice funds are used, Where to his/her knowledge, he/she or his/her immediate family, partners, organization other than a public agency in which he/she is serving as an of?cer, director, trustee, partner, or employee, or any person or organization with whom he/she is negotiating or has any arrangement concerning prospective employment, has a ?nancial interest, 0r less than an arms-length transaction. 2, Appearance. In the use at Department of Justice project funds, officials or employees of the reclplent, a sub-recipient or a contractor, shall avoid any action which might result in, or create the appearance of: Using his or her of?cial position for private gain: Giving preferential treatrnentto any person; Losing complete independence or impartiality: Making an official decision outside official channels: or e. Affecting adverser the con?dence of the public in the integrity of the government or the program. noun JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000253 Form (Rev. 21%} 11/29/2008 08344 FAX 2585438820 OAK ADMIN 001/001 lil'ZK?l 11:05 IIan 0 Wk. '14. From: 11/17/115 15:23 #378 . L?s. MM allude: 3 United sun: Midi-ls Scrvica Modi?catio- We? 1g NO. 2. REQUEST FOR mm?: mwcas NO. 3. EFFECTIVE out or mammalian Four (at) 06-10: October I, 2006 a. ISSUING omcs 3. LOCAL a. ammo.? 0.3. mm mi.an Etonh County hi! - 01-99-0132 mam I'm Avail . PRISONER autumn; DIVISION Gillian ALMWI 0.0.2053le 1. FACILITY C0066) Am: Ionian 1.. Base: I. ACCOUNTING CITATION 9. ESTIMATED ANNUAL OLYMENT 1 SK 1020 l0. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED SPECIFICALLY W. ALL Tum AND ODNDITIONS OF THE 10A REFERRED TO 0? BLOCK 5. REMAIN UNCHANGED. TERMS OF THIS WCATION: The purpose 0mm modi?cation is In henna ddly pat diam ruin ham. ?30.00 to $35.12. No other ms or conditions at: by this ?huge. I I . 10 mm. covnnum IOI. or un- non-1'0? acm' 0'34! mum comes to 01. mm. Gop?l. ?mvan A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT n. PEDRM. :zlaa? x. ??ahg mm 44/112. me mm DATE no ONLY an. m) NULL of JUNE 2015 US. Department Unith Stats Man Modi?cation of Intergovernmental Agreemcnt 1. MODIFICATION NO. 2. REQUEST FOR DETENTION SERVICES NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE OF MODIFICATION Three (3) 082-04 March 1, 2004 4. OFFICE 5. LOCAL GOVERNMEW 6. IGA NO. Etowah County 01-99-0132 05. mums SERVICE Btownh County Sheriffs Dept. PRISONER SERVICES DIVISION 827 Fon'est Avenue 7. FACILITY OODHS) WASHINGTON. Gadsm, AL 35901 4AD 3. ACCOUNTING CITATION ISXI 020 9. ANNUAL PAYMENT REFERRED TO IN BLOCK UNCHANGED. TERMS OF THIS MODIFICATION: Alabama and Louisiana. canceled and the new number is as stated in Block No. 6. 10. EXCEPT AS PROVUDED SPECIFICALLY HEREINALL TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THE IGA DOCUMENT The puxposc of this modi?ca?on is to authorize Etowah Count); to transport Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainees between the Etowah County I ail and the Regional ICE Detention Of?ces in This modi?cation also authorizes ICE to reimburse the local govemment ofEtowah County the hourly rate of $22.49 per hour, including mileage reimbursement in accordance with the current GSA mileage rates for the Continental United States. . Note: as if Modi?cation No. 2, the Intergovernmental Agreement Number is 1 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNW FOR EXECUTION OFTBIS MODIFICATION: A. LOCAL comm 1s nor mum B. LOCAL IS REQUIRED TO SIGN msnocwmr TO SIGN THISDOCUMENTAND COMES TO us. MARSHAL n. armour. A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT '5 Signature 5 Grants W07 TITLE DATE TITLE DATE Form HQ USE ONLY (Rev. 3/99) Page_l_ of Pages CPR BS ?84 1649 FR TU 82149855446 (W6), TRANSPORTATION AMENDMENT Page 2 of 3 01-99-0132 Etowah County, Alabama THE FOLLOWING SECTION TQ ICE QELY. Transportation Services. The Service Provider agrees to provide tran5portation services for ICE detainees between the Provider?s facility in Gadsen, AL, apprehension points, the ICE of?ces located in Alabama, Louisiana and other delivery points as determined necessary by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The purpose of such tranSportation shall be for booking detainees into or out of the facility or into the custody of ICE, booking new inmates from the custody of ICE into the facility, and delivering detainees to removal points (including airports). The Provider shall utilize transportation vehicles equipped with appropriate safety equipment as required by and in compliance with State of Alabama standards for prisoner transport. uniformed quali?ed law-enforcement or correctional