2:5: em?! amgn yuhli?ha?'biwaekly by The Liberty=$niaa "3 ?an? ramitzances an? correspanden?e tn Ex I 'j 93%32* Singla i?gug, 25 cents, Suhsg ?g?opyright 15?2 by T?a aihezzy ?nian. 1' ;a$xgaga Abbotzg??xa re ??gg -- - g' (as igg aha ta'Pg?; B?xf??21 Es?ex Ju?ctign, . ?331 at; ist?ghzimm gar ag?ia?_?sy f?r. in ga?ti . _yaats mi 2% 5% iaf? $335rg a; we artigin newsyaper gcayerage,_ gmajcr.party candidat?s.' - w?g'had: paid we spant pro; '8 what var -opga$itipn did m. _jh_ um- gear? Reina} 3' . .5 angLnaIar? {a a an interview with larrainu, Pari.ii tarraine: Sur?ng the isst caunie nf weeks befora the b?rzhia? -I ?gen: tsma getting together :21 sorts nf t?ings. i had to get sgecfa? 't?reaa ta tie the card with. sgecia? scissors and star!- ?ize than an? cfean shsats'aad sterifizg them. I was?ed most-nf thesa by hand 'and thea fn'iba ovan.' I a?ga h?d to get hold of rabber- glavas which, in the and. WE didn?t get in use because we didu?t get them an is time. Lats of .shaets also. . gfter everybady had been alertgd I came as here and Igid dawn and drank raspberry tea u?ich is the :aa ta drink when you're yreqnant. -yau and has Tots of irsn in it and ca?m cium toe which is always gaad because .that aid baby ro?s ynur teet?. By the . ..way. when the ba?y is deve?cp?ng it w113 taka averythinq it needs from yaur bndy and you?re the ene that suffers hardly ever the baby un?ess yau?ra rea?1y nutrittanaiiy ?aprivad or $om?thinq. '?eur Danes. at your tgetk, or year iron 9r whatever. 3t aigays takas what it aee?s. So i came u; hera and szarted 'reiaxing and peogie started comfng in. Some 9209}? had just baen in the steam bath :3 they were nfetty up for it pretty h?gh anergy was here anyway. Re ?at a rubber sheet en the bed and cover? ed that with athar sheets and I sart cf laid 8.5.: yhat manta af the year was this? Larrai?e: Enfs was in Juiy. 59 th?re ?di 39 arebiam with ft being c?ld. Ehis 953:5 hag a woed fioar, plag?fc and af?x! and has a mesquite and a tin r905. rt?s hex?gnn s?a?ed. It?? in hara 5a tag gamma? tima. Y??re'g u5ungy' air af a wind ?erw ?imwinq whia? ?aiged mg witk ?y wau?d nf ,amg'?rifg nf? with t?a mia? it. Yhan wa St&vte? a fitw'?atx?da I Eat $3 ?he far gang bani iasida sag uaagig-were arsand ta?ting. ?55 i_2ent tha brgazhing -gai?g and Ernig. whu'ha? me .'?ad'?aae :aa?ging w?th aha br??th??g was [rmight ra?itgi. .. . e. ?g '?ihat far [ceantyuw?tatgisT this?.isfnot' "age-country'j' ?nd his an _th9 $ecy?a1?a?arty ticket rga~ ch66 $353.geugia?uha.atharwise ha?? tn a ,an make 1mgartaat.. . .H ana' ?ttarhey. 'gid'garty- . an ,nnimprassive. totaE.-3-7he best t?5?3t? that raga Tm? thefe :?untiag, and anatba?u;?uy .wai thare. Fianders. why was re&??y iacred~ sate. -$s_the pain, nu 3 shauidn*ticai? tham pain, 4~ cuntraczions f? _nn3y a coupie 9f times aid ?-re&1tg {gal pain: when I was ?ofng-it and they were reztty. easy"so st?rte?.gatting Yb: gantractians 2% litti?'hegvfeujan? $9 I?d brgetha -- huh, huh, 4w.3ndifi?ndar5 I right next to me woutd go hah,. huha-5 and it ?a3 iika hf; energy.?was h319fn? ta supaort mine and keep me There was a 3ady-hera was-2kgntiag and was Singing ?ama, Hutch {s a caant that'l?d beau-doing far.a whifa. 1&1: like-a-mancha Am a ?editaa tien wancha and that night rea31y brfag in gan? energy aad-anen up everybudy's hea? to tha geod energy. ?eople wouid bring me tea_and_water when I needed it 33d rub my back and si&_we up when I nee?e? ta sit up. -Rnd ance in a while had to giss and say-"hed~ ?an" bgdna?. 3.5.: room? Haw many geapie were here 1n tha $h2re were maybe 22 peop1e around and svme wuu?d be outside ?fth the fire. Seas vacate cama aver frag frankiin (a nearby cowmune) and_nne per? san, Crow, hoid in my hand birthing stone. 