security of?cers employed or contracted by the Provider under the Provider?s policies, procedures and practices shall be assigned to each vehicle on each trip is required if an ICE of?cer is present during the transportation). These of?cers must be appropriately licensed and certi?ed for those duties pursuant to the State of Alabama and US. Department of Tran5portation regulations. Reimbursement for transportation services shall be paid at the actual hourly labor rate being paid to the escorting of?cers (will vary per of?cer) and a round trip mileage rate equaling the General Services Administration approved mileage rate (currently 37.5 cents. per mile, but subject to change on occasion). In the event that overnight stays are required, ICE will reimburse lodging and expenses other than per diem incurredwbased on General Services Administration travel regulations. In the event air travel is required, ICE will obtain tickets. Service Provider shall maintain a transportation log documenting all transportation services (date, origin, destination, time, mileage, Provider is to invoice ICE for services rendered as a separate line item on the periodic billing for detention. A copy of the transportation log shall be attached to all invoices that contain charges for transportation Services. Any other documentation concerning other costs such as overnight travel shall also be provided to ICE. I U?a ?ua 113:43 l?H T0 82149855446 Rad/a4 Page 3 of 3 Bag Lunches. The Service Provider agrees to provide ICE detainees with bag lunches when detainees are transported during a meal period. Reimbursement for meals will be at the rate of two dollars per meal. The meal will include, at the minimum, a sandwich, fruit, potato chips and beverage. Provider is to invoice for services rendered as a separate line item on the periodic billing for detention. END OF TION TOTRL PRGE.84 ?Fm?03' cums) 13:42 TEL2202 305 9434 P. 005 .n ?1 US. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Modi?cation of Intergovernmental Agreement 1. MODIFICATION N0. . REQUEST FOR DETENTION SERVICES N0. 3. DATE OF TWO (2) Ma 1. 1999 4. ISSUTNG OFFICE 5. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 6. NO. mam SERVICE Etowah County Jail 01-99-0132 PRISONER OPERATIONS DIVISION 827 Forrest Avenue SECTION Gadsden, AL 35901 7. FACILITY CODES) 500 ARMY NAVY DRIVE 4AD ARLINGTON. VA 22202-4210 8. ACCOUNTING CITATION 9. ESTIMATED ANNUAL PAYMENT 1511030 10. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED SPECIFICALLY HEREIN. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE DOCMNT REFERRED TO BLOCK 5. REMAIN WCKANGED. TERMS OF THIS MODIFICATION: l. The purpose of this modi?cation is to incorporate INS as a rider under this IGA with Etowah County in accordance With the MOU dated May 11, 1999 attached hereto. 2. Incorporate the following INS address under Article VII.- BilJing and Financial PrevisiOns: Easwm Regional Of?ce Detention and Deportation Division 70 Kimball Avenue S. Burlington, VT 50403-6813 1 l. ro LOCAL comm ma EXECUTION 1 THIS MODIFICATION: LE LOCALGOVEWISNOTREQEJRED B. LOCALGOVERNMENTISRE mm TO SIGN nus DOCUMENT TO SIGN ms DOCUMENT RETURN - COPIES To us. MARSHAL 12. A. LOCAL 60W 3. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT pm gram [5 ?lm ?igm . Signature Sigma? 37/47/91 9? mm: DATE mu DATE Form (ISM-2411 (Rev. 3/99) usms HQ USE ONLY Page; of; Puges I. a I FEB. 04mm 13:43 mm 305 9434 9004 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING USE OF ETOWAH COUNTY JAIL BY IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE This memorandum of understanding (MOU) provides the means for Immigration and Naturalization Service, Atlanta District, to house their detainees in the Etowah County Jail, at a cost of $30.00 per day, under Contract between the United States Marshals Service, Northern District of Alabama, and the Etowah County Jail. The period of stay for each detainee will not exceed 72 hours. except in exigent circumstances. The maximum number of detainees will not exceed one hundred and twenty-five (125) at any given time. This MOU will be in effect until Contract is renegotiated. tar. Haws ff Date '111 eouncy. Alabama? \M?i?gb l: William H. Edwards, United States Marshal rn District of Alabama mpos t'e Assistant istrict Director Deportatio and Parole Immigration and Naturalization Service Atlanta District 2615 FEB. ?00? 044000) 13:42 050:202 305 9434 P. 002 Department of Justice United States Marshals Sch/ice Modi?cation of Inmrgovernniental Agreement 1 MODIFICATION NO. 2. REQUEST FOR DETENTION SERVICES NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE OF MODIFICATION 4r ONE (1) 073-03 February 1, 2003 4. 