1: was like a womb an? i remember stone an? it wouid saga ta 321p. Aug i kept tryiag out diffarent kinds of aos?~ tians. Sometimes I?d lie dawn and than athar times I?d sit up with somebcdy-be~ hind me like an e?5y chair an? sowetim?s I'd have bangle my twa arms and that. of course. was a great over what hsppened in the ha?pita} when I had Amelia. when I had ?meifa I had ta be just an she tabie and be sort uf tied down which ?s_rea??y a ?rag because Lorraine: uhic?_he. ca}}e? a sort of shaped the waste f?ee $5 to ba relaxad and try new pesitfens. Aa? than at una aafnt it was .at-zhe pai?ta-xhere caatractfan. breathe with it. aquatimas' ganting"gadgsometimes deew breathiag. 'and than whe?-tha can? {ragtinn was nver.f??d li?a fail asleey &nd it-waald ha. ah. the_mastiaeace~ Haida; A _maant:a xesmuaig? .agaia aha-rat; in?? i.creasas wasted for by the"?eu~ a??f 'thg?;?reen a?iingfkas?that .,t?ai pathwaat?S 11 . .'_than -:ustsuiaf' atiifty .seryise?inzj Ike phana campaay iS?, raquesting? in . 'hasiq $m?ht?1y"fat?s and-theg. Grean-n?ountaia Pawer we had :f?ritegislative' racks far $.3g iacrease. He was ?prtha ?bbatt, Chairp?rsen m?anted a psiition cagpaignav of L.B.. whe receiyed zax of Kai}. tha vate :rfcg. In that_r?ce. ?artha heat- the her hams 'to?h in 3:3 way _raca_'1a th? Richmond dis? which wag wsn"by ??gmacrat in Un?erhitt. ?nxt_of'qar caadfdates for t?e iegisiature ran betwee? 5-105. Ver 3,?08 petit$bn signaturg5~ - =have -baen handad in to 3131.' Gilbert; 'hea?- 0f the yuhiic - Service Board. a numhen} cf? 39thar groups such as waxes, La?orer's incal 522. the-Law. Income -Aavacacy Grqup. Q-the Labby Group of'the Baman?: Pa? lf'L.U. is ta grnw. thera is iitical Caucus, - and the Ver? nn'Qaestfon butf?h?t a.great gout Haifare Right?s Qrgawiza- Gee} cf grass_raats Hark and {fan have bean wariing with us going 26 have The $6 an? tag- and thou- :5 be fur State?s islatfwe xeats. 95nda cf deer: they kacc?? ?eapfe $9.59?8 aut In the hea? 90055 3 Libarif bake? ed on. is step ?n rings. fag f?rss #53 hearing, . may ae made dirac??ag. in gaugingtan. was extraardink ?it? 5355? ?t 30! ary. i?qciad phana caapeny SERGE rag skg?zzgx ifb?rgy ?setf?g was hafd 95 Jsmaarr 14:5 se?a on this praject. In ??dftian to :ha-getftiaa ?r-ve, we have been urging 1awyer an? U?e?rmen {Quad z?emaelves face? with gs everfan aa?iaace 9f angry ?a$tamars. E??s was as a?graw . DB 3 wava. .just going to sleep thr?__ 'chant to mygelf aeanle areund ma starteq .opan? 1-- and sumehady Mauid bring'me 3- came and gave me a stane 29? haiding that "they snun?ed screaminq wanted :9 they c931; ?qrasm ?Haw. i can tha contrac? *3 rgaiiy?c}cse tngath?r;? i?d hava a' gt?oa yyau? 2 going gausa- yea can?t let daing' . ?ad, gan't.- 'An? awary?edy said; "=fY95, - can.f Sn avery?ady i9 thaTEGusafstaraadg fa! sleeg and - . - . . . chi; as attaad and w;35* many geogi?-as you_can. contribute -t9 -the are doing to gubliw3g 'cizajtba-haariags is urged ta; ?end ch?c?s -Essax 35452. 30? 1.3., frag ?nderailT, ed as -abtajn-a $3f? dcnat?aa- .-fr0a Resist. radius! .fund--raising groug. radia rate increases.