155 UING OFFICE 5. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 6. 16). NO. Debra Brawn: COWIY J-BO l-M-130 Comm Specialist CS 4. Sulrc 1100 United Smes Marshals Service qur Washington DC 205304000 E. ACCOUNTING CITATION Etowah County Sheri?" 3 Dept. 827 Forrest Avenue (Jansen. AL 35901 7. FACILITY 4AD 9. ESTIMATED ANNUAL 1510020 10. 1C5 PROVIDED ALL lhKIvlS REFERRED TO IN BLOCK 5, REMAIN UNCHAIIGED. TERMS OF THIS MODIFICATION: The purpose of this modification is to add a line item for INS Detention/Equipment Space. Space shall be supplied in accordance with the agreement between the INS and Etowah County Comission at the annual price stated below: Su Ii Nices Uni; Eg?ce Annual Amount NS DetentinlEquipment Space 3,568 Sq. Ft. $4.861.40 $58,337.00 l. INSTRUCTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOR EXECUTION OF THIS MODIFICATION: A. 3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT REQUIRE B. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS REQUIRED r0 SIGN THIS comm TO SIGN nus nocumr mu RETURN COMES TO us. MARSHAL 12. APPROVALS A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT B. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 303mm: Signature 1?37 '0 3 Contracting O?icer TITLE DATE TITLE DATE Form (Rev. 3/96) 03:83 FAX 5645892483 ?v GAE @082 mg u; us uu:%ia ICE Etowah, EL 1?353ms43-ggag ?fz/E?fz?m 10:2}. FAX ACE P931 I Mum; i County 53minima??f: Space Ageemem Emwah County shall} provide three thousand four hundred and eighteen. (3418) square: feet Bf of?ng: and admh?su-a?ve Space, including securelenvimnmenta?y com:on space for and tempura eqn?pment, for the exclusch use afthe Immigmtion and Namlimion Service (INS) within the Etcmah Detention Center. In addition, an: hundwd' ?fty (150) square feet of administrativc: space will be provided to the INS, such space to be located in the Huntly Building adjawnr, to the Detention center. All utilities and all necessary surviccs, including janitorial services, far the. upkeep and maintenance of the total three thomnd ?ve hundred and sixty eight (3 568) squarc I?m shall provided by Etowah Camry. The INS shall pay an annualmte 0131535 per squat foot fer the fully servi'ccd administrative spam desaribed above. The annual cos: to the INS shall be $58,337.00? shall be made manme in the ammt $4,863 ?40 per month The normal mn?xly i?voicc for INS shall inglua: as ?a separaxe item, the request for the paymeat at? $4,861.40 payment. This amen: for admiaislra?vc space shall have: a turn and shall run with the [arm (Io-?Operative Agreement Number: 02- 1N543 which pmvided funds forjail - Any changes in the: rate per square that shall be nego?ated in with the terms 91? this agreement JUNE 2015 U. S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Modification of Inter?rernmental Agreement 1. Agreement No. 2. Effective Date 3. Facility Code(s) 4. Modi?cation No. 5. DUNS No. 01-99-0132 See Block 138. 4AD 2 00-103-4545 6. Issuing Federal Agency 7. Local Government United States Marshals Service Etowah County Sheriff?s Department Prisoner Operations Division 827 Forrest Avenue 2604 Jefferson Davis Highway Gadsden, AL 35901 Alexandria, VA 22301-1025 Tax 63-6001533 8. Appropriation Data 9. Per-Diem Rate 10. Guard/Transportation Hourly Rate 15X1020 $40.00 $17.10 11. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED SPECIFICALLY HEREIN, ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IGA DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN BLOCK 1, REMAIN UNCHANGED. TERMS OF THIS MODIFICATION: A. The purpose of this modification is to: 1. Add a line item to include additional administrative of?ce space for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement {tCEl as noted on the Statement at Work (See Attachment). Space shall be supplied in accordance with the agreement between and Etowah County Commission at the annual price stated below: Supplies/Services Quantiy Unit Unit Price Annual Amount ICE Detention/Equipment Space 3,241 Sq. Ft. 1.37 pequ. Ft per month 53,282.04 - The 1.37 per square foot covers lease of the space, all utilities and necessary services, including janitorial services, required for the upkeep and maintenance of the total leased space and building structure. The necessary services shall be provided by Etowah County. - This modi?cation is in addition to the current teased space of 3,568 square feet bringing the total leased space to 6,809 square feet at an annual cost of $1 i 1,939.96 - This modi?cation will not increase any 1020 expenditures. All other conditions and terms are to remain the same in accordance with the terms of the current IGA. 12. INSTRUCTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOR EXECUTION OF THIS MODIFICATION: A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT REQUIRED 8. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN ALL 3 COPIES TO U. S. MARSHAL 13. APPROVALS B. FEDERAL GOVERNME . LOCAL GOVERN NT JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000262 . . - .JUNE 2015 .- NH RI O?ice of Acquisition Management 80! I Street, NW Suite 910 Washington. DC. 20536 U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement June 21, 2011 Statement of Work- Modify ?le eta-rent administrative space lease agreement to include additional administrative of?ce space in the amount of three mousand two hundred forty one (3,241) square feet ata cost of $1 .37 per square foot per month, $53,282.04 annually. The additional space is located on the 3" ?oor of the Btowah County Com?xpuse, 800 Forrest Avenue which is adjacent to the Etowah County Detention Center in Gadsden . Alabama. per square foot covers lease of the space, all utilities and necessary se?rviees,- including janitorial services, required for the upkeep and maimenance of the total leased space and bm?lding structure. Thean services shallbeprovidedbyf?towah County. - space leased space to 6,809 squarefeetat an annual eostof $111,939.96. .. - - JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000264 U. S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Modi?cation of Intergovernmental Agreement 1. Agreement No. 2. Effective Date 3. Facility Code(s) I 4. Modi?cation No. S. DUNS No. 01-99-013; See_?lock 13B. 4AD 3 (THREE) I 00-103-4545 6. Issuing Federal Agency 7. Local Government United States Marshals Service Etowah County Sheriff?s Department Prisoner Operations Division 827 Forrest Avenue 2604 Jefferson Davis Highway Gadsden, AL 35901 Alexandria, VA 22301-1025 Tax 63-6001533 8. Appropriation Data 9: Rate 10. Guard/Transportation Hourly Rate 15X1020 $40.00 $17.10 11. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED-SPECIFICALLY HEREIN, .ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IGA DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN BLOCK 1, REMAIN UNCHANGED. TERMS OF THIS MODIFICATION: A. The purpose of this modification is to: I. Incorporate special language for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as noted on the Statement of Work (See Attachment for Government Owned Vehicle (GOV) described in the addendum. All other conditions and terms are to remain the same in accordance with the terms of the current IGA. 12. INSTRUCTIONS To" LOCAL GOVEQMTERT FOR EXECUTION OF THIS MODIFICATION: A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT REQUIRED B. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN ALL 3 COPIES i TO U. S. MARSHAL 13. APPROVALS A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT I B. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT m; r? . If 12/ Signature Signature Siva/59? ?3 3 TITLE AT SATE JUNE 2015 ICE2012FOIA03030.000265 Page 1 of 2 U. S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Modification of Intergovernmental Agreement ATTACHMENT #1 PROPOSED MODIFICATION When available and as agreed upon by the parties, ICE will provide the SERVICE PROVIDER with a Government Owned Vehicle (GOV) (described in the addendum) for the transportation of ICE detainees in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Inter-Governmental Service Agreement (IGSA) The SERVICE PROVIDER will contact the designated ICE of?cial to schedule maintenance of the GOV in accordance with the following maintenance requirements: - DRO Vehicle Management Handbook Dated 9/1/09 - ICE Personal Property Handbook Dated January 2009 (htt intrane .iceaam .htm - DHS Management Directive 0510 Motor Vehicle Fleet Management - Dated 3/1 /03 mg) The SERVICE PROVIDER (The County of Etowah, AL) will provide the COTR with proof that its guards are properly licensed CDL operators and insured in accordance with state law to operate the GOV provided. The SERVICE PROVIDER agrees to adhere to all provisions contained within this contract and the above referenced documents. The GOV shall be used to transport only ICE detainees to and from locations as directed by the COTR or designated ICE of?cial. Under the terms of this MSA, transportation services of detainees to and from the SERVICE facility will be at the negotiated MSA hourly rate for guard/transportation of?cers. The SERVICE PROVIDER is authorized to utilize the DHS Fleet Card provided with each