-' pruxi?e 3ocatf5n _wtth ?advasm. :Ew first t?5g in itx niazerg cnataai with the ?2rg$a? would be; rang]? ?ui?fgi bad ta an at .an .U 3 ?nd than Exf? to wake up. feaf.a ing'and I?d say tn agga i?d try ta bring to .that paint a? think Open. open. 59% ?apen,. And ;h?y ware gaing tn 6?a 'arjf, your arm feels when it_?0? reaiiy scared me and th?n; faint an? everythingy_ . fauna. And I thought: vjfm.;z gaing ta faSnt_an? hq33 t?sngi_ what aati gaing?gas?nEEJ; The firs: thing I thoag?g screamed {a Hershey w? she atarte? chanting it 3fght caaing intu :he rqam, I can't do it. than I had the . . saddeniy realized that a my arms nae Eggs agre't?gx cause my oxyqen Ra? g' yterus. And than dida?t? about it. Se 2 just ka?t greagh} ing and like the 1a$t fiva? juyt had an ansh so hard.,; Hark nah! credible naises. ca?? Iike but. I them.camfag out cf my man: . everybady beforehand gh; hat that it to hgip He reTease energy an but net to gar uptight .g?c averybady wou?d say: ?Y?a*re dg?n Tha head?s coming.? And- . dawn and relax. and thg? .053 and than it came to uh. thgn.h? 5&id: "?aw for th it ?aai?nm aw 12m 3 he sny?na-who can 'radia.3d$r- {a 9.8. Bax ?Q2,f .ng?'f?anhle, 3 naw mam?er? 3 Boston basedg'. mangy is gafhg; advertisingj the utiligx; 'Gienni?arter has offered aha {an find a: eaangn naked; or tarough t?a Eavamg?t 7kg ?fb2rty ?sinn has. far . . ha i 6i4 ft. . ?n re?em?er Jack said ta ?a$t brga?_Hg xix-t?a I felt this v?Zh}?p g. gnd_. tad ant and than ?w it was $3 inv' - he?- came out4 ?ah. s?e?s aux? It sartfaf;b&rned. I regem?er h$?iag a ?har?iag sansat?on. i?q ha? gt *?Sid3yhu tgar? :f nn?g1 a?14 780- _And thsre,w?$ RahanSa -ug_&n started bar and that_was_rea?? t?s.nursia5.act5QH' Cg?k?i gha ut?fus- ta Contract- s?jt?a; the afd tarbirta.. llfcama-uuz.L.? ?nd 'tafted :5 get rea?y.g0 tia,ua.the.card ?a aha 333'sa incredihiazw~aiit? a'l?t? ware_sa pure; . She . 'a -n?'tiwes_ many drugs in AngSg I ?aa? was: ?p?n?i-zx?fgh "i ji?w ?st 'fa ?559 that 'aad ?gs: an; any wa$? ??3?r?a?yit? a9 card?" 3E cut the mm."I ?hink-ht nrd'& ithTa t?e saana. tfka hi gxa?va?ted anti! the'aftarbirtr 9" That was 5 wierd'iitxtm mixn he cut ftg-She iet but a =And nae a? the yeegia wha was me; Cram, he sai? Ifgaw ,s?g fa}: thgt," An? the ainuze he _dT 1 -I: was Sari huti: - we; '1 he 3- 'e?er apigd, She just griad k. .?pu?d . '?aah! 2.3; that .tfme Eig?: and ayerykady'w&s ?iga? gut. as: _P?b?ia ware 5acxing auz_an_the-ae? and was gxhagste? alsa?-; -- --. r3.Lha? ?a?id Hatch, hefarehan? abaut.eating'th6 5 gaunks _a?au 3h ngt?jasd fag? my_mtarus 1 _?a?ft'airi I birth?. i?f?gfne: t_af? =s_$he nutm?ty_bizagrfxiriaa agai; {ha .- 5&5 at?gr mantyaetargg g?rik?_ 1E $3aariy am at? . . ?ithat wax aexz ta ma, me with thes: -b?g .Qhafdly e?ar'qrf?dqi y_ _n 'gfn ?b?lim?ediat?: 3 min?' star, ca33? f??i ru$hes=nf Etre?: __wawld Raye ithe.dactors;? rgam fa? tka time; An?at?af?tfe 3.1 sa?guad, ?kg? ,3u6'tha next thing i ata'wgs; thar? {??aawla Ef?e A??.??e53a?kg? ug??g af?iay t?era akiia pan?i? aihfgg$d tz 'gf . a y. ~I?a-ggc?n? at 'ay m?lk i gerg :?ke'wazarme1? ?argasa-h&rg-g ?._qck ta ?5356 gnaw of h?2_?a?y1& . withk ?irt?fng Centar, ?ctuaiTyg'i raga abaut -the"!daa in a-?nuk By a?bz.?am?as nag I'therg be'birthing -aa? dying cant; a - titv? :?aadledirig?t&. Ifn hgipitafs zx?gwe th?rafs?l aha necessarw nquipm??t my-cats - Babieg'ghauidn?? .. an? ?g tag ?aagan??a {a 62$? iray :ka maw?u men: fa ?arw?ai {a iaw?r {a?SEF?tt?$? wwgax :?ara?y; gat? s??g ??s?$?anta t? ?g?aa i? halging thaw w?t? ga? gig 5am; pa?it?a?- a . tiaug r? ?13 9? inta y?ngi?- m? mikmm? . - in t?a y?$ii? ?aax? tggaangbim ?g gg$w?a ?ax ah: E?iww- tw 'nm im?matma?t, iggagiy xi ?mt? a? 2% way . gg?? . fj_ . 7f??r?hat 31kg th? {dag i?utp?idnyt mhav? ?ne tima. haPRE?r. 5 It just t?kas a23?t a? . .tazki?g t?2dagt. . ?9 a5~at 233% abut it?s aisaip?rtfy? 1 .u . .?Tfag.? . -. .H af aura; W?ishfm . xx. 2 .. igurrau?as tag ??gf9553?3* .I*m Sari - - 433%1 93??d t?at d??t?r?f?am??ti?nithatlta are may . .. - a ,ih . qf ?qki?a ?iig?gtgi?g. .2 ~r sa?a?taa ?agnxn?;?y??w f?rkf ga~a in t?u?h y$?h -, at .Alaa; Ea . I