vehicle to pay for fuel and ?uids necessary to conduct transportation of ICE detainees; use of the DHS Fleet Card shall be conducted in accordance with all provisions contained within this contract and the above referenced documents. The Fleet Card shall only be utilized to pay for the fuel and ?uids of the vehicle to which it is assigned. The SERVICE PROVIDER will be reimbursed for transportation services in accordance with GSA published rates for meals and lodging required by overnight transportation routes, but will not be reimbursed for transportation mileage while using the ICE GOV. The SERVICE PROVIDER shall not tamper with any vehicle equipment without the express written authorization of the COTR. All vehicle re ir and maintenance shall be coordinated and approved through the New Orleans Field Of?ce (NOL) Field Of?ce, PO The SERVICE PROVIDER agrees to be responsible for any damage incurred to the vehicle as a result of any act or omission on the part of the SERVICE PROVIDER. its employees and or persons acting on behalf of the SERVICE PROVIDER. In addition, the SERVICE PROVIDER assumes ?nancial responsibility for any related property damage to said vehicle caused by the negligent act or omission of its employees or persons acting on behalf of the SERVICE PROVIDER. The SERVICE PROVIDER accepts responsibility for the negligent acts or omissions on the part of its employees, and or persons acting on behalf of the service provide in the operation of said vehicle. The SERVICE PROVIDER acknowledges the use of the vehicle. The referenced vehicle remains the property of the Department of Homeland Security. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS-ICE) and will be made available to the SERVICE PROVIDER for the express purpose of transporting detainees The SERVICE PROVIDER will keep said vehicle in the same condition as received except for normal wear and tear. and mileage. In order for the ICE New Orleans Field Of?ce to maintain accurate ?eet records the SERVICE PROVIDER must complete the following documentation at the end of each month. Copies will be provided to the SERVICE PROVIDER. The SERVICE PROVIDER will sign and date the Hold Harmless Agreement addendum #2 and forward it to the ICE Contracting Of?cer identi?ed in the addendum. Page 1? of . JUNE 2015 United States Marshal Service Modi?cation of Intergovernmental Agreement Page 1 of 1. Agreement No. 2. Effective Date 3. Facility Code(s) 4. Modi?cation No. S. DUNS No. 01-99-0132 See Block 138. 4AD 4 6. Issuing Federal Agency 7. Local Government United States Marshals Service Etowah County Detention Center Prisoner Operations Division 827 Forrest Avenue Of?ce of Interagency Agreements Gadsden AL 35901 2604 Jefferson Davis Highway Alexandria, Virginia 22301 8. Appropriation Data 9. Per-Diem Rate 10. Guard/Transportation Housing/ transportation $40.00 Hourly Rate 15X1020 I $17.10 11. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED SPECIFICALLY HEREIN, ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IGA DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN BLOCK 1, REMAIN UNCHANGED. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS TO INCORPORATE IMMIGRATION 8L CUSTOM ENFORCEMENT (ICE) REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIALTY MEALS TO THE CURRENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT. KOSHER AND OTHER MEALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICE PERFORMANCE BASED NATIONAL DETENTION STANDARDS 2011, SECTION 4.1, FOOD SERVICE COSTS FOR THE SPECIALTY MEALS WOULD BE FUNDED THROUGH TASK ORDER AS A SEPARATE LINE ITEM. THE COUNTY WOULD SUBMIT ITEMIZED INVOICES AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION FOR THE COSTS OF SPECIALTY MEALS TO INCLUDE (DETAINEE NAME, NUMBER OF MEALS SERVED). THIS MODIFICATION DOES NOT REQUIRE OR IMPLY THAT ETOWAH COUNTY DETENTION CENTER (ECDC) IS OBLIGATED TO ABIDE BY THE 2008 OR 2011 IN THEIR ENTIRETY. THE STANDARDS OF CARE PROMULGATED IN THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT WITH THE USMS REMAIN. THIS MODIFICATION IS BASED UPON THE REQUEST OF ICE TO PROVIDE THESE MEALS TO THEIR POPULATION. ALL OTHER CONDITIONS AND TERMS ARE TO REMAIN THE SAME IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE CURRENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT. A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT REQUIRED B. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN ALL COPIES TO UNITED STATES MARSHAL 13. APPROVALS i A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT B. -L Signature Sign?tyre Grants Specialist TITLE DATE TITLE JUNE 2015